*Look Janpanes.... it's not "sea of japan"'s "east see" or "sea of Korea"... i don't like japan. but i don't hate japanes... so japanes also send me mail...^^ 韓国人何年経っても欧米のペンパルサイトで日本人潰しやってるね 日本人が欧米人ペンパル持とうとしてるのを邪魔してるよ 日本人が登録を載せると、速効韓国人も負けじと登録載せる 前に俺が登録載せたら、速効韓国人が日本人は野蛮でたくさんの韓国人を殺しました 1920年に何とかかんとかした韓国は素晴らしい良い国です、って隣に書かれた 次の日も別なサイトに載せたけど、また同じような事書かれて以来登録載せて無い そういう事書いてくる韓国人が来ないサイトって無いのか 俺のとこに来た韓国人のメールは 日本の糞ソニーなんかより韓国のハイテクのほうが素晴らしい日本なんか余裕で追いこす 糞日本人ども韓国をどう思うんだ とかそんなんばっか 返信すると、意味不明の壊れた英語ですぐ昔の戦争とかの事言い出してきてうざい チャットでもそうだ 英語で喋れと言ったら何故か怒り出すしうんざりだ 最悪なのは俺が苦労して取った英検一級で一生懸命書いた英語の自己紹介文を まるごとコピーして欧米ペンパルサイトで自分が書いたかのように使った韓国人達がいたことだ 自分で書けよ英語ぐらい 名誉毀損 海外滞在する前に欧米人から色々情報得ようと思ってだけなんだが 気分悪くなったからペンパル探すのやめる
>>25 >Look Janpanes.... it's not "sea of japan"'s "east see" or "sea of Korea"... >i don't like japan. but i don't hate japanes... so japanes also send me mail...^^ All the ones you mentioned supposedly originated fro Korea and were imported to Japan. Miso is called "dehnjang," natto (I forget, heard it once but it's not eaten as commonly anymore as it was 40 years ago), and tofu is "duufuu." Sushi, maki-type at least, is from "kim-bup" and I don't remember the Korean term for sashimi , but I'd hardly say Japan is the only country that eats raw fish... I list Korea, because it's beena tradition longer there than it has been in Japan. Miso-shiru is "dehnjang-kuk," wakame is "miyuk" and nori is "kihm."
However, as I said before, there are subtleties in the Japanese verisions that sometimes improve the dish and others that don't.
Well, that depends on who you ask of course. Many Korean historians claim that the Japanese originated from exiled political enemies from the Korean royal court and that the Japanese islands were (in general) a historical Korean prison colony. There's also a Chinese theory that the Japanese people are descended from an ancient Chinese expedition that failed it's mission and whose members voluntarily exiled themselves on the islands that currently form the nation of Japan. Finally, you could also look at it from the prespective that the Japanese islands and the people inhabiting them were created spontaneously from the gods poring salt into the ocean...
Eh. It's probably better not to think about it and just stick with the obvious. Anyone for a curry?
Congratulations to Japan! Ignore this User by: ladrose
Ji sin wa hon to ni ee mo no de shoe-! Hon to, congratulation desne!!! Nippon wa e ma bye bye si mas! a ta si wa, ji sin o love si mas!!!!! Congratulations!!!
This earthquake is supposed to be the prolude of the sink of Japan!!! lol so I told you there must be a godsend disaster for great japs!!! lol when there comes any earthquake in japan once again, let me kick repuboy into the island.. sink together into the deepiest depth of the sea! and never come up to this earth again!!!! bye bye si mas! a ri ka to gojae masita!!!!! dewa!! :))))) --- yahoo asiaから
Chinponamemasuというのが日本人を装った韓国人。 truckertomという朴不要論者のストーカーをしている。 自分は、マツイのファンだと言っている。 --- Chan Ho (Park your bicycle here.....) ttp:// The Korean posters that you though they were Korean were Japanese. You don't understand why our honorable Japanese must fight with Korean.
