
631(-_-)さん:2006/06/16(金) 22:06:33 ID:???0
632(-_-)さん:2006/06/19(月) 18:23:11 ID:???0
633(-_-)さん:2006/06/20(火) 21:38:43 ID:iTjQEeMs0
634(-_-)さん:2006/06/21(水) 15:30:59 ID:???0
635(-_-)さん:2006/06/24(土) 11:50:31 ID:???0
636(-_-)さん:2006/06/25(日) 06:02:12 ID:???0
637どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 12:34:36 ID:???0
Human... please accept the secrets of the key as my humble apology.

The secret of the key has been sealed deep within this cave.

You here to find out how to make the Thieves' Key? But too bad, I'm gonna find out first, suckers!
あんたもカギの技法をさがしにきたな? でもオレさまが先にいただくぜっ!

Oh I get it! Powan must have sent you to come get her precious Flute back!

Powan is a villain that banished my grandpa from the village!

Zaile: What? The one who exiled my grandpa from the village wasn't Lady Powan.. ? But the Snow Queen said...
え?じいちゃんを村から追いだしたのはポワンさまじゃないって? けど雪の女王さまが……

Queen: I was a fool to think that I could use a child as a tool to further my ambitions...

Zaile: What? The Snow Queen is actually an evil monster?!

You retrieved the Flute for us? Wow! You're the greatest, NEET!

So, the Snow Queen was really the puppet master behind all of this.. the Snow Queen.. ?
ふ一ん雪の女王というのがウラで糸を引いてたの? いったい何者かしら……
638どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 12:35:32 ID:???0
So, someone thought to freeze the world over, did they?

I just hope that this isn't the calm before the storm...

Aah...I love a hot bath...Hey, do you know about the Demon World?

Well, that there is one cold place. I never want to go back there again...

Truly now. You were able to retrieve the Flute of Spring? Lady Powan will be so very pleased!
なんと! はるかぜのフルートをとりもどしてくれたとはっ! ポワンさまもきっとおよろこびでしょう!

If it had continued this way with us unable to bring forth spring, the world would have frozen over.

Powan: I don't even know how to thank you... Ah... let me make you a promise...
なんてお礼をいっていいのやら…… そうだわ約束しましょう

Powan: When you grow older, should you ever have any troubles, do not hesitate to come to these lands.

Sancho: Your father was summoned by the throne of Reinhart, and just left but a few moments ago!

Sancho: But if you leave now, you may be able to catch up with him! Go on now, hurry!
639どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 12:37:22 ID:???0
Aah.. it feels as if a warm breeze just blew into my heart... Looks like spring is finally here...

Seems like Papas was called to the castle of Reinhart. Papas was renowned for his skills as a warrior...Must be why they called him.

Hey now... there's some writing on the back of the registry again...

Let's see now... Dear NEET.. thank you... I hope we can meet again one day... Bella... What in the hell.. ?

Ahh, the weather's gotten so nice and warm. It will be a good harvest this season!

Oh dear oh my! I thought it was just the one, but now this pot is all enpty as well... I wonder... what could have happened to all the food?
あらあら? ひとつだけだと思ったらこっちのおなべもからっぽだわ 。いったいどうしたことかしら……

That vixen keeps accusing me of eating all the food, so this time I really did eat it!

My uncle was easily able to find his cup, but I don't think the thing that Papas needs to find will be that easy. Something about him finding a person called the Legendary Hero...

Oops, maybe what I said was a bit hard for a little boy like you to understand.

Your father's name is Papas, eh? Hmm, now that you mention it, there was once a King named Papas.
640どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 12:38:42 ID:???0
Of course, that man was much better looking than your father!

Calling upon Papas like that! The King of Reinhart must think himself better than us all!

If he had a favor to ask Papas, he should've come to him personally.

Papas: I was just offering a prayer to God before I set out...You should pray as well, son. I'll be waiting at the entrance of the village.

So, Papas has been called to the castle of Reinhart, eh? They seem to be having problems of succession right now... take care if you're following him.
そうかいパパスのだんながラインハットの城にねえ…… あそこの城は王位継承問題でけっこうゆれてるらしい。気をつけるこったな

Papas: Ah, you're here, NEET. This time we travel to the castle of Reinhart.

