What in the world do people do here everyday? この国の人達は毎日なにやってるんだろう?
So, you wanted to know what were doing? We're working. 僕らが、何をしているかだっけ?仕事をしているんだ
But wasn't it that people in this country didn't have to work? でもさ、この国じゃ人間は働かなくていいんじゃなかったの?
That's true, we don't have to. ああ、その必要はない
So we can have stress. Have you ever thought about how hard it would be if only humans did all the work that the machines currently do? ストレスをもらうためだよ。 機械がやっていることを人間だけでやったら どれだけ大変か、考えたことあるかい?
For example, spending an entire day recalculating an old accounting book, or taking inventory of stock that the machines have already confirmed. たとえば昔の帳簿を1日がかりで計算し直したり、 機械が確認した在庫をもう一度数えたり
It's terrible if our calculations don't match. There's no way the machines would be wrong, so we keep redoing it until we get it right. 計算が合わなかったりすると、大変だ。 機械が間違えるわけないから、 合うまで何度もやり直す
We're no match for the speed of the machines so the documents just keep piling up. 機械の速度には敵わないから、 書類はどんどん増えていく
It's really tough on us. Some people get ulcers, and some people even kill themselves. 辛くて胃に穴が開く者もいるし、 時々自殺する者もいる
What's the point of doing something like that? そんなことして何の意味があるのさ?
There is none, because the machines do a good job of all the actual work. 意味は無い。 本当の仕事は機械が全部うまくやってくれるからね
You may already know this, but this country has very rich resources. And the proceeds from those resources come to us automatically. 知ってるかもしれないけど、 この国はとても豊かな資源があって、 その売り上げが自動的に入ってくる
This wealth must be spread fairly among the people, but, the machines do all the things necessary to help the people. この富を不公平の無いように分配しなければならないんだ。 ところが、人の役に立つことは全部機械でできてしまう
You're awarded points depending on how hard the job is on you. 仕事の辛さに応じて、ポイントが与えられる
Humans mustn't always have it easy. If humans go through life everyday without any hardships, they'll slack off and become lazy. 人間楽だけをしちゃいけないんだ。 毎日ある程度つらい思いをしないと、 だらけてしまって駄目人間になる
We need something in life to keep us from becoming lazy, and that's work! 人をぐうたらにしない何かが、人生には必要なんだ。 それが仕事だよ
Wow, to think that they keep working that meaningless job... Those people must be crazy. やれやれ、無意味な仕事を延々と続けるなんて、 そこの連中は頭がどうかしとるのう
How much longer do you plan on continuing this work? いつまで、この仕事を続けるつもりですか?
Until someone from the company tells me to stop. Either that, or until this railroad ends. 会社の誰かにやめろと言われるか、 それともこの線路がなくなるまでじゃな
They didn't need this track, since it wasn't being used, so I was ordered to tear it down. I was very excited about it because it was my first job. 使ってない線路をもういらないから、 とり壊すように命令されての。 初仕事じゃき、はりきってやっとるんよ
Yeah, I've got five younger brothers, you see. I'm working to keep them fed, so I can't take any time off. ああ、わしには弟がどこにもいてな、 あいつらの食い扶持を稼ぐためじゃ、 休んでなんかはおれんて
There's a country where you don't have to work? That kind of talk makes me green with envy. If I had been born in a country like that, I would never work! 仕事をしなくていい国があるなんて、 何ともうらやましい話じゃ。 そんな国に生まれたら、 わしなら絶対仕事なんぞせんぞよ
Excuse me... These tracks are awfully clean for not having been used for years, aren't they? あの…レール、長年使ってない割には、 ずいぶん奇麗ですよね
Yeah, it's been like this the whole way. But it's nice, because it really makes them easier to remove. ああ、ずっとじゃ。 しかし、おかげで外しやすくてええよ
It's hard to run here. 走りにくい
Well, it's going on fifty years now, I suppose. I was fifteen when I joined the rail company. They said they had an old track that they might start using again, so they told me to come out and repair it. I haven't heard orders to stop yet, so... まあ、かれこれ50年になるかな。 オレが15の時、鉄道会社に就職したんだ。 そしたら前にあった線路が、ひょっとしたらまた使われるかもしれないから、 直すようにと言われたんだ。 まだやめろと言われてないからな…
Oh, it's really no big deal once you get used to it. I've got all the materials I need right here, so... なあに、慣れりゃどうってことないよ。 材料はここに全部あるしな
Well, my mother became ill and couldn't work, so I had to support the family. まあね、母親が病気で働けなくなったから、 オレが家族の分稼がないと
I'm sorry, but I can't easily move this guy out of the way. I apologize, but could you please go around? 悪いが、こいつは簡単にはどかせられないんだ。 旅人さん、すまんが回り込んでくれるかい?
Well, then, I guess it's time to eat. さて、じゃあメシにするかな
We've looked around for three days, but we never met a single soul. 3日間見て回ったけど、 結局誰にも出会わなかったね
The man, who was the king until ten years ago, was a total jerk. Even though crops kept failing and the economy was in crisis, all he ever did was just play around. 10年前まで王だった男は最低でね、 不作が続いて財政難になっても 遊びほうけてるような奴だった
We'd had enough of one person in power calling all the shots. We would listen to every citizen's ideas, and go with what the majority of the people voted. We believed that to be the most correct and fair way to run things. もう一人の権力者が何かを決めるやり方は駄目だ。 国民全員の考えを聞いて、 より多くの人間が賛成する方を採用する。 それがいちばん正しく、公正な方法だと、我々は信じた
The first thing that we decided was what to do with the king. 最初に決めたのは、捕らえた王をどうするかだ
As a result of the voting, with a 98% majority vote, it was decided that he would be executed. 投票の結果、98%の賛成多数で 王の死刑が決まった
And so he ended up paying for his sins in the same way he had treated those who defied him. 彼は自分に逆らう者に対して行った同じ方法で、 その罪を賄うことになった
It takes a lot of time to decide anything when everything is determined by vote. So, some suggested that we elect a leader, and give him a certain amount of discretionary power! Nothing could be more dangerous! すべてが多数決だと著しく時間がかかる。 誰がリーダーを投票で選び、 そのものに一定の裁量権を与えてはどうかだと! 危険極まりない!
Who would stop the elected guy if he started running wild?! 選ばれた奴が暴走したら誰が止める?!
But the very fact that idiots who can't understand that are even voting in the first place is dangerous! だがこんな当然のことも分からない者が、 そもそも投票に参加していること自体が危険だ
Unfortunately, dangerous elements continued to appear even after that. And then, next, some even began trying to abolish the death penalty system. 残念ながら危険分子はそれからも現れた。 すると今度は、死刑制度を廃止しようとする者まで現れた
Before long, we ran out of room for graves, so we voted to use the rear garden of the royal palace. そのうち墓が足りなくなったんで、 多数決で王宮の裏庭を使うように決めたよ
How many executions have taken place so far? 今までに何回、死刑は執行されましたか?
What would you do if I called a vote right now on whether or not it is legal to return fire on someone who has a persuader pointed at you? パースウェーダを向けたものに撃ち返しても、罪にならないかどうか、 ここで決めようと言ったら、どうします?
this thread is the best one I've ever seen that makes me feel like studying hard. thanks for sticking the thread on, >>1. I'd escape from the situation that I am a Hikky if I get to deserve to be in the society someday.
It's surrounded by forests. People live there humbly in peace. A wonderful country that every traveler would like to visit. It's supposed to be... 森に囲まれ、人々は平和につつましく暮らす。 旅人の誰もが訪れたくなる素晴らしい国。そのはずなんだけど…
In this country, only first class citizens can live above ground. The rest either live like rats in underground sewage towns or serve as slaves. この国では1級市民だけが地上に住める。 あとは地下のドブ街でネズミみたいに暮すか、奴隷として奉仕するかだ
But I'm a traveler. I'm not interested in becoming a citizen of this country. でも僕は旅人ですから、この国の市民権には興味ありません
Of course, you can refuse to participate. もちろん参加を拒否することもできるぞ
You end up staying here as a slave for the rest of your life. Because you're a coward who ran away without a fight. 一生奴隷としてここで暮すんだ。 戦わずして逃げた臆病者としてな
By the way, if you break the rule, it's the death penalty for you. ちなみに破ったら 死刑だ
I'm allowed to use any weapons, correct? 武器は何を使ってもいいんですね?
Yeah, as long as you can carry them with you. ああ、自分が持てるものならな
There's no need for you to play along with this crazy kingdom. You should have shot all the guys back there and left. こんなイかれた国につき合う必要なんかない。 さっきの連中を全員殺してそのまま出ていけば良かったんだ
Oh, yeah. I could've done that. そっか、その手があったね
I'm not planning to stay here for long either, Hermes. In the first fight, I'll beat him up and surrender before he does. 僕も長居するつもりはないよ、エルメス。 初戦で適当に相手をやっつけて、 相手が降参する前にこっちが降参する
I see. Then you'll be deported right away. なるほど。それならすぐに国外追放だね
No thanks, it wouldn't be interesting anyway. どうせ見てもおもしろくないからいい
So, I guess it's a paradise for the people who don't mind dying as long as they have fun every day. 毎日が楽しけりゃ いつ死んでもいいって連中なら、楽園なんだろうなぁ
I see some stupid ones like you once in a while. Those kinds of people usually get killed in the first fight. たまにいるんだよなぁ、あんたみたいなマヌケなのが。 そういうのは大抵、最初の勝負で殺されちまうな
A couple traveling by wagon wandered in here once. They were lucky enough to fight each other in the first game. The wife surrendered and got out. But the husband got killed in the next game. 一度夫婦で馬車で旅してるってのが迷い込んで、 運良く1回戦でお互い当たってな。 奥さんは降参して助かったが、 旦那が次でぶっ殺されちまったってのがあったな
We'll have the first and second rounds on the first day. Only four of you will come back here. 1日で1回戦、2回線が行われ、 ここに戻ってこられたのはたったの4名だ
You can't watch each other's games, but you're allowed to hear how the fights went from the players who surrendered. 他人の試合を見ることはできないが、 降参した相手から、 試合内容を聞きだすことは許される
Of course, that's only if they're still alive after they surrender. 降参して生き残っていればの話だがな
From here forward, no spectator may complain whatsoever, even if they are injured or killed by stray bullets during the fights. So, please fight without reservation. なお、観戦者は流れ弾などに当たって負傷、あるいは死んだとしても、 一切の文句は言えないことになっているので、 諸君らも心置きなく戦ってくれたまえ
And the winner will not only receive the first class citizenship, but will also be allowed to add a new rule to this country. そして優勝者は、1級市民権を得るだけではなく、 何か一つ、この国に新しいルールを足すことができる
Would you get your dirty hand off of me? その汚い手をどけてくれる?
You better lay off it, scumbag. やめときなゲス野郎
He's quick. He may be as quick as you. 速いね。キノと同じくらいかも
Nobody asked you out. キノは誰も誘ってくれないね
It used to be a jail, so please bear with it. It's still better than the sewage town I live in. 元は牢獄だったところだが、まあ我慢してくんな。 これでもオレのドブ街よりマシなんだぜ
This is even worse. ここはいっそう酷いね
Even his two children were deported and nobody knows where they are. There are even rumors that say they were killed. 二人いたお子まで国外に追い出されて行方知れず。 殺されたという噂もあるくらいじゃ
You must think I have gone mad. You are exactly right. It is only natural that the country and I should go mad from continually doing this sort of thing. お前たち、俺がおかしくなったと思っているな。その通り、 こんなことを続けていたら、 俺もこの国もおかしくなって当然だろう
We will eventually meet our ruin. やがて破滅するさ
I have a bug of destruction inside me and it always tempts me. Yes, just as it did when I killed my father. 俺の中には破滅の虫がいて、いつも俺を誘惑する。 そう、父を殺したときにも…
I cannot shake my father's face from my mind. 父の顔が頭から離れない
Die... Die! You can all just die! しね…しね!みな死んでしまえ!
I guess you didn't accept his proposal, Missy. You could've avoided death. お嬢ちゃん、プロポーズ受けなかったのね。 せっかく死なずに済んだのに
What's wrong with a dog talking? You're cheeky for a motorrad. 犬が喋って何が悪い? お前モトラドのくせに生意気なだぞ
Beautiful white flowers bloom every year in the forests around this country. So I want to make the date of my mother's death a national memorial day and have everyone give their mothers white flowers on that day. この国の周りの森には、毎年きれいな白い花が咲くって。 だからあたしね、母の死んだ日を国全体の記念日にして、 その日は国民のすべてが自分の母親に白い花を贈る日にしたいって思ったのよ
I doubt a motorrad can show such consideration. モトラドにはできないだろ、こういう気配りは
Kino, you were going to leave here quickly, but what made you change your mind? キノ、最初はこんな国すぐに出て行こうと思ってたのに、 どうして気が変わったんだい?
It was a very wonderful country. You should visit it too. とても素晴しい国でしたわ。 キノさんもぜひ訪れるべきよ
I just wanted to find out the meaning of that smile. 僕はただ、あの笑顔の意味を知りたいと思っただけなんだ
If I participate in the fights and learn more about this country, I may be able to understand it. That's what I thought. 勝負に参加して、この国のことをもっと知れば 分かるかもしれない。そう思った
Then, I guess you wasted the last three days. じゃあ無駄だったね、この3日間
Not necessarily. At any rate, I plan to end it with this next match. そうでもない。いずれにしても、 これで…終わりにするつもりだよ
I thought I'd give you a word of advice as a fellow persuader wielder. 同じパースウェーダ使いのよしみで 一言、言っておいてやろうと思ってな
Are you going to give us information on the opponent? 相手の情報を教えてくれるの?
I'm afraid I can't do that. It's the moral code I follow. 悪いが、それはできない。 俺なりの仁義ってやつだ
You will never be able to win. You better surrender quickly. If you take your time, he'll get you. お前さんは絶対に勝てない。 早めに降参しろ。てこずらせると、 殺されるぞ
I was just bored with life and with the world. I wanted the excitement of life and death. So I understand how the king feels. 俺はただ退屈してたのさ、人生にもこの世界にもな。 生と死ギリギリの刺激が欲しかったのさ。 だから俺にはあの王様の気持ちがよくわかる
I don't know if the world is beautiful or not, but it sure is big. 世界が美しいかどうかは知らないけど、広いね
I can avoid it the moment you shoot and still beat you. 撃つ瞬間にそれを避けて、君を叩き伏せることも可能だよ
To have all the first class citizens fight to decide a new king. The last survivor is to become the new king. It's still chaotic in that country. 新しい王を決めるために国中の1級市民に勝負をしようって、 最後に勝ち残った一人が新しい王だなんてさ。 今もあの国じゃ大騒ぎしてるよ
Anyone who flees will lose citizenship. If you harm slaves or underground citizens, you will also be disqualified. This is the new rule. 逃げ出したものは市民権はく奪。 奴隷や地下市民に危害を加えた場合も 失格とする。これが新しいルールだ
Thanks to you, I've got nothing to do after this. おかげで、暇ができてしまった
The crown wouldn't suit me. 王冠は、似合わないさ
You know what, Kino? That sassy dog can speak. ねぇキノ知ってる? あの生意気な犬、言葉が喋れるんだよ
You won't trick me like that, Hermes. If you want to lie, you should lie better. かつごうとしたってダメだよ、エルメス。 どうせならもうちょっとマシな嘘つけばいいのに
In my dreams, I am always flying in the sky. No matter how much I fly, I always want to fly more. 私は、いつも夢で空を飛んでいる。いくら飛んでも、 また飛びたくなる
You're coming with me to meet relatives today for sure! 今日こそは一緒に行ってもらうよ、親戚へのあいさつ回り!
On the day the first traveler in five years visited our country, I was about to go one last time to negotiate in person for my dream. 5年ぶりに旅人がこの国を訪れたその日、 私は最後の直談判に行くところだった。自分の夢をかけて
To begin with, there's a reason why I ended up living in a warehouse like this. A long time ago, a mage used to live here. そもそも、私がこんな倉庫に住むことになったのには、訳がある。 ここには元々、一人の魔法使いが住んでいたのだ
In this country, a "mage" is someone who brought cultivated fields and crops to this land, which used to only have swamps and forests. In other countries, they would have been called "founding fathers". この国で魔法使いというのは、沼と森しかなかったこの土地に、 畑と作物をもたらしたという… 他の国では建国の神様と呼ぶような存在だった
We kids took the liberty of calling him that because he was a weird old man living alone away from the town. 町を離れてひとりで暮らす変わり者の老人のことを、 私たち子供が勝手にそう呼んでいたのだ
I heard that the old man went to study abroad when he was young and when he came back, he couldn't talk to anybody here anymore. 何でもあの老人は、若いときに外国へ留学し、 戻ってきてからはすっかり人と話が合わなくなっていたらしい
In this country, "something useful" means skill or knowledge that increases crop yields. この国で「役に立つこと」とは、 収穫量を増やすような技術や知識を意味していた
He had a sad end to his life. Before anybody had noticed, he was drawn to heaven without anyone by his side. 彼の最後は、寂しいものだった。いつの間にか、 誰にも看取られずに、天に召されたのだ
I lost both my parents, one after another, in an epidemic and my aunt took me in. She stole my fortune from me and made me live in the warehouse that she had purchased cheaply. But it changed me! 両親を流行り病で立て続けに亡くし、 私は叔母に引き取られた。私から財産も奪った叔母は、 安値で買った倉庫に私を住まわせた。 でもそれが、私を変えてくれた!
Would you pray for me too? Pray that everything will go well. あなたも祈っててくれる? うまくいきますようにって
After I started living in the warehouse, I found something there. It was an encyclopedia the old man had written. 倉庫で暮らすようになった私は、そこであるものを発見したのだ。 それは、老人が書き残した1冊の百科事典だった
All the knowledge he had ever seen or heard from all over the world was written in it. I pored over the pages. そこには彼が世界中を回って 見聞きした知識のすべてが、記されていた。 私は夢中になって読んだ
But most of it was knowledge that would be called "useless" in this country. だがそのほとんどが、この国では役に立たないと言われる知識ばかりだった
I thought I understood how the old man felt when he shut himself away. 私は、老人がここに閉じこもっていた気持ちが、分かった気がした
After that, I became famous for being just a bit bizarre. It was because I surprised everyone with the devices I made using the knowledge I gained from the encyclopedia. それから私は、一風変わった女の子として有名になった。 百科事典の知識で、 いろんな装置を作って、みんなを驚かせたりしたからだ
Though I had failures more often than not. もっとも、失敗作の方が多かったけど
As I was reading through the encyclopedia, I found among the foreign anecdotes a story about a man who tried to fly. But it was... a comical story that made fun of his failure. I couldn't just leave it as someone else's problem. 百科事典をあさった私は 外国の逸話の中に、空を飛ぼうとした男の話を見つけた。 だけどそれは…男の失敗を面白おかしく語った笑い話。 人事とは思えなかった
I wondered, was the idea of humans flying the skies like birds just a wild fantasy? 人が、鳥のように空を飛ぶなんて、 夢物語なんだろうか?
When I'd almost given up, it suddenly came to me. あきらめかけたとき、それは唐突に訪れた
I only have a little favor to ask! ちょっとお願いがあるだけだってば!
If I succeed, it will become your achievement too! 成功したら、国長の功績にもなるんですよ!
I'm not falling for that. It's impossible anyway! その手には乗らん! どうせ無理に決まっとるからな
Oh my, how embarrassing! There's a law that says the Chief must listen to any appeals at any time. いやはやお見苦しい、国長はいつでもどんな訴えでもとりあえずは聞くという 決まりがありましてな
Say, what were you going to do once you got rid of this bronze statue? ねえ、この銅像をなくして どうするつもりだったの?
I'll tell you the reason why I wanted the bronze statue moved. It's for this. さっきの答えを教えるわ、私がなぜあの銅像をどけてほしかったか。 それはね、これのためよ
I haven't named it yet, but I want to ride on this and fly the skies. まだ名前は無いんだけどね、 私はこれに乗って空を飛びたいのよ
So, if a board is secured at an angle and you run at a high speed, it should be lifted by the air pressure. In other words, it should float up into the air. 角度の付いた板を固定し、猛スピードで走れば、 風の抵抗で上に持ち上がる。 つまり、空に浮かび上がるはず
Since I came up with this idea, my days of hard fighting started. それを思いついてから、悪戦苦闘の日々が始まった
But in that case, you'd need a straight road of a certain length. でもそれだと、 ある程度の距離を持つまっすぐな道が必要だね
We have visited some countrie's with very advanced technology, but we have yet to see a machine that can fly. 僕とエルメスが訪れた国には、とても科学の発達した所がありました。 でも空を飛ぶ機械は、まだ見たことはありません
But there might be one somewhere in the world. If not, you may become the first human to fly. だけど、世界のどこかにはあるかもしれませんし、もしなければ、 あなたが空を飛ぶ初めての人間になるのかもしれませんね
I keep receiving complaints from your neighbors. I can't ignore them anymore. We decided that your strange machine is to be dismantled. 近隣からの苦情が相次いでおり、 私もこれ以上放っておけんのだよ。 君のあのへんてこな機械は解体されることが決定した
We'll perform the demolition work tomorrow. This is a final decision made by the Chief's authority. Objections are not allowed. 明日解体作業を行う。 これは国長の権限による最終決定だ。 異議は認められん
I hate to mention this, but I imagine you already spent most of your parents' inheritance. They would be sad. 言いたくないけど、 もうご両親の遺産もほとんど残ってないんだろ。 悲しむよ、おじさん達…
I knew it as soon as you told us about it. From the looks of it, it'll fly. 話を聞いてすぐに分かった。 見たところ、あれは飛ぶよ
There's only the road to worry about. あとは道路だけだね
I need to run the machine until it rides on the wind. Obviously, that bronze statue is in my way. 機体が風に乗るまで走るには、どう考えても… あの銅像が邪魔
How about making a mound in front of it and jumping over it? Motorrads can get over obstacles that way. So, I'm sure you could. 手前に盛り上がりを作って、銅像を飛び越えれば? モトラドなら、それで障害物を乗り越えられるから、 きっとできる
That way, we may not need to move the bronze statue! それなら、銅像をどけなくてもいけるかも!
No good! Even if I jump it, I'll fall right away. I can't get enough speed to start with. ダメ…これだとジャンプしても すぐに落ちちゃう。 最初の速度が足りないの
I wish we could use gunpowder to catapult it out in one shot like a persuader bullet. パースウェーダの弾みたいに、火薬で 一気に打ち出せればいいんですけどね
If I put many tubes of gunpowder on it and let them burn one after another to generate a gas blast, I'll be able to make a mad dash! 火薬を詰めた筒を何本もつけて、 連続燃焼させてガスを噴射させれば、 猛ダッシュできる!
We need a long straight road to let it land safely! あれを無事に降ろすには、真っ直ぐな長い道が必要なんです!
I owe this all to you two! Please stay just a little longer. あなたたちのおかげなのよ、 もう少しゆっくりしてって
I'm sorry, but it seems things might get complicated. I enjoyed it. Very much. ごめんなさい、話がややこしくなりそうですんで。 楽しかったです、とっても
It might be just a coincidence or a whim that the traveler came to this country. But for me, it seemed like it was destined. その旅人がこの国に来たのは、偶然や気まぐれだったのかもしれないけど、 私には、必然に思えた
If I hadn't met them, I'd have spent the rest of my life in disappointment. 彼らがいなかったら、 私は失意の一生を送っていただろう
I am truly grateful beyond what words can express. 本当に、言葉にできないほど、感謝している
I didn't think the machine would really fly. I said I didn't think a human could fly. I understood the theory she explained to me, but still... I never thought it was possible. まさかあの機械が本当に飛ぶとは思わなかった。 人が飛ぶとは思わなかったって。 彼女の教えてくれた理屈は理解できたけど… まさかね
The tank's story went like this... The tank commander had operated the tank for many years. Just as he was about to die from a stray bullet... he issued one final order. 戦車の話はこうでした。 長年、彼に乗っていた戦車長が 流れ弾に当たって死ぬ直前、 最後の命令を残したのです
"Completely destroy the black tank that has three red vertical lines on the right side of its cannon and a picture of a tapir on the left side." 色が黒くて砲塔の右側に3本の赤い縦線、 左側にバクの絵が描いてある 戦車を、完全に破壊しろと
I've been looking for that one ever since. Have you seen it? それからそいつをずっと探しているのさ。 見なかった?
Then I will need to keep on looking for it. I'll destroy it for sure. それじゃあまだまだ探さなきゃ。 絶対に破壊してやる
We have all the books from all over the world that you may read. 世界中の読んでいい本は、すべてここにあります
All the books brought here from around the world undergo the strictest screening and are categorized as either "harmful books" or "harmless books." 世界中からこの国に持ち込まれた本は、 すべて厳正な審査によって、 有害な本と無害な本に分類されます
How do you judge if a book is harmful or not? And who does the screening? 有害か無罪かを、どうやって判断するんですか? またその審査は、誰が行うんですか?
The people at the Castle do the screening. 審査は城の方々が行います
Only the most prominent critics of this country are allowed in there. あそこに入れるのは、この国でも有数の批評家の方々だけ
But what if their decision is wrong? でも、その人たちの判断が間違っていたら?
Critics cannot make any wrong decisions. After all, they are critics! 批評家に間違いがあるはずがありません。 何しろ、批評家なんですから
We haven't heard from the Author for three months now. He might have been captured by the Castle. 作家からの連絡が途絶えて、もう3ヶ月だ。 城に捕らえられたのかもしれん
We didn't find any interesting looking books in the end. 結局面白そうな本なかったね
All they have are children's books and how-to guides. That's about what I expected, though. 子供騙しと実用書ばかり。 こんなものだと思ってたけど
I'm sure it was my former lover. それはきっと、私の恋人だった人です
Did he happen to tell you where the entrance to the Castle was? 彼から城の入り口がどこにあるか、聞いていませんか?
We're publishing books. Books that have not been screened by the Castle and are supposed to be illegal. 私たちは、本を出版しているんです。それも、城の審査を受けていない、 違法とされる本を
It's a resistance movement. We're looking for the entrance to the Castle so we can save our fellow members who were captured. レジスタンスだよ。我々は、捕らえられた同士を助けるために、 城への入り口を探しているんだ
But I'm afraid I haven't heard anything about it. でも、残念ながら僕は何も聞いていません
But why did you think I might have heard it from him? でもどうして僕が、彼から聞いたんじゃないかと?
He told me that when he was carrying them, he read many books before they were screened even though it was illegal. 運ぶ合間に、 まだ分類される前の本をたくさん読んだと言っていました… 本当は違法なんですけど
I guess he found how fascinating books were then. きっとその時に、本の魅力を知ったんだね
He must have been carrying books into the Castle, so... So, we thought he might have known a secret passage that we don't know about. 彼は、城の中まで本を運んでいたはずです… だから、我々の知らない秘密の通路を、彼なら知っているかもしれないと思ったんですが…
I guess it won't happen like a story from a book. 本のお話のようには行かないものだ
You could've just helped them. You're not busy anyway. 助けてあげればいいのに、 どうせ暇なんだから
Anyway I heard the Author contacted us, but we haven't received the manuscript yet. それより、作家から連絡があったらしいが、 原稿はまだ届かない
All the books that we're publishing are written by him. 我々が出版しているのは、すべてその作家のものだ
His stories draw you into them as if there's something magical about them. They give you the illusion of becoming a character in the story. 作家の書くお話には、何か魔法のように人を引きつける魅力があるんです。 いつの間にか自分が、お話の登場人物になったと錯覚してしまうような
Hermes, I'll tell you now, but I thought it was an interesting story. I wished I could've read more. エルメス、今だから言うけど、 僕は面白いなと思ったな、あの話。 できればもっと読みたい、と思った
You may be reading it already. もう読んでるのかもしれんよ
What if this world is actually inside a book and you and that motorrad are both characters in the book? ここは実は本の中の世界で、 あんたもそのモトラド君も本に描かれた登場人物だったとしたら、どうかな?
Suppose there is a book about a traveler journeying on a motorrad. While reading it, many come to believe that they are the traveler. You may be one such reader. モトラドに乗って旅を続ける旅人の本があったとする。 あんたはそれを読むうち、自分がその旅人だと思い込んでしまった 読者の一人…なのかもしれんよ
Please give this to the lady librarian. Tell her that the Author will know what this key is for! 図書館の秘書をしている女に渡してくれ。 作家ならそれがどこのカギか知っていると
In this world there are books that have radical descriptions or dangerous thoughts. Some people are affected by that and commit brutal crimes. 世界中の本の中には、過激な描写や危険思想が書かれた物もあります。 それに影響を受けて、凶悪事件を起こす者が出てきたのですよ
But it doesn't mean the books are bad. Isn't the problem with the person who reads and interprets the books? でも、それは本が悪いのではなくて、 本を読んで、それを解釈する人自身の問題じゃないですか?
That's not all. Some become so involved in the books, they can no longer distinguish between reality and fantasy. Some have even seriously fallen in love with characters in the books and ruined themselves. それだけではありません。物語にのめり込むあまり、 虚構と現実の区別が付かなくなったり、 中には本の登場人物に本気で恋をし、 身を滅ぼす者まで現れた
The Department of Reading and Welfare realized how serious this was. They built the Castle as an isolation ward in which to treat them and created the current system where only safe books, those that have passed the screenings, are supplied to the citizens. 事の重大さに気づいた読書厚生省は、 彼らを治療するための隔離病棟として、城を作り、 国民には審査をパスした安全な本のみを 供給する、今のシステムを作り上げたのです
It's dangerous to get drawn into fantasy, traveler. 虚構にのめり込むのは危険ですよ、旅人さん
No matter how fun it might be, it is not real. どんなに楽しくても、 それは現実じゃないんですから
"Finally, I have completed the auto reading system. You can experience the world of the book as if it were real." ついに完成したんだよ、自動読書装置がね。 これで、本の世界が現実のように体験できる
"You just need to live in the world of books. Forget that the world was ruined that we're the only survivors." お前は本の世界で生きればいい。 世界が滅んで、私たちだけが生き残った現実など忘れてね
I never knew my librarian was also infected. She cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality. She equates herself with characters in the books. うちの司書まで病気にかかっていたなんてねえ。 虚構と現実の区別がつかなくなり、 自分たちを本の世界の人間に同一視してしまっているんです
You mean, they completely believed themselves to be characters it books? 本の登場人物になりきっていたと?
You couldn't give her the key. 鍵、あの人に渡せなかったね
Maybe he can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality either? この人も現実と虚構の区別がついてないんじゃない?
Life... It begins when you first make distinction between yourself and others. From that moment on, the world becomes a stage for the story in which you are the main character. 人生は、自分と他人の区別がついたときから始まる。 その瞬間から世界は、自分を主人公とする 物語の舞台となる
All people live in a fantasy in which they are the main character. すべての人間が、自分を主人公とする虚構を生きているという訳さ
But the world doesn't recognize you as the main character at all. Everyone lives their entire life tormented by this confusion! ところが、世界の方は一向に自分を主人公として扱ってくれない。 人は一生、この混乱にさいなまれながら生きる!
Normal people don't become authors to begin with, Hermes. 作家なんて、そもそもまともな人間がなるものじゃないよ、エルメス
If you want to read my books, you should look for a red bookshelf. ワシの本を読みたければ、 赤い本棚を探せばいい
I haven't borrowed a book yet. If I can only borrow one book anyway, I want that one. まだ本を借りてないからね。 どうせ1冊なら、 その本がいい
All they do is expound their knowledge. They get pleasure by scoring the books with their triumphant looks. They dispraise books and feel as if they are so important. They're crazy people who ruin other people's pleasure. うん蓄を垂れるだけの輩、 したり顔で本を採点して、悦にいっている連中。 作品をけなして偉くなった気でいる者たち。 奴らは、人の楽しみに水を差す亡者どもです
Books are... The pleasure of books is a more private matter. It should be kept in one's heart. 本は…本の快楽は、もっと個人的なものよ。 自分一人の中に、閉じ込めておくべきもの
So, how do you like the book written about everything of the world? で、世界のすべてを書き記した本の感想は?
I can't say it was very interesting. あまり面白いとは言えないね
If it was the Author, he would say, "Everything I think of can be written there." あの作家さんなら、そこには自分の思い描くすべてが書けるんだっていうよ
Won't you come over to my master's house where I work? 私の仕えている一軒家にいらっしゃいません?
Soon the master and his family will be back. I will ask them about you when they return. I have no doubt it will be all right, though. もうすぐ旦那さまたちもお戻りになりますので、 キノさんたちのこともその時にお願いしてみます。 間違いなく大丈夫ですけどね
I must go bring the laundry in now. Please wait in the room over there. では洗濯物を取り入れてきますから、 そちらのお部屋で待っていてくださいな
Nothing says I'm wrong yet. She could have meant for us to wait downstairs. まだ外れと決まったわけじゃないよ。 この下で待っていてくれってことかもしれないじゃないか
Oh, so this is where you were. This is the lab belonging to the person who created me. こちらにいらしたのね。 私を作った方の研究室です
I would be so happy if this old jalopy's cooking is to your liking. このポンコツの作った料理が お口に合えば幸いです
Only at this time in this season does the water become clear due to the way the light shines, making everything appear bluish like this. この季節のこの時間だけ、 光の加減で水が澄んで、 こうして青く見えるのです
I suppose many people must have lived there supporting one another. きっと多くの人が住んでいたんでしょうねぇ、お互いを支え合って
That country... Or rather, the ruins of the country are new. Anyhow, it doesn't look ancient. あの国は…というか、あの国の跡は新しいね。 どうみても太古のものじゃない
The country we were looking for just might be... No, not just might be... 僕たちが探してた国って、ひょっとして… いや、ひょっとしてなくても…
The person who told us about it was an old man, so he must not have known that it had fallen to ruin. 教えてくれたのがよぼよぼのおじいさんだったからね、 滅んだのを知らなかったんだよ
Still, it's strange that the old lady doesn't know that. She doesn't seem like she's lying, either. それでも、あのおばあさんが知らないのは変だな。 嘘をついてるようには見えないし
So, she was a human, just as I thought. やっぱり人間なんですね
She was in her early 30s back then. In her field, she was considered a genius, the kind only found in one out of hundreds of people. 当時30歳過ぎ、その世界で 数百人に一人の天才と呼ばれていました
That's why she could fix my speedometer. それでスピードメーターを乗せたのかぁ
She believed that mechanical dolls would free all humans of labor. 彼女はこう思っていました。機械人形はすべての人間を労働から解放する
As a result of that, she hypothesized that people would be less pressured and that disputes would disappear. その結果、人々にゆとりが生まれ、いがみ合いなど無くなってしまうだろうと
She devoted herself to her research. She spent many hours at the lab, day after day. She had very little time to spend with her beloved husband and son. 彼女は研究に没頭しました。毎日毎日、研究室で何時間も過ごし、 彼女が愛する夫とかわいい息子と過ごす時間は、本当に少なかったのです
After she found her husband and son among the debris, she turned back and said... 瓦礫の中に夫と息子の死体を見つけた彼女は、 振り返ってこう言いました
A few days later, she regained consciousness. But... She was no longer the woman who had created us. 数日後、彼女は意識を取り戻しました。しかし… それは、私たちを作り出してくれた彼女ではありませんでした
While we were waiting for her physical recovery, the disputes continued to escalate in the country. 彼女の肉体的な回復を待つ間、 国の中ではいがみ合いがエスカレートしていきました
We made the dam and submerged the country at the bottom of the lake so it wouldn't remind her of the terrible event. And in the forest, we completely recreated the same apartment where she used to live happily. 私たちは、彼女が辛いことを思い出さないようにと、 ダムを造って国を湖に沈め、 彼女が幸せに暮らしていた頃のアパートを、そっくり森に再現しました
For 54 years and 341 days since then, we've been acting as the happy family she wished for. それから54年と341日、 彼女の望む、幸せな家族を演じてきたのです
But old age was the one thing we could do nothing about. でも老衰だけは、どうすることもできませんでした
If you leave, what should we do after that? キノさんが行ってしまったら、その後私たちは何をすればいいんでしょう?
I don't know, either. That's something for you to decide for yourselves. それは僕にもわかりません。 あなたたち自身で決めることです
We were made to do something for humans. If we don't do anything for humans, there's no reason for us to exist. 私たちは人間のために、何かをするために作られました。 人間のために何かをしていないと、 存在する理由がないのです
We can be someone you need! We can be your friends or your parents! We can be your servants. We can be your enemies. 私たちは、あなたの必要な人間になります。 友になれます、親になれます。 しもべになれます、敵になれます
Isn't it hard for humans if they don't stay with someone and live for someone? 人間は誰かと一緒にいて、誰かのために生きていかないと、 とても辛いものではないのですか?
I fall deep into thought at times like this. The meaning of the journey and the meaning of life. こんな時には、考え込んでしまう。 旅の意味や生きる意味を
That's just like a disease all humans have. それは人間の病気みたいなものだね
I wonder if the sky will be blue tomorrow? 明日の空は、青いだろうか?
It'll likely be a long journey, because for her, this is a journey to forget. 長い旅になるだろう。彼女にとっては、 忘れるための旅だからな
"If you truly meant what you said, I want yon to atone for it by protecting me from danger." その言葉が本当なら、 私を危険から守ることで償ってほしいと
I don't think it means she has forgiven me yet for killing her fiance. But she has given me a chance to spend my life atoning for it. 彼女のフィアンセを殺したこの私を、彼女はまだ許してくれたわけではないだろう。 だが一生かけて償いの機会を与えてくれた人だ
I used to have a dragon in my heart back then. And I wasn't able to tame it. Because of that, I hurt myself and others around me. あの頃の私は心の中に竜が住みついていたんだ。 そしてそいつを飼いならすことができずにいた。そのせいで、 自分も周りも傷つけていたんだ
I don't know how far she'll be going. I intend to follow her to the ends of the world. どこまで行くのかわからない。 どこまでも付き従うつもりだ
What should I be most careful of during a journey? 旅で、いちばん気をつけなくちゃいけないことって何かな?
It's the same as when you're living an ordinary life in your country. Not to lose your life. 普通に国で生活しているときのそれと同じです。 命をなくさないことです
People certainly have an amazing capacity for change. 人間、変われば変わるもんだね
He used to be a horrible rogue a long time ago, but now he's a very humble and kind person. 彼も昔は無茶苦茶な悪人だったが今じゃ、 とても謙虚で優しい人間だ
I guess she decided to go on the journey to do this. Because she could kill him as long as it was outside the country. 彼女はこのために旅に出ることにしたんだね。 国の外なら 彼を殺せるから
He had really changed into a good man. That was what was most unforgivable! 本当に良い人間になってたのよこの男。 それが1番許せない!
Kino-san, you could've stopped me if you wanted to. Why didn't you? キノさん、あたしを止めようと思えば できた。どうして?
