
2揚げ足ゲットマン ■AGeasHigEtMan:2005/10/21(金) 19:00:05 ID:???0
3(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 19:01:38 ID:???0
You are good job. :D
4(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 19:04:44 ID:???0
very small tinko is not at all.
5(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 19:48:14 ID:???0
God Bless America
6(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 21:41:58 ID:???0
7(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 22:20:34 ID:???0
i have an appointment. -予約してあるんですけど

may i have your name,please?

i'm sorry. i have jet lag. -すいません、時差ボケで

don't worry. i didn't even see that. -大丈夫、見てなかったから

my name is mika arai.

hi,ms.arai. we spoke on the phone. my name is sally. -新井さんですね。電話でお話ししましたね

this is your apartment that i want to show you. -これがお勧めの物件です

1. look  have a look at... 〜を見る
2. time  i didn't have time to do that. それをやる時間がなかった
3. place  i have no plave to go tonight. 今夜行くところがないんだ
4. money  today,i have no money. 今日お金がないんだ
5. problem(s)  george has a problem. ジョージは問題を抱えている

1. money... 目や手で触れられるもの
2. time,place,look,appointment... 触れられないもの
3. problem... 経験するもの

8(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 22:21:08 ID:???0
do you want to see the apartment? do you have time right now? -アパートを見たいですか?今からでもいいですか?

sure. let's go! -もちろんです。行きましょう!

what do you think? -どう思いますか?

it's so pretty! i don't believe it! -ステキ!信じられない!

do you like it? does it grab you? do you want to take it? -どう?気に入った?ここに決めますか?

i do! it does! i do! -もちろん!はい!ここにします!

・疑問文で使う助動詞TOP5 !助動詞はdoやbeのような他の動詞をサポートする動詞
1. do you...?
2. did you...?
3. are you...?
4. have you...?
5. would you...?

・疑問文ではdo、didが非常によく使われる !doの形は主語によって変わる
I you we they

he she it
9(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 22:22:34 ID:???0
hello? is anybody there? -はい?誰かいますか?

who is it? are you there? who's there? -誰ですか?誰かいるんですか?どなた?

it's alicia.your coordinator. -アリシアです。あなたのコーディネーターです

are you sure? where are you? -本当に?どこにいるの?

here i am! -ほらここよ!

!お互いの姿が見えない、または遠いところにいる場合i amではなくit is alicia.

be動詞の後につく形容詞 i'm+形容詞TOP5
1. sure  i'm sure 確かです
2. sorry  i'm sorry ごめんなさい
3. afraid  i'm afraid... 〜が心配なんだけど  
4. glad   i'm glad(happy) to hear that それが聞けてよかったよ
5. happy  

i am  私は〜です
you are  君は〜です
he is  彼は〜です
she is  彼女は〜です

we are  私たちは〜です
they are  彼らは〜です
10(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 23:08:06 ID:???0
this is such a great place. you can feel like a real new yorker here.

exactly! i said to my editor,"i want to see the real new york." and he said,"don't stay in a hotel!"
-そうなの! 編集部の人に言ったんです「本物のニューヨークが見たい」って。そしたら彼に「ホテルに篭ってちゃダメだよ」と言われたの

you know,you7re going to have a great time here. have you looked around the neighborhood yet?

not yet. can we take a walk? i want to get some photos.
-まだなの。散歩に行かない? 写真を撮りたいし

alicia,i want to take a picture of that man. is it all right?

sure. just say,"excuse me. may i take your picture,please?"

11(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 23:09:00 ID:???0
1. say  !sayとtellは同じ意味
2. tell  告げる、言う
3. talk  話す
4. ask  尋ねる、聞く
5. call  呼ぶ、電話をかける

she said,"i want to see you again." -彼女が「また会いたいわ」と言った


she said,"i want to see you again."
she told me that she wanted to see me again.


my grandmother often said,"clean up!" -おばあちゃんがよく言ってた「掃除しろ!」って

my grandmother often said,"study hard!" -おばあちゃんがよく言ってた「しっかり勉強しろ!」って
12(-_-)さん:2005/10/21(金) 23:42:07 ID:???0
excuse me. i want to go to the chelsea market. -すみません。チェルシーマーケットに行きたいのですが

take the A train to 14th street. go through the gate over there. -Aラインで14丁目まで行けばいいです。あの改札を通ってね

how much does it cost? -いくらかかります?

no matter where you go,it costs $1.50. you can buy a metrocard or token over there. -どこまで乗っても1ドル50セントです。メトロカードかトークンをあそこで買えますよ

どこどこに行くgo to+名詞TOP5
1. bed  go to bed=寝る
2. school  学校に行く
3. sleep  go to sleep=寝る
4. work  仕事に行く
5. church  教会に行く

!go to bedやgo to schoolにaやtheはつかない。寝るや学校に行くという日常生活の習慣的行為を表すものには冠詞がつかない

go to a doctor -医者に行く
go to the bank -銀行に行く

例文  !具体的な場所に行く場合aやtheがつく
i want to go to a bookstore. -本屋さんに行きたい
i want to go to a supermarket. -スーパーマーケットに行きたい
i want to go to a restaurant. -レストランに行きたい

you should go to bed now. -もう寝たほうがいいよ
13(-_-)さん:2005/10/22(土) 04:32:43 ID:???0
14nise1rou:2005/10/22(土) 07:59:09 ID:???0
nanka PC ga okashiinode shibaraku shitara mata kimasu! chotto
syuuri ni dashimasu m(__)m
15(-_-)さん:2005/10/22(土) 15:22:32 ID:???0
can i get your CD? -あなたのCDを手に入れることはできますか?

well,do you have any gigs? -じゃあ、ライブか何かはありますか?

but,how can i get the information? -でも、どうやったらわかるのかしら?

how can i get there? -どうやって行けばいいの?

take the A train! -A列車に乗ればいいのよ


1. money  you have to work to get money. -お金を手に入れるには働かなくてはいけない
2. job  仕事
3. time  時間
4. car  車
5. work  仕事


can i get your CD? -あなたのCDを手に入れることはできますか?
can i get a job? -仕事が欲しいんですけど…

how can i get a job? -どうしたら仕事を手に入れられますか?
how can i get that nice car? -どうしたらあんな素敵な車を手に入れられますか?
16see:2005/10/22(土) 15:28:00 ID:???0
i saw someone with something you made. -さっきこちらで作ったものを持ってる人達を見かけて

i was some kind of sandwich. -サンドイッチのようなものだったんですけど

oh,you did? -まあ、そうですか

yeah,when i saw it,i really wanted to try one,too! -ええ、それを見たらどうしても私も食べてみたくなったんです!

what did it look like? -どんな感じでした?

it looked healthy and long. -ヘルシーな感じで長かったわ

oh...was it like this? -じゃあ…こんな感じ?

yes,that's it! -はい、そうです!

!someone withは「それを持った人」

see+名詞TOP5  !seeのほとんどはsee+人/モノなど、名詞がくるパターン
1. people  go and see people -人に会いに行く
2. thing(s)  モノ
3. point  i see your point. -おっしゃりたいことはわかります
4. film/movie  映画
5. reason  理由

seeの意味  !「シー」でなく「スィー」
「見る」  →  「目に入って見える」  →  「わかる/理解できる」

i see your point. -あなたの言いたいことがわかる

you should see a doctor. -医者にみてもらったほうがいいよ
17make:2005/10/22(土) 15:29:17 ID:???0
what's this bread made from? -このパンは何でできているんですか?

it's made from whole wheat. -ホールウィートです

is it home-made? -自家製ですか?

of course! all our bread is home-made and it's all organic. -もちろんです!うちのパンはすべて自家製でオーガニックなんですよ

wonderful! would you make it to go? -素晴らしいですね。テイクアウトしていただけますか?

but no onions, no peppers, please. but i want cheese! -ただオニオンとペッパーは抜きでお願いします。でもチーズは入れてくださ い!

!to goはテイクアウト、お持ち帰り。英語ではテイクアウトとはあまり言わない

1. point  make a point -ひとこと言う
2. sense  make sense -理解できる/道理にかなっている
3. money  make money -お金を稼ぐ
4. mind  make up my (one's) mind -決心する
5. cup  make a cup of coffee -コーヒーを入れる

!後ろにくる名詞とmakeを組み合わせるとイディオム(熟語)になりやすい。作るという意味が薄くなる部分もあるけれど基本的イメージ は「〜をつくる」

make a point -ひとこと言う
can i make a point? -ひとこと言っていいですか?

that makes sense. -なるほど!
that doesn'make sense. -そんなのおかしい!
18take:2005/10/22(土) 15:30:57 ID:???0
hey. wherer to? where do you want to go? -こんにちは、どこまで?どこに行きたいの?

can you take me to broadway at 13th,please? -ブロードウェイの13丁目までお願いできますか?

honey, i can take you to any address in the city. -お嬢さん、僕はこの街のどこにだって行けるよ

great! take me there, plese. -すごい!じゃあそこまでお願い

you got it. -はいよ!


take (人/モノ) to 場所 TOP5
1. court  裁判所
2. school
3. station
4. hospital
5. bed  can you take the baby to bed? -赤ちゃんをベッドへ運んでくれる?

1. take+place  場所を取る→ある事柄が起こる、行われる

the meeting will take place on monday. -その会議は月曜日にあります

2. take+time  時間がかかる

take one's time -時間をかける
take your time! -ごゆっくり!

take your time. i'm not in a hurry. -ごゆっくり。私は急いでないから
i'll take her(him) to bed. -この子をベッドに運ぶよ
19do,did:2005/10/22(土) 15:35:19 ID:???0
20do,did:2005/10/22(土) 15:40:50 ID:???0
here we are. broadway at 13th. that'll be $6.20. -着いたよ!ブロードウェイの13丁目。6ドル20セント

uh. did you forget something? most people like to give the driver a tip. -あれっ何か忘れてない?たいていのお客さんは、チップをくれるもんだよ

oh! i did forget. i'm sorry! -ああっ!忘れてました。ごめんなさい!

that's ok. thank you very much. have a nice day! -いいんだ。どうもありがとう、よい一日を!

!didがあれば次の動詞を過去形にする必要がない。didを取るとoh! i did forget. → oh! i forgot.

否定の助動詞TOP5  !会話では、した、しなかったという過去について話すことが案外多い
1. is not  〜じゃありません
2. did not  〜しなかった
3. was not  〜じゃありませんでした
4. can not  〜できません
5. do not  〜しません

過去形の疑問や否定  !youとかhe、sheなんかでdoの形は変わるが、didは形がずっと同じ
i forgot an umbrella. -私はカサをなくした
did you forget an umbrella? -君はカサをなくしたの?
yes, i did. -うん、なくしたんだ
no, i didn't. -いいや、なくしてないよ

i went there by train. -私はそこへ電車で行きました
did you go there by train? -君はそこへ電車で行ったの?

how did you go there? -どうやってそこに行ったんですか?
i went there on foot. -私はそこへ歩いて行った
21(-_-)さん:2005/10/22(土) 18:35:55 ID:???0
22(-_-)さん:2005/10/22(土) 18:47:53 ID:???0
23(-_-)さん:2005/10/22(土) 21:14:29 ID:???0
24(-_-)さん:2005/10/22(土) 22:11:22 ID:???0
25(-_-)さん:2005/10/22(土) 22:35:17 ID:???0
26know:2005/10/23(日) 03:59:00 ID:???0
hi,can i help you? -はい、何かお探しですか?

i'm writing an article about interesting places on the east coast. -私、アメリカ東海岸のおもしろい場所について、取材しているんです

ok. oh, do you want to know about this store? -へえ、じゃあこの店について知りたいわけ?

yes. i don't know much about... -ええ、私あんまり詳しくなくって…

it's ok. i know everything about everything. so, i can show you....do you want to know about toys or comics or...? -オーケー、隅々までわかってるから。そうだなあ…おもちゃ?マンガ?何について知りたいの?

...well,let me show you a little bit of everything, ok? come on! -じゃあ、ちょこっとずつ全部見せてあげるよ。こっちに来て

!i know everything about everythingは全てについて全て、何でも知ってる。i don't know much about...〜についてあまり知らない

1. way  do you know the way to the toy store? -おもちゃ屋さんへの行き方知ってる?
2. name  i know the name of that action figure. -そのアクションフィギュアの名前知ってるよ
3. answer  答え
4. number  数、番号
5. person  人

・knowは知っているというメンタル動詞 ―頭の知的・感覚的な働きを表す動詞 !知っている程度を表すのにknowの後ろにいろんなものをつけて表す
i know everything. -何でも知っている
i don't know anything. -まったく知らない
i know nothing. -何も知らない
i don't know much about it. -そのことについてほとんど知らない
i know very little about it. -そのことについてほとんど知らない

i don't know much about computers. -コンピュータについてあまり詳しくないんだ
i don't know much about cars. -車についてあまり詳しくないの
i know everything about computers! -コンピュータのことなら何でも知ってるよ!
27will・would:2005/10/23(日) 04:01:07 ID:???0
i didn't know japanese action figures are so popular here. -日本のアクション・フィギュアがこんなに人気だなんて、知りませんでした

they are so hot right now! -今、とっても流行ってるね

...umm,would you write about us in your article? ok.will you send us a copy,please? -君の記事に僕らのことを書いてくれる?じゃあ、一部送ってもらえる?

sure! and...,would you pose for my camera, please? -ええ!あと…カメラに向かってポーズをとってもらえませんか?

will you...? would you...?のTOP5  
1. would you like...?  would you like some coffee? -コーヒーはいかがですか? !人に何かを勧める時の決まり文句
2. will(would) you be...?
3. will(would) you do...?  would you do me a favor? -お願いがあるんですけど
4. will(would) you have...?
5. will(would) you say...?

・will、wouldの助動詞をつけて感じを和らげる  !pleaseをつけてさらにていねいになる
send us a copy! -一部送って!
will you send us a copy? -一部送ってもらえますか?
would you send us a copy?  -一部送っていただけますか?

would you open the window? -窓を開けていただけますか?
will you open the window? -窓を開けてもらえますか?  !仲良しの場合wouldよりwillを使う
will you close the window? -窓を閉めてもらえますか?

would you do me a favor? -お願いがあるんですが
can i borrow 50.000 yen? -5万円貸してくれない?
28think:2005/10/23(日) 04:06:14 ID:???0
so,what do you think about them? -で、彼らのことどう思う?
i think they're very interesting. -とってもおもしろいと思うわ

do they have street performers in tokyo,too? -東京にもストリートパフォーマーっているの?

not so many. it's much more popular here. -そんなにはいないわ。こっちのほうがはるかに多いわね

do you know that, in new york, there are street performers on the subway, too? what do you think about that? -知ってる?ニューヨークでは地下鉄にだってパフォーマーがいるのよ。どう思う?

it can be pretty embarrassing sometimes. -ちょっと恥ずかしくなる時もあるわよね
yes, i think so, too! -ええ、そうよね

think of+名詞TOP5
1. way(s)  i'm always thinking of a way to make money. -いつもお金を稼ぐ方法を考えている
2. thing(s)  物事
3. name  名前
4. word(s)  言葉
5. number  数

1. think+(that)+文
i think they're very interesting. -とてもおもしろいと思います
2. think about(of) +名詞
i'm always thinking about(of) you. -いつも君のことを思っている

what do you think of my shirt? -私のシャツをどう思う?
i think it's ok. -問題ないと思う
what do you think of mr.corpus? -コーパスくんのことどう思う?
i think mr.corpus is strange. -コーパスくんは変わってると思う
i think your're nice. -君はいい人だと思う
29come:2005/10/23(日) 04:10:22 ID:???0
alicia...today is sunday. could we visit a gospel church? -アリシア…今日は日曜日だし、ゴスペル教会に行くことはできる?

sure, i think so. come with me! -そうね、たぶん大丈夫よ。ついてきて!

yes, we'd like to come to your church. -ええ、そちらの教会にお伺いしたいんですけど

ok. what time should we come? thank you. -ええ、何時に行けばよろしいですか?はい、どうも。

st. matthews baptist church in harlem. the service starts at 11:00. -ハーレムにあるセントマシューバプティスと教会礼拝は11時からですって

