行政書士は、他人の依頼を受け報酬を得て、官公署に提出する It gets a carrier reward, and a public notary submits others' request in Mr. 官 office.
書類(その作成に代えて電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によつ It is exchanged with that preparation 【 the document (】, and an electromagnetic record ( よつ for the perception of the form others person like an electronic form, magnetism.
ては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であつて、電子計算機による情報処 て are あ introducer, an information place by the computer in the record made by the form which can't be recognized.
理の用に供されるものをいう。 The thing that it is submitted for the business of the reason is said.
以下この条及び第19条第1項において同じ。 (省略されました・・全てを読むにはここを押してください) 他権利義務又は事実証明に関する書類(実地調査に基づく図面類を含む。 A drawing kind based on the document (fieldwork about other right duties or the fact proof is contained.
他人が押印し又は署名した権利、義務又は事実証明に関する文書又は図画を変造した者も、前項と同様とする。 A stranger stamps, or the person who forged a document about the right which signed, the duty, the fact proof or drawing does as well as the former clause, too.
前二項に規定するもののほか、権利、義務又は事実証明に関する文書又は図画を偽造し、又は変造した者は、一年以下の懲役又は十万円以下の罰金に処する。 The person who forged a document about the right, the duty, the fact proof or drawing except for the thing which prescribed it in the front 2 clauses and who or forged it deals with penal servitude in 1 and under or the fine of 100000 yen and under.
弁護士は、当事者その他関係人の依頼又は官公署の委嘱によつて、訴訟事件、 非訟事件及び審査請求、異議申立て、再審査請求等行政庁に対する不服申立 事件に関する行為その他一般の法律事務を行うことを職務とする。 A lawyer puts up よ introducer, a case, a non-訟 matter, a request for an examination and objection 申 for the request of the person related to person concerned others or the commission of Mr. 官 office, and makes the matter that a request for a re-examination does the law office work of the act others general purpose about a discontent 申立 matter to administrative 庁 his duty.
>>不動産登記法は司法代書人法が成立する As for the >> Law concerning the Registration of Immovables, judicial scribe law is concluded.
遥か前に制定されている。 It is enacted far in the front.
>33年も前だよ。 It was a> 33 years ago.
嘘つき書士。 Liar document person.
違法書士。 違法 calligraphy person.
「日本司法書士連合会においては、一〇〇年間司法書士が独占してきた登記事務の As for the 「 Japanese judicial scrivener combination meeting, of the registration office work that a 一〇〇 annual judicial scrivener monopolized it
職域が、弁護士との間に職域問題として紛争が生じるということは夢想ダニできないこ It is こ which isn't made of dream tick that a dispute occurs between the lawyers as a job stage problem 【 the job stage 】.
とであった」(田代季男、月報司法書士、一八七号三六頁) 」 (Tashiro 季 man, monthly report judicial scrivener and No.187 36 pages) which was it
委員会議事録の抜粋 Extraction from the committee record of the proceedings
六月六日 June 6
行政書士法の一部を改正する法律案(参議院提 Law plan (House of Councilors Tsutsumi who revises a part of the administrative document person law
出、参法第六号) It goes, 参 law No. the sixth)
>一点確認をしておきたいと思います。 I want to give> speck confirmation. 今回追加されまし It is added this time, and it is better. た第一条の目的規定によりまして今までの業務範囲が狭まらないか、こういう It depends on the purpose regulation of た the first article, a business range till now doesn't get narrow, this 疑義であります。 They are doubts.
>○松本政府委員 >○ Matsumoto government commissioner お答えを申し上げます。 An answer is said. 現在の行政書士法の第一条の官公署という意味でございますが、国または地 Though it is the meaning of Mr. 官 office of the first article of the present administrative document person law, country or the ground 方公共団体の諸機関の事務所を意味しまして、行政機関のみならず、広く立法 It means the office of the various organization of the part public body, administrative organ, だけでなく it is wide, legislation 機関及び司法機関のすべてを含むものと解されているところでございます。 It is when it takes to contain all of the organization and the judicial organization.
弁護士又は弁護士法人でない者は、報酬を得る目的で訴訟事件、 The person who is not a lawyer or a lawyer corporation is a case with a purpose of getting a reward.
非訟事件及び審査請求、異議申立て、再審査請求等行政庁に対する不服申立 A non-訟 matter, a request for an examination and objection 申 are put up, discontent 申立 that a request for a re-examination faces administrative 庁
事件その他一般の法律事件に関して鑑定、代理、仲裁若しくは和解その他の It is judged about a law matter of the matter others general purpose, it is represented, it is mediated, or, of compromise others
法律事務を取り扱い、又はこれらの周旋をすることを業とすることができな Law office work is dealt with, or, the matter that this good offices is given is made a work, result
い。 い.
ただし、この法律又は他の法律に別段の定めがある場合は、この限りで But, when there is a law of another step in this law or other law, at this limit
司法書士嘘つきの証明、平成3年に出されたもの。 What is provided in the proof of the judicial scrivener liar, the third year of Heisei. 司法書士はどうしようもないね。 A judicial scrivener can do nothing. 司法書士は、試験に合格すれば後は勉強することがなくていいんだから、羨ましいよ。 It is envious because the rest may be never studied if a judicial scrivener passes an examination. これも、勉強して書いたんだろうが、嘘だ。 Though it was studied and written, this is a lie, too. 代書人と司法書士を混同して書いている。 A judicial scrivener is confused with the scribe, and it is being written.
大正八年以前の代書人は、今の行政書士。 The scribe of before, the eighth year of Taisho is a present administrative document person. 司法書士と一連接続性はない。 It doesn't have 1 connection 続 with the judicial scrivener.