I'll continue my journey to forget about it. 旅を続けるわ。忘れるために
I sometimes get scared when I get involved with someone during my journey. 旅の中で、人と関わりを持ったとき、 僕は怖くなる事がある
How do you think all the people we've met so far are doing? これまで出会った人たちは、今頃どうしてだろうね?
But I think it's reckless to carry out a journey without any weapons so you can appeal how meaningless it is to kill with weapons. でも武器を使って殺し合うことの 空しさを訴えるために、 武器を一切使わない旅を実践してみせるなんて、無茶だと思うな
You may have just been lucky. 運が良かっただけかもしれませんよ
But if we had really encountered bad people, we would probably have been killed instantly because we had no weapons. でも本当に悪い連中に出会っていたら、 武器を持たない私たちは、 たちまち殺されていたでしょうね
Are you going to keep traveling even knowing that? それが分かっているのに、まだ旅を続けるんですか?
Even if we cannot make it happen right away, the little seeds I have sown may sprout and come close to the ideal. たとえ今すぐ実現できなくても、 私がまいた小さな種が、芽を出して 理想に近づくかもしれない
He must have done it. He's really good if he can do this without her noticing it at all. さっきの人だね。 これを彼女に気づかれないうちにやるなんて、すごい腕だ
That was when, in the forest that we got lost, we met the woman, whom I would later call, "Master". その時、私たちは迷い込んだ森のなかで、 のちに師匠と呼ぶことになる老人と出会った
It was my miscalculation that the last country didn't have any motorrad fuel for sale. 前の国でモトラドの燃料が売ってなかったのが 誤算だったな
I heard he isn't obsessed with wealth or power and freely gives away whatever excess he has. If we're lucky, we may get him to share some fuel with us... for free. 富や権力に執着がなく、 余っているものを惜しげもなく人に与えてくれるらしい。うまくすると、 そこで燃料を分けてもらえるかもしれないよ…タダで
The truth is, he does not have very long to live. If he talks to you, it may console him a little. 実はもう長くないのです。旅人さんとお話になれば、 少しは慰めにもなりましょう
I guess it's no time to ask for fuel. これは燃料どころじゃなさそうだね
Pardon me for disturbing you when you are ill. ご病気のところ、お邪魔してすいません
He is living a life divorced from the desires of the ordinary world. 賢者様は俗世の欲望と 無縁の暮らしをしておいでなのです
Then how did he come to be called a "Wise Man"? では、どうして賢者と呼ばれるようになったんですか?
One day, the king passed by and jokingly said he would give him any one thing he wanted. ある日、通り掛かった王は戯れに、 なんでも望むものを一つ与えてやろうと言いました
It is said that the king was touched by those words that he got down on his knees and said, "You must be a true wise man." その言葉の奥深さに感動した王は、 あなたこそ真の賢者だと、 跪いたということです
But that is not because I found enlightenment and abandoned my desires as people think. I never had reason for desire to start with. でもそれは他人が思ってるように、悟りを開いて 欲望を捨てたのではない。 私にはそもそも、欲望の種がないのです
The country where I was born, was plagued with deadly and insidious crimes. 私が生まれた国では、 凶悪な犯罪や陰湿な事件が横行していました
Perhaps that is human instinct, but that isn't an acceptable excuse for the country's leaders. It appears they were trying to come up with some kind of solution. それは人の本能なのかもしれない。 だが、国の指導者にしてみれば、それでは困る。 なんとか解決策を考えていたらしいのです
I do not have a clear recollection of that time period. 私はその頃のことをはっきり覚えていないのです
I was chosen as a test subject for a brain procedure that they had just developed. It was a procedure to erase self-consciousness. 私は開発されたばかりの 脳内物質の披見体に選ばれたのです。 それは自意識を消す物質でした
Everybody has a monster called "self-consciousness" in them. If you kill someone, you will feel that you are stronger. Or you want to kill people who insulted you. 人は誰でも自分の中に自意識という怪物を飼っている。 人を殺せば自分が強くなった気がする。 あるいは、自分を馬鹿にした奴等を殺したいと思う
You have these feelings because of too much "self-consciousness". Then they should erase the self-consciousness. それは、すべて自意識が強すぎるせいです。 ならば、自意識を消してしまえばいい
What they wanted was a human who had no self-consciousness, but still retained the will to work hard. 彼らが欲しかったのは、自意識を消ながらも がんばって働く気力は無くさない人間でした
But I had lost my motivation to work at the same time. しかし私は働く意欲も同時に、なくしていたのです
If all people became like me, the country would fall to ruin. I was banished from the country as a failure. そんな人間ばかりになっては、国が滅ぶ。 私は失敗作として、国を追放されました
I still had the very basic desires like the need for food and sleep, so I did just enough to satisfy these areas. 食欲や眠りたいという最低限の欲求は残っていましたから、 それを満たすだけのことはしました
I know how to restore you to the way you were before. Listen carefully to what I am about to say. わしはあんたを元通りにする方法を知っている。 これから言う言葉をよく聞きなさい
You have forgotten what I just said. If you are ever able to recall it, you will be restored to the person you were before. 今言った言葉をあんたは忘れた。 もし、もう一度思い出すことができたなら、 あんたは元通りの人間になるだろう
I wrote it down on this piece of paper. If you ever feel like it, chase after it. この紙にそれを書いておいた。 気が向いたら、あれを追いかけるが良い
I didn't even feel the desire to be restored to my old self. It was just that my feet carried me in the direction the bottle had gone. 元に戻りたいという欲さえ沸かなかった。 ただ、知らず知らずのうちにビンが流れた方へ足が動いただけのことです
As I wandered through many countries, people started revering me as "Wise Man", because I lived a simple life without wishing for anything in return. 諸国を放浪するうち、 見返りを求めず質素な暮らしをする私を 人々は賢者だと崇めるようになりました
Have you ever seen the "real blue sky?" Before my grandfather died, he said, "It doesn't matter if you find real blue sky or not." 本当の青い空って見たことあるかい? オレのじいさんがさ、死ぬ前にこう言ったんだ。 本当の青い空を見つけようと見つけまいと構わない
How blue the sky is often changes depending on the place, time, season, and weather. And every one of them was beautiful. 空の青さは、場所や時間や季節、天候なんかでもよく変わります。 そして、どれもきれいでした
I can't tell you which one is the real blue sky among the skies I've seen. There is no such thing. That's what I think. 僕が見てきたなかで、 これこそが本当の青い空と呼べるものは見あたりません。 そんなものはない、僕はそう思います
I'm not sure if that's the right answer or not, but I'm glad that I asked you. 正解かどうかは分からないが、 でも、聞いてよかったよ
There was no way he could have known how to restore me. As soon as I realized that, I can't stop my feelings! 元に戻る方法なんて知るはずもなかったんだ。 ついに気づいた途端、感情が止まらない!
I felt none of this yesterday... I had nothing to do with such pain or sadness. What was my life for? What did I live for? 昨日まではこんなことは感じなかったのに、 こんな苦しみや悲しみとは無縁だったのに。 俺の一生は一体、俺は一体何のために…
My job is to keep an eye on him, the failure, to make sure he does not go back to the way he used to be. And if he does, I was told to kill him. 私の仕事は失敗作である彼が、 元に戻ってしまわないか見張ること。 そしてもし元に戻ったら、殺してしまえと
But he does not have long to live anyway. All I can say for now is that I no longer have a job. でも、どのみち彼はもう長くないのですし、 今言えることは、これで私の仕事はもうなくなった、ということだけです
I may go on a journey. Then maybe... I will be called a "Wise Man," too. 旅に出るかもしれません。 そしたら私も、賢者と呼ばれるのかもしれませんね
Your journey isn't all that different from that Wise Man's. No purpose or plan. キノの旅もあの賢者の旅とそう変わらないね。 目的もなければ計画性もない
You may be right. But there's one aspect that's decisively different from theirs. I'm trying to live my life consciously. そうかもね。でも、彼らとは一つ決定的に違っているところがあるよ。 僕は、生きようと思って生きてるって事だよ
There's no real reason. Sometimes I feel that I may be a hopelessly stupid and narrow-minded person. That maybe I'm a terribly dirty human being. I don't know why, but I feel that way sometimes. 何となくだけど、たまに自分がどうしようもない、愚かで 矮小な奴ではないか… ものすごく汚い人間ではないか… なぜだかわからないけど、そう感じる時があるんだ
But at times like that, I always feel the whole world is beautiful and realize how much I love it. でも、そんな時は必ず、 世界が全て美しく、とても愛おしく思えるんだよ
So, even when something like this happens, I still want to continue to the next encounter and to the next discovery. だから、たとえこんなことがあったとしても、 それでも僕はまた、次の出会いや 発見をしたいと思う
I may not really understand it, either. I may be hesitating. Maybe I'm continuing the journey to understand it better. 僕自身もわかってないのかもしれない、迷っているのかもしれない。 それをもっとわかるために、旅を続けているのかもしれない
We'll need to go quite far again tomorrow. 明日はまただいぶ走らなくちゃ
I wanted to know why there are so many mummies lying around here. なんでこんな所にたくさんのミイラさんたちが転がってるのか聞いたんだ
It's too haphazard for a graveyard, I guess... 墓場…にしては乱暴か
Is it prohibited to take them into the country by any chance? もしかして、持込禁止ですか?
If you have Persuaders like these, you must be quite skilled. これほどのものをお持ちとは、腕前の方もさぞかし
You may bring them in if they are for your protection. But I'm sure you won't need them. 護身用でしたら、そのまま持ち込んでくださってけっこうです。 でもきっと必要ないです
If you're sightseeing, you should go to the History Museum. 観光でしたら、ぜひ歴史博物館に行ってみるといい
I don't know about that, but it hardly looks like a country at war. それはわからないけど、とても戦争している国には…
I can't count on what you say, Kino. キノの言うことも当てにならないね
Oh, no. It's a war, but it won't pose any danger to travelers. It's not like the wars of former times. いやいや、戦争といっても、旅人さんには危険はないですから。 そんな前時代的な戦争ではありませんから
I think the curator there will gladly tell you all about it. あそこの館長さんが、親切に教えてくれると思いますよ
When people started living in this inhospitable land for the first time, it was only a small settlement consisting of several dozen people. この荒れ果てた土地に初めて人が住み始めた頃、 ほんの数十人の小さな集落に過ぎませんでした
By building a water channel and reclaiming the land, our ancestors developed the town greatly. 私たちの祖先は水路を引き、土地を開墾し、 町を大きく発展させていきました
Commerce and industry developed even further and consequently, the castle walls were also expanded. 商工業はさらに発展し、 それにつれて城壁も拡大していきました
The basics of our country's development, still applicable today, were formed during this period. 現代に通じる我が国発展の基礎が、 この時代に形作られたのです
I imagine it was quite hard work to build a country out of nothing. 何もない所に国を開くのは、大変な苦労だったと思います
But a country growing big doesn't always bring good things, traveler. でも国が大きくなるのは、良いことばかりではないのです、旅人さん
Once a country becomes large, it ends up needing contact with other countries. Some of them are unfortunate encounters. 国が大きくなれば、どうしても他国との接触を持たなければなりません。 中には不幸な出会いもあるのです
In truth, it might have been a problem that could have been solved diplomatically. それは本当なら、外交手段によって解決できる 問題だったのかもしれません
But when two races with different languages, religions, customs, and everything else become neighbors, it was easy for them to view each other with hostility. でも、人種、言語から宗教や生活習慣、その他すべてが違う 民族が隣り合わせになると、お互いを敵視するのは簡単だったのです
The war continued to escalate. Along with this, new weapons were developed and many people died. 戦争はますますエスカレートし、それに伴って 新しい兵器も開発され、たくさんの人たちが死んでいったのでした
As both countries warred off and on, they would repeatedly exhaust national resources and ended up calling cease-fires without clear victors. 両国は思い出したように戦争を仕掛けては、 国力が疲弊し、 どちらが勝ったかわからないまま、休戦するということを繰り返してきました
Yes, we did. Now the mystery of the mummies has been solved. うん、見たよ。ミイラさんたちの謎は解けた
To me, it looked like nothing more than the massacre or execution of the Tatatans. 僕には、タタタ人の虐殺か、 処刑にしか見えませんでした
But that is our version of war. でも、あれが私たちの戦争なのです
Many people died during the war that kept on going tirelessly for years. 長年飽きもせず起きる戦争で、何人もの人が死にました
I desperately thought about how such a meaningless war might be avoided. 私は、こんな無意味な戦争をしなくて済む方法はないかと、必死に考えました
Nothing would change, if I only insisted on stopping the war. ただ戦争をやめようと主張するだけでは、何も変わりません
Humans naturally possess competitiveness, hostility, and cruelty, so there needed to be a way that they could vent these feelings effectively. 人間は元々、競争心や敵愾心、残忍さを持っているのですから、 それをうまく発散することもできる方法でなければ
When I announced this idea, there happened to be a woman in the other country, who had coincidentally come up with the same idea. 私はこのアイデアを発表したとき、偶然にも向こうの国で、 まったく同じことを思いついた女性がいました
After that, the two countries formed an agreement and discarded weapons that were too deadly. There would be no point in wiping out the Tatatans, after all. それから二つの国は協定を結んで、 殺傷能力の強すぎる兵器を捨てていきました。 タタタ人を全滅させてしまっては何もなりませんからね
Thanks to that, the national defense budget could be reduced greatly. おかげで国防費は大幅に削減できました
Since then, we have never had a war where there were casualties in either of our countries. その時以来、二国間に国民が死ぬような 戦争は一度も起きていません
Please try calculating it out. The number of casualties among the Tatatans is so little that it is incomparable to the number of victims in the war of the past. 計算してみてください。タタタ人の犠牲者の数は、 かつての戦争による私たちの犠牲者の数とは、 比べ物もにならないほど少ないのです
Besides... Are there any alternatives that could replace it? それに…他に代替案がありますか?あるなら教えてください
Sacrifices must be made for peace, Kino. And that sacrifice absolutely cannot be our children. キノさん、平和には犠牲が必要なのですよ。 そしてそれは、絶対に私たちの子供であってはならないのです
Of course, I feel sorry for the curator because her family was killed, but I'd still say no thanks to that kind of peace. そりゃあ、あの館長さんも家族を殺されてかわいそうなんだけど、 やっぱりあんな平和はご免だねキノ
You will now come with us to our village and there, you will be torn limb from limb in front of our eyes and you'll die for us. あなたにはこれから我々の村へ付いて来てもらい、 そこでみんなの前で八つ裂きになって、 死んでもらいます
Why is that? どうしてですか?
For our revenge. We are massacred for no reason and we cannot even bury our loved ones. 我々の復讐のためです。我々は何の意味もなく殺戮され、 愛する人を埋葬することさえできないのです
But we cannot win even if we fight. So, we do not care who it is. In this case, it is you, who just happened to pass this way. We must torture and kill anyone we can to satisfy our desire for revenge, even if it is only a little. だが我々は戦っても勝てない。 そこで誰でもいいから、 この場合はたまたま通りかかったあなたを、 いたぶりながら殺して、 復讐心をほんの少しだけでも、満足させなければならないのです
Is the room with a wide door on the first floor available? So it'll be easy for Hermes to go in! 1階の、ドアが広い部屋は空いてる? エルメスさんが入りやすいように
I'd like to ask you to repair a Persuader. あの、パースウェーダーの修理を、お願いしたいのですが
They decided to build a new country as their permanent settlement in this forest where there was no one who hated them. 彼らは、自分たちを嫌う者がいないこの森を、 永住の地として、新しい国を作ることにしたのです
What a surprise. This is even better than when I held it for the first time. 驚きました。初めてこれを手にした時以上です
How much do I owe you? お代はいくらほどですか?
I used to have a brilliant female Persuader shooter for a student, who made other people call her "Master." She would travel all over the place and stick her nose into trouble. At times, she would be appreciated and at other times, she would incur people's displeasure. 昔教え子に、自分を師匠と呼ばせる 凄腕の女パースウェーダ使いがいた。 あちこち旅して、トラブルに首を突っ込み、 ある時は感謝されまたある時は睨まれた
I used to always have it on my hip when I was traveling a long time ago. I want to let it travel again. 昔わしが旅をしていた時、いつも腰に吊っていたものだ。 またそいつに旅をさせてやってほしいんだ
She told me to answer that way if I had to give a response. 師匠に、将来もしもの時は、そう答えるように言われてたんだ
It must have been out of concern for your safety. キノの身を案じてのことだね
I think I'll still continue, even then. Because I think this is what I want to do. それでも続けるだろうね。 僕が、やりたいことだと思ってるからさ
Many travelers will visit this country where I was born and they'll go home with many wonderful, unforgettable memories. 私の生まれたこの国に、大勢の旅人さんが訪れて、 一生忘れられないような、素敵な思い出をたくさん作って帰っていくの
No matter when or where it is, the stars shine upon the world in the same way. 星は、どんな時もどんな場所でも、同じように世界を照らしてくれているから
But it's strange. The starry night sky is the same as last night, but the starlight feels gentler today. でも不思議だな。昨日と同じ星空なのに、 今日は光がやさしく感じる
In a little while, we may be out of work because Sakura will be working so hard. あと少ししたら、サクラのがんばりで 私たちは暇になってしまうかな
It bothered me at the beginning, but somewhere along the way, I didn't care anymore. 最初のうちは気にしてたけど、途中から どうでもよくなったよ
I wonder if my body's out of whack somehow? 体の調子が狂ったのかな?
Well, could I not stay for another day or two? その、もう一日、二日滞在できませんか?
If you're going west and camping out, the mountain ridge should be good. There's a possible danger of falling rocks before there. 西へ行って野宿なら、尾根のあたりがいいでしょう。 そこより手前は落石の危険があります
Make sure, Kino-san. You mustn't stop before the ridge. キノさんきっとですよ、尾根より手前ではいけません
This must be the place they told us about. ここだね、教えてもらった場所
It's heading towards that country. Volcanic ashes and pumice spew out with high heat and run down the surface of the mountain at a high speed. It's called pyroclastic flow. あの国に向かってる。 火山灰と軽石が高温で噴出して、 山肌を高速で流れ下る。 いわゆる火砕流だ
Blood in the body comes to a boiling point instantly and they die of shock. They won't even have time to escape. There's nothing you can do. 体中の血液が一瞬で沸騰して、ショック死するんだ。 逃げる暇もないよ。 キノにできることは何もない
It was a month ago, when the scholars' research told us that a pyroclastic flow would hit this country. 学者たちの調査によって、 火砕流が国を襲うことがわかったのは、一ヶ月前のことでした
We had two choices to choose from. To abandon the country or not. 私たちが取るべき道は二つに一つ。 国を捨てるか、捨てないか
Our choice may seem silly to travelers like you. But we were born here and know no other way to live. 旅人であるあなた方には、この選択が愚かに映るでしょうね。 でも私たちはここで生まれ、他の生き方を知りません
We chose to live out our remaining days here without cursing our fate. 私たちは運命を呪うことなく、残された日々を、ここで生きることを選んだのです
That was when we were shocked to realize that our country had been very irreverent to travelers in the past. そんな時、愕然としました。 私たちの国はそれまで旅人に対して大変不遜な態度をとってきと
If nothing were done, people would remember us as coldhearted people. このままでは私たちが冷たい民として、人々の記憶に残ってしまう
Ironically, no travelers came since we had changed our attitude. 皮肉なことに、私たちが心を改めてから、旅人がまったく来なくなりました
Furthermore, only the adults know this fact. You may think we're selfish, but we'll be taking our daughter with us. 尚、この事実を知っているのは大人たちだけです。 身勝手だと思われるかもしれませんが、 あの子は私たちが連れていきます
Either way, traveling riding tandem would've been impossible. どの道二人乗りで旅はムリさ
No idea. What shall we do? Shall I keep thinking about what to do? さあね。どうしようか… どうしようか悩み続けようか?
This may be the first time for both of us, but I'm the only one who'll be in pain. お互い初めてでも、 痛いのはあたしだけだから
And the one you're pinning down is a human, isn't he? てめーが押し倒してんのは人間じゃねえのかよ!
If we can love each other, I don't care what happens to me. So there's no need for you to make an appearance! コウタ君と愛し合えるなら、どんな目にあったって構わない。 だからお前の出る幕じゃないの!
For a fox to possess a human completely, the human has to be willing. If the human shuts the fox out of his heart, he cannot take our forms キツネが人間に完全に憑りつくには、相手が心を許してなくちゃいけない。 もしも人間が心を閉ざしていたら、オレ達の姿にはなれない
The fact that we can make such a big flame goes to show that our love for each other is really deep. あれだけの炎を生み出せたのは、 それだけ私たちの愛が、深く強いってことよ
The damage we did is equivalent to the strength of our bonds. あの壊れっぷりが、二人の絆の強さそのもの
You know the reason I called you here, right? Of course, it's to continue where we left off that day. ここに呼び出したワケ、わかるでしょ? もちろん、あの日の続き
Miss, after eating so much, don't tell me you don't have a necessity with you. まさかお嬢ちゃん、これだけ食べておいて、 肝心なものがないって言うんじゃないだろうねぇ
That's not right. She does look somewhat like a foreigner... But that girl's likely a... Most likely this girl's the same as Chizuru-san... 違う…外国の子に見えなくもないけど、あの子はたぶん… おそらく、この子も千鶴さんと同じ…
What? If you have money on you, you should've said so earlier. なんだ、持ってんならそう言ってくれりゃいいのに
Spirits... I wonder if they live normally in the city and it's just that we don't notice them? 妖怪って、僕たちが気づかないだけで、 普通に街中にいるもんなのかなぁ…
You want me to throw away the key of love that links our hearts? 二人を繋ぐ愛のカギを捨てちゃう気?
A boy is key, and girl is keyhole! Open my door whenever you feel like it! It's never been opened before! 男の人がカギで、女はカギ穴だよね。 いつでも開けて、私の扉。 新築だよぉー
You, you can't do that! Not this early in the morning! ダメですこんな朝から!
I've warded this place. Nobody can enter, so it's a world with just the two of us. So you don't need to be bothered by anything else. 結界を張ったわ。誰も入ってこない、 二人だけの世界よ。 だから、もう何も気にしなくていいんだよ
Really. I can no longer stop! もう止まらないわよ
I'm finally going to climb the stairs to adulthood... I'm sorry, Grandpa! 僕、ついに大人の階段を…ごめんなさいおじいちゃん!
Oh no. I can't live on in this town any longer! あー、もうこの街で暮していけないよ!
He gets horny anywhere, anytime! 淫乱ところ構わず!
I may get pregnant if I get too close to him. 近づきすぎると、妊娠しちゃうかも
Well, he's a little weak against bouncing boobs, so maybe he's a bit perverted. But he doen't flirt with other girls! まぁ、揺れるおっぱいに弱いみたいだし、ちょっとはエッチかも。 でも、他の女の子には手を出さないもん!
Can you give me an explanation? An explanation I can accept. 説明願えるかしら…納得のいく
This place's so noisy. I bet it's the same pattern as always, with Chizuru and Kouta getting too close and Asahina preaching. うっせーなもう…どうせ千鶴とコウタがイチャついて、朝比奈がお説教って パターンだろ…
Untie me this instant! さっさとほどけ!
For someone who skipped lessons and ran to a first-year classroom, getting tied up is par for the course. 授業を放棄して一年の教室に入り浸る奴は、 縛られて当然だ
If I don't go, Kouta-kun's chastity will be in danger! 私がいかないと、コウタ君の貞操が危ないのよ!
Letting you run free would mean even greater danger to his chastity. お前を野放しにする方が、よっぽど貞操の危機だ
If I don't quick, Kouta-kun would be taken by that thieving cat! 早く行かないと、コウタ君があのドロボウ猫に!
That transfer student, Ezomori Nozomu, belongs to the family of wolves. Her clan appears to be rather famous in Hokkaido. あの転校生、エゾモリ望の系列は狼。 北海道じゃ名の知れた一族らしいな
It's all because we lack bodily contact that the woman made a pass at you. We need to become more intimate! 二人のスキンシップが足りないから、 あんな女がちょっかい出してくるの。 もっと親密にならなきゃ
Naked. Because this is a bath. I smell something obscene here. 裸。お風呂だから。 なんかすごくいやらしい臭いがする
In this kind of situation, it'd be strange not to become obscene! Humans are in the mating season all year round! こういう状況で、いやらしくない方がおかしいんだから! 人は一年中発情期よ!
Your breats are too big. All those are flab. 胸大きすぎ。 それ脂身
How long are you going to stay in the bath? Geez, pushing all the household chores onto me. いつまで風呂に入ってんだよ。 たくっ、家事はみんな俺に押し付けやがって
Not like you'll get punished for helping me a little. 少しぐらい手伝ってもバチは当たんねぇぞ
As soon as I tidy them up, she throws them all over the place again. Before reading these, she should try to behave more like a woman. 片付けた側から散らかしやがって… こんなの読む前に少しは女らしくしろってんだ
Please eat it while it's still warm. 温かいうちに召し上がれ
I'm sorry, I added too much salt. ごめんね、塩加減間違っちゃって…
It's okay, you don't have to console me. いいよ、慰めてくれなくて…
I'm bad at cooking. So... while cooking I also cut, scorched, and fried my fingers. お料理、苦手だから… だから、指も一緒に切ったり焼いたり炒めちゃったり
You got hurt for my sake. I'm really happy about what you're doing for me. ボクのためにそんな傷だらけで… 千鶴さんの気持ち、とってもうれしいです
That's the perfect transfer student "flag". 見事なまでの転校生フラグ
A pity that she's doing it only after she's been transferred, eh? 惜しむらくは、とっくに転校してきた後にあれをやられても、ねえ…
The way she makes herself so frank, I just can't get mad at her. あそこまで露骨だと、なんだか怒る気にもなれないわ
She's good. Now she's activated the "flag" of being mistaken as his lover. やるねぇ。続けて恋人に勘違いされてしまう フラグ発動
Not really. I just told her about the magazine that Chizuru was reading. 別にぃ、ただ千鶴が読んでる雑誌を教えてやっただけだよ
Somebody's been skipping housework to read some magazines that guarantee victory in love. But I can't believe someone else other than Chizuru would put it to practice. 家事もしねぇで、恋愛必勝だか知らねぇ雑誌を読んでやがったけど、 千鶴以外にマジに実践するヤツがいたとはなぁ
Whichever he chooses, he's going to hell! どちらを選んでも地獄ね、これは!
Come, one of them will be out if any of the food is tasted! さあ、どちらを先に食べてもアウト!
It's hopeless... after all Chizuru is bad at cooking, right? やっぱりダメかな…千鶴、お料理下手だもんね…
Kouta, I... gave my all into making this. コウタ、私…一生懸命作ったよ
The two of them are launching an attack which makes full use of women's weapon! This is going to hurt. 二人とも、女の武器を最大に使っての攻撃。 これは効くわね
You sure don't get tired of causing a commotion over and over again. 毎度騒ぎを起こして、よく飽きないもんだな
If you continue making a mess in this school, I'll have to take appropriate measures. これ以上学園を騒がすなら、 こちらもしかるべき処置を取るぞ
Hey... If you care about Kouta, I think you should quit... If this goes on, he'll surely kick the bucket! なぁ…コウタのためを思うなら、やめてやった方が… このままだと、あいつマジに死ぬかもって!
Whose fault do you think it is? 誰のせいでこんなことになってると思ってるのよ
Oueen crab. I went to Niigata to get it. 越前ガニ。新潟まで行ってきた
Friends are important after all. I was worried that nobody could taste my cooking. やっぱり持つべきものは友達よねぇ。 試食役がいなくて困ってたの
It's been a while since I've had such a feast. こんなごちそう久しぶり
She's gone totally into rampaging mode. Now she won't listen to me no matter what I say. 完全に暴走モードはいってるな… ああなったら俺が何を言っても聞きゃしねえよ
It's your fault since you never made it clear. If it tastes horrible, just say so. Because you don't say it clearly and force yourself to eat it, the new dishes are becoming more horrible. はっきりしない小山田君が悪い。 まずいものはまずい。はっきり言わずにムリに食べたりするから、 どんどん創作料理が不気味になるんじゃないの
If you really cherish that person, you have to scold her outright! 本当に大事な人なら、ちゃんと叱ってあげなきゃダメよ
Real kindness is about telling a person the truth, even if it means hurting her at that point in time. 本当のやさしさというのは、たとえ一時は相手を傷つけるとわかっていても、 本当のことを告げてあげることなのよ
If you do that, the person will be able to take a more correct path. そうすることで、相手はより良い方向に進むことができる
Isn't it obvious? I'm going to give him treatment. 決まってるじゃない、治療よ
Your leg's getting in my way! あなたの足ジャマ!
It's you who's getting in my way. そっちこそジャマ
You're always getting in my way somehow! なんだかんだとジャマばっかり!
If you keep going too far, I'm going to get mad! いい加減にしないと、怒ります!
Well then, I wonder how you're going to punish me? さて、コウタ君はいったいどんなお仕置きしてくれるのかな?
I'm poor at the vaulting horse. I always end up riding on it, just like this. That's why... I'll have to do self-training. あたし跳び箱苦手なんだ。 こんな風にすぐ跨っちゃうの。 だから…自主トレしなくっちゃ
Should I place my hands on this position? 手をつく位置は、ここでいいの?
Why do I always get my hips caught? Is something wrong with my position? 腰が乗っちゃうのは、どうして? 位置が変?
With you around, I feel as if I could fly. Flying... while riding like this. コウタ君となら、私飛べちゃいそうだよ。 乗ったまま…飛べちゃいそう
You are the third party trying to get between me and Kouta! 私とコウタ君との間に、後から割り込んできたくせに!
It doesn't matter who came first. Because Kouta will be the one to choose. 順番は関係ないよ。 だって選ぶのはコウタだもん
Come to think of it, if you think this way it's already your loss, right? Instead of trying to defeat your opponent, you should think about how to make Kouta your love slave. つうかさ、そんなこと考えてる時点で負けてね? 相手を蹴落とす前に、 コウタを虜にする方法を考えるべきじゃねーの?
Why not just make him drink a love potion? いっそのことホレ薬でも飲ませればいいんじゃね?
I meant it as a joke.. 俺は冗談のつもりで…
It's too late for you to complain about it. 今更グダグダ言わないで
Hey, you'd better stop. Those are all sealed items confiscated from the spirits, and they aren't allowed to be taken off the premises! おい、やめとけって。 そこにあるのは妖怪たちから没収した門外不出、 絶対封印のアイテムばかりだろ
Geez, I've only started looking! Don't rush me. もう、探し始めたばっかだってのに。焦らせるなっての
Hey, stop rubbing him with that washing board of yours! ちょっと、そんな洗濯板、こすり付けないで!
Yuuki, those words are so obscene. Are you being influenced without knowing it? ユウキ、その言い方卑猥よ。 気づかないうちに影響されてない?
Clothes which suck her vitality? 生気を吸い取る服?
Yes, that's a bunny suit that a wasp spider weaved with spider web. ええ、あれは女郎蜘蛛が、蜘蛛の糸で織り当てたバニー服だったの
She's an unparalleled beauty of a spirit that seduced men one by one and took their vitality. 次々に男を誘惑して、その生気を吸い取る 絶世の美女妖怪よ
Normally they wouldn't cast any incantation on males. But the person who made that clothes had no luck with men at all. 本来は男の人に不自由するはずもないんだけど、 あの服を作った人は、あまりに男運がなくてね
The wasp spider perished right after making the clothes, but her thoughts still live on. 女郎蜘蛛は、服を織り上げるとともに滅んだけど、 その執念はまだ生きているわ
If she can't take it off, just cut it. 脱げないんだったら切っちゃえばいいじゃない
A spirit which can manipulate clothes at will? 服を自由に操る妖怪?
Do something about that female fox! Otherwise I'll make you run around the campus a hundred times! あの女狐を早くなんとかしろ! さもなくば校庭を100周させるぞ!
Our wavelengths sure match each other well. そなたとは波長が合いそうじゃ
This is nothing if I imagine it as a form of sports! こんなの、スポーツの一種と思い込めばたいしたことねえぜ
Those are only clothings. Just tear them up! たかが服、切り裂けばいい!
Listen up. The wasp spider that is supposed to have perished has sealed her own soul in the bunny suit. 聞いて。滅んだはずの女郎蜘蛛は、 あの服に自分の魂を封じ込めていたの
The wasp spider has been using Minamoto-san's vitality to wield her demonic powers. Her vitality has been consumed to a great extent now. 女郎蜘蛛はミナモトさんの生気を使って 妖力を奮っているわ。 今ので生気もかなり消耗したはずよ
If we don't hurry, Minamoto-san Will be taken over by her. 早くしないとミナモトさんは、女郎蜘蛛に乗っ取られてしまうわ
I shall be reborn in a youthful body and indulge myself in men. Oh, how long I've waited for this! 若い体に生まれ変わって男三昧。 どれほど待ち焦がれたことか
I've always wanted to wear a wedding dress at least for once! This is a woman's primitive desire! Befitting of the start of a new life! 一度でいいから着てみたかったのよ花嫁衣裳。 これぞ女の本懐、 新しい門出に相応しかろう
I've taken your vitality down to the last drop, as my nourishment! お前の生気を根こそぎ吸い取って、我が糧としてくれる!
What a bother. Gleaning up this mess will be a troublesome task. やれやれ。後始末が大変じゃ
Nobody will come in to disturb us... so let's savor our first time slowly, okay? ジャマは入らないから、 ゆっくりと初めてを楽しもうね
Grandpa, at last I'm going to become an adult! おじいちゃん、とうとう僕大人になっちゃいます…
Note, nope, lying doesn't help. I've doubled the barrier's strength today. Even the flat-chested wolf can't get in. ダメダメ、嘘言っても。 今日の結界は2倍増しだもん。 つるぺた狼だって入っちゃこれないわよ
You call this a barrier? It's so thin that I didn't notice it. これが結界かよ。薄っぺらすぎてわからなかったぜ
First time I see her after a long time, and she goes on and on about "Kouta, Kouta". As her brother, I'm a bit jealous. 望むに聞いたのさ。昨日久しぶりに会ってみれば、 コウタコウタとうるさくて。 兄としてはちょい嫉妬しちゃうね
Hey, hey. We haven't met in a long time, so can't you be more friendly... Hmm? おいおい、久々なんだから もうちょい愛想が良くてもいいんじゃ…
You're getting bigger and bigger. In the past it... only fitted my palm. ますます大きくなってねえか。 昔はこう、手に収まるぐらいで…
A long time ago, some monk made this item to curb his desires, especially lust, which interfered with his training. 昔、どっかの坊主が、修行の妨げになる煩悩… 特に色欲を戒めるために作った道具だ
If the wearer gets sexually excited, he'll suffer a great pain. In the worst case, he could even lose his life. 付けた者が性的に興奮すると、激しく苦しみ、 最悪の場合命をも奪う
Well, if a certain somebody tries to seduce him, then I can't tell what will happen to him. ま、どっかの誰かさんが色仕掛けをすれば、 どうなるかわからないけどな
To put it in one word... jealousy? Spirits are the most suitable for spirits 一言で言えば、嫉妬かな。 妖怪は妖怪同士が一番さ
Well, if you just do as I say, I may consider taking the bracelet off. ま、俺の言う通りにすりゃ、外してやらないでもないがな
I can't! I'll start flirting with him if we meet! ダメよ!会ったらイチャイチャしたくなっちゃうもん!
It's too late to say this, but whenever I remember that this is my sister, I feel like crying. 今更ながら、これが自分の姉だと思うと泣けるぜ…
Not seeing Kouta is enough to turn you into this state? Not like it's some withdrawal symptoms. コウタに会えないだけで、そこまでなるかよ。 禁断症状じゃあるまいし
Now that it's come down to this, I'll pry it out of Saku even if it means using brute force. こうなったら、 腕づくでもサクから聞き出してやる
Right now I'm as good as dead anyway! So long as I can maintain my bonds with Kouta-kun, my life doesn't matter to me! どうせ、今のままなら死んでるのも同じだもの。 コウタ君との絆を守るためなら、 命なんか惜しくない!
I don't know why, I keep having this gloomy feeling in my heart. よくわかんないんだけど、胸の奥がもやもやして…
New Year's Day... This is the first time I'm celebrating one alone. I wonder if Grandpa's eating rice cakes right now? お正月…一人で迎えるのって初めてだよなぁ。 今頃、おもち食べてるかな、おじいちゃん
Which reminds me, the New Year dishes that the old lady next door made were really delicious. They must be having a gathering right about now. そういえば、お隣のおばあちゃんが作ってくれたお雑煮、 すごくおいしかったっけ…今頃、みんな集まってるんだろうなぁ
New Year's Day in the city is so quiet. I wonder if it's the same for everybody else? 静かだよねぇ、 都会のお正月って、みんなこんな感じなのかな
Why? Lovers are supposed to spend their time together on New Year's Day, right? どうしてって、お正月は 恋人同士で過ごすものでしょう?
You... You look very good in it, really. に、似合います…すごく
Really? How much? So much that you want Chizuru? え、ほんと?どれくらい? 千鶴が欲しくなっちゃうくらい?
How about coming with me to the New Year's shrine visit? No, that doesn't sound right. 初詣、俺と一緒に行かないか! いや、違うな…
Come along. Let's go! Let's go, yo! 行ってくれ。行こうぜ! 行こうYO
I'll go make some tea. お茶入れますね
Then allow me to do it. だったらあたしが
I can't ask her to change out of it, can I? If I tell her to take it off, I'll get into deep trouble too. 着替えてもらうわけにはいかないよなぁ… 脱いでなんていったら 大変なことになっちゃうだろうし
How does this taste? この味どうかな?
Great! It was worth the trouble to learn it. よかった!お勉強した甲斐があったな
I wish for Kouta to always be by my side. コウタがずっと側にいてくれますように
Oh, but just being together is too boring. I wish Kouta-kun will come and fondle Chizuru's breasts on his own will. And give her lots of sweet kisses! あ、でもやっぱり一緒にいるだけじゃつまんないからぁ… コウタ君が自分から千鶴の胸を揉んでくれてぇ、 甘いキスをいっぱいしてくれてぇ
I wish that this year I can make out with Kouta-kun many, many, many times! コウタ君と、今年もいっぱいいっぱい、いっぱい エッチできますように
I wish that this will be another wholesome year! 今年こそは健全な一年になりますように!