Papas: This will be a relatively short trip compared to our travel by sea.

Papas: After we finish this journey, I plan for us to settle down for a while.

Papas: I am Papas from the village of Santa Rosa. I was summoned here by the King of Reinhart with utmost urgency!

Old Man: Don't trouble yourself with my worries... I am merely divining this nation's fate by watching the flows of the river...
641どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 12:39:16 ID:???0
Papas: I see... Well take care, old man... the wind blows cold and you may catch chill...

King: Papas, is it? I have heard the rumors of your heroics from all over the nation...

King: So...I have a favor I must ask of you... Would you mind coming closer? The rest of you are dismissed!
その腕をみこんでちとたのみがあるのだが…… パパスもう少しそばに! 皆の者はさがってよいぞ!

Papas: NEET, you must be bored just standing there... Why don't you take this opportunity to look around the castle?

Papas: I'm sure I'll be done here by the time you're done taking a look or two around the place.

Only the King's bed chambers lie beyond here. If you wish to play, you should find somewhere else, little boy.

Ugh, I don't know if I can take much more of Prince Henry's childish antics. It makes me anxious to think that those are the characteristics of the future King of this land...

Queen: And who are you? Here to greet our son, Dale?
なんじゃそなたは? わが子デールにあいさつにきたのですか?

Queen: Young as you may seem, how very perceptive you are. You too believe that our Dale is more suited to take the throne than that wretched boy, Henry, don't.
642どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 12:58:11 ID:???0
Long ago, a giant castle fell to Earth from the heavens.

Ever since, monsters have once again begun to attack the people of these lands. Little boy? Can you believe it?

Only God knows the truth of things.

What's wrong with every one? The King is still healthy and yet they speak only of his successor...

Will the future King be Lord Henry or Lord Dale? So long as nothing drastic happens, then no doubt our King will be the eldest, Lord Henry!
次の国王はヘンリーさまかデールさまか? まっよほどのことがない限り、やはりあとつぎは長男のヘンリーさまだろうな!

how interesting... seems as though the Queen has been meeting with some rather unsavory characters.

But should I bring this up before the King..? Oh, what a dilemma...

everyone thinks badly of Prince Henry, except for myself.

When he was very young, he lost his mother, so his father promptly remarried, but... it just wasn't the same.

All the new Queen cared of was her own children. It's only natural that he be bitter.
643どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 12:59:18 ID:???0
Henry: You're the son of that Papas guy my father called here, aren't you?

Henry: I'm the prince of Reinhart! I'm the next bestest after the King. Do you want to be my personal goon?
オレはこの国の王子。王さまの次にえらいんだ. オレの子分にしてやろうか?

Henry: Why would I want a little shrimp like you as fly goon? Go home to your mother!
だれがお前みたいな弱そうなヤツを子分にするか! 帰れ帰れ!

King: I have asked Papas to baby-sit my son, the prince Henry. I also ask you to be his friend. I am counting on you.

Papas: I wish he would trust me a little, but he really seems to dislike me...But you're a kid too. Maybe you can befriend him...?

Papas: I'll be watching out here to see he doesn't go anywhere, so will you go try to be his friend?

Henry: There's a Goon Badge in the next room, so go bring that to me! If you do that, I'll make you my personal goon!

Papas: Without entering through this corridor, the Prince couldn't have gone out... but I never even saw the boy...

Papas: Anyhow... will you please befriend the Prince? I'm counting on you.

Henry: Well? Did you bring the Goon Badge with you?
どうだ? 子分のしるしを取ってきただろうな?
644どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 13:01:03 ID:???0
Henry: What? The treasure chest was empty? That's impossible!
なに?宝箱はからっぽだったって? そんなはずはないぞ!

Henry: Damnit, you already found the hidden stairs?! Boring!

Henry: Still, you didn't bring me the Goon Badge, did you? Well you can't be my goon, so there!

Papas: Listen up, NEET, don't tell anyone about this yet. We can't make this any bigger than it already is.

