Spiderman, Spiderman, スパイダマン スパイダマン Does whatever a spider can 蜘蛛ができることはなんでもする Spins a web, any size, どんなサイズにでも蜘蛛の巣を張り Catches thieves just like flies ハエを捕るように泥棒どもを捕まえる Look Out! 見ろ! Here comes the Spiderman. スパイダマンが来るぞ
Is he strong? 奴は強い? Listen bud, 周りのやつに聴いてみろ He's got radioactive blood. 奴は放射能の血液を得た Can he swing from a thread 糸からぶら下がってスウィングできる Take a look overhead 頭上を見てみよ Hey, there ほら There goes the Spiderman. スパイダマンがいくぞ
In the chill of night 寒空の夜に At the scene of a crime 犯罪が起これば Like a streak of light 光のように He arrives just in time. 奴は瞬時に現れる
Spiderman, Spiderman スパイダマン スパイダマン Friendly neighborhood Spiderman フレンドリな隣人スパイダマン Wealth and fame 富や名声なんて He's ingnored 奴には関係無いのさ Action is his reward. 行動が奴の褒美さ
To him, life is a great big bang up 奴にとっては人生はドタバタさ Whenever there's a hang up 困ったことがあればいつでも You'll find the Spider man. スパイダマンに会えるさ
The reason the company was on the brink of bankruptcy was also because of money spent to get my brothers out of trouble. 会社が倒産しそうになったのだって、兄さんたちが問題を起こして、ずいぶんお金使って…
Don't you think that if we find that will, there will be something written on it that will make all of you happy? その遺書見つけたら、そこにきっと、一之瀬たち兄弟皆が幸せになる方法が、書いてあるような気がしない?
Have you seen Sachiyo? I lost sight of her a while ago. 幸代を知らないか?ちょっと前から姿が見えないんだ
Kusaka-san, your fingerprints are the only ones on the lock. There are no indications of it being picked. 草加さん、南京錠からはあんたの指紋しか出てないし、針金などでこじ開けた形跡もない
Kusaka-san isn't the only one who is capable of being a suspect. 犯人の可能性があるのは、草加さんだけではありません
You can solve the trick if you know the characteristics of the lock. このトリックは、南京錠の特徴を知っていれば、簡単に解けます
When I was looking for the will, it was hanging on a storage bin. Ootaguro-san, doesn't this house use more of these locks? 遺書を探している時、物置の掛け金に付いているのを見つけました。 オオタグロさん、この屋敷では、まだ他にも同じカギを使っているんじゃありませんか?
Thus, when Kusaka-san hurried out of the room thinking there was a shadow, he would never have noticed that the lock was exchanged. そして人影を見て、温室から慌てて出てきた草加さんは、 南京錠が替えられていることになど気づくはずもありません
Someone in this room is the culprit? I can't stay in the same room as a murderer. この中の誰かが犯人だ?殺人鬼と同じ部屋になんか居られるかよ
Tomohiko and Akihiko sent both of them in for handwriting analysis. There's no doubt. トモヒコさんとアキヒコさんが、手紙と一緒に筆跡鑑定に出して確認したんですけど、間違いないそうですし
Ichinose Kaoru is the only one not holding hands with any outsiders. And she's also holding hands with the Kusaka couple who will be guardians of the money. 一之瀬カオルだけが、お前ら無関係な人間と手を繋がず、 且つカオルの後継人として遺産を手に入れられる草加夫婦に挟まれとるんだ
This is a recording of the events by Fujisawa-san, the assistant, during the summoning. これは交霊会の時、助手の藤沢さんによって録音されたテープだ
Kyu and I, as well as Ryu-kun weren't in the circle but at the window. あたしとキュウ、そしてリュウ君は輪に入らず、窓際にいたわ
But they re-formed the circle at the request of us outsiders. That was how Kaoru-san ended up between the Kusaka couple. しかし、それはこの状態から、他ならぬ部外者である僕達の意見で輪を作り直し、 その結果として、草加夫婦の間にカオルさんが入ることになったに過ぎない
Which means her being sandwiched between the Kusaka couple was only a coincidence. It was not deliberate. Which means we can disprove the detective's theory of a conspiracy between the three. つまり、彼女が草加夫婦に挟まれることになったのは、単なる偶然であって、あきらかに故意ではない。 従って、刑事さんが主張される草加夫婦とカオルさんとの三人共謀説は、きっぱり否定できるんです
You have a strong will. Now, I can regard you as a real man. イカす根性だ。 たった今おめぇを男として認めてやる!
I'm so sorry for this. If we can't be comrades, then all I can do is tear you apart. I'll break this leg of yours! 悪いな。 おめぇが仲間にならねぇ以上、潰さなきゃなんねんだよ。 この足、もらうぜ!
Whatever you say, you can't stop me. Kenichi has given me back... Not only my life, but also my career as a pro boxer. なんと言われようと、ここは引けないね。 ケンイチ君には命だけでなく、ボクサー生命まで助けてもらった借りがあるから
Oh yeah, you seem to have lost to one of Ragnarok's team leaders. そういや、ラグナレクの幹部にボロ負けしたそうだな
Even though you were a bad influence, I still treated you as a friend. 悪友とはいえ友達だと思ってたのに!
I have high expectations of you. People can change. Will the kid who always got bullied become a hero? オレは、お前に期待してるのよ。人は変わることができるのか。 イジメられっ子は、本当にヒーローになれるのか
What more is there as long as I'm happy? そしてオレ様は、おもしろければいいんだよ
Ramblings of pathetic losers. あれぞ負け犬の遠吠えだねぇ
So... what is the gist of this training? で、その作戦具体的には何をするのじゃ?
First, we get him to stay in Ryouzanpaku, so that his everyday life absorbs the fighting spirit of martial arts. まず、リョウザンパクに住み込ませます。そして、生活の全てを武術で染め上げる
In other words, taking Kenichi-kun as a true disciple of Ryozanpaku. つまり、ケンイチ君をリョウザンパクの内弟師にするというわけじゃな
No way, you're lying, right? You seemed like the dumbest of the kids. 嘘ぉ!嘘だろ、ガキどもの中で一番トロそうなお前が?
What I'm about to tell you will be hard on you. But I believe what I have to say will eventually be for the happiness of you siblings. オレがこれから話すことは、君にとって辛い事かもしれないけど… でも、それを話すことは、最後には君達兄弟の幸せになると信じてる
Like Kinta said before, from the viewpoint of the murderer, killing the victim without getting splashed with blood, the culprit must have planned the murder with the victim's clothes in mind. 前にキンタが言ってたみたいに、返り血を気にせずにマントの上からナイフで殺した所から見ても、 犯人は最初から、被害者の服装も計算に入れて殺人計画を立てたに違いない
Actually, that was the main reason the culprit decided to commit the murder during the spiritual summoning and in the dark. It was because of the long scarf worn by the victim. そもそも犯人が、交霊会の最中に、暗闇で被害者を殺そうと決めた一番の理由… それが、被害者のあの長いマフラーだったんだ
The real murder was committed afterwards. In other words, it was done in the short time between us letting go of our hands and the light being turned on. 本当の殺人はその後… つまり、全員が繋いでいた手を離し、自由の身になってから、 部屋の明りがつくまでのほんのわずかな間に、行われていたんだ
You can do it. With your mouth. Using your mouth instead of your hand. できるよ。口だよ。 手の代わりに口を使えばね
It's not how much the Kusaka couple and Kaoru were talking. It only felt like that because other people weren't speaking as much. 一之瀬と草加さんたちがたくさんしゃべってたわけじゃないんだ。 他の人たちの会話が少ないから、感じただけだったんですよ
I can't believe that. If she was alive, she would show herself to us. そんなことあり得ない。生きていたら、あたしたちの前に現れるはずよ
Probably because of the insurance. You mom's company was in trouble because of your brothers. たぶん、保険金のせいじゃないかな。 お母さんの会社は、お兄さん達のせいで潰れそうになっていたんだろ
Right before the accident, to save the company from bankruptcy, the president went to beg one last time to borrow large sums of money and was about to go to Osaka, but the request was rejected by phone, so she gave her ticket to another woman while trying to cancel. あの飛行機事故の直前、社長は倒産の危機を救うため、 最後の頼みの綱の取引先から借金を取り付けに、大阪に向かおうとしていました。 しかし先方から電話で断られ、 ちょうどキャンセル待ちをしていた若い女性に、チケットを譲られたんです
Think of yourself as never having had any brothers! 俺達なんか最初からいなかったと思ってくれ!
You two were wrong in committing the murders, but as long as you have the compassion to care for your sister, you must repent your sins and one day... あなた達が殺人を犯したことは間違っています… でも、妹さんを思う気持ちがあれば、 罪を償って、いつか…
It was hidden in the photo frame of the picture of your family in the yard. 居間に飾られた写真立ての中に、隠されていた
If something is to happen to me, I want to leave some words as a mother, which is why I wrote this will. もし私の身に何かがあったら、その時はせめて、母として言えなかった言葉を残したいと思い、 この遺書をしたためました
Tomohiko, I always used harsh words on you because you were the first born, but I apologize if that was the cause of your suffering. トモヒコ、長男のあなたにはいつも厳しいことばかり言ってたけど、 そのせいであなたを苦しめてしまったとしたら、本当にごめんなさい
You were always taking great care of Kaoru who had bad health while I was busy with work back then. Please return to that reliable Tomohiko soon. 昔、身体の弱かったカオルを、仕事で忙しい私の代わりに、一生懸命世話してくれた、 頼もしいトモヒコに早く戻ってください
I thought I was working hard to protect this family, but it ended up pulling us apart. But I don't think it's too late. I will be praying from heaven that you three will use this incident and live together as siblings. 家族の幸せのためにがんばったつもりが、却って家族をバラバラにしてしまった。 でも、まだ遅くはありません。 これをきっかけに、兄弟三人が力を合わせて生きてくれるように、母さんは天国から祈っています
I left this letter in that photo of us in the yard with the swing because of this feeling. あの庭の隅のブランコで家族揃って撮った写真の中に、この手紙を残したのは、そんな気持ちからです
A disciple stays with the master, and the master would guide him and pass down all his martial arts know-how. This way, a 24-hour continuous training can be done. Simply put, you will be practising martial arts as a living, and living as a martial artist. 内弟子とは、師匠と寝食を共にし、 あらゆる武術のノウハウと秘伝を伝えるための制度だ。 24時間、武術を教えこむことが可能。 まあ、かみ砕いて言えば、人生のための武術が、武術のための人生に代わるだけのことだよ
Will the two of you stop destroying the house? 二人とも家を壊さないでー!
Listen, Ken-chan. If you stay in Ryouzanpaku, there willl bee a lot of benefits. いいかね、ケンチャン。リョウザンパクに住み込むと、 いろいろと特典がついてくるね
In the next hour, Ma-sensei explained in detail all the benefits of sfaying in Ryouzanpaku. その後一時間、マー先生は、リョウザンパクに住み込むことの素晴らしさを、切々と語り続けました
I will be staying here for training from today onwards. Looks like it's going to be tough. But I'll get to stay under the same roof as Miu-san! 今日からずっと泊り込みで修行かぁ、きつそうだな… でも、ミウさんと一つ屋根の下で暮せるんだぁ
What kind of schedule did you arrange for me?! いったいどんな修行のスケジュール組んだんですかぁ?!
If you want to become strong faster, you've to let your punches be as power as your kicks, or let your kicks be as precise as your punches. 最も手っ取り早く強くなりたければ、 突きを蹴り並に強くするか、 蹴りを突き並に器用にするかである
That's the most dangerous of all! それが一番危険なんだよぉ!
That was the best possible situation. Who knows what would happen if youths stay together? This old man is so jealous of you, Ken-chan. そりゃもう最高のシチュエーションね。 そこはそれ、若い者同士のこと、何が起こっても不思議はないね。 おいちゃん、ケンちゃんがうらやましいね
That's a hot spring. A long time ago, Apachai started digging there all of a sudden. あれは温泉ね。 ずっと前に、アパチャイのヤツがいきなりあそこを掘り始めてね
This is a trap Shigure set up. It gets more dangerous as you edge closer to the hot spring. シグレどんの仕掛けた罠だ。 温泉に近づくほど凶悪になるね
And during this time, as the two of them go through difficulties beyond our imagination, it sprouted a relationship that surpasses that of a master and disciple. その時、想像を絶する苦難を共にした二人の間に、 師弟を超えた、友情のようなものが芽生えたことは、言うまでもない
This is also a type of training. Well, what should I say? You shouldn't give up after failing a couple of times. Whether it's fighting or peeping. たしかにこれも修行じゃ。まぁなんだ、 一度や二度の失敗であきらめてはいかんということじゃな、 ケンカも温泉ウォッチングもな
It's just as we assumed. One flashlight and one oxygen tank are missing from the storage. 思った通りだ。 倉庫の中のタンクと、水中ライトが一つずつなくなってる
Forget about the fact that he dove by himself at night. The fact that he dove after consuming alcohol can only be seen as suicidal. 夜の海に一人で潜ることはもちろん、 アルコールを摂取して海に潜るなんて、自殺行為としか言いようがない
Don't you think it's strange that a doctor, who knows quite well about the preservation of life, would do something like that? それを経験者で、命の危険性を熟知しているはずの医者がするなんて、おかしいと思わないか?
This diving area has a gentle cone shape. At a depth of around 30 meters, there is an old sunken ship. このポイントは、全体がなだらかなすり鉢状になっていて、 水深30メートルの底の砂地に、古い難破船が横たわっています
Hyperventilation. It's a phenomenon that's common with beginners. It means you use up an excessive amount of oxygen without realizing it. ハイパーベンチレーション。君みたいな初心者には、よくある現象さ。 気がつかない内に、必要以上に空気を消費してしまうことを言うんだ
There was also alcohol in his blood. It's just an estimate, but the time of death was probably late night. 血液の中から、アルコールの反応もあった。 おおよそだが、死亡推定時刻も昨日の深夜だ
Yes. It seems one of my friends cut a finger. ええ。仲間が指を切ってしまったみたいなんです
When I was moving Ikezoe-san in the room, I caught a glimpse of the tanker gauge. Ikezoe-san's tank was empty. オレ、船室内のイケゾエさんに触れた時、タンクのゲージをたまたま見たんですけど、 イケゾエさんのタンクは空だったんです
How can a person with an empty tank dive 30 meters down? Maybe the actual cause of death was suffocation. 空のタンクで、生きている人間が30メートルの海中にいたなんて変じゃないですか。 イケゾエさんの死亡原因は、窒息ではないんですよ
Then the leaked air should have been gathered at the top of the room. But nothing like that was there. それなら漏れた空気が船室の天井に溜まっているはずです。 しかし実際には、空気は溜まっていなかった
Too bad, but that's impossible too. That line won't dissolve in a short span of 30 minutes. 残念だがそれも無理だな。 その糸は30分やそこらじゃ溶けやしないよ
I can't believe I'm a suspect because I suggested the buddy system. On top of that, there's no evidence proving my guilt. バディシステムを提案しただけで、犯人にされちゃかなわない。それに、オレがやったっていう証拠は、どこにもないじゃないか
This tank contains almost no oxygen. How could an expert diver like you use up an excessive amount of oxygen like me? このタンクには、空気はほとんど残っていません。 経験者のあなたが、オレみたいに空気を無駄に使うなんて、考えられないんですよ
The consumption of oxygen has a direct relationship to the depth. Which means that the deeper you go, the more oxygen you use up. 空気の消費量は、深さによって異なる。 つまり、深ければ深いほど、空気を早く消費してしまう
I can't believe I was foiled by a bunch of kids. まさか子供に見破られるとはな…
I won't let Onii-chan fall into the clutches of Big Boobs. あのムチプリの魔の手に掛かることだけは、断固阻止せねば
Because of your small physique, this training enables you to dodge kicks and cut through the defenses quickly. お前は小柄でリーチが短いから、ケリが出せない懐に素早く入る特訓だ
This must be the masters' show of love to their disciple. 弟師を思っての愛のムチですわよ、きっと
Oh... Oh no! I'm almost out of ammunition! I'm left with Onii-chan's favorite cheese flavored fish sticks, and the bento Mother made that I have to keep no matter what. ま、まずい。もう持ちゴマが底を尽きそうなのだ。 なんとしてもお兄ちゃんの大好物のチーカマと、お母さんの手作り弁当だけは守らねば
Please, I beg you! Stop it! Stop this type of training; isn't everyone just bullying Onii-chan? お願い、もうやめてよ! そんな稽古とか言って、みんなでお兄ちゃんをイジめてるだけだよ!
Okay, the two of you together against me then. はいはい、じゃあ二人一辺にかかってきなさい
A normal class would have at least a year of training before tackling a real case. 通常のクラスでは、実践投入まで、最低でも1年間の基礎授業を受けさせています
I know they're something special, but suddenly sending them to the scene of that difficult case is... いくら特別な才能を持っているからといって、あのような難事件の現場に、いきなり彼らを送り込むなんて…
It's an exam that will allow people to switch classes with Q-class as the goal. なんでも、Qクラスを筆頭に、全クラスの入れ替えテストがあるらしい
After the exam, try not to let the B-class overtake you... members of Q-class. 試験が終わったあとで、最下位のBクラス落ちをくらって、吠え面を掻かないように。Qクラスの皆さん
The five people in A-class and the five in Q-class will deduce the problem I give. In other words, how about a battle of deductions? 私が出す問題を、Aクラスの5人とQクラスの5人とで推理し合う… いわば推理バトルの形で、どうかね?
You're very wrong; Yukihira-san is the writer of bestseller mystery novels. 甘いよ、ユキヒラさんは大ベストセラー作家じゃん、ミステリーの
Here is the problem for all of you. The case occurred in a small village in the mountains. それではさっそく、諸君に問題を与えよう。 事件は、山奥の小さな村で起きた
This was just before planting began. There's a thin layer of water on the field, but nothing has been planted. 田植えが始まる前の田んぼだね。 うっすら水が残ってぬかるみ状態なのに、まだ苗が植えられていないだろ
The footprints of this person are continuous. 一人分の足跡だけが点々と続いているわね
The footprints... end in the middle of the field. It looks like... they disappeared in the middle. 足跡が、田んぼの真ん中で消えてる… まるで、歩いてる途中で消えちゃったみたいだ
These footprints begin from the window of the student who vanished. この足跡は、行方不明になった大学生が宿泊していた、部屋の窓から続いていた
As if he was invited out of the window by someone, then vanished into the air from the middle of the field. あたかも、何者かに窓から誘い出され、 田んぼの真ん中で空中に連れ去られたかのように
The case of vanishing into thin air. I'm getting more and more excited. 空中消失事件か。 なんかゾクゾクしてきやがったぜ
That's right. It's a diorama of the scene recreated in 72:1 ratio. そう。72分の1スケールの、現場再現ジオラマだ
I want all of you to solve the Kamikakushi case with this. 君たちにはこれを参考に、神隠しの謎を解いてもらいたい
If we think of it as a murder case, and the student was attacked by the perpetrator an hour later... 仮にこれが殺人事件だと想定して、 被害者の大学生が一時間後に犯人に襲われたとすると…
From Dan-sensei's story, and considering the name of the village and its strong beliefs in Kamikakushi, everyone would just assume he met with Kamikakushi. さっきのダン先生のお話や、村の名前から判断して、 神隠し伝説が根強く信じられてる村だとしたら… 大学生は神隠しにあったって、思ってしまうでしょうね
Then the culprit went to the middle of the field like a ranger, creating this scene. そして犯人は、レンジャーみたいにワイヤを伝って田んぼの真ん中まで行き、 この奇怪な状況を作り上げた
It's great of you to think of that. そう。いいところに気づいたね
We made cards of the things in the victim's room to make it easier to see. これは、被害者の部屋に残っていた持ち物を、分かりやすくカードにしたものだ
I solved it. The mystery of vanishing into thin air. 解けたわ。空中消失の謎が
The raft? How do you eliminate someone in the middle of the field with that? ゴムボート?そんなもの使って、どうやって人間一人、田んぼの中で消せるんだよ?
The perpetrator used the raft to go to the center of the field. だから、犯人は歩かずにこのゴムボートを使って、田んぼの真ん中に行ったんだ
Of course, you can't use the boat when the water is drained. The perpetrator probably used the gate to let plenty of water into the field. もちろん、さっきの写真のようなぬかるみ状態ではボートは出せないから、 犯人はおそらく、この取水門を開けて、田んぼにたっぷり水を溜めておいたんだろうね
With plenty of water in the fields, the perpetrator put down the raft and opened the drainage gate. 水が十分に溜まった所で、犯人はゴムボートを浮かべ、 今度はこっちの排水門を開ける
Then he went to the middle of the field quickly on the raft. そして、素早くゴムボートに乗り、田んぼの真ん中まで漕ぎ出す
It was just a moment of immaturity... Were you observing? ちょっとした、遊び心でして…ご覧になってたんですかぁ…?
As always, just where is she calling me from? 相変わらずどこから声かけてるんだ?
Can all of you keep it down? My statue's still missing a nose. 静かにしてくれないか!地蔵の鼻が欠けてしまった
We're starting with Mission 1: ''Carefree Family Planning" Akisame-san will act as the father. まずミッション1、「明るい家族計画」 父親役をアキサメさんにやってもらいます
It's not that big of a deal. Now that I think about it, in the name of safety, we should have everyone leave tomorrow. These people will definitely go crazy. 別にいいじゃないですか。ていうか、大事をとって、明日はみなさんに出かけてもらえば。 この人たちはきっとなにかやらかしますよ
We can't do that since I don't have any parents. My grandfather, the only relative I had, travelled west... I want to have someone act as my parents. そうはいきませんの、私両親いませんから。 唯一の肉親のおじい様は、西の方へふらっと世直しの旅に向かっていますし。 どなたかに両親の役を演じていただきたいんですわ
Having both parents in a family is a dream of mine! 夢なんですぅ両親のいる家族!
I'll do my best in acting out the role of Miu's father! 一生懸命ミウのパパをやっとこさ演じきるよぉ!
But, who's going to play the role of your mother? でも、母親役はいったい?
Listen, today you come as the vice homeroom teacher. いいですか、今日は副担任として、あなたにも同行してもらいます
Got it? A home visit is a form of a testing for a teacher. Obtaining valuable information about the family within the time given is important. いいですか、家庭訪問というのは、教師にとってまさに正念場。 限られた時間でどこまでその家庭の実情に迫れるかが勝負なのです
But Yasunaga-sensei, why make a special trip to the home of a model student like Furinji-san? でもヤスナガ先生、何であの優等生のフウリンジさん家を、わざわざ訪問すんですか?
I told him to hide until the end of this ordeal. 終わるまで、隠れとくように言っといたね
Sensei, what are you panicking for, you are in front of a student. 先生、何を取り乱しているんです。生徒の前ですぞ
Knives are a hobby of my mothers', and my father also likes to make jokes... 剣道が趣味ですの、それに父はとても冗談が好きなんです…
H-Hobby? That's a lie. For a moment, I thought I saw the eyes of a monster... 趣味?嘘だな。 いま一瞬、もののふの目をしていたぞ…
There's something strange about this family. As a teacher I must find out. この家族には必ず何かある。 教師としてのカンがそう言ってる
A person of my age have seen many families of students. You're quite young, hence it's impossible for you to have Furinji-kun as your child. 私はこの年までたくさんの生徒と親を見てきました。 その若さで、しかもフウリンジ君を生んだ実の母親だなんてありえません
This place is a dojo where masters of all kinds meet. 志を同じくする者たちの集う、道場でしての
You don't have to apologize. I'm really jealous that you two are under the guidance of such a great teacher. 何も謝ることもないよ。 大先生のところで学べるとはうらやましいぞ、二人とも
I got it! It's what you first made as an artisan, right? あ、僕でもわかる。それ未熟な時に、師匠が掘ったやつでしょう?
Because of their weird religion and legends of an old Japanese army treasure in Kamikakushi village... it's become quite famous on the net now. 神隠し村ってとこは、変な宗教と、旧日本軍の財宝伝説とで、 最近ネットでは話題になってる村なんだよ
I read in the papers that because of the occult boom... a lot of young people have recently moved to the village. 最近じゃ、カルトブームとかで、 若い人が村に住みついたりしてるって新聞で読んだわ
Apparently, the missing college student... came here as part of an activity for his "tore han" club. 行方不明の大学生も、大学のトレハンサークルの活動で来たらしいし
Then let's say that we're those "training pants" as well; that would make the investigation easier. じゃあオレたちも、そのトレパンてことにしとこうよ。 その方が犯人探しをやり易そうだし
If they figure out that we're investigating their secret... this time one of us might disappear. 我々が秘密を探っているのに感づかれたら… 今度は、僕らが神隠しに遭うかもしれない
Yes, she's only 17 but she works instead of going to school. She's never been outside the village. まだ17歳なのに、学校にも行かないで働いていて。 村から出たことがないんですよ
Hmm, they had kind of a gross design. Those marks... なんか気持ち悪い模様だったよね、あの点々
It might be a religion that claims that the spreading of a contagious disease is an act of god. 天然痘の流行を、神の為せる技として奉った宗教なのかもしれない
That kind of belief in cursed gods exists all over the world. そうした、祟り神信仰は世界中にもあるしね
Don't these contagious diseases spread where there's a lot of people? そもそも伝染病って、人がいっぱいいるとこで流行るんでしょ?
You're right, this place is full of strange things. たしかに、ここは奇妙なことだらけだ
That won't work. Look... Hyoutan village land Kamikakushi village... are two solitary islands of flat land surrounded by steep cliffs. You can only get in through the tunnel. ムリだね。ほら見てよ、 神隠し村とひょうたん村は、回りを断崖絶壁に囲まれた、陸の孤島なんだ。 トンネルから入るしかないんだよ
Two of us will borrow the remaining masks and go to Kamikakushi village. That's the only way, isn't it? 僕たち5人のうち、2人が仮面を借りて、神隠し村へ行く。 それしかないだろう
Last time we were here to check out this place... we couldn't really relax because of that ruckus about the missing college student. 前にロケハンに来た時は、 大学生の失踪騒ぎで、ゆっくりできなかったからな
I don't intend to relax this time either. I mean if we find the treasures of the old Japanese army... the finders get half of it. 今回も、オレはゆっくりする気は無いっすよぉ。 なんせ、旧日本軍のお宝が見つかりゃぁ、発見現場にいた人間が半分所有権を主張できるんだ
I-I'm sorry... It didn't have anything to do with the show and I was kind of scared. すみません…番組には関係ないし、 なんだか恐かったから
A photo. A photo of a note the college student left. I bought it off his friends at the time. 写真よ。失踪した大学生が書き残していたメモの写真。 あの時、大学生の仲間から買い取ったの
Tomorrow that TV team will be going over there. And two of those five young kids too. 明日、テレビ屋どもがそっちに行くそうだ。 それと、例の若い5人組のうちの二人もな
Yes, scare them off as usual. そうだ。いつものように、適当に脅しの一つもかけてやれ
A meal after a good night of sleep is so good. よく寝た後のご飯は美味しいなぁ
I'm sorry, I thought she was with one of you... すみません…みなさんの誰かと一緒なのかと…
Our reporter, Azegami-san, didn't come back after getting out of the bath. レポーターのアゼガミさんが、昨日の夜、露天風呂から出た後戻ってないの
Well, yesterday it was covered in mud, and now it's clean. So it kind of bugged me. いえ、昨日は柄の所がもっとドロ塗れだったのに、キレイになってるから気になって
Oh, it was behind the outdoor baths, stuck into one of the bushes. It was here. I stuck in here like this. 裏の露天風呂の側の植え込みの中じゃ。 ここじゃよ。ここにこうやって刺しといたんじゃが
If someone got stabbed with a sickle... there should be a lot of blood around here. もしこのあたりで、鎌で刺されたとしたら、 血が飛び散ってるはずだが…
You were bragging that your sense of smell was as good as a dog's. 犬並みの嗅覚だって、自慢してたクセに
I have a good way to find traces of large amounts of blood. 大量出血の痕跡を調べるなら、僕にいい考えがあるんです
Oxydol reacts with the catalase in blood and releases oxygen. It's the same reaction you see when you apply oxydol to a wound. オキシドールは、血液中のカタラーゼと反応して、酸素発生させる。 傷口にオキシドールをかけると泡立つのと同じことさ
Basically, this means that there is a large amount of blood in this dirt. つまりここらの土には、大量の血液が染み込んでるって証拠だよ
This is a tire track of one of those wheelbarrows you use at construction sites to transport heavy things. タイヤの跡だぜ。こいつは工事現場なんかで、重いモン運ぶのに使う、一輪車だ
The body won't be in any of the fields because you don't know when it might be dug up by a tractor. 畑に遺体は埋めたりしないですよ。 いつトラクターで掘り返されるか、わからないし
What if the body was buried here because of that belief? そう思う心理をついて、ここに埋めたとしたら?
This is amazing. Even though Azegami was killed because of this... the legend about the treasures of the old Japanese army might be true! すっげぇ。こいつのせいで、アゼガミが殺されたんなら… やはり旧日本軍の財宝伝説は、本当かもしれねぇ
W-What kind of people are they? Talking like that right by the corpse of their friend. なんちゅうやつらだ… 仲間の遺体を目の前にして
I don't understand the feelings of the weak at all. But, there are a lot of people out there who are too scared to fight back. 気の小せえヤツの気持ちなんざ、俺にはさっぱりわからんが… ただ、反撃が怖くて手が出せねぇってヤツはよくいるぜ
Well, as for me, I always end it in one blow since it's much easier. ま、俺だったらどうせ一撃で終わるから、関係ねぇがな
It's true that, at that time I was scared of Miu-san and didn't strike back. I have no courage at all! たしかに僕はあの時、ミウさんの反撃を恐れ、突きを出せなかった。僕の根性なしぃ…
That guy looks pretty strong and he brought a whole group of people with him. なんかこう見るからに強そうな人と、その門弟ぽいのがウジャウジャと!
Grandpa went south on vacation. Everyone's out of the house. おじい様は例によって、南の方へフラーっと。全員出掛けてて留守ですわ
With this weakling as their disciple, I wonder how strong those masters are. このようなあおびょうたんが一番弟師とあっては、師匠の底が知れるというもの
Since his body is as hard as steel... But if you hit the muscle at the right time their defense is useless. どんなに全身を鋼のように鍛え上げても、筋肉が緩んでいる時に突かれれば、まったく無意味ですわ
I have to thank you well for taking care of my disciple. 弟師を可愛がってもらった礼をしなくちゃな…
I've never in my life seen someone as fearsome as this. 僕は生まれてこのかた、こんなに恐ろしい生き物を見たことがありませんでした…
I'll let you drink one more bottle of beer today. 今日はお銚子もう一本つけますわ
I would like to hear a detailed account... of why you found it necessary to dig up a grave to find the victim's body. 詳しい事情を伺いたいんですが、 一体どんな理由で墓まで掘り返して、被害者の遺体を発見、ということになったんですか?
That's police work! Just on the basis of some half-baked theory... you dug up someone's grave? そういうのは警察の仕事だ。 推理なんぞといういい加減な根拠で、人様の墓を掘り起こすとは何事かね?
But, if there was no body... wouldn't the police have just written this off as another mysterious disappearance? しかし死体が出てこなければ、 これまで通り、いつもの神隠しとして、警察は取り合ってもくれなかったんじゃないんですか?
We're actually in the midst of our investigation concerning the missing college student. 本当は、失踪した大学生の事件の捜査中なんです
Are you saying that all of those have been murder cases? まさかその全てが殺人事件だとでも?
I'm not saying that all of them are necessarily like that. But, if there were others that were Killed like Azegami-san... then there is the possibility that others may be buried here as well. もちろん全てがそうだとは言いませんが、 もしアゼガミさんと同じように、何者かに殺されている人が、他にもいるとしたら… 同じように、墓地に埋められた死体が他にもある可能性はありますよね
That's not right. This is a secret code connected to the treasures of the old Japanese army. 違うよ、これは旧日本軍の財宝が絡んでる暗号だよ
Those who break the code... And discover the location of the treasure trove, are being killed one after another. Would that not be a motive for murdering people? 暗号解いて、莫大な財宝の在り処を知った人間が次々と殺される。 それなら、殺人の動機にもなるじゃない
It sounds as if the high priest knows that things will happen. まるで、事件が起きることを知っていたみたいだね。その、教祖様は
Geez, you're pitiful. You just can't keep up because you always sit in front of your computer. だらしねぇな。パソコンの前にばっか座ってっから、運動不足になるんだよ
I don't know if you're a detective club or whatever, but let it be. If you get into this, thinking it's some sort of game, you'll get hurt. 探偵クラブだか何だか知らんが、よせよせ。面白半分で首を突っ込むと、ロクなことにならねぇぞ
What about you TV guys? You just had one of your crew murdered and are still thinking about continuing your shoot? そういうテレビ屋さんも、お仲間が殺されたっていうのに、まだ撮影ですか?
Oowada-chan, get the camera ready please. We'll get a shot of the checkpoint, just for good measure. オオワダちゃん、カメラ用意して。 一応関所の映像、押えとくから
And I'm kind of getting warmed up here. それにオレ、ちょっとばかりやる気が出てきてんのよ
Because of this, this here. I think I kind of know the meaning of the picture Azegami-chan was holding. これだよ、これ。アゼガミちゃんの持ってたあの写真の意味、なんとなくわかっちゃったんだよね
The reason you're out of breath after a few measly stairs is because all you do is stuff like that. んなことばっかやってっから、ちょっと階段上っただけで、息があがっちまうんだぜ
That's right. Even cities in the middle of the desert are built by an oasis. それはそうだろ。砂漠の真ん中でもオアシスがありゃぁ、そこに街ができるってもんだ
So as theorized, the perpetrator used the rubber raft to make those footprints. やっぱり、ゴムボートを使ったトリックで、足跡をつけたのかな?
Who knows... The only thing that's certain... is that two people have disappeared because of the drawing. He should be careful as well. さぁ…ただこれまで少なくとも、あの図形に関わった人間が、二人も神隠しに遭っている。 彼も、気をつけたほうがいい
No, it's just that you kind of... looked like you were waiting for something to happen. ううん、なんだかリュウ君が、その…まるで事件が起きるのを待っているみたいに見えたから
Even in the middle of this case... I'm intensely drawn towards something. They keep becoming more and more intense... the mysteries. 僕はね、こんな事件を目の当たりにしていながら、あるものに強烈に引きつけられていくんだ。 それは…次々と深まっていく、謎さ
Look, that hospital. Even though we're in the middle of mountains... that building is made of concrete and is rather luxurious. ほら、あの病院。こんな山奥の村なのに、 コンクリ造りのやたら立派な建物じゃん
Now that you mention it, it seems a little out of proportion here for this village. そういやこの村には不釣り合いな感じだな
And the cliffs surrounding this place... many places look as if they were made steeper on purpose. それに、この村を囲んでいるガケだって、 よく見たらわざと崩してガケを険しくしてるような所がいっぱいあるし
Just like some sort of prison that once you're in, you can't get out of. And this dam is kind of over the top too. まるで入ったら出られねぇ牢獄みてぇだな。 このダムにしたって、なんかちょっと大げさな感じがするよな
It's part of some highly classified documents by the old Japanese army... concerning these two villages. この二つの村に関わる旧日本の、極秘資料の一部らしいんだけど
I will be following a hint I got from a villager... heading to where the treasure of the old Japanese army may be hidden. これから、村の人たちの情報提供に従って、 旧日本軍の財宝があるかもしれない場所に向かいます
As the shrine is guarded by the followers... you can't get close during the day. 昼間は信者が見張っていて、近づけません
I've never heard of such a shrine. そんな祠なんて、聞いたことがない
He was "spirited away"! That was the anger of Ekigami-sama! これは神隠しだ。 疫神さまの怒りだ!
Come to think of it, Apachai, You people are surprisely rich, even though it is a broken down dojo. Owning such a big boat. それにしてもアパチャイたちの家って、 ボロ道場の割りに案外お金あるんだね。 こんなすごい船もってるなんて
Even.. going to the extent of naming it yourself. か…勝手に名前つけてる
That deferent nature of yours has obviously inhibited your improvement. 君のいじめられっ子体質は、明らかに技を鈍らせている
Boys of that island who are entering into manhood, tie a rope to their legs and jump off a platform almost 30 metres tall, in order to test their courage, also known as bungee jumping. その島の男達は成人式に、 高さ30メートルの台から足にヒモをつけ、 飛び降りる勇気を試す、いわゆるバンジージャンプだ
Shigure, that was reckless of you! シグレ、無茶だよぉ
When he wakes up, we shall let him have another go at it. If not, it will be two days of hard training. 目が覚めたらもう一度やらせましょう。 駄目なら二日間まるまる修行三昧だ
Come to think of it, this island is really beautiful. しっかし、キレイな島だなぁ
So they decided to put me into training if I didn't jump off that cliff. Don't you think they went overboard? Come to think of if, I even mentioned that I'm hydrophobic. それがですね、あのガケから飛び込めなかったら、二日間修行だっていうんですよ。 酷いでしょ? だいたい、僕はかなづちだって言ってんのに
If you feel short of breath, just turn your head to the side and look backwards. 辛くなったら肩越しに、後ろを見てやればいい
It's dolphins! Awesome! There are so many of them! おわぁ、イルカだ。すごいいっぱいいる
I was surprised by you, Ken-chan. That was some remarkable act of courage. 見直したぞケンちゃん。 たいした度胸じゃ
Look, that pile of twigs. That's where Director Anzai was abducted into the air! ほら、あそこ。あの、小枝が積み重なってる所。 あの辺で安西ディレクターが、空にさらわれたのよ
This is a stake used to pull a rope across a rice field. But, it doesn't look as if there are any stakes in this area. これ、田んぼにロープを張る杭ね。 でも今、この辺りにこんな杭はないみたいだけど
I see, it's the sound of a tractor's engine. そっか、トラクターのエンジン音だ
I guess this obstacle made of little twigs was part of the trap as well. おそらく小枝の障害物も、犯人の仕掛けた罠の一部だ
But what did the perpetrator use as a pivot? でも、どこから吊り上げたの?
The perpetrator probably put on a mask, and posing as a villager... lured Anzai-san here with fake information about the treasure. きっと犯人は、仮面をつけて村人を装い、 安西さんに嘘の財宝情報を教え、この現場におびき出した
Anzai-san was dropped, upside down, from a height of ten meters. He probably died instantaneously. 逆さに吊るされた安西さんは、10メートルの高さから落ち、 おそらく即死だ
There's traces of blood. You can see that someone put dirt over it to hide it. 血の跡だわ。 上からドロをかけて隠した跡がある
It looks like the words of the high priest have become a reality. どうやら、教祖様のお言葉通りになってしまったようですね
Oowada-san, a former believer such as yourself should know... what happens if you walk around this village without a mask... or if you violate Ekigami-sama's sacred domains. オオワダさん、かつて信者だったあなたなら、わかるはずですよ。 この村を仮面なしにうろついたり、 神聖な疫神さまの領域を侵すと、どんなことになるか
Neither the murder of the reporter nor this case were a mysterious disappearance. They were both crimes committed using clever tricks. レポーター殺しもこの事件も、神隠しなんかじゃない。 巧妙なトリックで仕組まれた犯罪だ
That's why there's no way that he could be the perpetrator of the crime in Hyoutan village. だからひょうたん村で起こった事件の、犯人であろうはずがない
I thought so and tried pairing each letter of the alphabet with a number. But that didn't work. So I was trying to think of another solution, but my head's just spinning. ところが、真っ先にそう思ってあいうえおに数字を当て嵌めてみたんだけど… ぜんぜん文章にならなくて… 別のルートを考えてたらもうグチャグチャ…
That's another bad habit of yours; you think too hard. また悪い癖が出てんじゃねえのか?考えすぎなんだよいつもおめぇは
We've found the body of Director Anzai who was a victim of another mysterious disappearance. 神隠しに遭った安西ディレクターの遺体が見つかった
This is sacred land. This is the temple of our high priest. ここは聖域、 教祖様の神殿です
I will proclaim the words of the high priest. You will leave Kamikakushi village immediately. 教祖様のお言葉をお伝えします。 あなた達はこの神隠し村から、速やかに立ち去った方がいい
I swear on my career as a TV man that I'm going to find out the truth behind your Ekishin religion! オレはテレビマンの名にかけて、 あんたら疫信教の正体暴いてやっからな!
I'll be straight forward. I think you're the perpetrator of the two murders. はっきり言いましょう。 僕は、あなたが二つの殺人事件の犯人だと考えている
Nobody knows your face or your voice. I believe that you could easily disguise yourself as someone in this village... go through the tunnel.. commit the crime... and come back through the tunnel again. 顔も声も知られていないあなたなら、まったく別人、例えばこの村の誰かになりすまして トンネルを潜り抜け、ひょうたん村で犯行を行い、 再び舞い戻ってくることは、僕には十分可能に思えます
As I have already said, there is a log of all who pass through the tunnel. 言ったはずです。あのトンネルを通る者は、全て関所に記録が残ると
The high priest says... "If you question my integrity... stay at the checkpoint and stand guard for as long as you wish." 教祖様はこうおっしゃいました。私を疑うなら、 気の済むまでトンネル入り口の見張り小屋で、人の出入りを調べるがいい
"I will be returning to the shrine and will not exit the building behind this wall. But, someone will definitely die by an act of god." 私はこれから仰に入り、壁の向こうの神殿から一歩も出ない。 しかし、神隠しの名の元に、必ず誰かが命を落とすだろう
He's completely outraged because we were kicked out of the village by the Ekishin high priest. 疫信教の教祖とかいう人に村から追い出されちゃったから、完全に頭にきちゃって…
If the high priest really is the perpetrator as you suggest... he cannot kill anyone in Hyoutan village unless he passes this point. リュウ君が言ったみたいに、教祖が真犯人なら、 このトンネルを通らない限りひょうたん村で殺人はできないでしょ?
That's his goal. If there should be a third murder... as long as we are here, the high priest will have an alibi. そこが狙いだよ。もし第三の殺人が起こったとしても、 僕達がここで見張ってる限り、教祖のアリバイは証明される
I'm sorry that it took me so long. I'm in the lobby of the branch house right now. ごめんなさい、こんなに遅くなっちゃって。 今別館のロビーです
How can you say a person with a knife in his chest is the victim of a "mysterious disappearance"? 目の前で包丁突き立てられて殺されてる人間見て、神隠しだと?!
I feel so frustrated! We came here to find the truth to this case so no other murders would happen again. This kind of brutal murder happens right in front of us... and we don't even have an idea who the perpetrator might be! 悔しいよ、 事件の真相を突き止めてこんな殺人起こさせないために来たのに… こんな目の前で残虐な殺人が繰り返されてるのに、 まだ真犯人の見当もつかないなんて!
Say, Tsukasa. Which end of a chocolate cornet do you start from? ねえツカサ、チョココロネってどこから食べる?
I'm not very fond of ice cream cones. I can't stand it when only the cone is left. ソフトクリームあまり好きじゃないんですわたし。 コーンだけが残っちゃうのがイヤなんですよね
I push the ice cream into the cone as I eat. 私もアイスをどんどん下の方に押し込みながら食べるようにしてるよ
There've been a bunch of kidnapping cases recently. Guys forcing girls to address them as "Master"and stuff. 最近監禁事件とか多いよね。 女の子に自分のこと、ご主人様とか呼ばせたりさ
Isn't that less... an issue of morals... and more an issue of playing too many dating sims and adult games? It's a commonly used scenario. それってさ、モラル云々より単にギャルゲやエロゲのやりすぎってことじゃない? よくあるシチュだしさ
Those aren't faults, but elements of turning people on. The clumsy factor. それは欠点じゃなくて萌え要素っていうんだよ。 ドジっ子属性
Setting aside the issue of popularity... why don't you wear contacts? I heard that glasses make your vision worse. もてる云々はともかくとして、コンタクトにはしないの? メガネって目悪くするみたいだし
The flu is caused by a virus. The symptoms are a fever and aching throughout the body. And there is a risk of complications. インフルエンザはウイルス性ですが、高熱筋肉痛と全身症状が多く、 しかも合併症の恐れもあります
On the other hand... the symptoms of a cold are a sore throat and runny nose... and the fever doesn't run as high. 一方、カゼは喉の炎症や鼻水が主で、 熱はそれほど高くなりません
And there are a number of other minute differences. Which is why... they are different illnesses. その他、細部の症状も違います。 ですから、この二つは違う病気ですよ
H-However... Well, they share many similarities... so you could possibly say that it's an upgraded version of a cold... で、ですが…まあ重なる部分も割りとあるので… カゼのスケールアップ版といえないこともないかも…
As you can see... She's more laid-back than the person who's sick. あのように、病人よりもゆったりとした生活をしてるわ…
And you know how our last day off was also warm? When I woke up, it was already evening. I spent most of the time sleeping. この前の休みも暖かかったじゃない? 目が覚めたらもう夕方だったの。 ほとんど寝て過ごしちゃったのね
Worry less about me... and more about your lack of a social life. 人の心配より社交性ゼロの自分を心配しなさいよ
Golden Week's almost over... Did you already take care of your homework? もうすぐゴールデンウィークも終わりだけど、 二人とも宿題とかは大丈夫かい?