・ee mo no de shoe-! 「いいものでしょう」における、 「ee」「shoe」(どちらも、英語の綴りから類推している) ・desne 「ですね」 日本語で、実際「です」の「す」の母音は 発音されていないことが多い(特に関東、非関西圏)。ただ、日本人 でそのことに気付いている人は殆どおらず、さらに、その母音脱落を ローマ字表記に反映させるなどということは基本的に思いもつかない (「す=SU」と習うし、母音が落ちない「す」だろうが落ちた「す」 だろうが音韻として区別しないので、日本人であれば「su」と自動 的に綴る)。 ・a ri ka to gojae masita! 「ありがとうございました」 日本人が「か」と「が」のローマ字表記を綴り間違えることはあり得ないし、 「ざ」を「じゃ」と混同することもあり得ない。
Some people say Ryukyuan (Okinawan dialect, to some) is a dialect of Japanese because, like the other dialects, it's descended from ancient Japanese, but other people say it's an independent language because instead of being an offshoot from Japanese, they're both on equal footing as far as offshoots go.
Now, Kyuushuu dialects and Touhoku dialects are maybe as far apart as two German dialects at the very very worst. However, the differences between Ryukyuan and standard Japanese are at least as much as those between French and Spanish, probably even more (a lot more!)
See, while the Ryukyuan people are supposedly related to the Japanese, and that they came from the mainland (because they were exiled, some people say) in ancient times. However, from then until 1879 (i think it was 79? maybe 76 or something), there was no contact between the popular language of the Ryukyuan Kingdom and that of Japan.
One way to sway people is using the sentimental historical stuff about how elderly people were slaughtered.
You see, during WWII, lots of elderly Ryukyuans were slaughtered on suspicion of being foreign spies on the grounds that they only spoke Ryukyuan.
Around the same time, children were punished severely for speaking Ryukyuan in school (at around the same time, kids would also be punished in Hokkaido for using Ainu at school). However, if you go to Oosaka, Kagoshima, Aomori, etc, you find that kids speaking these local dialects in school had no trouble, and no elderly people were slaughtered by soldiers because they could only speak the local dialect.
Another thing that separates Ryukyuan from Japanese is that while Japanese uses Chinese words a lot for semi-technical things , for a lot of these things Ryukyuan uses native words, and because of this Ryukyuan has been an indipsensible aide for reconstructing the Ancient Japanese language. Also, there are some sound changes that happened in Standard Japanese where Ryukyuan preserves the older form, like many "p" sounds in words in Ancient Japanese changed to "h/f" in Standard Japanese, but in Ryukyuan almost every single one of them stayed as a "p". The original "h" sounds stayed as "h"s.
If you know Japanese, try reading my signature. If you know some of the less obscure Kyuushuu dialects, you might be able to sorta decipher a little bitty bit.
If you know the Kagoshima dialect (southernmost dialect on the mainland, even though "Kagoshima" suggests it is not really part of the mainland), this will help quite a bit, but still, you probably won't be able to understand my signature unless you know Standard Ryukyuan (Shui-Nafa dialect) or a Ryukyuan dialect (Nachijin, Ushima, Myaaku, Eema, Yunaguni, Dakidun, etc).
You can find a dictionary (sorta good, but not... perfect) at where they have a dictionary for the Shui-Nafa dialect (standard), the Nachijin dialect, the Ushima dialect, and the Myaaku dialect. (the last two, Ushima and Myaaku, aka Amami and Miyako, were just put up today or yesterday)
edit to add: another telling sign that it's a separate language is that it has its own distinctive and only partially interintelligible dialects.
Also, in Standard Japanese, the Ryukyuan placename Nachijin = Nakijin, and Shui-Nafa = Shuri-Naha. Shuri is the old imperial capital of the Ryukyuan Kingdom, but Naha was sort of like the second capital, being the largest port city and a hub for international trade.
Brian Dunn You're Korean (Korean-American maybe?), right? Or do you just like having a Korean IM handle?