No, you're only eating sweets, but it looks really... indecent. いや、アメ食べてるだけなのに、 なんかその…いやらしいというか
Don't be like that. You have to eat it! だめだよぉ、食べてくれなきゃ
What could Asahina be doing right now? 今頃何やってんだろうなぁ、朝比奈のヤツ
It's been a while, so I came to see how you're doing. 久しぶりに、お顔を拝見しに参りました
You're so full of shit. I bet my mother instigated you to do so. ウソばっかり。どうせお母さんの差し金でしょ
We heard the rumor that you're infatuated with a human, so I was ordered to come and observe the situation. 千鶴様が人間にご執心との噂を聞きまして、 様子を見てくるように仰せつかりました
I knew it. Leave me alone, I'm not a child anymore. やっぱりね。ほっといてよ、子供じゃないんだから
That won't do. That young man is a human. Since time immemorial, there are almost no cases of humans and spirits who bonded and found happiness. そうは参りません、あの少年は人間です。古来、 人間と妖怪が結ばれて、幸せになったケースはほとんどありません
No! He has to do it himself! だめよ!自分でやらなきゃ!
You can't get aroused with normal women anymore. もう普通じゃ物足りないのよ
Is that what they call super-localized? There's been cases of abnormal weather around the world, so I don't think encountering one is all that unusual. 超局地的ってやつかぁ。 最近は世界中で異常気象だし、 別にあっても不思議じゃないと思うよ
He went somewhere with Chizuru-senpai just now. Minamoto-kun and Ezomori-san were with them too. さっき、千鶴先輩とどこか行ってたよ。 ミナモト君やエゾモリさんも一緒に
They must be doing perverted things somewhere. No doubt about that. A foursome? Nice going there. きっとどこかでエッチなことしてるんだよ、間違いないね。 4Pか、やるね
Kouta, let me protect you from the female pervert. コウタ、痴女から守ってあげる
Who's the female pervert here? Aren't you doing the same thing as me? だれが痴女だ! あんたがやってることも一緒じゃない!
Sheesh, be more serious. たく、少しはまじめにやれよ
As Saku's sister, you still have the cheeks to say that! サクの妹がそれを言うか!
If this goes on, within one hour all the humans will freeze to death. この分じゃ、子一時間もしねえうちに、人間は皆凍え死ぬぞ
Aren't we in deep trouble? ちょっとヤバげ?
We have to do something to keep ourselves warm.. なんとかして暖を取らないと…
Under your clothes, like this... Wrap it around your body, it feels warm. こうして服の中に… 巻いておくと暖かい
Is that thing responsible for freezing the school? あいつが学校の中まで凍らせてる原因か?
He's being toyed around by the snowman. 雪だるまに、弄ばれてる
We always bring it with us. Because the pot is omnipotent. Just heat well with fire... and most things can become edible. いつも持ち歩いてる。鍋は万能だから、 煮込んで火を通せば、大抵のものは食べられるし
I feel really cold when my sweat has cooled. 汗が引いたら、すごく冷えてきて…
Kouta-kun, in the snowy mountains, warming each other up with our bodies is the best way. コウタ君、雪山では 人肌で温めあうのが一番よ
My body feels hot, yet I'm freezing at the same time... 体が火照ってるような凍えてるような…
We have to cling closer to each other. Chizuru will warm you up with her scorching body. もっとくっつかなきゃ。 千鶴の火照った体で、暖かくしてあげる
Stiff... What's stiff even though it's not frozen? かちんこちん…凍ってもいないのにかちんこちん、なあに?
Chizuru-sama's precious body is to be kept unsullied for her marriage, not for a human like you to fool around with. 千鶴様は、嫁入り前の大事な体。 キサマのような人間が好きにできるものではない
How fragile. This is all that a human can muster. なんという脆さ。所詮人間など、この程度でしかありません
But shoveling the snow is going to be tough work. でも雪かき大変そう
I wonder what sort of hot bath it is. I m so looking forward to it! どんなお風呂なんだろ。 楽しみ
Yukihana, move our guests' luggage to their rooms. 雪花、みなさんの荷物を部屋までお持ちして
There is still some time before dinner, so please enjoy the open-air-bath at your own leisure, and soak away your fatigue. 夕食までにはまだお時間がございますので、 露天風呂にでもゆっくり浸かって、 疲れを癒してくださいね
If he goes in with a piece of fat, the water will overflow and it'll be a waste. 脂身と入ったら お湯が溢れてもったいない
No mixed baths? What exactly is Mother thinking? 混浴がないなんて、何考えてるのかしらお母さんて
The blood's going to my head. Time to get up. のぼせて来ちゃった。 そろそろ上がろう
I know that I shouldn't be doing this... But this harmony of softness and mushiness that makes me melt... いけないとわかってるのに… ふかふかとむにゅむにゅの蕩けるハーモニーが…
From now on, I can do this to you anytime. If you say you want to be spoiled, I can do it to you. これからいつでもしてあげる。 コウタ君が、甘えん坊さんしてって言えば、いつでも
Come on, practice saying it. Say "spoil me". さあ、練習よ。言ってみて、甘えん坊さんしてって
Big Brother... How I pity him! He has become more useless after staying with that woman! お兄ちゃん…かわいそう! あの女の側にいたらどんどんダメになっちゃうよ!
I'm ready whenever you are, Ai. いつでもいいぞ、アイ
A spirit as her bodyguard? 妖怪が、護衛?
When a spirit that causes harm to the normal student body appears, you kill it. That's the reason you are attending the Kunpuu High School, right? 一般生徒に危害を及ぼす妖怪が現れたとき、それを退治する。 そのためにクンプー高校に通ってるんでしょ
Feel free to speak up if you have any ideas about how to regain my breasts. Throw everything you have at me! おっぱいを取り戻すためのアイデアなら、何でもいいわ。 ビシビシ出していってちょうだい
Though that's a common practice, it's proven to be effective. 常套手段だけど、それだけに効果は確実ね
I've heard of a type of potato in a South American country which can make breasts fuller. 南米亡国には胸が豊かになるイモがあるらしいです
The more you fondle the breasts, the bigger they get. It's even more effective when done by the boy you love. 胸は揉めば揉むほど大きくなる。 好きな男の子の手なら尚更よ
I have to think of a way to massage her. But it's so flat. Are there... Are there any other things I can do for her? なんとかマッサージを… でもペタペタで、他に何か…何かしてあげられること…
Compared to the first time we measured it, it has increased by 0.1! 最初に計ったときよりも、0.1アップしてる!
Then you just need to feel more of the sensation. Something more stimulating than poking. じゃあ、もっと感じればいいんだ。 つんつん以上に
It's said that breast enhancement exercise is most effective in the morning. 豊胸マッサージって、 朝が一番いいんだって
But... I feel that we don't need to do it in such lewd positions. だけど…こんなエッチな姿勢でしなくてもいいような気が
That's because... Chizuru asked me to run an errand for her. I was running around the world in the past three days. それがさ、千鶴にお使い頼まれちまって。 もうこの3日間、世界中をあちこち駆けずり回ってたんだぜ
Three days of absence without permission. As your punishment, you're to clean the toilet for one week! 3日間の無断欠席。 罰としてトイレ掃除一週間です!
Tayura-kun, it must've been hard on you. たゆら君、大変だったでしょ
You said it. Human-eating zebras and killer hamsters, there were many times I thought I was done for. そりゃもう、人喰いシマウマやら殺人ハムスターやらで、 何度も死ぬかと思ったさぁ
Enough of that, get to cooking now. Now that you understand, go and prepare a meal immediately. そんなことはいいから、さっさと調理して。 わかったら、さっさと調理の仕度
I can see from your appearance that you've failed the mission. その様子じゃ失敗みたいだねぇ
No, the battle has only just started. いや、勝負はこれからだ
Have you made the preparations for that move? 例の手は打ってある?
Who knows... I have no idea. At any rate, I'll be back within three days, so please take care of the rest. さぁ、わかりません… とりあえず3日ほどで戻りますので、後はよろしくお願いします
Don't do that! I want you to look at the results for the day's hard work! ダメよ、コウタ君には今日一日の成果をちゃんと見てもらわないと
I can't believe I have to deceive the others with this, what a humiliation. こんなのでゴマかさないといけないなんて、屈辱だわ
Eating is the best for getting your spirits up! 元気を出すには、食べるのが一番!
You can order anything you like. 何でも好きなの頼んでいいわよ
Because you're only eating bread crusts all the time. You have to eat something nourishing once in a while. だってあなたたち、パンの耳とかばっかり食べてるじゃない。 たまには栄養のあるもの取らなくちゃ
That's all? You can eat more. Like this limited-time-only special. それだけ?もっと食べてもいいのよ。 こっっちの期間限定スペシャルとか
The Hamburg steak was delicious. This is the first time in my life I had one. おいしかったな、ハンバーグ。 生まれて初めて食べた
We can't imagine that Minamoto-senpai could be an evil spirit. At least that's what we believe! ミナモト先輩が凶悪妖怪とは思えない。 少なくとも、我らはそう思う
I'm always getting massaged by you.. So today it's payback time. いつも私がコウタ君のマッサージしてもらってるから、 今日はお返ししてあげる
I may remain flat-chested for life. That's why I want an assurance that you're fine with the way I am now. もしかしたら、このまま一生ペタンコのままかもしれない。 今のままでも平気だって、安心したいの
It can't be helped. Let's pull out for now. Someday... I'll definitely make Big Brother mine. 仕方ない、引き上げようか。 またいつか、今度こそお兄ちゃんを私のものにするよ
Well, a lot has happened, so it's time for a complete change of mood. I'll be very happy if you like it. まあ、いろいろあった後だし、気分一新ってことで。 気に入ってくれるとうれしいな
If you want to flirt, do it after you're done helping me! いちゃつくんならこっちを手伝ってからにしてくれー
We can enjoy ourselves at our own leisure here. ここならのんびりできそう
The sea is all about the barbecue. 海と言えばバーベキュー
Us guys are fine here! You girls, please go to the other side to change, okay? 僕たちはここでいいですから、皆さんは 向こうで着替えてください、ね?
Wow? Takana-chan, you have one nice body there. おぉ、たかなちゃん意外といい体してるわね
They're so slow! Women sure take their time when they're doing something. What kind of swimsuit, I wonder! I can't wait! おっせえなぁ、女ってのは何かと準備に時間がかかるもんだけどよぉ… どんな水着なのかなぁ、楽しみだなぁ!
Can you even count that as a swimsuit? そんなの水着に入るか!
It's not like I could lend her mine. あたしの貸すわけにもいかないし
I don't think we'll find anything even if we walk so far out. こんなとこまで来ても何もないと思うけど
Get your ass back to the snowy mountains and serve your quests at the inn! さっさと雪山に戻って、 湯治客の相手しなさいよ!
Since we've come this far, why don't we have our lunch here? せっかくですし、お昼はここで済ませませんか?
But the food in a seaside store have to taste bad, right? It's not delicious, yet it doesn't taste so bad that it's not edible at all. I had a hard time creating such a taste! でもね、海の家の料理って微妙な味が決め手なんでしょ? 美味しくなく、かといって食べられないほど不味いわけでもないという 味わいを出すのは、苦労したのよ
I'm not just looking at her today! I was looking for the right timing. 今日はただ見てたわけじゃねえよ。 タイミングを伺ってたんだ
Dad's gonna be late again today. お父さん今日も帰り遅くなるってさ
I see, I knew you'd fail after all. そっか、やっぱり失敗したか
You're usually aggressive, but you get so nervous when it comes to love. Besides, you're a pure boy that faints just from looking at swimsuit gravure models. 普段は強気なくせに、 恋愛に関しては超ヘタレだからなぁ。 それに、水着のグラビア見せただけで 気絶するような純情君だし
Rito you should get used to girls more. Confessing your love comes after that. リトはもう少し女に対して免疫を付けるべきだねぇ。 告白なんてのは、それからだぜ
He doesn't even have a girlfriend, yet he still talks so big. But he does have a point. 自分だって彼女いねえくせに好き勝手言いやがって。 けど奴の言うことも一理あるかなぁ
Up until now, I couldn't even talk to girls, let alone be friends with them. 今まで女の子と友達になる所か、 会話すらほとんどねえ
There's nothing there though. Rito... I know you're at that age, but... But will you separate your delusions and reality? 何もいないんだけど。 リト…年頃なのはわかるけどさぁ、 妄想と現実の区別くらい付けようね
Well I guess that'd be correct from an earthling's point of view. ま、そういうことになるね、地球から見たら
As if I could believe something like that! You even speak Japanese... そんなの信じられるか、 日本語も話してるし…
Oh and just because I have a tail, that doesn't mean I'm going to transform when I see a full moon, okay? あ、別に尻尾が生えてるからって、 満月見て変身したりはしないからね
If you're really an alien, why'd you suddenly appear out of the bath? ほんとに宇宙人なら、なんで風呂からいきなり現れるんだよ
When I used it in the spaceship's escape pod, I warped to the bath here by chance. 宇宙船の脱出ポッドの中で使ったら、 たまたまここのお風呂にワープしたってわけ
I thought I would be safe if I came to earth. But the pursuers came. The ship was broken and I was on the verge of being caught and brought back. 地球まで来れば、安全だろうって思ってたけど… 追っ手が来ちゃって。船は壊れちゃってたし、 捕まって連れ戻される寸前だったの
I was fortunate that the ship hadn't left the earth's atmosphere yet. 船がまだ地球の大気圏を出てなくて幸いでした
Well, she's wearing clothes now, so I guess it's okay... とりあえず、服着てくれたからいいか…
What do you plan on doing from here on out? これからどうなさるおつもりで?
Being Lala-sama's costume all the time is very tiring! いっつもララ様のコスチュームでいるのは大変なのです!
It's not strange at all. We're engaged after all. おかしくなんかないよ。 だって私たち、婚約してるんだもん
Well, it may be like that for most people, but that's... 世間一般ではそうかもしれねえけど、それとこれとは…
Then what is it? None of what you said earlier is making sense. じゃあ何なんでしょ? さっきからあなたの言うことは、いちいち要領を得ないですね
To touch the breast of a foreign princess when you don't even like her is like declaring war upon Deviluke! 好きでもないくせに、一国の王女の胸を触るなど、 デビルーク星に宣戦布告をしてるようなものだ!
Didn't you say you were earnestly aiming for Sairenji? お前、西連寺一筋だとか言ってたよな?
Anyways, Yuuki, let us hit you once. It won't hurt a bit. とりあえずユウキ、一発殴らせろ。痛くしないから
Lala, do something! You've got a bunch of amazing items don't you? ララ、なんとかしろ! いろいろすげえアイテム持ってんだろ!
Who knows? This is only for emergencies so you can't specify the destination. さあ…?これ緊急脱出用で、 行き先は決められないからねえ
Ah, warp-kun can only warp living flesh. Did I not tell you? あぁ、ワープ君は生身しかワープできないの。言ってなかったっけ?
He may be a worthless brother, but please take care of him from now on. 出来の悪い兄ですが、 これからもよろしくお願い致します
The situation keeps developing without me. Whether it's internal or external affairs, it keeps developing with total disregard to my desires! 話が勝手にどんどん進んでいく。 外堀も内堀も、オレの意志とは関係なく埋められていく
There should be no one to interrupt here now. It's not like I want to peek; I'm doing it because I have no choice. さすがにここなら邪魔は入るまい。 覗くわけじゃない、 オレは仕方なくやってるだけだ
What are you planning on doing? Don't tell me you were going to peek at her? 何をなさっているのですか? まさかとは思いますが、覗きですか?
Don't lie. When you lie, it shows on your face immediately. I don't know what you're trying to do, but you have to do it properly. It's always the girl that's hurt. ウソばっか。リトってすぐ顔に出るもんねぇ。 何するつもりか知らないけど、 ちゃんとしないとダメよ。 傷づくのはいつも女の子なんだから
Well, Rito probably won't have the guts to do something reckless like that. ま、リトにはそんな度胸なんてないでしょうけどねえ
She must have snuck into my bed again. But this is a do or die chance! 今日も潜り込んで来やがったか。 でもこれは絶好のチャンス!
What's the matter, Rito? Why are you so formal all of a sudden? どうしたのリト? いきなり改まっちゃって
I'll take care of it fair and square. That's how I take responsibility. 正々堂々と切り出す。 それがオレなりの、責任の取り方だ
What's happening to my life? Ever since she showed up, I haven't even had a chance to catch my breath. もうどうなってんだよ。あいつが来てから、 毎日息つくヒマもねえ
I guess my only peace is at school now. Well, there's no point in brooding over that alien nonsense. It'll work out somehow. オレの安らぎはもう、学校でしか得られないのか… ま、宇宙人の戯言なんて、それほど気にしても仕方ねえ。 なんとかなるだろ…
Why would it be bad if people found out? 何でバレたらまずいの?
Because it would become a big uproar! 大騒ぎになるからだよ!
I'm free. Really free! You could even say that I'll be free forever! ヒマだから、すっげえヒマだから! ていうか、もう一生ヒマかもしれない!
Before things get even more complicated with Lala, I have to stop this misunderstanding! これ以上ララのことでややこしくならない内に、 誤解を解いておかないと
W-Well... how do I say this... Say something! Say something damn it! If you don't say anything, this talk won't go anywhere! いや、なんというか… 何か言え…なんか言えオレ! 何か言わないと話が進まないじゃないか!
I don't really know what earthlings think. 地球人の考えてることはよく分かりませんね
Then how about we go out tomorrow to make him feel better? I'll show you around a bunch of places! じゃあさ、明日リトの気分転換も兼ねて出かけない? いろんなとこ見せてあげるよ
So this is a city on earth! It's so, disorganized that it's kinda interesting! これが地球の街かぁ! なんかごちゃごちゃしてて面白いー!
Before we go walking around aimlessly, can't you do something about those clothes? You stand out too much after all. うろうろする前に、 その格好なんとかなんねえのか? やっぱり目立ちすぎだ
Since your goal is to sightsee the Earth, dressing normally might be better. 今日はララさんの地球見物が目的なわけだし、 もっと普通の服の方がいいかもね
Peke, you can transform into any kind of clothing, right? Just copy those people walking over there. ペケは、どんな服にも変身できるんだろ? その辺に歩いている人の、適当に真似すりゃいいんだよ
It looks like I'm running out of energy. The form changes earlier from today used up more energy than I thought. どうやらエネルギー切れの様です。先ほどのフォームチェンジが、 思ったより負担になったようで…
What happens when the energy runs out? エネルギーが切れるとどうなるの?
I can no longer maintain the costume shape. Most likely, I'll run out of engery in about three minutes left... Then she'll be completely naked! コスチューム形態が、維持できなくなります。 おそらくあと3分くらいで、 スッポンポンかと…
We just have to hide somewhere in the mean time! とにかく、どこかへ隠れるんだ!
We made it in time some how. 何とか間に合ったー…
Bringing her along was definitely a good idea. I thought we were done for at one point... あいつがいてくれてマジ助かった… 一時はどうなることかと思ったぜ
I'm done for... I'm totally done for this time round. 終わった…今度こそ、完全に終わった…
Yes yes, it's due to the fact that Lala's from a foreign country, that my brother and I are showing her around town. そうそう。帰国子女のララさんのために、 私と兄とで街を案内していたんです
But thinking back, it's more fun when you have more people at a place like this. ほら、こういうとこは大勢の方が楽しいし
There's no mistake now. When I took my eyes off of them... that Rito... Things have become complicated, haven't they? こりゃもう間違いないわ。 ちょっと見ない間にリトのやつ… ややこしいことになってるじゃない
This is so awkward; I better find an interesting topic before things turn bad. 気まずい… いかん!何か面白い話しないと!
Well you see, ever since you were in middle school, you've always taken care of the flowers in the classroom. You did it willingly without anyone asking you, right? だって、ユウキ君て中学の頃から、 教室のお花の手入れとか… 誰に言われたわけじゃないのに、やってたでしょ?
What's wrong, for you to be so flustered? どうしたの?そんなに慌てて
Ta-da! As long as I have this, there won't be any water shortage! じゃーん!これさえあれば、水不足もへっちゃら!
It's my chance! Say it, Rito! Confess right at this moment! チャンスだ!言え、リト。 今こそ告白だ!
Even though the misunderstanding wasn't fully cleared up yet, it seemed like there was a good vibe with Haruna-chan yesterday. How can I not be happy with that? 誤解はすべて解けてないけど、 昨日はハルナちゃんといい感じだったし。 これで機嫌が悪かったりしたらバチが当たるってえの
She didn't seem angry in the first place, if I can keep getting friendlier like this from now on... 最初から怒ってなかったみたいだし、 これからもっと仲良くなれたりしたら…
Members of royalty usually have someone check for food poisoning before eating. By the time the food reaches the table, it's usually cold. 王族の食事には、毒見役が付き、 できたものが食卓に上る頃には冷めているのが普通だ
It must be hard living as royalty. You have to worry about food poisoning everytime you eat. 王族も大変ね。 ご飯のたびに毒殺の心配だなんて
Eh, you're touched by a simple meal of bacon and eggs? ララっち、ベーコンエッグぐらいで感動なの?
Is that also a foreign custom? それも外国の風習?
I guess you could call it a custom. 風習って言えば、風習?
Hmm, I see now. That might be an unavoidable worry. ふむ、なるほどな。それは無理もない悩みかもしれん
It might be best if you started some combat training right about now. War waits for no one. 婿殿も、今のうちから戦闘訓練を積んでおいた方が良いかもしれんな。 実戦は、待ってはくれないのだ
If I marry Lala at this rate, I'll definitely get dragged onto the battlefield! A space battle that may never end. このままララと結婚したら、 オレは確実に戦場に送られる! しかも、いつ果てるかもわからない宇宙の戦場へ
I want to eat the delicious food that was made by the girl I love! If it's not delicious, I don't want it! If you can't do it, go back to Deviluke! オレは、好きな彼女が作るうまい料理が食べたいんだ。 うまくなきゃイヤなんだ! 駄目ならデビルーク星に帰れ!
Hey Rito, what are you gonna do about this? What if Lala-san doesn't come back at all? ちょっとリト、どうするの!? このままララさんが帰ってこなかったら
Don! Bam! I'll figure something out with guts and will! ドンとバンと!気合と度胸で何とかなるよ!
I was so happy. Since you said that you loved me. That's why I did my best in gathering the ingredients. あたし嬉しかった。リトに好きだって言われて。 だから、頑張って材料を用意してきたんだよ
Lala, you're supposed wear an apron over your clothes! ララ、エプロンは服の上に着るんだ!
I'm amazed you fit something like that in there! その中によくそんなの入ったな!
When she's like this, Lala seems like a normal girl, doesn't she? That's not something a normal girl would have, though. こうしてると、ララも普通の女の子みたいだな… あれは普通の女の子じゃないけど
W-Wait, that's not what she meant! I didn't think it would end up like this. あいや、それはそういう意味じゃなかったんだけど! まさかこうなって…
Eh? It's an octopus from Andromeda! That's weird... it should have been frozen. あれぇ、アンドロメダ大ダコだ。おっかしいなぁ、 冷凍してたはずなのに
Don't tell me it's another one of those common defects in your items! まさかあれか!お前のアイテムにありがちな構造的欠陥か!
If Lala-sama got serious, something like this wouldn't even be a challenge! ララ様が本気を出せばこのような相手楽勝です!
Chilly Chilly Container-kun is thawing everything on its own! 冷え冷えコンテナ君が、勝手にどんどん解凍してるんだ!
Don't tell me there are even more inside! まさか、他にもまだ中にいるのか!
Zastin was worried that something bad would happen to me. So I made a mechanical watchdog that bites whenever it sees a suspicious person. 私の身に何かあったら大変って、ザスティンが心配するからさ。 不審者を見たら噛み付いてくれる、携帯番犬マシンを作ったの
You're the one being bitten though! てお前が噛み付かれてるじゃん!
Who does that wench think she is? Is she trying to provoke me? いったい何なのあの小娘! この私を挑発してるわけ?!
During my research, I discovered that her charm is not popular among just the underclassmen, but the entire male population. 調査した所、 あのお色気で、下級生だけでなく 学校中の男子生徒の間で、人気急上昇中のようです
What was that just now? And why a message on an arrow? なんだよ今の、 ていうか何で矢文…?
There might even he a swimsuit judging! 水着審査とかあるかも!
I'm going to completely beat that wench... I will let her know who the true number one is. ここであの小娘を完膚なきまで叩きのめし、 誰が真のNO.1なのか、はっきりわからせて差し上げてよ
It would seem assassination specialists that are after Lala-sama have infiltrated the school. どうやら、ララ様暗殺を謀る刺客が、 この学校に忍び込んでいると考えられますな
I don't think it'll be a problem. I have Rito with me, as well as Bow Wow Doggy-kun. でも大丈夫だと思うよ。あたしにはリトが付いてるし、 それにバウバウドギー君もあるし
I guess so. I wonder if that wench is afraid of my beauty as well. そうね。あの小娘も、私の美貌に恐れおののいているのかしら
Lala, if I don't completely beat you myself, I just won't be satisfied! Is there no way we can draw her out? ララ、やはり直接ぎゃふんと言わせないと、 私の気が済まなくてよ! 奴を誘き寄せる何かいい手はないの?!
If the number one is not decided, my frustration will not be quelled! この場でNO.1の座を決めなければ、私のイライラが収まりませんわ
Is this situation something to be jealous of?! この状況がうらやましいと思うか?!
Not okay! Not okay! To be in this shameful position with Haruna-chan around... よくないよくない! ハルナちゃんがいるってのに、こんな醜態…
You've gotta be doing something. Otherwise, that aggressive person wouldn't have set her sights on you. 何もやってないわけないだろ。じゃなかったら、 あんな強烈な人に目付けられたりしないだろ
For the time being, just continue following them. We're going to meet up with Aya. I'll personally uncover Lala's secret. とりあえず、あなたはそのまま奴らを尾行し続けなさい。 アヤに合流するわよ。 私自ら、ララの秘密を暴いてみせるわ
So, he's appeared so soon? However, this is an expected situation. It would be easy for me to take care of, but... This is something the son-in-law needs to overcome. 早くも、現れたか。だが、これも予想された事態。 私が手助けするのは簡単だが、 これも婿殿が通るべき試練
For now, let's observe and see how well he does. ここは静観し、お手並み拝見といくか
Rather than frogs, I'd like to learn more about Rito. So... I want to dissect Rito! 私、カエルよりリトのことをもっと知りたい。 だから…リトを解剖したいー!
It's Lala! There's no mistake. Flirting in a place like this... ララだ!間違いない、 こんな所でいちゃいちゃしやがって…
If I'm good enough, you can dissect me whenever you want. オレでよければ、いつでも解剖させてあげる
What is that fucking fuckhead doing? Looking at that girl while fooling around with Lala... He looked again -fushuu! なんだあの野郎ばかやろう! ララに追われながらあの娘を見やがって… あ、また見たフシュウー!
Lala sure has it easy. She can just fly when she has to. ララはいいよな、 いざとなったら飛べばいいんだから
This is rather abrupt, but I shall introduce a transfer student. 突然ではありますが、転校生を紹介します
Even though Lala-chi just got here recently? こないだララち、来たばっかなのに?
Lala-chan, I knew it was you at first sight. Even if you mix yourself in a crowd, you can't hide your radiance. ララちゃん一目でわかったよ。 人混みに紛れても、 君の輝きは隠しきれない
Back then, I was but Lala-chan's plaything. Because I looked feminine, I was forced to wear girls clothing, become a test subject for her inventions, I lived each day to the fullest. あの頃の僕は、まさにララちゃんのおもちゃだった。 女の子みたいだからと女装させられたり、 発明の実験台にされたりと、 充実した毎日を送っていた
And so, even though I cried everyday, they were good memories. ちなみに、毎日泣かされていたけど、 それもいい思い出さ
Excuse me. Is it okay to start class yet? あの…授業を始めていいですか?
Compared to you, it's obvious that? I'm more manly. So how come Lala-chan won't recognize that I'm manly? 君と比べて、僕の方が男らしいのは明らかなのに、 どうしてララちゃんは僕を男らしいと認めてくれないんだ?
Aren't you getting the wrong idea right from the start? Even if you compete with me, you probably won't be able to prove your manliness. 最初から間違ってんじゃねえの? オレと張り合ったって、 男らしさの証明にはならないと思うけど
What you do is up to you, but just try not to bother those around you. 何やったって勝手だけど、 まわりに迷惑だけはかけないでくれよ
He's incredibly popular on the net and in magazines. They say, such a pure-hearted, gallant story is rare these days. ネットや雑誌でも超話題になってるよ。 今時珍しい純粋な美談だって
No, it's still too soon. I still haven't attained manliness! いやまだ早い。 僕はまだ、男を極めてはいないのだ
There's no point in being acknowledged so haphazardly. When I attain true manliness, I will ask her to meet me. 中途半端で認められても仕方ない。 僕が本当の男を極めたそのときこそ、僕のほうからララちゃんに会いに行こう
In other words, Ren-dono has a special dbility that will change him into a woman after he sneezes. つまり、レン殿はくしゃみをすると、女の子になっちゃう 特異体質だったのです
That s too bad! You can't call a woman manly after all! 残念!さすがに女の子には男らしいとは言えないよね!
Rito sure is slow. He's gonna be late at this rate. リト遅いね。このままだと遅刻になっちゃうじゃん
I'll never forget the kiss that you and I shared. 私、リト君と交わしたあのキスが、忘れられないの
I've been pretending to overlook your behavior up to this point. However, my patience has run out. Because of you guys, the school's morals have become considerably disrupted. 今まであなたたちの行動を見て見ぬ振りしてきたけど、 そろそろ私の我慢も限界にきました。あなたたちのせいで、 学校の風紀が著しく乱れています
If I don't see any improvement in your conduct after this... then I shall take appropriate measures! 今後あなたたちの行動に改善がみられなければ、 それなりの措置を取らせていただきます
The same goes for you. Even though you're in a different class, the way you act and dress is highly improper. あなたたちもです。違うクラスだとしても、 そんな不純な行動に、その格好は…
What? And just who might you be? 何よ?あなた何者?
Yuuki Rito. He's causing everything. Around him: eroticism... lewdness, improper sexual relations, even taboo love. Surrounded by everything that's immoral. 有紀リト、彼がすべての元凶だわ。彼を中心に、 お色気、ハレンチ、不純異性交遊から、禁断の愛まで… ありとあらゆるインモラルが渦巻いている
There's no doubt that he's deceived many girls... and the girls have gone weird and the morals have been disrupted. 彼が数多くの女子生徒をたぶらかし、 彼女達がおかしくなって、風紀が乱れているに違いない
I guess uniforms befitting of students would be something like this? 学生らしい格好とかっていうと、こんな感じかな
You brought all of this upon yourself. これも全て、身から出たサビです
No, this is to cheer up Rito. Because I don't like to see Rito when he's depressed. We have to cheer him up! 違うよ、リトを励ます会。 だってリトが元気ないの、イヤだもん。 元気出してもらわなきゃ!
But I can't just leave him alone. If Rito isn't cheerful, I'll do my best to cheer him up! That's something that I can do! でも放っておけないよ。リトが元気ないなら、 精一杯元気にしてあげたい! それが、あたしのできることなの!
Ah, Rito! You've gotten along with Yui! あぁ!リト、ユイと仲良くなったんだ!
Maybe I have a bit of a fever... I guess I'll go to the infirmary for a bit. 熱っぽいかなぁ… ちょっと保健室に寄っていくか…
Did the school nurse not come to school yet? I guess I'll go to class for now. 保険の先生、まだ学校に来てないのかなぁ? 一度、教室行くか
I will be performing a medical examination, so please lie down on the bed. では、診察するので ベッドに寝てくださーい!
Not just mine. Mikado-sensei has a lot of fans. I don't know anything about her private life though. おれだけじゃないよ。ミカド先生のファンて、いっぱいいるぜ。 だけど、プライベートなことは一切わからないんだよなぁ
Yes... that's my only redeeming feature in this state... ええ…それだけが取り柄のようなものでして…
Do you have any clues as to the cause of this? 何かこう、これが原因ではないかというものはないですか?
The breakfast Mikan made this morning was the same as usual. Yesterday, I didn't do anything that would cause a cold. 今朝のみかんが作った朝食はいつもと一緒だし、 昨日は風邪を引くようなことはしてないしな…
Isn't it just a meteorite? It's not really that rare. 隕石じゃない? 珍しくもなんともないよ
To not understand the greatness of this high-tech Kiralian rocket suit which is admired by the entire universe, Earthlings must really be behind the times. 全宇宙の憧れの的、 キラーラ星の科学力の結晶の、このロケットスーツの素晴らしさがわからぬとは… やはり地球人は遅れているなぁ
Oh, I see. Pikari was always going off somewhere so he didn't leave much of an impression. そっか…ピカリ、いつもすぐどっかいなくなっちゃうから、 印象が薄いんだ
I'm sorry! I'll do whatever you want as long as I can do it! ごめん!オレができることなら、何でもするから!
But Rito wouldn't bother to ring the bell though. でも、リトがわざわざチャイム鳴らさないかぁ
Well, I'm sure you have plenty to talk about. How about we eat together since you're here? まぁ、積もる話もあるでしょうし、 せっかくですから一緒に食べませんか?
Stella used to be one of my obsessed fans. ステラも昔は、私の過激なファンだったの
It's a big production with many actors. But within that production, I've long thought that Lala-sama had the most potential. たくさんの芸能人を抱えた大プロダクションよ。その中でも私は、 はるか昔からララ様の可能性に期待していた
I think now is the best time to release her debut idol album! Even though I found time in my busy schedule and came all the way to this remote planet to get Lala-sama... 今こそララ様のアイドルCDのデビューの時だと思い、 忙しい中スケジュール調整までして、 わざわざこの辺境の惑星くんだりまでララ様を迎えに来たというのに…
You must find me another golden egg who is able to replace Lala-sama! お前にはララ様の代わりになる金の卵を、しっかり発掘してもらわないとねえ!
Let's see... Looks like I've got everything she asked for. さて…頼まれた物はこれで揃ったかな
You're more nimble than I thought you were. 思った以上に素早いですね
She's space assassin with the power to transform her entire body into a weapon at will. It'll be safer if you don't get involved with her. 全身を自在に武器に変えられる力、トランス能力を持つ宇宙の暗殺者よ。 関わらない方が無難ね
Since it's come to this, I'll be your opponent! こうなったら、私が相手になるんだから!
Just to let you know, I'm not good at playing nice. 言っておきますけど、私やさしくするのは苦手ですよ
As long as it's requested, I will assassinate any kind of person. That is my job as Golden Darkness. 依頼されれば、どんな人物でも始末する… それが私、金色の闇の仕事です
You're the worst for hiring an assassin to assassinate Rito! There's absolutely no way I'd get married to someone so cruel! 殺し屋さんに、リトを殺させようとするなんて最低! そんなヒドイ人とは、絶対結婚なんかしないんだから!
I thought I told you not to include lies and fabrications in your information on the target. You weren't trying to deceive me, were you? ターゲットに関する情報は、嘘偽りなく話すように言ったはず。 まさか、私をダマしたわけではありませんよね?
Eating something you haven't paid for is a crime called "petty theft". 店に置いてあるものを勝手に食べるのは、 無銭飲食という立派な犯罪です
Yes, we deal with paranormal phenomena that the police can't handle, such as being cursed by ghosts or being abducted by UFOs. My organization handles cases like those. But I also have an obligation to stop you. ええ、一般警察では対応できない異常事態、 たとえば幽霊に呪われたとかUFOにさらわれたとか、 そういう非日常的な事件を扱っている組織ですが… 僕には、あなたを止める義務もあるのですよ
I was doing what you described as petty theft over and over, and their number kept increasing. 貴様の言うところの無線飲食というのを繰り返していたら、 いつの間にかあんなに増えていたのだ
This is a huge building. How bold for a mere-human belonging. でっかい建物だなー、 たかが人間の所有物のくせに偉そうだ
I hereby give you a grave mission. This mission means saving the Earth. If you should fail, it's safe to assume that the humanity will perish. 貴君にこれより重大な任務を与える。 これは地球を救う重大な任務である。 君がもし失敗すれば、全人類が滅ぶと考えてもらって構わない
Newlyweds you may be, but you two will not be alone. You will be forming a family along with five children. Therefore your role is that of husband and father. 新婚と言っても、夫婦水入らずではない。 君ら5人の子供たちと共に、家庭を築いてもらうことになっている。 よって君の役割は、夫であると共にお父さんである
Are you all right with the fact you were forced to marry me, since you don't know anything about me? あなたは平気なんですか? 見ず知らずの僕といきなり結婚なんかさせられて
I did accept the matter. That's why I'm cooking and trying to fulfill my role as wife. 納得している。だからこうして料理まで作って、 妻の務めを果たそうとしているのではないか
No one knew if it was a god or demon, but it tried to kill everything of this world. However it fell to humans uniting and having swords stabbed along the entire length of its body. 神か悪魔か、エンカはこの世のものすべてを破壊しようと目論んだ。 だが、一致団結した人間たちの反撃に遭い、 全身に剣を付き立てられて死んだと聞いています
But Enka didn't die quietly. As it was about it die, it screamed, "You humans who have slain me! In a thousand years from now, my child shall come to this world and spread fear and despair amongst you all!" だがエンカはタダでは死ななかった。 生き絶える直前、それは叫んだ。「私を殺した人間どもよ! これより1000年の後に私の子供が地上によみがえり、 再び貴様ら人間どもに恐怖と絶望をまき散らすであろう!」
Gathering the family in a conventional manner would be boring. So Kyouka-sama, she who seeks enjoyment in life, thought. Why not make this into a game of hunt-the-child?". 普通に家族を集めてもつまらないからな。 子供探しゲームにしてはどうかと、 人生に充実を求めるキョウカ様は思ったわけだ
That is why we have these child radars. They're amazing radars tuned to the specific wavelength emitted by the armbands and let us know their locations. そのためにこの子供探知器があるのだ。 この腕章から発せられる特定の周波数を受信し、 その位置を特定できてしまう素晴らしい探知器なのだ
Those guys, if I gave an order, would even make a pyramid like the slaves that worked for pharaohs without complaint. あの連中キョウカ様が命令すれば、ファラオにかしずく奴隷のごとく、 ピラミッドだろうが文句を言わず造るだろう!
No ones are more boring than those who state the obvious. I'm playing the game, so of course I'll win. And you obviously exist to play the loser role. 当たり前のことを言う奴ほどつまらない奴はいないな。 キョウカ様がゲームをするのだ、勝つに決まってるだろ。 そして貴様は負け役として存在するに決まっている
The winner can order the loser to do one thing. By the way, when I win, I've decided that you will spend your life like a dog for a week. 勝者は敗者に一つだけ言うことを聞かせることが出来る。 ちなみにキョウカ様が勝利した暁には、 貴様に1週間飼い犬と同程度の生活を送ってもらうことに決めている
Saying it out loud makes this sound so ridiculous. 口に出して言うと、バカみたいだ…
Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was wrong. I was simply puzzled. はぁよかった…私の勘違いかと思った。 さっぱり困惑したよ
Thanks to the high-grade radar, things are easy for me. So I decided to take a detour and observe your troubled face. 高性能な探知器のおかげでキョウカ様は余裕だからな。 ちょっと寄り道して、 貴様の困っている様子を見てやろうと思ったのだ
Saying anything to this person is useless. 無駄だ…この人に何を言っても
But I heard how everything starts is important between married couples. So I have to set in stone who is the one to rule and who is the one to be ruled. だが、夫婦というのは最初が肝心らしいからな。 どっちが支配し、支配される者なのか、 それをしっかりと知らしめておく必要がある
Oh, so you're already into father mode? What an easily affected simple mind. 貴様はすでにお父さんモードか? 感化されやすい単純なヤツだ
According to the radar, I should find one here... What could she look like? 探知器によると、ここにいるはずなんだが… どんな面構えをしてるんだ?
