Discussion in the other Language

In Japanese language, we can't clitisize globalized health services.

In this thread, you should write your opinion in English or Chinese.
Japanese doctors are less than filipino-doctors, I guess.
2卵の名無しさん:2007/12/23(日) 18:35:45 ID:lqGFNpiNO

3卵の名無しさん:2007/12/23(日) 18:38:30 ID:5Qns8qPu0
4卵の名無しさん:2007/12/23(日) 18:38:31 ID:cUxXC6WM0


You are foolish.
5卵の名無しさん:2007/12/23(日) 18:39:02 ID:NBGyqX3fO
6卵の名無しさん:2007/12/24(月) 10:36:40 ID:bE90b9Zg0
7卵の名無しさん:2007/12/24(月) 16:25:34 ID:T/4He5B80
Fine , go ahead and introduce yourself
8卵の名無しさん:2007/12/24(月) 16:46:54 ID:OTqQEtY90
All right.I'm lawer nice to meet you.
9卵の名無しさん:2007/12/25(火) 17:39:01 ID:/WcYhTsy0
Happy holiday, lawyer-san.
10卵の名無しさん:2007/12/31(月) 11:00:31 ID:BgYSTBC60
How did you do this year?
11卵の名無しさん:2007/12/31(月) 11:11:22 ID:g3+sl6EC0
12卵の名無しさん:2008/01/01(火) 10:48:00 ID:EaU86JyX0
13卵の名無しさん:2008/01/04(金) 16:01:16 ID:b3r0nCJ30
new year
14卵の名無しさん:2008/01/04(金) 16:50:33 ID:C3Uzuj5G0
15卵の名無しさん:2008/01/04(金) 17:03:03 ID:3DTovR130
> Japanese doctors are less than filipino-doctors, I guess.
the number? probably you could have missed writing ", who speak English, " right?
16卵の名無しさん:2008/01/04(金) 17:12:55 ID:42M6OORA0
Apologize to the filipino-doctors!w

A happy new year.
17卵の名無しさん:2008/01/04(金) 17:20:41 ID:/S9zqUu50
fortunately, japanese medical students can get medical knowledge and skills in japanese.
then, we are not good at using English in clinics or hospitals. filipino-students study them
in English, in addition, they can use English even when they are child.
18卵の名無しさん:2008/01/04(金) 21:20:44 ID:ws77D/nK0
>>1 wrote that we should write our opinion in English or Chinese.
But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
19卵の名無しさん:2008/01/06(日) 10:29:13 ID:GUl16l1m0
其無関係 其無関係 其無関係
是 緒把妃
陳 屯 上 天 屯
陳 屯 上 天 屯
20卵の名無しさん:2008/01/06(日) 10:50:59 ID:ovQBFYTT0
21卵の名無しさん:2008/01/07(月) 18:04:23 ID:XsuIsCiJ0
First of all, what would Dr. >>1 like to discuss in English?

Ten years ago, I made my web pages for discussing the Japanese health care sytem
in English. So, BBC, the Minister of health care in Belgium sent me some messages
to ask what was going on in Japan? A publisher in Singapore required me of writing
an essay about the Japanse health care.

A lot of Japanese site, however, have got to show such information now in English,
and Japanse economic decline reduced their interest about Japanese health care, I guess.

It is NOT attractive to discuss the health care of Japan, right?
22卵の名無しさん:2008/01/09(水) 16:14:37 ID:WHpshMON0
I agree.
23卵の名無しさん:2008/01/09(水) 17:00:55 ID:VQrs2gw30
24卵の名無しさん:2008/01/09(水) 17:16:16 ID:Hnj0+Kd80
Now then, are you about ready to pack a disposable wooden chopsticks?

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25卵の名無しさん:2008/01/09(水) 17:17:24 ID:vAJPvWMR0
26卵の名無しさん:2008/01/15(火) 18:29:37 ID:b6RYoBtn0
1 名前:('A`)[] 投稿日:2005/05/20(金) 21:05:58
    /    ||    :ヽ
   ┌|(⌒ヽ :|| ..:⌒: |┐   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   |::|::ヽ.__:):||(___ノ ::|::|  │
    |:|: ..   :||    .. |:|  │
    :|: ..   ||    ..|| <   ジュワ!
     :\ [_ ̄] /::|   │
::     |\|_|_|_|_/:::|    \________
   __| |   / / :|___

2 名前:('A`)[] 投稿日:2005/05/20(金) 21:06:49

3 名前:('A`)[] 投稿日:2005/05/20(金) 21:07:27
    /    ||    :ヽ
   ┌|(⌒ヽ :|| ..:⌒: |┐   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   |::|::ヽ.__:):||(___ノ ::|::|  │
    |:|: ..   :||    .. |:|  │
    :|: ..   ||    ..|| < >>2日本語でおk
     :\ [_ ̄] /::|   │
::     |\|_|_|_|_/:::|    \________
   __| |   / / :|___

27卵の名無しさん:2008/01/23(水) 16:32:09 ID:iK5Amd3f0
As I took a day off yesterday, drinking wine last afternoon. Then, the phone rang,
and a woman of a web-order house, from which I ordered their items by mistake,
called me in English. Though I repeatedly insisted that I wanted to cancel it and to
refund the money, the person in charge never conceded me. For 30 minites, we
argued about it... Hah, it could be not expensive to take a lesson in such a real
situation, I guess.
28卵の名無しさん:2008/01/23(水) 20:01:18 ID:Spxt/N5I0
Mama, do you December?
29卵の名無しさん:2008/02/05(火) 00:58:15 ID:YBYZ+4i40
30卵の名無しさん:2008/02/19(火) 14:57:06 ID:j9IBXmGD0
31卵の名無しさん:2008/02/22(金) 20:23:31 ID:t4NeRkYQ0
Rematologi, salah satu subspesialis ilmu penyakit dalam, berkonsentrasi pada diagnosis dan terapi penyakit rematik.
Istilah ini berasal dari bahasa Yunani rheuma, yang berarti "yang mengalir seperti sungai atau aliran" dan akhiran -ologi, yang berarti "ilmu".
Para rheumatolog terutama berurusan dengan masalah yang melibatkan keadaan jaringan konektif.
32卵の名無しさん:2008/02/26(火) 15:10:22 ID:4sgDZiGc0
33卵の名無しさん:2008/02/26(火) 18:31:57 ID:49N8yuJP0
Hola! Soy medico.
Tenga ningun problema?
34卵の名無しさん:2008/03/08(土) 13:59:02 ID:lBz4aaIG0
I want to keep this "thread." for foreigners to find out the fact of the Japanese medical
care. I'll set it up.
35卵の名無しさん:2008/03/25(火) 15:48:30 ID:ux5kyReB0
However Japanese people study English in Japan, they can't be equal to the native.
Japanese is quite different from English. Then, the average Japanese people have to
get an abiliy of communication in English, or a special technique of medicine, technology,
or the other techinical knowledge or skills.

Chinese, Russian, English or Spanish, which langage should be we Japanese people
need... I don't know. The regend of BABEL is alive now, I guess.
36卵の名無しさん:2008/03/25(火) 16:14:06 ID:ux5kyReB0
If the NDPK dropped their nuclear weapon at TOKYO, a nation eathern side of Asia would
be exterminated only at the bombing... but they'll be destroyed by the other nations.

Being no leading nation in the Eeatern Asia will kill the people who live there. You agree the
opion, right?
37卵の名無しさん:2008/03/25(火) 16:21:38 ID:eFUTqyfH0
What do you mean?
38卵の名無しさん:2008/03/25(火) 17:34:43 ID:9pJeIALp0

大阪には 日本語&ハングルの バイリンガル医師が沢山いるはずなのに。

39卵の名無しさん:2008/03/25(火) 17:47:07 ID:ElbWvhh+0
a Chinese doctor, whose interest was making fortune, was appaled
at the work condition in Japanese hospitals and fled.
Who else, then, dares to?
40卵の名無しさん:2008/03/25(火) 17:48:35 ID:LjLmS2Ey0
41のらねこ:2008/03/25(火) 20:45:03 ID:9/YezhKu0
Japan has changed.
Good old Japanese are gone.
42卵の名無しさん:2008/03/25(火) 23:00:03 ID:XCuaP5o30
??? ???? ?????? ????????. ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ????. ?????? ?????? ???? ??? ??.
43卵の名無しさん:2008/03/30(日) 23:02:17 ID:6SG8lI2sO
this is the first time.i'm looking for the man or the woman who has "the pure heart".do you know where they are?
44卵の名無しさん:2008/03/30(日) 23:18:08 ID:G6Cw1FGy0
You are searching the wrong place. There are bunch of demoralized drop-outs here.
45anonymous:2008/03/31(月) 17:23:29 ID:goRRYHeW0
Dear ladies and gentlemen

If you expect a lot, then in case you can't get what you want,
it is possible you disappoint a lot.
But if you expect a little, then in case you can't get waht you want,
it is possible you disappoint a litte.

This is mainly the board of dark-side of Japanese peole.
It is true that some of the information here might be useful,
but many of the information here in '2 channel' might be harmful for
your mental health, might be bad for your mind.

So please remember not taking every information on Internet too serious,
especially the information here.
Because we are living in different countries, cultures, habits, religions,way of
thinking, law, and so on, it seems natural that human beings differ form
place to place.

Please remember some of the opinions here are ill-intensive and make you angry ,
irritated or frustrated,
so don't take every opinions seriously, for it is not good for your
mental health.

I hope you guess what I want to express.
460.42%の診療報酬上げ、20年間据え置き分は解消されました:2008/03/31(月) 17:38:06 ID:81LVEmwq0
Ich bin zahnarzt.
Was sind sie vonwerf?
47卵の名無しさん:2008/03/31(月) 20:13:22 ID:zUXKnm3tI
>>45if you're onё-san?
i see.i think that.
i think there are many lonely people because this place is lively.and everybody seem it.
i write,then might be able to receive something from someone.i can write real intention because nobody knows me.
in truth, very kind and cheereful space,i think.
48卵の名無しさん:2008/03/31(月) 20:26:01 ID:msVlUmr+0
黒の目をしたエンドウは、それをファンキーなfressh yallにしておいています
and we wont stop until we get you, til we get you
49卵の名無しさん:2008/03/31(月) 20:41:02 ID:L0pwH+Je0
50ronda man:2008/03/31(月) 20:43:35 ID:Vq6Lt5HW0
Why not they use only JAPANESE?
IT'S NON SENSE in this world wide web.
51↑↑↑↑↑:2008/03/31(月) 20:53:53 ID:L0pwH+Je0
52卵の名無しさん:2008/03/31(月) 21:01:04 ID:/Vg8nZ7P0
"Drop-outs"? Wouldn't you rather call them "losers"?

