
2(-_-)さん:2006/07/04(火) 17:30:58 ID:???0
I study English.
3(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 08:45:13 ID:f+u5Nkm/0
4(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 09:01:58 ID:60oYKEYZ0
5(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 09:02:47 ID:???0
6(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 12:34:30 ID:???0
7(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 15:27:33 ID:???0
8(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 16:07:33 ID:???0
9(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 16:16:59 ID:???0
10(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 18:00:26 ID:???0
検索ワード 「聖書 CD 英語 勉強」してたら
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!
11どらくえ漬け :2006/07/05(水) 20:04:12 ID:???0
But as you know, with all the monsters inside and out, no wonan would dare to enter such...

Maria: These people have been nothing but kind to me... And I owe them everything...

Maria: And... I want to know... I need to know if I have the power to open the tower door, so please...

So you are going to the Southern tower? It is said that God created such tower to test the will and hearts of men.

He who believes only in what he sees before him is blinded by his own pride, and thus, cannot truly be blessed by God.

Only he who has the courage to take the first step can receive the blessing of God.

Chancellor: What business have you with our King? But unfortunately, now is not the time for an audience!
わが王になにか用か? しかし今はそれどころではないのだ!

Chancellor: The King has brought out an Empress from God knows where... And all a sudden, instead of one Empress, there were two!

What are we to do now? See, as soon as the two Empresses met, it became a biting clawing cat fight!
いったいどうしたことか! 2人の太后さまが会ったとたんとっつかみ合いのケンカに!

We managed somehow to tear the two apart, but now, not even the King knows which one is which.
12どらくえ漬け :2006/07/05(水) 20:13:24 ID:???0
Empress: How rude! I am telling you that I am the real Empress! Guards, take this foul wench away and lock her up!
ええい!私が本物だとなぜわからぬのかっ! このうすぎたない女を早く牢に入れておしまい!

Creature: Foolish... humans... If you hadn't killed me... Reinhart's King... could have been the King of the world...

Dale: NEET, thank you for fighting with my brother to defeat the false Queen.

Dale: I thank you from the bottom of my heart... had you not done what you did... this country...

Dale: My God... I am a failure as King, am I not? So, NEET, help me convince Henry. Help me convince him to become King...
まったくボクは王さまとしては失格ですね。だからニートからもたのんでくれませんか? 兄上が王さまになるように

Henry: Well... NEET... I guess I have to say goodbye to you and our adventures...

Henry: We've been through a lot... but I've got to stay here now... Take care, NEET...thanks for everything...

Maria: I must return to the nunnery, so I must make my goodbyes now.

Maria: NEET, on your quest to find your Mother and the legendary Hero... I wish you all the luck.

Chancellor: With both brothers now presiding over a peaceful throne, no doubt the lands will be peaceful as well.
13どらくえ漬け :2006/07/05(水) 20:21:01 ID:???0
Henry: Now that the country's back to normal, ships should be able to come back into the harbor of Vista.

Henry: You'll probably be able to set out on a new journey from there...

Henry: All that equipment you bought for me? I sent them to the Depository in Oracleberry.

Henry: I hope that you find that Legendary Hero soon. Take care, NEET.

Enpress: I do not know how to thank you yet... I just cannot find the words to express how I feel...

Dale: With my brother, I plan on helping to make this country a place where everyone can live peacefully.

Isn't Lord Henry so cute? I think I've got a crush on him...
ねえヘンリーさまってすごくカッコいいよね! あこがれちゃうなあ…

They give me food and shelter here! oh, I'll never have to live so miserably ever again...

To have Lord Henry return so strong and noble like that... oh, it just brings a tear to my eyes!

You! You're the one who helped rid us of the false Enpress!Thanks to you, this country's back to normal!
やや!あなたがニセの太后さまをやっつけてくれた人ですね! おかげでこの国ももとどおリ、ありがとうございました!
14(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 20:54:45 ID:???0
empress が enpress になってる点で信用性ゼロ
15(-_-)さん:2006/07/05(水) 22:44:17 ID:???0
16(-_-)さん:2006/07/06(木) 17:27:01 ID:???0

17どらくえ漬け:2006/07/06(木) 17:56:05 ID:???0
They've let me out finally and given me all this medical attention... And it's all thanks to you! Thank you, thank you so much!

Yippee! Hooray! The Empress was found to be false! Hooray!

All because I watched the currents of this river and wished it so.

Everyone get on! This ship's destination is a land to the West!
さあ乗った乗った! この船の行き先は西の国だ!

Captain: Whoa! Almost missed you, eh? Seems you're the last passenger...
おっと! まだ客がいたか。しかしお前さんでどうやら最後の客みたいだな

The lighthouse up ahead there is a nest of scary Monsters! If you fear for your life, you probably don't want to go there.
この先に灯台があるがすごい怪物が住んでるぞ! 命がおしかったら灯台には近づくなよ!

You want to travel by sea? Well, this ship here belongs to a very wealthy nan named Ludnan.
船に乗リたいのか? だがこの船はルドマンというお金持ちの持ち物なのだ

I doubt that he'd let someone he doesn't even know use his ship.

My son was one of the best sailors ever. But one day, the ship he was on was attacked by sea monsters...

When I think about it years later, I get so bitter and just tear up...
18どらくえ漬け:2006/07/06(木) 18:05:36 ID:???0
Hey! Did you know? Long ago, there was a spell that could take you anywhere you wanted so long as you had been there once before.
あんた! しってますか? 昔は1度いった城や町にいつでも戻れる呪文があったらしいですよ

If a spell like that really existed, it would come in so handy...

You're from the Eastern lands? That's where I'm from too!
ヘー東の国から来たのかい? オレも東の国の出身よ!

Just because, I'll tell you something good. Check the flower patches at the church. I think you'll find something there that you'll like.

Oy... a hangover... I drank way too much last night...

I heard a rumor that a country named Reinhart plans to conquer the world!

But seeing that they haven't invaded us yet, it must just be a complete bull...

According to a collection of ancient writings, this world is watched over by a giant dragon God.

But if that is the truth, why would the dragon God let these monsters terrorize our existence?
19どらくえ漬け:2006/07/06(木) 18:09:40 ID:???0
When I get older, I'm gonna become a sailor and sail all around the world!

And then, I'm gonna find all the treasure in existence. Cool, huh?

Peasant: See, there's this huge creature that seems like to rampage my village's fields! Without them crops, my village will starve!

Peasant: So I came here as village rep to find a strong warrior to help us!

Peasant: Boy, I'm glad I stumbled upon you! You seem like a right strong fella!

Peasant: Now, I ain't asking ya to do this for free... We collected 3000 gold for you! Half is yours now!
もちろんただとはいわねえぞ! お礼は3000ゴールド! 今半分わたすだよ

Peasant: You'll get the rest when you beat up the monster! I'll be waiting back at the village! I'll see ya there!

Peasant: My village is way South of here! It's called Kabochi!

I've been to that village of Kabochi to the South myself. But let me tell you, that place is super hicksville.
20どらくえ漬け:2006/07/08(土) 04:02:15 ID:???0
Why hello there, handsome. Are you here to see little old me?

You cad. Even if its a lie, times like this you're supposed to say YES.
つめたい人ね、こういう時はウソでも "はい"って言うものよ

My husband is scientist, but one day, out of the blue, he said that he had to go on a journey...

Something about finding the Legendary Hero to save the world or something.

Hmmm... Hmmm... The Great Demon Lord plans to escape from the World of Darkness. I have to find the Legendary Hero and tell him this grave news!
う一んう一ん闇の世界から大魔王がやって来ようとしている! 勇者さまをさがしだし早くこのことをお伝えせねばっ

This is the village of Kabochi. But cos of some beast thing we can't harvest any crops. I meself be thinking of heading for the hills.

My grandma's been acting weird recently. Even though she only eats a bite of food, she says she's full and gives it to me instead. I wonder if she's sick...?

What you be needing? If you needs my Dad, he's over at the elder's. The elder's house is the one with the horse. You can't miss it.
なにか用だか? お父っつあんなら村長さんとこだべ。村長さんとこは馬を飼ってる家なんですぐにわかるべよ

Elder: Now about dis beast we want you to get rid of for us... We ain't sure where the thing lives.

Elder: Just that it seems the thing likes to come in from the West, we noticed.
21どらくえ漬け:2006/07/08(土) 04:08:35 ID:???0
I heard there be more violent monster in some other lands.

This beast at least hasn't attacked a human yet, so maybe it's not so bad.

Hey you. I don't know how much you think you'll get paid for this beast deal, but if you die, you won't get a copper.

Not like I think a foreigner like you's gonna risk yer neck for us...

What now? You went and befriended the beast? No wonder the villagers are all excited!
なんと化け物を仲間にしてしまったのか! 村人がおどろくのも無理はないのう

So we've been had, eh? You and that monster was friends from the get go! Well, you sure thought yerself a fine plan there.
こりゃまたけっさくだべ! あんた化け物とグルだったとはな! あんたもうまい商売を考えたもんずらよっ

Anyhow after you pick up that reward, you just go and git out of this village!

Elder: I know all about it. Don't gotta say a word. The money's yours. I keeps my promises. 'Sides. Don't want you to send another monster at us...

Elder: You ain't got no more business here, so why don't you just get out of here.

Seems like a lot of people here think you're a bad person, but I know that you ain't. You just ain't like that, are you?
22どらくえ漬け:2006/07/08(土) 04:18:31 ID:???0
Anyhow, thanks to you, we can all go back to the fields and work them again. I'd like to thank you on behalf of the others.

With the sea monsters getting stronger, sailing can cost ya yer life!

I'm a sailor, so once I go out to sea, its usually some time before I can come home. But my wife, man, she doesn't have one complaint about it!

Oh... no... please don't... My husband night come home anytime now...

Oh... no... please don't... My husband night come home anytime now...

I can't believe that despite the times, my son still wants to be a sailor... I hope that peace comes soon...

Oooh, that girl in the middle just rocks my world! I wish I could get a girl like that to... um... marry...

Ooh!! So you're the one? You're the one who's seeking the Legendary Hero?
おお!おぬしじゃな! 伝説の勇者をさがしているというのはっ!

You nay not believe this, but I've seen the Legendary Hero with my own eyes! Really!!

Don't you want to hear how I saw him? I might be more willing to talk if you bought me a drink...
その時の話を聞きたいじゃろ? いっぱいおごってくれたら話してもいいぞ
23どらくえ漬け:2006/07/08(土) 17:18:47 ID:???0
It must have been over a decade ago! I met a God of a man searching for the Zenithian Armor!
あれは10年以上昔じゃ! 天空のつるぎをさがしているたくましい男に会ったことがあるんじゃ

He said something about gathering all the Legendary Equipment and venturing into the Demon World!

He was beat up from his travels, but his face! He looked like a King! Now that was a Legendary Hero!
なりはボロボロだったが国王のような高貴な顔立ち! あの男こそ勇者さまじゃ!

I heard you're on a fantastic quest to find the Legendary Hero. How romantic...

I want to set out and quest for a prince on a white horse...

Seems that the long lost prince of Reinhart has finally returned.

Wonder what he was doing for over a decade? Weird, huh?

I thought I was the only one who knew about this place! That's right! If you lean in, you can see the dancing girls' cleavage!

So you're a traveler, huh? Well? How is it? Is traveling fun?
ヘーあんた旅の人かい、どうだい? 旅は楽しいかい?

It's rough, huh? That means that you've got reasons to travel despite the hardships.
24どらくえ漬け:2006/07/08(土) 17:46:40 ID:???0
I heard that there was an extravagant wedding at the castle of Reinhart.

The groom was the King's elder brother, Henry or something...

I wish I could have gone to the wedding... I'm sure the bride was just beautiful beyond pictures...

Darkness has begun to gnaw away at the soul of our world.

But do not fear, my friend. For when times are bleakest, the Legendary Hero will appear to save our lands!

Bennet: And you are? Gah, are you here to complain about the smoke too?
なんじゃお前さんは? お前さんもけむたいとか文句をいいに来たのかえ?

Bennet: Oh? Which means that you're interested in my research, then? Good good! What a marvelous boy!

Bennet: If my research can be completed, I should be able to recreate a spell long lost to time!

Bennet: This spell will allow you to go to travel to any place you've been to once on a whim! A terribly useful spell, I should think.

Bennet: So, what do you think. Want to help me out with my research?
どうじゃ? この研究を手伝ってみたいと思わぬか?
25どらくえ漬け:2006/07/08(土) 18:10:33 ID:???0
Bennet: Hmmpm. I would have newer expected you to be such a coward!You're in the way of my research, so shoo!

Bennet: Good! You'll do it? Then come, follow me, lad!
おお!やってくれるか! それではわしについてまいれ!

Bennet: Take a look see at this map. This is where we are, right now.

Bennet: Now, around this region right here, the RuraMoon herb grows...

Bennet: Anyhow, I need you to bring that back to me. But remember, you can only pick this herb at night.

Bennet: You'll know which one it is because it glows in the moonlight.

Bennet: Well then, I'll take a nap while you get to it!

Bennet: At night, the herb is said to glow faintly.

Bennet: Aright... ready... NOW! I just have to add the RuraMoon plant and... I need you to check if you're able to use any spells yet...
よ一し今じゃ! ここでルラムーン草を……お前さん呪文が使えるようになっていないかちと試してくれんか

Bennet: Yes!! Yue done it! Bring on the next spell!
26(-_-)さん:2006/07/09(日) 16:34:31 ID:ZCfc9oP/0
27(-_-)さん:2006/07/09(日) 17:34:03 ID:???0
28(-_-)さん:2006/07/09(日) 19:55:37 ID:???0
29(-_-)さん:2006/07/10(月) 02:53:49 ID:???O
I'm watching tv,world cup.
30(-_-)さん:2006/07/10(月) 15:19:31 ID:???0
31FF7漬け :2006/07/10(月) 15:33:09 ID:???0
Wow! You used to be in SOLDIER all right! Not everyday ya find one in a group like AVALANCHE.
さすが、ソルジャー! でもよ、反神羅グループ【アバランチ】にソルジャーが参加するなんてスゲエよな

SOLDIER? Aren't they the enemy? What's he doing with us in AVALANCHE?

The hell you all doin'! ? I thought I told you never to move in a group!
なにやってんだオマエたち! かたまって行動するなって言ってんだろ!

Our target's the North Mako Reactor. We'll meet on the bridge in front of it.

I'll secure the escape passage. Geez, we're really gonna blow this huge furnace up? This'll be somethin' to see!

The planet's full of Mako energy. People here use it every day.

'It's the life blood of this planet. But Shinra keeps suckin' the blood out with these weird machines.

I'm not here for a lecture, Let's just hurry.

Think how many of our people risked their lives, just for this code...

Little by little the reactors'll drain out all the life. And that'll be that.
32FF7漬け :2006/07/10(月) 15:36:22 ID:???0
The only thing I care about is finishin' this job before security and the Roboguards come.

When we blow this place, this ain't gonna be nothin' more than a hunka junk.

Cloud, you set the bomb. I gotta watch to make sure you don't pull nothin'.

That should keep the planet going... at least a little longer.

Rendezvous at Sector 8 station! Split up and get on the train!
ランデブー地点は8番街ステーション! 各自単独行動、列車に乗りこむんだ

If it's about your money Save it 'til we're back at the hideout.

Wonder what that is on the wall over there. Let's see... Don't be fooled by Shinra! Mako energy doesn't last forever! Mako is the planet's lifesource! The end is in sight!
何か壁に書いてあるな? なに、なに…神羅にだまされるな! 魔暁エネルギーは永遠ではない! 魔光は星の命! いつか終わりがやってくる!

Say, do you think Cloud's......Going to fight to the end for AVALANCHE! ?

The hell would I know! ? Hmph!! If y'all weren't such screw-ups...

Hey, Barret! What about our money...? Uh, nothin'...sorry.
33FF7漬け :2006/07/10(月) 15:39:21 ID:???0
Looks like I'm a little late.

You damn right, you're late! ! Come waltzin' in here makin' a big scene!

It's no big deal. Just what I always do.

Havin' everyone worried like that you don't give a damn 'bout no one but yourself!

Hmm...... You were worried about me!
ほう……? 心配してくれたのか

Cloud! We'll do even better next time.
クラウド! 次の作戦も、がんばろうな

Say, thanks for helping me back there at the Reactor!

This is why I hate the last train. Hoo-boy...

This is my house, so make yourselves at home.

You see the headlines in the Shinra Times? The terrorists that bombed the No. 1 Reactor are based somewhere in the slums.
神羅新聞の号外見たかい? 壱番魔暁炉爆破のテロリストはスラムにひそんでるらしいぞ
34FF7漬け :2006/07/10(月) 15:41:03 ID:???0
...blowing up a Reactor... they sure put some thought into this one. They must have a real calculating leader. I wonder what they'll do next?

It seems this train hasn't switched to security mode yet. rn sure that will change by tomorrow.

Please!! You're bothering the other passengers.

Hey, Cloud. You want to look at this with me?It's a map of the Midgar Rail System. Let's look at it together. I'll explain it to you.
Okay, it's about to start. This is a complete model of the city of Midgar.

The top plate is about 50 meters above ground.

A main support structure holds the plate up in the center, and there are other support structures built in each section...

The No. 1 Reactor we blew up was in the northern section.

Then there's No. 2, No. 3 all the way up to the No. 8 Reactor. The 8 Reactors provide Midgar with electricity.
そこから順番に2、3……8番魔光炉まで 8つの魔暁炉がミッドガルの電力供給を支えているのよ

Each town used to have a name, but no one in Midgar remembers them. Instead of names, we refer to them by numbered sectors. That's the kind of place this is.
35FF7漬け :2006/07/10(月) 15:45:52 ID:???0
Phew... this is next! Look.This is the route this train is on.
ふう…次はこれ! ほら、見て。私たちがいま乗ってる列車のルートがこれよ

The route spirals around the main support structure. We should be coming around the center area, right now.

At each checkpoint, an ID sensor device is set up. It can check the identities and background on each and every passenger on the train by linking it up to the central data bank at Shinra headquarters.
各通過ポイントにはID検知エリアが設置されてるの。乗客すべての身分やなにから全部! 神羅ビルのホストコンピュータと連動してチェックされちゃうわけよ

Anyone could tell that we look suspicious, so we're using fake ID's.

Speak of the devil...That light means that we're in the ID Security Check area.

When the lights go off, you never know what kind of creeps'll come out.

...anyhow, we're almost back now. That's a relief.

Look ...you can see the surface now. This city don't have no day or night.

If that plate weren't there... we could see the sky.

A floating city... Pretty unsettling scenery.
36FF7漬け :2006/07/10(月) 15:53:04 ID:???0
Never expect ta hear that outta someone like you...you jes' full of surprises.

The upper world...a city on a plate...It's 'cuz of that 'Pizza', that people underneath are sufferin'!

And the city below is full of polluted air. On topa that, the Reactor keeps drainin' up all the energy.

Then why doesn't everyone move onto the Plate?

Dunno. Probably 'cuz they ain't got no money. Or, maybe...'Cuz they love their land, no matter how polluted it gets.

I know... no one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this train. It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it.

When you've been a train man as long as I have, you see a lot of people and a lot of lives.

People meeting, parting, joy, sadness... After a while, it doesn't even get to you anymore.

This mission was a success, But don't get lazy now.

The hard part's still to come! Don't y'all be scared of that explosion! Cause the next one's gonna be bigger than that!
37(-_-)さん:2006/07/10(月) 21:35:30 ID:???0
38(-_-)さん:2006/07/11(火) 01:21:27 ID:???0
39(-_-)さん:2006/07/11(火) 18:26:41 ID:???0
40(-_-)さん:2006/07/11(火) 18:29:22 ID:???0
41FF7漬け:2006/07/11(火) 19:43:22 ID:???0
I wonder how long it's been... There's an invisible rail between me and the passengers.

I could never live their lives. I'm just a train man plain and simple. It's easier that way.

Back during the war, I remember there was a lot of painful scenes then. But, that's a story for another day...

What the hell do you want? You know who I am?
きさま、何の用だ? この俺が何者か、知らんわけないだろう?

You can't pass. I got the miserable job of keepin' scum like you from trying to sneak in here.

Ah...eh...uhm............ Excuse me. You cannot pass without the proper clearance. Did I do good this time?

There was a bombing on top. If this pillar should come down, everyone in the slums is dust...Well, there's no point in worryin' about that.

Hey... This is a strange and wonderful place. This is my place, but you can come here when you want. Bye, bro!

Did you hear? There's a news update. They say that there was a terrorist explosion up above, and that this time it was a Mako Reactor! You know what this means?
42FF7漬け:2006/07/11(火) 19:44:59 ID:???0
Ya see, I keep on top of these things, an' if ya ask me......If you knock out Midgar's power, then all of its computers and signals are going to be knocked out too.

Financially there must've been about a billion gil worth of damage. An' that ain't all! A lotta innocent people got killed too!

If the explosion had been in the middle of the night, that woulda been one thing. At least the people coulda gone in their sleep.

Oh Jesus!! What the hell's wrong tonight! ! I thought that long blackout was strange. They say a Mako Reactor was destroyed above.

I was jes sittin' here drinkin', watchin' the news by myself. 'n' all of a sudden I get kicked outta the store. What's up with that! ?

I wasn't even done with my drink. I didn't even pay my bill...

You dried up old geez, You tired? Why don't you rest up on the third floor of my house?

There's just one condition. You gotta give me some cash.
43FF7漬け:2006/07/11(火) 19:45:59 ID:???0
No unauthorized access. Since today's special, I'm gonna let you in on a juicy bit of news. But you gotta keep it to yourself. Do you know about what's been going on......?

I guess you must be sick of hearing it... But it's been so long since there was any real news here. You're worried where it's all heading, right?

Everything's in a buzz 'bout that terrorist group AVALANCHE blowin' up the Sector 1 Mako Reactor.

On the surface they say they're an anti-Shinra group, but in reality...They say they're just out to kill as many people as they can.

That's a good one, ain't it! ? While they're bustin' things up on top, the only ones makin' out good are us weapon stores!
笑わせてくれるじゃねえか!? 上でゴタゴタやってくれりゃよ。武器屋としては大助かりってやつよ

Now, if we can just get rid of this back stock, we'll be doin' ok.

This is a slum, so don't think you can stay for free.

What are you going to do? Doesn't just seeing the bed make you sleepy?

Tough guy, huh!? You'd better sleep when you can. You'd better save when you can. That's the trick to being tough. Remember that, old dude.
強情だな!もうっ! 休めるときに休む。セーブできるときにセーブする。これがタフに生きてく基本だぜ! おっさん、覚えときな

Marlene! Aren't you going to say anything to Cloud?
ほら、マリン! クラウドにおかえりなさいは?
44FF7漬け:2006/07/12(水) 03:04:29 ID:???0
Looks like everything went well. Did you fight with Barret?

I should have known. He's always pushing people around, and you've always been in fights ever since You were little. I was worried.

Flowers? How nice...You almost never see them here in the slums.
あら? お花なんてめずらしいわね。スラムじゃ、めったにさかないのよ

Thank you, Cloud. It smells wonderful. Maybe I should fill the store with flowers.

Tifa always lets me taste her cooking. And look at me now I'm rolly-polly.

Don't know whether I should be happy or sad. But it's the good food and drinks that make this shop famous.

Nothin' like that first drink after a job. Why don't you have one too?

That's more like it! ! Even if you were with SOLDIER, you're still a rookie here. So you'd better listen to whatever I tell ya!

Sorry, Cloud. Marlene seems a little shy.

You know, I'm relieved you made it back safely.
45FF7漬け:2006/07/12(水) 03:05:25 ID:???0
What's with you all of a sudden? That wasn't even a tough job.
急にどうした? あのていどの仕事、なんでもないさ

I guess not...You were in SOLDIER. Make sure you get your pay from Barret.

Don't worry. Once I get that money, I'm outta here.

Cloud. Are you feeling all right? No reason. You just look a little tired I guess. You'd better go down below.

Hey, look at the news... What a blast. Think it was all because of my bomb?

But all I really did was just make it like the computer told me. Oh no! I must've made a miscalculation somewhere.
でも、このコンピューターの指示通り作っただけなのに。やだ! どっかで計算まちがったかしら

You think I'm a little too uptight? The next mission will be to blow up the Sector 5 Reactor.
もしかして、俺、力タマってます? 次の作戦は、五番魔光炉爆破!

Cloud, you're great! Don't you ever get nervous? Or are you like, impervious to feelings? Naw, that couldn't be it.
クラウドさんは、さっすがすね〜。ぜんぜん緊張とかしないでしょ?もしかして何も感じないとか? …そんなわけないっすよね

Yo, Cloud! There's somethin' I wanna ask ya. Was there anyone from SOLDIER fighting us today?

None. I'm positive. If there was anyone from SOLDIER you wouldn't be standing here now.
46FF7漬け:2006/07/12(水) 03:13:05 ID:???0
Don't go thinkin' you so bad jes cuz you was in SOLDIER. Yeah, you're strong. Probably all them guys in SOLDIER are.

But don't forget that your skinny ass's workin' for AVALANCHE now! Don't get no ideas 'bout hangin' on to Shinra.

Stayin' with Shinra? You asked me a question and I answered it...that's all. I'm going upstairs. I want to talk about my money.
神羅のかたをもつ? 俺はあんたの質問に答えただけだ。俺は上で待っている。報酬の話がしたい

TIfa, let him go. Looks like he still misses the Shinra!
ティファ! そんなヤツ放っておけ!どうやら神羅に未練タラタラらしいからな

I don't care about either Shinra or SOLDIER. But don't get me wrong! I don't care about AVALANCHE or the Planet for that matter!

Listen, Cloud. I'm asking you. Please join us. The Planet is dying.

Slowly but surely it's dying. Someone has to do something.

So let Barret and his buddies do something about it. It's got nothin' to do with me.

So! You're really leaving ! ? You're just going to walk right out ignoring your childhood friend ! ? ......You forgot the promise, too.
47FF7漬け:2006/07/12(水) 15:14:28 ID:???0
Come this spring I'm leaving this town for Midgar.

...All boys are leaving our town.

But I'm different from all of them. I'm not just going to find a job. I want to join SOLDIER. I'm going to be the best there is, just like Sephiroth!

...I probably won't be able to come back to this town for a while.

Will you be in the newspapers if you do well?

Hey, why don't we make a promise? Umm, if you get really famous and I'm ever in a bind......You come save me, all right?

Whenever I'm in trouble, my hero will come and rescue me. I want to at least experience that once.

You remember now, don't you... our promise?

I'm not a hero and I'm not famous. I can't keep the promise.

This is my pay? Don't make me laugh. You got the next mission lined up? I'll do it for 3000.
こんな、しけた報酬じょうだんじゃないな。次のミッションはあるのか? 倍額の3000でうけてやってもいい
48FF7漬け:2006/07/12(水) 15:17:39 ID:???0
It's ok, it's ok. We're really hurting for help, right?

Our target's the Sector 5 Reactor. Head for the station first. I'll fill you in on the train.

Before the next mission, I got somethin' I wanna ask you! I don't really know how to use Material.

I'll give you that Materia you found Just teach me how to use it!

Shi......! What's this 'it wasn't that tough!' crap!
ケッ!なにが…… それほど、むずかしくはないだろうだ!

I'm clueless......Well, You handle the Materia then!

Listen! If there isn't anyone to listen, what's the use of getting gossip on everyone! ?

Yeah, and you Mr. I-don't-care! I'll get a little more information that would poque even your interest. You wait and see!
そうだ、あなた! 興味ない男さん。今度はきっと、あなたでも興味のわくすご〜い情報を集めておくから楽しみにしておいて

Ah...Johnny's gone. You look a little disappointed. I don't like to say it myself but, I'm just a lonely guy when I'm not drinking.

When it comes down to it... I'm gutless. I'm still just a no good kid.
49FF7漬け:2006/07/12(水) 15:20:42 ID:???0
...hoodlums again. God, don't I just have all the luck...

You... you've seen the news, right? AVALANCHE says there'll be more bombings. Only devoted employees like me would go to Midgar on a day like today.
ニュ、ニュースぐらい見てるだろ? アバランチの爆弾テロ予告があったんだ。こんな日にミッドガルに出かけるのは、仕事熱心な私たちサラリーマン神羅ぐらいさ

Seems like they just finished connecting the cars. We're finally leaving.

Jessie's probably already told you, but there's a security check point at the top plate. It's an ID scan system checkin' all the trains.

Good Morning, and welcome to Midgar lines. Arrival time at Sector 4 Station will 11:45.
本日も御乗車ありがとうございます。 4番街ステーション到着予定時刻はミッドガル時11時45分

That means we've got only three more minutes to the ID Check point.

Alright, in three minutes, we're jumpin' off this train. Got it!?

Cloud, come over here! Let's look at the Railway Map Monitor.
クラウド、こっち! 路線図モニタでも見てよ

You're the only ones that'll talk to me or come to my house. I'm impressed.

Yo, Mr. know-it-all, big time SOLDIER! You oughta know the area 'round the No. 5 Reactor, right! So let's hear YOUR explanation!
ヘッ!元ソルジャーの物知りさんよ! 五番魔暁炉のあたりは、くわしいんだろ。おまえさんの知ったかぶり説明が聞きてえもんだな
50FF7漬け:2006/07/13(木) 08:48:28 ID:???0
Hmm, it looks like you've seen this already...It's all right. Come a little closer.

That's odd. The ID Check Point was supposed to be further down.

We're in trouble. I'll explain later. Hurry! Get to the next car!

They're gonna lock the door, sir!

Gosh!! You're adults, but you're making such noise. Please behave while you're in the train.

They're starting another check. If we're caught, we're done for! But, don't worry. If we move up the train, car by car, we should get past it!

That scary broad made me take the bomb. Of course I couldn't very well refuse her!

Guess who? It's me, Wedge! Looks like things were a success.
わかるっすか? 俺、ウェッジっす。作戦ばっちり成功っすね

It's me, Jessie. How do I look, Cloud? Do I look good in a Shinra uniform?

...you look great, just like a man.
51FF7漬け:2006/07/13(木) 08:49:46 ID:???0
Yeah!! I've made up my mind! Watch closely. I'm gonna jump! !

You don't care if I go first?

A leader always stays till the end. Don't worry 'bout me, just go!

Don't go gettin' your spikey-ass hurt! It's only the beginnin' of the mission! Later! You take care of the rest!
けがすんなよ、作戦はこっからが本番だぞ!じゃな! あとしまつはたのんだっ!

Good, so far everything's going as planned. Better not let your guard down till we get to the Sector 5 reactor.

Biggs, Wedge and Jessie got everything ready for us. So MOVE it.

Well, the reactor's just down this tunnel!

Those light beams are the Shinra's security sensors. We can't go any further.

After coming this far, only an amateur'd get caught by the security sensor.

That's one damn tiny hole. You tellin' me to squeeze into that to get under the Plate? Yo, Cloud, what're we gonna do?
せまっちい穴だな。ここからプレートの下にもぐれってのか? どうする、クラウドさんよお?
52FF7漬け:2006/07/13(木) 08:50:40 ID:???0
Cloud, this way. The reactor's up this ladder.

I'm sorry. The ID scan problem on the train was all my fault.

I made your ID card special...... So that's why it happened...

I put my heart into making it. But I failed. Next time, I'll give you something more decent.

I'll be back at the hideout in my research room workin' on it.

We're gonna pull out now. We'll meet up at the hideout. Cloud, we're countin' on you to blow the reactor!

You're the one who quit SOLDIER and joined AVALANCHE. I knew you'd been exposed to Mako, from the look in your eyes... Tell me, traitor... what was your name?

Forgive me for asking, but I can't be expected to remember each person's name. Unless you become another Sephiroth.

Don't give a damn 'bout none of that! This place's goin' up with a big BANG soon! Serves y'all right!
んなこたあ、どうでもいい! もうすぐここはドッカンだぜ! ざまあみやがれ!
53FF7漬け:2006/07/13(木) 08:57:19 ID:???0
And such a waste of good fireworks, just to get rid of vermin like you...

Y'all Shinra're the VERMIN, killing the planet! And that makes you King VERMIN! So shu'up jackass!
キサマら神羅は、この星を死に追いやろうとする寄生虫じゃねえか! その親玉であるキサマが何をえらそうにホザく!

...You are beginning to bore me. I'm a very busy man, so if you'll excuse me... I have a dinner I must attend.

Dinner! ? Don't gimme that! I ain't even started wit' you yet!
会食だと!?ふざけやがって! おまえには言いたいことがまだまだあるんだ!

But, I've made arrangements for a playmate for you all. I'm sure the data he'll extract from your dead bodies will be of great use to us in future experiments.

This is a church in the Sector 5 slums. It suddenly fell on top of me. It really gave me a scare.
ここ、スラムの教会。 5番街よ。いきなり、落ちてくるんだもん。おどろいちゃった

The roof and the flower bed must have broken your fall. You're lucky.

Flower bed...... is this yours? Sorry about that.

That's all right. The flowers here are quite resilient because this is a sacred place.

They say you can't grow grass and flowers in Midgar. But for some reason, the flowers have no trouble blooming here. I love it here.
ミッドガルって草や花、あまり育たないでしょ? でも、ここだけ花、さくの。好きなんだ、ここ
54FF7漬け:2006/07/13(木) 08:59:04 ID:???0
Say, do you have any materia?

Nowadays you can find materia anywhere.

But mine is special. It's good for absolutely nothing.

......good for nothing? You probably just don't know how to use it.
……役にたたない? 使い方を知らないだけだろ?

No, I do..... it just doesn't do anything. I feel safe just having it. It was my mother's......

Say, I feel like talking. Do you feel up to it? After all, here we are meeting again, right?

Wait here. I've got to check my flowers. It'll just be a minute. Just a little longer.

Now that you mention it...... We don't know each other's names, do we? I'm Aeris, the flower girl, Nice to meet you.

The name's Cloud. I do a little bit of everything. Yeah, I do whatever's needed.

Sorry, bad timing on my part. Cloud! Don't let it get to you!
55FF7漬け:2006/07/13(木) 08:59:39 ID:???0
Say, Cloud. Have you ever been a bodyguard? You DO do everything, right?

Then, get me out of here. Take me home.

OK, I'll do it... but it'll cost you.

Well then, let's see...... How about if I go out with you once?

Think we killed'em? They shouldn't have put up a fight, I say!

Ha, ha...... They're looking for me again.

You mean it's not the first time they've been after you?
初めてじゃないな? やつらが襲ってきたのは

They're the Turks. The Turks are an organization in Shinra. They scout for possible candidates for SOLDIER.

This violently? I thought they were kidnapping someone.
こんなに乱暴なやりかたで? まるで人さらいみたい
56FF7漬け:2006/07/14(金) 06:20:51 ID:???0
They're also involved in a lot of dirty stuff on the side. Spying, murder...you know.

They look like it.

But, why're they after you? There must be a reason, right?
でも、どうしてあんたがねらわれる? 何かわけがあるんだろ?

No, not really. I think they believe I have what it takes to be in SOLDIER!

Maybe you do. You want to join?

I don't know... But I don't want to get caught by THOSE people!

wait... Wait, I said! Slow...... down... Don't leave me......

Funny... I thought you were cut out to be in SOLDIER?

Oh! You're terrible!
57FF7漬け:2006/07/14(金) 06:41:06 ID:???0
Hey...... Cloud. Were you ever in SOLDIER?

...I used to be. How did you guess?

....Your eyes. They have a strange glow... That's the sign of those who have been infused with Mako...

A mark of SOLDIER. But, how did you know about that?

That guy in the pipe's a weird one No matter what you ask him, he only answers 'uuh' or 'aahh'.

What am I doing? I'm walking around looking at the ground. You find a lot of things people dropped when you look down. You never find them when you're looking up. Right?
何をしてるかって? 下を向いて歩いてるのよ。下にはいろいろ落ちてるけど上を見たって何も落ちてきやしないもの。でしょ?

You ever hear of Wall Market?

Oh yeah? Then maybe I should have you pick something up for me next time you're there...

It's a market in the slums of Sector 6. They've got everything you could ever want there. If you can get there, that is. The road's something else.

Outta the way! Move! You want something... move into the store!
どいたどいた! 欲しいものがあったら店の中へどうぞ
58FF7漬け:2006/07/14(金) 06:43:18 ID:???0
This guy are sick. He passed out nearby and someone must have helped him here.

This is the one...... Won't you help him?
この人なの…… ね、助けてあげられない?

Listen, I'm no doctor.

No ...I guess not... Hey that man has a tattoo. I think it was the number 2.

Hmph......! Everything President Shinra says is a lie.
ケッ……! プレジデント神羅の言うことなんてみんなうそっぱちさ

But then again, you can't trust that AVALANCHE, or whatever you call them. You can bat it around all you like. But in the end it comes down to wanting to be like those who live up above.