How would I know the answer if you don't? カガミが解らない所、あたしにわかるわけないでしょ?
Did you see the special final episode of Apron of Love last night? 昨日の恋のエプロン最終回スペシャル見た?
Would you like to hold a study session for checking homework answers? 宿題の答え合わせも兼ねて、勉強会をやりませんか?
I wanted to do everything just as planned... ちゃんと計画通りにやろうと思ってたんだけど…
Aren't these things designed so you can never get anything? I could never bring myself to touch one of these machines. そういうのって取れないようにできてるんじゃないの? どうもやる気がしないのよね
B-But ...I guess I'll give it a try. で、でも…一回だけやってみようかな
You've got a great sense of rhythm, Kona-chan. こなちゃんすごいリズム感だね
Seriously... I've never heard of anyone being absent for May sickness. まったく…5月病で欠席しようとしたヤツなんて聞いたことないわよ
Doesn't it say sickness in the name? Shouldn't it count as a serious disease? 病ってつくぐらいなんだから、 立派な病気なんじゃないの?
Still, while I'm not as bad as Konata... I do feel unusually tired this time of year. でも、こなたじゃないけど この時期って妙にダルくなるわよね
I never buy drama CDs... so as long as the voices match the original characters... I don't care who they use. 私はドラマCDは買わない派だから、 原作と声が合ってれば、 誰でもいいと思うけどなぁ
Well... there's one good thing that comes out of this. Drama CD and anime. You can enjoy two different worlds through them. Two for the price of one. しかしまあ、これにもメリットが一つあってね、 ドラマCDとアニメ、二つの声で二つの世界が楽しめる。 一粒で二度おいしい
Well... One of us will be taking Miyuki-san's leftover nugget... Let's say it goes to whoever wins a staring contest. さて、みゆきさんが余らせたナゲットをこの中の誰かが頂くことになったのだが、 睨めっこで勝った人が食べることにしよう
Don't put me on the same level as someone who only ever thinks about having fun! 遊びのことばっか考えてるあんたと一緒にすんな!
In that case... just send in as many entries as you can. そういう人は…とにかく枚数書いて応募するんだよ
You don't send them all at once... but a few here and a few there. And over the course of a few days. 一度にどさっと出すんじゃなくって、 少しずつ少しずつ分けて出す。 しかも日を分けてね
No good. Kagami could never be the cutesy type. ダメだ、カガミに可愛い系はムリ
You know. With twins... Even when they're raised separately... they end up having similar lifestyles and significant others. And sometimes they end up marrying another pair of twins. ほら、双子ってさ、離れ離れに育っていても、 なぜか生活習慣や恋人の好みが一緒だったりするっていうよね。 結婚相手も同じ双子とか
And when one of them is in danger... the other one can sense it from a completely different place. There are all kinds of mysterious phenomena. 後どっちかが危ない目に遭うと、 もう一方も全然違う所でそれを察していたり、 不思議体験がいっぱいあるよね
Which means that you two could be one-egg twins. Your identical traits would be... You both like sweets, right? てことは、カガミとつかさも一卵性だったりして。 二人の共通点は…二人ともお菓子好きだよね
One of my cousins is getting married this month. How does this... wet and gloomy season supposedly signify hppiness? 今月親戚のお姉さんが結婚するんだけどさ、 こんな…ジメジメした暗い季節なのになんで幸せの代表なんだろう
The name June is generally said to be... derived from the name of the Roman goddess, Juno. 一般に6月のジューンはローマ神話の女神、ユノに由来すると言われています
In Greek mythology... Juno is known as Hera... the goddess of marriage and fertility. ユノは、ギリシャ神話ではヘラという女神で、結婚や出産を司っているんです
Which is why those who get married in Hera's month, the month of June are said to receive her protection and blessing. ですから、ヘラの月である6月に結婚した人は、 守護され祝福されると言われているんです
But wasn't Hera Zeus's wife? I have this image of Hera being extremely jealous... so I'm not feeling this happy thing. でもヘラってゼウスの奥さんだよね? ヘラって激しく嫉妬深いってイメージあるから、 やっぱり幸せって感じがしないんだけど
Would you rather wear a dress or a kimono for your wedding? 結婚式はドレスか着物、どっちが着たい?
I would wear a dress. It's been my dream since I was a child. 私はドレスですね。小さい頃からの憧れですから
I'd also go with a dress. But a kimono would also be nice... I wanna wear both! 私もドレスかな、やっぱり着物もいいな。 どっちも着たいかも
And I used to like rain... Because baseball games would be canceled and I'd get to watch anime. 昔は結構雨も好きだったんだけどなぁ… だって、野球中継が中止になるから普通にアニメ見れたし
I see. Sounds just like something you would say. なるほど、すごくこなちゃんらしいね
If you put it that way... in some recent anime... the teacher looks the same age as the students. Or even younger. それをゆうなら、 最近アニメでどう考えても教師と生徒の年齢が一緒ってのやってたよ。 むしろ逆って感じの
I've been wondering... Isn't the real mystery how Tsukasa's in the same school as us? 思ったんだけど… つかさが同じ学校にいる方がよっぽど不思議
Didn't you have a really easy party game? You could probably beat me at that one. すっごい簡単なパーティゲームあったよね。 あれならカガミでも勝てそうなんだけどな
Shut it! It's none of your business! うるさい!余計なお世話だ!
But I have a feeling that anyone would look good with a ponytail. でも、ポニーテールって誰でも似合う気がするけど
Yours also looks good, Kona-chan. You could go with that on an everyday basis. こなちゃんも似合ってるよ。 普段それでもぜんぜんオッケーだよ
Oh, yeah... You're always collecting QUO cards... but do you ever use them? そういえば、あんたいつもQUOカード集めてるけど、 使うことあんの?
You can't use them! You have to take good care of them! 使っちゃダメでしょ。 大事にとっておくんだよ
Much less auction them off or sell them. Using them makes you a surefire failure... as a fan arid as a collector! ましてやオークションやショップに転がすなんてもっての他だから。 それはファンとしてはもちろん、コレクターとしても失格
Don't you always want two or three of something you like? カガミもどうしても欲しいものって、とりあえず同じものが二つ三つ欲しくなんない?
No. I kind of understand what you're saying. いや、言わんとしてることはなんとなく理解したんだけどね
I was late because I had to help someone! I usually go around with this guy... but I just couldn't get away today! 人助けをしてたら、遅くなりました。 その人いつも一緒に行動してるんですけど、 今日は別れるに別れられなくて!
And it isn't much... but I have presents for you. Open it up. I considered a number of options... but I had a hard time making up my mind. 後、これつまらないものですが、プレゼントにと。開けてみてください。 色々考えたんですが、 なかなか決まらなくて
Brigade chief armband. Try it on. I figured it would fit you perfectly. 団長腕章。つけてみて。 カガミならぴったし似合うと思ったんじゃがなあ
Don't try to make both of us cosplay! 姉妹そろってコスプレさせるな!
Hey. It's our birthday. You could hold back a little. あんた、人の誕生日なんだから、 ちょっとは遠慮しなさいよ
Having heard that... some of these cookies don't taste that good anymore. Weird, ain't it? Wonder if this is one of Kagami's. そう聞くと、おいしいのとそうじゃないのがある気がしてくるから 不思議だよね。これはカガミのかなぁ
By the way... isn't there always a fight over how to cut the cake? You know. When you cut a cake into a bunch of slices... how do you divide up the strawberries on top... or decide who gets the chocolate decorations? ところで、ケーキってどうやって切るかで揉めない? ほら、たくさん切り分けるとき、 上に乗ってる苺をどうするとか、 プレートのチョコを誰が食べるとか
Miyuki... do you have some kind of regular summer activity? ミユキは何か、夏休みの定番てある?
Man... I've been lamenting my lack of a chest for a while... but then this game said... "A flat chest is a status symbol! A rarity!" Word for word. いやあ、あたしもずっと胸がないのを嘆いてきたんだけどねえ、 とあるゲームで、「貧乳はステータスだ、希少価値だ!」 って言ってたんだよね
Honestly... We have a test coming up. Should you be gaming so much? たくっ、もうすぐ期末テストなのに、 ゲームばっかしてて大丈夫なの?
If you would only use some of that passion for studying. Your grades would probably go up. その情熱を少しでも勉強に回せば、 もっと成績も上がるのにねえ
If she's so easily influenced... wouldn't she become a genius if someone released a game that promoted studying? There's already stuff like Moe Drill. そんなに影響されやすいなら、 勉強を推奨するゲームとか出たら、凄いことになるんじゃ… 萌えドリルとかもあるくらいだし
There's been a lot of youth crime lately. 最近少年犯罪、多いわよねえ
Whenever that happens...all the neighbors say... He was such a nice boy. I never would have imagined that he could do such a thing. そういうのって近所の人に聞くと、みんな口を揃えて、 普段おとなしくてそんなことする子には見えないっていうよねえ
If you ever commit a crime... I always figured she would do something like this. I'll tell the whole world. あんたが何か事件を起こしたら、 いつか絶対何かやらかすって思ってました、 って証言してあげるわよ
Then what about our teacher? I heard that she lives by herself... but she looks like she could be a slob. それじゃ先生とかはどうなのかな? 一人暮らしらしいけど、結構ずぼらなイメージあるよね
I can cook. About as well as your average person. ちゃんとやっとるで。人並みくらいはできるわ
Tsukasa. Could I get my dictionary back? ツカサ。辞書返して
I-I was doing a little cleaning for a change of pace... yeah. き、気分転換に部屋の掃除を…ちょっと
Go with something you would usually find in a cafe. もう少し喫茶店らしいメニューにしなさいよ
Could you stop skipping the thinking process when you respond? いい加減脊髄反射的な発想はやめないか?
Having trouble getting to sleep. Guess I'll read until I fall asleep. なんか寝付悪いし、 眠くなるまで本でも読むか
Maybe it's because of all the studying... When I weighed myself yesterday, it was down. So I figured it'd be okay. テスト勉強疲れとかあったせいか、 昨日計ったら減ってたのよねえ。 だからいいかなぁとかね
My weight already... went all the way up in like the blink of an eye... 体重が…あっという間にまた増えた
No. A clerk at the store tied it for me. Tying a sash would be too difficult for me. いえ。これはお店の人に着付けてもらったんですよ。 流石に、帯を結ぶのは難しくって
Believe it or not... I'm good enough to be known as Sharpshooter Yui-chan. 何を隠そう署では、 シャープシューターゆいちゃんと言われるほどの腕前よ
I've been wondering... I know what strawberry, lemon, and melon are... but what kind of fruit is a Blue Hawaii? 前から思ってたんだけど、 イチゴ、レモン、メロンとかはわかるんだけど… ブルーハワイって何の果物?
I'm sorry, I couldn't be of any help. I'll look it up in the near future. お役に立てずすみません。 今度調べておきますね
Wait. Shouldn't the person who wants to know be looking it up instead of Miyuki? いや、そこはミユキじゃなくて、 知りたい本人が調べればいいんじゃ…
I was on the phone with Kona-chan... and I mentioned how much free time we have during vacation... but she's playing a bunch of games that have piled up so she has no free time. こなちゃんと話してて、 夏休みって結構暇だよねーって聞いたんだけど、 溜め込んだゲームとか片っ端からやってるから 暇じゃないんだって
I guess some people still enjoy a full and satisfying summer vacation. Maybe I should do something, too. やっぱり人によっては充実した夏休みを送ってるんだね。 私も何かしよっかなぁ
You're not even trying to think it through, are you!? お前まったく考える気ないだろ?!
Well... I must say, as a good police officer... my help, would not be to your benefit... so don't depend on others! まあ…良い子を見守る警官としてね… 自分の為にならないから、 他人に頼ってばかりいちゃダメ!
It's such a pain when I don't understand any of the questions... わかんないとこだらけでめんどくさいなぁ…
It was obvious... but I guess your eyes don't end up like in manga. わかっていたけど、 やっぱマンガみたくはならないね
Well... It kind of feels icky to sit down when l'm still wet. なんかね、濡れたまま座るのってちょっと気持ち悪くって
Just as expected! Because I got something straight out of a storybook beach house. Look at how the curry is sauce and nothing else. 期待通りだ! だって海の家を絵に描いたようなのが出てきたんだよ。 見よ、この具のないカレー
Usually, you wouldn't be willing to eat something like this... but here, it actually tastes good! 普段食べたらどうかなーっていうのでも、 こういう所で食べると、おいしく感じちゃうよね
The reason your hair is damaged by a trip to the beach... would be the adhesion of salt from seawater and the sea breeze... which absorbs the moisture from your hair... which now suffers from exposure to strong UV rays. 海で髪が痛む原因は、 海水や潮風に含まれる塩分が付着して、 水分を失った髪が、 強烈な紫外線を浴びて痛むからだそうです
I wonder how other people would see us. うちら、他所から見たらどんな風に写ってんねやろ
His house was... at the end of the bus line. So... As more and more passengers got off... eventually, he was the only person left on the bus... その人の家は、路線の終わりの方にあったんだって… で、途中他のお客さんがだんだん降りていって、 遂には乗客は、その人一人だけになったんだけど…
The driver thought that nobody was left on the bus... and... sang "DANZEN! Futari wa ***Cure" at the top of his lungs! 運転手さんはもう、誰も乗ってないって勘違いしたらしくって、なんと… 大声で断然二人は**キュアを歌い出したんだよ!
Why is your impression of me... so aggressive? なんであんたの中のあたしのイメージって、そんなに攻撃的かな
You seem like someone who even throws away useful stuff. Seeing as how you ditched your textbooks. あんたはむしろ必要な物まで捨てそうよね。 教科書とか置いてくるくらいだし
Miyuki. Go have your teeth taken care of... before school starts up again. ミユキ、学校が始まる前に、 歯の治療に行っちゃいなさいね
I wouldn't go that far. I already do plenty of that at work. さすがにそこまではしないよ。 そういうのもうバイトでけっこうやってるし
Oh, yeah... You work at one of those places... ああ…そういえばそういうとこにお勤めでしたね
Feels so wrong that I can't even picture it. 違和感ありすぎてイメージできん
If you want to watch anime that badly... you could get cable or something. そんなにアニメが見たいなら、 ケーブルとか引けばいいんじゃないの
If I could... God knows I want to... But the cable guys were all like... You can't get cable... 引けるならね、あたしも引きたいよ… ケーブルテレビの人にいろいろ言われてね、引けませんて…
By future, she means choosing a major? I guess high school is only a temporary stopping point. 先のことって進路のことか。 たしかに高校生活も折り返しだもんね
For my summer homework... I did as you told me and wrote down random stuff when I didn't know the answer... and now I have to redo it all! 夏休みの宿題、この前教えてもらった通り わかんなくってもそれっぽい答え適当に書いて出したら、 再提出くらった…
I see... The schedule's off because the baseball game went over. I guess it can be useful sometimes. そうか…野球中継延長でズレたんだ。 たまにはいいこともあるもんだ
I'm terribly sorry... but could I borrow your notes for today later? すみませんが、今日のノートを後ほど貸していただけますか?
In games, when a character who wears glasses shows up at school without them... they suddenly become popular... But I guess that doesn't happen in real life. ゲームだとメガネキャラが素顔で登校すると、 急にもてたりするけど、 実際はそういうのないね
When the lower half of your body gains weight... it becomes difficult to buy skirts and the like. 下半身が太ってしまうと、 スカートなどを買う時、困ってしまいますよね
No, Kagami. I can see the fruits of your diet. They say that when you diet, you lose weight in the places you don't want to first. いや、カガミ…ダイエットの成果あたしには見えてるよ ダイエットすると 痩せなくてもいい所から痩せていくそうな
I heard that pleople with poor eyesight end up with nasty expression that scare other people... but I guess... it depends on the person. 目の悪い人って目つきが悪くなって怖がられるって聞いたけど、 それってやっぱり…人によるよね
Well... There was still plenty of time left when I finished getting ready... So to kill time... I started playing games and couldn't stop... いやね、出かける準備が済んだ時は、 かなり時間的余裕があったんだけどね、 時間つぶしに、ゲームを始めたらキリよく終わらなくて
There are a bunch of cultural festivals and sporting events during second semester, right? 2学期って 文化祭とか体育祭とかの行事が多いよね
So you're the type of person... who can blow up pots when they cook!? カガミって料理とかすると、鍋とか爆発させるタイプ?!
But I usually forget it at home. Since Dad's the only one who ever calls. たいてい家に忘れてくるけどね。 どうせお父さんしかかけっこないし
Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a cell phone? それって携帯持ってる意味ないよね?
There was a girl in our class who had a bunch of straps on her phone. They weighed it... and the straps alone were 800 grams. ウチのクラスにストラップちゃらちゃら付けてる子がいてさ、 重さ計ってみたらストラップだけで800グラムもあったんだって
Sounds like making a phone call would count as weight training. そんなだと電話かけてるだけで筋トレになりそうだね
Still at school. I was talking with Konat and Miyuki and lost track of time. We'll be home soon. まだ学校。こなたやみゆきとしゃべってたら遅くなって。 もうすぐ帰るから
It's better to make your address hard to guess. That's how I did it. そういう時はアドレスをわかりづらいのに変えた方がいいよ。 あたしも変えてるし
I'm heading to Gamers. Wanna come along? You're supposed to come with me as a sign of our friendship! あたしゲマズ寄ってくけど一緒に行かない? ここはわたしとの友情を育むために一緒に行くとこでしょ
Well, you know... I wanted you to give me your purchase points as a sign of our friendship. いやほら、友情の証としてみんなの買い物分のポイントが欲しくてさ
Since fall is for reading... I've been doing a lot of reading. Even though it's for an educational purpose... the expenses are piling up. 読書の秋ってことで、最近いろんな本に手を出してるんだけど、 いくら情報を得るためとはいえ、 出費が重なるんだよね
You don't have to buy them. Couldn't you just go to a library or something? They actually have some stuff you'd want. 買わなくても、 図書館とかで借りればいいんじゃない。 割と読みたいのあるわよ
Nah. A library wouldn't have manga. いや、図書館だとさすがに漫画はないでしょぅ
This game suddenly isn't as fun with all these interruptions. How did you study for tests when you were a student? 横やりが入ると、ゲームが急に醒めてくるよ… 先生は学生の時、テスト勉強とかどうしていたんですか?
Played or slept when I couldn't concentrate. Nothing really special... That's the same as me. できない時は遊ぶか寝た、やってることは変わらんわ… えぇ、同じじゃん
If you go by personality... Tsukasa would be type A... and Kagami would be type B. 性格的なイメージいくと ツカサがA型、カガミはB型に見えるなぁ
Speaking of horoscopes... I've also heard of ones for animals and sushi. 占いといえば、 動物とかお寿司なんていうのもありましたよね
About the blood type conversation today... Just to make sure you know... fraternal twins can have different blood types... so your guess wasn't wrong. Sounded like you got the wrong impression. 今日の血液型の話、 念のために言っておくと、 二卵性双生児は血液型違うこともあるから、 あんたの発想は間違ってないわよ。 あんたあのまま本気にしそうだし
She couldn't have come before us, right? Honestly... The movie's about to start. あいつ、私達より先に来るってことないわよね。 たくもう、映画始まるっつーの
This store has a time limit of one hour. You can find beverages in the drink corner over there. The cakes are located in the showcase over there. Please help yourself. 当店、一時間の時間制になっております。 お飲物はあちらのドリンクコーナーに、 ケーキはあちらのショーケースにございますので、 ご自由にお取り下さい
If you drink too much water... you won't be able to eat any more! 闇雲に水を飲むと、却って食べられなくなるわよ
If you studied that hard... your tests would have gone differently. それくらい熱心に勉強していれば、 テストも違ったろうに…
Recent dating sims have a bunch of save points... but I can never find a good place to stop. I'm the do-it-in-one-sitting type. 最近の美少女ゲームはセーブポイントが多いんだけど、 なかなか止まらなくてね。 一気に終わらせるタイプだし
It's actually easy to get absorbed... in those kinds of simple games. What kind of scores do you get, Yuki-chan? ああいう単純なゲームって、意外と熱中するよね。 ゆきちゃんはどれぐらいスコア出るの?
These kind of people really get into this kind of stuff... こういう人って、この手のものやり込むよねぇ…
Well, there's nothing to worry about. She's the type to start off excited... and eventually lose interest. まああまり気に病む必要はないんだけどね。 あの子、最初は張り切るんだけど、だんだんバテていくタイプだから
And does she even have that much to talk about? で、そんなにメールする内容あんの?
I guess she's finally gotten the hang of it. あの子もようやく慣れてきたかな
I know how you feel... but could you stop spamming family members? 気持ちは分かるけど、 身内ばかりに送るのは終わりにしないか?
So I guess some people get all snobby after they've learned something. いるよねぇ、自分が覚えると途端に得意技になる人って
You've got a lot of stuff saved on here. けっこうたくさん登録してあるんだねぇ
She's not picking up. Guess I'll call her house. なかなか出ないわね。 家にかけてみるか
Sorry. But I figured you guys would be lax about that stuff. Sounds like it's pretty strict. 悪い。でも、あんたの家はそういうのに寛容かと思ってたわ。 けっこう厳しいのね
Nah... We were in the middle of a fighting game. いやぁ、格ゲーの対戦中だったからね
It's not that you can't... but my dad's usually home because of work. ダメということはないんだけど、 ウチのお父さん職業柄、家にいることが多いし
This door... Probably hides a stash of stuff you don't want seen. A door that must never be opened. この扉…どうせこの先は見られてはいけないものがぎっしり詰まってる、 あかずの間なんでしょ
Nah. I share most of that stuff with Dad... so he handles storage. いやぁ、そういうのはたいていお父さんと共有してるから、 お父さんの書庫に保管してもらってる
Your dad's an author, right? Then have you ever gotten hooked on a light novel or dating sim your dad wrote? あんたのお父さんて、作家さんなのよね? じゃあ、お父さんの書いたラノベやらギャルゲなんかに ハマッたりするの?
Nah. He doesn't write any of that stuff. いやぁ、そもそもそういうのは全然書かないのだよ
Didn't expect that... But... He likes that kind of stuff... so wouldn't he want to write them? 意外だなぁ… でも、そっちの世界好きなんだし、 書きたいと思わないのかしら?
I've been at a loss for words for a while now. Guess that's the lzumi family for you. さっきから圧倒されまくりなんですけど、 さすがイズミ家…
My dad was being all clingy the other day. So I tried saying, "You're annoying, Dad!" Then he's like... Couldn't you at least say, "I hate you, Dad!" or something? この前お父さんがペタペタ引っ付いてきたからさぁ、 試しに「お父さんうざい!」って言ってやったの。 そしたら、「せめて、お父さんなんて大嫌いって言え!」って怒られた
Even TV shows are starting to look like 2ch. 最近テレビとかでもよく2ちゃんを見かけるようになったね
Shooting stars are so wonderful. I haven't seen many of them. It's difficult to see the stars from our house. 流星いいですねぇ、 私ほとんど見たことないんですよ。 家からは星もそんなに見えなくて
Maybe it's my pride as the older sister... I feel like I have to be ahead of Tsukasa. 何だかんだで、姉の威厳というか、 つかさより一歩先の立場でいなきゃって気持ちが強かったのよね
Though I usually say neither of us is really older or younger. I used to be pretty worried about that stuff. 普段は姉も妹もないとか言ってるけど、 昔は意識してたのよ
That old man... He really wants to look good in front of his daughter, huh? あのおじさん…娘に余程いいところを見せたのね…
Thought you'd managed to get ahead of us. 抜け駆けかと思ったわよ
You guys also cosplay as shrine maidens for New Year's. At your temple. カガミ達だって、お正月に巫女のコスプレするじゃん。 自分家の神社で
I wonder why these two-hour shows always end on the edge of a cliff. なんで2時間ドラマのラストって断崖絶壁なんだろうね
I've been thinking... If you teach kids martial arts... wouldn't there be a decrease in that stuff? 子供にさ、格闘技を義務づけたら、 そういうの減るんじゃないかなって
U-Um... You know... People say training in the martial arts... helps you mature as a person. ええと、あれだよほら…格闘技とかやってると、 もまっすぐ成長するって言うじゃん
Are you going to help out at your temple as shrine maidens again this year? つかさ達は今年も家の手伝いで巫女さんするの?
I wonder what kind of Christmas cakes will be good this year! 今年はクリスマスケーキどんなのが良いかなぁ?
I was talking about Santa Claus with Kona-chan the other day. How long did you believe in Santa, Yuki-chan? It feels like you would have been a true believer like me. この前こなちゃんとサンタさんの話してたんだけど、 ゆきちゃんはいつごろまで信じてた? なんか私と同じで、結構信じてそうな気がする
I also believed in Santa Claus. When I was little, I tried to send a letter of gratitude to Santa Claus... and did some research. サンタさんは私も信じ込んでいまして、小さい頃、サンタさんにお礼の手紙を出そうとして、 いろいろ調べたこともあるんですよ
Just what you would expect from Yuki-chan. I could never do so well. さすがゆきちゃんだ、 あたしじゃありないよ
Yuki-chan's at the top of our class so it's hopeless... We could never beat her. ゆきちゃんは学年トップクラスだし、仕方ないんじゃ…私たちじゃ勝てないよ
I'll have a cup of ramen. These three minutes of waiting feel really long. カップラーメンでも食べようかな。 この待ってる間の3分って異常に長く感じるんだよね
She told me she would be late... But this is too late! 遅くなるとは聞いていたが、遅すぎる!
It must have been cold outside! Want some hot tea? I'm so happy I could die. こんな時間まで寒かったろう?熱いお茶のむ? お父さんうれしくて死んじゃうかも
Ain't a leftover. Doesn't count as a leftover. 'Cause I bought one. 売れ残りやないんや。売れ残りやないんや。 ウチがこうたんやから
Got any plans for the end of the year? 年末って何か用事ある?
I'm in the middle of cleaning right now. 今、大掃除の最中だったよ
Then I won't keep you. I'll hang up. じゃ長電話も悪いし、 そろそろ切るわ
But be careful. If you don't follow the path marked in red... you might get stuck between rows of displays... and end up trapped. ただし気をつけて、 この赤ペンのルートを通らないと、 壁際サークルの列に分断されて 身動きがとれなくなるかも
The ones marked with green can wait until afternoon. They're stocked up... so there's almost no danger of them running out. 緑の印のサークルは午後に回っても大丈夫なところ。 たっぷり部数を確保しておいてくれてるから完売の危険はほとんどないよ
The new ones would be this and this. Each one is 500 yen. 新刊はこれとこれね。 どっちも500円です
Even though it was the end of the year... we skipped work to do this! 年末だってのに店を休んでまで頑張ったんだ!
I figured it would be a rough schedule for a first-timer... so let's just stroll around for the afternoon. 初参加の人には辛すぎるメニューだと思ってたから、 午後はみんなでまったり見て回ろうよ
Maybe it's 'cause of the people mainly here for events... many of the younger participants think of themselves as customers, sadly enough. This was supposed to be an event put on by all of us. イベントが大規模化してきたせいか、 最近の若い参加者は自分のことをお客さんだと思ってる人が多くて悲しいよ。 もともとみんなで作るイベントだったのに
The person behind Nagamon is here as a salesgirl! ながもんの中の人が売り子やってる!
Even customers who show up late... must be completely satisfied! Have you lost the true spirit? 買いそびれたお客様を全力で満足させて差し上げる! その精神を忘れてどうするんだ
No, you see. Nagato and everybody else is selling like hotcakes... yet look at this. Even Koizumi's sells well. いやね、長門とか売れまくってるのに、 こっちはこれでしょ?小泉は売れてるってのにさぁ
We had to help out at home as soon as we got back from Ariake... Why do they have that event on New Year's Eve? 有明から帰ってすぐ家の手伝い… なんで大晦日にあんなイベントやるのかしら?
I-I was just hoping I could be in the same class as you and Miyuki this year. ちょっと今年くらいはつかさやみゆきと同じクラスがいいなって思っただけよ
Kagami needs to be in a different class. 'Cause you know... That way I can borrow stuff from you when I forget mine. And I won't get caught if I copy your homework. カガミは別のクラスになってもらわないと。 だってほら、忘れ物したとき借りられるし、 宿題写してもバレないし
Whether or not something good will happen... depends on the amount of effort you spend. Drawing your fortune is just a game of luck. いいことあるかないかは、結局本人の頑張り次第よ。 おみくじは所詮運試しでしょ
I wonder how many of them are here for the shrine maidens like Dad. この中の何人がお父さんと同じで巫女さん目当てなのかな
The fact that all of those shops are in the city is a pain. ああいう店って田舎にはないのがネックだよね
But don't a lot of stores sell online now? So you could try that. でも最近いろんなショップがネット通販対応してるじゃない? そういう所もやってるんじゃないの
Why the heck didn't you nab it?! Imagine how much money that would've made as a freak show. 誰か捕まえてくれればよかったのに! 見世物にすれば儲かったのに
I never said I saw one. She probably disappeared when I wasn't paying attention. 幽霊を見たなんて言ってないだろ。 ちょっと目を離した隙にどっか行っちゃっただけかもしれないし
She might even be a figment of my imagination. だいたい、女の子を見たってのも気のせいさ
And, what is this book you pulled out of nowhere? 机の上にいつの間にか置いたこの本はなんですか?
Have you ever seen a ghost, but nobody believed you? Did you wake up to find a ghost beside you, and everyone called your bluff? 幽霊を見ても誰にも信じてもらえなかったことや、 金縛りに遭ったのに嘘つき呼ばわりされたことはありませんか?
What's the point of making a ghost's acquaintance?! 幽霊と親睦を深めてどうすんだよ?
Why get mixed-up in this weird crap, anyway? Isn't boredom the epitome of peace and stability? だいたい何で妙なことに首を突っ込みたがるんだ? 退屈なのは平穏無事な証拠じゃないか
Mamiya Ayumi, the only daughter of some filthy rich family. I guess she transferred here for personal reasons. マミヤアユミ、大富豪マミヤ家の一人娘。 ここに転校してきたのは、個人的な都合らしい
Her favorite foods are all sorts of sweets. And she despises eels more than anything. 好きな食べ物は甘いモン全般。 一番苦手なのはうなぎだそうだ
Big brother, exactly what kind of relationship do you and that Mamiya woman have? お兄ちゃん、そのマミヤって人とどういう関係
No one's coming... That's to be expected. Nobody wants to get beat up. 誰も助けに入らない… そりゃそうだ。わざわざ殴られにいきたいヤツなんかいない
But, even though this isn't usually my style... Even though it isn't... でも、こんなのぜんぜん僕らしくないけど…だけど…
Just great... He was such a wimp that I couldn't help but get mad and glare at him. But, there might be more to him than I thought. まったく…あんまりヘタレくさいから頭来て睨み続けちゃったわよ。 でも思ったよりも見込みあるかも
It is real. The only dream here is how you've lived your life until now. I am your destiny. And now, you'll be reborn as a real man. これは現実。今までは吉川ハルオっていう退屈な夢だったのよ。 私はあんたの運命。あんたは今日からほんとの男として生まれ変わるの
But, would you keep this a secret at school? でも学校ではこのことは、黙っててね
She's my age and has to work like this... She must be going through some rough times. I guess we'll have to do our best to help her out. 僕と同じ歳で働かなくちゃならないなんて、 よほど辛い事情が… これはみんなで力になってあげないと
A memory-erasing hammer... You guys always use that sort of stuff? 記憶消去ハンマー、あんたたちいつもそんなモノ使ってんの?
Things can get out of hand sometimes. いろいろ収まりがつかなくなるし
I even went as far as becoming a maid, just for this. All because of that curse from my childhood. このために、私はメイドにまでなって… それもこれも全部、幼い頃のあの呪いのせい
In a corner of the mansion, inside a secret room nobody knows, I found a large mirror, and in it... was a boy who smiled at me. 屋敷のずっと奥、 誰も知らない秘密の部屋で見つけた…とても大きな鏡。 鏡の中には、なぜか私に笑いかける、男の子の姿
It would be a while before I learned that the mirror beheld a curse, which showed me the future. それが、先見の鏡という恐ろしい呪いの鏡だと知ったのは、ずっと後のことだった
As the Mamiyas' successor, you shall experience the lives of people. Furthermore, there is still the matter of the mirror's curse. マミヤ家の次期当主として、民草の生活に触れておくことも必要だ。 それに、鏡の呪いのこともあるしな
Your powers will eventually vanish as a result of the curse. Do you think a good-for-nothing is of any use to the Mamiyas? 呪いが解けなければ、お姉さまの魔力はいつか消えてしまう。 無能な者を、マミヤの家に置いておけると思って?
You may not believe me, but... that's my curse. Because of that, my family treats me like dirt. 信じてもらえないかもしれないけど、そういう呪いをかけられて、 そのせいで家族にも冷たくされて…
The curse was real? Would I be a cruel woman if I kicked her out of the house? 呪いは本当だったのね。 これで追い出したりしたらなんとなくあたし冷たい女?
Well, if that's the case, I guess... Something smells fishy. This could be a big mistake. まあ、こういうことなら今回は… やっぱり怪しい。 失敗したかも私…
All the students are studying hard, behaving themselves, and even have healthy relationships. Well, until that girl transferred here... 生徒たちは皆、学業に励み、節度を守り、 男女の交際もまことに健全なものであった。 そう、彼女が学園に現れるまでは
Ayumi-tan! Just as stunning and radiant, as always. あゆみタン、今日も輝くような可憐さだなぁ
You're so old-fashioned, Madam President. This is typical of your average, healthy junior high student. いやだな会長、 そのくらい今時の健全な中学生には当たり前ですよ
Ever since Mamiya Ayumi came to this school, all the boys' brains are in their pants. As far as I know, discipline just went out the window. マミヤアユミが本学園に現れて以来、 男子はすっかり色ボケ状態。 学園の風紀は乱れるばかり
Principal, isn't this matter something we should be panicking about? In school, one walks the halls of learning. 校長、これが熱くならずにいられましょうか。 本来学園は学びの場
But, does even the student council have the right to meddle in everyone's affairs? しかし、生徒会としても生徒たちの自主性に立ち入るわけには… Yes. well... we're still trying to confirm that, but... as of this moment, she isn't creating a problem for anyone... はい、それは確認しているのですが… 本人自体が何かしら問題を起こしてるわけではないので…
Our school has a tradition of free expression, but now, all hell's broken loose! 我が学園は自由な校風が伝統だが、 最近はあまりに節度がなさ過ぎる
President Yuri-same is so cool when she's serious! Umi is grateful for serving as vice-president. 厳しいユリ様の横顔素敵… ウミ、副会長になってよかった
I want all of you to come up with an effective solution to put an end to all this! これに歯止めをかける何か、有効な対策を考えてもらいたい!
It is true that nobody can beat Mamiya when it comes to being cute. たしかにマミヤさんに可愛いらしさで勝てる者はいない
If we emphasize a different aspect of appeal, we have a chance of winning! 方向性の違う魅力で対抗すれば勝機はあるはず!
Instead of being cute, be cool! Instead of wantinq to protect you, we want you to protect us! Instead of us hugging you, we want you to hug us! かわいいというより、かっこいい。 守りたいというより守って欲しい。 抱きしめたいというより抱きしめられたい
In the female students' "Who You Want as Onee-sama" contest, be number one! 全校女生徒、お姉さまになって欲しい人ナンバーワン!
Even I've got at least one guy I like, so, get these worthless fantasies out of your head! 私にだって、好きな男の一人くらいいる! おかしな妄想はやめてもらおう!
I'm too self-conscious, so I don't get along too well with others. I don't really get close enough to anyone. If it's possible. I'd like to be seen as a cute girl, just like Mamiya Ayumi. この自意識故に人付き合いも悪く、 皆にも慣れ親しめない。 できることなら、私もマミヤアユミのように可愛らしい女の子として見られたい
I got it! For the integrity of school discipline, I shall take the plunge! よーしわかった、学園の風紀を正すためだ、 自ら礎となろう! H-How do I look? These are my casual clothes, even though my parents said these don't look good on me. ど、どうだ?これ私服なんだが、 家族には似合わないから着るなって言われてね
Honey, what is with this look? Even kids wouldn't be caught dead in this outfit! なによその服、 今時のがきんちょだってそんな格好しないわよ
Act now, get limited edition Ayumi-san photos as a free gift with any purchase of more than five items! はい、今なら5点以上購入で限定レア生写真プレゼント!
Why would someone like her come to this world? どうしてこんな奴が人間界に…
Can't you even see Yuri-sama's beauty, you poor excuse of a human?! ユリ様の魅力がわからないなんてあんた人間?
Instead of the president correcting the mess, she turns it into a disaster area! 生徒の手本となるべき生徒会長が、 先頭に立って騒乱を煽るとは!
What a mess. Now, instead of liking me, he may even hate me soon enough... なんという不覚…これではあいつに好かれる所か、 嫌われてしまったかもしれん…
Cool, huh? Not exactly something a guy would say to a potential girlfriend... But, he's just as clueless as he was ages ago. かっこいいか…男が恋愛対象に向ける言葉ではないよな… ただでさえあいつは、昔から鈍いからな
She does household chores pretty well, and even helps us with our homework. ちゃんと仕事してるし、宿題手伝ってくれたりするしね
Do you know where Mamiya Ayumi's house is? According to this report, she lives at the same address as Secretary Yoshikawa-kun. マミヤアユミの家って知ってます? この名簿だと、 書記の吉川君と同じ住所になってるんですけど
I'm the happiest guy in the world to have such a cute, master chef for a sister. I'll never, ever let you go. こんなに可愛くて、料理上手な妹を持って、僕はなんて幸せ者なんだ。 僕はお前を一生離さないぞ
No, my real dear brother would never say that. You're just an illusion! 違う本物のお兄ちゃんはそんなこと言わない。 あなたは幻よ!
This is all happening inside Haruo's head. This is Haruo's dream world. Seeing as Haruo can't seem to have normal dreams, I thought I'd create one for him. ここはハルオの頭の中。ハルオが見ている夢の世界よ。 ハルオには元々夢らしい夢がないから、 私が夢を作ってあげてるの
Like, how was I supposed to know that? んなこと知るわけないでしょ
Is this the right time for you guys to be fighting? How the heck are we getting out of here? いがみ合ってる場合か! いったいどうやってここから出る?
Give me all of your magical energy. I'll try opening a door to a different dimension. 全員の魔力を私に集めて、 一気に異空間に扉を開けてみるわ
It's all because of your hare-brained schemes! だいたいあなたが変なこと考えるから!
The maid has witnessed it. Days of a sister's forbidden love for her brother! メイドは見た! 兄好き妹のいけない日々!
You've living under the same roof as Haruo! And since you're serving as his maid, it is my solemn duty to prevent any and all forms of misconduct! 吉川がお前と同居し、 あまつさえメイドをしていると知った以上、 不祥事を防ぐのはあたしの使命!
I remember it clearly. My beloved brother and sister were fighting... Maika shouted at him, saying she hated him... I was so sad, and the tears just wouldn't stop. That's why those two have to get along! 私、はっきり覚えてる。大好きな兄貴と姉貴がケンカしてて、 姉貴が大嫌いって叫んで、 あたしすごく悲しくて、涙がポロポロ出て… だから二人は、仲良くしてなきゃダメなの!
Now this is interesting... If I discover the secret behind their relationship, I can toss her affection for Haruo out the window. No, wait. I could make them hate each other's guts, too! 興味深いわね… 嫌いになった兄を好きになった理由がわかれば、 兄好き体質を緩和することも… ううん、ハルオのことを嫌いにできるかも!
Maika is a freshman, so it must be spring of last year, right? マイカが一年ということは、去年の春だな
I want you to have it. I-If you want, w-we can even eat together. お前に食べてもらえるとうれしいのだが、 よ、よかったら一緒に…
What the hell is with that sister of his?! Can't I at least eat with him?! いったい何なんだあの妹は? 一緒に食べてくれても良いではないか
But, she might become my sister-in-law in the future! When I think of it that way, her jealousy is just adorable! I-I'm thinking of such dirty thoughts. でも…あの子が、未来の私の義理の妹になるかもしれんのだし、 そう考えるとやきもちも可愛いものだなぁ… 私としたことが、なんというはしたない想像を
This root of the problem's deeper than we thought. 問題の根は深いな…
N-Now, I understand... how she became so close to Haruo. They're hiding such an unspeakable crime. As a result, they're bound tightly by that secret! わかったわ…マイカが兄好きになった理由が。 二人は罪を犯した、決して人には知られてはいけない罪を。 その結果、二人は強い絆で結ばれることになった
Okay, I'm going back even further to dig up some real dirt! こうなったらもっと過去に戻って、兄べったりの秘密を突き止めてやる!
Wow, No matter what I tried. she wouldn't stop. Maika-chan must really love her brother from the day she was born! あら、どんなことをしても泣き止まなかったのに。 マイカちゃんはほんとに、生まれた時からハルオ兄ちゃんが好きなのねぇ
It doesn't even look like our bath, does it? 自分の家のお風呂とは思えないよねえ
If only our dear brother could use magic, he could bathe with us... お兄ちゃんも魔法が使えれば、 一緒に入れるのになぁ…
This is totally out of nowhere, but, does she have to work as a maid at such a young age... because her parents are financially unstable? これは想像だけど、 あの歳でメイドをしなくちゃならないのは、 家が経済的に苦しいからじゃないだろうか?
Yeah. I guess nobody would work as a maid just to get rid of a curse. たしかに、呪いのためだけでメイドとして働く必要はないわよね
Since Mamiya-san lives in our house, she's part of our family. Let's help her out as much as we can! 同じ家に住んでるマミヤさんは家族の一員なんだ。 みんなで力になって上げようじゃないか!
Actually, the rest of the family is on a trip right now. 今日、家族は旅行中なんだ
First, I hung the laundry in plain view so everyone can see what our household's like! Second, I posted pictures of innocent girls on display for everyone to see! And, finally, if you're wondering about which doors are locked... they're all wide open! まず、家族構成がわかるように目立つ所に洗濯物を干す! さらに、見える所にか弱そうな女の子の写真を張る。 そして、戸締りって何?みたいな…ダメ押し!
Enter as you please! Peek in the bath as much as you want! 立ち入り自由!お風呂覗けますの昇り!
As long as I do the complete opposite of our theft prevention plan, that hoodlum will definitely come! これだけ防犯対策の逆をやれば、 犯人はほいほいやって来るわね!
What could it be? I did as I was told. 何よ?あんたたちの言う通りにしたんじゃない
Quit your bitching... and, keep an eye out for the culprit! ブツブツ言ってないで、さっさと見張りにつきなさい!
This is the worst. Now we'll be know as this village's idiots. 最悪だ。これじゃご近所にアホ家族みたいに思われちゃうわ
For someone as vain as Ayumi-san to apologize, whatever was stolen must've been very Important. 気の強いあゆみさんが、私達に謝るなんて、 やっぱり盗まれた物ってそんなに大切な物なんだ
We have to help each other out in our times of need. But, flirt with my brother, and you're in for a world of hurt! 困った時はお互い様。 でもね、今度お兄ちゃんにちょっかい出したら、タダじゃおかないわよ
No! Mamiya-san is suffering because of this. I have to at least keep a good lookout. いや、マミヤさんはもっと辛い思いをしてるんだ。 見張りぐらいがんばってあげなきゃ
You get a picture of the man you want to get lucky with, and place it in your underwear for three months. It would've taken just three more days. 出世させたい男の子の写真を、 三ヶ月間下着の中に入れておくのよ。 あと3日で満願だったのにぃ
I just wasted three months of effort! Of course, I'm depressed! 三ヶ月の努力が無駄になったのよ! ぜんぜん落ち込むでしょ!
I'm making sure he's getting plenty of nutrition. I have to pull that magic power right out of him! ガンガン栄養つけさせて、 魔力を引っ張り出さなきゃ!
I'm Nijihara Marin. Mine is a holy mission from ancient times. As a descendant of a family of exorcists! 私は虹原マリン、古より聖なる使命を受け、 魔を払う一族の末裔です!
That's weird. They were disbanded after the Department of Magic was founded. それって変だよ、魔法省が出来てから ウィッチハンターはいなくなったはずだ
Please be at ease, sempai. I do have a sense of honor. I would never dream of... attacking you... in front of all these people...! It won't hurt if you'd just hold still! 安心してください先輩、私は分別のある人間です。 人前で、襲い掛かるような、マネはしません! じっとしてれば痛くありませんから!
You little... I can only take so much of your crap... before I really snap! あんたねえ…調子に乗るのも大概にしないと、 私、本気で怒るわよ!
I admire Mamiya-sempai! So, I want to give her some kind of present! 私、マミヤ先輩に憧れてるんですぅ。 だから何かプレゼントしたいと思って
Yes! I drew her ire the other day, and, I want to show her there's no hard feelings. I thought you, who seems on her good side, might know of something. はい、昨日はあゆみさんを怒らせてしまって、 そのお詫びがしたくて。 仲の良さそう吉川先輩なら何かご存知かと
He's just laughing like an idiot. Why would Mamiya Ayumi cling to this simpleton? 何かへらへらして絞まりのない人ですねぇ。 マミヤアユミは何でこんな冴えない人に憑りついているんでしょうか?