These people are full of complaints about their work conditions.
They feel exploited, unlawfully overtasked, and overzealously prosecuted
despite they think they have done their best.
Regretably, all they are doing so far is to blame patients, paramedics,
and the ministry of health and labor in the net, not in reality. They do
not form any kind of unions, do not take any kind of organized actions to
publicly appeal for the improvement of their treatment. Probably they
lack a person with strong leadership to organize them, or things are not
as tight as they say.
53卵の名無しさん:2008/03/31(月) 21:07:36 ID:L0pwH+Je0
54卵の名無しさん:2008/03/31(月) 22:23:43 ID:vGQEswXj0
1 :卵の名無しさん :2007/12/23(日) 18:34:31 ID:tfWkPw7B0
In Japanese language, we can't clitisize globalized health services


55anonymous:2008/04/01(火) 08:48:42 ID:SQJZiMA+0
Many of the information or opinions or ideas on Internet are sometimes
ill-intensive, and bad for your mental health.

In my opinion, it might be better for you to regarad anything as it is.
I mean regarad information as information, opinions as opinions,
ideas as ideas.

Then , you decide whether information or opinions or ideas
are reliable or not, then after that you decide whether you accept them or refuse

I think it is ordinary for human beings to accept a littler and refuse a lot.

Maybe that is usual so why not accept anything good for yourself ?
56anonymous:2008/04/01(火) 11:50:14 ID:SQJZiMA+0
If you want to talk to real doctors, why not visit the following site.
All you need is maybe valid credit card or something.
Please use somebody's credit card, not your own, if possible,
for preventing your personal health data from leaking.
And moreover, use proxy or something or more.

Take them into consideration, it might be better for you to do GHQ,
go hospital quickly where you trust, because it is not safe for your
privacy to ask important helthcare problems on Internet.

One more important thing is that it might be better for you
not to trust too much on Internet medical service(?).
Because some of the health care probrems need urgent medical
intervention and some of the medical conditons can be fatal if
you don't go to hospital quickly.
Moreover you shouldn't expect the perfect diagnosis and treatment
on the Internet.
Mal-diagnosis and Over-diagnosis can be obtained occasionally
with or without hostility.

Actually I don't know whether there are same kind of medical services(?)
back there in your country, so search Internet if possible.

Anyway please make sure you can't trust anonymous information,especially
on your important healt care, life-threatening matters.
That can be very dangerous and sometimes can be fatal.


I hope you guess what I want to express.
57anonymous:2008/04/01(火) 11:55:42 ID:SQJZiMA+0
Forgive me if my English here is rude or inapropriate or wrong,
for I am not native.
58卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 11:58:31 ID:PhF7yUpd0
Yaj mesthvahri kamkoph amarantexi zhanukqo kandvri snapik randor vinarikija xokn pat.
59卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 12:02:58 ID:zB6oW7Xf0

60卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 12:04:34 ID:n27PoAnS0
61卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 12:04:39 ID:PhF7yUpd0

Padayanam sridaq zarkar panukihax edeke ormaggyurap idingha pauka tor.
62anonymous:2008/04/01(火) 12:34:37 ID:SQJZiMA+0

63卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 12:37:29 ID:zB6oW7Xf0
64卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 12:38:25 ID:ZjOTN4VF0
If not,he will be criticized by all.w
65anonymous:2008/04/01(火) 12:43:00 ID:SQJZiMA+0


66gafhatakip:2008/04/01(火) 12:44:48 ID:PhF7yUpd0
Kufnan tukpa vobnum hyurughi haturn nadakq ihne rarla movaqip nachoqi anghet.
67卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 12:45:33 ID:zB6oW7Xf0
68anonymous:2008/04/01(火) 12:47:05 ID:SQJZiMA+0

69卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 12:50:21 ID:zB6oW7Xf0
ネイティブはアジアンが嫌い(^ ^)
70卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 12:51:12 ID:SlVtyy0W0
>>56 Good point!
CC is not always applicable.

71anonymous:2008/04/01(火) 12:59:10 ID:SQJZiMA+0
partly ture partly prejudice
72卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 13:03:29 ID:zB6oW7Xf0
73卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 13:25:39 ID:50ArmJN8O




74卵の名無しさん:2008/04/01(火) 15:20:41 ID:n92WQt8t0
About competiting the soccer tournament, the Anglo-Saxon teams has, I guess, lost the
games against the hispanic nations before: Brasil, Argentina, and Spain.
75a fool:2008/04/01(火) 19:38:18 ID:SQJZiMA+0
I promise I never beg you any donnation.
Of course, think about yourself and your own country, first.
I never mean critisize you.


world is wide

The more I know, the more I realize how little I know.
Everything differs from place to place.
I know how fool I am.
76a fool:2008/04/01(火) 19:50:16 ID:SQJZiMA+0
FREE PORN(MEN only WOMEN prohibited)


75 might be too heavy, so forget about it.
77a fool:2008/04/01(火) 20:49:09 ID:SQJZiMA+0
78anonymous:2008/04/02(水) 00:39:43 ID:uEjL9rEw0

Are they real ?
Now I realize how fool I am.
79卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 12:34:09 ID:qlgEhHHK0
Cina barbarus est.
80卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 12:35:48 ID:sExD5RRa0
foolish w
81卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 12:39:22 ID:d8/cAZve0
Et tu, Corea.
82卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 12:40:39 ID:378+NoEz0
83卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 12:44:43 ID:d8/cAZve0
Γιατι ενοχλειστε ετσι; Η ειρηνη και το χαμογελο ειναι καλεσ για την υγεια σασ.
84:2008/04/03(木) 13:08:54 ID:378+NoEz0
85卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 13:14:45 ID:QFtev6Hc0
Que pesada!
86卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 13:18:08 ID:d8/cAZve0
Tratto il ID:378+NoEz0 come parola di NG.
87↑↑:2008/04/03(木) 13:42:11 ID:378+NoEz0
You too.
88卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 14:43:54 ID:d8/cAZve0
Agnon erat vritaqi omrakuxh nantup aygavath, "enen" uvghitab surtina.
Qawatiph evdeg thanpixat ovrun niweseq addavixhad yajqan nontu.
Qxejkem dwvani sunghi tharathrati juyaqun thsune pajmaxqi ognop.
89:2008/04/03(木) 16:56:50 ID:Rz2RZZ8h0
90卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 16:59:16 ID:I8jC3td70
91卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 17:09:57 ID:Rz2RZZ8h0
92卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 17:12:13 ID:DU5FNNsaO
93卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 17:13:31 ID:d8/cAZve0
Aafaasoovaeae feeruusuujiikii.
94卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 17:16:09 ID:Rz2RZZ8h0
95卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 17:22:31 ID:d8/cAZve0
Anglo-Saxonam pataphiq surthamaki chanigi ghepir harap.
96卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 17:27:23 ID:Rz2RZZ8h0
>95 で、君の目標は??
97卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 17:29:26 ID:I8jC3td70
如果?承??是下等?他? 自?
98anonymous:2008/04/03(木) 20:16:30 ID:YHt+jLJB0
Doctor is not the slave for slavery especially in certain good
hospital in Japan.
99卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 20:20:55 ID:xMP9FZXE0
100anonymous:2008/04/03(木) 20:43:24 ID:YHt+jLJB0
Buy the medical serveice, for in the long run it is cheaper than
anything else.

101卵の名無しさん:2008/04/03(木) 20:46:46 ID:DU5FNNsaO
102anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 19:36:12 ID:5jU/VPx90

Some doctors in Japan, of course not all doctors are like this.
103卵の名無しさん:2008/04/04(金) 19:41:09 ID:nA5Y6i1/0
DISGUSTING! That's usual in the Japanese community. Bored to hear such topics.
104卵の名無しさん:2008/04/04(金) 20:15:15 ID:KJjfRLFK0
>>102, >>103
It is not uncommon in many of the workplaces in Japan. Such an outrageous
labor practice can be seen among contractors, truck drivers, IT engineers as
well as doctors.
I think Japanese employees are one of the most exploited and poorly paid
people in the world. Why don't you import the Chinese Communist Party for
labor reform? You surely deserve them.
105anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:00:39 ID:5jU/VPx90
Japanese people usually insist
I work this hard, so you too work much harder than I work.

It seems to me that is the way Japanese think these days.
106anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:06:13 ID:5jU/VPx90
I don't want to diagnose or treat people like you 103.

Die, if you become ill.
Just die.
I don't think you are worth recieving medical treatment.
107卵の名無しさん:2008/04/04(金) 22:08:48 ID:KJjfRLFK0
It's your nature that you feel uneasy when you see someone else working harder.
And the greedy employers take advantage of that virtue. Unpaid overhour labor
(サービス残業) is rampant in Japanese workplaces to the degree that cannot
been seen anywhere else.
108anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:14:31 ID:5jU/VPx90
I am tired of people like 103,
I am tired of interpretation like 103.

109anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:16:51 ID:5jU/VPx90
Just DIE.
Nobody except you cares.

110anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:17:58 ID:5jU/VPx90
Just DIE if you become ill.
Nobody except you cares.
111anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:20:15 ID:5jU/VPx90
It doesn't matter whether you die or not.
You ought to understand.
112anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:23:15 ID:5jU/VPx90
Die, if you become ill.
That is the cheapest and best KAIZEN in the world.
113anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:27:58 ID:5jU/VPx90

114anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:33:19 ID:5jU/VPx90
Japanese people are damn childish.
Nobody cares whether you die or not.
I know that.

But is that a happy life, I wonder ?
It seems to me that is far from happy life.

Of course they want to live a happy life, that's all.
115anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:39:44 ID:5jU/VPx90
It is partly true
that's none of my business whether you die or not.
I know that.

But that is not happy life.

Die, if you become ill.
That is the cheapest and best KAIZEN in the world.

Is that really improvement ?
116anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 22:47:44 ID:5jU/VPx90
This is 2-channel dark-side of Japanese people,
many of the information here is bad for your mental health.

Don't watch this BBS for your own good.

I'd rather spend a good time than watch this uncomfortable
BBS 2-channnel, it is filled with ill intention.

117卵の名無しさん:2008/04/04(金) 22:51:37 ID:LZFyJEIl0
The Japanese do not know that they should decide what the happiness is BY THEMSELVES.

