※名詞構文について 単純にいうと、分の名詞句化である。 例えばPeople hated of their rules.を名詞構文化すると、people's hated of their rulesとなる。 名詞構文には以下のようなものがある。
1、目的格関係のofを用いたもの:A of B This gives a good explanation of the fact. →explain the fact V O
2、主格関係のofを用いたもの (1)A of B (Aは自動詞の名詞形) The sudden appearance of a friend surprised him. →a friend appeared suddenly V S (2)A of B (Aは形容詞の名詞形) The easy availability of drugs is a growing problem. →drugs are easily availavle C S
3、所有格+名詞 (1)A's B (Bは自動詞の名詞形) The doctor's quick arrival surprised us. →the doctor arrived quickly S V
(2)A's B (Bは他動詞の名詞形) If the plant is rare, its discovery gives me pleasure. →discover it O V
(3)A's B (Bは形容詞の名詞形) Shortage of spare parts has reduced these car's availability on the used-car. S C →these car are available
4、上記のパターンの複合化もある e.g.)The doctor's careful examination of the patient brought about his quick discovery. S V O →the doctor examined the patient carefully
To those who delight in bird music it appears strange that there should be many persons who are quite indefferent to it, who will hear you speak of its charm or beauty with impatience and perhaps incredulity. It is probable that in many cases the indifferece is the result of a town life and the dulling effect on the sense of hearing of an atmosphere of loud harsh noises, and also of the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed. Our civilization is a noisy one, and as it increases in noisiness, the smaller, more delicate musical instruments which must be heard in a quiet atmosphere lose their ancient charm and finally becom out of date.
delight in〜=take delight in〜=〜を喜ぶ、楽しむ bird music=the music of the birds=鳥の歌声、さえずり (鳥がさえずる事をbirds sing.と表現するのと同じ発想。musicを縁語として展開する文章を楽しみましょう) To those 〜 it appears strange=It appears strange to those〜 that there should be 〜→shouldはstrangeに呼応したemotional shouldで意外性を表す。 indifferent to it=indifferent to bird music with impatience and perhaps incredulity=impatiently and perhaps incredulously It is probable that〜=Probably〜 is the result of 〜=results from〜 the dulling effect→dullは知能・視力を鈍らせる、という意味。力が有れば、ここでは何を鈍らせているのか考えて訳出せよ。 our civilization=私達の文明 instrumental music=器楽 the smaller, more delicate musical instruments=比較的小さな、微妙な[繊細な]音を出す楽器 their ancient charm=それらの楽器が古くから持っている魅力、
名詞化構文に関する解説 speak of its charm or beauty≒mention how charming and beautiful bird music is
the indifferece is the result of a town life and the dulling effect on the sense of hearing of an atmosphere of loud harsh noises, and also of the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed. = the reason they are indifferent to bird music is because they live in the town and, as the town is full of the atmosphere of loud harsh noises and also the music to which we accustomed is so loud, the sense of hearing become dull.
あ、追記です。 最後の文章のthe smaller, more delicate musical instrumentsが鳥の鳴き声にまつわるものである事が分かるのと同様に、 the instrumental music to which they are accustomedが何を指しているのかも分かります。 実力のある人はそれが分かるように訳出してみてください。
Her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely. I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights. 上記の2文において現れている、それぞれのofの機能の違いについて、よく考えて見ましょう。
>>29 また、of an atmosphere of loud harsh noisesとof the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed の2つの前置詞句の内容が同次元であることを考慮に入れると、alsoの前のandが何と何を結んでいるのか、見えてくるだろう と思われます。
the result of a town life and the dulling effect on the sense of hearing of an atmosphere of loud harsh noises, and also of the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed.
1 >>31が言う通り、何と何が同じ次元のものであるか考えても助けになります。 2 effectの後のonはeffectの影響先を表すのは分かるはずです。 そしてthe sense of hearing ofときて、 この最後のofを目的格関係のofではないか、と見る感覚は優れています。 しかしながら、その後にhearing of an atmosphereと来た時点で、 atmosphereをhearする事が出来るのかを検討する必要が有ります。
また、訳語選択における問題として、 with impatience and perhaps incredulity=impatiently and perhaps incredulously で、「苛立ってなた事によると疑いを持って聞いている」と訳されていますが、 いらいらしながら、事によると疑念心を抱きながら聞いている と〜しながら聞いているとした方が日本語として自然だと思います。
名詞構文の分解については>>19の通りです。 また、恐らくこの文章が出た時、 the smaller, more delicate musical instrumentsは何の事を言っているか、 the instrumental music to which they are accustomedは何の事を言っているか、 といった問題は必ず出ると思うので、何の事を言っているか把握出来る様にしておきましょう。
入試に役立つかどうか分かりませんが、もしよろしければ、和訳してやって下さい。 The door opened, and another prisoner was brought in whose appearance sent a momentary chill through Winston. He was a commonplace, mean-looking man who might have been an engineer or technician of some kind. But what was startling was the emaciation of his face. It was like a skull. Because of its thinness the mouth and eyes looked disproportionately large, and the eyes seemed filled with a murderous, unappeasable hatred of somebody or something.
emaciation >emaciated=thin and weak, usually because of illness or lack of food unappeasable >un+appease+able
When people are asked to choose from a list the best description of how they feel when doing whatever they enjoy doing most --- reading, climbing mountains, playing chess, whatever --- the answer most frequently chosen is “designing or discovering something new.” @[START] At first, it seems strange that dancers, rock climbers, and composers all agree that their most enjoyable experiences resemble a process of discovery. But when we think about it some more, it seems perfectly reasonable that at least some people should enjoy discovering and creating above all else. [END] We are the descendants of ancestors who recognized the importance of novelty, protected those individuals who enjoyed being creative, and learned from them. A[START] Because they had among them individuals who enjoyed exploring and inventing, they were better prepared to face the unpredictable conditions that threatened their survival. So we too share this tendency for enjoying whatever we do, provided we can do it in a new way. [END] This is why creativity, no matter in what domain it takes, is so enjoyable. 「出典 お茶の水女子大学入試問題より」
>>40 the result of a town life and the dulling effect on the sense of hearing of an atmosphere of loud harsh noises, and also of the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed.
a town life and the dulling effect on the sense of hearing でandが使われているので、この後のandは、 of an atomosphere of loud harsh noisesと of the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed を繋いでいます。
>>29 > To those who delight in bird music it appears strange > that there should be many persons who are quite indefferent to it, > who will hear you speak of its charm or beauty with impatience and perhaps incredulity. > > 鳥の歌声を好む人にとって、それに全然関心のない人で、 > あなたが鳥の歌声の魅惑や美しさのことを話しているのを > 苛立ってまた事によると疑いを持って聞いている人が沢山いるなんてことは > 驚くべきことだと思われる。
構文把握レベルを卒業した受験生にとって、 この文で取得したいテクニックは、長い関係詞節の処理。 2つの who節 を全部訳してから、先行詞 many persons にかけると、 さすがに意味が伝わりにくい訳文になる。
> It is probable that in many cases the indifferece is the result of a town life > and the dulling effect on the sense of hearing of an atmosphere of loud harsh noises, > and also of the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed. > > そのことは、無関心な人というのはその多くの場合が都市生活そしてうるさくて耳障りな雑音という、 > 雰囲気を聞き取る感覚を鈍らせる影響による結果であり、 > また彼らが慣れてしまった楽器がうるさいことの結果でもあるということかも知れない。
(1) the result of ( a town life + the dulling effect) (2) [the dulling effect] [on the sence of hearing] [of an atomosphere … + of the loudness …] (3) [S] [have an effect] [on the sence of hearing]. の[S]が [an atomosphere … + the loudness …]
(1)のandは見抜けているのですが、(2)のandが見えていない。 また(3)の名詞構文も見抜けていない。 It is probable that = probably は、「…ことかも知れない」のような弱気ではなく、 「十中八九」といったような強気の発言。
◆補足@◆ (1) the result of ( a town life + the dulling effect) [A] of ( [B] + [C] ) であるが、[C]がかなり長くなっているせいで、 和訳の際、「( [B] + [ C ] ) の[A]」と単にしたのでは、 「[B]の[A]」というつながりが理解しずらくなってしまうことに注意。 ( [B]の[A] ) + ( [C]の[A]) と分解するのが一策。
>>68 > 私見ですが、the instrumental music は「機械的な音色」ととるのはどうでしょう。 > bird music の対比と捉えたのですが。 > > bird music ≒ natural sounds ⇔ instrumental music ≒ artificial sounds > という感じです。
the smaller, more delicate musical instruments which must be heard in a quiet atmosphere lose their ancient charm and finally become out of date. から、instrument はあくまで「楽器」であることは明らかです。
>>19で書いたように、鳥のさえずりをbird musicと表現し、 musicを縁語として展開させ、都会の喧噪と、自然の音(とくに鳥の鳴き声)を対比させていると読めます。 それが分かるのは、 the instrumental music to which they are accustomed の部分です。 なぜわざわざ「instrumental」と書いたのでしょうか。 都会の慣れ親しんでいる音楽なら、 声が入っているものも多いですし、 わざわざ「instrumental」と入れる必要はなかったわけです。 この場合、人間の声が入っていない音楽、を奏でる「楽器」というのは、 街(の音をだすもの)としての機械であり、 それに対比された、音楽は、自然の音(特にここでは鳥の鳴き声)であり、 ふるくからの魅力を持っている、という文脈にもつながります。
bird music は、bird と song, sing などとよく使われますから、 十分に相手に伝わる表現ですが、 the instrumental music the smaller, more delicate musical instruments which must be heard を、「都会の喧騒」の比喩なんてのは、無理がありすぎます。
ま、俺の意見を言わせてもらえば、 >「都会の喧噪という名の」音楽 これはひどい間違い。an atomosphere of loud harsh noisesとthe instrumental music to which they are accustomedの並立が見えていない。もしくはなぜ並立されているのかが分かっていない。 もし後者が「都会の喧騒という名の」音楽を意味するとしたら前者と重複する。ならばこういう書き方はするはずがない。 この程度も分からないようで、大学受かるんかね。どこ志望しているのか知らんけど。 おそらくinstrumental musicに自分が親しんでいないから、誤読したんだな。 下線部訳の基本は正しい解釈に基づく直訳。日本語として意味が通らない場合に、意訳をするといい。
この文では、a town life にあるものとして、 ・of an atmosphere of loud harsh noises ・and also of the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed と2つが挙げられています。 前者が noises 、後者が music と、わざわざ使い分けられています。 後者を「都会の喧騒」とするより、前者 noises を「喧騒」と考えるほうが自然です。
the smaller, more delicate musical instruments で、 must be heard in a quiet atmosphere, ancient, out of order といわれたら、 この種の「楽器」をそのままイメージするほうが、 無理に「鳥の鳴き声」に例えるより自然なのです。
To those who delight in bird music it appears strange that there should be many persons who are quite indefferent to it, who will hear you speak of its charm or beauty with impatience and perhaps incredulity. It is probable that in many cases the indifferece is the result of a town life and the dulling effect on the sense of hearing of an atmosphere of loud harsh noises, and also of the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed. Our civilization is a noisy one, and as it increases in noisiness, the smaller, more delicate musical instruments which must be heard in a quiet atmosphere lose their ancient charm and finally becom out of date.