Could thls possibly be your doing?! もしかして、これってあんたの仕業?!
This is pissing me off! No matter where I go, she's there stalking me! She takes advantage of the slightest opportunity! もううんざりよ! どこに行ってもピッタリとくっ付いて監視してるし! ちょっとでも隙を見せると襲い掛かってくるし!
It seems that she found you through the holy spear. But, it only reacts to the most evil of sorcerers. 聞けば、あの娘は聖なる槍でお前を見つけたらしいが、 聖なる槍が反応するのは、邪悪窮まりない魔法使いだけだそうだな
What's with you people, meddling in other people's affairs... Guess the little tramp and I are having a showdown. なによあんたたち、人事だと思って… こうなったら直接対決しかないわね!
Absolutely! I have the protection of my Lord in Heaven! Lord! Grant me the power to pierce the darkness with the light of justice! 大丈夫、私には主のご加護があります! 主よ、闇を払い正義を貫く力をお与えください!
I might as well tell you. This is about a hundredth of my magic powers. 言っとくけど、 これでもまだ全力の100分の一も出してないわよ
I finally undarstand how such a fearsome witch has been kept at bay! Even so, I figured he was a simpleton. I'm the simpleton! あの恐ろしい魔女が大人しくしてる理由がやっとわかりました。 それなのに私、冴えない人だなんてとんでもない失礼な間違いをお許しください
I'm wasting my precious vacation trying to teach you to swim, and all you can think of is some stupid excuse to go home? ハルオが泳げないって言うから、夏休み返上で付き合ってやってるのに、 くだらないウソで誤魔化そうっていう気?
I don't care if you become a prune, drown, or whatever. You're not getting out of it! 今日はふにゃふにゃにフヤけようがドザエモンになろうが、 逃がさないわよ!
Whatever... Being unable to swim won't affect my daily life... I don't need to push myself that hard... 別に…泳げなくても日常生活に影響ないしさ… そんなムリしなくてもいいかな
This is bad... I get too much attention if I stick around Haruo in front of everyone. まずいわね… みんなの前でハルオの相手をしていたら、目立ち過ぎだわ
Guys aren't supposed to bitch about every little thing! 男のクセにいちいちビクつくんじゃないの!
We're currently investigating the mystery of this haunted pool. 我々はこの幽霊プールの謎を解明すべく、調査中である
As long as your lungs have air, you'll float. 肺に空気を溜めれば、体は勝手に浮くのよ
My orders are to assist and look after you. I have no intention of disobeying them. 私はお嬢様をお助けしお世話せよと命じられました。 私はそれを実行するだけです
As long as I'm little nice to him, this win's in the bag. ちょこっとやさしくしてやれば、ハルオなんてイチコロなんだから
H-Hey! I'm in the middle of giving him a sponge bath! Don't just butt in! ちょっと!私がハルオを拭いてあげてる最中なのよ、 邪魔しないでよ!
No matter the reason... causing Yoshikawa-sempai to fall ill... you've finally shown your true colors as a witch! よりにもよって、 吉川先輩を病気にするとは、 とうとう魔女の本性を表しましたね!
We can't compete with that class of spirits! 我々の手には負えないクラスの精霊だぞ!
My name is Anju Rika, a new maid in the employ of the Yoshikawa household. Thank you for allowing me the liberty of collecting data on your fighting abilities. 私、新しく吉川家に仕えることになりました、アンジュリカと申します。 今回は私の紹介と、皆様の戦闘力のデータを取らせて頂きました
I merely observe them. I shall not deviate from that. The same events as before. ただ見守っているだけでは、変化は生まれません。 同じことの繰り返しですので
The MVP of this years Sports Festival is: Yoshikawa Haruo-kun! 今年の体育祭MVPは吉川ハルオ君!
Oh, you are... The most beautiful girl in the world! Ranked top in the "Girl You Want As Your Girlfriend Contest" seven years straight! Winner of the PTA's "Girl You Want As Your Daughter Contest"! キミは…世界一美しい美少女、 桜森学園彼女にしたいコンクール7年連続受賞。 他にも実の娘にしたいPTAコンテストNO1
All done! The best part of the story is finished! できた!これでシナリオは完璧だわ!
A magical tome able to materialize its text. With this, Haruo-sama shall be the hero of today's sports festival. 書いたことが本当になるという魔法の本です。 これを使えばハルオ様は今日の体育祭でスターとなる
I knew you pests would show up. やっぱり出たわねお邪魔虫
That's not the point. As student council president, I can't allow injustice prevail. そういう問題ではない。 生徒会長として不正は見過ごせんのだ
This mess is a result of one of your hare-brained schemes. お前が余計な騒ぎを起こそうとするからだろう
You want a witch even more evil than you to become the MVP?! あなたよりももっと悪しき魔女がMVPになってもいいんですか?!
This would be so easy if I could just use magic! こんなの魔法使えば簡単だけど…
Hidden on all sides in the tent, you'll use a random means of transportation to reach the goal! 四方を隠されたテントの中で、 ランダムに選ばれた乗り物に乗って、ゴールを目指します!
Maika-chan is almost at the goal! The MVP is right in front of her! マイカちゃん、ゴールまであとわずか! MVPの栄冠は目の前です!
All the events of this year's festival have ended. You've all done well to make this an exciting athletic festival. 今年の体育祭も無事、全競技を終了しました。 皆、よく競い合ったことで体育祭は大いに盛り上がった
Well, I guess I'll just have you drag you there! ならば仕方ありません、強制連行致します!
You screwed up the casting and you don't even show up! あれほど強行にキャスティングに割り込んでおいて、 当日に来ないとは
I don't want to hog the spotlight, but I would naturally be the cast as the main character. 目立ちたくはないが、 私が主役に選ばれるのも致し方ない結果だ
Casting dear brother as the prince was a dirty trick! お兄ちゃんを王子役に選んだのもワザとでしょ!
That makeup set is imported courtesy of the Supernatural Science Club! The finest product even used by NASA! このメイクアップセットこそ我ら超自然科学クラブが購入した、 NASA御用達の一品なのだ!
It's my job to say those lines... I want take the place of the prince! 仕事とはいえ、こんなセリフを読まなきゃいけないなんて… 王子役と代わりたいぃ
Damn that Michiru. Why'd she even come to the human world? ミチルの奴、どうして人間界に?
You came just as I expected, dear sister. But, I didn't expect you to bring any allies along. やはり来たわねお姉さま。 でも、お仲間も連れてくるとは思わなかったわ
Yoshikawa-sempai, I will rescue you from that evil witch as quickly as possible! 吉川センパイ、直ぐに悪しき魔女から救い出してあげます!
As you wish. You sisters will die soon enough. まあいいわ。お姉さま達はここでいずれ死を迎えるんだもの
As long as my dear sister's curse remains, she cannot rule the house of Mamiya. Ruling the house of Mamiya is equal to ruling the entire magical world! お姉さまが呪われている限り、 マミヤ家の当主にはなれない。 マミヤ家の当主になるということは、 魔界を支配するのも同じことですもの
I wonder how long that tongue of yours can keep flapping? いつまでそんな口がきけるのかしら?
Oh, I'll never forget this moment. That face of yours, wracked with pain. 私は一生忘れないわよ、 その苦しそうなお姉さまの表情
It's that time of the year when it starts to get chilly. If I use my body heat to warm him up, I'll set his heart on fire and bring out the beast in him! そろそろ寒くなってきた今日この頃、 暖かな私に起こされれば、 ハルオの心の中も暖まって男に目覚めるはず
If you don't, these twin tails'll leave a mark on the back of your neck! 起きないとツインテールの先で、首筋ちろちろしちゃうぞ!
It's been several months since I came to the human world... I've tried all sorts of things, but... Haruo's magical powers don't seem to be waking up at all. 魔界から人間界に来て数ヶ月、 いろいろ試してみたけど、 ハルオは一向に魔力を覚醒する気配も薄い…
Guess those three pesky sisters aren't around to make my life difficult. どうやらお邪魔三姉妹はいないようね
I'm itching all over! Are there still mosquitoes this season? It feels like they raided the tops of my thighs. かゆい!こんな季節なのに蚊がいるのかしら。 太腿の付け根刺されちゃったみたーい!
How can she say that after flaunting those in front of him? 自分で見せといてなに言ってんだこいつ…
He should be completely captivated, almost driven insane by my beauty, jumping my bones in the middle of the night! 一日中あたしの魅力でモンモンはぁはぁしちゃって、 おかしくなりそうになって、 夜中に私のベットにダイビングってのが普通じゃないの?!
Or, he could be too used to seeing women's bodies, and just isn't attracted to them. いや、もしかすると、常日頃、女の体に見慣れてるせいで、不干渉になってるのかも?!
That's it! If that wasn't true, he would've jumped my bones long ago! そうよ、そうでなきゃさっきだって私に釘付けのはずだもの!
In these situations, please use this. I took the liberty of bringing something from your house. そんな時にはこれです。 実家に置かれていた物を持ってきました
Ah, that's my cousin. I've been like this ever since your grandma nabbed me. あぁ、ありゃ俺の従兄弟だ。 俺はお前の婆さんに捕まって以来、こうなっちまってなぁ
At around 11 'o'clock today, in the city of Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture, a thirty year old man was found covered in blood at his apartment. The Kanagawa polices are currently treating this case as a suspected homicide. 本日午前11時頃、神奈川県横浜市のアパートで、 30前後と見られる男性が血まみれで死亡している所が見つかり、神奈川県警は殺人事件として捜査を進める方針
"If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen as it is written". "If the cause of death is not specified, by default the person will die of a heart attack". 名前の後に40秒以内に死因を書くと、 その通りになる。 書かなければ、死因は全て心臓麻痺になる
But wait... On the off-chance that someone actually does die, wouldn't that make me a murderer? 待てよ…万が一本当に死んだら、 僕は殺人犯か…?
Nothing happened after all. I guess that was to be expected. やっぱり何も起こらない。 ま、当たり前か
I could try killing Sudou... スドウ…殺してみるか
Jeez... Thinking about this really makes you realize just how many people the world would actually be better off without. まったく…こうなると、 どいつもこいつも殺した方が…世の中のためになるヤツばかりに見えてくる
It's been five days since then... I guess... I better get going soon. あれから5日。 さて…そろそろ行くか
Hang on, didn't you cheat a second Death Note out of the Death God Overlord? Don't tell me you lost both of 'em. つーかおめぇじじぃだまくらかして、2冊持ってたじゃねえか。 2冊とも落としたのかよ?
Oh, you want the results of the national mock exams, right? あぁ、全国模試の結果ね
In the past I've heard of instances where a Death Note has appeared in the human world, but you're the first person to have written this many names in just five days. Normally people are too frightened to write as much as this. 過去にデスノートが人間界に出回った話は、オレも何度か聞いたことがあったが、 たった5日でここまでやったのはおまえが初めてだ。 並じゃビビって、ここまで書けない
The moment that notebook fell to this world, it become the property of the human world. In other words, that notebook belongs to you. 人間界の地に着いた時点で、 ノートは人間界の物になる。 つまりそいつはもう、おまえの物だ
If you don't want it, you can pass it to someone else. But I reserve the right to erase your memory of the Death Note if you do. いらなきゃ他の人間に回せ。 その時は、おまえのデスノートに関する記憶だけ消させてもらう
That used to be my notebook, so as the current user you're the only one who can see me, and of course the only one who can hear me. そのノートは元々、オレが持っていたものだ。 それを使うことになったお前だけが、オレの姿を見ることができる。 もちろん声も、お前にしか聞こえない
So why did you drop it?! You went through the whole trouble of writing down instructions, so don't tell me you just happened to have dropped it by accident! じゃあ、なぜ落とした? 丁寧に使い方まで書いて、 間違って落としたなんて言うなよ
Even if you write the name of someone living in the Death God world they won't die, it's no fun killing humans from the Death God world. So I figured it'd be more fun in this world. 死神界のヤツをノートに書いても死なない。 かと言って自分は死神界にいるのに、人間界のヤツを殺してもおもしろくない。 こっちに来る方が面白いと、オレは踏んだ
But why did you only write the cause of death for the guy that was run over by a dump truck? しかし、なんでダンプに跳ねられたヤツしか 死因を書いてないんだ?
I've already begun to exhaust the list of high profile criminals, and I'm gradually starting to include those people that commit less serious crimes. 既に主立った犯罪者の名前は書き尽くし、 徐々に悪人のレベルを下げている
No matter how stupid people are, they'll eventually realize that someone is wiping out these criminals. どんなバカでも、 悪人が誰かに消されているってことに気づくだろ?
I'm going to let the world know of my existence. 世の中に知らしめるんだ。僕の存在を
Of course, at first I didn't believe it, but that notebook has a kind of magic that compels humans to try it at least once. もちろん最初は信じなかった。 でもそのノートには、人間なら誰でも一度は試してみたくなる、 魔力がある
I began to think of it as "tidying up the world", and continued to write down the names of the most monstrous criminals. Eventually no-one will be able to commit a crime. まずは地球の掃除と思って、 脅迫犯の名前を書き続けた。 やがて、誰も悪いことができなくなるように
And then... I'll become the god of my new world!! そして僕は…新世界の神となる!
But, the coroners have all ruled a verdict of "heart attack with no known cause". しかし検死の報告では、皆、原因のわからない心臓麻痺でしょ?
"L" is someone whose real name and whereabouts are unknown. We don't even know what he looks like. Lというのは…名前も居場所も 顔すら誰も知らない
We don't even have a way of contacting him! それに、我々からはコンタクトも取れない
Up until now, I'd been thinking that even if by chance this notebook was seen by my family, I could end the matter by saying I was "taking records of incidents to study for when I become a detective". Right now, I'm walking a really thin line. 今までは、仮にノートを家族に見られても 刑事になるための勉強として記録をとっていた、で済むくらいに思っていたけど。 ぼくはギリギリの綱渡りをしているんだ
Just one mistake... and I might have to kill off one of my own family. 下手を打てば僕は、自分の家族を…殺すことになってしまう
The difficulty of this case is on a scale that I've never experienced before... and, it's an atrocious murder case that I will never forgive! この事件は、かつてない規模で難しい。 そして、絶対に許してはならない、凶悪な殺人事件です
Whether there's one culprit or more involved, the probability of them being Japanese is extremely high. Even if they're not Japanese, it's likely that they are in Japan. 犯人は複数であれ単独であれ、 日本人である可能性が極めて高い。 日本人ではないにせよ日本に潜伏している
Doesn't seem to be particularly hidden. Isn't that key a bit of a give-away? それで隠したことになるのか? 鍵つけっぱなしだぞ
It's not just that. Eve if someone does figure out that there's a fake base, there's no way they could get their hands on this notebook. それだけじゃない。 たとえ、二重底だと分かったとしても、 こうしてノートを手に取ることは、まずできない
You see, this ball point pen acts as an insulator preventing the flow of electricity round this circuit. この電気を通さないボールペンの芯が絶縁体となり、 電流をせき止めている
As the fake base is returned, the rubber stops the flow of electricity. 中底を閉めた時には、このゴムが絶縁体となり、電流は流れない
Though that's a pretty risky set up. One mistake and you could end up in flames. それにしても危険な細工だな。 少し手順を間違えただけで、自分が大火傷するぞ
This whole thing has been a risk from the start... From the minute I found the Death Note. Compared to that this doesn't even qualify as a risk. 僕は最初から危険を犯しているじゃないか。 デスノートを手にした時点でね。 それに比べたら、こんなのは危険の内に入らない
I guess this means that we can't risk doing anything bad. でも、こうなると悪いことできないね
Kira taken from the english word "Killer". Can't really say that I appreciate that too much, but I guess that's what the world now knows me as. 殺し屋という意味のキラーから来ているらしい。 それは少し気に入らないが、 僕はもう世界的にこのキラになっている
In the papers and on TV, it's still not been reported as anything but "a succession of strange deaths amongst the criminals." まだ新聞やテレビでは、凶悪犯罪者の相次ぐ変死くらいにしか 公表されていない
But, the people of this world are already starting to become aware that there's someone out there judging them, in the name of justice. しかし、世界中の人間がもう感じているんだ、 正義の裁きをする者の存在を
This is how it should be. It truly is progressing exactly as I'd planned. これでいいんだ… まさに計画通りに事は進んでいる
It's a Death Note!! As long as they don't find it, what proof will they have?! デスノートなんだよ! このノートを押えない限り、証拠なんて何も残らないんだ
Kira, I can guess what your motivation might be but, what you're doing is evil! キラ、お前がどのような考えで、このようなことをしているのか、だいたい想像はつく。 しかし、お前のしていることは悪だ
I save the weak from evil and will become the God of a world that everyone desires! Those who try and cross God are the true evil ones! 悪におびえる弱い者を救い、誰もが理想とする、新世界の神となる男だ! そしてその神に逆らう者…それこそが悪だ!
I tested it just in case, but I never thought it could actually be true... Kira, it seems you can kill people without having to be there in person. もしやと思って試してみたが、まさかこんなことが… キラ、お前は直接手を下さずに人を殺せるのか
I wouldn't have been able to believe this if I hadn't just witnessed it. この目で見るまではとても信じられなかった…
He was a criminal that was captured by the police in absolute secrecy. You wouldn't have heard of him on the news or through the internet. Looks like not even you have information on these kinds of killers. テレビやネットでは報道されていない、 警察が極秘に捕まえた犯罪者だ。 さすがのお前もこんな犯罪者の情報は手に入れてないようだな
As a reward, I'll tell you one more thing. We lied about this being a live worldwide broadcast. This announcement is currently only being broodcasted across the Kanto region of Japan. お返しといっては何だが、もう一ついいことを教えてやろう。 この中継は全世界同時中継と銘打ったが、 実は日本の関東地区にしか放送されていない
Your first killing was overlooked by the police as it was such a small incident. However, your first victim was in fact the phantom killer in Shinjuku. 小さな事件で警察は見逃していたが、 この一連の事件の最初の犠牲者は新宿の通り魔だ
Just those pieces of information were enough for me to figure it out. It means that you are in Japan, and that that criminal was your first "experiment". これだけで十分推理できた。 お前が日本にいることを、 そしてこの犠牲者第一号は、お前の殺しのモルモットだったということが
To be honest, I'd never thought it would go this smoothly. Kira, it seems like it won't be too long before I con sentence you to death. ここまで自分の思惑通りにいくとは正直思っていなかったが… キラ、お前を死刑台に送るのもそう遠くないかもしれない
Yes, he's been able to prove Kira's existence, the nature of his crime, and that he's somewhere in Japan. うむ、キラの存在…殺人、 そして日本にいることまでも証明した
So, both of you are trying to find someone whose name you don't know, and whose face you won't recognize. And the first one to be found dies... お互いに顔も名前もすべてが分からない相手を 見つけ出す。 そして、見つかった方が死ぬ…
The total number of reports from the public, including phone calls, currently stands at 3029. Unfortunately, the large majority of them seem to be prank calls. There have been 14 reported incidents of people who either know or have seen Kira. 今日まで、電話などによる一般からの情報は3029件あり、 そのほとんどが野次馬的なものばかりですが、 キラを知っている、キラを見たという情報が14件あります
We have investigated these thoroughly, one by one, and I believe that - just as reported - it would be safe to say that none of them have any credibility. 一つ一つ丁寧に対応して記録しましたが、報告書の通りで、 信憑性のあるものはなしと言っていいと思います
There are also 21 reported incidents of people claiming to be Kira. Each of those 21 reports has been followed up and will remain on file. それから他に、自分がキラであると言ってきた者が、21件あります。 その21人全員の調書をとってファイルしています
It suggests that given the assumed times of death, there is a possibility that our culprit may be a student. もしかしたらその死亡推定時刻、 犯人は学生である可能性がありますね
Given that they appear to be only targeting criminals, the culprit seems to be motivated by a sense of "justice". It's conceivable that they may even plan on becoming some kind of God. 犯罪者ばかり殺していることから、 犯人は彼なりの正義感に基づいて行動している。 もしかしたら、神にでもなるつもりなのかもしれません
Of course, this is mere speculation. However, please rid yourselves of any preconceptions you might have that our culprit cannot be a student. これはあくまでも可能性の話です。 しかし、学生が犯人な訳がないといった 固定観念は捨ててください
I don't mean to support Kira in anyway by saying this... but over the last few days... throughout the world, but especially in Japan... the number of serious crimes committed have dramatically decreased. これは、キラを肯定する意味では絶対ありませんが… この数日、世界的に…特に日本でですが… 強盗以上の凶悪犯罪が、激減しています
I guess... that kind of phenomenon was to be expected... まあ…当たり前といえば、当たり前の現象かもしれんな…
Also I have another order to trouble you with. I need the teams investigating victims, information and internet to double check what information, regarding each victim, was previously released in Japan. More specifically, whether or not footage or photographs of the victims had been released. また注文で申し訳ないのですが、特に被害者班、報道班、インターネット班、 犠牲になった者が、日本でどのような報道のされ方をしていたのかを、もう一度よく調べていただきたい。 知りたいのは、犠牲者の顔写真や映像が出ていたかどうかです
Continue to speak the truth, no matter what kind of truth it may be. どんなことでも事実は、どんどん発言しろ
Even if the police were to come after me, I'm confident that I have something to fight them with. 僕には警察が動いても戦える、 一つの自信があるからね
Your father is part of the police force. So this is the source of your confidence, Light. 父親が警察の人間。 それからおまえの自信というわけか
I can also access my father's computer without leaving any trace. So I can get hold of all the information regarding the investigation, anytime. 自分のパソコンから何の痕跡も残さず、父さんのパソコンに侵入することさえ出来るよ。 捜査状況は常に把握できるんだ
It seems that the police are already beginning to suspect that the culprit could be a student. 警察は既に、犯人は学生でないかと疑い始めているな
Why have they spaced the killings at precisely one hour intervals? Why are the victims all prisoners that could be found quickly after their deaths? Kira is trying to tell us... That they can control the time of death at will. なぜ1時間置きなのか、 そしてなぜ犠牲者が死んだらすぐにわかる刑務所内に限られているか? キラはこう言っているんです… 自分は、死の時間を自由に操れるのだと
But something strange's going on. As soon as the possibility that Kira could be a student was put forward the timings of the murders change to indicate that this was not the case. しかし妙だ。 キラは学生かもしれないという疑いが生じた途端、 それを否定するような殺人が起こった
Kira has a way of getting police information. This fact can no longer be ignored. キラは捜査本部の情報を得る手段を持っている。 この事実を素通りにはできない
Now that L knows that I'm getting police information, without a doubt, he'll try to find a trail leading to me that starts within the police force. When that happens, it'll only be a matter of time before even the police can't keep quiet with respect to L. 僕に捜査状況が漏れたと知ったLは、 警察内部から僕への糸口を掴もうとするに決まっている。 そうなれば警察だってLに対して黙っていないのは時間の問題だ
On the face of things, L and the police appear to be working together to catch me. But behind the scenes, L will be investigating the police, and the police will be investigating L!! Lと警察は表面上は協力し合い、僕を捕まえようとしている。 しかし裏では、Lは警察を調べ、 警察はLを調べ出す
I won't be the one who'll find L... The police will do that for me. Then I'll erase him. Lを探し出すのは僕じゃない。警察がLを突きとめる… そして僕が、Lを消す
As you can see, they are letters of resignation. Unless we're moved to a different case, we're leaving the police force. 見ての通り、辞表です。 他の事件に回していただくか、それができなければ警察をやめます
But L hasn't even revealed his name, let alone his face! でもLは、自分の名前どころか、顔すら出していない
That order we received earlier from L, about checking the information released about the victims prior to their deaths, and whether or not footage or photos of their faces had been released... この間、Lが私たちに命じたのは、 犠牲になった者が日本でどう報道されていたか… 犠牲になった犯罪者の顔が写真、映像で出ていたかどうかです
That turned out to be true! Every single one of them had their photo published in Japan! その通りでした。 犠牲者は全員、日本の報道で顔が確認できた者でした!
We could be killed by Kira at any time. 私たちは、キラにいつ殺されてもおかしくない
We had the FBI arrive in Japan four days ago. They've begun their investigation of the Japanese police force. FBIには4日前から日本に入ってもらい、 警察関係者を調べてもらっています
But... I'm not on your side and I'm not going to be on L's side either. That's why I'll never say that what you're doing is right or wrong. Although as your roommate I may have a few things to say. しかし、俺はライトの味方でも、Lの味方でもない。 だから俺は、ライトがやってることが正しいとか正しくないとか、そんなことはこれからも一切言わない。 最も、同居人としての口出しはするがな
Looks like I've got a problem. I'll have to get rid of him as soon as possible, Ryuk. それは邪魔だな。 なるべく早く消してやるよ、リューク
Even if they have 50 people on the case the chances that they'll suspect I'm Kira are non-existent. They shouldn't be looking at me as anything more than a final year student. 仮に50人で調べたとしても、 僕がキラだと疑われる可能性はまずない。 僕はただの受験生にしか見えていないはず
First I need my stalker's name. If I can figure that out, I can take care of everything. まずはその尾行者の名前だ。 それが分かれば、すべて処理できる
So as long as we don't slack off too much, a Death God can't be killed with a bullet to the head or a knife through the heart. However, if you write a human's name in the Death Note, Light, your life span won't increase. 余程怠けていない限り、 頭をけん銃でぶち抜かれようと、心臓をナイフで刺されようと死神は死なない。 しかし、ライトがデスノートに人間の名前を書いても、 ライトの寿命は伸びない
That's one of the differences between a Death God and a human with a Death Note. それが死神と、デスノートを持った人間との違いだ
The second difference will probably be even more of an interest to you. 二つ目の違いは、多分、ライトにとってもっと面白い
Of course, I can see your name and life span right now. If I converted that into human time, you would know precisely how many human years you have. もちろん、今俺の目にはライトの名前と寿命が見えている。 人間の時間に直すと、 何年かはっきりわかる
Of course, we aren't allowed to tell you that kind of stuff. Not even a huge blabbermouth like me. もちろん、そんなことは口が裂けても言えない。 ここまで口の裂けている俺でもな
However, if a Death God drops a notebook and a human picks it up... the Death God can change that human's eyes into the eyes of a Death God. そして、死神は自分の落としたノートを拾った人間の目を、 死神の目にしてやることができる
The price for the eyes of a Death God is... Half of that human's remaining life span. In other words, suppose you were to live for another 50 years, that would be reduced to 25 years. 死神の目玉の値段は…その人間の残りの寿命の、半分だ。 つまり、後50年生きるとすれば、 25年
But currently given that you're not on my side or on L's side you won't tell me the names of the people I want to kill? Basically, you're saying that I can't simply borrow your powers... そして、キラとLのどっちの味方もしない代わり、 僕の殺したい人間の名前が見えても教えない… つまり、リュークの力を借りることはできない…そう言いたいんだな
That way I'll be able to tell the name of anyone I meet just by looking at them! The Death Note would become even easier to use. そうすれば、顔を見るとすべての人間の名前が分かる。 よりデスノートを使い易くなるというわけか
Listen carefully Ryuk, I'm trying to create a new ideal world, free of criminals. And I intend to reign as God of that new world for a long time. いいか、リューク。 僕は犯罪者のいない理想の新世界を作る。 そして、そこの世界の神として長く君臨するんだ
If the deal had involved increasing my life span, I might have considered it. But anything that decreases it isn't even worth discussing. 僕の寿命が伸びるなら考えるが、 短くなるんじゃ話しにならない
Well, I just wanted to tell you that the deal exists. Thought I'd better tell you this sort of thing early on, so I don't have to put up with your complaints later. ただ、そういう取引もあると言いたかっただけだ。 こういう話は早くしておかないと 後で文句を言われても嫌だからな
You should've told me this either as soon as we met or written it as part of the explanations in the Death Note. そういう話は会ってすぐに言うか、 ノートの使い方の説明にでも、書いておくべきじゃないのか
He doesn't fear me in the slightest, even though I'm a Death God. He doesn't try to suck up to me, and he keeps on relentlessly asking such probing questions of me. 仮にも死神である俺を恐れることもなく、 媚びることもなく、 こういうことに関してはガンガン突っ込んでくる
If it was wings instead of eyes, I might have seriously considered it. It seems quite fitting for a God to have wings and fly freely across the sky. 目でなく翼だったら、本気で取引を考えたかもしれない。 翼を持って空を自由に飛ぶなんて、神らしいじゃないか
If you grew wings and flew around you'd stand out too much. The police would probably be able to catch you purely on that basis. 翼が生えて空を飛んだら目立つだろう。 それだけで警察に捕まりそうだが
With all the trading of eyes, wings or whatever, I'd probably end up becoming a real Death God. Although, I guess that could be quite an interesting concept too. しかし、そうやって目だの翼だの取引していくうちに、 いつの間にか本当の死神にされてしまう。 そういう話も面白いじゃないか
Even without doing anything like that, Light, you're already... a worthy Death God. そんなことしなくてもライト、 お前はもう、立派な死神だ
Right now, the World of the Death Gods is rotting. They live a vague and pointless existence, only taking human lives because they, themselves, are afraid to die. They no longer understand why they even exist. 今の死神界は腐ってるからなぁ。 ただ死にたくないという理由だけで、人の寿命をいただき、 漠然と生きている奴らばっかりだ。 何のために存在しているのかすら、もう誰にもわからない
Compared to them, Light, you're more of a Death God than they'll ever be. そんな死神よりライト、 お前の方がよっぽど死神らしい
Well, by the sound of things, I'm doing a lot more work than them, but I wouldn't want to be compared to them. まあ話を聞いてると、僕の方がよっぽど働いているみたいだけど… 死神と一緒にされたくないね
As a human, I'm using the Death Note to help humanity. 僕は人間として、人間のためにデスノートを使っているんだ
But it isn't like the world of the Death Gods is of little importance to the human world. まあしかし、人間にとっては、死神界は決して無意味な存在じゃない
If the World of the Death Gods is really as rotten as you say it is, Ryuk, why don't you try changing things when you get back by telling them about the fun stuff you got to do in the human world? 今の死神界がそこまで腐っているというのなら、 リュークが帰った時、人間界に来たことを生かして、 変えてみたらどうだ?
That's it! I've got it. I've figured out how to obtain the name of the guy that's been stalking me. そうか…わかった。 今日僕を尾行してた奴の、名前を知る方法だよ
The cause of death was definitely a heart attack. But directly before it happened, one of them cut his own finger and drew a strange picture on the wall. 死因は心臓麻痺なんですが、一人は死の直前、刑務所の壁に自分の指を切った血で、奇妙な絵を描いています
I'm sending you the images of the text and picture they left. 現場に残された絵と文章の画像を送ります
This reads as though he's afraid of Kira... It could conceivably be merely the actions of a criminal, but if Kira can control the time of death... What if Kira can also control the movements leading up to death? In which case... キラに怯えた文章… ただ単に犯罪者がとった行動ともとれるが… キラは死の時間を操れる… もしも死の直前の行動も操れる、としたら…
Chief, regarding the most recent victims, I'd like to request that no details regarding their deaths are released other than that they died of heart attacks. It's possible that Kira may be using these criminals to conduct some kind of test. 局長、今回の犠牲者の件ですが、 報道関係には心臓麻痺以上のことは発表しないでください。 キラが犯罪者によって、何かのテストをしている可能性があります
And if that is the case, we shouldn't give them any easy answers. だとすると、わざわざ答えを教えてやることになりますので
It seems as though they enjoy playing games with people's lives... I won't forgive this! 人の命をまるで、ゲームを楽しむかのように… 絶対に許せん
The results of yesterday's six tests have already been entered into father's computer. 父さんのパソコンには、もう昨日の6人のテスト結果が打ち込まれている
For the remaining three, I purposely wrote circumstances that would be impossible. 他の3人は、わざとかなり無理な死の状況を書いてみたんだ
Firstly, I wrote that the victim would die in an hour's time in front of the Eiffel Tower. まず一時間後にフランスのエッフェル塔の前で死ぬ
It's physically impossible for a prisoner in Japan to reach France in just an hour. As a result, this doesn't actually happen and the victim simply dies of a heart attack. 日本の刑務所にいた人間が、一時間後にフランスなんて、物理的に不可能だ。 だからこれは実現せず、ただの心臓麻痺
Next I wrote "Draws an exact picture of L's face on the wall" in the Death Note, but it's impossible to draw somebody you don't know. 次は刑務所の壁にLそっくりの似顔絵を描く、とデスノートに書いたが、 知らない人間の顔は描けない
Lastly, I specified that the final victim should write, "I know that L is suspicious of the police force", I thought that this one might work, but it didn't happen. そして最後の一人には、「俺はLが日本警察を疑っていることを知っている」、 そう書き残すように指示した。 これはもしかしたらいけるかと思ったが、実行されなかった
In other words, if someone doesn't know a piece of information, obviously they can't think of it, and so it'd be too unnatural for that person to write it down, meaning they won't be able to do so. つまり、本人も知らない情報や、考えもしない、 その人間が書くには不自然すぎることは 書けないってことだ
Even the Death Note cannot accomplish the impossible. But, if it's within the realistic limits of what they can do, I can control them as much as I like before they die. 要するにいくらデスノートでも、ありえないことはできない。 しかし、その人間がやってもおかしくない範囲の行動なら、 いくらでも動かしてから死なせることができる
L and the police will never be able to guess my true objectives. Lも警察も、僕の真意には絶対に気づけない
He's still following me. Perfect. If he wasn't, what I'm about to do would be pointless. 尾行はついているな…それでいい。 尾行がいないと、これからやることの意味がなくなってしまう
However you look at it, it's just a normal date. Even the guy that's following me can see that. どう見ても思いっきりデートさ。 僕を尾行している奴から見てもね
More importantly, I haven't been to Space Land since Junior High! And we get to spend the entire day together, just the two of us! それよりスペースランドなんて、中学の時以来…楽しみ! しかも今日はライトと二人っきりだし
I'll just check his movements today, and then that'll be the end, of it. とりあえず今日1日の行動を見て、 終わりだ
I'll trust you, and for the time being I won't question what an FBI agent is doing here. 信用します。 今はあえて、なぜFBIの捜査官が、ここに乗り合わせたのかは聞きません
You know, I'm a Death God, so things like that won't kill me. オレは死神だからそんなものじゃ死なないんだ
This is just the kind of practical application I'd expect from someone who was first in the national mock exams. And he's managed to use this hi-jacking to get the name of the guy that's been following him. さすが全国共通模試一位、 応用力がある。 そして、このバスジャックを利用して 尾行してた奴の名前も難なくゲットか
I understand. I won't tell anyone that I've met you... especially my father. わかりました。あなたに会ったことは、誰にも言いません。 もちろん父にも
It's just as I'd thought. I don't want anyone to know that I've encountered the FBI either. If my father were to find out L would definitely be informed. 思った通りだ。 僕だって、FBI捜査官と接触したなんて、 警察に知られたくない。 父に知られれば、必ずLに伝わる
He doesn't even suspect me slightly, and now this incident will be dismissed as a mere accident by the police. 彼は僕を全く疑ってない。 今ここで起きたことは、 警察にただの事故として処理される
"I won't get involved in the Kira case." "I won't do anything dangerous." You promised me those things before coming here, and that's why I brought you with me so we can visit your parents in Japan. キラ事件には口を出さない。 危険な行動は取らない。 そういう約束で、 日本にいる君の両親に挨拶するために、一緒に連れてきたんだ
Once we start a family you'll be too busy to remember what it was like to be an investigator. You won't have the time to slip into old habits. 家族ができれば、 自分が捜査官だったことを忘れるくらい忙しくなって、 癖なんて出る暇もなくなってしまうさ
More importantly, you've got to help me think of a way to impress your dad. それより、あのお父さんになんて挨拶したら好感度が上がるか、 考えてくれよ
You gonna write the name of the agent you've just identified? 早速、昼間突き止めた捜査官の、名前を書くってわけか
If he were to die immediately after encountering me it'd look suspicious. It's better for me to wait till his investigation progresses further, and allow him the opportunity to investigate as many people connected to the police as possible. 会ってすぐ彼が死ねば、僕に疑いがかかる。 もっと彼らの捜査が進んで、 より多くの警察関係者が調べられてからの方がいい
L, there's been another victim that's left some sort of suicide note. L、また遺書のようなものを書き残した犠牲者が出ました
Finally I'll be able to show you the results of the investigations and experiments I've been carrying out these past few days. この数日間調べたことと、 いろんな実験をした成果を見せてやるよ
With the aid of the Death Note, I've been able to identify several different methods of killing people by utilizing some of the local criminals as my test subjects. またデスノートを使い、 この辺一帯の犯罪者で、 いろんな殺し方を検証してみた
If the cause of death and any further details are written in the Death Note first and the name is added afterwards... That person will still die exactly as it's written. デスノートの死因や死の状況を先に書き、 後から名前を書き込めば、 その通りになる
If you even think about turning around or putting your hands in your pockets I'll kill you instantly. 振り向いたり、 ポケットに手を入れたりしたら、その瞬間に殺します
I thought that I should at least kill one person for you to take me seriously. It couldn't be helped. That man has a record of physically abusing women, but due to lack of evidence he's never been prosecuted for it. 最低一人は殺して見せないと、信じていただけないと思ったので、 仕方ありません。しかしあの男は、婦女暴行を数件繰り返しながら、 証拠不十分で警察が起訴できなかった
In any case, I'm sure that it'd be much more painful for you to lose someone dear to you than to lose anyone here. I'd like you to consider that person as the one really being held hostage here. 最も、あなたにとってはここにいる人たちよりも、自分の大切な人の命を奪われる方が、 辛いでしょう。 いま人質にされているのは、そちらだと思ってください
If you go against any of my orders I'll kill everyone; including your family. 少しでも私の指示と異なる行動をとったら、 あなたの家族も含め、皆殺します
Do you have all the files of all the investigators assigned to Japan on it? そのパソコンには、日本に入った捜査官のファイルは、入っていますか?
Owing to work, I've always got my laptop with me but I don't have any of those files. ノートパソコンは仕事柄、いつも持ち歩いている。 しかしそんなファイルは入っていない
A transceiver? Plus it's practically a toy... Yet this way, there'll be no record of communication, and even underground, as long as we're close enough, we'll be able to talk. トランシーバー、しかも玩具に近い。 だが、これなら通信記録はどこにも残らないし、 地下であろうと近距離ならば 会話ができる
I'll be constantly observing you from a distance. Even while you're on the train, look straight ahead. 私は常に、少し離れたところであなたを監視しています。 電車に乗っても前だけ、一点を見ていてください
In that case, take out the contents of the envelope. では封筒の中のものを、出してください
I'd like you to write the name of your direct superior, who should have memorized all the names of the investigators, in the top box. ではその捜査官の内、メンバー全員を把握している、 あなたの直接の上司の名前を、 1番上の穴に書いてください
But right now, I've got no choice but to do as he says. If he only has their names, he shouldn't be able to kill them. しかし、今は言う通りにするしかない。 名前だけならまだ殺せないはずだ
Your superior should be sending you some files soon. They should be files containing the names and faces of all FBI agents that have entered Japan. もうすぐあなたの上司から、ファイルが送られてきます。 日本に入ったFBI全員の、 顔と名前の入ったファイルです
Like before, I want you to write each name in a box whilst concentrating on each of their faces. それでは、先ほどと同じように、捜査官一人一人の名前を、 よく顔を見ながら、封筒に記入してください
The papers Ray Penber wrote on were torn out pages from the Death Note. Basically he killed his own team mates without even realizing it. レイペンバーが名前を記入したのは、切り取ったデスノート。 彼は知らず知らずの内に、自分の仲間を殺したことになる
Penber's superior died after sending the files to all members of the team. All the investigators on the team died of a heart attack after receiving those files. ペンバーの上司は、捜査官全員にファイルを送った後に死亡。 残りの捜査官たちも全員、ファイルをもらった後に心臓麻痺
You can't treat your allies as spies! 仲間であるはずの我々に対して、そんなスパイ紛いのことを!
I guess we can't trust L after all. L、やはり信用できないな
Kira will kill anyone who opposes them, even if the person isn't a criminal. Kira's a real monster! 自分に楯突く者は、犯罪者でなくとも殺す。 本当の殺人鬼じゃないか、キラは!
Even if I tried to hide it you'd all eventually find out, so I'll tell you now. 隠していても、いずれわかることだ。ここで言っておく
That's just the start of my problems. And to put it bluntly, if I go after Kira I may die. It's the most horrific crime I've ever seen. いや本題は、ここからだ。 つまり、キラを捕まえようとする者は、殺されるかもしれない。 かつてない恐ろしい犯罪だ
I think that's very honorable of you, father. I'm very proud of you. 立派だよ、父さん。僕は父さんを、誇りに思う
Kira's willing to kill those who oppose them even if they aren't criminals. We could all be killed. キラは犯罪者でなくても、自分に逆らう者は殺す。 我々はキラに殺されるかもしれない
I'd like you to think of your lives, families and friends. Anyone who wants to leave is free to do so; there'll be no risk of demotion. I promise you. 自分の人生、家族、友のことを考えろ。 この捜査から外れたい者は、外れてくれ。 外れても降格などはない。約束しよう
Only those of you who have the conviction to fight Kira, even if you have to sacrifice all the things I've just mentioned, should stay. 私が挙げたことを犠牲にしてでも、 キラと戦おうという信念のある者だけ残ってくれ
That's him. I remember him telling everyone to get down. But I don't remember the rest of the passengers. この人だ。伏せろって言ったから、憶えてるよ。 しかし、他の客まではちょっと…
If my thinking's correct... Kira may have been amongst those passengers. I should be able to use this bus as a route to get to Kira. 私の考えていることが正しければ、 その乗客の中にキラがいたのかもしれない。 だとすれば、このバスを利用できる沿線にキラが…
Six people, including myself. No. In fact, I'd like to think of it as six people willing to stand up to evil. 私を入れて6人… いや、6人も命を張って悪に立ち向かうものがいたと考えよう
I'm willing to trust the six of you who have shown yourselves to have a great sense of justice. 私は強い正義感を持ったあなた方こそを信じます
L may have just said that he trusts us, but we don't trust L! Lはいま私たちを信じると言ったが、我々はLを信用していない
Yet you've only ever given orders without revealing your face. We can't work with someone like that! しかしあなたはいつも顔を見せず、我々に指示するだけ。 そんな人間と行動を共にすることなどできない
L's said from the start that this case would require the co-operation of the police. Isn't it conceivable that... L was actually waiting for this to happen? Lは初めから、 この事件には警察の力が必要だと言っていた。 こうは考えられないか…Lはこうなることを待っていた
There were people on the case, right from the start, who were suspicious of L. It would have been impossible for him to command the investigation with trust. 捜査本部には、初めからLに不信感を持つ者がいた。 これでは信用して指揮は取れない
You mean L's been waiting until only those dedicated individuals he could trust and whom are willing to stand against evil remained at headquarters? つまり本部の人間が死を恐れず、悪に立ち向かう、 Lの信用できる人間だけになることを、待っていたと
I'll be switching between hotels in the city every few days. I'd like to request that my hotel room be used as the real headquarters during this investigation. これから数日おきに都内のホテルを移動します。 今後はそのホテルの部屋を、 事実上の捜査本部としていただきたい。
If you agree to these stipulations, I'd like you to split into two groups, and leaving a gap of at least 30 minutes between the two, come up to my room before midnight. この条件で協力していただけるなら、2組に分かれ、 30分以上の間を開けて。 午前0時までに、ここに来ていただきたい
I'll expose myself as L, in front of people, for the first time. If you find out about this I can guarantee that you'll try and move in on me. 私は初めて、Lとして人前に姿を現そう。 もしお前がこのことを知ることができたなら、 必ずお前は接近してくる
In order to kill, Kira needs a face and a name; all of you should know this by now. Try not to carelessly reveal your names. キラが殺人に必要なのは顔と名前。 そんなことはもうわかっているはずでしょう。 不用意に名前は出さないで下さい
Let's just forget about that now and do as he asks. いいから、言われた通りに
I'd better tell you this now... I don't want anyone making notes for anyone of what's being discussed here. I expect you to memorize this without taking notes of any kind. 最初に言っておきますが、 ここ本部で私が話すことは、メモなどは一切取らずに、 頭の中に入れてください
Please, from now on, call me "Ryuuzaki" instead of "L", just to be on the safe side. 私を呼ぶときは今後Lではなく、リュウザキでお願いします。 用心のために
If you already know that Kira needs both a name and face, why don't we just withhold criminal information from the media? Surely that will reduce the number of victims? 顔と名前が必要とわかっているなら、 犯罪者の報道を規制すれば、 犠牲者を減らせるのでは?