!we'd like toは「〜したい」。come to your churchでそちらの教会に伺いたい。comeは相手の立場に立ったもので教会に来る→伺う。we'd like to go to your churchだと私たちが行くという感じで、そちらに出向いて行くというていねいな感じの方が使われる
30come:2005/10/23(日) 04:11:49 ID:???0
come to+名詞TOP5
1. house  come to house -家に来る
2. end  come to an end -終わる
3. conclusion(s)  come to a conclusion -結論に達する
4. door  come to door -ドアのところにくる
5. terms  come to terms with... -…に妥協する

come to my house -家に来る
come to the door -ドアのところにくる

come to an end -終わる
come to a conclusion -結論に達する
come to mind -思い浮かぶ
come to life -生き返る

例文  !伺いたいというニュアンスはgoよりcomeの方が伝わる
i'd like to come to your house. -あなたの家に伺いたいんですが
please come to my house. -私の家に来てください

what time should i come. -何時に伺ったらいいですか?
please come to my house at 11. -11時に来てください
31be...ing:2005/10/23(日) 04:15:41 ID:???0
so, is it your first time here? -では、こちらは初めてですか?
yes! it's so evciting! -はい!とっても楽しみです

where're you from? -どこから来たのですか?
i'm visiting from japan. -日本から来ているんです

oh, you came a long way! -それは遠くからですね!

yes! i'm writing an article about great places in new york. -ええ、ニューヨークの素晴らしい場所の記事を書いているんです

well,this is one of them! oh, they're getting ready to start. -じゃあ、ここもいいですよ。ああ、ちょうど準備ができたみたいですね


be+...ing TOP5
1. be going  i'm going to the library. -図書館に行くところ
2. be doing  what are you doing -何してるの?
3. be talking
4. be saying
5. be getting  they're getting ready to start. -はじめる準備ができたみたいです

・進行形でよく使う同士  !進行形にしてイキイキした感じに
1、動作や行動を表す動詞 -go,getなど
2、コミュニケーションに用いる同士 -talk,sayなど

・進行形の別の用法 ―近い将来を表す
i'm getting married. -結婚するんです  !今結婚式してるというより、これからするんですというニュアンス

例文  !i go to the bankだと「私は銀行に行きます」。ニュアンス的に機械的で会話が弾まない
i'm going to the bank. -この後、銀行に行く予定です
i'm going to the supermarket this afternoon. -今日の午後スーパーに行く予定です  !今後の予定を話すにも使える
32(-_-)さん:2005/10/23(日) 06:56:44 ID:???0
33(-_-)さん:2005/10/23(日) 14:04:05 ID:176gqxvu0
34(-_-)さん:2005/10/23(日) 14:56:33 ID:???0
35(-_-)さん:2005/10/23(日) 18:23:30 ID:???0

36(-_-)さん:2005/10/23(日) 18:38:29 ID:???0
37(-_-)さん:2005/10/23(日) 19:35:28 ID:???0
38(-_-)さん:2005/10/23(日) 20:09:11 ID:???0
39(-_-)さん:2005/10/23(日) 20:16:38 ID:???0
40give:2005/10/24(月) 00:26:21 ID:???0
why do they sing in the service? -なんで礼拝中に歌を歌うのかしら?

well, they are giving thier thanks and praise to god. -そうね、神に感謝と賛美を捧げるのよ

give me your camera! -カメラを貸して!

!give me your cameraちょうだいじゃなくて「貸して。thanksは感謝、praiseは相手を讃える、神様にもgiveは使える

1. money  give me some money! -お金ちょうだい!
2. idea  考え
3. example  例
4. time  時間
5. chance  give me one more chance! -もう一度チャンスをください!

・giveの使われ方のパターン  !お互い言い換えができる
give+人+モノ  give me a camera
 ↑ ↓
give+モノ+to人  give a camera to me

・giveの後にくる名詞  !giveの後ろには目に見えない抽象的な名詞もよく使われる

give me more time. -もっと時間ちょうだい
would you give me more time? -もっと時間ください
41look:2005/10/24(月) 00:27:23 ID:???0
are you looking for something special today? -今日は何か特別にお探し?

actually, i'm writing an article for a japanese magazine. -実は私、日本の雑誌に記事を書いてるんです

i'd like to look at some of your designs. -この店でデザインしたものを見せていただけますか

sure. let's see...you could be a size small... -わかりました。そうですね、あなたのサイズはSでしょ

!look atで「〜を見る」、セットで覚える。i'd likeはi would likeが短くなった形

look at+名詞TOP5
1. page  look at page 20. -20ページを見て
2. figure  数字
3. face  look at this face! -彼の顔、見てごらんよ!
4. number  数
5. picture  look at this picture! -この絵を見てごらんよ!

look  (意識して)見る
see  (自然に)見える

例文  !designsの代わりに名詞を入れれば買い物できる
i'd like to look at some of your designs. -この店でデザインされたものを見せていただけますか
i'd like to look at some of your watches. -この店の時計を見せていただけますか
42can・could:2005/10/24(月) 00:28:22 ID:???0
this is so pretty! -これ、とってもかわいい!

thank you. isn't it great? you can wear it anywhere. and we design these right here in the shop. -ありがとう、いいでしょう。


the designer? is he here? -デザイナーが?ここに?

that's me! i design and make clothes right here. -僕ですよ。僕がここでデザインから仕上げまでしてるんです。

wow! could i ask you some questions? it would be so interesting for my article! -すごい!いくつか質問してもいいですか?おも


!could iは「〜してもいいですか?」。can iはくだけた言い方になる

can i...? could i...?+動詞TOP5
1. have  can i have a cheeseburger, please? -チーズバーガーを1つください
2. ask  答える
3. say  言う
4. do  する
5. go  can i go to the movies? -映画見に行ってもいい?

・許可とお願い  !iの代わりにyouを使うと許可からお願いに
can(could) i〜?  can i take a picture? -写真を撮ってもいいですか
can(could) you〜?  can you take a picture? -写真を撮ってもらえますか

can i speak to mr.williams, please? -ウィリアムズさんとお話できますか?
can you tell me what time it is? -今何時か教えてもらえますか?
could you tell me what time it is? -今何時か教えていただけますか?
43find:2005/10/24(月) 00:29:31 ID:???0
i always find something interesting in the flea markets. and then i use them to make something new and beautiful. -いつもフリーマーケットで面白いものを見つけるんです。それを使って新しい素敵なものを作るんですよ

your designs are very unique and so stylish! -あなたのデザイン、とてもユニークでスタイリッシュですね!

well, you know, i'm not just here for my research. i found some things for my wardrobe, too! -私も取材のためだけにここに来たわけではなかったの。自分のワードロープにお似合いのものを見つけたわ!

oh, i think you are going to look striking in my clothes. would you like to try it on? -私が作った服、とても似合うと思いますよ。試着してみますか?

1. way(s)  i can't find my way back. -帰り道がわからない
2. time  we have to find the time to talk. -話をする時間を見つけないと
3. place  場所
4. job  仕事
5. money  i found the money for a cruise. -クルージングするためのお金を稼いだ

1場所  way, place, space
2時間  time
3大切なモノ  job, money, work

i can't find my baggage. -私の荷物が見つからないんです
where can i find cereal? -シリアルはどこにありますか?
you can find it in that corner. -あの角にあります
44use:2005/10/24(月) 00:30:33 ID:???0
oh, this is so cute, too! ok, i'm ready to try them on! -これもとってもかわいい!じゃあ試着してみます

you can use the dressing room back here. -この後ろの試着室を使ってください

can i use japanese money? -日本円は使えます?

i'm afraid not. but we take every major credit card. -すみませんが使えません。でも主なクレジットカードは取り扱ってますよ

please sign here. oh, you can use this pen. -こちらにサインを。このペンを使ってください

thank you. i love shopping in new york! -ありがとう。ニューヨークでの買い物は楽しいですね

thank you very much, and come back any time! -ありがとうございました。いつでもお越しください

1. word(s)  単語
2. money  can i use japanese money  日本円使えますか
3. language  don't use bad language around the children! -子供のいる所では悪い言葉づかいをしないで!
4. car  can i use your car? -君の車貸してくれる?
5. computer  can i use your computer? -君のコンピュータ貸してくれる?

・useの使い方  !useという動詞は後ろに必ず名詞が必要
can i use your computer to check my asnwer? -答えをチェックするために君のコンピュータ貸してくれる?
can i use your computer for my homework? -宿題するために君のコンピュータ貸してくれる?

例文  !can i use a credit cardを具体的に「このクレジットカード」と言う時、this credit card
can i use this credit card? -このクレジットカード使えますか?

can i use your phone, please? -電話を貸してくれる?
could i use your phone, please? -電話をお借りできますか?
45(-_-)さん:2005/10/24(月) 13:27:47 ID:qMUx8s9k0
46want:2005/10/24(月) 19:52:43 ID:???0
now i want a bagel, please. -じゃあ、ベーグルが欲しいんですけど

we have plain, garlic, sesame, poppy, we have everything you would want! -プレーン、ガーリック、セサミにポピー、欲しいものは何だってあるよ!

i want a pumpkin bagel. -パンプキンベーグルをください

i'm sorry, we don't have pumpkin. -ごめんなさい、パンプキンはないなあ

i'm just joking! i'd like a sesame bagel, please. -冗談ですよ! セサミベーグルをお願いします

!everything you would wantで「あなたが欲しがるモノ何でも」

want+名詞TOP5  !お金や飲み物、食べ物など生活に密着した名詞がよく使われる
1. money
2. drink  do you want a drink? -何か飲み物欲しい?
3. tea/coffee
4. help  i want your help! -君の助けが欲しい!
5. bread

want to+名詞TOP5  !wantの後ろに名詞がくるのは2割くらいで、wanto to+動詞が6割
1. know  want to know -知りたい
2. go  i want to go to new york. -ニューヨークに行きたい
3. see  want to see -見たい
4. get  want to get -手に入れたい
5. make  want to make -作りたい

do you want some coffee? -コーヒー飲みたい?
no thanks. i want some beer. -いや、ビールが飲みたい

i want to know about your family. -あなたの家族について知りたい
i want to know everything about you. -君のすべてが知りたい
47what:2005/10/24(月) 19:53:30 ID:???0
now, how do you want your sesame bagel? toasted? -さて、セサミベーグルはどうしましょうか?トーストしますか?

yes, please. -ええ、お願いします

and what do you want on it? -で、何を乗せましょうか?

cream cheese, please. -クリームチーズをお願いします

what kind of cream cheese would you like? -どんなクリームチーズがいいですか?

what do you have? -何があるの?

oh, boy! we've got plain, salmon, tofu, cinnamon raisin, and pumpkin! -そりゃあもう!プレーン、サーモン、トウフ、シナモンレーズン、それとパンプキン!

i got you! i'm just joking! -ひっかかった!冗談だよ!

oh, you! i'd like walnut raisin, please. -まあ!くるみレーズンをお願いします

1. what  what kind of -どんな種類?
2. which  which do you like, coffee or tea? -コーヒーとお茶、どっちが好き?
3. how
4. who
5. where


what do you want to do today? -今日は何したい?
what kind of sport do you want to play? -どんなスポーツをしたい?
where do you want to play tennis? -どこでテニスしたい?
48tell:2005/10/24(月) 19:55:25 ID:???0
would you like to get some coffee? -コーヒーでも飲まない?
oh, that sounds good! -ええ、いいわね!

oh, but i meant to tell you. i need to get some maps and magazines. -あ、でも買おうと思ってたんだけど、地図と雑誌を買わなくちゃ

do we have enough time to do both? -両方する時間はある?
oh, sure! we can do both at the same time! -ええ、もちろん!同時に2つできるわよ

mika, i'm sure you can find the magazines here and have a cup of coffee at the same time. -ミカ、ここなら一度に雑誌も買えるしコーヒーも飲めるわ

alicia, tell me more about this place. -アリシア、この場所についてもっと教えて
ok! i love it here. -いいわよ!私ここ気に入っているの

!tellは話す他に相手に伝えるというニュアンス。i meant toは「〜しようと思ってた」、tell youで「言おうと思ってた」

1. truth  tell me the truth! -本当のことを教えて!
2. story/stories
3. time  george cannot tell time yet. -ジョージはまだ時計の見方がわからない  !tell timeで「何時かわかる)」
4. lie(s)  tell a lie -ウソをつく
5. thing(s)

say  言葉をただ言う
tell  言葉で内容のあることを伝える

tell+way  tell + 人 + the way to 場所  〜への行き方を教える

he told me a lie. -彼はわたしにウソをついた
tell me the wey to the station. -駅への行き方を教えて
would you tell me the way to the station? -駅への行き方を教えてください
49put:2005/10/24(月) 19:58:01 ID:???0
you can drink coffee here and read magazines without ever buying them. -ここではコーヒーも飲めるし、買わなくても雑誌を読むことができるのよ

wonderful! -すごい!

you know, magazine-cafes like this right now are very trendy. -あのね、こういうマガジンカフェが今とても流行ってるの

this is much nicer than manga-cafes we have in japan. -日本にはマンガ喫茶があるけど、こっちの方がはるかにいいわね

really? what are you looking for? -そう?何を探してるの?

maps and travel magazines about new york. -ニューヨークの地図と旅行雑誌

oh, look! a table just opened up. i'll go put our things on it. -あっ!テーブルが空いたわ。あそこに荷物を置いてくるわ

alicia, what do i do with this? -アリシア、これはどうしたらいいの?

just put them on the table. i'll see you there. -テーブルに置いておけばいいのよ。じゃあ、あっちでね

!i'll go putは元々i'll go (and) put行って置いてくる、普段の会話ではandを省略でgo put。our thingsは自分達の荷物、on itはテーブルの上で「荷物をテーブルに置いてくる」

!just putちょうどでなく、「ただ単に」置けばいいよ。themが置くモノで、on the tableが置く場所。putは「置くモノ」と「置く場所」の組み合わせで使う
50put:2005/10/24(月) 19:58:31 ID:???0
1. money  put your money in your pocket! -ポケットにお金を入れなさい
2. hand(s)  put your hands up! -手をあげろ!
3. name  名簿などに名前を載せる
4. water
5. pressure  don't put pressure on me! -僕にプレッシャーをかけないで!

・putの基本的意味  !手を使ってあるものを別の場所に置く
put your hands up  手が「置くモノ」、upが上の方に「置く場所」
put my name on the list  名前が「置くモノ」、listが「置く場所」

put money in a bank -銀行に預ける
put your hands on your head. -手をあたまに置いて
put your hands on your shoulder. -手をわたしの肩に置いて
put the wallet in the bag. -サイフをバッグの中にしまって
51work:2005/10/24(月) 20:00:14 ID:???0
hey, how about this one? -ねえ、これどうだい?
wow! that's a giant fish! -わぁ、大きな魚!
oh, i've sold some a lot bigger. -もっと大きいのもあったんだけどね
do you like to work with fish? -魚と接するお仕事は好きですか?

actually, i like to work with the customers who come to buy the fish. what do you do? -本当は魚を買いにくるお客さんと接するのが好きさ。君は何してるの?

i work for a magazine in japan. -日本で雑誌の仕事をしてます
japan? now there's a country that appreciates fresh fish. -日本?新鮮な魚を食べる国だよね
yes. can i take your picture with the fish? -ええ、魚といっしょに写真を撮ってもいいですか?

!work forの後ろには会社とか職業を示す単語がくることが多い

work+前置詞TOP5  !workの後には働く場所や内容が前置詞で表される
1. work in...  i work in a flower shop. -私はお花屋さんで働いています
2. work with...  work with numbers -(データ処理)数字を扱う仕事をする
3. work on...  i'm working on a big project. -大きなプロジェクトに取り組んでいる
4. work for...
5. work at...  〜で働く

work in(at)→ office, shop, factory, kitchen etc.

work for→ company, firm, bank, father etc.

who do you want to work with? -誰と仕事がしたい?
i want to work with brad pitt. -ブラッドピットと仕事がしたい
i want to work with you. -あなたと仕事がしたい
52work:2005/10/25(火) 00:51:07 ID:???0
how did you become a fish salesman? -どうして魚屋さんになったんですか?

we're called fishmongers. i became a fishmonger because my family is all fishmongers and lobstermen. -僕らはfishmongerって呼ばれてる僕が魚屋になったのは、家族が魚屋やロブスターマンだったからさ

a lobsterman catches lobster. do you know lobster? -ロブスターマンはロブスターを捕まえる人のこと。ロブスターは知ってる?

sure. -もちろん

how did you become a journalist? -どうして君は記者になったの?

i became a journalist because i like to travel and eat lobsters! -旅が好きなのとロブスターを食べるのが好きだから!