ID:Qiqx8b0C0 しつこいなあきみは。 別に間違いだと認めてもいいじゃないか。 言ってることが分からなくなってきたぞw many personsのうちin many case十中八九they are accustomedだろうとつながるわけだろ。 別に何の疑問もない。都会に住んでいる人がみな、という意味では全然ないよ。
>>241 noiseに包まれている、という事から、 それに慣れている、という話は簡単に出てきます。 そのため、わざわざto which they are accustomedと付ければ、 instrumental musicはnoiseを指す事になります。 (器楽に都会の人間がほぼ慣れ親しんでいる、という時代・場所を除いて)
an atmosphere of loud harsh noises と the loudness of the instrumental music to which they are accustomed による the dulling effect on the sense of hearing
I was once taken to see a Buddhist temple,where I was told: "To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven.The same key opens the gates to hell." And so it is with science. Lacking any instructions as to which gate is which, some of us may be inclined to throw the key away. (物理学者 R.P.Feynman ) 語句;incline to do ...したくなる 【勉強ポイント】こんなwhich も覚えておこう。
What with the threat of bird flu, the reality of HIV, and the general unseemliness of having one's cell pressed into labour on behalf of something alien and microscopic, it is small wonder that people don't much like viruses.(2007東大後期理系)
【語句】what with..,and..何々やら、何々やらで。flu イン・フル・エンザ、 HIV ヒト免疫不全ウイルスつまり、エイズ・ウイルス(エイズは病名、 原疾ウイルス名が HIV) unseemliness 不適切さ、on behalf of ...の利益のために。 small wonder あまり不思議でない、virus ウイルス
My mind is racing,trying in vain to remember when he'd ever given me such praise, when he'd ever acknowledged who I was, or what I did, or what I'd achieved, or what it had cost me.(2006・滋賀医大)
【語句】in vain ....するも無駄で 【勉強ポイント】間接疑問って言うのかな、このwhen とか what.
engineerとtechnicianについて ここでは、後ろのof some kindから分かるように、これら2つの単語は、はっきりと特定された意味 では使われていない、と考えられます。そこで、それぞれの単語の意味を辞書で調べますと、 engineer=a person who is trained to repair machines and electrical equipment technician=a person whose job is keeping a particular type of equipment or machinery in good condition とそれぞれなっています(いくつか語義がある中で、最も特定的でないと思われるものを抽出)。 つまり、両方とも、「機械やらコンピュータやらを修理したり、整備したりする人物」といったところを表しています。 このように考えますと、当の人物が実際どのような職業に従事しているのか、外見だけでは具体的に特定できない故に、 自分が受けた大まかな印象を、engineerとtechnicianという類似した単語で、表したと推測されます。
We may not even think about how much irreplaceable time we waste to save a few pennies. Is it worth it to wander through a giant discount mart,searching for picture hangers,when the neighborhood hardware-store owner would point to them immediately? (2003・関西学院大)
次の英文は、>>39の英文の続きです。好奇心旺盛で物好きな受験生、もしくは時間が余って仕方が無い受験生は是非挑戦してみて下さい。 The man sat down on the bench at a little distance from Winston. Winston did not look at him again, but the tormented, skull-like face was as vivid in his mind as though it had been straight in front of his eyes. Suddenly he realized what was the matter. The man was dying of starvation. The same thought seemed to occur almost simultaneously to everyone in the cell. There was a very faint stirring all the way round the bench. The eyes of the chinless man kept flitting towards the skull-faced man, then turning guiltily away, then being dragged back by an irresistible attraction. Presently he began to fidget on his seat. At last he stood up, waddled clumsily across the cell, dug down into the pocket of his overalls, and, with an abashed air, held out a grimy piece of bread to the skull-faced man.
simultaneously >simultaneous=happening or done at the same time as sth else
chinless=(of a man) having a very small chin (often thought of as a sign of a weak character) *ここでは、「余りにも太っていて顎が無い(脂肪で埋もれてしまっている)」の意。the chinless manは、 骨囚人が連れてこられる前から、監房にいる人物。監房には、ウィンストンを含め、6人いて、そこに骨囚人が加わった。
fidget=to keep moving your body, your hands or your feet because you are nervous, bored, excited, etc.
waddle=to walk with short steps, swinging from side to side, like a duck
abashed=embarrassed and ashamed because of sth that you have done
We get a much better and more supportive image of society and community if, together with respect for rights, we emphasize our responsibilities to look after each other.
>>317 ひょっとして、きのう訳文をくれた子かな? すまない。解説がそっけなかったか? たまたま上でも if , when が俎上にでているから 関学の文、もういっぺん俺なりに解説試みるわ。
We may not even think about how much irreplaceable time we waste to save a few pennies. 文を少し離れて眺めると、真ん中の、 「かけがえの無い時間を、なんて大量に、俺達は、消費」 というのが、中心ネタになっているのがわかる。
It is worth it to wander through a giant discount mart, searching for picture hangers, when the neighborhood hard-ware store owner would point to them immediately<?> 全体が疑問文なんだよな。主語Itはto wanderだよね。 これは訳せていたからいいよな。問題はwhenです。 「大型ショップを節約のためにウロウロする」 「金物屋ならすぐ商品を出す」 これをwhen がつないでいる。
次の英文は、>>285の続きです。「暇過ぎて死にそう」という方は、是非挑戦して見て下さい。 ‘Bumstead!’ roared the voice. ‘2713 Bumstead J.! Let fall that piece of bread!’
The chinless man dropped the piece of bread on the floor.
‘Remain standing where you are,’ said the voice. ‘Face the door. Make no movement.’
The chinless man obeyed. His large pouchy cheeks were quivering uncontrollably. The door clanged open. As the young officer entered and stepped aside, there emerged from behind him a short stumpy guard with enormous arms and shoulders. He took his stand opposite the chinless man, and then, at a signal from the officer, let free a frightful blow, with all the weight of his body behind it, full in the chinless man’s mouth. The force of it seemed almost to knock him clear of the floor. His body was flung across the cell and fetched up against the base of the lavatory seat. For a moment he lay as though stunned, with dark blood oozing from his mouth and nose. A very faint whimpering or squeaking, which seemed unconscious, came out of him. Then he rolled over and raised himself unsteadily on hands and knees. Amid a stream of blood and saliva, the two halves of a dental plate fell out of his mouth.
>>326 the voice: 監房の壁に取り付けられてあるtelescreenからの声。この監房には4つのtelescreenがある。 telescreenは、映像を送り込むと同時に、その視野の中に入っている者の動きを監視する装置である。 また映像だけでなく音声の送受信も行っており、その聴覚は心臓の音の微妙な変化を聞き分けられるほどである。
pouchy: 袋のある(ここでは、顔が余りにも太っているために、ほっぺたが袋状に膨れ且つ垂れ下がっていることである) stumpy: short and thick fetch up: to arrive somewhere without planning to ooze: if a thick liquid oozes from a place, or if sth oozes a thick liquid, the liquid flows from the place slowly saliva: the liquid that is produced in your mouth that helps you to swallow food
The notice on the tabaco pack for health damage is to change from general warnings like "Smoking might damage your health." to concrete ones like "Smokers are at two to four times greater risk than non-smokers to die of lung cancer."
採点方法 1問20点満点とする。採点は減点法で行い、減点数は以下のとおり。 @ スペルミス・訳出漏れ -2 A 不明瞭・訳出不良or不足 -2 B 語法・文法の間違え -3
The notice on the tabaco pack for health damage is to change from general warnings like "Smoking might damage your health." to concrete ones like "Smokers are at two to four times greater risk than non-smokers to die of lung cancer."
☆「tabaco」たばこはtabaco? -2 ☆「現在の」「約」訳出漏れ -4 ☆「notice」この場合の注意文(警告文)はnoticeではない -2 ☆「for health damage」このforはなに? -2 ☆「Smoking might damage your health.」仮定法にすると、実際は害を与えてない印象にならないかな? -2 ☆「to die of lung cancer」よくわからない -3 ☆「than」ofのがいいような・・・ -0
A package of cigarettes is warning against the soft threat to health. For the future, 2-4 times higher death rate from lung cancer will take place of it.
採点方法 1問20点満点とする。採点は減点法で行い、減点数は以下のとおり。 @ スペルミス・訳出漏れ -2 A 不明瞭・訳出不良or不足 -2 B 語法・文法の間違え -3 C その他 -1 ~ -3
A package of cigarettes is warning against the soft threat to health. For the future, 2-4 times higher death rate from lung cancer will take place of it.
☆「For the future」いらない -1 ☆「2-4 times higher death rate from lung cancer will take place of it.」よくわからない -3 ☆「take place of it」placeの前にtheが抜けている -1 ☆全体的に訳出不足なので評価のしようがありません
Warnings against health damage written on cigarette packs are to change from the current commonly-used sentence into the specific one; that is to say, “Smoking can possibly do harm to your health” replaces “Smoker’s risk of dying of lung cancer increases nearly two to four times compared with non-smoker’s.”
>>328 よろしくお願いします。 A decision was reached to change cautionary notices inscribed on cigarette packets as to health hazards; whereupon the present warning generally saying that "Smoking might undermine your health" will be replaced by the one which says more specifically that "Smokers are about two to four times likelier to be killed by lung cancer than non-smokers.
採点方法 1問20点満点とする。採点は減点法で行い、減点数は以下のとおり。 @ スペルミス・訳出漏れ -2 A 不明瞭・訳出不良or不足 -2 B 語法・文法の間違え -3 C その他 -1 ~ -3
A decision was reached to change cautionary notices inscribed on cigarette packets as to health hazards; whereupon the present warning generally saying that "Smoking might undermine your health" will be replaced by the one which says more specifically that "Smokers are about two to four times likelier to be killed by lung cancer than non-smokers.
