大矢1 I went home for the first time in a long time. I was surprised to find a tall building where there used to be an elementary school.
関連問題 Once I had a chance to drop in a town where I had spent my childhood. As I recollected my childhood, I managed to get to a likely place, but I was not sure. The surrounding town had changed completely. Houses standing there seemed to be new, and I could not believe that they had been there for thirty years.
>>30鬼塚 Raining, much heavier or smaller, causes disasters. When people didn't know even the word "weathercast", people were obliged to decision weather with only their forecasting. So, I am sure that they saw sky and forecasted a day's weather. Because of it, there are a lot of words about weather.
>>31鬼塚 Because word processers or personal computers expanded, the way "to write" absurdly changed, and the word "taking a pen", for example, is not using. However I can't stand to lose the comfort writing smoothly on a peice pf paper.
994 :7:2006/09/22(金) 00:06:43 ID:j6HdxwbvO アク禁中につき携帯から包括コメント。日常的な内容は中学英語でもかけるはず。 Ameriacan people like baseball very much. When they are child they often play it outside. They get muddy and repeat winning and losing to each other. In such experiences, they learn to live insociety and control themselves even when losing. 携帯だとめんどいので自然と中学英語になるw
で、前スレの残りの投稿へのコメント。 962 :壁 :2006/09/18(月) 23:15:09 ID:AjQ8xwSx0 大矢40 In America, parents send their children by car whenever the children go somewhere until the children reach the age at which driving is permitted.
雇いの運転手に送らせるのではなく運転する親自身の体もいっしょに行く というイメージには、sendよりもbringが合うかと。 目的地の話なのでgo to somewhereとする方が明確化と。好みの範疇でしょうが。 最後の部分はこれでいいですが、視点を変えれば while the children are too young to have their drivers licenses というようにもかける。
関連問題 Baseball is one of popular sports in America. Many American children grow up playing baseball in the field in the neighborhood. As they get muddy and compete with other children in the neighborhood, they learn how to live in the community and to accept the disgrace of being defeating by others. 第一文、one of the + 複数形 という基本形をまもる。 第二文、in neighborhood fields でいい。 第三文、特定のコミュニティの話ではなく任意のひとつでしょうからa community とする。 最後は受身形being defeated by othersとする。
964 :226:2006/09/18(月) 23:31:44 ID:/0k1g3Cz0 When I looked back the boy a little after leaving him, his father was telling him. He seemed to be telling that he shouldn't talk to people whom he didn't know. 代名詞が分かりづらいなぁって自分でも思う When I looked back at the boy のatが漏れ。 第二文、telling not to talk to a stranger とするとシンプル。
964 :226:2006/09/18(月) 23:31:44 ID:/0k1g3Cz0 These days children have their parents to drive them to wherever they will go until they become old enough to drive. 「アメリカでは」が漏れ。 haveの使役動詞は目上の人が目下の人に当然の務めとしてやらせる場合に使う。 実質子どもの方が立場が上なのかもしれませんがw 他はOK。
970 :529:2006/09/19(火) 00:04:53 ID:zwlfl01c0 Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the United States. Many Americans, in their childhood, have played baseball in a field near their houses, and through this they have grown up. Covered in mud and estimating whether or not someone got better than them, they have learnt how to get along with others in the same community, and they have learnt, step by step, how to accept the humiliation of being defeated. 現在形も過去形も少し違うと思い、現在完了にしたものの一貫させると不自然ですねorz お願いします。 >>970 アメリカ人を複数にしているのにfieldは単数でいいのかな。 主語をa typical American などにすれば全部単数で通せる。 大人を主語に想定すると現在完了でいいのでしょうが、いまの子どもの世代も 含めての連綿と繰り返されている営みを想定すれば現在形オンリーでいい。
>>9おながいします。 大矢2 There is an elementary school where Japanese is taught, in Chicago, in the U.S. I hear that the education of Japanese was begun so that children would become interested in studying. When I visited the school, the children welcomed me and spoke to me in Japanese though not fluently.
関連問題 "Congratulations on your award. May I ask you a little why you wanted to become a movie director?" "Well, it's a little difficult to answer it. One reason is I've been interested in pictures since I got a camera bought at the age of seven . Another one is, because one of my uncles run a movie theater, I grew up in the circumstance where I was familiar with movies, because one of my uncles was running a movie theater.
