Bless Japan! Prayer from a normal Chinese
Hello everyone, I'm a Chinese undergraduate studying in Australia.
Once heard of the horrible disaster happened in Japan, I felt so sad.
I can still remember that when we had that quake in Sichuan, u guys from Japan prayed for us and helped us. And I believe nothing is important in front of humanity.
Please ignore the irrational comments from my country, and please believe that good guys r always more than bad ones.
Dear Japanese, HOLD IT!
(ps: Plz reply in English.I can't read Japanese,thank u!!)
2 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(東海):2011/03/12(土) 10:34:14.08 ID:iIj0/CjQO
Thank you!
>>1 cheers,very thanksyou!
>>1 Thank you for your kindness.
However, you don't have to try to help Japan now.
Please keep praying for my country.
When damage be calm, send relief goods or money.
Thank you again for your good thoughts.
Yes, I'll definitely try to find the ways to donate or help!
At this point of time the only thing I can do is praying, since trying to help in unprofessional ways will just make thing worse.
U in trouble there, we r ready here!
Can anyone tell me how to reply to a specific person?
9 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 10:49:57.18 ID:E/rWMl+aO
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東・甲信越):2011/03/12(土) 10:50:26.89 ID:rGnPrc5AO
>>7 Thank you,thank you so much for your kindness.
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 10:50:35.54 ID:c+ykl7IlO
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 10:52:54.33 ID:xzuX5vQOO
we really appretiate your kindness.
and.. please ignore some racial/thoughtless comments from 2ch. they are just minority.
to reply:
>>8 Use ">>xxx(Specific number)"
and, thank you for your kindness, I'm very impressed.
14 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 10:55:14.26 ID:lsXJYxMl0
>>1 Thank you.
Im glad to hear that.
15 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(広西チワン族自治区):2011/03/12(土) 10:58:05.71 ID:OGPYJO6jO
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ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 11:17:30.70 ID:vjgNohgHI
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ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 11:19:32.33 ID:vjgNohgHI
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(広島県):2011/03/12(土) 11:21:30.67 ID:jXNabiVt0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東):2011/03/12(土) 11:23:16.24 ID:hBfBrk7sO
日本加油 早日回復
21 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北海道):2011/03/12(土) 11:23:22.99 ID:SKHj0jLz0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 11:23:50.85 ID:O3zJ0fm5O
>>1 Thank you.
There is man who has an idea wrong of the Japanese and Chinese. Therefore, your feelings are understood well.
Please transmit your feelings to the struck Japanese in me though you are not a victim.
>>1 Thank you!
>>19 翻訳乙
Thank you for u to made your sled. I agree what u said.
The time heating each other has already passed.
We should realize it especially under such a terrible situation.
I appreciate your comments as a Japanese, and we will be appreciate if other countries supporting for us. Thank you again.
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(広西チワン族自治区):2011/03/12(土) 11:30:30.36 ID:43IDC44SO
Thank you.
I appretiate your words and China's supports.
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ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 11:30:37.53 ID:vjgNohgHI
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ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 11:30:44.27 ID:vjgNohgHI
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 11:32:45.25 ID:ri+3+sFz0
>>19 have translated your comment for people poor at English!
31 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 11:36:29.58 ID:vjgNohgHI
>>30 thank u very much! Hope more and more Japanese friends read my words, and believe that we asians r friends and families forever!
32 :
19(広島県):2011/03/12(土) 11:41:16.34 ID:jXNabiVt0
>>chinese boy
Thank you for your kindness.
In nowadays many disasters happen all around the world.
We should help people who are on desparate situation,whenever,whoever and whatever.
I am sure that quite a few Chainese people will recognize our saddness.
Thanks a lot!!
33 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東・甲信越):2011/03/12(土) 11:45:43.72 ID:KNcqqMaMO
>>1謝謝 thank you
34 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(東海・関東):2011/03/12(土) 11:46:42.44 ID:ZYNsJRZ9O
>>1 非常感??的心意
>>1 I have no words to express my gratitude.
we Asians r 4ever FRIEND!
I respect u and all of Chinese.