53become:2005/10/25(火) 00:52:14 ID:???0
1. member  i became a member of the karate team. -空手部のメンバーになったんだ
2. friend(s)   george and i became friends. -ジョージと私は友達になった
3. president  my father became president of a famous japanese company. -私のお父さんはある有名な日本企業の社長になった
4. law  become law -可決する
5. director  責任者

・become+形容詞  !becomeの後ろには形容詞もよくくる
1. become involved  関わり合いをもつ
2. become clear  明らかになる
3. become aware  気づく
4. become available  利用可能になる
5. become difficult  難しくなる

例文  !why did you become...? -なぜ〜になったの?
why did you become a DJ? -なぜDJになったの?
i became a DJ because i love music. -音楽が好きだからDJになったんだ

why did you become an actress? -どうして女優になったの?
i became an actress because i want to be a bond girl. -ボンドガールになりたいから女優になったの
54may:2005/10/25(火) 00:54:16 ID:???0
excuse me? may i speak with you? -すみません。お話してもよろしいですか?
sure. that'd be fine. -ああ、いいよ

my name is mika arai, and i'm writing an article about interesting people and places on the east coast. -私は新井ミカといって、東海岸のおもしろい人や場所を記事にしているんです

yeah, i'm an interesting person. -ボクはおもしろい人間だよ
may i ask what you are doing? -何をしているところですか?
i'm stringing lobster bait right now. -ロブスターのエサを糸でつないでいるんだ

!may i askで「聞いてもいいですか?」

may i+動詞?TOP5  !mayは「してもよい」、「かもしれない」という意味の助動詞。mightはその仲間
1. ask  may i ask a question? -質問してもいいですか?
2. have  may i have your name, please? -お名前を伺ってもいいですか?
3. say
4. suggest  may i suggest we go for a drink tonight? -今夜飲みに行くのはいかがでしょうか?
5. make

・might  〜かもしれない  !mayより柔らかい感じ。話し言葉ではmayより使われる。mayは書き言葉で使われる
it will rain today. -今日は雨になる →確実性が強い
it might rain today. -今日は雨が降るかもしれない →確実性が弱い
i might be a few minutes late. -数分遅れるかもしれない

may i come to your house tomorrow? -明日君の家に行っていい?
i might be out. -外出してるかもしれない

may i use your pen? -君のペン、借りてもいい?
sure! but it might be broken. -いいよ、でも壊れてるかも
55mean:2005/10/25(火) 00:55:49 ID:???0
this is a lobster trap. we put the bait in here to catch the lobster. -これがロブスターを捕まえるワナ。ここにエサを入れて捕まえるんだ

what do you mean? -どういう意味ですか?

well, we put the lobster trap in the water and then the lobster comes in here agter the bait. -このワナを水に入れるとロブスターがエサを追って中に入る

and then they get stuck in the back part, and they can't get out. -後ろの部分につっかかって出られなくなるんだ

thank you for teaching me. i learned a lot. -教えてくださってありがとう。よくわかりました

no, you haven't. i'll show you something more interesting. -いや、まだだよ。もっとおもしろいものを見せてあげる

you mean... -と言うと…

this is a rock crab. these are sweeter than lobsters! -これはロッククラブ。ロブスターよりおいしいんだ!

mean TOP5  !会話の内容をはっきりさせたり、相手の内容に同意する時の相槌のような機能がある
1. i mean...  つまりその…
2. you know what i mean?  私が言ってること分かりますか?
3. what do you mean buy that?  それはどういう意味ですか?
4. i see what you mean.  おっしゃることは分かります
5. what does(do) ...mean?  〜はどういう意味ですか?

・文を言い直す時に使う  !think, knowなどと同じようにメンタル動詞。現在形で使われることが多い動詞
i mean...  つまりその…

what do you mean by that? -それってどういう意味?  !相手の話が難しくなってきた時に使う
you know what i mean? -ボクの言いたいことわかる?
56speak:2005/10/25(火) 00:56:44 ID:???0
my name is mika arai, and i'm here to speak with the owner mr. papp. -新井ミカと申します。ご主人のパップさんにお話を伺いに来たのですが

yes, we spoke on the phone. -ええ、電話でお話しましたね

you're doing an article about interesting places on the east coast? -東海岸のおもしろい場所についての記事を書いているんでしたよね

yes! and this morning at the dock, everybody spoke about your restaurant. -はい!今朝、波止場でみんなこのレストランのことを話していたので

miss arai, you speak english very well! -新井さんは英語がとてもお上手ですね

oh, no. and please call me mika. -とんでもない。私のことはミカと呼んでください

it smells so nice! -う〜ん、いいにおい!

that's coming from the kitchen. -キッチンからですね

would you like to go see? -ご覧になりますか?

yes, please! -はい、お願いします

!speak withは「〜と話をする」
57speak:2005/10/25(火) 00:57:45 ID:???0
speak+名詞TOP5  !元々は「言葉を発する」
1. english
2. language  speak a foreign language -外国語を話す
3. french  can you speak french? -フランス語はなせる?
4. word(s)
5. mind  speak my mind -思っていることを言う

say…誰かが言ったことをそのまま伝える  she said, "i love you." -愛しているわと彼女が言った

tell+名詞  !真実や物語、伝えたい情報を表す言葉がくる。speakは英語、フランス語など言葉に関する単語がくる
1. truth
2. story
3. time
4. lie
5. thing

may i speak to george? -ジョージと話したいんですけど
would you speak more slowly? -もっとゆっくり話してください
you speak english very well. -英語が上手ですね
58have:2005/10/25(火) 00:58:42 ID:???0
this is our kitchen. -ここが私たちのキッチンです

we have taken pride in choosing the finest ingredients and preparing everything right here. -最高の食材を選んで、全てここで調理していることが私たちの誇りです

what is he doing? -彼は何をしているんですか?

he is making a hollandaise. -オランデーズソースを作っているんです

it's a tricky sauce, but he has made it many times before. -難しいソースですが、彼は今までに何度も作ってますからね

john, i can't wait anymore. i have got to try some of your food. -ジョン、もう待ちきれません。お料理を何か試しに食べてみなくちゃ!

your table is waiting. let's go! -テーブルの準備はできていますよ。さあ、行きましょう!
59have:2005/10/25(火) 00:59:36 ID:???0
have+過去分詞TOP5  !have+過去分詞は完了形
1. been  have been to... -…に行ったことがある
2. got  i've got a job. -仕事が手に入った →今仕事がある
3. seen  i've seen that movie. -その映画はみたことがある
4. made  
5. taken

i have just finished my homework. -たった今、宿題が終わったところ

i have lived here for 10 years. -10年間ここにずっと住んでいる

he has made it many times before. -彼は今までに何回も作ったことがある

・完了形のポイント  !過去と現在が結びついている
i have just finished my homework. 

he has made it many times before.

have you ever been to hawaii? -ハワイに行ったことある?
have you ever been to space? -宇宙に行ったことある?
60leave:2005/10/25(火) 16:49:15 ID:???0
everything looks so good. i can't choose. -どれもとってもおいしそう、迷っちゃうわ

could you design a dinner course for me? -コースを組み立てていただけますか?

i'd be happy to. leave everything to me. -喜んで、私にすべてまかせてください

but i have one request. -でも、ひとつお願いがあるんです

a fisherman told me not to leave this town without trying blackfish. -漁師さんがブラックフィッシュを食べずにこの町から帰っちゃだめだよって言ってたんです

i have the perfect dish for you: "char-grilled blackfish." -ちょうどいい料理がありますよ。「ブラックフィッシュの炭火焼き」です

sounds perfect. yes, please. and i want to have some appetizers. -それがいいわ、お願いします。それと何か前菜が欲しいんですけど

yes, but i leave room for dessert. -わかりました。でもデザートの入るところも残しておいてくださいね

!leave everything「全て残しておいて」to meで「私にすべてまかせて」
!leave this townで「この町を去る」not toを前につけて「この町を離れないように」
!leave room for dessertのroomは「空間、隙間」、デザートの入るところを残して
61leave:2005/10/25(火) 16:50:57 ID:???0
1. school
2. things
3. message  i would like to leave a message. -メッセージを残したいんですけど
4. home
5. room  

・leaveの意味  !ある場所からモノを残して離れていく
leave tokyo  東京から離れる  !東京を残して離れていく→東京から出て行く
leave the room  部屋から出て行く

leave a message  メッセージを残しておく  !メッセージを残して離れていく
leave room  スペースを残しておく

例文  !leaveの過去形はleft
i would like to leave a message. -メッセージを残したいんですけど
would you like to leave a message? -メッセージを残しますか?
he left tokyo at 7. -彼は7時に東京を出発した
62seem:2005/10/25(火) 16:52:22 ID:???0
you seem to be happy. -うれしそうだね

i am happy! john, this tastes so good! -とっても幸せ!とってもおいしいわ!

one of my favorite things is hearing someone say, "this tastes so good!" -僕の大好きなことのひとつが「これはとってもおいしい」と言うのを聞くことなんだ

does that seem strange? -おかしいかな?

no, not at all. -そんなことないわ

you seem to be a man who likes to make people happy! -人を幸せにすることがお好きなようですね!

!you seem to be happyは「うれしそうですね」。you are happyのareをseem to beに置き換えたもの
!does that seem strangeで「おかしいとお思いですか?」。to be strangeのto beが省略されてseem strangeに

seem+形容詞TOP5  !reasonableは「道理にかなった/妥当な」
1. long  your pants seem to be too long. -君のズボン長すぎるんじゃないの?
2. all right
3. reasonable  you plan seems to be reasonable. -君のプランはもっともだと思うよ
4. good
5. sensible  分別のある/賢い

be動詞の場合  A is B. -AはBだ  !断定的
seemの場合  A seem(to be)B. -AはBのようだ  !憶測を含む

everything seems to be all right. -大丈夫みたい
it seems to be a long time. -長い時間のように思える
it seems to be a good idea. -それは良いアイデアだと思う
it seems to be a good idea to me. -僕には良いアイデアだと思える
63need:2005/10/25(火) 16:54:53 ID:???0
if you need a haircut, there's two waiting. it'd be about twenty minutes. -散発だったら、今2人待っているんだ。20分くらいかかるけど

no, no. i don't need a haircut. i need information. i'm looking for butch. -散発は結構です。情報が欲しいんです。ブッチさんはいらっしゃいますか
you found him. -私ですよ

hello, butch. my name is mika. nice to meet you. -こんにちは、ブッチさん。私はミカです、はじめまして。
i need a bit of your time. i tried to call you earlier but... -少しお時間をいただきたいのですが、来る前にお電話しようとしたのですが・・・
we don't have a phone in here. -うちには電話がないからね

butch, i need to talk with you. is it true that you7ve seen a UFO? -ブッチさん、お話したいのですが、UFOを目撃したというのは本当ですか?
yes. -ああ

!i need a bit of your time.少しばかりあなたの時間が必要→「少しお時間をいただきたいのです」
!need toの後に動詞がくると「〜する必要がある、〜したい」、with youで「お話したいのですが」 

need+名詞TOP5  !i need time to〜で「〜する時間が必要なんです」
1. help  i need your help. -あなたの助けが必要なの
2. money
3. people
4. support
5. time  i need more time to talk! -もっと話す時間をちょうだい!

1一般的な助け  help, support
2技術的・精神的な助け  training, care
3生活に必要なもの  money, time, work
4人、人手  people, hand
5情報  information

finish my homework by tomorrow -明日までに宿題を終わらせる
i just need more time. -ただもっと時間が必要なだけ
64ask:2005/10/25(火) 16:56:17 ID:???0
i want to ask for your help. have you seen a UFO? -助けて欲しいのですが、UFOを見たことがあるんですか?

i've seen a UFO more than once. -UFOは何度も見てるよ
me, too. -私も
we all have. -僕たちはみんな見たことがあるよ

UFOs come to pine bush a lot. many people go out to watch for thenm. -UFOはよくパインブッシュに出没するんだ。たくさんの人がそれを見ようと出かけていってるんだよ

can i ask your favor? may i go with you? -1つお願いしてもいいですか?私も一緒に行ってもいいですか?

not tonight. but i know a couple guys...wait, let me ask you a question. aren't you scared? -今夜は私はダメだな。でも、何人か知り合いが…ちょっと待った、1つ聞いてもいいかい?君は怖くないのかい?

!ask forで「〜に求める」、your helpで「助けを頼みたい」

ask for+名詞TOP5  !askの基本的な意味は情報や助けを求める。そこから何かを尋ねる、何かを頼むときに使われる
1. money  george, don't ask me for money. -私にお金を求めないでね
2. information
3. permission  first, you have to ask for my permission. -まず私の許可をとらなきゃダメだよ
4. advice  助言
5. help

1ask a question  質問する
2ask one's name  名前を尋ねる
3ask a favor  頼みごとをする
4ask help  助けを求める
5ask permission  許可を求める

can i ask you a question? -質問してもいい?
can i ask you a favor? -頼みごとしてもいい?
65feel:2005/10/25(火) 20:58:06 ID:???0
that's strange. roger, i want to go to watch UFOs tonight. how do you feel? -不思議だわ、ロジャー。今夜UFOを見に行きたい


yeah, everything feels right. i feel good. -うん、全てがいい感じだ。いい感じがするよ

is the weather ok? -天気は大丈夫?

yes, it's getting cold, good for seeing them. -うん、寒くなるから、UFOを見るにはちょうどいいよ

oh, thank you. i feel like i'm going to see something tonight. -ありがとう。今夜こそ何か見られそうな気がするわ

!feelには気持ちだけでなく身体的に感じるという意味も。病気の人にhow do you feel?というと「体調はどうですか?」

1. sorry  i feel sorry. -同情します  !ごめんなさいというニュアンスはない
2. better
3. guilty  i feel guilty. -罪の意識を感じています
4. sick
5. comfortable  心地よい

1感情を表すもの  happy, right, comfortable, sorry, bad, awful
2体調を表すもの  better, good, well, fine, sick, tired, ill

・feel free to+動詞  !気軽に〜する
feel free to visit us anytime. -いつでも気軽に遊びに来てね

例文  !feel like+動詞のing形で「〜したい気分」
i feel like eating chocolate. -チョコレートが食べたい気分
what do you feel like eating today? -今日は何を食べたい気分?
i feel like eating an apple. -リンゴを食べたい気分
66show:2005/10/25(火) 20:59:17 ID:???0
can i show you anything in particular? -何か特別にお見せしましょうか?

yes, i'm looking for a nice wine made here in new york. -はい、ここニューヨークで作られたワインを探しているんですけど

evrey bottle of wine in this shop was made in new york. -この店に置いてあるワインはすべてニューヨーク産です

really? can you show me a dry white wine, something special? -本当に?辛口の白ワインで何か特別なものを見せていただけますか?

ok. this is 1999 chardonnay, made in long island. i recommend it highly. -わかりました。これはロングアイランドの1999年もののシャルドネです。これは特におすすめです

long island...do you think i could visit this winery? -ロングアイランド…このワイナリーを訪問することはできるでしょうか?

absolutely. they love visits from anyone who shows an interest in wine. -もちろんです。ワインに興味のある人なら誰でも大歓迎ですよ

i'll take it! -それをいただきます!

show+人+名詞TOP5  !1位以外は目で見える具体的なモノ。動詞のすぐ後ろに人を伴って具体的なものを見せる
1. way  i'll show you the way to the station. -駅への行き方を教えてあげる
2. video
3. car
4. letter
5. picture

・抽象的な表現が名詞にくる場合  !この場合直後に人がこないことが多い。いずれにしても「〜を見せる」が基本的意味
show an interest  興味を示す
show the difference  違いを示す

can you show me that watch? -あの腕時計を見せてもらえますか?
can you show me another one? -他のものを見せてもらえますか?
can you show me the way to the restroom? -トイレの行き方を教えてくれますか?
67try:2005/10/25(火) 20:59:47 ID:???0
the chardonnay grapes grow well in the moderate climate of long island. -シャルドネ種のブドウはロングアイランドの穏やかな気候でよく育つんです

did you pick all the grapes by hand, or with a machine? -ブドウはすべて手で収穫したんですか?それとも機械で?

we try to use machine, because it shakes the vines and collects the grapes easier. -機械を使うようにしています。木をゆらしてブドウを容易に収穫することができるのです

i see. well, can i try some of your wines? -なるほど。こちらのワインを試してもいいですか?

sure! but first, why don't you we go back to the winery and see the wine-making process? -もちろん!でもまずワイナリーに戻ってワイン造りの工程を見ませんか?
yeah, let's go! -はい、ぜひ!

try to+動詞TOP5  !try toで「〜しようとする」
1. get  i tried to get a job.
2. make
3. find
4. think  be quiet! i'm trying to think. -静かに!考えごとしようとしているんだ
5. say  i tried to say, "i love you." -愛してると言おうとしたんだけど…

・try+名詞  !〜を試す
can i try some of your wines? -あなたのワインを試してもいいですか?