大矢3 The other days I hiked up the mountain with my child. To our way back, we were caught in a shower and soaked, and we nearly lost our way.
関連問題 I had heard that there is only one hot spring in the world where we could take a bath with monkeys, so I have been there in the middle of winter. One monkey who was soaking quietly in the hot spring looked as if he is a phirosopher. It came to my mind that monkeys are not as much different from human beings as we think.
The head of the Japanese opposition Liberal Party on Tuesday said his party would like to invite 10 U.S. children to Japan next year as a way to promote grassroots exchanges between the two countries.
Ichiro Ozawa made the offer on his visit to a primary school in Chicago where Japanese is taught.
After being greeted by children reading a Japanese poem and performing a traditional Japanese dance, Ozawa said, ''We would like to invite to Japan around 10 children from June to July next year.''
The school has been teaching Japanese for around six years, school officials said. Almost all of the school's 500 children are African Americans, the officials said.
Ozawa left Japan on Friday for a six-day tour of the United States and Canada.
>>68 大矢2 第一文、上の英語ニュースのようにin Chicago in the U.Sをwhereの前にもってくる。 第二文、I heard that they began it so that 〜 とシンプルにしてもよいかと。 最後はusing influent Japaneseとしてもよいかと。
関連問題 「少しお聞かせいただけますか」をCould you tell us a little why 〜 とするのはOKだけど、May I ask you a little why 〜 ていうのは 違和感あるなぁ。 私の質問の文言はもうフルにいっちゃってるわけだから。 相手が答える文言は少しでいいですよ、といっているのがこの「少し」かと。
「カメラを買ってもらった」はI was bought a cameraでいい。
三単現注意 one of my uncles runs becauseが前後に2回でてきているのは消し忘れね。
>>69 大矢3 第一文、どの山の話かは了解事項ではないのでa mountainとする。 第二文、In our way back とする。 他はOK。
関連問題 第一文、there isを現在形にするのならwhere we canにそろえたほうがいいのでは。 I have been thereはなぜ現在完了形? 過去形でwent [visited] there でいい。 One monkey was soaking quietly in the hot spring and looked like a philosopher. と単純順接にするとシンプルで安全。
>>59 大矢14の関連問題 第一文はOK。 第二文、be obliged to 〜 の続きは原形動詞でしょ。forecastは使いたく なければexpectなどを使う。 the weather、the day's weatherでいいと思う。 最後の文はそれでいいと思いますが、That's because there are 〜 という 言い方がよく使われるようです。
大矢15の関連問題 綴り注意 processors 私のおすすめは As a result of widespread use of 〜 という言い方。 is not usingは受身形にする。 Howeverのあとにコンマ。
>>73 there wasの間違いでした>< 出かける前だったもので、、、慌て杉>< I have been thereは最初はwent thereにしていたのですが、鬼塚に 過去形を使うときは「いつ」かを明示しなければならないというので、 (大矢の実況にも確かそのようなことが書いてあったと思うのですが) winterをlast winterとしてあったものですから、、、 でも改めて見てみると現在完了はおかしいですねー 時制が感覚的に身についていないのが悲しい(´;ω;`)
I watched those frail glowing shapes drifting through the night, and ever as they drifted scattering, under impulse of wind and wave, more and more widely apart. Each, with its quiver of color, seemed a life afraid,--trembling on the blind current that was bearing it into the outer blackness. . . . Are not we ourselves as lanterns launched upon a deeper and a dimmer sea, and ever separating further and further one from another as we drift to the inevitable dissolution? Soon the thought-light in each burns itself out: then the poor frames, and, all that is left of their once fair colors, must melt forever into the colorless Void. . . .
3文目(Are not we ourselves 〜)だけ訳せばOK。asをどう処理するかがポイント。
>>80 ムズい・・・(-.-;) ourselvesはweの強調で、as lanterns launched upon a deeper and a dimmer seaが 名詞句を作って補語になっているのかなと。でも辞書及び文法書ではそのような用法は 確認できず。seaはaがついてるけど、deepで形容してるからやっぱ海ですよね。 ここではeverは「絶えず」、dissolutionは「死滅」という意味で、asは「〜しながら」 という接続詞であるかと。 separating further and further one from anotherは上のscatteringと掛かってるんだと 思いますが、一人一人この世から去っていく、というような意味だと思いますた。
大矢4 Even if elementary school children these days hear that there used to be a refrigerator which was made from wood and did not use electricity, probably they do not believe it. They are sure to ask why a refrigerator which does not use electricity can cool things.