So who do you believe in? Oneself! Me! I never lie to myself, that's for sure!
なら誰を信じるか? 決まってんじゃねえか、俺だよ俺! 俺は俺にウソをつかねえからな

Huh? You want weapons? That's too damn bad...... I ain't got no weapons to sell ya! And the reason why is... the weapon store's over that way.
ん?武器が欲しいのか? なら、残念だな……おまえらに売る武器はない! なぜなら……店はあっち、向こうだからな

Let's see, Sector 7? I'll show you the way.

You gotta be kidding. Why do you want to put yourself in danger again?
59FF7漬け:2006/07/14(金) 06:43:52 ID:???0
Used to it! ?...... Well, don't know... getting help from a girl...

A girl! ! What do you mean by that! ? You expect me to just sit by and listen, after hearing you say something like that! ?

Mom! I'm taking Cloud to Sector 7. I'll be back in a while.
お母さん! わたし、7番街までクラウドをおくっていくから

But dear...I give up. You never listen once you've made up your mind. But if you must go, why don't you go tomorrow? It's getting late now. Aeris, please go and make the bed.
やれやれ。言いだしたら聞かないからね。でも、明日にしたらどうだい? 今日はもう遅くなってきたし。エアリス、ベッドの準備をしておくれ

That glow in your eyes... you're from SOLDIER, right?
あんたのその目の輝きは…… ソルジャーなんだろ?

Yeah. Rather I used to be...

I don't know how to say this, but... Would you please leave here, tonight? Without telling Aeris.
言いにくいんだけど…今夜のうちに出ていってくれないかい? エアリスにはないしょでさ

You need to go through Sector 6 to get to Sector 7. Sector 6 is a little dangerous so you'd better get some rest tonight.
7番街へは6番街を抜けていくの。 6番街、ちょっと危険なところだから今夜はゆっくり休んでね

I haven't slept in a bed like this ...in a long time. Ever since that time.
こんなキチンとしたべッド ……ひさしぶりだ。あれ以来、かな
60FF7漬け:2006/07/14(金) 06:44:42 ID:???0
My, how you've grown. I'll bet the girls never leave you alone.

...I'm worried about you. There are a lot of temptations in the city... I'd feel a lot better if you just settled down and had a nice girlfriend.

You should have an older girlfriend, one that'll take care of you. I think that would be the perfect type for you.

...I must've fallen asleep. Sector 7's past Sector 6... I should be all right by myself...
……いつのまにか眠ってしまったのか。6番街をこえて7番街へ、か。 1人でなんとかなりそうだな

Cloud! I thought the Turks came back! Get some rest!
もう!また夕一クス、来たのかと思ったじゃない! おとなしく休んで

You're up bright and early.

How could I ask you to go along when I knew it would be dangerous?

Are you done? You have to go through the slum in Sector 6 to get to Tifa's 7th Heaven. I'll take you there. Come on!
61FF7漬け:2006/07/14(金) 07:01:33 ID:???0
The gate to Sector 7's in there.

Thanks. I guess this is goodbye. You gonna be all right going home?

Oh no! What ever will I do! ...isn't that what you want me to say?

That girl in the cart was Tifa? Where was she going? She looked kind of odd...
あれに乗っていた人がティファさん? どこいくのかしら? それに、様子が変だったわね……

This place is scary in a lot of ways. Especially for a girl. So we've got to find Tifa fast.

Hey, you two. Why don't you get some rest? We have a beautiful room, how 'bout it?

I just can't make up my mind... Mmm. Huh? About what? Hmmm, don't make me say it... It's the shop down on the right. いまいち、ふんぎりがつかねえな。うーん、えっ?なんの事だって?へへへ、いわせんなよ。この右手の奥にある店のことだよ

Hey boy! You shore got a good lookin' heifer there! Take her to the Don's place, and you'll make a mint.
おっ!そこのにいさん! べっぴんさん連れてるねえ。ドンのところに行けばいい金になるよ

Please come in. Here's a free 'Pharmacy Coupon' if you enter now.

It's a little early to start eating. Come back in a bit.
62(-_-)さん:2006/07/14(金) 09:05:16 ID:X+RtGl0H0
63(-_-)さん:2006/07/14(金) 09:16:10 ID:???0
64(-_-)さん:2006/07/14(金) 09:16:51 ID:???0
65(-_-)さん:2006/07/14(金) 09:28:31 ID:???0
66(-_-)さん:2006/07/14(金) 17:40:57 ID:???0
67(-_-)さん:2006/07/15(土) 03:50:49 ID:???0
68FF7漬け:2006/07/16(日) 00:04:33 ID:???0
All this trash. Can't we do anything with it?

All this, belongs to the owner of the Weapons Shop. He keeps picking things up and saving them here.

Oh, you mean the owner who even has a tank in his shop.

But no matter how you look at it, it's just trash...

Man... Should I go or not? ...I get so mental at times like this. I'm hopeless! !

Hey! ! Aren't you...? What! ! You mean you're too?

What Me too. I decided this after a lot of deep thought. My last memories of Midgar... you know. But... That guy over there kinda scares me.

You're Tifa's childhood friend, and you brought a new girlfriend to a place like this! ? What kind of guy are you! !

Urrrrgh...no way...... I can't go on. Things aren't working out. Between our differences and my pay, it just isn't cutting it.
69FF7漬け:2006/07/16(日) 00:11:26 ID:???0
Welcome!! Even unpopular dweebs, like you may meet their destiny here! ! You looking for a girlfriend too?

Hmm...Seems to like it just fine. Good for you.

Hey, you're pretty fast Tifa's our newest girl. But, unfortunately, she's having an interview right now.

Here at the Honey Bee Inn, it's customary for all the new girls to be taken to Don Corneo's mansion.

Don Corneo's a famous dilettante. Now he wants to settle down and is in the market for a bride.

The Honey Bee Inn is a private club. Only members can go in. Shoo, shoo.

I always get the Special.

It's thanks to the Don that we can eat like this.

Yes? If you want to order, do it at the counter.

Hey, could you do somethin' for me? Someone's been in there all day and they're not comin' out. I can't hold it anymore!
70FF7漬け:2006/07/16(日) 00:17:56 ID:???0
HEY... someone's IN here... Don't look!

This is the mansion of Don Corneo, the most powerful man in Wall Market. Look, the Don's not into men. So don't let me catch you around here again...

Hey, this look's like the Don's mansion. I'll go take a look. I'll tell Tifa about you.

No! ! You can't! ! You DO know...what kind of... place this is, don't you?

Then what am I supposed to do? You want to go in with me?
じゃあ、どうする? あなたもはいる?

Well being a man, that'll be pretty hard. Besides if I bust in there, it'll cause too much commotion. But, I just can't let you go in alone... Oh, man......

First we need to find out if Tifa's alright... What's so funny, Aeris?
まず、ティファの安全が確認できな……なにがおかしいんだ? エアリス?

Cloud, why don't you dress up like a girl? It's the only way.

Just wait. I've got a cute friend I want to bring. You ARE worried about Tifa, aren't you? Then come on, hurry!
ちょっと待っててね。きれいな友だち、連れてくるから。ティファさんが心配なんでしょ? さ、早く早く

A friend, huh...? Sounds pretty good to me. That'll make the Don happy, too. Who knows, maybe I can......heeee, hee hee.
71FF7漬け:2006/07/16(日) 01:00:20 ID:???0
Excuse me! I'd like to get a dress.
すいませ〜ん! ドレス1着、くださいな

Umm, it might take a little time. Will that be all right?

What's the problem?

Well, my father, the owner, has been in a slump lately. You see, he makes all the dresses.

And, where is your father?

He's probably plastered at the bar.

So... You're saying we can't get a dress unless we do something about your father?
それじゃ…… 親父さん、どうにかしないとドレス、ダメってこと?

Yes, I'm sorry. He's caused so much trouble. You'd help me bring him back?

Well, if we don't do something, we don't get a dress, right?

Really! ? Please help my crazy old dad. I just don't know what to do anymore...
本当っすか! おねがいしますよ、あのバ力親父をどうにかしてくださいよ。もう、困り果ててたんすよ………
72FF7漬け:2006/07/16(日) 01:03:20 ID:???0
All right, we'll do something. Let's go, Cloud!

So how did it go?

We couldn't find him yet.

Excuse us, are you the father of the girl at the Clothing Store?

I own the Clothes Shop... but I ain't your father.

I didn't say that......

Make me some clothes.

I don't make men's clothes. And I don't feel like makin' anything right now.
わしは男物の服は作らんのだが? それに、あまり気乗りがせんしな

Cloud, you wait over there for a second. I'll try and talk to him. Why don't you go over there and have something to drink.

You know, Mister. He always said that just once, he'd like to dress up like a girl.
73FF7漬け:2006/07/16(日) 01:09:33 ID:???0
So, that's why I wanted a cute dress for him...

What!? A tough lookin guy like that?
なんと! あんな無愛想なやつがか?

So, how 'bout it? Will you make him one?
ね、ね、どう? 作ってくれる?

...might be interesting. I was gettin' a little bored just makin' regular clothes.

Then you'll do it for us?

Yeah, all right. What kind of dress you want?

Hmm, got it. Y'know I got a friend that has the same taste as him. I'll go talk to him.

Hey, hold on. Wait till I get an image in my head. Gulp...ummm, that's good.

Oh, you're here. It's ready. Go try it on.

How......do you put this on?
74FF7漬け :2006/07/16(日) 17:01:41 ID:???0
It's still not right. A wig! That's what you need!

Umm, I thought you might, so I talked to my friend about getting one.

You know the gym? You'll find a lot of people there like you. Go and talk to them.
ジムがあるじゃろ? そこに、あんたと同じ趣味の人がいるんじゃ。彼に相談してみるとよいじゃろう

...like you? Aeris, what did you tell him?
……同じ趣味? エアリス、親父さんにどんな説明をしたんだ?

So? Were you able to get the wig?
どうです? かつらは手に入りましたか?

So, how was it? Were you able to see him?
どうじゃ? 会えたかな?

You the one...... Who wants to be cute?
あなたね? かわいくなりたいのは

Right. And about the wig...

Yeah, l heard. But it'll cost ya.

Big Bro! ! The only way you're gonna get cuter is if you can beat Big Bro! !
兄貴! かわいい格好は兄貴を極めた者のみができるんですぜ
75FF7漬け :2006/07/16(日) 17:02:12 ID:???0
Whoever has the most squats after 30 seconds gets the wig.

It's not fair for you to start right away, So, you want some practice?

Now let's begin the real thing. Start!

You're really something. Okay, I'm a man of my word, here you are.

Hmm, not bad. This may be a new business for me.

Yeah, you're right. Should we try it?

Thanks for showing us something new. My father's got his motivation back now, So the dress is on the house.

I'll go and let the Don know you're here. Wait here. Don't go wandering around...

Nice to meet you. I'm Aeris. Cloud's told me a lot about you.

Hey you're the one with Cloud in the park...
……あなたは?あっ、公園にいた人? クラウドといっしょに……
76FF7漬け :2006/07/16(日) 17:02:51 ID:???0
Right, with Cloud. Don't worry. We just met. It's nothing.

What do you mean, 'Don't worry'...about what?No, don't misunderstand. Cloud and I grew up together. Nothing more.

Poor Cloud, having to stand here and listen to both of us call him nothing.

Why are you dressed like that! ? And what are you doing here! ? Forget that, what happened to you after the fall! ? Are you hurt! ?
その格好はどうしたの!? ここでなにしてるの!?あ、それよりあれからどうしたの!? 身体はだいじょうぶ!?

Hey, give me a chance to answer.

I'm dressed like this..... because there was no other way to get in here. I'm all right. Aeris helped me out.
この格好は…… ここに入るためには仕方なかった。身体はだいじょうぶだ。エアリスに助けてもらった

Tifa, explain. What are you doing in a place like this?

When we got back from the Number 5 reactor, there was this weird man. So Barret caught him and squeezed some information out of him.

That's when the Don's name popped up.

I see. So you wanted to get the story straight from Corneo's mouth.
77FF7漬け :2006/07/16(日) 17:03:23 ID:???0
So I made it here, but now I'm in a bind.

Barret told me to leave the lech alone... But something's been bothering me.

Corneo is looking for a bride. Everyday, he gets three girls, chooses one of them, and then......and, well......Anyway, I have to be the girl ... or I'm out for tonight.
コルネオは自分のおヨメさんをさがしてるらしいの。毎日3人の女の子の中から 1人を選んで……あの……その、とにかく! その1人に私が選ばれなければ ……今夜はアウトなのよ

If you know the three girls, there's no problem, right?

No, Aeris! I can't have you get involved.
ダメだ、エアリス! あんたを巻きこむわけにはいかない

Oh? So it's all right for Tifa to be in danger? I grew up in the slums... I'm used to danger.
あら?ティファさんなら危険な目にあってもいいの? わたし、スラム育ちだから危険なこと、なれてるの

I probably don't need to ask but the other girl is......Me......right?

You're right, there was no need......to ask.

Ha ha You know, if you look closely, you're not so bad... I wonder what Barret would say if he could see you now...

They're going to get suspicious if we don't hurry.
78FF7漬け :2006/07/16(日) 17:05:08 ID:???0
All right, ladies! Line up in front of the Don!

Now, let's see... Which girl should I choose? This one? Or this one?

Woo-hoo, I've made up my mind! ! My choice for tonight is......This little beauty!

You can have the other ones! Well then, shall we go my pretty! ?

Hey guys! We've got guests. We'll take REAL good care of you.
おいお前ら! お客さんだ。た〜っぷりとかわいがってやんな

Hey... what's wrong? You want me to keep you company?
ヘヘ……どうした? なんならオレが相手してやろうか?

No I'm flattered, but no thanks. Because... I ain't INTERESTED in a buncha scrubs like you! !
いえ…… せっかくですけどえんりょしますわ。だって……アンタらみたいのは俺のシュミじゃないんでね

God damn it! You think you can get away with this! Get him! Knock the crap out of him! !
コノヤロ〜! だましやがったな! やれ!やっちまえ

I told you. I'm used to danger. To tell you the truth, my heart was pounding!

You still don't get it do you, Don Corneo? Shut up, we're asking the questions now...
まだわからない? ドン・コルネオ。悪いけど、質問するのは私たちのほうよ
79FF7漬け :2006/07/16(日) 17:06:14 ID:???0
What did your assistants find out? Talk! If you don't tell us...
手下に何をさぐらせてたの? 言いなさい!言わないと……

chop them off.

No! Not that! I'll talk! I'll tell you everything!
や、やめてくれ! ちゃんと話す!なんでも話す

...I made'em find out where the man with the gun-arm was. But that's what I was ordered to do.

No--! If I told you that, I'd be killed!
ほひ〜! しゃべったら殺される!

Shinra's trying to crush a small rebel group called AVALANCHE, and want to infiltrate their hideout.

And they're really going to crush them... literally, By breaking the support holding up the plate above them.

You know what's going to happen? The plate'll go PING and everything's gonna go BAMMM!!
どうなるかわかるだろ? プレートがヒューッ、ドガガガだ

I heard their hideout's in the Sector 7 Slums... I'm just glad it's not here in Sector 6.
アバランチのアジトは 7番街スラムだってな。この6番街スラムじゃなくて俺はホッとしてるぜ

They're going to wipe out the Sector 7 Slums! ?
80(-_-)さん:2006/07/16(日) 20:03:08 ID:???0
81(-_-)さん:2006/07/16(日) 20:10:55 ID:???0
82(-_-)さん:2006/07/16(日) 23:37:36 ID:???0
83FF7漬け:2006/07/17(月) 06:47:41 ID:???0
Just a second! No wait, it'll only take a second. How do you think scum like me feels when they babble on about the truth?

"How are the preparations going?"

Ha, ha, ha! ! Smoothly, very smoothly! I assigned the Turks to this.
ガハハハ、順調、順調! 実行部隊は夕一クスです

President!! Are we really going to do this? Simply destroy a group with only a few members...
プレジデント、本当にやるのですか? たかだか数人の組織をつぶすのに……

...No. But, as head of the Urban Development Department, I have been involved in the building and running of Midgar. That's why...

Reeve, you should flush those personal problems in the morning!

The Mayor's against this anyway...

He just sits in this building all day feeding his face! You still call that a Mayor?
このビルの中でボソボソとメシをくってるあいつか!? あいつを、まだ市長と呼ぶのか?

You're tired. Why don't you take a couple of days off and go somewhere.

We'll destroy Sector 7 and report that AVALANCHE did it. Then we'll send in the rescue operation care of Shinra, Inc.... Heh, heh, heh...this is perfect.
84FF7漬け:2006/07/17(月) 06:49:39 ID:???0
Well, the worst is over... Maybe not...

Don't give up, never give up hope. It's not easy to destroy the pillar, right?

......... Yeah ......you're right! We still have time.
そうね……そうよね! まだ時間はあるわよね

Aeris. I got you mixed up in all of this...

Don't tell me to go home.
ここから帰れ! な〜んて言わないでね

Let's see If we can just get past the trains that are lit up, we should be able to get out of here.

Aeris, do me a favor. I have a bar called '7th Heaven' in this neighborhood. There's a little girl named Marlene there......

Don't worry. I'll put her somewhere safe.

It's dangerous here! Everyone get away from the pillar, quickly! Everyone get out of Sector 7!
ここは危険です! みんな早く柱からはなれて。7番街から離れて

L, look... This is my job, so I have to be here until the absolute last minute.
あ、あの…… これが、僕の仕事だから… ギリギリまでここにいないとならないんだ
85FF7漬け:2006/07/17(月) 06:54:40 ID:???0
Umm... I just LOVE men with a sense of duty. Let me stay here with you.
うん… 責任感の強いあなた、好きよ。私、そばについてるわ

Doh! And this was supposed to be my last job! Do something! ! I never thought this would ever happen to me! Great... I'm quitting tomorrow!
おう!これが俺の最後の仕事だ! 登ってけ!!こんなことになるなんてな! いい気分じゃねえ! 明日、じひょうだ!

Cloud... so you don't care...what happens... to the... Planet?
クラウド…… やっぱり……星の命なんて…… どうなろうと……興味ないか?

...don't worry 'bout me...... Barret's...fighting up there. Go help him...
でも……おれはいいから…… バレットが……上で戦っている。手をかしてやってくれ……

...Cloud... I'm glad ......I could talk with you...one last time.
あ……クラウド…… 最後に……話せて良かった……

That's... all right... Because... of our actions... many...... people died..... this probably...... is our punishment...
もう、いい……いいの…… 私たちの作戦でたくさん……人、死んじゃったし…… きっと……そのむくい……ね

Be careful! They're attacking from the helicopter.

Better equip ourselves before they attack in full force!

You're too late. Once I push this button... That's all, folks! Mission accomplished.

We have to disarm it! Cloud! Barret! Please!
解除しなくちゃ! クラウド!バレットおねがい!
86FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 01:17:06 ID:???0
I can't have you do that. No one get in the way of Reno and the Turks...

Cloud! I don't know how to stop this. Try it!
クラウド! 止めかたがわからないの。やってみて!

not a normal time bomb.

That's right. You'll have a hard time disarming that one. It'll blow the second some stupid jerk touchesit.

Only a Shinra Executive can set up or disarm the Emergency Plate Release System.

Oh, you know each other? How nice you could see each other one last time. You should thank me.

What are you gonna do with Aeris! ?

Our orders were to find and catch the last remaining Ancient. It's taken us a long time, but now I can finally report this to the President.

Ha, ha, ha... Well, it should be starting right about now. Think you can escape in time?
クックックッ! そろそろ始まるぞ。逃げきれるかな?

Yo, we can use this wire to get out!
87FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 01:18:40 ID:???0
Marlene is... I think Marlene is safe. Right before they took Aeris, she said, Don't worry, she's all right. She was probably talking about Marlene.

But... we, all of us fought together. I don't wanna think of them as dead!
でもよ、でもよ! いっしょに戦ってきた仲間だ。死んじまったなんて…… 思いたくねえ!

This is all screwed up! They destroyed an entire village just to get to us! They killed so many people...

...are you saying it's our fault? Because AVALANCHE was here? Innocent people lost their lives because of us? ……私たちのせい? アバランチがいたから? 関係ない人たちまで……

No, Tifa! That ain't it! Hell no! ! It ain't us! It's the damn Shinra! It's never been nobody but the Shinra!

They're evil and destroyin our planet just to... build their power and line their own damn pockets with gold! If we don't get rid of them, they're gonna kill this planet!

Our fight ain't never gonna be over until we get rid of them! !

.........I don't know. It's not that. I'm not sure about me, My feelings.

Tifa. There ain't no turnin' back now.

But before that, there's something I want to know... it's about the Ancients.
88FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 01:21:50 ID:???0
Even with all that commotion, you went on like nothing happened. You must really been through the mill to get that.

You finally think you're making a living in the pits of Midgar, and then a big piece of scrap like that falls down here... what's next?

Yeah, that's right! But , even so, where could we move to now...?
そう、それよ! けどよ、だからといって今さらどこに行きゃ……

The hell's up with that! ? I don't care if they're AVALANCHE or Avant-garde or whatever you call them. Anyone who brings the plates down on us is nuts! !
何てこったい……! アバランチだかBランチだか知らねえが、プレートごと落っことすなんてどうかしてるぜ

My dream is to grow up and become a big time dealer on Wall Market.

...sure is loud outside. Wonder what's happening?

Cloud...... wasn't it? It's about Aeris, isn't it?

...Sorry. The Shinra have her.

I know. They took her from here. That's what Aeris wanted...

Aeris is an Ancient. The sole survivor. ...during the war. My husband was sent to the front. Some far away place called Wutai.
89FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 05:35:47 ID:???0
One day, I went to the station because I got a letter saying he was coming home on leave.

My husband never came back.

I wonder if something happened to him?No. I'm sure his leave was just canceled. I went to the station everyday.

Then, one day... you used to see this sort of thing a lot during the war.

Her last words were, Please take Aeris somewhere safe.

My husband never came back. I had no child. i was probably lonely. So I decided to take her home with me.

Aeris and I became close very quickly. That child loved to talk. She used to talk to me about everything.

She told me she escaped from some kind of research loboratory somewhere. And that her mother had already returned to the planet, so she wasn't lonely... and many other things.

I didn't know what she meant. I asked if she meant a star in the sky, But she said it was this planet... She was a mysterious child in many ways.
90FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 05:36:59 ID:???0
Aeris just blurted that out all of a sudden. when I asked her if something happened...

Someone dear to you has just died. His spirit was coming to see you, but he already returned to the planet.

At that time I didn't believe her. But... Several days later... we received a notice saying my husband died......and that's how it was.

A lot had happened, but we were happy. Until one day...

We want you to return Aeris to us. We've been searching for her for a long time.

Aeris, you're a very special child. You are of special blood. Your real mother was an 'Ancient'.

The Ancients will lead us to a land of supreme happiness.

Aeris will be able to bring happiness to all those in the slums. That is why Shinra would like Aeris's cooperation......

But Aeris, surely you hear voices sometimes when you're all alone?

But I knew. I knew about her mysterious powers...
91FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 05:37:42 ID:???0
She tried so hard to hide it, so I acted as though I never noticed.

It's amazing how she's avoided the Shinra for all these years...

The Shinra needed her, So I guess they wouldn't harm her.

She brought a little girl here with her. On the way here, Tseng found them.

She probably couldn't get away fast enough. She decided to go to the Shinra in exchange for the little girl's safety.

Aeris was caught because of Marlene! ?

You're her father! ? How in the world could you ever leave a child alone like that! ?
あんたが父親かい!? あんた、娘をほったらかして何をやってるんだい!?

...please don't start with that. I think about it all the time. What would happen to Marlene, if I...

But you gotta understand somethin'......I don't got an answer. I wanna be with Marlene... But I gotta fight.

Cause if I don't the planet's gonna die. So I'm gonna keep fightin'!
92FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 06:33:30 ID:???0
But, I'm worried 'bout Marlene. I really just wanna be with her... always. See? I'm goin' in circles, now.

...I think I understand what you're saying... She's upstairs asleep, Why don't you go and see her.

It's my fault... I was the one who got Aeris involved in this.
私のせい…… 私がエアリスを巻きこんだから

You gonna go help Aeris, right? She's done so much for me... If it's the Shinra you're dealin' with, I can't just sit here! I'm comin', too!
エアリスを助けにいくんだろ? すっかり世話になっちまったからな。それに相手が神羅となれば黙っちゃいられねえ! オレも行くぜ

Guess what? Guess what? Aeris was asking me lots of questions. Like what kind of person Cloud is. I bet she likes you, Cloud!

You're going after Aeris, right? I'm coming with you.

We're going right into Shinra Headquarters... You gotta be prepared for the worst.

I know. Right now, I feel I have to push myself to the limit. If I stayed here I'll go crazy.

Sorry, but can you take care of Marlene a bit longer? This place is dangerous now. You better go somewhere else.

...You're right. But promise me that you'll come back to her. Don't get yourself killed.
93FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 06:45:02 ID:???0
How do we get to the Shinra Building ?

There ain't no train that goes up there anymore...

Well, let's just go to Wall Market. We might be able to find something there.

It came down from the sky. But the old guy who likes tanks took all of it away. I wanted some too.

I never believed that Sector 7 would ever come down.

According to that guy with the tank, if you're strong enough, anyone can make it to the top plate. So, build your strength by having a plate of our food.

Phew, it's all dusty ever since the sky came down. I'll have to start over.

Is this pile of trash getting bigger?

Yes, I think so. A lot of things came falling down when the Sector 7 pillar fell.

Right, right, you're right. The owner of the Weapons Shop scavenged all the stuff that came falling down.
94FF7漬け:2006/07/18(火) 06:45:38 ID:???0
Oh is that why? He seems pretty suspicious these days.

Oh, you mean he went out to the Plate cross section next to the Don's Mansion, right?

Oh, you know! I wonder what he's doing?
あら、よくご存知で! でも、何してるんでしょうねえ?

Yeah! It gives me the chills.

You're dressed normal today. If something else interesting comes up, let me in on it.

More strength. I bet you could climb all the way up to the upper plate if you used that pipe.

Don't you know? The old man at the Weapon shop can tell you more about it.

Scary, isn't it? You just never know when the plate might come crashing down.

Yeah. I'd like to climb up to the plate if I could.

You goin' up to the plate? You better have a Battery.
あんたも、上のプレートへ行くのか? このジンクバッテリーが必要になるぞ
95FF7漬け:2006/07/19(水) 02:14:56 ID:???0
You're gonna sell me something you just found?

Hey, you knew? But I repaired it, so it's all right.

Why do I need a battery to climb up to the plate?

You'll find out when you get there. How 'bout 100 Gil for each?
登ってみりゃわかるよ。 3つで、300ギルだ。買うかい?

After you left, some Shinra guys forced themselves in here saying things like 'information leaked' and 'good for nothing'. They took Don somewhere and that's it...... I'm still here.
じつはあのあと、神羅の連中がドカドカやってきて『情報をリークした』だの『役立たず』だの……ドンはむりやりどこかへつれていかれて、それっきり…… オレもこんなザマさ

Everyone climbed up this wire. Looks scary......Brrr.

Can we climb it?

Yeah. It leads to the Upper World.

Awright! We'll climb this wire!
よし! このワイヤー、のぼろうぜ!

There's no way we can do this. You know how far it goes up?
96FF7漬け:2006/07/19(水) 02:25:19 ID:???0
There IS a way! Look! What's that look like?
無理じゃねえ! 見ろ!これは何に見える?

Just a normal wire.

Oh yeah? Well to me it looks like a golden shiny wire of hope.

You're right. This is the only way to save Aeris...

Ok, that was a bad analogy, but, Barret, I understand how you feel.

Looks like the only way is to jump onto that bar.

Should make it if I jump before it comes too close.

Hey, you oughta know this building well.

...Not really, now that I think about it, This's the first time I've ever been to the Headquarters.

I heard about this place before. Every floor above the 60th is special and not easy to get to even for employees.
97FF7漬け:2006/07/19(水) 02:26:03 ID:???0
Must be where they took Aeris.

The security's pretty light now. Awright, let's go! !

Wait a second! You're not thinking of just going right through the main entrance, are you?
ちょっとまってよ! まさか1F正面からのりこむつもり?

Well what else does it look like! ? I'm gonna kick some Shinra butt and......
決まってるだろ! 神羅のやつらをけちらして……

That's not going to work! We've got to find another way...
そんなのムチャよ! もっと見つかりにくい方法を……

Ain't gonna be no other way! If we keep wastin' time like this, Aeris'll...
そんなコトやってられねえ! グズグズしてたらエアリスだって……

I know that! But if we get caught here... Hey, Cloud. What should we do?
それはわかるけど! ここで私たちまでつかまったら……ね、クラウド。 ……どうしたらいいの?

See? Let's be careful and find a different route!
でしょ? こんな時こそしんちょうに他のルートを探しましょ

Yo... You really gonna take these stairs all the way up?

Well we've got to get to Aeris to help her somehow.
98FF7漬け:2006/07/19(水) 03:11:15 ID:???0
Talk about out of the way...

I don't have time to argue with you! I'm going!
もう、ゴチャゴチャいわない! いくわよ!

Y, yo Tifa! Don't go off alone!
お、おいティファ! 1人でいくな

Don't know... Why...the hell... We gotta...climb...

...because we don't want to start a commotion until we've saved Aeris. I doubt that's possible though...

Knock it off. You're giving me the creeps.

So even you will fight for someone else. I had you figured wrong I guess.

Who cares what you figured!

I'm just sayin' mebbe I was wrong...

What's that supposed to mean, Tifa?
99FF7漬け:2006/07/19(水) 03:12:00 ID:???0
...how much farther do these stairs go on?

Why don't you ask them?

It's not one of them endless stairways or somethin', d'ya think? Right... couldn't be that...

Are we there yet?

Not yet.

...there yet?

I said not yet! Look, don't even ask! We're way way way way far away from being there, ok! ?
まだよ 。まだだってば! まだまだまだまだまだまだまだ一っ!

Damn, man! I've had it! I'm going back!
もうイヤだ! オレはもどるぞ!

And take just as long going down as You did coming up?

C'mon, Barret. Pull it together!
100FF7漬け:2006/07/19(水) 03:13:20 ID:???0
Yeah, well all I know is I'm just flesh 'n' blood... 'cept for this arm of mine. Don't treat me like I'm some ex-member of SOLDIER or somethin'......

What about me! ? I'm human too! Oh, do what you want, I'm going on!
私だって普通だってば! 先に行っちゃうわよ!

Yaah! Barret! You go first! Cloud, you go on ahead too! !
ヤダ、バレット! やっぱり先に行って!クラウドも! 先に行って!

Yo... What floor is this?

...I gave up counting.

Why they gotta build these buildings so damn tall? That Shinra... They're just no damn good.

Marlene, Daddy wanted to see your face one more time...

Would you stop acting like a retard and climb! ? It's just a bit more...Maybe.
ちょっと! エンギでもないこと言わないの!もう少! もう少しだから!たぶん……

F... finally... M... made it...... Never wanna see... no more stairs the rest of my life...

huff... puff... this really takes it out of you... But this is it. We'd better get ready...!
101(-_-)さん:2006/07/19(水) 15:36:19 ID:???0
102(-_-)さん:2006/07/19(水) 16:07:46 ID:???0
103(-_-)さん:2006/07/19(水) 16:16:37 ID:???O
ディスィ ザ ァ ペン
104(-_-)さん:2006/07/19(水) 16:35:43 ID:???0
105(-_-)さん:2006/07/19(水) 16:43:25 ID:???0
106(-_-)さん:2006/07/19(水) 16:50:17 ID:???O
107(-_-)さん:2006/07/20(木) 06:34:44 ID:???0
108(-_-)さん:2006/07/20(木) 07:14:41 ID:???0
109FF7漬け:2006/07/20(木) 08:20:09 ID:???0
This is the real thing. Don't let your guard down.

Cloud, you go on ahead and signal us when it's safe to come. When those guards turn around, MOVE!

Remember, we're here to save Aeris.
忘れないで! 私たちの目的はあくまでもエアリスを助けだすこと

I don't remember seeing your face before... You new here?
あら、見かけない顔…… 新しく配属されたのね?

Say, you're cute. Let me teach you some...things.

Wipe that stupid look off your face. I was only going to teach you how to get to the next floor.

The higher ups in the company use the floors above the 60th floor. But you can't get there without a keycard.

Get a keycard and you can use the elevators freely.

Just remember there are different types of cards. One keycard alone won't let you go everywhere.
110FF7漬け:2006/07/20(木) 08:21:02 ID:???0
It's a security system worthy of Shinra. After all, all the power in Midgar and the world, for that matter, is controlled by them.

Oh, I have to go. Gotta get back to work!

The hell are you? What're you doin' around here?
なんだお前は? こんなところで何をしている?

Aeris? How did you know that name? You must be...! ?
エアリス? その名を知っているとはお前まさか!?

Aeris, you mean that kid. The receptionist. Yeah, I was startin' to worry 'bout her myself.

And so another rival appears on the scene, eh? You mean, she's not? It's someone else?
ウーン、はやくもライバル出現……え、そうじゃない? なんだ、人違いか

Oh, Isee. So you must be that whatcha call it... Shinra, Inc. Repair Division! !
ハハーン……わかったぞ。さてはお前、アレだな? いまウワサの……神羅力ンパニー修理課

You know, it looks like this building is starting to fall apart.

This door was just pushed open. You ought to fix this right away.

Oh yeah, and take a look on the other floors too. I'll give you this.
111FF7漬け:2006/07/20(木) 08:22:06 ID:???0
This is the lounge floor. Above us are the special floors for the big wigs in the company.

It's tough working under someone. Tires you out.

What's keeping her? Did she forget her keycard?
あいつ、遅いな…… カードキー忘れたかな?

Even employees can't walk around above the 60th floor without a keycard.
社員といえど 60階から上はカードキーがないと自由に歩けないからな……

I thought I heard a ruckus downstairs a minute ago. Do you know what that was all about?

No idea. But no need to worry because everything above the 60th floor is safe.

How do you do? This is the Midgar Mayor's Office. Mayor Domino is in his office.
あ、これはどうも 。こちらはこのミッドガルの市長室でございます。この中にはドミノ市長がいらっしゃいます

I am the Deputy Mayor. If you should have any questions feel free to ask me...

Hmm? Oh, and who might you be? You all must be those ahem Me? I'm Domino, the Mayor of Midgar.
あ〜? なんだねキミたちは?ああ、キミらが例の……私?私はこの魔暁都市ミッドガルの市長、ドミノだ

Actually, I'm Mayor in name only. The city and everything in it is really run by Shinra, Inc.
112FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 07:48:37 ID:???0
My only real job is watching over Shinra's documents... Me! The Mayor! A librarian! Ohh......
今の私の仕事といったら神羅力ンパニーの資料管理……ミッドガルの市長が! 神羅の資料を! ハア……

You want to get upstairs? I tell you what, if you can guess the password, I'll give you my keycard.
キミら、上へ行きたいんだろ? いいとも、私のカードキーをやろう。合言葉を言えたらな

Yes, that's it. Guess the password and I'll give you my keycard!

Get it on the first try and I'll even throw in a special item!

Got it? Then tell me.
合言葉がわかったのか? では言ってみたまえ

God, I love the sound of that! I AM the best ME! ! ......hmm. Well, ok, Here, take it.

I never thought you'd get it on the first try... Just goes to show you can't judge a book by its cover. Oh well, a promise is a promise. Take this, too.

Why would I do something like this, you ask? To mess with them, of course! Shinra's been torturing me forever.
なんでこんなコトするか? きまってるじゃないか。イヤガラセだよ。いいか、神羅はずっと私を苦しめてきたんだぞ

That's why I was a little rough on you all just now. Now go up there and really make them suffer. This ought to make us even!

But my card will only get you to the 65th floor.
言っておくが、私のカードでは 65階までしかのぼれんよ
113FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 07:49:18 ID:???0
Can you believe how they treat me? ...ME! Like some common employee...

Level B employee: verified. You are permitted to open doors on this floor up to three times.
Bランク社員ト確認。アナタは、このフロアのドアを 3回まで開けルことが許可されましタ

If you receive an item coupon, remember to exchange it for an item.

...warning... refrain from entering the air conditioning ducts recklessly - they are very dangerous...

...huff... puff... If you're tired, you should get some rest in the next room.
フーフー…… つかれたらとなりの部屋でやすむといいわよ

...huff... wheeze... I'm starting to worry about my belly......
ハーハー…… 最近おなかのあたりが気になりだして……

Hmph, hmph... Since I'm head of security for this building, stamina's very important to me.
フンッ、フンッ…… このビルの警備をあずかる者として、体力には気をつかっているのだ

You must be a visitor. Please feel free to use any unused machines.

A model of Midgar... born from Mako sucked right out of the earth.