・try to+名詞  !〜しようとする
i tried to make a cake. -ケーキを作ってみようとした  !実際にそれをしたかどうかは問題でない。ケーキを作ったかどうかわからない

・try+...ing  !試しに〜する
i tried making a cake. -試しにケーキを作ってみた

例文  !i'm making an omelet.  !得意なものの場合tryは使わない
i'm trying to make an omelet. -オムレツをつくろうとしている
i'm trying to make an apple pie. -アップルパイをつくろうとしている
can i try this? -味見してもいいですか?  !デパートなら「試着してもいいですか?」など使える
68keep:2005/10/25(火) 21:01:23 ID:???0
this is where the grapes turn into wine. we keep a very careful eye on things down here. -ここがブドウがワインになる場所です。ここでは常に細心の注意を払っています

it's chilly, isn't it? -寒いですね
yes, it keeps the white wines cool. -白ワインを冷たく保つためです
in those tanks? -あのタンクの中でですか?
right. but...we also keep some in those barrels. -そのとおり、でも…あそこのタルでも少し保存してます

when we combine the two, the flavors become rich, complex and unique. -2つを合わせたとき、香りが豊かに複雑に、そして独特になるんです

ok! i'm ready to taste them! -さっそく試してみたいわ!
all right. let's go up to the tasting room. -わかりました。試飲室に上がって行きましょう

!keep a eyeで〜に目を向ける。keep a very careful eyeで常に細心の注意を

1. eye
2. money
3. record  keep a record -記録をとる
4. diary  keep a diary -日記をつける
5. children  keep your children out of danger! -子供を危険から守ろう!

1keep+名詞+形容詞  〜をある状態に保つ  !名詞をある状態に保つ
it keeps the white wines cool. -白ワインを冷たい状態に保つ

2keep+形容詞  ある状態に保つ
keep quite. -お静かに  !静かな状態を保つ

keep the change. -おつりはいらないよ
you should keep your room clean. -部屋をきれいにしてなさい
let's keep in touch. -連絡を取り合いましょう
69provide:2005/10/25(火) 21:02:06 ID:???0
have you ever tried anything like it? -こんなワインを飲んだことありますか?

our chardonnay provides us the opportunity for a unique pleasure. -私たちのシャルドネは他ではない喜びの機会を与えてくれます

and what are these? -こちらは何ですか?

well, our winery also produces a wide variety of wines. for example, cabernet, merlot, pinot gris. -私たちのワイナリーでは色々な種類のワインを作っています。例えばカベルネ、メルロー、ピノグリ

and our website will provide you with additional information. -ウェブサイトでさらに詳しく紹介しています

how about sparkling wine? -スパークリングワインもありますか?
of course! -もちろん!

!additional informationは「さらに詳しい情報」

provide+動詞TOP5  !何かを提供する、供給する
1. service(s)
2. information
3. support  provide support -手助けする
4. training  provide training -トレーニングしてあげる
5. care

・provideの使い方  !〜に何かを提供する。giveより改まった感じで、オフィシャルな場面で使える
provide+人+with もの
provide+もの for 人

this restaurant always provides good wine. -このレストランはいつも良いワインをだす
this shop provides us with good services. -この店はいいサービスをしてくれる
70hold:2005/10/26(水) 00:01:35 ID:???0
so, this is orchard street? -それで、ここがオーチャードストリート?
yes. i hold this place in the highest esteem. -そう。私はこの場所をとっても大切に思っているの
why? is it special? -なぜ?何か特別なの?

it's very special. for over 200 years, this neighborhood has been home to people from all over the world. -とても特別なの。200年以上もここは世界中の国から移り住んできた人々の古里なのよ

who lived here? -どんな人たちが住んでいたの?

well, at first, it was mostly germans and eastern europeas. but mika, hold on for a second. -最初の頃はドイツ人と東欧からの人たち。でもミカ、ちょっと待って
what is it? -どうしたの?

you see that building over there? that's a very important place. and i think you should see it. -あそこの建物が見える?あれはとっても大切な場所なの。見ておくべきよ

!i hold this placeこの場所に対して、in the highest esteemでとても尊敬している、「この場所を大切に思っている」
!hold onで「待つ」、secondは「秒」、hold on for a secondで「ちょっと待って」

hold+名詞TOP5  !heldはholdの過去形
1. hand(s)  can i hold your hand? -手を握ってもいい?
2. breath  hold one's breath -息を止める
3. conversation  hold a conversation -会話をする
4. meeting(s)  we held a meeting yesterday. -私たちは昨日会議を開いた
5. line  will you hold the line? -電話を切らずにそのまま待ってもらえます?

holdの後にくる名詞  !基本的ニュアンスは手でしっかり持っている
1イベントなどを開く  meeting, conference
2職についている  office, position
3じっと待っておさえる  breath, line, fire

will you hold this pen? -このペン持っててくれる?
hold on. i'll check my schedule. -ちょっと待って。予定を調べてみるよ
71go:2005/10/26(水) 00:02:57 ID:???0
is that an apartment building? -これってアパートなの?

a hundred years ago, it was. thousands of people from lots of other countries lived there between the 1860 and the 1930s. -100年前はね、外国から来た何千もの人たちが住んでたの。1860年代から1930年代にね

they came looking for the american dream? -アメリカンドリームを夢見て来た人たち?

yes. but it wasn't easy. people had to work hard not to go hungry. -そう。でも簡単にはいかなかったの。空腹にならないため懸命に働かなくてはならなかったの

does anyone live there now? -今は誰か住んでるの?

no, now it's a museum. but go through the rooms, and you can see exactly how people lived a hundred years ago. -いいえ、今は博物館なの。でも部屋を通っていけば100年前の人々の生活がわかるのよ

really? let's go in! i want to see! -本当に?入りましょう!見たいわ!

!go throughは「〜を通っていく」、go hungryは「お腹がすく、飢える」
!people had to work hard「働かなければならなかった」、not to go hungryで「空腹にならないように」
72go:2005/10/26(水) 00:04:33 ID:???0
1. wrong  george's plan went wrong. -ジョージの計画はうまくいかなかった
2. straight  go straight -まっすぐ行く、更正する
3. crazy/mad  go crazy -ハメをはずす
4. far  go too far -遠くに行き過ぎる、度が過ぎる
5. quiet  everybody went quiet as the show began. -ショーが始まるとみんな静かになった

1go on(続ける・起こる)  what's going on? -どうしたの?
2go out(外出する)  shall we go out for dinner? -夕食に出かけましょうか?
3go back(戻る)  let's go back to work. -仕事を再開しよう
4go down(下がる・降りる)
5go up(上がる)  the price is going up. -値段がどんどん上がっている

例文  !go wellで「うまく行く」→it went wellで「よかったよ」
how did the party go? -パーティはどうだった?
hod did the game go? -試合どうだった?
everything went crazy. -メチャクチャだったよ
it went wild. -大騒ぎだったよ
73leave:2005/10/26(水) 00:05:03 ID:???0
this is how it looked when the baldizzis lived here in 1935. they were a family from ltaly. -1935年にバルデッツィー家が住んでいたときの様子です。イタリアから来た家族でした

wow. that's incredible. -すごいわ

right. we left nothing out. -ええ。当時のままにしてあるんです

why is there a window inside, between rooms? -どうして部屋と部屋の間に窓があるんですか?

that was to provide more air and light. -もっと空気と光を取り込むためです

ah, i see. otherwise, you would have to leave this door open all the time. hey mika, did you see godfather, part2? -なるほど。そうでなかったら、いつもこのドアを開けっ放しにしておかないとね。そうだミカ、ゴッドファーザー・パート2を見た?

yes! there was a window just like this! -見たわ!ちょうどこんな感じの窓あったわね!

!leave this door openでこのドアを開けておく
!we left nothing outは何も外に出さなかった→「当時のままにしてあります」

leave +名詞+形容詞TOP5  !leave no stone unturnedはひっくり返さない石は残さない→あらゆる手段を使う
1. alone  leave me alone! -ほうっておいて!
2. open  don't leave the door open! -ドアを開けっ放しにしちゃダメ!
3. free  leave your hands free. -両手に何も持たないでね
4. unturned  leave no stone unturned -あらゆる手段を使う
5. dead

・leave+名詞+形容詞  !〜をこれこれの状態にしておく。特定の名詞と形容詞がセットフレーズに
○unanswered  leave questions unanswered -質問が答えられないままになる  !questionsと結びつく
○clear  leave the way clear -道を通れるように空けておく
○blank  leave it blank -空欄にしておく
74lead:2005/10/26(水) 00:05:43 ID:???0
this is the apartment of the levines, a jewish family from poland. -ここはレヴィーン一家、ポーランドからのユダヤ人一家の住居です

they made dresses here? -ここで洋服を作っていたんですか?

that's right. some families had ten chirdren and a business, all in one apartment. sometimes it led to sleeping in the kitchen. -その通り。1部屋に10人の子供がいて、その部屋で仕事もするなんていう家族もありました。台所で寝るなんていうこともあったんですよ

did many families have factories in their living room? -居間が工房になっていた家族も多かったんですか?

there were many shops like this one on orchard street in the 1890s. -1890年代のオーチャードストリートにはこうしたお店がたくさんありました

and they all came to find the american dream. -そして彼らはみんなアメリカンドリームを夢見てやってきたんですね

and families like this one led the way. -そしてこの家族のような人たちが先頭に立ったんですね

!led the wayトップを行く→「先頭に立った」
!led to〜に導く、〜する結果になる。sleeping in the kitchenで台所で寝ることもあった

lead+名詞TOP5  !過去形はled
1. way  lead the way -トップを走る
2. life  he leads a normal life. -彼は平凡な生活を送っている
3. campaign  キャンペーン
4. team  mr. zico leads the japanese national soccer team. -ジーコ監督はサッカーの日本代表チームを指揮している
5. work

・lead to+名詞  !〜につながる、〜になる
this road leads to the central square. -この道は中央広場まで続いています

・lead to〜  !あることから別のことが結果として生じる
your question leads to my second point. -あなたの質問が出たので私の2つ目のポイントに移りましょう

this door leads to the kitchen. -このドアはキッチンに続いている
75turn:2005/10/26(水) 00:10:09 ID:???0
excuse me. i'm looking for the cloisters. -すみません。クロイスターズ美術館へ行きたいのですが…

you want to go to the end of the block and turn left. -このブロックの終わりまで行って左に曲がってください

at the end of this block, turn left? -このブロックの終わりで左に曲がる?

right. listen, i'm going that way. i will take you there. -そうです。僕もそっちの方へ行きますから連れていってあげましょう

turn+名詞TOP5  !turn my back on...〜に背を向ける
1. page  turn the page over -ページをめくる
2. light  turn the light on -明りをつける
3. tape
4. back  don't turn your back on english. -英語に背を向けないで
5. head  turn head -振り返る

・turnの基本的意味  !回す、向きを変えるといった意味
turn up:上を向く、(音量を)上げる、姿を見せる、など
turn on:(スイッチを)つける
turn off:(スイッチを)消す
turn out:〜だとわかる、判明する

would you turn on the radio? -ラジオをつけてください
would you turn up the volume? -ボリュームを上げてください
would you turn down the volume? -ボリュームを下げてください
would you turn the light off? -電気を消してください
76bring:2005/10/26(水) 02:54:38 ID:???0
it was kind of you to bring me to the museum. thank you. -美術館まで連れてきていただいて、ありがとうございました

you're welcome. i bring my friends here all the time. have fun! -どういたしまして。いつもここには友達を連れてくるんです。楽しんで!

how much is it to go in? -中に入るのはおいくらですか?

there is no fixed price, but your donation of $12.00 -決まった金額はありませんが、12ドルの寄付をいただければ

will help us bring art from medieval europe to modern new york. -中世ヨーロッパの美術品を現代ニューヨークに持ってくるのに役立ちます

one, please. -ひと口お願いします

!bring toで何かをどこかに持ってくるとか、連れてくる。it was kind of you toは何かをしてくれてありがとう
!i bring my friends hereでここに友達を連れてくる。ここにというhereの場合toがつかない
77bring:2005/10/26(水) 02:55:54 ID:???0
1. people
2. children  bring your children to the party. -パーティに子供たちを連れてきて
3. money  i didn't bring any money today. -今日はお金を持ってきていない
4. thing(s)
5. bottle

・bringの基本的意味  !自分のいる場所に何かをもってくる
人や動物の場合 → 連れてくる
モノの場合  → 持ってくる
抽象的なもの → もたらす  !peach, joyなどの目に見えないもの、抽象的なものの場合「もたらす」の意
bring peace to the world -世界に平和をもたらす

bring it to me. -それを持ってきて

bring me some flowers. -花を持ってきて

can i bring my friends to your party? -パーティに友達を連れていってもいい?
bring me a drink. -飲み物持ってきて
would you bring me a drink? -飲み物を持ってきてください
i'll bring you a special dirnk. -特別な飲み物を持ってきてあげる
78like:2005/10/26(水) 02:59:56 ID:???0
this is the tapestry called the unicorn in captivity. -これは「とらわれたユニコーン」というタペストリーです
we believe it was woven in brussels around 1510. -1510年ごろ、ブリュッセルで織られたものだと思われます

it is so beautiful. may i take photos? -とてもきれいですね。写真を撮ってもいいですか?
you may take photos, but no flash, please. -写真を撮るのは構いませんが、フラッシュはご遠慮ください

as you can see, there are hundreds of very detailed plants and animals. -ご覧になるとわかるとおり、たくさんの植物や動物がその細部まで詳しく描かれています
yes. i'd like to look at it for hours. -ええ、何時間でも見ていたいわ

well, you might like a copy of our catalog. you can buy it at the gift shop. -それならカタログを1部お求めになってはいかがでしょう。ギフトショップでお買い求めいただけます

!you might likeは「〜はいかが」。相手に何かを提案する意味に

i'd like to+動詞TOP5  !i like toで「〜するのが好き」、i'd like toだと「〜したい」
1. see  i'd like to see her again. -もう一度彼女に会いたい
2. do  what would you like to do? -何をしたいですか?
3. go  
4. say  i'd like to say, "thank you." -お礼を言いたいんです
5. have  i'd like to have some coffee, please. -コーヒーをください

1、like+名詞  〜が好き
like your dress. -そのドレスいいね  !君のドレスが好き

2、like to+動詞  〜するのが好き
i like to sleep late on sundays. -日曜日はゆっくり寝ているのが好き

i like your hairstyle. -あなたの髪型いいね
what would you like to do? -何をしたいですか?
i'd like to see a movie. -映画を見たい
do you like horror movies? -ホラー映画好き?
79begin:2005/10/26(水) 03:00:59 ID:???0
there are so many different plants here...i can't begin to count them! -ここには、とてもたくさんの種類の植物がありますね…数えきれないくらい!

we have many kinds of plants taht were grown in the middle ages. -ここには中世に生息していた植物がたくさんあるんです

you can see them in the tapestries inside. -中にあるタペストリーに描かれています

even the building is a work of art. -この建物さえが芸術作品ですね

that's right. five hundred years ago, many parts of this building belonged to chapels and cloisters in europe. -その通りです。この建物の多くの部分は500年前にはヨーロッパの教会や修道院の一部だったのです

you begin to see how special this place is. -ここがいかに特別な場所かだんだん分かってきますよ

now i begin to understand why it feels so peaceful here. -この場所がなんでこんなに安らかな感じがするのかがやっと分かってきました

!begin to seeのseeはわかる、理解するで「だんだんわかり始める、だんだんわかってくる」
!now i begin to understandはnowがあるから「やっとわかってきた」
80begin:2005/10/26(水) 03:01:37 ID:???0
begin to+動詞TOP5  !beginの50%はbegin toの形で使われている
1. get  now i begin to get your idea. -君の考えがやっと分かってきた
2. look  i'm beginning to look like my father. -だんだん親父に似てきた 
3. be  now we begin to be a good team. -僕たちやっといいチームになってきた
4. see  i'm beginning to feel good. -だんだん気分がよくなってきた
5. feel

・begin to...の基本的意味  !〜し始めるというと動作の開始、又は「だんだん〜してきている」
begin to make -作りはじめる
begin to run -走りはじめる