There is full every year, of course, and it typically kills about 36,000 Americans, mostly the elderly. But for that very reason, most people have been exposed to it and have acquired at least partial immunity to the common varieties, which typically are hybrids of human and animal viruses. But H5N1---like the 1918 virus, which has just been reconstructed by researchers---crossed the species barrier from chickens almost intact. Almost no one on Earth has any immunity at all, and ordinary vaccines are useless against it. It is, moreover, devastatingly lethal, for reasons not fully understood, killing nearly half the people known to have contracted it (although some researchers think mild cases might have gone unreported, making the mortality rate seem higher).
【出典】Newsweek October 31, 2005 The Fight Against the Flu ---The lethal H5N1 virus was found last week in birds in Europe. So far it has spread between humans in only a few suspected cases, but with no cure in sight, global health officails are nervously watching their borders and preparing for the worst.
If,when we did as we were told,the total effects of our so doing,when they happened,were always such as we would not have chosen,had we known, then we should seek better advice,or,if prevented from so doing,either work out our own salvation or become persons with some moral defect
Sensationalism is the answer most often heard. Bad news sells, they say. Perhaps. After all, the bottom lime is the bottom line. But I would hold that there is another more plausible, if less obvious reason, a latent function if you will, that lies at the bottom of it − the reaffirmation of the core values of society.
Newspaper ownership ,Squires says, gradually passed "into the hands of corporate managers less concerned with press tradition than with business profitability." And while corporations gobbled up shares as fast as papers were offering stock,they also accumulated power,which they couldn't help but exercise. Corporate culture along with its conformity and morality− arrived at daily newspapers. 質問ばっかすみません。 ここの↑の、help but exercise はどのように解読すればよいのでしょう?
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has announced resignation Wednesday - bringing to an end his fight to boost the image of his ruling Liberal Democratic Party following a series of scandals this past year.
Mr. Abe made the announcement in Tokyo during a nationally televised news conference. He says he is stepping down because Japan needs a new leader to effectively fight against terrorism.
Last week, Mr. Abe said he would resign if lawmakers did not extend a Japanese naval mission in support of U.S.-led anti-terrorism operations in Afghanistan. Japan's navy has been refueling coalition warships in the Indian Ocean since 2001. The mission is set to expire November first.
The opposition Democratic Party, which won Upper House elections in July, opposes the extension in the current parliamentary debate.
Mr. Abe came into office a year ago, promising to boost Japan's participation in global security.
Mr. Abe's party has faced a series of scandals and ministerial resignations for financial wrongdoing.
I have no confidence in my English skills. Hence, I added the sentence "I can't guarantee that my translation is right." There is nothing more to it than that.
I'm not what is called here 'Q chan', and I know of 'Orion' only by its name. But 'snot' is the word which can be appropriately applied to me since, as you can judge from the quality of the English I use, I'm anything but a man of excellence.
伊藤和夫は、それぞれの構文を理解する秘訣は同種の構文を大量に読むことだ、というようなことを、 著作において、言っていたように思われる。 というわけで、[so 動詞 that ...]を含む文を1つ。
On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran.
映画における色彩の意味 Color is also used to convey point of view or identity in Coppola's Rumble Fish, in which it arises from the subjective representation of the colorblindness of the protagonist's older brother. Interestingly,Rusty,the protagonist's name,is also a word for a color (a shade of red) and the implication is that his older brother can't see him. In the final scene, after his brother is dead, he sees himself in color in a reflection in the window of the police car and he goes into a rage.
With the exception of the novel "The Shining" and perhaps one other,Kubrick avoided books that were enormously popular. In fact, the opposite,as it were,happened. Some of the novels on which he based his films bacame popular only after the release of the film.(2007東京工業大学)
The study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association was based on medical records of at least 14,000 children and teenagers in the metropolitan area of northeastern Ohio. It concluded that only one-fourth of children with high blood pressure were correctly diagnosed. Researchers in the study used the statistics they compiled to estimate the number of undiagnosed children across the United States. Doctors say that obesity and the global popularity of the so-called western diet -- a diet high in fat, salt and sugar, as well a trend toward less exercise -- are major reasons for the increase in hypertension. Heredity is also a factor. If parents have high blood pressure, the child may also follow that trend. The study found that doctors often interpreted the numbers incorrectly, neglecting weight, height, sex and age when taking patients' blood pressure. One of the study's authors, Dr. David Kaelber of Children's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, says doctors themselves should be more alert to these clues. "What pediatricians are not doing enough is really concentrating on blood pressures that are taken and looking to see if they fall in the normal or abnormal range," he said. One report from India says the U.S. hypertension study confirms similar findings among children in Delhi and Mumbai. One Indian doctor agreed with his American colleagues that if high blood pressure is not curtailed during the early years, there will just be more damage caused by the time the child becomes an adult. Again, Dr. David Kaelber. "Hopefully the study will be seen as a wakeup call, both for providers and really for parents and patients."
(1) children with high blood pressure が増えている原因を日本語でまとめなさい。
(2) children with high blood pressure が問題視されている原因を日本語でまとめなさい。
(1)この辺りをまとめればOK obesity and the global popularity of the so-called western diet -- a diet high in fat, salt and sugar, as well a trend toward less exercise -- are major reasons for the increase in hypertension. Heredity is also a factor. If parents have high blood pressure, the child may also follow that trend. The study found that doctors often interpreted the numbers incorrectly, neglecting weight, height, sex and age when taking patients' blood pressure.
(2) What pediatricians are not doing enough 以下の文章をまとめればOK
What Epicurus,who never travelled except when he was banished from his counntry,sought in his own garden ,our tourists seek abroad. And do they find their happiness? Those who frequently visit tourist resorts must often find this question ,with a tentative answer in the negative ,fairly forced upon them. For tourists are,in the main,a very gloomy-looking trive.
With America's summer travel months having come to an end, U.S. oil consumption typically drops until the weather turns cold and demand for home heating oil rises. Americans are accustomed to seeing gasoline prices drop in the months of September and October, but that may not happen this year, according to some analysts. Energy consultant Peter Beutel says, now that the $80 a barrel price ceiling has been breached, prices could continue to climb - or even skyrocket - in the months ahead. "Now that we have broken the all-time highs, there are a lot of people expecting that we will continue to make new highs on a regular basis, potentially to 90, 100 [dollars a barrel] or even higher than that," Beutel said. "One can make arguments for chart objectives as high as $118 a barrel." Other analysts say speculative buying is fueling high oil prices. They doubt that global demand for petroleum in coming months will be strong enough to sustain current price levels, much less drive them even higher. What effect does expensive gasoline have on ordinary Americans? A new study suggests it leads to belt tightening, literally and figuratively. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri say they have found that when gasoline prices go up, obesity rates in the United States go down. The researchers theorize that higher energy costs lead Americans to drive less and seek out other means of transportation, such as walking to a subway stop or riding a bicycle - activities that burn calories. In addition, higher energy costs leave Americans with less cash to spend at restaurants and at the grocery store. End result? Slimmer wallets and slimmer waistlines.
(1)このあたりをまとめればOK Energy consultant Peter Beutel says, now that the $80 a barrel price ceiling has been breached, prices could continue to climb - or even skyrocket - in the months ahead. "Now that we have broken the all-time highs, there are a lot of people expecting that we will continue to make new highs on a regular basis, potentially to 90, 100 [dollars a barrel] or even higher than that," Beutel said. "One can make arguments for chart objectives as high as $118 a barrel." Other analysts say speculative buying is fueling high oil prices. They doubt that global demand for petroleum in coming months will be strong enough to sustain current price levels, much less drive them even higher.
(2)このあたりをまとめればOK A new study suggests it leads to belt tightening, literally and figuratively. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri say they have found that when gasoline prices go up, obesity rates in the United States go down. The researchers theorize that higher energy costs lead Americans to drive less and seek out other means of transportation, such as walking to a subway stop or riding a bicycle - activities that burn calories. In addition, higher energy costs leave Americans with less cash to spend at restaurants and at the grocery store. End result? Slimmer wallets and slimmer waistlines.
Logan's basic premise,that Chinese characters are inherently less abstract than alphabetic characters, is incorrect.Take, for example, the character 他, representing the third person singular pronoun "ta." The left hand component, the "person" radical, indicates that this character vaguely has something to do with a person or people.The right side is a phonetic component indicating that this character rhymed with 也,now pronounced "ye." Thus Logan's claim that Chinese characters represent the "idea of a word" is baseless.
>>433 それを検証するのに丁度いい問題があるよ。 京大受験生の誰もが知らなかった単語[patina]の意味を、文意から推察 させて和訳させるという1998年京大2番。辞書を見ないで[patina] が和訳出来たら、英語を英語で理解できると見てよかろう。レジメで行く からやってみ。patina 以外は辞書引いていいよ。 The word "patina"refers to the surface color and finish built up by age, wear and polishing.On wooden furniture,a patina shows depth and grain and indicates that the piece has aged.Indeed, this mellowed color is one of the things about antique furniture that collectors love most. ここまで読んで、次の英文を和訳せよ。読めたら英語のまま理解できる頭脳。 If you have a cupboard,for instance,with a top and bottom that started life on different pieces of furniture,the color of patina on each section will be somewhat different.Patina is also an important indicator of fake antiques.
Emergence is a term used in the study of complex systems,including physical, biological,social, and economic systems. Emergence refers to the process by which a higher level of organization arises through the aggregation and interaction of lower level components. Classic examples of emergent forms include flocks of birds, or schools of fish, giant termite "cathedrals," and certain multi-author software projects such as the open-source encyclopedia, Wikipedia. (Robert.K.Logan)
【語句】complex systems 複雑系、aggregation 集積、flock群れ、 school魚群、 termite シロアリ
An example of emergence that is familiar to many Internet users is the recommendation system in Amazon.com. Here collaborative filtering software is used to generate new and unpredictable patterns of related products, by methodically processing the myriad choices, explicit and implicit,made by customers as they interact with the database of displayed books, CDs, and other products. The massive database of products and users enables emergent patterns that mimic the subtle nuances of human aesthetic and literary judgement and may even rival the accuracy of a trusted friend or colleague.
Tens of thousands of immigrant workers will be forced to learn English before they are allowed into Britain under a plan presented Monday by Prime Minister Gordon Brown. But the workers unions say this requirement, if implemented, would be discriminatory.