That over there is a map of this region. Lord Papas seems to have left the castle rather abruptly. I wonder what's going on?

Nothing can beat a cold beer after a hard day's work! Anyhow, they say if you bring children here, someone'll buy 'em as slaves for a good price.

Good deal, The Queenie hired Me to get rid of the prince, but hey, she didn't say l had to kill him. I think I'll sell him off and make a bit of extra spending Money.

Papas: I thought I'd lost you, but you came all the way here by yourself, eh? You truly have grown, haven't you? It hakes me so proud!

Papas: NEET! Leave this to me! You take the prince and get out of here!
ニート! ここは父さんが引きうけた! お前は王子を連れてはやく外へ!

Gema: If you wish to see the child die, then go on, and fight to your fullest!
645どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 13:02:22 ID:???0
Gema: But know that this child's soul will forever roam the plains of Hell.

Gema: Ahh, a parent's love for his child... how touching...But don't you worry.

Your son will be spared to live the rest of his life happily enslaved to our High Priest!

Gena: Throw it out somewhere. After a while in the wild it'll regain its killer instincts.

What the hell do you think you're doing?! Hurry up and lift the damn boulder!
こらー!なにをしているっ! さっさと岩をはこばんかっ

Please, don't get in my way. I don't want to be flogged.
ジャマをしないでください. ムチで打たれたくないんです

I am the water girl. My handsome slave, would you care for a cold drink of water?
私は水くみ女よ. ステキなドレイさん水を一杯いかが?

Carry this stone up to the top of the stairs. Our Lord High Priest is anxious for the completion of the great tenple!
この石を上の階にはこぶんだ! わが教祖さまは大神殿の完成を待ちのぞまれているぞ

I heard that beneath this room there's a object of worship. That means that one of these days, we're gonna have to destroy that descending staircase too...

You slaves really have it good, don't ya? Being able to work for your entire life under the High Priest and all.
お前たちドレイは本当にしあわせ者だな! わが大教祖さまのために一生はたらけるのだからな!
646どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 13:03:58 ID:???0
This is still hush hush, but once the temple's finished, the High Priest said that he'd release you slaves.

The catch is, though, that you'll have to join the Order of Light. Still, it isn't that bad of a deal.

Would you care for some water? The outside world is full of monsters. Only here is it safe.
お水はいかが? 外の世界は魔物がウヨウヨ、でもここは安心よ

It is all due to the great power of the High Priest.

The High Priest here says that he will be the one to save the world.

But what kind of man is he that he'd use slaves to construct this temple of his...?

Henry: You're lucky though... Even if I got out of here, back at the castle my little brother's the damn King... Ah well.. no use in dredging up the past. I'm heading back to work.
いいよなあ、オレなんかここを逃げだしてもお城では弟のデールが王さまになってるだろうし……と、くどくど話しててもしかたないなっ! さあ、仕事仕事

Goddamn it... My younger sister Maria was taken into slavery...

I've got to do something, but I can't just go up against the High Priest... Heh... what use is it to tell a slave like you my story.. ?

Henry: But man, you've got such fight in you... You've never gotten used to being a slave, haue you...?
647どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 13:05:34 ID:???0
Henry: On the other hand, take alook at me! I'm all reformed, and stuff!

Please, don't wake me up yet. Just let me sleep a little more.

I heard that you were brought here when you were just a child, and that you've been working since...It must have been so rough for you...

Without hope... without dreams... I don't want to live my life as a slave... I just want to die...

Gee, listen to this. That girl Maria there was a follower of the Order of Light and still got enslaved.

Seems like she went and broke a very valuable artifact of the High Priest's.

Maria's elder brother is a guard here, for the Order... God, what a horrible life it must be for them...

Maria: Its alright really... Besides, something happened recently that made me unable to follow the beliefs of the Order anymore...

Maria: And now this. I had no idea that so many innocent people were being enslaved by the Order.