People tend to think that leading average life, or more precisely, not missing average levels in any part,
is the state of happiness.

Soon, the average will approach to stupidity.

Society doesnt allow people to be eccentric, but the true intelligence often looks eccentric at a glance.
118卵の名無しさん:2008/04/04(金) 23:05:57 ID:LZFyJEIl0
Japanese doctors are stupid, too.
The SHINRYO HOSHU should be determined by Physician's Association, not by the goverment.

We should have established the great system first.
But the japanese medical system, especially specialists, were completely controlled
by stupid professors, whose original mission should have been "academism"

The P's just have provided medications at dumping prices for their fame, without any tactics,
raising slave doctors, and not considering any value of physician's work.

We need an intelligent leader.
Otherwise, every doctor have to protect themselves individually
like a mouse scared by greedy animals.
119anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 23:06:40 ID:5jU/VPx90
translation 112


Japanese are damn cold at heart.
Don't miss-understand.
They are the offsprings of KAMIKAZE-attacks.
Never forget about it.

I thought doctors ought to work for patients within a budget,
but Japan and Japanese had changed completely.
Anyway. the environment Japanese doctors work at certain hospitals
is the one for slavery, defenitly, obviously, apparently.
120anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 23:14:35 ID:5jU/VPx90

I don't think that is the way doctors ought to speak.
121anonymous:2008/04/04(金) 23:33:59 ID:5jU/VPx90
I don't want to diagnose or treat people like you 103.

Die, if you become ill.
Just die.
I don't think you are worth caring nor curing.
122coldest heart:2008/04/04(金) 23:36:13 ID:5jU/VPx90
123coldest heart:2008/04/04(金) 23:44:34 ID:5jU/VPx90
Die, if you become ill.
That is the cheapest and best KAIZEN in the world.

To what extent, this is true ?
124卵の名無しさん:2008/04/04(金) 23:45:56 ID:pYKa1jqC0
125coldest heart:2008/04/04(金) 23:50:46 ID:5jU/VPx90

Neuro-surgeon slaves, might die from SAH.
That is the KAROSHI = death form exessive work.

Who cares nobody except you, fool slaves.

To what extent, this is true ?
126coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 00:05:23 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
Whip the neuro-surgeon slaves for the slavery.

Some doctors in Japan are the slaves, actually.

To what extent, this is true ?
127卵の名無しさん:2008/04/05(土) 00:08:35 ID:iY9eo47F0
128coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 00:19:16 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
I am not a doctor, mind you.
129coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 00:33:21 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
Die 103 you are not worth saving your life.

Die if you become ill,
that's the cheapest and the best KAIZEN int hte world, DIE.
130coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 00:45:53 ID:V2Zg8/5F0

real doctors =slaves ?
131卵の名無しさん:2008/04/05(土) 01:10:24 ID:TqAzlQJRO
They're Okayama University's slaves.
That's a colony of Okayama Uni.
132卵の名前さん、じゃない:2008/04/05(土) 01:11:34 ID:GVDvEm4dO


They changed.

133coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 05:45:37 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
Japan and Japanese are changing, they ought to know.
Sooner or later, they are filled with hostility.
134coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 06:01:18 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
Why not look for something happy or interesting ?
135coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 06:30:26 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
That's none of my business, they say.
136coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 06:42:43 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
Japan and Japanese are changing completely.

It is better for you not to think
they are the same as they were in the past.
137coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 06:50:36 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
whip whip whip

138卵の名無しさん:2008/04/05(土) 08:39:18 ID:obl94IJV0
139coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 10:12:22 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
DIE 138 Period.
140お増健さん ◆0ZOKENdh0E :2008/04/05(土) 10:16:28 ID:wptN/KWt0
You will go! Down below!
141coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 10:18:14 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
I don't know whether it is true or not,
but reading or hearing something ill-intended seems to be bad for your
kind of so-called unconsciousness.

I don't think that's the way human beings ought to speak,
but maybe that's the way global economics speak.

DIE 138 Period, this is the 2-channel, worst ill-intensive BBS in Japan.
142卵の名無しさん:2008/04/05(土) 10:18:47 ID:obl94IJV0
143coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 10:23:27 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
I don't want to work as a doctor for japanese people.

Die if they become ill, that's enough for them.
144coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 10:29:21 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
145coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 10:38:47 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
This is the 2-channel, worst ill-intensive BBS in Japan
146coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 10:40:00 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
This is the 2-channel, worst ill-intended BBS in Japan
147coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 11:20:57 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
Money or die, that's Japan these days.
148coldest heart:2008/04/05(土) 12:06:35 ID:V2Zg8/5F0

It's just that everybody wants to live happily.
Nothig more, nothing less, so forget about 2-channel.
149卵の名無しさん:2008/04/05(土) 12:23:18 ID:FSVtpT3l0
150名無し:2008/04/05(土) 12:30:50 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
戻ることはないだろう 変化の時 らしい




結局、カネで買えるものは、カネで買うのが、一番安い たぶん
151名無し:2008/04/05(土) 13:04:01 ID:V2Zg8/5F0


152卵の名無しさん:2008/04/05(土) 16:17:49 ID:V2Zg8/5F0
Doctors ought to work for 1patients 2money 3clients(customers).

?which is true?

But there is upper limit of number of patients to handle by one doctor.
And the budget is not limitless.
They ought to know that.

Anyway watching 2-channel BBS directly by yourself might cause bad
effect on your so-called unconsciousness.
It might be better for you to watch 2-channel BBS via
some other editors web-site.
Of course, that will bring kind of bias,
but might be better for your mental health.

I don't know, the choice is yours, not mine.
153卵の名無しさん:2008/04/05(土) 17:01:34 ID:Pyk5ez8f0
Our situations are different from the UK becuase the public health insurance is working
even now and more patients use this system.
What point do specially you point out: metal disorders, senior health care and the other
medical issures?
154卵の名無しさん:2008/04/05(土) 17:19:57 ID:Pyk5ez8f0
The media in Japan misunderstand the problem of "Somatic Cloning."
They believe all the genetic infomation exist in the nuclear of a cell though
what gives each cell the energy is depend on the genes in the mitocondria.
Somatic gene clone is NOT a clone of the clone dependent on the genetic
information of sperms.

Even human being or domecitic animals, the issuses is enevitable as you know.
155卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 00:12:13 ID:ExRi4MMm0
Corpus hominis formosus est.
156卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 00:25:41 ID:f8VpIC5yO
157インリン ◆EXdQNsueJw :2008/04/06(日) 00:33:20 ID:UnbpjM84O


158すみませんね:2008/04/06(日) 00:48:07 ID:OPGdgQz/0
159インリン ◆EXdQNsueJw :2008/04/06(日) 00:56:41 ID:UnbpjM84O



160卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 01:05:54 ID:+0+bU9EvO
161すみませんね:2008/04/06(日) 01:12:53 ID:OPGdgQz/0
162インリン ◆EXdQNsueJw :2008/04/06(日) 01:16:10 ID:UnbpjM84O

Can't sleep, Can't eat, I'm sick. I've been thinking of you all the time.




シンキングのシと、オール ザ タイムのザはThで発音してね(σ∀σ)b゙


163すみませんね:2008/04/06(日) 01:30:21 ID:OPGdgQz/0
皆 厚顔無知ですので・・・・・
164インリン ◆EXdQNsueJw :2008/04/06(日) 01:59:31 ID:UnbpjM84O





I'm sorry for…を
Sorry for…and am doing…


No need to help me.


こんな感じで、主語を抜かして、ひたすらand 動詞 で繋げていきまふ☆



165卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 11:38:14 ID:bmjfsWuz0
Mind your own business.
That is the best.

I don't think English grammmer is so important.

166why not:2008/04/06(日) 11:42:05 ID:HJIrzI6c0
you all use Japanese without English?

It's non sense speaking japanese here.
167卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 11:51:49 ID:w3OlVpAZ0
Bunch of pathetic English speakers are around in this thread.
It is a joke that you guys are talking about the dream to defect to the
States, EU or other countries and make fortune as professionals.
168卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 11:56:30 ID:bmjfsWuz0
Mind your own business.
That is the best for you.
I know if you win, others lose.
Win-Win is not easy, might sometimes happen.

They ought to know there is upper limit of number of patients to be handled
by one doctor.

169卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 12:35:17 ID:WIFBES4V0
170:2008/04/06(日) 12:39:40 ID:3m9yTesV0
171卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 12:41:14 ID:bmjfsWuz0



君みたいな、評論家も含めてな 坊や

172卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 12:44:00 ID:bmjfsWuz0


それぐらいは、自覚して、にちゃんねる、やってるんだろ? 情交
173卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 12:45:42 ID:KgpKCwjO0
Japanese inmature old patients cannot always make up good relations

with new other infamiliar doctors.They insist that the same doctor must cure

every disease like GODS!w
174インリン ◆EXdQNsueJw :2008/04/06(日) 12:50:32 ID:UnbpjM84O
175卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 13:07:17 ID:WIFBES4V0
"Bird flu" thread www
176卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 13:24:53 ID:bmjfsWuz0


Win-Win relationship is not easy to achieve.

そのうち、日本も地球も、幸せになるよ たぶん

177卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 13:47:34 ID:bmjfsWuz0

178卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 14:41:11 ID:bmjfsWuz0

179rude neet :2008/04/06(日) 22:01:39 ID:bmjfsWuz0
Strictly speaking, I know, it doesn't matter whether you die or not.

Japan and Japanese are changing.

I don't know how many Japanese are thinking in that way.

At the same time, I also know everybody just wants to live happily.
Everyone, everywhere on earth hopes so.
180卵の名無しさん:2008/04/06(日) 22:34:53 ID:GdVRUxxv0
I want to get married to a nice billingual doctor in this thread.
181rude neet :2008/04/06(日) 22:59:46 ID:bmjfsWuz0
I don't think nice doctor exists in 2-channel,
the worst ill-intended damn fucking cursed crazy
DISGUSTING! ass-hole son-of-a-bitch(←descriminating?)
BBS in Japan.

Anyway, I am mere a rude neet, so that is none of my business.

Elites ought to work or live as they ought to
because they are not RUDE NEETs, they are totally different from
(But I know elites want to live happily too at their heart.)
182rude neet :2008/04/07(月) 09:31:03 ID:Dy4U/4Ik0


183rude neet :2008/04/07(月) 13:57:17 ID:Dy4U/4Ik0
rude neet 恋人なし not bilingual
184rude neet :2008/04/07(月) 15:23:38 ID:MOWZm16j0

185rude neet :2008/04/07(月) 16:59:28 ID:MOWZm16j0
Who are you ?
Who are you talking to ?

