Newly,here comes two companies which tries to have a proffetional baseball team. people living in Miyagi more support Livedoor in their showing direction that they put baseball camp in Sendai earlier.
Two companies expressed their intentions to have a professional baseball team. Miyagi residents' support seems to be stronger for Livedoor, because Livedoor said that they will have their baseball team at Sendai first.
>>6 Newly,here comes two companies which tries to have a proffetional baseball team. people living in Miyagi more support Livedoor in their showing direction that they put baseball camp in Sendai earlier.
Here comesはやって来る、の感じだからちょっと違う。Come up 位か。 Companies 2社だから三単現はまずい、元文も過去形。Newlyはhaveの前に 持っていった方がいい。 Proffetional->professional ようであるが訳出されていない。 More support Livedoor, コンマ必要と思う。あるいはsupport Livedoor more than their rival, とでもするか。 Earlierもそのままでは以前に、になってしまうのでYYより先に、の部分を補う 必要がある。Earlier than their rival/competitorとかearlier than the other company. 本拠地・・hometown位の方がいいかもしれないが。
修正案 Two companies came up to newly have a professional baseball team. People living in Miyagi seem to more support Livedoor, for their showing the direction to put the baseball camp in Sendai, earlier than the other company.
>>7 Two companies expressed their intentions to have a professional baseball team. Miyagi residents' support seems to be stronger for Livedoor, because Livedoor said that they will have their baseball team at Sendai first. Firstがそこにあるとまず仙台でそのあと他に移すと解釈されるかも。 Earlierを使うかsaidの前に持っていっては?
Two companies put up their hands to newly own a professional baseball team. It seems that the majority of the citizens of Miyagi prefecture support the Livedoor company, because they expressed their intention to designate Sendai as the hometown of their baseball team earlier than their competitor.
Two companies stepped forward for entry into baseball business. Livedoor, which was the first to announce a plan to base its club at Sendai city, seems to be getting more support from Miyagi residents.
>>13 確かにGeniusにも過去分詞の前に、と書いてある。指摘サンクス。 一応ググッてみると、 In addition, all participants attend German language courses at suitable levels to newly acquire the language or to achieve a higher level of perfection. みたいな文がたくさんかかってくるのであり得ないわけではないのだろうが 使わない方が無難そう。 newly own a professional baseball team->own a professional baseball team anew とでもするか。>>10がスマートだな。ただし、さっき忘れたけどbaseball business の前にもthe必要な気がする。
>>20 The typhoon killed a few people, brought road and buildings tremendous damage. Now restoration of road is under way. 一文目、road->roads以外OKだがbrought tremendous damage to roads and buildings. の方がわかりやすいかも。Fewは少しだけ殺したになってちょっと違和感あり。 Now, restoration of the roads is underway. Now の後ろにコンマ必要と思う。Underwayはone wordでも可。
>>21 Several number of people were killed by the typhoon and it damaged roads or houses to a large extent. Now roads are under the restoration. 二つの文の主語の不一致は>>24さんの指摘通り。間違いとまでは言えないと思う。 Several入れたらnumber of は入れない。Or->and Restorationの前のtheは不要。
>>22 A few people were killed by the typhoon, which damaged roads and houses so terribly. Restoration is just under way. Fewへの違和感は上記の通り。Severalがいいと思う。 Justだとちょうど始まったという感じだから、nowかcurrentlyがいいと思う。
>>24 Several people were killed by the typhoon, which damaged the road and houses to a large extent. The roads have now been in restoration. The road->roads 二文目、単にThe damaged roads are now in restoration.の方がいいと思う。
>A few people were killed by typhoon and it made the road and the >house broke. あと、>>21 さんと同じく、>>24>>25 にあるように、主語が変わっているので ギクシャクしてましゅ。 それと、特定の一つの道と一つの家が問題になっているのではないので、定冠 詞+単数 の the road とか the houseはまずい。
もし typhoon を主語にするなら、 The typhoon left several people dead and a lot of roads and houses damaged/broken. とか。
>The road have been fixed now. 主語動詞の一致はさておくとして、これだと修理し終わったことになる。 → The roads have been being fixed.
>>52 Japanese sutudents who stayed in America for several months are surprised to find that American are indiferent to whether they speak English well or not if only they can express what they want to tell others clearly.
>>53 Currently, the warning on health problems printed on tobacco boxes is expressed nonspecifically; 'smoking may endanger your health.' However, it has been decided that the warning will be changed to more specific expressions, such as 'smokers are 2 to 4 times more likely to die from lung cancer than nonsmokers.'
>>52 After stayimg in America for 2 or 3 months, Japanese students will be surprised to realize that Americans don't care about correct American language, as long as they can make themselves clearly understood. お願いします
>>53 the warning about the health printed on cigarette box shows that smoking may harms your health is to be changed to it shows concretely that smoker have two to four times higher possibility of death from lung canser than ordinary people have >>52 japanese students who have been in the u.s. for 2 or 3 months are surprised to notice that americans care about only whether man can make themselves understood or not, even though he is good at english or not
元ネタの英文を示します A Japanese student who stayed in America for a few months was amazed to discover that Americans were not interested in how good or bad his English was, so long as he could make his meaning clear.
無頓着のところは be indifferent to でもいいですがと無関心と言い換えてbe not interested inでもいいかと not care aboutもOKのような気がします regardless of て表現もあります whether節のところはhow good or bad his English wasのようになってました うまく話せるというのは流暢にというfluentlyというのもあります
はっきり伝える さえ出来さえすればのところは as(so) long as 構文とmake oneself understood構文を使うのがよいかなと思います
>>62 >皆さんJapanese students としてますが複数形にするのは多分NG 52の日本語から英訳するなら、複数形でかまわんと思います。何かつけてもい いかも。 Those Japanese students who... Many/Most Japanese students who...
>不特定かつ一般的な人なので解答どおりA Japanese studentと単数にした方が妥当 >あと時制ですが驚くのは滞在したときなので驚くの時制で現在形はNGです というより、元ネタ英文に対する日本語訳(出題文)が間違っているんじゃ? 「アメリカに数ヶ月滞在したある日本人学生が、...して驚いた。」なのでは?
52の日本語をもとにするなら、>>58さんのように、will とか would を使うの は適切だと思う。
改訂案 The warning on health problem printed on cigarette boxes showing that smoking may harm your health is to be changed to more detailed explanation like 'smokers have two to four times higher possibility of death from lung cancer than non-smokers.
単語レベルでのミス tobacco -> cigarette 常識的に考えて紙巻煙草のことだと思われるのでcigarette の方が良いでしょう。 die from -> die of 一般的に、病気や老衰など直接の原因の場合はof、事故怪我など 間接原因の場合はfrom をとる、とされています。両方いずれの場合でも使えるのがof ですので、 無難にof を使ったほうが良いです。
【改訂案】 Currently, the warning on health problems printed on cigarette boxes is expressed nonspecifically like this; 'smoking may harm your health.' However, it has been decided that the warning will be changed to more specific expressions, such as 'smokers are two to four times more likely to die of lung cancer than non-smokers.'
Cigarette boxes carry warning labels. The ones you see now are rather mild in wording. For example, you may read something like, "Cigarette smoking may be harmful to your health." This does not sound like much of a warning; therefore, it was decided recently that this kind of 'mild' label might read something like this: "The rate of death from lung cancer in smokers is two to four times higher than that among non-smokers."
>>52 >Japanese sutudents who stayed in America for several months are surprised to >find that American are indiferent to whether they speak English well or not >if only they can express what they want to tell others clearly.
・America でも良いが、 United States や North America の方が適切。 ・Japanese students who stay ... will be surprised の方が自然。 ・are different -> do not care の方が自然。 ・「はっきり伝える」と clearly はちょっとずれる。私なら、 American student do not care your accent as long as they understand you のような感じにする。
>>55 >Currently, the warning on health problems printed on tobacco boxes is >expressed nonspecifically; 'smoking may endanger your health.' However, >it has been decided that the warning will be changed to more specific >expressions, such as 'smokers are 2 to 4 times more likely to die from >lung cancer than nonsmokers.'
・小難しい英語を使いすぎ。「喫煙は、、、」というのは、通常 Smoking may damage your health Smoking may lead to ... など。 ・nonspecifically も小難しすぎだし、意味がずれてる。generally とか usually の方が良い。 ・However は文頭は避ける。 It, however, ... の方がよい。 ・are likely to die は、間違いではないが直接すぎて怖い表現。 The possibility of death の 方が客観的な表現で怖くなくなる。
米国 SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury,Premature Birth,And Low Birth Weight. Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. Smoking Causes Lung Cancer , Heart Disease , Emphysema , And May Complicate Pregnancy.
We humans never lose interest in unexperienced things easily, even when we are quite old. Then, human beings may be said as celebrated species, for we are gifted such a wonderful ability to have as much curiosity as children forever.
We don't lose easily interest in new things we never experienced. This seems to mean that we are a fortunate to enjoy a privilege to be a curious child forever.
>>83 Even if human become older,they don't lose the interests for things they have never experienced. So,human may be creature that have priviledge they can be like a child forever.
>>83 いつまでも子供でいられる特権のおかげで、人間は幸せな種族かもしれない なぜなら、かれらが何歳でも、経験してない事への興味を簡単に捨てようとしないからだ thanks to a privilege to be childlike forever, humanbeing may be happy race. because,how old they are, they are unwilling to discard easily interest for what they haven't ever experiensed
出題は2001年、京都大学前期。 模範解答; Children are full of curiosity. In the case of many animals, as they mature, they seem to become less curious. In contrast, human beings continue to be curious about various things even when we grow older. Thus, one could say that human beings are a happy species because we enjoy the privilege of being children as long as we live.
Children are curiosity itself. As far as many animals are concerned, the more mature they grow, the less curious they become. Human beings, however, retain fresh interests in all kinds of things when they are older. They may be said to be a happy species privileged to remain children all thier lives.
Young children are extremely curious. Most animals, however, become less so as they grow older. Human beings, in contrast, stay curious about a variety of things even in their old age. This may suggest that humans are a happy species never deprived of the privilege of being children.
>106 二文ともよく書けています。 一文目 when they are older -> when they grow older / when they are old 二文目 一般に、however が来ると「筆者の最も主要な主張」が来る事になっているので、ここでhowever を使うのは 論理構造上、望ましくありません。 Though most animals ... , human beings ... と譲歩節で処理してやると良いでしょう。
>Children are curiosity itself. children が curiosity とはいいません、 itself ではなく、 themselves ですが、これもおかしい。
>As far as many animals are concerned, the more mature they grow, the >less curious they become. 無理矢理構文に当てはめた感じです。もっと単純に、 As they grow, they will show less interest in ... のようにすべきでしょう。
>Human beings, however, retain fresh interests in all kinds of things >when they are older. ここは日本語自体がわかりずらい。あえて言えば、 Although 直前の文, この文 ... といった関係か。ここの「ところが」は however とは違う。
>They may be said to be a happy species privileged to remain children >all thier lives. 問題文中の「種族」は「種」であるべきだと思うのだが、、それはおいとくと して、 children -> being (or staying) curious like a child とかにしないと英語としてはおかしい。
>124 冠詞は確かに、我々日本人には難しいです。 the というのが「特定のthe」というのは理解していると思います。 あとはa が「任意」ということがわかれば、楽になると思います。 基本的に、the を用いる場合は話し手(書き手)と聴き手(読み手)の間に共通理解がある場合です。 「ほら、あの例のメアリーからの手紙は一ヶ月前に来たんだよ」 The letter from Mary reached me a month ago. これに対し、a は任意、不特定であり、a letter 「(長さ、色、形等無関係に、とにかく)一通の手紙」です。 ×I want you to pick me at an airport. 「どこの空港でもいいから空港(不特定)で拾ってね」 空港や駅の場合、「どこの空港でもいいからとにかく空港に来て」というのが意味上、変です。 話し手と聞き手の間に共通理解、わざわざ言わなくても「八王子駅」とか「久我山駅」とか、意識上特定されているものです。
話し手と聴き手の間に共通理解がない、新情報を提示する場合; A letter from Mary reached me last month. 「先月、一通の手紙(不特定)が来た」 The letter said that she was ill. 「その手紙(特定)には病気だと書いてある」 このようにまずa がつき、二文目以降は読み手もどの手紙の話かわかっているのでthe がつきます。
この他に、He caught me by the arm. (彼は私の腕をつかんだ)のような慣用表現としてthe を使うというものは 頑張ってたくさん覚えてください。
>>123 なぜ Children are curiosity itself がだめかというと、 children (複数形) だから。「複数の子どもたち」が「好奇心」になってしまう。この場合は好奇の 対象ととる方が自然でしょう。まぁ、子どもが固まることで好奇心が増すとも 取れないこともないですが、ちょっと強引。
>>141 I made it a rule for myself that whenever I go to a country whose native language is not English, I study beforehand, not only history, culture and customs of that country, but also easy expressions of the country's native language, such as hello and thank you. This is because I want to share the feelings of the people living in the country I visit.