Did you know? Once the temple's completed, we can go free!
あんた知ってますか? 神殿が完成すれば私たちは自由の身になれるんですよ!
648どらくえ漬け:2006/06/25(日) 13:06:52 ID:???0
Hey there, NEET! Heard your father got killed by some menbers of the Order of Light.
よお、おめえか! おめえの親父はこの教団のヤツらに殺されたんだってな

Don't you ever forget the pain you felt during that one moment. As long as you have that drive, you'll be able to conquer any ordeal...

I don't know if I'll be able to live long enough to see the completion of the temple.

But if I die, I'll never have to be flogged again. I'll finally be free...

When the temple is completed, can we all go free, you ask? Of course you can! So stop thinking of anything except working your hardest!
神殿が完成すれば自由になれるという話か? ああ、もちろん本当だとも! だから何も考えず精いっぱいはたらくのだぞ!

According to the High Priest, a time of darkness is upon us. Thus, the High Priest took it upon himself to create a land of light to counter such.

How cruel... Can't anyone do something about it..?

Guard: No matter... Someone, take this girl up to the healer's! And throw these two in the cell!
まあよい……おいこの女の手当てをしてやれ! それからこの2人は牢屋にぶちこんでおけっ!

Joshua: Its just a rumor, but l've heard that when this temple is completed, they're going to destroy any evidence of its creation... including the slaves! If that happens, my sister Maria... she'll...
649(-_-)さん:2006/06/25(日) 22:32:07 ID:???0
650(-_-)さん:2006/06/25(日) 22:57:19 ID:???0
651どらくえ漬け:2006/06/26(月) 09:13:05 ID:???0
Joshua: This water duct is used to wash the carcasses of dead slaves away... but if you hide in this barrel, you'll probably be able to get out alive.

Joshua: Hurry! Get in the barrel before someone sees you!

Oh well, this is a nameless nunnery by the sea... so take your time to rest and get better! You're safe here!

Oh yes, I found that set of clothes tucked away in your belongings.

The clothes you were wearing recently were so raggedy, I took the liberty of changing you.

You came here all the way downstream in the same barrel as Miss Maria?

Ah, the more I speak to Maria, the more I am humbled by the beauty of her soul. Surely she was sent to this Earth to serve our God...

I have heard your tale... you've have worked as a slave for ten years and finally gained freedom.
お話は聞いています、 10年以上もドレイとして働きやっと自由の身になったとか

Rest assured that no one will ever give you orders again.

With your father's passing, where you go and what you do will be entirely up to you.
652(-_-)さん:2006/06/26(月) 09:17:15 ID:???0
653(-_-)さん:2006/06/26(月) 09:27:14 ID:???0
654(-_-)さん :2006/06/26(月) 16:51:53 ID:???0
i've been living in the US for half my life but i'm so fucken scared
it's summer break over here but i haven't left my house at all
there's about 2 months left of this boredom... i hardly have any friends
after that, college starts but i'm terrified for that, too
i'll have a roommate then, too! yippieeee. dammit! dammit!!! dammit!!!!
655(-_-)さん :2006/06/26(月) 16:53:29 ID:???0
please translateエロい人
656(-_-)さん:2006/06/29(木) 16:20:06 ID:5AGHY9MVO
I am a hikky.
I learnd English.
So I will go to outside.
And I become worker.
657(-_-)さん:2006/06/29(木) 16:23:05 ID:???0
658(-_-)さん:2006/06/29(木) 18:53:38 ID:???0
659(-_-)さん:2006/06/29(木) 21:10:54 ID:???0
hardly ってhardの副詞かと思ってた・・
660(-_-)さん:2006/07/01(土) 19:38:55 ID:???0
661(-_-)さん:2006/07/01(土) 20:48:45 ID:???0


662(-_-)さん:2006/07/01(土) 20:51:07 ID:???0
663どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 21:48:05 ID:???0
I ran away from my no-good husband. He used to beat me everyday.

Hmm? Where did you run away from? What a coincidence!
おや?あんたもどこかから逃げてきたのかい? そりゃきぐうだねえ

Maria: Thank you so much for hearing my brother out and for helping me to escape.

Maria: But... when I think of my brother and the people who are still enslaved there... I cannot bring myself to truly be happy...

Maria: The reason that I stand here this day, is surely due to God's good grace.