If we did that members of the public would end up being killed. そんなことしたら一般人が殺されます
When I used that TV broadcast to challenge Kira, despite the fact that Kira had only killed criminals up until then, they killed the fake version of me without any hesitation. 私がテレビを使ってキラに宣戦布告したとき、 それまで犯罪者しか殺していなかったと思われるキラは、 ためらうことなく私の替え玉を殺し
And when I disclosed the fact that I knew they were from the Kanto region of Japan, they immediately began to kill mainly Japanese criminals as if to say, "So what?". そして…日本の関東に潜伏しているというと、 だからどうしたと言わんばかりに、日本の犯罪者を中心に殺し始めた
Instead of backing down from my provocations, they've been aggressively returning them. こちらの挑発には怯むことなく 強気に挑発し返してくる
If there are no proper criminals to kill, they'll go after the petty ones and if there aren't any of them, they'll be targeting the innocent. Everyone, on this planet is being held hostage. 悪人を出さなければ罪の軽い者、 罪のない者でも殺す。 全世界の人間が人質だ
If anything, we should really be thinking of ways of using the media to our own advantage. どうせなら、マスコミを利用することを考えましょうよ
Well, how about this? "The Americans are angered by the murders of their FBI agents. The entire world turns against Kira. Approximately 1,500 investigators from powerful nations enter Japan. こういうのはどうでしょう。 FBI殺しにアメリカ激怒、 キラに全世界が憤り、 先進各国から日本に1500人の捜査員導入
They'll begin to perceive absolutely everyone to be their enemy; feeling trapped, Kira will give us some kind of reaction. 外にいる者すべてが敵に見え、 精神的に追い詰められたキラは何らかの反応を起こす
They'll think that there are 1500 people after them, even though in reality there's only seven! And since the investigators don't exist, they can't kill them! 実際は7人しか動いてないのに、 1500人か… しかもFBIと違って、実在してないんだから殺せない
In that case, let me tell you some of my thoughts regarding this case. ではキラ事件に関する私の考えを話しましょう
On the 19th December, Kira is evidently using prisoners as test subjects in order to study how they could manipulate the victim's movements before death. 12月19日。キラは明らかに、 刑務所の犯罪者で死の前の行動を操るテストをしています
To put it simply, during these five days, Kira became aware of the FBI's presence in Japan, and felt threatened by them. つまり、このたった5日の間に、 キラはFBIの存在に気づき 脅威に感じた
From this we can deduce that to kill the FBI agents whose names and faces they didn't know, Kira found it necessary to experiment to see how far they could manipulate someone's death. そこで、顔も名前もわからないFBI全員を消すために、 死をどこまで操れるか テストする必要があったと考えられます
And then on the 27th December... was able to put files containing the names and faces of everyone involved into the hands of every agent on the team, and succeeded in killing them all. そして12月27日… FBI捜査官全員に 彼らの顔と名前の入ったファイルを持たせて、 殺すことに成功
As a result, it's almost impossible to tell whose files I looked at in order to kill the agents. これでキラが誰のファイルを見たのか、推測することは ほぼ不可能
These 23 people were all either suspected criminals or previous offenders, either guilty of lesser crimes or only suspected of wrongdoing. This is clearly different from Kira's previous targets. この23人は、指名手配犯や前科者、 罪の疑いがかかっているだけのもので、 明らかに今までのキラのターゲットとは異なっている
This suggests that for Kira to kill the FBI agents, it was necessary to manipulate these people. つまりキラは、FBIを消すのに、 罪の軽いものでも操る必要があった
They killed 23 people to make it harder for us to identify who was actually killed as part of the plan. In reality, it's likely that Kira only used a few of them. 23人と多いのは、誰を利用したか 絞り込めなくするため。 実際に利用したのは数人でしょう
The fact that there were eight days between the tests being performed and Kira acting, indicates that they allowed the agents to investigate as many people as possible to draw suspicion away from themselves. テストから実行まで8日空いているのも、 FBIにより多くの者を調べさせ、 自分を隠すためです
If we know this much, we should be able to make progress, even if it's just the seven of us! ここまで分かっていれば、 我々だけでも十分できる!
We've got to check up on the past movements of the FBI and the heart attack victims. We should split into two groups. FBIと心臓麻痺者の足取りを追う、 二班に別れよう
First, I'd like to determine that Kira is not amongst us by having a one-on-one discussion with each one of you. ではまず、この中にキラがいないことを確認するために、 一人ずつお話しをさせていただきたいんですが
It's a reasonable request. If Kira really is getting information from the police there's a high possibility that he could be here. いや、もっともな話だ。 キラが初めから本部内にいて情報を得ていたのなら、 ここに残っている可能性は高い
If there was a hole in my plan... if a single fact gets out... it could cost me my life. 何か一つでも穴があったら… 何か一つ、新事実が出てきたら… 命取りになる
The riskiest incident was the bus hi-jacking. But there's no way that they'll be able to connect that to Kira, since L and the police believe that Kira can only kill via heart attacks. 1番リスクが大きかったのは、バスジャックの一件だが… あれをキラと結びつけることはできない。 警察もLも、キラが心臓麻痺以外で人を殺せることを知らないのだから
On the other hand, if that fact was found out, it would become a massive hole in my plans... 裏を返せば、その事実を知られたら、 かなり大きな穴に…
Dad's working all night without a change of clothes, we should take some over. お父さん着替えもなしに徹夜してるのよ、 届けてあげなきゃ
I'll go. It'll be nice to have a change of scene. 僕が行くよ、気分転換に
I guess this means that you get to go and spy on Police Headquaters. 警察庁にスパイに行けるってわけだ
Even if I go, I'll only get as far as the reception desk. 行けても受け付けまでだけどね
I've made a habit of doing this everytime I go out... just in case... 最近外に出るときは、いつもこうしてるよ。 念のためにね
That day... I remember Ray saying he was going to Shinjuku. On that same day, four relatively innocent people died of heart attacks around Shinjuku station... and that bus hi-jack! It can't be just a coincidence. あの日、レイは確かに新宿に行くといっていた。 その日に新宿駅周辺で、 4人もの心臓麻痺…そして、バスジャック。 偶然なんかじゃない
I've brought him a change of clothes but seeing that he doesn't seem to be around, could you look after them for me? 父の着替えなんですが、 いないようですし、 預かってもらえますか?
Excuse me. My father's the Chief Investigator for the Kira investigation. If you like, I could try and get hold of him. あの、ぼくの父は、キラ事件の本部長ですから、 もしよければ取り次ぎましょうか?
I won't be able to do that immediately though, his cell phone's switched off. 携帯切ってるみたいなので、 今すぐとはいきませんが。
After the deaths of the FBI agents, a lot of people have beeh resigning within headquarters because they fear Kira. I can imagine it being a very hectic time for them. FBIの人が殺されて、 ここの本部でも、キラを恐れ辞める者が続出し、 ゴタゴタしてるんだと思います
Because of what happened to the FBI, you've realized that there's a problem within the police force and that's why you wish to speak directly to headquarters. FBIの事件で、 日本の警察内部にも問題があることが分かった。 だから本部に直接話したい…そこまで考えてるんだ
But, in that case, wouldn't it be better if the person who met Kira talked to the police? しかし、それなら会った本人が話した方が、 良いのでは?
That person is no longer with us... He was one of the FBI agents who came to Japan. その人はもうこの世にいません。 日本に入ったFBI捜査官の一人でしたから
Ever since he told me about the bus hi-jacking, something has been on my mind. Finally, I asked him about it when he was in a good mood. 彼からバスジャックの話を聞いたときから、 ずっと気になっていて、 機嫌の良い時にそれとなく聞いたんです
I see. A truth that only you could know, and vengeance for the fiance that was taken from you, have led you to this answer... なるほど、あなたしか知らない事実と、 フィアンセを奪われた執念から、 辿りついた答えなわけですね
You've incredible powers of deduction, yet are blinded by personal feelings. It feels like this is very much aggressive intuition. However, there're ample reasons to justify investigating this theory. 素晴らしい推理力だが私情が絡み、 強引になってしまっている感は否めない… しかし、この考えで捜査する価値は、十分あります
That's pretty lucky for you. But how're ya gonna get rid of her? Doing it here would be kinda risky. よかったなぁ。しかし、どうやって消すんだ? ここですぐにはヤバイだろう
Could you tell me when that bus hi-jacking occurred? そのバスジャックの事件があった日時を、教えてもらえますか?
At least this way, the body won't be found for a while. Even if they discover it relatively quickly, it's conceivable that she did it as a result of her fiance's death. これですぐに遺体は見つかるまい。 もし先に見つかっても、 フィアンセの死という自殺する理由もある
Apologies for needing to question each of you separately. Kira is not amongst us. 一人一人に尋問するようなことをして申し訳ありませんでした。 この中に、キラはいません
To be honest, I'd set up a trick to determine whether any of you were Kira or not. But I haven't felt the need to use it on any of you... 実を言うと、キラであるかどうか確かめる トリックを用意してたんですが… みなさんにはそのトリックを仕掛ける気すら起こりませんでした
Thanks, but if possible I'd like to tell them myself. Having heard your opinions, I think it's best that I tell them as soon as possible. いえ…できれば、自分で話そうと思っています。 あなたの意見を聞いて、 早く伝えるべきだと思いましたし
In just ten seconds it'll be 1:15pm. I'd like to see how this girl dies, but it's not as though I can just follow her around. あと10秒で1時15分… この女がどんな死に方をするのか見てみたいが… 追いかけて行くわけにもゆくまい…
Why hasn't she acted? I know that "suicide" already works as a method of death, I've already tested this on those prisoners, and they all hung themselves right on time. なぜこの女動かない? 死因に自殺と書くだけで有効なのは、犯罪者でテスト済みだ… そう書くだけで、時間通りに首を吊って死んだ
The fact that I'm now able to show you my face is a sign of Ryuuzaki's trust in you. こうして、私の顔をお見せできるのも、 リュウザキが、みなさんを信用した証拠です
That's it! She believes that Raye died because he showed his ID to someone. This is why she won't reveal her real name. そうだ、レイが死んだのはIDを見せたためだと、この女は信じている。 だから素性を明かさないように行動しているんだ
It's going to be a lot harder to try and extract her real name now that she's given me a false one... If I keep asking her she's going to become suspicious of me... 一度偽名を使った相手から 本名を聞き出すのは、より難しい。 しつこく聞けば、僕が怪しまれる
The fact that I even know it's a false name is suspicious to begin with... 第一、聞いた名前が偽名と分かっているのもおかしい
Calm down. All I need to do is confirm her name. She's definitely got some kind of ID, a driver's license perhaps, either in her bag or her pockets. 落ち着け…たかが名前を確認するだけじゃないか。 ハンドバッグ、ポケット、 どこかに免許証や身分証明書になるものは絶対に持っている
She's a girl. If it comes down to it, I can take it by force. No, don't be stupid. I can't risk making a scene in this kind of place. 相手は女だ。いざとなったら力ずくで… バカな、こんな場所で騒ぎになることはできない
It's got to be an area where nobody's around... And what reason am I going to use for taking a girl like her, with such a strong sense of justice, there? いっそ人気のないところで… どういう理由で連れて行く? この警戒心の強い女を…
There's no way I'm going to waste half of my life on a girl like this. In fact... I don't ever want to do that trade. Stay out of this and shut the hell up, Death God! こんな女ごときのために、残りの寿命を半分にしてたまるか… いや、取引自体一生してたまるか! 邪魔するな…黙ってろ死神!
Have you still got business at Police Headquarters as well? I can go the rest of the way by myself. まだあなたも警察庁に用が? あとは一人で大丈夫ですから
If Kira does require a name in order to kill, these fake names could play a massive role in saving our lives. We'd better hold on to these. いや、キラが殺人に名前も必要ならば、 偽名は我々の命を守るために大いに効果がある。 これは持っていたほうがいい
Please, use those if you ever need to tell someone your name outside of this place. では、外でどうしても名前を出す場合は、 その偽名の警察手帳でお願いします
And if you press the buckle twice, my cell will ring. I'll call you back, although I won't be able to notify you of this fact. そしてバックルを2階押すと、私の携帯が鳴ります。 折り返しこちらから非通知でおかけします
You can also use them in case of an emergency. 緊急時にも使ってください
I've got approximately five minutes before she gets back to Police Headquarters. I've got to think! Within five minutes... some way of finding out her name... 女が警察庁に戻るまで約5分… 考えるんだ、5分以内で、 名前を知る方法を!
If there's someone at headquarters by the time this girl gets there, I'll be finished! I've got to find a way of discovering her real name and disposing of her... 女が警察庁に行き、 誰か本部の人間が戻っていたら、僕は終わりだ。 なんとか本名を聞き出して、始末しなくては
The investigation into Kira is currently operating a system whereby nobody is told who's leading it. If the names of the investigators were to be made public, they may end up suffering the same tragic fate as your fiance. キラ事件の捜査本部は今、担当する人間が分からないシステムをとっているんです。 捜査している人間が、一般人にもわかるような態勢では、 あなたのフィアンセを襲った悲劇と、同じことが起こってしまう
That's why, at headquarters, they told you that nobody was in. Basically, it's going to be impossible for you to ever speak to anyone there... だから警察庁で、本部に誰もいないと言われたんです。 つまりあなたは、永遠に本部の人と、直接話しをすることはできないんです
I guess I'm going to have to tell you... I'm actually a member of the investigation. 仕方ない、話しましょう。 僕も捜査本部の一員だからです
He's struggling with staff resources on the investigation, people are frightened of Kira and have been resigning. Lは、本部の人員不足に困っていた。 キラを恐れ、皆やめていったからです
I'm able to go in and out of headquarters as I like, and can investigate whatever cases I want. 好きなときに捜査本部に出入りし、 自由に捜査することを認められています
I see... But even if that's the case, I'll still try going to headquarters, just in case. わかりました…でもやはり、念の為、本部に行こうと思います
Didn't I just tell you that you won't be able to speak to anyone? 話しはできないと、今言ったじゃないですか
It's possible that he might agree to see me... Even though I only took orders from a voice through a computer, I worked with him on a case two years ago in America. もしかしたら、会ってくれるかもしれません。 パソコンごしに、その声に従っただけですが、 私も2年前に、アメリカのある事件で、Lの下で働いたことがあるんです
Is that so?! I'd thought that the way you were investigating Kira didn't seem to be amateurish! You remain discreet and wise whilst slowly closing down upon your target. I could learn a lot from someone like you. そうだったんですか!どうりで、キラを追う姿勢や行動が、 素人とは違うと思っていました! 核心に迫りながらも、常に慎重で懸命だ。 僕も見習いたいです!
Would you like to investigate this with me? Would you like to become a member of the investigation too? 一緒に捜査しませんか? あなたも、捜査本部の一員になりませんか?
You used to be an FBI investigator, and your attitude is better than most of our current investigators! 元FBI捜査官というキャリアがあり、 その資質は現役の捜査官以上だ!
The only things you need to join the investigation are: a valid form of ID, a recommendation from one of the team members, and L's approval. 捜査本部に入る条件は、 しっかりした身分証明と、いま捜査本部にいる者の推薦、 そしてLの許可だけです!
Me... as part of the investigative team? 私が、捜査本部に…
Even if you investigate whenever it's convenient for you, I'm sure that you've got your own life to get on with. And since you live in America... いくら好きな時だけ捜査に協力すればいいとはいえ、 人には都合がありますからね。 まして、アメリカにお住まいなのでは…
I was going to move to America for good this spring, after we were supposed to be married... But now that he's dead, I don't know what I'm going to do... この春、彼と結婚した後、 ずっとアメリカにいる予定でした… でも、彼が死んでしまって、自分でも、これからどうしていいのか…
That just shows you how amazing you are. You're one step ahead of me. This just makes me think more highly of you. そこまでしていたとは…あなたはやっぱりすごい人です。 僕よりも1枚上手だ。 このことも、あなたの評価を高めますよ
I should be able to get hold of my father now. Don't you want to talk to him? もう父と電話がつながりますよ… 話さなくていいんですか?
Even if he was following someone, it's difficult to tell due to the fuzzy images. 誰かを尾行していたとしても、 この不鮮明な映像からは、それを割り出すのは困難かと思われます
Just as I thought; it's odd. From what's been said, we can deduce that between the time he boarded and the time he died, Raye Penber was on the Yamanote line, which takes one hour to do a full circuit, for an hour and a half. やはり変ですね。今の話だと、 レイペンバーは乗車して死ぬまで、 1周1時間の山手線に1時間半乗っていたことになる
And in this final video of Penber... it looks to me as if he's frantically trying to see inside the train. それとこのペンバーの最後のビデオ… 私には、必死に電車の中を見ようとしてるように見えるのですが
If Kira's able to manipulate deaths from a distance, they wouldn't bother coming to the scene. But if that's what we're supposed to believe, they may have done something extremely daring here. 遠隔で死を操れるキラが わざわざ現場にいるはずがない。 しかし、そう考えるであろうことを逆手に取って、 大胆な行動に出たのかもしれません
Basically if I ever end up in hospital or something, people won't be able to say, "the instant Police Chief Yagami's son was hospitalized, the killings stopped". 簡単に言えば、僕が入院したりして、 夜神局長の息子さんが入院した途端、犯罪者が死ななくなりましたね ってことになるだろ
Ryuuzaki, it's Ukita-san at the Police Headquarters. He says he's received an interesting call from a member of the public. リュウザキ、警察庁のウキタさんが、 気になる一般情報の電話を、今受けているとのことですが
The Misora Naomi that I knew was strong of heart and a brilliant FBI investigator. If anything, she would have been trying to catch Kira. 私の知ってるミソラナオミは、 芯の強い優秀なFBI捜査官です。 むしろ、キラを捕えることを考えるはず
Everyone. From now on, we'll only be investigating those of who were under surveillance by Raye Penber. The subjects of our investigation will be two police officers and their immediate family. みなさん、これよりレイペンバーが日本で調べていた物だけに限って捜査します。 捜査対象は、二人の警察官関係者とその周辺
I've got to ensure that if anyone ever checks this PC it won't give me away. Now, all that's left is to hide a piece of the Death Note somewhere... このパソコンも、誰が調べても大丈夫なようにしておく必要がある。 後はデスノートの切れ端を仕込んでおけば…
Ryuuzaki, what's the probability of Kira being among them? リュウザキ、その中にキラがいる可能性は?
Up till now, we haven't encountered anyone remotely suspicious. Even if there's just a 1% probability, it's worth investigating it thoroughly. 今までの捜査では、怪しいと思える者すらいなかったんだ。 1%でも可能性があるなら、とことん調べるべきだ
Well, the least I can do is to have only Yagami-san and myself carry out the surveillance of his family. ではせめてもの配慮として、 夜神家の監視は私と夜神さんのみで行いましょう
Once we know the times during which each of the houses will be vacant, we can set them up any time from tomorrow onwards. 明日以降であれば、両家の不在時間が分かれば、 いつでも取り付けられます
Don't be stupid! I would never discuss unreleased top-secret information! バカな!報道されない極秘事項は絶対話はしない
Besides, I'm hardly ever at home, and when I am, I'm usually tired so I go straight to bed. それに最近はロクに帰ってもいないし、 帰っても疲れて、眠るだけだ
That bit of paper is merely a decoy to fool people into thinking that that's how I tell if someone's been in my room. In reality, the first clue is the door knob. あの紙は、僕が部屋に誰か入ったか確かめている と思わせるためのフェイクだ。 実際は先ずドアノブ
If it was my parents or even my sister, they wouldn't have noticed that piece of paper. It's suspicious because the piece of paper was replaced. 親や妹なら 紙にすら気付かない。 紙をわざわざ元に戻しているからこそ怪しいんだ
Ah! If you saw it through a surveillance camera it wouldn't be visible once I'd eaten it, but until then it'd look as though it was floating in mid-air! あ…監視カメラを通してみたら、 オレの口に入ってしまえばリンゴは見えないが、 持っているときは宙に浮いて見えるな
If you really want to eat apples, you'll firstly need to memorize the positions of all the cameras. どうしてもリンゴが食べたかったら、 まず全てのカメラの位置を把握する
I can't believe that my son, who's so serious, would go and look at those sorts of magazines. あの真面目な息子が、あんな雑誌を…
Even if it's for the sake of the Kira investigation, I doubt that the Japanese police would go this far. Is it possible that L instigated this? いくらキラ捜査のためとはいえ、 日本警察がここまでやるとは思えない。 Lの差し金か…
It's okay. I've even prepared magazines such as this specially for such an occasion. 大丈夫、こういう事態に備えて、 こんな本まで色々準備してきたんだ
There should be cameras in here too. It doesn't matter whether that piece of news is real or not, all they want to do is to see what my reaction is. このリビングにもカメラはついているはず… このニュースが本当であろうとなかろうと、 これを見せて反応を見ようということか
Light... I've found all the cameras. Even Death Gods get tired if they work so hard. ライト…カメラ全部探し出したぜ。 死神もがんばると疲れるんだなぁ
Judging by the positions and number of cameras present, it looks as though they want to get this over with within a few days. カメラの数と付け方から考えて、 短期間で見極めるつもりらしいな…
A normal person may slip up within this period, but it won't be that easy, L. This is as far as it goes! 普通の人間ならこれでボロを出すだろうが… そうは行かないよ、L… そこまでだ!
And now a criminal whom I could never have known about will die in forty seconds of a heart attack. L himself will be the witness to my alibi. これで僕の知り得なかった犯罪者が 40秒後には心臓麻痺… 僕のアリバイの目撃者はL本人だ
Two days ago, a mugger and an embezzler died of heart attacks, despite the fact that my family had no knowledge of them. Do you still suspect them? 一昨日のひったくり犯と横領犯の心臓麻痺… あれは私の家族が情報を得てない間に起きた… 疑いは晴れたのでは?
I've already memorized the locations of all the cameras. However, the only criminals I was able to kill using the potato chips' packet as a cover were a mugger and embezzler. もうカメラの位置はすべて把握してある。 だが、ポテチの仕掛けで殺せたのは、 ひったくり犯と横領犯
Even if there are criminals dying while I'm not watching TV or using the internet, it'll still look suspicious that the lesser criminals only die when I don't appear to be getting any information. 僕がテレビやネットを見ていない時に報道された犯罪者が死んでも、 逆に僕が報道を得ていない時にだけ、 軽い罪の者が死んだということで、疑うことも可能ではある
Therefore if I kill some of the lesser criminals while they can see me watching the TV, they'll have no reason to treat those deaths as unusual. つまり、僕がテレビを見ている時に報道された、罪の軽い犯罪者も殺しておけば、 特別視されない
Also, regardless of the seriousness of their crimes, I can remember the names and faces of the criminals for when I get out of the house, then using the piece of Death Note I keep in my wallet, I can scatter their times of death as I please. そして外に出た時のために、 罪の重さに関わらず、 ニュース等で報道された者の名前を覚えておき、 財布の中に仕込んでおいたデスノートで、 死の時間を適当にバラつかせ、殺す
Even if Kira were amongst them, they've done nothing to expose themselves. If anything, they appear to be killing criminals as per usual. あの中にキラがいたとしても、ボロは出しません。 いや、何も出さずに今まで通り犯罪者を葬っているということです
So, Ryuuzaki, do you think that Kira may still be one of them? では、リュウザキはやはり、キラはあの中にいると?
As I've said before... there's a 5% chance. ですから…5%です
Even though the cameras were up, Kira continued to kill. 監視カメラが付いている間にも、キラによる殺人は行われていた
I don't know how they're killing people... even if they could just kill someone by wishing for it to happen... each time that happened, a normal person should react in some way... they'd reveal it by their expression or through their behavior. どんな方法で殺人を行っているかは分からないが、 仮に念じるだけで人を殺せるとしても、 普通の人間であれば殺しを行う際、 挙動や表情に何らかの変化があっていいはず
"Kira isn't amongst them" that would be the "normal" conclusion one would draw. あの中にキラはいない… そう考えるのが普通だろう
They'll kill without blinking an eye. It's as though there is no Kira, but that this is really the work of God. 顔色一つ変えず悪人を裁いている。 もはやキラなど存在しない。 本当に神の裁きと考えたい程だ
This isn't the work of God. It's just some kid who likes to think that they're God. That's what it is. これは神の裁きではなく、 神の裁きを気取った子供じみた者がいる… そういうことだ
Even if the cameras were to be maintained, I doubt that Kira would exhibit any signs by their behavior. しかし、このままカメラを付け続けていても、 キラが殺しの兆候や態度を見せるとは思えない
It seems like the best method would be to make them admit that they're Kira and demonstrate how they kill people. But surely, that's going to be impossible. 自分がキラですと言ってもらい殺しを実際にやって見せてもらうのが 一番いい… そんなこと出来るはずが…
I guess this means that I'm no longer a target of their investigations, although, L will doubtlessly continue to pursue Kira. これで僕は捜査対象から外れた… しかしLはキラを追い続けるだろう
However, as long as he continues to use the Japanese police force my father will be in the middle of that investigation. だが、まだ日本警察を使っているのなら、 その動かしている者の中に、必ず父はいる
If I can erase L... Kira will be one step closer to becoming the God of a new world. Lさえ消せば… キラは新世界の神にまた一歩近づく
Plus getting into university will allow me more time to act as "Kira", and the time to go after L. そして大学に入ってしまえば、キラとして動く時間、 Lを探る時間も取りやすくなる
Yagami Light. There's only a 5% chance that you are Kira. But out of alll those I watched, there's something about you... 夜神ライト、キラである可能性は5%未満… しかし、あの中では1番何かを感じさせた
You're too perfect. If you truly are Kira, this is the best way I can think of putting pressure on you. お前は完璧すぎる。そしてもしお前がキラであれば、 これ以上のプレッシャーはないだろう
If this guy really is L... No, even if he isn't, I won't be able to do anything to him! こいつがLだとしたら…いや、実はLじゃなくともだ… 僕は、こいつに何もできない
If he's L, then my father would know his face. こいつの話が本当なら、父にもLとして顔を明かしているだろう
Hey, you could always just do the trade for the eyes of a Death God and kill him... なぁ、死神の目の取引をして、殺せばいいじゃないか
What if this whole thing turns out to be a trap?! If I kill him and it turns out that he isn't L, it'll be as good as telling the real L that I am Kira! そんなことをして、もしこれが罠だったらどうする! あいつが本当のLじゃなかったら、 Lに僕がキラだというようなものなんだよ!
A Death God killing a human isn't the same as a human killing a human! 死神が人間を殺すのと、人間が人間を殺すのを同じ次元で考えるな!
No, even if he's the real L, the fact that he's already told me might mean that it's already too late. いや、L本人だと分かっても、 僕にLだと宣言した以上、手遅れかもしれない…
I'd never have thought that he would reveal himself to me. Lが僕に、私はLだと名乗り出て来るなんてことは、考えもしなかった…
Those individuals who he suspects of being Kira... he doesn't have to worry about them, even if he's a substitute for L... キラの可能性のある者には、 Lの分身でも構わない
He only needs to introduce himself to them as L... For L, this is an extremely effective defense against Kira... and it's also a form of attack. Lだと名乗っておく… これはLにとって、キラに対するかなり有効な防御であると共に、 攻撃でもある
I've got to admit that I was rather surprised, Ryuuga, to be invited to play tennis with you so we could get to know each other better. But were you aware of how skilled I am when you asked me to play? しかし驚いたよリュウガ、 親睦を深めるために、 突然テニスなんて。 でも僕の実力、知ってて言い出したのか?
I've lived in England for around five years. But I wouldn't worry about it, there's nothing about that which will compromise my identity as L. イギリスには5年程住んでいましたが、 安心してください。 そこからLの素性が割れるようなことは絶対ありません
You're fine with the winner being whoever wins the first set of six games, I assume? では6ゲーム1セットを先取した方が勝ちでいいですね
This is strictly a friendly tennis match. I won't be able to use this to help me judge whether he's Kira or not. But Kira does supposedly hate to lose... これはあくまでも親睦のテニス。 キラかどうかの判断材料にはなり得ない… しかしキラは負けず嫌い
Under L's orders I can't tell anyone outside the Investigative Headquarters, even if you're the Deputy Chief. Lの指示で、捜査本部外の者には 例え次長でも…
You can't even tell me what you're doing and where?! 今どこで何をしているのか、それすらもか?
Excuse me for saying this, Deputy, but can you honestly say that a police force that turns tail and runs scared of Kira is "competent"?! お言葉ですが次長、 キラを恐れて尻尾を巻く警察が、有能だと 言えるのでしょうか?!
I'm sure you're well aware of how many of us remained at Headquarters. 次長は、今の捜査本部が何人になっているのかご存知のはず!
If you're so concerned with public opinion, just make sure they don't find out the truth, that the majority of the police force and especially the leaders have fled from Kira! 世間体を気になさるなら、 幹部をはじめとする大部分が、キラから逃げたという 事実を知られないように努めてください!
He's far more capable than we are. Even now, he's making the moves personally, placing his own life on the line. 我々よりは有能だと思われます… 今も命を掛けて自ら動いています
Don't worry, Yagami. Although Kira hates to lose, the majority of people would want to win in a match, whether they're Kira or not. 安心しろ夜神、キラは負けず嫌いだが、 キラでなくても試合に勝ちたいと思うのが大多数だ
There's no way he can use this match to create a profile of me. The objective of this match lies elsewhere. あいつもこのテニスでプロファイルなんてするわけがない。 このテニスの目的は他にある
That's why, even at tennis... I will win this too! だからテニスでも…僕が勝つ!
You're as good as I expected you to be. I lost. さすが夜神君、負けました
I'm thirsty, and I have a favor I'd like to ask of you, so shall we stop for a drink after this? 喉も渇いたし、リュウガに頼みたいこともあるから、 この後お茶しないか?
Well, when I say "suspect" it's only about 1%. More importantly, I'd like to confirm both that you're not Kira, and also the rumors regarding your skills of deduction before asking you to help with the investigation. いえ、疑っていると言っても1%ぐらいです。 それよりも、夜神君がキラでないことと、 素晴らしい推理力を持つことを確信できたなら、 ぜひ捜査に協力していただきたいと思っています
That's an excellent way of putting it. If they suspect me even in the slightest, they won't allow me near their Headquarters even if I ask. うまい言い方だ。 例えほんの少しでも疑われているなら、 僕が捜査本部の者に会わせろと言っても駄目だと言うだろう
This cafe's a favorite of mine. If you sit here, people won't be able to overhear your conversations. この喫茶店は僕のお気に入りでね、 この席に座れば、人に会話を聞かれる事もない
Okay. I don't mean to be rude, but would you mind if I tested your skills of deduction? では失礼とは思いますが、 夜神君の推理力をテストしてみてもいいでしょうか?
These three are photos of letters; it's thought that Kira controlled criminals in a prison and then, before they died, had them write these. この三枚は、 キラが刑務所内の犯罪者を操って、 死ぬ前に書かせたと思われる文書の写真です
There are print numbers on the back of these. If I create the sentence "L, did you know Death Gods only eat apples" Without even looking at them, it'll deepen your suspicions, right? 写真の裏にプリントナンバーが入っている。 これに気づかず 「L、知っているか?死神はリンゴしか食べない」という、キラが読ませた通りの文章を作ったら、 キラ濃厚ってわけか
But just because I'm able to solve this simple puzzle, it won't prove I'm Kira. だがこの程度の暗号を解いたところで、 僕がキラだという証明にはならない
If Kira can truly manipulate not only the death but also the actions of people prior to death, it'd be amazing. キラが死だけでなく、 その人間の行動を操れるとしたら、すごい事実だね
Despite the fact that that sentence didn't end, you decided that there were only three photos, and were unable to deduce that there may have been a fourth. That is a fact. 夜神君は文章が尻切れになるにも関わらず、 3枚しかないと決めつけ、 4枚目を推理できなかった。 これも事実です
Yagami-kun, if you were L and were with someone you suspected may be Kira how would you go about proving it? ではもし、夜神君がLだとして、 キラである可能性のある者に相対したら、 どうやって確かめますか?
I'd make them say something that hasn't been broadcasted to the public; something that only Kira would know. What you're trying to do right now. 一般には報道されていない、 キラにしか知り得ないことを相手に喋らせる… 今リュウガがしていることだ
Amazing. I've asked many detectives this question yet most of them need at least a few minutes before they can answer. すごいですね…今と同じ質問を何人かの刑事にしたのですが、 答えるまでに数分考える者がほとんど
You, however, were instantaneously able to think as Kira would if they were confronted with someone investigating them. Your sense of reasoning is amazing. しかし夜神君は、瞬時に捜査する者と話をする時の キラの立場で考えられた… すごいです、夜神君の推理力は
If my ideas are too good, it seems like you'll get even more suspicious! suspicious! あまり卓越した考え方をすると、疑いが濃くなるみたいじゃないか
But at the same time, my desire to have you investigate with us has also grown, even if you are Kira. I'm in a position where it would still benefit me to have you investigate with us. しかしその分、一緒に捜査してほしいという気持ちも強くなりました。 私は例え夜神君がキラであっても、 夜神君に捜査協力してもらえればいい立場にあるんです
It's true that I'm interested in the Kira case and that I also enjoy investigating as a hobby, but I'm not Kira and I don't want to be killed by Kira. たしかに僕はキラ事件に興味を持ち、 趣味で推理もしているが… 僕はキラじゃないから、キラに殺されるのは御免だ
There's nothing to prove that either of us aren't Kira, but since you claim to be L, we should at least be able to prove that. どっちもキラじゃないなんて証明はできない。 しかし、リュウガがLだというのなら、その証明はできるはずだ
For example, we could get my father or another member of the investigation to identify you in front of me. たとえば捜査本部の一員の父に、 L本人だと僕の目の前で証明してもらうことだ
You're talking a fair amount, Yagami Light. Typical of someone who doesn't like to lose. よくしゃべるな夜神ライト、 負けず嫌いの典型だ
All the more because you knew that your son was suspected of being Kira. さらに息子さんがキラだと疑われていたのでは、尚更です
And I was one of the ones he was investigating... I guess it can't be helped that I'm a suspect then. It's as Ryuuga says, there's no one else to suspect. そして彼が調べていたものの中に僕がいた。 これは疑われても仕方がない… いや、リュウガの言う通り、他に疑う対象がいない
No matter how one uses that power you can never build true happiness on the deaths of others. どんな使い方をしても、 人を殺した上での幸せなど、真の幸せであるはずがない
Try thinking about how it feels to be the one to be accused of being Kira! キラだと疑われる人間がどんな気持ちか、考えてみろよ!
For example, you could lock me up for a month without TV or anything and keep me under supervision. だから例えば1カ月間、僕をテレビも何もない所に入れて、 誰かにずっと監視させておくとか
No. I wouldn't do something that would infringe on your basic human rights like that. And most importantly, it would be nonsense for me to accept the suggestion of someone who's a suspect. 駄目です。そんな人権を無視したことはできませんし、 なによりも疑いのかかっている者からの案を取るのは、 ナンセンスです
I've never once thought of my finding this notebook as unfortunate. 僕はノートを拾ってこの力を得たことを、不幸だなんて一度も思ったことない
Well, Ryuk. I guess you'll get to see a pattern that's not normal then. じゃあリュークは、普通じゃない方のパターンを見られるな
This is what I'm talking about. This is the kind of stuff I need ya guys to come up with. お前らこういうんだよ… こういうの出してこいっつんだよ
Even if she's dead, it's strange that no-one has been able to locate her body yet. If we can find it, it may shed some light on this situation. もし死んでいるとしても 遺体が出てこないのはおかしい。 出てくれば、そこから何か掴めるかも知れません
Our ratings will rise by 60%... no, 70% at least! 視聴率60%…いや、70%は行くぞこりゃあ
Yesterday both suspects died at exactly their predicted times of death. 昨日、二人の容疑者はその予告通り、心臓麻痺で亡くなったのです
Surely... no-one would pull a prank that's this sick. まさか…いくらなんでも、こんな悪質なやらせは…
The main newsreader, Mr. Hibima Kazuhiko, will die of a heart attack at exactly 6 o'clock. メインキャスターのヒビマカズヒコ氏が、 6時ちょうどに心臓麻痺で死にます
No good, my acquaintance at the station has his phone switched off. ダメだ、局内の知り合いの携帯は電源が入っていない
No matter what part of the station I ring it's all engaged! 局のどこにかけても通話中!
I even regard the police as my ally and not as my enemy. 警察も私の敵ではなく、味方だと考えています
Even if you don't agree with me, as long as you don't go to the media or express it publicly, I won't kill you. 私に同意できなくとも、 メディアに乗せ、公にしたりしなければ、殺したりはしません
Please try and wait a while; this world will become something that anyone would appreciate. そして、少しの間待ってください。 誰もが認める世界になります
But if Kira did know that, surely it would have been a lot easier for them to kill us first. しかしそれならキラは、 捜査する人間を全員殺してから動く方が楽なはず
According to my theory Kira needs a name and a face but having watched this, it seems that the probability of Kira being able to kill someone solely by knowing their face isn't zero. 私の推理では、顔と名前が必要でしたが、 これを見ている限り、 顔だけでも殺せる可能性も、 ゼロではないとしか
If you think that Kira's around the area, there's even more of a reason to go! キラがあの周辺にいると思うなら、 尚更行くべきじゃないのか!
That's one way of entering the station without revealing your identity... あれなら姿を見られず、局内に入れます
This is the result of you covering the Kira case as though they're some kind of star. "You reap what you sow", don't you agree? キラをスターか何かのように報道してきた結果だ。 自業自得だと思わないか?
Don't even think about trying to get out of this now! 今更悪足掻きするな!
This is L. I'd like to ask a favor of you. Lです。北村次長にお願いがあります
Upon seeing this broadcast, people connected with the police will act, driven by their own sense of personal justice. I'd like you to control this directly from the top or this could turn into a disaster. この報道を見て、自己の正義感で動く 警察関係者が出てきます。 上に統制を取っていただかないと、 惨事になりかねません
We've done as you asked. 言われた通りにした
Kira won't be inside the station; if they're here they're outside! キラはテレビ局内にはいない。 いるなら外だ!
There's a good chance that Kira may be somewhere within visual range, devise methods of searching but ensure that you can't be seen. ここから見える範囲にキラがいる可能性は十分にある。 こちらの姿を見られぬよう、工夫し捜索しろ
Yagami-san, I won't let this go to waste. 夜神さん、無駄にはしません
However, Kira's able to manipulate people before death, they wouldn't have to go to Osaka themselves to mail this. しかしキラは死の前の行動を操れる。 自分で大阪まで行き投函しなくても出せる
I'll confirm the contents of the copied tapes. 私は、コピーテープの方で内容を確認します
In addition, as proof that the police are willing to co-operate, they order both L and a senior member of the police to appear on TV and announce "We will co-operate with Kira". それと、警察が協力することの証として、 警察幹部とLがテレビに出演し、 キラに協力すると発表しろと言っています
By exposing the faces of myself and a senior policeman they would be able to kill us should the police attempt anything funny. 幹部とともに私の顔を晒させ、 警察に妙な動きが出たら、そこから殺していくというわけです
What about the contents of the fourth video, if we answer "no"? それで、ノーと答えた場合の4のビデオの内容は?
Since this reply indicates that the police will persistently fight against me, I will have to take the life of the Chief of the Japanese Police Force, or alternatively the life of the person directing this investigation, known as L. 警察はあくまであたしと戦うという返事ですから、 まず、日本警察庁長官の命、 もしくは捜査の指揮をとっているとされる、Lなる人物の命を取ります
Another Death God has come down to Earth and that Death God's Death Note has passed into the hands of a human who supports Kira. 人間界にもう1匹の死神が舞い下りた。 そしてその死神のデスノートは、 キラに賛同する人間の手にある
It's highly probable that this Kira has the eyes of a Death God. In other words, this Kira's ability to kill is far greater than mine. 恐らくこいつは死神の目を持っている。 つまり殺傷能力は、遥かに僕より勝るキラ
Right now, the ideal thing for me to do would be... to help out with the investigation, and grasp both L's and the fake Kira's moves. 今、僕が一番理想とするのは… 捜査本部に協力し、 Lの動きと偽キラの動きを、把握すること
Ryuuzaki, it's just as we thought. Of their own accord, world leaders have discussed this and they want the real L to appear on TV. リュウザキ、思っていた通りだ。 各国首脳が勝手に話し合い、 本物のLをテレビに出演させろと言ってきた
That's the correct choice to make, but we still have three days so let's try and think of some countermeasures. それが一番正しい選択です… まあ、まだ3日ありますから、 対策を考えましょう
The probability of this Kira being a fake is extremely high. No, a "second Kira" is probably a better description. このキラはキラの偽物の可能性が高い… いや、第二のキラというべきでしょう
The real Kira wouldn't have bothered with such small fry. 本物のキラなら、そんな雑魚でやって見せる必要は無い
Ryuuzaki, what are the chances of there being a second Kira? リュウザキ、第二のキラという可能性は、いったいどのくらい?
Up till now, with the exception of those chasing after them, Kira has avoided sacrificing the innocent. 今までキラは追う者は別として、 罪のない者の犠牲は避けていた
If we can catch one of the Kiras I think that we'll get hints to help catch the other. 片方のキラが掴まれば、 もう片方を捕えるヒントは少なからず生まれると思うんです
Yagami-san, would it be okay if we asked your son to help us in the investigation? 夜神さん、息子さんに捜査協力を 願ってもよろしいでしょうか?
No, I can't say that I don't still suspect him but I am counting on his skills of deduction. いえ、疑いは晴れたとは言えませんが、 息子さんの推理力が期待できる
So I want to know what kind of person Kira is. And I want to meet and talk to them. キラが、どんな人か知りたいの。 会ってお話ししたいとも思ってるよ
That's why I went through the trouble of sending those tapes to the TV station, and ensured that I could get Kira to notice me! そのためにわざわざテレビにあんなの送って、 キラに気付いて貰えるようにしたんだから
Kira will be interested. I'm sure of it! キラは興味持ってくれたよね、きっと!
That's a dangerous game you're playing. You could be killed. You know that, right? 危ない遊びだね。 殺されるかもしれない。わかってる?
Light, Ryuuzaki has asked for your help with the investigation. If you're willing to help, we need you to come here as soon as possible. ライト、リュウザキが捜査協力をしてほしいといっている。 やる気があるなら、すぐに来てくれ
And here I was thinking of how to broach the subject with them... I'd never imagined that they would approach me with this first. どうやってこっちから切り出そうか考えていたのに… まさか向こうから来てくれるとは
In this manner, I'll be able to investigate both the Investigative Headquarters and the fake Kira as much as I want. これで捜査本部の内情と同時に、偽キラのことも 堂々と調べていける
I'm afraid that I can't let you take any of the material away or make notes of it. 全ての資料等の持ち出しやメモを取ることは、 禁止です
So... we'll proceed by hiding the possibility of a second Kira, and by having Yagami Light assist us with the investigation. では、第二のキラの可能性は伏せ、 夜神ライト君に捜査協力してもらうという方向で行きます
But won't it be hard for us to investigate with him if we do that? しかし、それでは一緒に捜査しにくいのでは?
Light-kun's skills of deduction are truly quite amazing. If he sees these videos, he may be able to deduce that this is the work of a second Kira. ライト君の推理力には素晴らしいものがあります。 このビデオを見たら、第二のキラだという 推理をしてくれるかもしれません
Up until now, we've assumed that Kira needs a face and a name in order to kill. Yet, from the fact that Ukita-san was killed when he happened to rush to the TV station that time... and from the fact that Kira spoke as if they could kill L merely by having him appear on TV, we can come to the conclusion that the second Kira can kill people merely by seeing their faces. 今まで私たちが想定してきたキラは、殺人に顔と名前が必要でした。 しかしあのとき、テレビ局にたまたま駆け付けたウキタさんが殺されたこと… Lをテレビ出演させれば、殺せるような言い方をしていることから、 第二のキラは、顔だけで殺せるということになります
If, after reviewing the case and watching the videos, Light-kun is able to deduce that there is a second Kira, the majority of my suspicions against him will be alleviated. 要はライト君に捜査状況とビデオを見てもらい、 第二のキラの可能性があると推理したら、 ライト君の疑いはほぼ晴れるということです
If things continue to progress as they are, I will die after appearing on TV in three days' time. 今のままなら、 私は第二のキラの要求通り、3日後にテレビ出演し死ぬことになります
I doubt that Kira would let an opportunity like this slide. キラならこんな絶好の機会を棒に振ることはしないと思うんです
Watching these videos... the terrible quality of them makes me feel sick... is that just because I'm the real Kira? This is far more serious than a simple drop in my image as Kira... このビデオを見て、出来の悪さに吐き気がするのは、 僕が本物のキラだからか… 全くキラのイメージダウン所の話ではない
But why has no one offered any explanations for any of these videos? しかしなぜ、このビデオに関しての説明を誰もしてこない…?