The rules, expected to reduce the number of people entering Britain by at least 35,000 a year, will affect those from countries outside the European Union who are seeking to work and settle permanently in Britain. Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced the move at the annual conference of the Trades Union Congress, the umbrella group representing Britain's workers unions. "Let me add for those who come to Britain to do skilled work we will first require you learn English, a requirement we are prepared to extend to lower skilled workers as well," he said. The government says about a third of the 96,000 skilled migrants who entered Britain from outside the European Union last year would not have been able to show that they could speak English well enough to pass the equivalent of a high school exam. Under the government's new system, there are three work categories for immigrants coming to Britain from outside the European Union - highly skilled, skilled, and low-skilled workers. The first two groups eventually can settle permanently in Britain; the third group cannot. Owen Tudor of the Trades Union Congress says this is discriminatory, because it only applies to workers from outside the European Union. He says it is also important for foreign workers to learn
English so they can integrate into society and understand health and safety signs at work. Tudor added it would also protect them against exploitation and enable them to join unions. "I think it will not help to develop community cohesion by keeping some people out and letting some people in on the basis of their knowledge of English," he said. Tudor said he would rather see the government restore funding for teaching English to foreigners, which he says the government has been cutting. He said employers also have a role to play to ensure that the staff they recruit has the opportunity to learn English so they can integrate into society. The British government is also reviewing whether the new restrictions should be extended to low-skilled workers, such as fruit pickers, even though they are not allowed to settle permanently in Britain. The new rules have a handful of exemptions, including international soccer players signed by Premier League clubs who will be allowed in for "practical reasons."
(1) 英政府が the new restriction を導入する背景と、その具体的な内容を日本語で説明なさい。
>>445 答えだけ提示しておきます。 ※本文より抜粋しただけなので、これらを設問の解答となるよう日本語でうまくまとめる必要があります。 (1) 背景 The government says about a third of the 96,000 skilled migrants who entered Britain from outside the European Union last year would not have been able to show that they could speak English well enough to pass the equivalent of a high school exam.
その具体的な内容 Under the government's new system, there are three work categories for immigrants coming to Britain from outside the European Union - highly skilled, skilled, and low-skilled workers. The first two groups eventually can settle permanently in Britain; the third group cannot.
(2) @問題点 Owen Tudor of the Trades Union Congress says this is discriminatory, because it only applies to workers from outside the European Union. "I think it will not help to develop community cohesion by keeping some people out and letting some people in on the basis of their knowledge of English,"
A改善点 it is also important for foreign workers to learn English so they can integrate into society and understand health and safety signs at work. Tudor added it would also protect them against exploitation and enable them to join unions. Tudor said he would rather see the government restore funding for teaching English to foreigners The British government is also reviewing whether the new restrictions should be extended to low-skilled workers, such as fruit pickers, even though they are not allowed to settle permanently in Britain.
Cosmologists are addressing some of the fundamental questions that people attempted to resolve over the centuries through philosophical thinking, but we are doing so based on systematic observation and a quantitative methodology. Perhaps the greatest triumph of the past century has been a model of the universe that is supported by a large body of data. The value of such a model to our society is sometimes underappreciated.
あと、Cosmologistsが哲学的によって、addressingしてて、 私達が、systematic observation and a quantitative methodologyによって doing so(addressing?)してるって、何か逆な感じがしてならないんです。 意味的には、逆な感じがするんですが、文的には逆じゃないっていうか・・・。
According to the rules of reason, a given conclusion is to be deemed true if, and only if, it flows from a logical sequence of thoughts founded on sound initial premises. And if rational examination revealed that we had been unfairly treated by the community, philosophers recommended that we be no more bothered by the judgement than we would be if we had been approached by a confused person bent on proving that two and two amounted to five.
勉強ポイント;【if, and only if,〜】〜が必要十分条件ですよ!の意。 評論文では頻出。if only しさえすれば、というのと混同しないように。 deem〜と考えられる、sound健全な、premise前提、recommend忠告する bother 困らせる、confuse混乱させる、bent on 〜ing一心不乱に〜する
A man and his son are in a serious car accident. The father is killed, and the son is rushed to the emergency room. Upon arrival, the attending docter looks at the child and gasps, "This child is my son!" Who is the doctor?
【入試実践問題C】【be convinced that を使った劇的時制】 劇的現在時制の応用問題。これは難文。
And so I went to the party calm in my conviction that for once I was wearing something that did not look as though it had been run up by loving hands at home.
>>485>>489 しらーとして、で、いいかもしれんな。他の出席者がセレブばっか だったとして、ひとりビンボー覚悟で出席、かな。仕立て「られた」、だね。 about as far as ってよくでてくる。about は〜の辺ぐらいまで、 ってカンジで「できるだけ遠くまで、」。I=he、 you=Jay の抽出話法。 >一回の機会で何回も投げた 俺も以前そう訳して、怒られた。投げる事ができたし、一回より多かった。 一度ならず投げる事が出来ていた、と持っていくらしいですよ、ココ。 死にたい、と言われたら、俺はもう死んでいるよ笑。英語は単にアンキ、暗記。
最も重要な疑問を挙げて下さったのは、あなた。 この文のcalm の、こんな使い方ありか?でもめた。 副詞が入らないとだめじゃないか、誤植じゃないか、って。 結局、go to the party とgo calm (get pale とかbecome wiser みたいな) のまとめたカンジか、といわれている。原著者のスタイルだとあきらめる しかないかも。おとなしく、しぶしぶ、おちついて、割り切って、しらーと、 前後の文脈で訳は変わってくるでしょうが、calm の品詞に納得がゆかない ということを見抜けたのは、実力派。
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has begun a two-day peace mission to the Middle East.
Secretary Rice meets with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem, Wednesday, before heading to the West Bank, Thursday, for talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The parties are hammering out a document on Palestinian statehood to be presented at an international peace conference in the United States, probably in November. Israeli spokesman Mark Regev says Israel wants to strengthen the Abbas government in the West Bank, after the Islamic militant group Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in a Palestinian civil war, three months ago. "Obviously we deal with the legitimate Palestinian government and the current Palestinian government is headed by people who are moderate, people who are pragmatic and people who are committed to peace. And we want to work with them," he said. But Israel and the Palestinians have drastically different visions for the document on Palestinian statehood. Israel wants a vague declaration of principles. The Palestinians want commitments on final status issues, such as Jerusalem, refugees and borders. President Abbas says that would be a breakthrough. "If we conclude it, I believe that when we present it to the international conference it will be a good sign to reach to the peace treaty with the Israelis," he said. However, the Palestinians are threatening not to attend the peace conference if Israel does not go beyond vague declarations. During her brief visit here, Secretary of State Rice will try to bridge the gaps. *West Bank:ヨルダン川西岸(イスラエル隣接のヨルダン川西方地域のこと)
(1) Secretary of State Rice will try to bridge the gaps とはどういうことか、 具体的に日本語で説明なさい。
Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen. It was safer, though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing. A kilometre away the Ministry of Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape. This, he thought with a sort of vague distaste---this was London, chief city of Airstrip One, itself the third most populous of the provinces of Oceania. He tried to squeeze out some childhood memory that should tell him whether London had always been quite like this. Were there always these vistas of rotting nineteenth-century houses, their sides shored up with baulks of timber, their windows patched with cardboard and their roofs with corrugated iron, their crazy garden walls sagging in all directions? And the bombed sites where the plaster dust swirled in the air and the willow-herb straggled over the heaps of rubble; and the places where the bombs had cleared a larger patch and there had sprung up sordid colonies of wooden dwellings like chicken-houses? But it was no use, he could not remember: nothing remained of his childhood except a series of bright-lit tableaux occurring against no background and mostly unintelligible.
People of the Western world,particularly Americans,tend to think of time as something fixed in nature,something around us from which we cannot escape,an ever-present part of the environment,just like the air we breathe. (A)That it might be experienced in any other way seems unnatural and strange ,a feeling which is rarely modified even when we begin to discover how really differently it is handled by some other people.
That it might be experienced in any other way seems unnatural and strange ,a feeling which is rarely modified even when we begin to discover how really differently it is handled by some other people. it=time 「時間が他の方法で経験されるかもしれないということは、不自然で奇妙に思われる。」 unnatural and strangeと思えるその感覚を、a feelingで受けている。 「その感覚は、時間が他の人々によってどれほど実に異なる扱いを受けているかを、私たちが発見し始めたときでさえ、 めったに修正されることがないのである。」
>>521出題のセンセ That one may 〜は、祈願・願望を表す、という判断で that は単なるexperience の目的語ではないだろう、と おもって、こんな婉曲的表現にしました。 頭の固い西洋的合理主義に批判的な立場の著者から見ると 合理的時間概念はもう少しアジアやアフリカの輪廻転生とか を身に付けて欲しい、という願望を表したかったのかな、と。 it is handled のit もアメリカ式時間概念、つまり前文の 内容を漠然と受けているという風に判断しました。 is experienced のところで、何が何を経験する、のかを一番 知りたいです。 >>522さん 「時間が他の方法で経験される」とは具体的にどのようなことなのか 良かったら解説してくださいませんか。
>>524 まずはthatの役割を間違えてます。thatは接続詞で名詞節を作っています。 なぜ接続詞かと判断できるかというと、直後の「it might be experienced in any other way 」 の部分が完全な文章だから(受身形だから要素がひとつ欠落) 祈願の用法だとMay S Vの形になってるはずでわ?ですから推量。 ちなみにthat節の中を能動態に直すと Someone might experience it in another way(someoneは補った) 訳すと「誰かがそれを他の方法で経験する」のですが、another wayってのは「何」とは違う様に なのか?「西洋的な経験の仕方」とは違うようにだとわかります。 そもそも西洋人以外には「西洋の経験の仕方」を経験することはできないでしょ。 今は時間の「西洋的経験の仕方」を議論しているからit=time that節内のitがわかれば後半のitは形からわかります。 「handled」=「experienced」「differently」=「in another way」で言い変えしてますから つまり「西欧の人意外が時間を異なった様に経験するかもしれない」 ということです。 >>Qちゃん 完璧です。Qちゃんは九大生じゃなかったっけ?笑 >>523 私もその「a]が疑問なんですよ。実はこの板なら誰かが解説してくれるのでは と少々期待していたんですよ・・・
>>533 そうですよ、そのことをチベットだの、南米マチュピチュだのの 例を挙げていっているつもりなのですが。 it might be experienced in any other way の「it」 を「時間」と訳すより「時間に対する西洋人の認識」 という前文を受た形で訳さないと、「他でもまれたら」奇妙に思われる、 という述語に合わない、と言っているのです。 西洋的時間が、他を経験すると、西洋的には奇妙、たりえる。 一般的な「時間」だけなら、どこへ行こうが、誰に思考されようが 奇妙という判断は誰にも下せないわけです。 前者のit は「西洋人の考える時間概念」、後者のit も、どちらかといえば 西洋人時間、であるべし、と思っています。 基本的にあなたの主張は正しく、私も同じ意見なのですが、だったら it は「時間」じゃないんじゃないの、とさっきから言っておるのでして。
It wasn't supposed to be this way. In the immediate aftermath of Abe's sudden resignation on Sept. 12, it was Aso — the conservative, high profile ex-Foreign Minister — who had the inside track. A comic book–loving populist — his most recent book was titled Awesome Japan — Aso had finished second to Abe in last year's LDP presidential election, and generally scored well with the public. But like a radioactive bomb, Abe's departure was so disastrous that it contaminated anyone near him, particularly Aso, who reportedly knew of the Prime Minister's coming resignation days before it was announced.