Listen! If you go all the way North of here, you'll get to a huge city! It's a really fun place!

Henry: Oh? You got changed and everything? Oh yeah, you had baggage and stuff, huh?

Henry: But look at me. I still look like a damn slave. Ah well, what can I do?

Henry: Let's see now... What should we do now? Anyhow, when you're about to leave, gimme a holler.

Henry: I'm gonna go and tell the others that we'll be leaving, so just wait here a sec!
664どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:00:57 ID:???0
Maria: I will stay here and pray for the souls of the Many slaves... and also... I'll pray that you find your mother, NEET... Please take care, always.

Once you step through these gates, you will be transported to a faraway lands.

However, now is not the right time. Perhaps... soon... This is the city where all dreams can come true, Oracleberry.

Whaddaya want to drink? Eh. You don't even know what a beer is.. ? I don't know the details... but you must have come from some really barren place...
なんか飲むかい? え?酒を知らないだって? へえ、そのトシでねえ……よくはわからないけど、ずいぶんとさみしい所から来たんだねえ

Hmm? Ah, you're a traveler. Oh, but it's nice to have a place to go home to... But I suppose a young person like you still doesn't know the true joy of such...

I came to this town in hopes of becoming a dancer. Just you watch... I'll be the number one dancer here soon!

Sir, did you know? A spell named Identify is said to be able to discern the contents of a lot of things.
お客さん知ってますか? なんでもインパスという呪文で、いろんな物のかんていができるみたいですよ

Aaah, time passes so quickly doesn't it? When I was younger, this town was just a smail village.
665どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:02:55 ID:???0
People only started coming here after they built the bridge up North. How long ago? It's been about ten years since they put that up.

When you leave a town and walk for some time, it will become night. At night, this town will show its other face.

I heard that there's a store around here that sells something very peculiar... it's only open at night though.

I am a traveling merchant. On my way in from the North, I happened upon a terribly desolate village.

I could hardly believe that people actually lived there.

First things first! You need to find a caravan! And then... You must fight monsters, not with hate.. but with love!
まず、馬車を手に入れることじゃ! そして……憎む心ではなく愛をもってモンスターたちと戦うのじゃ

And when the monsters see this love, they will come to you, not as an enemy, but as a friend... a companion...

Of course, they respect only the strong... so you must triumph over them in battle first before they join you.

A smart ome like you will be able to befriend many a monster!

You will be able to take along a lot more monsters with the caravan, but there is still a limit...
666どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:04:19 ID:???0
When you reach such, just come visit me. I'll take care of your monstrous friends.

If you want a monster to obey your orders all the time, you should raise their intelligence.

When a monster's intelligence is over 20, he'll do just about anything you order him to do.

Hmm? You a friend of my husband's, are you not? Then listen to this a moment. My husband keeps telling me that he want's to go North to a great castle to sell his wares...
おや、あんたうちの人の知り合いかい? だったら聞いておくれよ。うちの人ったらずっと北の大きなお城まで商売にでたいなんていうんだよ

But this castle doesn't have the a most shining reputation.. it just worries me so...

You could say that I'm a rather famous fortune telling lady.

To tell the truth, I only do fortunes at night... but seeing that you're my type of man, I'll tell you something helpful.

A giant hand of darkness hovers menacingly to swallow our world! Whether you want to believe it or not, that's entirely up to you.
巨大な闇の手がこの世界をのみこもうとしておる! 信じる信じまいはおぬしの勝手じゃがな

This is an underground prison. If you want to speak to the prisoners, you can talk to them across the bars.
667(-_-)さん:2006/07/02(日) 22:05:22 ID:???0
668どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:06:16 ID:???0
This store brews great ale, but the food is disgusting! See? Try some!

I may only own one tiny little armor shop, but my dream is to one day own a huge enterprise...

To do that, I need to go to this castle said to exist to the North and take tons and tons of orders... But my darn wife... She won't let me go! Dammit!

I an a fortune teller... Would you like for me to peer into your future..?

Very well. Since you're so handsome, I'll tell your fortune for free!

Let's see... you are.. looking for someone.. and that person... a woman most dear to you... But you are confused.. for you do not know whether she lives or not...