関連問題 When you put one cup on another, you often have trouble separating them. If you separate them by force, you may break them. In such a time, you should soak a cup outside in warm water and pour cold water in one inside. You can separate them easily.
>>8 大矢 When I returned home after a long time, it suprised me that a big building was placed in where an elementary school used to be.
>>8 鬼塚 One day, I happened to have an opportunity to visit a town where I live in my childhood. Recalling the then view, I managed to reach a place that seemed to be my former home, but I couldn't recognize it. The scene around there was complately changed. In addition, the house that stood there was so clearly new that I couldn't think that it had been there for 30 years.
第一のグループ(おぼろげに浮かぶ灯篭) those frail glowing shapes with its quiver of color thought-light in each 第二のグループ(周りは真っ暗) through the night on the blind current into the outer blackness a deeper and a dimmer sea ←下線部 into the colorless Void
第三のグループ(流され出して・・・) drifting ever as they drifted as we drift to the inevitable dissolution ←下線部 (後ろの二つはこれでそれぞれ挿入従属節です) 第四のグループ(散り散りバラバラ) scattering more and more widely apart separating further and further one from another ←下線部 第五のグループ(死の淵のイメージ) a life afraid to the inevitable dissolution ←下線部 must melt forever (inevitableがmust、dissolutionがmeltに対応)
「AしながらBする」というのと「BしながらAする」というのは 同じことなので、原文の情報構造(情報提示の順序)を活かして 「散り散りばらばらになりながら、避けがたい死に向かって流され ていく」と訳してもいい。 a deeper and a dimmer seaとは、沖に行くにつれて深く暗くなっている海 のことだとイメージできれば、「海」のかわりに「沖」という言葉を使って 「深く暗い沖に向けて放たれ」と訳してもいい。
>>85 最初のEvenはいらない。逆接じゃないでしょ。 If節を使わずに Elementary school children these days would not believe that 〜 と書く手もあり。文法書の仮定法の例文にこういうのがあるでしょ。 「木製」はmade of wood。 第二文、最後にwithout using electricityとすればSVを離さなくて済む。
関連問題 soak the cup とする。既出のcupの話でしょ。 pour cold water inside とする。
大矢5 It is a pity that children these days hardly have opportunities to contact nature. We are faced with the important problem of the enviromental destruction now, so I want them to know how beautiful nature is.
関連問題 More and people enjoy camping on weekends. Surely to relax leisurely in nature is the best way to heal the tiredness which they have felt in the urban life. It is a pity that some people break off branches from trees or leave trash and go back home. Through they can heal their tiredness, nature are damaged by their acts.
関連問題 第一文、visit my hometown とするとシンプル。 第二文、the then viewという言い方は違和感あるけど海外サイトでは用例が ありますね。the old viewとしてもいい。 綴り注意 completely 最後はseemed too new to have been there for thirty years とすればシンプル。
"I quarreled with my mother." "That's rare. But why?" "I said to her that I wanted to join volunteer work." "Your mom didn't let you do, did her?" "She agreed about it with me right away, but told me to help firstly her houseworks." "You said back to her that it didn't mean so, didn't you?" "Yes. However, I only to be obliged to help her and to clean up my room."
汚れた部屋:a messy(untidy) room こんなのしらねえよ。。
>>33 Someone may claim that Helmholtz said human beings couldn't free to fly like birds, but that people managed to make airplanes, but he makes a wrong guess. Now or in the future, we can't free to fly by only to move wings like birds.
大矢39 少し離れてから、ふと振り返ると、父親が息子に何か言い聞かせていた。 「知らない人と話してはいけない」と言っている様子だった。 Some times after I kept away from a boy , I looked back. Then I saw a sight that his father said something to his son as if to say "don't talk with anyone who you don't know."