Node-UE Hmm... I know nowadays the Imperial calendar is just a year counting device as opposed to a way to tell how far into which year it is. What did they use for that purpose before the Gregorian calendar? The Chinese lunar calendar? Perhaps a native invention? Or maybe the Korean Danki (I severely doubt the last one) -------Japan is pennis=ant pennis ----- by: sydey20000kr 06/09/03 10:26 pm rating: unrated The HONDA and the SUZUKI which are a Japanese company must do a warfare damage compensation. It is a company where the SUZUKI an American prisoner of war becomes larger specially with compulsion laboring. Also Japan it uses the human being at the world-wide beginning, organism test is one company. This organism test the name of one military force is 731. 731 the material of organism test used a many American prisoner of war and a Chinese causal Korean and the Russia person. But Japan United States or grudge it ladled in the different victim country and it is a country which neither the compensation does. This country thay at the time of plain warfare it occupied the Saipan and the Guam of United States. But this field these islands does not know the fact that it does wrongly and as territory of Japan it talks. Also Japan economic growth with character is writing the many money in the military force. And Japan sells and cum it wants a formation. Japan admits the person before the 2nd world longed for. Like North Korea and Syria it does to watch recently Japan. It is a military powerful country of the world 2 of Japan. In order for Japan to threa ten United States it forms the many military force. The Japanese person United States leaves and is an American and China please and it does to do a damage compensation in a Korean and Russian ----- Japan suck Japan there is a defect of the mouth milk as the mirku. The Pennis of the Japanese person first is the small nation from the world. The even length of black humanity and justice Pennis is 17-28CM. The white 14-26cm is. hwang Is, cok it is 12-24. But the Japanese person is 3-9CM. --- HA HA HA ^ぱ^ Japan is pennis=ant pennis
笑った。リモホでzapaneseがしっかりばれてる。w [The following comments were all added by one person claiming to be from various countries:] Hello. Maybe it site make fight korea and japan.And korea isn't part of japan. Japan is japan korea is korea.Somebody doen't knows it? Too stupid. I think japan did bad things to korean peoples and another countries too..china and usa.We have to pardon them. I'm japanese but I don't think japan did good job. And our education was lie and lie. They attaked America. So we have to kill all of them.Hmm..who make this site? For what? It seems wanna make fight japan and korea.. (Americans..)I love korea and japan all of asian..I think usa make so bad.they are sucks. Here are asia plz go back to usa.(army) Anon, Korea - 23 Oct 2001
Most possibly Koreans are stem both from Siberia and some where in SEA . Those mixed people (siberian+s.e. asian, but siberian>>s.e. asain) resided in Manchuria (Liaoning and Jilin) and Korea. And about 4500 years ago, somewhere in Liaoning, bronze age civilization starts out. (I think this civ is older than yellow river one on which Chinese culture is based) That's the cultural origin of Korea.
Japan is Great by: psynam96 01/17/02 10:06 pm ←ここをクリックすると韓国人が投稿したことがわかる Msg: 1 of 116 Sasaki save Mariners... Ichiro is best hitter in MLB So, Japanese player better than American player...
Post-war devastated Japan, now restored to its present size without returning back the Sea of Korea and the Loochoo Islands,
この一文、つっこみどころ満載ですね。 ・この文だと、Sea of Korea and the Loochoo Islandsが 元は日本の領土だったことになるんだけど、それで良いのかと小一時間(略 ・そもそも、Seaが、領土とはいったいお前は何を考えているのかと(略 ・TopのSea of Japanを残していると言うことは、これはいったいどこの海だと(略 ・以下略
どこの国の人間か、わからないが、american1941という人物が飛ばしまくってます。 From 1959 to 1963 and from 1973 to 1979に、日本に滞在していたと自称していますが、 その期間に、つぎのようなことを、日本人から聞いたと、とんでもない 主張をしています。
1. America attacked Japan. 2. Troops from Japan were in China only to help protect China from the U.S. 3. The A Bombs dropped on Japan was a War Crime, Japan has already given up and America refused to accept it. 4. The American droped poison gas and bio weapons on Japan. And Japan never used or worked on either. 5. The Rape of Nanking never happen. 6. The Bataan Death March never happen. 7. Unit 731 did not exist. 8. Japan was a victum. WE ARE THE SMARTEST, MOST DANGEROUS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. WE WILL RUIN YOUR OLYMPICS. IT IS SO OBVIOUS THAT THE IOC IS RACIST. REMEMBER WHEN THEY AWARDED THE MEDAL TO THE JAP-AMERICAN ALPHONSO ONO SUSHIFACE INSTEAD OF THE SKILLED KOREAN? BE PREPARED VANCOUVER, WE WILL COME STRAPPED WITH BOMBS. 日本がヘリ空母を導入するというスレ 日英仏 vs fucking 中韓 イギリス人→well the uk and japan have excellent relations now 日本との関係は最高!! フランス人→Japan has the liberty, like France, to build any ship they want, especially with a country like China close to them, so I fail to understand why you seem so scared by these two ships. It's not an arm race, the Japanese just want to protect themselves and they're right. 日本が空母を持つなんて当たり前じゃん!!