186rude neet :2008/04/07(月) 17:21:11 ID:MOWZm16j0
rude neet は 彼女なし

They are exaggerating.
He is mere a NEET sitting in front of PC, nothing more, nothing less.

He is a fox walking in front of a tiger.

187rude neet :2008/04/08(火) 10:20:18 ID:pe4EzPFo0


リア充 リア充
188rude neet :2008/04/08(火) 10:40:47 ID:pe4EzPFo0


189卵の名無しさん:2008/04/08(火) 14:49:08 ID:hF8l+h2+0
190卵の名無しさん:2008/04/08(火) 15:06:52 ID:hF8l+h2+0
191卵の名無し:2008/04/08(火) 16:58:46 ID:HyoJ0FqhO


192オトナを探してる:2008/04/08(火) 21:25:07 ID:pe4EzPFo0
They mean ass hole, right?

I am not paid, so that is none of my business.
Is that the global economy ?
Actually, I don't know.
193卵の名無しさん:2008/04/10(木) 18:28:25 ID:22fS1uIf0
The Minister of Justice, Hatoyama, a Representative of the lower house in Japan, has order to execute
death penalty to ten criminals, it should be recorded in The Guinness Book of record, I guess.

More than one hundred people have sentenced death penalty, and been detaind. They are waiting for the
day to be executed. Recent criminals in Japan told they wanted to live in prisons without no money, which
means they are more easy to live in prison than our community.

They live easier than those who live frankly in the community in the low class, that is, the avarage people
is too harder to live. Those who committed suicide have been increasing more than two ten handreds people
in Japan than 1995.

194オトナ:2008/04/10(木) 21:04:26 ID:w+McllpC0


195卵の名無しさん:2008/04/11(金) 02:02:08 ID:MgNDbehZ0
long time no see
how r u
kyoto prefucture university of medical is such a damn one.
dont be in the IKYOKU ,as its lilke a mafia...
and mr Nakanohito is such a fuck man and he will be killed
from this world maybe.
196卵の名無しさん:2008/04/11(金) 11:25:12 ID:COmT+SFw0
kimitachi otokonoko
bokutachi onnnanoko
hehehey hehehey
oide asobou
bokurano sekaini
197卵の名無しさん:2008/04/12(土) 01:21:13 ID:rADexSiZ0
      __-=≡///:: ;; ''ヽ丶\
    /     ''  ~     ヾ:::::\
   /           ノ (  \:::::::\
   |     カ ル ト       彡:::::::::|
  ミ|     , 、          |:::::::::|
  ミ| _≡=-、__, =≡=_ 、   |:;;;;;;;;/
   | | /(゚ )> |   | /(。)\ |─ / \
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  /    /(     )\  U   |__/
  .|    /  ⌒`´┃   \     ) |
  |  U│     ┃         | | <otintin shu!shu!shu!
  (   \/ ̄ヽ/\_/      / |
   \  、 \ ̄ ̄ ̄/ヽ      / /
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     ヽ\_ ー─  __ / /     )
         \ ヽ        /   /  /
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              ( ヽヽ ⌒ ).   |
               ヽ)"ミミミ'''ソ    ヽ
             / (A,,)ミミ シコシコ  \
              ヽ .   ,\  /    /
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                /  ノ ''''''ヽ99999
198卵の名無し:2008/04/12(土) 08:10:14 ID:XP4jMoeNO
I don't want them to commit suicede.
I don't want them to die.

199卵の名無しさん:2008/04/12(土) 15:14:52 ID:6YWcJnMG0
My shit, piss, and fart excreted with noise of Boobeeeee------!!
\____ __________/
  /       \:\  Gekyo、Gekyo!、
  .|  Sect SGI  ミ:::| HAAA・・・         巛
 ミ|_≡=、´ `, ≡=_、 |;/         ___|  |
.  ||..(゚ )| ̄|. (。) |─/ヽ        / ___)
  |ヽ二/  \二/  ∂        /  /
. /.  ハ - −ハ   |_/      /  /
 |  ヽ/__\_ノ  / | ___/  /
 \、 ヽ| .::::/.|/ヽ  / /  |     /
.   \ilヽ::::ノ丿_ /_/   |  ∈3ノ =ミ  ∬ ∬
   / しw/ノ__  __ |   丿   ミ  ノ)
   (_ ∪ __| ミ   /  / ブリュッ  (;:.:.__)
               (    ̄ ̄\   (;;:::.:.__::;)
                 ̄ ̄ ̄\_彡 (;;:_:.__゚.:.:⌒)
200卵の名無し:2008/04/14(月) 12:33:42 ID:ZYaMKqdJ0
201なぜかニートなワタクシ:2008/04/17(木) 16:09:44 ID:ceu+OL7P0
202卵の名無し:2008/04/17(木) 21:42:20 ID:ceu+OL7P0
To what extent is this true ?

203anonymous:2008/04/17(木) 23:02:09 ID:ceu+OL7P0
White collar Elites ought to know
many of (but not all) the doctors are kind of blue collar workers.
There is a great difference between the two.

Many of (but not all) the Japanese doctors are as industrious as SLAVES.
204卵の名無しさん:2008/04/18(金) 20:32:02 ID:p+F67y190
I hate Kaera Kimura, who is singing on TV now.
All of the broadcasts have the function of two-way communication and "Kill her!" button on the
TV controller, I'll put the button.
205卵の名無しさん:2008/04/18(金) 20:52:19 ID:HSB4Y7eiO
206卵の名無しさん:2008/04/18(金) 20:54:55 ID:p+F67y190
To the headquater of the Chinese interigence,

If you have the techinique of making the medals given from the Japanese
Emperor, you should make the imitations of those, and you'll manage the
people who are over 60 years old with them.
207卵の名無しさん:2008/04/19(土) 03:59:03 ID:/OZgNFBT0
Flamma olympiae immunda est.
208ノーコメント:2008/04/19(土) 19:34:21 ID:6/KDrMoj0
209ノーコメント:2008/04/24(木) 13:41:04 ID:uWjLUzWK0
210卵の名無しさん:2008/04/26(土) 15:45:08 ID:VBGZ+9c40
"In the other language" means using only one language for discussing the medical issuses.
The title is NOTappropriate to disscuss those medical issuses, I guess.
Now, the residents in Japan, using Chinese, Vietnamese, and English, are usual. In the shopping
mall, pupils in the primary schools are using Chinese for communication is ordinary.

"Japanese people is SOLO" is not, really, as a fact, I guess.
211卵の名無しさん:2008/04/26(土) 15:47:45 ID:VBGZ+9c40
Who speak the other languages? You can catch the foreign dramas?
212newよよっ:2008/04/27(日) 00:27:58 ID:0tMBIX0Q0
213mere neet:2008/04/27(日) 22:26:22 ID:v3SvDn3t0
This is none of my business, and this can be the invasion of privacy,
or it is possible she will file a lawsuit against me.
This is not a fact, this might be just a prejudice,
but in my opinion, maria-sharapovabd can be suffering form
gigantism or acromegaly.
So if she is rich enough to go to see a doctor,
it seems better for her to go to the hospital, department of endocrine,
to rule out gigantism or acromegaly with bood test and if necessary with
MRI of the brain.

214卵の名無しさん:2008/05/05(月) 23:25:43 ID:UTu/jrDxO
Enjoy your golden week!
215卵の名無しさん:2008/05/05(月) 23:30:52 ID:zmZhSECV0
Yes,I will!

216卵の名無しさん:2008/05/07(水) 07:58:04 ID:c+1F5RFJ0
217卵の名無しさん:2008/05/07(水) 15:03:07 ID:mnzvv6l3O
>>216←What's this?
218卵の名無しさん:2008/05/07(水) 15:12:52 ID:OIc3iJ3D0
219卵の名無しさん:2008/05/07(水) 15:36:00 ID:rEI4euzo0
220お増健さん ◆0ZOKENdh0E :2008/05/08(木) 16:07:44 ID:ZqLkuuR80
Dejima has been born.
221anonymous:2008/05/10(土) 06:16:47 ID:yMiuF4KPO
I don't want you to die.
I want you to live your own happy life.

But at the same time, if possible, I want you to know eveyone wants to live happily.

Though probably, the world is made up with competition.

222卵の名無しさん:2008/05/10(土) 09:02:38 ID:DA8U71tg0
Ces discours sont tres banal, stereotype.

Je aime de sortir mon metie qui soit plus ennui que 2ch
223anonymous:2008/05/10(土) 10:11:35 ID:yMiuF4KPO
If you want, rule out HIV, if necessary.
I don't know which is happy for you.
If someone is positive, many people around probably need HIV test.
Statement above has no bad intention, I promise.
I never mean to make you anxious.
224卵の名無しさん:2008/05/10(土) 10:26:22 ID:da1GO2+N0
225卵の名無しさん:2008/05/10(土) 10:32:04 ID:vRHsMxuZ0

I will express and enjoy the Japansese Medical System Collapse.
Please come to enjoy together!
226卵の名無しさん:2008/05/10(土) 10:45:26 ID:WsRyTixD0
I'd like to run a blog in my original language.
Is anyone here who agrees with me ?
227translated sentences:2008/05/10(土) 10:48:19 ID:WsRyTixD0
Dav-i maqina danguav-e blog-u hapnat aghautsi.
Ochoriki-gu uttim emek-e appattav-i naki ?
228pronunciation:2008/05/10(土) 10:51:21 ID:WsRyTixD0
Deavi: ma'qinae deangwave: blogu: hanna' tafha:tsi:
Oshoriki:gu: u'ti: memeke: a'pa'tavi: neaki
229卵の名無しさん:2008/05/14(水) 20:03:49 ID:bMbxlBI80
tsukue no ura ni
hanakuso ga ippai
230卵の名無しさん:2008/05/17(土) 14:04:56 ID:G9wLV9U60
tasukete tasukete
konomama bakade owarisou
2311:2008/05/17(土) 14:35:54 ID:UEJoCWK60
my wife said, "you wrote something in this thread, right?" no, why did write something
the contents of this thread? I'd like to say to them "who don't say something in English or
the patients' native languages: Chinese, Korean?"

Some doctors insist, in this thread, we should leave from Japan, then the more happier life
waits for you...