We all Japanese feel ur kindness:)
37 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 12:34:57.55 ID:vjgNohgHI
>>36 thank u! glad to hear that!
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関西地方):2011/03/12(土) 12:40:10.83 ID:QyPOdJDn0
>>1 We appreciate for your sympathy.
I will let you know if you would like to translate some comment on the thread.
I am not only wishing the victim's of people in here revivals but also am wishing Sichuan's one.
If you would have any idea for victims of the earthquake, please let me know.
40 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 12:45:15.31 ID:Z51HO0c50
41 :
39(関西地方):2011/03/12(土) 12:56:04.01 ID:QyPOdJDn0
42 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 13:00:03.71 ID:JwI1bhcSI
>>39 thank u u r so kind
Can u help me translate 15,16,23 and 41??
43 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北海道):2011/03/12(土) 13:01:46.75 ID:UTZPQcEF0
?? ?????.
??? ??? ??・・・
Thank you all so much!
44 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 13:03:53.49 ID:z4AAsV400
Cheer up Japanese!!
most of Korean internet users are worrying about you!
you are not alone!
please take care!!
45 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 13:03:59.13 ID:JwI1bhcSI
>>43 Er..a lot of "?" there, I can't read them. Sorry :(
>>15 said: Someone please translate what he's (ChineseBoy is) saying
>>16 said: Come on, it's high-school level English.
>>23 said: (to
>>19) Thanks for translating. Good job.
>>39 said: I can be the interpreter here. Plus I can reply in two languages. How about that?
47 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 13:13:22.13 ID:JwI1bhcSI
>>46 Ok got it! Thank u very much!
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東・甲信越):2011/03/12(土) 13:13:40.29 ID:DlNkFBf5O
thanks for ur prayers guys!
49 :
Perchouli(中):2011/03/12(土) 13:17:39.14 ID:s2bHrM8E0
I am a Chinese too, now I and my friends want to donate to this earthquake in Japan
but you know, our GOV response too slow..
Can I have the link to donate use our credit card or other way to pay for online auctions? Please public in here if anybody knows.
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 13:26:19.83 ID:ri+3+sFz0
52 :
39(関西地方):2011/03/12(土) 13:31:21.37 ID:QyPOdJDn0
>>42 You're most welcome.
Please let me know more about these.
>>44 We appreciate for kindly words.
Here, middle of Osaka is safe.
>>46 Thank you very much for the cooperation!!
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東):2011/03/12(土) 13:35:32.02 ID:+Qs3INaTO
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 13:35:57.45 ID:ri+3+sFz0
>>53 said: Don't take part in that Groupon scam.
Is it a scam? It's said there're many fake sites but which are the real ones?
グル―ポンの募金は詐欺? 募金詐欺いっぱいあるみたいだけどガチはどれ?
>>55 いくら偽善でもグルーポンはないわ
58 :
sage(愛知県):2011/03/12(土) 13:46:50.99 ID:1a17MhKE0
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39(関西地方):2011/03/12(土) 13:48:29.55 ID:QyPOdJDn0
dear ChineseBoy,
>>1 Some ppl talk to you in chinese (e.g.
>>35 >>43 >>49)..
But it seems that some of Chinese character changes.
Please let me know your PC settings of the character of one or more if you d like check them on here.
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 13:49:40.52 ID:xzuX5vQOO
61 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 13:53:30.73 ID:5g5OfeL/I
>>59 ah I see. I'm using iPhone now but not my computer. Maybe it's the reason why I can't read them. I'll try my computer later.
62 :
Perchouli(中):2011/03/12(土) 13:55:12.46 ID:s2bHrM8E0 but this website's pagerank only 1, other people likely refuse to believe that. after all,i will public it in our website and sns. so i need a absolutely safe schemes..
63 :
Perchouli(中):2011/03/12(土) 13:56:49.94 ID:s2bHrM8E0
64 :
San Francisco(USA):2011/03/12(土) 14:08:29.62 ID:dcSTafm30
>>63 My friends and I are truly concerned about this disaster.
I (we?) am/are Chinese, and I would like to donate a bit with credit card.
Though there are no way.
Are there any way to internationally donate?