そのことを前提に埼玉訴訟で司法書士側が主張していたことは、真っ赤な嘘だという It is said that it is a red lie about what a judicial scrivener side was insisting on in a suit against Saitama based on that thing. ことがわかるだろう。 It will know a thing.
当時の司法省に法制定を反対され、司法代書人法9条が足枷と The Department of Justice in those days opposes to the law enactment, judicial scribe law nine articles, with the fetters なっていたのだ。 It was.
代書人規則9条の定めと全く違う。 It is really different from the law of a scribe rule nine articles. 全面禁止。 Prohibition of the whole surface.
埼玉訴訟で、うまくごまかそうとしたつもりだろうが、行政書士には代書人規則 In a suit against Saitama, though it probably intended to try to equivocate well, to the public notary, scribe rule
第9条が、あった。 There was the ninth article.
埼玉訴訟研究会が弁護士相手に主張したように弁護士法72 As a society for the study of a suit against Saitama insisted to a partner for a lawyer, lawyer law 72
条の対象外。 The outside of the object of the passage.
その歴史と伝統は現在の行政書士に受け継がれている。 That history and tradition are succeeded to by a present public notary.
司法書士にないのは、弁護士法72条改正と司法書士法改正で明らか。 It is clear that a judicial scrivener doesn't have it by a lawyer law 72 articles revision and the judicial scrivener law revision.
司法書士には140万円の枠が嵌められた。 The frame of 1400000 yen was put in the judicial scrivener.
箍が嵌められた。 A hoop was put.
公証人 Public notary
役場での訴訟代理行為書類作成等も禁止。 The suit representative act document preparation in the public office as well is prohibited.
上に弁護士という上級資格があるから、ストレスがたまってんだな。 It is stress side まってん because the top has the advanced qualification of the lawyer.
管轄が違うんだから、裁判所・法務局提出する書類作成や代理できたって Even if it can be represented, the document preparation that a court regional legal affairs bureau submits it because jurisdiction is wrong.
おかしくないよね。 It isn't strange.
同じ法務省管轄で似たような資格、二つも三つもあったら If it has three two qualifications to look alike in the same Ministry of Justice jurisdiction.
おかしいが、行政書士は代言人が強制されたほどの代書人強制制度の末裔だよ。 A public notary is the descendant of the wrong scribe compulsory system that a generation word person was forced.
内務省ができるとき司法省から移管された警保寮。 警保 dormitory where it was transferred by the Department of Justice when the Department of the Interior could do it.
それと同時に内務省に引っ It 引っ at the same time with that in the Department of the Interior.
越したんだよ。 It went.
早く言えば、弁護士と行政書士は出自が同じ兄弟。 If it says early, a lawyer and a public notary are the brothers that extension 自 is the same.
司法書士は大正時代にできた、弟。 A judicial scrivener is the younger brother who could do it in the Taisho Period.
それが、今もって、兄弟の序列を理解でき Brother's order can be understood 【 that has it now 】.
ないでいるんだ。 It is not here.
兄貴の弁護士にはけんか売って負けるし、福島だって、検察の An older brother's lawyer can't sweep it, or it is sold, and yields, even Fukushima, of the prosecution
権限乱用がなければ、負けだったろうよ。 Let's be defeat without authority abuse.
警保局は司法代書人法が制定されたのを As for 警保 office, that judicial scribe law was enacted
見て、それを上回る規則、代書人規則を作ったんだよ。 The rule that it is seen and it exceeds that, and a scribe rule were made.
司法省の役人が司法代書人 The official of the Department of Justice, a judicial scribe
法制定に反対したのも、里子に出したんじゃないが、司法省が内務省に送り出した Though it wasn't given to the foster child, the Department of Justice sent out the matter that it opposed to the law enactment, too, to the Department of the Interior.
警保局管轄の代書人制度をないがしろにできないから、反対したんだね。 It opposed 【 the scribe system of 警保 office jurisdiction 】 because it did and it wasn't made in ろ though it was not here.
司法書士は,その業務の範囲を超えて他人間の訴訟その他の事件に関与してはならない。 A judicial scrivener must not be involved in a matter of suit others between others beyond the range of that business.
内務省令第40号 Domestic affairs ministerial ordinance No. the 40th 代書人規則 Scribe rule 第9条 The ninth article 代書人及補助員ハ左記各号ノ行為ヲ為スコトヲ得ス Because a scribe 及 assistant staff ハ following 各号ノ act ヲ, スコトヲ profit ス 一 1 法令ノ規定ニ依ルニ非スシテ他人ノ訴願、訴訟又ハ非訟事件ニ関シ代理、鑑定、勧誘、紹介、又は仲裁ソノ他ノ行為ヲ為スコト A statute ノ regulation ニ依ルニ non-スシテ stranger ノ訴 prayer brings an action, moreover ハ non-訟 matter ニ barrier シ is represented, it is judged, it is invited, it is introduced, because or an arbitration ソノ other ノ act ヲ, スコト
(非弁護士の法律事務の取扱い等の禁止) (Prohibition such as handling of the law office work of the non-lawyer) 第七十二条 The 72nd article 弁護士又は弁護士法人でない者は、報酬を得る目的で訴訟事件、 The person who is not a lawyer or a lawyer corporation is a case with a purpose of getting a reward. 非訟事件及び審査請求、異議申立て、再審査請求等行政庁に対する不服申立 A non-訟 matter, a request for an examination and objection 申 are put up, discontent 申立 that a request for a re-examination faces administrative 庁 事件その他一般の法律事件に関して鑑定、代理、仲裁若しくは和解その他の It is judged about a law matter of the matter others general purpose, it is represented, it is mediated, or, of compromise others 法律事務を取り扱い、又はこれらの周旋をすることを業とすることができな Law office work is dealt with, or, the matter that this good offices is given is made a work, result い。 い. ただし、この法律又は他の法律に別段の定めがある場合は、この限りで But, when there is a law of another step in this law or other law, at this limit ない。 It is not here.
