>>925 お願いします。 In old times, surely, there were some scary adults in a town. They always scolded children seriously when they behaved badly. I think that is because the adults had a strong awareness that they should bring up children by everyone who are in the community. Children could become the person gradually who have an awareness that they are a member of community by that atmosphere.
>>940 これもお願いします。 When you are asked to explain the taste of a red tai for someone who have never had it, what words do you choose? Perhaps, you can't express it whatever words do you choose. Thus, we can't explain the taste of even a food, so languages aren't as useful to express things as we think.
おねがいします。 >>940 If you are asked to describe how a red tai tastes by someone who has never eaten it, what words will you choose? Perhaps, there is no way to express it no matter what words you use. Because you can not tell even the taste of such a single thing,a language is not as useful as you think. >>945 There is nothing we can do when we get at a loss how to solve a math problem, though we studied math a little.That is because, without knowing any formula, we can never manage to solve a math problem for ourselves. However, even in such a situation, if we study math so hard that we may review everything including the very basic, we must feel math is easier than we thought or more interesting than easy.
>>940 How do you explain what a red tai tastes like to someone who has never eaten it? No words are likely to be suitable to describe its taste. In this respect, language is rather an inconvenient tool. また簡略版やっちまった。すまんです。
>>947 第一文、悪くはないんだけど、和文の情報構造を活かすとこうなります。 In the past, there were some adults in a community who were feared by many children. When a child was being disgraceful, they would take the trouble to scold him in earnest. 第二文、第三文はこれでいいでしょう。
>>953 第一文を切ったのはよい判断です。情報構造もいい。 「地域社会全体で」はby everyone in the community もしくは by all of the communityでいい。 最後の文、childrenは複数、the personは単数なのがよくない。 主語をa childにするのも手。任意の一人について語るというモード。
Many people have a opinion that communication is important,but if you think that communicating is chattering,it is far from correct understanding. Communicating needs dramatical sense of grasping your situation. When people who are lacking in the sense have a discussion on difficult problems, they'll begin to quarrel immediately.
>>945 お願いします。 You can't answer the mathmatical problem any more whenever you solve it a little, and you can't come up with the idea to solve it. Solving it isn't a kind of work which you can manage to do only by yourself even if you don't know formulas and so on. However, even in that case, you must find mathmatics not so much easy as interesting surprisingly, if you study it from the essential basics like you follow the way you have been studied it.
>>958 これもお願いします。 Many people says that communication is important. However, if they think that continuing to talk becomes communicating, it is an inconsequent thought. Communication needs the dramatic sense of grasping the situation. If people who don't have the sense debate a difficult problem, they will quarrel about it.
>>950 黒鯛というのもいますよ。関西ではチヌといって釣り師のターゲット。 京大で友人と海釣りにといえば、若狭湾に出向いたりします。 explainではなくdescribe。 最後はこうした方がいいでしょう。 you can't express by language so freely as you expect.
When you study Math , if you are solving the problem and then can't find how to finish it , you become at a loss . This is because you can't solve Math only by yourself when you don't have any formula by heart . But you would think that then while you study Math as if you try again it through very basic process , unexpectedly , it is easy or interesting .
>>945 数学の問題よろしくお願いします In mahematics, once you enter into a domain where you don't understand, nothing can be done about it. How could you deal with it for yourself without knowing formulas or some knowledge relating to it? You can do nothihg. Mathematics is a thing of that kind. Nevertheless even in the case of that kind, if you are willing to learn mathematics all over again, step by step, from the very first step, you must get to find that mathematics is not so difficult and, moreover, is interesting as you learn. なかなかやりにくい問題でした
また遅くなってすみません。お願いします。 >>909 Although a garden is out of doors,it is a device of dwelling which influences the indoor atomosphere much. For example,when you sit in a living room and look at out of window unconsciously,it makes a big difference in the air of a house whether there is a spread of fresh grass or a pile of old pine.
>>925 There used to be some scary adults in ever town,and they earnestly gave children a lecture,whoever the children did something to be ashamed of. I think that they had a strong consciousness that children should be brought up by the whole community. Thanks to the atomosphere,the children could also become aware that they were members of the community.
残りレス少ないのに連投すみません >>940 If you are asked the taste of a red tai by someone who have not eaten one,how do you describe it? Probably we can't communicate the taste of a thing,so a language is not as convenient as you thought.
>>958 Many people say that dialogue is important,but if they associate it with a chat,they have a very big mistake. In dialogue,we need to have a dramatic sense to understand situations. As soon as people lacking the sense deal with a difficult problem, they will have a conflict.
>>971 The days when TV had not been invited,it was radio that we surrounded in living rooms. We felt excited hearing the small magic box. Those who are growing up with TV must think that radio is inferior to TV in describing something. However,thanks to that,radio made us full of imagination.