Please notify here.
Thank you so much.
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 14:11:27.69 ID:xzuX5vQOO
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(USA):2011/03/12(土) 14:12:55.57 ID:dcSTafm30
生きてるだけでもうけもん! がんばれ!
67 :
39(関西地方):2011/03/12(土) 14:19:10.33 ID:QyPOdJDn0
>>61 All right, hope you'll able to read them.
>>63 ttp:// (Please plus "h" in head of the URL for a security reason)
Unfortunately there seems Japanese only and for domestic, though...
I will let you know if I could find something public.
still here seems not as calm as any public donate can be done..
Red Cross provides those in US to donate $10 by texting them.
Go to their website for details.
>>1 I feel very glad to be given such word from you.
I express my appliciation of your kindness.
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 14:32:16.09 ID:Fk2R3/QV0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 14:33:25.63 ID:Fk2R3/QV0
>>1 打問號的那個是“譯”字
72 :
Perchouli(中):2011/03/12(土) 14:54:52.81 ID:s2bHrM8E0
>>67 Thanks a lot!
I donate in yahoo because it can use credit card.
>>68 yes..I use it,but it always alert that 'The credit card was declined. Please check the information that you entered.'.BTW,I use mastercard...
>>70 學日語的朋友?Google翻譯得幾乎看不?,所以沒使用……
I cant understand what really happen in nuclear powerplant, what will happen to us after this disaster.
destruction? disease? death? I dont know.
I only know I will accept it as destiny whatever will happen.
If we died, please not forget the fact we lived.
If nuclear pollution enlarge to your country, please take care of your and your familys health at the very first.
Thank you for cheering and praying for Japan.
Sorry for my poor english...haha. Even at such time, my japanese character show apologize.
well....Have a nice life!
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 17:11:40.76 ID:Z5M7c5k+0
>>72 我知道Google中日翻譯很爛,有些口語翻譯一點都不標準
還有就是那個 J北京V6 了,翻譯的準確率超高あ
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関西・北陸):2011/03/12(土) 17:41:59.15 ID:MNV9KqwRO
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(埼玉県):2011/03/12(土) 17:55:08.39 ID:SpZJ4+qm0
>>1 多謝合作、for your standing of this thread!
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 18:08:28.51 ID:ammk95560
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 18:09:40.74 ID:dilrsTLp0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 18:21:09.20 ID:xutxizCh0
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Elfea ◆y.4jkkPdYM (アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 18:24:59.85 ID:/dbXEA/A0
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Elfea ◆y.4jkkPdYM (アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 18:25:09.03 ID:/dbXEA/A0
82 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 18:27:03.17 ID:p4KUa09I0
I can't read anything I just posted here.What happened??
83 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 18:28:58.07 ID:p4KUa09I0
Oh no....Now I can read, but a lot of words have disappeared.
>>67 Now i'm using my computer but unfortunately i still can't read those "?"s.
How to slove this??
Thank u!
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(熊本県):2011/03/12(土) 18:29:52.64 ID:sk5lSZQB0
85 :
Elfea ◆y.4jkkPdYM (アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 18:32:28.71 ID:/dbXEA/A0
>>82 i'm chinese too.. i just come to console..
86 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北海道):2011/03/12(土) 18:34:05.22 ID:hj//LFmF0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 18:36:01.68 ID:QswxWjG+0
>>82 ?好,我也是和?的想法一?的中国人。
about 81
JAPAN will hold it. PLEASE help us BY raising some money.
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(東京都):2011/03/12(土) 18:36:58.77 ID:trRt11tH0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 18:39:32.90 ID:qafYwo0gO
thank you(ノд<。)゜。
91 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/12(土) 18:43:22.04 ID:p4KUa09I0
>>85 Er...I don't know why I couldn't post successfully just now.
A lot of words I typed !!!
92 :
中国人です(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 18:46:52.53 ID:QswxWjG+0
PLZ COME TO the part of 中国 in this board,there are someone who just are NUT patriotism.