行政書士は、前条に規定する業務のほか、他人の依頼を受け報酬を得て、次に掲げる事務を業とすることができる。 A public notary can make the office work to get a carrier reward and next to put it up a work except for the business which prescribes it in the former passage 【 others' request 】.
ただし、他の法律においてその業務を行うことが制限されている事項については、この限りでない。 But, as for the items that the matter that that business is done in other law is restricted, it is not this limit.
1. 1.
前条の規定により行政書士が作成することができる官公署に提出する書類を官公署に提出する手続について代理すること。 Represent it about hand 続 that a document to submit in Mr. 官 office which a public notary can make by the regulation of the former passage is submitted in Mr. 官 office.
2. 2.
前条の規定により行政書士が作成することができる契約その他に関する書類を代理人として作成すること。 Make a document about contract others that a public notary can make it by the regulation of the former passage as an agent.
3. 3.
前条の規定により行政書士が作成することができる書類の作成について相談に応ずること。 Accept a consultation about the preparation of the document which a public notary can make by the regulation of the former passage.
(非司法書士等の取締り)第73条 (Control such as a non-judicial scrivener) the 73rd article
司法書士会に入会している司法書士又は司法書士法人でない者(協会を除く。 The person (society which is not the judicial scrivener who joins a judicial scrivener meeting, or a judicial scrivener corporation is removed.
)は、第3条第1項第1号から第5号までに規定する業務を行つてはならない。 A line introducer is not with) 【 the business which prescribes it from the third article the 1st clause No. the 1st by No. the fifth 】.
ただし、他の法律に別段の定めがある場合は、この限りでない。 But, it is not this limit when there is a law of another step in other law.
行政書士でない者は、業として第1条の2に規定する業務を行うことができない。 The person who is not a public notary can't do the business which prescribes it as a work in two of the first article.
ただし、他の法律に別段の定めがある場合及び定型的かつ容易に行えるものとして 総務省令で定める手続について、当該手続に関し相当の経験又は能力を有する者と して総務省令で定める者が電磁的記録を作成する場合は、この限りでない。 But, and it is not this limit like a fixed form and when it is related to hand 続 concerned about hand 続 to decide in the general affairs ministerial ordinance as a thing which can be done easily and the person who decides it in the general affairs ministerial ordinance as a person who has a considerable experience or ability makes an electromagnetic record when there is a law of another step in other law.
刑事に関する事件における弁護人としての活動、少年の保護事件における付添人としての活動(以下略) Activities as a counsel in a matter about the detective and activities (the following abbreviation) as 付添, person, in the boy's protection case
第三号 No. the third
(日本の)法の解釈又は適用についての鑑定その他の法的意見の表明 The expression of the opinion of judgment others about the interpretation of legal (Japanese) or the application
第四号 No. the fourth
略 Abbreviation
第五号 No. the fifth
民事執行法(略)第二十二条第五号の公正証書の作成嘱託の代理 Law of Civil Execution (abbreviation) 【 a representative preparation part-time engagement justice bond the 22nd article No. the 5th 】
第六号 No. the sixth
国内に所在する不動産に関する権利又は工業所有権、鉱業権その他の国内の行政庁への登録により成立する権利若しくは Right to come into being by right about the real estate which whereabouts does in the country or industrial property, the registration to the domestic intendance of mining right others, or
これらの権利に関する権利(略)の得喪又は変更を主な目的とする法律事件についての代理又は文書(略)の作成 A representative about the law matter which makes profit mourning of the right (abbreviation about these rights) or a change the purpose of taking the greater part or the preparation of the document (abbreviation)
>「訴訟行為」の意味も知らないのか。 Don't you know the meaning of> "suit act", either? 判例も知らないのか。 Don't you know a precedent, either? よく読め。 Read it well. (最判昭33・5・23民集12ー8ー1105) (Extreme seal 昭 33, 5, 23 people collection 1 2ー8ー 1105) 民法第一〇二条 The civil law the first 〇 2 articles 代理人は能力者たることを要せず An agent doesn't need an ability person たる thing. 判例 Precedent 区裁判所では法律上訴訟能力を有しない者も裁判所の許可を得て The person who doesn't have suit ability in law gets the permission of the court in the ward court, too. 訴訟代理人となることを妨げない。 The matter that it becomes a suit agent isn't obstructed. (大判昭七・九・一七民集11ー19 (Big seal 昭 7, 9, 17 people collection 1 1ー 19 民法第一〇八条 The civil law the first 〇 8 articles
何人と雖も同一の法律行為につき其相手方の代理人とな 雖 sticks to the same law act with how many people, too, and it is the agent of 其, other party. り又は当事者双方の代理人となることを得ず但債務の履行に付ては此限に在 It doesn't get to become り or the agent of the person concerned both, and 付 for the fulfillment of 但 debt, and 在 in 此限. らず らず
判例 Precedent 登記申請については、それによって新たな利害関係が創造される As for an application for registration, the new interest relations and to depend are created. のではないから、同一人が登記権利者、登記義務者双方の代理人となって Because it is not の, the same person becomes registration right person's and registration duty person's both agent. も本条本文並びにその法意に反するものではない。 It isn't contrary to も this passage body and that law thought.
