>>765 > 「合意値」は真っ赤な嘘、なぜなら76万頭における科学委員会の合意はな
> かったからだ。
IWC Resolution 2000-4
http://www.iwcoffice.org/meetings/resolutions/resolution2000.htm#4 NOTING also that the Scientific Committee this year considered all
estimates of Southern Hemisphere minke whale population sizes which
have been made available since 1990, and concluded that these
estimates were “appreciably lower” than the estimate of 760,000
accepted by the Scientific Committee in 1990.
> the estimate of 760,000 accepted by the Scientific Committee in 1990
> まあ世の中、段々と嘘も通じなくなったってこと。
>>770 > おーい、どうして3周目の推定値約36万頭を書かねえんだよ?
> 76万頭も36万頭も共に同じように科学委員会によって合意されている
> わけじゃないのだから
> 両方載せるのがスジってもんだろ?