Parts of the model are missing...... Sounds like something opened up...
114FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 07:50:45 ID:???0
When construction of Sector 6 finishes, Shinra's plan will be complete.

That must be why he took Aeris...

Whew, I'm so sick of carrying all these files... But I get to meet lots of guys. I guess that's the benefit of being a secretary!

Is it just me or does the Conference Room smell? There's some sort of stench coming from somewhere...
関係ないけどよ。あの会議室って、何か臭くないか? どこかから臭ってくるんだよな……

Hey, when you're in the bathroom, do you ever hear whispers coming from somewhere?

It gives me the feeling that I AM alive. The feeling of moving this world, just with my hands.

Come on, we're building the future of Mako!

We have the damage estimates for Sector 7.

Considering those factories we already set up and all the investments, the damage is estimated at approximately 10 Billion gil... The estimated cost to rebuild Sector 7 is...
すでに稼働していた工場部分と現在までの投資額を考えると我が社の損害は 100億ギルはくだらないかと……また7番プレートの再建にかかる費用は……

We're not rebuilding. We're leaving Sector 7 as it is. And restarting the Neo-Midgar plan.
115FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 19:04:04 ID:???0
...then the Ancients?

The Promised Land will soon be ours. I want you to raise the Mako rates 15% in every area.
約束の地はまもなく我々のものになるだろう。それから各地の魔暁料金を 15%値上げしたまえ

Rate hike! Rate hike! Tra, la, la! And please include our Space Program in the budget!
値上げ値上げ! うひょひょひょひょ! ぜひ我が宇宙開発部にも予算を

Reeve and Scarlet will divide the extra income from the rate increase.

Sir. If you raise the rates, the people will lose confidence...

It'll be all right. The ignorant citizens won't lose confidence, they'll trust Shinra, Inc. even more.

After all, we're the ones who saved Sector 7 from AVALANCHE!
テロリストどもから 7番街の市民を救ったのは神羅力ンパニーですからな!

Hojo. How's the girl?

As a specimen, she is inferior to her mother. I'm still in the process of comparing her to her mother, Ifalna, but for now the difference is 18 %.

How long will the research take?
116FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 19:05:50 ID:???0
Probably 120 years. It's probably impossible to finish in our lifetime. Or in the lifetime of the specimen too, for that matter.

That's why we're thinking of breeding her. Then we could create one that could withstand our research for a long time.

What about the Promised Land? Won't it hinder our plans?
約束の地はどうなる? 計画に支障はでないのか?

That's what I need to plan. The mother is strong... and yet has her weaknesses.

That concludes our meeting.

Something stinks...

I remember him. That Hojo guy. He's in charge of the Shinra's Science Department. Cloud, don't you know him?

This is the first time I've actually ever seen him. So that's what he looks like...

Let's see... The specimen Hojo asked me for is...

Is this today's specimen?
117FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 19:08:29 ID:???0
Yes. We're starting right away. Raise it to the upper level.

My precious specimen...

Is it going to be used for a biological experiment?

Jenova... Sephiroth's... So they've brought it here.
ジェノバ…… セフィロスの…… そうか……ここに運んだのか

Cloud, be strong!

We're taking Aeris back.


Shoulda noticed it earlier, you...

There's so many frivolous things in this world.

Are you going to kill me? I don't think you should.
私を殺そうというのか? それはやめた方がいいな
118FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 19:10:58 ID:???0
The equipment here is extremely delicate. Without me, who could operate it? Hmm?

That's right. I recommend you think things out logically before you make any rash moves.

Now, bring in the Specimen!

What do you think you're doin'?

Lending a helping hand to an endangered species... Both of them are on the brink of extinction...

If I don't help, all these animals will disappear.

...animal? That's terrible! Aeris is a human being!
……生物?ひどいわ! エアリスは人間なのよ

Barret! Can't you do anything?
バレット! 何とかならないのか?

...The elevator is moving.

This is no ordinary specimen. This is a very ferocious specimen!
119FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 19:12:44 ID:???0
He's rather strong. I'll help you all out.

I'll talk as much as you want later, Miss.

We'll take care of that monster. Somebody take Aeris somewhere safe...

Hojo has named me, Red [. A name with no meaning whatsoever to me. Call me whatever you wish.

She seems all right... in many ways.

I have a right to choose, too. I don't like two-legged things.

An informed question. But difficult to answer. I am what you see.

....You must have many questions, but first, let's get out of here. I'll lead the way.

Cloud... so you did come for me.
クラウド…… やっぱり、来てくれたのね

I apologize for what happened back there. I was merely acting to throw Hojo off guard......
120FF7漬け :2006/07/21(金) 19:14:10 ID:???0
Now we've saved Aeris, ain't no need to be in this buildin'! So let's get the hell outta here!
さあ、エアリスを助ければもうこんなビルには用はない! さっさと出ちまおうぜ

If all five of us go together, we'll be noticed. Let's break up in two groups.

Later! Meet up at the 66th Floor Elevator!

Don't be late. Do you know where the Elevator is? The 66th Floor!
遅れるなよ。【エレベーター】の場所はわかっているな? 【66階】だぞ

Would you press 'Up' please?

It must have been a real thrill for you... Did you enjoy it?

You all got caught, too?

Where is Aeris! ?

In a safe place. She's the last surviving Ancient...

Don't you know? They called themselves the Cetra, and lived thousands of years ago. Now they are just a forgotten page in history.
知らんのか? 自らをセトラと呼び、数千年の昔に生き今は歴史の中に埋もれてしまった種族
121FF7漬け:2006/07/22(土) 02:22:53 ID:???0
Cetra...That girl, is she a survivor of the Cetra?

Cetra, or the Ancients will show us the way to the 'Promised Land.' I'm expecting a lot out of her.

The Promised Land? Isn't that just a legend?
約束の地? それは言い伝えではないか?

Even so, it's just too appealing to not to pursue.

It's been said the Promised Land is very fertile.

...If the land is fertile...

Exactly. That is why our money sucking Mako Reactor is necessary. The abundant Mako will just come out on its own.

That is where Neo-Midgar will be built Shinra's new glory...

Oh really, don't you know? These days all it takes for your dreams to come true is money and power.
おやおや、知らないのか? 最近では金と力さえあれば夢はかなうのだ

Well, that is all for our meeting.
122FF7漬け:2006/07/22(土) 02:24:40 ID:???0
Hold it! I got a lot I wanna say to you!
待ちやがれ! テメエには言いたいことが山ほどあるんだ

If you need something else... talk to my secretary.

I knew that Cloud would come for me.

Hey, I'm your bodyguard, right?

The deal was for one date, right?
報酬はデート1回、だったよね? ...!?

Tifa! Tifa, you're there too!
……!?ティファ! ティファもそこにいるの!

............oh, I get it. EXCUSE me. You know, Aeris. I have a question. Does the Promised Land really exist?

...I don't know. AII I know is... The Cetra were born from the Planet, speak with the Planet, and unlock the Planet.

And...... then... The Cetra will return to the Promised Land. A land that promises supreme happiness.

More than words ......I don't know.
123FF7漬け:2006/07/22(土) 02:26:59 ID:???0
I only heard it at the Church in the Slums. Mother said that Midgar was no longer safe. That is... my real mother.

Someday I'll get out of Midgar... Speak with the Planet and find my Promised Land...That's what mom said.

I thought I would stop hearing her voice as I grew up, but...

Aeris is an Ancient and the real name of the Ancients is Cetra.

The Ancients know where the Promised Land is and the Shinra is searching for that Promised Land.

I only heard stories 'bout the Promised Land. I don't know if it really exists. Is that right?
でも、約束の地ってのは言い伝えに出てくるだけで本当にあるのかどうかはわからねえ 。これでいいのか?

The Shinra believe that the Promised Land is full of Mako energy.

Which means, if the Shinra get there, they'll suck up all the Mako energy.

...and the land'll wither away. The Planet's gonna get weaker.

I can't just leave 'em be. I'm recruitin'new members! !
放っちゃおけねえ! アバランチ、メンバー募集だ
124FF7漬け:2006/07/22(土) 02:28:12 ID:???0
Me, Tifa, Cloud... and Aeris too. How 'bout you?

You're so damn boring.

He should have the key on him...

Come on, Tifa, get Aeris. I'll go help Barret and the others.

Must've been attacked by...

How'd you get in? Why's the door open! ?
どうやって入ってきた? どうして扉が開いているんだ!?

No human could've done this.

I'll go on ahead.

Jenova Specimen... Looks like it went to the upper floor using that elevator for the specimens.

He's dead... The leader of Shinra, Inc. is dead...
125FF7漬け:2006/07/22(土) 02:31:09 ID:???0
Who cares who did it! ? This is the end of the Shinra now!
誰がやったっていいじゃねえか! これで神羅も終わりだぜ!

Uh! Would I lie to you at a time like this! ? And I heard his voice too!
うひょ!! こんな時にウソなんか言わない! それに声も聞いたんだ、うひょっ!!

Um, he was saying something about not letting us have the Promised Land.

Does that mean that the Promised Land really exists and that Sephiroth's here to save it from Shinra?

Save the Promised Land? A good guy? No way! !
約束の地を守る? いいやつ?ちがう!!

It's not that simple! I know him! Sephiroth's mission is different!
そんな単純な話じゃない! 俺は知ってるんだ! セフィロスの目的はちがう!

I heard that he's been assigned somewhere else for a long time...

I've heard that no one's ever seen him bleed or cry.

...Old man tried to control the world with money. It seems to have been working.

The population thought that Shinra would protect them.
126FF7漬け:2006/07/22(土) 02:33:18 ID:???0
Work at Shinra, get your pay. If a terrorist attacks, the Shinra army will help you.

It looks perfect on the outside. But, I do things differently.

I'll control the world with fear. It takes too much to do it like my old man.

A little fear will control the minds of the common people. There's no reason to waste money on them.

He likes to make speeches just like his father.

I'll explain later! Barret! This is the real crisis for the Planet!
説明はあとだ! バレット、本当の星の危機だ!

wait for Cloud! Everyone, get to the elevator!
……私、クラウドを待つわ! みんなはエレベーターで先に

Hmm, it's going to get pretty ugly from here on. We should check on our equipment.

Why do you want to fight me?

You seek the Promised Land and Sephiroth.
127FF7漬け:2006/07/23(日) 04:54:44 ID:???0
Hm, exactly. Mm? Did you know that Sephiroth is an Ancient?

...A lot has happened. Anyway, I can't let either you or Sephiroth have the Promised Land!

I see. I guess this means we won't become friends.

I couldn't finish 'em. Looks like this's gonna get complicated.

If I was alone this wouldn't be a thang but, I gotta reputation to protect.

You all get out while you can. It's not you they're after... it's me.

Yeah, well that ain't happenin'. You got caught up in this over Marlene. Now, it's my turn to watch out for you!

Well then... If you are through talking, may I suggest that we think of a way to get out of here.

Huh? Oh, oh yeah... You a cold man. Just like someone else 'round here I know.

Sephiroth is alive. I have to settle the score.
128FF7漬け:2006/07/23(日) 04:55:29 ID:???0
I'll go too... I have things that I want to find out.

I guess this's good bye, Midgar.

I'm going back to my hometown. I'll go with you as far as that.

...I guess this is the start of our journey...

...I don't know. But, I don't have anywhere else to go. So I guess it doesn't really matter whether I like to travel or not.

We told Aeris's mom to go somewhere safe, so Marlene should be safe too.

She said she didn't want to stay in Midgar anymore. Maybe it's for the best.

You know what? This is the first time I've ever left Midgar...

I thought you'd say that!

We need a group leader for our journey. 'Course only me could be the leader.
129FF7漬け:2006/07/23(日) 04:56:06 ID:???0
It would have to be Cloud.

......awright. Go Northeast to a town called Kalm. If something happens, we'll meet up there.

Sides, we can't have 5 people strolling down the fields. It's too dangerous. Split us into 2 parties...

...Thought you'd do that. Later, at Kalm!

Everyone's waiting at the inn. Let's go Cloud.

Aw, c'mon! Listen to me! Got anything interesting to say?......

I heard President Shinra was killed. And his son Rufus, the new president, was badly hurt.

Don't care? If you're going to travel, you'd best keep an eye on what Shinra's doing.
関心なしか? 旅をするなら神羅力ンパニーの動きには注目したほうがいいぜ

Heh, heh, heh......This is just between us. I heard it was that there Ava-whaddya call-ums that attacked the President Shinra and his son.

Shinra is leading the world around by the nose, and you guys are just gonna sit back and take it?
130FF7漬け:2006/07/23(日) 04:59:03 ID:???0
The famous floating city, Midgar... Just once I'd love to see it in person.

South of this town past the Mythril Mine and far to the west is a Shinra harbor called Junon.

They say there's a reactor and many tall buildings there. I hope to see it someday.

I hear that the natural resources near the reactors are being sucked dry.

My old man was a miner, but he couldn't go to work after monsters started appearing in the Mythril Mine.

Now all he does is sit around getting drunk in the bar...

Thanks to Shinra, Inc. developing Mako energy for us, everything's more convenient now.

Maybe a little too convenient.

Is it true that Shinra made a Monster?

Yeah, well either way, as long as we're using the reactor, we can't stand up to Shinra.
131FF7漬け:2006/07/23(日) 05:03:34 ID:???0
I got my health, and enough to eat... all's well.

There was a suspicious-looking man in a black cloak! He was carrying a wicked-looking sword.
怪しい黒マントの男がこの町にいたんだ! ぶっそうな刀なんか持ち歩いてさ

Why doesn't anyone believe me? I'm all alone...
なんで、誰も信じてくれないんだ〜! ……こどくなボク

......My older brother's so stupid. He's so embarrassing I could just puke!

When I grow up I'm gonna be in SOLDIER, That's why I'm training hard now! !
ぼく、大きくなったら神羅のソルジャーになるんだ! そのために、いまからモウクンレンしてるんだ!!

Did you say you came from Midgar?

I used to live there, too. But I hear they got lots of troubles lately.

Thanks to Mako energy, life's pretty darn convenient. Thanks to Shinra. Don't you think?

Hmmn. But I'd hate to think of what life'd be like without Mako energy.

See!? How would we get by without Mako energy?
そうでしょ! もう、魔暁エネルギーのない生活なんて考えられないわね
132FF7漬け:2006/07/23(日) 05:06:51 ID:???0
Yeah, Mako energy's made our lives much easier. And it's all thanks to Shinra, Inc.

Mako energy's made things a lot more convenient......

But seems like a lot of plants and animals have been disappearing at a rapid pace.

I think the old life was better. Don't you think so?

That sounds just like what my mom says.

Yeah, sure I'm right! You think so, don't you?

I thought things were better when I was able to play with animals......

Me? I used to work in a coal mine down south called Mythril Mine.

But, right around then, monsters started appearing.

After that, business went to pot and now I spend the days here drinking.
133FF7漬け:2006/07/24(月) 05:08:31 ID:???0
I heard terrorists bombed a Midgar reactor...

There sure have been a lot of dangerous accidents recently. I hate it, just hate it.

Shinra is trying to eliminate anyone, who stands up to them.

It don't matter if we like it or not. Shinra's taken over, and we gotta live with it!

Stay out of the kitchen.

Mr. Cloud? Your party is waiting for you on the 2nd floor.
クラウドさまですね。お連れさまが 2階でお待ちです

Guess everyone's here now.

You know, the one about Sephiroth and the crisis facing the planet. Let's hear it all.
さあて…… 聞かせてもらおうじゃねえかセフィロス、星の危機。おまえが知ってることのすべてを

......I used to want to be like Sephiroth, so I joined SOLDIER.

After working with Sephiroth on several missions, we became friends.
134FF7漬け:2006/07/24(月) 05:15:42 ID:???0
You call that a friend?

Yeah, well...... He's older than me, and he hardly ever talked about himself.

So I guess you'd call him a war buddy...... We trusted each other. Until one day......

After the war it was SOLDIER's duty to put down any resistance against the Shinra.
戦争終結後のソルジャーの任務は神羅に反抗する人たちを…… ゆううつな仕事が多かったな

......that was 5 years ago. I was 16......

I wouldn't know... I've never had motion sickness.

They gave me some new Materia. I can't wait to use it.

You going to brief us about this mission?

...this isn't a typical mission.

Why do you say that? I joined SOLDIER so I could be like you.
135FF7漬け:2006/07/24(月) 05:18:05 ID:???0
But by the time I made First Class, the war was already over.

My big hopes of becoming a hero like you ended with the war.

That's why I always sign up whenever there's a big mission. Kind of a way to prove myself.

...I thought you wanted a briefing?

Our mission is to investigate an old Mako reactor.

There have been reports of it malfunctioning, and producing brutal creatures.

First, we will dispose of those creatures. Then, we'll locate the problem and neutralize it.

Sir s, something strange just crashed into our truck!

That would be our Monster...

Sephiroth's strength is unreal. He is far stronger in reality than any story you might have heard about him.
136FF7漬け:2006/07/24(月) 05:19:17 ID:???0
Me? I was mesmerized by the way Sephiroth fought.

How does it feel? It's your first time back to your hometown in along time, right?

So how does it feel? I wouldn't know because I don't have a hometown...

My mother is Jenova. She died right after she gave birth to me. My father...

I'll come and talk to you once in a while. Just stick with it.

Practice... oh, you mean practice my pose.
練習…… ああ、ポーズの練習か

Does someone in SOLDIER always have to be careful about what other people think?

I really don't want to be in SOLDIER.

The Mako smell is pretty bad here.

I remember Jenova. That's that damn headless spook livin' in the Shinra building.
ジェノバ……覚えてるぞ! 神羅ビルにいた首ナシのバケモノだな!
137FF7漬け:2006/07/24(月) 05:20:39 ID:???0
Barret, would you please let us hear what Cloud has to say? You can ask questions later.

...The town was quiet. Everyone must be staying in their houses, afraid to come out because of the monsters. No, maybe they're afraid of us...

We leave for the reactor at dawn. Make sure you get to sleep early.

All we need is one lookout, so you others, get some rest. You may visit your family and friends.

Look, you never know when a monster's gonna show up, right?

...That's right. Don't blow your chance to become a hero...

I heard Sephiroth was coming and got my camera ready.

I want a shot of Sephiroth and a monster.

I don't take pictures with nobodys.

Right. I'm Tifa's father... I want you to stay away from my daughter.
138FF7漬け:2006/07/24(月) 05:32:30 ID:???0
...Oh, you're with the Shinra? Welcome.

Cloud, you've grown to be a strong man.

Cloud...? Did you go into my house?

I thought you might be home.

...Cloud. We're talking about something really important here.

This is my house. It has nothing to do with that incident five years ago.
ここは……俺の家だ。 5年前の事件とは関係ないな

I don't know if you could call it a family...... My father... died when I was still very young.

That's why my mom...... was living alone in this house.
だから母さんが…… この家には母さんがひとりで住んでいた

My mom she was a vibrant woman. Hadn't changed at all.

But a few days later, she died... But when I saw her, she looked fine.
139FF7漬け:2006/07/25(火) 03:02:34 ID:???0
Come, come... Let me take a look at you! You look so handsome.
どれどれ…… 晴れ姿、母さんにもよ〜く見せておくれ。ほれぼれしちゃうねえ

Is Shinra here to get rid of the monsters?

I'm Zangan. I travel around the world teaching children martial arts.

I have 128 students all over the world! In this town, a girl named Tifa is my student.

Tifa has good sense. She'll be a powerful fighter.

I want to see some Shinra techniques. And if you see anything you can use, you might want to incorporate some of my techniques.

The, uh... The whole inn's booked up by Shinra for the night.
あ…… 本日は神羅会社の皆さんの貸し切りになってましてねえ

Is it you, Cloud? It must've been two years.

Say, you've really moved up in the world, being under Sephiroth's command.

Now about the town... A lot of monsters have been appearing in the last 12 months.
140FF7漬け:2006/07/25(火) 03:04:52 ID:???0
Other than that, there's not much change. Nothing much exciting happens in a little town like this.

It was all right when they were building the reactor.

...while they were still building it. But once it was completed, it's been bad. Within a few years, all the trees on the mountain withered away.

I don't know if the reactor was good or bad... I mean it's easy to say that it was a bad idea now. But now, what can you do about it...?

Anyhow we've got to get rid of the monsters... Then, we'll all be able to relax a little bit.

It's all reserved for you Shinra people, so I don't mind. But, wouldn't you feel more comfortable staying at home?

...We have an early start tomorrow. You should get some sleep soon.

...I'm not going to wake you up tomorrow.

We're short one bed...

Up ahead is...Mt. Nibel. I'll tell you about the time I went into the mountains.
141FF7漬け:2006/07/25(火) 03:06:12 ID:???0
I've hired a guide to the Mako reactor. I've heard she's young, I hope we can rely on her...

Think they'd let me take a picture?

If I knew this was going to happen, I would've made mountain climbing off limits...

I was so nervous. I couldn't get any sleep...

Hey, stay over here! Hey, calm down! Wait over here.
おい、こっちに来ていろ! おい、落ちつけ! こっちで待ってろ

Once the guide gets here, we're heading out.

Listen to me, Sephiroth. In case something happens...

I'll be all right, Dad! I have two men from SOLDIER with me.
だいじょうぶだから、パパ! つよ〜いソルジャーがふたりもいるのよ

I just happen to be the number one guide in this town.

It's too dangerous! I can't involve you in something like this!
でも、危険すぎる! そんなことにあんたを巻きこむわけにはいかない
142FF7漬け:2006/07/25(火) 03:09:32 ID:???0
Then there's no problem if you protect her.

Mr. Sephiroth! Please let me take one picture for a memento! Tifa, can you ask him for me too......?
セフィロスさん! 記念に写真を1枚。ティファちゃんからもたのんでくれないかな……

I'll give each of you a copy once I get it developed!

A Mako Reactor was built in Mt. Nibel. The cold air of the muntains of Nibel. It was no different.

It gets harder from here! Follow me!
さ、ここからが大変よ! ついて来て!

Everyone seems to be all right. Can we get back to where we were?

These caves are intertwined, just like an ant farm... Oh, and Sephiroth... There seems to be one person missing...
このへんの洞窟はアリのすみたいに入り組んでいるから……それにセフィロスさん。 1人、姿が見えないけど……

It may sound cold, but we've got no time to search for him. We can't go back now, so we must go on. We'll travel together from here.

It must be the Mako energy. This mountain is especially abundant in it. That's why the Mako Reactor was built here.

A Mako fountain. It's a miracle of nature.
143FF7漬け:2006/07/25(火) 03:14:31 ID:???0
If the Mako Reactor continues to suck up the energy, this fountain will dry up too...

Materia. When you condense Mako energy, materia is produced.

It's very rare to be able to see materia in its natural state.

By the way... Why is it that when you use materia you can also use magic too?
そういえば…… どうしてマテリアを使うと魔法を使うことができるんだ?

You were in SOLDIER and didn't even know that?

...the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients is held in the materia.

Anyone with this knowledge can freely use the powers of the Land and the Planet. That knowledge interacts between ourselves and the planet calling up magic...... or so they say.

A man once told me never to use an unscientific term such as mysterious power! It shouldn't even be called magic!
ある男がな、不思議な力なんて非科学的な言い方は許さん! 魔法なんて呼び方もダメだ!

I still remember how angry he was.

Hojo of Shinra, Inc.... An inexperienced man assigned to take over the work of a great scientist. He was a walking mass of complexes.
144FF7漬け:2006/07/25(火) 03:18:18 ID:???0
A Mako fountain... So this is where the knowledge of the Ancients is.
魔暁の泉…… この中には古代種の知識が入っているのね

Only authorized people are allowed in. This place is full of Shinra's industrial secrets. Take care of the lady.

Mm, man! Better take real good care of me then!

This is ......Jenova, right? The lock won't open...

This is the reason for the malfunction, This part is broken. Cloud, close the valve.

....now I see, Hojo. But, even doing this, will never put you on the same level as Professor Gast.

This is a system that condenses and freezes the Mako energy... that is, when it's working correctly.

Now what does Mako energy become when it's further condensed?

Uh, umm......Oh yeah! It becomes a Materia.
え、ええと…… そうだった! マテリアができるんだな

Right, normally. But Hojo put something else in there. Take a look.
145FF7漬け:2006/07/26(水) 07:03:48 ID:???0
Look through the window.

Normal members of SOLDIER are humans that have been showered with Mako.

You're different from the others, but still human.

But, what are they? They've been exposed to a high degree of Mako, far more than you.
しかし、こいつらはなんだ? おまえたちとは比べものにならないほど高密度の魔光に浸されている

Exactly. And it's Hojo of Shinra that produced these monsters.

Mutated living organisms produced by Mako energy. That's what these monster's really are.

...Was I created this way too? Am I the same as all these monsters......

...I've always felt since I was small... That I was different from the others. Special, in someway. Am l human?

I didn't quite understand what Sephiroth was saying at that time.
146FF7漬け:2006/07/26(水) 07:07:36 ID:???0
Damn, Shinra! The more I hear, the more I hate 'em!
くっ……神羅めっ! ますます許せねえ!

......who would have ever thought the Mako Reactor held a secret like that.

That would seem to explain the increase in the number of monsters recently.

I think we should listen carefully to Cloud. Don't you think so Barret?

We returned to Nibelheim. Sephiroth confined himself at the inn. He didn't even try to talk to me.

Then all of a sudden he just disappeared, right?

We found him inside the biggest building in Nibelheim.

Long ago, people from Shinra used to live in that mansion...

Until we know that there's no danger, we're not moving.

There's nothing that'll harm the town, right?
147FF7漬け:2006/07/26(水) 07:10:22 ID:???0
The Shinra showed up to eliminate any information that could be an embarrassment to the company... You pick these things up when you travel as much as I do.

It's Sephiroth. He would never do that.

...Oh my. You sure do have faith.

There's no sign of Sephiroth, but I know I saw him go into this room...

...an organism that was apparently dead, was found in a 2000 year old geological stratum. Professor Gast named that organism, Jenova...

X Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova confirmed to be an Ancient...

X Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova Project approved. The use of Mako Reactor 1 approved for use...

My mother's name is Jenova...Jenova Project... Is this just a coincidence?

Professor Gast... Why didn't you tell me anything? ...Why did you die?
148FF7漬け:2006/07/26(水) 07:18:03 ID:???0
Let me be alone.

Sephiroth didn't come out of the Shinra Mansion...

He continued to read as if he were possessed by something, and not once, did the light in the basement go out......

This Planet originally belonged to the Cetra, Cetra was a itinerant race. They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on...

At the end of their harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.

But, those that disliked the journey appeared. Those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an easier life.

They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.

Long ago, disaster struck this planet.

Your ancestors escaped... They survived because they hid.
149FF7漬け:2006/07/26(水) 07:18:45 ID:???0
The planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After that, your ancestors continued to increase.

Now all that's left of the Cetra is in these reports.

What does that have to do with you?

An Ancient named Jenova was found in the geological stratum of 2000 years ago.

The Jenova Project wanted to produce people with the powers of the Ancients...... no, the Cetra.

...I am the one that was produced.

Professor Gast, leader of the Jenova Project and genius scientist, produced me.

Out of my way. I'm going to see my mother.

Sephiroth did this to you, didn't he! ?
150FF7漬け:2006/07/26(水) 07:20:49 ID:???0
Sephiroth SOLDIER Mako Reactors ...Shinra...Everything! I hate them all!

Mother, I'm here to see you. Please, open this door.

How could you do that to papa and all the townspeople?

Mother, let's take this planet back together. I've thought of a great idea. Let's go to the Promised Land.

My family! My hometown! How could you do this to them! ?

With her superior power, knowledge, and magic, Mother was destined to become the ruler of this Planet.

What about MY sadness! ? My family... friends... The sadness of having my hometown taken away from me! ?

It's the same as your sadness!

Ha, ha, ha ...my sadness? What do I have to be sad about?

I am the chosen one. I have been chosen to be the leader of this Planet.
151(-_-)さん:2006/07/26(水) 11:47:32 ID:???0

152(-_-)さん:2006/07/26(水) 18:11:09 ID:???0
153(-_-)さん:2006/07/26(水) 21:50:21 ID:???0
154(-_-)さん:2006/07/26(水) 22:14:03 ID:???0
155(-_-)さん:2006/07/26(水) 22:16:46 ID:???0
156FF7漬け:2006/07/27(木) 07:53:25 ID:???0
I have orders to take this planet back from you stupid people for the Cetra. What am I supposed to be sad about?

No, you're not the Sephiroth I used to know!

......and that's the end of my story. In terms of skill, I couldn't have killed him.

Official records state Sephiroth is dead. I read it in the newspaper.

Shinra, Inc. owns the paper, so you can't rely on that information.

......I want to know the truth. I want to know what happened then.

Seems like a lot of this doesn't make sense. What about Jenova? It was in the Shinra building, right?
なんだか、いろいろ、へん。ねえ、ジェノバは? 神羅ビルにいたのはジェノバ、よね?

Shinra shipped it from Nibelheim to Midger.

Did someone else carry it out after that? It was missing from the Shinra building.
そのあと、また誰かが持ち出した? 神羅ビルからもなくなってたわよ

How bad was I when Sephiroth cut me?
157FF7漬け:2006/07/27(木) 07:54:36 ID:???0
I thought you were a goner...... I was really sad.

What a fascinating story......

Yo, Cloud, Here. PHS, will put us inconstant contact with each other.

Listen to me! Just now, some guy in a black cloak goes walked east towards that grassy field.
あっ、聞いてくれよ! たった今、黒マントの男が東の草原に向かって歩いていったんだ

And he's got this killer sword, and is looking REAL scary......

Thinking of crossing the marshes?

Hmm, then, I guess that's that.

Hmm, then it'll probably be safer for you to get a Chocobo.

That way you can zip through the marshes with the Chocobo.

It's the only way to avoid being attacked by the Midgar Zolom.
158FF7漬け:2006/07/27(木) 07:56:58 ID:???0
It's a serpent-like creature over 30 feet tall! !

It picks up on footsteps that enter the marshes... And then, BAM! ! It attacks! ! !

To avoid that, buy a Chocobo at the Choco Bill & Choco Billy Chocobo Farm.
そうならないためにも! グリン&グリングリン牧場のチョコボをお買い上げください

To purchase a Chocobo, please talk to my grandson. He's in the Chocobo stables at the far right end of the farm.

By the way, there was another person heading towards the Marshes.

Without a Chocobo, the Midgar Zolom probably got him. It was a man in a Black Cape.

Do you want a Chocobo? You old folks are out of luck!

We're all out of Chocobos. I'm taking care of those ones out there for someone else.

You know, if you really want a Chocobo, you should go out and catch one.

Want to know how to catch a Chocobo?
159FF7漬け:2006/07/27(木) 07:58:05 ID:???0
You see those claw prints out there? Wild Chocobo's will appear in those areas.
外で3本のツメあとを見ただろ? あれがあるところには野生のチョコボが必ずいるよ

But, if you don't have 'Chocobo Lure' they won't come out. They very cautious animals by nature.

'Chocobo Lure' is a type of materia which attracts Chocobos.

If you equip this, they'll come to you. But, without it, they won't appear.

A wild Chocobo always appears with other monsters.

But, you won't be able to catch it because of the monsters.

That is why you must defeat the monsters first before you catch the Chocobo.

Also, wild Chocobos are really cautious. They'll run away from the slightest things.

But, if you use 'Greens' They'll focus on that, and won't run away.

Whatever you do, don't make Chocobos angry. They're usually calm, but if you get them angry, you'll get hurt.
160FF7漬け:2006/07/27(木) 08:00:38 ID:???0
Oh, and remember, once you get off a Chocobo, it'll escape.

Well then, shall we get down to business? I'll sell you the 'Chocobo Lure' for 2000 gil, right now.
じゃあ、そろそろ商談に入ろうかな。今なら『チョコボよせ』を 2000ギルで売ってあげるよ

Mmmm, if you don't have it, you'll never catch one.

It wouldn't hurt to buy some 'Greens' either.

Oh, and how fast a Chocobo'll finish eating depends of what type of 'Greens' you feed them.

Wasn't it really expensive? But don't be mad at my brother or Grandpa.

Ever since dad and mom died, it's been like this

Did Sephiroth... do this......?
セフィロスが…… やったのか……

Our enemy is someone that could do this...?

By any chance, are you...?
161FF7漬け:2006/07/27(木) 08:01:59 ID:???0
Do you know who I am?

......I'm from the Turks. And don't you ever forget it.

Well if you know, then this won't take long.

It's difficult to explain what the Turks do...

To put it negatively... you could say that... But, that's not all there is to it, anymore.

It's all right, Rude! I know you don't like speeches, so don't force it!
ルード先輩! しゃべるの苦手なんだからムリしないで下さい

I'm the newest member of the Turks, Elena. Thanks to what you did to Reno, we're short of people.

...Although, because of that, I got promoted to the Turks.

In any case, our job is to find out where Sephiroth is headed. And to try and stop you every step of the way.

Wait a minute, it's the other way around... You're the ones that are getting in our way.
162(-_-)さん:2006/07/28(金) 02:20:08 ID:???0
163FF7漬け:2006/07/28(金) 08:36:59 ID:???0
...Elena. You talk too much. No need to tell them about our orders.

I thought I gave you other orders. Now go. Don't forget to file your report.

Very well, Rude and I will go after Sephiroth, who's heading for Junon Harbor!

...Elena. You don't seem to understand... Go. Don't let Sephiroth get away.

...Reno said he wanted to see you after the injuries you gave him healed.

He wants to show his affection for you all... with a new weapon.

Looks like you got away from the Shinra for a while, now that Sephiroth reappeared.

...so what are you saying? That I should be grateful to Sephiroth?
……なに、言いたいの? セフィロスに感謝しろって?

No... Well, I won't be seeing too much of you, so take care.

We've been fighting the Shinra for a long time at this battlefield.
164FF7漬け:2006/07/28(金) 08:37:34 ID:???0
Even now, we're still settled in for a long war with them.

If you aren't in a hurry, would you help us fight them?

Listen, we don't want to push you but, if you're in the middle of something, why don't you finish that first?

Let's see......Head north along the coast, and keep going for a ways and you'll run into Junon.

You gotta be careful 'cause it sits in the shadows of a small hill.

Really! ? Then go on up and they'll fill you in on the details.

Hmmn, now this is something, I never thought anyone would ever climb up here.

......Your eyes are different. Well, anyhow. Any minute now, this will be a battlefield against Shinra.

You'd better get down before you get involved.

It appears you have a problem with Shinra, too. After all, you climbed up here.
165FF7漬け:2006/07/28(金) 08:38:08 ID:???0
Why not listen to what I have to say for a moment?

Cloud, let's listen to what they have to say.

After all, we came all this way, Cloud.
せっかくここまで来たんだから、ね? クラウド

Do you know what's at the top of this mountain?

That's right, on that mountain is a condor and a reactor.

It seems the Shinra doesn't like the idea of having a condor on top of the reactor.

What's so wrong with having a condor on top of the reactor?

It seems there's some type of special materia in the reactor above us.

And because the condors came, the Shinra rushed troops here.

The military wants to get the condor and all the villagers off this mountain.
166FF7漬け:2006/07/28(金) 09:06:20 ID:???0
The condors are now warming their eggs, which hatch only once every few years.

We would like to protect the condors from being harmed.

'Condors' eggs A real work of nature.

We've got to protect the life of the planet.

We must protect the condor eggs, right?

Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to fight Shinra ourselves.

That's why we have hired soldiers to help us.

As our sponsor you can help us with a contribution or by fighting along side of us...

What do you think? You want to join us in our fight?

What a jerk. I'm disappointed in you.
167FF7漬け:2006/07/28(金) 09:07:50 ID:???0
I see...... Come back if you should change your mind.
そうか…… 気が変わったら来てくれ

Yes, Yes, I've also told the store owners about you, so they should sell you various items. And feel free to use our beds.

Ask my son, who's standing guard at the shed, about anything related to our military tactics.

Thanks for accepting. Let me explain our strategy.

The enemy will climb the mountain looking for the reactor. We will leave a trap for them and hire soldiers to protect the area.

Well, that's all, but...... This village doesn't have any money. Even if we wanted to fight, our hands are tied 'cause we're broke.
まあ、これだけなのだが… この村は、お金がない。戦おうにも、お金がなくて何もできない

If we hired one soldier, we would need 400 gil. So, if we hire 20 soldiers, we must have 8000 gil.
なにせ、兵を雇うと400ギルも必要になる。 20部隊雇うと、8000ギルにもなってしまう

So if you folks have the time, we would like you to use your own money to hire these soldiers, buy the trap, set it up and command the troops.

If you're pressed for time we'd like you to help us with the money. 時間がないのであれば資金援助をおねがいしたい

If you can give us the money, we can then hire soldiers with the fund, and block Shinra's attack.
168FF7漬け:2006/07/28(金) 09:09:50 ID:???0
We know that what we're asking is selfish.