(最判昭43・3・8 (Extreme seal 昭 43, 3, 8 民集22ー3ー540) People collection 2 2ー3ー 540)
民法第一一〇条(表見代理ー代理権踰越のとき) The civil law 11〇 passage (at the time of table 見代理ー attorneyship 踰越)
判例 Precedent
公正証書に記載された執行受諾の意思表示は公証人に対する訴訟 The declaration of intention of the executive acceptance that it is mentioned in the notarial deed is a suit against the public notary. 行為であるから、私法上の原則として定められた本条の適用又は準 Because it is an act, the application of this passage decided in principle in me law or 準 用はない。 There is no business.
(最判昭33・5・23民集12ー8ー1105) (Extreme seal 昭 33, 5, 23 people collection 1 2ー8ー 1105)
刑事被告人Sは無罪を主張して,刑確定。 A prisoner S insists on the innocence, and he is punishment decision. そして、曽我さんの故郷、佐渡の金山で金鉱石堀。 Then, in home of Mr./Ms. Soga, Kanayama in Sado, gold ore stone moat. 死ぬまで出てこれないらしい。 Until it dies, it is said that it can't come out. 今の裁判は、・・・・。 A present judgment is ・・・・. などとぶつぶついいながら、地底に幽閉され鑿と鎚を振 It is confined at the ground bottom, and it 振 a chisel and 鎚 with saying 【 it being hit with など 】 【 it is hit 】. るっている。 It るっ. といわれている。 It says.
そのぶつぶつ、時たま聞き取れるのが、江戸時代 That that time たま that it is hit and that it is hit can be caught, the Edo Period の裁判だ。 It is a judgment.
疑わしきを罰した。 疑わしき was punished. よりによって、佐渡の金山で金堀とは、狂ってい It goes wrong, and い in Kanayama in Sado by より as for the gold moat. る。 る.
今の奉行は狂っている。 Present 奉 line is wrong. 呪ってやる。 I curse it. 呪ってやる。 I curse it.
腐れ検察呪ってやる。 It can go bad, and I curse prosecution. 総 総 長呪ってやる。 I curse a head. 東京地検特捜部呪ってやる。 I curse Tokyo ground 検特捜 part. 地獄に引きずり、いや、叩き込んで It is dragged in the hell, and no driven. やる。 It is done. 南無阿弥陀仏南無阿弥陀仏・・・・右なるお堂を見もうせば・・・左のお South Amitabha south-less Amitabha ・・・・ the temple which the right is to, 見, more, せば ・・・ left お 堂を見もうせば・・・・中なるお堂を見もうせば自身の父母おたちある。 There is parents おたち of せば, itself, in 見 now 【 the temple 】 【 the temple where せば ・・・・ inside becomes 見 now 】.
これに In this ・・・・唐・・・鉛を背負わせ・・泥舟で地獄の底に送りやれ・・・南無阿弥陀 It is made to carry ・・・・ 唐 ・・・ lead on its back, it is sent at the bottom of the hell by ・・ mud ship, it can be done, ・・・ south Amitabha-less 仏・・・・。 Buddha ・・・・. これを完全に聞き取った金山の役人は、発狂して、2,3日で死んで 発 maniac does, and an official in Kanayama who caught this completely dies in two, three days. しまう。 It is put away. という。 It says. なるべく、ぶつぶついっているときは、近づかない。 As much as possible, it doesn't approach when it says 【 it is hit 】 【 it is hit 】. と番をしている足軽役人がいっているそうだ。 It is said that the foot 軽 official doing a turn says.
>よりによって、佐渡の金山で金堀とは、狂ってい It goes wrong, and い in Kanayama in Sado by> より as for the gold moat. る。 る. 今の奉行は狂っている。 Present 奉 line is wrong. 呪ってやる。 I curse it. 呪ってやる。 I curse it.
腐れ検察呪ってやる。 It can go bad, and I curse prosecution. 総 総 長呪ってやる。 I curse a head. 東京地検特捜部呪ってやる。 I curse Tokyo ground 検特捜 part.
検察もとんでもない呪術者だか、宗教家だか捕まえたのかね? Were you a terrible curse means person, or were you a man of religion, or did you catch prosecution, too? 道鏡か、日蓮、ロ Way mirror, day lotus or ロ シア帝国時代宮廷を牛耳ったプーチン? The シア empire age Imperial Court, controlled プーチン?
司法制度改革の流れはある There is flow of the judicial system reform. にせよ、前検事総長検察歴史始まって以来の懲戒処分第1号。 にせよ former Attorney General prosecution history disciplinary punishment 1 No.
裁判所に裁判員制度 In the court, judgment staff system 導入。 Introduction.
そして、弁護士法72条改正。 Then, lawyer law 72 articles revision. 法曹受難時代の始まり? The beginning of the judicial sufferings days?
司法書士法違反の最高際判決。 At the extreme height judgment of the judicial scrivener law violation. 複数の学者に批判されている。 It is criticized by more than one scholar. というね。 It says.
検察も Prosecution, too 勇み足。 It is stirred, foot. 馬鹿なことをしたもんだね。 It is もん which did what was silly.
ところで、ほんとにs行政書士佐渡の金山で、金鉱石堀やらせられてんの? By the way, it is really made to do a gold ore stone moat in Kanayama in s administrative document person Sado, of てん?
> 法務局、地方法務局は行政書士法に定める官公署行政機関じゃないから、提出書類作ったらだめ。 〉 regional legal affairs bureau and District Legal Affairs Bureau are no good if a presentation document is made because it is not Mr. 官 office administrative organ which decides it as the administrative document person law.