To be honest, I don't know what a family is. After all, I was told to become your father only a moment ago. 本当は、家族が何かなんて僕にもよくわかってない。 さっき、君達の父親になれと言われたばかりですからね
And if you make me repeat this, consider yourself dead. Any son raising his hand against his father is utter nonsense! そしてキョウカ様に2度と同じことを言わせたら、その時はお前の命、無いものと思え! 息子が父親に向かって手を上げるなど言語道断!
The only one allowed to smash Ouka is his wife, Kyouka-sama! If you understand, say, "I'm sorry, Mother. I won't ever do anything like this again", and bow down and lick my shoes. オウカをブチのめしていいのは、妻であるこのキョウカ様だけなのだ! 分かったら、「ごめんなさいお母さん2度とこんな悪いことしません」、 と頭を下げてキョウカ様のクツを舐めるがいい
Let me say this, since it's bad for the children's education. Wives are not entitled to smash their husbands. 子供の教育上よくないから言っときますけど、 妻が夫をブチのめしていいなんて絶対ありえませんから
No matter how you much you try to persuade him by saying "family" and "father", his system will tell him to kill anyone with a gun and his body responds to that. What kind of parent points a gun at his child? いくら貴様が家族だ父親だと説得しようが、 銃を持った相手には奴の回路が敵を抹殺しろと命じ、 体がそのように反応する。 子供に銃を向ける親がどこにいる?
How should I describe this atrocious condition I'm in? この恐ろしくも凄まじい状況を、何と呼べば…
Oh my gosh, what a nice dress. Being born a girl allows one to enjoy this kind of happiness. いやーん、素敵なドレス! 女に生まれるって、こういう幸せを味わえるってことなのよね
This is an important event to strengthen the family's bond! We must tighten the bond and make the Children of Enka that are within us think, "The family is so nice. If the world's like this, I might just forget about revenge." This is the most fitting event for Operation Cozy Family. これは家族の絆を深める大切なイベントなのだ! 絆を深めて、この中にいる人類滅亡をもくろむエンカの子供に、 「家族っていいな。こんなんだったら復讐やめちゃおうかな。」と思わせるのだ! これこそ和やか家族作戦にぴったりのイベントではないか!
Yuuka, I've tailored a dress for you, too. Something that's cute that will work as a catalyst to make my beauty stand out. ユウカ、お前にもドレスを作らせておいたぞ。 ただし、花嫁であるこのキョウカ様の引き立て役になる 程度に可愛いやつをな
Honored Sister. Could it be that something bad is happening at school? Maybe it's best you talked with Father. 姉上どの。もしや、学校で嫌なことでもあるのではないか? やはり、父上どのに相談したほうが…
Everyone looks so excited over the wedding, so I don't want to ruin it with my story. 披露宴の話しでみんな盛り上がってるのに、 つまんない話したくないの
You've finally come to ignoring me. I though I would say something funny and make you laugh. ついに無視か… ちょっと面白いこと言ってわらかそうと思ったのに
I won't eat even if you try to get me in a good mood. Plus, nothing was funny. 機嫌取っても食べませんから。 しかも面白くないですし
I'll tattle on you for neglecting your work! 職務怠慢で訴えるぞ!
Compared to going around and taste testing wedding cakes, I think getting to know the children well as their father is being more faithful to what my work is. 父親として子供達の事をよく知ることの方が、 浮かれてウェディングケーキを選ぶことより、 よっぽど職務に忠実だと思いますが
How could such a kind girl as her have lived in the House of Oni? あんなやさしい子が、 そんな鬼の一族の中で生きてきたなんて…
You're so sweet that you should be coated with cream and be made the wedding cake! いっそキサマがクリーム塗ったくって、 ウェディングケーキになればいいくらいに甘いぞ!
You indeed are still inept as a father. When you get caught up in data, you lose sight of what's in front of you. やはりキサマは父親としてまだ未熟だな。 データに振り回されると、 本質を見失う
When you have Yuuka right in front of you, not looking at her and being deceived by a piece of paper is what fools do. 生身のユウカがすぐ側にいるのに、それを見ず、 紙きれに振り回されるのは愚か者のすることだ
Same goes for the wedding cakes! You understand the value only after you eat them. ウェディングケーキも然り! 食べて初めて価値が分かる
I take your twisted character as proof you are carrying something heavy on your shoulders. あなたのそのねじ曲がった性格は、かなり重たいものを背負っている証拠ですね
We've only spent a little time together. Yet, I want to save Yuuka a lot. But if I do, I think Yuuka and everyone will be sad. Though I'm not exactly sure. 一緒の時間もほんのちょびっと。それでもボクは、こんなにユウカを助けたいと思ってる。 だけどそれをしたら、ユウカもみんなも悲しむ気がする。 よくわからないけど
I didn't want you to know! Since, once I'm home, I can have fun with everyone like nothing happened! 見られたくなかったの!だって、お家に帰れば 何もなかったように、みんなとハシャいでいられるでしょう!
All I want is to be able to smile with everyone! I was happy just to have a place like that... みんなと一緒に笑っていられるだけでいいの! そんな場所があるだけで、良かったのに…
A world like this can just disappear. I must be the Child of Enka. The god of destruction's child. After all, no one else hates this world at all. I've had enough. こんな世界なんて、滅んでしまえばいい。 私はどうやらエンカの子供。世界を滅ぼす破壊神の子供。 だって、他のみんなは全然世界を嫌ってないもの。 もうイヤだ
I'm glad I was able to become Midarezaki Yuuka, even if it was for a short period of time. But I guess this is the end. 一瞬だけでも、 乱崎ユウカになれてよかった。 でも、どうやらここまでです
Yuuka's planning on dying. I'm the Child of Enka. I will destroy the world. After coming to that conclusion, would that kind girl actually do that? ユウカは死ぬ気だ。 自分はエンカの子供だ、これから世界を滅ぼす。 そう理解して、 優しいあの子が実行するか?
It's hard. Ramming it would just break your shoulder. 堅いな。タックルでもしようものなら、確実に肩が砕ける
Using the laser made me use calories, and now I'm hungry. 熱光線を使ったからカロリーを消費して、とてもお腹がすいた
I'll let you eat all you want later. あとでたらふく食わせてやる
It's always been like this for me. Why do I get picked on? ずっとこうだったんだ、私… どうしてイジメられるのかな?
So this was an SOS from Yuuka-chan. But, even without you having to put this in a fridge, where it's so noticeable, or having to write a letter, I'm sure someone would have noticed. これはユウカちゃんのSOSか。だけど、冷蔵庫なんて目に付くところに 置かなくても、こんな手紙を書かなくても、 きっと誰かが気づいたわ
Mom! Please don't destroy my image any more! お母さん!これ以上私を壊さないで!
To kill Gekka in one move... I shall retreat for today. ゲッカを一撃で倒すとは… 今日のところは一旦退いてやろう
You're really in love with yourself, aren't you? あなたという人は、とことん自分大好きですね
How can you love others when you don't love yourself? This world is fun because you're the main character of your life. 自分が好きになれなくて、どうして相手を好きになれるというのだ。 自分が主役だから、この世界は楽しいのではないか
What a circus they put on! She thinks she's the heroine. なんて茶番なの… まるでヒロイン人気取り
Go break Midarezaki Yuuka for me. Keep oppressing and hurting Midarezaki Yuuka until she yells and goes insane from pain. 乱崎ユウカを壊してちょうだい。虐げて虐げて、 悲鳴をあげ、痛みに発狂するくらい、 乱崎ユウカをイジメてちょうだい
Reiko-chan. You're not allowed to have a fulfilled life. When I'm... at the bottom of the pit, too! レイコちゃん、あなたが幸せになんかなってはいけないのよ。 あたしですら…不幸なのに!
The makeup isn't working too well today. Night-shift work is fun, but it's bothersome how it causes rough skin in the long run. 今日はお化粧のノリもいまいちだわ。夜のお仕事って楽しいけど、 お肌が荒れちゃうのが玉にキズよねぇ
You can rely on me any time, you know. I can lend my chest as a place for you to cry, any time you need it. いつでも頼っていいのよ。こうして泣いてるユウカちゃんに、 胸を貸してあげることぐらいできるわ
I won't even say, "Don't cry." In fact, cry. Cry, and let it all out. 泣かないでとは言わない。泣きなさい。 泣いてスッキリしなさい
We'll blow the entire class up! Ouka! Wrap a hundred sticks of dynamite around you and dive into them! クラスまとめて全員爆破だ!オウカ! ダイナマイト百本巻き付けて体当たりで吹っ飛ぶのだ!
If you want to act like a stupid terrorist, go do it yourself. そんな頭の悪いテロリストみたいな作戦は一人でやってください
But, Father, if our third-rate acting proved worthless, then we have to do something. しかし父上どの、我輩たちの三文芝居が無駄だったとすれば、 このまま放っておくわけにはいかぬであろう
A fake family without any blood relations or bonds is bound to break apart one day. You will end up getting hurt more deeply and critically. 作り物の血も絆もない家族なんて、いつかぜったい歪みが出る。 あなたはもっと深く、もっと致命的に傷つくことになる
How could an Oni like you possibly be loved?! I bet the so-called family you have now doesn't love you at all! あなたみたいな鬼が愛されるわけないじゃない?! どうせいまの家族も、あなたなんか愛しちゃいない!
Obey me like a dog. That's how I raised you, isn't it? 犬のように従いなさい。 そういう風に育てたでしょう?
Is pain the only way this Solitude Doll can communicate? この孤独人形は、痛くされなきゃわからないのかしら?
Same goes for Nii-sama. They all work up a temper if they can't hit you. 兄様もそう。あなたを殴れないと 皆不機嫌になるのよ
What do you think you're doing to my family? Dependin' on the situation, you're gonna see blood. 俺の家族に何するんだよ。 場合によっちゃ、血みるぜ
What's the deal with strangling as a way of showing love? I'm not entirely sure of your situation, but will you buzz off? 首を絞めて親愛を表すことなんてねえだろ。 ま、なんだか知らねえけど、 消えてくれませんかね?
Honestly, I want to live without getting involved in any of these savage events. 正直、こういう殺伐とした雰囲気とは、関わらずに生きたいと願ってるんだ
Let me hear your name just for reference, insolent boy. 一応名前は聞いておくわ、無礼者
I haven't spoken in a manly tone for such a long time, so I'm getting heartburn now! 久々に男言葉でしゃべったら、 胸くそ悪くなってきたのん!
This can't be. This can't be. This can't be. This can't be true. God, please help me. うそ、ウソ嘘ウソ…嘘でしょう。 神様、助けてください…
If you ever feel scared, hurt, or lonely, come look for me, any time you want. 怖かったり、痛かったり寂しかったりしたら、 いつでも俺を頼ってきてよ
To babble a girl's name in your sleep! Ginka, you're quite the stud. 寝言で女の名を吐くとはギンカ、 キサマも隅に置けないな
I was having a dream. I promised I'd save her, but I couldn't. 夢を見てたの。 助けるって約束したのに、守れなかった
That's crap. If you have time to talk like that, then go meet that girl and apologize, atone, or just forget about her forever. くだらんな。グダグダ言ってるヒマがあるなら、 とっととその女のところへ行って、謝るなり償うなり、 開き直るなりすればいい
He remembered me. He even called me Himemiya Senko. But I can't... He won't save me anymore! 彼は私を憶えていた。姫宮センコと名前を呼んだ… けどあたしはもう、助けてもらえないんだわ!
Since I'm an Oni! I can no longer cry in his arms. だってあたしは鬼だもの! もうあたしは彼に泣きつくこともできない!
All the pain and humiliation... Reiko-chan, you're supposed to be the one to take it all! あの痛みも屈辱も…レイコちゃん、 あなたが受け止めなきゃいけないのよ!
You're simply selfish. Why can't you think of anything but passing on the pain to those lower than you? あなたはさっぱり自分勝手だよ。 どうして痛みを下に下にたらい回しにすることしか 考えられないかな…
You still disobey me? You were never that sort of child. You were supposed to be an obedient Solitude Doll! まだ私に逆らうのね。 あなたはそんな子じゃなかったでしょ? 従順な孤独人形でしょ!
I just followed you to see the face of the woman you even speak of in your sleep. But I feel like cursing her to death this very moment. キサマが寝言までに言う女を ちょっと見てやろうと思って、付けてきただけだ。 だがキョウカ様も今すぐここで、こいつを呪い殺してやりたい気分だ
Am I dead? It all ended so easily, almost as if I had no reason to be born. 私は死んだの?まるで生まれてきた意味なんか、何もなかったみたいに、 あっけなく
Now, what do we do with her? Do you want to die cleanly, or do you want to die messily? さてどうしてくれよう? キレイに死にたいか、汚く死にたいか?
If you want to die cleanly, I'll dose you with some sleeping pills and bury you alive in a grave. If it works, you get to die before you wake up. キレイに死にたいなら、睡眠薬を適度に飲ませた上で、 墓地なんかに生き埋めにしてやろう。うまくいけば 目覚める前にあっさり死ぬことができるぞ
I won't kill her. I was just threatening her. If I let her learn what fear is, she probably won't do anything again. 殺すものか、脅していただけだ。 恐怖を刻み込めば 二度と悪さもしないだろうからな
You're so sweet as usual. If so, we can just crush the Himemiya. 相変わらず甘いな。 それならば姫宮を叩き潰せばいい
A hopeless battle will only hurt everyone. 勝ち目のない戦いは、みんなを傷つけるだけです
Th'ey're just lowly animals with lots of paper with \10,000 printed on it. 一万円札とか印刷されてる紙を、たくさん持ってるだけの下等動物ではないか
No matter how arrogant they act, lowly animals are only lowly animals. What's there to hesitate about? 下等動物がどれだけ奢り高ぶろうとも所詮は下等動物でしかない。 何を躊躇しているのだ?
My eyes don't work well in the dark, but with Senko-dono's assistance I know where the guards' relief station is. 我輩は夜眼が利かぬのだが、一応センコどのに教わり、 警備の人間が駐屯している位置は把握しておいた
It'd be better if everyone stayed here. やはり、みんなはここに残った方がいい
The moment what was tormenting you dies! Observing that is the best, you know? 自分を苦しめていたものが滅ぶ瞬間、 それを見るのが一番気持ちいいのだぞ!
I may look like this, but I'm pretty strong, you know? あたしだってこう見えて、腕っぷしは強いのよ
You guys don't have enough real battle experience. People like you guys who've been indulging in a peaceful life don't stand a chance against Kyouka-sama. 実戦不足だな。 キサマらのような平和ボケした人間は、 このキョウカ様の相手になるものか
Delusions such as pictures and money don't have value. They're all illusions. But there are things that are not illusions even though they're fabricated. Our family is happy and worthwhile. We're probably the happiest family in the world. 絵だとか金銭だとか、そういう幻想には価値などない。みんな幻だ。 だがな、作り物だけど幻ではない… 我々の家族は幸福で価値がある。 我々はきっと世界でいちばん幸福だぞ
So it's finally over. I don't want any more ruckus. これでようやく終わるのですね…騒がしいのはもう懲り懲りです
Nonsense! A non-rowdy life is like a curry without spice! And curry without spice is not curry! Therefore life is not life if it's not rowdy! くだらん!騒がしくない人生など、香辛料の入ってないカレーみたいなものだぞ! そんなものはカレーですらなぁい! つまり騒がしくなければ人生ではない!
Mother, it's about time you plug your ears. Or else, your eardrums will burst. 母親、そろそろ耳塞どいてね。 鼓膜が破れちゃうから
But before Operation Cozy Family started, every human being went through DNA analysis. So there's no possibility of me being a Child of Enka. でも和やか家族作戦を始める前に、 すべての人間はDNA鑑定を受けたのよ。 だからあたしがエンカの子供のはずがないわ
You give up on things too easily. How could you deny the possibility of your DNA mutating a second later and becoming that of a Child of Enka? キサマは簡単にあきらめすぎだ。1秒後にキサマの細胞が激変して、 DNA配列がエンカの子供になる可能性を どうして否定的できるのだ!
The world is composed of irresponsibility and fraud. Since you've become my daughter, you have to learn to be able to lie with a straight face. 世界は適当と詐欺でできてるのだ。 このキョウカ様の娘になるからには、 真顔で嘘をつける傲慢さがなければダメだぞ
I guess you're the really strong one, Reiko-chan. 本当に強いのは、レイコちゃんね
What a bother... Having large family means having a lot of loads of laundry to do, I guess. もう大変。家族が多いって、 洗濯物も多いのね
I've got to find a way to get Ginichi-san back to being manly. どうにかして男らしい銀一さんにしないと…
You're as random as ever. いつもながら唐突ですね…
How dare you keep something like this a secret from the wife you swore to be together with for the rest of your life? 生涯を誓い合った妻に向かって、こんな大事なことを秘密にするとは!
How could I give up on such a big event so easily?! これほどの大イベントをそう易々とあきらめられるか!
Oh, and put a hijack event on as an option, please. あぁ、ついでにハイジャックもオプションで頼む
From what I've heard so far, it sounds as though you don't have a clear vision yet. If you would come over to the office, we could give suggestions over some pamphlets. お聞きしたところ、具体的なビジョンをお持ちではないようですね。 一度お越しいただければ、 パンフなどでご説明させていただきますが
If we can get the customer to come, the deal is pretty much set. お客様にお越しいただければ、 こっちのもんですよ
That Sakurai Chieri is so sassy. To take all the underling's attention, leaving me, the branch head, aside. 生意気ですねぇ、桜井チエリ。支店長の私を差し置いて、 部下の人気を総舐めとは…
How rude of you. You would have been crucified on any other day, but lucky for you, I'm in a good mood today. 失礼なやつだな。普段なら貼り付けの刑だが、 ラッキーなことに今日はキョウカ様の機嫌が良い
It's an amazing room that allows you to have an experience as if you are really there with just a push of a button. ボタン一つでまるでその場に行ったかのように、 各地が体験できるという画期的な部屋でして
Chief, that's not fully functional yet. 支店長、あれはまだ未完成です
Shh. I'm leaving you in charge of cleaning up the mess afterwards. しっー、後片付けを頼みましたよ
I didn't want to resort to anything underhanded, but you leave me no choice. For the sake of my sales, I'll have the Midarezaki sign a contract no matter what. By any means. 今までは汚い手を使わずにと思っていましたが、仕方ありません。 あたしの売り上げのため、乱崎一家には何が何でもご契約をいただきますよ。 どんなことをしてもね
I will have you obey me even if it requires force. あなたには無理矢理にでも従っていただきます
I want to go on a trip with Ouka and everyone else and have fun too. Yet, you don't believe me, do you, Ouka? キョウカ様だって、オウカやみんなと楽しい旅行がしたいのに、 信じてくれないのだな、オウカ…
So, Ouka, for the sake of a fun trip, the second round will be full participation. Since it looks like there will be a use for you. ではオウカ、楽しい旅行のためにもちろん後半戦は乱崎家全員参加だ。 どうやら、キサマの出番もありそうだしな
I have powered up! I'm not the same as I was before! パワーアップしたのですよ!今までの私ではありません!
Kitty! You're so mean to go on ahead. ネコさん!先に行くなんてずるい!
What? Honeymoon? You still haven't given up on it? はい?新婚旅行?あなたまだ諦めてなかったんですか?
A runway. It's a pain to go to the airport, so I had it come to me. 滑走路に決まってるだろ。空港まで出向くのもかったるいので、 向こうから来てもらった
Good. I'm glad you're quick to comprehend. Leave the details out. うむ、皆物分りがよくて助かった。 まあ、細かいことは気にするな
It's very quiet. No stands or beach houses. 静かだな。屋台はおろか、海の家すらない
It's an uninhabited island, so I wouldn't expect any of that. 無人島ですから当然でしょうね
You don't have a sense of guilt after doing that, Kyouka? あなた、あんなことをしといて何の罪悪感もないのですか!
I have yet to feel that in my life. It's that plane's fault for not being able to keep up with my amazing aerial maneuvers. 生まれて此の方そんなものを感じたことなどない。 墜落したのはキョウカ様のすばらしい操縦に 耐えられなかった、あの旅客気が悪いのだ
You didn't look like you were able to pilot at all. とても、操縦ができるようには見えませんでしたが
I, Kyouka-sama, am a prodigy who learned how to ride a bike in only two months! このキョウカ様は自転車をたった2カ月で乗りこなせるようになった天才だぞ!
I've checked what it's like from the sky. All other family members are unhurt. とりあえず空から現状の確認をしたよ。 ほかの家族も大丈夫
I'm simply okay thanks to Hyouka. I didn't know Hyouka could even fly. ヒョウカのおかげでさっぱり大丈夫だよ。 ヒョウカってば空も飛べるんだね
Hyouka can blast the fart he's been holding for months and fly. Praise modern science! ヒョウカは何カ月分もため込んだ屁を一気に噴射して空を飛ぶことができるのだ。 偉大なり現代科学!
Don't make up things. It's nothing that special. It's Levistone. The professor who created me called it that. ウソ教えないでね。まあたいしたことじゃないんだけど。 浮遊石。ボクを作った博士はそう呼んでた
If a certain amount of electricity is passed through, it ignores gravity and levitates objects. With ten kilograms of this stuff, I think an entire island could be levitated. この石に一定量の電気を流すとね、 重力を無視して物体を浮遊させるんだ。10キロもあれば、 島くらい浮かせられるんじゃないかな
Looks like everyone's having some fun, but.. Is it really all right for us to be doing this? みんなはそれなりに楽しんでいるようですが… 本当にこんなことをしてていいんでしょうか…
What's with that gloomy face? Do you have a problem with a honeymoon with your beautiful wife? 何しけた顔をしている? キサマ、この麗しき妻との新婚旅行に不服があるのか?
You even prepared a beachball. How very well prepared. ビーチボールまで用意して、ずいぶん用意がいいんですね
It's your right as husband to get to see me in a swimsuit, when even the spirits of summer run away barefooted. 夏の精霊も裸足で逃げ出す キョウカ様の水着姿を拝めるのは、夫たるキサマの特権なのだからな
At the very least, I'm making an effort to love you! Do you not see that? 少なくともキョウカ様はキサマを愛せるように努力しているぞ! それがキサマには伝わらんかな?
I'm incapable of loving someone. Even so, I do care about the family. Plus, I do like you. 僕は、誰かを愛することができない人間です。そんな僕ですが、家族のことは大切に思っています。 それに、僕もあなたのことは好きですよ
I knew it. I was just worried for a second. Since I do get hung up sometimes. わかってる。ちょっと不安になっただけだ。 キョウカ様とて悩むことはあるのでな
According to this pamphlet, we'll arrive at the hotel if we keep going straight. このパンフレットによると、このまま真っ直ぐいけば ホテルにたどり着けるらしい
It's beyond suspicious. Kyouka, what are you planning? 怪しすぎる…キョウカ、 あなたいったい何を企んでいるんです?
Yes! Those you see here are the followers of the god! The Midarezaki! そうとも!ここに居並ぶ面々こそが神の一族! 乱崎家だ!
The hotel's motto is "relief, safety, and peace," and we make daily efforts to ensure our customers enjoy their stay. 当ホテルでは「安心、安全、安穏」を信条とし、 お客様に満足いただけるサービスをご提供できるようにと、日夜努力しております
Be happy! To satisfy my tongue gives you the ticket to be in history textbooks, Pierre. 喜べ!このキョウカ様の舌を満足させたという事実だけで、 歴史の教科書に出演決定だぞ、ピエールよ!
Don't you know the universal law that says anyone wearing a white tux and a red bowtie is to be called Pierre? 白タキシードに赤蝶ネクタイの人間は、もれなくピエールだという 宇宙の法則を知らんのか?
Refer to yourself as Nishikura Pierre starting today! Let's write it down so no one makes any mistake. 今日からピエール西倉と名乗れ! 間違えないようにちゃんと書いておくか
How could you! This jacket was very expensive. なんてことを!この服すごく高かったのに
It must be hard for you. I don't see any other staff here. Are you managing this big hotel alone? あなたも大変ですね。見たところ、他に従業員の方もいないようですし、 この広いホテルをお一人で?
Yes. But, because of that, I feel that it's a very worthwhile job. はい。ですが、それだけやりがいのある仕事だと思っています
Who knows what would have happened to me if Kyouka-sama hadn't come here. No, um... That was a slip of the tongue. Please forget it. 私などもしキョウカ様がいらっしゃらなかった、 今頃どうしていたやら…あ、いえ、 失言お忘れなさいませ
I'm sure my wife forced an unreasonable task upon you, right? If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have seen a runway built overnight, or had the plane we got on crash, or found an amazing hotel like this on an island we accidentally drifted to. どうせまた妻が、つまらぬ無理を通したのでしょう?そうでもなければ、 一晩で家の前に滑走路ができて、 乗った飛行機が墜落して、 偶然流れ着いた無人島にこんな立派なホテルがあるわけがない
To think you've figured all that out... そこまで分かっていらっしゃるとは…
Ouka-san, why are you thinking of something that makes you want to die just from pondering it? 考えるだけで死にたくなることを 考えてどうするんです、オウカさん?
It's pointless for you to wish me to share your sense of vanity. But I think you're fine that way, Ouka-san. 私に自分の虚しさを共感してもらおうたってムダですよ。 でもオウカさんはね、それでいいと思います
Father, we might have some trouble. This building is under attack. 父親大変かも。 この建物は襲撃されているね
Judging from the footsteps, they are a party of greater than twenty. 足音の数からいって敵は10や20じゃないね
Their identity is unknown. They'll soon be up to the second floor. 正体は不明。 もうじき二階へ上ってくるよ
Why? They're the enemy. We'll be killed if we don't kill. なんで?敵だよ。 殺さなきゃ殺されるんだよ
Are you confident you'll kill the enemy and only the enemy? あなたは、敵だけを選んで殺せる自信がありますか?
You're no longer a biological weapon. You mustn't turn into a grim reaper. あなたはもう生物兵器じゃないのです。 死神なんかになってはいけません
But Father, if we're not going to fight, what do we do? でも父親、戦わないのならどうするの?
I'll start out by punishing the cause of this event. とりあえず、今回の首謀者を撲滅にいきます
I was planning on watching ridiculously idiotic late-night anime with some beer and then going to bed when I got sleepy! 今日はもう眠くなるまでおマヌケで笑える深夜アニメ見て、 ビールの一杯でもかっ喰らって寝ようと思っていたのだ!
You dare kidnap the god's daughter? I take it that you guys don't value your lives. おのれ神の娘をさらうか? 命がいらんらしいなキサマら
What's going to happen to me? I won't get to see everyone again? 私、どうなっちゃうんだろう? もう家族のみんなに会えないのかな…
So, Nishikura-san, even you don't have a clue what those monkeys are. では西倉さんも、あのサルたちに心当たりはないのですね?
Professional research groups have come to investigate this place three times, so there's no chance wild animals like them could be here. 三度も一流の調査団が調査したのですから、 この島にあのような野生生物が存在しているはずがないのでございます
But the huge monkeys do exist. And now Yuuka is... ですが、現に巨大ザルは存在した。そのためにユウカは…
No, there's no reason for you to feel responsible. There's evidence that shows they headed directly to Yuuka's room. いえ、あなたたちが責任を感じる必要はありません。 敵は真っ直ぐにユウカの部屋を目指していた形跡があります
So they were only after Yuuka-chan to begin with? 狙いは初めからユウカちゃんだったってこと?
That's right. Kitty has an irregular, yet convenient, skill called Cellphone. そうだったわ!ネコさんには携帯電話という反則的に便利な能力があったのだわ
Hold on. Yuuka isn't very opinionated, so it's hard to find her. ちょっと待て。ユウカは自己主張が弱いから 見つけにくいのだ
Anyway, staying there won't get us anywhere. Get out of there and find something that'll help us locate you. とにかくそこに居ても始まらん。部屋を抜け出し 居場所が特定できそうなものを見つけるのだ
You might be able to get out through that. あそこから逃げられるかもしれないぞ
A castle in the sky protected by multiple monkeys, I guess. Yuuka, you're caught in a very interesting place. 無数のサルが守っている天空の城か。 ユウカ、なかなか愉快な場所に捕らわれているではないか
I've had a weak health since I was little. And this face. Everyone made fun of me and never treated me like a human. I was always facing a sense of inferiority. 私はね、小さい頃から体が弱かった。おまけにこの顔だろ… 誰からも馬鹿にされ人間扱いされずに、 いつでも劣等感にさいなまれていた
But I hate losing. So I decided to surprise the world with something else. だが私はこれでも負けず嫌いでね。ならば他のことで世間を見返してやろうと思った
The more people made fun of me, the more I studied. Eventually, I gained the position as a leading researcher of artificial life forms, and I won against all those who made fun of me. 私は馬鹿にされればされるだけ反発して猛勉強した。 やがて人工生命体の開発における第一人者の地位を得た私は、 学歴社会において私を馬鹿にした連中に勝利した
I wanted to create a life that would listen to anything I said. A doll that would move as I told it to. 私はね、私の思いのままになる生命を作りたかったんだ。 自分に都合よく動く人形をね
But unfortunately, a huge problem developed with the team I was working with at the time. With all hope lost, I wandered around, avoiding people's eyes, and eventually made it to this island. だが悪いことにそんな時、私の参加していた研究プロジェクトで大きなトラブルが起こってしまってね。 失意に打ちのめされた私は一目を忍ぶようにさ迷い、 この島に辿り着いた
But it seems humans can't live alone. Being as weak a person as I am, I became lonely soon enough, so I used the remains of the Areato, the natives of this island, to resume my research on artificial life. だがどうやら人間は一人では生きられないらしい。 弱い私はすぐにさびしくなって、 この島の先住民アレアト人の遺骨を材料に、 再び人工生命の開発を始めたんだ
No matter how many I make, they always turn into monkeys! Freaky monkeys like those won't soothe me! いくら作ってみてもどうしても猿になる! あんなおぞましい猿どもが私を癒してくれるものか
I'm a human. I wanted a human to love me! 私は人間だ。人間に愛して欲しかったのだ
I don't have much life left in me. I wish I could end my life being watched over by a cute girl like you. 私はもう先が長くない。せめて最後はお嬢ちゃんのような天使に看取られて、 一生を終えたいものだ
I like her, too. She's so transparent and honest. She lived a life longer and harsher than me, yet she always smiles kindly. ボクも好き。透明で真っすぐだもの。 きっとボクなんかよりずっと辛い年月を生きてきたのに、 いつも優しく笑って
So I will protect Yuuka. I cannot forgive anyone that does harm to her. Although, I don't know what a biological weapon can do. だからボクはユウカを守る。 危害を加える奴は許せない。 生物兵器に何ができるかは分からないけどね
Yes, very good. You pigs are thinking about what you can do with the brains you're given. うむ、よしよし。愚民は愚民なりに 考えているではないか
My dream will finally come true. I will be watched over by a human as a human and end my life as a human. ようやく私の願いが叶う。 人間として人間に見守られ、 人間の生涯を終えるのだ
Do I have to return to what I was? To a doll that listens obediently to someone? また戻らなきゃいけないのかな? 誰かの言いなりに動く人形に
It's simple. I fed the monkeys for free with food that they had never tasted before. Because of that, they lost control, and they obeyed me. なあに簡単なことだ。キョウカ様は無料で野良猿どもに味わったことのない 料理を提供してやった。それにより 理性の外れた猿どもはこのキョウカ様の言いなりだ
They flew back hearing there was even better food. もっと美味しい料理がもらえると聞いて、慌ててお空に戻ったわよね
Yes, to bring this back to me as the price for the food. そうだ、その料理と引き換えにするためのこいつを取りにな
Looks like monkeys were also vulnerable to the word "limited". They fought over the levistones, and the castle lost the force to keep it up. どうやら限定品という言葉に弱いのは猿も同じだったようだな。 我先にと浮遊石を奪い合った結果、 天空の城は空に浮くエネルギーを維持できなくなってしまったのだ
All that's left is for us to wait for Hyouka, who followed the monkeys as they flew back, to save Yuuka. 後は城に戻った猿どもをひそかに追跡したヒョウカが、 無事にユウカを助け出すのを待つだけだ
I don't know what god out there set our fates, but all of us in the Family Frenzy are half-hearted and can't go to Heaven or Hell. どこの神様が適当に決めた運命だかなんだか知らないけどさ、 ボクら狂乱家族はみんな天国にも地獄にもいられない、 宙ぶらりんな奴ばっかり
The greatest mistake in creating me was giving me a heart. A coward like me would have been useless on the battlefield. ボクを作った最大の失敗は、僕に心なんてものを設定したことだね。 こんな臆病者、実戦じゃ使い物にならなかっただろうに
If the project had succeeded, my status as a scientist would have been set. Yet... Robes, would you have any clue? To have been abandoned by you, to whom I devoted everything, and then having to hide on this island alone after falling to the pits of despair? プロジェクトが成功すれば、科学者としての私の地位は揺るぎないものとなるはずだった。 それなのに…ロベスよ、お前に分かるか? 心血を注いで開発したお前に逃げられ、 失意と絶望の果てに、一人ぼっちでこの島に身を隠した私の気持ちが…
These monkeys move as I command them to. Will you listen to the angel's words and be reduced to scrap without a fight? この猿どもは私の思念のままに動く。 天使の言うことを聞き戦わずしてスクラップとなるか?
The reason why they kidnaaped me was because they wanted you to love them back. They knew you were lonely, but that they couldn't be the ones to ease your loneliness, so they kidnapped me. And yet you say you don't care what happens to the monkeys? 私を襲ったのだって、大切に思ってるおじさまに少しでも喜んでもらいたかったからだよ。 おじさまの寂しい気持ちを知って、だけど自分たちじゃおじさまを癒してあげられないとわかったから 人間の私が…それなのにお猿さんたちはどうなってもいいなんて…
Why don't you see how the monkeys feel? You're giving the same pain you felt from people around you to the monkeys. どうしておじさまはお猿さんたちの気持ちに気付いてあげられないの? おじさまの態度は、おじさまを馬鹿にした人たちと同じ痛みをお猿さんに与えているんだよ
You take someone like me as your lord? You see me as a human? I see. I see it. A monkey was fine. I was fine being a monkey all along. こんな私を主と思ってくれるのか?人間と認めて… そうか、そうだったのか。猿でもよかった… 猿でもよかったんだ
You're blessed. Oji-sama. You're cared for by so many. おじさまは幸せだね。こんなにたくさん思われて
To stand against experienced assassins without a single wound. I'm happy with your improvement. 手練の殺し屋を相手に、傷一つないとは。 よくぞここまで成長した
You indeed are my son. All that's left for you is testing your skill in real battles. さすが我が息子だ。 あとは実践でその技術を試すのみ
I won't become an assassin. I'm going to become a chef. 僕は殺し屋にならない。 僕は料理人になる
That was the fifth one this month. I don't want to say this either, but... 今月に入ってもう5人目だよ。 私もこんなこと言いたくないんだ、しかし…
Hey, do you understand what I'm saying? Then listen. Xie Xie Cafe doesn't have to be evicted. Relay the message to the others, too. おいお前。ボクの言うことがわかるか? じゃあよく聞け、謝々飯店は商店街から出ていく必要ない。 他のやつにもそう言え
Yes, I will let the others know, too. はい、他の者にも伝えます
"What's the problem?'" I told you many times not to use poisons. Tsubaki, we're no longer assassins. We have to become a normal Chinese restaurant. どうしたのじゃないよ、あれほど毒物は使うなって言ったのに! ツバキ、僕らはもう殺し屋じゃない。 一般的な中華料理屋さんにならなくちゃいけないんだよ
Another person collapsed, though. I wonder why anyone who eats anything you cook- また人が倒れたじゃない。 まったくどうしてかしら、兄さまの料理を食べた人はみんな…
Looks like you're as good as you ever were. 腕は衰えてないようだな、シュウ
Long time no see, Father. Oh yeah, would you like something to eat? The marinated pork I've been working on since this morning should be just about ready. 久しぶり父さん。そうだ、何か食べてく? 今朝作った豚の煮込みが 丁度良い具合なんだ
I'm sorry, but I have no intention of ingesting food that makes you collapse. 残念ながら食べると倒れるような料理を口にする気はないよ
You are my son, after all. Even after becomingn a chef, your body kills others without thinking. やはりお前は俺の息子だ。料理人となった今でも その体は自然と誰かを殺傷してしまう
Accept it, Shuu. You're an assassin that can live only in the darkness. 認めろシュウ。お前は裏の世界でしか生きられない殺し屋なのだ
Those are the recipes I wrote hoping you, Tsubaki, and your father will have a happy life. I originally meant to give them to your father. But I'm sure he won't take them. After all, he hates me. それはね、お父さんとシュウとツバキが幸せになれますようにって、一生懸命作ったレシピなの。 本当はお父さんに渡すつもりだった。 けどきっと受け取ってくれない。だって、あの人は私のこと憎んで…
Don't forget, Shuu. Chinese is invincible. Chinese is the strongest. May the world and the family be at peace through Chinese food. 忘れないでシュウ。中華は無敵。中華は最強。 中華で家族と世界が平和になりますように
I want to cook Chinese dishes that will make anyone who eats them smile. 僕は食べた人みんなが笑顔になる、そんな中華を作りたいんだ
Don't touch me without permission, brat. I'll poison you with a toxin that'd make you dumber than a monkey. 無断でボクに触れるなガキが。 キサマには知能がサル以下になる毒を
What was that for, Ouka! 何をするオウカ!
Can't you enter more normally? もっと普通に入ることできないのですか?
How could you expect anything normal from Kyouka-sama's entrance! In fact, I'd rather see an explosion! キョウカ様が光臨するのに普通などありえん! ていうかもっとこうハデに爆発とかさせたいぐらいだ!
It's because you make entrances like that that you get banned from one place after another. そんな登場してるから、 行く先々で出入り禁止をくらうんでしょ!