>>139 保証はしませんが改善案提案、問題あったらフォローよろしく Tendancy->tendency toward more warming planet->to get warmer the poles-> both poles height->levelとしてlevel削除 lower lands such as Bangladesh->countries consisting mainly of lower lands, such as Bangladesh being削除 under the 削除 and のあとの, 削除 as a result->thusそのままでもいいけど・・ losing its nation->losing their countrylands(?) disappearing from the mapとか
改善案 If the earth's current tendency to get warmer continues, the ice in both poles will gradually melt. This means that the level of the sea will rise year by year. And because of this, countries consisting mainly of lower lands, such as Bangladesh, are now in danger of sinking into the sea, and thus, disappearing from the map.
私は,英語を母国語としないところへ行く時は,必ずそこの歴史文化習慣などの前知識はもちろん, 簡単な挨拶から感謝の気持ちの表現など日常的な会話表現は勉強していくことにしている. 彼らと気持ちを共有したいから. When I visit a country where people don't speak English, I never fail to learn not only their history, culture and custom but the way to express what we think in the daily life like simple greeting or appreciating. That's because I want to know their ideas.
>>145 その国に行く前に、というニュアンスが抜けている。 not onlyつかったbut also入れた方がいい customは複数にする(history,cultureと違い多数ある) When I visit a country where (whoseか?) people don't speak English, I always study not only their history, culture and customs, but also expressions in daily life like simple greetings or appreciations, before I visit that country. That's because I want to share their ideas.
[解答1] Before I go to a where the people do not speak English as their mother tongue, I always learn some everyday conversational expressions in their language such as simple greetings and expressions of gratitude, not to mention the history,culture, and customs of the country. This is because I want to be able to share my feelings with the local people.
[解答2] Before visiting a non-English speaking country, I usually try to learn a few everyday phrases such as greeting and thanks. I also try and find out about its history, traditions and culture.I feel this aids communication between myself and the local people.
解説 「行くときは必ず・・・勉強していく」をwhenever やwhenで表すと 行く直前に勉強するような感じがあるので 行く前に勉強しておくということでbefore 「必ず・・・することにする」の表現でmake it a rule toやmake a point of -ingを用いるのもよいが always やusuallyを使うのが自然
「XはもちろんYも」の表現でnot opnly X but also Y やY not to mention X はXとYの語数のバランスに気をつけて使い分ける
簡単な挨拶simple greetings 感謝の気持ちの表現expressions of gratitude(thanks)
>>150 In daily life, we are under the effect of various colors, regardless of whether we are aware of it or not.
However optimistic one may be, staying in a room with no direct sunlight would depress his emotions.
In addition, it is said that imaging the color pink in one's mind every day would rise the person's feelings by some extent, whatever psychological problem he might have.
>>162 Exept->exceptタイポかな? Which->that 使った方がいい Blows起こったんだから三単現は不適当、hitとか使うか Bullete-> bullet No other earthquake except the earthquake that hit the Niigata district derailed the bullet train. としておいて、 This earthquake seriously damaged many places of the district. とでも簡単にたしておけばまあまあの点が稼げると思います。難しいときは無理 に1文にしないで>>166さんの言うように単純化してまず文を作り、それからプラ スアルファをつけたしていけばいいと思います。ただ、no other~~~than をつか うのはこの文には?です。
>>164 Which->thatの方がいいか? Niigataの前にthe必要 Attackは能動的に攻撃するニュアンスが強いので地震には使わないように思う (反例あったら教えて下さい)strike, hit, occurあたりが適当。 新幹線の脱線などならasの前にsuch持ってきた方がいいと思う。 Shinkansenの前にthe必要。 The earthquake that struck the Niigata area caused great disasters in many cities, such as the first derailment of the Shinkansen.
自作 The earthquake that struck the Niigata area caused tremendous damages to various places of the area, including the derailment of one of the bullet trains, the first such accident in their history.
Includingはdamagesにかかるので The earthquake that struck the Niigata area caused tremendous damages, including the derailment of one of the bullet trains for the first time, to various places of the area. の方がいいかも知れないが、もう一つな感じ。
>>154 1 We are influenced by many kinds of colors in daily life, whether we are conscious or not. Conscious of this fact (単にitでも可) or notとする。そうしないと意識が あるかどうかに関わらず、になってしまう。 2 when you pass in dark room which is not exposed to the direct rays of the sun, you become to feel depressed, even however you are optimistic. Passだと通り過ぎるになってしまう。Stay for a long time Darkの前にa必要 Directの前のthe削除 To feel->feeling even however you are optimistic->however optimistic you are even if you are extremely optimisticでもいいが少し文意とそれる。 3 And it is said that if you picture pink to yourself, you recover your spirits, even whatever you worry. you picture pink to yourself文字通り塗ることにはならないかな? Recoverの前にcanかwill必要。 even whatever you worry->whatever worries you may have.
>>174 No one knows what will happen in the future. He, who was a millionaire until yesterday, became a man loaded with tremendous debt, in just one night.
You can’t tell the future. Just one night had turned him from a millionaire to a man with mounting debt.
ちなみにエイティブは Nobody on Earth knows what will happen in the future. Somebody who was rich until yesterday, he could become the 'king of debt' in just one night.だとさ。
>>181 though he was a rich man by yesterdayのbyはまずい 入れるならuntilかtill >>182 しゃれた英文でHe woke up to find himselfの形は覚えておいていいと思う。 ただ、この問題ではその晩寝ていたかどうかわからない。ばくちで全財産 すったのかも知れない。あげあし取りみたいで悪いけど。
>>188 >Nobody on Earth knows what will happen in the future. Somebody who >was rich until yesterday, he could become the 'king of debt' in just >one night. 質問ですが、Somebody who was rich until yesterday が文の中で浮いてると いうか、すぐうしろの he がダブってるというか、なんか変ではないですか? あと、on Earth は 小文字じゃなくてもいいんですか?
>>193 >ただ、この問題ではその晩寝ていたかどうかわからない。 なるほど。寝ておきたのではないように、直してみました。 He fell deeply into debt overnight. 王はうまくできません(>_<)
>>197 what the future has in storeとかwake up to find oneslfのことを言われて いるんだろうけど物語の中などならよく使用されるし、問題ないと思うけど。 日本語でも時と場合によっていろんな表現使い分けるし・・・ >He fell deeply into debt overnight. なるほど。
>>203 いつもそうなんだから定冠詞the削除してmatterを複数に。 この性格のため彼は金持ちになれなかった、ではちょっと文意からそれてしまう。 この形の文使って難しい単語を避けるとすると、 This character prevented him from seizing/grasping/grabbing the big chance. ぐらいか。もっと簡単には This character made him miss the great chance. Because of this character, he missed the big chance. 位でもいける。 ここでtheかaかは周囲の文脈による。
>>205 irresolving?知らないが。 irresoluteかindecisiveかな 思いつかなければ苦し紛れにslow-to-make-a-decision character prevent->prevented a great chanceをつかみ取ることからpreventしたとしなければいけない。 His indecisive charactor prevented him from seizing/grabbing a great chance. Takingはダメだよ、念のため。take chancesは別の意味があるので。
他に a chance of a lifetime a golden opportunity one in a million opportunity とかあるが思いつかなければgreat opportunityとかbig chanceで十分でしょう
文の基本パターンは His indecisive character prevented him from grabbing a great opportunity. Because of his indecisive character, he missed a great opportunity. His indecisive character made him miss a great opportunity.
あと、簡単な単語をハイフンでつないで使用するのは困ったときに使える。 A hard-to-convince personとか。
>日本人が勝手に作るもんではないやろ 別に何人が作っても問題ない。日常会話ではよく出てくる。こういう問題でも優柔不断が出てこなければ、 あるいは回りくどい書き方になって困ったときに空欄にしておいたりデタラメを書くより、 Because of his slow-to-act personality, 〜〜〜とやればある程度の点は期待できる。
>>217 ハイフン使わないですめばそれにこしたことはない。基本的に同意します。 ただ、優柔不断がどうにも出てこないときに indecidable personとかhe is difficult to decideとかのむちゃくちゃを書いたり、 無視して飛ばすよりはましかな、程度。どの程度点をもらえるかは こっちも入試の採点経験がないので知らないけど。 >>220 Because of his indecisive character, he missed a great opportunity. だとDue to, Owing toなどよりはbecauseがいいと思うけどまずいかな? 具体的に教えてくださるとありがたいです。 >>223 そうやってわめいててもしょうがないでしょ。そう思うんなら辞書を使わないで工夫した作品でも出しなよ。
>>226 You had not better->You had better notだが〜〜しない方がいいぞ、さもないと〜〜という ニュアンスであまり適当でない。You shouldn't 位簡単でいい。あるいはYou are better off not〜〜 『』はそのまま台詞にした方がいいと思う。『しておけばよかった』はI should have 〜〜 learnよりはでてくればmemorizeのほうがベター I should have put more English words into my memory.でもいいかな。 It is no use crying overは後ろにspilt milkがこないと。後悔はregret、嘆くはmournが普通だが 出てこなければthink sadly aboutでもいける。 来てから、のニュアンスが抜けている.after you have entered the test room. You shouldn't think 'I should have memorized more English words,' at this time. It is no use thinking sadly about the words you do not know, after you have entered the test room. いまさら〜〜がうまくでてない。ほかの点も含めフォローお願いします。 本当にこんな問題でたの?試験場で実際に見たら結構気分悪いと思う。
>226 つっこみどころ満載ですね。 まず受験生の常識であるhad better not, これを間違えるようでは英作文以前の問題です。 it is no use crying over spilt milk, を応用する事を思いつくのは(・∀・)イイ!のですが、 その後がいかにもまずい、応用になっていない。 うーん、酔っ払って帰ってきたので後日素面のときに添削します。
You shouldn't think 'I should have memorized more Japolish words like the word 'smart' ,' at this time. It is no use thinking sadly about the words you do not know, after you have entered the bed room. She is only smart ,but has a slim body.
You should not think now that you would learn more English words by heart It is no good lamenting the words which you don't learn after coming the exam place.
You should not think now that you should have memolized more English words. You can't change your situation if you think sadlu about English words which you don't know after you have entered the test room.
こんなもんでどうでしょうか? You shouldn’t think that you should have learned more English words at this late stage. There's no point in worrying about words unfamiliar to you at this time when you are sitting for the test.
dog・・・わかんね。犬。 hospial・・・a public place which injured or suffering people visit to cure. doctor・・・a person who examines the patients and supports them for their complete recovery, lunatic・・・a person who does something stupid. sea・・・日本語でも説明できない・・・。
dog:a four legged mamallian animal which is covered with fur and barks bow wow. sea:a huge mass of salty water which covers around two thirds of the Earth.
hospital:1) a building which a sick man goes in alive, and then goes out dead. 2) a place where somebody in a white coat gives you poison and kills you, then rips money off your inheritors. lunatic:1)a person who thinks that he can reach the moon. 2)somebody who thinks he can enter a decent university while doing 2ch at the same time. dog: a four legged object which bites you if you try to sit on it. sea: a huge puddle of salty water where boys go in the summer to find girlfriends
第1文で主張を書け。 Rich countries should help poor countries to stop expansion of desert.