> 裁判所は、行政書士法に定める官公署の中の司法機関じゃないから提出書類作ったらだめ。 〉 A court is no good if a presentation document is made because it is not judicial organization in Mr. 官 office to decide as the administrative document person law.
重要な資格だからこそ、門戸が広く開かれている。 Because it is an important qualification, a door is being opened widely.
絶やさないために。 Because it isn't exterminated.
明治維新政府の、富国強兵・四民平等・人種平等、国民皆教育文盲追放。 The wealth country strong soldier equality of all people racial equality of Meiji Restoration government, the people, completely, education illiteracy banishment.
等々 等々
その推進に力を入れるところの担い手として存続。 It lasts as a bearer that the power is put in that promotion.
これからも廃止はない。 There is no abolition from this as well.
強兵は、第2次大戦の敗戦によって中断しましたが、他はほぼ成功。 Others almost succeed though a strong soldier stopped it by the second great war defeat. 人種平等等 In such cases as the racial equality
は、その思想が世界に伝えられ、アジアアフリカの多くの国を殖民という、圧政 That idea has は transmitted by the world, many countries in Asian Africa, pressure 政 of 殖, people
から、解放、明治維新政府の基本的政策は、世界を救ったのです。 The fundamental policy of Meiji Restoration government which it was liberated from saved the world.
弁護士法72条、訳の分からない条文で、害悪を撒き散らし、四民平等の精神を Harm is scattered with the text which lawyer law 72 articles and a reason aren't understood about, the mind of 4 people equality
(以下の『写真』内で)特に「御主披」(別添3)の記載は「親展」等の記載 よりも特に秘密性の高い文書に用いられるのが一般的であることや、仙台高検 総務課長が仙台地検の一支部の検察官事務取扱検察事務官に対して「御主披」 で送付することは考え難い。 As for the mention of "master 披" (attached 3), Sendai high 検 Administration Section manager, being used for the especially expensive document of the secret sex being more general than mention such as "a confidential letter" specially faces the public prosecutor office work handling prosecution secretary of 1 branch of Sendai ground 検 in (the following 'photograph' inside), and doesn't think that it is sent in "master 披" easily.
仙台高検事務局長の依頼文(別添4)の文面がまさに秘密性を物語る警戒 心に満ちた表現になっている。 It is the expression that it was full of guard that the contents of the request sentence (attached 4) of Sendai high public prosecutor 務 director of a bureau really showed secret sex.
仙台高検総務課長から仙台地検古川支部の高橋副検事への封筒(甲24号証 別添3) An envelope from Sendai high 検 Administration Section manager to Takahashi vice-public prosecutor of Sendai ground 検 Furukawa branch (添 3 by the armor No.24 evidence)
外国法事務弁護士法は外国法事務弁護士が行政書士業務を行うことを制限していません。 Foreign law office work lawyer law doesn't restrict the matter that a foreign law office work lawyer does administrative document person business.
どこに3条のどこに書いてありますか。 Where do you write it in where of three articles?
具体的に言えよ。 Say concretely.
303 :名無し検定1級さん :04/07/03 09:52 303 : No famous official approval the first rank : 04/07/03 09:52
日本語も読めないのに、威高々ですね。 Though it can't be read, 威 is at most 【 Japanese 】, too.
>一 >一
国内の裁判所、検察庁その他の官公署における手続についての代理及びその手続 A domestic court, a representative about hand 続 at Mr. 官 office of Public Prosecutor's Office others and that hand 続
についてこれらの機関に提出する文書の作成 The preparation of a document which に is attached to and to submit to these organizations
外国法事務弁護士は、前項の規定により職務として行うことができる法律事務であ A foreign law office work lawyer is あ by the law office work which can be done as a duty by the regulation of the former clause.
つても、次に掲げるものについては、弁護士と共同し、又は弁護士の書面による助言を受 As for a thing next to state, it cooperates with the lawyer, and or an introducer 受 advice by the lawyer's document, too.
けて行わなければならない。 It け, and you must do it.
一 1
国内に所在する不動産に関する権利又は工業所有権等の得喪又は変更を目的とする法 Profit mourning such as right about the real estate which whereabouts does in the country or industrial property or law for the purpose of the change
律事件のうち、前項第六号の法律事件以外のものについての代理及び文書の作成 A representative about the thing except for a law matter of former clause No. the sixth in 律 matter and the preparation of the document
司法書士の独占業務といわれていた。 Judicial scrivener's exclusive possession business was said.
不動産登記事務。 Real estate registration office work.
原則として扱えない。 It can't be handled in principle.
だが、例外的に扱える場合、日本国弁護士の指導等を受けなければ、外国法事務弁護士、その不動産登記事務を扱うことができない。 However, a foreign law office work lawyer can't handle that real estate registration office work if the guidance of the Japanese country lawyer and so on isn't taken when it can be handled exceptionally.
司法書士は、資格者として対国外的に出番がないの。 A judicial scrivener doesn't have his turn as a qualification person from the viewpoint of pair foreign countries.
3条規定外国事務弁護士業務でね。 With three articles regulation foreign office work lawyer business.
内堀も外堀も埋まっちゃてるんだね。 Both an inner moat and an outside moat 埋まっちゃ.
埼玉では弁護士にまけたしね。 I want to yield to the lawyer in Saitama.
車庫証明・公団入居の申し込み代行・類似商号チェック・単なる記帳業務 The application acting, resemblance trade name check ・ of the garage proof, public corporation move, mere registering business
どうだ出来ないだろう。 It is how. It won't be able to be done.