But take heart, for she lives! And she too anxiously awaits the day that you two can come face to face...
安心せい! その者はまだ生きておる! そして、おぬしに会える日を待っているぞ!

You must first go North. There you will find a piece to this puzzle...

Are you travelers? Then you'll need to buy a caravan! You can have more party members this way!
お前さん旅の人かい? だったら馬車のひとつも買ってみないかい? 多くの仲間を乗せられるぞ!

Normally, I'd sell her for 3000 gold... but for you.. how about 300 gold?
3000Gといいたいところだが、まけにまけて 300Gでどうだい?
669どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:06:50 ID:???0
Alright! It's a done deal! I'll leave the caravan outside the city... good luck now!
よし商談成立だ! 馬車は町の外に出しとくから、いい旅をするんだぜ!

I heard this rumor that, someplace, they're building a country of light where everyone can live happily. If it's true, I'd like to go there one day...

According to rumor, there is a King somewhere that collects small medals. When you bring medals to this King, its said that he will exchange them for various items.

If you find a medal, don't throw it away, but keep it, or store it away in the Depository.

Recently, my children have been playing on the outskirts of the town... I'm so worried.

I hope that the world will someday be peaceful enough that they can at least go outside.

Welcome to the casino. You may only use coins here. You can exchange your gold for coins at the cashier over there.

There's this rumor that this world is going to be infested by darkness, but when a person dies, they die! You have to enjoy life!

Do you know of the Legendary Hero? I wonder if truly someone called that will appear on this world... Actually, I've already bet 1000 coins that he will appear!
伝説の勇者って知っていますか? そういう人がホントに出現するかどうか……私は出現するほうにコイン1000まいかけてるんですよっ
670どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:08:57 ID:???0
When you come here, you get to see a lot of different lives of a lot of different people. At my age, this is the only thing that gives me joy.

Please lend me your ear a moment! If that monster there wins, since I've got a double up on him, I'll get 1000 coins!
聞いてください! あのモンスターが勝つとダプルアップしてるんで、なんと1000まいに!

You can win all you like at the casino, but coins will always stay coins and can't be changed back to money.

So not indebting yourself and only using truly excess money is the reasonable way to go.

This is the village of Santa Rosa. If you head West, you will eventually come upon the city of Alcapa.

A long time ago, this was a beautiful village. But one day, soldiers from Reinhart came here and burned the village to ashes!

How cruel! How could they?! They blamed their prince's disappearance on Papas...
ひどい!ひどいわ! パパスさんのせいで王子様が行方不明になっただなんて!

Telling a complete stranger about Papas... What good would that do?

What? You know Lord Papas? He was your father?! B... but... come to think of it... you look like that boy he was with... NEET! NEET?! Is it you...?
え?パパスさんを知ってる? あなたの父親ですって!? そんなっ……でも確かにあの時の坊やのおもかげが……ニート!ニートなの!?

come to think of it... back then, Papas mentioned hiding something valuable in the cave...
671どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:10:15 ID:???0
It's been a long time and I don't know for sure what it was, but whatever it is still there! Be careful downthere...

Way back when, this was a thriving inn.. but then the soldiers came and destroyed it.

This is all we have now, but please, stay and rest as long as you like.

Dear NEET... If you are reading this letter, then for some reason, I am no longer able to stand by your side...

You may already know this, but my quest began when a creature of purest evil kidnapped my wife...

My wife, your mother, possessed a most wonderful power. I'm not sure what it truly does, but I know that it has some connection to the Demon World.

I have no doubts that it was because of such power that she was kidnapped.

NEET! You must find the Legendary Hero!
ニートよ! 伝説の勇者をさがすのだ!

From my research, the only person who may venture into the Demon World to save her is the one who can equip the Zenithian Armor.

I traveled the world thrice, and all I have to show is the Zenithian Sword, much less any sign of the Legendary Hero!
672どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:11:45 ID:???0
But NEET! You must do what I could not! Find the Hero, find the Zenithian Brmor, then same your mother! You are our only hope!

