These days, I think, the environments have changed a lot. We need to consider what matters if climates changes most. We'll be suffered more and more in case the climates changes. For example, the higher the temperture becomes, the less steady the weather will be. What we have to do is to avoid using cars and other things that uses many of sources at once, since they may cause the global warming. It is no use arguing what to do, but it matters whether each of us gets more knowlege of the way solving the global problems.
These days, I think, the environments have changed a lot. We need to consider what matters if climates change most. We'll be suffered more and more in case the climates change. For example, the higher the temperture becomes, the less steady the weather will be. What we have to do is to avoid using cars and other things that use many of sources at once, since they may cause the global warming. It is no use arguing what to do, but it matters whether each of us gets more knowlege of the way solving the global problems.
「天候が不安定⇒我々は苦しむ。」 の理由ですか・・・ The change of climates is of great importance to us. Because it can cause such disasters as typhoons. Last year we had more than eight ones and were forced to prepare for disasters. Not only typhoons, but also the earthquakes are what we need to spend time studying more.
>>52 論理構成はしっかりしてる・・・ように見えて落とし穴が。 お題が「地球環境の為に何をすべきか」だから、 最初にトピックを盛り込みつつ「〜をすべきだ」とかいたほうがいい。 We should not use vehicles that emit a lot of carbon dioxide, In order to protect the global enviroment. などをいきなり持ってくる。 あなたの文は 1〜4行:トピックの導入 5行:主張 6行:根拠 7行:新たな主張 と構成されていて、ネイティブはかなりイライラすることになってしまう。 トピックの導入&主張、根拠、具体例をバランスよく配分しる。 根拠と具体例の組み合わせはそれぞれ複数になってもいいけど主張は一個ね。100語なら。
>>61 There are lots of differences between Japanese cultures and Western ones. Among them, what suprises me the most was thoughts on religion. For example, Japanese do not worship religion very harder than Western people do. I insist that there are two reasons why Japanese do not often have their own religion. First, Japanese society has made them become more materialistic and prevented them from thinking of themselves, like no having enough time to go to the church, temples, and so on. Second, much of religion was created not so much in Japan as in Western, China, and India. Something that we could call religion of Japanese may have gone after the end of the World WarU. While in Western countries, historical religion has come together with their lives.
That is where we can point to as a cultural difference between Japan and the West.
I think that in japan society women are not independent of men . Of course ,these days ,more and more women are demonstraiting their will to independence. But women in Japan are still less indendent than women in Westen counties. About 150 years ago, women in the U.S resisted men so that they scquire the right equal to men. So now women's statues are barely equal to men's in the American society. But I think women in Japan do not still really mean to get that right. So whether or not they can be indepent of men will be decided by women's activity.
It is better that couples might as well marry after falling in love with each other. There are several reasons why I think it better to do that. First, a man and a woman who haven't known each other can be afraid more than those who have grown their love for a while. Marrying is one of the largest incidents in our life. We cannot be too careful to judge what our partner is like. Second, they can keep their own stories of the time when their love was still thrilling even after their sons or daughters are brought up. This can remind them of the duty to make their life successful.
These are why I suggest that people should fall in love with before marrying.
Love marriages are far better than arranged marriages for the following reasons.
First, in the process of fostering their love, people can know more about each other. Since marriage is one of the most important decisions in their life, they should have enough time to judge what their future spouse is like.
Second, their love story will make a good memory after their children grow up and leave home. Recollecting the time when their love was still passionate will help them to keep their marriage.
Thus, I strongly suggest that marriage should be a result of mutual affection.
>>73 >First, a man and a woman who /haven't/ known each other ... "do not"でいいんじゃないかな。
>Marrying is one of the largest /incidents/ in our life. "incident"は、辞書によると「大きな事件に附随して起こる小さな出来事」と言う ニュアンスらしいし、なんとなくきな臭いようなイメージもあるので、"event"がいい。
>Second, they can /keep/ their own stories of the time >when their love was still thrilling even after their sons or daughters are brought up. "keep"だけでも大丈夫だと思うが、後ろに"in mind"と付けると意味が通りやすいのでは。
>These are why I suggest /that people should fall in love with/ before marrying. "fall in love with O"は目的語をとらないならwith以下はいらないと思う。 あるいは、"that a coulpe should fall in love with each other"とするか。
高1でこれだけ書けるのは大したものです。"might as well do"のニュアンスなんか こちらが勉強になったくらい。頑張ってください。
>>76 >Second, their love story will /make/ a good memory after their children >grow up and leave home. "make"というと、「子供達の思い出になる」と言う事にも取れてしまいそう。いずれにせよ後ろに"for"で 対照を明示するか、「親達にとって」と言う事であれば"be"で充分と思う。
I am very much in favor of the first position. If Japanese law allowed people to hold a second nationality, there would be a lot of problems. For instance, suppose a person who holds a second nationality was erected Japanese prime minister. Then, Japanese prime minister would be a foreigner. It is disgusting for me. Therefore,I agree with the present state of Japanese law.
お題は、おそらく「第二国籍制を認めるか否か」と言うようなものでしょうか。 語数にもよるが、85氏の言う通り"a lot of problems"と言ってあるので、 最低2つは挙げておく方がいい。 あと、細かい事だが"law"や"prime minister"には定冠詞をつけておいた方がいいと思う。
>For instance, suppose a person who holds a second nationality was /erected/ >Japanese prime minister. この"suppose"は"what if"のようなニュアンスなので、うしろは"?"がいい。 それから、"erected"→"elected"。この場合の"Japanese prime minister"は 一人だけの役職なので冠詞はなしのままでOK。
In2004,a new professional baseball team is born. that is based on my town ,which have a advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is that we can usually see a interesting baseball game. I think that it is very good for children to see a baseball game near the players. The disadvantage may be caused by tourists.Tourist might come into conflict with people who live near ballpark.
>In2004,a new professional baseball team /is/ born. that is based on my town >,which have /a/ advantage and disadvantage. 細かいところから行くと、去年の話なので"is born"→"was born"。 それから、"an advantage and a disadvantage"。 あと、文章全体として意味は通ると思うけど、なんかごちゃごちゃしてるので、 "In 2004, a new professional baseball team was born which is based in my town. This may be an advantage and a disadvantage."はどうでしょうか。 (あくまで個人的な好みですが)
>The advantage is that we can /usually/ see /a interesting baseball game/. "Usually"より"always"の方が合うような気がする。 それから、試合は1つだけじゃないだろうから、"interesting baseball games"。 次の文も、複数の方がいいと思う。
>Tourist might come into conflict with people who live near /ballpark/. ここも、球場は楽天の球場と特定できるので"the"が必要。
We are so used to traditional buildings around us that we often take them for granted. However, we must remember that many people have been making great efforts to preserve them for a long time.