That's a good face you have. You look like a different person from a moment ago. I shall trust that expression of yours. 良い顔をするではないか。 先ほどまでとは別人だぞ。 その顔を信じてやろう
The goal is to clear the Xie Xie Cafe's charge of assassination. The reason is because it sounds fun and to help Yuuka's friend. 目的は謝々飯店の殺人容疑を晴らすこと。 理由は何か面白そうなのと、ユウカの友達を助けるため
Also, we've been banned from everywhere else, so if this place goes, there won't be anything left in the shopping district. あと他の店から出入り禁止をくらっているので、ここがなくなると 商店街は全滅だ
You're mostly the reason, just so you know. 原因は主にキョウカですからね、言っておきますけど
At times like this, Mother should go first. こういうときは、お母様が最初よね
Don't be so modest about it, Darling. At times like this, the father, master of the house should be eating first. 遠慮するなダーリン。こういう場合一家の長たる 父親がまずハシをつけるものだ
Don't highlight the male chauvinist idea only at times like this, Honey. この亭主関白を強要しないでください、ハーニィ
If you're a man, eat a poison or two with a smile. 男なら毒の一つや二つおいしくいただいてみろ
Okay. Next time, make sure you blow on it before you eat it. はいはい、ちゃんとふーふーしてから食べましょうね
Three days. We will whip you back into shape in three days. 3日だ。3日でキサマを鍛え直す
If you pass all the criteria I put before you, then no one shall collapse from your food. キョウカ様の指定する課題を全てクリアすれば、 キサマの料理で人が倒れることもなくなるだろう
Weights where each one weighs 10kg. Make something with those on. 一つ10キロのウェイトだ。 それを付けて何か作ってみろ
It looks murderously good as always. うむ、相変わらず殺人的にうまそうだ
The one to test it on has to be some average human like him. Therefore, you shall take it as an honor to be fed by me. 試食する人間は、こいつのようなごく平凡な人間でなければならないからな。 というわけだ、キョウカ様の手伝いができることを光栄に思うがいい
Now your physical capability should be heavily restricted. これでキサマの身体能力はかなり制限されたはずだ
Is this the restaurant that will even let animals eat? ここかい?動物でも料理を食べさせてくれる店ってのは
Fight through the entire day. That's your second day's training menu. 今日1日乗り切って見せろ。 これが二日目の課題だ
You look happy. The smile on your face isn't going away. 兄さまうれしそう。ずっとニヤニヤしてる
I guess. I'm having a great time right now. So many customers are eating the Chinese dishes I made. Humans and even those who are not. Before of Chinese food, they're all equal. そうかも。僕は今、すごく楽しいよ。 こんなにたくさんのお客さんが、僕の中華を食べてくれてる。 人間も、そうじゃない人たちも。 中華の前ではみんな同じなんだ
Closing already? Then I guess I'll have to come some other time. もう閉店かい?仕方ない、出直すとするよ
Hours of operation don't matter. You can eat here anytime you want. Because we're family, Father. 営業時間なんか関係ない。あなたはいつでも家で料理を食べていいんだよ。 だって家族だろ、父さん
She was... Harukaze was only after my body. Countless restaurants wanted her over. However, Harukaze had a fatal flaw as a chef. あいつは…ハルカゼは、俺の体だけが目的だったんだ。 いくつもの店がハルカゼの腕を欲しがった。 だが、ハルカゼには料理人として致命的な欠点があった
She was physically ill, so she couldn't stand in the kitchen for many hours. The tools for making Chinese food are all very heavy. Making intricate food requires a great amount of strength. 体の弱かったハルカゼは、長く、厨房に立つことができなかったんだ。 中華料理の道具はとても重い。 高度の料理になれば、超人的な体力を求められる
In other words! Harukaze was after my great strength! She told me time after time to quit being an assassin. つまり!ハルカゼは俺のこの強靭な肉体が欲しかったのだよ! あいつは事あるごとに言ったよ、殺し屋なんかやめろと
Of course she would, since it's an important body that makes the Chinese dishes in place of her! 当然だ、自分の代わりに中華を作る 大切な体だからな!
It's obvious she wanted the one dearest to her to quit a dangerous job like being an assassin! 好きな人に殺し屋なんて危険な仕事、 やめてもらいたいと思うのは当たり前でしょうが!
You think someone who's only after you for your body could write something as ridiculous as that? For your information, I wouldn't do it even if paid! キサマ、体だけが目的のやつが ここまでアホなこと書けると思うか? ちなみにキョウカ様だったら、金をもらっても書かん!
I give you your last trial. A dish that will awaken your Father's mind. That's the last menu. キサマに最後の課題を与える。 父親の目を覚まさせる料理、 これが最後の課題だ
It has to be that. Right? あれしかない…よね
Because this is the one thing not in Mother's recipe book. I think it's as you said, Kyouka-san. What's written in here are all dishes meant for Father to make. だってこの料理だけは母さんのレシピ帳に載ってなかったんだ。 たぶんキョウカさんの言った通りだと思う。 このレシピに書かれているのは全部、父さんに作ってもらうための料理なんだ
However, the sesame ball sauce wasn't. This is something Mother wanted to cook for you. でも黒ゴマ団子のおしるこだけは違う。 これだけは母さんが父さんのために作りたい料理なんだよ
Harukaze probably didn't expect it herself, but cooking according to the recipes makes the food taste too good. たぶんハルカゼとやらも予想していなかったことだろうが、 このレシピ通りに料理を作るとおいしくなりすぎてしまうのだ
It's so good that average humans can't stand it so they fall unconscious. 美味しすぎて普通の人間には耐えられず、 気絶してしまうのだ
Seven years old. She is a girl who's the same age as you, Ouka-kun. And like you, she lost her parents. 7歳。キミと同じ年の女の子ですよ、オウカ君。 そして彼女もキミと同様、両親を亡くした
A week ago, a paranormal phenomenon that's yet to be explained destroyed a village. What remained were countless mummified corpses. Among them, she is the only survivor and eyewitness. 1週間前、原因不明の超常現象で、一つの村が全滅しました。 後に残ったのは無数のミイラ化した死体。 彼女は、その唯一の生き残りであり、目撃者です
A seven year old girl just tried to kill a person without any hesitation. Could she be a prodigy? 7歳の女の子が躊躇せず初対面の相手を殺しにいきましたよ。 天才かねえ?
How dare he recover without my permission?! Ouka... He isn't understanding the role a husband is supposed to have! キョウカ様の許可なく外出するとわぁ!オウカの奴… 夫という身分をよく理解していないと見えるぞ!
Dressed up was just the subjective opinion I formed. おめかしっていうのは、あくまであたしの主観的憶測で…
That scarecrow... That scarecrow dressed up and left? Suspicious! My sharp wild instince is screaming, "Heave ho! Heave ho!" in my head! かかしが…かかしのくせに着飾って出かけたぁ?あやしい! キョウカ様の研ぎ澄まされた野生のカンが、わっしょいわっしょいと叫んでいるぞぉ!
So Kitty's wild instinct must be related to festivals. ネコさんの野生のカンは、おみこし系なのね
We were supposed to keep where Father is a secret. 父上どののことは言わぬ約束…
It's simultaneously the pursuit of my hobby and work. It is my life's pleasure to destroy a monster's face beautifully. 趣味と仕事の両立です。 怪物の顔面を素敵に破壊することは私の生きがいです
That ghoul entertained me well. No matter how much I destroyed its face, it wouldn't die. しかしあのグールには楽しませてもらいました。 どんなに素敵に顔面を破壊しても死にませんし
The mission means nothing. What I want to hear is, Ouka-san, who the goddess with a place in your heart is. 任務なんか関係ないです。私が聞きたいのはオウカさん、 あなたの心の中に住んでいる女神は誰かってことなんです
Keep your hands off the god's husband, you poisonous wench! 気安く神の夫に触れるな、この毒夫!
Ouka-san, could that crazy cat-eared child be your wife? オウカさん、もしやこのイカれたネコ耳のお子様が妻?
If I'd known he was meeting a masked specter like you, then there wouldn't have been a need to worry. But let me say it to be sure! You cat burglar who tries to butt in between the happy couple and destroy the house! Get lost already! 相手がこんな妖怪仮面女じゃ心配するまでもなかったが、 一応言っておくぞ!幸せな夫婦の間に割り込み、 家庭をかき乱すドロボウ猫め!とっとと失せろ!
If it's just living together, even a dog can do it. 一緒に住むなら犬でもできます
I'm sorry, but could you go home for today, Kyouka? Your presence only makes matters more complicated. 悪いけど、今日は帰ってくれませんかキョウカ? あなたがいると、話がややこしくなるばかりです
So you want to flirt with the other woman that much? そんなに他の女とイチャつきたいのか?
You just made the being in the world whom you most wish not to become your enemy... into your enemy! キサマは今、世界で最も敵に回してはいけない存在を敵にした!
Remember this! I will bring misery to both of you! 憶えてろ!不幸にしてやるキサマら二人とも!
She stepped down more easily than I'd thought. やけにあっさり引き下がりましたね
You're having a scary married life like that? I shall destroy her face after all. そんな夫婦生活なんですか? やっぱり私があの人の顔面を破壊してあげます
What? That's not the amusement park Odessa Ei set traps in. Things aren't turning out as I want. Why won't you fall into misery like I want you to? あっれれー、オデッサAがワナを仕掛けたのは、そっちの遊園地じゃないよ。 うまくいかないなぁ、 何できちんと不幸になってくれないの?
Every day is full of anxiety since I question what I'm doing. But that's fun at the same time. While I know it's a mission, when I think, "What if this family breaks apart?" it really hurts me. This is the First time I've ever felt like this. 自分が何をやってるのかすらわからなくなるほど、毎日戸惑うことばかりで。 だけどそれが楽しいんですよ。任務だとわかっていても、 この家族がもしいなくなってしまったら…そう思うととても辛い。 こんな気持ちになったのは初めてです
Initially, I started this convincing myself that it's a mission. Even though I thought Operation Cozy Family sounded dumb, I told myself that I'd play the best husband role since it's a mission. たしかに、最初は任務だからという責任感だけで引き受けました。 なごやか家族作戦なんて馬鹿げた作戦だと思いながらも、 やるからには精一杯、夫らしく振舞おうと覚悟を決めたんです
We're alike, remember? We can't trust or believe in others. So we can't possibly love people. 私たちは似た物同士なんですよ。人を信じることも他人に心を開くこともできない。 だからね、人とか愛せるわけないです
You're imagining things! It's all your imagination! You're wishing that it would come true. 錯覚です!全て錯覚! そうなりたいと願うオウカさんの願望
Could you possibly be Teika? あなたはもしかして、テイカじゃないですか?
Shiruku, don't you wish to become strong? Do you wish to become a being which can destroy monsters with brute strength alone? シルク、キミは強くなりたくないですか? 化け物をただ純粋な破壊力だけで、倒せる存在になりたくはないですか?
Then become a Grim Reaper. You have the right and talent to do so. だったら死神になりなさい。 キミにはその資格と素質があります
I swore to forsake being human since that day. The title Grim Reaper is only given to those who have killed a thousand monsters. This scorched face I received in battle is my pride as a Grim Reaper. Yet my heart falls to pieces just from one person rejecting me. あの日から私は人間をやめると誓った。 千の化け物を殺した者だけに与えられる死神という称号… 戦いによって焼かれたこの顔は死神の誇り。 なのにたった一人の人に拒絶されただけで、こんなにも心がもろく崩れてしまう
I guess the match is settled. 勝負ありましたね
This won't do. I need to make you suffer more. こんなもんじゃダメ。 もっと苦しんでもらわなきゃ
In shops like this, body touches with a girl get added to the check, too. こういう店では、女の子のボディタッチも料金に含まれるんですよ
Sir, you have to pay for the drink the moment it's poured into your glass. お客様、お酒はボトルから注がれた時点でお客様の支払いになりまあす
B-But if you stay here for another hour, it'll only cost you \1,000. で、でももう一時間お店にいてくれるなら、 代金は1000円ぽっきりだよ
I see. You want to lock me up in this shop. なるほど。僕をこの店に足止めするつもりですか
I'm glad. You were kidnapped by a stuffed doll, so I was worrying in what kind of bizarre situation you could be in. よかった。いきなり着ぐるみに誘拐されたから、 どんな不思議展開に巻き込まれたのかと
I haven't been this seriously mad in a while. I've experienced many annoyances since meeting you, but I'm angrier at this than any other incident. 僕はね、久しぶりに本気で怒っています。 あなたと会ってから、腹立たしいことが数知れずありましたが、 これまでになく怒っています
I can feel my heart freezing away. 心が冷えていくようです
Die if you want to. That's what I'd like to say. But that will likely make my mornings gloomy, so I won't. 死にたければ勝手に死ぬがいい。と言いたいがな、 キョウカ様の寝覚めが悪くなりそうだから、やめてやる
I can't stand my possessions being owned by someone else for a day. Not even for a second! キョウカ様はたとえ一日だろうが一瞬だろうが、 自分の所有物が他人の物になるのは耐えられん!
Then it's much better for the three of us to be together in the first place. だったら最初から三人で遊んだほうが何倍もマシです
I'm compromising with you this much, yet you still suspect me? Well, I guess it'll be a good opportunity for me to judge you. ここまで譲歩してあげてるのに疑り深いです。 まぁ私としてもあなたを判定するいいチャンスですしね
If you utter more selfishness, I really will have you go home. それ以上わがままを言うと、ほんとに帰ってもらいますよ
We can't possibly go back after what we've done there. あんな大騒ぎを起こしといて、戻れるわけないでしょ
This amusement park has war as its theme, as the name implies. この遊園地は、その名の通り、戦争を主題においたテーマパークでございます
What kind of group has a grudge against you, you bad luck magnet? あなたは一体どんな組織に恨みを買ってるんですか?この疫病神
If anyone here is responsible for a grudge, it'd be you, Grim Reaper! 恨まれてるとしたらキサマだろこの死神!
It's a waste to end this in an instant. I'll kill you in the most painful way. 一瞬で終わらせちゃうなんてもったいないもの。 お姉ちゃんが一番苦しむ方法で消してあげる
Odessa Ei will beat Onee-chan. Otherwise, I can't move on. オデッサ=エイはお姉ちゃんを倒すんだ。じゃなきゃ 前に進めないもの
They are after me. If we get out of here, the next place they'll come after is our home. So we'll beat her here. 敵の狙いがこのキョウカ様だとわかった以上、脱出すれば 次に狙われるのはウチだ。 だからここで倒す
Grim Reaper! Who is this Odessa Ei? I'll have you tell us everything you know! 死神!オデッサ=エイが何者なのか、 キサマの知っていることを全部吐いてもらう!
It started around the time I returned to this city. That's when I started to hear that Odessa Ei's voice. この街に、戻ってきた頃からです。 あのオデッサ=エイとかいう変な女の声を聞くようになったのは
If all your actions were due to being controlled by Odessa Ei, then like Kyouka, she must be able to sneak into other people's central nervous system and take over. さっきの死神さんの行動が、オデッサ=エイに操られたものだとすると、彼女もキョウカ同様、 相手の中枢神経に侵入して、コントロールすることができるのでしょう
Because you've done whatever it is that caused her to pursue you, both Ouka-san and I are getting pulled in. そっちが狙われるようなことをしでかしたから、 オウカさんや私が巻き添えをくってるんです
But where could the real body be? There's no chance of winning if the opponent fights only when she's parasiting others. しかし、本体はどこにいるんでしょう?相手が何かに乗り移った状態でしか戦えないのでは、 戦いようがない
There are 150 Slave-kuns at this amusement park. They walk around aimlessly and make the customers anxious for no reason. この遊園地には150体の鬼畜君がいて、 意味なく徘徊して、お客様を不安にさせているんです
During the fight, I got the impression of grenades flying at me more often than not. 戦闘中いやにキョウカ様の方に手榴弾が飛んできた 気がするが?
Do you want to find out the color of your brain that much?! そんなに自分の脳の色が知りたいか?!
We three can ride together. 三人で仲良く乗ったらいいじゃないですか
That burglar cat's face is getting further and further away. ドロボウ猫のマヌケ面が遠ざかっていきます
A world mystery. Whether you look at her from up close or far away, she's got a complete idiot's face. 世界の不思議。近くから見ても遠くから見ても、 完璧なマヌケ面です
You two hate each other, yet is it my imagination to think that you two are actually getting along? 死ぬほど嫌い合ってるのに、とっても仲良さそうに見えるのは、 僕の錯覚でしょうか?
Don't think you can keep doing whatever you want with me. いつまでもこのキョウカ様を好きにできると思うなよ!
I used them up in the last battle. Plus this wall won't budge at all with grenades. さっきの戦闘で使い切りましたよ。 それにこのカベは手榴弾ごときじゃどうにもできませんね
I wish we could have met under different circumstances. I hate to admit it, but being with you is fun. It just happened to cross my mind. Now I understand Ouka-san's feelings a little. もっと違う形で出会えたらよかったんですが、 悔しいことに、あなたの側にいるのは楽しいです。 ちょろっとそんなことを思ったんですねぇ、 オウカさんの気持ちが少しだけわかりました
But I happen to be pretty strong, so I'm happy to find someone like you, who I can't crush even if I fight with my very best. ただこれでも死神ちゃんはけっこう強いですから、 本気で戦っても潰せない、 あなたみたいな敵と戦えるのはちょっとうれしいんですよ
I think we shouldn't leave things as they stand. このまま放っておいちゃいけない気がする
We demons do not have bodies like you. We exist only as souls. Spirit parasites that take over the bodies of others and govern them. 魔族はあなた方のような肉体はなく、魂だけで存在しております。 他人の肉体に取り付き支配し操る、精神寄生体
However, she committed the sin of wishing to become human. しかしバネッサ様は人間になりたいと望む、許されざる罪を犯したのです
The opposition faction followed Vanessa-sama to the underground world to erase her memory, so the existence of the demon world would not be leaked to humans. 反対派の面々は地下帝国に逃げ込んだバネッサ様を追い、 魔界の情報が人間界に漏れるのを防ぐため、彼女の記憶を奪ったのです
I'm not called Grim Reaper for nothing. I was ready to face death the moment I put this mask on. 伊達にも死神です。死ぬ覚悟なんて この般若の面を被った時に決めてました
I thought I had you for sure. Odessa Ei is surprised? 確実に殺せたと思ったのに。オデッサ=エイはびっくりだよ
Keep praising me. Odessa Ei is a queen that does better the more she gets praised. 褒めて褒めて。オデッサ=エイは褒められて伸びる女王なの
Sou-kun, be sure to boil the bamboo shoots before you eat them. そー君、竹の子は似て食うんで
I was attending a college in Tokyo. Why Tokyo? Because I had a dream. I wanted to be in a trendy pop band. 僕は東京の大学へ進学していた。なぜ東京かというと僕には夢がある。 東京でオシャレなポップバンドがしたいんだ
Man, Kahimi Karie is awesome. Even here in the countryside, it makes me feel like I'm in Paris. That's the kind of music I want to play. But after I graduated, the band I joined was... やっぱカミヒカリィはいいな。こんな田舎の風景が、 パリの車窓から眺めてるようだ。僕もこんな音楽がしたい。 でも卒業後、僕のやってるバンドは…
You can play the guitar really well. Krauser is gonna carry the future of DMC. ギターもいいし、 もうクラウザーはDMCをしょって立つ存在だぜ
We're having a meeting at the agency about our first music video. 今日は事務所で初プロモーションの会議だろ
What's with that president? Besides, this isn't the kind of band I want to play in. 何なんだよあの社長は… だいたい僕がやりたいのはこんなバンドじゃないし
Now then, this will be the first music video. Please suggest any concepts for "Total Hell" that you may have. では初PVということで、 コンセプトの地獄絵図に沿って意見を出してください
Yes! Krauser will keep playing the guitar while being eaten by the zombies! イエス!ゾンビに全身を食い千切られながらギターを弾くクラウザー!
No impact at all. This is going to be your first music video. ノーインパクツ。 初PVよこれは
We have to make our new song "Grotesque" a hit so we can make it big. We'll take this chance to get on M Station and other TV shows! オレたちは新曲グロテクスをヒットさせて一気にメジャーになってよ、 その勢いでMステとかバンバン出てぇじゃん!
I want to play the kind of music that Mom would say is nice... 僕はお母さんにもいい感じねって言われるような音楽がしたい…
Okay, we got most of the ideas out, so we'll end it here. Get ready for the taping in a week. オーケイ、アイデアはまとまったし終わりにするわ。 二週間後の撮影に備えてちょうだい
Um, President, there's something about our next piece that I want to discuss. I wrote these lyrics last night, so we can do these kinds of things in the future, too. あの社長、次回作について相談があるんですけど。 これが今後こういうのをやっていきたいと思って、 昨夜書いた詞なんですが…
What would she say if she found out I write these kinds of lyrics? こんな曲書いてるって知ったらなんて言うかな…
You can make awesome songs like this. Keep it up for the music video. こんなイカした曲作れんだ。 PV撮影も頼んだわよ
You haven't called recently, so I guess it's really busy at the florist. 最近電話かけてこんけど、花屋さんの仕事が忙しいんかな
It's been five years since you went to Tokyo, but I hope you'll always stay as nice as I know you are. Make sure you don't get tricked by bad people. 東京行ってもう5年になるけど、 ずっとやさしいそー君でおってな。 わるい人に騙されんように
The final song will be "Grotesque,'' going on sale today! Go mug someone if you don't have the money to buy it! 最後の曲は、今日発売になったグロテクス。 金のねえ奴は恐喝してでも買いやがれ!
"I'm grateful for music. If I hadn't become a musician, I would've become a freak serial killer." 俺は音楽に感謝している。ミュージシャンにならなければ 猟奇的殺人者になっていたから
I have plans, so I have to go now. I played the guitar with my teeth, so my mouth hurts. それじゃ僕は予定があるから。 歯でギター弾いたから口が痛いよ
This is the day I go to check out CDs. This is the kind of CD that I really wanted to release. 今日はCDを見に来るって決めてた日。 本当は僕もこんなCDが出したいよ
Wow, it's been a while. The last time we met was during graduation. 久しぶり。大学を卒業して以来だね
We were in the same seminar at college. We became good friends because we shared the same taste in music. 大学時代同じゼミだった僕らは、 音楽の趣味が合うことを知り、仲を深めた
You're so good at the guitar. I know you can go pro. ギターもうまいし、プロになれるよ
She was the first person I played my music for. Our relationship never went past that, but... I decided to go pro because of what she said. 初めて自分の曲を聴かせたのも彼女。 僕らはそれ以上の関係にはならなかったけど、 彼女の言葉で、僕はプロになろうと思ったんだ
I'm an editor for a magazine now. It's a lifestyle magazine called Amoure Amour. 私は今、雑誌の編集してるよ。 このアモーレアムールっていう、生活系音楽雑誌
I read this every month! I love the page that talks about which music to listen to at a cafe! これ、毎月読んでるよ。 僕、カフェで聴く音楽のページが大好きだよ
Really? I'm the one writing that article! え、その記事あたしがやってんだよ
Aikawa-san likes my old tunes, but my current ones are such trash. どうやら、相川さんは昔の僕の歌を好きでいてくれてるのに、今の僕の曲はなんて最低なんだ
What would Aikawa-san say if she found out that I was in that band, and the overfiend on the cover is me? 相川さんは僕が今あのバンドをやっていて、 しかもあのジャケットの鬼畜が僕って知ったら、何て言うだろう…
That Krauser is especially bad. They say he murdered his parents when he was young and escaped prison to form this band. 特にクラウザーって人が悪くて、幼い頃両親を殺して このバンド結成のために刑務所から出てきたって
But I sent carnations this year on Mother's Day! So that's everyone's image of DMC... 今年の母の日にもカーネーション贈ったのに! 世間でのDMCのイメージはやっぱりそうなんだ…
I only like Swedish pop! I can't imagine what kind of sick person would join this band! 僕スウェディッシュポップ一筋だし、 こんな気持ち悪いバンドやってる人の気が知れないよ
I can't tell them that I'm Krauser, either... I'll get beaten up if it goes much further... 僕がクラウザーなんて言えないし、 このままじゃ殴られる…
Do it with an air guitar! As if you had one! エアギターでやるんだよ! ギターがあるつもりで!
It's as if Krauser-san is right here! I can see the DMC members! クラウザーさんがここにいるようだ! 俺にはDMCのメンバーが見えるぞ!
The words that I couldn't say to Aikawa-san... I've regretted it since that day. I can say my feelings for you now! 相川さんに言えなかったあの言葉… ずっと後悔してたあの日。 今なら言える俺の気持ち!
Oh crap, I just got into character with Krauser! No, not like that. It'll be a trendy cafe rape... I mean... しまった、ついクラウザーに成りきって! あわわ違くて、カフェでオシャレにレイプ…じゃなくて
Negishi, that's what he's hired for, stupid. Forget about it. You were supposed to beat him down even more. ネギシ、そいつはそのために雇われてんだよ。 本当はもっと痛めつけるはずだったろ
I found the courage to play in front of the station, but nobody seems to be listening. And yet somehow DMC is so popular... せっかく勇気を出して駅前でしてるのに誰も止まらない… DMCはあんな人気なのに
How can the tribute band draw such a huge crowd while I can't, even though I'm the original? 何でコピーであんなに人を集められて、 オリジナルの僕が人を集められないんだ
I can't put my heart into singing. Rape is something you should never do. 曲に気持ちが込められない。 レイプなんて絶対しちゃいけないんだ
Hey! We got something awesome going on! Get to the station. もしもし、今すげーぞ、駅に来い!
More and more people just keep appearing. I hate to admit it, but it fires me up when there's an audience! どんどん人が集まってくる。悔しいけど やっぱりオーディエンスが多いと、熱くなってくるぜ!
You there. What would your parents think if they knew you did this? こらお前、そんな格好して親が悲しむぞ!
Hey, we might get to see Krauser-san's cop-killing moves! おい、クラウザーさんのポリ殺しが見れるかもしれねえぞ!
Is he going to submit to authority? 権力に屈するのか?
I guess he finally got what I was saying yesterday. 昨日あたしが言ったこと理解してくれたみたいね
Meanwhile, Krauser II, depressed and guilt-ridden... He was talking to the parents he supposedly killed when he was younger. その頃、罪悪感に打ちひしがれたクラウザー2世は… 幼き頃殺害したはずの両親と話し中であった
Sorry for being so sudden, Negishi-kun. Isn't this the first time we've gone out drinking? 急にごめんね、ネギシ君。 ネギシ君とちゃんと飲むの、初めてだよね
Even after saying such a terrible thing to Aikawa-san the other day at the CD store... But she called me the next day. 僕はあの日、CD屋で 相川さんにあんなことを言ったのに、次の日電話をくれたんだ
lt was totally my fault... I felt really sorry for it. 悪いのは全部僕なのに… 僕は反省した
As always, I feel really reluctant in putting on my makeup before the performance. So I went outside. ライブ前、僕はいつものようにメイクする気分になれず、 外に出たんだ
I'm doing a report for an article I'm writing. 今日、私がやってる雑誌の取材で来たの
Why is the trendy Amoure Amour doing a bit on DMC? 何でオシャレなアモーレアムールが、DMCの取材を?
I have a part-time job today! I'm a security guard here! It just happens to be for this band! It really sucks! 僕はここでバイトしてんの、今日だけ警備員の。 たまたまこのバンドで、最悪だよ
If you're doing security, maybe we'll meet inside. 警備員なら中で会うかもね
I didn't think Aikawa-san would come to a concert! Plus, I didn't think the Am Am readers hated us so much. My relationship with Aikawa-san is over if she finds out that I'm in DMC. まさか相川さんがライブに来るなんて! しかもアムアム読者からDMCがあんなに嫌われてるとは。 今日のライブで相川さんに顔がバレたら僕の恋も終わりだ
Whoa... this MCing is awesome. His performance is like a beast stalking its prey. すげぇ…なんだこのMCは。 まるで獲物を狙う獣のようなパフォーマンス
I don't have any good memories when it comes to this band. I know it's for my report, but I can't stand this noise なんかあたしこのバンドにいい思い出ないし、 取材とはいえこんな騒音聴いてられない…
Oh, no! My wig is loose! She'll find out! I can't move right now! What if she recognizes me?! It'll all be over if she does. やばい、ズラがずれてる!バレる! 身動きとれないし、今こっち見られたら、 終わりだ…
This is the cunt of the pig slut whore! これがブタの下半身だ!
Yeah, I'm the worst... I sacrificed Aikawa-san to save my own hide. I have to apologize to her. うう、僕は最低だ… 僕は自分の身を守るために相川さんを犠牲にした。 どうにかしてお詫びしなきゃ
If you'd like, we could go somewhere for dinner. I got paid for this gig, so it's my treat. I know a place around here that has some really good pork. よかったら食事でも行かない? 今日のバイト代でごちそうするよ。 僕、この辺においしい豚肉を置いてる店を知ってるんだ
Why pork?! Do I look like a pig to you?! Do I look that fat?! なんでブタ?!私がブタに見えたの?! あたしそんなに太って見えるかな?
I don't think o pork when I look at you, Aikawa-san. 相川さんからブタを連想したわけじゃないよ…
I tried to make up to Aikawa-san by treating her to some Korean barbecue. こうしてせめてもの罪滅ぼしで、 相川さんに焼肉をごちそうした
They were a horrible band. I couldn't stand listening to them because they sounded like pigs oinking around. The one on the vocals was especially terrible. とっても最低なバンドでした。ブーブー叫んでるブタみたいなバンドで、 とても聴いてられなかった。 特にボーカルの人が最低でした
Aikawa-san is still obsessing over that pig thing. 相川さん、まだブタを引きずってるな
The one-on-one interview with Krauser II at Death Records today brought the president's wrath down on me. 今日雑誌の取材でデスレコーズで行われたクラウザー2世単独インタビューが、 社長の逆鱗に触れた
What kind of music do you usually listen to? 普段聴いてる音楽は何ですか?
Kahimi... I mean, uhh... Hellish types. カヒミじゃなくて…えー…地獄系だな
Oh. Then what sort of food do you like? はぁ。では好きな食べ物は?
Omelets with rice... but I use human blood instead of ketchup. オムライス…あケチャップは人の血液だが
I couldn't make Krauser-like statements. I'll admit that it wasn't very good. クラウザー的な発言がうまくできず… たしかに良くないできだった
It couldn't be helped. I don't know what it means to have a death metal lifestyle, and it's not something I want to think about in my spare time. しょうがないよな。僕デスメタルな生活なんてわかんないし、 ウチに帰ってまで考えることじゃない
I should watch some French movies to relax. 気分転換にフランス映画でも見よう
What a cramped and shitty apartment. I thought I was paying you good money. なんてせまっ苦しい部屋なのかしら。 マニーはあげてるはずよ
Negishi, what the fuck was with that shitty interview today? I'll turn you into a genuine death metal man so that shit doesn't happen anymore. ネギシ、てめぇ今日のクソインタビューは何? 2度とあんなことのないように、 てめぇを根っからのデスメタル野郎に調教してやる
I'm sorry. I have some friends over right now. We kinda got carried away. ごめんなさい、今友達来てて。 ついハシャギ過ぎちゃって
It's so nice to be young. I thought something had happened to you. 若いっていいなぁ。 そいちゃんに何かあったと思ったよ
I grew to really like this apartment, so I decided to stay here no matter how small it is. このアパートにも愛着湧いちゃったし、 僕は狭くったってこの部屋を大切に過ごしたいんだ
They're messing up the room that took me years to set up. 僕が何年もかけて作り上げた部屋が改造されてく…
She looks like someone who has a nasty-smelling cunt. She was definitely a slut when she was young. あそこ臭そうな女だな。 若いころ絶対ヤリマンだな
Don't say that even if you think it's true! 思ったとしてもそんなこと言わないで!
I can't stand it anymore. I should take my mind off of things with some music. もう耐えられない。 音楽で気を紛らわそう
President! An elderly man is living next door, so can we turn down the volume? 社長、隣おじいさん住んでますし、 音小さくしていいですか?
Loud music is best with some weed. I feel like I'm burning up. やっぱ爆音にはハッパがベスト。 ハイになるわ
Are they smoking something bad? So is this like a drug party or something? A crime is taking place in my apartment! もしかして今、この人たちいけないモノを吸ってるんじゃ? これはドラッグパーティってやつ? 今、僕の部屋で犯罪が行われてる
She You need to have a smoke, Negishi. You're the ones who sings for DMC about how you invented drugs! ネギシ、お前も吸えよ。 てめぇDMCで麻薬は俺が作り上げたって歌ってんだろ!
Just don't inhale. Pretend to smoke. Pretend to smoke. 体内に吸い込まないように。 吸った振り、吸った振り
It's great to be young. I brought some karintou as a gift. Have some of it with your friends. 若い子はいいねぇ。これ、差し入れのかりんとう。 友達と食べて
Youngsters are so forceful sometimes. 若い子は強引じゃの
You better not forget about living a death metal life like you had last night. 昨日のことを忘れずにデスメタルに生きんのよ
He looked around his apartment after the president left. With the help of a master, Negishi's favorite posters and decorative pictures, all part of his trendy wall... were covered in scribbles and obscenities. It certainly provides an air of a very grotesque living space. 社長が帰った後、部屋を見渡してみました。 ネギシが大好きな、ポスターや、写真の飾りつけ、オシャレなだけだった壁が匠の手にかかると… スプレーで殴り書きした卑猥な言葉の数々。 とてもグロテスクな空間を演出してくれます
This is the TV and DVD player that Negishi loved to use. Before, it could only be used to play his favorite French movies. But with the help of the president, you can see how wonderful it looks now. こちらは依頼人が愛用していたテレビやDVDプレーヤー。 大好きなフランス映画を見ることくらいしかできなかったはずが、 巧みのアイデアでご覧の通り
The skewered TV can only give off a discomforting static sound, allowing you to have eerie nights all to yourself. 串刺しにされたテレビからはザーという不快音。 不気味な夜を独り占めです
And the bed... The blanket originally had an ordinary striped pattern, and the pillow was so fluffy that it was uncomfortable. With minimal help, it completely changed. That's right! It's burned to a crisp! そしてベッド…ありがちだったスプライト柄の布団と、 ふかふか過ぎて寝苦しかった枕が、 少しの手間ではや代わり。そう、丸焦げです!
Because of this, you'll have lots of sleepless nights, giving you a tendency to naturally want to kill everyone you meet! これであなたは毎日眠れない夜が続き、 自然と誰かに殺意を抱くでしょう
He was only a simple yet kind man. Let's see how he turned out. He became a slave to DMC, and is acting as if he is making up for lost time. Now he'll definitely show up at the concerts. 素朴でやさしかっただけの管理人さんがどうでしょう。 若いころの勢いを取り戻し、DMCの虜となったのです。 これできっと、ライブにも足を運びますね
Hey, listen to me for a moment, a'ight? I don't care if it's not related to this thread. Just listen! Yesterday, I went over to Yoshinoya for a simple meal. Yes, THAT beef bowl house, Yoshinoya. But the whole restaurant was so crowded, I couldn't even find a seat for hours! Then I saw a poster that said "Special offer! 150 yen discount". I thought to myself... geez, that's so fucking amazing. You guys don't even normally visit Yoshinoya. All you bastards came here just for that stupid-assed 150 yen discount. Just for that 150 yen. ONE FREAKIN' FIFTY YEN!!
Then I saw some parents & children. A family of four eating out at Yoshinoya. Damn, so much for that bitch's home-cooked family feast. Then one of the little brats said "Daddy's gonna order a large beef bowl". I couldn't believe it! Uuuuuggh, are you out of your fucking mind!? Shiiit, i'll pay you 150 yen just to move your stanky fat-ass out of a seat. Dude, you just don't go to Yoshinoya for that lala-oh-i'm-so-happy dinner bullshit. It's where you pick a fist-fight with the fucking guy sitting across 'yah in that U-shaped table. Kill or be killed. Heh... now that's the kinda shit I like. Ladies, kids, stand back... 'cuz everything's gonna get FUCKED UP NOW. After waiting for ages, I finally found an empty seat. But then, the guy next to me ordered by saying "A large beef bowl with a LOTTA' gravy". Dude, that just pissed me off even more. Shit, you just don't say "lotta' gravy" nowadays, ya' freaking bastard.
How the fuck can you say "lotta' gravy" with that "oh, i'm so fucking cool, hur-hur-hur..." look!?!? Damn, I was THIS CLOSE to standing in front of his face and yelling "DO YOU EVEN LIKE EATING THAT MUCH FUCKIN' GRAVY!?" For a freaking hour, I was THIS CLOSE to doing that. Shit, I bet you just wanted to use the words "lotta' gravy" out loud. Wow, you're so clever. Dude, you gotta be like ME. See, now I know what's "all that" in Yoshinoya. What's cool right now to say is "Negi-daku". That's it! You see now, a large beef bowl with a lotta onions & an egg is what the hardcore Yoshinoya freaks eat. Like ME. Saying "Negi-daku" means that you get less meat, but they put a WHOLE MESS of onions. Mmmmm... a large beef bowl with onions & an egg, now THAT'S what I call a meal. But anywhoo... ordering that is kinda' like a double-edged sword. Cuz' then the waiters might notice you the next time you come by. So yeah, I can't reccomend this to noobs. For you, just go order a beef and salmon combo. That's as far as you can go, you know what i'm sayin'?
She said that crap about liking my songs during college. She was talking smack behind my back... 大学の頃からオレの歌が好きって言ってたのに、 裏で笑ってやがったんだ…
Starting today, I'm going to seal him away! 今日で俺はこいつを封印する!
Holy shit. This song is illustrating the love story between a boy and girl possessed by devils. A love song that's making me totally wet. すごい、この曲は悪魔に取り付かれた少年少女の姿を描いてる。 ビチョ濡れのラブソングだわ
I'll always be cheering for you! I'll be there at your next street performance. 私ずっと応援してるからね。 今度路上ライブ見に行くね
You better not act out against me anymore. 二度と私に逆らうなよ
Shimokitazawa is such a nice place. I bought some new teacups and got a haircut. All that's left is to go to Village Vanguard and go through some used clothing stores. やっぱ下北沢はいいとこだな。 新しい紅茶用のカップも買ったし、髪も切った。 後はビレッジバンガード行って、 古着屋回るだけ
So there's some kind of street concert by the station. This is the exact kind of music I want to play. 駅前で路上ライブやってんだ。 なんか僕がしたい音楽と似てる
Tetrapod Melon Tea? That's the band I saw above Detroit Metal City at that karaoke thing. I didn't know they were such a great band. テトラポッドメロンティーって、 この前カラオケでDMCの上に入ってた… こんないいバンドだったなんて
He's the only underclassman who looked up to me. We talked about starting a band together someday. 唯一大学時代僕を慕ってくれた後輩で、 いつか一緒にバンドがしたいねって話してたんだ
Why am I running? I probably felt guilty. I just couldn't tell Saji=kun with a straight face... that the band I'm in right now... is like this! 何で逃げてんだろう?たぶん後ろめたかったんだ。 サジ君に胸を張って言えない… 今僕がやっているバンドが…こんなバンドなんて!