頭の中の感覚を表す動詞  see(見る、わかる), feel(感じる)
ものごとの状態を表す動詞  be(〜である)
begin to see -だんだんわかってきている
begin to feel -だんだんそう感じるようになっている
i'm beginning to see your point. -あなたの言いたいことがわかってきた  !進行形的な表現もよく使われる

let's begin! -はじめましょう!
you're beginning to speak good english. -英語がうまくなってきた
i'm beginning to think mr. corpus is strange. -コーパスくんは変な人だと思うようになってきた
i'm beginning to feel sad. -悲しくなってきた
81write:2005/10/26(水) 03:04:11 ID:???0
did you find the place all right? -この場所すぐにわかりました?

oh, yes. i wrote down everything you said on the phone, so it was easy. -ええ、電話でおっしゃったことをすべて書き留めておいたので、簡単でしたよ

i wrote a list of all the things i want to ask you. it will help me write my article. i'm so interested in your work! -お聞きしたいことをすべてリストアップしたんです。記事を書くのに役立つのであなたのお仕事にとても興味があるんです

!wrote a listでリストに書き出した。all the things i wanto to ask youであなたに聞きたいこと全て

1. letter(s)  i have to write a letter to professor tono. -投野先生に手紙を書かないと
2. book(s)
3. name(s)  please write your name here. -ここに名前を書いて下さい
4. essay(s)  エッセイ、作文
5. poem(s)  i wrote a very romantic poem for you. -君に愛の詩を書いたんだ

1write to+人  〜に手紙を書く  !前置詞が続く場合
 write about  〜について書く

2write down  書き留める

3write a check  小切手を切る  !書くと訳さない場合
 write music  作曲する

例文  !writeには手紙という意味が含まれてることが多い。write meでも十分 
write me if you can. -できれば手紙書いてよ
give me your address. -君の住所教えてよ
could you write it down? -(住所)書いてもらえませんか?
82run:2005/10/26(水) 03:05:14 ID:???0
here's my studio. i run things from here, everything. -ここが私のスタジオです。すべてをここで行っています
and you live in this building, too? -そして、この建物に住んでるんですか?

yes, it's very convenient. if i forget something, i can run back home in about two seconds. -ええ。とても便利ですよ。忘れ物があっても2秒もあれば家に戻れますからね

do you work here every day, full time? -毎日、ずっとここで仕事をしているんですか?

actually, i also teach at a university. i run courses on photography. -実は、大学でも教えてるんです。写真撮影に関する講座を開いてるんです

oh, i'd love to take your classes! -まあ、私もその授業をうけたいわ!
i think we can make an arrangement. -手配できると思いますよ

!run back homeで家に戻る、in about two seconds.2秒もあれば
!run coursesは大学なんかの講座を動かす→講座を開く

run+名詞TOP5  !走るだけでなく、ある方向に走る又は動かす
1. business(es)  he runs a small business in america. -彼はアメリカで小さな事業を経営している
2. course(s)
3. risk  run the risk of... -危険をおかす
4. country  run a country -国を治める
5. thing(s)  i run things from here, everything. -私はここですべてを取り仕切っている

run+副詞  !runの用法の半分は前置詞や副詞を伴う句動詞が占める
1run out  使い切る
2run away  逃げる
3run off  走り去る
4run down  流れ落ちる
5run into  出くわす

my pen is running out. -ペンのインクがなくなってきた
the gas is running out! -燃料がなくなってきた!
83set:2005/10/26(水) 20:49:50 ID:???0
oh, these are very different. -まあ、こっちはまったく違いますね

yes. i took these for my own pleasure. i think it's important to set aside time to photograph what you love. -そう、こっちは趣味で撮ったものなんです。自分が好きなものを撮る時間をとっておくことは大切だと思ってます

how do you decide how to frame your shot? -構図はどのようにして決めるんですか?

well, it depends on what i set out to get. the frame is a tool for showing a vision. -そうだなあ、何を撮ろうとするかによりますね。フレームは光景を見せるための手段です

and what you don't see is as important as what you do see. and i keep that in mind when i set up my camera. -写真の中では見えないものも、見えるものと同じくらい大切です。カメラを設置するときにはそのことを頭に入れておきます

!set upで設置する、準備する。i keep that in mindはその事を頭に入れておく
!set outは何かをしようとする。it dependsは〜による

set+名詞TOP5  !ある位置に置く、据える。putよりsetの方が決まった位置に据えるという意味合いが強い
1. fire  set fire -火をつける、放火する
2. scene  set the scene -経過を説明する、準備する
3. standard(s)  this program set a new standard for learning english. -この番組は英語学習のための新しい基準を定めた
4. table  set the table now! -今すぐ食卓の準備をしなさい!
5. alarm  i set the alarm for 6:30. -目覚まし時計を6時半にセットした

・set+名詞のパターン  !setは「決まった位置に据える」から発展して、「基準や時間を設定する」という使い方が多い
1基準を示すもの  standard, example, target
2時間に関するもの  alarm, time, clock

set the table! -食卓の準備をして!
set the alarm for 6:00! -目覚まし時計を6時にセットして!
84start:2005/10/26(水) 20:51:23 ID:???0
i took this photograph with this camera. and i took this one with this camera. -この写真はこのカメラで撮りました。これはこっちのカメラで撮ったんです

how do you know which camera is best for the subject? -どの被写体にどのカメラが最適かどうしてわかるんですか?

experience. after you've taken enough photos, you start to see what camera's best. -経験ですね。写真を撮っていけば、どのカメラがベストかわかるようになっていきます

wow, i have to start taking more pictures. -そうですか、もっと写真を撮るようにしなくちゃ

that was taken by my wife. i got married recently. -これは僕の妻が撮ったんです。結婚したばかりなんですよ
really? congratulations! -本当に?おめでとうございます!

thank you. it's a great way to start the day. my wife's a photographer, too. -ありがとう、とても素晴らしいですよ。妻も写真家でね。

!start 〜ingで「〜し始める」、それを続けるという意味合いに

1. work  we usually start work at 4 a.m. -私たちは普段、朝の4時に仕事を始める
2. school  start school -就学する
3. business  
4. day  
5. engine  can you start the engine? -車のエンジンかけといてくれる?

・start+名詞のパターン  !仕事、学校、家庭など日常生活と密接に関連する単語が使われる
1仕事関係  work., business, job, career
2車関係  engine, car
3学校や家族  school, family
4日付  day, week

let's start from now! -今から始めよう!
let's start from tomorrow! -明日から始めよう!
let's start again! -もう一度始めよう!
85help:2005/10/26(水) 21:02:32 ID:???0
i have a reservation. my name is arai. -予約をしてあるんですけど。新井ともうします
yes, ms.arai. we have you in room 10, a village side room. -はい、新井さんですね。ビレッジ側の10号室がご用意できています
we also have a seaside room available. -海側のお部屋も用意できますよ
what are the rooms like? -どんな感じのお部屋なんですか?

oh, perhaps i can help you. would you like to see a room? -ああ、私がご案内しましょう。部屋をご覧になりますか?
oh, yes, thank you. that would help me to decide. -ええ、ありがとうございます。その方がきめやすいと思うので
the bellhop will help you with your bags. right this way. -ベルボーイがお荷物の方をお手伝いしますから、こちらへどうぞ

!help me to decideは「(私にとって)決めやすい」。
!help you with your bagsは荷物のお手伝いをします

1. get  help you to get there -そこに行くのを手伝う
2. understand  理解する
3. find  help me to find my wallet. -サイフを見つけるの手伝って
4. see  見る、わかる
5. make  

・helpの使われ方  !50%は後ろに「人」がくる
○help+人  (人を)助ける・手伝う
i'll help you -お手伝いしましょう

can you help me get that box -あの箱をとるのを手伝って  !to getのtoがよく省略される

○help+人+with+名詞  (人の)〜を手伝う

can you help me carry this box? -この箱を運ぶの手伝ってくれる?
ok, i'll help you. -はい、手伝いましょう
should i help? -手伝ったほうがいい?
86move:2005/10/26(水) 21:12:39 ID:???0
wow...great! it's lovely! -まあ…すごい!すてき!
thank you. do you like it? -ありがとうございます。お気に召されましたか?
yes, i do. and there is a fireplace! -ええ。暖炉まであるわ!

all of our rooms have fireplaces. and all of our rooms hve views. -すべての部屋に暖炉があります。そしてすべての部屋が景色抜群です

here, let me move this for you. this is the village view. if you move this way, you can see better. -ほら、これを動かしてあげましょう。こちらが村側の眺めです。こちら側に移動されるともっとよく見えますよ

i like this very much. is the seaside room as nice as this? -とても気に入りました。海側のお部屋もこんなにすてきなのかしら?

oh,yes. would you like to move to the other room? -それはもう。そちらに行ってみましょうか?

!move toで移動する、the other roomで別の部屋に

move+副詞TOP5  !move onで先に進む・次の段階に移る
1. on  can i move on to NO.2? -2番目にいっていい?
2. in  george, can i move in? -ジョージ、君の家に引っ越していい?  !move in中に入る・入居する
3. out  move out from tokyo -東京から引っ越す  !move out外に出る・引越して行く
4. forward  move forward -前に進む・前進する
5. around  move around -あちこち動き回る

・moveは移動を表す動詞  !日常会話では後ろに副詞や前置詞を伴って便利なフレーズを作る
○〜が動く  the train moves -電車が動く
○〜を動かす  move the car -車を動かす
would you like to move to the other room? -別の部屋に行ってみましょうか?

move a little! -ちょっとどいて!
would you move a little? -ちょっとどいてください
don't move around! -ウロウロしないで!
can you move it to next week? -(予定を)来週にずらせますか?
87have:2005/10/26(水) 21:24:20 ID:???0
this room is very different from the other one. -このお部屋は、さっきのお部屋とずいぶん違いますね

we had each room made with its own design. -どの部屋も、それぞれ独自のデザインで作らせたんです

and this is the harbor! what a great view! -港があるわ!すてきな眺めですね!

the sunsets from this room are even more beautiful. -この部屋から見る夕日はもっと素晴らしいですよ

ok, i've decided. i love to see the water. i'd like this room, please. -じゃあ、決めました。水を眺めるのが好きなんです。この


excellent. i'll have your bags brought up. -結構です。お荷物を運ばせましょう

!had each room madeそれぞれの部屋を作ってもらった、with its own designで独自のデザインで
!have your bags荷物を、brought up運ばせましょう

have+名詞+過去分詞TOP5  !〜を…させる、してもらう
1. taken  i had my picture taken. -写真を撮ってもらった
2. stolen  she had her bag stolen at the station. -彼女は駅でバッグを盗まれた
3. done  
4. cut  !cutのまま形が変わらない
5. broken  he had his legs broken in the accident. -彼は事故で足を折った

have+名詞+過去分詞  〜を…させる・される  !後ろにくる名詞を、その後の状態させる又はされる
i have my hair cut. -髪を切ってもらう  !my hairがcutされる

例文  !i'd like to cut my hairだと自分で自分の髪を切る
i'd like to have my hair cut. -髪を切りたい
i'll have my hair cut. -髪を切ろうかな
i've had my wallet stolen! -お財布盗まれちゃった!
88play:2005/10/26(水) 22:41:42 ID:???0
i'd like to photograph stonington. -ストニントンの写真を撮りたいんです
well, in town there are galleries, markets, a famous seaport, and an aquarium. do you play golf? -町に行けば、ギャラリー、市場、有名な港、それに水族館もありますよ。ゴルフはしますか?

well...i can play miniature golf. and i can play the piano. -そうねぇ、ミニゴルフならできるんだけど。ピアノを弾くことができます

well, in this town, you can hear people play very good music. but mostly it's a great place to relax. -この町では、とてもいい音楽の演奏を聴くことができますよ。でもここは主としてリラックスするのに最適な場所です

i'll relax later. first, i want to take some pictures! -リラックスは後でするとして、まずは写真を撮りたいわ!
feel free. -お好きなようにどうぞ

!i can play the piano、楽器の場合play theがつく

play+名詞TOP5  !元々は楽しみのために何かをする
1. football/soccer
2. game(s)  george, don't play games! -ジョージ、ふざけないでまじめにやって
3. golf  
4. card(s)  play my last card -切り札を出す
5. part  play a part -役割を演ずる

・playの基本的意味  !楽しみのために〜する
play+スポーツ 又は the 楽器 又は ゲーム

play+名詞  50%
play+前置詞  25%  !play with〜など
playのみ、その他  25%  

例文  !part of julietはrole of julietでも良い。roleは役割
i'm playing the part of juliet. -ジュリエットの役を演じているところ
i don't like to play basketball. -バスケットするの嫌いです
i can play the guitar a little. -ギターを少し弾けます
89hear:2005/10/26(水) 22:48:02 ID:???0
i hear stories about how much americans love quilts. -アメリカ人がどれほどキルトが好きかという話をよく耳にします

yes, quilting is enjoying a revival all over the country. -ええ、全国でキルト作りは再ブームに沸いているんです

i've also heard many good things about your shop. -このお店のよい評判もたくさん聞いていますよ

thank you! we love to hear people say that. -ありがとう!皆さんがそうおっしゃるのを聞くのはうれしいわ

well, i'd like to try making a quilt myself! -あの、私もキルトを作ってみたいんです!
that's great! -素晴らしいわ!

but it's my first time. isn't it difficult? -でも私、これが初めてなんです。難しくないですか?
no, and we have kits for beginners.いいえ、それに初心者用のセットもありますよ

!many good thingsでたくさん良い評判を

hear+名詞TOP5  !hearのニュアンスは自然に耳に入ってくる
1. voice(s)  i just wanted to hear your voice. -ただ、あなたの声が聞きたかっただけ
2. word(s)
3. name(s)  i hear your name all the time. -お名前はよく聞いています
4. view(s)  i want to hear your view. -あなたの意見を聞きたいんです
5. story/stories

・hearの後ろにくるパターン  !基本的意味は「〜が聞こえる」。listenは耳を傾ける
○hear+名詞  i head nothing. -何も聞こえなかった
○hear+文  i hear (that)mary got married. -メアリーが結婚したそうだね  !hearの後ろに文がくる形は会話で多い

did you hear the story about corpus? -コーパスくんのウワサを聞いた?
i heard taht corpus has a girlfriend. -コーパアスくんに彼女がいるって聞いたよ
i heard she is very sexy. -彼女はセクシーだって聞いたよ
90follow:2005/10/26(水) 22:59:04 ID:???0
you just follow the instructions. -ただ指示どおりにやればいいんです
really? this looks so nice, but difficult. -ほんと?これ、とてもすてきだけど難しそう
no, not at all. all you do is follow the lines! -全然そんなことないわ。ただラインに沿っていけばいいのよ!

i just follow the pattern? it's that easy? -ただ模様に沿っていくだけ?そんなに簡単なの?
it's that easy! -そんなに簡単なのよ!

what if i want to make my own design? -もし、自分でデザインしたくなったら?

if you have an original idea, we have everything you need. -もし自分の案があるなら、ここには必要なものがすべてそろっていますよ

!follow the instructionsはfollow〜で「〜に従う」、instructionsは指示
!follow the linesラインに沿っていく、all you do isはあなたのすることの全ては
!i just follow the patternはただ模様に沿っていけばいいんですね

1. instruction(s)  
2. rule(s)  george, follow the traffic rules! -ジョージ、交通ルールは守るんだぞ!
3. procedure(s)  手順、手続き
4. advice  you should follow tono sensei's advice. -投野先生のアドバイスに従ったほうがいいよ
5. way  follow the way. -この道に沿っていく

・follow+名詞  !「後に続く」から相手の言っていることについていく→理解する、という意味合いも
1規則・助言 → 従う  instructions, rules, advice
2道 → たどる  way, road
i'm sorry. i'm not following you. -すみません。おっしゃっている意味がわかりません

follow the instructions. -指示に従う
just follow my instructions. -僕の指示に従ってよ
i'm not following you. -話についていけません
91be:2005/10/26(水) 23:05:39 ID:???0
i'm pleased to meet you. my name is mika arai. -お会いできてうれしいです。新井ミカです

i've heard that you'd like to try sewing a quilt. -キルトを縫ってみたいと伺っていますが

yes! i was told it might be ok. -はい、たぶん大丈夫だといわれたんですけど

of course! if you come this way, i have a machine that you could try. -もちろんです!こちらに試していただける機械があります

the quilts are made by using a machine? -キルトって機械を使ってできるんですか?

yes. come this way. -ええ。こちらへ来てください

this is called piecing. -これはピーシングと呼ばれています

!is calledはbe+過去分詞で受身の形。呼ばれている
!are madeで作られている。by using a machineで機械を使って

1. made  this furniture is made in italy. -これはイタリア製の家具です
2. called  
3. put  he was put under a lot of pressure. -彼はすごいプレッシャーの下に置かれた
4. given  the trophy was given to france. -トロフィーはフランスに与えられた
5. used  

・be+動詞の過去分詞形  !〜される
this furniture is made in italy. -この家具はイタリア製です
florida is called the sunshine state. -フロリダは太陽の州と呼ばれている  !ほとんどbyは使われていない

i am called nakky at school. -私は学校でナッキーと呼ばれています
what is this called? -これは何て呼ばれているの?
it's called a cone. -「コーン」ていうんだよ
92make:2005/10/26(水) 23:18:51 ID:???0
it looks like fun! is that why quilting is so popular? -楽しそうですね!キルト作りの人気の理由はこれかしら?

yes, that's one reason. also, it can make a change in your life. -ええ、それも理由の1つです。それにキルト作りで人生が変わりますよ
what do you mean? -どういうことですか?

quilting brings families closer. mother, daughter, granddaughter can make them together. -キルト作りは家族の絆を深めるんです。母親、娘、孫娘が一緒に作ることができますからね

i see. so, quilting makes such a statement about family. -つまり、キルト作りが家族とは何かということを教えてくれるんですね

oh, yea. and people want a feeling of family these days. would you like to try? -その通りです。人々は近頃、家族のぬくもりを求めていますからね。試しにやってみますか?

i'm afraid i'll make a mistake! -間違えてしまいそうだわ!
oh, don't worry. have fun! -そんな心配しないで。楽しんでやればいいのよ!