関連問題(知らない人との出会い) 初対面の時には、相手が一体どんな人かわからない。 何となく重苦しい雰囲気で、緊張しているし、多少とも不安である。 そんな時、お互いにニコッと笑い合えたら、それで意思が通じ合えたような気になり、安心して話せそうに思えてくる。 (京大1993年前期、鬼塚本p.116) When you see a person who you haven't see , not to mention , you don't know what person he is , and taugh atmosphere , tension and unease have surrounded you. At that time if you can smile with each other , you suddenly feel that the obstacle is removed and that you can talk with him easily.
関連問題 第一文、More and more people のタイプ漏れね。 第二文、the tiredness in urban life でいい。 第三文、leave trash だけで「ゴミをそのままにして帰る」の訳になる。 第四文の頭はThoughのタイプミスかな。 全体的によくかけています。
>>98 大矢16関連問題 「お母さんがだめだと言ったんじゃないだろう?」に対して、 "Your mom didn't let you do, did her?"という訳では意味が逆なのでは。 houseworkは不可算。 最後の文、主語に対する動詞がない。I was obliged to でいいでしょう。 clean up my room だけで、もともと汚い部屋だったという含意があるのでOKです。
大矢17関連問題 第一文、butが二つあって、どちらがmay claimに対応するものなのかが形からは 読みにくいね。私なら、 Someone may wrongly claim that Helmholtz was wrong to say that human beings wouldn't free to fly like birds because people managed to make airplanes. とします。wrongが二回でてくるので耳で聞くとわかりにくいとは思いますが。 freeは他動詞「〜を自由にする」やね。 第二文、byの目的語がto不定詞なの? movingとするといいでしょう。
>>100 キリ番おめ! 大矢39 第一文、after I walked away from とする。 第二文、as ifは本来は反実仮想。ここでは、筆者ははっきり聞こえた わけではないという留保つきながら、おそらくそう言ったと思っている ので、適当ではないでしょう。 最近はネイティブでもこだわらずに使っている人が増えているようなので 気にしすぎかもしれませんが、試験的にはまだ正規用法にはなっていないかと。 His father seemed to be telling not to talk to a stranger. とすればシンプル。
関連問題 第一文、When you meet a stranger とすればシンプル。 what person he is like とするとベター。 tough のスペルミス。 have surrounded you はなぜ完了形? 第二文、「そんな時」はある特定の時ではないので At such time とする。 「意思が通じ合えたような気になり」は難しいですが、 you feel like the communication has started としては。 feel like life has started や feel like the season has started という言い方があるので。
大矢6 The number of traffic accidents is not decreasing because some people drive too fast. I think that they should drive more carefully.
関連問題 People and cars go when a traffic light is green, and they stop when red. This rule can be accepted all over the world, and is really being accepted. A traffic light is cvilizational in the point that it is general. On the other hand, in Japan, when a woman opens a sliding door, she does so by both hands with falling on both knees. This is cultural. It cannot be accepted here to think rationally that she may open it while standing.
関連問題 第一文の最後はwhen it is red とする。SVは省略しないほうがいい。 第二文、beingは一時的な感じ。子どもにYou are being a bad boy today. といいますね。本当はいい子ちゃんでしょ、という含意。 第三文、a woman opens a sliding door by both hands 〜 とシンプルにしてもいい。 ふすまみたいに純和風なものはローマ字つづりでもいいでど、fusumaでしょ。 全般的によくかけています。
>>9 大矢 There is a elementary school where Japanese is tought in Chicago in America. I heard that the reason of beginning Japanese teaching lies in having children being interested in learning. When I visited the school, pupils welcomed me with broken Japanese words.
鬼塚 "Congratulations on your award! Would you tell me why you decided to be a movie director?" "Well, it is a little difficult question, but I think a camera I was given to when I'm 7 years old encouraged me to know pleasure of movies. My uncle, who managed a movie theater, is also one of the factors that make me accustomed to the environment in which I can appriciate many movies."
>>113 第一文、冠詞注意 an elementary school 綴り注意 taught in Chicago in Americaがwhere節をまたぐのはよくない。 whereの直前にもってくる。 第二文、the reason lies in 〜 はいいですね。 第三文、brokenはいいけど、wordsはいらない。
鬼塚 a camera I was given to のtoはいらないのでは。もとのかたちは I was given a camera でしょ。物主構文はうまく使えていますね。 a camera encouraged me と時制をあわせて My uncle made me とする。 綴り注意 appreciate 全体的によくかけています。
>>10 大矢 I climbed a mountain with my child the other day. On my way to my house, a sudden shower of rain soaked me to the skin and, what is worse, I almost lost my way.