だから Therefore 刑事訴訟法第一九七条第二項に基づく「捜査関係事項照会書」について "Items inquiry document investigation" Criminal Procedure Code the 197th article the 2nd clause (日行連発第五七四号 (day line running fire No. the 574th 平成十五年八月十九日 August 19, the 15th year of Heisei 日本行政書士会連合会会長回答) A Japanese administrative document person meeting combination meeting chairman answer) は、一行政書士の個人的見解なの。 It is the personal opinion of は, 1 administrative document person. 末端の単位会行政書士はその見解に拘束されないの The unit meeting administrative document person of the end isn't restrained in that opinion. 臨時総会を開くなど、機関決定されたものではないの。 It wasn't decided by organization to hold an extraordinary general meeting.
全行政書士を拘束するものではないの。 All the public notaries aren't restrained. 行政書士は、裁判官と同じ判断をしている。 A public notary is giving a judgment 【 a judge 】. ということの証明に過ぎない。 It is only the proof of the thing. 行政書士歩く街の裁判官。 The judge of the town which a public notary walks. それが、証明されただけ。 As much as that was proved. 行政書士は、弁護士法72条の As for the public notary, of the lawyer law 72 articles 対象外。 The outside of the object. これは、埼玉司法書士会、日弁連が証明してます。 Saitama judicial scrivener meeting, day valve 連 prove this. 罪刑法定主義。 Crime criminal law fixed principle. から離れてるです。 It is it 【 it is away 】. 罪と罰は法律で定めなさい。 Establish a crime and punishment by law. なのです。 It is the thing of な. 疑わしきは被告人の利益に。 In the profit of the doubtful accused. という刑事原則があります。 There is a detective principle.
疑わしいから、日本行政書士会 Because it is doubtful, a Japanese administrative document person meeting 連合会会長に問い合わせる。 A combination meeting chairman is asked. 回答も思料する。 An answer does 思 fee, too. という、曖昧模糊そのものなものです。 It is vague.
そして、その回答は全行政書士の見解ではない。 Then, that answer is not the opinion of all the administrative document people. 機関決定、要するに臨時総会などを経て、 A decision of organization. in a word, through the extraordinary general meeting and so on 出されたものではない。 It wasn't taken out.
ま、行政書士の判断は、裁判官と同じ。 ま, the judgment of the public notary are the same as the judge. それを証明しただけ。 As much as that was proved.
その見解と違う行政書士もまた、 The public notary, too, who is different from that opinion, and いるわけだから、何の意味もないです。 Because it is here, there is no meaning.
その対象行政書士、弁護士表示をしていた。 That applicable administrative document person, lawyer indication were being done. という、不可解な事実が浮かび上がっているね。 A mysterious fact rises.
それが、掲載されたいるHP。 HP which that appears on and which it is in. なんと、貸金業者のHPなのです。 They are what and HP of 貸 gold dealer. 謀略の匂いがします。 It has the smell of the plot. おかしいと思うのは、 As for thinking that it is strange. 私だけでしょうか。 Is it only I?
太政官無号達で司法職務定制が定められる。 Judicial duty fixed system is established in 太政官 issue-less.
これはわが国 This is our country.
最初の裁判所構成法ともいうべきもので、全22章108条からなる法 The law which consists of all 22 chapters 108 articles by the thing which the first court should say as the way of constructing it as well
典。 典.
この第10章「証書人・代書人・代言人職制」 の中に法制度を支え The legal system is supported in the 10th chapter "bond person, scribe, fee word person office organization" 【 the inside 【 this 】 】.
る3つの基本的な職能が定められた。 The fundamental professional ability of three る was decided.
そのような観点から行政書士法に定められた業務を検討すれば、従来の行政書士 If the business established as the administrative document person law by such a viewpoint is examined, a usual administrative document person
業務、いわゆる許認可申請ももちろん大切な業務ですが、そしてそれと同様に、い Then business is い as well as that though a so-called application for place permission is important business of course, too.
や或いはそれ以上に、他人間の紛争処理、或いは紛争の事前防止の意味において、 Any further, in the meaning of the prevention in advance of the dispute management between others or the dispute
契約、内容証明、公正証書、和解書、協議書、覚書等を作成することで紛争を解決 A dispute is solved by making a contract, contents proof, a notarial deed, a compromise document, a conference document, a memo, and so on.
し、又残念ながら解決に至らない場合には例えば調停や支払督促の申立て、訴状、 With doing and moreover being disappointing, when it doesn't reach a solution, for example mediation and 申 of payment pressing are put up, 訴-shaped
答弁書の作成による本人訴訟の支援、又債務名義による債権執行、或いは事実上債 The support of the said person suit by the preparation of the answer document. And, or it virtually 債 【 the credit execution by the debt ownership 】.
務超過、支払不能状態に陥った債務者の依頼により自己破産申立書を作成する等々、 A self-bankruptcy 申立 document is made by the request of the debtor who fell into 務 excess, the insolvency condition.
いわゆる権利義務、事実証明業務も重要な業務であることをご理解頂きたいのです。 A so-called right duty and fact proof business want it understood that it is important business, too.