。 I have the same feeling with you
93 :
中国人(長春)(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 18:56:47.45 ID:K4/zQczb0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 19:00:02.66 ID:oYaQeYI90
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 19:00:35.14 ID:v9iSYZ6b0
96 :
Elfea ◆y.4jkkPdYM (アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 19:02:01.35 ID:/dbXEA/A0
the answer is..
if you want use 2channel perfectly ,you must pay 33 dollars to get '2ch viewer'.
sorry..I can speak Japanese and know my english is not good
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 19:02:17.18 ID:bkY3VWg2O
98 :
Elfea ◆y.4jkkPdYM (アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 19:02:23.65 ID:/dbXEA/A0
>>91 the answer is..
if you want use 2channel perfectly ,you must pay 33 dollars to get '2ch viewer'.
sorry..I can speak Japanese and know my english is not good
99 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 19:03:18.32 ID:Z5M7c5k+0
>>83 問號的地方當然是簡體中文,2CH不能識別罷了
100 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 19:04:42.08 ID:T9xpgHzJ0
>>96 33dollers→2ch viewer …×
33dollers→fund raising …○
2ch viewer is useless NOW
101 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 19:07:21.30 ID:yxt//kzx0
ty chinese,,,
this is over
102 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(東京都):2011/03/12(土) 19:08:05.78 ID:/JpcBbdw0
>>1 I will want to help Chinese and others, if you are in trouble.
Thank you for everything!! Love & Peace!!
104 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(大分県):2011/03/12(土) 19:13:23.81 ID:pS2XT14M0
Thank you. Friend in China.
105 :
Elfea ◆y.4jkkPdYM (アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 19:20:43.40 ID:/dbXEA/A0
>>100 oh, sorry... i'm totally wrong...
106 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 19:22:08.41 ID:yHOmQvFG0
thankkss a lot !!
107 :
中国人です(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 19:25:17.88 ID:QswxWjG+0
99 名前:名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア) :2011/03/12(土) 19:03:18.32 ID:Z5M7c5k+0
>>83 問號的地方當然是簡體中文,2CH不能識別罷了
using the traditional Chinese
108 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北海道):2011/03/12(土) 19:26:09.18 ID:7gEY7Ly+0
Thank you.
We will certainly survive!!
Thank you(´;ω;`)
111 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 19:31:31.61 ID:v9iSYZ6b0
Im tired, and very sleepy. But I do my best. Thanks!
>>19 翻訳乙
113 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北海道):2011/03/12(土) 20:20:09.92 ID:mU54vbo60
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(広西チワン族自治区):2011/03/12(土) 20:37:43.78 ID:PyrE6dLFO
Thank you very very much!!
116 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 22:12:48.65 ID:jN5qZitY0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/12(土) 22:34:24.98 ID:KdFZrzy+0
118 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 22:44:42.74 ID:WdY1m+kC0
Good luck to Japan!!
みんな、がんばれ! (I cannot speak Japanese, so...)
from a chinese girl
119 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 22:44:53.03 ID:WdY1m+kC0
Good luck to Japan!!
みんな、がんばれ! (I cannot speak Japanese, so...)
from a chinese girl
120 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 22:45:23.76 ID:WdY1m+kC0
Good luck to Japan!!
みんな、がんばれ! (I cannot speak Japanese, so...)
from a chinese girl
121 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(中部地方):2011/03/12(土) 22:46:45.64 ID:ez3Gukn80
123 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北海道):2011/03/12(土) 22:56:57.25 ID:7fcCaaS10
I am thankful to everybody in the world.
Thank you very much.
Japan is in a serious state now.
However, it knew that many countries would come to help,
and it was glad and the tear came out.
We the Japanese want to thank to you from the bottom of their heart.
Thank you very much.
★Be careful of donation fraud!
We recommend you entrust your donation to public institution.
We are gathering intelligence in below.
Round up of donation
125 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(広西チワン族自治区):2011/03/12(土) 23:06:34.84 ID:ZWvS7BupO
>>19 翻訳ありがとう!な、涙が(´;ω;`)
>>1 謝謝!謝謝!
126 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/12(土) 23:18:09.66 ID:DOAcruA9O
Thank you very much.Thanks to your cheer we were saved.Excuse me my low level english.And I say again to you,thank you.