*It wasn't supposed to be this way: it=自民党の総裁争いの行方/this=流れが福田の方へと一気に傾いたこと *Awesome Japan: 「とてつもない日本」(新潮新書)
Why aren't copies of great paintings shown in the public art galleries that lack them? The reason given is that full appreciation of a painting depends on the belief that it is the original specimen touched by the artist's own hands. One concedes that full appreciation of a holy relic or a tailor-made suit depends on such a belief.
University scientists in the United States have taken what they say is an important step in the effort to end malaria. At Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, scholars recently identified a sugar in mosquitoes that helps explain, for the first time, the mechanism of the malaria parasite invasion. The finding could be a key element for a vaccine development in the fight against malaria.
"I am removing the males only, because the males are not important to our research work. Males do not blood feed, they feed on sugar only," says researcher Rhoel Ramos Ding-lasan. He is dissecting the type of mosquito that transmits the malaria parasite that kills about three million people each year around the world. Experts report the understanding and control of the malaria parasite is one of the most serious scientific challenges of all time. This week, scientists at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute announced they identified a sugar in mosquitoes that the malaria-causing parasite [Plasmodium falciparum] needs. The sugar is essential in the parasite's movement within the midgut section of a mosquito's body. "This is the mosquito gut, filled with blood," demonstrates Professor Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena, the senior author of the research. He says that by stopping the production of that sugar, the parasite dies.
"The second step, which was a definite proof, was to -- by genetic means -- interrupt sugar production. So we infected those impaired mosquitoes with the parasite and we found that, indeed, the parasite was unable to traverse the midgut." But the scientists say it is difficult to treat the mosquitoes in nature. They suggest a human vaccination with antibodies that would block sugar production in the mosquito. When a mosquito feeds on human blood, it would ingest the antibody. The new finding brings scientists one-step closer to developing effective malaria vaccines. Jacobs-Lorena adds,"The best hope we have is that we have a combination of transmission blocking vaccine that the antibody works in the mosquito stage, combined with infection blocking, so that people are protected." Now 20 years into his work, Jacobs-Lorena says it will take 10 to 15 more years to find practical applications. Still, he says this new study -- along with research on mosquito gene medication -- puts scientists closer every day to eradicate malaria.
(1) 本文を日本語で要約なさい。但し、要約する個所は第二パラグラフ "I am removing the males only, から to eradicate malaria. までとし、指定語数は 100字以内とする。(句読点も字数に含む)
There was a pier-glass between the windows of the room. A very thin and very agile person may,by observing his reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate conception of his looks.
Why aren't copies of great paintings shown in the public art galleries that lack them? The reason given is that full appreciation of a painting depends on the belief that it is the original specimen touched by the artist's own hands. One concedes that full appreciation of a holy relic or a tailor-made suit depends on such a belief. 偉大な絵画をもたない公共美術館において、なぜ偉大な絵画の複写が 展示されないのか?。 考えられる理由は、絵画とは芸術家の手で触れた原画であるとする信念 に、絵画鑑賞が完全に依るからである。 神聖な遺品や仕立て製の服の鑑賞が、そのような信念に完全に依る ことを、人は認めるのである。
we are forced , I think, to the conclusion that, taking the large view , the life of the individual has no real existence or importance apart from the great whole ; that he is here indeed but to serve for his brief moment his community , his race , his planets, his universe; and then , passing on the torch of life undiminished to others, his little task accomplished , to die and be forgotten.
恐ろしい受験生だね。こんな難しい英文をもってくるとは。 the great wholeの日本語訳、2つあるto不定詞の用法の選択など、 少なくとも抽象的思考力の無い僕にとっては、非常に難解だった。 そうして悩みに悩みぬいた末に、出て来た答えがこれだから、 僕の力は明らかに低レヴェルだと言わなくちゃいけない。 出題者失格だな。
>>588,589 自分は出題者ではないが、 he is { here indeed } but {to serve 〜,} and {to [ die and be forgotten ] } とみるべき。つまり here と to serve と to die and be forgotten が並列されて補語になっている。 最後の to die and be forgotten は we are forced に繋がっているのかとも考えたが、直前に his little task があったので除外した。
>>590 個人的な考えだが、訳語にこだわるのはあまり良くない傾向だと思う。 >>587で言いたかったのは、fullを文修飾などに捉えて苦し紛れの意訳に逃げるのは良くないということ。 full appreciation of a painting は appreciate a painting fully と節表現に開いて捉えるべき。 the belief that 〜 も「〜という信条、信念」などとせず、believe that 〜 に開く。 depend on は「 〜にかかっている、〜かどうかによる」という意味だから、 『絵画を十分に楽しめるかは、それが芸術家が手ずから書き上げた本物だと信じるかどうかによるのだ。』 touch は美術用語のタッチ。筆致。 specimen はおそらく筆者の皮肉。その後の文がいわゆる「俗物根性」に言及している節があるので、『美術品は多くの人に触れられるものであってこそ価値がある』とかいう主張なのだろう。 そこで、後生大事に美術館の奥にちんまりと飾られる状態を揶揄して「標本」としているのではないかと考えた。
we are forced , I think, to the conclusion that, taking the large view , the life of the individual has no real existence or importance apart from the great whole ; that he is here indeed but to serve for his brief moment his community , his race , his planets, his universe; and then , passing on the torch of life undiminished to others, his little task accomplished , to die and be forgotten.
一つ目の;以下は全てthe conclusionにかかります。 二つ目の;以下はhe is here indeedにかかります。 to serve、 to die and be forgottenはbut toにかかり、passing以下は挿入です。 従って、he is here indeed以下が長くなるため、先に訳したほうが、日本語としては いいでしょう。標問の26の出だしもそうした訳の方法が適当です。 individual=heです。 apart from 離れると。と訳すのがこなれた日本語です。『はなされた』『はなれたところ』 という訳は、長すぎる気がします。 『、』の前の語は統一し文の繋がりを示してください。 『は、』の後に『は、』or『が、』では主語が見えにくい恐れがあります。 大局的に考えて、偉大な全体から離れると、個人の生涯は何ら真の 実在、または重要性を持たず、また個人がここに存在するのは、 彼の共同体・民族・惑星・宇宙に短い瞬間だけ奉仕し、それから 人生のたいまつを減じずに他者に手渡し、わずかな仕事を達成し、 死んで忘れ去られるにすぎないという結論に到らざるを得ないと 私(=作者の弟)は考えるのである。
I cannot but think that the foundations of all natural knowledge were laid when the reason of man first came face to face with the facts of nature , when the savege first learned that the fingers of one hand are fewer than both of those; that a stone stops where it is unless it is moved, and that it drops from the hand which lets it go. あらゆる自然知識の基礎が置かれたのは、略時であると私は考えざるを得ないのである。
As far as a particular society is concerned, its advancement is the result of its members' contact with the tools, techniques and ideas of other groups, their readiness to recognize advantages in ways and forms not their own, and their opportunity to accept these ways and forms, should they wish to do so.
Nature is that part of the world which man did not make and which has not been fundamentally changed by him. It is the mountains, the woods, the rivers, the trees, the plants and the animals which have continued to be very much what they would have been had he never existed.
Many doubtless would have done as much for their beloved ones, but this man's devotion and self-sacrifice were for complete strangers, and in this he showed himself magnificently worthy of his profession.
龍谷大学・ for their beloved ones と for complete strangers の対比を意識して訳せていない答案は大幅減点とする。
Nature is that part of the world which man did not make and which has not been fundamentally changed by him. It is the mountains, the woods, the rivers, the trees, the plants and the animals which have continued to be very much what they would have been had he never existed.
Many doubtless would have done as much for their beloved ones, but this man's devotion and self-sacrifice were for complete strangers, and in this he showed himself magnificently worthy of his profession. 疑いなく多くの人間はこの人間と同じく愛する人のためにたくさんのことをした、 しかし、この人間の献身と自己犠牲は全く知らない人のためである。 この点で、彼は自力で自らの職業の崇高な価値を表現したのだ。
As far as a particular society is concerned, its advancement is the result of its members' contact with the tools, techniques and ideas of other groups, their readiness to recognize advantages in ways and forms not their own, and their opportunity to accept these ways and forms, should they wish to do so. ある特定の社会に関する限り、その成員の道具や、他の集団の技術・思想 との関係、また自分たちにはない工程・形態の利点を進んで認識し、 そして万が一これらの工程と形態を受け入れようと望むのであれば、 そうする機会の結果が、その社会の成果である。
As far as a particular society is concerned, its advancement is the result of its members' contact with the tools, techniques and ideas of other groups, their readiness to recognize advantages in ways and forms not their own, and their opportunity to accept these ways and forms, should they wish to do so. ある特定の社会に関する限り、その成員の道具や、他の集団の技術・思想 との関係の結果が、また自分たちにはない工程・形態の利点を進んで認識し、 そして万が一これらの工程と形態を受け入れようと望むのであれば、 そうする機会の成果が、その社会の発展となるのである。
In our time it is broadly true that political writing is bad writing. Where it is not true, it will generally be found that the writer is some kind of rebel, expressing his private opinions and not a “party line.” Orthodoxy, of whatever color, seems to demand a lifeless, imitative style. The political dialects to be found in pamphlets, leading articles, manifestoes, White Papers and the speeches of under-secretaries do, of course, vary from party to party, but they are all alike in that one almost never finds in them a fresh, vivid, home-made turn of speech.
Time is one of the most conspicuous characteristics of human experience. ★ Our senses present us their perceptions in the order of time; through them we participate in the general flow of time that passes through the universe, producing event after event and leaving its products behind itself, crystallizations of some fluid entity that was future and now is unalterable past. We are placed in the center of the flow, called the present; but what now is the present slides into the past, while we move along to a new present, forever remaining in the eternal now.★ We cannot stop the flow, we cannot reverse it and make the past come back; it carries us along heartlessly and does not grant us a delay.