次に「理由その1」を書け。「砂漠化防止の植林には、金と技術が必要」 First, to prevent desertification, it is necessary to plant trees and water them. This requires huge amount of money and advanced technology.
さらに、「理由その2」を書け。「砂漠化の防止は、先進国のためにもなる」 Second, increased desert accelerates further global warming. Preventing it will certainly benefit advanced countries as well.
最後に「締めの文」でもう一度主張する。 To solve the problem of growing desert, financial and technical assistance from rich countries is essential. (67字)
>I think it is impossible to protect areas from being dessert. ・I think it is impossible では、不可能になってしまう。It seems impossible|difficult が可。 ・いきなり areas from being dessert では唐突。その前に、 We will discuss desertification. とか There are some areas being desert. とかなんらか入れたほうがよさげ。
>To do this, we should water plants. 文法的に間違いとかではなく、論文的な表現になってない。例えば、 We will have to water plans to stop the desertification.
>But it needs much money, so a poor countries can't protect it. >So, rich contries should send money to these coutries. ・But とか So で文を始めるのもあまりよくない。減点はされないだろうが。 It, however, requires financial background which burdens poorer countries. などとすると良いのでは。 二文目は、 Rich countries should, therefore, support those countries financially (and technically).
>If that goes on this speed, we will regret our futures. ・on -> at では?
>>232 >>232 You shoud not think that you would learn more English words by heart. It is no means that you are shocked with not leaning words in the exam place.
今更のニュアンスがない。You would ではこれから学ぶぜ・・・になってしまう。 It is no means:意味不明。 It is meaningless ならOK. No means はYou are by no means〜〜〜といった用法が普通。
You should not think now that you should have learned more English words by heart. It is meaningless to be shocked with the fact that you didn’t memorize enough words, once you have entered the test room. まるで変わっちゃったけど。一つ目の文もshouldが続いてあまりいい文ではない。スマソ。
You should not think now that you should have memolized more English words. You can't change your situation if you think sadlu about English words which you don't know after you have entered the test room. memolize->memorize sadlu-sadlyタイポかな ifのまえにevenをつけるかifの代わりにhoweverにするといいかも Englishの前にthe必要 時制はこのままでいいと思うけど
>>235 Don't say, "I wish I had memorized more English words." Now that you are in the examination room, it is too late. 大分意訳だけどいい感じ。もとの日本語よりいいんじゃない? >>236 You shouldn’t think that you should have learned more English words at this late stage. There's no point in worrying about words unfamiliar to you at this time when you are sitting for the test. lateない方がいいような気がする。at this timeも省いた方が文がなめらか。 あるいはat this time whenの代わりにnow thatにするとか。
模範解答 You should know better than to say to yourself,“How I wish I had learned more English words!”It is no use feeling sad about your ignorance of words in the examination hall.
>>267 Education is more important than anything else. It is not not too much to say that the life of one person will depends on education he took. notだぶり one->a depentds->depend educationの前にthe took->takes
>>265 教育ほど大切なものはないと思う。どのような教育を受けるかによって 人の人生が決定されるといっても決して過言ではない。 Nothing seems to be more important than education. It is no exaggeration to say that education determines your future.
>>271 近頃の若者は日本語を正しく使わないのが嘆かわしい、と思うようになってきた。 これは、年老いてきた証拠だろうか。 I am beginning to deplore young people's improper Japanese. Is this a sign of getting old?
>>271 近頃の若者は日本語を正しく使わないのが嘆かわしい、と思うようになってきた。 これは、年老いてきた証拠だろうか。 I come to think that it's very pity that recently, young people have used right Japanese. Is this the evidence which I become old?
>>273 添削屋じゃないですが、ひとこと。 >It is a pity that young people today misstakenly speak Japanese. mistakenly speak Japanese は「(日本語を話すつもりじゃないのに)うっかり 間違って日本語しゃべっちゃった」だと思う。
mistakenly believe that... 「誤って...と信じる」 mistakenly take A as... 「間違って...と受け取る」
>Does it prove the fact that I become older? 最初の it は何を指すか?この英文だと、一瞬、前文の that 節の内容を指す かと思ってしまうが、それでは話が通じないので読み手は混乱する。 だから、最初の文に I think とかの意味を明示したほうがいいのでは。
「思うようになってきた」は、start/begin thinking とか、have come to think/feel ただし文脈による。
>>276 近頃の若者は日本語を正しく使わないのが嘆かわしい、と思うようになってきた。 これは、年老いてきた証拠だろうか。 I come to think that it's very pity that recently, young people have used right Japanese. Is this the evidence which I become old? Come->came Pity->pitiful Right正確なならcorrectの方がいいでしょう Have used> have ceased to use The->an Evidenceはevidence of~~かevidence for ~~とすることが多い。この文では 使いにくい気がする。 I came to think that it's very pitiful that recently, young people ceased to use correct Japanese. Is this an evidence suggesting that I have become old? あまりいい文じゃないかも。でも一応参考までに。
evidences for = google 62600件 evidences 1000000件以上 Here is some material about geological evidences for a global flood. One of the evidences for the historicity of the long day recorded...... There are a great many confirmatory evidences for a young sun ... These findings provide evidences for the effect of an electronic reminder in affecting the prescriptive behavior of ...
>>271 近頃の若者は日本語を正しく使わないのが嘆かわしい、と思うようになってきた。 これは、年老いてきた証拠だろうか。 I came to cry over the incorrect way today's young people speak Japanese. Do you think it's because I've got old?
>>295 evidence of ~~ evidence showing that~~~ evidence for~~~~とかになって、 evidence使いにくいのは事実。proveのほうが使いやすい。 あえて使えば Is this an evidence showing that I have become old? Is this an evidence showing that I am now an old man? Is this an evidence of my aging? 位だろうか。 Is this the evidence which I become old?は不可。 =evidences&word_in2=%82%A0%82%A2%82%A4%82%A6%82%A8&word_in3 =PVawEWi72JXCKoa0Je evidences of debt 債務証券{さいむ しょうけん} *evidences of divine revelation 天啓{てんけい}の証 *evidences of friendship 友情の証明 *evidences of indebtedness 債務証書{さいむ しょうしょ} *line up evidences for a possible lawsuit 訴訟{そしょう}になった場合に備えて証拠集め{しょうこ あつめ}をしておく *many courtesies and evidences of friendship 数多くの親切と友情の発露 *seek evidences of past existence of water かつて水が存在{そんざい}した証拠{しょうこ}を探す *There are some evidences that (that以下)という証拠がいくつかある。 *conclusions deduced from evidences 証拠{しょうこ}から演繹{えんえき}された結論{けつろん}
>>293 <辞書無し> I have found it sad that the younger do not properly use Japanese. I wonder it means I have got old. 近頃なってきたのニュアンスがない。 I have found it sad->I have found it a sad thing The younger->the youngあるいはthe younger generationあるいはyoungsters ProperlyはJapaneseの後ろへ。Do not use proper Japaneseでも可。 このままでは二つ目のitが何を指すか不明。自分が考えたことなのか、若者が まともな日本語を話さないことなのか具体的に書かざるを得ない。 Got->gottenかな
修正案 I have found it a sad thing that the younger generation these days do not use (the) Japanese (language) properly. I wonder if the fact I feel this way means that I have gotten old.
I have found it a sad thingは I began to think位の方がホントはいいだろうな。
不可算名詞でも具体的にカウント可能な事例をあげる場合、たとえばたくさんの人に 色々世話になったお礼をいうとき、 Thank you for your kindnesses.といういいかたがある。 Evidenceも具体的な証拠を挙げていくとき、このような考え、白髪が増えた、 しわが増えたのように数えられて、可算可能と考えていた。学術論文とかで 実際そういう用例が多い。
しかし、正確を期すには、先程挙げた文例も Is this a piece of evidence showing that I have become old? Is this a piece of evidence showing that I am now an old man? Is this a piece of evidence of my aging? とした方がいいようだ。100万件あるからいいというもんではないな、確かに。 当方の発言修正必要みたいだ。指摘サンクス。
>>307 われわれ人間の営みは、個人や家についても国家や世界や文化に関しても、ときの流れとともに変化する歴史のなかで理解することが大切である。 It is important that we understand human beings' daily life which is concern about not only individual and home but nation,world and culture in history changing with time.
>>310 そんじゃま、見解の相違ということで・・・ >>307 われわれ人間の営みは、個人や家についても国家や世界や文化に関しても、ときの流れとともに 変化する歴史のなかで理解することが大切である。 It is important to understand human activities in the context of ever-changing flow of history, should they be activities of individuals or families, or activities of a country, the world, or culture.
In understanding what mankind has done, is doing, and will do, whether it is concerned with individuals, families, nations, or cultures, it is important to put it in the course of changing history.
Human activities, individual or collective, will be best understood when they are seen from a historical point of view. This is especially the case with individuals, families, nations, and cultures.
われわれ人間の営みは、個人や家についても国家や世界や文化に関しても、ときの流れとともに変化する歴史のなかで理解することが大切である。 What is important for us humans in acting is to understand things taking historical changes into account. They are particularly about individualities, families, nations, world and cultures.
高度な医療技術の開発と普及にともない患者に直接話を聞いたり診察をおこなったりする技術が 軽視されがちである。 As advanced medical technology gets developed and prevalant, it is inclined to make light of having chances to make a conversation and examine directly with patients.
>>309 Really? Compare the original and the amended sentences. Do you really think that both of them will earn same points if they were answers of an English composition problem? >>310 Yes, sure I do. >>311 Well, you've got a different opinion then,and that's that.
The more medical technology advances and disseminates, the less emphasis we put on such skills as direct hearing or examination of patients.
The development and dissemination of medical technology often makes us forget the importance of the face-to-face skills like listening to or examining patients.
>>308 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我々人間の営みは、個人や家についても国家や世界や文化に関しても、 時の流れとともに変化する歴史のなかで理解することが大切である。 It is important that we understand human beings' daily life which is concern about not only individual and home but nation,world and culture in history changing with time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
まず一番気になるのがwhich is concern about 〜の部分。 これによってどういう意味を表現しようとしているのかが分からないし、 それ以前に「個人」、「家」、「国家」、「世界」、「文化」は「人間の営み」の具体例である ということが読み取れていないように見える。 「人間の営み」と「個人」、…、「文化」との関係を認識できていない以上、 これを英語で表現することは不可能。
また、この文の言わんとすることは、「人間の営みを理解することが大切である」ということではなく、 「歴史の中でそれらを理解することが大切である」ということだから、 in history以下はunderstandの直後に持ってきてしまっていいと思う。
この日本語の意味が取れていない作品が多いように思える。 It is important that we understand human beings' daily life which is concern about not only individual and home but nation,world and culture in history changing with time.
Daily lifeは日常生活だから不適当。Human activitiesかwhat humans doに history changing with timeに配慮してなら、with regard to かwith~~in mindを使えばいいだろう。
It is important to understand what humans do, from individual or familial activities, to the activities of a country, the world or culture, with regard to history that changes with time.
できるだけ簡潔に、ってか? With the development and spread of high technology in medicine, skills to see and talk to patients are likely to be considered less important.
likely to のあたりは、たとえば、 often とかにしてもいいの? skills to see and talk to patients are often disregarded.
Everything humans do should be interpreted not from our viewpoint but from the viewpoint of their contemporaries, because our prospectives, or values, change incessantly with the passage of time. And it is true of everything from things we do in our daily lives to cultures of a people to politics of a nation.
近頃の若者は日本語を正しく使わないのが嘆かわしい、と思うようになってきた。 これは、年老いてきた証拠だろうか。 I came to cry over the incorrect way today's young people speak Japanese. Do you think it's because I've got old?
came toはちょっとちがう。時制もよくない。 the incorrect wayって、若者が同じ間違った用法でしゃべるのか? Do you think...?って相手にきいてるんじゃないだろ?