鬼塚 Informed about the only hot spring in the world in which I can take a bath with monkeys, I went there in the middle of winter. Then I came across a monkey who piled up snow on his head. He sat still in the hot spring as if he were a philosopher. When I was seeing his stance, I hit on the idea that there is not notable difference between humans and monkeys as we think.
>>116 大矢3 第二文、On my way home でいい。 what is worse を使うのはいいですね。 よくかけています。
鬼塚 第三文、as if he were a philosopher の時制はこれでいいのかな。 私なら単にlike a philosopher として逃げます。 第四文、when節はなくてもいい。 There seemed to be as much difference between humans and monkeys as we think.. と基本語法で書くのが安全。
>>11 大矢 When telling, for instance, pupils today that there used to be refrigerators made of wood that run without electricity, probably they won't believe it. I'm sure that they will protest that nothing can keep something cold without electricity.
鬼塚 You may sometimes get into trouble of detaching a pile of two cups that has been stuck. If you resort to power, you might break them. Then they will be separated by dipping the outer cup in warm water and pouring cold water into the inner cup.
>>12 大矢 It is a pity that recent children have few opportunities to have contact with nature. As we are faced with the serious problem of environmental destruction, I wish children to appreciate the beauty of nature more and more.
鬼塚 The number of people who enjoy camping on a weekend has increased. It is true that idling in nature is the best way of healing the fatigue caused through their city life, but one regrettable matter is left; there are some people who return home without coping with their trash. That is, they relieve their own fatigue at the sacrifice of natural environment.
>>34関連 "Where did you go yesterday ?" "I stayed home a day for my exams." "As the result of it, you studied much hard, didn't you?" "However, I did. I had been reading a book for a day." "I think that the book was so interested to you. I guess it is a detective." "Yeah, its story absorbed fairly me. I finished reading late at night, but ,in fact, I couldn't get sleep still today dawn."
目が冴える(be wide-awake)
>>35関連 When you achieve completely one thing, you can't do another. You never laemt it and feel ashamed of that someone laughs you. Sacrifice many things, and you can achieve a big job.
(1) Many parents think it is a pity that they need to tell their children not to talk with a stranger. (2) "I'll buy a car to go to an athletic club, I think." "That's funny. Why don't you walk there though you want to exercise?"
鬼塚 Many people have come to enjoy weekend camp. とするとシンプル。 第二文後半は But, it is regrettable that some people leave trash. でいい。 第三文、at the sacrifice ofはいいですね。
>>119 大矢18の関連問題 第一文はDid you go somewhere yesterday? とする。 第五文はinterestingでしょ。 最後のstillはtillの間違い?
I stayed home to study for exams. Then you should have made much progress. No. I started read a book and came to be unable to stop it. Was the book so interesting?
大矢19の関連問題 When you wish to 〜 とする。 You should never lament 〜 とする。 feel ashamed that someone 〜 とする。ofはつけない。 work/jobの違いは以下のサイトを参照。 ttp://homepage1.nifty.com/samito/usage2.htm workのほうがよさそうだけど、 Sacrifice many small things, and you can achieve a big thing. とすれば逃げられる。
大矢7 You should first understand how parts of nature, including humans, influence each other to think ecologically.
関連問題 In the town on the lake, wastewater poured into it without treated is bad influence on living things in it. It is ironic that many people who have lived around the lake for good natural environment are damaging an important environment of water.
>>36関連問題 I am sured that these days young people want to through the safe way. If they through it, they won't often get into the accidents. However, as the result of it, because they don't get a passion, a feeling to explore, and a intelligent desire, they can't expose their potential abities.
>>37関連問題 It is said that the current period is that people throw away things which they once used. In fact, they thrown away stil usable erectric products, furnitures, and even pets as trash. Surely, our material lives become rich, but mental become poorer and poorer. We don't expect of their humane feelings to us without their love nearby things and animals.