NO exits exists for Japanese medical doctors, all of the relatives belive so, I'm afraud.
232卵の名無しさん:2008/05/17(土) 18:57:44 ID:pVTuaivdO

233卵の名無しさん:2008/05/17(土) 18:59:18 ID:20nx8d8B0
234卵の名無しさん:2008/05/17(土) 20:58:15 ID:pVTuaivdO

235卵の名無しさん:2008/05/18(日) 13:03:37 ID:NJf9LICeO
芸能人の英語力 PART4
● 有名人(芸能人除く)の英語力 ●
有名人の外国語力(英語除く)の実態 II
236卵の名無しさん:2008/05/18(日) 13:20:41 ID:8kxgK4T/0
Ho sonno.
237卵の名無しさん:2008/05/18(日) 19:15:45 ID:doIdgNCYO
238卵の名無しさん:2008/05/19(月) 14:35:24 ID:D4HQ16RV0
The Japanese government has been decreasing the expenditure of the social
security. They told that the finance of our country is almost bankrupt, then,
they need to reduce that. They can't put the debt to the generation of our children.

So is that? Our community and nation are losing our hopes to the future:anxiety,
untrust, the risk of poverty. At this point, Our and our children's future is destroying.
New liberalism and monetarism have been obsolete, The economy of the world
has already been in such a situation they solve some financial issuses.
239卵の名無しさん:2008/05/19(月) 14:36:40 ID:D4HQ16RV0
The Japanese government has been decreasing the expenditure of the social
security. They told that the finance of our country is almost bankrupt, then,
they need to reduce that. They can't put the debt to the generation of our children.

So is that? Our community and nation are losing our hopes to the future:anxiety,
untrust, the risk of poverty. At this point, Our and our children's future is destroying.
New liberalism and monetarism have been obsolete, The economy of the world
has already been in such a situation they solve some financial issuses.
240卵の名無しさん:2008/05/20(火) 20:24:30 ID:mXNGdyby0
curl tabetai
curl ojisanto
241卵の名無しさん:2008/05/20(火) 20:45:20 ID:OQVNnJb50
The Japanese government has been cutting down the expenditure of the social
security. They argue that the finance of our country is almost bankrupt, then,
they need to reduce the spending. They can't leave the debt to our children's

So is that? Our community and nation are losing our hopes for the future:anxiety,
untrust and the risk of poverty are taking place instead. At this point, our and
our children's future is being destroyed. New liberalism and monetarism are already obsolete,

The economy of the world has already been in such a situation they solve some financial issuses.
242卵の名無しさん:2008/06/05(木) 11:56:26 ID:NGwSiiqV0
243卵の名無しさん:2008/06/13(金) 21:50:40 ID:1b5ukgLP0
244卵の名無しさん:2008/06/14(土) 00:37:32 ID:noQYNB5M0
more happier,

245u:2008/06/14(土) 10:55:25 ID:gsqd4Hor0
Nous souhaitons que l'annee nouvelle (etre) bonne et heureuse pour vous tous
246卵の名無しさん:2008/06/20(金) 01:40:56 ID:8UTmUAya0
Ask a good answer for the following question.

Hydrogen gas molecules are less than those of the air. If each of the molecules collides each other,
that is only a collision of a small molecule and a large one. Why hydrogen gas ascends in the air?
In the level of molecule, no causes exist, don't they?
247卵の名無しさん:2008/06/20(金) 01:42:06 ID:8UTmUAya0
Ask a good answer for the following question.

Hydrogen gas molecules are less than those of the air. If each of the molecules collides each other,
that is only a collision of a small molecule and a large one. Why hydrogen gas ascends in the air?
In the level of molecule, no causes exist, don't they?
248u:2008/06/20(金) 05:52:37 ID:mclMhCwQ0
Des qu’un home cherche le bonheur, il est condamne a ne pas le trouver, et il n’y a point de mystere la-dedans.
249卵の名無しさん:2008/06/21(土) 01:16:14 ID:AsFRwzEj0
This evening, my daughter asked me what "featuring" in the name of a a singers'
group means by in Japanese.
There are not good answers in some English-Japanese dictionaries, but I found
a good answer in LDOCE with impression: "to include or show something as a
special or important part of something, or to be included as an important part"
That's it!
250インリン ◆EXdQNsueJw :2008/06/21(土) 02:02:32 ID:TTZjKyDDO

Have a great your golden weekとか

Hope you have …とか

時間や日にちにはhave を使いなさいよ☆

251卵の名無しさん:2008/06/21(土) 02:43:14 ID:eQ5X9pmO0
252卵の名無しさん:2008/06/26(木) 15:21:30 ID:Xkcpj1gR0
aaaah watashiino kooiwa
minaamino kazeninotte hashiiruwa
253卵の名無しさん:2008/06/26(木) 16:25:03 ID:hshyFrbH0
Here's looking at you, kid.

254卵の名無しさん:2008/06/27(金) 12:33:12 ID:U4wOY9S+0
Don't think! Feeeeeel!
255卵の名無しさん:2008/07/01(火) 12:02:14 ID:IGCqnnqY0
Was soll ich schreiben?
256u:2008/07/01(火) 12:38:04 ID:YAl53e3w0
257卵の名無しさん:2008/07/01(火) 12:48:58 ID:CJzJ/DBG0
>>256=偽U 斃!斃!斃!
258u:2008/07/01(火) 14:28:38 ID:JnyJiOip0
L’amour que je vous porte est pur comme le cristal.

259u:2008/07/01(火) 17:03:16 ID:CJzJ/DBG0
L'amour est aveugle.
260卵の名無しさん:2008/07/03(木) 01:04:23 ID:b3AxHYPH0
One of the biggest Japanese mass media group ,
the Mainichi Shinbun , http://mdn.mainichi.jp/culture/waiwai/etc/owabi.html
have been for over five years sending horrible articles on
Mainichi Daily News Wai Wai, http://mdn.mainichi.jp/
about Japanese girls and boys , women .
The Mainichi and the wrighter Ryann Connell has written on the page
WaiWai , http://mdn.mainichi.jp/culture/waiwai/
about Japanese common live and tradition .
They wrote that Japanese are doing beastaliy ,
Japanese girls are sexomaniac ,
Japanese boys are homosexual and getting maternal blow job
and other crazy articles about Japanese and their tradition .
But none of these articles are reality ,
Mainichi Shinbun and Ryann Connell have brought this articles from
pornograhies and their fantasy .
Recently , in Japan the crime of foreighners against Japanese kids
and women has been increased ,
but this is understandable , when we think that Maninichi Shinbun
and Ryann Connell has written these silly fantasy
on web as "real News of Japan" .
261卵の名無しさん:2008/07/03(木) 01:05:33 ID:b3AxHYPH0
I myself am a Japanese woman living in Japan ,
and I can tell that none of these articles are reality .
I am now afraid of going abroad and meeting foreighn men ,
and so am I afraid that little Japanese kids and other women
getting violated by foreighn men .
But for me it looks like that the employee of Maninchi Shinbun
are enjoying these situation around the poor Japanese kids and women .
I tell again .
Don't believe anything what "Mainichi jp" and Ryann Connell
are telling about Japanese , especially about kids and women !

262u:2008/07/06(日) 08:35:34 ID:L8HnSznI0
Voudrais une chambre avec bain
263u:2008/07/06(日) 08:37:01 ID:L8HnSznI0
J'ai mal a la tete.
264卵の名無しさん:2008/07/07(月) 14:24:57 ID:OpiPuU9n0
Ça va?
265み〜たん:2008/07/08(火) 22:07:01 ID:nUhbOBjm0
266み〜たん:2008/07/08(火) 22:46:37 ID:nUhbOBjm0
267卵の名無しさん:2008/07/11(金) 19:02:26 ID:wXczTXKq0
  We look before and after
    And pine for what is not:
  Our sincerest laughter
    With some pain is fraught;
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.

268卵の名無しさん:2008/07/15(火) 09:59:54 ID:viUvPChT0
I love people who make me laugh.  
I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh.
It cures a multitude of ills.
It's probably the most important thing in a person.

269卵の名無しさん:2008/07/21(月) 23:11:53 ID:18mjm4xs0
You say things like that,and you make it impossible
for me to hate you.
270卵の名無しさん:2008/07/24(木) 15:28:22 ID:rvLU8LdI0
(*.*) Who?
271卵の名無しさん:2008/07/24(木) 23:38:31 ID:3vqAn1YC0
I've heard about you.
272卵の名無しさん:2008/07/24(木) 23:58:35 ID:rvLU8LdI0
Do I know you?
273卵の名無しさん:2008/07/25(金) 01:23:12 ID:pq3nRJmR0
I've heard that you are a lady.
It's just my imagination.
274卵の名無しさん:2008/07/25(金) 20:58:43 ID:QGhG1z1/0
275卵の名無しさん:2008/07/25(金) 23:41:57 ID:jNllob+K0
How could I be so stupid.
276卵の名無しさん:2008/07/26(土) 00:07:03 ID:nWxjEJrw0
Laugh at me,I am so stupid!"
277卵の名無しさん:2008/07/26(土) 04:46:58 ID:HrjeYe2z0
You would have thought I would have learned by now.
When you're in love with a doctor, you shouldn't wear mascara.
278卵の名無しさん:2008/07/26(土) 20:06:10 ID:nWxjEJrw0
But now I'm so much better and if my words don't come together
Listen to the melody 'cause my love is in there hiding
279卵の名無しさん:2008/07/26(土) 21:32:38 ID:HrjeYe2z0
Don't forget how good you are.
280卵の名無しさん:2008/07/27(日) 22:51:02 ID:fHQyUlqX0
No one can give anyone a career.
You made it your own.
281卵の名無しさん:2008/07/30(水) 08:28:18 ID:rcIc1ySG0
He gave it to me.
By his love.
282卵の名無しさん:2008/08/02(土) 16:40:03 ID:vaUMcHEk0
A mirage in midsummer tells you that you will have it.
It's a herald of good news, and the good news will be told in a
little voice.
So keep silence in your mind to catch it. Keep your eyes on your dream.
283卵の名無しさん:2008/08/02(土) 19:14:56 ID:Y7wlA2Uc0
Den mirragea karispatram ernekes tavat, komrakio apki sra kommunismam otrakum mat.
Jahar koprakus zer shramkipap nyaiyak kapitalismat ongra pajeina luk omyap endega oqqiuvat.
Apkarimu-oppak havam shaham vovad igne kanpratiuq nyayayak markeopai nhaha on epqi muvat var.
Yahanaq yederaki movza pewqi hayayap roundapqo yandhi yurun nasna payait emrokiq nasxar owa.
284卵の名無しさん:2008/08/02(土) 22:00:25 ID:035otRaR0
Everyone knows that in love affairs
only the man has the right to lie.
285卵の名無しさん:2008/08/04(月) 21:12:43 ID:oGj61M/q0
kitano sakabadoori niwa
omeko kusai onnaga niou
286卵の名無しさん:2008/08/05(火) 16:29:32 ID:NrKpNjCc0
Would you like a popper?
287卵の名無しさん:2008/08/05(火) 16:37:32 ID:uAJrax3g0
288卵の名無しさん:2008/08/05(火) 16:50:32 ID:jOZZAwgT0
The rich just say so, right:-)?
289卵の名無しさん:2008/08/05(火) 16:53:01 ID:jOZZAwgT0
The people speaking Arabic are most rich in the world. Then, why don't you write in Arabic?
290卵の名無しさん:2008/08/05(火) 17:33:20 ID:t7EhWsT20
???? ? ??? ????? ??? ?? ????
291卵の名無しさん:2008/08/05(火) 21:28:25 ID:0oS4iCj80
A doctor that thinks it's a God.
292卵の名無しさん:2008/08/06(水) 06:44:52 ID:UlzpU15o0
What is there to fight for?
293卵の名無しさん:2008/08/06(水) 11:03:14 ID:HuXao5fT0
For the doctor,by the doctor,of the doctor.
294卵の名無しさん:2008/08/07(木) 00:31:52 ID:QdWH87Z90
Everything.To be lived,suffered,enjoyed.
295卵の名無しさん:2008/08/07(木) 01:19:43 ID:QdWH87Z90
There are many perfectly nice doctors in the world.
But every barrel has its bad apples.
296卵の名無しさん:2008/08/08(金) 08:22:54 ID:HapVz8+S0
Nobody's perfect!
297み〜たん:2008/08/09(土) 15:50:08 ID:ZygQtNDX0
honjituha seiten nari
298卵の名無しさん:2008/08/09(土) 18:11:39 ID:S4rMLt1y0