With your single being a huge hit, you're planning on releasing an album by the end of the year, right? シングルもヒットして、 年内にアルバムも発売の予定ですよね?
I'll add you to the list of people I'll kill by the end of the year. 年内にキサマを殺す予定も入れておこう
Saji-kun is sticking with the music we started with, but what about me? サジ君は昔からの音楽を続けているのに、僕は何してるんだろう?
I think they're amazing with how they've constructed an entirely new world. 独自の世界観を持っているので、すごいなと思っています
People do often tell me that I'm really thin and sickly. 僕らよく、なよなよしてるって言われるんで…
I'm sorry, Saji-kun. The president would be mad if I didn't. ごめんサジ君、社長に怒られるんだ…
He was my sempai back in college and he was really good at both the guitar and singing. I'm trying very hard even now to become as close to him as possible. 大学の先輩なんですけど、ギターも歌もうまくて、 今も少しでもその人に近づきたくて頑張っています
Saji-kun, I'm already famous. In a way you'd never imagine... サジ君、僕はもう世に出ているよ… 君の思ってもない形で
I'm the worst... I'm not someone who deserves anyone's respect. 今の僕は最低だ… 尊敬される人間なんかじゃない
That's okay! I should be apologizing for being so nervous. 大丈夫です!僕こそ緊張しててすいませんでした
The Capitalist Pig, otherwise known as Nashimoto Keisuke. I feel so guilty for how he gets treated all the time. 資本主義の豚ことナシモトケイスケ。 僕は彼に対して申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいだ
This is the Pig that created this grotesque world! こいつこそグロテスクな社会を作り出した豚だ!
When I apologize to him after the concert... he just smiles and gives me that usual line. ライブが終わって謝ると… いつものセリフで笑ってくれる
I've heard that Nashimoto-san is divorced and has a kid. Can he make a living just being a performer at DMC's concerts? ナシモトさんは確か離婚してて、子供がいる。 DMCのライブパフォーマーだけで生活できるのかな
I don't really have an appetite. I should just eat something from a convenience store. 食欲が湧かない。 コンビニで簡単に済まそう
Welcome. The total comes to 525 yen. いらっしゃいませ。計525円になります
We just had a concert earlier, and he's already working. He must really be straining to make a living. さっきライブ終わったばかりなのにもう働いている。 やっぱり生活大変なんだ
That's embarrassing. I'm sorry for being such a slob. 面目ないっす。 だらしない男で、面目ないっす
I've never seen Nashimoto-san like this before. Maybe it's love. あんな表情のナシモトさん初めて見た。あれは、恋なんじゃ…
I'm embarrassed for letting you see me like that. お恥ずかしい所をお見せしました
You and that girl seem to get along really well. あの女の子といい感じでしたよ
She's also divorced. I heard that she separated with her husband because he had an affair. But she's really nice. I'm embarrassed to say this, but I think I'm in love, despite my age. 私と同じバツ一で、亭主が他に女を作って別れたらしいのですが、 とてもいい子で。恥ずかしながら この年で、恋をしております
Age doesn't matter when it comes to love. 恋に年なんて関係ないですよ
I have nothing that would attract her. しかし私には、彼女を魅了できるものが一つもない
How about bringing her to our next concert and showing her how good you are! じゃ今度彼女をライブに呼んで、 かっこいい所を見せてあげましょう
Now jam your song into that woman! 次はてめーの曲をあの女にぶち込んでやれ!
Next, I will sing a song I wrote for a girl. "Path Home." 次はあの娘のため、私が作った曲を歌います。家路
You can't rape the bitches with that song! そんな歌でメスをやれるかぁ!
He wants more! He's back to being the Pig! 欲してる!また豚に逆戻りだぁ!
She quit work all of a sudden. It's only natural, after seeing what she saw. なんか急にバイトやめちゃったみたいです。 あんなの見せられちゃ、しょうがないですよね
At that moment, I thought Nashimoto-san looked really cool. I was impressed by his attitude toward his work. As for me, I don't think I'll ever be proud of what I do. その時ナシモトさんはとてもかっこよく見え… 仕事への姿勢に感動した。 でも僕は自分の仕事に誇りを持てそうにもありません
My brother Toshi-kun and I share the same interests, so we'll hang out. I'm gonna forget all about DMC and relax during this break. 弟のトシ君とは趣味も合うし、いっぱい遊ぼ。 この休みはDMCのことは忘れてゆっくり過ごすんだ
W-Why is Mom wearing a DMC T-shirt? You can only buy that shirt at the concerts or by mail order. な、なんでお母さんがDMCTシャツを?! あれはライブ会場か通販でしか買えないはず
Why the fuck are you wearing my DMC T-shirt as your work clothes?! I'll fucking kill you! てめぇ何でオレのDMCTシャツを作業着にしよんのかぁ! サツガイするぞ!
Bro! You're in Tokyo and you don't know DMC?! I recorded it off the radio when it played the concert performance! 兄ちゃん、東京住んじょってDMCも知らんの?! ラジオからライブ音源が流れちょったんを録音したんよ!
Toshi-kun. You shouldn't talk like that. And are you sure you should dye your hair like that? トシ君、そんな言葉使っちゃいけんよ。 それにその髪、そんな色にしていいん?
Krauser-san said "Kill me!" when he was born! He knew that he'd be dangerous from the day he was born! クラウザーさんは生まれた瞬間、殺してくれって発言したんで! 生まれた時すでに自分は危険だと気づいちょったね!
Toshi-kun looked up to me so much when we were younger... I guess he still looks up to me, in a way... トシ君は昔は僕を慕ってくれてたのに… まぁ今もある意味僕を慕ってるけど…
He started getting influenced by some weird music about six months ago. I thought you'd get worried, so I didn't tell you. なんか半年前から変な音楽の影響を受けて、 心配すると思ってソウ君には言わんかったんよ
The music I'm playing is causing so much trouble for my family. I have to put some sense into Toshi-kun. 僕のやってる音楽が、家族に混乱を招いている。 僕がトシ君を更正させなきゃ
I'm so glad I brought the costume with me. 一応衣装持って帰って来てて良かった
I want to become just like you! So I won't do anything stupid like go to school or help out around the house! オレはクラウザーさんみたくなりたいんで、学校とか手伝いとか くだらんことしません!
And weeding! You apply this skill to cutting off heads! I'm sure you can't even do basics like this! そして草刈!これは人の首を掻っ切る時に応用できる! お前はこの基本もできないのだろう
And finally, driving the tractor! You can learn how to drive all sorts of vehicles when you jack them with the tractor! 極めつけはトラクターの運転!これは様々な乗り物をジャックするときの 運転技術を学べる!
Krauser-san, you can do all that because of the foundation you have... クラウザーさんのこういう下積みがあって今があるのか…
But we have a fearsome law about drinking only milk tea when studying. I'll have milk tea. でも学問の時はミルクティーっていう恐ろしい掟もある。 ミルクティーで
Now we'll go with a simple math problem. The revenue of a store is 210,000 yen. If you divide it up between three employees, how much does each get? じゃあ簡単な数学。あるお店の売り上げが21万円でした。 店員さん三人で分けると、一人当たりいくらもらえるでしょう
Krauser-san, you'll kill them all and keep it all to yourself! クラウザーさんが全員ぶっ殺して独り占めだぁ!
Well, that's what I would do, but in normal terms, it would be 70,000 yen each. まぁオレならそうするけど、一般的に考えると 一人7万円だよ
These kinds of exchanges continued on until morning... I was also treated to breakfast. And after that... We even took a commemorative picture. このようなやりとりが朝まで続き… 朝ごはんもごちそうになった。 そしてその後…記念写真まで撮ったんだ
This was how I set Toshi-kun straight. I then left my home. I couldn't take it easy at all... こうしてトシ君を更正させた僕は…実家を後にした。 ぜんぜんゆっくりできなかった…
The great performances by Krauser II slowly began to give DMC, Detroit Metal City, much more fame. Thus begins the turbulent chapters of the Japanese indie music scene. DMCことデトロイトメタルシティ、クラウザー2世の天才的なパフォーマンスは次第にDMCの存在を 大きくし、今ここに日本インディーズシーン 争乱の歴史の幕が開いた
Another death metal band, Dezum. The hardest rapper in the world, Kiva. They all attack DMC every chance they get. And among them, an anti-male punk band, Testicle Girls, announced a song targeting DMC specifically. 同じデスメタル系バンド、Dezum。 至上最強ラッパー、キバ…などがこぞってDMCを攻撃し、 その中でも反男性社会パンクバンド、金玉ガールズが、 DMCを標的に曲を発表した
Those bitches parodied a DMC song to pick a fight with us! My cunt is about to split in rage! このメスども、DMCの曲をパロって宣戦布告してきやがった! 怒りで股間が裂けそうよ!
So that's what this is. Dumbass Momma's boy Cocksuckers, huh? That's pretty clever. Plus, they're not that far off. あ、そうなんだこれ。でたらめマザコンチェリーボーイか。 うまいことにな、ほぼ当たってるし
Their agency set it up to make a sensation since DMC is gaining in popularity. I'm not gonna take this sitting down. これは知名度を上げてきたDMCを 叩いて話題にしようって、事務所側の魂胆よ。 このまま黙ってはいられない
For starters, Negishi, go crush the Testicles's concert tonight. とりあえずネギシ、今日行われる金玉のライブ潰してきな
I could never interfere with someone else's concert. Besides, I'm sick today. I was gonna go to the hospital right after this! 人のライブの邪魔するなんてできないです…それに僕、今日風邪引いてて。 これから病院行く予定なんですから!
It's turning out just as I thought! This is all part of our strategy! Just leave it all to me as your manager! I'll turn you all into stars! やっぱりボクの睨み通りだぁ! これも戦略の内なんだから、 マネージャーの私に任せて! みんなをスターにしてあげる!
How am I supposed to stop their concert? Wow, they're having a scuffle with a fan. どうやってライブをやめさせればいいんだ… わぁ、お客さんと掴み合いしてる
I can never let my folks listen to this. Done... I guess I should name the song Satsugai. こんな曲親に聴かせられないよ。 できた…タイトルはサツガイにしよう
I tried so hard to write it all out... It's DMC's song! これは僕が一生懸命作った…DMCの曲なのに!
I just had an incident with the Testicles the other day, and I don't like dealing with strong-minded girls. We're playing first, so I'll make it quick and just go home. 金玉の子たちとはこないだ少し揉めたし、 僕は気の強い子が苦手なんだ。 演奏順は僕らが先だし、早く終わらせて帰ろう
Hey, Wada. You better be pumped up. おい和田。お前気合入ってんだろうな
Today's concert is awesome! I'll even get those Testicle groupies to be my fans! 今日のライブも最高だ! 金玉のファンごと取り込んでやる!
They probably won't expect us to barge in on their performance. 奴らまさか私たちがライブに乱入するとは思ってもみないはず
Krauser-san forces the other side to attack first to shoulder a sin. He'll then kill them as punishment for it. クラウザーさんはまず相手に攻撃させ、罪を負わせ、 その罰としてサツガイするんだ
Barging in, huh? I'm impressed. They're certainly worth the effort to beat down. 乱入してくるなんてなかなかやるじゃない。 潰しがいがあるってもんよ
This bitch is getting carried away. I don't care if you're a punk rocker or pork rocker. I'll crush you with my metal! 調子に乗りやがってこのメスが。 パンクだか豚だか知らねえが、 俺のメタルで潰してくれるわ
Krauser-san is overwriting her lyrics! He's better than her in every way! クラウザーさん、歌詞を修正してる! 全てにおいて上だ!
I knew it! Krauser-san is gracing us by letting us live! やはり俺たちは、クラウザーさんに生かされてるんだ!
The concert hall is in flames! This'll be a great legend. I'll make them pay for all the damages! ライブハウス炎上! 最高のレジェンドよ。 奴らに存在を全て払わせてやるわ!
It never crossed my mind that there would be a DMC homepage. Being Krauser, it does bother me a bit. I wonder what's in here. DMCのホームページなんて思いつきもしなかった。 やってる本人としては気になっちゃうよ。 何が書いてあるんだろう
I guess they're just posting their impressions pretty normally... 結構普通に感想書いてるのかな…
I just hope he doesn't bother the neighbors when he blasts away with the CD. 爆音でCD聴いて周りの住民の迷惑にならなきゃいいけど
The fans are gonna get together at Tokyo Tower tomorrow because of what you said. お前の発言で明日ファンが東京タワーに大集結することが決定したぞ
You need to take responsibility and make sure they don't do anything stupid. お前変な問題起きないように 責任もって行って来いよ
There are about 20 or 30 people here. I won't be able to stop them by myself. I guess I have to become Krauser... 2、30人はいる。 僕じゃ収拾がつかない。 やっぱクラウザーになるしかないか…
I better stop this commotion before the security guards get mad. 警備員さんに怒られる前に騒ぎを収めなくちゃ
The tower will light up in a bit, so let's hang around just a little longer. もう少しでライトアップだから我慢して
The crowd is causing so much trouble for couples! カップルにも迷惑かかってる !
Asato-san asked me out to go to an amusement park called Naqua tomorrow. It's mainly work-related, but do you think I should go? 明日アサトさんからナクアって遊園地に行こうって誘われてるんだ。 仕事の付き合いもあるんだけど、行っていいと思う ?
No! No! I can't bear to see Aikawa-san going out on a date with someone else! やだ、やだ!相川さんが 他の男とデートなんて !
There's a DMC concert tonight. I really don't have time to be a stalker right now. 今日の夜はDMCのLIVE、 こんなストーカーみたいな事してる場合じゃないのに
She asked me last night if she should come! But she's playfully flirting with that damn Asato! 昨日オレに電話で行っていいなんて聞いてきたくせに、 楽しそうにアサトとイチャついてやがる !
The Ferris wheel is where two people can be alone in an enclosed space. What the hell is that damn Aikawa thinking?! 観覧車といえば密室で二人きりになれる場所。 相川のやつ、どういうつもりだ?!
What the hell are those two doing in that cramped space?! この狭い観覧車の中、二人きりで何してやがるんだ?!
It's pretty cute. I'll be sure to introduce it in the magazine. やっぱりかわいいですね。 ちゃんと雑誌で紹介しときますね
I can always expect a good reaction whenever it gets in Am Am. アムアム乗ると反響あるから
You're rubbing up against that man... You're nothing but a damn sex slave! オスに摺りつきやがって… この肉欲の奴隷めが !
Today's performance seems to be going all out. なんか今日の演出凝ってるな
Thus, Krauser II turned the hero show into an ocean of screams. And he made it to the concert that night on time. こうして、クラウザー2世はヒーローショウを悲鳴の海にし、 夜のライブに無事間に合った
DMC is gonna destroy the world with this first album! The shitty way you're singing wouldn't make a single person go crazy! DMCはこのファーストアルバムで世界をぶっ壊すんだ ! そんな歌じゃ人一人狂わせらんねんだよ !
You told me to put some emotion into it, so I arranged the song in my own way. 気持ち込めろって言ったから、 僕なりにアレンジして…
When singing "SATSUGAI," you sing it like you really killed and raped your parents. When singing "I Will Have My Revenge," you sing it like you're really cursing someone to death! サツガイを歌う時は本気で両親を殺して犯し、 恨み晴らさでおくべきかは、憎み祟り殺す気で叫ぶんだ !
I don't hate people that much, though... 僕そんなに人のこと恨んでないし…
Then wring it out of yourself! Sing it again. 絞り出すんだよ !もう一回歌ってみろ
I don't want to release an album, but I've been imprisoned here for days already. If this actually sells well, what should I do? 僕はアルバムなんて出したくないのに、もうここに何日も監禁されている。 もしこれが発売されて売れちゃったりしたら、どうすればいいんだ?
I can't take it anymore. I don't want to go back. These are the letters from the DMC fans that President handed to me earlier this morning. もういやだ、戻りたくない…これは今朝、社長から渡された DMCファンの人たちからの手紙…
I can't wait for my favorite artists to release their albums, too. たしかに僕だって、好きなアーティストのアルバムはすごく楽しみにしてる…
If the surgery fails, I won't be able to live anymore. I want to get well soon so I can listen to your album and make it to the concerts. もし手術が失敗したら、僕はもう生きて行けません。 早く元気になってDMCのアルバムを聴いて、 ライブにも足を運びたいです
DMC is able to help people wavering between life and death like he is. I can't forsake him and leave DMC. こうやって生死をさまよってる子の命にも、DMCが力を与えてあげられている。 僕にはこの子を見捨てて、DMCを去るなんてできないよ
I want to try one more time, so I can help Ryouta-kun get healthy again... もう一度だけ頑張って、この良太君に元気になってもらいたい…
Your letter summoned me from hell while I was busy with the recording. 貴様が出したあの手紙が、レコーディングで忙しい俺を魔界から呼び覚ましたんだ
He's coughing so hard. It must be a really serious illness. 咳き込んでる。よほど重い病なんだ
True, I am the demon king. There is no way I would worry about anything. But sometimes I think about the future and get worried... or feel something very close to that... or maybe not... but I guess I do.. 確かに俺は魔王。不安などあるはずもない。 だがたまに将来のこととか考えると不安… ではないがそれに非常に近い感情に…なるようなないような感じに… ま、なるんだけどな
I have to do it! I'll make this the best album ever! やるしかない !このアルバムを最高のものにするんだ !
I wondered what was up when he came back as Krauser, but he's pumped up! クラウザーで戻ってきたと思ったら すごいテンションじゃない !
A few years later, I had become a famous musician. 数年後、僕は一人前のミュージシャンになっていた
Why do I have a DMC event today of all days? I gathered up my courage to ask her out... なんでよりによって今日がDMCのアルバム発売イベントなんだ… せっかく勇気を出して誘ったのに…
A part-time job I can't skip came up for tomorrow. But I'll be done by evening, so you have to let me treat you to dinner. どうしても休めないバイトが昼間に入っちゃって… でも夕方に終わるからせめて、食事だけでも…
It only means that the countdown to the destruction of the world has begun. この世の破滅へのカウントダウンが始まったに過ぎぬわ
I completely lost track of time. It'd be horrible if I were late for her birthday. I have to hurry up and get the makeup off. つい時間を忘れてノリノリに。 誕生日に遅刻なんて最低だ。 急いで顔のメイクを落として…
Negishi-kun still came even though he's so busy. ネギシ君忙しいのに来てくれたんだね
Vodka means water in Russian. Besides, you prefer this to water, don't you? ウォッカってロシア語でお水って意味だよ。 それにこっちの方がリンは嬉しいでしょ?
Now that you're more cheerful, let's do our best at work! You have to take your job seriously! 元気になったところで、 お仕事頑張ろう! 仕事はちゃんとしようよ !
I keep telling you that you should get an eye exam. いつも言ってるけどさ、たまには視力検査した方がいいって
I brought back a man instead of a cat, as you can see. 猫の代わりに男拾ってきたでしょ
I apologize for getting you involved. It's just... I had a feeling you could help me. すみません、巻き込んでしまって。ただ…何となく あなたなら、助けてくれそうな気がして
No, I have my memories. I remember my address and phone number as well. Even what I had for dinner last night. But I don't have any emotions. いえ、記憶はあります。ちゃんと、住所も電話番号も言えます。 昨日食べた晩飯だって… でも、実感がないんです
It's a strange feeling. I'm sure that I'm Maeno, but I somehow can't confirm it. How should I say it? It's as if I'm pretending to be someone else. なんか不思議な感じなんです。自分が前野に間違いないのに、 その確信が持てなくて…なんていうか 自分が、他人の不利をしているような…
Not the slightest clue. When I came to, there I was, standing around. わけわかんないよ。気がついたら あそこで、ボーッとしてたんだから
If I recall correctly, I left the house this morning and went to the university. And when I came to my senses, I was there. たしか、今朝家を出て、大学に向かって、 気がついたらあそこに…
Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. 今日できること明日するっての、よくないと思うよ
If you drink now, that weird feeling may be gone when you wake up. 飲んで起きたら、その変な感じが 治ってるかもしれないよ
Ah, what a waste. A drop of alcohol is equal to a drop of blood. もったいない。 アルコールの一滴は、血の一滴だぞ
I see you have a hangover. You were drinking with us, after all. 二日酔いだよねえ。 あたしたちに付き合ったんだもん
There's brandy in it. The best drink for a hangover. ブランデー入り。 二日酔いには迎え酒!
I guess it was no use after all. You seem physically normal, though. やっぱ駄目かあ。 肉体的には正常みたいだけどね
It's a strange feeling somehow. Although it's my house, I don't feel like I was born and raised there. And when I look at my mother, she feels like a stranger. なんか変な感じです。自分の家なのに、 生まれ育ったって実感がないし… 母親を見ても他人のような感じで
They don't seem to have driver's licenses or ID cards. I wonder if they're professionals. 免許も身分証も持ってないわ。 PROかなぁ
If they're professional thugs, I won't be a match for them. プロの兵隊とかだと、さすがにあたしじゃ敵わない
Now is your only chance to turn back. You asked me who you were. Perhaps you can find the answer here. But you might be better off not knowing. 引き返すなら今しかないわ。 君は自分が何者なのかってあたしに聞いたわ。 その答えが、ここなら見つかるかもしれない。 でもそれは、知らない方がいいことかも
I... want to know. No, I feel that I have to know. 僕は…知りたい。いえ、 知らなければいけない気がするんです
It's okay. We were gonna check this room too. We'll take care of it once he feels better. いえ、ちょうどこの部屋の点検ですし、 彼の具合が治ったらすぐ作業しますので
The guard was carrying a gun. From here on, it'll be dangerous. さっきの警備員、銃を持ってた。 ここから先はかなり危ないわよ
According to the blueprints Mimi provided, the second floor seems suspicious. ミミが用意してくれた設計図だと、 2階が怪しいわ
Say, do you know how many holes a human body has? Two for the eyes, two for the ears, two for the nose, and one for the mouth. And three here. Ten holes in all. ねぇ、人間の体に穴っていくつあるか知ってる? 目が二つ、耳が二つ、 鼻が二つ、口が一つ。 そして、ここに三つ。全部で10
Though men have only nine. Through piercing, men can change the number of holes that God gave them. 男性は九つしかないけどね。ピアスって、 神から与えられた穴の数を人の手で変えてしまうのよ
Since ancient times, men have used piercing to differentiate themselves from God's creation. Don't you think so too? 有史以前から、人はピアスによって 神の創造の手から逃れようとしてきた。 そうは思わない?
From now on, I'll pierce you bit by bit. And do many other things, as well. これから、新たに少しずつピアスをしてあげるわね。 それにもっといろいろなことも
I am the worst human being. I should have stayed in academics, but I went into the futures market. Then the bubble broke, and I lost everything. 私はね、人間として最低なんですよ。学問だけしていればよかったのに、 先物取引きなどというものに手を出して、 あげくバブルがはじけて無一文
Even though I've ended up here, I still can't discard my pride. こんなところまで流れてきたというのに、 いまだにプライドだけは捨てない
There are lots of people who are worse. もっとひどい奴はいっぱいますよ
There is something else I can't discard, up here. If there is something good about this life, it's realizing that the knowledge I carry is totally useless. 捨てきれないものはもう一つ、ここに… こういう生活を始めて良いことがあったとしたら、 私のため込んでいた知識など、生きる上では何の役にも立たないと、わかったことです
Even so, there are people like you who come to me in need of my knowledge. Honestly, I am very happy. それでもあなたのように、 私の知識を必要としてくれる人が現れる。 正直うれしいですな
I guess it was the right idea to talk to you. やっぱり相談して正解だったようですね
The first stamp in Japan. Look at this. The beauty of it. This intricate pattern was made by hand. The product of a craftsman's will and skill. 日本最初の切手。 見てください、この美しさ。 この細かい模様は手掘りなんですよ。 職人の意地と技術の結晶…
This is also one of those things I can't discard. Even though I could probably get enough to live by selling it. これも、捨てられない物の一つですね。 これを売れば生活の足しになるというのに…
It's not that there weren't any stamps before this one. That's the Sutherland stamp. In the entire country, only about ten of them have been confirmed to exist. この切手以前に切手がなかったわけじゃないんです。 それがサザーランド切手。おそらく全国で、 10数枚前後しか確認できていないと思います
I've had an uneasy feeling in my chest recently. That's right. That's how it was. That time too, it was an awful night when even an angel would cry. なんか最近胸が騒ぐの。 そう…そうだった。あのときも、 天使の泣きそうな嫌な夜だった
It's not funny. I have to be really careful about this case. 冗談じゃないんだよ。 気をつけても気をつけ過ぎるってことがない事件なんだから
It must be really bad for Tamo-chan to be that scared. タモっちゃんがあそこまでビビるなんて相当だわ
I caught you at the right place. It's terrible. いい所にいた。大変なんだ
The stamps have something to do with this after all? Someone followed me that time. やっぱり切手絡みか。 あの時つけられたのね
That's my brother's. He hasn't been back for a week. あれは兄の。 もう、1週間も帰ってこないの
A week ago, my brother said he would end it today, and left. That angel must know where my brother is. That's why I have to find the angel. 1週間前、兄は今日で終るって言って出て行ったの。 あの天使はきっと兄さんがどこにいるかを知ってる。 だから天使を探さないといけないの
Not only illegal immigrants, they are also involved with other smuggling activities. 不法就労者の密入国だけじゃなくて、 色々な密輸にも関わってるみたいだ
Anything in common with the other victims? ほかの被害者との共通点は?
Well, the pimp might be related, but... I don't think the Foreign Ministry employee is related. まあヒモの男とは繋がりがあるかもしれないけど… 外務省職員とは関係ないと思う
Eventually we'll find a new piece, and maybe the picture will become obvious. そのうち新しいピースが見つかって、 絵がはっきりしてくるかもよ
It looks like we can see the picture at last. どうやら絵が見えてきたわ
Also, the police haven't said anything about it officially, but the word "Angel" was written in blood at every crime scene. それにね、公安は公表してないけど、 犯行現場には必ず、エンジェルの血文字が書かれてるらしいわ
The angel is your brother. That image of your brother disappearing... You came to believe that was an angel. That's what I think. 天使は、お兄さんなんだよ。 君は、いなくなったお兄さんの面影を… 天使だと思い込んでる…と思うよ
I thought... you'd believe in me. That's what I thought. あなただけは…信じてくれるって… 思ってた
Lucky, we can use this again if I peel it off. Since it doesn't have a stamp. ラッキー、剥がせばまた使えるわ。 スタンプなしだし
The legendary assassin who asks for stamps as his payment! I thought he was only a legend. I didn't even think about it. 報酬を切手で要求するっていう、伝説の暗殺者! 伝説だと思って考えもしなかったわ
You might not know it, but it's not a good place. 知らないかもしれないけど、あんまりいい店じゃないわ
I know. After my brother started going to that place, he changed. わかっています。その店に行くようになってから、兄は変わりました
It looks like the disk has been formatted and erased, but the data's still there. Your brother must be a skilled hacker. フォーマットされてデータを消したように見せてるけど、 ちゃんと残してあったわ。 あなたのお兄さん、凄腕のハッカーだったのね
When the Fruit of Immortality enters your body, you become immortal. But that only applies to women. 時じくの実が体に入った時点で、不老不死になる。 だけどね…そうなるのは女だけ
Men... become angels. They're only called that because their appearance is similar. They're not real angels. 男は…天使になるの。 姿形が近いからそう呼ばれるだけで、 本物の天使じゃないわよ
Men who become angels acquire superhuman powers. In exchange for that, they only live a short time. 天使になった男には、人を超えた力が与えられるの。 それと引き換えに、生きていられるのはわずかな間だけ
When they become angels, they lose their own will, and act according to certain instincts. 天使になると自分の意志はなくなり、 ある本能のまま行動するの
Yuki-chan's brother suppressed his instincts with a strong will, and killed all those who tried to bring him down. ユキちゃんのお兄さんは、強い意志で本能を抑え込んで、 自分を陥れた連中を殺しているんだわ
Even though it's unfitting, we immortal women are attracted to angels. We're sexually attracted to them. 私たち不死の女は、天使に否応なく惹かれるのよ。 性的に魅了されてしまうのよ
In simple terms, we want them to embrace us. We can't help ourselves. 平たく言えば、抱かれたくなるの。 どうしようもなく
You are the Stamp? I don't intend to interfere with your work. I can see very well from here. There are faint smells of gasoline throughout the park. あなたがスタンプ?あたしはあなたの仕事に口出しするつもりないから。 ここからならよく見えるわ。 公園通り、かすかにガソリンの臭いがするわよ
The Secretary General is visiting a new city. In order to make it to the next dinner party on time, they are cutting through the park to get on the freeway. 新しい都庁を表敬訪問した書記長は、 次に晩餐会に出席するために、 公園通りから高速に入ろうとする
The sewage that flows beneath them underground has been mixed with gasoline and rigged with detonators. That will cause an explosion there. Then when the cars stop, you'll have your aiming point. その足の下を流れる下水には ガソリンが巻かれ、充満していて、 そこで爆発が起きる。 そしていや応なく止まった車を狙う
He was worried about his sister, even when he was about to die. I pitied him a bit. なんか死にそうになりながら妹の心配してたから、 ちょっとかわいそうになっちゃってね
They're fools. Doing meaningless things with their limited lives. They're helpless. あいつらバカだよ。 限りある命をくだらないことでムダに捨てたりする。 どうしようもない連中だよ
I'm with them because they're helpless. Because they only have limited lives, they try to live to the the fullest. どうしようもないから一緒にいるの。 限りある命しかないから、 彼らは懸命に生きてるわ
Well, you could say that too. まぁ、そうとも言うか
"Good things will happen as long as you're alive." I won't say something like that. But only you can give meaning to your life. 生きていればいいことがある、なんて言いません。 でも、先生の人生に意味を持たせられるのは、先生だけです
Cause of death was impact from the fall, but she would've died anyway in her condition. Her lungs and brain were badly damaged. 死因は墜落の衝撃による全身打撲だが、 あのまま放っておいても死んでたな。 かなり肺と脳をやられてたらしい
Also... She acted like a normal student, but she was quite a pervert. それと…普通の女子高生の振りして、 ど変態だったらしいな
Mimi, look this up. Shimizu Yoshie. She should be in a nursing home. ミミ、ちょっと調べて。清水ヨシエ。 どこかの老人ホームに入っているはず
Early symptoms are similar to the flu. Fever, cough, and hiccups continue for a week. After that, the hands and feet begin to swell, and eventually the joints begin to hurt. 初期症状は風邪と酷似している。 発熱、咳、くしゃみが1週間ほど続く。 その後、手足のむくみが始まり、 やがて節々に痛みを生じる
At that time, amnesia and hallucinations begin to worsen, and patients fall into a state of delirium. この頃になると、記憶障害、妄想がひどくなり、 せん妄状態に陥るようになる
A common symptom is that the patients say they see a red flower blooming. 共通する幻想として、患者は一様に、 赤い花が咲くというようなことを口にする
Blood spots start to appear all over their bodies like flowers, and this is the origin of the name Higan-byou. 全身に花のようなうっ血が浮かぶ。 彼岸病の名前はここに由来する
Because the risk of infection is very low, the number of patients who contracted this disease while we were there... was just one. 感染力はとても弱く、 私たちが赴任している間に 発病した患者は…わずかに一人であった
In other words, this was a biological weapon that the military was researching? I can imagine what happened after this. 要するに、生物兵器として軍が研究してたってわけ? この先は想像がつくわ
After the loss of the war, the military ordered the destruction of all records. They placed a gag order on everyone involved. 敗戦によって軍の命令で関係書類はすべて破棄。 関係者にもかん口令が敷かれた
The symptoms are the same as Takimoto Yuria's, the person who died at the construction site? その症状が、建築現場で死んだ 滝本ユリアと一致するのか?
The island was wiped off the face of the earth. Encountering a local disease from there seems quite impossible, right? 地球上から消滅した島… そこの風土病にかかるなんて、ありえないでしょ?
But that was more than 60 years ago, right? Even if they're still alive, they'll all be old. でも、60年以上前だろ? 生きているとしても、みんな老人だよ
Todoroki never could become an adult. 轟はいつまでも大人になれなかったわ。
How long has he been missing? いつから帰ってないんだ?
For a week. He called to say he'd be coming back as usual. And since then... 1週間前。いつも通り帰るって、携帯に電話があって、 それきり…
Just that... after he was gone, when I took a look at his desk, I found this. ただ…あの人がいなくなってから、 机の上を見ていたら…これが
Since I've become a shareholder, I've been able to get more information. They wouldn't think that a shareholder is a hacker as well. 株主になるとね、いろいろ情報もらえるんだ。 向こうもまさか、ハッカーが株主だなんて思わないでしょ
It's me. I found the list of residents at Shibitojima. It's an old source, so I don't think it will help much. I'll send it to you by email. 私。死人島の移住者リスト見つかった。 古い資料だからあまり役に立たないと思うけど、 メールに添付しておく
Let's just hope that this isn't a precursor of things to come. これが先駆けにならないことを祈るのね
There are things that would surprise even you. It's okay. Don't worry. It's in the hands of trustworthy people. あなたでも驚くことがあるのね。 大丈夫、心配しないで。信頼できる人間の手にあるから
It's okay. It's best for kids to sleep early and wake up early. いいよ、子供は早寝早起きが一番だ
They're after the Shibitojima records. Our office is in a terrible state too. 狙いは、死人島の記録。 事務所も酷いもんよ
It's different from usual. I've had premonitions about that. I was wondering if a day like this would come eventually. When Rin would stick her nose too deep into trouble. いつもと違う…そんな予感がするんだ。 いつか、こういう日が来るんじゃないかと思っていた。 リンは危険に首を突っ込みすぎる
Living doesn't just mean not dying. It's the same for you. If your livelihood was guaranteed from now on, would you go on living without doing anything? 生きてるって、死なないことじゃないのよ。あなただってそう。 今後の生活のすべて補償されたら、 何もしないで生きていける?
If I could stay with my family. 家族と一緒にいられるなら…
That's a lie. Men always want proof that they're alive. Even if it means doing criminal acts that others frown on. They can't go on living without doing something. そんなの嘘。人間はいつでも生きる証しが欲しいの。 たとえ人から認められない、犯罪のようなことでも、 何かしてなきゃ生きていけないの
For Rin and me, that just happens to mean the current job. We might be bored in another hundred years, but right now, doing this means being alive to us. リンと私にとっては、それがたまたま今の仕事だっただけ。 あと100年もしたら飽きるかもしれないけど、 今はこれをやり続けることが、生きてるってことなの
I'm going to look up the survivors of Shibitojima. That's about all I can do. 死人島の生き残りをあたってみる。 俺にできることは、そのぐらいだ
Now is the time to do what we can. 今はできることをやるべき時なのよ…
I don't like it, but I guess I have to ask her. 嫌だけどあいつに聞くか…
If you don't look, what she's doing will go to waste. あなたが見てあげないと、この子のしていること無駄になるわよ
In the past, when a man contracted a disease that couldn't be explained, he was said to be a victim of the Evil Eye. 昔の人間はね、原因不明の病気にかかったりすると、 イービルアイに睨まれたって言うのよ
Kudal has been very active in the underworld recently. Most of their deals are about arms. They're quite a cult. I don't really want to get involved. クドルは最近裏の業界で手広くやってるわよ。 主な取引きは武器。ちょっと狂信的なの。 あまりお付き合いしたくないわね
Thanks to medical technology, I'm able to move around like this. I've waited 20 years for this development. こうやって動き回れるのは、医学のおかげ。 その発達を待つのに20年かかったわ
The Fruit of Immortality recreates forever the form you had when it entered your body. If you're healthy, you're healthy forever. If you're sick, you're sick forever. 時じくの実はそれを体内に入れた瞬間を 永遠に再生していく。 健康であれば永遠に健康。 病気なら永遠に病気
I wonder how often I can destroy you before you're unable to regenerate? Even if I take out all of your organs? Even if I leave just your head? どこまで破壊したらあなたは再生できなくなるのかしら? 内臓全てを取り去っても? 首だけになっても?
No, I want you to hate me. As you suffer and feel pain, the taste that is imbued with hatred is the best. I'm going out for a bit. いや、恨んでほしいなぁ。苦しんで傷ついて、 恨みに染まった記憶は最高の味わいだからね。 ちょっと出かけてくるよ
You should check the medical equipment carefully. Sometimes things get left inside the patient's body. 手術用具のチェックはちゃんとした方がいいわよ。 患者の体内に残したままにしちゃうことがあるんだから
The season changed while I was asleep? 眠らされてる間に季節変わっちゃったの?
This ship, which they believe belongs to Kudal, entered harbor on the day Takimoto Yuria died, and left harbor on the day Rin went missing. クドルのものと推定される船が、 滝本ユリアが死んだ日に入港していて、 リンが行方不明になった日に出向している
Just to be sure, I searched a bit. The area where Shibitojima was. 念のために検索してみたわ。 死人島のあった海域
You want to make it more contagious... and sell it as a biological weapon? 感染力を高めて… 生物兵器として、売るの?
Those guys supported me because that's what they thought. After all, they are weapons merchants. But... my goal is different. あいつらはそう思って私に従ってきたわ。 所詮は武器商人よ…でも、私の目的は違う
You plan on spreading it everywhere. バラまくつもりね
It will wipe out all of humanity. Only immortals like us will be left. We won't need to hide from the world anymore. Furthermore, I'll solve all the environmental and overpopulation problems. 全ての人類が死滅するの。 残るは私たち不死の者。 もう世間に隠れる必要もない。 しかも、環境問題も人口爆発の問題も全て解決
I'll take you to your special seat. Before that... I'm going to silence you for a while. あなたは特等席にご招待してあげるわ。その前に、 ちょっと静かにしててね
Snow-making machines work by spreading water vapor. She intends to use them to disperse the Higan virus in Tokyo. 人口降雪機って、水を霧状に散布するの。 あれで東京に彼岸ウイルスをバラまくつもりね
1.0 or 2.0 or whatever. There was always just one reality in the past. 1.0とか2.0とか… 昔っから現実は一つって決まってんだよ
It's boring with just one. 一つなんてつまんないじゃん
I believe you. At least, it's true that fake detectives are pursuing you. 俺は信じるぞ。少なくとも、ニセの刑事が追ってたことは事実だ
Ruon was an avatar that appeared in 2.0 about five years ago. She was initially powered by AI, but since there were no copyrights, anyone could use her 3D data as an avatar. ルオンてのは5年ぐらい前に2.0に現れたイコーよね。 最初はAI搭載だったけど、版権フリーだったから、 3Dデータはごく普通のイコーとして、だれでも使えるわ
Mimi's been using computers from before you were born. ミミはあんたが生まれる前からパソコン使ってるから
All right, I'm getting the hang of it. ようし、調子が出てきたぞ
How much must I kill you before you'll die? Not even this much, right? Claymore mines didn't kill you either. どれくらい殺せば、お前は死ぬ? これくらいでも足りない、だろ? クレイモアで死ななかったんだ
It appears at its whim and releases countless spores. Then, once in a million times, or once in a billion, a specia spore appears. That is the Fruit of Immortality. In rare instances, people are able to touch it. それは気まぐれに現れ、無数の胞子を放出する。 そして、胞子の中に何百万に一個か、何千万個に一個、 特別な胞子が現れる。それが時じくの実。 ごく稀に、人が触れることがあるの
It's not like I'm asking him to believe it. 別に信じて下さいってお願いしてるわけじゃないわ
Be sure to lock this place. Also, shut off the gas valve. Rin, you left it open last time too. ここのカギかけといてよ。 それからガスの元栓閉めてね。 リン、こないだも開けっぱなしだったよ
I'm doing somewhat better. No, even I... have times when things are rough. 何とか元気でやってるわ。ううん…あたしだって、辛くなる時もあるわ
I'm scared. Ruon, who's supposed to exist in 2.0, gets killed in reality, and someone immortal appears right in front of me! 怖いんだよ。2.0にいるはずのルオンが現実で殺されたり。 死なない人が目の前にいたり!