Either way, I better not say anything stupid regarding this. If I leave things as they are, L will die. まぁどちらにしろ、僕もこのビデオに関しては、ヘタなことは何も言わないことだ。 放っておけばLは死ぬんだ…
If nothing else, there's a high probability that this is not the same Kira that we've been dealing with until now. The Kira we've been dealing with until now would not have utilized the suspects used in this advanced broadcast. 少なくともこいつは、今までのキラじゃない可能性が高い。 今までのキラなら、 殺人予告にこんな容疑者を使ったりはしない
The same as L... I mean that's exactly the same theory as Ryuuzaki! L…いや、リュウザキの推理とまったく同じ
If I were the only one to have come up with the "second Kira" theory, people may have trouble believing me. Since you've come to the same conclusion as I did, it's become a much more convincing viewpoint. 私一人が第二のキラ説を考えても 説得力がない。 ライト君も同じ推理をしたことで、 より有力な説となります
Evidently they sympathize with Kira but they aren't very intelligent. They might even obey the real Kira. 奴は明らかにキラに共鳴しているし、そんなに賢くはない… 本物のキラには従うかもしれません
I'd have expected nothing less from you, Ryuuzaki. I was also thinking of that as the best course of action. さすがだなリュウザキ。 僕もそれが一番いい手だと思っていた
Currently, I will tolerate the actions of the one that is taking my name. They have worked on my behalf and have tried to aid me. 現時点では私を名乗った者に対し、私に協力し、私の代弁をしようとしたと、寛大に受け止めています
However, taking the lives of innocent people is directly against my beliefs. しかし、罪のない者の命を奪ったりすることは私の意志と反する
If the person taking my name holds the same beliefs as I and is willing to help me, they must stop acting impulsively and learn to understand my true intentions. もし私を名乗った者が私に共感し、協力する気持ちがあるならば、 勝手な行動は謹み、 まず私の意志を理解することです
I'll bring the envelope and everything else over as soon as I can; for the moment, I'm sending you a copy to your computer. すぐ封筒ごとそちらへ持っていきますが、 とりあえずコピーした映像を、パソコンに流しておきます
Kira-san, thank you for your response. I will do as you ask. キラさん、お返事ありがとうございます。 私はキラさんの言う通りにします
I don't believe that you have the eyes, but don't worry, I won't kill you. キラさんは目を持ってないと思いますが、 私はキラさんを殺したりはしません。安心してください
Please think of a way that we can meet without the police finding out. 何か警察の人にはわからない、会ういい方法を考えてください
If that's true, shouldn't we consider this to be the work of the original Kira? それならやはり、これも今までのキラと考えるべきでは?
"Confirm our identities by showing each other our Death Gods", could mean that they'll confirm each other's identity by demonstrating their ability to kill. お互いの死神を見せ合えば確認できます、というのは、 殺しの力を見せ合い、確認すると考えればいい
You could be right... At the very least, we can consider "Death God" as a common term of some significance between Kira and the second Kira. そうですね…少なくとも 「死神」という言葉は、キラと第二のキラの間では 共通し意味の通る何かと考えられる
The real Kira would want to avoid any contact between the second Kira and the police. キラの立場からすれば、第二のキラと警察の直接の接触などは 避けたいはず…
Well... I've tried to think of what the second Kira would do in this situation and... They'd probably tell the police and the public further information that Kira would not want them to know, to force Kira to seek an audience with them! This could be very interesting! ええ…そのとき第二のキラはどうするか考えてみたんですが… もっと警察や世間にキラがバラされたくないことを公表し、 キラを焦らせ焚きつけ、自分に会わせようとする… こうなれば面白い
It'll be even more interesting if Kira does fear such a response and sends their own message by video. それを恐れてキラが、ビデオ等でメッセージを送ってきたら、 もっと面白い
I'm rare in the Death God world. I'm one of the few who actually knows how to kill a Death God. 私は死神界でも数少ない、 死神を殺す方法知っている死神だから
She seems so full of life... I wonder why it's today... 元気そうなのに…なんで今日なんだ…
I also became curious as to how she would die, so I chose to watch with him. 私もどう死ぬのか気になって、 一緒に眺めることにした
At that moment, jealous turned to sand or rust... something I couldn't identify... and died. その瞬間、ジェラスは砂ともサビとも わからぬものに変わり…死んだ
If he wasn't in love with that girl, he wouldn't have died? その娘に恋してなければ、死神は死ななかったってこと?
If the second Kira makes a critical error and gets captured by the police, there's a chance that they could find out about the Death Note. 第二のキラが致命的なヘマを犯し、警察に捕まったりすれば… デスノートのことがバレる可能性がある
Confirmed that there was a Death God present in the Tokyo Dome. I can only imagine that they're suggesting that we do this on the 30th of May. 東京ドームで死神を確認する。 5月30日にそうしようと言ってる ようにしか見えない
If this goes out on TV, even the public will realize their intentions... こんなのをテレビに映したら、一般人にも意図していることがバレる
Even though I have the eyes of a Death God, I'm unable to see my own lifespan, can you explain why that is again? なんで死神の目を持ってても 自分の寿命が見えないのか、 もう一度よく教えて
Humans possessing a Death Note need only see the lifespans of the humans they are going to kill. ノートを持った人間は、 殺す人間の寿命だけが見えればいい
22nd of May... at Aoyama, we looked at each other's notebooks. If by "notebooks" they mean "Death Notes", then that's something that only I, as Kira, would understand. 5月22日、青山でノートを見せ合う。 ノートという言葉がデスノートであるとすれば、 キラである僕にしか伝わらない
Broadcasting this will cause a panic, and the game will be cancelled... don't they even realize this? こんなものを放映したらパニックになり、 試合が中止になるのもわからないってことか
Yet, if we don't broadcast the diary, the second Kira won't make their move. 日記を放映しなければ、 第二のキラは動かない
It'll be okay. The second Kira appears to worship Kira. We should be fine in believing their promise to our fake Kira that they won't take innocent lives. それは大丈夫ですよ。第二のキラはキラを崇拝しているようですし、 我々の作ったキラに余計な犠牲は出さないと 誓ったことを、信じていいでしょう
I doubt that the real Kira will show, but I don't know about the second Kira... we don't know how stupid they really are... or even if they truly are as stupid as they seem. I'll try and see if I can figure out any other hidden messages. キラの方は来ると思ってませんが、第二のキラは分かりません… どこまでバカなのか見えませんから。 それと、そこまでバカじゃないということも考え、 この日記に他のメッセージが隠されてないか、考えてみます
If they're using a code that only those with a Death God's power would understand, then I won't be able to break it. もし死神という力を持った者同士にしかわからない暗号が隠されていたら、 私には解読できません
But... we'll need to ensure that we keep a close surveillance on all of the locations that are mentioned. だが、この日記に記されている場所は、 徹底的にマークしておくべきです
I'll arrange to increase the number of surveillance cameras around Shibuya and Aoyama as much as possible. In addition, on the respective days, we'll need to have as many plain clothes policemen as possible at each location. この青山、渋谷には、今から出来る限りの 監視カメラを増設し…当日は 出来る限り、私服警官を配備してもらいます
I occasionally go to Aoyama and Shibuya, besides, I'm the least likely to look out of place wandering around there with Matsui-san. 青山渋谷はたまに行ってる所だし、 松井さんと一緒にウロウロしてても、 一番不自然じゃないのは僕だ
As soon as I get back outside and switch my phone back on, this always happens... 外に出て電源を入れると すぐこれだ…
"As long as my suspicions aren't at 0%, be suspicious of his every move" ...is that what he's saying? 0%じゃない限りは、あくまでも疑っている ということか…
Yup, if I saw a human with a Death God, I wouldn't tell you. ああ、俺は死神の付いている人間を見ても、ライトには教えない
Seems that they've put a bit of effort into this. けっこう手が混んでるな
Just What I expected from Light-kun! No one would think that there are police present in this group of young people. さすがライト君、 この若者の集団に刑事がいるなんて、 まず誰も考えない
If I move around in a group, even if Ryuk gets seen, they won't know who he's possessed. これだけの人数で動けば、もしリュークを見られても、 誰に付いているかは分からない
In addition, it'll act as a wall against L's surveillance cameras. It's not bad for investigative purposes either, all that remains is to watch the entrance of "Note Blue" prior to and after the performance. Lの見る監視カメラへの壁にもなるし、 捜査方法としても悪くない。 後は開演前後の、ノートブルーの 入り口を見ればいいだけ
So it's written "Tsuki" but pronounced as "Light"! 月って書いて、ライトって読むのかぁ
I'd never guessed that Kira would be so young and handsome... Everything's far better than I'd imagined it'd be! まさかキラがあんな若くてカッコイイなんて… 何もかも想像以上…
In the end, on both the 22nd in Aoyama and the 24th in Shibuya, there was no evidence of any suspicious activity occurring. 結局今のところ、22日青山、24日渋谷… どちらも何も起きた形跡はなし
You mustn't approach Kira purely for the fun of it. If you come in contact with Kira, you will almost certainly die. You'll only be used! 興味本位で、キラに近づいては絶対にいけない。 キラに接触すれば、あなたは必ず殺されます。 利用されるだけです
All you should do now, is to think carefully about the value of human life. Give us all the information you have and Kira and atone for your crimes. Save the people of the world from the fear of Kira. 今あなたにできることは、人の命の尊さをよく考え、 キラの情報を我々に教えることで罪を償い、 キラの恐怖から世界の人々を救うことです
Mother, she's gone through all the effort of bringing this over, could we get some tea or something? 母さん、わざわざ届けてくれたんだ、 お茶か何か
If you trade your eyes with a Death God, you're able to see people's names and lifespans, but you're unable to see the lifespan of someone who has a Death Note. 死神の目を持つと、 人間の寿命と名前を見ることができる。 でも、ノートを持っている人間の寿命は見えないんです
Okay, I've understood that much, but if you'd been caught, Kira's secrets would've been revealed. ま、それはわかったが、君がもし警察に捕まっていたら、 キラの秘密がバレていた
It's okay. So far, I haven't been caught, and if I do as you say from now on, I won't get caught. 大丈夫、私は捕まってないし、 これからはあなたの言う通りに動けば捕まらない
If I handle this the wrong way, I could end up dead, but... こいつを下手に扱うと殺される可能性がある…しかし
Impossible. That day in Aoyama, there were triple the usual number of surveillance cameras operating. 無理だ。だいたいあの日の青山は、 いつもの3倍の監視カメラが付いていた
If we're to become close after that... Even meeting each other now is risky. その二人がその後接近したら… 今ここでこうしてることすらまずいんだ
A year ago, my parents were murdered directly in front of me by a burglar. I couldn't forgive that... 私の両親は、ちょうど1年前、 私の目の前で強盗に殺された… 絶対に許せなかった
You went through all this trouble for the sole purpose of meeting Kira? She was able to implement the bare minimum of countermeasures against surveillance cameras and leaving fingerprints... 今までの無理なやり方は、キラに会いたいという一心ゆえ… 一応、監視カメラ、指紋への対策など、 最低限はできている
She's not as stupid as I thought... Plus, she's saying that she'll do as I say from now on... 思ったよりバカではない… それに、これからは僕に従うと言っている
Those eyes of yours, which you traded half your life for in order to find me and aid me, will be a great weapon. 僕に会うため、僕の力になるために、 残りの寿命を半分にした君の目は、 武器になる
"Pretend to be", huh? I guess that'll do for now. 彼氏の振りかぁ… 最初はそれでもいいや
I guess I'll have to if I want her to trust me. 信用させるのに必要か…
Even though you're a Death God, you and Rem are completely different types! 死神と言っても レムとは全然違うタイプね
There is a real possibility that Kira and the second Kira made contact there. I'd like to check all of these. キラと第2のキラはここで接触した 可能性が高いですから、 これは私が全部チェックしたい
I can't imagine that any Death God would do something like that. そんなことをする死神がいるとは 思えないけどな
Well, you'll certainly never do anything of the sort. そうだな、少なくともリュークは絶対なさそうだ
However, I will join Kira in purging the world of evil, and will gain their acceptance through aiding them. しかし、私はキラとともに世の中の悪を消していき、 キラに協力して認めてもらいます
Then, I shall proceed by sharing these powers with people that I find worthy and would like to continue making this world a better place. そして、この力を与えるに相応しい人間には どんどん力を分け、 世の中を良くしていきたいと思います
Don't say "Can you do this?", just tell me to do it! I will do whatever you ask of me. できるかじゃなくて、やれでいいよ。 あたしはライトの言いなりになるから
There's one more important thing that I've got to mention... If we get caught by the police... even if we get caught as suspects... we can't mention anything about each other or the notebooks. Unless they have the notebooks, there is no proof. それともう一つ大事なこと… もし警察に捕まったら、 容疑者として捕まったとしても、 絶対互いのことと、ノートのことはしゃべらない。 ノートを押え検証しない限り、証拠は無いんだからな
It seems like you won't understand unless I spell it out for you. 言っておかないと、分かってもらえそうにないな
L thinks that even if I am Kira, as long as he keeps his name hidden, he's safe. So, to investigate me further, he revealed himself to me as "L". Lは、僕がキラであろうと、 名前を隠せば危険ではないと考え、 僕を直接探るために、Lだと名乗り出た
But more importantly, if someone suddenly starts to make contact with me, while at the same time, Kira and the second Kira's attitudes towards society are changing, that person will be suspected of being the second Kira. The suspicions of me being Kira will then deepen. それよりも、これから急に僕に近づく者が現れ、 社会に対する、キラと第2のキラの態度に変化があれば、 その者が第2のキラである疑い、 僕がキラである疑いをより深めることになり得る
In order to get rid of L, I need you. Lを消すには君が必要だ
As much as possible, I'd like to meet you in person to pass on information... so, to ensure that our meetings remain unnoticed, I'll aim to go out with lots of different girls. 君とはなるべく 直接会って連絡していきたい。 だから、君に会うことが目立たないよう、 他の女の子ともたくさん会うようにする
It's true that I wanted to meet Kira out of gratitude and sympathy, as opposed to love. But Light, from the first time I saw you, I... ミサがキラに会いたかったのは、確かに感謝と共感で、 愛じゃなかったけど…ライトを一目見た時からあたし…
Currently, Rem's an even bigger threat than L. こうなると、現時点でLよりも厄介な存在だ…
More importantly, I need to think of a method of using Misa's eyes to kill L. If only I could get rid of L.. それよりも、ミサの目を利用し、Lを殺すことを 考えるんだ。 Lさえ消せば…
The final message from Misa will arrive today. It should be passed directly to the investigation, as opposed to going to the TV station. 今日、ミサから最後のメッセージが着く。 しかしそのビデオはテレビ局にはいかず、 捜査本部に回されるはずだ
Please don't dwell upon such matters. I don't like fickle things such as "Miss Whatever". そんなこと、考えないでください。 私はミスなんとかだとか、浮ついたものは嫌いです
I'd assumed that you'd get the same impression as I did. ライト君なら私と同じ印象を受けると 思っていたんですが
If I were truly Kira... I wouldn't do that. No matter how you're threatened, there's no way that you'd actually appear on TV. もし僕がキラだったら、そんなことはしないよ。 Lはどんな脅迫をされようと、 テレビに出たりはしない
You would never consider taking the fall for someone else. Without a doubt, you'd have some sort of plan to get out of it. 人の身代わりになる気など、更々ない。 何か逃れる手段を必ず考える
Light, even if it's purely theoretical, I want you to stop with this "if I were Kira" talk. ライト、例え話でも、 もし自分がキラならなんて話すのは止めろ
Or should I say, it'd be a problem if he was, because... Light-kun is... the first friend I've ever had. いや、ライト君がキラでは困ります。 ライト君は…私の初めての友達ですから
Ryuuzaki... he's easily managed to deduce the connection between Kira and the second Kira. Looks like I'll need to get rid of my enemies as soon as possible. リュウザキの奴、あっさりとキラと第2のキラの繋がりに 勘づいている。 やはり、できるだけ早く消さなければ…
It'll be even more dangerous to meet Misa from now on. これではますます、ミサに会うことは危険だ
I couldn't wait an entire two weeks, so I was just on my way over to see you! どうしても2週間待てなくて、 いまライトの家に行こうとしてた所
Yeah, well, I've seen this girl a number of times from the Death God world, and due to certain circumstances, I've got some feelings for her. ああ、この娘のことは死神界から何度か見ていたし。 ある事情があって、 少し情が移ってね
Rem wants you to be happy, yet if one of us is caught by L, that happiness will be threatened. レムは君の幸せを願っているし、 どちらかがLに捕まりでもすれば、 二人の幸せは脅かされる
Although Death Gods aren't supposed to tell humans other people's names, there's no rule that stipulates who Rem can and can't kill. 確かに死神は、人間に人の名前を教えてはいけないが、 レムが誰かを殺そうと制約はないもんな
If you kill L, I'll have even greater feelings for Misa, and I'd be thankful to you too, Rem. もしLを殺してくれれば、 僕はよりミサを愛しく思うし、 レムにも感謝する
I don't like you, so even if I end up prolonging your life, it won't kill me. I'll kill L. He means nothing to me. 私はお前が嫌いだ。 お前の寿命を延ばす結果になっても、私は死なない。 Lを殺してやるよ。Lなんて私にとっては、どうでもいい人間だ
Oh! In that case, have this! Misa will give you one of hers! じゃあ、だったらこれ! ミサの携帯1個あげる
Probably tomorrow. Regardless of whether we go ahead with killing L or not, I'll give you a call. 多分明日。Lを処刑するしないにかかわらず、 一度連絡を入れるよ
I was pretty surprised when you just kissed her out of nowhere. しかし、いきなりキスとは驚いた
Since Ryuuga's identity as L isn't publicly known, I've got to be prepared for the fact that if he dies, I will be strongly suspected of being Kira. Lとして公になっていない今、 リュウガが死ねば、僕がキラだという疑いが濃厚になることは、 覚悟しなければならない
If I make it an "accidental death" hardly anyone will suspect that I'm Kira, and even if they do, there'll be no proof. ここでLに事故死を使えば、 僕をキラだと疑える者はほとんどいない… いたとしても証拠などない
I'll arrange it so that you can use Watari as you please. The rest will be up to you. ワタリを自由に使えるようにしておきますから、 後はあとはお願いします
Ryuuzaki! You said that the majority of your suspicions had already been dismissed! How deeply do you really suspect my son?! リュウザキ、疑いはほとんど晴れたと 言っておいて、 一体本心ではどこまで息子を…
Nothing like this has ever happened before... If Kira and the second Kira have indeed made contact... ...I'm in a dire pinch. こんなこと今までなかった… キラと第2のキラが繋がったとすれば、 私は大ピンチです
Thus, right now, I'm probably incapable of calmly analyzing myself. ですから自分を、冷静に分析できなくなっているのかもしれません
I could solely be doing this because I have no other suspects. Nevertheless, if I am killed now, please conclude that your son is Kira. 他に疑える者がいないから、固執しているだけかもしれない。 それでも…今、私が殺されたら、 息子さんがキラだと断定してください
Never mind that, you said you were "scared of showing your face in public", are you okay? そんなことより、 人に顔を出すのは怖いと言っていたのに、大丈夫なのか?
Yagami-kun, I realized I'd be fine as long as you're not Kira. 夜神君がキラでなければ大丈夫だと気づきました
That's why, if I'm killed within the next few days... you are Kira. I've informed everyone at Headquarters of that fact. なのでもし私が近日殺されたら、夜神ライトがキラだと 本部の皆さんに言っておきました
You said yourself that it's lonely without me around, so I thought I'd come in for a change of scenery. As long as I don't die, university is fun. 夜神君も私の休学を寂しいと言ってくれましたし。 少しは気分転換に来ることに。 死ななきゃ大学は楽しいところです
Yeah, he's got the same name as the idol. Funny, huh? ああこいつ、あのアイドルと同姓同名なんだ、面白いだろ
Yagami-kun... I'm very jealous. I've been a fan of Misa's since the August edition of "Eighteen". 夜神君…うらやましいです。 エイティーン8月号からのミサさんファンです
I want to find out L's real name from Misa as soon as possible, but with all these hangers-on around... ともかく、早くミサからLの本名を聞き出したいが… この取り巻きが邪魔だ!
No matter. Even if Misa leaves, all I need to do is make one phone call to find out. いいぞ…ミサがここから出て行けば、 後は電話1本で名前を聞き出せる
It's over. It's been all sorts of fun, L. 終わりだ…いろいろ楽しかったよ、L
This is probably both good and bad news for you. We've apprehended Amane Misa on suspicion of being the second Kira. 夜神君にとってはうれしかったり悲しかったりだと思いますが… アマネミサを第二のキラ容疑で確保しました
When the second Kira sent the video tapes from Amane's room, they left a great deal of evidence, such as hairs and clothing fibres, stuck to packing tape used to seal the envelopes. アマネの部屋から第二のキラがビデオテープを送った時、 封をしていたガムテープに付着していた 毛や洋服の繊維など、多数の証拠が出ました
We believe that announcing she's under suspicion of being the second Kira would cause public chaos, so we're saying she's gone to be questioned about the charges held against her manager for drug possession. However, I doubt the public will find that out. 第二のキラ容疑ということでは 世間の混乱が予想されるので、 マネージャーの麻薬所持容疑への 任意同行にしていますが… 世間に出ることはないでしょう
Bring a visual of her up. 彼女の映像をこっちにもくれ
She's been apprehended on suspicion of being the second Kira. It's only natural to take these precautions. 第二のキラとして捕えたんです、 これくらい当たり前です
Now, we need a confession of how she killed people, if she knows Kira, and if she knows who Kira is. 後はどう殺したのか、キラを知ってるのか、知ってるなら誰なのか… 自供させるしかありません
Watari, as long as you're careful, I won't mind if you use slightly dubious methods. Get her to spit it out. ワタリ、十分に注意しながら、 多少理不尽なやり方でも構いません… 吐かせてください
I know you could kill me in an instant if you wanted to! あなたなら私をすぐ殺せるでしょ!
Yagami Light, even though I offered to help Misa escape, she refused. It's probably because she realized that she would be seen as having special powers, which would cause you trouble... 夜神ライト、ミサは私が逃がしてやると言っても拒絶した。 自分に特別な力が備わっていると思われて、お前に迷惑がかかると 思ったからだろう
And when she realized she was reaching the limit of her mentality, she began to ask for me to kill her. そして精神的に限界が来たと見ると、 私に殺してくれと頼み始めた
Even though she's begged me to, there's no way I could kill Misa. I couldn't bear to watch her suffer like that. いくら頼まれても、そんなミサを殺せない。 見ていられなかった
Once you forfeit ownership of a Death Note, all the memories you have of it completely disappear. デスノートの所有権を放棄すれば、 デスノートに関する記憶が一切消える
So, there'd be no danger of her giving away your secret. 秘密がミサから漏れることはなくなる
The human you love is Yagami Light. Those feelings alone will remain. That is why you should give up ownership of your Death Note and entrust everything to Yagami Light. ミサの好きな人間は夜神ライト…その感情だけは残る。 だからミサ、ノートの所有権を放棄して、 すべて夜神ライトに託せ
If Misa has no memory of the Death Note, it's possible that she can be released. デスノートの記憶が飛べば、 ミサを釈放させることも不可能じゃない
Yagami Light, I knew that this would be the best option for you, which is why I suggested it to Misa. 夜神ライト、今のお前にとっては、これが一番望ましい方法だとわかっていて、 私はミサに提案した
If you don't save Misa, I will kill you. ミサを助け出さなければ、お前を殺す
I've got a fair idea of what L might do from here, and I have a plan. これからのLの出方はだいたい分かっている… 僕に考えがある
Just as I thought, as long as I have Ryuk's Death Note, even if I discard Rem's Death Note, I won't forget about Rem. やはり、リュークのデスノートを持っていれば、 レムのノートを捨てても、 僕の記憶からレムが消えるわけではない
You know, I never guessed the notebook I gave you would end up discarded in the ground somewhere. まさか、オレの渡したノートの最後は、 土の中に捨てられるとはなぁ
I will discard it... the very next time the word "discard" escapes my mouth. Regardless of the context in which I say it, when I say that word, I'll mean it in relation to discarding the notebook. 捨てるのは…次に僕が、捨てるという言葉を口にした時だ。 その時は文脈に関わらず、 その言葉を、ノートを捨てるという意味で口にする
She's been like this ever since she passed out... 一度気を失って、気づいてからずっとこのパターンだ…
Yes, exactly as you said. We covered up her eyes and mouth from behind, and said clearly, so she could hear, "we're arresting you on suspicion of being the second Kira". 言われた通り、 後から目と口を押さえ、 第2のキラ容疑で連行すると、 彼女には聞こえるように…
Before you fell asleep, you were denying everything, and even went as far as saying "kill me", yet, now we have a senseless struggle like this? 寝る前はほとんど黙秘し、 殺せとまで言っておきながら、 今更悪あがきか?
Ryuuzaki, it's as I stated on the phone... I might be Kira. リュウザキ、電話でも言ったが… 僕が、キラかもしれない
Father, if Ryuuzaki is L, it's not an exaggeration to say that he's the best detective in the world. 父さん、リュウザキがLなら、 世界一といっても過言ではない探偵だ
That same L is labeling me as Kira. I have to be Kira. I don't even understand myself anymore. そのLが僕をキラだと決めつけている。きっと僕がキラなんだ… もう自分でも自分がわからなくなる
Even though I'm not conscious of it, I could be killing people while I sleep or something! 僕に自覚がなくても、 例えば寝ている間に、もう一人の僕が殺人を犯しているのかもしれない
That you haven't. To be honest, there was a period of five days where we set up surveillance cameras in your room. それはありませんでした。 実はライト君の部屋に5日間ほど 監視カメラを付けていた時があったんです
You slept normally at night. Having seen that criminals continued to die, despite you having no access to their information, I concluded not that you were innocent; merely that, if you were Kira, you would not give yourself away on camera. ライト君は夜、普通に寝ていました。 ライト君が情報を得ていない時に 報道された犯罪者が死んでいったことから、 キラではないではなく、 カメラはつけていても、キラとしてのボロは出さないと判断しました
That could be true. If I'm honest, I've sometimes thought that some criminals would be better off dead. 実際そうなのかもしれない。 正直に言うが、僕はある程度の犯罪者は、死んだ方がいいとも 思っている
I think anyone who thinks this way, could become Kira. こういう考えを持っている人間なら、誰でもキラに成り得ると思うんだ
I often find myself thinking that certain people would be better off dead, but that doesn't mean we'd really go and kill them. Right? こんなヤツ死んだ方がいいと思うことなんて、しょっちゅうある! でも、だからって本当に人を殺したりしない
Besides, criminals that you had no knowledge of continued to die. The surveillance cameras proved this! それに、ライト君が情報を得てない犯罪者が死んでいったんだ! それは、監視カメラが証明してくれた!
N-No.. at the time, we didn't have enough manpower, and only watched his movements inside of the house. いや…あの時は、捜査員不足もあり、 在宅時しか見ていない
It's not like we watched him 24/7 over those five days, he may have had a way of killing people when he was out of the house. 5日間、24時間監視していたわけじゃない。 家にいない時に、殺人をする方法があったのかもしれない
Did you predict that things would turn out this way, Yagami Light? こうなることを予想していたのか夜神ライト…?
But if we detain him like Amane in the long term, and criminals continue to die... that would make Yagami Light not Kira, right? しかし、アマネのようにこれから長期に渡り拘束したとして、 今後世に出る犯罪者が死んでいったら、 夜神ライトはキラではない、か…
This is stupid! There's no way my son could be Kira! バカな!息子がキラであるはずが…
I can't continue chasing Kira, when deep down, I don't even know whether I'm Kira or not. 僕も、このまま自分がキラではないのかと、 心のどこかで悩みながら、キラを追っていくことはできない
The one currently imprisoned under suspicion of being Kira is my own son. I have no right to be here. 今キラとして疑われ監禁されているのは私の息子… 私は、ここにいる資格はない
Even when we were discussing his detention, I tried to prevent it due to my own personal feelings. 監禁するか否か、さっき話していた時も、 私は一人私情で息子を監禁させまいとしていた
But, though you'll be imprisoned, you'll have your cell phone turned on, now and again as usual, and will continue to communicate with your family and the outside world. ただし夜神さんは監禁といっても、 今まで通り携帯の電源はたまに入れ、 家族や外部との更新を普通に行う
Light-kun won't be informed of this, and if he talks to you, we need him to think that you're still part of this investigation. ライト君にはその事実を教えず、 ライト君が話しかけてきたら この本部にいるように思わせ会話する
Even while you're imprisoned, you'll be kept up to date with the investigation at all times. そして夜神さんには監禁された中でも、 すべての捜査状況を随時報告する
Stalker-san, I want to take a bath. I'm guessing you know where I live anyway... fetch me a change of clothes... ストーカーさん、お風呂入りたい… どうせあたしのウチ知ってるんでしょ、 着替え持ってきてよ…
There have been reports of some likely criminals, but ever since you've been imprisoned, not a single criminal has been killed. それなりの犯罪者が何人か報道されましたが、 ライト君を監禁してから、 誰一人犯罪者は殺されなくなりました
I thought that even if I imprisoned Yagami Light, the killings would continue. Yet, they've completely stopped. 夜神ライトを監禁しても、キラの犯罪者の裁きは止まらないと読んでいたが、 実際はピタリと止まった…
It looked as though he was voluntarily offering to imprison himself, but the way this is going, he'll end up as Kira. 夜神ライトは自分から監禁を望んだように見えたが、 これでは、夜神ライトはキラだったということになる…
Now the question remains, whether or not he was conscious of being Kira. Even if he is Kira, does he think that pretending to be unaware of it will make it alright? こうなると問題は、キラの自覚があったかなかった、 自分がキラであったとしても、自覚がなかったと押し通しさえすれば済むと 考えているのか…?
In any case, the only thing to do is to be patient... even if there's nothing to do. とにかく我慢するしかないな、 ヒマでも…
Stalker-san... you won't be able to sell a video of me just sitting down. ストーカーさん…ずっと座ってるだけのビデオじゃ売れないよぉ…
During the five days Light-kun's been imprisoned, not a single reported criminal has died. In this kind of situation, it's harder on the parent than the suspect. ライト君を拘束してから5日、その間、 新たに報道された犯罪者は一人も死なない。 こういう時は本人よりも親の方が辛いんじゃないかな…
As a result, this has pretty much decided that Light-kun is Kira. これでもう、ほとんどライト君がキラだったってことが決まりだからな…
...umm, no. I think it would be better if you don't think too much about this. No matter what you're thinking as you sit there, it won't affect the end results. いえ、あまり思い詰めないようにと… 夜神さんがそこで深刻に考え込んでいても、 結果は同じです
Don't be ridiculous! There's no such thing as a relaxing environment in my current circumstances! バカな!こんな状況で 気の休まる所などない!
Even I can't say that I look too good at the moment... but such meaningless pride... I'll discard it. 自分でも格好のいい状態とはとても思えないが… そんなくだらないプライドは…捨てる!
Do you actually believe that it's possible to do what Kira does and not be aware of it?! I am not conscious of being Kira, therefore I am not Kira! キラという殺人鬼がやってきたこと、自覚なしでやっていた なんて思えるか?! キラとしての自覚がない僕は、キラじゃない!
I also believe that Kira cannot be unaware of who they are, but if you're Kira, then it all adds up. 私も、キラが自分をキラだと自覚してないなどとは考えていません。 しかしライト君がキラだとしたら、全ての辻褄は合います
As soon as we imprisoned you, the killings stopped. ライト君を監禁した途端、キラによる殺人が止まったのですから
Now that the murdering of criminals has stopped, there's no way we can release him. Even I've realized that much. 犯罪者が殺されなくなった以上、 監禁を解くわけにはいかない。 そのくらい僕だってわかりますよ
Well, no matter what anyone says, at this rate, Yagami Light will be confirmed as Kira. We can close the case and everyone'll be happy. まあ、誰が何を言おうと、 このままなら、夜神ライトがキラで、 事件解決ってことでいいんじゃないか?
Two weeks' worth of criminals were taken out in one shot yesterday! 昨日1日で2週間以上裁かれていなかった犯罪者が一気に!
Use the zoom or whatever to look closely at my eyes! Are these the eyes of someone who's lying?! ズームにでも何でもして、僕の目を見てくれ! これが、嘘をついている人間の目か?!
Misa would like to know that herself. Kira's super hero that's killed the criminal who murdered Misa's parents. ミサが知りたいよ… キラは、ミサの親を殺した強盗を裁いてくれた、正義の味方だもん…
I want you to continue disposing of criminals in this manner. Once this is over, you can do whatever you want with this notebook. こうして、報道された犯罪者を消していってもらう。 後はこのノート、お前の好きに使っていい
This is a good deal for both you and me, don't you agree? As you might say, "it's good business", right? お前にとっても私にとっても、これはいい取引なのだろ。 お前に言わせれば、いいビジネスというやつか
If Misa was fine after so many weeks of this, she'd be some kind of weirdo... 何十日もこれで元気があったら ミサが異常よ…
It seems like all three of them are reaching their limits. もう3人とも、限界って感じですね
It's as Light-kun's said, Kira killed Lind L. Tailor and those FBI agents. If they were able to kill without the need to acquire information, there would have been no need to kill Tailor or the FBI. ライト君の言ったように、キラはリンドエルテーラーや、FBIを殺している。 監視され、情報を得なくても人を殺せるなら、 テーラーやFBIを殺す必要はない
Oh, I see. If they could kill people under those conditions, they could have left the FBI agents alone because they'd have posed no threat. なるほど、この状況で人が殺せるなら、 FBIなんて放っておいても 困らなかったはずですよね
Could I get you to return to Headquarters? 一度本部に戻ってきてもらえませんか?
I'd like everyone to hear my verdict on this matter. I'd like you, Yagami-san, as Light-kun's father, to be the first. この件に関する私の結論を聞いていただきたい。 まず、ライト君の父親である夜神さんにです
At the beginning, they mentioned something about "suspicion of being the second Kira"! They were actually serious about that?! 最初、 第2のキラ容疑でなんとかかんとかって、 あれマジだったってこと?
Surely not... the police would never tie me up like a maniac. まさかね… あんなマニアックな縛り方警察がするわけないし
I guess this means we're no longer under suspicion and finally free. やっと疑いが晴れて、自由になれる といったとこか…
L has concluded that Yagami Light is Kira and Amane Misa is the second Kira, and if we dispose of both of you, the "Kira killings" will end. Lは夜神ライトをキラ、アマネミサを第2のキラと断定し、 お前たち二人を抹殺すれば、 キラによる殺人は止まると断言した
L's proposal of killing both of you, so stopping the "Kira killings", was quickly accepted by all the heads of the United Nations and the Government. お前たち二人を抹殺すれば、キラによる殺人は止まるというLの提案を、 国連、政府、全てのトップがあっさり聞き入れた
He's solved all sorts of impossible problems in the post and he's yet to be proven wrong. 過去の難事件もことごとく解決し、 彼が間違ったことは一度もない
L's even said that if the murders don't stop he will take full responsibility for it and pay with his life. Lはもしこれで殺人が止まらなければ、 自分の死をもって責任を取るとまで言っている
I deliberately brought both of you here instead of the execution chamber. 私が勝手に処刑場ではなく ここへお前たちを連れてきた
No, I'm different from Kira. I have responsibilities, both as a parent and also as the Chief of Police. いや、キラとは違う。 私には、親としての責任、刑事局長としての責任がある!
Even if we die here, they still won't know the truth! ここで死んでも、真相は何もわからないままだ!
Whatever path you choose, you'll be executed, and if that's the case, at least it will be by my hand. どの道お前は処刑される。 ならばせめて、私の手で…
Both of you, forgive me. This was the sole method of freeing you. 許してくれ二人とも… お前たちを監禁から解くためには、こうするしかなかった…
I did exactly like you asked and as you can see, I'm still alive. 言われた通りやったが、私はこの通り生きている
If Amane was truly the second Kira and could kill purely by looking at someone, I'm sure we can assume she would have killed Yagami-san before he shot Light-kun. あれならばアマネが姿を見れば殺せる第2のキラだとした場合、 ライト君が撃たれる前に、夜神さんを殺したと 考えていいでしょう
And if Light-kun was Kira, the way I've imagined Kira to be, they would even kill a parent if necessary. またライト君がキラの場合でも、 私の中のキラは いざとなれば親でも殺したはずです
However, in Light-kun's case, I can't discount the possibility that he may have figured out that it was an act at some stage. But, as promised, I'll end their imprisonment. ライト君の場合、途中から演技を見破っていた 可能性も否めませんが… しかし約束通り、二人の監禁は終わりにします
And also as promised... Amane Misa, although you may insist that those tapes are occult videos, due to your confession that you sent them and other points of evidence, you will remain under surveillance till Kira is caught and everything is resolved. そしてこれも約束通り、 アマネミサはオカルトビデオと言い張っていますが、 ビデオを送った自白と数点の証拠がありますので、 キラが捕まり全てが解明されるまでは監視下に置く
As long as you're innocent, all the surveillance means is that you'll be protected by the police. 監視というのは自分に非がなければ、 逆に警察に守られることにもなる
Oh, really? Well, since Misa isn't the second Kira, she just has to think of it as having a bodyguard! そっか、じゃぁミサ第2のキラじゃないし、 ボディガードがついたと思えばいいんだ
But Light is Misa's Light after all, and if you're around 24 hours a day, when is Misa supposed to go on dates? でもライトはミサのライトだし、 だいたい24時間一緒って、 ミサはいつライトとデートするの?
Unavoidably, when you go on a date, it'll be the three of us together. デートする時は必然的に3人でとなります
Does that mean we have to kiss and stuff in front of you?! あなたの前でキスとかしろって言うの?!
So, when I said, "I love you", you just took advantage of that to kiss me? じゃぁ好きって言われたのを いいことに、やっちゃえってキスとかしたんだ!
Is it that wrong of Misa to hang around Aoyama without a reason? 理由がなければ、ミサが青山フラフラしちゃ いけないわけ?
So, when you returned home from Aoyama you knew Light-kun's name, someone you'd just fallen in love with at first sight... Yet you have no idea as to how you knew his name? そして青山に行って帰って来たら、 人目惚れしたライト君の名前を知っていた。 どうやって名前を知ったのかは自分でも分からない
If Light was Kira, I'd love him even more! Although, I couldn't possibly love you more than I do now. ライトがキラだったら、ライトをもっともっと好きになっちゃう。 もうこれ以上好きになれないくらい、今も好きだけど
I'm a Kira supporter, I'd try and think up ways to help him rather than be afraid. ミサ、キラ肯定派だし、 怖いどころか、 きっと何かお役に立てないか考えるよ
Well, could you please act as if you're serious about her? じゃあライト君も本気であるように振舞ってもらえませんか?
Given the incident with the video tapes, it's clear that she has some sort of connection with the second Kira. アマネが第2のキラと関係あるのは、 ビデオの件から確かです
Having you draw out the beginnings of an answer from Amane, was one of the main reasons I released both of you. そうしてアマネから解明の糸口を掴もうというのも、 二人を解放した大きな理由です
Ryuuzaki... even if it's for the sake of solving the investigation into Kira, there's no way I can bring myself to use a girl's emotions like that. リュウザキ、いくらキラ事件解決のためとはいえ、 女性のそういう気持ちを利用するなんて、僕にはできない
For me, walking all over someone's goodwill is one of the worst things you can ever do, it's something that I can't forgive. 人の行為を踏みにじるようなことは、 僕の中で1番許せない、 憎むべき行為なんだ
There's definitely something strange going on... I can only imagine that somehow his personality changed. Is it even possible to just act like this? やはり何かがおかしい、 性格が変わったとしか… こんなことを演技でできるのか?
However, it'd help me a lot if you could ensure that she doesn't reveal anything about this investigation, given its secrecy. しかし、捜査上の秘密等が彼女から漏れないよう、 ライト君からもよく言っておいてもらえると、助かります
Ryuuzaki, is it possible to change this system of moving hotels every few days? リュウザキ、何日かおきに、ホテルを転々とする この今の体制、なんとか変えられないのか?
As much as possible, I'd like everyone to live here. みなさんには出来る限りここで生活していただきます
Even if we choose to increase the number of people on the investigation, it can accommodate at least 60. 捜査員を増やすことになっても、 60人くらいまでは大丈夫です
Surely Misa-san won't complain if we give her an entire floor. ミサさんには1フロア与えれば文句も出ないでしょう
If I were you, I'd shut it more. If you're too stupid, you could get killed. お前もう黙ってた方がいいと思うよ。 あんまりバカだと殺されるから
All eight of us here are still young, but it's rumored that all of us are capable of going for the company presidency in the near future. ここにいる8人は皆まだ若いが、 一応将来社長のイスも狙えると 言われているメンバーだ
In reality, since we started these meetings, our salaries have multiplied to several times the salary of a regular employee. そして現に、この集まりが始まった時から、 報酬は他の社員の何倍にもなった
It just seems really strange to me that Kira would give their backing to a single enterprise. However I think about it, it can only mean that out of the eight of us, one of us is... Kira. キラが一企業に肩入れするなんて 変な話だ。 どう考えたって、 この8人の誰かが、キラってことじゃないか
People with tunnel vision are unable to think of anything else... Even when there's an alternative right in front of their eyes. 人間一つの考えにとらわれると他の事が考えられなくなる。 実は目の前に別の解決法があったなんてことは…よくあるもんな
If it wasn't for the campfire... we would probably have continued and met our fate. キャンプファイヤーなんかしなけりゃ、 案外、そのままずるずるいってたかもしれないな
Why does drowsiness fail to overtake you at these kinds of moments? なんでこういう時に限って、 眠気ってやつは襲ってこないだろう
I just want to fall asleep without thinking about anything. 何も考えずただ眠っていたい
I suppose we should accept the offer. お言葉に甘えるとするか
I'll be there as soon as I return the boat. 船を返したら、僕もすぐにいくよ
Is this the group... of fools who attempted to waste their lives? お前さん方か、命を粗末にしよった阿呆どもは
To throw away the lives given to you by your parents is a mark of a fool. 親から貰った命を勝手に捨てようとするなんざ阿呆のすることだ
If you had actually died, there wouldn't be any means of salvation... At least everyone was able to come back alive. これで本当に死んじまってりゃ救いようがないが… 生きて帰った分、少しはマシだがな
What did you think would have happened if you didn't make it back in one piece? もしお前さんたちが無事に戻らなかったら、 どうなったと思う?
Everyone from the yacht harbor would have been summoned. ヨットハーバーの関係者は総出で 捜索に駆り出されることになる
Perhaps the fishing union would have been asked to be involved in the search. 下手すりゃ、漁業組合の人間も 巻き込まれるかも知れん
Daily work of the inns around the area would have been hindered due to inquiries about you. And if the bodies were found, that would spark even more commotion. ここらの旅館も問い合わせやら何やらで、 仕事が滞るだろうし、仏が上がったら上がったで、大騒ぎになる
If it washed ashore near an inn, customers would indefinitely avoid it. 下手に旅館の側にでも流れつこうものなら、 客足にも影響が出る
Do you now understand the foolishness of selfishly taking your own life and troubling others in the process? 自分の都合だけで命を捨てて、他人に迷惑をかける 阿呆どもの愚かしさがわかったかい?
If you do, never think of such a stupid idea again. わかったらもう二度とバカな考えは起こさんことだな
Those are words of advice from someone who was once a fool himself. そりゃ昔、阿呆だった者からの忠告だ
As long as there are people who will be saddened... you mustn't die. 悲しむ人間がいる間は 死んじゃ駄目だ
An acquaintance of mine, who I met online, is also a hikikomori and makes a lot of money by playing this game. 僕がオンラインで知り合った人も引きこもってて、 このゲームでものすごいお金を稼いでいるんです
The items and gold you've obtained in the game are traded for actual money. ゲームの中で手に入れたアイテムや金貨を 実際のお金で取引するんです
You can earn money even if you isolate yourself indoors. これなら家に、引きこもっていても、 お金を稼げます
So you won't be able to die until you meet him in the game. これであいつとゲームの中で会うまでは、死ねなくなったな
Although we probably won't see each other again... Take care. もう会うこともないだろうが、元気でな
As for that girl... She was gone before we noticed, so I think she went home. それからあの女の子だけど、 いつの間にかいなくなってて、 たぶん帰ったんだと思うが…
First of all, the fact that I couldn't attend the opening day was a huge detriment. Besides, games weren't the main feature of the day. だいたい初日に行けなかったのは 痛かった…今日はゲームメインじゃなかったし
Just because you were miserable due to your hikikomori life... You didn't have to create a ruckus on the day of the Natsucomi! いくら引きこもり人生に絶望したからといって、 何も夏コミの日に騒ぎを起こすことは無いでしょ!
The idiots from my class stared at me with a cold glare. I've had enough of this! クラスのバカどもは冷たい目で見るし、 もう散々ですよ!
Shit... If we only finished it, we could've shown those assholes how great our game... くそっ、せめて完成さえしていれば、 あのバカどもにも僕たちのゲームの素晴らしさが少しは…
For the past several days, you were absent without consent from our counseling sessions. A total breach of contract. You are to pay the fine of one million yen. あなたは、この数日、 無断でカウンセリングをサボりました。 完全な契約違反です、罰金100万円払ってもらいます
Then again, I also have been... keeping the location of my house a secret from you. Satou-kun. I am slightly repentant. とはいえ、あたしも 佐藤くんに対し、自分の家を秘密にしていました。 ちょっと反省しています
The tone of her voice is rather gloomy. Could she have been notified about the offline meeting? やけに暗い声だな。 さてはオフ会の件で連絡でも入ったか?
Actually, your father lost his job at the end of March due to corporate restructuring. 実は、お父さんがリストラされちゃったの、 今年の3月末に
It seems like your father came out of the bath. I'm going to hang up. お父さんお風呂から上がったみたい、もう切るわね
I can't even afford a CD. CDも買えねぇじゃん…
A college drop-out wouldn't be hired for tutoring work. Besides, I don't even want to go outside, so working part time is out of the question. 家庭教師も大学中退じゃあ雇ってくれないだろうし、 つかそもそも外も出たくないのに、 バイトなんかできねぇよ…
Isn't there a way to make money, even if I seclude myself inside my room? なんか家に篭っていても、 金を稼げる方法とかないのかよ…
I still have a means of survival. オレにはまだ生きる術が残されていた
Unlike regular games, all of these characters are manipulated by someone. 普通のゲームと違って、 こいつら、みんな誰かが動かしてるんだよな
Excuse me, would you care for some herbs? あの、薬草は入りませんか?