!make a chageで変化を作る→変える
!make a mistakeは間違う。i'm afraidは「〜ではないかと思う」

make+動詞の名詞形TOP5  !決める(動詞)→ 決断(動詞の名詞形)
1. difference  you made a big difference in my life. -あなたは僕の人生に大きな影響を与えた
2. decision  
3. mistake  make a mistake -間違う
4. note  make a note of... -〜を書き留める、メモする
5. comment  can i make a comment on that? -そのことについて1つコメントしてもいいですか?

make+動詞の名詞形  !〜する
decide 決める←→decision 決断  

!make a decisionとするとdecideと同じ「決める」。動詞一語で言うより会話的、一回限りの行為を強調するような言い方

it doesn't make much difference. -大した違いはない
don't make the same mistake again! -同じ間違いをしないで!
93英語マニア:2005/10/27(木) 02:55:03 ID:qIaONGWg0
94(-_-)さん:2005/10/27(木) 03:43:19 ID:???0
95(-_-)さん:2005/10/27(木) 04:45:29 ID:???0
96(-_-)さん:2005/10/27(木) 06:16:23 ID:???0
97(-_-)さん:2005/10/27(木) 17:45:31 ID:???0
I think とI guess って同じ意味ですか?
98(-_-)さん:2005/10/27(木) 17:56:05 ID:???0
99(-_-)さん:2005/10/27(木) 18:01:32 ID:???0
100listen:2005/10/29(土) 01:27:06 ID:???0
the pilgrims left england because they wanted religious freedom. -ピルグリムたちは宗教の自由を求めてイングランドを離れたんだ
they sailed across the atlantic ocean on this ship, the mayflower. -彼らは大西洋をこの船、メイフラワー号で横断したんだよ
daddy, that woman is listening to us. -パパ、あの女の人が私たちの話を聞いてるわ

i'm sorry. may i listen to the story, too? i want to learn about the pilgrims. -ごめんさい。私もお話を聞いてもいいでしょうか?ピルグリムのことを知りたいんです

oh, but of course. please join us. uh...where was i? -ああ、もちろん。どうぞご一緒に。ええと…どこまでいったっけ?
they sailed across the ocean on the mayflower. -メイフラワー号で海を渡ったのよ

very good! you were listening! and they arrived here in plymouth in the winter of 1620. -そう!よく聞いていたね!そして、彼らは1620年の冬にここプリスマに到着したんだ

!何かを聞くという場合、listenの後にtoが入る。listening to usは私たちの話を聞いている。you were listeningはよく聞いてたね
listen to+名詞TOP5
1. radio  
2. music  i always listen to music when i go to sleep. -いつも音楽を聞きながら寝る
3. people  
4. tape(s)  
5. word(s)  listen to his words. -彼の言葉に耳を傾けなさい

・listenの基本的意味  !注意して聞く
○hear  …自然に耳に入ってくる
○listen  …自分で意識して耳を傾ける
listen to me. -私の話を聞いて  !人だけがくる場合
listen carefully. -注意して聞いて

are you listening to me? -わたしの話聞いてる?
sorry, i wasn't listening. -ごめん、聞いてなかった
listen to me carefully. -わたしの話をちゃんと聞いて
i'd like to listen to the radio. -ラジオを聞きたい
101take:2005/10/29(土) 01:28:04 ID:???0
when the pilgrims first arrived in 1620, they had many things to take care of...find homes and food. -1620年にはじめてピルグリムたちが到着したとき、彼らはやらなくちゃいけないことがたくさんあった…家や食料を探したりすることだ

did it take a long time? -長い時間がかかったの?

yes, it took time. but at the end of the first year, they had a three-day party to give thanks for their good fortune. -うん、ずいぶん時間がかかったんだ。でも、最初の年の終わる頃、彼らは自分たちの幸運を感謝するために3日間のパーティをしたんだ

that was the first thanksgiving! -それが最初の感謝祭だったのね!

right! miss, we were going to take a walk over to plymouth rock. would you like to come with us? -そのとおり!お嬢さん、私たちはプリマスロックまで歩いて行こうと思っていたんです。一緒にいらっしゃいますか?

oh, yes, thank you! i'd love to take a look. -あ、はい、ありがとうございます!ぜひ見てみたいです

!take care ofお世話する、they had many things toでお世話しなきゃならないたくさんのモノを持っていた→いろいろやらなきゃいけないことがあった

1. care  good bye. take care. -じゃあ、気をつけて
2. a/the view  take the long view -長い目で見る  !take a poor viewは「よく思わない」
3. account  take account of... -〜を考慮する
4. a look  何かを見る
5. the lead  take the lead -先頭に立つ

・take+動詞の名詞形  !〜する。take a look → lookする → 見る
○take+動詞の名詞形  …すぐに出来る行為
○make+動詞の名詞形  …手間や努力の必要な行為

should i take a look? -見てあげようか?
you should take a rest. -休んだほうがいいよ
take care of yourself. -お大事に
102if:2005/10/29(土) 01:28:37 ID:???0
so, this is plymouth rock? if i ask you what it is, i hope you won't laugh. -これがプリマスロックなんですね?これが何かなんて聞いて笑われないといいんですけど

no, not at all. this is a symbol of american independence. but if you look closely, you'll see that it's cracked. -いいえ、まったくそんなことありませんよ。これはアメリカ独立の象徴です。でも良く見てみると、ひび割れているのがわかります

yes, it has a big crack! what happened? -ええ、大きなひびが入ってる!どうしたんですか?

there are actually various opinions on that. -これについては、いくつかの見解があるんです

in 1834, it actually fell off a wagon. that crack's the famous crack. -1834年には、馬車から落ちてしまったことがあります。その時のひびは有名なものです

!if you look closelyは注意してみれば、you'll see that it's crackedひび割れしてるのがわかるでしょう

if i/you+動詞TOP5
1. want  you can try it if you want. -試したければどうぞ
2. like  you can try it if you like. -試したければどうぞ
3. get  if i get a car, i'll give you a ride. -車買ったら、ドライブに連れていってあげる
4. look
5. go

・ifの機能  !〜ならばという意味で2つの文をつなぐ
if you look closely, you'll see that it's cracked. -よく見ると、ひび割れてるのがわかるでしょう
you can try it if you want. -試したければどうぞ  !ifは前についたり、後ろにきたりする

例文  !you say soはあなたがそう言う
you can come with me if you want. -来たいなら一緒に来ていいよ
if you say so, i'll come with you. -あなたがそう言うなら、一緒に行きましょう
103and・so:2005/10/29(土) 01:29:34 ID:???0
and this rock was a symbol of our unity for hundreds of years. -そしてこの岩は何百年にもわたって、私たちの団結の象徴だったんです

but there was a time when we didn't take very good care of it. -でも手入れが行き届かない時期もありました
what do you mean? -と言いますと?

well, for years, anyone could just break off a piece anytime they wanted to. -何百年もの間、誰でも好きなときにこの岩のかけらを持っていってしまうことができたんです

so in 1859, it was put behind bars like this. -そこで1859年にこのような囲いができたんです

wow! why do you know so much about plymouth rock? -へぇ、どうしてプリマスロックについてそんなに詳しいんですか?

sarah, do you want to tell her? -サラ、教えてあげたら?

our family came here on the myflower! -私たちの先祖は、メイフラワー号に乗ってやって来たのよ!

!so in 1859そこで1859年に、it was put behind bars like thisこのような囲いができた

1. and  そして
2. that  i know that you love me. -君が僕を愛していることは知っている
3. but  しかし
4. if  もし〜ならば
5. or  または・あるいは

and/soの機能  !そして〜という意味で会話をつないでいく
and  …単語と単語とをつなぐ機能  !you and i -きみと僕
so  …「そこで」「だから」というニュアンス

so, let's practice! -それでは練習しましょう!
i'm not hungry. and i have no money. -お腹すいてない、それにお金ない
so, can we meet at three? -じゃぁ、3時に会えますか?
104pay:2005/10/29(土) 01:37:06 ID:???0
is this a real whaling ship? -これは本物の捕鯨船なんですか?

this is a half-size model of the whaling bark, lagoda. it's the largest ship model in the world. -これは捕鯨用の帆船「ラゴダ」の模型で、半分の大きさです。でも世界で一番大きな船の模型なんです

it looks so real! -本物みたい!

the model makers paid attention to every detail. in 1857, more than 400 ships like this sailed from new bedford. -模型の製作所が細部にまで注意を払いました。1857年には、このような船が400以上もニューベッドフォードから出港しました

did they catch whales for food? -食用に鯨を捕まえていたんですか?

no, they were mostly interested in oil.  -いえ、ほとんどが油のためでした

there was no electricity in those days, and people paid a lot of money for oil to make for oil to make into candles and to use in lamps. -当時は電気がなかったので、人々はろうそく作りやランプに使うための油にたくさんのお金を払ったんです

!paid attention to注意を払う、every detaioあらゆる細部に。あらゆる細部に注意を払いました

1. money
2. attention
3. tax  i don't have to pay income tax. -ボク、所得税払う必要ないんだ
4. pound(s) dollar(s)
5. price  you have to pay the price for want you did. -やったことのツケは払えよ

pay+名詞の場合  !税金、ローン、お金など、支払うべきものが後にくる
pay for〜  〜に対してお金を払う  !service, gas, workなど、何に対してお金を払うかという支払う対象が後にくる.

pay for a book -本のお金を払う
i'll pay for the dinner. -私が夕食代払うよ
i'll pay for the dinner if you pay me back. -お金返してくれるなら夕食代払うよ
105believe:2005/10/29(土) 16:27:43 ID:???0
these are the tools that were used for whaling a hundred and fifty years ago. -これらは、150年前、捕鯨のために使われていた道具です

i can't believe it. -信じられないわ

it's hard to believe that such simple tools could catch an animal so large and strong. -こんなに簡単な道具で、あんなに大きくて強い動物を捕まえていたとは信じがたいことです

how did they shoot this at the whale? -これでどうやって鯨を撃ったのですか?

they didn't shoot it. it's called a "harpoon" and it was thrust by hand. come with me. i'll show you. -撃ったのではありません。これは「もり」というもので、手で突き刺したのです。ついて来てください、お見せしましょう

the whalers would come up close to the whale, and one of them would stand up and hurl the harpoon. -捕鯨者たちは鯨に近づき一人が立ち上がってもりを投げます

sometimes they did this in very rough seas. can you believe it? -時には荒波の中で行いました、信じられますか?

i feel seasick just thinking about it! -そのことを考えるだけで、船酔いしそう!

1. i /we /you  i believe corpus has a girl friend. -たしかコーパスには彼女がいると思うよ
2. can't /don't  
3. it's hard /difficult to...  it's hard to believe that george saw a UFO. -ジョージがUFOを見たとは信じがたい
4. really  
5. actually  

・believeの構文パターン  !believe+(that)+文はもっとも使われているパターン
believe+(that)+文 50%  i can't believe she is only twelve. -彼女たった12歳だなんて信じられない
believe+名詞・代名詞 20%  i can't believe it!
believe in〜  〜の存在を信じる 10%  do you believe in ghost? -お化けの存在を信じる?

believe me! -私を信じて!
no, i don't believe you. -いいえ、あなたは信じられない
i can't believe she is only eighteen! -彼女が18歳だなんて信じられない!
106get:2005/10/29(土) 16:36:09 ID:???0
ah! that's moby dick! -あっ!モビーディックですね!
you're right. have you read the book? -その通り。本を読みましたか?
no, i haven't. -まだなんです

oh, i recommend it. it's about a hunt great white whale. it's wonderful. you really get involved in the story. -おすすめしますよ。大きな白鯨を捜し求める話です。素晴らしいんです。本当に物語に引き込まれていきますから

when was it written? -いつ書かれたんですか?

in 1851. in 1840, the author, herman melville, came to new bedford to get ready for his three-yeah whaling voyage. -1851年です。著者のハーマンメルヴィルは1840年に3年間の捕鯨の旅に備えるべく、ニューベッドフォードにやってきました

sounds. interesting. i think i'll buy the book. i like to read something good whenever i get bored. -おもしろそう。本を買おうかしら。退屈になると何かいいものを読みたくなるんです

!involved関わり合いを持った、get involved inで熱中する、没頭する。in the storyで物語に引き込まれていく
!i like to read something good何か良い本を読みたくなる、whenever i get boredで退屈になると

1. better  i hope you get better soon. -はやくよくなるといいね
2. used  you'll soon get used to my way. -じきに私のやり方に慣れるだろうよ
3. involved  
4. lost  get lost! -消えうせろ!
5. older  

1比較級  もっと〜になる  better, older, worth, bigger
2動詞の過去分詞  used, involved, lost, bored  !会話ではこの過去分詞形を形容詞的に使われるパターンが多い
3〜になる  ready, cold, old, full  

we got lost. -私たちは迷った
i'm getting tired of waiting! -もう待ちくたびれた
you have to get used to it. -それに慣れる必要があるよ
107when:2005/10/29(土) 16:45:46 ID:???0
what a great book, moby-dick! -これは素晴らしい本を、白鯨とは!

i got it when i was at the museum. but i haven't read much yet. and i haven' t read the menu at all! -博物館に行ったときに買ったんです。でもまだあまり読んでなくて、それにメニューもぜんぜん見てないし!

shall i come back when you finish looking at the menu? -メニューを見終わった頃に参りましょうか?
or...could you recommend something? -もしくは…おすすめのものを教えていただけますか?
certainly. we don't serve whale. hold on, please. -もちろん、でも鯨はお出ししてませんよ。少々お待ちください
why don't you try one of our lobsters, fresh and delicious? -この店の新鮮でおいしいロブスターを召し上がってみませんか?
i want to try that! -試してみたいわ! 

i'll be back when your lobster is ready. until then, enjoy your book! -ロブスターの準備ができたらお持ちします。それまでは本を楽しんでいてください!