127 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(岡山県):2011/03/12(土) 23:21:17.07 ID:NGdBQ1f+0
from china
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北海道):2011/03/12(土) 23:23:28.74 ID:kELJ+orj0
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(沖縄県):2011/03/12(土) 23:24:29.44 ID:bFHffFZ20
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(京都府):2011/03/12(土) 23:30:23.44 ID:7Yda4POs0
Thank you so much to our friend in China.
We wish you the best.
131 :
肥& ◆Ava8gB5caE (アラビア):2011/03/12(土) 23:30:57.52 ID:c1HMDGgb0
god bless Japan!!
from Shanghai China
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名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東):2011/03/12(土) 23:32:01.99 ID:w2TELPFaO
133 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(catv?):2011/03/12(土) 23:32:49.43 ID:gj4Gcjss0
Bless Japan!
The mega earthquake is devil from the hell.
We presume hundreds of thousands of Japanese people or more had be already killed by the mega earthquake at 12 March 2011.
To our regret, Japanese people will be not possible to recovery, any longer at all myself.
Sendai City in the Tohoku region was erased by the big tsunami at moment time.
Ishinomaki, Fukushima, Hachinohe, Aomori, and Hakodate etc..
There city had be destroyed by tsunami.
There are a lot of city and people destroyed by earthquake.
and a lot of fires occur due to the earthquake.
The nuclear plant is destroyed due to the earthquake and people cannot approach.
The worst situation starts visiting soon.
Anyway, please help Japan!!
135 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(中国・四国):2011/03/12(土) 23:38:12.17 ID:HCbfbw/RO
The victim cannot secure food and the blanket because there is no thing in the supermarket in the stricken area of the earthquake of Japan written from Japan. Support goods, please.
All Japanese will see blue-spark Cherenkov radiation soon.
Good-bye the world.
from Japan.
138 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/13(日) 00:40:31.50 ID:sFCSOjZE0
日本, 頑張れ!!!
139 :
ChineseGril(アラビア):2011/03/13(日) 00:44:19.58 ID:sFCSOjZE0
Everything will be ok! Please hode it,Japanese!
日本, 頑張れ!!!
From Shanghai China
140 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(中国・四国):2011/03/13(日) 00:56:22.54 ID:WZyztTYVO
The electric power company from the safe area that is electricity shortage supplies electricity at the stricken area of the Japanese earthquake
141 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東・甲信越):2011/03/13(日) 00:56:56.97 ID:vAkkoJivO
Thank you、Thank you
142 :
台湾人(catv?):2011/03/13(日) 00:59:01.00 ID:grLec4++0
God bless JAPAN.
Everything will be all rignt.tomorrow will be fine.
143 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(中国・四国):2011/03/13(日) 01:00:44.56 ID:WZyztTYVO
144 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関西):2011/03/13(日) 01:03:14.36 ID:QHP8vtlJO
145 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(東海・関東):2011/03/13(日) 01:05:45.14 ID:6y2N93jjO
146 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(東海・関東):2011/03/13(日) 01:09:24.49 ID:KeicAJ07O
147 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関西):2011/03/13(日) 01:10:53.79 ID:QHP8vtlJO
>>146 wwwwwwなwwwwwwみwwwwwwだwwwwwでwwwwwてwwwwwきwwwwwwたwwww
148 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(広西チワン族自治区):2011/03/13(日) 01:17:10.26 ID:TqfOOCL4O
149 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(広西チワン族自治区):2011/03/13(日) 01:17:43.47 ID:0GZn7SFuO
150 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(富山県):2011/03/13(日) 01:22:44.78 ID:i8FR1SOW0
Duoxie, Chinese gentlemen and ladies, very very Thank you.
151 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/13(日) 01:25:07.12 ID:m7YfJ9tKO
152 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(中国・四国):2011/03/13(日) 01:57:54.03 ID:WZyztTYVO
I call you to restrain itself on the Internet because a thing and the help of the disaster relief that the people living in the safe area send support supplies by the citizen rather interfere with the stricken area.