>>649 A分詞構文には様々な意味がありますが、ここはその中でも特に 「付帯状況」だと思ったのです。つまり、「produce and leaveしながら、 passesする」、或いは「passesし、それに伴ってproduce and leaveする」、ということです。 で、日本語にする際に、上記2つの処理方法ではどうも上手くいかなかったので、 答案のような、「passesするに当たって、produce and leaveする」という妥協点に 落ち着いたわけですが、これもあまり好ましい訳出とは言えないですね。 そもそも「付帯状況」という解釈で良いのかどうかも分かりません。
When one watches some tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases---bestial atrocities, iron heel, bloodstained tyranny, free peoples of the world, stand shoulder to shoulder---one often has a curious feeling that one is not watching a live human being but some kind of dummy: a feeling which suddenly becomes stronger at moments when the light catches the speaker’s spectacles and turns them into blank discs which seem to have no eyes behind them.
*hack=a person who does the hard and often boring work for an organization, especially a politician
And this is not altogether fanciful. A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance towards turning himself into a machine. The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself. If the speech he is making is one that he is accustomed to make over and over again, he may be almost unconscious of what he is saying, as one is when one utters the responses in church. And this reduced state of consciousness, if not indispensable, is at any rate favorable to political conformity.
*larynx: the area at the top of the throat that contains the VOCAL CORDS(=声帯)→喉頭 *response: a part of a church service that the people sing or speak as an answer to the part that the priest sings or speaks→応唱、応答文(歌)
Iuse the word 'democracy'here in an extended sense, to apply not just to political institutions but even more to the equalising of everything: the equalising of times and places, the attempt to give everything to everybody. From this point of view,television would be a democratic apparatus because it brings times and places together to make everybody seem to be in the same place at the same time,so that people are often more there when they're here than when they're there.
Iuse the word 'democracy'here in an extended sense, to apply not just to political institutions but even more to the equalising of everything: the equalising of times and places, the attempt to give everything to everybody. From this point of view,television would be a democratic apparatus because it brings times and places together to make everybody seem to be in the same place at the same time,so that people are often more there when they're here than when they're there.
しかし、本文では、「最高の芸術である」ことの理由として、because of its sheer purityが挙げられている。 そして、Music can elicit a wide array of emotions without words.は、its sheer purityの一部である。 よって、2の選択肢は、理由が不十分なので、間違いだと思う。
He was on his way from his bachelor flat to the club, a man of middle age with a slight stoop. His way led him past one of the great terminal stations that open the gates of London seawards; (ココから→) the birds, the coloured clouds, and the thought of a sunny coast-line worked simultaneously in his heart. These messages of spring woke music in him. The music, however, found no expression beyond a quiet sigh, so quiet that not even a child, had he carried one in his big arms, might have noticed it.(←ココまで) His pace quickened, his figure straightened up, he lifted his eyes and there was a new light in them.
The Englishman, in any walk of life, has always prided himself upon his status as an amateur. He has preferred to do things for himself to having them done for him more efficiently by somebody else, and there are some things that he would sooner not be paid for doing. No matter how preoccupied he may be with the harsh business of getting a living, the Englishman is never wholly at ease with himself unless some part of his energies is being devoted to a purpose outside the field of his immediate self-interest.
The special hazards attending the class situation in America, where movement appears so fluid and where the prizes seem available to anyone who's lucky, are disappointment, and, following close on that, envy. Because the myth conveys the impression that you can readily earn your way upward, disillusion and bitterness are particularly strong when you find yourself trapped in a class system you've been half persuaded isn't important.
>>716>>717 外語大学の方ですが、 prefer A to B (BよりAが好き)という熟語が山場だったんです。 A=to do things 、B=having them done というわけです。 would sooner はwould rather と同様になります。「むしろ無報酬を望む」 の意味になります。一橋の、子供さえも、はもうおわかりのとおり。 スタイリッシュな文章で、書きなれた感じの御訳でした。 遅レスおわび。お疲れ様でした。
If New York is the city that never sleeps, Mandalay is a town that can sleep through anything. The sound of unmuffled engines hurls past with roaring Doppler effects, and motorbikes tear through the town like chainsaws run amuck. To amplify matters, the Burmese drive by the horn, and the sound of their honking---more a stutter of warning than a bellow of outrage---fills the air. At busy intersections, a screeching whistle accompanies the Hitleresque waves and salutes of white-jacketed traffic cops.
>>706 正解は1。 「内容一致」だから。主旨・要旨を聞いているのではない。 1.音楽は音と静寂が重要であり、知識がなくとも楽しむことができる。 前半はWhat matters is the sound and silence,に、後半はIt requires no background information or knowledge for enjoyment.にそのままある。 この肢は間違いにできない。よって正解は1。 2.言葉を用いることなく様々な感情を喚起することがのできる音楽は、最高の芸術である。 Music is the most dramatic of all forms of arts「すべての芸術の形態の中で最も劇的」と述べているだけで、「最高の芸術」とまでは言っていない。2は間違い。よくある「言い過ぎ」の引っ掛けパターン。
The special hazards attending the class situation in America, where movement appears so fluid and where the prizes seem available to anyone who's lucky, are disappointment, and, following close on that, envy. Because the myth conveys the impression that you can readily earn your way upward, disillusion and bitterness are particularly strong when you find yourself trapped in a class system you've been half persuaded isn't important.
わかりました。水牛じゃないのなら、horn は「警笛・ホーン」の方ですかね。 drive by the horn やたらと警笛を鳴らしながらドライブする、ですかね。 昨日は迷っていたのですが、さっきニュースで日本人がビルマで撃たれるシーン 見て、やべっ、ビルマ普通に車とバスが走ってる。熱帯雨林だと思ってたのに。 御解説、ありがとうございました。楽しい文でした。
>>754 「予告のthat」自体については、そういうものもあると言っていい。だからそれ自体は否定しない。 しかし>>753の例文 He has that confidence in his theory that he would put it into practice tomorrow. での that confidence はいわゆる「予告のthat」ではない。
>>762 訳はそれで合っている。 その上でもう一度「予告のthat」といえるのか、考えて欲しい。 that he would put it into practice tomorrow のthatはそう訳せるのか? that confidence を「予告のthat」にとるなら その後のthatはconfidenceを同格で修飾することにならないか?
実際は、このthat confidence の that は that much の省略。 「あいつは自分の仮説にあんなにもの自信を持っている。それはどのくらいの自信かって言うと、明日にでもその仮説を実行に移しちまうぐらいの自信だ」ということ。
つまり、has that much confidence 〜 that SV で、be so confident that SV の変形。 訳としては>>762の通り。 「奴は自説にあんなに自信があるから、明日にでも実行しちまいそうだ。」ということ。
これは、be so confident と、has much confidence の文意が同じことから起こる。 また、「予告のthat」とすると、that節内のwould がなにを示しているかわからなくなる。 これは、so〜thatで捉えればわかるとおり、仮定法。話者の推量とでも言えばもっともらしいところか。
If you want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know about is where I was born, what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.
Any activity, if done in a concentrated fashion, makes one more awake, while every unconcentrated activity makes one sleepy while at the same time it makes it difficult to fall asleep at the end of the day.
>>788なるほどです。 >>789 the first thing is where, what, and how〜, and all that D.C. kind of crap
「最初の事は、どこ、なに、どう、and all that〜」 の形ですよね。で、 and all−that なのか? and−all that なのか?意見が分かれそうです。 で、おとつい本屋に走って、デケンズを確認したら、「デビ・コパ」は主人公の 生まれや、母のこと、の独白から始まっているわけです。なるほど、サリンジャーは、 俺はあんな書き出しをしないぜ、というわけか。that とは、「あの」デケンズでもある わけです。
で、and all that。 上の理由から、私は {どこ、なに、どう、もろもろ}that DC kind of crap(同格) という意味で、 and all −that〜と読んでいます。 多分、研究者の多い本でしょうから、私のような門外漢の判断では 失笑を買うかもしれません。 昨日から、that の話で盛り上がっています。 面白いthat を募集しています。
He knew in advance what O’Brien would say. That the Party did not seek power for its own ends, but only for the good of the majority. That it sought power because men in the mass were frail cowardly creatures who could not endure liberty or face the truth, and must be ruled over and systematically deceived by others who were stronger than themselves. That the choice for mankind lay between freedom and happiness, and that, for the great bulk of mankind, happiness was better. ★That the Party was the eternal guardian of the weak, a dedicated sect doing evil that good might come, sacrificing its own happiness to that of others.★
In one sense it is all the easier for him to change , in that he has never had any preconceieved plan or principles , which it would be a wrench to abandon. whichは非制限用法だと思うのですが、anyがある場合は非制限の関係代名詞になれない と文法書にありました。このwhichは何用法なのでしょうか? him=イギリス人、長文精講22
おぉっ!which it would be a wrench to abandon を名詞節って考えるん ですね!で、whichの内容を any preconceieved plan or principles として…そうすると all the easier に in that...(挿入の形?)が呼応、 changeは他動詞…なんか構造的にいけそうですね!いやぁ、恐れ入ります!
おぉっ!which it would be a wrench to abandon を名詞節って考えるん ですね!で、whichの内容を any preconceieved plan or principles として…そうすると all the easier に in that...(挿入の形?)が呼応、 changeは他動詞…なんか構造的にいけそうですね!いやぁ、恐れ入ります!
文法書の言うとおり、any とあれば、非制限でなくて、制限、だよなあ。 中原もそう訳している。which はabandon の目的語で、which it のit は 、 to abandon の形式主語、which の先行詞は直前のplan or principalとい う判断になりますね。 all the easier は、the+比較級+because〜という ことで、in that 〜がbecause〜の代わりらしい。
which の前のコンマは何か?の解説が無い。上の訳なら、そもそも in that の前にも、whichの前にも、コンマは不要。 原文のパッと見は、in that〜挿入文、って扱いに見えますから、 非制限的に前から区切って読めよと、原著はそう言ってるような気がするが。
>>799 を再掲すると、 In one sense it is all the easier for him to change, in that he has never had any preconceived plan or principles, which it would be a wrench to abandon. で、最後の一行の扱い。
If war can be prevented without the establishment of a grinding tyranny, a weight will be lifted from the human spirit, deep collective fears will be driven out, and as fear diminishes we may hope that cruelty also will grow less.
(出題:埼玉大学;出典Bertrand Russell, The Future of Mankind,1950)
Physical facts could not be ignored. In philosophy , or religion , or ethics , or politics , two and two might make five, but when one was designing a gun or an aeroplane they had to make four. Almost unconsciouly he traced with his finger in the dust on the table: 2+2=5.
Anyone who has lived in a big apartment building where several hundred families live together knows that there are few places where a person has as much privacy and is as little intruded upon by the presence of nextdoor neighbours as in such a densely populated building.
すいませんちょっと質問。↑の英文のthere are few places以下の部分を訳してもらえませんか?