!i was at the museum私は博物館にいた、i got it whenが前にきて、博物館に行った時に本を買った
!when your lobster is readyロブスターの準備が出来た時に、i'll be back戻ります

1. when  i eat when i'm hungry. -お腹がすいたら食べる
2. before  i eat before i'm hungry. -お腹がすく前に食べる
3. while  i eat while i'm sleeping. -寝ている間に食べる
4. as  i eat as i watch TV. -テレビを見ながら食べる
5. until  i eat until i'm full. -満腹になるまで食べる

1前後  before, after, once  !onceは一度〜すると
2同時  while, as, now  !while〜の間、as〜しながら
3継続  since, until, till  !until, till〜まで、since〜から

i got it when i was in england. -イギリスにいたときに買ったんだ
call me when you get home. -家に戻ったら電話して
108make:2005/10/29(土) 16:54:05 ID:???0
you must be mika? it's great to meet you at last. how are you? welcome to miami! -ミカさんですね?やっと会えて光栄です!元気?マイアミにようこそ!

thank you. i'm sorry to make you wait. -ありがとう、お待たせしてすみません

no problem. do you have some stuff to carry? -大丈夫だよ。運ぶものはある?

no. i left everything in my hotel. i thought that would make life easier! -いいえ。みんなホテルに置いてきたんです。そのほうが楽だと思って!

cool! by the way, about renting a car; i was thinking a convertible might make you feel at home. -いいねえ!ところでレンタカーのことなんだけど。コンバーチブルならくつろいでもらえると思ってたんだ

!make you waitお待たせして、i'm sorry to〜してすいません
!make life easierはmake+名詞+形容詞。lifeは生活、easierはもっと楽な。生活をもっと楽にする

make+名詞+動詞TOP5  !makeの後に人がきて動詞がくると、その人に「〜させる」
1. feel  make you feel at home -あなたをくつろいだ気分にさせる
2. laugh  don't make me laugh when i'm working. -仕事中に僕を笑わせないで!
3. look  this costume makes me look cute. -この衣装が僕をかわいらしく見せる
4. think  考えさせる
5. go  どこかに行かせる

・makeの基本的意味  !ある状況を作り出す→させる
○make+名詞+動詞  (人に)〜させる
make you wait -あなたを待たせる  !あなたが待つ状況を作る

○make+名詞+形容詞  (人を)〜にする  !名詞を形容詞の状態にする
make you happy -あなたを幸せにする

george makes me feel happy. -ジョージはいい気分にしてくれる
you always make me feel happy. -あなたはいつも私をいい気分にしてくれる
your smile makes me feel happy. -あなたの笑顔が私を幸せな気分にしてくれる
your sweet voice makes me happy. -あなたのきれいな声を聞くと幸せにしてくれる
109want:2005/10/29(土) 17:13:15 ID:???0
what kind of car would you like, sir? -どのような車種がよろしいでしょうか?
a mid-size automatic, and we want it to be a convertible. -中型のオートマチックで、コンバーチブルでお願いします
ok, sir. let me check on that for you, ok? -かしこまりました。調べてみます

i want you to have a great experience in florida. do you want to drive? -フロリダを満喫して欲しいからね。運転したい?
me? oh, no. i might drive on the wrong side of the street! -わたし?まさか!反対車線を走っちゃいそうだわ!
ok, if you want me to take the wheel, i will. but i want you to tell me if you change your mind. -わかった。僕に運転シテって言うならやるよ。でも気が変わったら言ってね

sir? we've just got what you asked for. -お客様。お求めのものがちょうどありました

!want you to haveあなたに持ってほしい、want+人+to+〜で、「誰かに〜してほしい」。have a great experience素晴らしい経験をしてほしい
!take the wheelハンドルをとる→if you want me to take the wheel運転してほしいなら、i willするよ
!want it to be a convertibleはwantの後に人でなくitがきていて、convertibleであってほしい→コンバーチブルでお願いします

want+名詞 to+動詞TOP5
1. do  what do you want me to do? -僕に何をして欲しい?
2. go  
3. be  i want you to be quiet. -静かにして欲しいんだけど…  !ある状態であってほしい
4. come  i want you to come with me. -一緒にきて欲しい
5. get  

○want+to+動詞  (自分が)〜したい
○want+名詞+to+動詞  (人に)〜して欲しい  !名詞はyouとかmeなどの人を表す代名詞がほとんど
i want you to...  あなたに〜して欲しい
do you want me to...?  わたしに〜して欲しい?
if you want me to...  もし〜して欲しいなら  !相手の意向を尋ねる表現に使われる

i want you to be quiet. -静かにして欲しいんだけど…
i want you to come with me. -あなたに一緒に来て欲しい
do you want me to give you a call? -電話して欲しい?
110that:2005/10/30(日) 03:10:55 ID:???0
see? i get the feeling that you want to drive! -ほらね、やっぱり運転したいんでしょう!

no, no. in japan, the driver sits on the other side. i have to keep in mind that it's the reverse here. -ちがうの。日本ではドライバー席はこっちと反対側なのよ。ここでは反対だってことを忘れないようにしないとね

tony, put the top down! -トニー、上を開けて!

i like the way that you think! ok, let's see... -君とは気が合いそうだなあ!了解、ええと…

!i have to keep in mind頭の中に入れておかないと、thatの後ろのモノでthat it's the reverse hereここでは反対だっていうこと
!the feeling thatでthat以下という感じ、印象。you want to driveで運転したいんでしょう

・接続詞のthatの使い方  !that以下の事柄がその前の名詞を修飾して、具体的内容を表すというthat節
○動詞+that...  i think that... -〜と思う
○名詞+that...  i get the feeling that you want to drive  !運転したいんでしょう。you want to driveというfeeling
the fact that...  〜という事実
×the thing that...  ×〜というものごと  !that節は全ての動詞や名詞では使われない

that節をとる名詞TOP5  !i think you're good lookingはi think thatが省略されていて、i think that〜で「〜だと思う」
1. fact  the fact that... -〜という事実
2. way  i like the way that you think. -君の考え方が好き
3. sense  i get the sense that you don't understand. -君が理解していない感じがする
4. view  意見・考え方
5. idea  考え・予感

i think that he's in love. -彼、恋をしているんじゃないかしら
i get the feeling that he's in love. -彼、恋をしているんじゃないかしら
i get the sense taht his girlfriend is not human. -彼の恋人は人間じゃない気がする
111mind:2005/10/30(日) 03:12:34 ID:???0
look at those palm trees! this really is miami! -ヤシの木だわ!本当にマイアミなのね!

are you tired? would you like to go straight to the hotel? -疲れた?まっすぐホテルに帰りたい?

no, i like this. i don't mind seeing more of the city. -いいえ、このままでいいわ。街をもっと見て回るのも悪くないわ

tony, do you mind going a little slower here? i'd like to take some pictures. -トニー、もう少しゆっくり走ってもらってもいいかしら?写真を撮りたいの

in fact, would you mind if we stop and walk around a little? -できれば車を止めて、少し歩いてみてもいい?

no, that's great. i actually wouldn't mind some lunch. -ああ、それがいいね。実はお昼を食べるのも悪くないと思ってたんだ

!mind seeing見るのをイヤがる。mindの後に動詞がくる場合ingの形になる。i don't mind seeingで見て回っても構わない
!going a little slower hereでもう少しゆっくり走る、do you mind〜してもらっても構いませんか
!would you mind if〜しても構いませんか。we stop and walk around a littleで、止まって少し歩いてみても

mind+動詞のing形TOP5  !mind何かをイヤだと思うという意味で日常でもよく使われる
1. going  would you mind going to the movies with me? -一緒に映画見に行ってもらっても構いませんか?
2. doing  何かをする
3. being  do you mind being early tomorrow morning? -明日の朝早く来てもらっても構わない?
4. paying  支払う
5. having  〜を持つ

・mindの基本的意味  !〜を嫌がる・〜を気にする
never mind.  気にしないで  !ほとんど否定文で使われていて、i mind〜という肯定文ではあまり使われない
i don't mind.  構わないよ
do you mind...?  〜でも構わない?
would you mnd...?  〜でも構いませんか?

例文  !do you mindでyesで答えると、yes, i do mindはい気にします。
do you mind going shopping with me? -一緒に買い物に行ってもらっても構わない?
no. not at all. -構いませんよ
112help:2005/10/30(日) 03:22:16 ID:???0
here we are! if you want to learn salsa dancing, this is the place! -さあ着いた!サルサが踊れるようになりたいなら、ここしかないよ!

my friend from japan would like to learn salsa dancing, miami style. can you help us with that? -日本から来たボクの友達がマイアミ式のサルサダンスを習いたいんですけど、手を貸してもらえますか?

absolutely! our teacher, jose, he can help you do all the latest steps. he can help you become a real salsera. -もちろん!先生のホセが最新のステップすべてをマスターできるよう、お手伝いしますよ。あなたを本物のサルサダンサーにしてくれますよ

!help usは私たちに手を貸す、help us with thatで「そのことに関して手を貸す」
!help you doで「あなたができるように手伝う」。help you to doと言ってもよい

help+人+with+名詞TOP5  !誰かに何かを手伝ってもらう
1. problem  she helped me with my problem. -彼女はボクが抱えている問題に手を貸してくれた
2. cooking  
3. homework  i helped george with his homework. -私はジョージの宿題を手伝った
4. housework  i helped george with his housework. -私はジョージの家事を手伝った
5. essay  作文

1、problem  …問題
2、housework, cooking, dishes  …家事
3、homework, essay, exam  …勉強関係
4、research, workshop  …仕事、研究

can you help me with these bags? -この袋を持つの手伝ってくれない?
can you help me with my homework? -宿題手伝ってくれない?
can you help me with my english? -英語をちょっと見てもらえない?
113as:2005/10/30(日) 03:31:56 ID:???0
as i was saying, this is miami's unique style of dancing, called "rueda." -さっき言ったように、これはマイアミ独自のスタイルの踊りで「ルエダ」と呼ばれるものなんです

why is it unique? -どの辺が独特なのですか?

well, as you know, salsa is usually done with a partner, but rueda is more like line dancing. -ご存知の通り、サルサは普通パートナーと一緒に踊ります。でもルエダはどちらかというとラインダンスに近いんです

dancing in a group? -グループで踊るんですか?

right. as the evening goes on, the floor becomes a huge ring of people. -そうです。夜がふけるにつれてフロアには大きな人の輪ができるんです

wow! that sounds so fun! as soon as i learn some steps, i want to try it! -まあ!すごく楽しそう!ステップをいくつか習ったらすぐにやってみたいわ!
as you're so eager to learn, let's begin! jose! -それだけやる気満々ならさっそく始めましょう!ホセ!

!as i was saying〜のようにといったasの使われ方。as i was sayingでさっき言ったように
!as you knowあなたも知っているように、ご存知のようにという決まり文句

1. say  do as i say! -俺の言うとおりにしろ!
2. get  the concert ended as i got there. -着いたときにはコンサートは終わっていた
3. go  
4. know  as you know, george is a good teacher. -ご存知のように、ジョージはいい先生です
5. see  as you can see,... -ごらんの通り

1様態(〜のように)  do as i say! -言うとおりにしなさい!
3理由(〜なので)  as it was getting late, i went home. -遅くなってきたので、家に帰った

as i was saying, i don't have a driver's license. -さっきも言ったけど車の免許持ってないんだ
as i was sayimg, i'm eighteen. -さっきも言ったけど私18歳なの
as you know, you can get a license from eighteen. -ご存じのように18歳から免許は取れますよ
114see:2005/10/30(日) 03:44:14 ID:???0
that's excellent! when i see you move, i can tell you're a dancer. -おお、すばらしい!あなたの動きを見ているとダンサーの素質があるってわかりますよ

because he's such a good teacher! -それは先生がいいからでしょう

no, no. i can see you get the idea very quickly, in your body. -いやいや、あなたはとてものみ込みが早い

when you're dancing in a group, how do you know which move to do next? -グループで踊っているときにはどうやって次の動きがわかるんですか?

there's a "caller" ―a person who announces the steps for everyone. -「コーラー」がいるんですよ。みんなにステップを知らせる人です

must be exciting to see them doing the moves together! -みんなが同じ動きをしているのを見たらワクワクするでしょうね!

now, let me see you do it aagin. -さあ、もう一度やって見せてください

!see you moveで君が動くのを見る、i can tell you're a dancerダンサーの素質があるのがわかる
!see them doingでingの形だと動いてる一瞬を見るという意味合いが出る
115see:2005/10/30(日) 03:45:09 ID:???0
see+名詞+動詞TOP5  !〜するのを見る
1. come  i saw george come out of the pub. -ジョージが居酒屋から出てくるのを見た
2. go  i saw george go into another pub. -ジョージが別の居酒屋に入るのを見た
3. get  and i saw him getting drunk. -そして彼が酔っぱらうのを見た  !酔ってくるプロセス、過程に重点がありing形になる
4. put  
5. walk  

・seeの後ろに続く動詞の形  !動詞の原型がつく場合と、ing形がつく場合の2つがある
i saw you cross the road. -あなたが通りを渡るのを見た  !通りを渡った状況をまるごと一つのまとまりとして捉えてcross

i saw you crossing the road. -あなたが通りを渡っているのを見た  !渡っている瞬間的な動作を強調

i saw you come out of the pub. -あなたが居酒屋から出てくるのを見ました
i saw you come out of the convenience store. -君がコンビニから出てくるのを見たよ
i saw courpus go to the courthouse. -コーパスが裁判所に行くのを見たよ
116but・althogh:2005/10/30(日) 15:59:42 ID:???0
mika, you look like a pro out there! -ミカ、プロみたいだよ!

thanks to jose! he's such a good teacher. -ホセのおかげよ!とっても上手に教えてくれるの

oh, i wish i could dance with you, but i can't. although she just started today, she already got it. -私も一緒に踊れたらいいんですけど、できないんです。きょう始めたばかりなのに彼女はもうマスターしてますよ

it's fun, tony. why don't you try it? -楽しいわよ、トニー。やってみない?

oh, i'd love to, but i'm not a salsa guy. but please, go ahead! -やりたいけど、サルサは得意じゃないんだ。でもどうぞ、踊っておいでよ!

shall we? -踊りましょうか?

!i'd love toはぜひやってみたい、but i'm not a salsa guyだけど俺はサルサが得意じゃないんだ。salsa guyサルサをする人
!although she just started today今日始めたばかりだけど、she's already got it既に自分のモノにしてしまった

・butとalthoghの使い分け  !althoghはbutより堅いニュアンス
although she just started toda, she's already got it.  !〜だけれどもの前にalthoughはつく
she just started today, but she's already got it.  !butは文と文の間にくる

1. and/so  i took medicine, and i got well. -薬を飲んでよくなった
2. that  
3. but/although  i took medicine, but i didn't get well. -薬を飲んだけど、よくならなかった
4. if/unless  if i take medicine, i will get well. -薬を飲めばよくなるだろう
5. because  because i took medicine, i'm sleepy. -薬を飲んだので眠い

i want to buy a new bike. -新しいバイクを買いたいんだ
i want to buy a new bike, but i have no money. -新しいバイクを買いたいけど、お金がない
i bought a new guitar. -新しいギターを買ったんだ
i bought a new guitar but it was broken. -新しいギターを買ったけど壊れてた
117give:2005/10/30(日) 16:09:09 ID:???0
i love this place. vizcaya gardens gives off such a feeling of peace. -僕はこの場所が大好きなんだ。ビスカヤガーデンは実に平和な雰囲気をかもし出しているんだよね

yes, it's like a dream. tony, what's that over there? -ええ、夢のようだわ。トニー、あそこは何かしら?

it's another garden. it's like a maze. want to give it a try? -あれは別の庭園なんだ。迷路みたいなんだよ、試してみる?

yes. if i lived in miami, i'd come here every week. -ええ。もしマイアミに住んでたら、毎週ここに来てると思うわ

i actually come here almost every month. it's just so beautiful that i have to give in. -実は僕はほとんだ毎月ここに来てるんだ。この美しさにはただもう感服するばかりだよ

ok. i give up. can you lead us out? i want to have a look at the museum, too. -ああ、もう降参。外に連れてってくれる?博物館も見たいし

follow me. -僕についてらっしゃい

!give upであきらめる、降参
!give inで外からの圧力に屈するというイメージ。it's just so beautifulここはあまりにも美しいので、that i have to give in感服するしかない
118give:2005/10/30(日) 16:10:23 ID:???0
give+副詞・前置詞TOP5  !if+副詞・前置詞で「与える」とは別の意味を作る
1. up  you should never give up hope! -絶対に希望を捨てちゃダメだよ!
2. out  give out -配る、尽きる、発表する
3. away  that store is giving away free T-shirts. -あの店ではTシャツを無料プレゼントしている
4. in  give in -屈する
5. off  give off -(音や光を)発する、(雰囲気を)かもし出す

give out  give(与える)+out(中から外に)  !自分から外に与える、または外に出きってしまう→尽きてしまう
a)自分から外に与える → あげる・配る
b)外に出きってしまう → 尽きてしまう

・イメージから意味をつかめない場合  give in(屈する)、give up(あきらめる)

例文  !give upは習慣をやめる場合にも使う
don't give up your dreams! -夢をあきらめるな!
i gave up smoking. -タバコをやめた
you should give up drinking. -お酒はやめたほうがいいよ
119come:2005/10/30(日) 16:20:20 ID:???0
i'm so glad we came to visit this place. -この場所を訪ねて来ることができてとてもよかったわ

well, it was built in 1914 in the style of the italian renaissance. -ここはイタリア・ルネッサンス様式の建築物で1914年に建てられたんだ

the art is fantastic! come to think of it, the furniture is, too. -とてもすばらしい美術品!そういえば…調度品もすばらしいわ!

they were made in the 15th through the 19th centuries and show a variety of decorating styles. -これらの美術品は15世紀から19世紀のもので、様々な装飾様式が見られます

tony, how did you come to be such an expert? -トニー、なんでそんなに詳しいの?

mika, look at this face. i'm pne-quarter italian. plus, i've got the guidebook right here! -ミカ、この顔を見て。僕はイタリア人のクオーターなんだ。それとね、ここにガイドブックを持っているからね!