大矢21の関連問題 第一文、It is said that now is the era of disposal.でいい。 日本語の短く言い切る感じを表現する。 第二文、動詞の変化注意 they throw away 綴り注意 still electric 不可算名詞注意 furniture 第三文、こういう時に現在完了形を使う。 第四文、expect of はexpect of him というように人を目的語にとるのが普通。 辞書の例文を参照。 最後、loveはwithoutの目的語であるなら名詞なので、後ろに自らの目的語を とることはできない。 We can't expect their warm feelings to people if they don't love nearby things and animals. という感じでかけばよいかと。 「人」はpeopleで書くのが便利で簡単。
>>13 大矢 Car accidents is recurring because many people drive a car too fast. We must be more careful when driving a car, I think.
鬼塚 For example, humans and cars go at a green light, and stop at a red light. This rule can be enforced in the world at large, and actually it has been achieved. Traffic signals, which is universal, is a part of civilization――unlike calture is local. In Japan, a lady must open a sliding screen with her both hands standing on her both knees. A rational idea that she may open it on her feet cannot be accepted.
大矢8 It goes without saying that it is important in international society to be fluent in a foreign language. What is more important, however, is to be responsible for things you do and to learn the common sense of not troubling others.
関連問題 Many campaigners preaching peace and improvement of the world by proposing various prescriptions lose sight of the fact that it should be based on human minds. Peace of the world is built on that of individuals and homes, and great kindness suppose small kindness, but not vice versa.
>>144 大矢6 よりシンプルに書くとこうなります。 Many people drive too fast and cause accidents. We must drive more carefully. 原因→結果の順に並べて緩やかな順接のandで結ぶとシンプルになります。 三単現注意 Car accidents are 〜 数の対応注意 many people drive cars 〜 第二文もcarが単数でいいのか気になるので、driveだけで済ませることで逃げる。
鬼塚 第二文、all over the world という言い方をよくします。 This rule can be, and actually has been, enforced〜とすると英語っぽいかと。 第三文、この主語は三単現扱いでいいのかな。The traffic signal system とする。 次の文以降でcultureについて展開するための導入なので、unlikeよりwhileがいい。
大矢5 It is a pity that children these days rarely have an opportunity to get in touch with nature. Today we are faced with the problrem of destruction nature, I wish they had contact more the beauty of nature
関連問題(自然体験と環境問題) These days more and more people are enjoying camping on the weak end. It is ture that the best way to relieve stress and fatigue in the city life is to spend leisurely time outdoor, but it is a pity that some people feel guilty about breaking brunch of trees and going home without bringing their litter home. I feel that certainly they can relieve their own fatigue but it is trouble for nature.
>>14 大矢 Ecological thinking demands firstly understanding strong mutual influence of every part of nature, including humans.
鬼塚 In lakeside towns, unpurified wastewater continually pours into lakes, so that it does damage to creatures living there. Ironically, as many people migrated to lakesides searching for good environments, water, one of them, got spoiled.
>>15 大矢 Needless to say, a good command of foreign languages is important to live in a international society. However, it is more important to be responsible for our own acts and to have good manners of not being a nuisance.
鬼塚 Today many activists cry for peace and improvement of the world suggesting its methods, but most of them forget that the human heart is to be the basis. Personal and family peace composes world peace, and small kindness underlies big kindness, not vice versa.
>>149 どうぞいらっしゃい。 大矢5 第一文はOK。 第二文、前半と後半をコンマだけでつなぐのは無理。 Now thatやAsなどで前半を従属節にするか、andでルーズにつなぐ。 後半、なぜ仮定法? 都会の子にとっても自然と触れ合う機会はその気になれば 不可能じゃないでしょ。I hope them to 〜 などとする。
関連問題 ひとつの町のことを具体的に言っているとするのなら、the lakeside town と単数扱いにする。 一般論とするのなら、第二文は現在形で通すのがいいでしょう。 one of themの挿入はいらない。 Ironically, many people migrated 〜 and now spoil the water. でよいかと。
大矢9 I have stayed Rome for one month. At first I worried that I felt poor to live in the place where my mother tongue differs from theirs, but soon I realized it was false. The Italian are very friendly, so I feel happy to communicate with them by gestures.
関連問題 If we live abroad, we will come to think that "all human beings are similar." If we deal with the Englishmen, we certainly will think so. It really is similar to the Japanese that how they react to the sadness or the happiness and consider our position. Because they are shy, it is diffiult to become friends with them soon. But once we become, we can communicate with them in surprisingly deep.