When I was small, even before I went to elementary school, I was in an accident once. オレ、ちっちゃかった頃、 まだ小学校に上がる前だったかな… 事故に遭いかけたことがあるんだ
I don't remember who saved me. But, she had the same scent as you. And the same warmth. だれが助けてくれたのか、もう全然覚えてない。 だけど、あんたの匂いと同じだった…温もりも
Also, since when I was small, I've felt that someone's been watching over me. It wasn't like someone had placed a guard on me. More like I was being protected. あと、子供のころから、誰かに見られてるって感じがしてたんだ。 見張られてたって感じじゃないんだ。 見守られてるって感じだった
I heard she ran away? This side is bigger. It must be difficult looking for her. あの子、逃げたんだって?あっちは広いもんねえ。 探すの大変そ
I don't have time to deal with you now. 今はあなたの相手をしてる暇はないんです
Impossible. Kamiyama is single, and there's no data on the net to suggest that. ありえない、だって神山は独身だし。 ネット上にも、そんな情報なかったわよ
Be careful. He acts like a gentleman, but he can do terrible things. 気をつけろ。あいつは紳士面して、 とんでもねえことしでかす奴だ
We have to immerse you. We'll follow you. Even though I had to cobble together some parts really quickly. あなたがイマースするしかないもん。私たちがついてるから。 といってもあり合わせの部品で短時間で作ったから…
Is that right? You talk as if it's someone else's problem. あーそうですか。人事だと思いやがって
Guys are sad. They get aroused even in situations like this. 男の子って悲しいわね。こんな状況でも反応しちゃうんだから
I guess we have to go to the resort. 別荘に行くしかないかな
What's with a name as long as a drunken old man's piss? なんだよその酔っぱらいのおやじの小便みたいに長ったらしい名前は?
To put it simply, it's a theory that when input values are within a certain range, the output values will also converge. 単純に言うと、ある範囲内の数値を入れると、 だいたい似たような数値になって出てくる方程式のこと
That's pattern recognition? If you enter some dog-like values, the answer you get back will be "dog." それってパターン認識のこと?犬っぽい数値が入れられると、 犬って答えが出てくるってこと
Never mind that. I haven't seen any car for a while. そんなことよりさあ、 先から車全然いねえんだけど
But she found out that she'd be sealed inside a physical body again. If that happened, how could she prevent Kamiyama from doing as he wished? でもまた肉体に封じ込められることはわかってた。 そうなった時、神山の自由にならないためにはどうしたらいいか?
By hiding the most important parts of her software elsewhere. ソフトの重要な部分を別の場所に隠す…
Just like her mother. Instead of staying by my side, she preferred freedom. She preferred the net. 母親と同じだ。 俺の側より自由がいいだと… ネットがいいだと…
It was simple to give the order over the net. Any woman near Teruki should just die. ネットから命令を出せば簡単。 テルキのそばにいる女なんて、死んじゃえばいいのよ
Stigma is a program to suck in the data from your brain. He called it the frontier of science or whatever, but it's just murder. Suck up all the data and leave the body empty. スティグマっていうのは、脳内データを吸い上げるためのプログラムなのよ。 科学の発展に寄与をだとかなんだとか言うけど、 要は殺人よ。データをすべて吸い上げて、空っぽにされたんだから
But it's been fun. Everyone in 1.5 could play with me. でも楽しかったわ。 1.5の連中がいくらでも相手してくれた
But only Teruki ever asked to meet me in 1.0. けどテルキだけよ、1.0で会おうって言ったのは
Finally, I was given a body. I ran away immediately, so that I could meet Teruki. その私に、ようやく筐体が与えられた。すぐに逃げ出したわ、 テルキに会うために
Since then, I've been watching Teruki from the net. I was happy just to do that. If only you hadn't been there! それからはネットからテルキを見ていた。 それだけで幸せだった、 あんたがいなければね!
Do they exist somewhere? Nice guys who would give tens of billions just like that to go out with me. どっかにいないかなぁ?私と付き合うためなら、 100億ぐらいポンと出してくれるいい男
It would be a joke if someone else said it, but you sound serious when you say it. 他のヤツが言うとギャグだけど、 ミシオが言うと本気だからなぁ
It's okay. You don't have to go that far. いいよ。そこまでしなくて
You like the Impressionists. Is it because politics is all about the concrete? 印象派が好きなんだね。 政治は具象だから?
You mustn't judge people by their appearances. I'm going to tell you something interesting. 人を外見で判断しちゃいけないな。 おもしろい話をしてあげようってのに
Also, the project plans from earlier were very well done. But I can't let you get involved with the project itself. I'll probably take control of it myself. それとこないだの企画書、なかなか良くできてたよ。 ただプロジェクト自体をキミに任せるわけにいかない。 おそらく僕が指揮を取ることになるだろうね
It is said that Yaobikuni gained immortality by eating mermaids. Whether it's east or west, people have always yearned for immortality. この八尾比丘尼は、人魚の肉を食べて不老不死になったと言われる。 洋の東西を問わず人は不老不死に憧れていた
Sounds great. I'm on my way. いいね。行く行く
A disappearing corpse. A mysterious woman who left the scene. Moreover, she might be related to some girl's father. 消えた死体。現場から立ち去る謎の女。 しかも彼女は、ある少女の父親と関係があるかもしれない
Think about it logically. Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however, improbable, must be the truth. 論理的に考えて、最後に残ったものが たとえ信じられないようなことだとしても、それが事実なのだよ
We should start with the register from the recent party. まずこないだのパーティの名簿だな
No way I can do that! I'm just playing along with your detective game. できるか! こっちはミシオの探偵ごっこに付き合ってるだけ
You... don't know about me. Neither do I. I... don't have any memories of the past. Where I was born... Not even my real name. I don't know at all. あなたは…私のことを知らないのよ。私も… 私、昔の記憶がないの。 どこで生まれたのか…本当の名前も、 まったくわからないの
Five years ago, I washed up on a seashore. I'd been saved. This was what I had in my hands at the time. 5年前、海岸に打ち上げられてたの、助けられた… これが、その時握り締めていたもの
She saved my life. Thanks to her, I can be the way I am now. パパの命の恩人なんだ。 今こうしていられるのも、彼女のおかげだよ
Is it possible that you know about my past? I don't remember the past. What kind of person was I? もしかして、昔の私をご存知なんですか? 私、前のこと覚えてないんです。 私、どんな人間だったんですか?
I'm sorry. It seems I have the wrong person. すまない…人違いだったようだ
I'm so old that I even think you look good as a nun. 尼さん姿もいいなと思えるぐらい年を取ったよ
Many things have happened since then. The world moved on. I kept on running. And when I looked back, I'd become the leader of some corporate group. あれからいろいろあったからね。 世界を回って、ひたすら走り続けて、 振り返ればいつのまにか企業グループのトップになっていた
Many things have happened to me, actually. Before I noticed, I'd become a nun that talks about prophecies. それこそいろいろあったのよ。気がついたら、 ここで予言めいたことを口にする尼さんになってたわ
I met her too. Rin's eyes were the eyes of the people who want to kill me. 私も会ったわ。 リンの目は私を殺そうとする目だった
After Rin disappeared, I tried to build a network of a acquaintances. But recently, the number of people I can't contact has been increasing. リンがいなくなってから、知り合いを通じてネットワークを作ろうとしてきたの。 でも最近、連絡が取れない人たちが増えている
In the first place, can we ever really lose our memories? そもそも私たちが記憶をなくすなんてことあるのかしら?
I'm not the one who doesn't have time. It's Yggdrasill. 時間がないのは僕じゃない。ユグドラシルだよ
How's your daughter? I got her in trouble. 娘さんは? 彼女に迷惑をかけたわね
Just a simple fracture. It will heal soon. 単純骨折だ。すぐに直る
That was the first time my body was completely destroyed. Reconstructing my body probably took decades, and my memory ended up in chaos. さすがに、体をあれだけ徹底的に破壊されたのは初めて。 体の再生にたぶん何十年もかかって、 記憶が混乱してしまっていた
Before, you left me because you knew I had lost my memory, right? You're kind, Teruki. It was cruel, though. あの時、あたしの記憶がないってわかって離れていったんでしょ? テルキのやさしさよね。残酷だけど
It's been many centuries since I had a lover. 恋人なんて、何百年ぶりだったかしら
You don't know how important Rin is. キミは、リンがどれほど大事かわかっていない
I want to believe it. But from what we've seen, we know very well what's going on behind the scenes. 信じたいわ。でも物事にどれほどの裏があるのか、 私たちはイヤというほど見てきた
Nobody knows when Yggdrasill will appear. Sometimes we see it after a few months, sometimes we don't see it for a few years. But it's been thirty years. ユグドラシルがいつ現れるか、誰にもわからない。 数ヵ月後に見ることもあれば、何年も見ないこともあるわ。 でも30年よ
Even though your hands are stained red with blood, your blood seems black as night. 手は赤い血で汚れきっている上に、 あんたの血は夜みたいに黒いんだな
And it's colder than darkness. The same as dead people. そして闇より冷たいよ。 死人の血と同じさ
It's okay. I won't kill you yet. There are lots of things I want to ask you. 大丈夫、まだ殺さないわ。 あなたには聞きたいことが山ほどあるもの
Now. Embrace them as much as you want. さあ。思う存分抱かれなよ
Looking at how you are now, your memories must have come back. その様子だと、 ようやく自分を取り戻したみたいだね
These people all stink, but it can't be helped. こいつら見境なくさかりやがって、どうしようもないよ
You're able to maintain your will. You're someone to admire. Let me help you. You want your will to be obvious, don't you? 意識を保つためとはいえ、見上げたもんだね。 手伝ってやるよ。意識がはっきりするだろ?
Hoping to stay there overnight, the traveler went to visit the castle. But, no one was there. 旅人は、一晩泊めてもらおうと、お城を訪れました。 でも、誰の姿もありませんでした
While the traveler was looking around, he noticed an inner garden, but there was no way to get to it. Meanwhile, he found a room with a lot of treasures. 旅人は見て回るうちに、中庭があることに気づきましたが、 どうやっても行くことができません。 そのうち、宝物でいっぱいの部屋を見つけました
Wondering whether there were more to be found, the traveler went searching, and found a shocking room. There were many women who had been skewered. もっとあるのではないかと探していると、 とんでもない部屋を見つけてしまいました。 そこには、串刺しになった女たちがたくさんいたのです
When the traveler finally got home, he could not forget the mountains of treasures. ようやく家に帰りついた旅人でしたが、 宝の山を忘れることができませんでした
The traveler went out looking for that castle again, but he was never able to find it. 旅人は、もう一度あの城を探しに出かけました。 でも二度と、見つかることはありませんでした
She's been like this ever since we got here. ここまで来る間も来てからも、ずっとこの調子
When I went to look, no one was there. Only signs that there had been a battle. 私が見に行った時は、もう誰もいなかったの。 ただ、争った跡があっただけで
It seemed pretty important, so I brought it back. なんか大事そうだったから、持ってきたんだけど
I saw something similar to that when I was a child. 似たようなのを子供のころ見たような…
That's the Fruit of Time from an angel. It must've been in your house when you were little. それは、天使の時じくの実よ。 テルキがまだ小さかったころ家にあったはず
According to him, some preparations still need to be made. Until your groom arrives, you'll have to endure that. あいつの話しじゃ、まだ準備があるんだってよ。 花婿さんが来るまでそいつで我慢しときな
When I first met Rin... an angel was in the process of eating me. Since then, she's been protecting me all the time. リンに初めて会った時…私は、天使に食べられてる最中だった。 あれ以来、ずっと彼女に守ってもらってた
Of course, I helped her out a bit too. But I was only helping her. That's why I'm going to protect her this time... from Apos' hands. もちろん、私だって彼女の手助けはしてたけど、所詮手助け。 だから、今度は私が彼女を守るの…エイポスの手から
After you hear the story, it won't seem romantic or anything. It's a cruel story. 話しを聞くと、ロマンチックでも何でもないわ。 残酷な話しよ
I'm meeting some acquaintances. Although it's the first time she's met me. ちょっと知り合いに会うのよ。 初めてだけどね
Satellite information is not directly available to the public. Most of it is hidden behind walls of military secrecy. 衛星情報なんて、ダイレクトにオープンになってないの。 多くは軍事機密のカベに隠されてるわ
If we took more time, we'd be able to get information from the military too, but we're in a hurry now. 時間をかければ、 軍の情報にもアクセスできるけど、今は急ぐから…
Your eyes. It makes me shiver when I look at your eyes. その目だ。その目を見るとゾクゾクするよ
The Guardian protects Yggdrasill. Eventually he becomes connected to the god's bride through blood, and must yield his position to the new Guardian. 森人はユグドラシルを守り、いずれは神の花嫁と契りを結び、 新しい森人にその座を譲らねばならない
What's important is that Apos is trying to change that. He's trying to become an eternal Guardian. 大事なのはエイポスがそれを変えようとしている。 永遠の森人になろうとしていることだ
To achieve that, he's going to give the bride's Fruit of Time to Yggdrasill. She was chosen to be the god's bride. そのために花嫁の時じくの実を、ユグドラシルに捧げようとしている。 彼女は神の花嫁に選ばれてしまった
Moreover, he revealed the secret of the immortals to normal people. He's trying to change the world this way. しかも死に行く者たちに不死の秘密を明かした。 あれは、世界をも変えようとしている
I don't know if it will work or not, but I've made preparations. 効くかどうかわからないけど、 一応用意はしてあるわ
All the pieces will soon be gathered. I don't want to be interrupted, Laura. もう少しで全ての駒が揃う。 ジャマはされたくないんだよ、ローラ
No. You must embrace me now. For a thousand years, how much I've yearned for you! ダメ、今抱いてくれなきゃ。 千年、どんなに焦がれたか…
Your thinking only goes that far, father. あんたが考えるのはその程度だよね、お父さん
I've made preparations for that too. Wars will start around the world now. Everyone will come to want the Fruits of Time. そのための準備もできてるよ。 これから戦争が世界中で始まる。 みんなが時じくの実を欲するようになるんだ
That's why you always wanted stimuli. Even food and sex, which you don't need in the first place. But your mind is weak. When you live for a long time, it becomes broken. だからキミたちは常に刺激を欲しがるんだよ。 本来不要な食事やセックスなんかをね。 でも心は弱いからね…長く生きていると壊れてしまうことがあるんだ
Mankind is strong. As the world has grown larger, they've learned to accept various things. That's why they've been able to expand this far. That's how people are. 人間は強いわ。世界が広がるたびに、 あらゆるものを受け入れてきた。 だからここまで発展できた。 それが人よ
I didn't tell you two, but this child differs from normal human beings in only one way. He's been linked to Yggdrasill since birth. That power will pass on from this child to his descendants, and spread out in the world. 二人には言わなかったけど、この子は普通の人間にして唯一違うことがあるわ。 彼は、生まれつきユグドラシルとリンクしている。 その能力はこの子を通じて子孫へと… 世界へと広がっていく
It's because were children of normal people! That's why we should live normal lives. 庶民の子ですから、私たちは! ですから、慎ましやかに暮らせれば…
I respect your ideals. But only if you can really live a peaceful life. ま、それもよかろう。 本当に暮らしていけておればだが…
I've said it before. You, who is part of the Fujiwara family, cannot live a lifestyle in which will embarrass us all. 以前わしは言ったな。藤原財閥の一端に連なる者として、 恥ずかしくない暮らしをせよと
I cannot pretend as if nothing's happening. Due to that, I am going to forcefully change your lives! これ以上、黙って見過ごすことはできん。 よって、お前たちの生活に強制介入を決行する!
The door opened... Nee-chan. It was jammed half-shut by the garbage this morning. ドアが開くよ、ねーちゃん。 今朝までゴミで半分も開かなかったのに…
What is this... the kitchen which even the professional cleaning companies got scared of... なんてことだ… 清掃業者ですら逃げ出した台所まで…
This is a maid I've picked according to Kousuke's liking. コウスケの好みに合わせて選んだメイドじゃぞ
Also, such a young and beautiful maid will do no good to Kousuke's life. He already plays a lot of weird games which have poisoned his brain, we cannot hurt Kousuke's lifestyle anymore. 第一、こんな若くて美人のメイドなんて、コウスケの教育上好ましくありません。 ただでさえ変なゲームのやりすぎで、脳みそ毒されている コウスケの人生観に致命傷を与えかねません
What type of zoo is this? Cats and crows can easily roam around. いったいどこの動物園だこの家は? 猫でもカラスでも入りたい放題だったぞ
I've put a lot of effort into this... To find a maid you like, someone as buff as a samurai or a swordsmen. なかなか大変じゃったぞ… お前好みの戦国武将や剣豪のような強くてたくましいメイドを見つけ出すのは
Let's take this piece of underwear as an example. You probably think it's already washed clean, but it is actually not. The fabric is badly damaged, the oder and dirt you left on it are still there. たとえばこの下着、 おそらくキサマが洗濯したものだと思われるが、まるでなってない。 布地は傷み放題、臭いも汚れも全然落ちていない
I specially delivered a clean one to you, how dare you wear this dirty piece of cloth. 第一キサマせっかく洗いたてのやつを届けてやったというのに、 わざわざ汚れた方を付けて変えるとはどういうつもりだ
We had to sleep in a hammock because the other rooms and the backyard were filled with garbage. This is the correct environment to be living as humans. 他の部屋も庭もゴミいっぱいで、ハンモック吊して寝てるんだよ僕ら。 この部屋こそ人の住む環境ってもんじゃないの
Master, which once had a lot of grandchildren... The only people who have the right of inheritance, are those two siblings. And when it's Naeka-sama's 18th birthday half a year later... Master will give her the inheritance. 数多くいた御前様の直系の子孫… 財産の継承権を持つ者も、残すはあのご兄弟二人のみ。 しかも半年後、ナエカ様が18歳の誕生日を迎えたとき、 御前様も実際に財産を与えられる
As a grandfather, as the leader of the family, I order: You both will have to protect them no matter what. 祖父として、一族の長として命ずる。 何があっても二人を守り抜け
Before one day's worth of contracting, you already want to die? You're such a troublesome master. 契約初日にいきなり死ぬ気か。 世話の焼けるご主人め
You still have no intention of waking up after all this. You're surely an impressing Master. ここまでやっても起きる気配がないとは、 なんと見上げたご主人
There's only the wet pajamas you threw here. Don't tell me you want to walk around the house naked. You really are a Master who doesn't know what is embarrassment. ここにはキサマの脱ぎ散らかした濡れたパジャマしかないのだぞ。 まさか服を探して家中を歩き回るつもりだったのかキサマ。こいつはとんだ破廉恥ご主人
How did you know? A figure as acurate as 1.8 kg... where did you find out? どうしてそれを…? 1.8キロなんて具体的な数字どこから…?
Oh my, oh my. Our master is so loud this early in the morning. やれやれ朝からなんと騒がしいご主人だ
Truthfully, they did a good job on our clothes, our beds were also comfortable enough to make us sleep in. Even though I gained 1.8kg, the food was good. 確かに、服はいつものりがパリッと効いてるし、 思わず寝過ごす程ベッドは快適だし、 1.8キロ増えるほどご飯もおいしいわよ
You... why are you covered in blood? キサマ…なぜそんなところに血まみれで倒れておる?!
It's about what sins you've committed, that's why we're all here. The defendant should not put their feet on the table! あなたを断罪するために集まっているのよ。 被告人はテーブルから足をどけなさい!
Wait... Oh, I get it... so this is what it's about, Master. Oh my, oh my. You're saying that I should prepare more sexy underwears... You're going overboard, Master... As a student, you already want to wear those type of lacy underwears.... You can't! 待てよ…そうか分かった、そういうことかご主人。 やれやれつまりはもっとセクシーな下着をご所望と… おのれご主人!学生の分際で そんな紐のようなパンツをもうはきたいとは…ダメだダメだ!
Even though there are a lot of problems, but for Naeka-sama's safety... We have to rely on Kogarashi's power. But, if you use this graph to represent her pressure, it would be something like this. 問題が多くとも、ナエカ様の身の安全のために、 コガラシの力は絶対必須。 ただ…彼女のストレスをグラフにすると こんな感じ
I understand. Even if it is poison against poison... To make counter measures against enemies that we don't know of... We'll just have to rely on his powers. わかっておる。たとえ毒を制するための毒であろうとも… いつどこから迫るかわからぬ敵に対するには、 やつの超人的な力に頼るほかは無い
According to your BMI and structure of bones, you have potential to grow into an amazing body. Also, you're in puberty now. It is not possible to cut your ration food. No matter what, your weight will only increase. 体脂肪率、骨格から推測するにキサマは結構なスタイルとなる素質がある。 しかもいまだ成長期。 食事制限など足しにならんぞ。 どのみちキサマの体重増えるのみだ
It won't work, Master. So just eat your dinner. 無駄な努力だご主人。故にメシを喰え
I just wanted to tell you, using these things will not have any effect. ただ、こんなものを投げたところで、何の効果もないとお教えしたいのです
It's like throwing rocks against big pandas and lions, you won't be able to hurt them. Even if you used a metal bat, you can't do that much... Please treat Kogarashi as a beast. ジャイアントパンダやライオンに小石をぶつけても、 何のダメージも与えられません。金属バットですら、 気休めにしかならないでしょう… コガラシはそういう猛獣の類だとお考えください
Please blow it. This is a time where you should put all your emotions into it. お吹き鳴らしください。 いまこそ万感の思いを込めて
The effect is superb. If you continue to blow it for a short while, even Kogarashi will break down. 効果は抜群です。十数秒笛の音を浴びせ続ければ、 さすがのコガラシとて、絶命致しましょう
The oil that splashed on him when he fell has started burning. 倒れた時にかぶった油が、コガラシに延焼してますね
Master, you really did it. やってくれたなご主人
Teaching a maid is a normal thing for a Master. This time Kogaraghi really understood Master's fury. メイドの躾は、主人として当然のこと。 これで少しは、コガラシも主人の怒りの深さを、思い知ることでしょう
But, Nee-chan... you really went overboard. だからってねーちゃん、これはちょっとやり過ぎじゃないか
My master, who is so noisy this early in the morning. Come down, it's time for breakfast. 朝から騒々しいご主人。 メシだ、降りて来い
I won't go easy on you guys, even though we're friends. いくら友達だからって、容赦はしないわよ
It seems like the rumor that bust size and math test scores are inversely proportional is true. やはり、バストサイズと数学の点数は 反比例するというあの伝説は真だったか…
We shall compare the proportions of our bust size and score. How big? ためしに、キミと私のバスト差と、点数差を比較してみようか。いくつ?
You guys, you should not eavesdrop in other people's conversation. キミたち、あからさまに聞き耳を立てないように
How long is it until your breasts are going to be satisfied with growing? いったいどこまで育てば気が済むんだこの胸は!
Her midterm test score is 29. It isn't far until the finals arrive. If it continues like this, Master will be in the red zone. My master who brings trouble wherever she goes... 中期学力テストの結果は29点。 期末テストまであとわずか。 このままでは我がご主人は赤点必至。 どこまでも世話の焼けるご主人…
Don't worry, you've got me behind your back. だが心配するな。キサマにはこの俺がついている
I didn't know that her love for Kendo was already this deep. まさか、こんなに剣道に愛があったとは…
If it's like this, how will I burn my excess calories? I'll become fat... I will be fat... それじゃどうやってあたしは余計なカロリーを消費すればいいのよ? 太るよー絶対太るよぉー…
Do you plan to fail your finals, so that we'd mess up our formation for the inter-high tournaments? また赤点取って、 インターハイ予選を補習で潰す気ですか?
Seriously, we should just stop your breasts from growing. So that more nutrients will be supplied to your brain, you brainless idiot! まったく、胸ばっかヌクヌク膨らませおって… 少しは脳にも栄養回さんかい!この牛乳馬鹿!
Why not just sell it? You will fail anyways... いっそ売っちまおうか…赤点取るし…
Don't look at me with those glittering eyes! Do you even consider yourselves as friends?! そっちもキラキラした目でこっちを見るな! それでも友達か?!
You'll have to retake the test if you score under 30? 30点以下は再テスト、ですか?
Yeah... Everything is so complicated now. If I cannot score higher than 60 in the makeup tomorrow... I will be banned from all Kendo activities until the finals. ええ…えらいことになった。 明日の追試で60点以上取れなければ、 期末テストまで一ヶ月以上も剣道禁止
If that happens... I think I can predict the devastating weight gain... そうなったら…絶望的な体重増加が見込まれるでしょう
If there's a maid in that place, I will be there. メイドさんのいるところ、僕ありさ
You look like you're really smart, so I can only rely on you! Please help me! 頭良さそうだし、 フブキさんだけが頼りなんです。助けてください!
Sorry... I'm the type who looks thin in clothes... ごめんなさい…私着やせする方で…
Nee-chan, good job! Actually, no... you can't take your anger out on other people! ねーちゃんグッジョブ!じゃなかった、 八つ当たりはダメだよ!
Master, I will sort out your problems. Just relax and let me deal with it. ご主人、この俺がキサマの数学をなんとかしてやろう。 任せておくがよい
In Japanese high schools, even though cheating is prohibited... But using stimulants is in the gray zone. 日本の高校ではカンニングは違反だが… ドーピングなら合法の範疇
That means it has a lot of calories. それってもしかして、高カロリーってこと?
The energy provided from one cup of this is equal to 30 cups of milk. その一杯で牛乳30本分のエネルギー
No, I won't drink it, and I cannot drink it. I don't need something like this. いや、飲めません。飲められません。 こんなクスリいりません
I don't want to become fat, especially at a time when I might not be able to play Kendo. If I drink it, all my efforts will be wasted. In other words, it means that it won't solve anything. 太るからイヤなの。ただでさえ剣道できなくなるかもしれないって時に。 そんなの飲んだら本末転倒もいいところよ。 何の問題解決にもならないじゃない
Damn it, if this is it, I'll just pour it in all the openings of your body. おのれこうなったら 体中の穴という穴から流し込んでくれるわ!
It might be something good to you. But to us, it is poison! あなたにとってはクスリかもしれないけど、 私たちにとってそれは毒!
So it really will turn you fat! やっぱり太るんじゃない!
If that's it... I will teach you by myself, be prepared. ならば…この俺自らが数学を教えてやるから、 覚悟するがいい
This is not something like a father teaching his daughter elementary level maths. If I'm taught by someone who doesn't know the material, it'll just make me more confused than ever. その辺のお父さんが小学生に算数教えるのとは、わけが違うんですよ。 わからない人に教えられると、 混乱してかえって迷惑
You're a sophomore already, how can you get 3 from adding 1 to 1? You're an embarrassment, Master. 高校2年にもなって1足す1を3と書くな! この恥ずかしご主人
That might not be it. For example, the military commander - Tachibana Muneshige. He's famous for winning battles with a smaller group than the enemies. That is due to good strategy そうとばかりは限らないんじゃない。たとえば、戦国武将タチバナムネシゲは、 その生涯で何度も少ない兵で大軍を討ったというわ。 それは優れた戦術たまもの
Even if soldiers all have the same skills... But in group battles, you cannot judge the result with simple addition. 兵士一人一人の力は同じでも、軍団として戦うなら、 単純な数の優劣だけで勝ち負けが決まるわけじゃない
What does that Tachibana have to do with this shitty answer? そのタチバナなにがしとこのダメ回答に、何の関係がある?
I told you already, don't you understand? According to different strategies. 1 + 1 can be equal to 3, or 5, or 10. だから、わかんないかなぁ?戦い方次第で、 1足す1は3にも5にも10にも成り得るってこと
This truth stated from history. So that means, my answer is not wrong. これは歴史的事実だわ。 だから、あたしの答えも間違いとは限らないんじゃない?
You can give up on logical reasoning. If you cannot understand it, you'll just have to memorize it. It's just memorizing everything you wrote in your notebook. キサマに理数を求めるのはもうやめだ。 理解がムリなら丸暗記。 ノートに書いてある通りに憶えるだけだ
That's good idea, but that's unreasonable. Because I never took any math notes... いいアイデアだと思うけど、それはムリね。 だって、数学のノートなんて取ってない…
Then we'll just have to find another way. では別の手段だ
What are you going to do with the printer? There's nothing to connect it to, since there isn't a computer in nee-chan's room. プリンターなんかどうするの?ねーちゃんの部屋パソコンないし、 繋ぐとこないよ
Maid Guy does not have any blunders. I've already remembered all the lectures from your class. このメイドガイに抜かりはない。 キサマの授業の内容ごとき、全てこの脳髄に記憶済みよ
My printer is male? To think that I've given it a female name... 男だったんですか僕のプリンター… 女の子の名前付けてたのに
Does this mean that we'll have to use "Anki-Pan". こうなったら暗記パンを使うか…
Out... it's coming out! Stop, it's time to stop! There's something coming out from her other ear. ああ、出ちゃうよ!ダメだストップ! 反対側の耳から、なんか汁が出てきた!
It seems like we only have one option left. こうなったら、やはりあれを試してみましょうか
I had a feeling that my brain just felt clearer. なんか、頭が良くなった気がする
I expected something like this to happen, so I brought something for you. こんなこともあろうかと、 いいものを持ってきてやったぞ
How much trouble must you bring until you're satisfied. Your pair of oversized breasts. But the testing cannot be continued, the series of events have come to an end. どこまで迷惑をかければ気が済むのだ、キサマが育てすぎたその乳は。 だが、テストも続行不可能になったことだし、 一件落着だ
You should give your brain more nutrients. 今度からもう少し、脳の方に栄養を回すんだ
I can't help it if they are so big. 好きで大きくしてんじゃないわよ!
Stare. Maid Guy's sensor has detected staring. Besides me, there's someone else staring at Master passionately. 視線…メイドガイセンサーに視線を感知。 俺の他にも、どこからかご主人に注ぎこまれる熱い視線
Didn't you go a bit overboard? ちょっとやりすぎだったんじゃない?
They were so scared, even though you only used the back of the blade. いくらみね打ちだからって、彼ら死ぬほど怯えてたよ
They are failures as swordsmen. Dying is too good for them. 剣士の風上にも置けないやつらは、死んでも結構
It can't be wrong. This is... a love letter. 間違いない。これは…ラブレター
I can never... love again. I decided on that day. 私はもう…恋なんかしない。 あの日、決めたんだから
To a person who's walking the path of the sword, love is just a mirage. This will just only confuse me on my path. 剣の道を志す者にとっては、恋など所詮蜃気楼… 道を惑わすものでしかないの
You have to give up on love, Naeka! But, maybe I should wait a bit. A worrior's benevolence... maybe I should just take a peek. 恋なんか捨てるのよ、ナエカ! …いや、でもちょっと待った。武士の情け… 読んであげるくらいは…
After a sharp scream, she ran out. Then she ran into the wall and exploded. 声にならん叫びをあげ、いきなり走り出したと思ったら、 壁に突撃して自爆した
The danger level around Naeka-sama is green... It's very safe. I'm sure that it has nothing to do with any enemies. ナエカ様周辺の危険度レベルはグリーン…安全です。 今回、この件では敵の関与は認められません
This won't work. Nee-chan has Philophobia. 無理だよ… ねーちゃん、恋愛恐怖症なんだ
How can something that took a lot of effort, not be good? 一生懸命作ってくれたものが、美味しくないわけが…
That senpai transferred out due to fear of nee-chan's attempted poisoning. Nee-chan suffered a huge shock, thus getting Philophobia. Her maiden's heart of love has been sealed ever since. その先輩は、ねーちゃんに毒殺されかかった恐怖で転校… ねーちゃんはショックで、恋愛恐怖症になって… 恋にときめく乙女心を、自ら封印してしまったのさ
Tell you what? I haven't even read it myself. I'm not interested. I'm just going to throw it away. 聞かせるも何も、読んでないし。 興味ないもん、もう捨てちゃうし
You wanted it back so badly... It proves you still have feelings for it. Your faith in love has not yef fully disappeared. そこまで必死になるのは…まだ未練がある証拠。 キサマの恋愛への憧れは、まだ死んではいない
Don't jump to your own conclusions. To a person who's walking the path of the sword, love is useless. 勝手なこと言わないで。 剣の道を志す者には、恋など無用よ
Amazing, there's a pile of romance manga and novels. You really know where she hides things, Kogarashi-san. すごい、純愛少女マンガとか小説がいっぱいだ。 ここに隠してたって、よくわかったねコガラシさん
You don't even have someone you like, and you're already preparing a date plan. You're an impressive master. 相手もいないのに デートプランを立てるとは、なんと見上げたご主人よ
Let me make it clear. Our mission is to serve our masters without having to interfere with their lives. もう一度言います。我々の使命は、主人の生活をみだりにかき乱すことなく 奉仕すること
If this continues, Master will just be a homeless dog. You've only suffered being lovelorn once, but you still haven't got past this obstacle. And you're talking about walking the path of the sword... Stop joking around! このままではご主人が負け犬人生を送ることになる。 たった一度の失恋も、 乗り越えられない分際で、 剣の道を語るなど笑止!
Do you understand how painful it is to be lovelorn? Every time I get a bad ending, I soak my pillow with tears. 失恋がどんなに辛いか知ってるの? 僕なんか、バットエンドのたびに枕を濡らしてるんだから
I understand that you're not good with love, which is why you feel so down. But, as long as I'm here, I will serve you until happiness. キサマが不得手な恋の道、 不安になるのもそれはわかる。 しかし、この俺ある限り、今日もキサマの幸せに奉仕する
I'm not going to drink something suspicious. 飲みません、そんな怪しいもの
Maid-san yure... I'm totally okay with this. Can I film this? メイドさんゆり…僕的にはオーケーさ。 動画撮っていい?
I said I'm not going to film it, but at least let me see! 動画とは言わないよ、せめて見るだけでも!
We should've done this from the beginning. 最初からこうするべきでした
Kousuke-sama. It's courtesy to eat food that a girl has made. This is... the fate of men. コウスケさま、女の子の料理は残さず食べる。 それが、男の定めです
It will be alright. I can love again. Because I've extracted that painful memory. 大丈夫、私は…また恋ができるわ。 だって、あの辛い過去を乗り越えたんだから
It's just a love letter and she's already filled with happiness. ラブレター1枚でここまで幸せになれるとはねえ
To think that you actually came! That means it was right to gather myself and send you that letter. まさか本当に来てくれるだなんて! 思い切って、お手紙出して正解でした!
This will only work out for people who look and strive forward. That is happiness! 前を見据え、歩を進めた者のみが手にできる… それが幸せ
I've predicted this. I've already prepared the sweet room for you. This will leave only one path for the scared master. こんなこともあろうかと、キサマのためにスウィートルームを用意しておいた。 これなら恋に臆病なご主人とて、前に進む他あるまい
Don't worry, Naeka-sama. Yes, I let them in on purpose. ご心配には及びませんわ、ナエカ様。 はい、あえて入っていただいたのです
We are only interested in things that have real value. You should be proud because we've chosen you as our target. 私たちは、真に価値ある品にしか興味はない。 狙われたことを光栄に思うがいい
Proud of what? You're just a group of underwear thieves! 何が光栄よ! 結局下着ドロでしょ!
Before we're taken by the police, we have a request. About the most beautiful female's underwear that can be sold for millions... Please let us see it. 警察に突き出す前に一つだけ、 末端価格数百万と言われる、町内一の美人の下着を、 どうか見せてはいただけないでしょうか
As a brainless and big breasted female, your underwear will only sell for seventy thousand. A kendo girl can never beat a beautiful maid. You're too full of yourself. お嬢さんも、頭弱そうな巨乳美少女として、 末端価格7万円程度の値段は付くのですが… さすがに美人メイド様と、剣道少女じゃ比べ物には… ちょいと自意識過剰が過ぎるね、キミは
One day, let us seek our dreams together again. いつの日か、共にまた夢を
It seems like there is more than one group of criminals. 犯人は一組ではなかったようだな
In case anything goes wrong, I must check something. It looks like you didn't accidentally put on Master's underwear. その前に念のため臨検する。 たしかにご主人の下着をキサマが誤って着ているわけでもなさそうだ
Anyways... It's a joke that those things can cost millions. それにしても…そんなものが時価数百万とは笑止な話だ
You could even remember what type of panties they were.. You're an impressively impudent person. パンツの柄まで憶えていたとは、 なかなか見上げた好色オヤジ
Ahh... I want to beat you up. I want to beat the crap out of you, then watch you beg for mercy. I'll make you lick my shoes... and then... I'm in ecstasy just by talking about it! あぁ、あなたを叩きのめしたい。 完膚なきまでに打ち負かして這いつくばらせ、泣いて許しを請わせたい… あなたに私のクツの裏を舐めさせて、そして… 想像しただけで、エクスタシー!