That guy Morrow was about as sensitive as a goddam toilet seat. あのモローってやつの感受性ときたら、まず、便器並みだった。 She was about as kind-hearted as a goddam wolf. 彼女の心の優しさは、まず、オオカミ並みだった。 I liked him as much as Churchill liked Hitler. ぼくが彼を好きなのは、チャーチルがヒトラーを好きな程度だった。
People entering or emerging from a supermarket are in the grip of their most common fears , are deeply sensitive , accordingly ,to the political issues that bear upon this anxiety. 長文精講50東北大
their mostの訳は『きわめて・最も・大半の』のうちのどれが適切なの でしょうか? 文法的な決まりがあれば、教えてください。
横ですが、grip by the common fears for most of them ってことだろうから、 彼らのほぼ全員に共通していそうなある種の恐怖に羽交い絞めにされている っていう状態でしょうね。the most と書かれていないから、「最も」と 訳すことに違和感があるかもですね? 大半、でも、最も、でも、日本語としてはそんなに変わらない様な印象ですが・・・。 their commmon であり、the most common であるところを一つにして、the の 代わりにtheir で置き換えてあると見えますね。 ・・・しかし、細かいところに目が行くもんだ。
Whether you can treat it(=the question come first society or the individual) as a logical or a historical question, you can make no statement about it, one way or the other , which does not have to be corrected by an opposed , and equally one-sided, statement.
The masses are likely to replace an unchanging mode of life by fashion which it will be in the economic interest of certain people to change as often as possible. 東京工大。 whichは制限。文構造を完璧に捉えた訳をできる受験生はかなり少ないと 思われる。
>>848 試験ではないとおもうので、自分の考えをかいていいですか?工大か理2の化学系、材料系脂肪の高2です。 自分はまだ基礎精講の例題を2周しおえたていどです。The masses are likely to replace大衆は置き換える事をしがちである。 unchanged mode of life不変の生活様式。by fashion やりかたで。 which it will be〜to change変わることが〜になる(ある)だろう。 whichのなかに主語があるので、whichは何かの補語か目的語。先行しがやり方なので、will be の補語かto changeの目的語と考えました。 もう一つ迷っているのは、by fashion がreplace by fashioか、unchanging by fashion なのかどっちか?です。 あと、certain は辞書で、a certain=ある〜、certainだけ=sureとなってました。
replace by fashion の場合の文。・・・というやり方によって不変の生活様式が置き換えられる unchnge by fashion の場合の文。・・・というやり方での生活様式を変えないこと、をこれからは改める it will be fashion の場合・・できるだけよく変えることは経済的利益的やり方になるであろう to change fashion の場合・・それを変えることが経済的利益になるであろうやり方 この場合、fashionに冠詞のa かtheが付いてないことは、何かのヒントになりますか?
Whether you can treat it(=the question come first society or the individual) as a logical or a historical question, you can make no statement about it, one way or the other , which does not have to be corrected by an opposed , and equally one-sided, statement.
それを論理的問題として、または歴史的問題としてみなそうが、いずれにせよ、 反対の、等しく一面的な発言によって訂正されずに、そのどちらかについていか なる発言もできないのである。 about it one way or the otherをひとまとめに考えてみました。 whichは制限ですが、後ろから訳すと日本語として難解な文になりますね。
生まれて初めて借りた、懐かしのおんぼろアパート。 久々に呼ばれて帰ってみた。 Even so, my spirits heightened whenever I felt in my pocket the key to this apartment ; with all its gloom , it still was a place of my own, the first , and my books were there , and jars of pencils to sharpen , everything I needed, so I felt , to become the writer I wanted to be.
”Naturally,”he said , rooting a gladiola deep into the bowl , "naturally I wouldn't have got you over here if it wasn't I wanted your opinion."
Even so, my spirits heightened whenever I felt in my pocket the key to this apartment ; with all its gloom , it still was a place of my own, the first , and my books were there , and jars of pencils to sharpen , everything I needed, so I felt , to become the writer I wanted to be.
”Naturally,”he said , rooting a gladiola deep into the bowl , "naturally I wouldn't have got you over here if it wasn't I wanted your opinion." それにしても、ポケットの中にこのアパートの鍵を感じるそのたびに、 私の精神は高揚し、またあらゆる憂鬱が、依然として私の初めての居場所 にあり、私の書物、シャープペンシルの入れもの、必要としていたあらゆるもの があった。だからかあつて私がなりたかった作家になれるかのように感じた。 『当然だよ、もし君の意見を僕が望んでいなければ、ここに君を連れてきたり しないよ』とグロピアの根を鉢に植えながら彼は言った。 my books were there は倒置?。じゃないと文がつながらない気が・・
>>859>>860 早速にご苦労様でした。実はこのアパート、内装が派手で暑苦しいという前文があり、 中段略部にhe が花瓶に生花を生けているシーンが入っています。どうしても長くなる のでこういう形になってしまって、すみませんでした。お二人ともfeel を感じると訳 されました。私もそうだったんです。が、辞書の第1義に「〜を触る」とあります。 ポケットの鍵を触るたびに、という訳も成り立ちます、参考まで。 あと、>>859さん、Naturally は文修飾かと。>>860さん、シャープペンですが、 pencils to sharpen 先をとがらすべき鉛筆→先の丸い鉛筆、みたいです。 jar はジャーで、広口ビン。きっと、ジャムの空瓶ですね。 my books were there のとこ、確かにポツポツ思いつきで単語並べた風ですね。 最後の一文の、get you over here は御名答。over here「距離を継いでココに」 ですので、わざわざココに、はるばるこんなところに、みたいなイメージ。 rooting は「生花を花瓶に深く押し込む」で通用しているようですが、生花を切り取った あとの球根は土の中に深押しして来年の花にしますので「球根を鉢に深押ししながら」 という解釈も可かと、私は考えています。
【出典;東京大学】 I shall always be grateful for the opportunity of working here in the orphanage. It is more wonderful than anything you can imagine to feel the love and confidence these children give you , and the knowledge that you are needed. They may not say thank you in so many words but the way they come to take you for granted and trust you − as they would their own parents − means much more. The job is full of difficulties and when I started I could not have believed that I should learn to cope with the responsibility for these children that was thrust on me , nor would I have thought that I should be able to inspire the children's complete confidence, which they showed in all sorts of ways − coming to me with their problems for comfort and encouragement and in the evening for their goodnight kiss. I always smile when I think that one day if I get married one or two children will seem easy after eight boys and three girls.
語句:orphanage 孤児院、thrust on 〜に押し付ける(cf. trust と誤読に注意) 【勉強ポイント】名詞表現・the way の使い方・仮定法・関係詞省略・動詞反復省略 ・・・、これ1文の暗誦で、かなりの応用が利く有名入試問題です。 阪大・横国・神戸・京都・上智・関学・同志社あたりの受験生は是非全訳・暗誦されたい。
I shall always be grateful for the opportunity of working here in the orphanage.私はこの孤児院で働ける機会を常に祝福しよう。 It is more wonderful than anything you can imagine to feel the love and confidence these children give you , and the knowledge that you are needed. ここの子供たちがあなあたに与える愛・信頼、そしてあなたを必要とする知識 を感じることは、想像できうるどんなものよりも素晴らしいのである。 They may not say thank you in so many words 彼らは際立った言葉であなたに感謝を言わないのかもしれない。 but the way they come to take you for granted and trust you − as they would their own parents − means much more. しかし、あなたを当然のごとく信頼するようのに通じる−彼らは親にそうするだろうがー道には かくも多くの意味があるのである。 The job is full of difficulties and when I started I could not have believed that I should learn to cope with the responsibility for these children that was thrust on me , その仕事は困難に溢れているのである。私がこの仕事を始めた時、 ここの子供達に対する私に課された責任を負うことができると、私は信ずることが できなかった。 nor would I have thought that I should be able to inspire the children's complete confidence, また子供の絶対的信頼をかき立てることができるとも、私は考えれなかった。 which they showed in all sorts of ways − coming to me with their problems for comfort and encouragement and in the evening for their goodnight kiss.
I always smile when I think that one day if I get married one or two children will seem easy after eight boys and three girls. いすか、もし私が結婚したならば、8人の男の子と3人の女の子の後だけに、1人か2人 の子供は容易に思われるだろうと、考えるたびに私は微笑むのである。
I shall always be grateful for the opportunity of working here in the orphanage.私はこの孤児院で働ける機会を常に祝福しよう。 It is more wonderful than anything you can imagine to feel the love and confidence these children give you , and the knowledge that you are needed. ここの子供たちがあなあたに与える愛・信頼、そしてあなたを必要とする知識 を感じることは、想像できうるどんなものよりも素晴らしいのである。 They may not say thank you in so many words 彼らは際立った言葉であなたに感謝を言わないのかもしれない。 but the way they come to take you for granted and trust you − as they would their own parents − means much more. しかし、あなたを当然のごとく信頼するのに通じる−彼らは親にそうするだろうがー道には かくも多くの意味があるのである。 The job is full of difficulties and when I started I could not have believed that I should learn to cope with the responsibility for these children that was thrust on me , その仕事は困難に溢れているのである。私がこの仕事を始めた時、 ここの子供達に対する私に課された責任を負うことができると、私は信ずることが できなかった。 nor would I have thought that I should be able to inspire the children's complete confidence, また子供の絶対的信頼をかき立てることができるとも、私は考えれなかった。 which they showed in all sorts of ways − coming to me with their problems for comfort and encouragement and in the evening for their goodnight kiss. そして、そのことを子供達はあらゆる種類の形で示した−快適・励ましに対する 彼らの問題と、おやすみのキスの時に私にやって来たのである。 I always smile when I think that one day if I get married one or two children will seem easy after eight boys and three girls. いすか、もし私が結婚したならば、8人の男の子と3人の女の子の後だけに、1人か2人 の子供は容易に思われるだろうと、考えるたびに私は微笑むのである。
>>864 速攻!しかも最後の1文が、よくぞ取れました(ツワモノ!) 構文的にも、申し分ありません。the way はおっしゃるとおり、 the way in which 〜、ですね。
@feel the knowledge that〜知識を感じる、でよろしいでしょうか? Atake you for granted +trust you 、as-親が生きていれば、親にはそうするだろう。 take you for granted の部分の訳を、もう少し細かくどうでしょう。 Bおやすみのキス、の、訳しがいのあるところ、が抜けています(笑)。
take A for granted は辞書では、Aを当たり前のことと思う、Aに特別な注意を払わない などの訳語が載っています。自分の親同然っていう接し方が、著者には嬉しいんですね。 the knowledge that you are needed は、「あなたが必要とされていることを、知っていること」 らしいです。名詞化表現のムヅさもさりながら、この文意の取り難さには閉口します。 (もちろん私も当初、必要な知識、って普通に流して読んでおりました。反省) あと、出だしが自身の独白なのに、途中から客体化されたyou が出てきて、 孤児院の職員というものはね、みたいな書き方に変わり、最後にまた、自分の結婚後の想像に変わる、 この文体の変化がトリッキーです。あと、problems for の【for】は、>>868腹先生の言うとおりで、 困ったことがあると自分のところに相談にやってくる、です。 あと、最後の、I always smile when は、某問題集の答えには「ほくそえむ。」、チャート式(京大系)では >>868腹式に、「笑っちゃうんです」みたく、茶目っ気を出した解答になっています。 チャートじゃない方の、少し固いほうの解答を↓いれておきます。
Corpus-evidence on the third development, the suspected spread of non- canonical uses of the progressive with stative verbs, is conflicting. On the whole, it seems plausible to regard the use of progressives with stative verbs as an instance of contextually/pragmatically licenced rule-breaking for specific rhetorical or expressive effect---an option which has been available ever since the present system of rules emerged in the eighteenth century. The reason that the phenomenon seems more in evidence today than in the past is simply that the type of informal context in which it happens is less likely to have been preserved in the past.