We have sent our wives and children to another village. We are resigned to our fate.

Let's get back to square one. If the enemy penetrates our shed, you'll have to fight them immediately.

Well, just because you lost once, it's not the end of the world, but if you lose repeatedly, it could be dangerous.

Now then, is there anything you wish to ask?

You can win by wiping out the enemy or killing the enemy commander in charge.

If the enemy reaches the shed, they'll attack, and you'll have no choice but to go into battle immediately.

In the event that you lose during direct contact, even if the enemy gets to the reactor, there's still a chance to save things.

But it's only a slight chance, and we have no idea how much the reactor can endure in an attack.

When we can't stand up to the attack any longer, the Shinra will take both the condors and our lives, as well as all the materia within the reactor.
169(-_-)さん:2006/07/28(金) 15:41:11 ID:???0
170(-_-)さん:2006/07/28(金) 17:58:47 ID:???0
171(-_-)さん:2006/07/28(金) 20:19:51 ID:???0
172FF7漬け:2006/07/29(土) 06:41:42 ID:???0
There are four types of enemies.

Wyverns are flying types that can move at high speed. Stoner and Tristoner aren't effective against them.

Beasts are monster types that do not move quickly, but have explosive attacking power.

Barbarians are human types. They attack indirectly, so you've got to be on your toes.

Commanders are the enemy commanders. They're the ones we want to subdue, but they're formidable foes.

Fighters are good at defending and attacking, but aren't especially effective or deficient for any enemy.

Attackers move extremely fast and are best for expanding the front line. They work good against enemy Beasts, but not enemy Barbarians.

Defenders have high endurance, but move slowly. They're best suited for defense.

Shooters attack indirectly, but has low endurance. Shooters work best against enemy Wyverns, but not enemy Beasts.

Repairers repair allied aircraft, but have little attacking power.
173FF7漬け:2006/07/29(土) 06:44:35 ID:???0
Workers set torpedoes. Torpedoes have strong attacking power, but Workers don't.

Torpedoes explode when touched by the enemy. The explosions will damage everything in the immediate area.

Stoners can fire a single boulder, causing extensive damage to every enemy it hits.

Tristoners can fire three boulders simultaneously, causing extensive damage to every enemy it hits.

We can't use the Tristoner or Fire Catapult, because they are still being developed.

We have 15000 gil right now. We need 3000 gil for each battle.
現在資金は 15000ギル残っている 。1回の戦闘で必要な資金はだいたい3000ギルくらいだ

Thanks. This makes 20000 gil. That's enough money for now. If we run out, we'll ask you for more.
ありがとう。これで資金は 20000ギルになったよ。今は、じゅうぶんだから足りなくなったら、また、おねがいするよ

First off, we must prepare the troops. Move the cursor wherever the ×mark does not appear, then press the ○ button to set-up.
まず、最初にやることは味方の兵を配置することだ。カーソルを動かしてバツ印がでないところで ○ボタンを押すと配置決定となる

After all positions are in place, select by pressing the ×button. This starts the battle.

Soldiers can only be arranged near the shed, in the beginning. That's because if the soldiers are too far away, they won't be able to follow instructions.
174FF7漬け:2006/07/29(土) 06:45:48 ID:???0
You can only put soldiers on the horizontal line at the very bottom.

Soldiers can be instructed by pushing the select button. So if any commands are unclear, push it.

Soldiers can report by pushing the ○button...... The cursor will move to the soldier who made the report.

Press the ×button and you'll hear the report without moving.

And you can bet Shinra will send platoons at you on a regular basis. It would be great if you could spare the time to help us...

But if you really don't have time, would you contribute some financial assistance.

Hey, this one climbing up here looks like they'd be just right. Please, any help is appreciated...

You have 10 enemies. There appear to be many Beasts, so you may want to deploy more Attackers.

Whew, that was good. But Shinra's troops will be back.

We have 5 allies left, so here's 1000 gil.
味方は、5体残ったから 1000ギル返すよ
175FF7漬け:2006/07/29(土) 06:48:14 ID:???0
Oh, yeah. I found this just now on the battlefield. Maybe it'll come in handy for you guys.

How are things going? Seems like there's no activity at Shinra.
やあ、調子はどうだい? 今は、神羅もおとなしいようだよ

What happened to this town? It's so run-down...
なんだ、この村は? やけにさびれているな……

Wow, now this is rare. We almost never have anyone other than the Shinra people visit this town.

I know you guys want to go to the Western Continent, but the only way is on a Shinra ship.

Ever since... Shinra built that city up above during the war... ugh, ugh. There's been no fish in the water! It got so polluted phew...
戦争中に……神羅が上の街をつくってから……ゲホゲホ。サカナもお……さっぱりとれんわ! 海が汚れてしもうてな……フゥ

What kinda place is this?

Who are you people? Where did you come from?
なんだね、あんたたち? どこから来たんだい

Did you see a man with a black cape?

Hmm... I've never seen that feller before.
176FF7漬け:2006/07/29(土) 06:51:22 ID:???0
HEY! This is Shinra, Inc. 's elevator. Don't be snooping around here!
コラッ! 神羅力ンパニーのエレベーターだ。ウロウロするな

...that's how it is.

I don't believe you! Get out of here!
信用できないわ! ここから出ていって

This is bad... You don't think she's dead, do you?

Nope... she's not breathing...

Hey, that's it! Young man, CPR, now!

What? You don't know how? Come over here, I'll show you.
なんだ?知らんのか〜? 教えてやるから、こっちに来なさい

Guess I gotta do it...

Just take a deep breath, hold it in. Then breathe into her.

Hey, come in for a while. I heard what happened. You've done so much for Priscilla.
177FF7漬け:2006/07/29(土) 06:57:30 ID:???0
You all must be tired. If you want to get some rest, stay here.
あんたたちもつかれただろ? 休むんならここをつかっておくれ

Make yourselves at home.

For the past few decades, the only thing I've been hearing about is the Shinra. I miss the times when we used to talk only about fish...

Sorry, Cloud. Priscilla needs to rest for a while.

But more importantly, 5 years ago... When you went to Mt. Nibel then, Tifa was your guide, right?

But where was Tifa other than that? It was a great chance for you two to see each other again.

Why couldn't you see each other alone? Why don't you try asking Tifa?

Tifa... When Sephiroth and I went to Nibelheim, where were you?

No it was 5 years ago. I don't remember. But, something seems strange outside. Cloud, come quick.

I heard that girl regained consciousness.
178(-_-)さん:2006/07/29(土) 15:47:45 ID:???0
179(-_-)さん:2006/07/30(日) 18:32:36 ID:???0
180(-_-)さん:2006/07/30(日) 22:33:14 ID:???0

181FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 08:46:18 ID:???0
Doesn't it seem a little strange? Everything getting so noisy all of a sudden...?
ねっ、何だか様子が変でしょ? きゅうに、さわがしくなって

Seems like something's goin' on up there!

Does this have something to do with the Shinra?

There's nothing here now... But it used to be a busy port.

Umm...thanks for helping... I'm sorry , I mistook you for one of those Shinra, Inc....

I heard they're rehearsing the reception for the new Shinra president.

Grandpa and grandma told me this beach was beautiful when they were small. But after the Shinra built that city above, the sun stopped shining here, and the water got polluted...

I was raised on that story and hate Shinra so much, I could die! そんな話を聞いて育ったからわたし、神羅がにくらしくてしょうがないの

You think Rufus is thinking about crossing the ocean from here, too?

What? Does that mean Sephiroth already crossed the ocean?
あれっ? それじゃ、セフィロスはもう、海を渡っちゃったってこと?
182FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 08:47:22 ID:???0
Cloud, didn't you finish Rufus off?

We gotta get to the town up there... Mebbe we could climb the tower?

No! No! There's a high voltage current running underneath the tower. Don't wander near it, it's dangerous!
ダメダメ! 柱の下は高圧電流が流れてるのむやみに近づいたらキケンよ

But you might be able to if Mr. Dolphin helps you. Follow me!

High voltage tower...... I guess this means Cloud'll be all right.

That looks like a Shinra soldier.

Yeah, I'd like to take a good look at the new President of Shinra, Inc.

Now ain't that something! I ain't never seen no Dolphin jump like that!

Pretty cool, huh? When I blow this whistle, Mr. Dolphin jumps for me.
すごいでしょ! このホイッスルを吹くとイルカさんがジャンプしてくれるの

Here!! This is for you, Cloud!
183FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 08:50:12 ID:???0
A gift? What am I supposed to do with it! ?

Just go into the water, blow this whistle, and Mr. Dolphin'll jump you to the top of the pole!

Jump to the top of the pole?

See that rod sticking out at the top? If you jump just right, you can climb to the top of the town.

Good luck Cloud! If you make it, we'll follow you!
クラウド、がんばれよ! おまえが上手くやったらオレたちも行くからよ

Whoa, I'll hold the PHS for you. It'll break if it gets wet.

You wanna jump with Mr. Dolphin?

Hey! You still dressed like that! ? Come 'ere!
こらっ! ま〜だ、そんな格好をしているのか! こっちゃこい

Hey! Rookie! ! Can't you hear me! ! Come over here! Here!! Get in the room!
こらっ!新入り!! 聞こえんかっ!! こっちゃこい!ほれっ!! 部屋にはいらんかっ!!

Today's the big day when we welcome President Rufus! Hurry up and change!
今日は新社長ルーファウス様をおむかえする大切な日だってのに! ほらっ、着替えろ!
184FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 08:52:31 ID:???0
There's a uniform in the locker, Hurry and change!

There's Shinra soldiers all around. Better not try anything dumb...

Brings back memories... I was so proud when I first put it on.

I wonder when it was...... I couldn't stand wearing this thing anymore.

Wow! You look good in it! You remember the Greeting procedure, right! ?
ほ〜う! にあっとるじゃないか!おまえ、お迎えの仕方は覚えてるだろうな!!

...the look on your face says you forgot. All right, I'll show you again!

Do just like we do.

This is how to do it!

Keep in step with the soldier next to you and march smoothly!

Once you're all in step, shoulder your gun!
185FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 08:55:28 ID:???0
Good! Make sure you do well at the real parade!
よろしい! 本番でもがんばるんだぞ!

Rufus has arrived! Preparation completed!
ルーファウス様、到着です! 準備完了です!

All right, show time! Don't disgrace yourselves!
さあ、本番だ! 失礼のないようにな!!

Begin the Welcome Parade!

Oh...no...! ! No one's here! Hey! Rookie! ! It's because you're running around like that! !
いか〜ん!! 誰もおら〜ん。こらっ新入り! ! おまえがもたもたすっから! !

Captain! ! We'll take a short cut!
隊長! ! 近道するであります! !

Hey!! Don't get me any madder than I already am!
こらっ!! これ以上、怒らせんなっ!!

I'll go first! Now you watch close and do as I do, rookie!
まずは、自分がいくであります! 新入りさんは、よ〜く見て自分のまねをすればいいでありますよ!

Just sneak into the back of the line when you see an opening.

Now listen up! This parade's gonna be broadcast live on Shinra TV, around the world!
いいか! このパレードは全世界の神羅に生中継されておる!!
186FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 09:03:26 ID:???0
If you look bad, the whole Junon army will look bad. Remember that and don't screw up!

OK! Jump in when I give you the sign!
んだば!! 自分が合図したら列にしのびこ〜め!!

Just sneak in from the back! Don't mess up the row! And no matter what you do don't try to go in from the front!
さりげな〜く、【後ろ】から! 列をみだすな!前からいこうとしてもダ〜メだぞ!!

All right! ! Start marching!!
よしっ!! かけ足準備!!

What the hell was that soldier doing? Are the points up?
なんだったんだ!? あの兵士は?数字はあがったのか?

This's terrible! Am... am I fired?
ズタボロです! ボク…クビですかね?

What!? You're FIRED! ! Send that soldier a bomb or something!
なぬ!! おまえはクビ〜!!あの兵士には爆弾でもおくっとけ〜!

Good! We made it.
うっし! まにあった

What happened to the Airship?

The long range airship is still being prepared. It should be ready in about three more days. Gya haa haa!
187FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 09:05:35 ID:???0
Even the Air Force's Gelnika?

Stop that stupid horselaugh. Things are different than when father was in charge.

Is the ship ready?

Yes Sir, we'll get it ready quickly.

What a disaster.

Heidegger was really irritated...

The man in the Black Cape's been roaming the city, but we can't find him.

He showed up two or three days ago, and killed a few of our soldiers. He disappeared right after that. There's a rumor going around that it was Sephiroth.

Attention! Dismissed! Hey! Hey you! You messing with the army?
こら〜っ! すみやかに解散せ〜っ!おいっ!おまえっ! 軍隊をなめとるんか?

You're too lazy! ! No break for you!! Get over here!
たるんどる!! おまえは休み時間な〜し!!こっちゃこ〜い!!
188FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 09:08:47 ID:???0
This is the military, soldier! ! Your orders for today are to send off President Rufus at the dock!
軍隊をなめちょるな!! 本日、次の指令は港でルーファウス様のお見送りだっ!!

I'll keep drilling you until it's time!

All right! ! Line up in order and show me your final pose!
よ〜っし!! 自分の号令にあわせてお見送りのキメポーズをするのだ!!

All right, rookie! ! I'll let you decide! Show me your best move!
よしっ、新入り!! 特別におまえに決めさせてやる!!得意のキメポーズ、やってみろ!!

All right! ! We'll go with that as today's special!! Practice it!
よしっ!! 本日のスペシャルはこれに決まり!よ〜くっ! 練習しとけっ!!

Well then! Meet at the dock! ! Don't be late! !
では!港に集合!! 遅れるな〜!!

What? It's not time for our shift, yet. Just relax.
えっ? まだ、交代の時間じゃないはずだぜ。ゆっくり休んでおけよ

Come on, forget about your job! Step right up! !
さ、仕事なんて忘れて! 入って入って!!

Mm...? You too? Then, take your mask off and come here. That's our rule.

Looks like something's going on outside, but we're too smashed to do anything... Ooh, oohh... Oh man, my head's burning up...
189FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 09:11:34 ID:???0
Seems like you're all a little too young to be in here.

I'm sorry! It's all rented out today!
すんません! 今日は貸し切りなんですよ

Hey, how could you do that! ? Nobody woke me up!
ひどいんですよっ! 先輩たち起こしてくれないんだもん!!

And I can't find the uniform I left in my locker, either. I wonder if I left it somewhere...

Geez! Do you think this could be... what they call 'bullying? Oh man, My future in the military, is pretty bleak.

Mmm? I'm not going to the parade. The road to becoming SOLDIER First Class is very difficult.
ん? 自分はパレードなんていきませんよ。ソルジャークラス1STへの道はきびしいですからね

Don't mind me. As a man with promise and future, I don't have any time to fool around like the rest of you.

President Rufus is being sent off at the port.

What is it? The elevator's out of order right now due to an inspection.
なんだい? いま、定期点検中なんでエレベーターは動かせないよ

You know, right under us, is a Submarine Dock and the Underwater Mako Reactor.
190FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 09:19:15 ID:???0
Mako energy puts a lot of wear and tear on the machinery. A lot of problems can pop up. So it's necessary for close inspections and maintenance.

Oh! How's it going! ? If you're looking for Junon dock, it's over there!
よう!おつかれさん! ジュノンドックならあっちだぜ!

This lift goes to the Shinra section... Ever since that Black-caped murderer... But we can't use it because we're all on red alert.

The minute you think the job's boring, you guys start messing around.

Hey soldier-boy, aren't you still on duty?

Stay outta this.

Please go to the counter.

I won't charge you for a smile...

Buy a lot, cutie!

Hey! Aren't you still on duty! ?
おい! おまえ、勤務中だろ!!
191FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 09:21:47 ID:???0
Look, I'm in no position to talk, but... Don't become a delinquent worker like me.

It's so shameful! ...and they told me that I would be staying at five star hotels on these trips...

How can you guys sleep in a place like this?

President Rufus...has now arrived!

This is it! ! Junon Military Reception--!
いざっ本番!! ジュノン軍隊式お見送り〜!!

Looks like you need more practice. With things looking like this, you better be ready for pay cuts...

Gya ha ha...! ! Here's a special bonus for you! ! A token of the President's kindness! Don't forget it!
ガハハハハハ!! 特別ボーナスだぞ、おまえら!!ルーファウス社長のご好意だ! きもに命じとけ!!

Once the word gets out that Sephiroth's here, Cloud and his friends will show up, too.

We'll crush them as soon as we find them!

We can't have them get in our way.
192FF7漬け:2006/07/31(月) 09:32:04 ID:???0
Leave it up to me, sir! Gya ha ha!
おまかせ下さい! ガハハハハハハ!

I thought I told you to stop that stupid laugh...

All right! Dismissed!

That was close.

Heidegger's been really edgy lately. Because Hojo disappeared, leaving a letter of resignation.

Heidegger's been forced to take care of that investigation, too.

Hey--! I thought you were dismissed! We got some cleaning up to do! Hurry up!
こら一っ! 解散だと言っとろうが〜あとかたづけがのこっちょる! はよせいよ!

Hey, hurry. You're the last one.

How did you get here?

A dolphin gave me a ride. Priscilla remembered the dolphin after you climbed the pole. But, you mustn't be mad at her.
193FF7漬け:2006/08/01(火) 05:55:00 ID:???0
We'll cross the ocean, to the new continent... even if we are wearing Shinra's uniforms...

I'm workin' hard already, and you still want me to do more?

The new President's probably the same. He's just gonna order us around anyway.

Umm It's me Aeris. Hey, Cloud. Did you see the Airship at Junon?

...I heard it was big, but I didn't expect it to be THAT big.

That was REALLY something. Hey, do you think I could get on it?

...keep hoping.

Wow! I'm really looking forward to it!
うわ〜! 楽しみにしてるからね!

...It's a Shinra weapon. We probably should've destroyed it.

...Hmm. But just once, I'd like to ride it.
194FF7漬け:2006/08/01(火) 06:00:09 ID:???0
Hey, get to work!

Both the new President Rufus and Heidegger are aboard this ship! If we do good, we could get promoted!

It won't do any good trying to stop me!

All right! I'm going to show the new President what I'm made of!

Yes sir! Everything quiet, sir!
ハッ! イジョウなしであります。ソルジャーどの!

...But, you know what? I really hate this uniform.

Uniforms, soldiers, war, I hate'em all. They take away all the things and people you love...

I wish they'd all disappear. Right, Cloud?

You're right! Uh, yes sir, I'll continue my watch sir! Hee hee...
それでは、はりきって見張りをつづけるであります! フフフ……

...Cloud. Wearing those clothes seems to have changed you a little. Does it remind you of being in SOLDIER? I hope not...
……クラウド。その服を着たらすこしかわったみたい。気持ちまでソルジャーにもどっちゃったの……? そんなのイヤだよ…
195FF7漬け:2006/08/01(火) 06:03:51 ID:???0
Hey! What's wrong, kid? You got no pep! A seaman's gotta have umph!
オウオウ! どうしたい若いの! 元気がねえぞ!海の男はガッツだ、ガッツ!!

I got just the perfect thing! 'Invisible Alpha'-- A super drink for seamen! !
そういう時はコイツ! 海の男のスーパードリンク『インビンシブルα』!!

Just one'll rejuvenate you! Only 250 gill
コレ1本でピンピンよ! 250ギルだ!

Thanks! This is a necessity for a sailor. This is a must item for a sailor! Ha ha ha !
まいど! コイツは船乗りにかかせねえ品だぜ。船乗りだけにこれがホントのマストアイテム! ワッハッハッハ!

Oh man, we're almost to Costa del Sol. When I get there, I'm going to take a long overdue vacation. Maybe I'll go down to the beach and get a tan...

......It's me. I'm a little woozy, but I shouldn't get caught. Humans only look at appearances anyway.

Anyway you look at it, I'd say I make a fine human being.

It's pretty hard standing on two feet... Hey, Cloud. Did you see Barret? I hope he's not doing anything stupid...

Look, Cloud. It's Rufus and Heidegger. They're this close but we can't do a thing to 'em...'

How can he...... Goin' off laughin' like that? Because of him, Biggs...... Wedge...... Jessie......!
196FF7漬け:2006/08/01(火) 06:07:49 ID:???0
God!! I can't take it anymore! I'm gonna settle things here and now......

Emergency alert! Reports of a suspicious character found! Those not on detail, search the ship. Report when found!
緊急連絡! 不審人物を発見の報告アリ! 作業のない各員は艦内を調査。発見しだい通報のこと

Damn, did they find us! ? Hey, that don't seem like us. Do they mean Tifa and the others!?

Get off your spikey butt and let's go, Cloud!

You don't think that suspicious character is...

...Let's find out.

It's the most logical thing to do. Then, who's going to go?

Say, who are you? You're not a part of the crew. Oh well, seamen never bother with details!
ん、何だお前? この船のクルーじゃねえな? まあいいか、海の男はこまかいことを気にしねえのよ!

...the Engine Room... ...a suspicious character... No there's no way... that not a human... That thing's not human......

......After a long sleep... the time... time has..... come...
197FF7漬け:2006/08/01(火) 06:11:38 ID:???0
Sephiroth! What are you thinking! ? What are you doing! ?
セフィロス!何を考えている! 何をするつもりだ!

I've seen this before...

..Jenova. The arm of Jenova.

Jenova... He's been carrying this thing around?

So it WAS Sephiroth.

The time is now... I think that was what was said.

I'm getting so confused... Cloud, explain what's happened so far.

...I'll try, but don't interrupt me while I'm explaining.

Sephiroth went off searching for the Promised Land, so he could become the ruler of the planet... That was 5 years ago.

Then Sephiroth came back and killed President Shinra.
198(-_-)さん:2006/08/01(火) 23:39:24 ID:CeQxqZay0
199(-_-)さん:2006/08/02(水) 00:35:58 ID:???0
toeic 800点超えた
200(-_-)さん:2006/08/02(水) 00:48:38 ID:???0
201FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:41:59 ID:???0
And then just now all of us saw Sephiroth. He was carrying Jenova with him... This much I do know. He told me he wants to go to the Promised Land with his mother, Jenova.

...I guess that's about it.

Dock workers--We will be docking in Costa del Sol in 5 minutes. Prepare for docking.

We should hide somewhere again.

Sephiroth... is alive... The Promised Land... Does it really exist...?

Damn! Sure is hot here! But I sure feel better now that I can say good-bye to this sailor suit.
カッ〜!! あついな、ここは!だがよ、せいせいしたぜ! これで、ちっこいセーラー服とおさらばだからな

Yo listen up! ! Y'all be sure to mingle like regular folks here!
いいか!! こっからは一般人として行動しろ!

Oh, too bad. I liked Barret's sailor suit. He looked so cute.

Right... well, uh... Barret, why don't you use that sailor suit for pajamas? Right, Cloud?

Ahhh...... You look like a bear wearing a marshmallow.
ああ… マシュマロかぶったクマみたいでぴったりだったな
202FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:42:35 ID:???0
The hell's that supposed to mean! ? This happens to be the most comfortable, so shu'up!
なにっ!よけいな世話だ! オレはこの一張羅がいちばん落ちつくんだ

Remember, this isn't a vacation. We're here after Sephiroth. I'm going on ahead.

Hmmph, Cloud. You're the one, who's always hangin' around wastin' time. I'm going to skip this resort!

...puff... puff... Would you kindly hurry? The heat here is drying my nose.

All right. We'll take a break and then head off. Don't wander too far off.

I'll wander wherever I damn well want! Who made him the leader?
チッ! すっかりリーダー気取りだな

It looks like my mane got messed up. I'm going to rest somewhere cool.

You're stowaways, right? It's okay. I'm used to them.

The truth is, before I worked here, I was one of the best.

Costa del Sol... a harbor paradise where the sun always shines and it's summer all year round!
203FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:43:30 ID:???0
Hmm......Things aren't going well...... You can go sightseeing in the city.

Don't bug me. This is Rufus's first official visit since becoming President. It seems like he's here on business this time.

I'm so jealous of him, I could spit. We're both about the same age, but, he's President.

Oh crap... The manager of Shinra won't come down. Even though the President's here on business. All he does is play, forgetting everything to do with work.

Heh, heh... I hear the Shinra brass are arriving soon. Got nothing to do with us, does it?
ヘラヘラ…… もうじき、神羅のお偉方がつくんだってよ。俺たちにはぜんぜん関係ねえよな

But a bunch of hardworking deckhands like yu wouldn't understand.

On the marine blue sea, Gazing at the eternal skies that seem to go on forever... Geves you the feeling like you're taking a nap on the wing of a Cessna. It's the ultimate high!

I heard Sephiroth was on board. And it seems Cloud and the others were on board, too.

They all slipped through...... You messed up big this time, Heidegger.
どちらも取り逃がした…… 大失態だな、ハイデッカーくん

I'm ashamed of myself.
204FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:44:35 ID:???0
Is that all you can do...? Give one word answers and apologize for everything?

Ready for departure, sir! !

......Do something. I'll be expecting results.

Say, aren't you bored?

Isn't that good? You're just expecting too much.

Oh, really? I'm a little bored.

Come on, back to work now! Here you are! The Costa del Sol tourist information guide.
さっ、お仕事お仕事!はい、こちら! コスタ・デル・ソル観光案内で〜す

What do you want to know?

Let's see. I recommend a resort located on the outskirts of the city. If you're looking for souvenirs, we recommend Butch's.

Wait a minute. I'm going to look at my guidebook. it says, Costa del Sol is the gateway to the West. And has a prominent world renown resort, which has been around for ages.
205FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:45:31 ID:???0
Come on! I don't care about that! If you want a good time, come to the beach! There are lots of beautiful women.
あ〜ん、もう! どうでもいいわね。そんなこと。遊ぶんだったら、ビーチへどうぞ。かわいい女の子もたくさんいるわよ

You wouldn't happen to be rich?

You're kidding! You can't tell just by looking. But I'll tell you just in case.
うそ〜! 身なりを見れば、わかっちゃうわよ。でも、いちおう、教えとくね

After relaxing at Costa del Sol, stop by the Gold Saucer. It's a rich and exciting place to play! Head south to the Gold Saucer, and you'll find casinos and an amusement park.

But if you're planning to walk, you'll have to cross mountains and valleys, I wouldn't recommend it. But if you're on a vacation, you should go there at least once.

I thought so. Are you interested? This is the road to Gold Saucer.
やっぱりね〜。でも、もしかして興味あるかしら? ゴールドソーサーへの道

I heard. That big dog talks like a human.

Hm, that's interesting. It's not as if I'm doing this because I want to. You see, this tail of mine, moves quite independently of my will.

Why don't we compromise? We'll make do with what we have.

Not yet. Remember, no compromises.
206FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:46:32 ID:???0
You're right. After all, this trip was expensive. But only your average Joes are trying to pick us up.

Well, that's because we're just too beautiful and hard to approach.

I guess so. Well, I envy the plain Janes.

Yeah, I'd like to hire a gorgeous chick and have a great time.

How about a 'Soft' as a memento of this wonderful trip? Made especially in Costa del Sol!

Weren't you the one with that big sailor?

Listen to this. All of a sudden, this big sailor just busts in here, and takes over the restroom. He's been in there moaning ever since. I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Wrong guy? It puts us in a bad situation. That guy's taken over the john. And he hasn't even paid his hotel bill yet.

Yo, Cloud! Still too early, ain't it?
おう!クラウド! まだはやいんじゃねえか!

Come on now... He's a friend of yours..... fibber.
207FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:47:10 ID:???0
Ah...... if you're checking in, would you please pay his bill, too? What now? Call it a night?
はあ……あっ、お泊まりなら悪いけど、あの人の分もたのむね。どうすんだい? もうお休みにするかい?

What's with YOU! ! Hey, is it you? We were in SOLDIER, and childhood friends before that. You were such a playboy. And a murderer! !
ああっ、あんたは? もしかしてえ!元ソルジャーかつ幼なじみでモテモテの遊び人。そ、そして……人殺し野郎!

Why can't I remember your name?

That's right. Long time no see. Do you remember me?

That's okay. We'll just keep on like we don't know each other. I'm starting a new life in this town.

A lot of things happened to us. I sure envy you all just living outside with the sky as your ceiling.

I'm sorry about that. He's had some big shocks lately and is pretty depressed.
お客さん、ごめんなさいね! 彼、ここんとこ、ショックなことがおおくてず〜っと、ふさぎこんでるのよ〜

Hurry up and get out of here! I'm happy like this. So keep out of my life.

You think you're good enough to go around bragging about who you are?

I don't wanna hear it! Heh, no more mumbling from me! From now on, I'm starting a new life!
聞いてあきれるぜ! や!もうぐちるのはやめ!おたがい、新しい人生を生きような!
208FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:48:25 ID:???0
Welcome to Bar del Sol! Here's to tropical nights!
バールデルソルへようこそ! トロピカルな夜にかんぱい!

We're all headin' over to Gold Saucer now. We're gonna make a ton of money at the Chocobo races. Then we're gonna take a trip to Icicle Inn and snowboard.

Yeah, snowboarding's what's happening this year. I'm sick of surfing.

...huff... puff... I can't stand hot places...
ゼェゼェ…… あついとこ、苦手……

...... HIC... Mm? Wanna order? We're outta that now.
ヒック… ん?注文かい? いまはないよう

I really like this town. You could walk around nearly naked, and no one'd look twice at you.

Come on please. If you don't buy from me... I can't make ends meet.

Hey! I thought you'd drop by.

What a fluffy bed..... feels so great...... Mmm... Just a little longer......
ふかふかベッド…… ん〜きもちいい…ん〜もうちょっとだけ…

Oh, I'm sorry...... I didn't know you were here. This is embarrassing. Take your time and look around.
いやはや…… お客さんとは気がつきませんではずかしいところをお見せしました。どうぞごゆっくりごらんください
209FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:54:10 ID:???0
By the way, are you seriously considering buying?

Yes, you're right. I'm sorry, please continue.

What are you selling?

That's pretty low. Are you pulling my leg? I'm talking about this house. This villa used to belong to President Shinra, It only recently came back on the market.

How do you like it? It has a large lot, comes fully furnished with this goose-down bed, and there's even a basement to boot.

The villagers call it the Shinra Villa. Of course, we're not giving it away...

Wha? How do you plan to buy it without a dime on you? Well, I'll tell the price just for your information.
おろっ? 買う気ある、ビンボー人のくせに?ま、社会勉強のため値段だけは教えときましょ

It's a steal at 300, 000 gil, Out of your range? Out! Go on, out!

Praise the Lord,' it's a miracle! ! Who'd ever think someone with some real money would ever come here...... I probably shouldn't even ask, but Are you really going to buy it?
ん〜きせきだ! まさか、ほんとにお金をもってるお客がたずねてくるとは……なにもいいことないと思いますけど、ほんとに買いますかい?
210FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:56:17 ID:???0
Look, look at that!

Not a bad view......

What're you looking at? That man over there. That's Hojo from Shinra, Get outta here Go talk to him!

Is that man over there, Hojo?

Go over and talk to him.

heh heh...... All the good ones are gone.
ヘへ…… ぜんぶ、とられちゃったよ

What about that one? Shall we make do with her?

But she's got a guy with her.

No problem, I can handle him. Right? You thought so, too?

God!! What do you want?
あら! なにか御用?
211FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 04:58:50 ID:???0
Hey, who do you think you are? Professor Hojo. That scary man says he wants to talk with you.

What's his problem? Yes, that's right. It's the Professor! Professor... someone's here to see you, sir.

It's been a long time, Cloud. Sometimes you just gotta do something like this.

It should be obvious, I'm getting a tan.

Hmm! I believe we're both after the same goal. Did you see him?
ふん…… 私の目的は君と同じだと思うが。君たちは会えたのか?

I see Ha! Ha! Nothing. I just remembered a certain hypothesis......

Haven't you ever had the feeling something is calling you? Or that you had to visit some place?

I'll go anywhere Sephiroth is at! To beat him and put an end to all this!
俺はセフィロスがいる場所ならどこへでも行く! あいつを倒すために! 決着をつけるためにな!

I see...... This could be interesting. Were you in SOLDIER?......Heh heh heh! Would you like to be my guinea pig?
なるほど…… これはイケるかもしれないな。ソルジャーか……クックックッ。ん、私の実験のサンプルにならんか?

Oh, now what? Are you going to draw your sword?
ん…なんだ? 剣でもぬくか?
212FF7漬け:2006/08/03(木) 05:21:19 ID:???0
Cloud, don't. If he dies, we won't find out anything!
クラウド、だめっ! この人、死んだら何もわからなくなっちゃう!

I'm Aeris. The least you can do is remember my name.

I want you to tell me something, Professor Hojo... I know I'm an Ancient. My mother told me.

Professor Hojo... Is Jenova an Ancient? Is Sephiroth an Ancient? Do we all have the same blood?
……ねえ、博士。ジェノバは古代種なの? セフィロスは古代種なの? わたしと同じ血、流れてるの?

He's mumbling slowly... That must means he's hiding something!
ボソボソ作戦? ってことは、何か隠してる!

Hey! Answer us! !
ねえ! 答えなさいよ!

......It's no use, it's no go.

He never takes off his lab coat even in this heat. I guess that's the mark of an intellectual.

I'd be happy to be a guinea pig if it's for Professor Hojo!

I'll interpret Professor Hojo's whispers. Head west, past Mt. Corel and keep going...... Did you get that? I didn't understand it well, myself.
宝条先生のボソボソを通訳するね。ここから西のコレル山をこえて進んでる……わかったかしら? わたし、よくわかんな〜い
213199:2006/08/04(金) 23:58:03 ID:???0
214(-_-)さん:2006/08/05(土) 03:49:09 ID:???0
215(-_-)さん:2006/08/05(土) 16:32:45 ID:???0
216(-_-)さん:2006/08/05(土) 17:04:22 ID:???0
217FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 19:51:10 ID:???0
If you're headed for Mt. Corel, then you'd better buy some Soft.
きみたち、コレル山へ向かうなら 『金の針』を買っていくほうがいいよ

At least that's what they always say, don't they?

Be prepared, and you'll never fear. Hey, I'm no idiot. I NEVER count my chickens before they hatch! Pretty good, huh?

Oh, those items are free, so please help yourself.

Geez my lower back's killing me! How do you do! I'm the Manager. Nice to meet you.
ん〜こしがいたい〜ども! わし、管理人です。どぞ、よろしく

Well. if you'll pardon me, I'll be leaving. Good-night.
では、失礼して… おやすみなさい

Hey! You're actually talking to me.

I just passed a guy in a black cloak back there. I just tried to tell him that it's dangerous up ahead, and he ignored me!

There was a black-cloaked guy here, too?

It's dangerous up ahead. Be careful on your way.
218FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 20:00:16 ID:???0
If any strangers should greet you warmly while traveling, make sure to greet them back. Whew! I guess that's the fun of being on the road.

Wha? Oh, it's you. There seems to be an instrument in that hut that manipulates this bridge.

…… Perhaps it's best if we rest a moment.

OW!! Sure is tight in here...
いてっ! せまいな、ここ……

Come on, Cloud, don't let it get to you. Let's see... this is it.

Maybe if I turn this..... something should happen.

How cute!!

Yes!! how cute.
うん! ……かわいいね

Times are tough... I'm taking the treasure.

Oh! Cloud! Your hair looks like a Chocobo!
クラウドったら! チョコボ頭のくせに!
219FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 20:04:03 ID:???0
...it's got nothing to do with us. Just forget about it.

Right! That was admirable of you.
うん! クラウド、えらいえらい

Hey! How'd you ever wind up around here? Look, I'm sorry but, I can't do a thing for you!

Oh boy!! Corel sure has gone to pot. It used to be a famous coal mining town! They say there were more jobs than you could shake a...

Well, you get the picture! Now, it's nothing but a miserable pit! Me, my bulldozer... everything's out of work.

Got no job... I can't even show my face. 'Bout all that's left for me is to just live in this hole all day.

Well, lookey here! Never thought I'd ever see your face again.
ケッ! また、バレットさまに会えるとは思ってもみなかったぜ

They kick you out of another town or somethin'? You destroy everything you touch.

You got a lot of balls comin' back here!

Look at this place! It's all your fault North Corel turned into a garbage heap!
220(-_-)さん:2006/08/05(土) 20:05:54 ID:???0
221FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 20:15:34 ID:???0
Why doncha say something! ? Or did ya forget what you done here already?

You ain't even worth the effort. Don't waste your time talkin' to that Techno-freak!

You heard 'em... It's my fault this town was... destroyed...
きこえただろ… オレのせいで、この町は…… 壊れてしまったのさ……

YOU know who's responsible for North Corel winding up like this! Get out of the way! ! The only way we can make ends meet around here now is by collecting junk!
だれかサンのおかげで北コレルは、このありさまだ!ジャマしねえでくれよ! この地に残された者はガラクタあさりでしか食っていけねえんだ!