Henry: Hmmm... and so the plot thickens, eh? Man! The Legendary Hero, huh? Hmmm...

But it's said that such a sword can only be equipped by the Legendary Hero...

I remember years before when Papas was crying out in desperation that he could not wield such... So... that was the sword, was it?

I had never seen Papas so desperate, or so bitter, before that moment.

Oh? You're searching for the Legendary Hero? Are you kidding me?
まあ!伝説の勇者さまをさがしだすですって!? 本気なの?

Oh, of course you're kidding. Besides, he's the stuff of legends, and probably dead by now anyway.

You're not... now that I think of it, I once heard a tale about the Legendary Hero at Alcapa.

Hmm... Alcapa... didn't you have a friend named Bianca who lived there? I wonder how she's doing..?

What am I to do now? With that selfish prince gone and his younger brother Dale, King, I went to Reinhart to become a soldier.
673どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:12:17 ID:???0
But in truth, the one with power was the King's wife, the queen. Oh, how horrible she is. It's the end of that country it is.

This one is said to have run away from Reinhart.

According to rumor, Reinhart has really gone down the sewer. But I didn't think it was so bad that a person had to escape...

Our son who ran off to become a soldier at Reinhart has finally returned!

I'm not coming back 'til I'm rich and powerful! he said when he took off. But look at him now.
えらくなるまで帰らないぞ! なんていって家をとびだしたのに、なさけないよね

But I'm happy right now. I guess it's part of being a parent.

I am on a quest to find all the Legendary Equipment. I heard that there's a man who lives here that knows all about them...

Tales about the Legendary Hero? Just a moment... My father could be considered sort of an expert in that department. He's in the back... why don't you ask his?

What? You want to hear about the Legendary Hero?! Very well then! Let me tell you!
なに?伝説の勇者について話を聞きたいだと!? よし!話してやろう

Many many years ago, a Dark Lord named... um... well, a Dark Lord was awakened and set out to destroy the world.
674どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:13:17 ID:???0
But a hero wielding the Zenithian sword and wearing the armor, helm and shield of the Skies defeated the Dark Lord and saved us all.

Hmm? And what happened to him after that? According to one story, he was said to have returned to the Heavens. But I'm not really sure.
え?そのあとの勇者かい? う一ん、一説には天空にもどったともいわれてるけど、そこまでは知らんなあ

But perhaps some of his blood line has survived...?

Who? Bianca? I'm sorry... I don't know her. Actually, we came here seven years ago and bought this inn from a man named Duncan.
え?ビアンカ? 知らないねそんな子は。あたしら夫婦は7年ほど前、ダンカンていう人からここを買いとって宿をはじめたのさ

Well anyway... Maybe if you stay the night here, something good will happen!

I am a traveling nun. Yes, I am able to feel it, that the seal placed upon the Demon World by our God, so long ago, weakens even as we speak.

If the seal is ever broken, darkness will overrun this world, and devour everything. Oh!

I thought I might come visit him one day, but seems like Duncan had fallen rather ill and had to get out of the business. Now he's moved to a get out of the business. Now he's moved to a mountain village across the sea.
675どらくえ漬け:2006/07/02(日) 22:14:06 ID:???0
You are searching for someome you say? That reminds me. A long time ago a king once set out in search of his kidnapped
誰かをおさがしの旅ですか? そういえば昔さらわれた王妃をさがして旅に出た王さまがいたとか

I never heard a tale of him finding her, so I suppose he's still searching to this day... How romantic...

Under its past King, Reinhart was a great nation... But since that King passed and Prince Dale took the throne, the monarchy just fell to pieces...

My dream is to find the Legendary Equipment and become the world's finest warrior!

I've heard tales of a cult somewhere in the world dedicated to protecting the Gate to the Demon World.

It's said that the followers of that cult can speak the language of monsters...

Guard: East of here lies the country of Reinhart! Under order of the Queen, I cannot let anyone pass without the proper papers!
676(-_-)さん:2006/07/04(火) 17:23:00 ID:???0
677どらくえ漬け :2006/07/05(水) 19:27:04 ID:???0
I heard that this country is gathering an army by offering exorbitant high wages to strong soldiers...

