
2ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/04(水) 21:02:02
    ., -、,. -─- 、⌒〉
     {  }      ヽ_   r'⌒)ヽ
     ヽ、    /´  i ё{__ iヽ、 J
     {       ё  ̄ヽ._)/ ∪
       !    ヽ(ゝ__,ノ}  /   女子トイレは宝の山だなー
      l        ,. ノ‐''>
    i⊂}__    _, ‐'´__/__
    ヽ   ‐- 、二`ヽ/〉⊂ニニ⊃)
     |    // ̄ ̄)j~U^∪ヽ
     ノ ` ‐-L!--‐''(´      )
    `i''ー----‐ ''"´ ヽ、__/
     !         つ }  ` }
.    !.  , -‐- 、.    ノ--─ '
      ヽ、_{.     `ヽi'⌒i
       `''‐- 、.. __,!
3ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/05(木) 03:10:00
4ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/05(木) 09:23:09
5ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/06(金) 06:57:07
6ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/06(金) 07:43:25
7ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/09(月) 17:28:49
8ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/10(火) 07:53:32
9ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/10(火) 08:23:10
10ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/16(月) 04:37:52
11ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/10/31(火) 04:17:50
犬鍋って旨い?キムチ入れるの? 臭そうだな
12ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/11/20(月) 17:05:13
13ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/11/28(火) 05:02:17
14ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/12/10(日) 18:18:26

> 北朝鮮人権法案、今国会成立へ=脱北者支援で修正−与党と民主が合意 [06/06/09]
> http://news18.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1149833647/

ここの「脱北者支援で修正」というのは、民主党が持ち寄って自民が了承した。 ↓

(2006年6月16日11時42分 読売新聞)

【国内】与党の対北人権法案「脱北者支援除外」 危険人物侵入?懸念強く見送る 【2006/05/14】

【国内】北朝鮮人権法案、自民・民主案出そろう 調整は難航か[2005/02/11]
「条約難民」に準じて幅広く保護の対象とすべきだとしている。 これに対し、自民党案は、
15ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/12/11(月) 01:57:55
16ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/12/16(土) 20:23:11
17ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/12/16(土) 20:24:23
18ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/12/16(土) 20:49:47
19ななしのいるせいかつ:2006/12/23(土) 22:06:06
20ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/01/06(土) 20:34:41
21ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/01/06(土) 21:14:59
22ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/01/26(金) 04:19:11
23ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/01/26(金) 04:39:27
24ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/02/14(水) 05:13:11
25ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/02/14(水) 09:03:09
とりあえず 北へ
26ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/02/14(水) 09:44:29
27ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/02(金) 18:33:39
28ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/03(土) 02:40:26
29ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/12(月) 08:30:32
パンニ ハム ハサムニダ
キムジョンイル マンセー!
30ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/12(月) 20:42:48
31ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/12(月) 20:54:10
32ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/12(月) 21:45:48
33ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/13(火) 01:40:46
34ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/13(火) 04:34:31
35ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/30(金) 05:39:25
36ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/03/30(金) 13:48:50
37ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/04/20(金) 05:38:42
38ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/04/20(金) 10:34:15
39ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/05/12(土) 20:38:48
40連帯責任で日本人全員拷問します:2007/05/27(日) 18:38:08
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

41連帯責任で日本人全員拷問します:2007/05/27(日) 19:46:26
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

42連帯責任で日本人全員拷問します:2007/05/27(日) 20:51:48
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

43連帯責任で日本人全員拷問します:2007/05/27(日) 23:02:05
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則

44ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/05/27(日) 23:06:14
45ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/05/27(日) 23:15:36
46連帯責任で日本人全員拷問します:2007/05/28(月) 00:29:32
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。    連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。    連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。    連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。    連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。    連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。    連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。    連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。    連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則      Haku  Haku  白政則      Haku  Haku  白政則

47ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/05/28(月) 00:33:17
48連帯責任で日本人全員拷問します:2007/05/28(月) 02:07:46
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則
49連帯責任で日本人全員拷問します:2007/05/28(月) 02:40:12
連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。   連帯責任で日本人、全員拷問します。

Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則     Haku  Haku  白政則
50日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます:2007/06/01(金) 10:05:24
日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。

日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。   日本人全員、注射で安楽死させます。

Haku  Haku  白政則   Haku  Haku  白政則
51ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/01(金) 18:35:34
613 可愛い奥様 sage New! 2007/05/26(土) 22:45:58 ID:248QQ5l50

52ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/05(火) 09:45:26
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such !! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
53ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/05(火) 11:30:37
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I am treated in the ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
54ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/05(火) 13:23:38
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
55Haku masanori:2007/06/05(火) 16:08:55
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
56ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/05(火) 16:13:14
57ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/05(火) 17:16:31

    |┃三           _____________
    |┃            /
    |┃ ≡ .∧_∧  <   女性団体は中国、韓国の偽装工作機関なんて絶対バラしちゃいけないニダ!
____.|ミ\_<丶`∀´>   \
    |┃=__    \     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    |┃ ≡ )  人 \ ガラッ

 女性団体(フェミニスト) 、創価学会(公明党) 、朝鮮総連、韓国民潭
58ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/06(水) 10:15:46
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
59ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/06(水) 10:19:26
60ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/06(水) 13:29:32
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
61ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/06(水) 14:29:07
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
It is the final warning trouble.
It is such surely !!!! a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
62ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/06(水) 14:51:19
106 :本当にあった怖い名無し:2007/05/25(金) 04:36:53 ID:/lNfsk8uO


111 :本当にあった怖い名無し:2007/05/25(金) 11:05:53 ID:jc56CDc1O
> 在日の韓こくの人が主に出会い系等で女の子を釣って連れてってる


63ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/07(木) 09:59:39
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! It is a trouble.
I get the ESP person treated.
All are space alien's acts.
64ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/07(木) 12:14:10
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! You don't say!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! You don't say!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! You don't say!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
The final warning. It is a trouble.
Not really!! Oh,no!! No way!! I don't believe it!! No! that can't be true!! You don't say!! It is a trouble.
I am terribly embarrassed because it is thought that it is an ESP person.
All are space alien's acts.
65ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/08(金) 11:34:34
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is a trouble.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is a trouble.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is a trouble.
The final warning. It is a trouble.     The final warning. It is a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It is a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It is a trouble.
miscalculation It is a trouble.     miscalculation It is a trouble.
miscalculation It is a trouble.     miscalculation It is a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
66ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/08(金) 13:33:15
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
It can't be!! It can't be true!! It can't be!! It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
miscalculation It's a trouble.     miscalculation It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
67ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/09(土) 09:42:29
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
miscalculation It's a trouble.   miscalculation It's a trouble.   Please translate.
miscalculation It's a trouble.   miscalculation It's a trouble.   Please translate.
miscalculation It's a trouble.   miscalculation It's a trouble.   Please translate.
miscalculation It's a trouble.   Please translate.          Please translate.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.     The final warning. It's a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
68ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/09(土) 11:28:04
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.     I'm not ESP & psychic.
miscalculation It's a trouble.   miscalculation It's a trouble.   please translate. please translate.
miscalculation It's a trouble.   miscalculation It's a trouble.   please translate. please translate.
miscalculation It's a trouble.   miscalculation It's a trouble.   please translate. please translate.
miscalculation It's a trouble.   miscalculation It's a trouble.   please translate. please translate.
The final warning. It's a trouble.    The final warning. It's a trouble.    The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.    The final warning. It's a trouble.    The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.    The final warning. It's a trouble.    The final warning. It's a trouble.
The final warning. It's a trouble.    The final warning. It's a trouble.    The final warning. It's a trouble.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.     All are space alien's acts.
69ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/10(日) 09:57:41
I'm not ESP psychic.     I'm not ESP psychic.     I'm not ESP psychic.
I'm not ESP psychic.     I'm not ESP psychic.     I'm not ESP psychic.
I'm not ESP psychic.     I'm not ESP psychic.     I'm not ESP psychic.
I'm not ESP psychic.     I'm not ESP psychic.     I'm not ESP psychic.
miscalculation It's trouble.   miscalculation It's trouble.   please translate. please translate.
miscalculation It's trouble.   miscalculation It's trouble.   please translate. please translate.
miscalculation It's trouble.   miscalculation It's trouble.   please translate. please translate.
miscalculation It's trouble.   miscalculation It's trouble.   please translate. please translate.
all is alien act.    all is alien act.    all is alien act.    all is alien act.
all is alien act.    all is alien act.    all is alien act.    all is alien act.
all is alien act.    all is alien act.    all is alien act.    all is alien act.
all is alien act.    all is alien act.    all is alien act.    all is alien act.
final warning It's trouble.    final warning It's trouble.    final warning It's trouble.
final warning It's trouble.    final warning It's trouble.    final warning It's trouble.
final warning It's trouble.    final warning It's trouble.    final warning It's trouble.
final warning It's trouble.    final warning It's trouble.    final warning It's trouble.
70I'm 金日成:2007/06/10(日) 12:06:23
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation It's trouble   miscalculation It's trouble   please translate please translate
miscalculation It's trouble   miscalculation It's trouble   please translate please translate
miscalculation It's trouble   miscalculation It's trouble   please translate please translate
miscalculation It's trouble   miscalculation It's trouble   please translate please translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble
final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble
final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble
final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble
71ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/10(日) 12:10:24
72I'm 金日成:2007/06/10(日) 13:48:23
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation It's trouble   miscalculation It's trouble   please translate please translate
miscalculation It's trouble   miscalculation It's trouble   please translate please translate
miscalculation It's trouble   miscalculation It's trouble   please translate please translate
miscalculation It's trouble   miscalculation It's trouble   please translate please translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble
final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble
final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble
final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble    final warning It's trouble
73ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/14(木) 09:52:09
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
74ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/14(木) 10:51:05
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
75ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/14(木) 11:46:43
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
76ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/14(木) 13:07:50
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
77日本=長州藩 アメリカ=薩摩藩by本宮ひろ志:2007/06/14(木) 14:04:23
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
78ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/17(日) 18:47:43
79ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/26(火) 00:09:36
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
80ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/26(火) 01:35:04
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble   miscalculation it's trouble   translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
81私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/26(火) 02:48:30
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
82私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/26(火) 23:13:50
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble    final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
83私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/27(水) 02:13:33
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
84私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/27(水) 23:11:03
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
85私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/28(木) 01:46:09
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
86私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/30(土) 01:07:42
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
87私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/06/30(土) 02:43:31
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
88ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/06/30(土) 05:48:52
89私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/07/02(月) 00:24:13
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
日本が長州藩でアメリカが薩摩藩    日本が長州藩でアメリカが薩摩藩
90私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/07/02(月) 02:49:38
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
日本が長州藩でアメリカが薩摩藩    日本が長州藩でアメリカが薩摩藩
91私の父親は北朝鮮人です:2007/07/04(水) 00:46:47
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
懲役5年は永くてくるしいよ   懲役5年は永くてくるしいよ  経験者にきいてみな
92私の父親は北朝鮮人:2007/07/04(水) 02:43:17
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
懲役5年は永くてくるしいよ  懲役5年は永くてくるしいよ  経験者にきいてみな
93my father north korea:2007/07/05(木) 01:30:07
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
penal servitude 5 year is long painful   penal servitude 5 year is long painful
94my father north korea:2007/07/05(木) 03:15:55
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble     final warning it's trouble
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic     I'm not ESP psychic
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
miscalculation it's trouble    miscalculation it's trouble    translate translate
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act    all is alien act
penal servitude 5 year is long painful   penal servitude 5 year is long painful
95名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう:2007/07/29(日) 12:57:54
96ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/07/30(月) 22:13:03

97ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/08/01(水) 00:18:31
98ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/08/01(水) 14:19:51
99ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/08/13(月) 02:47:28
100ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/08/28(火) 22:43:20
101ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/08/29(水) 19:08:38
102ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/08/29(水) 21:37:25
103ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/09/07(金) 21:37:09
104成太作(ソンテチャク):2007/09/08(土) 16:13:15
105ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/09/08(土) 22:32:13
106成太作(ソンテチャク):2007/09/10(月) 00:23:44
107ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/09/20(木) 22:11:11
108ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/09/26(水) 21:39:09
109ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/09/26(水) 21:41:12
110ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/10/10(水) 00:20:35
111ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/10/25(木) 03:10:08
112ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/11/23(金) 00:46:14
113ななしのいるせいかつ:2007/12/31(月) 04:34:34
114ななしのいるせいかつ:2008/02/17(日) 16:50:35
19 :名無しさん@八周年:2008/02/20(水) 15:27:39 ID:UA9rMz4aO: 吉 哲大=キル・チョルデだろ?




134 名前:名無しさん@八周年[] 投稿日:2008/02/20(水) 12:41:24 ID:sTwcvFkz0

 吉 哲大(キル・チョルデ)

167 名前:名無しさん@八周年[] 投稿日:2008/02/20(水) 12:44:39 ID:fTZuA9/j0


チョルデと発音するのか・・・ 昨日のテレビで、被害者のばあさんが写真にむかって○○デと半狂乱に
なって呼びかけてた。 愛称なのかなと思ったら・・・朝鮮語かよ・・・。