153 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/13(日) 02:12:59.55 ID:k8A4bi7d0
thank you
154 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(広西チワン族自治区):2011/03/13(日) 02:29:29.64 ID:mhepcM/lO
>>1 It was so nice of you to pray for us from Australia.
I am not good at english, so forgive me if my english was funny or strange.
We know that many chinese are anxious about our safety.
>これは英語のページです。翻訳しますか? 翻訳 いいえ
156 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東・甲信越):2011/03/13(日) 02:38:43.04 ID:CANgH2fnO
>>1 Thank you for Chinese ladies & gentleman. 謝謝!
157 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/13(日) 03:12:33.66 ID:Ly9uJXzb0
Thank you!!
158 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関西・北陸):2011/03/13(日) 04:30:12.06 ID:5zeH1B7YO
thank you!
159 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/13(日) 08:49:58.02 ID:akO4Qyvh0
I've donated money via Australia Red Cross website.
Hope this will provide Japanese families and kids some water and food.
Good luck!!
160 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東・甲信越):2011/03/13(日) 09:55:19.69 ID:HfaHocB3O
>>159 よくわかんないけどオーストラリアのサイト通じて募金してくれたという事かな?
謝謝、ありがとう。Thank you
多謝的感涙 インチキな中国語でごめんなさい
私の友人は 一人 無事が確認できました。
貴方と 貴方を育ててくれたご両親と サイト運営者 そして各国ボランティアに心から感謝しています
161 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/13(日) 09:57:36.58 ID:akO4Qyvh0
>>160 Sorry I can't read Japanese :)
162 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北陸地方):2011/03/13(日) 10:29:02.08 ID:zPBDccsLO
>>161Thank you very much.
>>160 said: You've donated via an Australian website, right?
Thank you so so much.
Your kindness brings tears to my eyes. Please excuse my poor Chinese.
I found out one of my friends is safe.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you, your parents (those who raised you),
websites collecting donations and the volunteers from abroad.
I'm sure your support is very encouraging (for those who are in need of help).
164 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/13(日) 11:02:17.51 ID:akO4Qyvh0
>>163 Thank u so much for your translation and I'm pretty delighted to hear that his/her friend is safe.
Every single person's saving is a big victory.
Australia Red Cross website is a safe and reliable place to donate.
I just tried doing my best, as a neighbour of Japanese, as an Asian and as a member of human kind.
165 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/13(日) 11:11:11.20 ID:4bB8FiMp0
any links for donation websites will be removed
because we cannot verify them and there are already hoaxes operating online.
Please ensure that any website you donate to is official and genuine.
Consider visiting the International Red Cross or your local Red Cross webpage.
166 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(東海・関東):2011/03/13(日) 11:16:41.67 ID:scuY9/vxO
We are 加油!
167 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(中国・四国):2011/03/13(日) 13:09:56.42 ID:WZyztTYVO
A nuclear power plant broke down by an earthquake, but is in condition not to understand it whether information is vague and is safe whether you are not safe
168 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(catv?):2011/03/13(日) 13:30:56.13 ID:5U+nVDDY0
169 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(茨城県):2011/03/13(日) 13:32:36.16 ID:yis779Lr0
>>1 ありがとう☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
>>19 訳感謝
170 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(catv?):2011/03/13(日) 13:33:17.92 ID:5U+nVDDY0
>>167At present, it is safe.
171 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関西・北陸):2011/03/13(日) 13:35:40.73 ID:vY7RqrMNO
I live in Tokyo.
But I have a grandmother who lives in Iwate.
I still don't know whether she is safe or not.
I can't sleep well,I can't accept the fact that
many Japanese people are suffering.
Under this condition,
we Japanese appreciate for your donation.
I can't show my thankfulness enough.
Thank you so much.
I heard the power plant was broken down not by earthquake but by tunami.
I really express my gratitude for your kindness! I hope the God also bless you.
I hope you ignore irrational comments to China on this website too ,though you can't read Japanese. 2ch is one of the websites where such comments are seen.
174 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(アラビア):2011/03/13(日) 14:17:56.01 ID:wCpEl75L0
Our prayers are with all the affected people...