I suppose I can't win with this kind of armor. Items like my sword and body armor need to be made of stronger material. やっぱり今の装備じゃ勝てないよな。 剣とか鎧とか、 もっと強いのにしないと
There isn't a single thing I can afford. Even if I sell all the items I have... I'm still short by quite a bit... 買えるものが一つもねぇ。 今もってるアイテムを全部売り払っても、 まだ全然足りないしな…
I took this for granted... Even if this is a game, there's no way a hikikomori like me can casually talk to complete strangers. 甘かった… たとえゲームの中とはいえ、引きこもりの俺が 身も知らぬ他人に気軽に話しかけられるわけねぇじゃん…
The balance of this game is atrocious. ゲームバランス悪すぎだろ…
People who don't make an effort or refuse to take the initiative tend to be the ones who dream of immediate success in the future. 努力を怠る人や、自分から何も行動を起こさない人に限って、 ある日突然、自分が大成功することを夢見ています
In order to achieve great success, an accumulation of small effort is necessary. 大きな成功を掴むためには、 小さな積み重ねが必要なのです
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." You must take one small step at a time. 千里の道も一歩から、 小さなことからこつこつと
Damn... Even after defeating stronger enemies, I still can't manage to raise my level. くそっ…こんな強い敵を倒しても レベルアップは無しか…
I'm still at level five... My savings consists of a mere hundred gold... レベルは依然として5… 所持金はたったの100ゴールド…
Could the person who's visiting you right now be your girlfriend, SA10-kun? もしかして、今来てる人って、 サトウ君の恋人?
Satou-kun's infatuated with a girl in the world of that game? Not good... This is definitely not good! サトウ君、ゲームの世界の女の子に… ダメだよ…そんなのダメ、絶対!
Satou-kun, I'll bring you back to the real world, even if I have to use force. サトウ君、あたしが体を張って、 現実の世界に連れ戻してあげるよ!
In that case, slaying dragons is an unavoidable path. Rare items are usually in the possession of dragons. だったら、ドラゴン退治は避けて通れないわ。 レアアイテムは、大抵ドラゴンが持ってるもの
But... won't it be difficult to defeat dragons at our current level? If we had a dragoon, it would be a different story, but... でも、俺達のレベルでドラゴンを倒すのは難しいんじゃ… 竜騎士でもいりゃ、別だけど
Although I'd prefer if it was just the two of us... でも、俺は君と二人だけの方が…
The relationship between Mia and me isn't a superficial one! If you want to make fun of us, I won't hold back, even if it's you, Misaki-chan! 俺とミアの関係は、そんな見かけ上のものじゃないんだ! 変な茶化しを入れると、 たとえ岬ちゃんだって容赦しないぞぉ!
Don't worry. It's not as strong as it looks. 大丈夫、こいつは見た目ほど強くない
What could have gone wrong? Where did I make a mistake? 何がいけなかったの? どこで間違えたの?
I see... There are different kinds of moe, huh? そっか…萌えにも色々あるんだね…
I hope you can successfully RMT, Satou-kun. That is... if you're capable of doing so. RMTできるといいね、サトウ君。 できるものならね
First of all, what's with that handle of his? SA10, it's the same as his actual name... そもそもなんだよ、このハンドルネーム。 SA10って本名をそのまんまじゃねぇか
This kind of situation isn't bad. こういうの、悪くないよなぁ…
I finally realized it... The thing I was longing for all these years was this world. 俺、ようやく気づいたんだ、 俺が長年求めていた物は、まさにこの世界だって
Nothing in the real world is as valuable as the experience I've obtained from this game! ここでの生活以上に価値のあることなんて、 現実世界には一つもないんだ!
The people in the real world talk about love and friendship, but... lt's a tainted world full of lies and avarice. 現実の奴らは、口々に愛だの友情だの抜かすけど、 本当は、嘘と欲望に満ちた薄汚れた世界じゃないか
Mia, I feel like I can do anything with you. Stay with me for the rest of the adventure! ミア、俺は君とならうまくやっていけそうな気がするんだ。 これからも、ずっといっしょに冒険してくれ!
To tell you the truth, I'm already in front of your apartment SA10-kun. I'm going up the stairs now. 実はね、 あたしもうサトウ君のアパートの前まで来てるの。 これから、アパートの階段を登るね
I've arrived in front of your room, SA10-kun. I'm going to knock on your door. サトウ君の部屋の前に着いたよ。 ドアを、ノックするよ
Satou-san, don't tell me you thought the person playing as Mia was a bishoujo, too. サトウさん、あなたまさか、リアルのミアもこんな感じの美少女だと 思ってたわけじゃないですよね
Over the Internet, name, age, gender, and appearance can be changed at will. Genuine companionship is but a figment of your imagination. ネット上では、名前も年も性別も外見も、 自由に変えられるんです。 真の仲間なんてただの幻想に過ぎません
If your parents pass away, you'll lose your means of survival, you know. 両親が他界したら、 生きる術は絶たれるんですよ
Romantic feelings are nothing but chemical reactions. If the conditions are right, they come into fruition no matter who the person is. Yes, even if that person is me. 恋愛感情なんて、所詮化学反応みたいなものです。 条件が整えば、 相手が誰だろうと発生するんです。 そう、たとえ相手が僕でもね
What's the occasion, calling all of a sudden? Is there going to be a reunion? どうしたんだよ、急に電話なんて。 同窓会でもやるのか?
A notice of a nicer nature than that of a reunion. I think. 同窓会より素敵なお知らせ、かな
I know it's kind of sudden, but I have something to tell you. I was wondering if we could meet, Satou-kun. 突然なんだけど、佐藤君にちょっと話があって、 会うことってできないかな?
I'll meet you at the time and place of your choice, Satou-kun. 場所と時間は、佐藤君の都合に合わせるから
I wanted to forget about the online game. I wanted to go to a place where there weren't any computers. ネトゲーのことを忘れたかった。 だから、パソコンのない場所に行きたかった
Any excuse would have been sufficient. その口実は何でも良かったんだ
Volunteer work.. So you're still doing work befitting of a class president... ふーん…ボランティア…相変わらず委員長やってるんだ
"Serious, serious" might be okay with you, but... If you can't be considerate of other people's paces, wouldn't that simply make you an egoist? 真面目に真面目にって、あんたはそれでいいかもしれないけど、 他人のペースも考えられないんじゃ、 それはただのエゴイストじゃないのか
He's part of a wonderful group! Even I was able to change upon meeting senpai. みんな素晴らしい人達よ。 私だって、先輩と会うことで変われたの
Instead of being misguided by the words of those surrounding you... You can have words you can call your very own! 他人や周りの言葉に惑わされず、 自分の言葉を持つことができるように
Because every person has great potential! Even Satou-kun's hikikomori ways can be cured! Your life could change! だって、人間一人一人にはすごい可能性があるんだから。 佐藤君の引きこもりだってきっと直る。 人生だって変わるわ
You have plenty of time, don't you? Since you can afford to be a hikikomori... どうせ時間はあるんでしょ。 引きこもってるくらいなんだから
What kind of person is this senpai we're going to meet? これから会いに行く先輩ってどんな人なんだ?
What kind of occupation does he hold? 一体どんな仕事をしてるんだ?
I'll never play an online game again. Only the lowest kinds of people become obsessed with such a fabricated world. ネトゲーなんて二度とやるかよ。 あんな嘘っぱちの世界にハマるなんて、 最低の人間だからな
That's not true. Going out at night to shop was the best I could do until six months ago. んなことないさ。半年くらい前までは、 夜中に買い出しに行くのが精一杯で
A company that makes excellent products that are used by celebrities all over the world... 世界中のセレブが愛用する、 優れた商品を生み出している会社よ
We are the proud members of Mouse Road. 私たちはマウスロードの、名誉ある会員なの
Compared to the translucency of Mouse Road, "Brand X" is opaque. マウスロードの方は透明なのに、こちらは濁ってますね
You're right. "Brand X" contains an excess of substances that make it opaque. そうだね。他社のは余計な成分が入ってるから、 こんなに濁るんだ
That... class president... Who would have thought she'd be doind this? あの…委員長が… まさか、こんなことになってるなんて…
Ladies and gentlemen, born into this world as human beings, have you not wished to ride in a super car? みなさん人として生を受けたからには スーパーカーに乗ってみたくはないですか?
Those of you who wish to make your dreams come true, I recommend you take part in the lecture following this presentation. 夢を実現させたい方は是非、 この後のレクチャーを受けることをお勧めします
Well... you'll have to purchase the products, so it won't be for free, but... It's not a large amount. まぁね、商品も同時購入になるから ただってわけにはいかないけど、 でも、大した額じゃないのよ
If all goes well, you'll be able to see returns in a month. More importantly, it's a job with plenty of social significance. うまくいけば 1カ月で元が取れるし、 何よりも社会的にとっても意義のある仕事なのよ
And recruit new members, upon which I'll receive promotions. It's that kind of system, right? そして仲間を増やせば、昇進していく。 そういうシステムだろ?
This kind of thing... It's called multi-level marketing, isn't it? これってさ… いわゆるマルチ商法ってやつだろ
You see, I'm a hikikomori, so I watch a lot of television. That's why I'm aware of the many controversies regarding this issue. 俺さ、引きこもってるからテレビはよく見るんだ。 だからこういうのがよく問題になるのも知ってるんだ
I'm not as gullible as the others back there! 俺はあそこにいた連中みたいなカモじゃないんだ!
So you called me, your old high school classmate... with the intention of using me for your personal needs! それでオレみたいな昔の同級生に電話をかけて、 捨てゴマにしようとしたんだろ!
Senpai persuaded me into buying a mountain of products, too. あたしだって先輩の口車に乗せられて、山ほどの商品を買わされているの!
I'm sick of being on the losing end! あたしはもう他人に騙される側にいるのは嫌なの!
But, as a result, I was faced with a large debt. でもそのおかげで 私は、さらに大きな借金まで抱え込んでしまった
Are you going to live the rest of your life at the bottom of the rat race as a hikikomori? このまま一生、 社会の底辺、引きこもりのまま生きていくの?
Being a smart person, I'm sure you noticed it a long time ago, Satou-kun... The condescending stares of the people around you. 頭のいい佐藤君なら、とっくに気づいてるよね。 自分を見る周囲の人間の蔑んだ視線に
That's right... You must take advantage of whatever you can. そうよ、利用できるものは何でも利用しなきゃ…
As soon as I sell everything, I'll be able to repay it. My success story has now begun! こいつが全部売れればすぐに返済できる。 オレのサクセスストーリーは、今始まったんだ!
Don't be absurd! Do you think I'd fall for that kind of..... I fell for it! バカ言うな、この俺がそんなもんに引っかかるわけが…… 引っかかっちまったよ!
T-This is good detergent. It's made of one hundred percent natural ingredients, and... こ、これ、すごくいい洗剤なんだぜ。 天然素材100%だし
As you gather more members, you'll earn money and be promoted to a higher rank. That's how it works, doesn't it, Satou-san? そうして仲間をどんどん増やせば 佐藤さんにも金が入り、ランクが上がるって 仕組みでしょ
A textbook example of multi-level marketing, right? まさに、マルチ商法そのものじゃないですか
It seems even she's disgusted with you. さすがに彼女も呆れたようですね
You might as well eat. That girl prepared it. 食事でも取ったらどうです? あの娘が作ったんです
R-Returning the merchandise may not be such a... Because returning something you've already bought is kind of embarrassing, and... It'll be a inconvenience for the other party. か、返しに行くのは、ちょっと… だって一度買ったもの返すのって、何だか恥ずかしいし、 相手にも迷惑かかるし
Who? How could you possibly sell it to them? 誰に、どうやって売るんです?
There's no way a hikikomori could go outside and sell something. 引きこもりが外に出て、商売できるわけないでしょう
But... I don't ever want to go outside again because I'm a hikikomori. でもさ…引きこもりだからこそ、もう二度と、外に出たくないんじゃないか…?
Of course... anybody would notice someone carrying a large bag like this... Everyone knows... I'm the big idiot who fell for a MLM. そりゃそうだろ…こんなでかい袋抱えてりゃ、誰だって気づくさ。 みんな気づいてる…俺がマルチに引っかかった大マヌケだって
Why am I the only one who has to face these kinds of hardships? なんで俺ばっかりこんな目に遭うんだよ!
Hey... I guess I have to return the stuff, right? なぁ…やっぱり、返さないとまずいんだよなぁ
It's the exact opposite! If you don't quit now. your quotas as a member will increase... Your debt will accrue proportionately as well? 逆ですよ! 今止めなければ、会員としてのノルマは増えていく。 それに伴って借金も加速度的に増えていくんです!
The price of the item is too expensive? Do you have any idea how troublesome it was to obtain it? アイテムの値段が高すぎるだぁ? こっちがどんだけ苦労して、こいつを手に入れたと 思ってんだよ
No way. We operate according to proper business principles. Why would we act like people from shady business? まさかぁ、あたし達はきちんとした理念に基づいて活動してるのよ。 そんな悪徳業者みたいなマネするわけないじゃない
But... it's unfortunate. I definitely thought Satou-kun would have been successful. I suppose it was too much for a hikikomori. でも残念だなぁ 佐藤くんなら絶対成功すると思ったんだけど… やっぱ引きこもりにはちょっと厳しかったかぁ
See? It's written that... The major cause of hikikomori behavior originates from their diet. ねぇ、書いてあるでしょう? 引きこもりの最大原因は食生活にあるって
Eating a convenience food diet results in a deficiency of certain substances in the brain, causing you to have negative thoughts. インスタントばかりだと 脳内物質が欠如して ネガティブな考え方になっていくの
This eventually leads to living the life of a hikikomori. そして行き着く先は引きこもりってわけ
The best way to regulate the deficiency of substances in the brain is to maintain a well-balanced, nutritious diet. 脳内物質の不足を解消する最善の方法は、 栄養をバランスよく取ることなの
All vegetables must be free of pesticides. 野菜は全て無農薬にして
The use of gas-fueled cooking appliances is also discouraged. The best method is to use charcoal, such as Binchou-tan. それと調理の時、ガスを使うのも好ましくないの。 一番いいのは炭ね、備長炭とか
Who would have ever thought such a wonderful product existed in this world? まさか世の中にこんな素晴らしい商品があったなんて
It's an original Mouse Road dietary supplement. It's made from one hundred percent natural ingrdients, of course. マウスロードオリジナルのサプリメントよ。 もちろん、天然素材100%
By taking the suggested dosage every day, your brain becomes stimulated... Which, in turn, will lead to positive thinking. You'll be able to escape your hikikomori lifestyle as a result. 毎日決められた量を摂取することによって 脳が活性化されて ポジティブな考え方ができるようになる。 結果引きこもりから脱出できるのよ
Furthermore, I can't sell it in smaller amounts. It has to be purchased as a set. それにこれバラ売りできないのよねぇ… セット販売じゃなきゃ
It'd be great if you could achieve your dreams... 夢、掴めるといいですね
Yeah. I brought it with me, just in case a problem developed during the termination of the multi-level marketing agreement. マルチ商法って解約の時トラブルが多いっていうから、 念の為持って来たんだよ
I guess we have no choice but to file for another cooling-off option. もう1回クーリングオフするしかないよな
A lof of things are written in here, so why don't you use it as a reference? これにいろいろ書いてあるけど、 参考にしてみたら?
The person who conducted the product presentation along with the Pres. As soon as I mentioned my intent to exercise the cooling-off option, he gladly gave me her address. 委員長と一緒に、商品説明してた奴。 クーリングオフしたいって言ったら 喜んで委員長の住所も教えてくれたよ
After all, he looked like he was the same rank as the Pres. I assume he wants to bring his rival down. 見た感じ、委員長と同じランクみたいだからな。 大方ライバルの足を引っ張りたいんだろ
An old classmate of yours comes to visit, and this is the reception I get? 昔の同級生が訪ねて来たってのに、それはねぇだろ?
If you're accusing me of wrongdoing, I'll sue you for defamation of character! 妙な言いがかりをつけると、 名誉棄損で訴えるわよ!
We won't fall for that trick again. You're stalling for time in order to think of a plan to deceive us, aren't you? その手は食いませんよ。 また、僕らをだます算段を 考えようってんでしょ?
As soon as I sign the papers, I'll leave this here and go back immediately. It shouldn't inconvenience you if we come inside for a brief period of time. こいつを置いて、書類にサインしたらすぐ帰る。 ちょっとくらい上げてくれても いいだろ?
You and I never have gotten along, naturally... ever since high school. やっぱりあなたとは相性悪いわ、 高校時代からそう
It's as if she's keeping a tiger or a lion. まるで、トラからライオンでも飼ってるみたいですね
If I recall correctly, Torotoro was the name of a character that helped me during the dragon hunt. トロトロってたしか、 ドラゴン退治の時、手伝ってくれたキャラクター
U-Um... about the story of taking these to cure a hikikomori way of life... あ、あの、これを食べると引きこもりが直るっていうのは…
If the hikikomori lifestyle could be overcome with these, I wouldn't be struggling. そんなもんで引きこもりが直るなら 苦労はしないわよ
Despite all the supplements I gave to Onii-chan, his hikikomori state didn't improve. I couldn't fulfill my quotas and my debts accumulated. いくらサプリを食べさせても、お兄ちゃんの引きこもりはよくならない。 ノルマはこなせず借金は増えるばかり
I realized I was caught in a predicament. But... I thought maybe even the slightest turn of events could change things for the better. ドツボにハマり込んでるのはわかってる。 でももしかしたら、何かの拍子に 全てうまく回り始めるかもしれない
I also tried playing online games in an attempt to understand Onii-chan's state of mind. However, shortly after, I wouldn't have any time to play games. お兄ちゃんの気持ちを少しでも理解しようと ネットゲームもやってみたわ。 でも、すぐにゲームなんかやってる ヒマはなくなった
I didn't have the luxury of being concerned about my appearance. 体裁なんて 気にしてはいられなかった
Are you convinced, Satou-kun? How such a strict, egotistical class president could become like this... 納得できた?佐藤君。 クソ真面目でエゴイストの委員長が、どうして こんな風になったか
I knew he was playing this game, but I didn't know the type of character he played as. このゲームをやってることは知ってたけど、 どんなキャラクターを使ってるかまでは…
The world of games is a world of fiction. The story of those who make large profits through RMT is like an urban legend, isn't it? ゲームの世界なんて、全部嘘っぱちじゃないか! RMTで大儲けしたなんて話も、 都市伝説みたいなもんだろ
I didn't expect you to be so outspoken. Since I thought both of us were running away. キミにそこまで言われるとは思わなかったよ。 現実を見てないのはお互い様、 と思っていたからね
I've read around two hundred books on self-improvement. I've even thought about writing one myself. 自己啓発書も200冊は読んだ。 自分で書こうと思ったこともある
I'm scared. I'm scared of changing my way of life. 怖いんだ。生活パターンを変えることが
It's a small twist so users won't get bored the second time around. 2周目以降を飽きさせないようにするための ちょっとした工夫です
How many weeks do you think have passed since then? You've only done a few kilobytes of work on the scenario since that time! あれから何週間立ったと思ってるんですか?! なのに、シナリオの方はほんの数キロバイトしか 進んでないじゃないですか!
We won't be able to sell a trial version as an excuse next time. 今度という今度は、体験版で ゴマかすわけにはいかないんです!
It'll also be the moment of truth to determine whether you're capable of becoming a creator or not, Satou-san! 佐藤さんにとっても、クリエイターとして生きていけるかどうかの 正念場でしょうが!
If I could write a scenario simply by eating maguro, I wouldn't be having a hard time. マグロ食ってシナリオが書けるようになりゃぁ 苦労しねえよ
Then do you want to starve to death? Or would you rather be entangled in debt, just like Miss President? じゃぁ飢え死にしてもいいの? それとも、あの委員長さんみたいに借金まみれになりたいの?
Say, what was the name of that company you exercised the cooling-off option on? ほら、何ていったっけ? こないだクーリングオフした、マルチ商法の会社
Unacceptable! The users won't be convinced by this. ダメですよ!こんなんじゃユーザーが納得してくれませんよ
Even if you say so, there's only one month before the Fuyucomi. そんなこと言ったって、 冬コミまであと一月しかないんだぞ!
Mouse Road should be over with by now. Could it be another MLM solicitation? マウスロードはもうお終いのはずですけど、 また別のマルチのお誘いですかね
But the first time he came to this shop, he was practically a ghost. Saying "I'll do anything, just as long as I can have something to eat!" でも初めてこの店に来た時はさ、まるで幽霊みたいだったじゃないか。 「なんでもするからメシを食わせてくれっ」なんて言ってさ
This scene from the scenario, Satou-san... I think there should be more of a shy factor. 佐藤さんのシナリオのこのシーン、 僕はもっとシャイな部分があってもいいと思うんです
At the moment, I can't help but feel as if the protagonist is a jock-type. 今のままだと、 どうしても体育会系的なニュアンスを感じてしまうんです
What meanings do our lives hold? 私たちの人生って、いったい何の意味があるんだろう
A human life will disappear in ten thousandths of the time it takes for that light to reach us. 人間の命なんて、あの光がここへ届く、1万分の1の時間 で消えちゃうのに
Think about the meaning of life. Things that take shape will fall apart one day. In other words, just like this. 生きる意味を考えてみましょう。 形ある物はいつか壊れます。 つまりこういうことです
These moments of our lives are more worthless than trash. こうしてる時間に至っては、ゴミ以下だ
Satou-san, you're not interested in the affairs of other people, are you? In that case, have you ever thought about why I'm a first year student in a vocational school at my age? 佐藤さんて他人のこと、あんま興味ないでしょ。 だったら僕がどういう理由で、この歳で専門学校の一年生なのか、 考えたことあります?
W-Well, I thought it would be rude of me to dig into it. それは、あんまり詮索しちゃ悪いかなって
At first, I was enrolled in the school of animal husbandry at a local university, since my parents run a farm. It was the natural course for an heir apparent. 僕、最初は地元の大学の畜産学科に進学したんです。 ウチが牧場やってますからね。 跡取り息子の自然の成り行きですよ
Whether I liked it or not, the choice wasn't mine to begin with. I never even thought about the possibility of different opportunities. 好きか嫌いかなんて 考える以前の問題でした。 他に選択肢があるなんて、 考えもしなかった
However, toward the end of my freshman year, my relatives gathered at my house and were drinking... There was an aunt of mine in the group who was an insurance salesperson. ところが、大学一年の暮れ、 親戚連中が家に集まって、飲んでたんです。 その中に、保険をやってるおばさんがいて…
Even the amount of insurance money my widow -to-be was to receive was written on the estimate. その見積もりには、僕の未亡人がいくら保険金を 受け取るかまで書いてあったんです
It sent chills down my spine. I wasn't even twenty at the time. Those people had the nerve to decide someone's life! ゾッとしましたよ、僕、まだ二十歳にもなってなかったんですよ! なのにあいつら、勝手に決めつけやがって!
Imagine how you would actually ask a girl out! It has to be more shy! 実際に女の子を誘う時のことを想像してみてください! モアシャイですよ!!
I can't think of anything else, so it can't be helped! これ以上なんも思いつかねんだから、 しょうがないだろぉ!!
Good food and booze are essential tools for creativity. So drink as much as you want! いい創作をするためには、いい食い物といい酒ですよ。 さっ、ドンドンやってください
That's right, Satou-san. I'll show you something even more interesting. そうだ、佐藤さん、もっとおもしろいものを見せてあげますよ
We're in for some great entertainment, seeing her reaction toward the disastrous state of my room. あの部屋の惨状を見た彼女のリアクションは、 きっとエンタテイーメントですよ!
Don't miss a moment of her reaction. We might be able to use it in our game. 彼女のリアクション、取り逃さないでくださいよ。 ゲームで使えるかもしれないんですから
That's not all, Nanako-san. I'm currently creating an erotic game using you as the character model. それだけじゃありません、あなたをモデルにしたキャラで、 こーんないやらしいゲームを現在製作中なんですよぉ!
You revealed that to her as well, Yamazaki? What kind of reaction is she going to show? そこまでバラすか山崎?! いったい、彼女からはどういうリアクションが出てくるんだぁ?
I mean... Stuff like ecchi games are gross, to be honest... But the way you honestly approach such things is... How should I say it... I think it's manly... その、たしかにエッチなゲームとかは正直キモいと思うけど、 でも、それに真剣に向き合ってる姿は、 なんていうか、男らしいと思うし
I mean... How do I say it... In other words... That attribute of Yamazaki-kun is what I really like. その、なんていうかつまり… 山崎君のそういう所、割と好きだよ
Are you out of your mind? Or are you some kind of closet galge enthusiast? 頭、大丈夫? それとも実は隠れギャルゲーマニアだったとかぁ?
More importantly, did you record everything? I told you it would be really entertaining. それより、今のしっかり撮影しましたか? すごいエンターテイメントだったでしょ
Even if she was... so what? In a month, I'll be working on my family's farm. There's nothing I can do at this point. だったらどうだって言うんです… 一月後には僕は実家の牧場で働いているんですよ。 今更どうしろと
Even so, there are proper ways to break up. それにしたって、別れ方ってモンが!
There was one thing I forgot about. When you're hit during the winter, the bruise kind of smarts. 一つ、忘れてましたよ… 冬場に殴られると、 傷口が、やけに沁みるんですよね
Why don't you take it... The counseling session, that is. I have to clean the room or we won't be able to continue with our work. 受ければいいじゃないですか、カウンセリング。 この部屋、少し片付けないと、 作業もできませんし
Yes, she promised me... She would definitely come back... to this world we live in. そう…彼女は約束してくれたんだ。 必ず戻ってくると…俺たちの住む、この世界に
Of course. It's the game the two of us created. 当然じゃないですか。僕たち二人で作り上げたゲームなんですから
This is only the beginning. The beginning of the legend about the two who will take over the world! これは始まりですよ。 世界に羽ばたく僕たち二人の、伝説の始まりです!!
It isn't over yet. If one of the five people post about how wonderful this game is on the Net... There's no doubt it'll serve as the precursor for our big break. まだ終わりじゃありませんよ… 5人のユーザーの内、誰か一人でもこのゲームの素晴らしさを、 ネットに書き込んでくれれば、 それをきっかけにブレイクするのは間違いありません
I mean... It doesn't matter whether it sold well or not. As long as I was able to leave a mark of the fact I was living in Tokyo. てゆうか、別に売れなくてもよかったんです… 東京で生きてたって、証が残せれば…
It's as if the rush up to yesterday was a dream. 昨日までの忙しさが、まるで嘘みたいだ…
Since this laptop is an older model, you won't be able to sell it, but... Well, it might serve as a heater. それからこっちのノートパソコン、古い型なんで、 もう売れないと思いますけど、 ま、暖房代わりには使えるかも
Oh, these! They're the pictures from that time when Satou-san told me to capture you taking pictures of little girls. あっこれ、あの時の写真ですよ! 佐藤さんがいきなり、俺の写真を撮れって、女の子の写真を撮りに行った時の
What are you saying? They're to be permanently stored as commemoration of my life in Tokyo. 何言ってるんです、永久保存ですよ。 東京生活の記念に
This place sure is full of memories, despite not even living here for a year. 一年も住んでなかったのに、 けっこう思い出があるもんですね
It's normal to shout things in these kinds of situations, just like in dramas and such. こういう時は 普通、何か叫んだりするもんでしょ! ドラマやなんかだと
I love her... from the bottom of my heart! 俺はあいつを、心から…愛しているんだぁ!
It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, you know! How could a hikikomori like Satou-san possibly understand? 僕にとっては、一世一代の決意だったんですよ! 引きこもりの佐藤さんなんかに、何がわかるっていうんです!!
The snow will conceal all of your sadness. この雪が、全ての悲しみを覆い隠してくれるさ
In dramas, there is an introduction, development, turn, and a conclusion... a burst of emotions and closure. Our lives will always be... filled with e vague uncertainty. ドラマには起承転結があって、 感情の爆発があって、結末があります 僕らの日常は、いつまでもいつまでも、 うすらぼんやりした不安に満たされているだけです
What are you saying? It's the same as yours, Satou-san. 何言ってるんです、佐藤さんの部屋と同じ広さですよ
You're not going home as a loser! お前、負けて帰るわけじゃないだろ!!
When I was making this game, I thought it was really interesting... But it's a piece of shit. I'm sure the people who bought it regret doing so. 作ってる最中は、最高におもしろいゲームだと思ってた… でも、あれは最低のクソゲーだ。 買ってくれた人間も絶対に後悔してる
To think it would become this quiet without Yamazaki... 山崎がいなくなっただけで、こんなに静かになるなんて…
What kind of enlightenment, Satou-kun? 何を悟ったんだい、佐藤クン?
That's not all. From ancient times thousands of years ago, I transmigrated through space and came to this world... as a psychic warrior! それだけじゃない…俺は遥か数千年前の古代から、 時空転生してこの世界にやってきた…超能力戦士だったのだ!
Make sure you make a kagami mochi out of these. ちゃんとかがみ餅をお供えすること
There is only one more day left in the year. Therefore, to close out the year, I would like to conduct an exam tomorrow on New Year's Eve. 今年も残すところ後一日となりました。 そこで、今年の締め括りとして、 明日大晦日に試験を行いたいと思います
Students have to take end of semester exams, right? It's necessary for this lecture as well. だって、学生にも期末試験があるでしょ? この講義でも必要なんです
Whenever Yamazaki is near me, it's as if life becomes a continuation of my high school days. That let me forget the fact I was a hikikomori. 山崎が近くにいると、 まるで高校時代の延長線上にいるみたいで、 自分が引きこもりだってことを忘れていられた
Then... What's to become of me now? I'll probably regress back into a hikikomori... じゃあ、これからはどうなるんだ… やっぱり、元の引きこもり…
Geez... You always appear out of the blue, senpai. 全く、先輩はいつも突然過ぎます
You probably had an onset of social anxiety since you're a hikikomori, Satou-kun. Or maybe you've already been cured of it... since you were able to come out to a place like this. きっと人当たりしたんだね、 佐藤君、引きこもりだし。 あ、それとも直っちゃったのかな、 こんな所に出て来るくらいだから
Did you lose sight of each other? はぐれたとか?
It would have been better if that was the case. だったらまだマシなんだけど
No, he was called away by one of his clients... due to an unexpected problem. はずれ、彼がお得意さんに呼び出されたの、 急なトラブルで
Cell phones usually don't work at shopping districts on New Year's Eve... Those kinds of inconvenient calls are the ones that manage to get through during these situations, though. 大晦日の繁華街なんて、 普通、携帯なんてつながらないもんだけど… そういう電話に限って 繋がっちゃうのよね
I can only think of it as a conspiracy. 陰謀としか思えないわ
The conspiracy that constantly surrounds us... 相も変わらず私たちの周りにひしめいている陰謀
Even the ritual of marriage... It might be a conspiracy set up by some gigantic syndicate. たとえば結婚という儀式だって、 実はどこかの巨大な組織の、陰謀なのかもしれない
By the way, have you ever heard of "marriage blues"? あ、ねえねえ、マリッジブルーって聞いたことある?
When your wedding day approaches, you become uneasy. You ask yourself, "Is he the right person for me?" "Isn't there something I should do instead of getting married?" 結婚式が近づくとね不安になってくるのよ、 本当にこの相手でいいのとか、 結婚より他にやるべきことがあるんじゃないとか
Can we stay like this until we reach the station? Let's act as if we've fallen into the conspiracy... in order to deceive the eyes of the gigantic, evil organization. 駅まで、こうしててもいい? 陰謀にハマった振り、 強大な悪の組織の目を欺くの
By that time, the gigantic organization will have run out of ideas. その頃には 巨大な組織の陰謀も、きっとネタ切れになってるから
Even when you don't have any money? お金もないのに?
That's impossible. Even if God exists... he's probably a bad person. 無理だよ…だって、神様がいるとしても、 きっと悪者に決まってるから
Well, it's not as if she just started acting weird. ま、あいつが訳わかんないのは今に始まった事じゃないか…
Did you know that all you need to do is drink to get by in the countryside? 知ってました? 田舎の人間関係って、酒さえ飲んでればなんとかなるんです
As long as you drink and sail with the wind, everything will be okay. If I knew things were going to be like this, I would have trained myself back in Tokyo. 酒飲んで、調子を合わせてれば、 万事オッケーなんですよ こんなことなら 東京にいる間に、もっと鍛えておけばよかったな
That's right... Satou-kun is a failure of a person who can't even manage to procure food. そうだよ…佐藤君は、食べ物にも困るような 駄目人間だもの
There's a surplus of dairy products that were made at Yamazaki's place as well. He said it would cost money to dispose of it, so he's going to send me some. 山崎の所で作った乳製品とかも相当余ってるらしいんだよ 処分するのにもお金がかかるから、 俺の所に送ってくれるって
As long as I have milk, there won't be any problems with my diet! ミルクさえあれば、 食生活問題ないぜ!
You could have at least... left the lunch box. せめて 重箱は…置いてけよ…
If I skipped the counseling session, I would have to pay a million yen fine. 勝手にサボると、 罰金100万円だから…
A breach of the contract on your side also warrants a fine. 契約に違反したら、そっちも払うんだ
I would like to lecture about God today. 今日は神様についての講義をしたいと思います
It is evident from this chart that fun things, things that make life worth living... These kinds of happy occurrences make up less than ten percent of a person's life. これを見ても明らかなように、 楽しいなぁとか、生きててよかったなぁとか、 そんな幸せな一時は 人生の1割にも満たないんです
People who believe in God say this world was created by God. Therefore, this world of pain and struggle was created by God. 神様を信じる人は、この世界は神様が造ったと言ってます つまりこんな苦しいことだらけの世界を作ったのは、神様ということになります
Letting me see Satou-kun and that senpai come out of the hotel is also God's ill will. それから、佐藤君とあの先輩がホテルから出てくる所をあたしに見せたのも、 神様のイジワルです
I shall commence the lecture. Today's topic is about the last words of famous people. では、講義を始めます。 今回のテーマは、有名人の最後の言葉です
I suppose people want to go back to their birthplace before they die. やっぱりみんな、死んじゃう前には 故郷に帰りたくなるのかな
Speaking of which, are you from this town, Misaki-chan? そういや、岬ちゃんてこの街の出身?
So it's around there, a small town along the Sea of Japan. あっちの方、 日本海に面した、小さな町
There's a pretty cape down there, but ever since a famous person committed suicide during the Meiji Period... It became known as a landmark suicide spot. きれいな岬があるんだけど、 明治時代にある有名人が身投げして以来、 自殺の名所になっちゃったんだって
I didn't know about it as a child, so I frequently played at the cape. でも、小さい頃はそんなこと知らないから、 よくその岬で遊んだんだ
Even now, I occasionally see it in my dreams. 今でも、時々夢に見るよ
I'll meet you in front of the station at noon tomorrow, even if it rains. 明日12時、駅前に集合。 雨天決行ね
I will now announce the results of the test. それでは、試験結果を発表します
This concludes the project. I commend you for your hard work over this period of time. これでプロジェクトも無事終了です。 長い間お疲れ様でした
Why... was it me? Why did I become the subject of your project? 何で、俺だったんだ? 岬ちゃんのプロジェクトに選んだ相手
As I was looking outside my window, I found... a person worse than I was. 窓から外を見てて、見つけたんだよ。 私よりダメな人間
This agreement is made by and between Satou Tatsuhiro, hereby referred to as "Subject A", and Nakahara Misaki, hereby referred to as "Subject B", which states... 佐藤達弘を甲、 仲原岬を乙とし、 次の通り契約する
Five: In times of loneliness, both parties will stay by each other's side. 5、寂しい時は いつも側にいてくれる
Six: However, this is always the case for Subject B. Therefore, Subject A will always remain at the side of Subject B. 6、といっても乙が寂しいのはいつものことなので、 つまり甲はいつも側にいる
Seven: As a result, the lives of both subjects will probably change for the better. 7、そうすれば たぶん人生がいい方向に進む
Nine: In the case of a breach of the preceding articles, a fine of ten million yen will be assessed. 9、約束を破ったら 罰金1000万円
Misaki-chan, you could train yourself mentally and physically by rubbing your body with a dry cloth. You wouldn't have to think of stupid things if you occupy yourself by training. 岬ちゃん、寒風摩擦でもして 心身を鍛えるんだ。 そうしたら こんなバカな考えも起こさなくなる
Why didn't you sign the contract, purin? Is it because she called you a failure of a human? どうして契約書にサインしなかったプリン? 彼女が佐藤君のことをダメ人間だって言ったから?
Satou-san, it's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. 佐藤さん、人間は自分がダメ人間だとは認めたがらないものです。 だから、自分よりダメな人間を常に探してるのです
Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person turn to the Internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met... Just to make themselves feel superior. 身の回りに自分以下のダメ人間を見つけられなかった人達は、 会ったこともない誰かに ダメ人間の烙印を押して、 自分はそれ以上だと思い込みたいからなのよ
There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. 他人の悪口を言ってる間だけは、 自分は大丈夫だって、安心できるからね
Wouldn't you feel more relieved simply admitting you're failure of a human? A mere NEET... A failure who's receiving the pity of a girl younger than you. いっそ思い切って、自分だただのダメ人間だって認めてしまえば、 楽になれるんじゃない? 自分はただのニートで、年下の女の子にまで哀れみを受けてる ダメ人間だって
Question: Why would someone want to continue living as a hikikomori? 問い、なぜ引き篭もり続けられるのか?
Answer: Because his clothing, food, and housing are guaranteed. Since he always finds a way to get by, he can afford to continue living as hikikomori. 答え、衣食住が保障されているから。 なまじっか最低限の生活を許されてるから、 いつまでも引き篭もってられるんだ
In hindsight, living as a hikikomori was a luxury in itself. 引き篭もってられるってのは、それ自体、とても贅沢なことだったんだ
I didn't know Misaki-chan's uncle was the landlord of Mita House. 岬ちゃんのおじさんて、三田ハウスの大家さんでしたか
That girl was my younger sister's only daughter. She was a victim of unfortunate circumstances. あの子は、私の妹の一人娘だったんです。 かわいそうな子でしてね
I should have died properly last night. It's exactly as my stepfather told me... Everyone becomes unhappy if I'm around. 昨日、あたしがちゃんと死んでいたらよかったんだよ。 二番目のお父さんが言った通りだよ… あたしがいると、みんなが不幸になるんです
Although my stepfather was determined to get rid of me, he failed and became unhappy as well. 二番目のお父さんは、一生懸命私を退治しようとしたけど、 失敗してやっぱり不幸になりました
Ever since I helped my aunt with her solicitation work, she began to struggle and started arguing with my uncle on a frequent basis. It's all my fault. おばさんは、私が手伝うようになってから、 勧誘がうまくいかなくなって、おじさんともよくケンカするようになりました。 全部、私のせいなんです
As long as there was one person who needed me... the words of my stepfather would have been lies. It would have given me a reason to live. 誰か一人でも、私を必要としてくれる人間がいてくれれば、 二番目のお父さんが言ったことは、嘘になります。 私は生きていてもいいんです
However, the project ended in failure. Not even Satou-kun needed me. でも、そのプロジェクトは失敗に終わりました。 私は佐藤君にすら必要とされてないんです
I didn't expect you to find it, Satou-kun. That's why I thought my heart was going to stop when I saw you, Satou-kun. It wouldn't have mattered if it did, though. 佐藤君が見つけるとは思わなかったんだよ。 だからさっき、佐藤君の姿を見た時は、 心臓が止まるかと思った。 別に止まってもよかったんだけどね
Without a note, people wouldn't be able to discern whether it was a suicide or not, further inconveniencing those left behind... Like in the case of my mother... 遺書がないと、自殺かどうかわかんなくって、 残された人が迷惑しちゃうんだよ。 私の、お母さんの時みたいに…
As I thought, it's no use. I don't have any words to stop Misaki-chan with. やっぱり、ダメか… 俺には岬ちゃんを止める言葉なんてありゃしない
It's exactly as Misaki-chan said before. Even if you continue to live... It'll be a struggle full of hardships. 前に岬ちゃんが言った通りだ。 どうせこの先、生きてたって… 苦しいことばかりで大変なんだ
Yeah... Why would there be any reason for Misaki-chan to suffer? そうだ…岬ちゃんが苦しむ理由がどこにある
The unfortunate incidents occurring around you are the work of the N.H.K., Misaki-chan. 岬ちゃんの身の回りに起こる悪い出来事は、 全部NHKの仕業なんだ
They've come to finish me off since I told you the secret of their organization, Misaki-chan! 俺が岬ちゃんに、組織の秘密をしゃべったから 俺を始末しに来たんだぁ!
Or maybe it's the Nihon Hiyowa Kyokai. Taking advantage of senpai's weak mind and making her participate in an offline suicide meeting... あるいは、日本ひ弱協会。 先輩のひ弱な心に付け込み、 自殺オフ会に参加させた
Misaki-chan, the N.H.K.'s sinister clutches are even after you. In your case, the Nihon Hikan Kyokai! 岬ちゃんにだって、NHKの魔の手は伸びているんだ。 それは、日本悲観協会!
You can call it whatever you like if you don't like the sound of "N.H.K.". For example, God. NHKって名前が気に入らなかったら、 好きに呼べばいい。 たとえば、神様
You can see it! Carefully fix your eyes on what lies ahead of you. 見える! よく目をこらして見るんだ
That's the source of all evil... the last boss. あれが全ての元凶、ラスボスだ
I'm stupid, aren't I? A genuine idiot. In order to save the life of a girl I like... This is the only thing I can think of. バカだな俺は…本当にバカだ。 好きな女の子の命を繋ぎとめるのに… こんな方法しか思いつかないなんて
I see. My feelings for Misaki-chan... were those of love. なんだ、俺やっぱ、岬ちゃんのことが…好きだったんだ
Speak for yourself, Yamazaki. I'm going to die for my beloved Misaki-chan! What could be more dramatic than this? ざまぁ見ろ山崎。 俺はこれから愛する岬ちゃんのために死ぬんだ。 最高にドラマチックだろ!
We'll freeze to death regardless of whatever we do. このままじゃ、どの道凍死だな
You're the first person, other than my family, to enter this room, Satou-kun. My stepfather would get angry if I brought friends over. 家族以外でこの部屋に入ったの、佐藤君が初めてだよ。 友達連れてくると、二番目のお父さんが怒るから
My folks were nagging me to do a miai ever since I came back. I had one just for the sake of having one, but... It was an instant bingo! こっちに戻ってきたら、 見合いしろ見合いしろって、親がうるさくて、 それで仕方なく、一回だけ見合いしてやったんですが… これがいきなりビンゴ!
How many times do I have to tell you to come as soon as you've finished eating dinner? 晩御飯食べたらすぐ来るようにって、 何回言ったら…
For some reason, it's kind of humiliating to be taught by Satou-kun. なんか、 佐藤君に勉強教わるのって屈辱的なんだけど…
The members will mutually dedicate their lives as hostages. In other words, it's an "If you die, so will I" type of agreement. 会員はお互いの命を人質として差し出すんです。 つまり、「お前が死んだら俺も死ぬぞ、コラっ」ということです
By signing this, just like the stand off between countries with nuclear power during the Cold War... Even if you want to die, you won't be able to. そうすると、 あたかも冷戦下における核保有国の睨み合いのごとく、 死にたくても死ねなくなるんです
In the end, not even a single issue was resolved. We're probably going to live the rest of our lives mumbling, "It's no good, it's no good". 結局のところ、問題は何一つ解決しちゃいない。 俺達は、これからも毎日、「ダメだダメだ」と呟きながら 生きていくんだろう
Although I don't know how long this will last... I'll do it for as long as I can. だけど、そう、いつまで持つかはわからないけど… できる限りはやってみるさ
So, what are we supposed to do? We can't tell Yoma apart from us once they disguise themselves as humans. だからってどうするんだ。 妖魔が人間に化けたら 見分けることなんてできないんだぞ!
