

Japan geopoliticsのキーワードでgoogleを検索してたら


China's demands for continuing Japanese apologies are much more
about current geopolitics than past wrongs.
China is skilfully using war guilt to keep Japan on the defensive.
Every time Tokyo makes a hesitant attempt to begin acting
like the great power it should be,
China beats the drums about the war.
Koreans and Philippines happily join the chorus,
knowing that Japanese guilt - like German guilt - is a big cash machine.

As US military influence in Asia recedes,
and Russia founders, China is well aware the sole impediment to its domination of East
Asia is Japan. Chinese geopolitical analysts consider Japan a long-term, determined,
highly dangerous enemy. So China's strategy is to keep Japan militarily impotent,
and on the diplomatic and moral defensive.

However, the US has been pressing Japan to openly announce
military and logistical support of US forces in South Korea
in the event North Korea attacks. Defenseless
against Chinese or North Korean missiles,
Japan is finally considering building an anti-missile defensive shield.
Both issues have roused Beijing's ire,
producing the usual accusations of `resurgent Japanese militarism.'

Chinese well understand Japanese mentality.
They are literally trying to browbeat Japan into a state of constant submission.
Japanese still wallow in tribal humiliation over their crushing wartime defeat.
Japan's foreign and military policies are those of a beaten,
guilt-plagued nation that must remain forever on best behavior,
and atone for past wrongs.

Any Japanese leaders
who suggest it's time to remove the hair shirt of national guilt are
immediately branded warmongering fascists.

Each time Japan must apologize for World War II,
it loses much face among fellow Asians,
many who relish watching the fiercely proud Japanese having to
genuflect to their `inferior' neighbors. By forcing Japan to kow-tow,
China reasserts its self-appointed role as Asia's premier power.

It is the Confucian way. Young must pay respect to the old; woman to man;
lowborn to the high; vanquished to victor;
Japan's Shogun to the visiting Emperor of China.