>>169 said (to
>>1) Thank you. (to
>>19) Thank you for translating ChineseBoy's message.
>>172 said (lines in Japanese):
I heard the world's most advanced earthquake-resistant structure did its job against the earthquake
but was powerless against the tsunami. I guess the whole world will have to reconsider
the merits and risks of nuclear power plants.
Now we know an unexpected, once-in-a-thousand-year disaster could actually happen.
Even in countries with few or no earthquakes, there are other possible dangers like comets hitting power plants etc...
178 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/13(日) 15:26:58.58 ID:FrV81DAC0
179 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チリ):2011/03/13(日) 15:38:25.09 ID:dqTDwVtx0
救援志願者なりたいだ〜!本当〜 わしがどうしてもいいかな。。
180 :
39(関西地方):2011/03/13(日) 16:09:05.76 ID:NZhGJy390
Dear ChineseBoy
>>83 2ch has character limitation.
In case of You would see the alert about that, you'll able to upload your comment by divide or shortening it.
How about pbm of Chinese character?
>>167 「原子力発電所が地震で壊れた」以外はっきりしません…
>>-Recommendation for Chinese speaker-
You may be better write your comments in Arabic character or traditional Chinese character.
Some ppl seem not to be able to read some Chinese character on your comment.
181 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(catv?):2011/03/13(日) 16:38:23.08 ID:5U+nVDDY0
Are you near the accompanied accident IAEA report level 5 of the risk outside facilities?
>>181 Check their website: The Japanese authorities have classified the event at Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1
as a level 4 'Accident with Local Consequences' on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES).
The INES scale is used to promptly and consistently communicate to the public
the safety significance of events associated with sources of radiation.
The scale runs from 0 (deviation) to 7 (major accident).
183 :
39(関西地方):2011/03/13(日) 18:39:56.61 ID:NZhGJy390
>>146 said
These comments make me cry
>>149 said
Somehow I feel glad...
>>151 said
I wanted to cry.
so I cried.
>>179 said
Really I wanna apply for the rescue--!
184 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(関東・甲信越):2011/03/13(日) 20:12:14.55 ID:HfaHocB3O
I am
>>160 >>162>>163正確な翻訳ありがとうございます。
Maybe I got a chance to learn
I found out again
another friend is fine at his homepage.(宮城の友人から、彼のブログにメッセージあり 無事がわかりました),
「Every single person's saving is a big victory.」 ←多謝。 I Think so!(「全てのひとつずつの命の無事は大きな勝利」でいいのかな?ありがとうございます。本当にそう思います)
Australia Red Cross ←fialy I got it!
以下日本語でもどこまで上手くこの気持ちを乗せられるかわからないけど 要するにありがとうございます。中国大好き。
WHAT All I mean THAT
186 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(大阪府):2011/03/13(日) 20:29:53.04 ID:81JjwhP40
Thank you very much
I’m very grad to hear that
many Chinese pray for us.
your kinness encourage us many japanese.
In my last moments. Please teach.
If all things on the world come to the terminating of life,
Will be the sea die? Will be many rivers die? Will be many mountains die?
Will be many winds die? Will be the sky die?
In my last moments. Please teach.
I sometimes think about the suffering.
I think about the sad to holding equally on everyone.
I think of suffering on life. I think of aged sadness.
I think of the sickness suffering. I think of sadness going die.
I think of myself. Why do I exist?
In my last moments. Please teach.
I sometimes think about the suffering.
I think about the sad to holding equally on everyone.
I think of suffering on life. I think of aged sadness.
I think of the sickness suffering. I think of sadness going die.
I think of myself. Why do I exist?
In my last moments. Please answer.
If all things on this world have the promise.
Will be the springtime die? Will be the autumn die?
It seems to view passing the summer. It seems to view coming of the winter.
Does everyone die?
May we believe the glittering of a little life? May we believe ray of hope?
That can not have a viewing. That can not have a verbal evidence.
There are many persons who leaves. There are many persons who come.
As the phases of the moon in daily life.
In my last moments. Please teach.
If all things on the world come to the terminating of life.