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299卵の名無しさん:2008/08/09(土) 23:34:40 ID:gh7BSJWF0
Let you face these fears,they sometimes change into nothing.
300卵の名無しさん:2008/08/10(日) 03:11:45 ID:CNcWkL9+0
Appearance and reality don't always go together.
301卵の名無しさん:2008/08/10(日) 16:52:12 ID:sCJSB2Lx0
Only we, the people on earth, need the common language.
That is NOT the language Anglo-Saxon tribes speaks now.
Actually, the language, which is called English,  has variations by places, people, and

Though it is easy to input data into PC's in English, European and Asian people, who
use PC's for their jobs, feel difficult to use them indeed. Where we can't see in the real
world, the battle of laguages will be continuing, I guess.
302卵の名無しさん:2008/08/10(日) 16:53:03 ID:sCJSB2Lx0
Only we, the people on earth, need the common language.
That is NOT the language Anglo-Saxon tribes speaks now.
Actually, the language, which is called English,  has variations by places, people, and

Though it is easy to input data into PC's in English, European and Asian people, who
use PC's for their jobs, feel difficult to use them indeed. Where we can't see in the real
world, the battle of laguages will be continuing, I guess.
303卵の名無しさん:2008/08/10(日) 16:54:29 ID:yxpoBLDN0

Niemau perfectsa-da yerau tsoim keker nadhava sasar.
304卵の名無しさん:2008/08/10(日) 17:04:20 ID:K8KXbVoA0
?????? ???? ??????
305卵の名無しさん:2008/08/11(月) 08:23:47 ID:K/sRnaVp0
Would you be so kind as to tell me what happened.
What did you say?
306卵の名無しさん:2008/08/11(月) 23:11:42 ID:3OcM0+BF0
Anybody wants to talk with me in C/C++ language?

  case US:
   DefaultLang = English;
   delete PublicInsurance;
   InsurancePremium *= 10;
   MalpracticeLawsuit *= 10;
  case China:
   DefaultLang = Chinese;
   delete Emperor;
   delete YasukuniShrine;

   DefaultLang = Japanese;
   // specify other actions
 DefaultLang = Japanese;
 DoctorsAnnualPay -= 1000000;
 MalpracticeLawsuit *= 2;
307卵の名無しさん:2008/08/12(火) 13:29:57 ID:FBPFFUCS0
What are you doing?
308卵の名無しさん:2008/08/12(火) 18:04:46 ID:Zwa5U1Z60
My job involves lots of talks with computers.
But do not misunderstand. I am not a programmer.
I just learned programming out of the necessity for my job.
309卵の名無しさん:2008/08/12(火) 21:53:50 ID:zWbe7afC0
Why are you into this thread ?
310卵の名無しさん:2008/08/16(土) 16:55:02 ID:6KXJLRoJ0
Choose the best word in this bracket among the choices.

If you see a patient, who complains dyspnea, in the plain, you should tell the CA's to
get me an oxygen (...)?

1) tank
2) bombe
3) cylinder
4) baloon
311卵の名無しさん:2008/08/17(日) 16:03:55 ID:YMO6W6Yh0
312卵の名無しさん:2008/08/18(月) 13:24:52 ID:el6nVLNB0
313卵の名無しさん:2008/08/18(月) 13:32:32 ID:LSXgDLE90
A 3)cylinder
314卵の名無しさん:2008/08/19(火) 23:44:52 ID:GpzImKOD0
It's awful not to be loved.
It's the worst thing in the world.
315卵の名無しさん:2008/08/21(木) 06:17:25 ID:BXJu+fAU0
A heart is not judged by how much you love ,but how much you are loved by others.
316卵の名無しさん:2008/08/23(土) 08:04:30 ID:UalZEabV0
Where are you going?
317卵の名無しさん:2008/08/23(土) 08:50:20 ID:j3umKcJ10
318卵の名無しさん:2008/08/27(水) 13:27:42 ID:v34JsGXr0
Sleepy, such a time after having lunch... have to make two calls
in the afternoon, though it was boring in the morning...
319卵の名無しさん:2008/08/27(水) 13:29:35 ID:v34JsGXr0
320卵の名無しさん:2008/08/27(水) 15:15:05 ID:TpLdJw0F0
Here is a good place to talk with you, hidding from the public freely.
Let's use this place
321卵の名無しさん:2008/08/27(水) 15:26:32 ID:7Dx//v++0
Thee,a lot of things suffering us, bothering matters around doctors,such as kidding lowcourt,I declare almost all silly people have no right to claim to doctors.Doctors should destroy silly cluel people.
322卵の名無しさん:2008/08/27(水) 15:57:11 ID:TpLdJw0F0
323卵の名無しさん:2008/08/27(水) 18:48:41 ID:SPAGHput0
i am man.i hate american.white
324卵の名無しさん:2008/08/29(金) 14:05:53 ID:sNnfPpUx0
Thats the way I must say I really hate the certain newspaper attacking only doctors though papers are rotten. You can easily point out the papers , infamous for WAIWAI.
325卵の名無しさん:2008/08/29(金) 14:49:18 ID:KUDcmqc90
00000000 : 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00  04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 : MZ..............
00000010 : B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : ........@.......
00000020 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : ................
00000030 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 : ................
326卵の名無しさん:2008/08/31(日) 07:02:18 ID:eePXLI4L0

Woman make the best psychoanalysts till they fall in love,
After that, they make the best patients.
327卵の名無しさん:2008/09/01(月) 01:11:54 ID:hPQpfzkk0
The mind of a woman in love is operating on the lowest level of
the intellect.
328卵の名無しさん:2008/09/07(日) 20:35:50 ID:EyxzjcB50
The mind is everything. The heart can see deeper sometimes.

I can't call it a day yet.
329卵の名無しさん:2008/09/10(水) 15:43:22 ID:xn/uIThQ0
330卵の名無しさん:2008/09/15(月) 20:04:27 ID:7hXLYOu10
In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really
good at heart.
331anonymous:2008/09/20(土) 18:48:53 ID:anZ1fIW30

Above includes some of the good hot springs in Japan.

If ladies and gentlemen have the opportunities, it might be good to
visit them.
Of course, there are so many other good hot springs.

332anonymous:2008/09/20(土) 19:26:50 ID:anZ1fIW30
源泉かけ流し 貸切露天風呂

Possibly strongly recommended.

No A〜 inside of hot springs, thank you.
333卵の名無しさん:2008/09/21(日) 08:21:29 ID:PLFJq7Q70
People first noticed hot springs when they saw animals and birds
taking advantage of their healing properties.
334Anonymous:2008/09/25(木) 00:30:01 ID:Pmpnvu6y0
I strongly recommend
a person with kind of Asperger syndrome
not to read 2-channnel.

That might be too bad for your brain, bad for your mental health.

Read more better sophisticated information via good media.

There are so many interesting things and funs outside 2-channnel.

335Anonymous:2008/09/25(木) 00:32:37 ID:Pmpnvu6y0
Anonymous wrote
336卵の名無しさん:2008/10/01(水) 09:03:35 ID:u5N05BmK0
How soon do you think there'll be a change for me?
337卵の名無しさん:2008/10/01(水) 09:59:06 ID:Z0HrJhLL0
It's supposed that it depends on your effort, but you will find some sign
in a few days, and will feel difference in a few month. Its growth will stop only
when you give it up.
338卵の名無しさん:2008/10/01(水) 14:29:28 ID:cyJ5Zy+J0
All right, all right.
Just a few more days.
339卵の名無しさん:2008/10/01(水) 14:30:41 ID:cyJ5Zy+J0
It makes an effort.