I hear it's a big fad now in the city to get tattoos. Is that right?

Really...? I saw a big '1' on the arm of a young guy heading towards the Ropeway.That Black Cape he had on was really cool.
そうか… ロープウェイの方に行った若ぞうの手のこうに大きな『1』が見えたんだ。黒マントのかっこいいヤツだったぜ

I guess I should get a '0' tattoo! For a poor man like me, '0' oughtta be perfect.
じゃあ、オレなら『0』のイレズミだな! ビンボー人には、『0』がお似合いだ

Take that road on the left to the Ropeway station! The Ropeway'll take you to the Gold Saucer.

It don't mean much to us poor folks though...

I want to leave this garbage dump of a town behind me, and start a new life. If I had a buggy, I'd cross the southern desert, and go to that town across the river...
222FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 20:32:50 ID:???0
Everyone knows that accident couldn't have been avoided. But no one will be satisfied until someone takes the blame.

The next train's coming in soon.

Grandpa used to be a Coal Train engineer. He still can't kick his old habits from then.

Yaaay!! What do you wanna play?
わ一い! 何して遊ぶう?

Because of them...... ugh my husband got into that accident... He used to be such a strong man... How am I supposed to continue living in a town that's lost everything...?
あいつらのせいよ……ウウッ、あの事故にまきこまれて…… あんなに強い人だったのに……何もかも失ったこの町でどうやって、生きていけばイイのやら……

To hell with the Mako reactor!

My hometown used to be around here.

What do you mean 'used to'?

It ain't here no more. Heard it got buried... in just 4 years.
今はもうない。砂の下に埋もれちまったらしい。 ……たった4年で

But how could those people say those terrible things?
223(-_-)さん:2006/08/05(土) 20:42:32 ID:???0
224(-_-)さん:2006/08/05(土) 20:45:13 ID:???0
225FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 21:11:43 ID:???0
...My hometown, Corel's always been a coal mining town. It's so dusty, but calm and so poor... A real small town, this one. That's the first time I ever heard the word 'Mako Reactor' mentioned since that time...

What are we going to do? The only one against this is Dyne...
どうする? 反対してるのはダインだけだが……

I am definitely against it, no matter what. There's nothing to talk about if you're thinking of throwing away our coal!

Our coal's been protected for generations. Our fathers, and theirs before them, risked their lives for it. We have no right to throw it all away so easily!

But listen, Dyne. No one uses coal nowadays. It's the sign of the times.

Right, everything is Mako, now.

It'll be all right, Dyne. Shinra, Inc. will guarantee your livelihood once the Mako Reactor is completed.

Listen, Dyne. I don't want my wife, Myrna, to suffer anymore.

I know how you feel! I feel the same way too, damn it! But even so, I won't give away our coal mines!

Dyne ...you've got to understand.
226FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 21:23:49 ID:???0
That's how the Corel Reactor was built......and completed. We all thought it would bring us an easier life.

It happened when Dyne and I were out of town for a few days. Corel was burned down by the shinra troops. All the townspeople... All my relatives... Everyone... everything...

Shinra troops? What for!?
神羅の軍? いったい何のために!?

There was an explosion at a reactor. Shinra blamed the accident on the people. Said it was done by a rebel faction.

That's so terrible!

Well, I guess that's true. But more than Shinra, I couldn't forgive myself. Never should've gone along with the building of the reactor...

Don't blame yourself. We were all fooled by the promises Shinra made back then.

That's why... that's why I get so pissed off! ! Not only did they take advantage of me...... But I lost my wife, Myrna, too...

Hey everyone! If you want to go to the 'Gold Saucer', hurry and get on! Ride the Ropeway?
オーイ、あんたら! 『ゴールドソーサー』に行くなら早く乗っておくれ。料金は、必要ないからね!

Dyne was my best friend. We was close ever since we was kids...
227FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 21:25:30 ID:???0
The Ropeway takes you to the 'Gold Saucer'. It's free, so don't worry about it.

Welcome to the Gold Saucer. Are you together? A single pass is 3000 gil, or you can purchase a lifetime pass for 30000 gil.
ようこそゴールドソーサーへ。団体様ですね?入園チケットは 1回3000ギルです何回でも入園できるゴールドチケットは 30000ギルになります

If you leave Gold Saucer, your tickets become invalid.

Here at the Gold Saucer, there are many places where you must pay with GP. Just think of 'GP' as money that you can only use at the Gold Saucer.

GP can only be redeemed at the games in Wonder Square and at the Chocobo Races. Your GP limit is 10000, so please be careful.
GPはワンダースクエアの各種ゲームとチョコボレース場でのみお求めいただけます。それとGPの個人の所有は 10000までとなっておりますのでお気をつけ下さい

Please enjoy yourselves.

If you have a Gold Ticket, you can come and go freely into the park as long as you don't lose it.

Wow! Let's have fun!
うわ〜! 楽しまなくっちゃ!

I know this isn't the right time to do this. Hey, Barret, cheer up!

......I ain't in no cheery mood. So jes' leave me alone.

Really? That's too bad.
そ〜お? 仕方ないね
228FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 21:27:42 ID:???0
Wasn't that a little harsh, Aeris! ?
エアリス! ちょっとひどいんじゃない?

Just act normal when this happens.

You think so...?

Of course! We're gonna go play...

Don't forget we're after Sephiroth!
オレたちはセフィロスを追ってるんだぞ! それを忘れるんじゃねえ!

...I think he's mad. He'll be fine. He seems to be doing a little better now.

We'd better be careful, Sephiroth might be around. I wish we could just forget everything and have fun!

......You want to go with me?

Sorry but there's no show now.

We put on a really unusual show here. It's not on today, but come back again sometime and see it.
229FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 21:36:43 ID:???0
What's your problem? Can't you see we wanna be alone?
な、なんだよ 2人のじゃまをしないでくれ

Hey boy. How is it? You having fun?

Mmm, so, you ARE having fun. Well, good, good for you boy.

My name's Cloud. And stop calling me boy.

Mmm? Me? I'm the owner of the Gold Saucer, The name's Dio. Just call me 'Dio'.
ん?私か? 私は、ここゴールドソーサーの園長ディオという。気軽に『ディオちゃん』と呼んでくれ ......

( Not even listening )

By the way, boy, do you know what a'Black Materia' is?

Oh, so you do know.

Why d'you ask me?

Well, a while back, a boy your age came in and asked me if I had a 'Black Materia. I thought you might know who he was, seein' as how you're both about the same age.
230FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 21:37:53 ID:???0
Did he happen to have... a Black Cape...

Why yes, yes indeed. And a tattoo on his hand that said' 1'.

Where did he go! ?

Ha ha ha, I have no idea. Well then.

I say, stop by the Battle Arena if you like, boy. You'll probably like it. Many of my collections are on display there.

Ha ha ha ......that, I say, that's a good one, boy! But it's not good to lie. You can't fool me.
ははははははは、少年! ウソはいけない。この私の目はごまかせないそ

We have to be careful of these steps.

First, I gotta memorize the order it comes out, and then guess on the attacks....., mumble, mumble......
やっぱり、出てくる順番を覚えて、先よみして攻撃すれば…… ブツブツ……

Hear the rules for this attraction?

This attraction, Shooting Coaster is While your ride's going ZOOM, you're going BANG BANG, and things are going PHEW PHEW and you destroy them with a big BOOM. Pretty simple, isn't it?
231FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 21:39:57 ID:???0
Oh, to shoot, hit the ○ Button. And, the Bar that's shown on the left side of the screen is the Power Meter.

When it's full, it'll go BROOOOOM and when it's empty, it'll only go BRM and become weak. So be careful.

Also, if you're in the Top 3 you'll get on the Wall of Fame.

I'm sorry, we're currently renovating. Please come again.

Welcome. Thank you for coming to the Ghost Hotel. For reservations, please step up to the counter.

It's our most popular employee, Mr. Hangman.

Hey you!! What're you lookin' so down for! ?
ヘイ・ユー! 暗〜い顔してますな〜

How 'bout it? Want me to read your fortune! ? A bright future! A happy future! Oh, but don't hold it against me if it's not a great prediction!
どうですか〜? みなさんの未来占うで〜。明るい未来、ゆかいな未来! あっ、ひさんな未来が出たらかんにんしてや〜!

Oh, so sorry! I'm a fortune telling machine. The name's...
あらら、すんません! ボクは、占いマシーンです。名前は……

You can only read the future?
232FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 22:44:29 ID:???0
You kidding! ? I can find missing things, missing people, anything!
バカにしたらあかんで! 失せ物、失せ人なんでもございや!

Then can you tell me where a man named Sephiroth is?

Sephiroth, right!? Okay, here goes!!

...Ordinary luck. It will be an active fortune. Give into the good will of others, and something big'll happen after summer... wait... what's this?
……中吉。活発な運勢になります。周りの人の好意に甘えてひと頑張りしておくと夏以降にどっきりな予感。 ……なんだこれは?

Huh? Let me try again.

Be careful of forgetfulness. Your lucky color is blue?... Forget it.

Wait, wait give me another chance!

...What the! ? What you pursue will be yours. But you will lose something dear.

I don't know if it's good OR bad... This's the first time I ever got something like THIS. Then shall we?

As a fortune teller, I can't help but think about this. If I don't see what it leads to, I won't be able to relax. That's why I'm going with you!
233FF7漬け:2006/08/05(土) 22:47:50 ID:???0
I'm comin' with you no matter WHAT you say!

They probably told you at the entrance, but most of the attractions at Gold Saucer only take 'GP'. They don't sell GP. You can only get 'em from the Wonder Square games or at the Chocobo Races.

You sure do need a lot of money here.

Please...... don't..... talk to me right now.

Nope, I'm not quitting until I clear this !

Oh man, I just gotta shout.

I get so caught up in these......

...... Don't worry 'bout me, Go ahead and play.

Whew, I'm tired. Oh this? It seems to be out of order.
234(-_-)さん:2006/08/05(土) 23:54:45 ID:???0
235(-_-)さん:2006/08/06(日) 00:14:23 ID:???0
236(-_-)さん:2006/08/06(日) 12:20:38 ID:???0
out of order の訳を「修理中」とされていますが。
237(-_-)さん:2006/08/06(日) 14:05:53 ID:???0



238(-_-)さん:2006/08/07(月) 01:11:26 ID:???0
239FF7漬け:2006/08/07(月) 04:59:08 ID:???0
This is Mog's house. It's, in Mog Forest on Mt. Mog. The beginning of another day in the life of a Mog.

This year, Mog is pipapopupo years old... that's 28 in human years. He's at that age when he should be looking for a mate.

But before Mog can become an adult, he first needs to learn how to fly. Even though Mog trains hard everyday...

He still can't seem to get off the ground... Looks like he's still got a long way to go...

Here's where you come in. Help Mog learn how to fly by pushing ○ button and feeding him his favorite Kupo nut.

But don't overfeed him. He won't be able to fly if he's too fat.

Oh? It seems like Mog's decided to take another shot at it.
おや? ついにモグは、飛ぶかくごを決めたようです

He did it! He's flying! Now, he's finally become a full-fledged Mog.
飛んだ!モグが飛んだ! これでモグも、りっぱなオスモーグリになれたのです

Tired but relaxed, our little Mog turns out the lights early and goes to bed. Good night, and sweet dreams......

Oh?... Whats this? Here comes a female Mog! Seems like he likes her too...
おやおや? さっそくメスモーグリがやって来ました。なんと、モグも彼女を気に入ったようです
240FF7漬け:2006/08/07(月) 05:01:24 ID:???0
Now, will Mog be able to fly gracefully in front of her? Help him out with a few Kupo nuts.
さあ、彼女の前でモグは、りっぱに飛べるでしょうか? クポの実をあげて、彼女とうまくいくように手伝ってあげてください

Unfortunately, he didn't make it. Poor Mog'll have to wait some time for a bride.

He's flying! ! Mog was able to do it! She must have fallen for his graceful flying form.
飛んだ! モグが、彼女の前で飛んだ! 彼女も、モグの男らしい飛びっぷりにすっかり、心をうばわれたようです

Sometime later... Looks like things are going good with his new Mog-friend. Time for a quiet date in the forest.

Her name is Mag. She is a good-natured Mog.

Best of luck to the both of you, Mog and Mag. May you have lots and lots of healthy Mogs!

Uh... no worries there, I guess...

Would this be your first time riding with us?

This attraction can only accommodate 2 passengers, so one of you please wait over there.

You will be able to see all the different areas of Gold Saucer on this ride. Enjoy the sights of Gold Saucer.
241FF7漬け:2006/08/07(月) 05:04:02 ID:???0
Shinra soldiers... Even here...
神羅兵… こんなところまで…

Welcome. Would you like to buy some Chocobo tickets?

This Chocobo Race has Virtual devices on the course. They show natural scenery during the race that really doesn't exist.

You pick which Chocobo will finish first and second here, And then buy the appropriate tickets.

And if the ticket you purchased is a winner, you'll receive a ticket for an item that will be listed on the panel.

You can exchange your tickets for items or GP at the Exchange counter to the right of the entrance.

Registration fees are 200 gil, Is that all right?

You are allowed a maximum of 3 bets on your Chocobo ticket.

Use the Directional keys to move the cursor on the panel and select with the ○.
方向キーの上下左右でバネル上のカーソルを動かし ○ボタンで決定します

Press the ○ to cancel, while the cursor is still on the panel.
242FF7漬け:2006/08/07(月) 05:04:33 ID:???0
With' L1' and 'R 1' buttons, you can change the Chocobo data shown on the right.

This data is helpful when you make your pick.

Once, you've finished making your selections, Press the [Start] Button to start the race.

Which rank would you like to select?

Thank you! 1 BET is 200 gil. This is the next race.
ありがとうございます 1BETは200ギルです。こちらが次のレースになります

Hey, what's that Chocobo on the odds sheet?

That's how you can find out a Chocobo's condition and strengths.

Hmm, If you can tell which ones are the strongest, then it's easy...

Well, not as easy as you think. It's not just a matter of the Chocobo's strength, but it also depends on the jockey and the Chocobo's personality. If these are bad, they may use too much stamina, and affect other things.

We usually buy tickets for the B rank and C rank races, right?
243FF7漬け:2006/08/07(月) 05:08:06 ID:???0
In other words, 'rank' means the Chocobo's 'strength'. A is highest and C's the lowest.
ランクっていうのは、簡単に言うとチョコボの強ささ。 Cの上がB、Bの上がAってわけさ

When you become a Free Chocobo jockey, you'll be able to buy A rank tickets.

Of course, the higher the rank, the better your item ticket. Hey, maybe I'll become a Chocobo jockey! ?

You can become one if you own a Chocobo and have some connections. But Chocobo's are pretty hard to catch and I don't have any connections.

You can only buy up to 3 tickets Think before you buy. For example, you could select half of the Chocobos and buy 3 boxes.
チョコボ券は3点までしか買えないよ〜く、考えて買うんだな。例えば、チョコボを半分にしぼって 3点をボックスで買うとかな

A box is buying 3 combinations of 2 Chocobos.

For example, if you select Chocobo 1 , 3, and 5, you can purchase combinations, such as 1-3, 1-5, 3-5.

You can also play the limited wheel by selecting a Chocobo.

Playing a 'Limited wheel' means you select a Chocobo and use it in all of your combinations. For example, if you have Chocobo 1 , then you buy 1-2, 1-3, 1-4.
流しってのは言葉どおりに例えば1番のチョコボから 1-2、1-3、1-4って買うことさ

No matter how you make your bet, you win some and you lose some. It all comes down to insight and luck.
244FF7漬け:2006/08/07(月) 05:44:35 ID:???0
I'm sorry, but this is for authorized personnel only.

Did Sephiroth do this! ? No it's not him... They're all shot... Sephiroth would never use a gun...

Ugh...ugh...a man with a gun...on his arm......

Hold it right there! And stay quiet! !Did you guys do this! ?
そこまでだ! おとなしくしろ!! お前らがやったのか!?

Hurry and run, it's gonna get ugly.

There's no need to listen. Pay for your crime down below! ! Do it!

A desert prison... Corel prison... Yup, a natural prison in the middle of the desert... surrounded entirely by quicksand.

I heard that once you get in, you never get out... But, there was one special exception...

Stay back! This's something I gotta deal with. Jes' leave me alone...

Whew! That's one of your friends? He sure looks dangerous...
ヒョーッ! あの人も、みなさんのお知り合い? なんやアブなそうな人やなあ〜
245(-_-)さん:2006/08/07(月) 12:31:23 ID:???0

246(-_-)さん:2006/08/07(月) 12:43:24 ID:???0

247(-_-)さん:2006/08/08(火) 06:43:29 ID:???0
248(-_-)さん:2006/08/08(火) 17:30:26 ID:???0

249(-_-)さん:2006/08/08(火) 17:38:54 ID:???0
250(-_-)さん:2006/08/08(火) 18:37:43 ID:???0
251(-_-)さん:2006/08/08(火) 18:38:32 ID:???0
Cloud, what should we do? Barret's not his normal self.
クラウド、どうしよう? バレット、いつもとちがうよ

This one's been shot too...

Hold---it. If you wanna pass, Then you're gonna need the boss's permission.

We should find Barret before we go out into the desert.

I'll tell you one thing, rookie. This desert is extremely dangerous.

It'll welcome you in, but when you try to leave, it'll swallow ya.

I hear tell, some of them never make it out... the best thing is to stay out of the desert entirely.

Those guys only tell lies. Only lies. Not a one of 'em will tell you the truth. Just talk with 'em a couple of times, and you'll get sick of them.

This place is heaven. Man with a gun on his arm? Never heard of him.

You wanna see the Boss? Go Southwest and you'll meet him.
252FF7漬け:2006/08/08(火) 18:48:19 ID:???0
Didn't want none of ya to get involved...

Hey that's Cloud's line! '...It's too dangerous, I can't let you get involved...' blah, blah, blah...
それ、クラウドのセリフ! 『危険だ、まきこむわけにはいかない』とかなんとか、ね

Yeah. We're already involved in this.

We saw you and hurried here. So come on Barret, just tell us what's going on.

I heard that the murders at the Battle Arena were done by a man with a gun-arm....Was that you?
闘技場の事件は片腕が銃の男のしわざだと聞いた。 ……あんたか?

There's another... another man that got a gun grafted inta one of his arms. It was four years ago...
もう1人いるんだ……片腕に銃をもつ男。 4年前、あの日から……

I remembe I was on my way home from visiting a Mako Reactor being built.

Barret! Dyne! Come quick! The village's being attacked! It's Shinra soldiers!
バレット!ダイン! 大変だ!村が襲われた! 神羅の兵だ!

Hey, Barret! It's not over yet! Everyone's waiting! Let's go back to the village!
おいバレット! まだ終わっちゃいねえ! みんなが、待ってる! 俺たちの村へ帰るぞ

You can shoot all day and never hit them with aim like that. Stop playing around and cover me!
253FF7漬け:2006/08/08(火) 18:54:22 ID:???0
Lissen to me! ! You're comin' back to the village, hear! ! ?
いいか!! 村へ帰るんだろ!

Yeah... I ain't lettin' go...

From then on, I couldn't use my right arm no more.

...I was depressed for a while. But then I threw away my artificial arm and got this gun grafted in.

Got a new right arm to get revenge on the Shinra, who took everything away...

Back then, I heard the doc say there was another man who got the same operation as me. But, his was the left arm.

But Dyne's injury was the same as yours, right?

Yeah, that's right. He was deceived by the Shinra too. He'll probably join us to fight against the Shinra.

...wouldn't bet on it. I gotta 'pologize to Dyne before I can rest in peace.

An' that's why, I gotta go alone.
254FF7漬け:2006/08/08(火) 18:55:59 ID:???0
Do whatever you want... Is that what you want to hear? Well, I can't let you do it. Because, if you die on me, I'm gonna have nightmares.

Barret, this isn't the end. Weren't you going to save the Planet?

Shit! Tifa, you oughtta know by now.
へっ! ティファ、もうわかっただろ?

...That's all right. I'm not so different from you. That's easier to understand. It's you, Barret.

So there it is, Barret. So I guess it'll be Barret, me, and......

You new? Then go and pay your respects to Mr. Coates.
新入りか? なら、コーツ様にあいさつをしておくんだな

More respects again? You sure are formal, go ahead...
また、あいさつか? いい心がけだ、入んな

Never seen your face 'round here before. Goin' up?

Heh heh! You sure got guts!
ヘッヘッヘッ! いいこころがけだ

You don't seem to understand how things work down here. This is the Gold Saucer's garbage dump. And that makes alluy ya scrubs.
255FF7漬け:2006/08/08(火) 18:56:48 ID:???0
The only way to get back up there is to win the Chocobo Race. But, it's not as easy as you rookies think.

Of course, if you got the boss's permission it'd be a different story but, YOU'll never get that!

A rookie? Then you gotta buy something. Yup, that's the rule here.

Man, the Boss was REALLY in a bad mood today... Or was it one of his better days?
今日のボスはすげえキゲンが悪いや… いや、ありゃあキゲンがいいのか?

If you get lost in the desert, just keep going Northeast. If you're lucky, you'll make it back here.

Now that's a voice I haven't heard in years... A voice I'll never forget...

I always hoped I'd be able to see you again someday... I knew you were alive somewhere... we had the same operation.
いつか会えると信じていた…… オレと同じ手術を受けどこかで生きていると……

I hear her voice, Eleanor's voice. Begging me... not to hate your rotten guts.

That's why I didn't hunt you down...

...I know I was stupid. I'm not asking you to forgive me. But What're you doin' in a place like this?
256FF7漬け:2006/08/08(火) 18:57:41 ID:???0
Why ya wanna kill those that ain't even involved? Why?
関係ない人間を殺してどうなる? なぜだ?

...Why!? The hell do you care for! ?
……なぜ!? 理由を聞いてどうする!?

Are the people killed going to understand 'why'? Are the people of Corel going to understand just hearing Shinra's excuses?
それで殺された人間はなっとくするのか? 神羅の言い分を聞けばコレル村の人間は了解するのか!?

I don't CARE what the reason is! All they give us are artillery and stupid excuses... What's left is a world of despair and emptiness...
理由なんてどうでもいい!与えられるのは銃弾と不条理… 残されるのは絶望と無の世界… それだけだ!!

You still want to hear 'why'? All right, I'll tell you.
それでも聞きたいか? ……なら教えてやろう

Cause I want to destroy everything. The people of this city. This city itself. The whole world!

I got nothing left in this world. Corel, Eleanor...... Marlene......
この世界にはもう何もない。コレル村、エレノア…… マリン……

Dyne, Marlene...... Marlene's still alive.
マリンは…… マリンは生きている

I went back into town. I thought she was gone for sure. That is why I wanted to be by her side till the end.

That's when I found her......found Marlene.
そこであの子を…… おまえの娘、マリンを見つけた
257(-_-)さん:2006/08/08(火) 23:09:58 ID:???0
258(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 07:11:27 ID:???0
259FF7漬け:2006/08/09(水) 07:34:56 ID:???0
She's in Midgar. Let's go see her together, all right?

So she's still alive... All right, Barret. I guess that means you and I gotta fight.

Eleanor's alone all by herself. I've got to take Marlene to her.

Marlene wants to see her Mom, don't she?

Stop, Dyne! I can't die yet!
やめろ、ダイン! オレはここで死ぬわけにはいかねえんだ!

Oh yeah? Well my life's been over ever since then.

Stop it! I don't wanna fight you!
やめてくれ! おまえとはやりたくねえ!

Cloud, you stay the hell out of it! This is MY problem! !
クラウド、手を出すな! これは、オレの問題だ!

...it wasn't just my arm..... back then...... I lost something irreplaceable. I don't know where I went wrong...
……俺はあの時片腕と……いっしょに、かけがえのないものを失った…… どこで、くいちがっちまったのかな……

Dyne ...I don't know either, man. Is this the only way... we can resolve this?
ダイン……わからねえよ。オレたち…… こういうやりかたでしか決着をつけられなかったのか?
260FF7漬け:2006/08/09(水) 07:39:48 ID:???0
I told you... I want to destroy everything... Everything... This crazy world... Even me...
言ったはずだ……俺は…壊してしまいたかったんだよ……何もかも……このくるった世界も…… 俺自身も……

An' what 'bout Marlene? What's gonna happen to her! ?
マリンは! マリンはどうなるんだ!

...Think about it... Barret... How old was Marlene back then...?
……考えてみろ……バレット…… あのときマリンはいくつだった……?

Even if I did go to her now... she wouldn't even know me...
いまさら…… いまさら俺が出ていったところであの子には……わかるはずもない……

And what's more... Barret... These hands area little too stained to carry Marlene anymore...
それにな……バレット……マリンを抱いてやるには俺の手は…… 少々汚れすぎちまったのさ……

Give that pendant to Marlene... It was... Eleanor's...my wife's... memento...
そのペンダントをマリンに… エレノアの… 女房の……かたみ……

...Dyne. Me an' you were the same... My hands ain't any cleaner...... I shouldn't be able to carry... Marlene either...

You want somethin'?

I want to go up.

Like I told you before, you gotta get the Boss' permission, then win the Chocobo......
261FF7漬け:2006/08/09(水) 07:41:54 ID:???0
Dyne's got his reasons an' can't speak. So, I got this, instead.

Did you kill Dyne? You must've. Or you'd never be holding that thing.

...So Dyne's dead... Maybe now, the place'll calm down a little. Dyne didn't care who anyone was......

The hell do YOU know! !

R...ri......right ! I mean, no, I DON'T know anything. S, s..sorry.
わわわ、わかった! いや、なんにもわかってないです。す、すいません

Then, will you get us outta here?

Huh? Oh man, you guys are mistaken.

I already told you, there's only one way to get outta here. That's to win the Chocobo Race and that's held up there, in the Gold Saucer.

And, only one racer can go up at a time.

Noooo! Really, even if you threaten me! ! A rule's a rule. I can't change it.
だ一一っ! いくら、おどしてもダメだ!このルールだけは変えるわけにはいかねえ
262FF7漬け:2006/08/09(水) 07:43:29 ID:???0
If I do, the whole system down here'll get messed up! ! An' I can't do that!
ここの規律がメチャクチャになっちまう! これは、ゆずれねぇ

Okay, ok, I'll let one go up there. After that, he's gotta deal with Dio.

Awright then. Cloud, you go. We'll wait down here.

Hurry up an' win that Chocobo Race, an' get us outta here!

Have you decided? All you need now is a manager.

Hi...... I happened to hear your story. I'll be your manager.

Well, I have nothing against it, but...

This is Ester. She may look kinda funny... But there's no better manager in the races...

That's so rude... Yeah, well. Nice to meet you, Cloud.

All right then, Cloud. I'll send you up the elevator. Ester'll fill you in on the details.
263FF7漬け:2006/08/09(水) 07:44:17 ID:???0
Hmm, so that's what happened. I'll talk to Dio directly. You just concentrate on the race.

Oh yeah, getting back to the other thing, there are many different types of Chocobo jockeys. It's not only for criminals.

Some people compete for the fame, some people compete for the money, some only for glory... And then there're people like you.

Oh yeah, I'll teach you how to ride a Chocobo.

Ummm... First use the [Select] button to choose either AUTO or MANUAL. In other words, either you control the Chocobo or let it run on its own.

But it's pretty hard to make the Chocobo run the way you want it to. If the Chocobo doesn't like you, it won't listen.

You can't really help on this one.

But, most of the Chocobo's that I'll provide you with are mellow and you should be able to handle them.

When you're riding, use the □ Button to Speed Up and the × Button to Slow Down. But, if you go faster than the Chocobo can handle, it'll lose its stamina really fast.
264(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 08:18:16 ID:???0
I never found fault with your opinion. plus, I don't know your opinion.
keep your going wonderful way!!!!!

265(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 08:42:16 ID:???0
266(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 08:46:40 ID:???0
267FF7漬け:2006/08/09(水) 09:26:59 ID:???0
And use the Directional button to move the Chocobo left and right, use the ○ Button to get a boost of speed.

Of course your stamina runs out faster though.

There are some bad tempered Chocobos that can't pace themselves and they'll lose their stamina pretty fast.

For these kinds of Chocobos, you should set the controls on Manual and slow it down.

Finally, some advice for the restless, once the first and second Chocobo cross the goal line, Push the [Start] button to end the race.
最後にね、セッカチな人におすすめなんだけど 1、2着のチョコボがゴールした後に『START』ボタンを押すと、途中でレースを見るのをやめることができるわ

"You new? Hey, Ester you're looking pretty as usual.

Let me introduce you, Cloud. This is Joe, one of the top Chocobo Jockeys.

"Nice to meet you, Cloud. If you're with Ester, then...

Right! He's an up and coming jockey. He's only been down here for a day and already he made it up here! !

Oh, I see... So what did you do down there?
268(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 09:28:08 ID:???0
269(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 10:27:28 ID:???0
270(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 11:59:33 ID:aVvVE/WcO
271(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 12:18:57 ID:???0
272(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 12:40:50 ID:???0
273(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 14:26:35 ID:???O
274(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 15:59:33 ID:???0
275(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 16:47:49 ID:TWtfZ5LG0
276(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 17:25:27 ID:???0
277(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 19:02:04 ID:aVvVE/WcO

278(-_-)さん:2006/08/09(水) 20:17:46 ID:aVvVE/WcO
The masturbation is very bad.
So you shouldn't masturbate.

I don't want to become hikky or neet
I don't want to become hikky or neet.
I don't want to become hikky or neet.
I don't want to become hikky or neet.
279FF7漬け:2006/08/10(木) 08:05:32 ID:???0
Sorry... you're not supposed to ask about the past here...

Pretty interesting... I have a feeling that we'll meet again. Then, until we meet again, Cloud.
おもしろいよ…… 君とはまた、会えそうな気がする。では、また会おう、クラウド君

I'm going to check on the Chocobo, You just wait here for a while.

Don't get cocky. Skills don't matter once you get in the race...

The race will start in a few moments. Will the jockeys for the next race, please proceed to the paddock. I repeat...

Thanks for waiting. I registered you in the next race. This is a Chocobo I prepared myself. He won't lose easily.

Oh yeah... You know how to ride one?

Then, good luck.

Too bad. You had a tough situation there.

Let me find a better Chocobo for you. Wait here for a while, OK?
280FF7漬け:2006/08/10(木) 08:07:42 ID:???0
Congratulations!! Now you're home free!
おめでとう!! これで晴れて自由の身よ

Oh yeah, the owner told me to give this letter to you when you won.

Boy, if you're reading this letter, then you must've won. And won a victory that I am sure you earned.

I heard about Dyne from Ester. Now that you are victorious, I promise that you and all your friends will get a full pardon, and you all will be set free.

And also, by way of apology, I prepared a little gift for you to use on your journey. Sorry I couldn't be there to tell you this in person, but I'm a very busy man.

Cloud... isn't this great! ? The assistant: manager just stopped by and-dropped off a 'buggy' for you! Now you can go over 'deserts' and 'rivers' no problem.
クラウド!?ね、すごいのよ! いまね、園長の使いとかいう人が来て『バギー』置いていったの。これがあれば『サバク』も『川』もラクラクよ

OK, Cloud. I'll be waiting outside.

( Hmm? The letter continues... )

P. S. I just recently met Sephiroth, He must have a lot of fans with boys your age.
P.S. この間、私はセフィロスにあったぞ。少年たちの年代では、彼のファンもいるだろう

Why don't you get his autograph? It seems he's headed toward the South of the river, towards Gongaga.
サインでももらったらどうだ? 彼は、ここから【南の川を越えてゴンガガエリア】に向かったようだぞ
281FF7漬け:2006/08/10(木) 08:09:48 ID:???0
I guess this is goodbye. Yeah. Well, if you ever get your own Race Chocobo, come back again.

I'll take care of your registration and everything. I'll see you again.

I am home! It is I, Nanaki!
ただいま〜! ナナキ、帰りました〜

Cosmo...Canyon? I wonder if there's any relation to the planet or the Ancients...
コスモキャニオン? 関係あるのかな? 星とか、古代種とか……

Red [ seems different, doesn't he?

Welcome to Cosmo Canyon. Are you familiar with this land?

You lied. That is something that is not treated lightly here in Cosmo Canyon.

Let me explain. People from all over the world gather here to seek the Study of Planet Life.

Ummgah! It's full capacity at present, so I'm afraid I can't let you enter.
んが! 今は定員いっぱいなので中には入れてあげられません

They helped me some when I was on the road. Please let them in.
282FF7漬け:2006/08/10(木) 08:10:21 ID:???0
...Oh, is that so? You helped our Nanaki? Please, come in.

Welcome to Cosmo Canyon. Make yourselves at home.

Yaaay! Nanaki! Nanaki's back! It's all thanks to this flame!
わ一い、わ一い! ナナキが! ナナキが帰ってきたです! この炎のおかげなのです!

This fire is called 'Cosmo Candle', It has burned for generations. It is a holy flame that protects this canyon.

I heard once, it only went out once, long ago.

The elders said something horrifying occurred, but I really don't know much about it.

So this is Cosmo Canyon... Quite a mysterious place.

Have you come to seek the Study of Planet Life?

Yeah? I heard there's an awesome observatory here. I'd like to see it if I have a chance.

Oh, really? There really isn't much else to see here.
283FF7漬け:2006/08/10(木) 08:11:03 ID:???0
。フーインて、なんだろ? きょうりょくせっちゃくざいのことかな?

Oh man, I'm so busy. I need more help. Mummer... complaint...

Where did I put it...? I know it's around here...
どこへやったかいの…… たしかこのへんに……
284FF7漬け:2006/08/10(木) 08:11:35 ID:???0
Since you're here, why don't you listen to Bugenhagen's story?

Is that so? You brought Nanaki back here? Yeah, thanks.

Welcome. How 'bout our original cocktail, 'Cosmo Candle?

A drink now and then is good for you. It'll relax you a bit... If you know when to stop.
お酒はいいですよ。人の心をほがらかにさせますから。 ……ホドホドならね

Red [...... I wonder what's happened to Red [...? He's as excited as a little boy.
レッド[…… どうしたのかな? 子供みたいにはしゃいで

Maybe there are some people here that know about the Promised Land and the Ancients.

Cloud, this is my grandfather, Bugen. He is incredible. He knows everything.

Ho Ho Hoooo. I hear that you looked after Nanaki a bit. Nanaki is still a child you see.

Please stop, grandfather. I'm 48.
やめてくれよ、じっちゃん! オイラはもう48歳だよ

Ho Ho Hoooo. Nanaki's tribe has incredible longevity. So you see his 48 years would only be equivalent to say that of a 15 or 16 year old in human reckoning.
285FF7漬け:2006/08/12(土) 07:30:26 ID:???0
So you see his 48 years would only be equivalent to say that of a 15 or 16 year old in human reckoning.

He's quiet and very deep. You thought he was an adult?

......grandfather. I want to be an adult. I want to grow up to be able to protect you and the village.

Ho Ho Hoooo. No Nanaki. You can't stand on your own yet. To do that now would destroy you in the long run.

Reaching up into the heavens, threatening to snatch the very stars from the great city of Midgar. You've seen it, haven't you?

Well, that's a bad example. Looking up too much makes you lose perspective.

When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing.

Ho Ho Hoooo. It may be tomorrow, or 100 years from now... But it's not long off.
ホーホーホウ。明日か100年後か…… それほど遠くはない

How do you know this?

I hear the cries of the Planet. The sounds of the stars in the heavens. While this goes on, planets are born, and die.
286FF7漬け:2006/08/12(土) 07:31:45 ID:???0
Ho Ho Hoooo. That was a scream from this planet. Didn't you hear it? As if to say... I hurt, I suffer......
ホーホーホウ。この星のさけびじゃ。痛い、苦しい…… そんなふうに聞こえるじゃろ?

They have come here on a journey to save the planet. Why don't you show them your apparatus?

But, then again, I guess it wouldn't hurt to show him.

Several odd looking people have come.

The whole place has gotten busy all of a sudden.

He brought friends too. I'll go get them.

Cloud, please call one of them. Only three people can fit in grandfather's machine.

Don't worry. My machine won't run away. You go and invite your friends.

Did you get to see Bugenhagen's contraption? If you haven't yet, you must!
ブーゲンハーゲン様のアレはごらんになりました? まだでしたら、ぜひどうぞ!

Here, over here. The door's unlocked, come on in.
287FF7漬け:2006/08/12(土) 07:35:10 ID:???0
Ho Ho Hoooo. It looks like you have them all together. Then let's begin.
ホーホーホウ。そろったようじゃな? それじゃ、はじめようかの

I'll be stand there.

So pretty It's just like the real thing!

Hmm, yes pretty good. This is my laboratory.