Will be the sea die? Will be many mountains die?
Will be the springtime die? Will be the autumn die?
Will be the love die. Will be mind die?
Is our country that should love ruined?
Does everything die?
189 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/13(日) 22:38:25.51 ID:akO4QyvhI
Who can helP me translate 184??thanks alot !!
・・・−−−・・・ ・・・−−−・・・ ・・・−−−・・・ ・・・−−−・・・ ・・・−−−・・・
The mega earthquake is devil from the hell.
We presume hundreds of thousands of Japanese people or more had be already killed by the mega earthquake at 12 March 2011.
To our regret, Japanese people will be not possible to recovery, any longer at all myself.
Sendai City in the Tohoku region was erased by the big tsunami at moment time.
Ishinomaki, Fukushima, Hachinohe, Aomori, and Hakodate etc..
There city had be destroyed by tsunami.
There are a lot of city and people destroyed by earthquake.
and a lot of fires occur due to the earthquake.
The nuclear plant is destroyed due to the earthquake and people cannot approach.
The worst situation starts visiting soon.
Anyway, please help Japan!!
・・・−−−・・・ ・・・−−−・・・ ・・・−−−・・・ ・・・−−−・・・ ・・・−−−・・・
>>160 said:
>>162>>163) Thank you for your accurate translations.
This may be a good opportunity for me to start learning English.
Another friend of mine in Miyagi pref. posted a message on his weblig
that he was safe so I know that now.
"Every single person's saving is a big victory." ←Thank you very much. I think so!
(* the above line in Japanese)
Australia Red Cross ←finally I got it!
(* the above line in Japanese)
I don't know how to express my feelings even in Japanese, but I simply mean thank you. I love China!
I didn't expect Mr(Ms) Translator to be still here. Thank you.
All I want to say is
Correction: weblig => weblog
193 :
ChineseBoy(豪):2011/03/14(月) 04:48:52.06 ID:RePhhBzHI
>>192 A ri ga tou go za i ma su!!
To the friend in the world
Thank you for the message of assistance.
A lot of rescue teams have arrived from foreign countries at Japan.
When the home country is also serious due to the earthquake
Thank you for everybody in New Zealand that sent the rescue team member.
The rescue team member came from other very far countries.
Thank you for the offer of fund-raising and help.
The Japanese helps at that time if there is a thing on which your country falls into crisis some time.
We wish to express our gratitude sincerely
support and the message.
We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship,
and we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world.
We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery,
oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth.
We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.
We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal;
and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty
and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.
We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources.
あのう、私も中国人が 友達が多い日本人だ。先日、日本が地震と津波を起こした 心配してくれて どうしようかなぁ わからないんだ。今、できることがただ祈りだ。
世界的大家 世界的家屬
199 :
鬼3仙2(中):2011/03/15(火) 22:01:03.40 ID:DcXKxQ9M0
200 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(愛媛県):2011/03/15(火) 23:15:54.30 ID:jcyBQyHL0
201 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(内モンゴル自治区):2011/03/15(火) 23:17:50.06 ID:ScfAey5QO
204 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(チベット自治区):2011/03/15(火) 23:41:29.93 ID:eDltDjmH0
205 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(愛媛県):2011/03/15(火) 23:52:31.45 ID:jcyBQyHL0
206 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(神奈川県):2011/03/15(火) 23:54:27.78 ID:YztFAkFb0
Thank you very much
207 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(愛媛県):2011/03/15(火) 23:54:56.27 ID:jcyBQyHL0
>>205 それは戦後一番アメリカにやられてるし、もちろんロシアにも
208 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(愛媛県):2011/03/15(火) 23:55:59.19 ID:jcyBQyHL0
>>205 もう一度言う。
209 :
名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(北海道):2011/03/15(火) 23:57:03.72 ID:BxkjMP800
210 :
fucakine(アラビア):2011/03/16(水) 00:02:13.33 ID:NqXK5Lny0
we keep our feet on the ground and keep reaching to the stars...
and we'll never give up
Dear world people.
Thank you for all.
We never never surrender.
We never never give up.
Please pray and aid.
From Japan.