>>324 >>325 ま、穏やかに行こうよ。ふたりともスレに残ってくれよ。 I came to cry over the incorrect way today's young people speak Japanese. Do you think it's because I've got old?は I began to feel sad about the incorrect ways today's young people use the Japanese language. Is it because I've got old? 位にすればいいのかな?wayを複数にした方がいいのは確かだ、見落としていた。 cry over気にはなるがはっきりダメだし? Do you thinkは厳密には問題かも、でも全体としてはさっぱりと書いていて いい感じだと思ったんだけどな。めちゃくちゃとまでは言い過ぎじゃないか?
いままではそうではなかったことに対して嘆かわしく思うようになったことが、年取った せいだろうか?と言う話だから、「思うようになってきた」をなんとか表現する ことが要求されているんだろう。 The improper usage of the Japanese language by the younger generation is beginning to irritate me. I wonder if it's because I'm getting older. こんなのはどうだろうか?
高度な医療技術の開発と普及にともない患者に直接話を聞いたり 診察をおこなったりする技術が軽視されがちである。 >>316 As advanced medical technology gets developed and prevalant, it is inclined to make light of having chances to make a conversation and examine directly with patients. Prevalant->prevalent It is inclined to 気になるpeople are inclined toか 機会ではなく技術が軽視されがち As advanced medical technology gets developed and prevalent, people are inclined to make light of techniques in direct conversation with, and examination of patients. Develops and spreadsのほうがスムーズかな 後半変な感じになってしまった。direct conversation with,をhistory taking に変えてもいいかも。
>>319 The more medical technology advances and disseminates, the less emphasis we put on such skills as direct hearing or examination of patients. されがちを加えるためputの前にtend to入れるか。 such skills入れ替えるか? 患者の話を聴くのだからlistenのほうがいいと思う The more medical technology advances and disseminates, the less emphasis we tend to put on skills such as direct listening to or examination of patients.
The development and dissemination of medical technology often makes us forget the importance of the face-to-face skills like listening to or examining patients. Medical の前にadvanced入れてもいいか?位しか思いつかない。やや意訳だけどいい感じ。
>>322 With the development and spread of high technology in medicine,skills to see and talk to patients are likely to be considered less important. Spread->spreadingか Are likely toだとされるようになるだろう,で,されがちであるという否定的な ニュアンスが入らない。Tend toを使うのがいいんじゃないかな。すると前がwith のままでいいかだが・・。Owing toとかでもいいか。 skills to see and talk to patients are often disregarded. 軽視より無視に近い、often disregardedは文意がちょっとずれすぎだと思う。
~~されがちはthere is a tendency towardsか~~tend toが使いやすい。 診察はexamineが普通だがseeでも問題ないと思う(ただし、seeだと話を聴くの と所見をとる診察全てを含むようにもとれる)。 患者の話を聞くのはtake historyで病歴をとる(history taking of a patient) というのがあるが、会話技術一般ととるとconversationやtalk toのほうがむしろいいかも。
Do you think 〜?についてはそのような反論を予測した上で思い切って書いてます。 もちろん誰かが言ってたみたいに、自問自答かもしれないんだけど、 「これって年取ったってことかな?君どう思う?」という自分の不安な気持ちを 読み手or聞き手に問いかけることで和らげようとする状況ってよくあるよね? そーゆー場面が自分の中で勝手にできあがってしまってこのようにした。 「いやそんなこと無いよ、まだじゅうぶん若いって。」って言って欲しい話者の気持ち(笑)。
>>307われわれ人間の営みは、個人や家についても国家や世界や文化に関しても、 ときの流れとともに変化する歴史のなかで理解することが大切である。 難問。出題者ではないが残っているので一応コメントを・・・ 問題あったらフォローよろしくおねがいします。 >>311 自作。だれかよろしく。 >>312 1つ目:理解するのに少し時間かかった。後ろの文のputをunderstandに変えれば 案外行けるかも。これまでの営みを理解するのだから多分, is doing, and will doはいらないと思う。 2つ目:後半の文が自分でもいっているとおり問題文とかけ離れてしまっている。 >>320,>>321参照。 >>313 我々が行動するにあたって大切なことは〜〜〜になってしまっており申し訳 ないが完全に問題文の内容から離れてしまっている。They are particularly aboutでは意味不明。同じく>>320,>>321参照。 >>323 問題文の抽象的なのを具体的に解説してくれたような文。英語としては特に 問題点指摘できない。Incessantly知らなかった。元文そのものと雰囲気が 少し離れたようにも感じるが・・・。前半の部分や個人や家についてもを things we do in our daily livesにしているとことか・・・。 入学試験の解答だとすると採点者によって好みが分かれるかも。
>>355 It's just like the board type in the Internet, which many people can use to help us learn such a lot of things through only one question, isn't it? Of course, you have to be careful fully because it may contain some wrong information.
When you think about [are evaluating/judge/are interpreting] a historical event, whether it is a major or a minor one, a culture, a political regime, you should consider...
Everything humans do or create or on which their way of thinking is reflected, from the constitution of households to cultures to political regimes should be judged considering the limitation of the times they belong to on the frame of mind.
>>364 おかしいよ、もちろん。だからこそ>>323で perspectiveとかvaluesとかwith the passage of timeとか訳したわけだが。
Human activities, including individual, family, national, global, or cultural activities, should be interpreted from the view of their historical background, which determine the meaning and value of the activities.
Trying to learn about human activities, of whatever scale they are, --individual, domestic, intra/international, or cultural--, you can't ignore the relationship between them and past, current, or even future events, that is, history.
昨日の考察を元に書いてみた。 ここでは分詞構文を用いているが、 受験生諸君は英作文では分詞構文は用いないように。 When you try to 〜でOK。
Human activities, be them individual, familial, national, international, or cultural, should be understood with the ever-changing backgrounds and circumstances behind them in mind.
こうかな? Human activities, be them personal, familial, national, international, or cultural, should always be understood with the historical backgrounds and circumstances that influenced such activities in mind. かえって悪くなったような気も・・・・・だれか決定版期待してます。
>>372-374 けっこういいんじゃない? be them >> be they 倒置だってことわかってる?? with ... in mind >>これは結構気に入った。ただ目的語が結構長くて読みづらいね。in relation toはどう? the historical backgrounds >> こっちのほうがいい(ever-changingとかなんとかつけるより)。ただtheir historical backgroundsにしよう。 circumstances >>不要 influenced>>過去形ってのはひっかかるね。
まあ、それでもpersonal human activitiesはぎりぎり許すとしてinternational human activitiesねえ・・・???
>>369 Trying to learn about human activities, of whatever scale they are, --individual, domestic, intra/international, or cultural--, you can't ignore the relationship between them and past, current, or even future events, that is, history.
けっこういいんじゃないですか? ただ自分でも言っているように分詞構文はひっかかるね。 それと文化は学ぶが、個人のプライベートな行動は学ばない。 故にWhen looking at human activitiesくらいで手をうたない? of whatever scale they are >>考えたね。from whatever viewpoint you doはどう? You can't ignore...は好きだけど。
be them->be they大失敗 ご指摘ありがとうございます。 >>375氏の助言をいかして・・・・ Human activities, be they personal, familial, national, international, or cultural, should always be understood with the historical backgrounds that influence such activities in mind. あるいは Human activities, be they personal, familial, national, international, or cultural, should always be understood in relation to the historical backgrounds that influence such activities.
the とtheirどっちがいいか・・・ International human activities・・・・たしかに変かも知れないがこの辺が私の限界。 star氏のいうとおりそろそろ新作にチャレンジしたい
Preparing your meals, washing your clothes, you left just about everything to your mother, didn't you? She's not the kind of person who boasts to you about those things. So you probably didn't bother to think about them. そんじゃまずお休み前に、いってみます。just about、一応試験の解答ということを 考えるとalmostに変えたほうが安心かな。boasts to you 変だと思いますが恩着せが ましく、をまだ思いついてません。>>379さんの言われるとおり、なかなか考えますね。 お願いします。
ただ、入試の答案としてはPreparing your mealsと washing your clothesの位置はこのままではまずいのでは。 もちろん読めば意味は分かるが、やはり入試でのことを考えて、 これら2つの名詞句が文の要素として浮いてしまっているのは気になるところ。 almost everythingとの関係をはっきり示してやるべき。
>>382 I feel autumn morning sunshines seem somewhat like summer sunsets. Being filled with these sunshines, I was reminded of the child, who has passed away with the season of summer.
>>382 I feel that morning sunshines in autumn seem somewhat like sunsets in summer. In these sunshines I cannot help thinking of the child, who disappeared at the same time the season of summer went by.
(僕の答え) It is important that we understand the activities of our human, whether they are individual or home ones or whether they are national, global or cultural ones, considering the historical backgrounds which are different according to the times.
恩着せがましい、がでにくいですね。 haughty, proud, opressiveとかも違うと思うし。 you-ought-to-thank-me attitudeみたいな禁じ手しか出てきません。 try to make you feel that you owe her a lot位で逃げるかな。 >>391重要なコメントと思います。
>>382 I feel that there's something similar about autumn morning lights and the burning color of the summer sunsets. When I'm covered with such lights, I can't but help bringing back the child into my thoughts. The child, who went far far away with the summer season.
It is important that we consider the historical backgrounds which are different according to the times when we understand the activities of our human, whether they are individual or home ones or whether they are national, global or cultural ones.
She did all the laundry and cooking for you, didn't she? She is not the kind of person who expects thnaks from children, so I bet you were not even aware of it.
超多忙につき、ほんのひとことだけ。 「母親任せ」ってところ。もっと使役動詞とか使った答案がでてくるかと思っていたら、みんな全然使わないね。 もちろん使わないのが正解。 「恩着せがましく言う」云々のところ。>>397のexpect thanks from...ていいね。 または単純にshe never said anything about it
それと、do the washing / do the cleaning / do the dishes(皿洗い)などはおぼえておいてよい表現かも。
Children rarely become book lovers, if you just wait patiently thinking ‘some day, they will become book lovers on their own’. You need to make them interested in books in some way.
マズイ点 ・make them interested だと、関心を持たせるというには強すぎる。 ・patiently は、「忍耐強く」の意味なので、ずれる。
減点ではないが、改良できる点 ・become 日本人は become を多用するが、ここは will be の方が自然。
A child will rarely be a book lover if you just wait a while wishing will he be one on his own. Some incentive is necessary for him to get interests in books.
>>417 However long do you think they will love books and wait for them, your children rarely come to love books naturally. You need to help them to be interested in books in some way. 前半の部分に自信無い。もっといいのはないんだろうか。
>>417 Even if you wait that your child gets a drive for reading books someday at ease, he hardly gets it naturally. It is necessary that you make him got interested in books in any way.
>>420 凝りすぎっていうかぜんぜんだめ。 beはやっぱりbecomeがいい。おっしゃることには反対する。ぎゃくに、どこでならったか、「〜になる」の 意味で受験生はbeを使いすぎ。間違いではないがわかりにくい。 a while >> for a while すくなくとも。でも意味が全然違う。 wishのうしろ、なんで倒置してるのよ??? get interests>>まちがいではないがget interestedがはるかによい。
>>419 わけのわからんquotation markをとる! if >> even ifがいい。 あとはよくできてる。合格。
Parents may wait patiently for their children's willingness to read, thinking they will come to like books someday, but children rarely come to like books spontaneously.
Contrary to parents' expectations, few children get motivated to read books by themselves. They somehow need to be given the opportunity to get interested in reading.
調子に乗って、またもニュアンスカット系で。 Reduced amount of reading does not necessarily mean reduced desire for knowledge. Still I am a little concerned when I see college students lost in comic books in the train.
It would be a mistake to jump to the conclusion that young people today do not have so much intellectual curiosity merely because they spend less time reading.
But the way college students are deeply involved in comics on a train seems somewhat of a problem.
>>442 I think it is not correct to decide that today's young people have less desire for knowledge than those in the old days, just from the fact that today's young people read less books than did those in the old days.
However, the sight of university students in trains with their eyes fixed to comic books, which I find quite often these days, does disturb me a little.