All the workings of space are entered into this 3D Holographic System.

Ho Ho Hoooo. Yes, it is something, isn't it? Well, let's get to the subject.

Eventually... all humans die. What happens to them after they die?

The body decomposes, and returns to the Planet. That much everyone knows. What about their consciousness, their hearts and their souls?

The soul too returns to the Planet.

And not only those of humans, but everything on this Planet. In fact, all living things in the universe, are the same. The spirits that return to the Planet, merge with one another and roam the Planet.
288FF7漬け:2006/08/12(土) 07:36:38 ID:???0
They roam, converge, and divide, becoming a swell, called the 'Lifestream'.

Lifestream... In other words, a path of energy of the souls roaming the Planet.
ライフストリーム…… すなわち星をめぐる精神的なエネルギーの道じゃな

Spirit Energy' is a word that you should never forget.

A new life... children are blessed with Spirit energy and are brought into the world. Then, the time comes when they die and once again return to the Planet...

Of course there are exceptions, but this is the way of the world.

I've digressed, but you'll understand better if you watch this.

Spirit energy makes all things possible, trees, birds, and humans. Not just living things. But Spirit energy makes it possible for Planets to be Planets.

What happen if that Spirit energy Were to disappear?

......These are the basics of the Study of Planet Life.

If the Spirit energy is lost, our Planet is destroyed...
289FF7漬け:2006/08/12(土) 07:38:36 ID:???0
Ho Ho Hoooo. Spirit energy is efficient BECAUSE it exists within nature.

When Spirit energy is forcefully extracted, and manufactured, it can't accomplish its true purpose.

You're talking about Mako energy, right?

Everyday Mako reactors suck up Spirit energy, diminishing it.

Spirit energy gets compressed in the reactors and processed into Mako energy. All living things are being used up and thrown away. In other words, Mako energy will only destroy the Planet...

The story of the planets... and those who lived with them...
星の話…… 星とともに生きた者の話……

You want to know more? Then you must listen to the words of the elders.
もっと知りたいかの? それなら長老たちの話を聞くとよかろう

Nanaki? His father a coward? So that's it... Nanaki's been thinking that all this time...
ナナキが? 父親をふぬけと?そうか…… ナナキがそんなことを……

Leaving already? But it appears your friends still want to learn more about the planet...
おや、もうご出発ですか? あなたのお友だちはまだ星について学びたいみたいですが……

By the way, your friends are all in front of the Cosmo Candle.
290FF7漬け:2006/08/12(土) 07:40:30 ID:???0
Are you all leaving now?

You can't talk of the Ancients, without mentioning Professor Gast. He used to come here sometimes.

He was a Shinra scholar who spent his life studying the Ancients.

He was a serious person, never would have figured he'd be with the Shinra.

Must've been about 30 years ago, when he found the corpse of an Ancient. He was elated!

If I recall... he named it 'Jenova' and was doing a lot of research... One day, he showed up here, looking real distressed.

He was mumbling something about Jenova not being an Ancient and that he'd done a terrible thing...

He's been missing since then. I heard that he never went back to Shinra.

So, if you ever see Professor Gast, I want you to tell him... That the old man that likes to drink in Cosmo Canyon, wanted to hear about the Ancients.

Well, there's lots to talk about, but most things about the Ancients are all legend and folk tales, and no one knows the truth.
291FF7漬け:2006/08/14(月) 04:32:36 ID:???0
Hey? Aren't you going with us, Grandpa?
あれ? じっちゃんが案内してくれるんじゃないの?

What are you crazy? It's dangerous in there. I told you that! You want an old man like me should go first? I'll be right behind you.
な〜に言うとるんじゃ。ちょっとばかり危険だと言うたじゃろ。年寄りに先を行かせるのか? わしは後ろからついていくよ

Everyone here's a Ghost of the Gi tribe. Killed in a certain battle.

The vengeful spirits of the Gi didn't disappear, and couldn't return to the Lifestream...

We still have far to go. Ho Ho Hoooo.

As you can see, this cave leads to the back of Cosmo Canyon. It was unfortunate that the Gi were larger than us. If they attacked through here, we wouldn't have stood a chance.

This warrior went through the cave all alone. Fighting attackers one after another...
その戦士はこの洞窟を 1人で走りぬけた。次から次へと襲いかかってくるギ族と戦いながら……

Ho Ho Hoooo... We're almost there.
ホーホーホウ…… あと少し、じゃな

...Thank you, Cloud. Because of you, we survived. Nanaki, you have grown strong, too.
292FF7漬け:2006/08/14(月) 04:34:15 ID:???0
Now I know that it wasn't a mistake bringing you here... Come, I have something I want to show you. Right over here.

...The warrior who fought against the Gi. He kept them from taking even one step into Cosmo Canyon.

But he was never able to return to town... Look, Nanaki. Look at your father, at the warrior, Seto.

Seto continued to fight the Gi tribe here. ...To protect this Canyon. Even after the Gi's poisonous arrows turned his body to stone...... Even after they all ran away... Seto, continued to protect us.
セトはあそこでギ族と戦いつづけた。この谷を守りつづけた。ギ族の毒矢で体を石にされても…… ギ族がすべて逃げだしたあとも…… 戦士セトはここを守りつづけた

And he continues to protect us, even now.

You thought that he was a coward and ran away. But he, alone risked his life to protect Cosmo Canyon. That is your father, Seto.

That...... that is Seto? Did mother know?
あれが……あれがセト? ……!? 母さんはこのことを?

Ho Ho Hoooo...She knew. The two of them made me promise to keep this cave shut.
ホーホーホウ……知っておったよ。 2人はあの時、わしに頼んだんじゃ。この洞窟は封印してくれとな

They asked me to seal it myself and not to tell a soul. They said we should forget about this cave.
293FF7漬け:2006/08/14(月) 04:34:51 ID:???0
Cloud... Would you mind leaving the two of us alone?

Nanaki. I want you to continue your journey with Cloud and the others.

Listen, Nanaki. Cloud says they are trying to save the planet. Honestly, I don't think it can be done.

For even if they stop every reactor on the planet, it's only going to postpone the inevitable. Even if they stop Sephiroth, everything will perish.

But, Nanaki. I've been thinking lately. I've been thinking if there was anything WE could do, as a part of the planet, something to help a planet already in misery...

No matter what happens, isn't it important to try? Am I just wishing against fate?

I am too old to do anything about it... This year, I'll be 130. Ho Ho Hoooo.

That is why, Nanaki, you must go with them! For my sake.
だからナナキよ、行けい! わしの代わりにすべてを見とどけるんじゃ

I wanted to show you your real father before you left...
294FF7漬け:2006/08/14(月) 04:36:50 ID:???0
I'm so glad that you came back while I was still alive to show you.

Grandpa... don't talk like that. I don't want to think of life... without you......

Ho Ho Hoooo. Well, I've had a long life.

Grandpa! You must live!
じっちゃん! 生きててくれなくちゃダメだ!

I'll see to it. I'll see to what's happening to the planet. And I'll come back to tell you.

I am Nanaki of Cosmo Canyon! The son of the warrior, Seto! I'll come back a warrior true to that noble name! So please, Grandpa...
オイラはコスモキャニオンのナナキ。戦士セトの息子だ!その名にはじない戦士になって帰ってくる! だから、じっちゃん!

Shall we get going?

Mmm...... I think the teachings of the 'Study of Planet Life' are true. But can people used to Mako energy ever go back...?
う〜ん…… 『星命学』の教えはたしかに正しいです。そう思います。でも一度魔暁の便利さを知ってしまった人間がはたしてもとにもどれるのだろうか……

Mmm. I'm starting to feel good now. That bartender's cocktails always hit the spot.

Nope... It doesn't open... How'd he seal it? With a huge magnet?
う〜ん…… やっぱりひらかないよ〜。フーインてなんなんだろ? きょうりょくじしゃくかな?
295FF7漬け:2006/08/15(火) 08:39:29 ID:???0
Wait for me! I'm coming too!

Cloud. Please look after Nanaki.

I think I grew up a little. That's what happened!

Ho Ho Hoooo. Come back whenever you need my knowledge.

This was all supposed to be burnt down, right?

...I thought so.

Then why...? My house is still there too...
それなのに、どうして? 私の家もある……

...somthing's strange?

I'm not lying! I remember... the intense heat of the flames...
俺はウソなんか言ってない。俺はおぼえてる…… あの炎の熱さを……

This town was supposed to have been burnt down five years ago. What the hell is going on?
296FF7漬け:2006/08/15(火) 08:40:16 ID:???0
Sir, don't say such awful things. I was born and raised in this town. What you say never happened.

You're lying...

EXCUSE ME That's so rude... If you're going to talk like that to me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Oh, I'm so sorry. I've got lots to do...

Nice town, huh? We've been in business here for a long time...

...You're lying.

Do you have anything to do with this town?
もしかして…… あなた、この村の関係者?

I was here until I was 14 and I don't remember you.

It's not nice to lie! !

He has a tattoo of the number '12'. Mmm? He has something.
297FF7漬け:2006/08/15(火) 08:40:45 ID:???0
What is it? Oh, really. Then, it'll help me too.

I lived in this house until I was 14... No, but this town was burned down.

Are you sick saying those things? Get out of here!

Being here brings back memories. Are you going to participate in the Reunion?

I don't even know what a Reunion is!

Jenova will be at the Reunion. Jenova will join the Reunion becoming a calamity from the skies.

Jenova, a calamity from the skies? You mean she wasn't an Ancient! ?
ジェノバが空から来た厄災? 古代種じゃなかったのか!?

...I see. I don't think you have the right to participate.

I will go North past Mt. Nibel. If you wish to find out... then follow...
わたしは【ニブル山をこえて北】へいく。もしお前が自覚するならば…… わたしを追ってくるがよい

What's that...! ? A rusty old rocket... Wonder what they'd make something that huge for?
あれは……!?サビついたロケット…… 何のために、こんな巨大なものが……?
298FF7漬け:2006/08/15(火) 08:44:44 ID:???0
Better ask the Captain about this town. He's the one in charge of it.

Did you see a man in a Black Cape?

A man in a Black Cape? Nope... don't know a thing about it.
黒マントを着た男? さあ……知らないなあ

Who's the 'Captain'?

The Captain was a pilot when Shinra was still interested in their Space Program.

He was going to be the world's first astronaut, but there was an accident... Ever since then, he's been wasting his life away here dreaming about going into outer space.

That rusted out rocket is all that remains of the Shinra's Space Program.

This used to be a Shinra base where they used to launch rockets. You saw the leaning rocket, right? That's Shinra No. 26. It never got off the ground though.
ここは元々神羅のロケット打ち上げ基地だったのじゃ。かたむいたロケットを見たじゃろ? あれが神羅26号じゃ。一度も飛んだことはないんじゃが

It just looms there. That's how the town got its name... 'Shinra No. 26'. Want to look at the rocket with me?
あすこにそびえるがこの村の名前の由来、宇宙ロケット『神羅26号』じゃ。どうじゃ? わしと一緒に見上げてみるか?
299FF7漬け:2006/08/15(火) 08:53:50 ID:???0
Oh, how boring...

I get so impressed every time I look at it.

Sorry to get you into this. For me, it's a kinda hobby. But, out of appreciation, let me give you this.

I wish you'd take care of it and use it...

A drink will ease your heart... Would you like something to drink?

Did you meet the Captain already? He's really the town's representative, so you should really talk with him.
艇長には、もう会ったかい? この村の顔とも言える男だから一度会っておくといいよ

All gramps does is gaze at that rocket all day long. Well he's a man that really loves machinery...

Mmm, I'm so bored. Isn't there anything that can get me excited?

Geeeeez, it's boring! Isn't anything exciting going to happen here?
ああ、つまらないわ…… 何かおもしろいことはないかしら?

My job's to make everyone laugh all over the world...
300(-_-)さん:2006/08/15(火) 11:05:43 ID:???0
300げとの 舞 でおじゃる
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   /(^.| 一  ー |^)\  <働きたくないでおじゃる!!
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301FF7漬け:2006/08/17(木) 09:09:52 ID:???0
Cloud, do you know her?

Who is that girl...?

Man...... I can't believe I lost... You spikey-headed jerk! One more time, let's go one more time!
チクショ〜…… このアタシが負けるなんて……やい、このツンツン頭! もう1回、もう1回勝負だ!

I won't lose this time! Take your time and get ready. Holler when you're ready!
今度は負けないからね! 時間をやるから、用意しなよ。カクゴができたらかかってきな!

No way I'm going to fight with punks like you more than once! I'll keep enough for the doctor bill! Next time, you won't be as lucky!
フーンだ、誰がアンタらみたいなザコと何度もたたかうもんか!ケガの治療費はいただいとくよ! 次はようしゃしないからな一!

Hey! My money! Wait a second! Where's my money! ?
アッ! 私のお金、少なくなってる!ちょっと待ちなさい! 私のお金は!?

Thinkin' of running away? Stay and fight! FIGHT, I said!
ム、逃げる気? ちゃんと勝負しろ! しろったらしろ!

C'mon...... What's the matter? You're pretty scared of me, huh!?
シュッシュッ…… どうしたどうした!アタシの強さにビビッてんだろ!

Wh...what! ? Uuuuugh! Now I'm really mad!
な、な、なんだと!?キー!ムキキー! アッタマきたあ!

Make fun of me, will ya! Just watch!!
バカにしやがって…… おぼえてろオ!
302FF7漬け:2006/08/17(木) 09:10:34 ID:???0
She's gone... So what was that all about?
行っちゃった…… けっきょく、何だったのかな?

Hmm... Hey, don't we have less money than what we had? Geez!! You shouldn't do this! !
あれ…… ね、お金、へってない?も〜う! だめじゃない、こんなコトしちゃ!

Hmm, just as I thought. What do you expect with my skills?

Good luck to you guys too. If you feel up to it, we can go another around. Later!

I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!
ホントに行っちゃうからね! ホントのホントだよ!

She's gone... What is it with her...?
行っちゃった…… なんなの、あのコ……

What is it, you still have somethin' for me?

......Hmmm. So is that it? I know you want my help because I'm so good!

You want me to go with you?
このアタシにいっしょに来てくれと! そういうこと?

Oh yeah? Then do whatever you want!
あっそ! フーンだ、勝手にしろ!
303FF7漬け:2006/08/17(木) 09:11:55 ID:???0
Heh heh... thought so. You put me in a spot. Hmm, what should I do?

But if you want me that bad, I can't refuse... All right! I'll go with you!
でも、そこまで言われちゃこのアタシもことわれないし……よし、わかった! アンタらについてってやるよ!

Me? The name's...... What are you talking about! ? You're the one who should go first!
アタシ? アタシの名前はね……ヘン、何言ってんだい! そっちが先になのるのがマナーってもんだろ!

Okay forget it! I'm not going with you! Remember, if you piss me off... it'll cost you! !
やめやめやめ! いっしょに行くのや一めた!アタシを怒らせると高くつくの! おぼえときな!

Huh? Hey HEY! wait! I haven't even told you my name...... I'm Yuffie! Good to meetcha!
あれ、ちょ、ちょっと……ちょっと! アタシまだ名前……アタシ、ユフィ! ひとつヨロシク!

Heh heh...... just as I planned. Now all I have to do is... a little this and a little that...... nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...... Hey, wait up! Wait for me! !
ヘヘヘ……うまくいったよ。あとはアレをナニして……クックック……オ〜イ、待ってよ! 待ってってば〜!

There's a Shinra logo on it. Tiny Bronco...... This is cool.
神羅のマークがついている。タイニー・ブロンコか…… いいな、これ

I wonder if we can borrow it...

Um may I help you?

No... We're just looking at it.

...If you would like to use it, please ask the Captain. The Captain should be in the Rocket.
304FF7漬け:2006/08/17(木) 09:13:01 ID:???0
I'm Shera. And what are your names?

Hmm... So you're not with the Shinra. I thought the approval for the reopening of the Space Program came.
はあ…… 神羅の人たちじゃないんですね。私、宇宙開発再開の知らせがきたのかと思って

President Rufus is scheduled to come here. The Captain's been so restless all morning.

What're you guys doin' here?

We heard the Captain was here.

The name's Cid. Everyone calls me 'Captain', though. What d'ya want?

Wow! Not bad for a kid. Alright then, I'll explain it to you.

You know Shinra developed a lot of technological gadgets during the meaningless war, right?

Now it's a Mako company, but in the old days it was a weapons manufacturer.

Well, they came up with a Rocket Engine. There was so much excitement about the thought of going into outer space. Our dreams got bigger and bigger.
305FF7漬け:2006/08/17(木) 09:13:55 ID:???0
They put a major budget into it and made prototype after prototype! Finally, they completed Shinra No. 26.
予算もバカスカつぎこんで試作、試作、また試作! で、完成したのが、この神羅26号

They chose the best pilot in Shinra-- no, in the world--me. I mean, come on.

And finally we get to the day of the launch. Everything was goin' well... But, because of that dumb-ass Shera, the launch got messed up. That's why they became so anal!

And so, Shinra nixed their outer space exploration plans. After they told me how the future was Space Exploration and got my damn hopes up...DAMN THEM!
神羅は宇宙開発計画をすてやがった。あれだけ、これからは宇宙だ! な〜んて言って希望持たせてやがったクセによっ!

Then, it was all over once they found out Mako energy was profitable. They didn't even so much as look at space exploration.

Money, moola, dinero! My dream was just a financial number for them!
かね、金、カネだあ? オレ様の夢をソロバンかんじょうだけでぼうにふるない!

Look at this rusted Rocket. I was supposed to be the first man in space with this. Everyday, it tilts a little bit more.

At this rate, I don't know which will come first, this thing falling down or me gettin' outta here.

My last hope is to talk to the President......
306FF7漬け:2006/08/17(木) 09:14:30 ID:???0
Excuse me Cloud? Did the Captain say anything?

Shera. What are you, blind!? We got guests! ! GET SOME TEA!

Really, don't mind us.

Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn TEA!
うるせぇ!ウダウダ言うな! 客は、イスにすわっておとなしくしてろ!

Argggggggh! DAMN, I'm pissed! Shera! I'll be in the backyard tunin' up Tiny Bronco!
あ〜〜っ! ハラが立ってきた! おい、シエラ! オレ様はタイニー・ブロンコを整備しに裏庭に行ってるからな!

An' make sure to serve them some tea! All right! ?
客に茶ぁ、出しとけよ! わかったな!

Poor Shera.

Sorry. It's our fault.

No, no. He's always like this.

Is it like this all the time? You keep quiet even when he's like that to you?
いつも? いつもあんなこと言われてだまってんの?

No... It's because of my stupid mistake.
いいえ…… 私がドジだからしょうがないんです
307FF7漬け:2006/08/18(金) 11:11:52 ID:???0
I was the one who destroyed his dream...

Hey! Get your ass in gear! You work like a snail! Even the moon'd get tired waitin' around for your ass!

Don't take so much time checkin' that oxygen tank!

Shera, bein' careful's good, but it won't do any good, no matter how many times you check that oxygen tank.

That thing wouldn't break even if hell froze over.

No buts!! You're not stupid, so be more efficient!

Captain! Our dreams are finally coming true! We are so proud to be a part of the launch of Shinra No. 26.
艇長! いよいよ私たちの夢がかないますね!ボクたちもハナが高いですよ。この神羅26号の打ち上げに関われたなんて

Captain, preparations are complete! All that's left is lift off!
艇長、整備はカンペキです! あとは、ゆくだけです!
308FF7漬け:2006/08/18(金) 11:13:37 ID:???0
Yeah! Leave it all to me! I'll be back in a few!
おう!まかせとけ! ちょっくら、いってくるぜ!

All right, Captain! Fly our dreams into outer space!
さあ、艇長! 私たちの夢を乗せて、宇宙へ!

We're praying for your safety!

Instrument panel all clear. Shinra No. 26, ready for launch. Engine pressure rising. Shinra No. 26, 3 minutes to launch, Beginning countdown.

......finally. What the? What happened!?

Cid! We have an emergency situation! A mechanic is still in the engine section of the rocket! Activating the intercom in the engine section.

It's Shera, Captain. Don't mind me, go ahead with the launch.

Shera!? What are you still doin' in there! ?
シエラ!? いまごろ、なにしてやがんだ!
309FF7漬け:2006/08/18(金) 11:14:24 ID:???0
I was still concerned. The results of the oxygen tank test weren't satisfactory.

It's gonna get so hot in there that there ain't gonna be SHIT left when we blast off!

You're gonna be burnt to a crisp! You're gonna die! You know that, doncha!?
そんなとこにいたら一瞬で黒コゲだぞ! おまえ、死んじまうんだぞ。わかってんのか!

I don't mind. If I can just fix this, the launch will be a success. I'm almost done.

Almost done! ? You're gonna die!
何がもう少しだ! おまえ、死んじまうんだぞ!

Cid, we must start the countdown. We won't make it if we don't! Starting engine!

Hey, wait a minute! Shera's still in here!
お、おい、ちょっと待て! まだシエラが残ってるんだぞ!

What are you going to do, Cid? If we cancel now, it'll be another six months until the next launch!
どうするシド? ここで中止すれば、次の打ち上げまで 6ケ月もかかっちまうぞ!

GODDAMMIT, Shera... you wanna make me a murderer?
くっ…… シエラのヤロウめ…… オレ様を人殺しにする気か?

Tank Number 7 check is complete. Once I complete Tank Number 8, it's all clear.
7番ボンベまでチェック終わりました。 8番ボンベが終わればオールクリアです
310FF7漬け:2006/08/18(金) 11:16:46 ID:???0
30 seconds until ignition. Beginning countdown.

Cid! Forget about her. We won't make it in time!
シド! シエラの事はあきらめろ。もう、まにあわない!

What... what am I...... What am I supposed to do...?
オレは……オレ様は…… オレはどうしたらいい……?

15 seconds until ignition. Internal temperature rising.

Oh man, the moon... outer space... my dreams...
ああ、月が……宇宙が…… オレ様の夢が……

He pushed the Emergency Engine Shut Down switch, aborting the mission, to save my life.

After that, the Space Program was cut back and the launch was canceled.

It's my fault his dream was destroyed...

That's why it's all right. I don't care what the Captain says, I'll live my life for him.

Shera! You still haven't served 'em tea!
シーエラッ! ま〜だ茶をだしてねえな!
311FF7漬け:2006/08/18(金) 11:18:46 ID:???0
Hurry up and sit down! Or ain't my hospitality good enough for you! ?
ほれ、とっととすわれ! オレ様のもてなしが受けられねえってのか!

They're late... Where is Rufus...?
おそいな…… ルーファウスはよ

Hey-HEY! Long time no see! So Cid, how ya been?
うひょ!ひさしぶり! シドちゃん、元気してた?

Well, if it ain't fat man, Palmer, How long were you figurin' on keepin' me waitin'! ?

So? When's the Space Program gonna start up again?
で、いつなんだ? 宇宙開発計画の再開はよお?

Hey-hey! I don't know. The President's outside, so why don't you ask him?

Good for nothing, fat!

Don't say 'fat'! Hey-hey! Tea! Can I have some too? With lotsa sugar and honey and... oh yeah, don't forget the lard!
ふとっちょって言うな〜! うひょ!お茶だ!わしにもちょうだい。サトウとハチミツたっぷりでラードも入れてね

Hey-hey? Have we met before? Hey-hey! Is the tea ready yet?
うひょひょ? どこかで会ったかな?うひょ! お茶はまだかな〜?
312FF7漬け:2006/08/18(金) 11:19:25 ID:???0
Is President Rufus here to announce that he's going to restart the Space Program?

What the......! You got me all excited for nothing! ? Then, what'd you come here for?
な、な、な、なんでい! 期待させやがって!そんなら今日は何の用で来た?

I want to borrow the Tiny Bronco.

We're going after Sephiroth. But seems like we've been going in the wrong direction.

But now, we think we know where he's headed. But, we have to cross the ocean. That's why we want your plane...

First the Airship, then the Rocket, and now, the Tiny Bronco. Shinra took outer space away from me and now you want to take the sky away from me too! ?
ケッ! 最初は飛空艇、次はロケットこんどはタイニー・ブロンコか。神羅力ンパニーはオレ様から宇宙を奪っただけでは足りずに今度は空まで奪う気だな!

Oh my... You seem to forget it was because of Shinra, Inc. that you were able to fly in the first place.

Uh, excuse me... This way... You wanted to use the Tiny Bronco, right?

I believe Palmer's going to take it. Why don't you talk to him?
313FF7漬け:2006/08/21(月) 10:50:02 ID:???0
Hmm... Why do I have to do this...? I'm the head of the Space Program...
うひょ…… なんでわしがこんなこと…… わし、宇宙開発部門統括……

We'll be takin' that Tiny Bronco.

I've seen you somewhere before... I know! The Shinra building! When the President was killed! Ulp!
お前らどこかで見たな……そうだ!神羅ビル! プレジデントが殺されたときだ! うひょ!

It won't stop!

Forget it! Get in! !

Shit! ! The tail's been hit!
シイィーット! 尾翼がやられてるじゃねえか!

Emergency landing...

This's gonna be a big splash, Hold on to your drawers and don't piss in 'em!'

She won't fly anymore.

Can't we use it as a boat?
314FF7漬け:2006/08/21(月) 10:50:38 ID:???0
Do whatever you want!

Cid, what are you going to do now?

Dunno. I'm history with the Shinra and I've given up on the town.

How 'bout your wife? How 'bout Shera?'

Wife? Don't make me laugh! Just thinkin' 'bout marryin' her gives me the chills.
奥さん?笑わせるない! シエラが女房だなんてトリハダがたつぜ

What're you guys gonna do?

We're going after a man named Sephiroth, We'll have to get Rufus of the Shinra someday too.

I don't know about any of that, but... What the hell! ? Sign me up!
なんだかわからねえが……おもしろそうじゃねえか! オレ様も仲間に入れろ!

How 'bout it, everyone?

I'm all for it.
315FF7漬け:2006/08/21(月) 10:52:15 ID:???0
Glad to be aboard, numbskulls! Yeah. Anyone stupid enough to go up against Shinra nowadays, has GOTTA be a numskull! I like it!
よろしくな、クソッタレさんたちよ。この時代、神羅にさからおうなんてバカヤロウのクソッタレだ! 気に入ったぜ!

So, where we headed?

Rufus was goin' after Sephiroth towards the Temple of the Ancients.

Really! ? Where is it? That Temple of the Ancients?
本当か?!……どこだ? その【古代種の神殿】っていうのは?

Dunno. That numskull kid was tellin' me he was headin' The wrong direction'... so maybe it's off this way?

Let's just head for land and get some information. Temple of the Ancients... that name bothers me.
情報をとるためにとにかく陸地をさがそう。【古代種の神殿】…… 気になる名前だな……

......... Hm. How 'bout goin' west? No, no reason. NO reason at all!

What the--? Did something happen?
な、なによとつぜん!? 何かあったの?

I know this area pretty well. It gets pretty tough past here. Better get ready...
316FF7漬け:2006/08/21(月) 10:53:49 ID:???0
...Really? Something's telling me I still shouldn't trust you.
……本当に? な〜んとなく、信用できないのよね

Are you thinking of tricking us again...?

No! It's REALLY tough...
ちちちがうって! ホントのホントに大変なん……

There they are, catch 'em! !

Hey, that's not them! These are the other guys from before! !
おい、違うぞ!ヤツじゃない! こ、こいつら、例の!

Yuffie, you're not......!

I didn't know! I have nothing to do with this one!
知らない知らない! これはアタシとカンケーないって!

This one? Did you just say 'THIS one'?
これ『は』? 今、これ『は』って言った?

I thought something was fishy... My, my materia is missing! !

She's done it to us again! !
317FF7漬け:2006/08/21(月) 10:54:29 ID:???0
I'm never gonna forgive her!
まただますなんて! もう許さないから!

She was after our materia from the beginning. I won't let her get away with it! I'm pretty sure she ran off North. Let's go after her! !
はじめっから私たちのマテリアをねらってたんだわ。そんなことさせないから! たしか北の方に逃げてったわ。後を追いましょう!

Life is just like the flowing of a river. It flows from the large ocean of life, and eventually it returns back to it.

Wutai is a historical place. There are some very unusual things here you should see.

Alright, alright, alright! I know! On the side of the mountain, right there in your face is Da-chao!
ハイハイ、ハーイ! ボク、しってます!あそこのお山にガガン!と立ってるのはダチャオ像!

I hear you can climb to the top, but since it's dangerous I'd be mighty careful if I were you!

A girl with materia? No, there hasn't been anyone climbing Da-chao for some time now.
マテリアもったおねえちゃん? ううん、ダチャオ像にはしばらくだれものぼってないよ!

Lord Godo is in this house. He used to be quite strong, but now, all he does is sleep......

What, Yuffie... It's best to ask Lord Godo about that.
なに、ユフィとな…… それならゴドー様にきくのがいちばんだナ。なにせ……
318FF7漬け:2006/08/21(月) 10:55:52 ID:???0
Well, well. Longtime no see. What have you been up to? Let's see... what was your name?

No, Gramps! This isn't anyone you know! This is just some stranger who barged into our house!
ちがうの、おじじ! ぜんぜん知らない人よ! 知らない人が勝手にあがりこんでるの!

Sorry, but we're entirely sold out now.

What's this here? Ah, no that's uh...... a sample! Yeah, that's it ... a sample. Sorry, but why don't you all come back later?
ここにあるの? あ、いや、これは……そう、見本!見本なんだ。わるいな、また後できてくれよ

Hey. Did you hear? There used to be a Water God here in Wutai. They say the Water God was a huge snake!
ウーイ。旅の人、知ってるかい? このウータイにはむかし水神様がいたんだナ。そりゃあでっけえヘビみてえな神様だったって話だ

Now we live in a world filled with Mako, Not many people would believe in something like that now.

But some in the world, and here in Wutai, still believe. Believe in the scales of the Water God and in materia that has its power in it.

Hey, hey, welcome! You on a trip? Well, just relax and make yourself at home. Nowadays, thanks to tourism, Wutai's able to get by.
319FF7漬け:2006/08/23(水) 06:49:01 ID:???0
Yy, you!? How did you get here...?
お、お前たち!? なんでこんなところヘ……

Never mind that. I guess it's fate that brought us together. Get ready to die! !

...Elena, you talk too much. What are we doing way out here in the middle of nowhere?

We're taking our vacation and resting up from our work.

Now our vacation is ruined.

...even the booze tastes bad now.

Drink, Rude! How long have we been a team...?

There have been hard times being a Turk, but all in all, I'm glad I did it. I even got to meet a bunch of wing nuts like you.
320FF7漬け:2006/08/23(水) 06:50:04 ID:???0
Hmm, you're lucky all right. Now get out of my sight! The next time we meet I won't be so nice.

I'm sorry. The sign outside says Materia but there's almost no materia left anywhere in Wutai.

Listen, this is just a backwoods town. We don't have much to do with Shinra, and besides...

If we had a lot of materia, Wutai would be a much more exciting town, but we don't...

That five-storied pagoda over there is called the Pagoda of the Five Mighty Gods...

The Five Gods are Power, Speed, Magic, War and Omni, who has the best characteristics of everything.

Since ancient times, we in Wutai, have worshipped Da-chao and the Water God.

Legend has it that the village has been protected by Da-chao, the Water God, and the Five Mighty Gods.

But in the last battle, we didn't fare so well... I guess our beliefs were based on nothing more than legends.
しかしこの前の戦ではそれもかなわず…… やはり伝説は伝説にすぎなかったのかもしれません
321FF7漬け:2006/08/23(水) 06:51:32 ID:???0
GOOGAH...what do you want?

Don't have ...GAH...anything much but, you should be able to...GOO...rest yourselves here. GOGAH...make yourselves at home.

......Yuffin? ......nope, never heard of her. ...GOOGO...
……ユフィ? 知らぬな、そんな名は。グーゴー

...you again? I told you once, and I'm telling you again, I don't know her.

Listen, I said I didn't know her! There isn't anyone named Yuffie here in Wutai!
知らぬと言ったら知らぬ! ユフィなどという者はこのウータイにはおらん!

...never seen you around here before... Lately I've been seeing a lot of Shinra soldiers around here... You wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?
見かけない顔だな……このところ、この近くで神羅の兵をよく見かけるが…… おぬしたちと関係があるのか

I don't care about who you are. But if you're in trouble with the Shinra, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I don't want the Shinra hanging around here looking over my shoulder.
322FF7漬け:2006/08/23(水) 06:52:16 ID:???0
What's with you, you coward! You scared of the Shinra?

Then why don't you fall into line and obey them, just like all of the other towns! Those guys are the ones who are really fighting the Shinra!

Shut up! What would you know about this?
う、うるさい! お前のようなやつになにがわかる!

You get beaten once, and then that's it? What happened to the mighty Wutai I used to know?
いちど戦にまけたらそれっきり? 強いウータイはどうしたのさ!

No kid like you's going to talk to me like that! You keep acting like that! You ought to be ashamed of yourself!
これはお前のような子供が口を出す問題ではない!まだそんな格好をしおって! はずかしくないのか!

That's my style! And it's my own business, not yours! Don't you try and dictate what I should do!
アタシのセンスだもんそんなの勝手だろ! 人のポリシーに口ださないでよ!

Style...? Dictate...? Throwin' around all those fancy words... You're a miserable daughter!
セ、センス……? ボリーシー……?そんなヨコ文字までつかいおって! この……この不良ムスメが!

Hmph! You're a sad excuse for a father! !
323FF7漬け:2006/08/23(水) 06:53:03 ID:???0
......take your things and get out of here now. To protect Wutai, we cannot afford to stand up to Shinra.

Freeze! You aren't from Wutai, are you?

Hey! I hate people who lie about their identities! Leave this tower at once!
ええい!正体をいつわるとはふとどきせんばん! 即刻この塔から出ていかれよ!

Only those from Wutai are allowed in the tower! I'll have to ask for you to leave!

What are we going to do, Gramps? Some strange-looking girl came in here a minute ago and I...
どうしよう、おじじ! さっきもヘンなカッコしたおねえちゃんが、いきなり入ってきたとおもったら、あそこの……

Oh, how exciting. You a friend of my grandson's?

No, Gramps! These guy's are creepy! They're runnin' all over the place!
ちがうの、おじじ! すっごくアヤしい人たちよ! ドタバタ走り回ってるの!

You can't get away, Yuffie.

O...ok, I know... I was wrong...... You win. I'll give you back your materia...
わ……わかったよ…… アタシが悪かった……アンタたちの勝ちだ。マテリアはぜんぶ返すよ……
324FF7漬け:2006/08/23(水) 06:53:52 ID:???0
So our reports were right! He IS here on vacation! We've finally found him! Get the Turks here for back-up!
おお、やはり休暇でこちらにきているという情報は本当だったか!ついにヤツを発見したのだ! 夕一クスにも協力をたのみたい!

...what a drag.

Ww, what was that...?

Right now we're off duty and can't run off to save your butts.

We know you're off duty, but...

If you knew that, then don't bother us! Lookin' at you is makin' me sober.

But you all have orders from headquarters to look for him too!

All right, that's it! We'll get him without any help from the Turks, just you see! And don't think that headquarters isn't going to hear about this! !
ええい、もういい! 夕一クスの力などかりなくてもヤツをつかまえてみせる!このことは本社に報告しておくからな!
325(-_-)さん:2006/08/26(土) 07:25:23 ID:???0
326FF7漬け:2006/08/28(月) 01:05:55 ID:???0
Reno, do you think that was really such a good idea! ? I mean is that the way a professional, a Turk would act! ?
レノ先輩! 本当にそれでいいんですか!?これがプロフェッショナルの夕一クスなんですか!?

Elena. Don't misunderstand. A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job. That's just a fool.

Well, I don't buy that! Goodbye!!
私にはわかりません! ……失礼します!

Relax. She's not a child. Let her have her way now...

I know, the materia, right? I have it stored in a safe place. Follow me.
わかってるよ、マテリアだろ? ちゃんとしまってあるよ。 ……こっちきて

...I've been hearing that ever since I was little. Before I was born, Wutai was a lot more crowded and more important...

You saw what it looks like now, right? JUST a resort town...

After we lost the war, we got peace, but with that, we lost something else. Now look at Wutai... That's why... if I had lots of materia I could...
戦に負けて、平和を手にいれてでも、それといっしょに何かをなくしちゃったんだ。今のウータイは……だからアタシは…… マテリアがいっぱいあればきっと……
327FF7漬け:2006/08/28(月) 01:08:22 ID:???0
Listen, Yuffie. I don't care about the history of Wutai or your feelings. You've got our materia and I want it back now.

If you give it back now, we'll drop the whole thing.

I know. I know that... That... sniff... switch... the lever on the left...... materia's... sniff, hic... in there.
わかってる。そんなのアタシだってわかってるよ……そこにヒック……スイッチ…… 左のレバー…… マテリア、ヒック……かくして……

Now, the Materia...