But they're the only ones that can tell Yoma apart from us once Yoma have disguised themselves as humans. しかし、人に化けた妖魔を判別できるのも、 あいつらだけだ…
Why did the chief have to ask for one of them? 村長もなんだってあんなヤツ呼んだんだか
Once the job is completed, there will be someone who will come and collect it. Just give the money then. If I fail and die, then you won't have to pay. 仕事を成した後、 回収する者が後から現れる。 その時それを渡せばいい。 しくじって私が死ねば、払う必要はないということだ
When I came to, only me and my brother had survived. I was right there, yet I couldn't do anything. 気がついたら、 俺と兄さんだけが生き残っていた。 俺、そばにいたのに、何にもできなくって…
I planned on staying in this village a bit longer, but of all people, you actually called for those witches. もうしばらくこの村に居座るつもりだったが、 よりによってあいつらを呼び寄せるなんてな
I've been holding myself back, as to not eat a delicious one like you. ずっと我慢してたんだぜ、 うまそうなお前を喰らうのをな
There was the scent of Yoma about this boy, so I followed him, knowing you'd be close by. 少年に妖魔の臭いがまとわりついていた。 近くにいると睨んでつけていたんだ
To take care of business on the same day, praise be to these silver-eyed witches. その日のうちに片付けるとは、 流石銀眼の魔女
A Claymore brought you to this place. I never thought those witches would be saving people. クレイモアが、お前をここへ連れてきたんだ。 魔女が人助けすると思わなかった
No, I didn't... until yesterday that is. I changed my thinking when I saw you tenderly carry this kid into town. This kid could serve as my hostage. ああ…思わなかった…昨日まではな。 だがお前がこのガキを大事そうに抱えて街に現れた時に、 考えが変わったのさ。 このガキなら人質に成り得ると
They say you're half-Yoma, but Claymores were once human, too. The memories of when you were human don't disappear. 半分妖魔だといっても、 クレイモアだって元は人間だ。 人間だった頃の思い出は消えるもんじゃない
Well? Does it hurt? Even Claymores will die if I punch through their guts! どうだ痛いか? クレイモアといえども、内臓を貫けばな
Even so, you still saved me. You defeated the Yoma that ate my parents. それでも、助けてくれたのは同じだ。 父さんたちを喰った妖魔だって、倒してくれた
Very well. You may come with me as my cook. よし、料理番としてならついてきてもいい
Did you bring me a new set of clothes? 新しい服は、持って来たのか?
Although the wound may have healed, do not forget that even you guys will die if you get injured in a critical spot. 傷が塞がったとはいえ、 急所をやられれば、 お前たちでも死ぬということを忘れるな
I wonder what that boy would think... if he saw that body of yours. その体…あの少年が見たら どう思うかな
I know that much at least! But Clare's not a monster. そのくらい知ってるよ! でも、クレアは化け物じゃない
They have taken the flesh and blood of a Yoma into their bodies. やつらは、体の中に妖魔の血と肉を取り込んでるんだ
An existence that was created by an organization whose purpose is to defeat Yoma. For some reason, it has only worked on women. If you plan on being with her, you should be aware of it. ある組織が妖魔に対抗するために 作り出したんだ。 もっともなぜか、女しか成功しなかったらしい。 一緒にいるなら知っておくべきだ
But... Claymores use their human mind to restrain the Yoma powers inside of them. That's why they are on the side of humans. ただ、クレイモアたちは体の中にある妖魔の力を、 人間の意志で抑え込んでいる。 だから人の側でいられる
They wield the powers of a Yoma, and the more they use Yoma powers, the more their bodies becomes one of a Yoma. 妖魔の力を振るい、 妖魔の能力を使えば使うほど、その身は妖魔に近くなってゆく
Eventually, we learn when we have reached the limits of our human mind... when we realize that we are becoming a Yoma... When that time comes, we have the desire to die as a human. When that time comes, we send our Black Card out to the person we want to be killed by the most. 私たちはやがて、意識の限界を知る。 妖魔になるであろう自分を確信する。 その時、私たちは思う…人のまま死にたいと。 そして私たちは、一番殺されたい者に、 黒の書を出す
We comforted each other during the most painful of times. 一番辛い時に慰め合った
Even when we became half-human, half-Yoma and pain ran through our entire body, we were able to fall asleep by holding onto each other. 半人、半妖の身となり、 激痛にさいなまれる時でも、抱 き合っていれば眠ることができた
You haven't changed at all. It's as if you had stayed exactly the same. 変わらないな。 まるであの時のままだ
I thought that if we obtained the powers of a Yoma, we could become stronger. 妖魔の力を手に入れれば、 強くなれると思っていた
But... more important than using the powers of a Yoma, we must first strengthen our own hearts, eh? だけど…妖魔の力を使う以上は、 人間としての心は、強くなくちゃいけなかったのよ
You must hurry... while I still possess the heart of a human... 早くして… 私が、人間の心を持っているうちに
The holy city of Rabona does not allow the entry of unnatural beings. 聖なる街ラボナには、 怪しい者は入ることは許されていない
This time, we've been requested to infiltrate the city without being detected, quickly find the Yoma, and dispatch it. That is the extent of your job this time. 今回我々は、存在を知られることなく街に潜入し、 速やかに妖魔を発見し惨殺する。 それが今回の仕事の内容だ
If you swallow those pills, they'll temporarily suppress your powers... and revert the color of your eyes back to normal human colors. その薬を飲めば、 わずかだがお前の妖力を抑え、 その瞳も普通の色に戻る
Additionally, if you have that kid pretend to be your brother, you'll be able to enter the city with even less suspicion. それに、あの少年を弟ということにでもすれば、 さらに怪しまれずに街に入ることができるというわけだ
Do not worry. It's the effects of the pills. 気にするな。 薬のせいだ
Nothing, just noticing that you can change so quickly. I'm kind of surprised. いや、ころころ変わるんだな。 なんかビックリしたよ
I have received training like this. I have been trained in various things, from the conduct of an aristocratic girl, to the seductive smile of a prostitute. 一応、訓練は受けた。 貴族の娘の所作から、娼婦の色目使いまでこなせるぞ
I do not sense any presence of Yoma at all no mater where I go. どこへ行っても 妖魔の気配など、微塵も感じられない
Yes, I am aware of it. はい、存じております
Forgive me. You had to eat the amount of two people. 悪かったな、二人分も食べさせてしまって
Your body can't eat too much anyway. Besides, I'm tagging along with you as a cook, so taking care of food is my job to begin with... although the meaning here is pretty different... クレアはあんまり食べない体質なんだし。 それに俺、料理番としてついてきてんだから 当然の仕事だろ? なんか、意味違う気もするけどさ
If I am to lose my life, could you take care of the boy that I brought along? もし私が命を落とした時、 私の連れている少年を預かってもらえないか?
This is the knife she threw back at you. Forget bloodstains, it doesn't even have the smell of blood on it. ヤツが投げ返してきたナイフだ。 血痕どころか血の臭いさえしない
How is this... We patrolled the inside of this Great Cathedral in its entirety... どうして… この大聖堂の中は、徹底的に調べ上げたんだぞ…
We've found the bodies of soldiers whose guts were devoured by a Yoma in the Great Cathedral last night. We ask for your cooperation. 昨日大聖堂の中で 妖魔に内臓を喰われた兵士の死体が見つかったんでな、 協力してもらおう
Just that no normal person is able to do that... unless you were one of the silver-eyed witches! ただあんなことは、普通の奴にはできやしないだろう… 銀眼の魔女くらいじゃねぇとな!
But we're dealing with a witch that sold her body to Yoma. It shouldn't be surprising if she can change the color of her eyes, eh? だが相手は妖魔に体を売った半人半妖の魔女だ。 瞳の色くらい変えられたって不思議じゃないよな?
Screw you! How dare you say that of my sister! ふざけんな!うちの姉ちゃんに、何勝手なこと言ってんだ!
My sister is the gentlest person and has the purest heart of anyone I know! うちの姉ちゃんはな、誰よりもやさしくて、 心のキレイな人なんだ!
Don't ever come back again! おとといきやがれってんだ!
I probably would not have intervened even if that man were to beat you. 私は、あの男にお前が殴られても、 おそらく止めなかった
It is most likely that the reason it hides itself within this holy city... is to deceive the eyes of their natural enemies, us... and to block our abilities from discovering them. おそらく、 この聖都に身を潜めるのも、 天敵である私たちの目をくらまし、 妖魔を見つける能力を封じ込めるためのものだろう
I need some intelligence. Tell me who was able to enter and leave the Great Cathedral last night. And also, tell me who could stay inside the Great Cathedral overnight. 情報が欲しい。 昨日の晩、大聖堂に出入りできた者。 それから、夜中、大聖堂の中にいることができる者
Something's not right. It's as if I'm forgetting something important. 何か引っかかる。 何か重要なことを忘れているような
Silver eyes... She even has a different expression on her face tonight. 銀色の瞳…今夜は顔つきまで違うぜ
Is this a side effect of the pills? I'm not able to determine the location of the Yoma. 薬の副作用か? いま一つ、妖魔の位置を判断できない
For a Yoma of this caliber to have been hiding in here... これほどの妖魔がここに潜んでいるとは…
Because she is half-human, half-Yoma, we have no clue is to how to care for her. 半人、半妖の身ゆえ、 どう手当てしていいのかわからないのです
A faithful heart will become your power, even if the odd are slim... at least that is certain. 信じる心は力になる。 たとえ、僅かだとしても確実にな
Are you saying it's hiding among us as one of us? まさか我々の中に潜んでいるとでも
You mean that once she finds the Yoma, she'll hold on to it and we run through both of them with our spears? 妖魔を見つけたら、あの女が抱きついて動きを封じるから、 女もろとも槍で貫けってやつか?
I'm sure she means it. I don't think her body has completely recovered. Therefore, this would be the best way to do this. おそらく本気だろう。 あの体が完治しているとは思えん。 これが一番確実な方法ってわけだ
By giving up her own life to save ours, just as how that kid put it... 自らの命を犠牲にして、俺達人間の命を救う。 あのガキが言ってた通りか…
This is weird. I don't sense the presence of a Yoma at all, and the right eye I destroyed is present in all of them. おかしい… 妖魔の気配がしない。 潰したはずの右目も、全員にある
For the Yoma, anything would do as long as it can hide him. Hiding as a man, a woman, a child, or an old man... or even a corpse! ヤツにしてみれば、自分の体を隠せさえすれば、何でもいいんだ。 男、女、それに子供であろうと、年老いた老人であろうと… たとえ、死人であろうとも!
You won't be able to do anything! お前ではどうにもならん!
Is that the true form of Claymores... when they wield their big swords? あれが大剣を携えた、 クレイモアの本当の姿なのか…
You wanted to make it look as though you had the advantage... ...and tried to end things in a hurry, eh? 自分が優位にいるように見せながら、 一気に片をつけたかったということか?
So? How's the view from up there? Or do you have a fear of heights? どうだ、眺めはいいか? それとも、高い所は苦手かな?
No matter. We will just treat it as if this village never paid. 構わんさ。そうしたら支払いはなかったと 扱われるだけのこと
So, be careful. A village that doesn't pay... gets destroyed by a large band of Yoma a few days later. It's a story you hear a lot. 気をつけるんだな…支払いを渋った村が その数日に、大量の妖魔の襲来を受けて壊滅した… なんてのはよく聞く話だからな
You said it as though we are the ones who send the Yoma. あれじゃまるで、我々が妖魔を送り込んでいる ように聞こえる
No matter what kind of Yoma she faces, she dispatches them without ever releasing her powers. どんな妖魔を相手にしようと、 妖力解放無く惨殺する
Therefore, her face never distorts into a hideous visage, and she maintains the face of a doll as she kills Yoma, in which her expression is said even to be smiling. ゆえに彼女の顔が醜く歪むこともなく、 人形のように整った顔で妖魔を切る その姿は、かすかに笑っているようにも見えるという
Thus giving her the nickname "Teresa of the Faint Smile," the most powerful woman amongst the people who are called Claymore. そして、付けられた名が「微笑のテレサ」、 クレイモアと呼ばれる者の中で 最強の女だ
What a lovely town... To have been letting as many as seven Yoma dwell here without knowing it. めでたい街だ… 7匹もの妖魔に いいように居座られているとはな
Now then. I felt the presence of seven Yoma when I was outside the city. What am I at now? さて、 街の外から感じた気配は7匹だったはずなのに、 何匹まで切ったんだっけ?
You think you're using that child as a shield like that? それで子供を盾にしてる つもりなのか?
What's with this little one? I recall she's the child of the last Yoma I killed yesterday. なんだこいつは… 確か最後に切った妖魔の子供だったよな
No, actually, this child isn't from the town. She wasn't even the child of the Yoma you killed. いえ、それがこの子はこの街の子ではないんです。 しかも殺された妖魔と親子関係だったわけでもないようでして
Well, you can find countless signs of abuse all over her body. それが、少女の体には、 暴行を受けていた傷跡が無数にありまして
No, no, but because of the long period of torment she received from the Yoma, she has closed her heart so much that she won't even speak, or so we think. いえいえ、ただ長いこと 妖魔に虐げられてきたせいで、 口もきけないほど 心を閉ざしていた、はずなのですが
Even if we go save her, no one's going to take care of her afterwards. 助けたからって、 面倒見る奴なんていないんだぜ…
I guess that last Yoma wasn't part of your request, but take it as a freebie. 最後の1匹は依頼の分とは違うようだが、 サービスしとくよ
I've heard of something like this. There's a rule that Claymores can't kill humans. 聞いたことがあるんだよオレぁ。 クレイモアは人を殺すことはできない掟だってな
In fact, the rule is ironclad... ...and breaking it is intolerable, regardless of the reasons or circumstances it happened. しかもそれは鉄の掟で、 いかなる理由やどんな偶発的事故であろうと 決して許されない
Then there's no reason for us to be afraid of her. じゃあ、オレらが恐れる理由は何もねぇじゃねぇか
Even they'd be afraid if they were targeted. 奴らだって自分が標的にされるのは 怖いはずだ
So that's what you guys are thinking? I wouldn't have put up any resistance if you'd said so in the first place. 何かと思えばそんなことか… 初めからそう言ってくれれば、 何の抵抗もしなかったのに
This is the body of the people you call Claymores. If you like it, do whatever you want with it. これがお前たちがクレイモアと呼んでいる、私たちの体だ。 気に入ってもらえたなら、好きにしていいぞ
You get out of my sight, as well. You're a nuisance. お前ももう消えろ。 邪魔だからな
A monster can't be taking care of a child after all. 所詮、化物に子供のお守りなどできんのだからな
Well, if she goes unconscious, she won't be able to follow me anymore. This chasing game ends here, as well. Why does she have to follow me this far? ま、意識を失ったら 付いてもこれまい。 追いかけっこもこれで終わりだ。 なんでこんなマネまでして、付いて来ようとするんだ?
The water's drinkable. Dehydration was more of an issue for you than falling from that cliff. とりあえず飲める水だ。 あそこから落ちて気を失ったというより、 脱水症状に近いぞ
The citizens of the town were scared of the girl that a Yoma brought in... and didn't even bother giving her a bath. 町の住人達は 妖魔に連れてこられた小娘に恐怖を抱いて、 体を洗ってやることもしなかった
I feel as though I've just gotten a pet or something. まるで、ペットでも飼い始めたような 気分だな
That's all for you. Eat it as you like. 全部お前用だ。 気にせずに食え
You think I would have reservations with you? あたしが、お前のために遠慮するとでも思うのか?
Well, she's better than a pet, I guess. ま、ペットよりはマシなようだな
Don't worry. I won't disappear on you while you sleep. 安心しろ。寝てる間に消えたりはしないよ
Humans sure are troublesome. Yon need to eat two or even three times in a single day. 人間てのは面倒だな。 1日に2回も3回もメシ食うんだからな
You picked the wrong person. If only you'd picked a normal person, you'd be sleeping in a better place right now. 人選を誤ったな。 せめて普通の人間にすがり付いていれば、 もう少しまともな所で眠れたのに
In the end, I won't be able to do anythin for you, either. 結局私は…お前に何もしてはやれない
Oh yeah, I haven't asked your name yet. It's kind of inconvenient to call you "Hey" or "Yo" all the time. そういや、名前を知らんな。 いつまでも「おい」とか「コラ」とかじゃ、 不便だな
It's the name of one of the two beautiful, pure twin goddesses of love. By the way, the other goddess is called Teresa. My name. 美しく清らかで、愛に満ち溢れた双子の女神の名だ。 ちなみにもう片方の名はテレサ、私の名だ
It's a name that was probably given by parents who wished their children be brought up in that sort of manner. たぶんそんな風に育ってほしいと願って、 付けられた名だ
Don't cry! The feelings of your dead parents are always bound to that name. 泣くな。亡くなった両親の思いは その名前にずっと残るんだからな
I won't just abandon you after we get to the town. I'll find someone to take good care of you, so don't worry. 町に着いたからといって、 いきなり放り出したりはしないよ。 世話する奴は探してやる、安心しろ
What a funny girl. She was crying about parting ways with the likes of me. おもしろいヤツだ。こんな私と別れることに、 ずっと泣き続けてるんだもんな
Regardless of who ends up taking her in the town of Rokut, her life will be far better than if she stays with me. She'll be able to live as a human, at least. たとえロクトの町でどんな奴に狙われることになろうと、 私といるよりずっとマシだ。 少なくとも、人として生きていけるのだから
If only you had patched up your wound and rested, bacteria wouldn't have gotten in and infected it. 手当てをきちんとして養生していれば、 傷口から菌が入ったりなどしなかったのにな
I suggest you give up if you're trying to avenge yourself. I will fight back if my life is in danger, regardless of the rules. 復讐心で私の命を狙うつもりなら やめておけ。 いくら掟といえど、 命を狙われたら当然反撃に出る
I just want to humiliate you, humiliate you so much that you'll regret you were ever born! オレはテメェに恥をかかせりゃいいんだよ。 テメェが悔しくて悔しくて堪らなくなるぐらいにな!
I despised that face of yours from the very beginning. That face that looks down on all of us! その顔が最初から 気に食わなかったんだ。 その人を見下したかのようなその顔がよ!
You had the same eyes as I did. Your face looked so lonely and painful, like you couldn't bear it. あたしと、同じ目してた… 辛くて、寂しくて、堪んないって 顔してた…
I didn't think the Yoma would be taken care of this fast. まさか、 これほど早く妖魔を退治していただけるとは
As you can see, my job is to kill Yoma. I have no other purpose or reason to live. 見ての通り、私の仕事は妖魔を切ることだ。 その他に成すことも無いし、存在理由もない
Come now. A girl shouldn't be standing naked in front of a crowd. ほらほら。 人前で、女の子が無闇に裸になったりしちゃいけないよ
Clare, live on as a human among other humans. The desirable world that I could never have given you is there. クレア、人として人の中で生きろ。 私じゃ決して与えてやれない望むべき世界が、そこにある
Grow up as a human, live as a human, and die as a human, And that, in itself, must be the greatest happiness for a human. そこで人として暮らし人として生きて、人として死んでゆけ。 そしてそれこそが、 人としての一番の幸せなのだろうから
I should've known! I knew it was strange to encounter bandits in the middle of these mountains! 迂闊だった。 こんな山奥で盗賊に出会うのは 妙だと思っていたんだ
They were targeting that town from the very beginning! A town in the middle of the mountains that no one goes to... and where the villagers have nowhere to escape! 奴らは最初から狙っていたんだ。 山奥のロクに人の訪れない、 逃げ場もないあの町を
We can do whatever we want now thanks to the silver-eyed witch. To us, she's more of a savior than a witch! 銀眼の魔女のおかげで、 気兼ねなく仕事に励めるぜ。 オレたちにとっちゃ、魔女どころか聖女様だぜ
I'll take care of this girl, don't fret. I'll make sure I give her lots of love, so don't worry. 心配しなくても、こいつの面倒はオレが見てやるよ。 これからもたっぷり可愛がってやるから、心配すんな
Damn your existences, for they are lower than that of a Yoma. I will kill each and every one of you. 妖魔以下の存在である、その身を呪うがいい。 お前ら全員、皆殺しにしてやるよ
This is the true form of my falcon sword. It uncoils like a whip and allows me to attack anywhere from short range to long range. これが隼の剣の正体だ。ムチのようにうねり、 近距離から遠距離まで 攻撃を可能にする
How about it? You can't even get near me! どうだ、 懐にすら入って来れまい!
It was a mistake to even mess with a monster like that! あんな化物、相手にしたのが、最初から間違っていたんだ!
She's done it... I always thought this would happen someday. とうとうやってしまったか… いつかはこうなるような気がしたよ
The wounds aren't deep. If you concentrate on the wounds with your powers, you can save your lives. 傷は深くない。 妖力解放で傷口の修復にあたれば、 十分助かる
My apologies... I don't think I want to die yet. 悪い、やっぱりまだ死ねないや
Nothing deep. The reason is extremely simple and easy to understand. 別に深い意味はないさ。 ひどく単純で、分かりやすい理由だ
I found a reason to live on. From now on, I'm going to live for her. 生きる意味を見つけた。 これからは、コイツのために生きてみることにするよ
This is a very big problem we have now. For Teresa of the Faint Smile, the strongest in the organization, to betray us... 厄介なことになりましたな。 組織の中で最強といわれる、微笑のテレサの 裏切りとは
A normal town that was destroyed in a Yoma assault. Those Yoma then disguised themselves as humans... and preyed upon the humans that kept coming, most likely. 普通の街が、妖魔の襲撃を受けて壊滅。 そのまま人間に成りすまし、 訪れる人間を次々と食料にしていたってところね
You're always stuck at Number Four because you can't even count, Noel. ロクに計算もできないから、 いつまで経ってもナンバー4なのよ、ノエルさんは
Your brute strength is still as powerful as a gorilla's. バカ力は 相変わらずゴリラ並みだね
Your monkey jumping is the same as before, too. あなたの曲芸も 相変わらずだったわよ
They don't call you "Flash Sword Irene" for nothing. I didn't even see you draw your sword. 高速剣のイレーネの名は、伊達じゃねぇな。 抜き身すら見えやしなかった
I'm more amazed at the fact you don't even have a smudge of Yoma blood on you... ...given that you slashed them at point-blank range. それよりも、あの至近距離で、 返り血一つ浴びてないって方が…私には脅威だわ
A normal town that was destroyed in a Yoma assault. Those Yoma then disguised themselves as humans... and preyed upon the humans that kept coming, most likely. 普通の街が、妖魔の襲撃を受けて壊滅。 そのまま人間に成りすまし、 訪れる人間を次々と食料にしていたってところね
You're always stuck at Number Four because you can't even count, Noel. ロクに計算もできないから、 いつまで経ってもナンバー4なのよ、ノエルさんは
Your brute strength is still as powerful as a gorilla's. バカ力は 相変わらずゴリラ並みだね
Your monkey jumping is the same as before, too. あなたの曲芸も 相変わらずだったわよ
They don't call you "Flash Sword Irene" for nothing. I didn't even see you draw your sword. 高速剣のイレーネの名は、伊達じゃねぇな。 抜き身すら見えやしなかった
I'm more amazed at the fact you don't even have a smudge of Yoma blood on you... ...given that you slashed them at point-blank range. それよりも、あの至近距離で、 返り血一つ浴びてないって方が…私には脅威だわ
Any single one of us could have taken care of a town like this. To have gathered the three of us, there must be something more. こんな街なら、私たちのうち一人でも十分だわ。 この三人を集めたからには、 何かあるんでしょ
She was fighting this close, yet we didn't even sense her fighting at all? こんな近くにいて、 戦ってる気配すら感じさせず…
She also possesses a hatred for Yoma stronger than anyone's. To be honest, I wouldn't want to fight Teresa no matter how many of us gathered. 何より妖魔に対する憎しみは 誰よりも強い。 正直、仲間が何人揃おうとも、微笑のテレサなどとは戦いたくなかった
We won't be able to stay in the town once they know who we are. 正体が知られると、 この町では落ち着けなくなるぞ
We would be able to sleep on comfortable beds instead of sleeping in the wild... but is that fine with you? 野宿ではなく、 ようやく柔らかいベットに眠れたかもしれんが、 それでもいいのか?
Will she be able to beat Teresa of the Faint Smile head on? 微笑のテレサに、真正面からいって勝てる気でいるのかしら?
Besides, I have something to ask you first. Why didn't your head fall to the ground at the execution site? それより私の方こそ聞きたいことがあります。 粛清の場で、どうしてテレサさんは首を跳ねられなかったんですか?
But if you don't mind me saying... things don't work so ideally in this world, little girl. あえて言わせてもらうと… 世の中そう理想通りにはいかないんだよ、お譲ちゃん
Teresa is the best because of her unparalleled ability to sense Yoki. テレサが最強である理由は、 妖気を感じ取る 能力のずば抜けた高さだ
It's not just the degree of being able to locate Yoma. She can sense every single flow of Yoki coming from a body. どこに妖魔がいるかわかる 程度じゃない。 体を流れる細やかな妖気を感じ取ることができる
What's going on? My movements have slowed down all of a sudden. 何?急にあたしの動きが鈍く…
This girl's latent potential is that of a monster's. She'll become infinitely stronger in the future. Even if I can defeat her this time, I can't say the same about the next time I meet her. こいつの潜在能力は化け物だ。 これから先とてつもなく強くなる。 今回切り捨てることができても、 次回はどうなるかわからん
No, I don't want this! Even if she did break the rule, taking her on with so many people is just... いやですこんなの! いくら掟を侵した者とはいえ、 一人を多人数でなんて…
Don't be too full of yourself! Without our support, your head would be on the ground now. 甘ったれるな。 私たちのフォローがなければ、首が落ちていたのはお前の方だ
We didn't come here to test our individual abilities. We are here to execute a person who has broken the rule of the organization. 私たちは個々の腕試しをしているわけじゃない。 あくまで掟を破りし者の 刑の執行
Damn it... I thought that with the four of us, we could take her on... くそ…この4人なら、なんとかテレサに迫れると、 思っていたんだが…
Have I... underestimated Teresa once again? She hasn't even released any of her Yoma power yet. 私はまだ…テレサを過小評価していたというのか? ヤツはまだ…妖力解放すらしていないんだぞ…
She sensed it?! That Priscilla has the potential to eventually surpass her... She plans to destroy the seed of future trouble right here. 見抜かれていたか?! プリシラが、やがて自分を超える素質を持っていることを… 次への芽を確実にこの場で断ち切るつもりだ
You only injured us to the extent that we can't move since we don't pose any trouble if we fight you in the future, yet the only one that can move, Priscilla, is so filled with fear of such a strong power before her that she can't move. この後、何度戦っても問題としない我々は、 動けない程度の傷を負わせただけだが… 唯一動けるはずのプリシラは、 強大な力の前に、恐怖で身動き一つ取れずにいる
I got them, even the ones that you put around your waist. 持ってきたよ、 テレサの腰に付けるやつも、ちゃんと
That Teresa showed mercy. She would've cut off her head without hesitation before. Either way, we still have hope. あのテレサが情けをかけるとは… 昔なら躊躇無く首を落としていたはずだ。 どちらにせよ、こちらの希望は繋がったわけだ
We're going after her. She doesn't even know her limits right now. 追うぞ。 ヤツはまだ、自分の限界点すら知らないんだ
As things are right now, you cannot defeat me no matter how many times you try. いまの段階では 何度やろうと、私には勝てん
You better not go past that level. If a rookie like you releases too much Yoma power, you won't be able to change back. それぐらいにしておけ。 成りたてで妖力を解放し過ぎると、 戻れなくなるぞ
When we half-human, half-Yomas release 10% of our Yoma powers, our eyes change colors. 我々、半人半妖は、10%の妖力解放で 目の色が変わる
At 30%, our faces distort. At 50%, our bodies distort. And when you go over 80%, you won't be able to turn back. 30%で顔つきが、50%で体付きまで変化する。 そして80%を超えると、戻ってこれなくなる
We all gradually learn the limits of our Yoma powers in battle. You don't even have that experience. 妖力解放の限界点、戦いの中で少しずつ学んでいくんだ。 お前には、その絶対的な経験値が足りないんだ
There's so much Yoki coming from her entire body... that I can't even read the flow! 全身から大量の妖力がほとばしっていて、 流れがまるで見えない
This is impossible for us. What can we do in the face of these two monsters? ムリよ。 こんな化け物みたいな二人を相手に、 何ができるっていうのよ…
In the face of Priscilla's monstrous power, Teresa overcame Priscilla just by releasing her powers to the point where her eyes change colors?! あのバカでかいプリシラの力を、 目の色が変わる程度の 妖力解放で、上回るだと…
I let out a scream... as I could not bear the sorrow and pain. 辛さと痛みに耐えきれないと… 悲鳴を上げていた
You're from the town of Toriro, correct? What's the situation of the town right now? トリロの街の者だな。 街の状況はどうなっている?
The report said there were five Yoma, and you personally took care of four. 5匹いると聞いていたが、 一人で4匹倒したか
But one of them got away, and a woman was almost killed. What excuse do you have in mind for this? しかし1匹は逃げて、 女が犠牲になる所だった。 それに対してはどう言い繕うつもりだ?
It was headed in your direction. I thought you guys would be able to save her if you didn't waste any time. ちょうどお前たちが来る方向だったんでな、 モタモタしなければ 間に合うだろうと思っていた
The organization told us there was a possibility a Voracious Eater was present... and that we should join up with two other members and take care of it together. Those were the orders. 組織からは異常食欲者の可能性もあり、 後から来る二人とも合流して、 4人で始末しろ、という命令だったはずだが?
I just got here early and proceeded to take action; that is all. ただ私が一足早く着いたから、そのまま行動に移っただけの話だ
You are just as reckless as ever. What did you plan on doing if it had been a Voracious Eater? Actually, I think you wanted that to be the case, right? 相変わらず無茶をするやつだ。 異常食欲者だったら、どうするつもりだ? いやむしろ、それを望んでいたってとこかな?
They are our own mistakes, after all; it's better for the world to know of them as Yoma that have lived for too long. さすがに身内から出た不始末だからな、 世間的には長生きした妖魔と しておいた方が、都合がいいのさ
You won't be able to defeat her no matter what you do. Even among Awakened Beings, Priscilla is among the strongest, since she awakened after unleashing her potential, which would have surpassed Teresa's. お前が何をどう足掻こうとも、奴には勝てない。 あれは覚醒者の中でも1級だ。 あのテレサを上回る 潜在能力を解き放つように、覚醒したんだからな
We basically don't take any actions against Awakened Beings. We treat them the same as Yoma. 我々は基本的に覚醒者を積極的にどうこうする事は無い。 妖魔と同じ扱いだ
We leave them alone so long as we don't receive a request to hunt them. 依頼がない限り放っておく
Every era has its heroes. A pity that you aren't one of them, eh? いつの時代も寵児というのはいるもんだ。 それが、お前でなかったのは残念だったが
It's a request we received from a town west of here. Use this chance to measure the limits of your skills as much as you wish. ここより西の地で受けた依頼だ。 そこで自分の実力を嫌というほど、味わってみるのもよかろう
You're angry because I guessed right? What a disgraceful woman. 図星で頭に血が昇ったか。 見っともねぇ女だな
That's quite an attitude for being the one person late. We're quite irate since we couldn't move for one whole week. 一人遅れてきた割に態度大きいんだな。 こっちは1週間も足止めされて気が立ってるんだ
Really now, last time you were ahead of everyone, and this time you're late? まったく、前回は先走ったかと思うと、 今度は遅刻か
It does bother me that you have the lowest rank. The impression I had of you when I first met you... was as though the strongest was standing before me. 正直、お前が最下位というのは引っかかる。 最初にお前を見た時の印象… まるで、最強の者を目の前にしているかのような
She can't be counted on as a force! Heck, it's a miracle she's survived until now. ありゃ戦力になりゃしねぇぞ! つーか、今まで生き残ってたのが奇跡だよ
It'll essentially be the three of us fighting. Shall we proceed with our mission? 実質、3人での戦いになるのは間違いない。 このまま任務を続行するのか?
She won't affect our battle plans even if she just dies like that. あのままくたばっても作戦に支障はねぇよ
I'm from the town of Lido. We're the ones that sent out the request this time. リドの町の者だ。 今回の依頼を出したのは私たちです
I heard it was an average Voracious Eater... One as powerful as this one... and we have to fight with this party? 普通程度の異常食欲者だと聞いていたのに、 これほどの者を、 このメンバーで相手にしろというのか…?
Only when I began to live alone,I realized how much I loved my parents.
Leaning foreign languages not only enables us to communicate with people speaking languages different from ours, but also helps us know that there are people thinking in different ways.
Jumping in like that when she isn't even powerful enough! 実力もないくせにしゃしゃり出てきやがって!
You've got way too many of those arms, and it annoys me. Let me make things easier! その腕、多くてウザ過ぎなんだよ。 もっとスッキリさせてやるよ!
We had no complaints about their strength. The problem was male warriors surpassed their limits in a short amount of time... since the awakening process brought them something akin to sexual pleasure. 戦力に問題は無かった。 だが、男の戦士たちはことごとくが、短時間で 限界を超えてしまったんだ… 覚醒は性的快楽に近いものがある…
Just by releasing their Yoma powers, males couldn't control their impulse to go over their limits. 男は妖力開放するだけで、 覚醒への衝動を押さえられなくなるのさ
Awakened males were thus let out into the wild as "Voracious Eaters", basically? 覚醒した男は異常食欲者として 野放しにされることになった、という訳か…
That is why we female warriors known as Claymores and male Awakened Beings came into being. それが、我々クレイモアと呼ばれる女の戦士たちと、 男の覚醒者という存在の理由だ
You should know what it is... someone as smart as you... You should know why the four of you were sent to me... あんたはそれを知っているはずだ… 賢いあんたなら… なぜあんたたちが、オレの元へと送り込まれたのかをな
There is disruption in the Yoki... I sense instability and surprise... I could tell even better if I got a bit closer. 妖気が乱れた。 動揺と驚き… もう少し近づけば、はっきり掴むことができると思うが
I called for you since you're the only one who can sense Yoki from this far away. こんな距離から相手の妖気を探れるのは、 お前ぐらいだから呼んだんだ
Well then... The time seems right now... Allow me to give you girls... a taste of true despair... さて、そろそろいいか… 本物の絶望を、味合わせてやるよ…
In my opinion, you are a superior warrior. You think deeply, and you're intelligent. Warriors should not only be strong but should also possess a certain level of intelligence, otherwise they won't be able to survive. あんたは優秀な戦士だったと思うよ。 カンがよくて賢くて。 戦士たるもの、ただ強いだけじゃなくて それなりに賢くないと、 生き残ってはいけないからな
I'm just what you said. The end result of past male warriors. Nothing more, nothing less. あんたが言ったとおりさ。 かつての男の戦士のなれの果て、 それ以上でもそれ以下でもない
That reminds me... several Claymores went toward those mountains in the past, too... I recall none of them came back... そういえば… 前にも何人かのクレイモアの方が、あの山へ向かい… 確か誰も帰って来てないとか…
But she suffered far too much damage. Her chances of survival are fifty-fifty... しかしダメージそのものが大きい。 生き残れるか、五分五分だな
I don't think this is the time for you to be worrying about your comrades. I think it's much more realistic to be worrying about your own life! 仲間の心配などしてる 場合じゃないだろ。 己の命の心配をした方が、 よっぽど現実的だと思うがな
Her back injury is deep. Her chances of survival are also fifty-fifty. Either way, it's clear that they're not fit to fight anymore. 背中の傷が深い。 こっちも助かる確率は五分と五分。 どちらにしても戦える状態じゃないことは確かだ
So you rush towards the jaws of death? 玉砕覚悟で向かってくるかぁ?
Miria probably imposed a limit on herself as to how many times she can use it. Ten times... no, twenty times at most... おそらくミリア自身が回数を 制限しているのだ。 10回…いや、多くて20回ってとこか
I praise your efforts while fighting in that meager body of yours, but it's nothing more than delaying your eventual fall. そんな体でよく頑張ったよ、 しかし所詮はその場凌ぎ
And there I was thinking what it could be... The smallest Yoki and the weakest of them all? 何かと思ったら、 一番妖気が小さくて弱っちい奴か
From the size and movement of the Yoki, I can predict all the courses of his attacks. 妖気の大きさと流れから、 全ての攻撃の軌道を予測する
She's dodging them. She already evaded even before he attacks. 避けてる… 奴が攻撃を仕掛けた瞬間に、既に回避しているのか
Even under the conditions of our sparring while we hid our Yoki, she was trying to decipher the Yoki inside me. 手合わせというお互い妖気を抑えた状態の中でさえ、 私の中の妖気の流れを 見極めようとしていたんだ
That means... The stronger the Yoki and the more Yoma power an opponent lets out, the easier it is for her to read it. This method is perfect against Awakened Beings, as they completely unleash their Yoma power. とすると、妖気妖力が強く、 剥き出しで戦う相手ほど、 見極めは容易。 特に覚醒者のように、全妖力開放状態の相手なら、 まさに打って付け
The tide of the battle has changed... 戦況が変わった…
You can move pretty well when just reading the flow of Yoki, but once you switch to offense, your power drops. 妖気を読み取ればそれなりの動きをするが、 攻撃に移るとその力が落ちる
You need to switch between modes instantly, or you need to be able to read Yoki even while you're releasing your own Yoma powers. Otherwise, it's pointless! それぞれを瞬時に切り替え、 もしくは妖力開放状態でも 妖気を読みとることができなきゃ、 話にならん
I'm simply surprised... for that Awakened Being was special. I didn't foresee the end of the battle coming this quickly. 意外なだけさ…あの覚醒者は特別だからな。 こう早く片がつくとは
Is the mental state of comrades hunting down Awakened Beings that important? 覚醒者狩りの仲間の精神が、そんなに重要なのか?
Think of it as parents being concerned for their children. 子を思う親 のようなものだ
She, however, did not get hit in the most critical parts of her body. They are all injuries that will heal by themselves in time. だが、すべて重要な部分は避けて貫かれていた。 時間を置けばすぐに回復するような傷ばかりだ
Have any of you come close to awakening? It's a very important issue that concerns all of us. I ask that you respond honestly. お前たちの中で、覚醒しかけたことがある者は? 我々にとって重要ことだ。 できれば正直に答えてもらいたい
The process of awakening is painful... but may also bring feelings of ecstasy. The vast majority of warriors don't resist. 覚醒は苦痛だけでなく、 恍惚状態でもあったはずだが、 たいていの戦士はそれに抗えない
I got carried away and went over my limits. I'm like the guys. I couldn't resist the impulse. 調子に乗って限界を超えたんだ。 男共と一緒さ、衝動に抵抗できなかったんだ
It was during my third hunting job for Awakened Beings. After the battle was over, I realized the Awakened One was one of my friends. 3度目の覚醒者狩りの時だ。 勝負が決した後で、 それがかつての友人だとわかった
She was from the same period as you, right? たしか、お前の同期だったな
She didn't have much of her own consciousness left. She was a monster at this point. 奴にはもはや人の意識はなかった。 所詮、化け物だ
Because they say in group battles... her performance surpasses even the Number One's. I would love to fight her. 集団戦なら ナンバー1以上って言われてるのよね。 ぜひとも戦ってみたい
I was aware that I had gone over my limits, but I suppressed my Yoki as much as I could. It might've also been because I didn't want to be provoked by her. 限界を超えていたのはわかっていたが、 必死に押さえ込んだ。 奴の挑発に乗るまいという意地も あったかもしれん
Anyway, I swore to take revenge on the organization at that moment. The organization that makes our bodies like this... and disposes of us like that after we're of no use... I cannot forgive them. とにかく私は、その時に組織への復讐を決意した。 こんな身体にして、 あげく使い捨てのように処分する組織が、 許せなかった
And so you've become a target of execution. それで、処分される対象になったというわけか
Like I was saying, all of this is hypothetical. さっきも言った通り、 あくまで仮定の話だがな
Before and after awakening, the quality of our Yoki has substantially changed. The now vague point of our limit... and the occasional bouts of hunger... am I right? 覚醒しかけたその前と後では、 あきらかに妖気の質が違っている。 以前とは違う曖昧な限界… 時折訪れる、強烈な飢餓感…違うか?
How fearsome. She can tell that much even when she's this far away. 恐ろしい奴だ。 こんなに離れた場所からそこまでわかるのか
Awakening normally happens in one shot, but we actually stopped in the middle of that. Or, we could be awakening gradually. 普通なら一気に覚醒するところを、 途中で止まっている状態。 もしくはゆっくりと覚醒し続けている状態だ
Deneve's regeneration capabilities are the same. Normally, it's something we can only do at the limit of awakening... and not something we can do many times. デネブの再生能力もそうだ。 本当なら限界ギリギリ… 何どもできることじゃない
For us to return back to normal after surpassing our limits... that's supposed to be impossible. 一度限界を超えて、元に戻るなんてこと… 実はありえないんだよ
I see. These are all things I've been aware of. なるほど、身に覚えのあること ばかりだな
Unfortunately, that's all that I know of. The only thing I can say is that... we are in a dangerous situation where we might awaken at any given moment. 済まんが、これ以上のことは私にもわからない。 ただ言えるのは、 我々はいかなる状況で覚醒するのか分からない、 危険な状態だということだけだ
That's reckless! If you surpass your limit with that body of yours... 無茶だ!その身体で 限界を超えたら…
I don't plan on taking a risk like this ever again. 私もこんな綱渡りは2度とごめんだ
I don't sense any of our comrades inside this mountain area. And even if someone were present outside the area, they should barely be able to sense our presence. 山一つ向こうまで仲間の気配は無い。 仮に、その先にいたとして、 我々の存在が辛うじて解るかどうかだ
Someone is able to sense my presence from this far of a distance. この距離で、 私に気づく者がいるのか…
In any case, how was that possible? The Yoki of the one I thought had awakened has stabilized now. それにしてもどういうことだ? 覚醒したと思えたやつの妖気が安定した
No, the awakening seems to be a mistake on my part. All four of them are safe and sound. いや、覚醒は私の勘違いのようだ。 4人とも無事だ
Even for me, it is difficult to grasp information accurately at this distance. いくら私でも、 こんな距離で正確な情報など掴めんよ
Memorize the Yoki of those four. You may have to cross swords with them in the future. 4人の妖気を覚えておけ。 そのうち刃を交えることになるかもしれないからな
We have carried out the job asked of us. Nothing else has happened. Okay? 我々は与えられた仕事をやり遂げた。 その他には何もなかった、いいな?
In the future, act obedient enough so the organization isn't suspicious of you. You need to clear your image as problem children. 今後は 怪しまれぬ程度に、組織に従順になれ。 問題児というイメージを払拭するんだ
Your powers have risen significantly following your awakening. I'm sure you can rival any of the single-digit warriors now. お前たちは覚醒したことで、実力は上がっている。 それぞれナンバー1ケタに匹敵するといっていい
However, Number Five and up is another issue. If you meet any of them, discard the option of fighting them immediately. ただし、ナンバー5以上は別だ。 こいつらと会ったら、 戦うという選択肢は先ず捨てろ
These are the symbols of the top five warriors. Memorize them. 上位5人の印だ。覚えておけ
She cares nothing about the lives of her comrades or the lives of humans in general. Avoid contact even if you have to act a bit unnatural. 仲間の命も人の命も なんとも思わない奴だ。 多少不自然でも接触を避けろ
I plan on continuing my investigation of the organization. 私はこれからも、組織のことを 調べるつもりだ
The risk is higher if we band together now. Besides, the idea the organization is trying to rid themselves of us is just a hypothesis. 我々が結束する方がリスクが大きい。 それに、組織が我々を始末しようとしているというのは、 あくまで仮説だ
How many of them will survive long enough to meet me in the end? A thorny path, indeed... 果たして何人私の前まで、生きて 辿り着けることやら… まったく、イバラの道だな
If you're going to put your hands on Clare like that again, then I won't forgive you! これ以上クレアに手出しするなら、 オレが許さない!
My, your face has changed after seeing my symbol. So, you know about me or something? I'm quite interested... of your source... あら、印を見て顔色が変わったわね。 あたしのこと知ってるのかしら? どこで聞いたのか…興味あるわね…
It's all good if I don't say anything about it, right? Why would anyone report it when their neck is on the line? あんなの自己申告じゃない。 自分の首が切られるのに律儀に報告するなんて
Even if someone were to witness it, the matter would be over with if I kill that witness altogether. たとえ誰かに見られていたとしても、 それともども始末すれば済む話よ
Listen, I'll explain the rules now. I'll fight with this boy. Of course, I won't fight seriously. I'll fight according to the boy's strength. いい、ルールを説明するわよ。 あたし今から、あの子と戦うわ。 もちろん本気じゃないわよ。 あの子の実力に合わせた力でね
In that time period, you'll have to glue your two legs back together and come save him. Take too much time, and the boy will die. Do it too fast, and your legs will be so badly joined, you won't be able to save anything. それまでに その両足をくっつけて助けに入るの。 時間がかかりすぎてもあの子が死んじゃうし、 急ぎすぎて変なくっつき方をしても 助けにはならないわ
I should be able to do this by repeating the process... of releasing my Yoma powers and regenerating. 妖力解放して、修復と再生を 繰り返せばできるはずだ…
You're better than I thought. I'm slightly impressed. 思ったよりやるのね、 ちょっと感心しちゃった
I told you, if you rush, your legs won't even hold together. It won't even connect. 言ったでしょ、急ぎ過ぎて雑にやっちゃダメだって。 くっつきすらしないわ
Stop talking trash already. Your worthless attacks... don't even make me itch! いい加減なことを言うな! てめぇの屁みてぇな攻撃なんか、かすりもしねえよ!
Which one of you shall I kill? Which one of you would be more fun to watch screaming in agony? どっちを殺して、 どっちの泣き喚く姿を見るのが楽しいかしら?