本を読む量が減ったからといって、いまの若い人の知的欲求が少なくなったと即断しては間違いでしょう。 It is wrong to say that young people today decreasingly want to know intelligent things just because the amount of books they read has become less.
ただ、最近の大学生が電車の中で漫画に夢中になっている姿には少しひっかかりますね。 However, I have a little question about university students who are absorbed in reading comics in a train.
>>451 We cannot jump to the rash conclusion that today's young people take a less interest in intellectual thing than former young people did just because they read fewer books.
But I feel a little anxious when I see today's university students being absorbed in comics on the train.
>>449 447と同じ問題。lessはlittleの比較級。可算名詞(desiresと複数にしているから可算名詞として扱ってんだろ?)とは 使えない。 less booksも同様の間違い。 be absorbed >> absorbed それと文頭のWe cannotはあまりよくない。We [You] shouldn'tのほうがいい。 とおもったら>>451が指摘してたね。かぶり失礼。
>>451 今の若者young people todayと彼らの昔(=今の若者が赤ちゃんだった頃??)を比べても意味がないんじゃないか? っていう疑問はもっとも。ただ言葉というのはある程度いい加減なもので、そのあたりの厳密さはそれほど 追求しなくていい。それより気づいてほしいのは、たとえば>>448の答案をよく見てほしいのだが、比べる対象が 書いてないだろ?わかりきっているから。こういう省略ができるようになると本物。 less booksの間違いはきみもやってるね。 それと「昔」はin days pastがいい。それとfixed on comic books[a comic book]
>>454 そうだね。たとえばhave become less curiousとかね。いろいろ考えられそう。
>>455 いいたいことは多々あるが、ひとつだけ。 the amount of books they read has become less. これはひどすぎ。できるだけキミの答案に近づけて文法、語法の誤りだけをなおせば、 They read [are reading] a smaller number of books. どこをどれだけ間違えたか、自分で気づいてほしい。
>>456 take a less interest .... orz intellectual thing >>あまりよくないが少なくとも複数に。 former... orz 比較の対象を書かねばならないという思いこみは捨てた方がいい。 see them being absorbed >>よくない。「熱中しつつあるのを見る」になってしまう。 最初無関心に漫画を読んでいるのが、だんだん熱が入ってくる、といっているみたい。
It would be a mistake to jump to the conclusion that, merely because young people today spend less time reading, they do not have so much intellectual curiosity .
be involved in はなぜよくないのかわかりませんけど、直しました。 But the way college students are absorbed in comics on a train seems somewhat of a problem.
A good understanding of a few writers and a few subject is more valuable than a superficial knowldge of many.
Buy the way, in spite of the fame of Novel prise and their recipents, there are little people knowing about Novel himself, his intentions, his inventions.
Thorough knowledge about a few writers and a few subjects is much more valuable than superficial knowledge about many writers and many subjects.
By the way, while the Nobel prize and its recipients are quite famous, few people actually know about Nobel himself, his inventions, and his intentions.
>477 If you are in a society, you often realize you have something about you that you are unconscious of, althogh you think you know what you are. It is likely that you should have those who tell you what you really are.
but it is a sort of sword which cuts both. That is, once you order it, the waiter is ready to watch out you all the time whenever you come. I cannot recomend it to newcomer.
>>492 But if you order this, you will be in danger of being noticed by the clerk from the next time. Doing this is a double edged blade, not recommended for laymen.
But if you order it, you may be in danger in that you are noticed by waiter; it is, so to speak, "double edged sword." You had better not to do if you don't know very well.
But this is a double-edged sword, because if you order it, you are often put on the shop's black-list. So, I don't recommend that you, if you are a layman, order this excellent menu.
People who enter the university will be surprised at the difference of high school from university. They may be embarrassed because there are many circles. If they come to live alone, making time for shopping and household for the first time would be difficult.
Freshmen will be surprised at the distinction in scale between the high school and the college. And they may be also confused with the number of clubs. As for students who begin to live for themselves, at first, they will be busy in shopping and in doing housework.
こういう一人暮らしは難しいよね。 live on one's own live by oneselfだと経済的にも自立しているニュアンスなってしまう。 live a single lifeだと独身で、みたいだし live away from one's familyみたいに回りくど書くか、結局live alone?
>>496 A freshman will be surprised at the difference of the scale between high schools and universities at first. He also may get baffled with the number of clubs to choose from. If it is his first time living on his own, he may find it difficult to make time for shopping and daily household work.
First, new students will be bewildered by the differences in size between high school and university. The variety of possible activities may also be confusing. Students who have chosen to live alone may, at first, have difficulty finding time for shopping and housekeeping.
>>504 高2ですが参戦してみました。 They seems to think Tokyo university students are wise. True,we can say they are good at solving problems which have fixed answers because they passed the entrance examination of Tokyo university. However,I don't think we can always say they are also good at dealing with unknown situations. 意訳しまくりなんですがどうでしょう?
The students of Tokyo University are regarded as smart. Surely, they must be smart in sloving problems already given their answers because they can pass the entrance examination of Tokyo University. However, I don't think that they are absolutely smart in judging the way they cope with unsloved problems when they face to them.
>>504 People seem to think that students of The University of Tokyo are smart. Sure, since they have passed the entrance exam of that university, they probably are smart in solving a question that has a fixed correct answer. However, whether they are smart or not in judging what to do when facing a situation they have never faced before is a different matter.
Surely, because they passed the exam to enter Tokyo University, they seem to be brilliant in that they can solve questions which have been set answers in advance.
>>515結構いい感じと思うけど・・・ 自分のも最初 Sure, since they have passed the entrance exam of that university, they probably are smart in solving questions that has a fixed correct answer.にしようとして そのあとsolving questions that have fixed correct answersにしてやめた。 solving questions with known answers がよかったかな?
>>517 >when they face to them. ⇒when they face such problems. 代名詞を一文の中で重複して用いることは避けた方が良いです。 このような時、代名詞にできるのはその話のテーマとなっている方の名詞、 つまりここでは「東大生」です。 それから<face>はVtです。
>>517今のところ修正されて However, I don't think that they are smart in judging the way they cope with unsloved problems when they face such problems.になっている。
多分必ずしものニュアンスを入れたくってabsolutelyを入れたんだろうけど >>518のいうとおり変な感じ。でも省くと意味が変わってしまう。However , it doesnユt mean位では? Unsolvedも、未解決の問題、になってフェルマーの定理みたいで大げさ。 Without a fixed (given) answer とかの方がいいのでは? when they face such problemsはなくてもいいと思う。 However, it doesnユt mean that they are smart in judging the way they cope with problems without a fixed answer (when they face such problems).
>>506 Theyってだれだ?peopleにするかIt is generally thoughtとかにするか。 Tokyo University studentsでもいいけど多分students of Tokyo University の方がベター Wiseは智慧がある、賢者であるという感じだからちょっと違う。 Smartか cleverがいいんじゃないか? Which->thatが普通かな? Answersの後ろに , 必要, passedの前にhaveいれる Always->definitely位か? 3つ目の文sayの後ろthatあった方がいい。 Unknown situations彼らにとって未知という意味だとすると何となく違和感あり。 Situations they have not experienced before位にしてみるか? 自分でもちょっと気に入らないけど・・・
It is generally thought that Tokyo University students are clever. True, we can say they are good at solving problems that have fixed answers, because they have passed the entrance examination of Tokyo University. However, I don't think we can definitely say that they are also good at dealing with situations they have not experienced before.
Students at Tokyo University are generally regarded as excellent. Since they have passed the entrance examinations to the university, they can certainly be said to be excellent in answering test questions, which have definite answers after all. But it does not necessarily guarantee their excellence in deciding how to behave in a new situation.
in japan everyone regards people who got into Tokyo university as very intelligent. it may be true that they can solve any problems which alresdy have clearly answers because they pass the examination which is the hardest of all universities in japan. However,can they do the best act when they are faced problems which dont have clearly answers? on this point i think they are not always intelligent.
>>530 まあまあかな?>>527参考にするといいと思うけど。 In Japan, many regard people who got into Tokyo University as very intelligent. It may be true that they can solve most problems that already have clear answers, as they could pass the examination which is the hardest of all universities’ examinations in Japan. However, can they choose the best action when they face problems that don’t have clear answers? On this point, I think they may not be always intelligent.
It seems to me that people think that students of Tokyo University have excellent intelligence. Certainly, they have passed the entrance examination to the university, thus they can be regarded as intellectual, only in point of solving problems which have answers. But, when you mean by intelligence the ability of people to make their own answer to new situations, you will notice that students of Tokyo University cannot be always redarded as intellectual.
自分もかいてみた Many people seem to regard students of Tokyo University as excellent. Surely, judging from the fact that they have passed the entrance exam of it, they may be excellent at solving the problem whose answer is definite. But when (it comes to) determining what they do when faced with an unknown situation, I don't think they are always excellent.
>>535 It seems a bit stretch that weather affects sales of books. But accroding to a bookstore, sales get lower than usual when it is very hot or rains heavily.
It is a little forced comment to say that bad weather influences the amount of books you can sell, but according to the story of booksotre persons, on a very hot or rainy day they have less customers.
>>534 intelligentとintellectualなぜ使い分け? 特に最後の文は前半でintelligenceを自分なりに定義しているのだから最後 の単語はintelligentじゃなければやばい。 二つ目のcertainlyもsure、trueと比べると何にかかっているかはっきりしないので あまりよくないと思う。thusの後ろのtheyは省略可ね。 only in point of->at least in
>>540 It seems a bit stretch that weather affects sales of books. a bit stretch、affectを使ったしよくできてるんじゃないかな? a bit stretchが出なかったらdifficult to believe等で流してもいいし。 weatherにはtheをつけた方がいいと思う。
But accroding to a bookstore, ここは、ちゃんと「書店の人」と書いてあるからたとえばa clerk in a book storeなどとちゃんと訳そう。 sales get lower このsaleとlowのコロケーションは絶対に大丈夫? 辞書の例文にも書いてあるとか先生が言ったとか根拠があるなら使ってもいいと思うけど。 自分で作った奴ならやめといた方が無難だと思う。 when it is very hot or rains heavily. ここも「猛暑や雨の日」をちゃんと訳そう。 on a hot or rainy day,much fewer people than usual come to a bookstore. だいたい良くできてると思う。けど怖い表現がちょっとあるのと(ちゃんと自信もって使ってるなら問題ないけど)と訳しこぼしがちょっとあるなという印象。
It may seem a bit illogical if you hear that books don't sell well when the weather is bad. However, according to salespersons of bookstores, customers do sharply decrease on very hot or rainy days.
It is cretain that there was no time in the past when nature was considered as precious as today. It could be said that our ideal lifestyle is one that incorporates the merits of nature into our lives.
>>551 What one studies at university mainly depends on his individual interest, but it often reflects social, economic conditions of the time. At university, one is not always able to study what he wants to study, and univeristies do not have all the subjects that can answer the request of the time.
>>551 What you major in at an university is largely decided by your favorites, but the contemporary social and economical situations often reflect it. And even if you can enter an university, you can't absolutely learn what you really want to do and subjects which would be applied to the needs in a time aren't always there.
What you want to study in university largery depends on your personal interests, but it is often affected by the social and economic circumstances of the age. And even if you get into college, it is not always possible to study what you really want to, or in college, there aren't all the subjects that meet the needs of the times.
553ではないが、 >まず『一般論』を書く時には主語はoneではなくyouにするクセをつけましょう。 クセをつける必要はないんじゃないの? もし書けるんだったら、one や people のほうがいいと思う。あるいは、その 種の主語を避けるとか。 you はやや口語的。そして場面によってはやや偉そう。
For example: Incorrect : If you only listen to the words of Madame Defarge, you might think Dickens’ novel wholeheartedly supports the French Revolution.
Correct : If one only listen to the words of Madame Defarge, one might think Dickens’ novel wholeheartedly supports the French Revolution.
Correct : Listening only to the words of Madame Defarge, we might think Dickens’ novel wholeheartedly supports the French Revolution.