I feel bad, but......

Ha ha ha------! Never trust anyone that easily! ! The Materia's mine! Tough!
ハッハッハーッ! そうかんたんに人を信用するなってこと!マテリアはアタシのもの! ざんねんでした!

You want your materia? Then go find it yourself!

Yeah that's right. And when you're looking for the materia, remember you gotta steel it. Heh heh... steel steel! Get it? C ya!!

Ha ha------! You should've listened! !
328FF7漬け:2006/08/28(月) 01:31:42 ID:???0
A girl with materia? No, there hasn't been anyone climbing Da-chao for some time now.

She's always getting into fights But in that, she takes after Godo to a tee. Like father like daughter...

Let go! I SAID let GO! Hey! Who do you think I...... OW! What're you doin'...? Jerk!
離せよ!離せってば!コラ、アタシをだれだと…… あ一っ!何すんだよ一!

I've finally got a new chicky! Two for one, in fact! Hohi, hohi!
やっと新しいおなごが手にはいったぞ〜! いちどにふたりも! ほひ〜ほひ〜!

H......hey! Let go of me! You're gonna regret this! !
コ……コラ、離しなさい! 後でこうかいするわよ!

There he is! It's Corneo! Don't let him get away!
いたぞ、ヤツだ! コルネオだ! 絶対に逃がすな!

Hmm... that Corneo is good at escaping... Let's go, Rude. We'll give them a taste of what the Turks can do.

......Sounded pretty good. If Elena is in his hands, that's going to make things a little difficult. And uh...

......Ok. Combo took Yuffie from us. And without Yuffie, there's no way we'll get our materia back.

Don't misunderstand. We have no intention of joining you. But for now, we'll agree not to bother each other. That's all.
329FF7漬け:2006/08/28(月) 01:33:41 ID:???0
That's fine. We have absolutely no intention of cooperating with the Turks either.

Now, uh, just what direction did Corneo run off to?

Hmm, nice attitude. Here's a clue, it's the place that stands out the most.

Two girls just went off towards Da-chao. I wonder if that place is starting to become popular with the kids? One had herself all tangled up in a rope. And the other one kind of looked like Yuffie.

Alright, alright, alright! I saw an old man in flashy clothes running towards Da-chao! He was babblin 'somethin' and looked like he could float! It almost bowled me over!
ハイハイ、ハーイ! ハデハデなカッコをしたオジさんが、ダチャオ像の方に走っていったよ!なんかホヒホヒ言ってたけどすんごくはやいんだ! ビックリしたよ!

You're finally here. We're gonna split into two. You do whatever you want. But don't endanger Elena.

Don't worry. We won't do anything to that girl, Yuffie. For now...
330FF7漬け:2006/08/28(月) 01:35:02 ID:???0
Don't fool around. You know the enemy's not gonna wait for us, right?

You all thought they might be here too, huh? We were way off. There's no way they could get that far.

Can't go through here... That flame would make crispy critters of us in an instant.

Hmm! Delicious... scrumptious! I think I've just found a new HOBBY!
ほひ〜! いいの〜、いいの〜! 新たなシュミになりそ〜じゃの〜!

Which shall it be? Hmm...Hmm... Should I go with HER? Or...maybe ...HER?
どっちのおなごにしようかな? ほひ〜ほひ〜!このコにしようかな〜?それともこのコかな〜?

He...hey, I'm one of the 'Turks'! Don't think you can get away with this! ?
あ、あんた、私はタークスよ! こんな事をしてすむと思ってるの!?

Oh GAWD! If I knew this was gonna happen, I would've taken rope escape lessons more seriously! !
あ〜ッ! こんなことなら、ナワ抜けの修行マジにやっとくんだったよ〜!

Hmm! ! ! I've made my choice! My companion for the night will be...... the cheerful one!
ほひ〜! 決めた決〜めた! 今夜の相手は……この元気そうなおなごだ!

GROSS-NESS! Don't mess with me old man! You don't even have any Materia!
ざけんな、ジジイ〜! マテリアも持ってないクセによ!

Oh man! Cloud......! Wheeel... long time no see.
ゲッ! クラウド……!ほひひ、ひさしぶりだな
331FF7漬け:2006/08/28(月) 01:35:42 ID:???0
Don't tell me you forgot...

That fall into the trap really hurt!

You just don't get it, do you...! ?

Be quiet! None of you know how much I've suffered since then... It's along story, but......
だまらっしゃ〜い! あれから、俺がどんなに苦労したかお前らにはわかるまい……そう、話せば長くなるけれど……

We don't want to hear it! Just let the two go!
話さなくてい一の! 早くふたりを降ろしなさい!

Hmm...You guys are serious, ...... Good, good. this ain't no time for me to be fooling around either...

I'm gonna make you PLAY with my new pet, so you won't get in the way of my search for a bride!

Makes me so MAD...!

If I push this button, they'll fall upside down, and we'll have a SQUASHED TOMATOES!
このスイッチを押すと、このまま下に真っ逆さま…… つぶれたトマトのでき上がり!

Now, give me your women too! I guess I'm the one laughing last!
332FF4漬け:2006/08/30(水) 14:47:32 ID:???0
Captain Cecil! We are about to arrive at Baron!

Looks like it's bothering the Captain as well...

Even if we were ordered fo do so... Taking the crystal from innocent people is...

Why are we going as far as... pillaging a town of Magicians who don't even resist!?

His Majesty has decreed that possessing the Crystal is absolutely necessary. The people of Mysidia knew too much about the secret of the crystal, and were a threat to the continued sovereignty of our country.

The monsters surely have been increasing lately though...

Your Majesty... It seems Cecil has developed a distrust of the Throne...

Now, not even you can trust me... I can no longer entrust you with the command of the Red Rings.

As of now, you are relieved of your post! Your new charge is to eliminate the Phantom Beasts that haunt the upper valley!
333FF4漬け:2006/08/30(水) 14:48:23 ID:???0
Cain, if you're so worried about Cecil, then you may go with him! I have nothing more to say! Here! Take this ring and go!

Once you defeat those Phantom Beasts, the King will surely forgive you, and you will be reinstated as Commander of the Red Wings.

A lot of things are being said about His Majesty, but if he hears abort it...

If you value your life, then you shouldn't start getting ideas.

I believe in His Majesty!

I've felt a strange atmosphere about the king lately...

The village of mist is northwest of Baron. It's said to always be enshrouded in a deep envelope of fog.

If our Dragon Knight Captain Cain and Cecil of the Red Wings team up... they will be invincible!

I learned the art of the Dark Sword as ordered by His Majesty. But it should have been to defend Baron, and not to harm innocent people.
334FF4漬け:2006/08/30(水) 14:49:52 ID:???0
Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure the king has a good reason for his actions.

I hear you brought back the Crystal from Mysidia!

You should take the treasure in this room to help you defeat the Phantom Beasts. If you push the switch in the wall, the door will open.

We're researching so we can be useful in battle.

There are monsters immune to the basic Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder magics. It seems that there was once stronger magic than that...

Rosa wanted to help you, so she chose to become a White Magician.

His Majesty has recently been as energetic and robust as ever, full of life and vigor! But there's something strange about him...

I'm studying the basics of White Magic.

Have you seen our boss Cid? He left the cleaning of the airships to us and is off by himself, thinking or something.
シド親方を見ませんでしたか? 飛空艇の整備を私らにまかせて何やら考えごとしてるんですよ

You're leaving early tomorrow, right? Rest well tonight.
335FF4漬け:2006/09/01(金) 09:11:02 ID:???0
It's evening... You shouldn't leave right now.

I've felt a real air of sluggishness around the castle recently...

We were all right... We couldn't get hurt by a bunch of magicians who didn't even resist...

We imprisoned the mysidian magicians who resisted in this dungeon. You can talk to them through the bars.

You're that Dark Knight! Do you expect to get away with this!?
きさま、あの暗黒騎士! こんなことが許されると思うか!?

We don't care what happens to us. Just return the Crystal to mysidia!

You don't understand anything! The crystal's not just an ordinary gem!

What!? Nobody besides you could command the Red Wings! Jeez, what's with His majesty recently?
なんじゃと? お前以外に赤い翼を仕切れるヤツがおるか!まったく、陛下はどうされたんじゃ

He keeps telling me to make a new model of airship... but I don't want to turn the airships into war machines!

The townspeople are all confused... Not to mention me... In any case, you be careful! You'll kill those Phantom Beasts with one strike of your Dark Sword!
町の者も不思議がっとる……ともかく気をつけてな! 幻獣なぞ、お前の暗黒剣で一撃じゃ!
336FF4漬け:2006/09/01(金) 09:11:33 ID:???0
I've changed your sheets. I hear you're leaving early tomorrow... Rest well tonight.

Why is His majesty behaving this way? As a Knight he was known for his kindness and valor. Cain and I were orphans, but he took us in and raised us like his own sons.
陛下は……どうされたのだ? 以前はナイトとしても名を馳せ優しく強いお方だった。身寄りのない僕やカインを自分の子供のように育ててくれた

But now... mysidia's crystal... is it something so necessary that we must take it by force from innocent villagers? To think that we would do such a thing, even under orders!!

What happened? One second you're being sent to mysidia... The next you're being sent off to kill some ghastly monsters. And you've been acting strange since you came back.
何があったの? 急にミシディアへ行ったかと思えば幻獣討伐に行くなんて……それに、戻ってきてから変よ

In mysidia... I killed innocent people, plundered their village, and stole their crystal, all for what?! It's as if my heart has become as dark as my armor!

I'm just a spineless Dark Knight, just a pawn of the King...

The Cecil of the Red Wings I know would never whimper like that!

Cecil of the Red Wings! The Village of Mist is beyond the cave to the northwest!
赤い翼のセシル! ミストの谷なら北西の洞窟を抜けた所です
337FF4漬け:2006/09/01(金) 09:12:15 ID:???0
Why was the king teaching the Dark Sword to his men? What on earth was he thinking!?
兵士に暗黒剣を教えるなぞ! 王は何を考えておるのじゃ!

If you interfere at Mist, something is sure to happen!

Whoa, it's a Dark Knight! Scary! But kinda cool...
わ一、暗黒騎士だコワイよお! でも、ちょっとカッコいいかな

The Dark Knight! No...sir, I haven't been speaking against the king! Oh yeah, I'll show you something good! How's that sound?
暗黒騎士! 私、王様の悪ロなんて……そうだ、いいもの見せてあげるから! ネッ?

The door to the building in the west of town? That goes to an underground waterway that leads to the castle. But it's sealed now.
町の西の建物の扉? ありゃお城に通じる地下水路じゃ。今は封鎖されとるがの

If your journey is long, don't forget your Potions, Antidotes, and Tents!

Hey mister, why are you wearing clothes like that? Are you a bad man?
お兄ちゃん、なんでそんな格好してるの? もしかして悪い人?

It...it's Cecil of the Red Wings! I haven't done anything! I always pay my taxes...
あ、赤い翼のセシル様! 私は何もしてませんわ。税金も納めているし……

Oh, the Dark Knight from the castle! Oh, no sir. Your money's no good here.
これはお城の暗黒騎士様。お金? めっそうもない、あなたからは取れませんよ!

This is the Devil Road, which leads to Mysidia. We once used it to trade with Mysidia... but it's been sealed off from Mysidia's side, so it's impassable now. Below here is the Training Room.
338FF4漬け:2006/09/02(土) 16:55:01 ID:???0
What are the king's motives nowadays... I hear you all did something awful abroad! Please, don't get Rosa caught up in anything like that...

Dad pulled another all-nighter! He still thinks he's young.... Cecil, you talk to him too.
お父さんったら、また徹夜で! いつまでも若いつもりなんだから……セシル様からも言ってください

Everyone in the town is grumbling about the soldiers and the king... even though there are plenty of good people like you... Dad's always arguing with the townspeople about that...

Until you fulfill your mission, we are ordered not to let you back inside the castle!

You're from Baron, aren't you... If you turn back, no harm will come to you...

We must deliver this Ring to the village of Mist!

You don't intend to go back, do you...? Then I have no choice!

This is why we were sent here...! To burn the village...!?
339FF4漬け:2006/09/02(土) 16:57:54 ID:???0
Come to think of it, I've heard of this. People with the power to call monsters... They are called Surnmoners !

No... It can't be that us defeating that dragon caused this girl's mother to die...?

The King sent us here to wipe out the Summoners... Unfortunately, our orders... we have no alternative but to kill this girl as well. If we disobey our orders, we'll be executed for treason!

If the king expects us to murder like this... I have no intention of following him!

Hmm, I thought you'd say that. I won't let you oppose the King alone, of course. No matter how much I owe the King, as a Dragon Knight I could never perform such a lowly deed.

Baron is the strongest military power in the world. Just the two of us opposing it would mean nothing against their might. We roust let the other countries know about Baron's lust for power and enlist their aid! And we must save Rosa!

I'm not doing this particularly for you though, you know. Anyway, it's too dangerous for us to stay here. We've got to get out of this village. What should we do with the girl?
340FF4漬け:2006/09/02(土) 17:00:34 ID:???0
Only one choice! She goes with us! Come on, it's dangerous here. Come with us.

Oh no, she looks ill! Quickly, quickly, go into the room! Don't worry about money, please!
おや、お嬢ちゃんの顔色が悪い。ささ、早く部屋へ! お代はいいからどうぞ!

...I can't ask you to forgive me for killing your mother. But please let me protect you...

King's orders. If you turn over the survivor from mist, he will forgive your treachery. It has been deemed dangerous for the people of mist to even exist! Spare me the lecture and give me the girl!

I should be the one apologizing. What I did should not be forgotten.

This is the Oasis town of Kaipo, deep in the Damcyan Desert.

Some woman from Baron stumbled in here recently... She was taken to a neighbor's house to recuperate.

If you're going to bring a little girl with you, you should put her in the back ranks.

The castle to the north, Damcyan, governs all of the desert. The prince there has a beautiful body and a voice like an angel...
341(-_-)さん:2006/09/03(日) 02:36:01 ID:crVTcNYaO
342FF4漬け:2006/09/05(火) 11:40:35 ID:???0
I want to be a dancer at Damcyan but there are many monsters lurking in the Underwater Channel.

Anna's fallen in love. Her father, Master Tella wouldn't allow them to be together... so they ran away from Kaipo.

The Underwater Channel is to the northeast. But I hear that eight ferocious sea snakes guard the exit!

Sage Tella and his daughter Anna were living happily together... but Anna ran away from home...

Hi, I'm a traveling scholar. I want to do research at Fabul, a town east of Damcyan... but this strange old guy by the Underwater Channel won't let me pass...

Only the royal family can enter Antlion's cave which is east of Damcyan. If ordinary folks were allowed in, it would really pep up business.

Oh, how unusal... A customer... Because of all the monsters, we are seeing fewer customers nowadays.

Who are you? There's a monster den beyond here. It's too dangerous for a youngster like you! Return to Kaipo!
なんじゃ、おぬしは? ここから先は魔物の巣窟じゃ。おぬしのような若造には危険すぎる! カイポにでも戻るんじゃな!
343FF4漬け:2006/09/05(火) 11:41:12 ID:???0
A girl from Baron collapsed right outside this village. She was delirious with fever and kept calling out Cecil, Cecil....

In order to cure a desert fever, you need the Light of the Desert... an elusive gem found only in the Antlion's lair...

Oh! You wield the Dark Sword? Please, help me! My daughter was tricked by a Bard and went off to Damcyan! And I sense great evil near there...
ヌッ、おぬし! よく見れば暗黒剣の使い手じゃな。頼む、手を貸してくれ! 娘のアンナが吟遊詩人にだまされダムシアンに行ってしまったのじゃ! ダムシアンに不吉な気配が立ち込めておる!

I was heading to Damcyan, but there's a powerful monster up in the lake. I cannot defeat him with my magic alone, but with your Dark Sword... I might be able to defeat him! This girl is a Summoner, isn't she? Quite gifted, I sense.
とてつもない力を持ったヤツじゃ! 私の魔法だけでは倒せん、おぬしの暗黒剣とならば! なんと、その子は召喚士か。かなりの資質を持っておる

We also have to go to Damcyan!

If we rest on top of this magic rune... a force field will surround us that monsters can't enter. We can rest here in a Tent or Cottage, and save our game. In Preparation for fighting the monster, let's rest in my tent and heal our wounds!
344FF4漬け:2006/09/05(火) 11:42:00 ID:???0
Fast asleep already... must have been an exhausting day for one so young... I sense great potential within her. She could become quite a gifted sorceress... Such a peaceful face... So much like Anna when she was a child.

My only daughter. She eloped to Damcyan with a bard because I wouldn't consent to their marriage... Why are you going there?

A friend of mine in Kaipo has an extremely high fever.

So you're after the Light of the Desert... Without that, there's not much hope... You are in a hurry too...

He's a huge creature with eight legs. In order to save Anna and your friend we've got to beat him first... I hope this horrible feeling I have about Damcyan is just my imagination, but...
巨大な8つの足を持つ恐ろしいヤツじゃ。アンナとおぬしの仲間のためにもまず、ヤツを倒さねばな! ダムシアンの方に感じられる不吉な気配が私の気のせいならばいいのだが……

Through here is the outside. The monster's below the upcoming waterfall! It might be a good idea to rest in a Tent in the overworld, just in case!
ここからいったん地上に出れる。ヤツはこの先の滝の下におる! 念のため地上でテントでも張った方がよいじゃろう!

Now we can proceed to Damcyan! Beyond this waterfall is an exit to the surface!
これでダムシアンに行ける! この滝の奥から表に出られるはずじゃ!
345FF4漬け:2006/09/05(火) 11:44:45 ID:???0
Father...he... Gilbert is the Prince of Damcyan... In order to hide his identity, he came to Kaipo as a bard... Forgive me for running away, father... I love... Gilbert!

Golbeze is controlling the Red Wings... He came recently to Baron and took control of the Red Wings. I can only think that he's using them to gather the crystals...

He was garbed completely in black... unbelievably powerful. They pillaged the castle in order to steal the Crystal... and Anna shielded me from arrows...

You're right... I am a weakling. I'm going to stay here with Anna forever! I don't care about anything else!
そうさ……君の言うとおり僕は弱虫さ。だからずっとこうしてアンナのそばにいるんだ! もう、何もかもどうでもいいんだ!

Dammit, you're not the only one sad here! Do you think staying here and crying like a child would make Anna happy!? And right now we need your help!!
悲しいのは君だけじゃないんだぞ! そんなことをしていてもアンナも喜びはしない。それに今の僕らには君の助けが必要なんだ!

I need the Light of the Desert to cure a friend of mine.. stricken with desert fever. And we need your help! For Rosa's sake... please!
346FF4漬け:2006/09/05(火) 11:48:08 ID:???0
This Rosa person seems like someone important to you... You shouldn't lose the one you love...

The Light of the Desert is created in the east caves by the secretions of the Antlion when it lays its eggs. We must ford the stream to get to the cave.

Damcyan's Hovercraft can cross over the shoals. It should also be able to cross the shoals to Kaipo.

This is the Antlion's lair. The Antlion is tame. He won't hurt a human. I'll take the Light of the Desert.

The number of monsters have been increasing as of late. Formerly tame animals have started to attack humans... I don't know if this is an omen...

Baron called him to take your place as the commander of the Red Wings. Ever since he came, King Baron has given more and more authority to him...
Golbeze is certainly the one influencing the King to gather the four Crystals.

He's Gilbert, the prince of Damcyan. It's because of him that we were able to heal you. This girl is Rydia, from mist.

If Damcyan's crystal has already been taken then Fabul is next! We can't let this happen...
ダムシアンがすでに襲われたとしたら次は、ファブール! こうしては!
347FF4漬け:2006/09/05(火) 11:51:26 ID:???0
But the way to Fabul over Hobs mountain is frozen over...

...Rydia, can you cast Fire? If you're a Summoner.. you should be able to cast a basic Black magic spell like Fire...

I'll be all right. And I'm a White Magician. I won't be a burden!

Gilbert, I must leave... My time has come to become one with an eternal spirit... Gilbert, be brave! You must not let Golbeze gather the Crystals... You loved me. Now give that love to the people of this earth.
ギルバート、私はそろそろ行かなければ……大きな魂と一つになるために……ギルバート、勇気を出して! ゴルベーザにクリスタルを渡してはいけない……あなたは私を愛してくれたわ。今度は、その愛を全ての人に……

I'm glad you're better. For a short time... I almost felt like I had a daughter of my own. Please visit us again!

So you're the Cecil who the girl was calling for. Take care of her!

You're the only one here with the power to melt this ice. If we can't get past this ice to Fabul, many more people will be in danger! Please.... try to be brave!
348FF4漬け:2006/09/08(金) 03:10:04 ID:???0
Thank you... for coming to my aid in my hour of need. My men and I were training here on Mt. Hobs.. and suddenly we were attacked by hoards of monsters. My men... were all killed... I am the only one alive...

We're headed to Fabul. A man called Golbeze is using Baron to collect the Crystals...

Then they will be coming after Fabul's Wind Crystal! Our main force was all killed! Those in the castle have only just begun their training! If we're attacked now...
ということはファブールのかぜのクリスタルも! 主力のモンク隊は全滅。城にいるのはまだ修行も浅い者ばかり。今、攻め込まれてはひとたまりも!

Most likely, those monsters were sent by Golbeze... If that's the case, then they should coming any minute! We'll help you! Quickly, we must go to Fabul!
おそらくさっきの魔物たちもゴルベーザにつかわされたはず。とすれば手薄になったファブールへもうすでに向かっているはず! 僕らも手伝います、早くファブールへ!

But I can't let you get caught up in all this... You have your reasons as well, I see...

By the way, Dear, is this really a time for you to be hanging around here?

I hear you were hit by a surprise attack at Mt. Hobs! Are you all right?
ホブスで奇襲を受けたそうですね! おけがは?
349FF4漬け:2006/09/08(金) 03:11:01 ID:???0
Master Yang! Use your kick to demolish the enemy!
ヤン様! 早く悪いヤツらを得意の蹴りでブチのめしちゃってよ!

We'll be all right whatever happens inside the castle! We've got monks to defend it!
城の中なら、何が起きてもへっちゃらよ! モンク様たちもいるし

King Fabul.. the man known as Golbeze is mobilizing the forces of Baron to take our crystal!

There's not much time. We must fortify the castle! Time is of the essence!
時間がありません。早く、守りを固めないと! 一刻を争います!

Damcyan has already been attacked and our crystal stolen! I lost... everyone dear to me... everything that mattered... Don't let Fabul suffer the same fate...
ダムシアンも襲われクリスタルを奪われたのです! 父も母も……恋人も失いました……! このファブールをダムシアンの、二の舞にされるおつもりですか!

These people are extremely skilled in the fighting arts. Please allow them to fight with me on the front lines!

If you are this insistent, I shall leave this matter in your hands, Yang! Ladies, since you possess the white magic skill, would you provide medical aid?
おぬしがそこまで言うのならそなたらに賭けてみよう! 娘たちは救護の任についてもらおう

We're just going to get killed like this! Let's retreat inside the castle!
このままじゃやられるだけだ! ひとまず城内まで後退する!

I'm sorry, bringing you into a hopeless battle!
350FF4漬け:2006/09/08(金) 03:11:42 ID:???0
As I said before, this is our fight as well! And we haven't lost yet!
言ったはずだ。僕たちの戦いでもあると! それに負けと決まったわけじゃない!

Don't worry! The King has evacuated with the people to a safe area!

The door is locked! We've got to hold them here!
カギをかけた! ここで防がねば!

It's been a while... Of course, I intend to do so. But I will be fighting YOU, Cecil!

Looks like you get to live a bit longer, Cecil!

Don't give up so easily! Rosa's surely all right... And we can get back the Crystal!
しっかりしてよみんな! ローザはきっと無事よ。クリスタルだって取り返せばいいじゃない!

Sir Cecil! Now it's our turn to fight for you. We must discuss a plan of attack, but first we must rest.
セシル殿! 今度は我々が力になる番。体を癒し、救出法を考えましよう

His majesty was injured in the attack and is resting in his bedroom.

In order to oppose Golbeze we're going to need an airship. But only Baron has them..

I wonder if there's any way to sneak into Baron...
351FF4漬け:2006/09/08(金) 03:12:12 ID:???0
As Baron's primary military strength lies in the Red Wings.. their navy is comparatively weak. If we're going to sneak in we'll have to do it by sea.

Then we're going to need a ship. Let's ask the king first thing tomorrow morning. You came to his aid in a time of need. The King will most certainly grant you one.

Very well. Yang! Accompany them and help them out! Sir Cecil, I can't find words to thank you enough. To think that Rosa was captured as well.. I'll order a boat readied immediately.

Sir Cecil. Take this sword. This is a sword of a Dark Knight who visited Fabul long ago. It's the least I can do to thank you for defending Fabul. ...But it is still a sword of darkness... It will prove useless against true evil.

As soon as you're ready, walk east to the dock. There should be a ship waiting for you there. If Golbeze manages to get all of the crystals... the entire world will be in danger on a scale never before seen! I'm counting on you!
352FF4漬け:2006/09/08(金) 03:13:45 ID:???0
If only I had as much magic power as Rosa...

To think that monsters were a part of Baron's army!

A soldier from Baron came, but I whacked him over the head with my frying pan!

If only we had an airship we could have some way to fight back!

His majesty was also a monk, so don't worry about his safety.

It's too dangerous to go outside now! For the time being, you should Just rest...
今出られては危険です! とりあえずお休みになった方が……

I'm glad the town of Fabul is inside the castle. If we were outside, we'd be dead now!

Wow, that was one helluva attack!

There's a strange rumor circulating among the sailors. Something about the master of the Ocean getting angry...

The Devil Road is a mysterious dimensional road. Traveling this road drains a lot of vital energy, hence its name.
353FF4漬け:2006/09/08(金) 03:17:39 ID:???0
Why do men hurt other men?

This is the Devil Road that leads to Baron. To guard against future invasions we have sealed it off.

I've got nothing to say to you!

Do you know how much we've suffered because of you?

You bastard! You've got a lot of guts coming here!

hic.. I ain't afraid of no Dark Knight!
ヒック! 暗黒騎士なんざ怖かね一や!

You must be tired after such a long journey. Drink this! I put a little bit of poison in your drink! My way of avenging my friends!
長旅でお疲れでしょう。これをお飲みになって!ほんのちょっと毒をもらせてもらったぜ! 仲間の恨みだ!

An evil Dark Knight like you can't even touch the merchandise that we're selling here!

The Village Elder forgives everything. But I will not forgive you...
354FF4漬け:2006/09/10(日) 12:20:20 ID:???0
This is the House of Prayers. The Village Elder will listen to your story.

Where do evil hearts come from? Everyone starts out as an innocent baby...

My name is Cecil, and I was the head of Baron's Airship force. I came here before as a coward... I couldn't bring myself to disobey the King's orders.

Even if you apologize, it won't bring back the people whom you murdered. However.. I sense a faint glimmer of light within you that was not there before. It might be worth listening to what you have to say.

I'm fighting Golbeze, the man who is controlling Baron. When my friends and I tried to prevent the theft of the Wind Crystal... he kidnapped one of us. We were going to save her, but Leviathan attacked us, and now...

It seems Fate has chosen you to endure this trial. But as long as you rely on the Dark Sword, you cannot defeat true evil. Your soul is stained with the darkness of your deeds...

If you wish to change your faint glimmer to a radiant light... then go to Mt. Ordeals in the east. But your Dark Sword will have little effect.. on the monsters of the mountain. I'll send magicians with you.
355FF4漬け:2006/09/10(日) 12:20:50 ID:???0
So you're that guy from Baron, huh? The old man ordered me to help you. Guess I don't have a choice. You'd better be grateful!

These two are the twin magicians, Palom and Porom. They're young and still in training, but they possess power far beyond their years...

Damn straight! The great mysidian Genius Palom's gonna help you... so you better be grateful!

You're Mr. Cecil, aren't you. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance.

If you become a Paladin, I will trust you.

Go find out... find out whether you can accept the light...

The Paladin is a Holy Knight, the opposite of a Dark Knight.

Lots of people have challenged Mt. Ordeals, but not one has ever come back.
356FF4漬け:2006/09/10(日) 12:21:22 ID:???0
Lots of powerful undead roam Mt. Ordeals! Your Dark Sword is useless!

You a Paladin? Hm! Hell, I can be one too!
あんたがパラディンに? だったら俺でもなれそうだ!

If you can come back in one piece you'd be able to use the weapons here... but that's probably impossible.

That Cecil could be a problem. We should get rid of him before he becomes one. He's a Dark Knight, so he should be Powerless against your undead.

So you're here to search for Meteo as well? I can't beat someone as powerful as him with just the magic I have now. I was searching for the legendary sealed magic meteo... and I felt a strong aura coming from this mountain!

Yes, I am old! But! Even if it means losing my life... I must avenge my daughter...!
たしかに老いぼれてはおる! しかしな、私の命に代えてもヤツは……ゴルベーザは私が倒さねばならんのじゃ!

Hmph! This is why adults are such a pain in the ass!
ケッ! これだから大人はめんどくさいんだよ

I'm here to become a Paladin. I can't defeat Golbeze with the Dark Sword... ...I must leave my past behind...
357FF4漬け:2006/09/10(日) 12:22:41 ID:???0
But a Paladin...? Just as I felt, this mountain must hide mysterious power!

I've been waiting for you. Sadness fills me......I shall entrust you with my power......Yet my sorrow will only grow......But this is the only way left.
お前のくるのを待っていた。今……私にとって悲しいことが起きている。これから、お前に私の力を授けよう……この力を、お前に与えることで私はさらなる悲しみに包まれる ……しかし、そうする以外にすべは残されていない

Leave your bloodied past behind... Purge your tainted soul with sacred light! You must! To receive this holy power, fight and defeat... yourself as a Dark Knight!

Don't interfere! This fight is mine alone! In order to atone for my past, I must conquer my own darkness!
手を出すな! これは僕自身との戦いだ! 今までの過ちを償うためにもこいつを! 暗黒騎士を倒す!

Of all those who tried, it was you who became a Paladin...

Please do not forget the spirit of the Paladin.

This doesn't mean that I've forgiven you!
358FF4漬け:2006/09/10(日) 12:23:38 ID:???0
You were laboring under the weight of your sins, weren't you? I'll pray for you, as well.

Wow, you surely look splendid!

How beautiful... So this is what a Paladin is...

Your inner light has grown from a faint glimmer to a shining star!

Althouah I didn't think it possible.

I'm ashamed... I had these two spy on you. But it looks like that was unnecessary after all. Well done, Palom, Porom!

Well, that's basically the deal.

I understand. Considering my Past, that was to be expected.

To possibly stand up to Golbeze.. we need to go back to Baron and get an airship.

Take the Devil Road at the right of the village to Baron! I will be in the tower praying for you ...no, for everything on this earth!
359FF4漬け:2006/09/10(日) 12:24:22 ID:???0
The Village Elder has been praying in the Tower of Prayers ever since you left. We will also pray, for all living creatures.

Fate lies with you. All I can do is pray for you... Palom, Porom. Try not to hinder Sir Cecil.

The king is acting more and more erratic! And all those who oppose him end up like Cid...
王はますます厳しくなられた! しかし、逆らってはシドのように……

A foreign monk was put in charge of the guards. I hear he's searching for someone. I think he's at the inn...

I wonder if that Dark Knight really did die.. I rather liked him!

The king's been really strict recently, and I'm not allowed to dance. Disappointed?

The King has hurt us so much... He never was like this before. Why has he changed?
王がこんなに我々を苦しめるなぞ! 人が変わったとしか思えんわ!

Dad says that no more customers are coming. And there are scary soldiers at the bar too...

The soldiers from the castle are doing whatever they please at the bar!
360FF4漬け:2006/09/13(水) 20:34:19 ID:???0
They say that Cid's been locked up in the castle! And he hid the new model airship as well!
シドが城に捕らわれているって話だ! なんでも最新鋭の飛空艇をどこかに隠したらしい

Hey, aren't the drinks ready yet? Who the hell are you!?
おい、酒はまだか? なんだきさま?

I've been looking for you! Traitor to the King! I recognize you, you fugitive!

Baron controlled you while you were amnesiac.

We're in Baron. If the soldiers overhear us we're in trouble. There's a quiet room in the inn where we can talk.

You're tough! You really kicked those soldier's asses! I like you! Tonight, stay for free!
あんたら強いねえ! 近衛兵をのしちまうなんざ。気に入った!泊まってきな!

Anyhow, we've got to save Cid... But it won't be so easy to get in the castle...

This is the key to Baron! Yang must have had it when he was leader of the guards! With this we might be able to do something!
これはバロンのカギだ! そうか! ヤンに近衛兵を従わせていたから…… なんとかなりそうだ!

Rosa ran away to search for you! Where is she now?
あんたを追ってローザは飛び出して行ったんだよ! あの子は、今どこにいるんだい?
361FF4漬け:2006/09/13(水) 20:36:49 ID:???0
Lord Cecil!? You're alive! Dad hasn't come back from the castle in a long time....
セシル様!? 生きておられたんですね! お父さんが、ずっとお城から帰ってこないんです

Some other guards and I tried to save him, but alas, I am the only survivor...

Cecil! You're safe! I see you've become quite strong! But you've become a Paladin. That makes me unhappy...
セシル無事であったか! ずいぶんたくましくなったな。その姿は、パラディン。そうか、パラディンになったか。だがな、いかんぞパラディンは

Oh, I'll see to that... I'm not as pathetic as Scarmiglione. It's a miracle that a carrion-eating animated corpse like him was one of us four.

You bastard! Putting me in a moldy old place like that! I'm gonna get medieval on your ass!
よくもあんなカビくさい所に閉じ込めおって! ブチのめしたるわい!

Even though you were there to protect her? But that Golbeze.... Not only is he abusing my airships, but Rosa too!?
お前がついていながらなんというざまじゃ。しかし、あのゴルベーザ…… ワシの飛空艇たちをひどいことに使うばかりかローザまで!

That girl's in danger. Quickly, take us to the airship!
362FF4漬け:2006/09/13(水) 20:37:33 ID:???0
Those young fools! They were young! Why?..It should have been me!
ばかものが! 死ぬのはこの老いぼれでよかったろうに!

To think that such young children would....

So he even killed Caignozzio... He's gotten much stronger.

We have Rosa here. We could exchange her for the Crystal... What do you think?
こちらにはこのローサがいます。クリスタルと引き換えに…… ということではいかがでしよう

Oh, I see... Then we can kill him when he brings it to us...
なるほど…… それはいい。ヤツを始末するのもそのときというわけか……

Very well, then I'll go relay the message to him.

To think it would be hidden here..

So you really are worried about your little whore, aren't you? If you want to see her again... alive... you'll have to trade her for the Earth Crystal of Toroia. When you get it, I'll contact you... That's all I have to say.
フッ、やはり心配か? ローザの命が惜しければトロイアのつちのクリスタルと引き換えだ。手に入れたらまた連絡にくる……話すことはそれだけだ

Lord Cecil! Rvenge the king!
セシル様! 王の仇を!
363FF4漬け:2006/09/14(木) 14:27:06 ID:???0
I hear the king was killed and replaced by a monster. And he has no heir either...

You were that Dark Knight! You look so much better without all that gloomy, sweaty armor on! Come on, let's dance!
あなた、あの暗黒騎士だったのね! こんな素敵な人だったなんて! さ、一緒に踊りましょ!

You were that Dark Knight! How splendid you look now!
あんた、あの暗黒騎士じゃったか! 立派になって!

You were that Dark Knight, weren't you? I think you look a lot better like this.
あの時のお兄ちゃんだったのね! あたし、今の格好の方が似合ってると思うわ

The town's finally got its old spirit back! Okay, back to work!
町にもやっと活気が戻ってきました! さ、仕事仕事!

Dad! Don't overdo it at your age! Please take care of him, everyone.
お父さん! もう歳なんだから無茶しないでよ! みなさん父をお願いしますね

So the seal from mysidia's side was broken!

The King was a monster...

Also, we might have been under his control...

I hear the moaning voice of His majesty from under the castle. Could it be ...a curse?
364FF4漬け:2006/09/14(木) 14:29:36 ID:???0
The soldiers working for Golbeze weren't human...

His majesty was murdered by monsters... How awful...

We will handle things while you are away!

Even though I realized that the king had changed... I said nothing to protect myself...

Sir Cecil! Please take the throne!
セシル様! 王の座についてください!

We will defend the castle in the name of the Dragon Knights!

Nothing can faze Sir Cain!

We'll never let the monsters take the castle again!

The king was a monster? We couldn't sense that... We must have much more to learn.

So the legendary magic meteo exists!
365FF4漬け:2006/09/14(木) 14:32:09 ID:???0
We now pray that the dead soldiers can rest in peace.