This shoe will substitute for gloveas, Miss Naeka Fujiwara. I officially declare a duel with you. その上履きは手袋の代わり、ミスナエカ藤原。 あなたに決闘を申し込みますわ
I dislike over-sized and useless things. I feel sick when I see those... As punishment, I'll flatten them. 私、ムダにでかいものって嫌いですの。 あなたのそれ…見苦しいですわ、 罰として叩きのめして差し上げますわ
Up to this stage, there is nowhere to run, now. Now, we're enemies. ここまで言われては、あなたも引くに引けないでしょ。 これであなたと私は敵同士
You've put your hobbies on a higher priority than the right of inheritance. A child must listen to their father. 財産相続をかけた戦いより、ご自分の趣味を優先させるなんて… ちびっ子はお父様の言うことを聞かなきゃダメですってば
Hunting is an activity for nobles. Hunting stronger ones for your own liking, then achieving victory. Allowing yourself to feel how it is to be strong. 狩は貴族の嗜みですもの。 手強い獲物をただ楽しむがために駆り立て、そして討ち取る。 強者の立場を実感できる瞬間…
The enemy is wearing strawberry panties. I'm currently taking their panties off and inspecting them one by one, but I haven't found it yet. 敵はイチゴ柄の下着をつけている。 現在下着を剥いで検分したが、 まだ見つかっていない
With my speed, taking their panties off without them noticing is too easy. この俺のハンドスピードをもってすれば、気づかれず下着を抜き取るなど 造作もないこと
Your actions are goings to leave a permanent scar on those innocent girl's hearts. あなたは罪もない女の子たちの心に、一生残りかねない傷を…
As a maid, you must be aware of things around you. From Master getting acne to bugs stinging your breasts. I check it every moment. メイドたるもの、常に細やかな気配りを。 ご主人にできた汗疹からキサマの乳房の虫刺されまで、 毎朝毎晩かかさずチェック
According to my research, senpai takes a bath everyday at sometime between 18:00 to 21:00. 調べによれば、先輩の入浴時間は 毎日18時から21時までの間のどこか…
My disc which can record for hours and thirty minutes is enough to catch the prey. There won't be any problems with recording. 最長4時間30分のこのディスクなら、 十分射程圏内。バッチリ録画、間違いなし
Ah! A perfect view of the bathroom. Thank god... All the hard work for setting the camera up has paid off. はぁ!ばっちりお風呂場映った!よかった… 苦労してまでカメラを設置した甲斐があったというもの
No matter where you come from, you're a pest. Once you've heard Maid Guy's Freeze Voice, you'll have to endure it for one thousand and eight hundred seconds. どこのどいつかは知らんが害虫よ、 一度かかったメイドガイフリーズボイスは 1800秒持続する
You can see, listen and move your lips during this time. But, you cannot move a single finger within thirty minutes nor can you move your eyes. You cannot even blink. 目は見え音は聞こえ口も動くが、 30分キサマは指1本動かせず、 眼球も動かせず、まばたき一つ叶わない
There were thirty-one cameras discovered around the house. I have imported the video file and virus into all of them. 屋敷周辺で見つかった監視カメラ計31台、 その全てに…例の映像データとウイルスプログラムの仕込みは万全
Well done. Being peeped at doesn't feel good. 結構です。やはり覗き見されるというのは良い気分ではありませんからね
Invading other's privacy is a big crime. Anyone who monitors us should be viewed as an enemy. プライバシーの侵害は、重大な犯罪行為。 当家を見張る輩はすべて敵と踏まえて当たるのが妥当
We cannot let any information leak out to the enemies. これ以上敵に当家の情報を渡してはなりません
We will have to get more information on the enemy while not leaking information out. Which side has the most and the better quality of it will be the winning side. That is modern warfare... Information warfare. いかに多くの敵の情報を有し、なおかつこちらの情報は与えぬこと。 質と量において勝る方が一方的な優位に立つ… それが現代の戦い…情報戦
We also have to accurately get the size of those breasts. 俺たちはあの乳の正確なサイズを常に把握しなければならない
Let me clarify first. Everything that is senpai's belongs to me. I will not tolerate pests that get close to her! 言っときますけど、先輩のすべては私のものですから。 近づく害獣は容赦しません
Trees should be hidden in a forest, and people should be hidden in crowds. To get close to a high school girl, we just need to turn into a high school girl. 木を隠すなら森の中、人を隠すなら人の中。 女子高生に近づくのなら、 女子高生になってしまえばいい
I've seen it on television before. It's a good way to find out the age of those auntie-scammers. 前にテレビでやってるのを見たのよ。 年サバ読んでるオバさんの、ウソを見破る方法だってさ
I think the auntie just then pretended to be 20 years younger. 今のオバさん、20はサバ読んでたと見るね
And, I was just wondering why a girl that doesn't belong in that kind of uniform just appeared in front of me. So you are Master's enemy. 何やら女学生の制服がずいぶん似合わぬ奴が 来たと思えば、やはりキサマはご主人の敵
Only you are not allowed to judge my appearance. キサマだけには格好のことは言われたく、ないわ!
I didn't plan to kill him in the first place. First of all, killing him in one blow would not soothe my anger. もとよりこの爆発で仕留めるつもりなどはない。 第一、一息に殺してしまっては、私の怒りが収まらん
Normally before all five senses are taken, a normal human couldn't withstand it. Now, let me hear the voice of your heart breaking down. 五感全てを失う前に、 ほとんどの人間は耐えられなくなる。 さあお前の心の折れる音、私に聴かせてみるがいい
I'didn't expect the enemy to be a monster that strong. まさか敵が、あれほどの化け物とは…
It was beyond our expectations. I never thought there could exist a monster that could make ane-ue scream like a young maiden. たしかに予想以上です。 まさか姉上に、キャーとか生娘のごとき悲鳴を上げさせる 化け物が、この世にいるとは…
Even though I'm not interested in making comments about other's fetishes... But, you're already at that age... Oh my god... 人の趣味にとやかく言うつもりはないが… いい年をして…オーマイガァ…
Next... I have to get the clothes that were not dried yesterday. さてと…まずは昨夜まで乾いていなかった洗濯物の取り込みから…
Of course, the time it takes for your bra to dry and go back to its regular shape, also how much time it takes for the marks it leaves on your body to disappear. Maid Guy has figured out everything. 無論、キサマのブラジャーの乾く時間も、 それに締めつけられた跡が肌から消えるまでの時間も、 このメイドガイがすべてお見通し
Anyhow, since when did you get in here? You idiot! て、いつからそこにいたんですか!このお馬鹿!
The crabs are on sale! 1000yen each and everyone can get only one! 本日の特売、カニ1杯1000円、お一人様1杯までだよ!
You noticed? We're walking around with a maid. This is a situation that all men desire. Also, our maid Fubuki-san is known as the Beautiful Goddess. 気がついた?僕たちはメイドさんを連れて歩いてる。 それは世の男全てが憧れるシチュエーション。 おまけにそのメイドさんは、美の女神と名高いフブキさんなんだよ
We're going to cook crab tonight. Crab eggs, boiled crab, creamed crab, crab styled hot pot... Ah... I'm looking forward to it. 今夜はカニ尽くし。 ボイルでしょ、焼きタラバでしょ、カニクリームにカニ鍋… あー楽しみい!
My weight combined with all these things that are hidden in the maid outfit are around 100 kilograms... これは、私の体重プラス、服の中のメイドの装備が… 100キロくらいの重さが…
That means you are saying that you weigh negative 15 kilos? ではキサマの本体はマイナス15キロか?
You cannot trick my eyes. Even if you subtract the weight of the equipment, you're still 2 kilograms heavier than a medium sized maid. 俺の目は欺けん。キサマの装備の分を差し引いても、 中軽量級メイドの理想体重から2キロオーバーだ
Eating is a higher priority for me.. 僕は何よりご飯を大切にする主義なのに…
If we eat one everyday, we'll lose weight three times as fast. 一日一錠飲めば、ダイエット効果は3割増ですわ
So if I eat 100 tablets, I'll lose weight 300 times as fast! My body and heart feel very light... じゃ、100飲んだら、今日のダイエットは300割増だね! 身も心も魂も、軽くなってきたみたいだよ…
It seems like you're all suffering. "Sweating means to lose more weight." The moment you think that, is the moment you became losing dogs. Since old times, you would have to claim your own victory. 苦労しているようだな。汗が流れれば減るだろう… その発想がすでに受け身な負け犬。 古今東西、勝利とは自ら動き掴み取るもの
Like the useless sag of flab both of you are carrying on your chest. Think about it, there's even two of those. Using my claw to compress and evaporate it, you will surely lose a few kilos instantly. 都合よくキサマらが胸からぶら下げていた無駄にでかいぜい肉袋… 一人頭計二つ。 俺のクロウで圧搾蒸発させれば、 たちどころに数キロ減は間違いなし
It's up to you to chose how much to compress. Now, let me help you shrink it. 絞り加減も思いのままよ。 さあ絞ってやるぞ
Since it's like this, we have to use our final way. Starting from today, we'll start our indefinite fasting. こうなったら最期の手段。 今日この時から、無期限の断食を決行します
This should be your attitude, Naeka-sama. Until we achieve victory, I won't desire food... Even if I have to give up my life. その意気ですわ、ナエカ様。欲しがりません、 勝つまでは…たとえ命と引き換えてでも
Sending an image to Master of only her breasts being smaller after losing weight. なぜだかバストだけが 縮んでしまったダイエットのイメージをご主人に
Losing too much weight only does harm. It's time to give up and eat. ムリなダイエットは100害あって1利なし。 さっさと下りてメシを食え
No matter if it's medicine or poison, I'm the professional when it comes to healing. 薬物毒物、医療や呪術なら、私の方がエキスパート
As a maid or as a guard, I cannot just lie down like this. I have something to request. メイドとして、護衛として、いつまでも臥せっているわけにはいきません。 あなたに頼みがあります
You should always drink eggnog when you have a cold. 風邪にはやっぱりタマゴ酒よね
Nee-chan didn't mean any harm. Nee-chan wanted to become a nurse before. But her nursing skills also stopped at five years old. ねーちゃんに悪気はないんだよ。 昔ねーちゃんナースになりたくてさ。 看護の腕も、5歳の時からそのままだけどね
Mom got sick easily. But, since Nee-chan learned how to cook, she rarely got sick. お母さん病気がちだったんだけど、 ねーちゃんが火とか刃物とか使えるようになったころから、病気しなくなったんだよ
So it really is like that. The human body adapts whenever they are in extreme danger. やっぱあれだね、 人間命がかかると、成長するものなんだね
I've lived for nineteen years, but I've never been into a situation like this. 人生、19年… ここまでの窮地に追い込まれたことは、いまだかつて…
You went to Mount Fuji to get it? This really can be made into cold medicine...? 富士山まで行って取ってきたの? こんなのが風邪薬になるんだ…
I nearly gave up on living, but, I'm glad the medicine got here in time before I lost all my dignity and virtue. 一時はどうなるかと思いましたが、 尊厳とか貞操とか失う前に薬が間に合って何よりでした
You clumsy maid. You thought you got better by drinking medicine, but even if it's moss from behind the house, it can also cure colds. このドジっ子メイドめ。心で強く薬を飲んだと思ってしまえば、 たとえ裏庭でむしってきたコケであろうが、風邪を治すことができるのだ
Even today, my Master in Distress is kicking up a fuss for some reason. However, I, Maid Guy, who always looks over your day-to-day life, am with you! Stars for the sky! Flowers for the earth! And for you, Maid Guy! As long as I am in this world, your future is rosy! 今日も今日とて、何やら騒ぐ窮地のご主人。 しかしいつもキサマの暮らしを見つけるメイドガイ…この俺が付いている。 天に星、地に花、そしてキサマにメイドガイ! この世に俺のある限り、キサマの未来はバラ色だ!
Don't be so selfish just because your boobs are so big, you self-centered girl! ちょっと乳がでかいからって勝手ばかり言うなよ、このわがまま娘!
My boobs have nothing to do with this! 乳関係ないじゃないよ今!
To think I would face such a weakling in the finals! 決勝戦の相手が、こんなもやしっ子だなんて!
And so, unfortunately, the elastic of her panties was at its limit and got loose... そして、運が悪いことに、彼女のパンツのゴムは、 その日に限って緩んでいた…
She lost due to a violation and has resented me ever since. She said she would get revenge! 彼女は反則負け…それで、なんでかあたしのことを逆恨みして、 復讐するって言ってるの!
On top of beating you to a pulp, I'm gonna rip off your hakama and panties, and throw you butt-naked into the spectators' seats! キサマをギタギタに叩きのめした上で、 袴とパンツをずり下ろして、 丸裸で観客席に放り込んでやる!
The next time we meet will be the last time you'll ever be considered a woman! 次に会う時が、キサマの女の人生 最期だと思え!
You got what you deserved! Even if your opponent was a monster, what the hell were you doing, you idiot! 自業自得だ!いくら相手が怪物だからって、 なんてことするんだこのアホ!
Even at the local electronics store, the video cameras are flying out of the shop. 近所の電気屋では、デジタルビデオカメラが飛ぶように売れてるって話だわ…
We might never get a chance like this again! またとないチャンス!
Those beasts! Today for sure, I'll be saying prayers over their bodies! あの害獣ども!今日こそ 引導を渡してあげるわ!
You'll be fine! It's not like I'll be stripped if I lose. 大丈夫よ!負けて脱ぐのは私じゃないしね
The shape of a warrior boldly standing up and facing victory at a critical time, that's what you wanted to become when you chose this path. 危機に際しなおも勝利を見つめる…敢然と立ち向かう武士の姿。 それがキサマが斯くありたいと願い、選んだ己の道
This is an abandoned mountain temple that is deep in the hills surrounding Kyoto. ここは京都の山奥、 うち捨てられた打ち捨てられた山寺の境内よ
Kogarashi-san brought you here in a bag. I was the one who changed you into your Kendo outfit. In that time, I gave him a very, VERY good talking to. コガラシさんは、ナエカ様を袋に詰めてここまで運んできましたし、 剣道着に着替えさせたのは私です。 彼にはその間、よぉくよぉく言い聞かせておきましたので
Come to think of it, it feels like some kind of strength is stirring... That is the power of Mother Nature! Just what I expected from a sacred mountain! Now I feel like I could defeat a bear! そう言えば、なんだか力がむくむく湧いてくるような… これが大自然のパワー。 さすが霊山! 今ならクマだって倒せる気がしてきたよ!
I've heard that back in an unknown time, master swordsmen would train with the waterfall by choice. 古来 剣士は好んで滝で修行したと聞く
I said to dive into the waterfall basin after your abilities have gotten better, you gun-jumping master! 滝つぼに入るのは もっとレベルを上げてからと言っただろうが、この早とちりご主人!
I wonder where everyone went? Well, whatever. Which one shall I play today? みんなどこへ行ったんだろう? まいっか、今日はどれをプレイしようかなぁ…
Just as I expected from the master that I've trained! さすが俺が育てたご主人よ!
I'm sure if you made your brain work a bit, you'd know whether or not you can cut a log with a bamboo sword. However, out of respect for your daring to fight with conviction, this final Maid Guy badge is yours! 丸太が竹刀で切れるかどうか 少し頭を働かせればわかることだが、 あえて立ち向かった不退転に免じて、 最後のメイドガイバッジはキサマのものだ!
Your badges are so heavy that she can't float to the surface! How many kilograms are they? あなたのそのバッジが重くて浮いてこられないんです! 何キロあるんですかそれ!
Well, we somehow made it in time. Now that Naeka-sama has gone through the training, tomorrow's Prefectural Tournament is... しかし、どうやら間に合いました。 修行を終えられた今のナエカ様なら…
Oh, Fujiwara, we wanted you to read the atmosphere a bit better! あぁ、藤原選手には空気読んでほしかったですねぇ
Oh, finally i've found this thread! I've been listening some English radio programs and watching English videos on some viode sites, such as YouTube, but I haven't concentrated on studying English. I want to study it, and I think now is the time.
So, can I join?
Today I ordered a text book of English at Yahoo auctions. I'm really looking forward to having it.
This sre seems intresting. I am a national university student, but i offered absent infome becose of the illness of hikky. May be i will ritire the university, but im to continue to have the curisity to english. So,i write here sometimes from now on.
Buongiorno.piacere.come stai?Io me chiamo susi.Io sono dijappone. che cosa hai? io ho mal di testa e ho un po'di mal di denti.sto maleoggi. io sono stanca.che orae'?sono le undici.
Hey, I wanna ask you some questions, Toyojirou. How long have you been studying English? Did you ever been to study abroad? And, are you realy a hikky too? If you find some error in my English, please point out.
>>507 I graduated from junior high school and I didn't go to high school. And.. I'm not fluent in English. My English is still very poor. I wanna improve it. >>508 So far, your English seems almost perfect to me. But please note that my English skills are also not high, so there may be some mistakes I don't notice. Did you ever been to study abroad? should be Have you. Yes, I'm a real hikky. And you? Are you a real hikky, too? Keep practice!
To be precise, not only YouTube but also web pages. I wanted to know the true information, witch Japanese media doesn't always tell. And I started reading web pages written in English to know such information. I've never been abroad.
I believe you can improve your English skills by practicing with us.
One! Targeting all with huge breasts in the world. Two! Unpardonable extravagant debauchery! 一つ。人の世すべての巨乳を狙い… 二つ。不埒な放蕩三昧
Love at first sight happens, you know... 一目会った瞬間、恋に落ちることもあるのさ…
Well then, you'll be my lover, you beautiful-breasted maid. それでは君は愛人ということで…美しき胸のメイドよ
Three! My indecent brother's bad taste... will be stopped by me! 三つ。淫らな兄の悪趣味を…止めてみせます、この私!
If you don't want to get kicked to death by a horse, then forget this ever happened! 馬に蹴られて死にたくなくば、 この一件、すべて忘れることですわ!
You like those type of men? So the clumsy maid is easy, too? なんだキサマああいうのが好みか? ドジっ娘メイドもお手軽だな
He's not a pervert! My brother is just a little sick at the moment! First off, my brother has me with him! 変態ではありませんわ! お兄様はちょっとご病気なだけですの! 第一、お兄様にはこの私がいるのですから!
To think that my brothe, just drools over those lumps of fat... そんな私のお兄様が… ただの脂肪の塊に倒錯するだなんて…
No way that could be true. What kind of brother is that? そんな無茶苦茶な。 どんな兄貴だ、それは…
That was just pure guess work. 当てずっぽうだったくせに
But really, I think it was better that he rejected you. No matter how beloved he is, you should give up on the kind of person who judges women solely based on their breasts. でもさ、この場合は振られてよかったんじゃないかな。 いくら大好きでも、女性を胸だけで判断するような人、 やめておいた方が良いよ
Well then, someone like you who has nothing except breasts will remain single their whole life! では、胸にしか興味を持たれないあなたは、 一生一人身ですわね
A true gentleman can capture the heart of the opposite sex in a glance, and have them at their mercy! 真のジェントルメンは視線だけで異性のハートを射止め、 意のままにすることが可能なのですわ!
Wherever you go, there's no substitute! To think that my brother would marry a huge boobed girl like you! どこを探しても、代わりはいない。 そんな私のお兄様が、よりにもよって、あなたのような巨乳娘とだなんて!
Go bash your head on the edae of your big boobs and die! あなたなんか巨乳の角に頭ぶつけて死んでしまえー!
Similar to the old style, all underwear are banned starting tomorrow on! 古風に則り、 明日から全員下着は禁止!
If you want the title of adviser, then you can have it after you beat us! 顧問を名乗るなら、 あたし達に勝ってからにしてもらいましょう!
Don't worry about your true identity. As a fellow mask-wearer, I know the code that we must uphold. 正体のことは気に病むな。同じ仮面の者として 守る仁義は知っている
But just charming them won't make you win the match. There's one more move needed to win. だが魅惑するだけでは勝ちにはならん。 勝利のためにはあと一手
>>516 Let's have a good time intellectually together! >>517 I don't know the usage of as perfectly. To be honest, i know next to nothing about it. As is the most difficult conjunction to me. By the way, the master's English level is way higher than mine. I can't even see how high his level is. >>519 Oh, maybe you're right. Thanks for the correction! I appreciate it. I've used "improve skills" for a long time.. orz >>520 Perfect! But, you know, hikky is a Japanese English. A guy, whose name is Riku, once taught me a more natural word "shut-in." So, "I am a shut-in" is more natural, I think.
If my English contains any mistakes, could someone kind here correct it? Let's study together!
>>529 If it's hard for you to stop using the Internet, then I recommend you change the way to use your PC. If you start using your PC to study something, it'll become more useful to you.
(Is 'to' necessary after 'recommend you'? I forgot.) >>530 Visiting foregin ero sites helps you learn English.
Sorry, I have no idea. But I recommend that you see something visual with sub. It's better ,I think,to see like that to learn English. than to read only English sentences.
Except for listening (はーと)
When you wanna practice listening, you watch English program with E sub.
>>537 There are a lot of podcast sites on the Internet. I recommend them. You can find some channels which suit your level by yourself. I recommend YouTube as well.
>>538 Your sentences are excellent except for a few points I noticed.
Except for listening (はーと) is Especially for listening? It doesn't contain any mistakes in grammer at this part, but if you wanna recommend watching videos instead of reading sentences, it should be 'especially' here.
When you wanna practice listening, you watch English program with E sub. should be When you wanna practice listening, you should watch English program with E sub.
Thx for response I'm >>538,. You are great, Toyojiro. Using the word "reccomend, we need to put "should" before verb. That rule may be on textbook I've studied.
Then let me know when and how to use the word "channel" and "program",if you know. I cannot distingish I wrote the word "program" as a something broadcasted on TV or on site. So, I think your opinion is much better than mine.
And... >>But I recommend that you see something visual with sub. That sentence has my fatal mistake
I wanted to write it like... >>But I recommend that you should see something visual in Japanese with E sub. I'm sorry for that.
However, I am a servant to be used by my Master. Without my Master's permission, it is outside my professional duties to be worried over social trifles! If you have a request, first you have run it by my Master! だがこのメイドガイはご主人に仕える僕。主人の許可なく 世間の些事に構うのは職務外。 頼みがあるならまずご主人に話を通せ
The only one who can save crisis at our part time job is Kogarashi-san! 私たちのバイト先の危機を救えるのは、コガラシさんだけだ!
It won't be in vain. We'll let you copy our homework as they are given! タダとは言わない。 持ってけ宿題丸写し!
We even tried to infiltrate them by getting job there! They didn't even give us an interview. We were turned away at the door! バイト装って潜入を試みたんだが… 面接すらダメだった、 門前払い…
"Application Criteria: Girls with breasts larger than D-cup. For every centimeter larger than 95cm, 50 cents will be added to your wage." 募集基準、Dカップ以上の巨乳女性。 95センチ以上は 1センチにつき基本給に50円プラス
"Anything less than D-cup will not be recognized as breasts. B and A-cup's with large stupid gaps for cleavage are absolutely out of the question. Are they even really breasts?" Dカップ未満は乳とは認めません。BとかAとか、 谷間はおろか、溝すらできないようなのは論外。 本当に乳ですかそれは?
The application criteria are only breasts? You guys are totally unqualified, no wonder they turned you away! 募集基準乳だけ? こりゃ確かにキミらじゃ無条件で門前払いだよ
They wouldn't even measure B or A-cups with a ruler! BやAなど、測るモノサシすらないときた
On top of that, the most unforgivable is the reality of this idiotic big boobs cake shop destroying our shop! しかもさらに許せないのは、 こんなふざけた巨乳ケーキ屋に、うちの店が今にも潰されそうだっていう現実…
We received information that the department store administration will choose which survives based on tomorrow's sales! I don't even know if we'll be able to collect our cheap wages! 明日1日の売り上げを見て、どちらのケーキ屋を残すかを決めると 通達があったんだ! このままでは、安いバイト代すらもらえるかどうか…
I'm a little anxious about you doing this on your own, though. ナエカ一人に任すのは、ちょっと不安だけどな
Our store manager is now, completely depressed over this battle he can't win! That's why he can only make cake with that taste! Not only he cannot win, it's not even a battle! 私たちの店長は今、勝ち目のない戦いにすっかり絶望して、 そんな味のケーキしか作れなくなってしまいました! これでは勝利どころか、勝負にすらなりません!
The beautiful sweet fragrance of breasts! Amongst breast is where Fujiwara should be! 芳しき乳の香りに誘われて来てみれば、 やはり乳あるところに藤原!
The situation is always a full house, completely jam-packed! The line outside waits for over 30 minutes to get in, and guests that don't order anymore leave quickly without complaint. 常に満員キープのすし詰め状態。 外には行列30分以上、 追加注文のないお客様は退去ルール
Right from early morning, the 3000 yen cake set has been selling like crazy! 朝っぱらから3千円もするケーキセットが 飛ぶように売れていく!
You two can leave already. This shop is gonna close after today anyway. 君達、もういいんだよ。 どうせ今日で、この店は終わりだし
I finally understood. Cream, cheese and yogurt are all things you can make from breasts. Those who control boobs can control cake! That's the law of the universe! The nature of Nature! 僕はね、気づいてしまった。クリームにチーズにヨーグルト… これらは全て乳から作られる。 乳を制す者が、ケーキ屋を制す! それが宇宙の法則、自然の摂理!
We can't win against a store with so many breasts in it! 相手が巨大な乳を持った時点で、もう僕たちに勝ち目はないと!
Just a bit more! It would be fine if you just had a bit more average sized boobs! If you only had bigger boobs! せめてもう少し! せめてもう少し君達に人並み程度に乳が、 君たちに乳があってくれたなら!
We'll be fine without a manager who has no will to do anything. Let's do it with just the two of us. As long as we have permission to sell, we'll be fine! やる気のない店長なんかいなくて結構。 私たちだけでやりましょう。 営業許可さえあれば、それで十分!
Get out the plates and set the tables! It's gonna be hard, but the two of us can manage the floor! 皿出し、接客テーブルセット、ちょっとキツイけど、 フロアは二人で何とかなる!
No one's coming! Boobs... is it really all about the boobs? 誰も来ん… 乳…やっぱり乳なのか?
When you're walking, sway a lot more! When you bow, show your cleavage! When you fall, land on your breasts! If you can't do that, then what are those breasts?! Are those just useless breasts?! 歩くときはもっと揺さぶる! お辞儀の時は谷間を見せる! 転ぶときは胸から着地! それができなくて何の乳か! お前のそれはムダ乳か!
I can't let someone as inexperienced as you out onto the floor. For now, you can massage my shoulders. キサマのような未熟者、迂闊にフロアに出すわけにもいかん。 しばらく私の肩でも揉んでいろ
There's isn't Supposed to be anything in this world that can outdo breasts! 巨乳に敵うものなど、この世にあるはずがない!
I'm more interested in what you have in your hands! You're not really going to make that two-toned animal into food, are you? それよりそっちのお手の物の方が気になるわ… まさかその2トンカラーの生き物も食材にするんじゃないでしょうね…?
There'll be so many people angry at us, Teacher! いろんな所から怒られます、師匠!
Without Fubuki-san, he just does whatever he likes. フブキさんいないとやりたい放題だな、この人は…
You came to find fault with our store, but its was for nothing, you fake-boobed manager! This special cake made by me, Maid Guy, who is obsessive about freshness! 難癖付けに出向いてきたのが仇となったな、ニセ乳店長! これぞ鮮度にこだわるメイドガイのスペシャルケーキ!
When I massaged her shoulders, her stiff shoulders weren't that bad. I thought it was weird. 肩揉んだ時、肩こり軽くて 違和感があったのよ!
Utilizing your enemies weapons. But with weapons, the truth is the more you have, the better. 敵の武器を利用する。 ならばその武器は多ければ多いほど、良いのが道理
Even small people suffer too, don't they. Well, its something that I'll never understand! I'll listen to this kind of request any time! Huh? You two? Your faces are kinds scary... 小さい人はみんな苦労してるんだね。 ま、あたしには全然分からない悩みだけど。 こんな頼みだったらいつでも聞いてあげるから任せてよ! あれ、二人とも…顔が怖いよ
>>538, 540 Actually, your former sentence is also grammatically correct! With a verb for suggestion, advise, demand or something similar followed by "that S+V", you should use "original form" or "should + original form". So both is OK! About "When you wanna...", you'd better to add "should" as Toyojiro said.
And a little things I noticed. Like you used in the last sentence of 538, Watch is better than See here. "to see like that to learn..." should be "to watch something like that..." because there's no 目的語 in yours. In 540 there is no mistake except one misspelling, "distingish" is "distinguish (them)".
And difference between channel and program? it's not difficult! Basically, a channel is a TV station and a program is a 番組 just like you imagined.
Wow, I'm very happy to see that more and more people are coming here. Thank you, master! You are leading us to the right path!
Mr. >>549 seems to have more English skills than I have. Could you please correct my sentence if you find any mistakes?
>>540 As Mr. >>549 described for us, it is possible to omit the word "should" when you use the word "recommend." So, both "I recommend you should do something" and "I recommend you do something" are correct.
And, talking about the difference between "channel" and "program", I don't know much about it. My understanding is that a channel is something like チャンネル on TV and a program is something like 番組.
Is correction needed? "Thx for response" should be "Thx for the/your response" or "Thx for responding." "I wrote the word "program" as a something on TV or on site." should be "I wrote the word "program" as something on TV or on a site."
>>547 My advice about that point is the same as Mr. >>550's. If you get familiar with the tense in English, you can understand more about it.
>>549 You seem to have high English skills, and I'm happy to meet you here. May I correct mistakes in your sentence if I find?
"So both is OK!" should be "So both are OK!" "And a little things I noticed" should be "And a few things I noticed." Maybe both are ok, but the meaning is slightly different, I gess. Maybe, "a little" is for uncountable nouns, and "a few" is for countable nouns. "And difference between" should be "And the difference between"
I'm glad if you correct my mistakes when you find them.
>>551 Oh, I know this site. You found a nice one. I know another famous one, which is "ESLPod." The URL of the podcast is: http://www.eslpod.com/
"This website is good that every scripts have transcripts." should be "This website is good because every episode has its scripts." Every 〜 is always singular. "But watching YouTube is too hard/difficult for me."
>>556 To start it, why don't you write it in English? Using English is, I believe, the best way to improve you English skills. >>558 I also don't know about that. I'm not good at examinations. But at least we can practice here.
I'm >>549 Thank you for corrections, Toyojiro! made a lot of mistakes! lololololololorz and correct yours? you made no mistakes in my eyes! I think you can say "correct mistakes" as well.
I tried >>551, but not that easy for me. sadly. Got to keep on trying! I'll go for >>555 one next! Thanks >>599 I agree. just give a try.
By the way, do you think we can use wwwwwww as laugh at the end of words like this?w or the laugh out loudly thing is better even for us 2chers? I wanna express my laugh! at least on the internet.wwwwwwwwwwww test sorry
>>561 I'm poor at writing in English, so I don't know whether I can give you a good advice on writing English. English is a natural language like Japanese. So, there is no particular way to learn it. Everybody finds his way.
> Should I learn basic Sentence for writing by hearts?
Honestly, I don't know this is a good way or not. For my case, I didn't learn writing in a way like that. More than that, I haven't even learned it.. I also wanted to begin practicing writing English, and that's why I came here.
But I can tell you one of the principles in learning languages. The more input you get, the more output you can yield.
By the way, writing English here gives you at least a motive for learning English. And, I think, it's the most important thing to improve your writing skill.
>>562 Thank you for the information about the word "correct"! It helped me a lot. When you choose listening materials, I recommend easy ones. Listening too difficult one doesn't help you much.
I think we can use www to express laughing. You know, language is alive and here is 2ch. So, we can use it. I once wrote "Ore has come." www
Corrections I noticed: Thank you for corrections "Thank you for the corrections" or "Thank you for correcting"
I'm >>562 being surprised! so many here! for midnight meeting? lol I agree with Toyojiro >>565 Though I don't exactly know how i'm good at english, I've never studied English properly and never been abroad. >>563 As Hikky I've spent a lot of time watching Youtube-like things or websites. And that's the way I learned. I feel I am improving fairly fast and enjoying learning now.
How about starting to learn from what you are interested in. >>561 I often force myself to watch japanese thing in English. I'm currently reading Hetalia in English and watching Pokemon. lol
I wrote "I also wanted to begin practicing writing English" at >>565. I don't know it is possible to write like this. Because I've ever read that you can't use a gerund after a gerund.
I also have ever watched 仮面のメイドガイ. I found it funny and recorded all of the series in my DVDs. But I love Princess Resurrection which the same company produced more.
>>581の英文がいまいちピンと理解できない俺がきましたよ。 asむずぃ〜。 読んだ時間を忘れた、でおk? それとも while の場合と同じで 読んでいる間、時間を忘れた(時間を忘れて読んだ)なのかな。。
>>577 I found it funny and recorded all of the series in my DVDs. I found it funny and recorded all of the series to my DVDs. I think both are ok, but the meanings are a little different.
>>585 So da ne! >>586 This thread posts are mainly taken place during late at night. This thread's posts are mainly taken place during late at night. Hikky must live in foreign country too. Hikky must live in a foreign country too. >>588 Is Toyojiro Christian? Are you a Christian, Toyojiro? is more natural if you are asking to me. In a way, that's right.
>>590 I totally agree with you. For instance, I don't know whether 'a' or 'the' is needed before 'article.' I don't know the right answer, but perhaps "I always fail to put an article" is correct. All we can do for that is just practice. >>591 Hippopotamus is the strongest animal all over the world! hippopotamuses are the strongest animal all over the world!
>>593 I think its ok.Correcting for free is good thing. Which one is right? >Hippopotamus is the strongest animal all over the world! >hippopotamuses are the strongest animal all over the world!
At first,I thought plural form is right as you corrected. But on the other hand, 595 writes singular form.
>>606 What Mr. >>595 gave us is the exact answer in this case, I believe.
Correcting for free is good thing. Correcting for free is a good thing. 595 writes singular form. "595 wrote in singular form." may be a little more natural. ("the" or "a" is needed before "singular"?) By the way, "Correcting for free" means 無料の添削. Yeah, it sure is a good thing, but perhaps you wanted to say "To correct when you want is a good thing."
By the way, perhaps "Let's practice English together!" is not very natural in English. Maybe I should have written "Let's practice English with us!" instead. It seems that I was affected by Ru Oshiba.
"When I was asked to accept this award," he said, "I was warned from coming here because of the fighting in Gaza. I asked myself: Is visiting Israel the proper thing to do? Will I be supporting one side?
"I gave it some thought. And I decided to come. Like most novelists, I like to do exactly the opposite of what I'm told. It's in my nature as a novelist. Novelists can't trust anything they haven't seen with their own eyes or touched with their own hands. So I chose to see. I chose to speak here rather than say nothing.
"So here is what I have come to say."
"If there is a hard, high wall and an egg that breaks against it, no matter how right the wall or how wrong the egg, I will stand on the side of the egg.
"Why? Because each of us is an egg, a unique soul enclosed in a fragile egg. Each of us is confronting a high wall. The high wall is the system" which forces us to do the things we would not ordinarily see fit to do as individuals.
"I have only one purpose in writing novels," "That is to draw out the unique divinity of the individual. To gratify uniqueness. To keep the system from tangling us. So - I write stories of life, love. Make people laugh and cry.
"We are all human beings, individuals, fragile eggs," "We have no hope against the wall: it's too high, too dark, too cold. To fight the wall, we must join our souls together for warmth, strength. We must not let the system control us - create who we are. It is we who created the system."
"I am grateful to you, Israelis, for reading my books. I hope we are sharing something meaningful. You are the biggest reason why I am here."
>>631 Of course I also use dictionaries for one word over and over again. But I have no reason to master English, so I don't try hard to learn. I don't care about the words I forgot. As long as I take time to reading/listening to English things, I believe I am improving enough. I have a word list, of course. When I see unknown words, then I add it to my list and sometimes check it. But the number of words increase fast, so I list must-learn words only. A list that has one hundred words would annoy me. A handwritten list would be different though.
>>638 You are studying hard! Seeing it cheers me up.
My style in learning English is similar to yours. I also don't care about the words I forgot at all. The difference is that I don't even make a word list. But.. therefore I have problems on my vocabulary.
One morning when he was 15, Takeshi shut the door to his bedroom, and for the next four years he did not come out. He didn't go to school. He didn't have a job. He didn't have friends. Month after month, he spent 23 hours a day in a room no bigger than a king-size mattress, where he ate dumplings, rice and other leftovers that his mother had cooked, watched TV game shows and listened to Radiohead and Nirvana. "Anything," he said, "that was dark and sounded desperate." 15歳のある朝、タカシは寝室の扉を閉め、その後四年間にわたって出てこなかった。 学校に行かず、仕事もせず、友達もいなかった。来る月も来る月も、彼はキングサ イズベッドのマットと大して変わらない大きさの部屋で肉まんや御飯やその他母親 が作った料理の残り物を食べ、テレビのバラエティ番組を見、レディオヘッドやニ ルバーナを聞いて一日二十三時間を過ごした。「何もかもが陰鬱で必死なものに 聞こえた」と彼は言う。
I met Takeshi outside Tokyo not long ago, shortly after he finally left his parents' house to join a job-training program called New Start. He was wiry, with a delicate face, tousled, dyed auburn hair and the intensity of a hungry college freshman. "Don't laugh, but musicians really helped me, especially Radiohead," he told me through an interpreter, before scribbling some lyrics in English in my notebook. "That's what encouraged me to leave my room."
Next to us was Shuichi, who, like Takeshi, asked that I use only his first name to protect his privacy. He was 20, wore low-slung jeans on his lanky body and a 1970's Rod Stewart shag and had dreams of being a guitarist. Three years ago, he dropped out of high school and became a recluse for a miserable year before a counselor persuaded him to join New Start.
The night Takeshi and I met, we were at one of New Start's three-times-a-week potluck dinners at a community center where the atmosphere was like a school dorm's - a dartboard nailed to the wall over a large dining table, a worn couch and overstuffed chairs in front of a TV blaring a soccer match. About two dozen guys lounged on chairs or sat on tatami mats, slurping noodles and soup and talking movies and music. Most were in their 20's. And many had stories very much like Takeshi's.
Behind him a young man sat on the couch wearing small wire-frame glasses and a shy smile. He ducked his head as he spoke, and his voice was so quiet that I had to lean in to hear him. After years of being bullied at school and having no friends, Y.S., who asked to be identified by his initials, retreated to his room at age 14, and proceeded to watch TV, surf the Internet and build model cars - for 13 years.
>>668 Wow, your explanation helped me a lot, since I didn't understand it either.
By the way, I found that master's posts are very interesting and tremendously useful. I saved the whole content of this thread so that I can read it again later. Master's posts are definitely worth saving. Thank you, master, for the posts.
感動ですよ。転載だけどね An old man lived alone in the country. He wanted to dig his potato garden but it was very hard work as the ground was hard.
His only son Fred, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament.
Dear Fred, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me. - Love Dad
A few days later he received a letter from his son.
Dear Dad, For heaven's sake, Dad, don't dig up that garden, that's where I buried the BODIES. - Love Fred
At 4 am the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.
Dear Dad, Go ahead and plant the potatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances. - Love Fred
>>719はShawがあの毒舌な作家のバーナード・ショーの事で 多分、自分が制作に関わった演劇かなんかにチャーチルを招待してる ショーの「友達がいたら連れてきてね」への返答に、チャーチルが 「tickets」と複数で答える事で、「友達くらいいるわ!」っていうニュアンスを出してて あとは普通に、if there is oneで返してる所が巧みっぽい