>>578 Even if they little know each other, a comon hobby often promotes the friendship between them naturally. Sharing something has such a big effect.
Common interests can bring casual acquantances closer to each other. Having interests in common often helps turn casual acquaintances into friends. Casual acquaintaces, if interested in something common, can easily become good friends. 「共通の利害関係」みたいに見えるかも? This illustrates how helpful sharing something in common is.
Mere friends can become closer friends if they are interested in something common. People who are not so close to each other can know each other better if they... each other が2回はヤダ。
>584 He seems to be a doctor. = It seems that he is a doctor. 彼は医者のようだ。 He seems to have been a doctor. = It seems that he was a doctor. 彼は医者だったようだ。 He seemed to be a doctor. = It seemed that he was a doctor. 彼は医者のようだった。 He seemed to have been a doctor. = It seemed that he had been a doctor. 彼は(昔)医者だったようだった。
>>579 A casual friendship would naturally deepen, if the two happen to have /the/ same hobby. Having something in common has such // power.
>>580 Even if they are /only/ just friends, /their/ friendship will naturally become stronger if they have the same hobby. Sharing things has this // power.
>>582 Even if they little know each other, a /common/ hobby /would/ often /promote/ // friendship between them naturally. Sharing something has such a /major/ effect.
Common interests can bring casual acquantances closer to each other. Having interests in common often helps turn casual acquaintances into friends. ってもう完璧です。
Casual acquaintaces, if /they have common interests/, can easily become good friends.
This illustrates how helpful /sharing something is/. または、 This illustrates how helpful /having something in common is/.
Mere friends can become closer friends if they /have an interest in common/. でも、'Mere friends' はちょっと違和感がします。「恋人じゃない」っての 感じがします。
People who are not so close to each other can /come to/ know each other better if they...
>>589 >Common interests can bring casual acquantances closer to each other. >Having interests in common often helps turn casual acquaintances into >friends. ってもう完璧です。 最初の acquaintances が acquantances になってます。揚げ足だけど。
In human life, things―such as love,hobby, marrige,and so on― are just added values of life. these are mere means to know what to accamplish in a whole life.
>>590 Love, hobbies, marriage and the like, usually considered most important, are in reality just of additive value in a man's life. These things are merely aspects that helps a man realize what he should accomplish during his life.
>>590 Love, hobbies, marriage, and so on are just additional values in ones’ lives. They are only the mediums to realize what they have to accomplish while they are alive.
>>605 When we are cleaning our rooms, we often find unexpected memories, and at the same time, we are usually absorbed in them so that cleaning gives way to them.
>>605 While cleaning up a room, we sometimes come across past memories. We are instantly carried back to the past, neglecting what we are doing. 逆にしてみるか? Carried back to the past instantly, we often neglect what we are doing. 分詞構文はやばいか?
Cleaning a room is a good chance to encounter something that brings back memories of the past. Immediately, あと続かへん...
When cleaning up our rooms, we often come across things that make us remember past memories. If such things happen, we usually fail to finish the clean up properly. ぐらいでどう?
I think that a builder of Kusosure should die at once. Yes,that is you. Do you know why your thread connnot gain any response? That is why WE DON'T LIKE YOU. Rather,WE WANNA GET RID OF YOU in 2channel.
>>606 (While/When) we are cleaning our rooms, we often find unexpected memories, and at /that/ time, we // usually /become/ absorbed in them /to the extent/ that cleaning /loses out/ to them.
>>607 unexpectibleって言葉はないでしょう。 It often happens that you discover unexpected things which remind you of your old days when you are cleaning your room. /When that happens/, I think that the cleaning won't /get/ finished /that day/.
>>619 the job they dovote himself to→a job they can devote themselves to admire→respect >>620 for risk of his lifeはまずい。ここはput his heart and soul intoなどであらわす。 あと、主語を重くしてまで受動態にする必要性がないので>>619のような形が無難だと思う。 >>622 apt toはここではおかしいと思う。また、devote が高級な単語なのでlook up toよりやはり respectにして単語のレベルを合わせたほうがよりいいと思う。
>immediately はどう良くないか教えてもらえるとありがたいです。 Hmm, well starting a sentence with "Immediately" like that seems too over the top / dramatic for the situation. (疲れたので、 英語に退行してしまいました。^^;
No one never fail. It is important that you will do something, considering that. So,it is no use bothering with that wrong for a long time. You should make up your mind to accept what happened before is itself and not what will happen later.
>>633 Everybody makes mistakes. It is no use crying over the mistakes that you have done. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes, and to use the knowledge gained from those experiences in the future. You must think that things that are over are over, and look towards the future to proceed.
>>634 failの名詞形はfailureだが多分mistakeの方がいい。 2つ目の文のthatが何を指すかはっきりしない。It is important to do your next something with your past mistakes in consideration.ならいけるかな。 make up your mind to不要でしょう。 what happened before is itself and not what will happen later.わけ若芽 accept that what happened before is over and is not what will happen later. なら大丈夫かな?でもやな感じ。一応なるべく元文を活かした修正案・・
No one never fails. It is important to put your failures into consideration when you do things in the future. It is no use bothering with your failures for a long time. You should accept what happened before as things of the past, and put your mind to the things in the future.
Everybody sometimes makes a mistake. Nobody is free from failure.
What is important is to learn from the experience because it is no use regretting it. It would be more important to apply the lesson to the future than to keep worring about it. The question is how to make the most of the experience in the future.
Everyone makes mistakes but it is no use crying over them and the importance lies in how to change them into lesson for future life. Think that"The past is one thing and the future is another" and forget what you have done , otherwise you can't make next one step.
>>639 lesson->lessons あと、気づいていると思うけど教訓としていかすのにforgetはヤバすぎる。 and forget what you have done なしでも前の部分でふんぎりをつけるというニュアンスは 入ってるんじゃ? next one step->make the next stepか 全体としてはいい感じと思うけど
>>633 All of us can make mistakes. It's important what we learn from the mistakes, and it's no use remaining depressed. We won't get anywhere unless we stop clinging to the past and try to do our best in the future.
>>633 All of us make mistakes. But what matters is how to utilize the experience and there is no use worrying it. You should not cling to the past but just keep going ahead or you can’t make any successes.
>>641 what we->to >>642 how to->whether we can experience->experiences or not worrying it-> worrying about them can't make any successes-> wouldn't succeedか?ちょっと文意それるが・・
今の若い人たちは、日本が直面している国際問題を真剣に討議する機会を持つべきだ。 →Today's young people should have more oppotunity to discuss the international issues that the Japan is facing
最近は科学技術が進み、近い未来のことならある程度予測できるようになって、生活も便利になった。 →Recently, By virtue of making advances in technology, we ccould predicted the near futer and got the convenient life.
海外旅行ブームだそうで、世界中どこへ行っても同胞の顔を見ないことはほとんどない。 →People say that today is boom in global travel. So everywhere we see the countryman.
Young people should have more opotunities to discuss the issues seriously which Japan is facing now.
As a result of the advances of technology today, we came to be able to predict what will happen in the near future ,which made our daily life more convenient.
I hear that traveling abroad is in today, so wherever you travel, you cannot go without encoutering anyone who came form your country.
今の若い人たちは、日本が直面している国際問題を真剣に討議する機会を持つべきだ。 Young people today should have an opportunity to discuss seriously international issues Japan is now faced with.
最近は科学技術が進み、近い未来のことならある程度予測できるようになっ て、生活も便利になった。 With the recent advance of technolgy, it is partly possible to predict the near future, which makes our life convenient.
今の若い人たちは、日本が直面している国際問題を真剣に討議する機会を持つべきだ。 →Young people today should have opportunities to discuss seriously international problems Japan is now faced.
最近は科学技術が進み、近い未来のことならある程度予測できるようになって、生活も便利になった。 →Recently the science technology has advanced and we can predict the near future, therefore, our life has become convenient.
海外旅行ブームだそうで、世界中どこへ行っても同胞の顔を見ないことはほとんどない。 →They say that it is in fashion to travel abroad, so we inevitably see fellows throughout the world.
海外旅行ブームだそうで、世界中どこへ行っても同胞の顔を見ないことはほと んどない。 As traveling abroad is reported very popular among Japanese people, we rarely fail to see our fellow countrymen wherever we go in the world.
>>651 >主語を統一したら? たとえばこうとかですか?(>>748さんの to some extent ももらいつつ) 最近は科学技術が進み、近い未来のことならある程度予測できるようになっ て、生活も便利になった。 → Recently, technology has advanced enough to make it possible to predict the near future to some extent and thus make our life convenient.
@アポロ11号が月面着陸に成功したというニュースを聞いて胸が躍る思いがしたことを今でも覚えている。 →I still remember having gotten excited to heard the news about the apollo11 rocket made a lunar landing.
A私が英語に興味を持つようになったのは、中学の時にアメリカ人にカタコト英語で話しかけて、それが通じて以来である。 →I have been intrested in English since I spoke to an American in halting English and got through.
B先日久しぶりに東京に行ったが、街の緑が以前に比べて幾分減ったような印象を受けた。 →I got impression that the trees in the town had decreased in some degree when I went to tokyo after alongtime.
C最近友達ともあまり付き合わず、部屋に閉じこもって、一人で遊ぶ子供が増えてきている。 →A kind of children, who gowith no their friends and shutting themselves in their rooms, are increasing in number.
Dヨーロッパを旅してみると、まさかと思うような辺鄙な所で日本人に出会うことがある。 →Traveling in Europe, I frequently run into Japanese at the remote place where I cannot expect.
>654 1. the news about -> the news that about (前置詞)の後ろに節(SV)書くな。the news that で同格のthatを使え。 ちなみにto不定詞でto heard というのは相当恥ずかしい。 アポロの月面着陸はウソだと思っている俺にとっては the apollo made a lunatic landing としてほしいが、the apollo landed on the moon で許してやろうと思う。
2. have been interested -> came to be interested /or/ got interested 「〜して以来」 は本当だったら読み替えるべき単語だろうが、ここはsinceで勘弁しとく。 それより、halting English なんて汎用性のない表現するなよ、though I was not good at English とか節で処理しろ。
B先日久しぶりに東京に行ったが、街の緑が以前に比べて幾分減ったような印象を受けた。 →I got impression that the trees in the town had decreased in some degree when I went to tokyo after alongtime.
the trees in the town had decreased in numbers to some degree かなぁ since the last time I went to tokyo a while ago とか 「先日久しぶりに東京に行った」のニュアンスがないが
>>655 最近友達ともあまり付き合わず、部屋に閉じこもって、一人で遊ぶ子供 が増えてきている。 →A kind of children, who gowith no their friends and shutting themselves in their rooms, are increasing in number. A kind of 不要 Go with no-> rarely go with なら許せるか 一人で遊ぶが消えた、playing aloneでもつけるか 最近、を最後に付け足す。 Children, who rarely go with their friends, shutting themselves in their rooms and playing alone, are increasing in number these days. あまりいい文とはいえないが・・・
ヨーロッパを旅してみると、まさかと思うような辺鄙な所で日本人に出会う ことがある。 →Traveling in Europe, I frequently run into Japanese at the remote place where I cannot expect. まず先頭にWhen必要 Frequentlyもと文にないので消す。ことがあるだからoccasionallyかsometimes位か。 Remote placeはたくさんあるので複数じゃなきゃ。Theも不要 I cannot expectはまずい。I least expect seeing one. When traveling in Europe, I sometimes run into a Japanese at remote places where I least expect seeing one. これも今ひとつかな? 一応参考までなるべく原文に即して修正してみました。
1 アポロ11号が月面着陸に成功したというニュースを聞いて胸が躍る思いがし たことを今でも覚えている。 I still remember getting excited to hear the news about Apollo 11 succeeding in a lunar landing. I can still remember getting excited to hear the news about Apollo 11 landing on the moon.
2 私が英語に興味を持つようになったのは、中学の時にアメリカ人にカタコト英 語で話しかけて、それが通じて以来である。 I have been interested in English since I spoke to an American in halting English when I was a junior high school student, and managed to get through to him. I have been interested in English since I managed to communicate with an American in my poor English when I was a junior high school student.