We'll assist the soldiers with our White magic!

We summoners have the ability to conjure monsters from the Phantom World... a plane that supposedly exists deep under the surface of the earth.

Not only did that mysterious fire kill powerful summoners... but innocent children as well...

So this is the end of the history of mist's Summoners....

There's a rumor of a Phantom beast dwelling under Baron that uses a technique... that kills in one strike!

This is the town of those of Dwarven blood... Agalt.

According to one of our legends, everything consists of a front and a back. Yes, this world is no different...

I'm really strong! But my great great great great GRERT grandfather was much stronger!
あたし力持ちよ! おじいちゃんの、おじいちゃんのずうっとおじいちゃんはもっと力持ちだったって!

Eh? Our ancestors? How did they get there? Well, that's a long story.... Eh? I guess I forgot it....
え?わしらのご先祖? どうやってきたか? それはのお…… はて……忘れてしまったかのお
366(-_-)さん:2006/09/14(木) 20:23:59 ID:kJxJLDP10
367FF4漬け:2006/09/16(土) 09:19:18 ID:???0
Since I'm a descendant of dwarves, I'm really short! I wish I was a descendant of an Ogre..
ドワーフの子孫だからかな? 僕がチビなのは。オーガの子孫だったらよかったのに

I can't live without the sun. But I hear my ancestors were different.

We have an old well that has been here for ages... It's said to be bottomless.

I saw some red ships going into the crater in the north!

Our ancestors came from below the earth.

Even while the rest of the world is suffering from the ravages of war, it's peaceful here.

My grandma is the oldest Person in the village. She knows everything!

Our ancestors came from the large hole in the mountains to the north. But the hole is blocked now, and you can't get there by land or from the sky.

It's an old legend... When we return the magma Stone to its birthplace the road to the land of the Underground Sun will open.
古くからの言い伝えじゃ…… 我らが太陽の石を故卿に返すとき故卿への道のりは開かれん……

Want me to show you a mysterious dance? It's a dance that comes from under the earth!
不思議な踊りを見せましょうか? 裏の大地に伝わる踊りなんですって
368FF4漬け:2006/09/16(土) 09:19:49 ID:???0
My husband has been so absorbed in his observations, that he doesn't even eat or drink!

This is Coriro's Observatory. The world's only telescope is here. Recently strange events have been happening on the moon. We've been really busy observing it!

I am Coriro. I'm watching the moons. There are two of them... One has no life on it, but the other one might ...most peculiar...
私はコリオ。ここで月を観測しとる。二つの月…… 一方は生き物もおらん月だがもう一方はどうも生物がいるらしい痕跡がある

That moon's turning red... Red...the same color as blood... I hope nothing bad is about to happen...
その月が最近赤くなってきた…… まるで、血の色のようにな。ただならぬことが起きなければよいのだが

Welcome to Toroia, the city of water and forests!

Oh, hello! Want to swim with me? If you swim in armor like that, it'll rust!

I wonder where my husband went...

Leave me alone. I'm sunbathing!
369FF4漬け:2006/09/16(土) 09:20:42 ID:???0
The atmosphere and food here are great. Not only that, there are tons of girls here so our evenings are fun.. if you know what I mean.

I'm glad I've lived so long! I'd prefer this place to Heaven!
長生きはするもんじゃの! わしゃ、天国よりこっちがいいわい!

All right! Today, I got a spot at the counter!
やった! 今日はカウンターに座れたぜ!

No matter how you look at them, and I do, often, the girls here are awesome!

You seem to want to spend some quality time with me! What's with that look!?

Sir, do you have enough money? It gets expensive up here.
お客さん、お金は大丈夫かい? こっから先は高いよ

Hey, this is members only. Get outta here now.

Give me a guy with no chest hair next time...

I gotta bring the food!

This old man talks of nothing but old war stories... I'm so sick of it!
370FF4漬け:2006/09/16(土) 09:22:22 ID:???0
Because of the pure water and plants, we can get plenty of fresh vegetables. Therefore, it's an ideal environment for breeding Chocobos.

Chocobos are cute, but... WHEW...they smell bad!

These are pretty rare, don't you think? They're Black Chocobos. Since these Chocobos have been tamed by humans, they can't fly any more... but the wild ones in the Chocobo village to the north can fly, although not very high.
You can land only in forests, however.
珍しいだろ? 黒チョコボってんだ。こいつらは人に慣れたせいか飛べなくなっちまったけど北のチョコボの村にいる野生の黒チョコボなら高度は低いが、空も飛ぶぜ!

I want to fly on a Black Chocobo. But they always get mad whenever I go near them. Do I love them too little?

Black Chocobos remember the way back to where they started, and will return there alone. Because they're feral, they run away after only one trip.

You're travelers, aren't you? Please make yourselves at home.

Are you here about the Crystal? Then you should talk to the Clerics inside the castle.
クリスタルのことで? ならば、城内の神官様たちに会われるがよい
371FF4漬け:2006/09/16(土) 09:23:43 ID:???0
The Clerics are dignified messengers of God. Try not to be rude to them.

A survivor from Damcyan washed ashore recently. He says that he was the prince or something...

Toroia's never been in a war before. If we get involved in a war, what would we have to do to protect our country?

Baron's been acting up a lot recently, but they probably won't attack here.

Toroia is protected by women. We guards are also all women.

I'm not just some old woman! I'm the prime minister! The Clerics are in the inner chamber.
おばあさんではないわ! これでも大臣じゃぞ! 神官様たちは奥におわせられる

You want me to dance? How rude! I'm a soldier! These may look like leotards, but they're actually battle gear! They're easy to move in and fashionable too!
踊りを踊れ? 無礼な!私は近衛兵だ! これはレオタードのようだが我々の戦闘服!動きやすいし、なにしろファッショナブルだろう?

We have an injured patient here. Please be quiet!

It's you, Cecil... You survived. Master Tella... I'm sorry... for my weakness... If I wasn't so... Anna... would be alive...
セシルか…… 無事だったんだね。テラさん…… すみません……僕がアンナを殺したも同然です……

What can you do in your condition!? Stay in bed and sleep!
そんな体で何ができる! 大人しく寝ておれ!
372FF4漬け:2006/09/16(土) 09:25:24 ID:???0
Sir Gilbert, you must care for yourself at the moment.

He shouldn't overdo himself now. In addition to his wounds he's also exhausted.

This was an underground prison, but it's now our treasure chamber. Do you have the permission of the Clerics?

The Clerics are eight sisters. For generations they have protected the Crystal.

This is a lot better than having to be ruled by a lot of boorish men!

If you wear metal weapons and armor in the cave to the northeast... you won't be able to move!

Dark Elf lives in the cave to the northeast.

If we lose the crystal, Toroia will become a wasteland like it was before!

The Dark Elf is weak to metal weapons. In order to defend that weakness.. he has increased the gravitational field in his cave.

If you can retrieve the crystal we promise to lend it to you. First bring it back here.
373(-_-)さん:2006/09/16(土) 18:43:17 ID:UVa0VZJe0
374(-_-)さん:2006/09/17(日) 03:09:17 ID:???O
It's a 3:09 oclock.I could't watch ゙Densha Otko.I haven't watched it.I don't know its story.
375(-_-)さん:2006/09/18(月) 22:43:28 ID:ryMc6Iwn0
376FF4漬け:2006/09/18(月) 23:40:30 ID:???0
We cannot give you the Earth Crystal... but if you get it back for us we can at least lend it to you.

Toroia is governed by us, the eight Clerics. We were endowed with the Earth Crystal's blessing, but...

The gravity here's so strong! We won't even be able to move if we equip anything as heavy as metal!
なんちゅう磁力じゃ! こりゃ、金属製の武器防具を装備しとったら身動きとれんぞ!

Don't worry! We still have my magic!
案ずるな! 私の魔法がついておる!

If only I could use my sword...!!

You're in no condition to be moving about! Where do you think you're going!

In that condition you won't even be able to walk! Don't overexert yourself!

While this music is playing he shouldn't be able to control gravity!

While wandering as a bard... I learned songs that warded off evil fairies and spirits. I thought that song might work. It did...
377FF4漬け:2006/09/18(月) 23:41:10 ID:???0
And because of that you saved us.

It would appear you have the Crystal. Go outside and get on your airship... I'll take you to Rosa.

It looks like you're in a tight spot. As Promised, we will lend you the Crystal of Earth.

We'll entrust you with the crystal. Take care of it!

And we just got it back! I guess there's no choice. We're Just lending it to you!
せっかく戻ってきたのに! 仕方ありません。貸すだけですよ!

The Crystal's power changes depending on who it is that possesses it! If an evil person has it then it would have terrible repercussions!
クリスタルは持つ者によってその力を変えます! 邪悪な者が持てば恐ろしいものに!

What on earth just happened!?

I have no business with you, old fool.

Even if you don't, I do! I'll return Anna's pain to you!
378FF4漬け:2006/09/18(月) 23:41:57 ID:???0
So my spell was broken with that meteo! Oh well, you were a sorry excuse for a minion anyway.
今のメテオで術が解けたか! まあよいきさまは用済みだ。この借りは必ず返す!

You're not the only one who can fight in the air...

It... wasn't supposed to end this way... The last of the Four Emperors still lives, but you'll never meet him! Die along with this tower!
この私を倒しても……最後の四天王がいる! このゾットの塔もろとも……消え去るがいい!

There's something I need to talk to you about. It concerns the Crystals.
話しておかねばならぬことがある ……クリスタルのことだ ……

The crystal from Toroia was taken... which means that he's got all of the crystals.

No, he only has four of them. There are four crystals on the front side of the Earth... Most importantly, it means that Golbeze has only half of the crystals.
この世界の 4つのクリスタルはいわば表のクリスタル……だから、ゴルベーザの手に渡ったクリスタルはまだ、半分にすぎん!

Golbeze knows where they are. On the opposite side of the face of the earth... literally, the underground!
379FF4漬け:2006/09/25(月) 18:51:20 ID:???0
Golbeze knows where they are. On the opposite side of the face of the earth... literally, the underground!

So do we have to dig a hole or something?

At any rate, Golbeze said that when the crystals from the front and back... of Light and Darkness... are all gathered, the way to the moon would open.

I'm not quite sure what that means... but apparently this item could be useful in our quest. I'll give it to you. This stone apparently opens the way to the underground.

What are you worrying about? We've got the Enterprise! We can go anywhere on the Earth in a moment!
なに考え込んどる? エンタープライズがあろう! この世界なんぞアッという間に一回りじゃわい!

I told you it was the latest model! I put a remote controller on it. It's sitting outside of Baron!
最新型と言ったうが! 遠隔操縦でちゃあんとバロンに戻っとるわい!

Cid, you're really something!

Aren't I though? We'll leave tomorrow morning! Can't search for entrances to underworlds without a good night's sleep!
そうじゃろ?な! そうと決まったら出発は明日の朝じゃ! 地底の入りロを目指しひと眠りじゃ!

But... why didn't Golbeze finish me off back there..?
380FF4漬け:2006/09/25(月) 18:52:19 ID:???0
Golbeze is a bad guy! But you all seem to be all right!
ゴルベーザ悪いやつ一! でも、あんたらそうじゃないみたい!

I'm Luka! My dolls disappeared. You haven't seen them, have you?
私、ルカ! 私の、お人形たちがいなくなっちゃったの。あなたたち知らない?

Dwarven items are mysterious! Would humans be able to use them?
ドワーフのアイテム不思議一! 人間が使いこなせるかな一?

I'm the leader of the Underground, the Dwarf King ,Jiott. So that's what they came for. We thought you were with them, but then they shot you down. We were about to shoot you down ourselves.

Unfortunately, they've already gotten two of the four crystals. But the crystal in this castle is still safe. We managed to drive those.. contraptions... back with the Dwarf tanks.
残念じゃが、4つのうち 2つはヤツらの手に渡ってしまった。しかし、この城のクリスタルは、まだ無事じゃ。 ドワーフ戦車隊がなんとか追い返した

Oh, so you call those things airships... to think that the upper world has things like that... We're really proud of our tanks but they were hurting us badly with their attacks. Would you assist us with your airship?
ほう、あれは飛空艇ともうすか。上の世界には、あのようなものがあるとは…… 自慢の戦車隊も、空から攻撃されてはちと苦しい…… そうじゃ、そなたたちの飛空艇とやらでえんごしてはくれぬか?
381FF4漬け:2006/09/25(月) 19:04:24 ID:???0

I'll have the Tank Force attack the Tower! During our diversion, go in and grab the crystals! This is our only chance with Golbeze gone!
我らの戦車隊が敵を引きつける。その隙に、おぬしらにクリスタルを奪還してほしい! ゴルベーザのいない今しかない!
382FF4漬け:2006/09/25(月) 19:08:41 ID:???0
Well, I'd like to help, but after that volley and crash.. that airship ain't going to do anyone much good at all.

I can make some temporary fixes with materials down here.. but the body of the ship won't stand up to the heat of the underworld for long.

I need to return to the surface to plate the hull with Mithril... All righty then, I'll get going!
地上に戻り、ミスリルで装甲を施さんとな! よっしゃ、ひとっ走り行ってくるかの!

When I was swallowed by Leviathan he took me to the Phantom World. The Phantom Beasts befriended me and trained me in Black magic.

I can't use White magic any more, but my summoning power increased quite a bit! The time flow in the Phantom World is different...
白魔法は使えなくなったけど、そのぶん召喚と黒魔法の腕は上がったわ! でも幻界は、こことは時間の流れが違って……

What can you do? All we can do now is protect the last Crystal. It's in a sealed cave.

Golbeze went there, but don't worry. Without the key to release the seal, nobody can get in there. That's where I want you to help!

While Golbeze is headed towards the sealed cave, now's our chance. Could you sneak into the Tower of Babil and retrieve the other seven crystals?
383FF4漬け:2006/09/25(月) 19:09:36 ID:???0
I'll have the Tank Force attack the Tower! During our diversion, go in and grab the crystals! This is our only chance with Golbeze gone!
我らの戦車隊が敵を引きつける。その隙に、おぬしらにクリスタルを奪還してほしい! ゴルベーザのいない今しかない!

The Tank Force is the Dwarves' main strength! We won't be defeated so easily!
戦車隊はドワーフの主戦力! 簡単にはやられない一!

Please! Under the castle is the entrance to a secret passage!
頼むぞ! この城の地下に抜け道への入りロがある!

I'm so angry that they used my dolls to do such a thing like that!

The King's been really nice to Luke since the Queen died!

If you get used to it, the underworld is really nice! If it's okay, stay here a long time!
地底も慣れるといいとこ一! よかったらずっといてください!

Dwarven weapons are heavy! Will you humans be able to use them?
ドワーフの武器重い一! 人間に扱えるかな一?

Dwarven armor is thick! Could humans wear it and be able to move?
ドワーフの防具硬い一! 人間が着て動けるかな一?

King Jiott sent his permission personally! Use the treasure well!
ジオット王から許し出てる一! ここの宝大事に使え一!

Here a glorious bird, who will keep anything for you, appears!
384FF4漬け:2006/09/25(月) 19:12:23 ID:???0
Chubby Chocobo!? How rude!! It's called the Bird of God here!
でぶチョコボ?無礼者一! ここでは神の鳥一!

You've got the King's permission? Then you may pass!
王の許しある一? なら通す一!

Dwarven bodies are tough! But sometimes we get hurt!
ドワーフ体がんじょ一! でもたまにケガする一!

There's a really nasty, powerful gun in the Tower of Babil!

The monsters in the underworld are strong! Don't let your guard down!
地底の魔物も強敵一! 油断するな一!

Even if Golbeze isn't in the Tower of Babil... the strongest of the Four Emperors, Rubicante of Fire, still is!

If it gets too dangerous, don't overdo it and flee!
385FF1漬け:2006/09/27(水) 23:13:50 ID:???0
The king is searching for the prophesied Warriors of Light. Th-those crystals! You must see the king at once!
王は、伝説の光の戦士を探しておいでだ。ムッ、そのクリスタルは…! ぜひ王にお会いください!

Welcome, travellers. I am told you carry crystals. Is this true? It is just as Lukahn's prophecy foretold: "When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come."
旅の者よ、そなたらがクリスタルをたずさえているというのはまことか…?ルカーンの予言…『この世、暗黒に染まりし時 4人の光の戦士現れん…』

Your Majesty, we cannot be certain that these are the warriors foretold by the prophecy.

Yet they stand before us with the crystals. I cannot dismiss this as mere coincidence. Crystal bearers, there is a task I would ask of you. Will you go forth and rescue my daughter, Sarah?

Garland, a knight once in His Majesty's service, has abducted Princess Sarah. I ask for your aid in the name of His Majesty, the king of Cornelia.

Garland has taken refuge in the Chaos Shrine, which lies to our north.

Of course, we did attempt to save the princess ourselves... But Garland is the finest swordsman in the kingdom. We have none who can match him.

I have heard that you wish to journey to the continent to our north. The bridge leading north was lost long ago, making passage impossible.
386FF1漬け:2006/09/27(水) 23:14:28 ID:???0
If you can rescue Sarah, I will have the bridge rebuilt as a sign of my gratitude. Go now, Warriors of Light, and do not fail me!

The Warriors of Light have come at last! How long have we waited for this day to come!
光の戦士たちがようやく現れてくれた…! この時をどんなに待ちわびたことか

Garland is no longer the man I once knew... I beg of you. Please return my daughter to me quickly!
ガーランドは、以前とは、もはや別人…頼む! セーラを一刻も早く助け出してくれ…!

The dancing girl in town knows many strange things. If you stray from your path, try talking to her. She may know something that would lead you back to your path.

Our reports say that Garland fled north with the princess, towards the Chaos Shrine.

Her Majesty's overcome with grief - she's shut herself inside her chambers. Please try not to upset her.

I am Jayne, Queen of Cornelia. Please... please bring my daughter... my Sarah... back to me safely.

Garland was once the greatest knight in the kingdom. But power corrupted him, and he turned away from his own true nature.
387FF1漬け:2006/09/27(水) 23:17:20 ID:???0
The king truly believes in Lukahn's prophecy... that the Warriors of Light will come to save the princess.

Oh, please... You must rescue the princess.

Sage Lukahn said something about finding the crescent moon, then he just suddenly left town.

I once lived far to the east of here in the harbour city of Pravoka. These days I hear it's turned into a pirates' den.

Equipment can be split into two categories: weapons and armour. Equipping a weapon can increase your Attack rating.

There are four types of armour: shields, helms, gauntlets and body armour. Any armour you wear on your body, including armlets, is classified as body armour.
「ぼうぐ」には、「よろい」「たて」「かぶと」「こて」の 4種類がある。体に着るものや「うでわ」が「よろい」にあたるのじゃ

Shields are held in one hand, while helms are worn on the head.

Remember that the weapons and armour you find won't do you any good unless you equip them from the main menu.

Select the "Optimal" option to have the character equip the strongest weapons and armour in your inventory.
388FF1漬け:2006/09/30(土) 02:02:50 ID:???0
There are two schools of magic: black and white. White magic includes healing and defensive spells, while black magic spells are of the attacking variety.

Each level of black and white magic has four distinct spells. However, any given character can only learn three of the four spells of a given magic level.
「しろまほう」と「くろまほう」はそれぞれのLVに対して 4つずつ存在する。ただし、覚えることができるのはその中の3つまでだ

You can use the "biscard" command to wipe your memory of any spell you had previously learnt. If you want to relearn a spell you had previously discarded, you can do that, too.
Try to choose a combination of spells that suits your fighting style.

It never hurts to carry a lot of potions, antidotes and the like with you. Stocking up on items in advance will help you conserve your magic for the times you need it most.

Now let's move on to sleeping bags, tents and cottages, shall we? These three splendid items allow you to restore your HP and MP. You can only use them outdoors, though.
次は、「ねぶくろ」「テント」「コテージ」じゃ! この3つはフィールドで使うと HP回復とMP回復ができるすぐれものじゃ
389FF1漬け:2006/09/30(土) 02:03:26 ID:???0
In addition to these traditional items, certain pieces of equipment may be used as items as well. The only way to know if a given piece of equipment has a use is to try it out, so you will need to experiment.

In the course of your travels, you will come across unique item types that are known as "key items". Some key items have an effect when used in an important location.

There are many different types of monster, and each has its own weakness. Finding a monster's weakness will help you gain the upper hand in battle.

For example, water monsters are susceptible to lightning. Casting Thunder on such creatures will deal particularly severe damage.

Some weapons are also more effective against certain monsters.

There is no one in need of my help. Do not lose heart, brave warriors.

This is the Earthgift Shrine. Lang ago ye could enter, but the way's been shut syne the land began tae decay.
390FF1漬け:2006/09/30(土) 02:04:37 ID:???0
The king will have no choice but to exchange the kingdom for his daughter's life. Cornelia will be mine!

Who's there!? Hmph. The king's lapdogs. bo you have any idea who you're dealing with? Do you really dare think that you can cross swords with ME?
何者だ、きさまたち…!?そうか…、国王の手先か…だが、私が誰だかわかっているのか? ナイトの中のナイトといわれたこのガーランドの剣にかなうと思ってか!

You... you've come to rescue me? I don't know how I can ever thank you... I am Sarah, princess of Cornelia. That's the first time Garland has ever been defeated. You must allow me to show my gratitude. Please, accompany me to Castle Cornelia.
あなたがたが…助けてくれたのですね…? 私は、コーネリア国の王女セーラ…感謝の言棄もありません。あのガ一ランドに打ち勝った者は初めてです…ぜひ、お礼をさせてください。共にコーネリア城へおいでください

Thank you for returning my daughter to my side. There can be no doubt that you are the Warriors of Light from Lukahn's prophecy!

You should hear the prophecy in its entirety. Ahem. If I may... "When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come. If they cannot gather the shards of light, the darkness will consume all.
The four Crystals will never shine again..."
そなたらに予言のすべてを伝えよう…『この世、暗黒に染まりし時 4人の光の戦士現れん…戦士たちは、光のカケラをたずさえ、闇の力に覆われし 4つのクリスタルに輝きを取り戻さん…』

Now, I hear that a Crystal can be found on the continent to our north. Restoring light to the Crystals is our only hope of ridding the world of the monsters which plague it!
391FF1漬け:2006/10/02(月) 04:37:42 ID:???0
I will have the bridge to the north rebuilt, as I promised. I pray that you succeed in restoring light to the four Crystals - and to the world.

This lute has been entrusted to the princesses of Cornelia for many generations. When he abducted me, Garland took this lute as well. I want you to have it. It may aid you in your journey.

If you wanted, you could... I mean, here in Cornelia... N-no. Never mind. You should prepare for your journey. You must restore light to the Crystals!

Sarah's thoughts are always with you.

Th-the Warriors of Light! I can't thank you enough for saving Lady Sarah!
おお、光の戦士…! セーラ様を助けだしてくださりありがとうございます!

I've been given the important task of defending Castle Cornelia! I'm a bit nervous, to be honest.
私は、コーネリア城の警備という大役をおおせつかっています! …少し不安ですけどね

The beautiful lute, handed down through generations of Cornelian princesses, possesses great power. It can shatter the gateway of evil.
392FF1漬け:2006/10/02(月) 04:45:50 ID:???0
Are you the... Warriors of Light? The ones from Lukahn's prophecy?
光の戦士…なの? あのルカーンの予言の?

My sister's back! And it's all thanks to you, isn't it? Thank you so much!
姉様が帰ってきたの! お兄ちゃんたちのおかげね。ありがとう!

Our ancestors sealed weapons within this treasure house four hundred years ago...
They then gave the key to the elf king, to hold until the coming of the Warriors of Light.

Orders from his Majesty, lads. We're to do our bit to fulfil Lukahn's prophecy!

You still here, then? Aren't you supposed to be crossing that bridge to the north? You must really want to dance with me. Hee hee!
あれ、まだいたの? 橋を渡って大陸に行くんでしょう? そんなに私と踊りたいのね、ウフフッ…

A witch named Matoya lives to the north of Cornelia.

If you want to travel about freely, you'll be needing a ship. If you have trouble getting one, you could always just "borrow" a pirate ship, if you get my drift...

They say Matoya's eyes are awfully bad. She can't see a thing without her crystal eye.

I can't see a blasted thing without me crystal eye! Who could 'ave stolen it from me?
『水晶の目』がないと何も見えんわい…誰だ? 私の『水晶の目』を盗みおったのは…!
393(-_-)さん:2006/10/05(木) 00:53:25 ID:S0ebLix70
U Wanna F*ck Me?
394(-_-)さん:2006/10/05(木) 00:54:49 ID:FWuIUonl0
395(-_-)さん:2006/10/05(木) 00:57:09 ID:FWuIUonl0
396(-_-)さん:2006/10/05(木) 07:25:53 ID:???0
397???:2006/10/08(日) 00:00:43 ID:???O
Are you living now?
398(-_-)さん:2006/10/10(火) 10:11:21 ID:???0
399(-_-)さん:2006/10/10(火) 10:12:59 ID:???0
But the most complicated fact about this case is that it was in a locked room.

Yeah, as long as we can't solve this trick it will forever be a mystery.

Study... I'm not very good at it...

Do you want me to go buy it?

There was a pack of beef in the fridge that will expire today. Which means it's either curry or stew for dinner tonight.

Hey, it's missing 10,000\. You took it, didn't you?!

Then why is it short?

Mr. Patrolman, please count it.

Then he didn't take it.

I'm so glad we found it.
400(-_-)さん:2006/10/10(火) 19:34:24 ID:???0
You have to study a little.

I'm going to the supermarket.

You want to buy Demi-Grace sauce, right?

To make up for it, order anything you like...

You're young, you should be able to eat it all.

I have to go buy a ticket at the station soon.

I want to make deductions like that too!

The ability to recall anything that you've seen, even for just a moment. I was born with that.

I saw a person's shadow fall from the top of the crane. Then I went to call the rest of the guys and ran here.

He said he was going to buy a ticket so he could attend his daughter's marriage ceremony in Hokkaidou.
401(-_-)さん:2006/10/10(火) 20:08:46 ID:???0
There are three suspects. All of them have alibis.

That's so easy! The perpetrator of the case is...

Ah, thinking back now how did you know the number of notes that were scattered on the ground?

We uncovered a train ticket for Hokkaidou in the pocket of the deceased.

This is neither a suicide nor an accident. It's murder! And the prepetrator is one of us.

There are two clues: First, the waving of the search light. Another is the rope tied to the crane.

You waved the searchlight from the top of the building. Then once you had everyone's attention, you jumped off.

The new culprit in the Murder of Nakajima-san is... You!

I have no idea what you're saying but I just didn't want the rest of the workers to see the bloody ground tomorrow so I was trying to wash it away...

There was a rope made of rubber near the tip of the crane. Which means what we saw wasn't a suicide jump.
402(-_-)さん:2006/10/10(火) 20:30:58 ID:???0
118.000\. That was the amount scattered on the ground.

I have attend my daughter's marriage in Hokkaidou. That was what the money was for.

D... Do I look that old?

That man didn't seem like he was lying. But no one else touched the money.

This is the first time I heard a girl say that!

A person... On the crane above that building.

I can't believe that man committed suicide.

What do you mean by that, young man?

You had a fight with him yesterday and you were saying that you wouldn't let him off so lightly.

But that's because he was criticizing my work. But wouldn't kill a person over that.
403(-_-)さん:2006/10/10(火) 21:00:51 ID:???0
It's here, let's dig in.

Why were you two in such a hurry?

Why were you in the proximity?

But I'm sure I saw the old man wave his arms in circles with a search light.

I was able to find it in time. The contact lens that fell out of your eye from the shock of the bungee jump.

When you were writing you contact information, you were blinking hard in one eye.

We appreciate your help in the investigation.

It is a detective academy opened by the legendary Dan Morihiko, who was the only detective in Japan allowed to carry a gun.

It's not that easy to get into DDS.

Let's sneak in then.
404(-_-)さん:2006/10/10(火) 21:41:27 ID:???0
Ahh, I'm sorry for blowing up on you back there.

Thank you for all your cooperation, everyone.

That's right, it's true it takes about ten minutes to reach the top with the elevator. Which means it would have been impossible for us to have done it.

Please let me borrow this for a bit, officer.

Officer, can I have some more time? I will find the proof for sure.

This contains the requirements for next week's entrance exam for DDS, of course.

There's no dinner for you.

So many people. Are all these people applicants for Dan Detective School?

The picture you saw earlier was the picture that gave us the only clue we had for a real murder case.

I lost my wallet, so I ran late while looking for it.
405(-_-)さん:2006/10/11(水) 18:36:51 ID:???0
Try it, you guys might do well...

We do well together as a group!

I don't know what you've heard, but very well. It's probably all true.

Could this woman know I'm a hikikomori? Could it be that I'm a well-known NEET in the neighborhood?

She's a childhood friend and classmate who lives next door. But she happens to be a robot and a maid as well.

That underclassman often talked about his friends... But not even once did they show up in the club room. I still recall that sight very well.

Although my expectations weren't that high... Oh well. Might as well play along for a while.

This is the scenario I wrote for the game. The names of the characters are listed as well.

I might as well ask Yamazaki to cross-dress... No way... I won't be able to live through that.

Since you came all the way here... You two might as well take your time and go on a date.
406(-_-)さん:2006/10/12(木) 02:03:37 ID:???0
Once the police use the DNA analysis on this contact lens, it will be clear that it's yours.

His body was discovered on the bed January 20th at 10:15 AM.

We believe he didn't die right away and took the picture you just saw on his last breath.

The six people on the stage are suspects being acted by our staff.

The woman who is number one is left-handed. She has her watch on her right hand.

Number three has bandages on the right foot.

Is the eye patch on number four, the student-like person, also from an injury?

So they're testing us on our deduction and following ability.

Let's go on the other platform.

Which is why you thought, "Maybe he's going to ride on a different train."
407(-_-)さん:2006/10/12(木) 03:38:52 ID:???0
We will treat this incident as a suspicious death and investigate accordingly.

Well, I'm going to give you this.

Want me to memorize this in my head?

It looks like he got on this time.

The shoes are in this picture, but not in the picture by the victim.

Kyu, it was amazing that you thought this through in such a short time frame.

Let's follow him, it would be a waste to lose him after all this time.

I guess we weren't the only ones who came this far.

So by placing the log like this, we can build a bridge.

Don't worry about it. He did show us that this bridge is safe.
408(-_-)さん:2006/10/12(木) 05:12:44 ID:???0
I'm really sorry, but I'll pay the bill so stay as long as you like.

So the money must have disappeared somewhere between the wallet and the ground.

But why do you two know so much?

So he must be one of the geniuses in the mix.

I'm so glad that there is an actual bridge this time.

You're so reliable, Megu.

I'm feeling a little chilly, so I'm going to relieve myself.

We all worked so hard to get to this spot.

But why did the perpetrator stay so close to the bomb?

We had our eyes on you closely so that we wouldn't lose you... and we accidentally saw it.
409(-_-)さん:2006/10/12(木) 09:42:16 ID:???0
My name is Katagiri Shino, an instructor at DDS.

We will now start the first part of the exam. Please look at the screen at the front.

The crime occurred at a cottage near the lake. This is the picture that the police took at the scene after they arrived.

These six were staying at the hotel just 2 KM away. They each had motives but none had an alibi.

Plarticipants must follow the one they think is the perpretrator and be with them at 3:00 PM.

That was the express train. It won't stop until the last station at Kitakazedai. If he was going to get off at Kitakazedai, he would have paid 240\.

If there was something that gave away the murderer in the picture at a glance, the victim would have taken it. But there was nothing there out of the ordinary.

Maximum weight 290 kg. It can probably handle all four of us at once.

No matter how you look at it, this is reversed. How embarrassing...

I'm not disappointed at all. I decided that I really want to become a detective after what has happened today.
410(-_-)さん:2006/10/13(金) 21:49:52 ID:???0
We were acquainted with him about a hour ago.

You don't know what being a detective is all about, Kyu. It's a job where you're constantly flirting with danger.

He was stabbed to death with a sharp knife-like object.

I don't think it's number five. An old man with a cane can't possibly kill a young man who knows judo.

There should be no mistake in following the person with photographic memory.

He couldn't skate with a sprained ankle, but he didn't have shoes because he skated... That's why the murderer wore the shoes of the victim.

Maybe he wanted to get caught. Maybe he wanted to hit Dan-sensei with pinpoint precision.

Good job, Kyu-kun. I reached the same result with my deduction.

If it's not around Dan-sense, then... Do you have anything different with you?

When I found out that there was nothing on me, it hit me that maybe it was on Katagiri-kun, who's always with me.
411(-_-)さん:2006/10/14(土) 06:32:45 ID:???0
412(-_-)さん:2006/10/14(土) 12:23:15 ID:???0
It takes as long as ten minutes to get up there?

Please, allow me to search over there.

It's coming from over there...

There was a rope made of rubber near the tip of the crane. Which means what we saw wasn't a suicide jump.

Just to show people down there that you were about to jump. Then you jumped.

There is a difference between fantasy and reality.

It's understandable that the shoes of the murderer weren't there... But why do you think the victim's shoes were missing?

Why did the murderer wear the victim's shoes? There's no way he walked barefoot in -10 weather.

The perpetrator came back because he had to return the shoes. There would be nothing he could do if they found the victims shoes.

There doesn't seem to be another route.
413(-_-)さん:2006/10/15(日) 02:42:14 ID:???0
Don't hold back and just explain it to us.

It's an interesting story, but it's just a deduction.

You did it just because of that?

If we just pass off the picture as a normal picture, then we have no right to be a detective.

The person we just missed was number three! He was wearing the same watch.

Wait, didn't the perpetrator return to the scene just to eliminate the evidence?

I just thought of a good idea.

We just have to apply a simple math formula to it.

Maybe it's just a prank.

We just assumed that he placed 3 bombs from the beginning, but in reality, the 3rd bomb was placed on Dan-sensei right after the 2nd one exploded.
414(-_-)さん:2006/10/15(日) 03:27:38 ID:???0
I was practicing the art of tailing yesterday and then... You started running.

If that's what you want, then go ahead.

Then one of the three is lying.

Then you took the body home after the play. You screamed after seeing an empty room.

But if you can't be sad even when your friend dies then I don't want to become a detective...

Then if we put it together, it might become letters.

Then what kind of message did he leave?

Then let me ask you... What kind of work are you doing?

Then... Can you show it to me? The game Satou-kun made.

If it's about borrowing a game I made, then it's out of the question. I've just recently enrolled at that school.
415(-_-)さん:2006/10/15(日) 04:13:31 ID:???0
Are you giving up already?

I was just about to give up.

We'll send someone to pick you up in ten minutes.

The water will probably make it this far. I have to get up higher...

It's too early for you to give up!

Time is almost up!

Why? Why did you throw it straight up?!

We had a meeting in the afternoon, so I went up.

Yeah, a kid like that going up against the perpetrators is reckless.

But why is it all the way up there?
416(-_-)さん:2006/10/16(月) 18:33:45 ID:???0
Now that you mention it, chief, don't you have a motive too?

Can we go now, officer? I still have more work...

Now, give that back to me!

They will now exit the auditorium and head toward a location.

Now I'm one step ahead of those guys.

But if you were right about me lying about the broken leg, wouldn't I be running away right now?

But I'm probably too late for the 2nd test now.

Kyu-kun, I understand how you feel. But you should evacuate right now.

The pen in the notebook. There was only one in the morning, but there are two pens right now!

I will now leave the investigation to you guys.
417(-_-)さん:2006/10/16(月) 20:20:42 ID:???0
That's because I heard the horn, indicating that the dam letting water out.

So you say, but you came early to check out the campus, didn't you?

The perpetrator must have wanted to use the warning to draw Dan-sensei out.

Sensei, are you carrying anything out of the ordinary?

I can only give out minimal advice. Please take the reigns of this investigation on behalf of DDS and seek out the answer.

I was out on the day in question.

No way. We are renting out the room. It is someone else's room.

What about this? When Kawase-san was trying to help Ootori-san. Ootori-san's hand ran across the keyboard and typed out those letters.

Ootori san saw your face the moment the planter was falling. That's why he typed out your name on the keyboard.

Did your parents kick you out?
418(-_-)さん:2006/10/16(月) 20:22:50 ID:???0
Nakajima was always complaining about how bad his life had been.

That's where it's reversed. That's what Kyu's hint was about.

All the logs are about the same length.

I don't know about you guys, but there no reason why my name isn't...

Is this the pen you were talking about?

Kyu gave me the hint about getting tired when thinking too much. So we have to loosen our body.

But my sister told me that she was worried about something lately. Lately, she's been missing money from her wallet.

It's impossible no matter how you think about it. Unless there is a helicopter involved.

I'm worried about intruding on you at such an inconvienient time.

Hey, how about we go for some food.

Maybe he's worried about the auction.