340卵の名無しさん:2008/10/04(土) 08:16:23 ID:sLnCXd0b0
I would love to sleep in tomorrow.
341卵の名無しさん:2008/10/06(月) 01:26:00 ID:SMfz1oeh0
I've been sort of off my schedule all day today.
342卵の名無しさん:2008/10/07(火) 15:43:30 ID:TMkBKr9T0
I missed breakfast.
343卵の名無しさん:2008/10/08(水) 13:59:18 ID:eFrGx9tP0
It becomes irregular life.
344卵の名無しさん:2008/10/09(木) 20:24:32 ID:QU+SgWEF0
Let's just hope for the best.
We have done evrything we could.
345卵の名無しさん:2008/10/11(土) 07:57:27 ID:bZfzpGHB0
I just had a gut feeling.
346卵の名無しさん:2008/10/12(日) 21:33:12 ID:H9uXTltz0
You don't need to rush with your answers.
347卵の名無しさん:2008/10/14(火) 09:45:24 ID:wAvMyzNj0
I'm kind of tired.
348卵の名無しさん:2008/10/15(水) 11:28:59 ID:fk6ckzOI0
Well,say,as a matter of fact, kiss my ass, faggot you.
349卵の名無しさん:2008/10/15(水) 12:53:43 ID:RECXNwqH0
What abruptly.
350卵の名無しさん:2008/10/18(土) 22:54:31 ID:vK10hAQzO
I've burned my hand.
351卵の名無しさん:2008/10/19(日) 21:47:25 ID:tDrq9Da50
I found tears rolling from my eyes.
352卵の名無しさん:2008/10/19(日) 22:18:59 ID:tDrq9Da50
The Japanese often claim that “there is nothing so perplexing as gili(義理).”
353卵の名無しさん:2008/10/19(日) 22:53:20 ID:tDrq9Da50
Even if you are a doctor, you cannot abandon the appropriate giri and law.
354卵の名無しさん:2008/11/03(月) 19:39:33 ID:gt8xtyKa0
It's time to forget the past and move on.
355卵の名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 02:59:31 ID:mHHoEwliO
356卵の名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 03:01:36 ID:mHHoEwliO
206の人、inteligenceです。r と l 間違い
357卵の名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 03:08:28 ID:mHHoEwliO
358卵の名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 03:15:30 ID:mHHoEwliO
359卵の名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 05:58:10 ID:6aVBeCe90
Thanks anyway.
360卵の名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 16:22:25 ID:mLW6HL7l0
Change,yes you know, change the medical situation of Japan. At last, jounalism especially,EVERYDAY NEWSPAPER is coming to an end.
361卵の名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 21:07:45 ID:0qwJ4bgI0
362それが2chクオリティー:2008/11/07(金) 21:35:15 ID:FZXooDFG0
||               ||
|| 荒らしは無視! 。  ∧_∧ 
||            \ (゚ー゚;) いいですね?
||_________⊂   |
             | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
  ∧ ∧    ∧,,∧   ∧ ∧
  (・,, ∧▲  ミ  ∧ ∧ (  ∧ ∧
〜(_(   )  ミ_( ∧ ∧_ミ・д・∧ ∧
  @(___)    @(   *) ミ_ (   ,,)
            〜(___ノ    〜(___ノ

   / は〜い、先生。 \
363卵の名無しさん:2008/11/07(金) 22:47:22 ID:UexD+vvT0
All right.
364卵の名無しさん:2008/11/08(土) 08:34:13 ID:JvEWero20
365卵の名無しさん:2008/11/08(土) 10:04:00 ID:crX39VtP0
Chaptap kaphariki ukaram sasar jyandjer nyarak maromok hetekere yashansa.
366卵の名無しさん:2008/11/11(火) 21:44:12 ID:dalDnDPZ0
I don't have a clue.
367卵の名無しさん:2008/11/12(水) 12:34:55 ID:PRKWlMM50
I cut my finger while slicing these onions. It really hurts. Ow!
368卵の名無しさん:2008/11/16(日) 19:16:15 ID:f4CxaXgE0
Please try self-assessment quiz
The doctor is a dangerous occupation in present Japan. If you are a doctor in Japan, it is necessary to migrate outside the country. First of all, please get full marks in straightening by the quiz so that you are not killed.

369卵の名無しさん:2008/12/02(火) 08:05:49 ID:rwKY9w020
Well, I wish you could accept reality and stop dreaming for a while.
370卵の名無しさん:2008/12/07(日) 20:36:04 ID:2J+lURPW0
It's time to go back to work.
371卵の名無しさん:2008/12/07(日) 20:46:22 ID:tJdwVQbw0
372卵の名無しさん:2008/12/17(水) 13:00:56 ID:8m7kBT0I0
ー衾ナサホ。ヲチハセル。ヲケヤタッキヌシィネト >>ー衾ナサホ。ヲチハセル。ヲケヤタッキヌシィネト ・ケ・?テ・ノー?


。。 、マ、ク、皃ォ、鯣ノ、 チー、リ。。 46/65 。。シ。、リ


ナ?ニシヤ:。。 、ネ、「、?ヲス、ー
[0052] 08/12/15_0001050669
アワヘヘソ 413
ソ菽ヲソ 10
ノヤナャタレソ 8




373みつとし:2008/12/20(土) 17:57:54 ID:mRzBNIzsO
374卵の名無しさん:2008/12/29(月) 23:58:50 ID:faSdCBTL0
boring !
375卵の名無しさん:2009/01/04(日) 12:38:50 ID:B8j9g5F8O
376卵の名無しさん:2009/01/04(日) 19:08:50 ID:xVTEXCzy0

377卵の名無しさん:2009/01/16(金) 11:38:19 ID:VJR5HfMT0
378卵の名無しさん:2009/01/16(金) 20:23:11 ID:4v1aiE7F0

379卵の名無しさん:2009/01/22(木) 13:45:55 ID:/1Zcgjrc0
380卵の名無しさん:2009/01/23(金) 23:25:53 ID:SLkEq3910
Let's keep going!I think it is really good idea to talk in other
languages.Although I'm not a medical doctor, I think there seems to be so many
opportunities (some might be unavoidable) for doctors to speak/or write in other language, especially
in English.
381卵の名無しさん:2009/01/27(火) 20:03:14 ID:OwpjsORH0
ヲケヤタッキヌシィネト ・ケ・?テ・ノー?
382卵の名無しさん:2009/01/27(火) 22:18:26 ID:sBrELeLM0
What's kind of topic do you want to talk here ?
383卵の名無しさん:2009/01/27(火) 23:43:40 ID:aFiu4DCl0
Thank you for your response.Any kind of topic is OK for me.
Well, let me ask you about a simple question.Do you think the quality
of the doctors in Japan is getting better in general? or worse ?
384卵の名無しさん:2009/01/27(火) 23:50:33 ID:sBrELeLM0
At first, I would like to clarify topic.
You mean, medical situation in Japan or working condition of medical doctor ?
thank you
385卵の名無しさん:2009/01/28(水) 01:14:16 ID:tMM+e0hC0
>>384 Indeed.My question was pretty vague.
I want to ask about the level of the practical skills of the younger doctors, such as the skills
of the medical operations or communication with patients or the concerned practitioners.
386卵の名無しさん:2009/01/28(水) 12:31:21 ID:PztoM/JT0
Compared to the past,I think, clinical skills of young doctors are
quite high in general. However, I don't know their level of communication skills
compared to the past and the other countries.
387卵の名無しさん:2009/01/29(木) 00:28:02 ID:eX/J+Ivb0
Thank you for your comment.With respect to the communication skills,
it may be difficult to measure and decide the level of them, I guess.
Let me change the subject and I have another question.
I heard that some doctors, especially who work for the university hospitals
and attend a graduate course, write their thesis(papers) in English.
I suppose they may ask for a grammatical review for native English speakers, but
it still requires quite high-level writing skill of English, doesn't it?
388卵の名無しさん:2009/01/29(木) 00:55:57 ID:L1EjTqYA0
Thank you for your reply.
On the writing ability of academic papers in English,
I think, not only medical doctor needs such ability but all
reaserchers, specialists do it. If someone who wants to be
recognized as leading, excellent speciallist, need to publish
the paper abroad. Thus, it is very important for the specialists
to have a ability to write a academic paper in English.
And as far as I know, someone who wants to contribute their airticl to academic journal,
they have to improve it by theirselves.
389卵の名無しさん:2009/01/30(金) 00:53:40 ID:WhNX6ObT0
Thanks for your answer.In my opinion. the easiest way to learn a different language
is to make friends who speak the lanuguage and talk with them.
Woo...I'm a little bit drunk today....so. see you soon.
390卵の名無しさん:2009/01/31(土) 00:48:17 ID:G1dvohAB0
Thank you for your reply.
In above, as you mentioned the skills of junior doctors, did you
have a experience of their consultation which was unconfortable for you?
391卵の名無しさん:2009/01/31(土) 15:42:01 ID:z69+ka6o0
Good afternoon.Actually,it's my father who is also a senior (technically, "old")doctor mentions that.
He often says that the younger doctors seem to have negative attitude about hard situations and try
to avoid facing them.I think this could be said of all the other occupations other than medical
doctors, though.
392卵の名無しさん:2009/01/31(土) 20:53:02 ID:yby0vYV+0
Thank you for your reply.
Would you please clarify the "negative attitude about hard situation."
You mean, jonior doctors are likely to keep away from difficult pations who
are serious condition or difficult to communicate.
393卵の名無しさん:2009/01/31(土) 23:42:22 ID:z69+ka6o0
Hmm...yes.just something like that.He says he had to do with any kind of
patients without his supervisors, regardless of the conditions of the patients..
But some of my friends who are docotors, seem to be challenging and doing very well.
394卵の名無しさん:2009/01/31(土) 23:50:38 ID:z69+ka6o0
Well...but I don't know about my friend's reputations as a doctor...
395卵の名無しさん:2009/02/01(日) 00:05:13 ID:+gRJ0op40
Well, I think so, and it depends on their character.
However medical practitioner can’t deny any consultations
without sufficient reason, it is a fact that he or she can’t
get on with everyone.
396卵の名無しさん:2009/02/01(日) 20:03:37 ID:aWcDg1xc0
I see...it may take more time to solve that problem,I suppose.

I really had a bad day today..I should believe in myself, and all I should
do is what I believe is right....yes, I will work hard!

397卵の名無しさん:2009/02/02(月) 00:12:10 ID:a4suScjE0
Take it easy !
And, heaven helps those who help themselves.
This is for my motto.
398卵の名無しさん:2009/02/02(月) 23:36:19 ID:iYHJHvHU0
Thank you.

I've just came home....It's a serious problem that 27years old woman of
marriageable age is working for such late, isn't it?....(Well, but today was pretty unlucky.
I missed to change trains and wasted time....Ughh)
It is obviously wrong.But I don't wanna quit working...Yes, I like my job.

I feel like writing my diary....maybe I should go to bed.Tomorrow is another day.
Things should be getting better...Good night.
399卵の名無しさん:2009/02/03(火) 00:11:38 ID:RyCl0Opt0
You know, that depends on you. If you want to be success in your business,
you may have to work hard. Personally speaking, I think you can because you
are young. In other words, as now you have a lot of chances which you can take advatage of,
you may go ahead if you want.
I am senior to you by 10 years approximately.
I cannot do what I could do in ten years ago because I don't have a physical
400卵の名無しさん:2009/02/03(火) 21:40:51 ID:pV/qzwql0
Thank you.I left the office early today.I know that I have so much possibility of
doing many things, but somehow I feel like settling down now...
I've been kinda embarrassed about being single at my age, even though in my office, there are
so many unmarried women who are older than I am.