To finance such actions, taxes have become unbearable for the people, who can barely afford to eat.

This nation's Queen is really something. It won't be long until this land conquers all the world.

Hey there, you! You here to try your hand at being a soldier? This is good country for that!
よお兄ちゃん! おめえも兵士になりたくてやって来たのかい?この国はいいぞお!

So long as you fight, you get tons of money and all you want to eat!

There is nothing more enjoyable to me than war. Ahh, the sweet sounds of slaughter and the bitter cries of death...

I've been thinking recently but... these men the Empress is gathering are all one arrow short of a full quiver.

Oh, wait! Please don't tell any of these men that I said such a thing!

But, God, to this day I cannot erase from my mind that atrocity...

Though it was an order from the Enpress, how could we have destroyed such a defenseless village?
678どらくえ漬け :2006/07/05(水) 19:34:56 ID:???0
Only those called by the Empress may pass from this point on. Now go home!

Henry: Hold on! You're gonna leave just like that? I mean... I guess it's no use if we can't get into the castle...
おい!このままひきさがるつもりなのか? といっても城の奥に入れなきゃしかたないか……

Henry: There used to be a secret passage around here. Maybe we can get into the castle through that...Let's see... where was
that thing...

The one who got rid of Prince Henry was none other than the former Queen, and our present Empress!

And yet she pretended to be torn apart by his disappearance and even blamed the whole ordeal on Papas! Even destroyed his village...
なのに自分もヘンリー王子の行方知れずを悲しむふりをしすべてパパスどのの責任に! 村にまで攻めこんだんじゃ

Never have I met such a vile and repulsive woman... But soon... she'll get hers!

Oh yes, it was I, who ten years ago had that brat Henry kidnapped and sent to his grave!

But it was all for my dear son. All to make Dale the King!

But now, I truly do regret doing such a thing... So please... do not leave me here...
679どらくえ漬け :2006/07/05(水) 19:43:31 ID:???0
This country's King is Lord Dale. But he is merely a puppet for the Enpress. She holds the true power.

So it would be best if you did not ever go up against her. Else, you may find your head lying by your feet...

The Empress, back when she was but a Queen seemed to truly care for her son, Dale.

But the monent he became King, she became a totally different person, almost overnight...

Now, it seems as though she considers King Dale to be a nuisance to her ambitions. I wonder... what could have happened?

I am studying the evolution of life. People, living things, how did they come to be as they are now? Can they grow stronger.. ?
わたしは生き物についての研究をしておる。人は生き物はなぜ今の形になったのか? もっと強い存在になれぬのか?

I have heard that there was once a way to manipulate such evolution.. perhaps it was just an act of God.

This is the Empress' room. Did our Empress call for you?

Then go! Only those that the Empress has called for specifically may pass.
ではさがれ! 太后さまは必要のある者しかお会いにならぬのだ

Dale: What? Mother's in the dungeon?! Now that I think of it, things were going a bit odd...
え!母上が地下牢にっ? そういえばいろいろ思いあたることがあるな……
Dale: I don't remember when, but I read in some book about a magical mirror...

Dale: It was on the book shelf of the castle's storage room...

Dale: Here, take this key with you.. it should come in handy...

Chancellor: To avoid a man of my caliber! hat on Earth does the King plan on doing.. ?

Chancellor: Oh well, so long as the Empress lives, this country will be peaceful.

Hmm? The Empress called for you? Well, when you're done, don't loiter around the castle. Go home, you hear?
ん? 太后さまに呼ばれた者か? 用がすんだのなら城の中をウロウロせずさっさと帰ることだな

Oh! You are the one who... Please, come in come in! Maria will be so happy to see you again!
まあ! あなたさまはいつぞやの……よくぞおいでくださいました、マリアもきっとよろこびますわっ

I ran away from my no-good husband. He used to beat me everyday. But you have kind eyes, so I believe you to be a good man.

What? You wish to enter the Southern tower where the sacred mirror is kept? Hmm... that is a dilemma...
え?鏡がまつられている南の塔に入リたいと? それはこまりましたね

You see, only a maiden of God can open the gate to that tower.