To underscore this point, let us have a look at the type of example which would typically be used to illustrate the alleged trend towards a new "stative" progressive. Here is a passage from an interview with novelist David Lodge, who comments on the difficulties involved in reading to non-English-speaking audiences:
When you are reading comic fiction you will very quickly find out whether they are understanding you, by whether they laugh or not.
Under normal circumstances, we would indeed expect the simple form here, as 'understand' is a typically stative verb of inert mental perception. The use of the progressive might be due to the fact that Lodge is making what is normally subconscious and automatic (i.e., understanding a joke) the focus of conscious reflection (after all, the passage is about understanding jokes in another language, which might require some conscious effort).
【現代文口語化の実践問題・誤植ではありません。】 I was twelve years old the first time I walked on water. The man in the black clothes taught me how to do it , I'm not going to pretend I learned that trick overnight. Master Yehudi found me when I was nine , an orphan boy begging nickels on the streets of Saint Louis , and worked with me steadily for three years before he let me show my stuff in public. That was in 1927 , the year of Babe Ruth and Charles Lindbergh, the precise year when night began to fall over the world forever.
【口語化する英文対策そのA】 猫のピートと二人暮しのボク。コネチカットの冬を迎え、ピートは夏天気 のドアを探している。何事もうまくいかないボクだって、同じ気持ちで・・。 I was not in bad health aside from a cumulative hangover(二日酔い) , I was still on the right side of thirty by a few days , and I was far from being broke. No police were looking for me , nor any husbands , nor any process servers(令状配達人) ; there was nothing wrong that a slight case of amnesia would not have cured. But there was winter in my heart and I was looking for the door to summer. If I sound like a man with an acute case of self-pity , you are correct. There must have been well over two billion people on this planet in worse shape than I was. Nevertheless , I was looking for the Door into Summer.
夫らがココへ探しに来るわけでなし、ってところで笑えるだろうか? there was nothing wrong のところムズイです。二日酔いを受けています。 出しっぱなしで寝ます。あす、またプロキシ規制で書けないと思いつつ。
>>900 30歳の右側→辞書に載ってると思うが、〜才の手前。あと数日で30歳だ。 by a few days あと数日で。broke形容詞で「破産した状態の」。 記憶喪失症(case は〜症と訳そうぜ)が治療できそうにないものは無い。 ここ、難しかったな。あとは大変よいですよ。若いツバメ、つまり浮気相手と してダンナ衆から探されるような人間じゃない、という意味で笑えるんだね。 「積もり積もった二日酔いを除いては、悪いところなんてなかったし、 まだ、数日で30歳という年齢だし、破産しかけてるわけでも全然ない。 警官にも、ダンナ連中にも、令状にも、追いかけられてなんかいやしない。 何があろうと、軽い健忘症で始末がつかないものなんてないさ。(酒で忘れる ことができる悩みばかりだ、という意味) でも、冬なんだよな。だから夏への扉探してるんだ。急性自己憐憫症に聞こえたら、 そのとおりさ。僕よりも困っている連中は地球に20億人以上いるだろう。 でも、僕は夏への扉、探してる。」
When there are earthquakes, Japanese houses jump and shake. My house gave a wriggle or two: it was like discovering oneself to be standing on the back of an enormous animal which has suddenly decided to move off.
Just as the invention of machinery of one kind or another has made it more difficult for people to take a pride in physical work, since they know that a bulldozer or something would do it much better, so it's becoming true that the development of computers is making it more difficult to take a pride in mental work.
In most countries , when people fight over the tax burden on citizens , they mostly mean the tax rate. But surely the cost of the systems' sheer complexity is also considerable. Every new zone , haven , credit , incentive , break and loophole adds grams , if not kilograms , to the paperwork. Some countries' tax forms now top "War and Pease" by weight. This not only consumes enormous amounts of time and attention from some of the smartest people on the planet −surely a waste− it is also a crashing bore.
I stood upon the hearth-rug(暖炉前の絨毯) and picked up the stick which our visitor had left behind him the night before. It was a fine, thick piece of wood, bulbous-headed(握りが球形), of the sort which is known as a "Penang Lawyer"(ペナン島産高級歩行杖). "Well, Watson, what do you make of it?" Holmes was sitting with his back to me , and I had given him no sign of my occupation(いまやっている事). "How did you know what I was doing ? I believe you have eyes in the back of your head. " "I have, at least, a well-polished, silver-plated coffee-pot in front of me , " said he.
"But , tell me , Watson , what do you make of our visitor's stick? Let me hear you reconstruct the man by an examination of it." (コナン・ドイル「バスカビル家の魔犬」) 【設問】 @ホームズが背後にいるワトソン博士の所業を言い当てれた理由はなにか。 A杖を忘れて帰った昨夜の客の人物像を、ワトソンに代わって推理せよ。
How about convergent evolution then ? Well, that would be a sutuation where a similar environment, a habitat, it may cause plants and animals to evolve in order to adapt to the conditions. So a species that isn't really related can evolve with similer charactgeristics ★because it can look like a species in another geographic region because of adaptation.
The American believes that he is born fisherman. He conceives of fishing as more than a sport : it is his personal contest against nature. If he can afford equipment, he charters a boat as specialized for fishing as an operating theatre is for surgery. He is now ready to challenge the forces of nature in their fishy manifestations.
English has been both an oppotunity and an obsession to Japanese. Scholars often find that they have to render their research papers into English if they are to win recognition beyond their shores.
On one of those gold mornings which April borrows June, I set out alone in search of new adventures. What a joy, though, is the silly schoolboy humour which creeps over a man .
The American believes that he is born fisherman. He conceives of fishing as more than a sport : it is his personal contest against nature. If he can afford equipment, he charters a boat as specialized for fishing as an operating theatre is for surgery. He is now ready to challenge the forces of nature in their fishy manifestations.
English has been both an oppotunity and an obsession to Japanese. Scholars often find that they have to render their research papers into English if they are to win recognition beyond their shores. 日本人にとって英語はかねてから機会であり強迫観念であったのである。 学者がよく認めることは、もし自分の岸を越えて認識を勝ち得ようとするならば、 研究論文を英語に翻訳しなければならない事である。
On one of those gold mornings which April borrows June, I set out alone in search of new adventures. What a joy, though, is the silly schoolboy humour which creeps over a man . 四月が六月に借りる黄金の朝(四月の六月のような黄金の朝)のある時、 私は新しい冒険の探求に一人で乗り出したのである。 しかし、大人に成長する喜びとは、ばかばかしい子供のユーモアである。
>>949>>951-952 詮ちゃん、学者がペーパーと言えば、間違いなく「論文」ですね。研究論文だね。 さっき、高知君も調査書類って言ってたなあ。リサーチのイメージが強いのかな? あと、creep over a man むづかしいよなあ。talk over a cup of tea茶を飲みながら語る のパターン。「行き交う人を眺めながらぶらぶら歩く」ビックリするでしょ、岡山大学。 魚影、う〜ん、悪くはない。their もforces でちゃんと取れているからOKだよ。 >>950>>953 なかなか鋭いですね〜。特に魚の解説、わかりやすいです。 説明のうまさは英語版の質問スレを彷彿とさせます。きっと、普段から、あちらでブイブイ 言っておられる方に違いありますまい。
creep over a man のa man は一人の男、ではなく,一般的な人の集合で、実質複数の人々をさす ようです。倒置になっていて、主語はschoolboy humour です。感嘆的なwhat のようです。 高知君嘆いてくれるな。想像力トレーニングなんで・・。今度、高1向け文も探してくるし。
During the final stretch of his hour long trip to school, a student pulls a cellphone from his jeans and calls his mother at home. "This is one thing I can cross off my list of things to worry about," his mother said.
一行目、his hour long trip 、って文になっていない感じがする のですが、こういうの有りですかね?
cross off list っていうのも、「十字を切る+離れる+一覧表」 で、辞書を見て、なるほど、ですね。
>>968>>969 I don't miss you a lot, forever. ならば、 おいら君がいないとすごく寂しいわけじゃない、ずっと。 →疑問にすると、 なぜおいら君がいないとすごく寂しいわけじゃないの?ずっと。 おー、ようするに あれ?君がいなくっても、わりと寂しくねーや、ずーといけるかもな?
【学年】高1 【偏差値】河合記述44 【志望校】早稲田 商学部or文学部 【参考】 〔学校〕中高一貫中堅進学校 〔勉強時間〕1日平均4〜6時間(3ヶ月前から始めました。一応毎日継続してます。) 【質問】 偏差値低いので文法やってますが、そろそろ終わりそうなので長文の事で質問させていただきます。 僕なりに長文読解の勉強プランを立てたので必要なところや無駄なところを指摘していただきたいです。 T 西の基本はここだ!(代ゼミネット使用) ↓ U やっておきたい英語長文300・必修英文問題精講 ・安河内ハイトレ1 ↓ V 基礎英文解釈の技術100 ↓ W やっておきたい英語長文500・安河内ハイトレ2 ↓ X ポレポレ英文読解(代ゼミネット使用) ↓ Y やっておきたい英文読解700・安河内ハイトレ3 ↓ Z 英文速読のナビゲーターor英文読解の透視図 ↓ [ やっておきたい英文読解1000・過去問
【難易度:計測不能】 O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,
Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed
The wingéd seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow
Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odors plain and hill:
Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!
【From "Ode to the West Wind" / Percy Bysshe Shelley】