この法律は、内外の社会経済情勢の変化に伴い、法による紛争の解 This law is the answer of the dispute by the law caused by the change in the internal and external society economic situation. 決が一層重要になることにかんがみ、裁判その他の法による紛争の解 In view of a vote's becoming even more important, the answer of the dispute by the law of judgment others 決のための制度の利用をより容易にするとともに弁護士及び弁護士法 The use of the system for the vote is made easier, lawyer and lawyer law 人並びに司法書士その他の隣接法律専門職者(弁護士及び弁護士法 Person and the adjoining law special job person (lawyer of judicial scrivener others and lawyer law
人以外の者であって、法律により他人の法律事務を取り扱うことを業と It is a person except for the person, others' law office work is dealt with by law, with the work することができる者をいう。 The person whom it can be is called it. 以下同じ。 The same じ in the following. )のサービスをより身近に受けられ I have the service of) taken more closely. るようにするための総合的な支援(以下「総合法律支援」という。 The synthetic support (following "synthetic law support" to do in let's る is said. )の実施 The execution of) 及び体制の整備に関し、その基本理念、国等の責務その他の基本とな And, about the maintenance of the system, that basic ideology and the basis of duty others such as a country る事項を定めるとともに、その中核となる日本司法支援センターの組織及 Organization 及 of the Japanese judicial support center which becomes that kernel with establishing る items び運営について定め、もってより自由かつ公正な社会の形成に資すること And 資する for the formation of the fair society び management decide have 【 it is freer 】. を目的とする。 を purpose is taken.
とりあえず行書はまたしても蚊帳の外だな。 It is outside the mosquito net even if first of all a line document is done again.
この法律は、内外の社会経済情勢の変化に伴い、法による紛争の解 This law is the answer of the dispute by the law caused by the change in the internal and external society economic situation. 決が一層重要になることにかんがみ、裁判その他の法による紛争の解 In view of a vote's becoming even more important, the answer of the dispute by the law of judgment others 決のための制度の利用をより容易にするとともに弁護士及び弁護士法 The use of the system for the vote is made easier, lawyer and lawyer law 人並びに司法書士その他の隣接法律専門職者(弁護士及び弁護士法 Person and the adjoining law special job person (lawyer of judicial scrivener others and lawyer law
原田明夫様は、検事を辞めました。 Harada 明 husband resigned a public prosecutor.
定年前です。It is before the retirement age. 免職ではなく、辞職です。It is not dismissal, but it is resignation. 290 >ケンサツですがなにか。290 > Though it is ケンサツ, something. いま、懲戒委員会開催中。Now, during disciplinary committee holding.
前代未聞の免職処分。Unprecedented dismissal disposal. あっちいって。That is said.なんですか。What is it?いそぐ。いそぐ. 検察に用はないの。There is no business in the prosecution. 前代未聞のIt is unheard-of.免職処分。Dismissal disposal. あなたになんかは絶対いえないことです。It is it to you 【 what can be never said 】. 総理大臣閣下に急用?To Prime Minister Your Excellency, urgent business? だから、ここにはおられますが、合わせられないの。Therefore, though it is here, it isn't put together. あっても、無駄です。It is useless even if it is here. どうしても合わなければならない用事?The business which must be suitable by all means? 総理、総長The Prime Minister and the president がお会いしたいそうです。It is said that I want to meet. 291 あ〜、この精神病行書どうにかしてくれww 291 あ 〜 which does this mental disease line document somehow, ww 292 :>>290 292 :〉〉290 ケンサツですが,キップを拝見します。 キップ is seen though it is ケンサツ.あんたの場合は精神鑑定書拝見します。 A psychiatric test document is seen in case of you.
>行政書士は法律事務に関して無資格者だから72条違反でいいと思うがな。 Because he is an incompetent about the law office work, though a > public notary thinks that violation is all right 72 articles. 法的無能力者は書込み禁止。An ability-less person is prohibition against writing like law. 行書>外国法事務弁護士。Line document> foreign law office work lawyer. 行政書士ができることが羅列してあるから。Because what a public notary can do enumerates it. 外国法事務弁護士はできないんだよ。A foreign law office work lawyer can't do it. 295 :>>294日本語で書いてくれ頼む295 :〉 It asks for it 【 it is written in 〉294 Japanese 】. 296 :>>294296 :〉〉294 3条のどこに書いてあるんだよ。It is written in where of three articles. 全然無いじゃないか。It is not here at all. あるんだったら書いてみろよ。Try to write it if you are here. 297 :>>292 297 :〉〉292 この列車の車掌ですが,キップを拝見します。 キップ is seen though it is the conductor of this train.
あんたの場合はエイズ梅毒等性病診断In case of you, in such cases as the AIDS syphilis, venereal disease diagnosis 書拝見します。Calligraphy is seen. ホー、梅毒にエイズに淋病。In ホー, the syphilis, in the AIDS, gonorrhea. 取り込み詐欺、いや失礼トリコモナス。 Intake swindle, no, rudeness トリコモナス. 安い女にしか乗ってないようですな。It doesn't seem to be on only to the cheap woman. 次の駅で降りてください。Get off at the next station. 救急車で病院に送りますから、入院してください。 Enter a hospital because it is sent to the hospital by ambulance. 死相がでてます。The shadow of death appears. 万が一に備えて、霊柩車の手配もしておきます。 10000 has it in 1, and arrangements for the funeral car are done, too.
国民の代表でもない、法務省の官僚に任命された委員によって構成される法制審 Legislation 審 that it is composed by the commissioner appointed as the bureaucracy of the Ministry of Justice which is not a national representative, either 議会が「最高裁、日弁連、法務・検察の法曹三者(業界関係者)」に牛耳られてい An assembly is controlled by "the Supreme Court, day valve 連 and the judicial 3 person (the person concerned in the business world) of the judicial affair, prosecution", and it い. るのなら、そのような審議会は廃止すべきです。 You should abolish such a council of る. ある法曹関係者は「ある意味では、 As for a certain persons concerned in a judicial officer, 「, in a certain meaning 法曹三者が協議する場が法制審だ」と言ってその重要性を指摘したそうですが、と The place which a judicial 3 person discusses is legislation 審. Though 」 was said and it is said that that importance was pointed out. んでもない考えです。 It is the thought which is not even in ん. 法曹三者が協議する場など必要ありません。 The place which a judicial 3 person discusses is unnecessary. 業界関係者の談 談 of the persons concerned in the business world 合は民主政治にとって有害です。 合 is harmful to the democracy politics. 民主主義の教科書に法曹三者の役割などは書いて The role of the judicial 3 person is written in the democratic textbook. ありません。 It is not here. 法曹三者にはいかなる政治的役割もありません。 A judicial 3 person has no political role, too. 法制審議会を経なけ Legal System Investigation Commission, sutra なけ れば法律の制定ができないなどと言う実態があれば、それは国会の立法権の侵害で If it れ, if there is actual condition to say with not enacting law, as for that, by the infringement of the legislative power of the national assembly す。 す.