Ahh... you're here... I thought I'd have more time to play. あーあ、きやがったか… もう少し遊んでられるかと思ってたのによ
I meant to tear down everything except the boy, but both of you are unharmed. 男の子以外切り刻んだつもりだったのに、 二人とも無事なんだ
A weakling like you can't even push my hand away, let alone the fact that we're dealing with a pretty tough Awakened Being. There's no way you can fight and guard the boy like this. あなたみたいな非力じゃ、あたしの手を振り払うこともできないのよ。 ましてや結構強そうな覚醒者が相手。 このままあの子を抱えて戦えるわけないじゃない
Give it up. Even if you release your powers to your limit, you won't even come close to my powers right now. 無駄よ、たとえ限界ギリギリまで妖力解放しても、 今のあたしの力にすら及ばないわ
You just won't give up, eh? Give up on that kid. No matter how much you release your powers, at your level, you will never be able to save even one small life. 往生際が悪いわね、あの子のことはあきらめなさい。 どんなに妖力解放したって、 所詮あなたの実力じゃ、ちっぽけな命一つ救えないのよ
I need to get as far as I can! As many steps as I can! 出来る限り遠くへ… 一歩でも遠くへ…
My, they've only gotten that far? So weak and foolish, I can't even bear watching them. まぁ、まだその程度しか離れてないの? 非力でノロマじゃ、 目も当てられないわね
That's not it! I want to be of help to you, Clare! I know I'm no help. But, even so, I want to be by your side! そうじゃない、クレアの力になりたいんだ! 何の役にも立たないのはわかってる、 けどそれでもクレアの側にいたい!
Your time has run out. From here on, I would ask that you make your moves in 20 seconds. 持ち時間が切れました。ここからは、 一手20秒以内でお願いします
Youngsters are so lucky. They have plenty of time. Time to regret. 若者はいいな、 時間がたっぷりある。 後悔する時間が
Neither of them have the right attitude for the student council! 二人とも、生徒会の自覚がないんだから!
They're betting money on it! Even though he's got brains, Lulu's way of using them is weird! If he'd study, then his grades would be better too... お金かけてるんですよ! 頭いいのに、ルルは使い方おかしいんです。 ちゃんと勉強すれば、成績だってねぇ…
Even though our Lulu-chan is such a serious guy? How cute! うちのルルちゃんは本当はマジメな子なのに?カワイイねぇ
Dammit. Even though we managed to get it out, because that Tamaki didn't move according to Naoto's plan... クソッ、やっと盗み出せたってのに、 タマキの奴が…直人の作戦通りに動かないから!
Nobles are the best! They have pride so they'll definitely pay up! On top of that, a new record of 8 minutes 32 seconds! 貴族最高! プライドあるから支払いも確実だしねえ。 その上8分32秒の新記録!
He didn't have much remaining time left either. And nobles are so indifferent. They're just considered masters because of their special rights... 相手の持ち時間も少なかったしな。 それにヌルいんだよ貴族って、 特権に寄生しているだけだから
That's true. And even if we cry, the dead people won't come back to life. そうだな。それに俺達が泣いたって、 死んだ人間は生き返らない
In the end, it's all just self-gratification. No matter how hard you stretch, the world won't change. 所詮、自己満足。 どれだけ背伸びしたって、 どうせ世界は変わらない…
Showing myself without confidence will only make the people of the media happy. 自信などと、 メディアの方々が喜ぶだけです
If the King doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow. 王様から動かないと、 部下がついて来ないだろ
Hey, can't someone at least call the cops? 誰か、警察ぐらい呼んであげたら?
Hey, what you're doing is the right thing to do, but I really wish you would stop that. Because of your meaningless pride, we're gonna be late to class. あのさ…やってることは正しいんだけど、 やめて欲しいんだよね、無意味なプライド発揮すんの。 授業遅れちゃうって
Even the military has shown up. What should we do? 軍まで出てきた。 どうする?
Go sniff out the monkey that has the same smell as you. 同じサルの匂いを嗅ぎ分けろ
As the information stated, I think it's poison gas. 情報通り、毒ガスだと思う
This definitely IS poison... A powerful poison that would make Suzaku's masters nervous. If it were to leak to the outside... まずい…確かに毒だ… 外に漏れれば、 スザクの主人たちが危うくなる程の猛毒
From what I can tell, you appear to be a student of Britannia. This was unfortunate. Retrieve the woman then kill the student. 見たところ、 ブリタニアの学生らしいが不運だったな。 女を捕獲した後、学生を殺せ
The opponents are trash who cannot even rise to the standard to become a Britannia citizen. Kill them until there are none left. 相手は名誉ブリタニア人 にすらなれない屑どもだ。 1匹残らず抹消せよ!
It's not there? Even though we brought along the Lancelot? いないって? ランスロットを連れてきたのに?
A location worthy of the end of a terrorist. テロリストの最後に相応しいロケーションだな
Well, for a student you tried hard. As expected of a Britannian. However, your future... Has just ended. ま、学生にしてはよく頑張った。 さすがはブリタニア人だ。 しかしお前の未来は、いま終わる
I would've preferred her alive... This is what we should tell the higher-ups: ''We, the elite troops, found the terrorist base and destroyed it. However, the hostage had been beaten to death by the time that we got there.'' できれば生かしておきたかったが、 上にはこう報告しよう。 「我々親衛隊は、テロリストのアジトを見つけこれを殲滅。 しかし、人質は既に弄り殺しにあっていた」
This is a contract. In return for power, I want you to grant one of my wishes. これは契約。力をあげる代わりに、 私の願いを一つだけ叶えてもらう
If you agree to the contract, you will live as a human, but differ from other humans. 契約すれば、 お前は人の世に生きながら、 人とは違う理で生きることになる
The Power of the King will make you isolated. If you are prepared for that... 王の力はお前を孤独にする。 その覚悟があるのなら…
Being so fed up with a world that didn't change at all, but being unable to give up the despair of a lie. But what I obtained... Power... That's why... 全く変わらない世界に飽き飽きして、 でも嘘って絶望で諦めることもできなくて。 だけど手に入れた…力を…だから
My father is a Duke. I have an ID card in back pocket. After you check it, I would like to request protection. 父は公爵だ。 内ポケットにIDカードが入っている。確認した後、 保護を頼みたい
It appears that the poison gas been released. I heard that there were a large amount of casualties among the 11's. 毒ガスは拡散したらしいよ。イレブンが 大量に被害に遭ったって
Private Kururugi, what sort of experience do you have piloting the Knightmare Frame? クルルギ一等兵。 君、ナイトメアフレームの 騎乗経験は?
I'll act as a decoy so, Ougi, you guys get everyone out! 私が囮になるから、 オウギさんはここの人達を逃して!
As long as the situation is hidden from you, it's difficult to determine the reinforcements that you must send. In other words, these are all the pieces for the board. 情報を秘匿している以上、 大っぴらに援軍は呼び辛い。 つまり、盤上の駒はこれだけ
Even so, getting through this many enemies by myself will be difficult. とはいえ、これだけの包囲網を一人で突破するのは難しい
Did you think that this would work? Jeez... A plan like this... 通用するとでも思ったか?こんな作戦が
I'll give you the things that are inside of that train there as a present. They're some tools that you can use in order to win. そこに止まっている列車の 積荷をプレゼントしよう。 勝つための道具だ
Who are you? At least give me your name. 君は何者だ? 名前だけでも
Could you win, if we used your toy? 勝てるか、 お前の玩具なら?
As expected of you. Even if it was a simulator, you still are top class. さすがね。シミュレーターとはいえ、 トップクラスのことだけはあるわ
Hm? Is it backup? Real battle is different I guess... ん、増援か? 実戦は違うな…
These numbers are above what we assumed it would be. 想定以上の数値です
If I destroy all of the Knightmares, then the fighting will stop. No matter what, I need to save Lelouch and that girl! 僕が全てのナイトメアを止めれば、 戦いは終わる。何としても、 ルルーシュとあの子を助けないと
Saving a person in the middle of a fight... hmph. If you want moral victories, I'll give them to you. 戦闘中に人助けとは…ふん。 戦術的勝利なんか、いくらでもくれてやる
Finally, a guard huh? You've become quite spread out, as I planned. やっと検問か。作戦通り 手薄になったな
We would've been better off to use the poison gas than ending up listening to some guy we don't even know! 訳わかんないヤツに従うくらいなら、 毒ガスを使うべきだったんだよ!
Do you not remember? We always would play chess together, even though I always won. 覚えていませんか? 二人でチェスをやったことを、 いつも僕の勝ちでしたけど
I'm so happy, Lelouch. I heard that you had died during the invasion of Japan. うれしいよルルーシュ。 日本占領の時に死んだと聞いてたから
So you can use me as a tool on the diplomatic scene again? You seem to have forgotten how much we were used as tools. また外交の道具とする気か? お前は、何ゆえ俺達が道具になったか忘れたようだな
Mother was a noble, but her origin was that of a commoner. To the other Imperial Princesses, her existance was probably an eyesore. 母の身分は騎士侯だったが、出は庶民だ。 他の皇女たちにとっては、 さぞや目障りな存在だったんだろうな
However... Going so far as to make it look like a terrorist attack... You killed mother! しかし…だからといってテロリストの仕業に 見せかけてまで、母さんを殺したな!
S-Stop it. Even though I'm only your half-brother, I'm still your brother! や、やめろ。腹違いとはいえ、 実の兄だぞ!
The world cannot be changed with pretty words alone. キレイごとで、 世界は変えられないから
As you know, the plans have all failed. We will shut down this laboratory because of that. 諸君も知っての通り、計画はすべて失敗した。 ゆえにこの研究所を破棄する
Understood. We will prepare as quickly as possible! わかりました。早急に準備を進めます!
Just now, Sayoko was teaching me origami. She said that if you fold a piece of paper numerous times, you can turn it into things like birds and ships. さっきね、サヨコさんに折り紙を教えてもらったんです。 1枚の紙を何度も折ると、 鳥とか船とか、いろんなものになるんですって
Oh, you don't need to talk so quickly. I won't be going anywhere. あぁ、そんなに急いで話さなくても、大丈夫だよ。 オレはどこにも行かないから
They say that if you fold a thousand of these, your wishes will be granted. If there's anything that brother wishes for... この鶴を1000羽折るとね、 願いが叶うんですって。 もしお兄様に叶えたいことがあるのなら…
By the time you can see with your eyes, the world might be like that. お前の目が見えるようになる頃には、 きっとそうなってるよ
For us, there will be restrictions on our future. Even though we're protected here, we don't know how long the Ashford family can back us. オレ達には、選択できる未来が限られている。 ここで匿われているといっても、 アッシュフォード家がいつまで後ろ盾になってくれるか
If our identities were revealed, Shirley and Rivalz would he separated from us. 素性がバレたら、 シャーリーやリバルたちだって離れるだろうし
Our fate is to be tools of the government, or to be used in some plot. 行く末は、政治の道具か 陰謀の餌食だ
I must create a world where at least Nunnally would be able to live happily. 作らねば。 ナナリーだけでも幸せに過ごせる世界を
That's scary. I would have to swallow a thousand needles. 怖いな、千本も針を飲まなくちゃいけないのか
Don't worry, I won't lie. At least not to you. 大丈夫、オレは嘘をつかないよ。 お前にだけは
I see, so it won't work on the same person twice. やはりな、同じ人間には一度しか 効かないってわけか
We can't search for someone with only a voice as a lead. Not only that, Naoto would also be happier if you stayed a student. 声だけじゃ 探しようがないよ。 それに、カレンが学生やってる方が 直人も喜ぶ
They sound similar? No, a memory of a voice isn't that reliable. 似てる、か。 いや、声の記憶なんてアテにならないけど
Sure. I thought that you would ask me that. ええ。誘ってくれると思ってた
It's a clubhouse made specifically for the student council to use. It was made with enough space so that balls and other events could be held here. 生徒会専用のクラブハウスだ。 舞踏会なんかもできるように、 広めに作ってある
There won't be any interruptions if we're here. ここならジャマは入らない
I'm done with all of this, so let's begin! こっちもできたから、始めよっか
I am Shirley! I'm also a part of the swim team. Nice to meet you! シャーリーです。水泳部と掛け持ちだけど、よろしく!
Um, Shirley? I'm sorry, but could you put this on the table? あのシャーリーさん、すみません、これテーブルに
I'm still in middle school and not really a part of the student council. 私は中等部なので、生徒会じゃないんですけど
Wouldn't that be bad for the student council? 生徒会自らこれはまずいんじゃ
It's for you. He said that if you answered, you would know. 君宛だ。出ればわかるってさ
There's not a whole lot of work to do even though we're the student council. There's some paperwork every once in a while, and the rest is event planning. 生徒会っていっても、 大して仕事はないんだ。 たまに書類仕事があるくらいで、 後はイベントの企画
Geass. An absolute power which allows the user to give orders to anyone. Lelouch decided to plan the destruction of the Britannian Empire by using this as a weapon. ギアス。いかなる相手にでも命令を下せる、 絶対遵守の力。 ルルーシュは、このギアスを武器に、 ブリタニア帝国の破壊を決意する
His goals are to take revenge for his mother, and create a world in which his little sister, Nunnally, could live in peace. 母の仇を打ち、 妹ナナリーが幸せに過ごせる世界を作るために
All while knowing that what lies ahead is his father, the Emperor of Britannia. その先に待つのは、 父、ブリタニア皇帝だと知りながら
At least, that is what Lelouch desires right now. 少なくとも、それが当時のルルーシュの願いであった
There must be some kind of mistake. I've never seen this gun before. 何かの間違いです。 自分はこんな銃見たこともありません
You are also suspected of being the one who slaughtered the special forces. Acknowledge it. 君には親衛隊の殺害容疑もかかっている。 認めたまえ
There's no way Suzaku would do something like that. It's some sort of mistake. あのスザクがそんなことするはずがない。 何かの間違いだよ
That's why we should have announced it as quickly as possible! Even though it was our achievement! だからさっさと声明を出せばよかったんだ! おれたちの手柄になったのによ!
Yes, it should be just as you ordered it. It was done by someone here who's number one in the world. The slide system is also working. ああ、すべて注文通りのはずだ。 こっちの世界では超一流ってやつがやってるし、 スライドシステムも確認済み
Regardless, I will acknowledge your skill. To get that much together in that short of time... It was as if you already knew of His Majesty's death. しかし手腕は認めよう。 あれだけの時間でよくまぁ、 あらかじめ殿下の死を知っていたようじゃないか
Forgive me, but the memorial programs of all important personnel have already been prepared. 恐れながら、重要な人物の追悼番組は 常に用意しております
Would you like to join the military? We're short on people who can control the media. 軍に入る気は無いか? 報道担当が手薄だ
I am aware of the manipulation of power. However, for me... 力足らずは、承知しております。 私ごときでは…
I'm glad that it's easy to negotiate with you. Make it so that it's easy to see the faces of the escort. 話が早くて助かるよ。 護送は顔がよく見えるようにな
Sir Jeremiah, there are those among the Elevens who hold Private Kururugi as a hero. I believe that there may be some groups who will try to rescue him. ジェルミア卿、イレブンの中にはクルルギ1等兵を英雄視する者もいます。 奪還を考えるグループもあるかと
Look to the right side of the direction you're heading in. What do you see? 進行方向に向かって右を見ろ。 何が見える?
A city of the Britannians. A city of robbers, which stands because of our sacrifices. ブリタニア人の街だ。 私たちの犠牲の上に成り立つ、強盗の街
Can all of you in front of the TV screen see it? It appears to be a machine of some sort, but its purpose is still unknown. テレビの前のみなさん、見えますでしょうか? なんらかの機械と思われますが、 目的は不明です
We will stand by to hear the declaration of the man thought to be a terrorist, so please wait! テロリストと思われる人物の 声明を待ちますので、しばらくお待ちください
This guy... He took every Britannian civilian here as a hostage! こいつ… ここにいるブリタニア市民をまるごと人質にとったな…
For the life of one Eleven, you can save many Britannian lives. I don't think that's a bad deal. イレブン一匹で、 尊いブリタニア人の命が大勢救えるんだ。 悪くない取引だと思うがな
To think that he would really rescue him... まさか、本当に助け出すなんて…
It's not as if a bluff like that would work forever! あんなハッタリが何度も通用するかってーの!
Even the war against Britannia that everyone thought was impossible... It might be possible, if we've got him. みんながムリだと思っていたブリタニアとの戦争だって、 やるかもしれない、彼なら
That trial is rigged to judge you as the murderer! The police, the witnesses, even the lawyers! あの法廷は、お前を犯人にするために仕組まれている! 検索間も、判事も、弁護人も!
Even so, those are the rules. If I don't go, the accusations against the Elevens and Honored Britannians will begin. それでも、それがルールだ。 僕が行かないと、イレブンや名誉ブリタニア人に対して、 弾圧が始まる
I want to capture you, but if I do that here, I would probably face retaliation. If I'm to be killed, then I would rather die for the sake of others. 君を捕まえたいが、ここでは 返り討ちだろうからね。 どうせ殺されるなら、 僕はみんなのために死にたい
From the looks of it, you've already ate dinner. その様子だと、 食事は外で済ませてきたな
I was worried. I thought that you might have been caught up in the chaos that person named Zero caused. I called you, but I couldn't reach you. 心配しました。ゼロという人の 騒ぎに巻き込まれたんじゃないかって。 電話したんですけど繋がらなくて
Your friend is quite interesting, having only initials for a name. Could it be... That she's your girlfriend? 変わったお友達ですのね、 イニシャルだけだなんて。 ひょっとして…お兄様の恋人?
Here, you need to go to the bathroom. I'll get you a change of clothes too. ほら、洗面所いかないと。 着替えも出してやるから
The plan to destroy Britannia. I thought that it would be a little while longer before I could make my move. ブリタニアをぶっ壊す予定表さ。 動き出せるのは、 もう少し先になると思っていた
I was planning to do this even without it. これがなくて、やるつもりだった
As expected, you're an interesting person. 見込み通り、おもしろい男のようだ
Even if you say the military, it's only a small portion of it. It's enough if I just keep a low profile. 軍と言ってもごく一部だけ。 なら普通に隠れているだけで充分だ
Being together is even more dangerous. 一緒の方が危険だ
You won't answer anyone's questions at all, but you'll ask me questions, huh? 人の質問には一切答えないくせに、 オレには質問するんだな
The entire world is searching for you. The entire world is moving because of you. Lelouch, is this what you wanted to see? 世界中がお前を探している。 お前のために世界が動いている。 ルルーシュ、お前はこれが見たかったのか?
No, this disturbance is merely part of the calculation. The world will plunge into an even greater chaos. いや、この騒ぎは手段にすぎないよ。 世界は、もっと大きな混乱に叩き込まれる
It's best to understand the specs of your weapon, isn't it? If you're too uncontrollable, then... 武器のスペックは理解するべきだろう。 お前もワガママがすぎると…
I wonder if it would work on me? 効くかな?私に
Don't worry. You and I are accomplices. I won't do anything that would put us in a disadvantegous situation. 安心しろ、お前と私は共犯者だ。 私達の不利になるようなことはしない
I wanted you to contact Sir Jeremiah, but it seems you probably won't, isn't that right? ジェルミア卿に連絡を取ってもらいたかったが、 それどころではないようだな
After having the Geass cast on them, or when it's in effect, there is a noticeable gap in memory. This is thought to be damage caused by the Geass invading the cerebrum. If it has the property of light, then reflection is also possible. また、ギアスをかけた前後、 および発動中には、記憶の欠落が見られる。 これは、ギアスが大脳に介入したために 生じたダメージと思われる。 光情報だとすれば、反射も可能
You sure have studied it a lot in such a short amount of time. これだけの短期間に、 よく調べたものだ
The opponent is an Empire which has subdued over a third of the world. There is no such thing as exercising too much discretion. 相手は、世界の3分の1以上を占める帝国だ。 慎重すぎるってことはない
Britannia is much too large and powerful of an opponent to fight with just one Geass. ギアス一つで戦うには、 あまりに大きく、強い相手だ
So everything would be okay if I were strong? 強ければいいのか?
Of course, I don't think that it is possible to get rid of all of that. もちろん、そうしたものが全てなくせるなんて思わない
I would at least like a world without war. A place where we won't lose dear ones. 大切な人を失わなくて済む、 せめて、戦争のない世界に
The purists are having an internal conflict. Let's hurry up and get out of here. 純潔派の内ゲバなんだよ。 とっとと逃げよ
Wouldn't this be a good chance to get battle data on the Lancelot? ランスロットの戦闘データを取る、 チャンスではないでしょうか?
What does a special envoy want? If you are going to interfere, we'll kill you regardless of who you are! 特派が何用だ? 介入するなら 誰であろうと討つ!
On top of me not even being aware, I have been acting extremely rude to you. 知らぬこととはいえ、 失礼致しました
Just as you lost your father, I have lost my older brother, Clovis. Will you lend me your strength so that others can get by without losing their loved ones? あなたが父を失ったように、 私も兄クロビスを失いました。 これ以上、みんなが大切な人を失わなくて済むよう、 力を貸していただけますか?
It looks like it was wearing something, but I couldn't really see. It vanished somewhere along the way. 何か、被ってたみたいですけど、 よく見えませんでしたし。 いつの間にかなくなっちゃって
Aw, just when I thought that I could finally get a weakness of yours. あーあ、せっかく弱みを握れると 思ったのに
President, could you let him into the Student Council? 会長、こいつを生徒会に 入れてやってくれないか?
If it's a request of the Vice-President, I guess I have no choice. 副会長の頼みじゃ、 しょうがないわね
This is the reward that Milly set. Because it is two of you, please make do with me who is half a Student Council member. ミレイさんが公約したご褒美です。 お二人ですから、半人前の私で、 我慢してくださいね
You are the Emperor, the greatest person in this country, are you not?! You should have been able to protect her! At the very least you could have visited Nunnally. 皇帝ですよね、この国で一番偉いんですよね? だったら守れたはずです! ナナリーの所にも顔を出すぐらいは
I have no use for the weak. That is the true nature of the Imperial Family. 弱者に用はない。 それが、皇族というものだ
Then I... Do not need to be a successor of the throne! I have had enough of following you and being caught up in conflict! なら僕は…皇位継承権なんていりません! あなたの後を継ぐのも、争いに巻き込まれるのも、 もうたくさんです!
You are dead. You have been dead since the day you were born. Who gave you those clothes that you wear on your back right now? Your home, your food, even your life... I am the one who gave all of that to you! 死んでおる。お前は、生まれた時から 死んでおるのだ。 身にまとったその服は誰が与えた? 家も食事も命すらも、 すべてワシが与えたもの
In other words, you have not even once truly been alive! And yet, you show such insolence?! つまり、お前は生きたことは一度もないのだ! しかるに、なんたる愚かしさ!
A dead person like you has no rights. You will go to Japan with Nunnally. As a Prince and Princess, you will be good trading material. 死んでおるお前に権利などない。 ナナリーと供に日本へ渡れ。 王子と皇女ならば、良い取引材料だ
I heard an Eleven is the pilot of that Lancelot. そのランスロット、パイロットはイレブンだと聞いた
It's because you fight with your life at stake that you have the right to reign. I understand that reasoning, sister. But... 命をかけて戦うからこそ、 統治する資格がある。 その理屈はわかります、お姉さま。でも…
The people in the Student Council are helping me too, but I can't quite get the hang of it. 生徒会の人にも教えてもらっているんですが、 なかなか…
To tell you the truth, I was a little worried about you. I was wondering if you would fit in at such an informal school. 本当言うとね、ちょっと心配してたの。 フランクな学校とはいっても、馴染めないんじゃないかって
I was wondering that too. But, I happened to meet an old friend of mine, and he opened the doors for me. 僕も覚悟してました。 でも、偶然昔の友達がいて、 彼がきっかけを
Hey, why don't you try that? I'd like your opinion of it. ね、それ食べてみて。 感想を聞きたいんだけど
More than half of the neighboring civilians are cooperating with them. 近隣住民の半数以上は 彼らの協力者
Zero is a theatrical type of criminal. In order to draw him out, I have created the same situation as Shinjuku. ゼロは劇場型の犯罪者だ。 誘き出すために、私はあえて新宿と同じ状況を作り出した
The weak will lose everything and be forced to grovel. That's the kind of country that Britannia is. That's the kind of world. 弱者は全て失い這いつくばれ。 ブリタニアってのはそういう国だ。 そういう世界だ
Survival of the fittest is the rule of nature. 弱肉強食は原種のルールだ
If so, then what will happen to Nunnally?! Does she have to give up just because she is weak? だとしたら、ナナリーはどうなる?! 弱いから諦めなくてはならないのか
Don't go, Lelouch. It would be a problem if you were to die before you fulfilled contract with me. 行くなルルーシュ。 私との契約を果たす前に 死んでもらっては困るからな
I won't kill you. I'll just shoot your leg and force you to stay here. 殺しはしない。足だけ撃って 大人しくしてもらうさ
You can't use Geass, can you? Well, I had assumed as much. If you could do it yourself, then you wouldn't have asked me. お前ギアスは使えないんだな。 ま、予想はついていたけどな。 自分でやれるなら、 オレに頼んだりはしないだろう
I was dead until the moment I met you. A powerless corpse which was lying to itself and pretending to live. A life that lives without doing anything... It's the same as a slow death. If I must live as I did before, then... オレは、お前に会うまでずっと死んでいた。 無力な屍のくせに、生きてるって嘘をついて。 何もしない人生なんて、ただ生きてるだけの命なんて、 緩やかな死と同じだ。 また昔みたいになるくらいなら…
The civilians of this ghetto did not report the presence of terrorists, but hid and protected them! That is a crime of treason against the Empire! このゲットーの住民はテロリストの存在を通報せず、 庇い、隠した。 これは宗主国に対する反逆罪だ
It appears the civilians have been taken care of. 責任者達の掃除は終わったようです
It's the same... Even though Cornelia replaced Clovis, Britannia hasn't changed. 同じだ…クロビスがコーネリアになっても、 ブリタニアは変わらない
I have acquired this from the terrorists. Would it be possible for you to take this to headquarters? テロリストより、このようなものを押収しました。 本部にご送信願えないでしょうか?
But, before that, I would also like to have your Sutherland. しかしこちらもその前に、 あなたのサザーランドを頂きたいのです
Lulu didn't seem very serious, didn't like hard work, and felt kind of stuck-up. To tell you the truth, I didn't like him very much when I first met him. ルルって不真面目で努力とかそういうの 鼻で笑ってる気がして、正直 最初は好きになれなかった
But I saw a traffic accident the first year of high school. No matter how you looked at it, the one at fault was the guy who hit them from behind... But nobody tried to help them. Then... でもね、高一の時交通事故を見かけたの。 どう見ても悪いのは 後ろからぶつかった方で、 でも誰も助けようとしなかったの。その時…
Lulu didn't look like he was proud of it nor was he laughing at it, but rather, he looked bored as usual. ルルはね、それを誇るわけでも 笑い飛ばすわけでもなくって、 いつもみたいにつまらなそうな顔してて
And I thought to myself, "I wonder what he's thinking about." "What is it that he wants to do?" So then I got curious, and then... でね、思ったの。あいつ何考えてるんだろ、 何をしたいんだろうって。 私、知りたくなっちゃって、そしたら…
Even though I have Geass, going in with this much security is too dangerous. As with Clovis, I'll need to find an opening and catch her off guard. いくらギアスがあるとはいえ、 通常の警備状況で進入するのは危険すぎる。 やはりクロビスの時と同じく、隙を作らせて…
Karen says that's not true, but it kind of looked like she was pretending to be mad to cover up. カレンは違うって言うけど、 なんかゴマかすために怒っていた ようにも見えたし…
If I'm forced to show myself... Even if I don't have Zero's mask, my true face will be revealed. I can't let that happen! どうなる、面通しをされたら… ゼロの仮面はなくても、オレの素性がバレる。 ダメだ、それは!
Could it be that this stunt is part of a trap? ワナの可能性は?
What is clear now is that he seems to be a person with a large amount of pride, just as you theorized. はっきりしたのは、総督の分析通り プライドの高い人物ということですが
She's of a totally different level compared to Clovis... So this is Cornelia? クロビスとは格が違う… それがコーネリアか
You are quite a sore loser. A certain power is required in order to make full use of these "conditions". 負け惜しみだな。 それだけの条件を揃えるのも、力の内だ
It would've been nice if Lelouch had come along though, wouldn't it? ルルーシュも来られると よかったのにねぇ
Didn't we agree that tonight we'd talk about the type of men we like until dawn? 今宵は夜通し語り明かそうぞ。 好きな男の子、教え合ったりさ
We're here for you. We won't leave you behind this time. 一緒にいてあげるから。 今度は置いてけぼりにしない
All of you, even though you aren't soldiers, are Britannians. The ones who rule over us. 諸君は軍属ではないが、ブリタニア人だ。 我々を支配するものだ
All of the bridges that link to the hotel have been destroyed, except for the main one. Attempts to approach via air and sea have failed. ホテルに繋がる橋は、 メインを残して全て落とされました。 上空および水中からの接近はいずれも失敗
Enemy sighted. As expected, they are coming in from the path below. 敵影補足。予測通り、 地下坑道を移動してきます
If they know that Princess Euphemia is among the hostages, they will definitely use that as leverage during the negotiations. 人質の中にユーフェミア様がいるのがわかれば、 必ずや交渉に使ってくるかと
No. We are not a resistance. What we are aiming for is... To be the allies of justice. 違う。私たちはレジスタンスではない。 私たちが目指すもの… それは、正義の味方だ
I am a member of an organization. I must place the ideals held by the organization before my own personal emotions. 僕は組織の人間です。 個人的な感情より、 組織の論理を優先します
If we don't receive any responses to our demands, we will make someone fly every thirty minutes. I hope that you can make a sincere effort on behalf of the hostages. 我々の要求に対して、何らかの返答がなされない限り、 30分ごとに一人ずつ飛んでもらう。 人質のためにも、 誠意ある対応を期待する
Stay as you are for now. Apprehend him after you have surrounded him. その状態で待機せよ。 包囲完了後に逮捕する
What would we do if our base is discovered? アジトを一目に晒してどうするんだよ
That's why I said before that he's suspicious. Well, I'll think of something if anything happens. だから俺は怪しいって言ってんだ。 ま、いざとなったら俺がなんとかするけど
If things go as I've planned, there isn't a need to use Geass. 読み通りなら、 ギアスを使うまでもないが
Good, it's as I thought. The first condition has been cleared. よし、やはりそうか。 第一条件はクリアされた
You're still the same as ever, Cornelia. You have always pampered Euphemia. That's why you can't make your move. 相変わらずだな、コーネリアは。 あなたは昔からユーフェミアを溺愛していた。 だから動けない
Will the Japan Liberation Front accept me as a fellow comrade, or will they treat me as a nuisance? No matter what, they can't suppress this desire deep within their hearts that makes them yearn to see Zero. Which means... 日本解放戦線が私を同士として受け入れるか、 それとも、邪魔ものとして扱うか。 いずれにせよ、ゼロに会いたいという誘惑、 この心の動きに勝てるはずがない。ということは…
Due to the arrival of Zero, the time before the next hostage is killed should be delayed. ゼロが行くことによって、 次の人質殺害までに 若干のゆとりが生まれるはずだ
Llyod! Doesn't that mean they're telling us to act as bait?! ロイドさん、それってうちを囮に使って隙を作るってことですか?!
As long as it's possible to save everyone... If Lancelot and I are required now, I should do it! Even if that means acting as bait. みんなを助ける可能性があって、 今僕とランスロットが必要とされているなら、 やるべきです!それがたとえ、囮であろうと
Okay. I can still handle this level of damage. よし、この破壊力なら耐えられる
He was begging me for his life till the end. With that mouth that ordered the murder of the Elevens. 彼は最後まで私におもねり、命乞いをした。 イレブンを殺せと命じたその口で
We, the Order of the Black Knights, are allies of all those who hold no weapons! Be it Elevens or Britannians. 我々黒の騎士団は、 武器を持たない全ての者の味方である。 イレブンだろうと、ブリタニア人であろうと
The Japanese Liberation Front used underhanded tactics, used Britannian civilians as hostages, and killed them in cold blood. It was a meaningless action. Thus, we have punished them. 日本解放戦線は、卑劣にも ブリタニアの民間人を人質に取り、 無残に殺害した。 無意味な行為だ、 ゆえに我々が制裁を下した
Clovis, the previous Governor-General, was the same. He massacred Elevens who possessed no weapons. I can't stand to see these kinds of cruel acts, which is why I punished him. クロビス前総督も同じだ。 武器を持たぬイレブンの虐殺を命じた。 このような残虐行為を見過ごすわけにはいかない。 ゆえに、制裁を加えたのだ
I don't wish to fight. However, the act of the strong completely and utterly killing the weak... That is unforgivable! 私は戦いを否定しない。 しかし、強い者が弱い者を一方的に殺すことは、 断じて許さない!
Only those who are prepared to be killed should be allowed to kill! When those with power attack those without, we will appear once again. No matter how great the power of the enemy is! 撃っていいのは 撃たれる覚悟のある奴だけだ! 我々は力ある者が力なき者を襲うとき、再び現れるだろう。 たとえその敵が、どれだけ大きな力を持っているとしても
Those with power... Fear us! Those without power... Seek us! The world shall be judged by us, the Order of the Black Knights! 力ある者よ、我を恐れよ! 力なき者よ、我を求めよ! 世界は、我々黒の騎士団が裁く!
It's been more than two weeks since Zero univeiled the Order of the Black Knights. However, actual evidence has yet to be found. ゼロが黒の騎士団を宣言してから 2週間以上。 結局、確たる証拠は見つからないままですが
Even though they said it's for social security, it's such a waste to give this to the Elevens. 福祉とはいえ、 イレブンにくれてやるには、惜しいですな
Her Highness Cornelia is a warrior. She won't accept these kinds of acts. コーネリア殿下は武人だ。 こうしたことには、疎くていらっしゃる
I don't know what he does every night, but he slept through more than half of the lesson. 毎晩何してるのか知らないけどさ、 授業の半分は寝てるよ、あいつ
I shall clean up this Area before handing it to you, so please don't think of anything dangerous. このエリアは私が綺麗にしてお前に渡す。 だから危ないことは考えるな
We're constantly surrounded and questioned by people, even in the bath! 46時中追いかけまわされて、 質問攻め。お風呂の中までよ!
We can't even get out of school this week. ここ1週間、学校の外にも出られなかったしね
Ever since our grand appearance during the hoteljacking incident, the world's attention has been on the Order of the Black Knights. ホテルジャック事件での華々しい登場以来、 世間は黒の騎士団1色に染まった
The Order of the Black Knights, based on Zero's proclamation, are allies of the weak. 黒の騎士団は、 ゼロの宣言通り弱者の見方だった
We quickly became heroes. Our supporters increased and we came into possession of Knightmares again. 私たちはあっと言う間に英雄になった。協力者も増え、 ナイトメアまで再び手に入れることができた
There are a lot of people among our allies who wish to see his real face. I feel the same way. However, I feel that he would disappear if we forced him. 仲間内でも彼の素顔を知りたがる人は多い。 私だってそうだ。でも、無理強いすれば 彼はいなくなってしまう気がする
Those people aren't even a resistance. Their killing of Colonel Kusakabe proves that. 奴らはレジスタンスじゃない。 その証拠にクサカベ中佐を殺している
I thought it would be a guy when she said it was your friend. Coming home in the morning and not going to school... It seems that you've been going in and out of the ghetto as well. お友達っていうからてっきり男だと思ったら。 朝帰りに不登校… ゲットーにも出入りしてるようね
My mother is an idiot. In the end, she's being ordered around as a maid. バカなんです母は。 結局、使用人扱いで
There's obviously no reason for her to stay in this house. It's thick-skinned of her to stay in the residence of her former lover. わざわざこの家に住まなくたっていいのに、 要するに縋ってるんですよ、 昔の男に
Even if you can bear with them alone, if they pile up, you might collapse under them someday. でもね、一つ一つは我慢できることでも、積み重なれば、 いつか擦り切れてしまうものよ
Don't worry. Even though I like to know the secrets of others, I don't like to leak them. 大丈夫、人の秘密って知りたくなる方だけど、 話す趣味はないから
Even though they're incompetent now, it's okay as long as they start to change internally, right? 今はだめでも、 警察の中に入って変えていけばいいじゃないか
That's something you should say only after they put in all of their effort and try to make changes up until the very end. By not doing that, they're just self-justifying their actions. それは、ギリギリまで 変える努力をしてから、 初めて言えることだよ。 それをしない限り、彼らの言い分は独善にすぎない
It's a narcotic. It allows the user to feel as if he or she has returned to the past. 麻薬、過去に戻った気になるってのが特徴かな
That sounds like it would sell well, especially to the Japanese. 売れそうですね、 特に日本人に
There are five of them. You can't win, can you? 相手は5人だ、勝てるわけないだろう
Take a good look at the Eleven who's being harassed. Go ahead and try to help him. If you do, that Eleven won't be able to do business here tomorrow. He has chosen to be a Britannian slave. よく見ろ、やられているイレブンを。 下手に加勢して、あいつらに勝ってみろ。 あのイレブンは、明日からここで商売ができなくなる。 あいつは自分でブリタニアの奴隷を選んだんだ
I guess they're the kind of people who get bored easily. 飽きっぽい連中だな
If it's okay, will the two of you please come this way? There's ice cream too. よかったらお二人でどうぞ。 アイスクリームもありますよ
The only thing left is the issue of pride. Well, I understand why they would want to treasure that. あとはプライドの問題。 ま、そっちを大事にしたい気持ちもわかるけどね
It was stupid of me to hope for anything out of you. I thought that you were a decent man. 少しでも期待した私がバカだったわ。 多少はマシな男だと思ったのに
Concerning the Kururugi Suzaku escape incident, is it true that you have no recollection of that time? 例のクルルギスザク強奪事件の時の、 今日の記憶がないというのは本当でしょうか?
You're such a weak woman. Depending on Britannia, depending on men, and now drugs? Brother isn't here anymore! あなたって女はどれだけ弱いの。 ブリタニアに縋って、男に縋って、今度は薬? お兄ちゃんはもういないんだよ!
You can become a Britannian. When that happens, you won't be bullied anymore. You can even make phone calls and travel as you please! お前はブリタニア人になれるんだよ。 そうなれば、もう殴られることもない。 電話だって旅行だって、自由にできるんだよ
False tears are capable of hurting other people. False smiles are capable of hurting one's self. 嘘の涙は、人を傷つける。 嘘の笑顔は自分を…
It's the aftereffects of the drug. She can barely talk. 薬の後遺症です。 会話はほとんどできません
Please wait. Mother, I'll change the world before you're released. Mother and I will live together in a normal world. So... So... 待ってて。お母さんが出てくるまでには、変えてみせるから。 あたしとお母さんが、普通に暮せる世界に。だから、だから…
It was easier than I thought. "Even though I hate Britannia, I don't support activities like terrorism." That's how the majority of the Elevens feel. 思ったより簡単だったよ。 「ブリタニアは嫌いだが、テロという手段には賛成できない」。 それが大多数のイレブンの意見だからな
In other words, a large population of the Elevens supports the Order of the Black Knights. つまり、ほとんどのイレブンは 黒の騎士団を支持する
Because of that, it's easier for the Order to take action. おかげで 集団での行動も取りやすくなった
The Japanese can't resist the lure of a stampede. As long as we create a reason that they can identify with... 日本人てヤツはスタンピードに弱いからな。 肯定できる隙間さえ作ってやれば…
So you created the "allies of justice" thing for that? そのための正義の味方か?
That isn't the face of an ally of justice. それは正義の味方の顔ではないな
The private establishment, Ashford Academy. I wish for you to investigate the male students there. I think one of Zero's supporters is among them. 私立アッシュフォード学園。 そこの男子生徒を調べてもらいたい。 ゼロの協力者と思われる
I'm glad. This means the famous people in Kyoto have recognized us, the Order of the Black Knights. うれしいねえ。京都のお偉いさんも、 俺達黒の騎士団を認めたってことだよ
A strange piece of information has arrived from the Britannian who wants to join us. Could this be a trap to lure us out? 変な情報が上がってきた、 入団希望のブリタニア人からだ。 我々を誘い出す罠じゃないのかな?
It's been confirmed that the main base of the Japanese Liberation Front is within this region. この地域に、日本解放戦線の本拠地があるのは 確実です
Isn't there a chance that enemies will appear from outside of our enclosure? 包囲網の外から、敵が現れることは 無いのでしょうか?
Right as the operation commences, we will close the neighboring roads and the mountain roads. 作戦開始と同時に、 周辺道路、および山道を封鎖します
We have back-up too. It would be Zero's last appearance if he were to act recklessly. 友軍もある。 下手に姿を表せば、 その時がゼロの最後となろう
You say you want to meet her, but do you even realize who she is? She's a princess, and we're mere commoners. You call it fate as a result of the hoteljacking, but what kind of fate is that?! 会いたいって言ってもさ、相手わかってる? 向こうは皇女様、こっちは庶民。 ホテルジャックの縁って言ったって どんな縁よそれ?
Er... Well, we could've done that before, but... Hey, how high of a social status do you think the granddaughter of a principal has? いや、うちも昔ならそれぐらいできたんだけど… ね、理事長の孫って どれぐらいの社会的ステータス?
Didn't I tell you that I would protect you? 守ってやるって言っただろう?
You changed your family name to Lamperouge, but you left your first name as Lelouch. How naive. Unable to give up the past. 家の名はランペルージュに変えた。 だが、ルルーシュという個人は残した。 甘さだな、過去を捨てきれない
If that's so, your "C.C." is weird too. It's not even a human name. だからってC2はやりすぎだろう。 人間の名前じゃない
Do you know why the snow is white? Because it forgot what color it is. 雪がどうして白いか知ってるか? 自分がどんな色だったか忘れてしまったからさ
The Britannian army has surrounded the entire Narita mountain range. We have identified more than 100 of them. ブリタニア軍は、この成田連山全体を包囲しています。 その数、既に100以上
We'll be completely surrounded by them! There won't be an escape route! あんなのが来たんじゃ完全に包囲されちまう! 帰りの道だって!
It would be a miracle if we emerge victorious. これで我々が勝ったら奇跡だな
A messiah will not be recognized until he makes a miracle. If that's so, we will need a miracle. メシアでさえ奇跡を起こさなければ、認めてもらえなかった。 だとすれば、我々にも奇跡が必要だろう
Hey, miracles don't happen so easily! You're damn useless as a leader! あのな、奇跡は安売りなんかしてねぇんだよ! やっぱりお前にリーダーは無理だ!
All paths of retreat have been cut. If any of you think that you can win without me, feel free to shoot me. 既に退路は断たれた。 この私抜きで勝てると思うのなら、 誰でもいい、私を撃て
You've had only two choices ever since you joined the Order of the Black Knights. Either live with me, or die with me! 黒の騎士団に参加したからには、 選択肢は二つしかない。 私と生きるか、私と死ぬかだ!
Toudou won't make it in time. Burai, prepare to sortie! Break through the corners of the enclosure and escape! トウドウは間に合わん。 ブライ出撃準備。 包囲網の一角を崩し、脱出する!
The pride and honor of Japan is at stake here. 日本の誇りと意地をかけよ
However, in order to obtain the list of their supporters, we cannot perform an aerial assault on their main base. しかし協力メンバーのリストを手に入れるためにも、 空爆で本拠ごとつぶすわけにもいきません
The enemy would aim for one of the corners of our enclosure and try to break out from there. Once they do that, we will be able to identify the location of their main base. 敵は我が軍の包囲網に対し、 部分突破を狙うでしょうから、そこから 本拠地を推測します
General Darlton, by analyzing the objective of the enemy's movement, we've determined that the entrance to the main base of the Japanese Liberation Front should be that mountain cottage. ダールトン将軍、敵行動目的の解析結果から、 日本解放戦線の本拠地入口は、 あの山荘になるとの予測が出ました
As expected from Cornelia. A well thought-out tactic. But the more elaborate your tactic is, the easier it is to see past it. This includes your location as well. さすがはコーネリア、 理に適った布陣だ。 しかし優れているがゆえに、読みやすい。 お前の位置すらもな
Weren't the reserve troops supposed to gather where General Darlton is? 予備部隊は ダールトン将軍の元に集まるのでは?
Yes. But our unit is supposed to wait behind Governor-General Cornelia's unit. はい。しかし我が隊は、 コーネリア総督の後方で備えよと
You call this behind?! This is the outskirt of the outskirt of the battle! ここが後方? 主戦場の外れも外れ!
If Toudou were here, the divine wind would blow again. Show me the Miracle Of Itsukushima once again... トウドウさえいれば神風が吹くものを… 厳島の奇跡をもう一度…
It was more destructive than I thought. Even though we have already managed to split up Cornelia's personal unit, we need to divide it more. 予想以上の破壊力だな。 コーネリア隊の孤立には成功したが、 もう少し綿密さは必要か
We have confirmed another unit that is stationed on top of the mountain. Kalius's unit has gone to intercept them. 山頂方向より、新たな部隊を確認。 カリウス隊が、迎撃に向かいました
They intend to make use of the confusion? 混乱に乗じるつもりか?
Listen up, our mission is to protect the backs of Zero and the others! いい、私たちの役目は、 ゼロたちの背後を守ること!
How could those putrid Elevens have that kind of technology?! イレブン風情にそんな技術があるものか!
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