The unanimous Declaration of the gamers, otakus, and other words that mean the same things: WHEREAS Japan makes the coolest motherfucking shit, and WHEREAS mankind, empowered by science, is not unlike the Gods spoken of in Legend, and WHEREAS, I mean, how hard could it be, LET IT BE RESOLVED that we should *totally* Import the entire Island nation of Japan.
2894. Vinny Woohoo! I want super happy fun time! 最高に楽しく過ごしたい。
2879. Chris Westbrook How fast can we get all of Japan packed and ready to move? どれぐらい早く日本を荷造りして積み出しできるかな?
2862. Scortia Let's just make sure that we don't influence them. Can't screw up the beauty of Japan with our icky ways. ;P まずは変な影響を与えないようにしないとね。 日本の良さを俺達の変なやり方でだめにしないように気をつけよう。
2719. Kyle Derrida I've been trying to get this done for ages, but all those "laws" keep getting in my way. 俺はこれをずっとしたかったのさ。でも法律がいつも邪魔してできなかった。
1976. John Milano we can do it and don't forget Okinawa so we can われわれはやれる。沖縄を忘れるな。沖縄があればここにある lose those shitty karate schools over here guys games rule 糞カラテスクールをなくすことができる。ゲームこそ全て
1976. John Milano we can do it and don't forget Okinawa so we can われわれはやれる。沖縄を忘れるな。沖縄があればここにある lose those shitty karate schools over here guys games rule 糞カラテスクールをなくすことができる。ゲームこそ全て
原文引用 As far as I know, the Japanese government has been willing to bring the case of Takeshima (Tokdo) to the International Court of Justice in Hague, the Netherlands. However, the Korean government has strongly refused to bring this matter there for some unknown reasons. Why? If the Korean government is confident and has legal documents to prove that the island indeed belongs to Korea, why don't you contest in front of the judges from various nations and convince the international society that the island is yours?
The Korean govenrment and the people have been complaining that the Japanese governemt has been extremely unfair and discriminatory against Korea and its people. However, before complaining about the Japanese government, you have to realize that you are the one who has been acting extremely cowardly regarding Takeshima (Tokdo).
Korea, shut your mouth up about Takeshima (Tokdo), and get out of there immediately! ←ここ (訳:韓国は竹島問題のことは黙れ。竹島からすぐに出て行け。) 引用終わり
アジアで強い国ベスト10は?というスレ 超DQNなインド人の強烈な電波にチョンもたじたじになってます。 インド人→1) China 2) India 3) North Korea… 7) Japan チョン→oh my gosh....are you an asian????how could you say that N.Korea is the third wtf!! japan should be third and S.korea fifth .....i can't believe it!!!! おいおい!北チョンが日本、韓国より上の訳ないやん。 インド人→how can Japan be above India. Heard their economy is doing bad, and everything now depends on DragonBallZ. 日本がインドより上の訳ないやん。あいつらドラゴンボールだけが頼りやん。
Tigers, Bears & Ancestors A New Look at Korean Myths Old and New
Despite these and some other infelicitous or moot translations, this volume is a welcome addition to the field of Korean studies, and is definitely the first port of call for anyone who wants to know about or study Korean myths and legends. The structural analysis of well-known Korean myths forces one to reconsider the historical consciousness of the Korean people and shows the constant re-working of ancient material to suit political purposes.
こんなハイジャック事件があったって知ってた? The hijacker, a 30-year-old fanatic, delivered to the IDF a videotape and two letters, one addressed to the Japanese emperor and the other to leaders of the western world, in which he warns the "white race" of the danger of being dominated by the "yellow race".
My Sister raped by Korean by: mtrvjdfhe (23/M/Schaumburg, IL) 07/14/02 06:42 am Msg: 1 of 9
The younger sister who went out to travel to Seoul to go to see South Korea vs. Italy war in the World Cup the other day was raped in turn by strange men, and shecame back while crying. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・