All the guys I loved asked me to quit working....It sucks!

401卵の名無しさん:2009/02/03(火) 22:49:45 ID:pV/qzwql0
I need to be stronger, strong enough to overcome all kinds of pressures!!
Don't compare to others.Don't think twice.Don't look back.
402卵の名無しさん:2009/02/04(水) 00:12:53 ID:FmtxFFcX0
Good Evening.
Thank you for your reply.
Around your ages, it is time for you to polish yourself in your life to make decisions on your life.
But you should not make a decision in hurry. And also, generally, as woman who is a white collar worker
tends to be a workaholic, how about taking a rest and going abroad in a proper time. To take a rest may
have to contribute to alleviating your worries.
403improved( sorry ):2009/02/04(水) 00:27:43 ID:FmtxFFcX0
Good Evening.
Thank you for your reply.
Around your ages, it is time for you to polish yourself in your life and to make decisions on your life.
But you should not make a decision in hurry. And also, generally, as woman who is a white collar worker
tends to be a workaholic, how about taking a rest and going abroad in a proper time. To take a rest may
have to contribute to alleviating your worries.
404卵の名無しさん:2009/02/05(木) 00:08:49 ID:2mn4sw7h0
Thank you.Yes, I need to take a rest..I know.....
405卵の名無しさん:2009/02/05(木) 00:21:52 ID:2mn4sw7h0
I heard that my friend broke up with her boyfriend yesterday...
It's a sad news..so sad.I didn't think that it's such difficult to get married...
406卵の名無しさん:2009/02/05(木) 00:23:44 ID:89aN4OxX0
Don't you like going abroad ?
I beleive you have annual leaves which you can't take because of so many.
407卵の名無しさん:2009/02/05(木) 00:28:48 ID:89aN4OxX0
Heaven knows. Good night.
408卵の名無しさん:2009/02/07(土) 23:55:04 ID:QOv91J2g0
I travel abroad every year.
I have a chance to study abroad ,and our company will bear all the costs relating to the program...
But if I take the program, it is quite certain that I would miss the chance to get married...
409卵の名無しさん:2009/02/08(日) 17:25:16 ID:TwfweExx0
If you take the program, you have a chance to get married.
I think you are short-sighted.
410卵の名無しさん:2009/02/08(日) 23:10:25 ID:5kiPoqwW0
Maybe I feel so frustrated with my marriage..
Actually, I'm interested in that program and get ceratain qualification..
411卵の名無しさん:2009/02/09(月) 00:00:50 ID:K7mOtbCn0
Regardless of taking a degree, I think you may need an opportunity to
change mind-setting.

Personally speaking, I would like to retire at the soonest time possible...
412卵の名無しさん:2009/02/09(月) 20:19:33 ID:uYXd5MQ10
I know....I know...But I just don't wanna make my parents feel sad...

Anyway, What makes you feel like quitting your job?
413卵の名無しさん:2009/02/09(月) 23:20:55 ID:j8Lq9FKY0
Well, I don’t have any particular reasons to retire. Although I want to retire now, I don’t stop working. I can’t actually. Hopefully, over 50 years so…
What I wanted to make you understand was it will not be so important for you to be success in your business after ten years or so.
414卵の名無しさん:2009/02/09(月) 23:33:35 ID:j8Lq9FKY0
I find the one reason to want to retire. I lost the competition to promote and
lost the energy to compete again.
415卵の名無しさん:2009/02/10(火) 23:08:48 ID:bkL3e5wX0
I see....That sounds tough.
I believed that I don't care about the promotion or positions but
I felt discouraged when I heard about my transfer to other team today...
Throw away the foolish pride!Then we can be happy!!

416卵の名無しさん:2009/02/11(水) 20:14:29 ID:NQhLcCEM0
Now, I enjoy my life. That's all. I suggest that you enjoy your life.
417卵の名無しさん:2009/02/11(水) 20:29:14 ID:7v+weBia0
Well, I've decided to start something new!Yes, I need to enjoy my life.
Llife is only once!!
418卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 10:07:53 ID:RWeM7QN20
Do you have a plan to go abroad on private ?
419卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 11:12:29 ID:q1USv02J0
Yes, but not so soon.
420卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 12:16:29 ID:RWeM7QN20
Although I don't have any plans, I want to visit India.
421卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 13:02:11 ID:q1USv02J0
Sounds great.I've never been to India.
422卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 13:05:39 ID:q1USv02J0
Hopefully,I would visit Canada next summer to see some of my friends...
423卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 21:00:10 ID:UBh95r/m0

424卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 21:13:09 ID:JkBNIczt0
ДЛ975 Парень пришел немного раньше своего друга
КК338 И мамаша не преминула воспользоваться случаем
ХЦ496 Начала она с минета √ парень не смог устоять!
ЛФ641 А дальше пошло поехало┘
ХР849 Чем дальше, тем глубже
ЦЦ993 Мамаша в восторге √ смотри!
425卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 21:26:54 ID:BPmveqwv0
You are so cool if you write >>423 in English.
426卵の名無しさん:2009/02/14(土) 22:31:08 ID:q1USv02J0
I agree.
427卵の名無しさん:2009/02/22(日) 22:40:21 ID:k+osohAF0
Ce sera travaillez demain.
Bonne nuit.
428卵の名無しさん:2009/02/23(月) 11:48:40 ID:k+p581dz0
Je suis très occupé lundi
429卵の名無しさん:2009/03/05(木) 08:22:31 ID:1SS/ZzUN0
Ich bin schon schon schläfrig
430卵の名無しさん:2009/03/05(木) 08:41:47 ID:T2vjsFuW0
J'étais capable de dormir bien hier soir.
431卵の名無しさん:2009/03/05(木) 21:53:20 ID:UgKCHSbf0
Apakah dokter dirumah ?
432卵の名無しさん:2009/03/05(木) 23:01:16 ID:EbGen1w10
Apakah cures dirumah?
433卵の名無しさん:2009/03/05(木) 23:10:16 ID:EbGen1w10
I prepare the document for payment of taxes.
434卵の名無しさん:2009/03/06(金) 00:02:20 ID:2P6hqCO80
When the stocks balance is seen, it is sad.
435卵の名無しさん:2009/03/11(水) 15:22:53 ID:HaKgw8dK0
There is no energetic investor under this recession.
436卵の名無しさん:2009/03/11(水) 17:44:29 ID:0oPnp5H70
Japan's Nikkei Stock Average fell 1.2 percent on Monday to its lowest level in 26 years amid
persistent concerns over the gloomy outlook of the domestic economy and financial woes in
the U.S. and Europe.
437卵の名無しさん:2009/03/16(月) 14:04:23 ID:1p86sp2j0
You should not buy the stock.
438卵の名無しさん:2009/03/18(水) 11:42:07 ID:pFEVYTAT0
Recently, the number of patients who vomit has increased.
439卵の名無しさん:2009/03/31(火) 16:44:21 ID:bI36U4iLO
440卵の名無しさん:2009/03/31(火) 22:20:52 ID:Nc5jYqU10
Er sieht nicht mehr aus.
441卵の名無しさん:2009/04/07(火) 02:33:51 ID:NJ9quBAb0
Helfen Sie ihm bitte.
Ein verdächtiges Individuum folgt mir.
442松山 赤○○ 病員 清 掃 商 事:2009/04/07(火) 02:46:19 ID:w+Q1If85O
 愛媛県松山市です パワハラ鬱が原因で死にたいです
車 練炭 睡眠薬
443卵の名無しさん:2009/04/07(火) 23:22:46 ID:eQX31//D0
Please manage to live.
444卵の名無しさん:2009/04/14(火) 20:21:39 ID:zS/zyAHk0
Warum wollen Sie sterben?
445卵の名無しさん:2009/05/10(日) 12:45:36 ID:etyhfz9N0
Swine flu-related death reported in Washington
The Associated Press , Seattle | Sun, 05/10/2009 10:25 AM | World

Washington state health officials say a man in his 30s is the first person
in the state to die from what appears to be complications of swine flu.
The state Department of Health says in a news release that a Snohomish
County man in his 30s with underlying heart conditions died last week with
what appears to be complications of swine-origin influenza.

The man was not identified.

So far, there have been more than 4,150 confirmed cases of
swine flu in 29 countries. There have been 48 deaths in Mexico,
three U.S. deaths, one in Canada and one in Costa Rica.
Officials said the Canadian, U.S. and Costa Rican victims also
had other underlying medical conditions.
446卵の名無しさん:2009/06/06(土) 13:52:24 ID:pwrj5Gi+O





447卵の名無しさん:2009/06/06(土) 22:57:27 ID:2RFUGDJX0
448卵の名無しさん:2009/06/14(日) 10:38:50 ID:4UurM3D/0
?????? ????
449卵の名無しさん:2009/06/14(日) 10:57:42 ID:mAYI8bp2O
Das Netz verletzt leicht eine andere Person.Ich bin wirklich wild.
450卵の名無しさん:2009/06/14(日) 11:09:10 ID:mAYI8bp2O
Es ist gesund an Sonntag, aus dem ich gehe, und zu spielen.
451卵の名無しさん:2009/06/19(金) 16:53:46 ID:k8Dle4yy0
Phew! I'm exhausted.
452卵の名無しさん:2009/06/19(金) 17:44:38 ID:6KzYfNxm0
There are a few good here. If you want something, you should go
453卵の名無しさん:2009/07/19(日) 18:56:47 ID:X8RieiR90

so far, hanging on in winning all the games. だなぁ。
454卵の名無しさん:2009/08/08(土) 15:52:52 ID:ZztHWEHM0
455卵の名無しさん:2009/08/08(土) 17:57:06 ID:DEjvwBt/0
Dear Sir or Madam

How do you think of setting local rule in this thread ?
I would like to discuss this issue without noise.

I don't think we need such rule, and if local rule is setted,
there will not be any contributions to resolving of proble .

Your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.
Best regard
456卵の名無しさん:2009/08/17(月) 08:47:16 ID:9Asa1JPy0
'Ey man, What the fuckin' problem, man.
We ain't need no fucking rules, man.
2ch is a muthafuckin' thang we do whatever we fuckin' wanna do, man.

So, Suck my fuckin' dick until I cum, bitch.
457卵の名無しさん:2009/09/06(日) 20:25:09 ID:nncTpWnh0
the pot calling the kettle black
The DPJ dominated both of the Houses. What do you think will happen to
the health care system?