>>971 お願いします。 Before the arrival of TV, in living room, people often listened to radio. We listened to the sound heard from the small magic box with our heart excited. Those who have been grown up with TV must think that radio is inferior to TV in expression power. Thanks to that quality, however, we became imaginative ones.
10さん、新入りですが、あと1週間よろしくお願いします!717と名乗ることにします。 とりあえず、次の2題お願いします。 >860 When you visit some place,it is natural for the land to become the main character. Even if you walk with a guide or a guidebook,it doesn't matter.In other words,the moment you plan to go somewhere, what you should decide to do begins to depend on the place where you want to go.
>866 It seems that the stress of this age,which our brains feel to some degree unconsciously,causes us to become more interested in the brain today.While we are playing sports,it is not when we do well but when we don't know how we should move our bodies that we get conscious of the existence of the body. In this way,probably,we have become unable to understand how to use our own brains.
>>945 数学の問題。お願いします。 If you find you cannot understand mathematics at a somewhat advanced level, you will be at a loss how to tackle it. Math is not something you can manage for yourself without knowing any relevant formulae. Neverhteless, if you continue to study it, with your determination to start again from the very beginning, you are sure to find math less difficult than you thought, or indeed quite interesting anyway.
数学の問題。 >>946 数学の話であることをもっと前に出した方が読みやすい。 When you become a bit close to the answers of mathematic problems but notice the difficulties of them, you will find that you don't have any more ways to deal with them.
>>955 第一文、There is nothing we can doと言い切ってしまうと第三文への伏線にならないので There seem to be 〜 とする。また、最後のthoughはafterの方がいいかな。 第三文、hardというよりhumbly(謙虚に、humbleの副詞形)の方がいいでしょう。 前へ前へと頑張るとかえって停滞する、急がば回れというのが主旨ですから。
>>960 綴り注意 mathematical 第一文、You feel you can’t 〜とする。>>955へのレス参照。 第二文、even if ではなく if だけにする。 第三文、easyとdifficultが反転してない? 最後のところ、実際に辿るわけなので、like you followはfollowingだけにする のがいいでしょう。
>>965 第一文、When you try to solve a math problem but can't find how to finish it, とするとよいかと。 mathを大文字始まりにする必要はないでしょう。 第三文、>>955および>>960へのレスを参照。以下のようにするとよいでしょう。 But if you study math again through very basic process, you will find it unexpectedly easy or rather interesting.
>>967 第一文、数学の話であることを最初にもってくるのは情報構造上good。 主節はyou feel nothing can be done とするとベター。上のレス参照。 同様に、You can do nothing by such a headlong approach.とするとベター。 Mathematics is not a thing of that kind.と続ける。(肯定/否定が逆では。) you must get to findは義務っぽいのでyou will surely get to findの方がよいかと。
>>977 最後の「違いありません」というのは筆者の主観なので、 you are sure to findはyou will surely findとする。 最後のanywayは消すかsomehowとする。 他はとてもよく書けています。
>>973 typoというかミス(;^ω^) >>940 鯛の話 2文目以降 Probably,we can't do that because it is beyond description. You see,we can't communicate even the taste of a thing, so a language is not as convenient as you thought. でお願いします。
テレビとラジオの問題。 この問題でこそ思い出して欲しいのがCarpentersのYesterday Once More。 対訳サイト。カラオケメロディが流れます。 http://homepage1.nifty.com/carnet/yesterdayomore.htm I'd は I would の略です。 本問の第二文はもろにこれで書けるでしょう。 Before TV came along, radio was at the center of living room entertainment. When I was young, my family would listen to the small magical box excitedly.
前スレ>>975 第一文、in living roomは最後でいい。 第二文、listenとhearを一緒に使うのは変な感じ。heardはとる。 最後の文、「映像表現を欠く」というのは機能の有無の問題なので qualityの一語で切り捨てるのはどうかと。
>>9 第一文、家庭でということも表すために最後にin living room もしくはat homeをつける。 最後はhoweverの前で文を切る。 「映像表現を欠く」はこのように直訳するのが結局は安全策でしたね。 all the moreはいいですね。逆説的なつながりなのでthanks toよりいい。 enrichもいいですね。河合塾生ならすぐ思いつくw
Many people say conversation is important , but if you think that talking with someone means conversation , it is fault . When you make a conversation , you must maintain the special sence . This sence is to understand the circumstances . If you don't have the sence and talk with such man , there would happen the quarrel .
Before TV was invented , the main medium in the house was radio . We were listeng with curiousity to the sound and voice which were come out from the small magical box . The people who were brought up in the circunstances which there is TV must think that radio is inferior to TV in the ability to express somethig . But , because radio can't make images , it made us imaginative .