大矢1 I went back to hometown for the first time in a long time. I was surprised to see a big building in the place where there used to be an elementary school.
関連問題 One day by chance I passed by the town where I lived when I was a child. Remembering the spectacle of the age,I seemed to reach the town, but I was uncertain of this.The town had changed completely. It looked as if houses in the town were new,so I didn't think that they had been in the town since 30 years ago.
>>150 おっと失礼。 大矢8 commandの使い方がいいですね。to be good at 〜 でもいい。 冠詞注意 an international society 冠詞や三単現に弱い人は音読する機会をふやすといい。センターの英文がおすすめ。 have good manners で「迷惑をかけない」という意味も十分含まれている。
鬼塚 activistsやunderliesの使い方がいいですね。 its methodのitsが指すのは複数形のmany activistsでしょ。いいのかな。 some methodsやvarious methodsとするとよいかと。
>>16 大矢 A month has passed since I arrived at Rome. Before my arrival I worried that it is hard to live where a foreign language is spoken, but actually it isn't. I feel that I have a good time when communicating by gesture with the Italian, who is pretty frank.
鬼塚 If you live in a foreign country, you will feel, "Humans are not different." I'm sure that you will be convinced of it when you are in company with Englishmen. They react to such feelings as sadness or pleasure and act thinking of others' position, just as Japanese people do. Because they are shy, you could not make friends with them. But, once you become a friend of them, you and they can know the centre of each other's heart surprisingly deeply.
大矢9 I've been in Rome for a month. I was worried that it would be hard to live there because I can't speak Italian, but my worry turned out to be unnecessary. I enjoy very much to communicate with Italian people, who are cheerful, with gestures.
関連問題 If you live in a foreign country, you will feel that all humans are the same. For example, if you keep company with British people, you are sure to feel so. They are very similar to Japanese people in the way that they react to sorrow and pleasure, and in the point that they think of the other person's situation. Because they are shy, you cannot become friends with them easily, but once you do so, you can become surprisingly familiar with each other heartily.
大矢10 Technological progress has enriched people's standard of living, but on the other hand, we have a lot of problems to solve.
関連問題 As modern civilization progress, we are obliged to sit up late, and lack sleep. Because of development of a means of transportation we have less occasion to walk on foot, and lack exercise. As for foods, it is seen that there are a lot of people experiencing malnutrition though they have too much foods.
>>170 because I can't speak Italian という処理はうまいね。 最後の文は、enjoy 〜ing とする。 Italian people are cheerful, and I enjoy very much communicating with them using gestures. と分けるとシンプルにかける。
>>17 大矢 Technological development has enriched our lives, but, at the same time, there remain many problems unsolved.
鬼塚 The more modern civilization advance, the more we are forced to stay awake till midnight and are perplexed with the lack of sleep. In addition, the development of the traffic systems deprive us of the chance of walking, so that we are troubled with the lack of excercising. Talking of foods, many people suffer from the lack of nutrition in spite that foods are plentiful.
>>27 I've driven cars for almost 30 years, fortunately, without car accidents.
>>28 大矢 Matsushima is popular place to visit as a tourist because it takes an hour to go to Matsushima from Sendai. But, in a sightseeing season, you shouldn't call at this town by car. The traffic around the town would be too heavy, so you might get tired before reaching there.
鬼塚 Gazing at something in a short distance for a long time can make your eyes tired. It is because you need contract your eye muscles when you see in a distance of less than about 6 meters. Not only when using a computer but also when doing such acts as reading or making things, which compel you to stare continually at something close to you, you should sometimes look at something far away to relax your eyes.
>>179 大矢12 第一文、冠詞注意 a popular place もっとシンプルに Many tourists visit Matsushima でいい。 主客逆転の発想。 第二文、OKですが、going there by car is not a good idea というようにもかける。 最終文、too to構文とso that構文のチャンポンぽい印象。 so that構文で教科書どおりに書くのが試験では手堅い。
鬼塚 第一文からリズムよくかけてますね。 第三文、ふたつのwhen節の後、you are compelled to〜 でいったん文を切り、 So, you should 〜 とつなげる手もあり。 今回は文法ミスもなく、とてもよくかけていますが、 より自分でコントロールしやすいシンプルな文を目指して いろいろ考えてみてください。
>>29 大矢 The progress of science destroyed nature, so that our living environment got in danger. To my regret, however, it seems that many people don't take the environmental problem seriously.