それを考えると、亀谷、渡真利というチンピラを使って、三井氏をたらし込もうとし When it thinks about that, it たらする Mr. Mitsui by using Kameya, チンピラ of Watari right advantage
た、「法務・検察&ヤクザ」という「悪の結託」の根の深さというものを感じるのです It feels the thing of the depth of the root of "the evil conspiracy" of た, "the judicial affair, prosecution & gangster".
つまり、原田明夫(=法務・検察)は、99年体制の成立において、まず、マルハム In other words, Harada 明 husband (= judicial affair, prosecution) is マルハム first in the formation in 99 system.
(=池田大センセイ)に盗聴法で「借り」を作り、続く、加納駿亮の高検検事長昇任問 "A debt" is made in (high センセイ of =, Ikeda), in the way of wiretapping it, high 検 public prosecutor head 昇 task 問 of Kano 駿亮 which lasts
題(01年10月)では、小泉純一郎に弱みを握られ、果ては、山健組の桑田兼吉組長 It has weakness Koizumi Junichirou has with a title (October, 01), and the end is Kuwata and good fortune head of the mountain 健 party.
の保釈を巡る「2億円問題」(02年8月〜10月)で、ついには極道にまで弱みを握 It 握 weakness in "200000000 yen problem over bailing out" (August, 02 - October) even in the extreme way at last.
ただ、史上かつて、これだけのキンタマ(=弱み)を握られまくった法務・検察が、 Only, the judicial affair, prosecution to have キンタマ (= weakness) of only this seized before in history and to roll it up
この世に存在したでしょうか(笑)。 Did it exist in this world? (笑)
それとも合わせて、この三井氏の不当逮捕に象徴 Or, it is symbolized together for the malicious arrest of this Mr. Mitsui.
される「国策捜査」を連発しまくる、いまの「極道極悪・原田明夫の検察」の頽廃、堕 It fires "given national policy investigation, 頽廃 of "the present prosecution of the extreme way extreme evil, Harada 明 husband" that it is rolled up, 堕
さて、そこで、これから全体を締めくくる形で、本連載のサブタイトルにある「現代 Well, so, from now, whole, the 「 present day in the subtitle of this serial in the concluded form
のドレフュス事件としての三井環氏不当逮捕」ということに入っていきます。 It goes into the thing of Mr. Mitsui 環 malicious arrest 」 as Dreyfus matter.
この「ドレフュス事件」といっても、一般にはあまり馴染みがないかもしれませんの Generally it may be so unfamiliar even if this "Dreyfus matter" is said.
で、簡単にざーっと説明いたしますと、19世紀末の第3共和制下のフランスで、当時 When it goes and explains easily with ざーっ, the third of the 19th century end, all, in France under the Japanese system, those days
の反ユダヤの世論をバックに、軍部がユダヤ人将校・ドレフュスを「国家反逆罪」とい Military authorities い Jewish officer Dreyfus with "a charge of state treason" in the back 【 the public opinion of the anti-Judea 】.
法曹三者は民主政治の障害 A judicial 3 person is the obstacle of the democracy politics.
京都新聞が中村法相の少年法改正に対する積極的発言を「法制審解体を狙う」と言 って批判しています(9月16日朝刊)。 It is criticized when "It aims for legislation 審 dismantling." and a word the active remark that Kyoto newspaper faces the juvenile law revision of the Nakamura Minister of Justice. (a morning paper on September 16)
しかし、記事を読めば読むほど中村法相 の言うことは正論で、もっともなことばかりです。 But, as an article read more, what the Nakamura Minister of Justice says is only right with a sound argument more.
一体中村法相の言っていること のどこがいけないのでしょうか。 Where of is improper with what the Nakamura Minister of Justice says on earth?
記者の言っていることこそ民主政治に反する主張 です。 What a journalist says is assertion contrary to the democracy politics.
法律の改廃を議論するのは政治家が国民から負託された使命であり、 「立法は政 治主導」、「政治家を蚊帳の外におく法制審の縮小、解体」と言う 中村法相の主張 は、いわば当たり前のことであり、健全な民主主義の実現のた めに歓迎すべきこと です。 It is that you should welcome it so that it may be the mission that a statesman had a minus left by the people to discuss 改廃 of the law and the assertion of the Nakamura Minister of Justice who says "Legislation is 政 治 leadership.", "the reduction of legislation 審 that a statesman is left in the outside mosquito net and dismantling" may be as it were natural and the realization of the wholesome democracy may be done.
法制審議会に限らず、審議会政治は国民の多数意見を反映しない官僚政治の 元凶です。 It isn't limited to Legal System Investigation Commission, and council politics is the former misfortune of the bureaucratic government which many national opinions aren't reflected on.
官僚が勝手に任命した委員が非公開の密室で法律案を作るなど言語道断 です。 It is outrageous that the commissioner whom bureaucracy appointed freely makes a law plan in the locked room of non-opening to the public.