3 先日久しぶりに東京に行ったが、街の緑が以前に比べて幾分減ったような印象 を受けた。 I went to Tokyo the other day after a long time and got the impression that urban greenery has decreased to some degree.
4 最近友達ともあまり付き合わず、部屋に閉じこもって、一人で遊ぶ子供が増え てきている。 A growing number of children spend a lot of time alone, shutting themselves in the house without making friends.
5 ヨーロッパを旅してみると、まさかと思うような辺鄙な所で日本人に出会うこ とがある。 Traveling in Europe, I sometimes ran into a Japanese in a remote place where I hardly expected to see one.
A few days ago, a TV personarity, Shimada Shinsuke of Yoshimoto Kogyo passed the period of being confine at home and came back toTV. Some people are pleased with the news for the program staring him will regain its life, while others feel displeased with that in fact.
(1)When I was young, high school and university students seemed to have had more confidence in themselves than those of today. (2)They tended not to do what most people did, but instead, tended to do what most people didn't. (3)Young people today seem to feel uneasy if they don't as the others do and don't wear what others wear. (4)Of course, anyone can be sensitive to today's trends, trends are.. 追いかけるもの と 何とかついて行くもの、の違いがわかめ。
(3)asの前にdo追加、今更ですが。 Young people today seem to feel uneasy if they don't do as the others do and don't wear what others wear. (4)は日本語がわからんなあ Of course, anyone can be sensitive to today's trends, but trends are not something to chase after, they should be something that you just manage to keep keep up with.ますますわからん・・・・
(1)僕が若い頃は、高校生や大学生は今の若い人に比べてもう少し自分に自信 があったようだ。 →Compared with young people today, students of high schools or universities when I was young seem to have more confidence.
(2)たいていの人がすることはせず、たいていの人がしないことをする、そう いう傾向があった。 →They tend not to do what people usually do but to do what people usually don't do. (3)今の若い人は他人がすることをし、他人が着ているものを着ないと落ち着 かないようだ。 →It seems that young people today wouldn't get satisfied if they don't do what others do and put on what others wear.
1)僕が若い頃は、高校生や大学生は今の若い人に比べてもう少し自分に自信 があったようだ。 High school students and university students of my generation used to be more confident with who they were and what they did.
(2)たいていの人がすることはせず、たいていの人がしないことをする、そう いう傾向があった。 Most of them prefered going ahead of time to following the majority.
(3)今の若い人は他人がすることをし、他人が着ているものを着ないと落ち着 かないようだ。 Young people today, however, seem to get uncomfortable with wearing against fashion trends.
>>680 The other day a man was arrested in connection with the primary school girl Nara prefecture murder case.* He had a criminal history, It's may be thought that he has repeated similar crimes with no sign of remorse. However that the criminal has been arrested won't bring back the murdered girl. Her family will live on with their suffering from now on.
>>670 >(1) いいと思います。 >(2) いいと思います。 >(3)Young people today seem to feel uneasy if they don't /do what/ >the others do and don't wear what /the/ >others wear.
>>671 >(1)When I was young, the high school students or the college > students seemed to be a little more proud of themselves than > the young today. 自分に自信があるって 'proud of themselves' でしょうか。 ちょっとだけ違う気がします。確かに 'self confidence' と 'pride' は 似たものですが・・・ とにかく、私はあまり自分の日本語力に自信がありませんので・・・
>(3)Today, however, the young tend to be anxious, unless > they do /and/ > wear the same as others.
>(4) Of course it's good to be sensitive to fashion. However, isn't fashion not for chasing after, but instead for going along with the flow?
This being '英作文書いていこうぜ' I'll do an English version of the above.
First there are some points I would like to make clear. 1. Even as a 'native speaker' I sometimes make mistakes. 2. From time to time I won't understand the nuance or meaning of some Japanese. 3. Grammar questions aren't my forte (although I'm working on it ...) Please bear the above in mind.
>>676 >Most of them prefered going ahead of time to following the majority. 英語は自然でいいだが、意味はちょっとずれてます。 別に「ahead」だけじゃありませんね。 >Young people today, however, seem to get uncomfortable /when going/ >against fashion trends.
There may not be many postings for some time because the first of the two-stage entrance tests, the standardized National Center Test for University Admissions, which consists of multiple-choice questions, is due on January 15th and 16th.
The second stage is the exam conducted by each university, which at most national and public universities requires the candidates to write out answers, including English composition, rather than choosing from a set of answers.
>Hey guys, never take his help for granted. Well I can see you won't be needing my help. I'd count myself lucky if I always wrote English as good as your post.
>Your (not prompt) response would be most helpful. Nice and subtle ;-)
>>691 >Well I can see you won't be needing my help. Oh...I do need your help, Paul. I almost never correct composition here. Your advice will certainly be useful for students who want to improve their English.
>>666 A few days ago TV personality Shimada Shinsuke of Yoshimoto Kogyo was released from house arrest and came back to TV. Some people are pleased with this news, for the program staring him will regain its life, but it is also true that there are those who are disapointed with his return.
>>661 >When traveling in Europe, I sometimes run into a Japanese at >remote places where I least expect seeing one. 'a Japanese' だけはいいでしょうか。 'an English' が絶対にダメですね。'an American' が正しいです。 私なら、'a Japanese' は 'an English' ほど悪くないだが、 ちょっと違和感がします。
"a japanese was" 796 "a japanese man was" 1,470
"an american was" 19,000 "an american man was" 582
Hmm, 明白はないが、一応・・・ When traveling in Europe, I sometimes run into Japanese people in remote places where I least expect to see one. のほうがいいでしょうか。
>>706 住んだらじゃなくって生粋のイングランド人という感じだよね。江戸っ子みたいに a Japanese -- oneでいいと思う
>>695 ここは自由英作の添削もしていただけるのでしょうか?(←これは問題文では なく、添削者さんへの質問です。) Can I have my free English composition corrected in this thread? This is not an English composition question, but is a question to those who are kind enough to do the corrections in this thread.
Well, it depends on who's around in this thread when you post your piece of English composition.
問題じゃないと書いてあるとやってみたくなるw 自由英作がむずいfree English compositionでいい?
Japanese is essentially an adjective, and when used as a noun refers exclusively to the Japanese language. Japanese is difficult. (as refers to the language) The Japanese are not always polite (in this case 'Japanese' is used as adjective as in the famous JUKEN EIGO sentence: The rich are not always happy. This is passable, though even in this case 'Japanese people' is preferable.
The same is true with British, Chinese, French, etc. One famous exception is "American", which can be used as a noun referring to an American person.
>>712おいらも朝鮮 I (○disagree/agree) with that because..
children should know the fundamental term of grammer-such as "subject", "predicate"- and their functions before they begin to learn the all languages except for their own one which is supposed to be acquired in their infancy. In other words, it seems to be impossible to learn foreign languages without knowledge of grammer. So. my proposal is that the children should study Japanese grammer exactly in the primary school, and then they begin to study English grammer thoroughly.
>>722 grammerのつづりが3回違ってる。 learn the all languages except for their own one, >> learn languages other than their own which is supposed to be acquired >> be supposed toはここではあまり適切でない。 to learn foreign languages >> to learn a foreign language the primary school >> primary school thoroughly >>ひっかかる
>>722 の文章に >>727の添削しました。それから、わたしの添削も加えました。 >children should know the fundamental term of grammar-such as >"subject", "predicate"- and their functions before they begin >to learn languages other than their own (which will have been acquired in their infancy). >In other words, it seems to be impossible to learn a foreign >language without knowledge of grammar. >So. my proposal is that // >children should study Japanese >grammar thoroughly >in the primary school, and only >then // >begin to study English grammar in earnest.
Yes, I agree with it. It may be true. We can learn a foreign language, if we don't know our own language. But, the knowledge of our langage's grammar and the nature of it develops the aquisition of our own language and makes it easy to learn a foreign language. If we study and know our own language, we can make a easy comparison between two languages and the comparison help us to learn the language.
For example, there is a great difference between Japanese and English. When we use English, we can easily express our thinking logically and when we use Japanese, we can easily makes an indirect opinion. (I think it is because some people say that the inertia of Japanese language is something prelogic and that of English is something logic.) If there is a man listening to musics loudly on his walkman next to you, an Englishman may say"would you keep quiet, please?" and so on. (Isn't it true?) But sometimes we Japanese don't say so directly. We say,"音がもれてますよ。". So, we just say the fact and sometimes, through saying facts, we suggest our opinion. If we don't know such a difference, we may make a communication gap and we should know the difference. It is clear that the knowledge and aquisition of the difference between two languages helps people to make a smooth comunication.
Although my English abirity is so poor that I can't show you my opinion, we can see same thing about the comparison between two grammer.
So the knowledge of our own language and the comparison between two languages makes it easy to learn a foreign language and to comunicate with others and then, we have better learn our own language.
I think that to learn foreign lunguage have several means. That is, if you want to speak foreign lunguage so fluentry that you can make yourself understood to native speaker of it, you have to have not only correct knowledge of words, grammar and what is taught in high school but also proper knowledge of the culture, the history, and the thinking way of other country. And what I want to say is that school teachers should give their students at least former, the knowledge of grammar.
>>729 ながすぎるw >>730 1:itじゃわかりづらい 2:whatが何を指すか不明瞭 3:the knowledge of grammar がformerをさすことをはっきりさせるためにはthat is あった方がいいと思う 修正案,問題あったらフォローお願いします。1行目の意味がよく取れない。 I think that to learn a foreign language have several meanings. That is, if you want to speak a foreign language fluently enough so that you can make yourself understood to native speakers of that particular language, you have to have not only correct knowledge of the words, grammar and such that are taught in high schools, but also proper knowledge of the culture, the history, and the customs of that country. And what I want to say is that school teachers should give their students at least the former, that is the knowledge of grammar.
>>730 I agree with your opinion that we should learn not only a foreign language, but also a foreign culture. A language depends on not only its grammar and words, but also the culture and people using it. When a foreigner use Japanese, even if their sentences are grammarticaly right, sometimes we feel these strange. That is because their culture, backbone, way of thinking and way to arrange their thoughts are quite different. There is an exanple in >>729. So, if we want to develop our ability to use a foreign language, we should know not only the language, but also culture and people using it.
I think that to learn [a] foreign [language you have to (use several methods(?)]* That is, if you want to speak [a] foreign [language] so [fluently] that you can make yourself understood to [a] native speaker of it, you have to have not only correct knowledge of words, grammar and [what-not as] taught in high school but also proper knowledge of the culture, the history, and the [ways of] thinking [in that] country. [] What I want to say is that school teachers should give their students at least [the] former, the knowledge of grammar. 出来るだけ、原文と近い文章を書いたので、ちょっと不自然な部分が 残ってます。
>>732 'a foreigner use Japanese' -> 'a foreigner uses Japanese' 'grammarticaly' -> 'grammatically' 'sometimes we feel these strange.' 'sometimes we get the sense that it's somehow 'off'.' 'way to arrange their thoughts' -> 'way of arranging their thoughts' 'but also culture' -> 'but also the culture'
>>729 [ ] を含めた部分は変わりました。 Yes, I agree with it. It may be true. We can learn a foreign language, [even] if we don't know our own language. But, the knowledge of our langage's grammar and the nature of it [aids] the aquisition of our own language and makes it [easier] to learn a foreign language. If we study and know our own language, we can make a easy comparison between two languages and the comparison help us to learn the language. === I sort of agree, and sort of disagree. Much of my knowledge of grammatical terms and formal understanding of grammar came _after_ I started learning Japanese and _because_ I was studying Japanese.
There's a big difference between having grown up with a language, knowing what 'feels right' compared to having a firm grasp on the official 'grammatical rules' of a language. In my view, although it certainly doesn't hurt to have both, a formal knowledge of grammatical rules is much more important when learning a foreign language than when learning your own.