鬼塚 "Your book on human life, which I borrowed last Wednesday, is worthwhile reading so much. I have read about two-thirds of it." "Although quite a few books today are written in way of begging for many people's buying, in this book the author expresses his own views and beliefs directly. This is to be admired, I think."
大矢11 It is almost thirty years since I drove a car for the first time, but, happily, I've never met any accidents so far.
大矢12 Matsushima is a famous sightseeing place, and is only an hour's drive from Sendai, but if you visit this town for the sightseeing season, you'd better not go there by car. Because of heavy traffic, you may be tired before you arrive there. . 関連問題 When you look at objects close to you for a long time, your eye will be tired. This is because your eye's muscle is strained , when you look at objects which is whithin about six meters. Not only when you use a computer, but when you are obliged to keep on looking at objects close to you, such as reading or handicraft, you should rest your eye by looking at far objects.
>>30 大矢 Although It may be rather an overstatement to say that bad weather enters into selling of books, I was informed by a bookseller, as expected, that in a rainy day or in a very hot day he has very few customers.
鬼塚 Too much or too less rainfall causes disasters. In the age without a word of "weather forecast", people could predict the following weather only counting on their own judgement. Therefore, people must have observed sky and wind in earnest. Perhaps this is why words about weather are abundant.
大矢12 第一文冒頭の前置形容詞の重ね方は私の推奨パターンですね。 Butのところで切ったほうが書きやすいし読みやすい。 but ifのところはbut in the sightseeing seasonでいい。 had betterは脅す感じなので英作文や英会話では原則として使わないほうがいい。
関連問題 両目なのでeyesとする。muscleも複数にしておいたほうがいい。 第一文と第二文の間は無理に因果関係を明示しなくても、 When you look at 〜, your eyes’ muscles are strained. とルーズに第二文を継いでもいいかと。 単複注意 objects which are
>>187 筆者の本意は「本当に天気の悪さは本の売り上げに響くんだ!」ということなので、 冒頭はAlthough It may sound 〜 とするのがよいかと。 as expected は「やはり」を訳したんだろうけど、私ならこれは単に日本語の 語呂のあやとして無視しますね。 「客足が遠のく」の処理はばっちりです。
司法試験合格者数一覧 【高等文官司法科】 【旧司法試験】 【新司法試験】 (昭和9〜15年) (1949〜2005年) (2006年) @ 東京大 683名 @ 東京大 6,328名 @ 中央LS 131名 A 中央大 324名 A 中央大 5,399名 A 東京LS 120名 B 日本大 162名 B 早稲田 4,045名 B 慶応LS 104名 C 京都大 158名 C 京都大 2,831名 C 京都LS 87名 D 関西大 74名 D 慶応大 1,960名 D 一橋LS 44名 E 東北大 72名 E 明治大 1,082名 E 明治LS 43名 F 明治大 63名 F 一橋大 978名 F 神戸LS 40名 G 早稲田 59名 G 大阪大 777名 G 同志LS 35名 H 東北大 752名 H 関学LS 28名 I 九州大 639名 I 立命LS 27名 J 関西大 587名 J 北大LS 26名 K 名古屋 556名 K 法政LS 23名 L 日本大 518名 L 東北LS 20名 M 同志社 489名 M 阪市LS 18名 N 立命館 423名 〃 関西LS 18名 O 神戸大 409名 O 名大LS 17名 P 法政大 392名 〃 都立LS 17名 Q 阪市大 386名 〃 上智LS 17名 R 北海道 385名 R 千葉LS 15名 S 上智大 314名 〃 学習LS 15名
654 名前:大学への名無しさん[] 投稿日:2006/10/31(火) 20:28:03 ID:+Jen2gDr0 He sees anger as a kind of madness,given that what makes us angry tends to be the frustration of dangerously optimistic ideas about the world and other people. 京大の問題 単語はシス単でOKだがスルスルっと訳せるか?っていう。京大はそういう感じ。
108 名前:大学への名無しさん :2006/10/31(火) 20:42:24 ID:E1QFYLqy0 He sees anger as a kind of madness,given that what makes us angry tends to be the frustration of dangerously optimistic ideas about the world and other people.