>>738 When old familiar fields of fleur-de-lis smell feeling of May in the air, you are going to see anyone thoughts as floral language of fleur-de-lis.
>>738超むず Like the floral word of iris, the nostalgic scent of iris flowers flowing along with the May breeze, will send to you the feelings of someone towards you. One of the floral words of iris: a messenger of love.
Winds of May bring the sweet aroma of fleur-de-lis from some flower garden, which could also bring you someone's heart, as fleur-de-lis signifies "messenger of love".
懐かしいアイリスの花畑が5月の息吹きを匂わせれば、あなたはアイリスの花言葉通り誰かの想いを知ることになるだろう。 ↓ ここでは、 想い=愛(アイリスの花言葉が愛の使者であることからも分かる)。 アイリスが5月の息吹きを匂わせる=アイリスの香りが5月の植物が芽吹き出す季節が来ていることを感じさせる。 誰かの想いを知ることになる=誰かが5月になった時に想いを伝えることを話し手が知っていて、その事を伝えているとかいう不自然な状況ではなく、 「あなたは僕が君を愛しているということを知る」ということ。 ↓ 懐かしいアイリスの花(畑)の香りが草木が芽吹く(→freshで表した)5月の訪れを教えてくれる頃に、僕は、アイリスの花言葉になぞらえて、君に想いを伝えようと想う。 ↓ When the fresh fragrance of dear irises show us that May is coming, like the meaning of the flower, I will tell you that I'm in love with you.
日本語と意味は違うけどよ。 The fragrance from a carpet of irises which carries with it a breath of May shall tell you, in the language of the flower, that someone loves you.
Paul, Sorry for some Japanese guys using bad language towards you. Most of us are considering your posts of great help. Please help us when you have the time.
There are hypothesises that fireflies acquires the ability to glow in order to threaten enemies or glow of fireflies is the waring color in order to tell enemies uneatable creatures.
蛍が発光する能力を獲得したのは敵を脅かすためという説や食べるとまずいことを警告する警戒色であるという説がある。 ↓ There are many theories explaining why fireflies acquire the ability to gleam. Some theories say that the light threaten their enemies and Some theories say that the color of the light warns enemies that they tastes bad.
The problem is quite difficult for high school student, a student prepareing for an examination and so on to solve and what was even warse, it never develop your score on the examination.
A person prepareing examination questions never makes ploblems to translate some sentences in Japanese books around him irresponsiblly but has some thought.
Every year, I see some students study only English too much and fail in the examinations. Then you should not do such a thing.
Two theories explain why fireflies acquired the ability to glow. One says that it is to frighten their enemies, and the other says that it is to warn the predators that they are not tasty.
There is two hypothesises that explain why fireflies has aquired the ability of glowing. One is that they glow so that they can threaten other animals and insects, the other is that they can tell them that they don't suit to eat. But true reason, I think, is that they give dreams and fantasy to poor and moony boys&girls.
蛍が進化の過程で獲得したのを表したかったので現在完了にしてみたがどうか? oneとthe otherを対応させ、other以下では、they glow so thatを省略したが、適切か? 同じく、other以下では、other animals and insectsをthemで受けているがどうか?
>>758 >説明不足だったね。someone's feeling on|for you someone's feelings for you (複数形は決まりです。) >なら素直に受け入れられるのだが、the feelings of someone towards you >だと、愛憎入り交じってるのか? 最後の文: アイリスの花言葉の一つ:愛の使者 はどんなような「想い」を明白します。だから、前には'feelings' だけは 充分と思います。それに花言葉に'I hate you' がありますか。^^; 背景だけから何の 'feelings' かが分かると思います。
>>762 >>764 [ ] を含めた部分が変わりました。 There are hypotheses that fireflies [acquired] the ability to glow in order to threaten [predators] or [that the] glow of fireflies is [a] warning color in order to tell enemies [that they are inedible].
>>779 >you have the time -> you have time では? 両方が大丈夫です。 >>778 [Thanks] to early discovery and proper treatment, he managed to live*. [Now], he [actively] participates in social [activities]. * ちょっと不自然です。'he survived' のほうがいいかもしれません。
>>766 There are many theories explaining why fireflies [acquiref the ability to gleam*. Some theories say that the light [threatens] their enemies and [some] theories say that the color of the light warns enemies that they [taste] bad.
タイプミス >>785 [acquiref -> [acquired] >>769 [These] problem [are] quite difficult for high school [students] [preparing for entrance exams] to solve and what [is worse], [they won't help] your score on the examination. [People preparing] examination questions [don't] makes [translation problems by grabbing a few] sentences [from whatever] Japanese books [are] around him [] but [puts] some thought [into it].
Every year, I see some students study [] English too much and [then] fail in the examinations. [Take care that] you [do] not do such a thing.
>>771 they can tell them that they don't suit to eat. ->they can tell others that they are not suitable for eating. ->they can tell others that they are not eatable. じゃないかな
>>805 >イギリスにも全国共通試験みたいなのあったよね確か。 ちょっと違うと思います。私の高校ごろで、A-levels って 試験がありました。(今はAS-levels もあるので、ちょっと 複雑になりました)。学生たちは自由に2・3・4の A-levels を選択して、2年間勉強して、結果によると、選択した大学に 行けるかどうかが決まります。 3大学まで、選択して、一番いい大学、二番、三番、必要な成績が あれば、入学は可能です。(面接とかもありますが・・・) 一つのA level は ・・・ A B <- いい成績 C <- 悪くない成績 D E <- 無しよりいいかもしれません。 F <- 不合格
>When old familiar fields of fleur-de-lis smell feeling of May in the air, これだと、お花畑が五月の匂いをかぐ、になってるような気がする。 もとの日本文は、たぶん、「お花畑が五月の匂いを発する」んだと思う。
>you are going to see anyone thoughts as floral language of fleur-de-lis. see anyone thoughts のところがわけわかめ。「誰かの考え」だったら someone's thoughts. as のあとに名詞が来てる時(前置詞のas)は、「〜として」じゃねぇか?
When old familiar fields of fleur-de-lis smell feeling of May in the air, you are going to see anyone thoughts as floral language of fleur-de-lis.
Oldの前にthe Smellよりはfragrance, scentの方がいい Smellは >>820さんのいうような誤解を生みやすい This meat smells bad.みたいないい方もあるけど See->know, feel, realize Are going to->will as floral language of fleur-de-lis.->as what the floral language of fleur-de-lis says.
In accord with the flower language of とかを受験英語的には使うんだろうが、 文章があまりにも叙情的でなじまない。
When the old familiar field of fleur-de-lis gives a fragrance with a feeling of May to the air, you will know the thoughts of someone, as what the floral language of fleur-de-lis says.
[So] we Japanese eat whale [meat]. So what? We [depend]* on many creatures for our survival. [What] is important [is remembering to be thankful for their sacrifice.]
>>826 We Japanese eat whales. So what? We depend on other creatures for our survival. The important thing is to express our thanks to them. マイナーなミスがちょっと多い。 また、これだと直接鯨に礼を言うべきだという感じ。 to be thankful to themの方がいいかも
Oh yes, we Japanese do eat whales. So what's the problem? We have to depend on other creatures to survive. We just shouldn't forget being thankful, that's the important thing.
Sorry Paul, but I agree with his opinion. We just have to make sure that there always is enough number of whales so that they can also survive. If we shouldn't eat whales, we shouldn't eat cows, pigs or any other animals at all.
We are likely to have a thunderstorm. So, we decide that, if it becomes sunny, we will depart 2 hours later but, if it remain to be likely to rain at the time, we will put off the departure.(36 words)
>>843 Surely不自然certainlyの方がベター Problemよりはdifficultyの方がいい 一般論ならthe不要、文化が決まっていればthe cultural differences between Japan and Englandとかになる。 乗り越えるだからovercomeがぴったり。
Although it is difficult to understand cultural differences, it is a difficulty that we must overcome.
>>844 Now it is time to start, but from the look of the sky, we may be caught in a thunderstorm if we start now.
So, let's wait for a while and see how the weather is going to be. If the weather is improving, then we will start. If not in about two hours, climbing will be put off till tomorrow morning. 61語
>>857 city center はケンブリッジのだからthe必要 oftenよりusuallyの方がいいと思う When I was in Cambridge, the city center was usually very busy (crowded). Seeing around on a bicycle is a good idea, but be careful with your bicycle. In Cambridge, bicycles often get stolen.
>>860 It has been 3 monthes since you left me alone, but you still remain on my mind. I wonder what you are doing now. It has been 3 monthes-> Three months has passedの方が一般的か? monthes->months left の前にhaveあった方がいいか? remain on my mind->間違いとまでは言えないがinの方が普通。
>>857 >Seeing around on a bicycle ... これはちょっと不自然だと思います。"Sightseeing by bicycle ..." のほう がいいでしょう。
[It's time to set off] but from the look of the sky, we may [get] caught in a storm (原文で thunder を推測すべきでしょうか。) if we start now.
So, let's wait for a while and see how the weather [goes]. If the weather starts improving then we will [head out]. If not[, then after] about two hours, [we will delay departure to] tomorrow morning.
[It's time to set off]3 but from the look of the sky, we may [get]4 caught in a [storm]2 (原文で thunder を推測すべきでしょうか。) if we start now.
So, let's wait for a while and see how the weather [goes]4. If the weather starts improving then we will [head out]5. If not[, then after]3 about two hours, [we will delay departure to]5 tomorrow morning.
>>872 >>You have still remained on my mind. >>の方が「別れてからずっと」っていう意味が出ていいと思ふ。 >ちょっと違和感がします。そうすれば、_今_は 'on my mind' かどうか >わかりません。前者の方がいいと思います。 For exampple, can you explain this?
1. What for did you emphasise 今? 2. What does そうすれば mean? 3. What is "前者" here?
Take it easy, >>882, and don't be so fussy. Don't spoil the warm atmosphere of this thread, please!
>日本語の意味が分からん。 Can't understand your Japanese. どこの? What part? >わざとらしく変な日本語使うなよ。 Don't use awkward Japanese deliberately. 「使うな」と言われても、わざとじゃないから、しょうがないことです。 I can't help it, because I'm not doing it on purpose. 使うなといわれても、が意外とむずい
問題 日本語の部分を英文に直せ。 There are two kind of genius. One is the kind of person that you or we would be just as good as, if only we were a lot of clever. (1)そういった人達がどのように頭を働かしているかについては、不可解な点は無いのだ。 That is to say, once what they have done has been solved, we feel that if only we had been clever enough, we could also have done the same. But the other kind of genius is really a kind of magician. (2)彼らがこれまで行ってきたことが解き明かされた後ですら、彼らが、どうやってそれを行ったかわからないのである。
(1)There is no wonder as to how those people work their mind. (2)Even after what they have done has been solved, we never understand how they did it.
>>901 1→10の番号を付きます。番号が高ければ高いほど、まずいです。 >There are two kind of genius. One is the kind of person that you or >[I]6 [could]2 be just as good as, >if only we were a lot [more]6 clever.
>>907 けっこう当たってますね。9/10 ところでしょう。 >>903 You can go anywhere that you want. You can go anywhere that you want to go. You can go anywhere you like. <- 'as' は要りません。
>>908 [are]の部分も分かる。[risk factor]が熟語として存在しているのも分かった。 ただ、 I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me. は正しいですよね? the intake of excessive fatがexcessive fat intakeよりも不自然である理由は何ですか? どのように不自然に感じるんですか? 少し堅く感じるから?
There are two [kinds] of [geniuses]. One is the kind of person that you or we would be just as good [ ], if only we were [a lot cleverer].
(1)そういった人達がどのように頭を働かしているかについては、不可解な点 は無いのだ。 There is nothing mysterious about how they use their head.
(2)彼らがこれまで行ってきたことが解き明かされた後ですら、彼らが、どう やってそれを行ったかわからないのである。 Even after their achievements have been explained, there still remains a mystery about how they did it. did it でいいのかな?
The ways people write in emails is often very different to the way that they could write in letters. While there's nothing wrong with that such, it isn't uncommon for people to get into legal troubles for a carelessly sent email.