!came to visit訪問するためにきた、this placeここに訪問しにきた。i'm so gladが前にきて、この場所を訪ねてこれてとてもよかった
!come to be〜の状態になる、such an expertそんなにエキスパートになる、そんなに詳しくなる
!come to think of it,...「そういえば…」。繋ぎ言葉として使われる決まり文句

come to+動詞TOP5  !〜するようになる、〜するためにくる
1. see  見る、人に会う、理解する
2. be  
3. think  come to think of it,... -そういえば…
4. do  george came to do the laundry. -ジョージは洗濯をしに来た
5. live  how did you come to live in tokyo? -どういういきさつで東京に住むことになったの?

・come to+動詞  
1「〜するようになる」  see, think, know, realize  !一定期間の経験を通して感情や意見を持つようになる

come to think of it, we don't know much about him. -そういえば私たちコーパスくんのことあまり知らないね
i came here to learn english. -英語を学ぶためにここに来ました
120ask:2005/10/30(日) 16:28:22 ID:???0
i'm glad you asked me to take you there. this is one of my favorite places. -あそこに連れて行ってと言ってくれてよかったよ。僕のお気に入りの場所の1つなんだ

now it's one of mine, too. ah, tony, i want to get some photos on the beach. -もう私のお気に入りの場所でもあるわよ。そうだトニー、私、海辺で写真を撮りたいんだけど

sure, you can. but can i ask you to go by yourself? i have to go now. -もちろんいいよ。でも1人で行ってもらってもいい?もう行かないといけないんだ

hey! hey! are you going to ask me to pose for a picture? -お〜い!ポーズ取って欲しいの?

!asked me to take you thereあなたが私にそこに連れてってくれと頼んだ、i'm glad youが前にきて、あそこに連れて行ってと言ってくれてよかった
!can i ask you to〜していただいてもいいですか、go by yourself自分一人行く。人に何かをお願いする時に使える

ask+人+to+動詞TOP5  !誰かに〜してくれと頼む
1. do  can i ask you to do something for me? -ちょっとあなたに頼みごとしてもいい?
2. come  can i ask you to come with me? -一緒に来てもらえないかな?
3. go  
4. be  
5. marry  can i ask you to marry me? -結婚してもらえませんか?

・ask+人+動詞  〜してくれと頼む
○come, go, take → 移動  !どこかに行ったり、連れて行ってもらう時など
○help, support → 助け・援助
○marry  he asked me to marry him -彼は私に結婚してくれと頼んだ

can i ask you to do something for me? -頼みごとしてもいい?
corpus asked me to go shopping. -コーパスくんに買い物を頼まれました
can i ask you to go shopping? -買い物を頼んでもいい?
121get:2005/10/30(日) 16:36:10 ID:???0
come on! take my picture. can i get you to do that? -さあ!俺の写真を撮ってよ。そうしてもらえない?

come closer, i won't bite. you've got time to sit with me, don't you? -こっちへおいでよ、噛みついたりしないからさ。ちょっと座って話しをする時間ぐらいあるだろう?

that's ok. i'm going to be on my way. -遠慮しとくわ、もう行くから

oh. you don't want a picture of the happiest fisherman in the world? you might not get a chance to do this again! -世界で一番幸せな釣り人の写真を撮りたいとは思わないのかい?2度とこんなチャンスはないかもしれないぜ!

what makes you so happy? this is a good place for fishing, right? -どうしてそんなに幸せなの?ここって釣りにはいい場所なんでしょう?

no, it's the worst. i've never caught one fish here. -いいや最低だね。1匹も釣れやしないよ

!get+人+to+動詞で誰々に〜をさせる。get you to do thatあなたにそれをさせる。頭にcan iで、そうしてもらえないかな?
!get a chance to doそれをするチャンスを手に入れる。not get a chance to do this again二度とこんなチャンスはない

○make:「〜を作る」 → 強制的に作り出す
○get:「努力して手に入れる」 → 人にさせるのに困難を伴う場合  !努力して〜させるといったニュアンス
i tried to get george to come out tonight, but he was too busy. -今夜ジョージに出るように言ったけど、忙しくてダメだった

get+人/物+to+動詞TOP5  !努力して誰かに何かをさせる
1. do  
2. come  can you get her to come to the party? -彼女をパーティに来させるようにできる?
3. go  
4. say  we have to get her to say yes. -彼女に「イエス」と言わせなきゃ
5. change  we need to get her to change her mind. -彼女に考えを変えさせなきゃ!

can i get you to do my homework? -私の宿題やってもらえないかな?
how can i get you to do my homework? -どうすれば宿題やってもらえるの?
i'll get corpus to do that. -コーパスにやってもらおう
122remember:2005/10/30(日) 21:29:43 ID:???0
i always have this problem. i want everything on the menu. -わたし、いつも困っちゃうのよね。メニューに載っているものみんな食べたくなっちゃうの

i remember hearing that the cdrusted grouper her eis fabulous. -たしか、ここのクラステッド・グルーパーが実においしいというのを聞いたことがあるなあ

where did you hear that? -どこでそれを聞いたの?

i remember coming here once. -そういえばここに一度来たことがあったんだ

and i had the crusted grouper. it was so good. -それでクラステッド・グルーパーを食べたんだ。それがとってもおいしかった

and i promised myself i would remember to have it again. -だから忘れずにまた食べようって決めてたんだ

ah, here it is. "crusted grouper. filet of grouper served with bacalao cake..." -あったわ。クラステッド・グルーパー。グルーパーのフィレバカラオケーキを添えて…

"...with a sweet and spicy poblano pepper sauce." -…甘くてスパイシーなポブラノペッパーのソースを添えて

are you ready to order? -お決まりでしょうか?

the crusted grouper, please. -クラステッド・グルーパーをお願いします

!rememberの後に動詞のing形が続くと、「前に何かしたことを覚えている」。coming here once一度ここに来たのを覚えている
!rememberの後にto+動詞、で、これからすることを覚えている→忘れずに何かをする。have it againもう一度それを食べる
123remember:2005/10/30(日) 21:32:38 ID:???0
1. seeing  i remember seeing you before. -前に君と会ったことあるよね…
2. going  どこかに行ったこと覚えてる
3. being  do you remember being late yesterday? -昨日遅刻したこと覚えてる?
4. having  i remember having a big fight with you. -おまえと昔大げんかしたよね…
5. doing  何かをしたのを覚えてる

○remember+動詞のing形  〜したのを覚えている
i remember seeing you. -あなたに会ったことを覚えている

○remember to+動詞  忘れずに〜する
i remember to see you. -忘れずにあなたに会う

○rememberのみ  do you remember? -覚えてる?
○remember+名詞  i remember your name. -あなたの名前を覚えています
○remember+that+文  do you remember that i love you? -僕が君をおいしていることを覚えている?

do you remember meeting me for the first time? -初めて会ったときのこと覚えてる?
i remember thinking you were strange. -変な人だと思ったの覚えてる
remember to call me tonight. -忘れずに今晩電話して
124tell:2005/10/30(日) 21:34:17 ID:???0
let's tell him to thank the chef. excuse me, waiter? this is really, really excellent. -シェフにお礼を言ってもらうように彼に言おう

i wish i could cook like your chef! -わたしもこちらのシェフのようにお料理ができたらいいのに!

please tell him to keep up the great work. -これからもいい仕事を続けてくださいとお伝えください

excuse me. i told the chef how much you like the grouper and he asked me to tell you to come to the kitchen. -失礼します。お客様がグルーパーをたいへんお気に召されたことをシェフに伝えましたところ、ぜひキッチンにいらしてくださいとのことです

!tell him to keep彼にキープするように言う、keep up the great workいい仕事を続ける
!tell you to comeきてくれと言う、to the kitchenキッチンにいらしてくださいと言う

tell+人+to+動詞TOP5  !人に〜するように言う
1. get  i told you to get the tickets. -チケットを取っておくように言ったでしょ
2. do  何かをするように言う
3. go  i was told to go and see a doctor. -医者に行って診てもらうように言われた
4. come  来るように言う
5. put  i told you to put your money in my pocket. -お金は私のポケットに入れるように言ったでしょ

・tell+人+to+動詞  !人に〜するように言う。命令調のニュアンス
○人に〜しないように言う  tell+人+not to+動詞
i told him not to drink too much today. -きょうはお酒を飲みすぎないように彼に言った


he told me to come to his house. -彼は私に家に来るように言った
he told me not to tell george. -彼がジョージには話すなと言った
i told you not to tell george! -ジョージには話すなって言ったでしょ!
125forget:2005/10/30(日) 21:34:58 ID:???0
these are the ingredients. -これが材料です

there's so much to remember! -覚えきれないほどありますね!

don't forget to get the recipe. -レシピを聞くのを忘れないようにね

that's right. -そうね

and don't forget to mention that in your magazine article! -それと、忘れずにレシピを雑誌で取り上げてね!

i won't! -もちろん!

!forget toで何かをするのを忘れる。get the recipeレシピを聞く

forget to+動詞TOP5
1. put  i forgot to put the milk in the fridge. -ミルクを冷蔵庫に入れるのを忘れちゃった
2. get  
3. take  don't forget to take the medicine. -薬を飲むのを忘れないで
4. do  何かをするのを忘れる
5. bring  i forgot to bring my notebook. -ノート持ってくるの忘れちゃった

・forgetの基本的意味  !〜を忘れる
○forgetのみ  don't forget. i forgot.
○forget+名詞  you forgot the cilantro. -コリアンダーを忘れましたよ
○forget+that+文  i forgot that i sent the letter. -手紙だしたのを忘れた
○forget to+動詞  i forgot to send the letter. -手紙をだし忘れた(まだだしていない)

don't forget to bring some drinks. -飲み物持ってくるの忘れないで
i forgot that i have work tomorrow. -明日仕事あるの忘れてた
126keep:2005/10/30(日) 21:35:27 ID:???0
this is bacalao cake. -これがバカラオケーキです

you make everything look so easy. i hope i can do it. -とっても簡単そうに作ってしまうのね。私もできるといいんだけど

of course. -もちろんできますよ

the most important thing about nuevolatino cooking is "nuevo"! "nuevo" means new. -ヌエヴォ・ラティノ料理で一番重要なことは「ヌエヴォ」なこと!「ヌエヴォ」っていうのは新しいってことさ

what did he say? -何て言ったの?

he said, "keep changing the recipe, keep thinking of new ideas, and keep on trying new things. -「レシピを常に改良し続けること、新しいアイデアを考え続けること、そして新しいことに挑戦し続けること」

!keep changing変え続ける。何かをし続ける時は後に動詞のing形がくる
!keep on+ing〜し続ける。keep on trying new things新しいことに挑戦し続ける

keep+動詞のing形TOP5  !何かをし続ける
1. going  keep going -していることをそのまま続ける
2. saying  何かを言い続ける
3. getting  we keep getting many letters from the viewers. -視聴者からたくさん手紙をもらいつづけている
4. coming  gerorge keeps coming to my house every night. -ジョージは毎晩僕の家に来つづけている
5. doing  何かをし続ける

・keep+動詞のing形  !〜しつづける
keep on+動詞のing形  …同じ行為を何度も繰り返すというニュアンス
keep+人や物+動詞のing形  …(人や物に)〜させつづける
keep you waiting -あなたを待たせつづける

i'm sorry to have kept you waiting. -お待たせしてごめんなさい
i kept thinking of you. -あなたのことを考えつづけていた
127know:2005/10/30(日) 21:36:35 ID:???0
excuse me. do you know where the entrance of the park is? -すみません。公園の入り口はどこでしょうか?
yeah, go straight ahead. it's on the right. -ああ、そのまままっすぐ行って右側だよ

this is everglades national park. the total area is 1.4 million acres. -ここがエバーグレイズ国立公園です。総面積は140万エーカーです

do you know what that is in kilometers? -キロメートルに換算するとどのくらいでしょう?
that's about 11,500 square kilometers. -約11500平方キロメートルです

whoa. that's huge. do you know how big tokyo is? -そりゃあ大きい。東京ってどれくらいの大きさか知ってる?
yes. this park is about four times bigger than tokyo. -ええ。この公園は東京の約4倍も拾いってことね

!do you know whereどこか知っていますか?the entrance of the park is公園の入り口は
!what that is in kilometersキロメートルに直すとどのくらい?

1. what  
2. how  you don't know how much i love you. -どれほど君を愛しているかわかってないでしょ
3. where  
4. when  do you know when my birthday is? -ぼくの誕生日いつだかわかる?
5. why  i don't know why i said that. -何であんなこと言ってしまったんだろう

who is he? -彼は誰ですか?
do you know -〜を知っていますか?  !know以下の語順に注意
○do you know who he is? -彼が誰か知ってますか?
×do you know who is he?  !疑問文をそのまま続けてしまうと間違い

do you know where my bike is? -私の自転車どこか知らない?  !where is my bikeと言わないように注意
do you know old this is? -これ何歳だかわかる?
128because:2005/10/30(日) 22:09:57 ID:???0
this park is 100 miles long and 50 miles wide. but it is shrinking because it has been drained over the years. -この公園は縦100マイル、幅50マイルです。でも長年にわたって干拓されてきたので縮小しているんです

why was it drained? -なぜ干拓されたんですか?

it was drained because people needed more land for farming and housing. -農業や住宅用に土地が必要だったからです

there's a pollution problem, too, right? -汚染の問題もありますよね?

right. the park is home to many different types of animals and plants. and they're in danger because of water pollution. -そのとおり。ここには非常に多くの動植物が生息していますが、水質汚染の危機にさらされています

how about crocodiles and alligators? -クロコダイルとアリゲーターはどうなんですか?

well, all animals are affected. and this is one of the only places on earth where you can see them living together in nature. 

!it is shrinking縮む、because it has benn drained干拓されてきた
!because of+名詞で〜のために。water pollution水質汚染
129because:2005/10/30(日) 22:16:29 ID:???0
because of+名詞TOP5
1. way  she loves me because of the way i look. -ボクのルックスに彼女はほれている
2. fact  
3. lack  足りない
4. nature  because of the nature of... -〜の性質上
5. problem(s)  the party was canceled because of his personal problem. -彼の個人的な理由からパーティは中止された

i was late for school because i overslept. -寝坊したので遅刻した  !主節の後に置かれる。このパターンが80%
why were you late? → because i overslept.

i couldn't sleep last night because it was too hot. -昨日は暑くて眠れなかった
i couldn't sleep last night because of the heat. -昨日は暑くて眠れなかった  !because ofでも言える
i slept very well because i was drunk. -酔っぱらってたからよく寝れたよ
130put:2005/10/30(日) 22:17:12 ID:???0
this is an american crocodile. it has been put on the endangered species list. -これはアメリカンクロコダイルです。絶滅のおそれがある種としてリストアップされています

what about alligators? -アリゲーターはどうなんですか?

the alligators are no longer endagered. thanks to breeding farms such as this one, they've recovered. follow me, please. -アリゲーターは絶滅の危機から脱しました。ここのような繁殖所のおかげで復活したんです。こちらへどうぞ

are baby alligators here, too? -アリゲーターの赤ちゃんもここにいるんですか?

no, we put them in a different pond. we also put out special food for them. would you like to go see the babies? -いえ、別の池に入れてあります。エサも特別なものを与えています。赤ちゃんを見ます?

!put out food食事を出す。

1. on  george, put on your shoes! -ジョージ、靴をはけ!
2. in  put in -〜を設置する
3. down  please put down your name here. -名前をここに書いてください
4. up  put up -建てる、看板をかける
5. back  put back -もどす、延期する

○put up with...  我慢する  
i can't put with all this noise. -こんな騒音耐えられない

○put down to...  〜のせいにする  
put the mistake down to me. -過ちを私のせいにする

○put in for...  〜に参加させる

you have to put on a jacket! -ジャケットを着ないといけないよ
i've put on six kilos. -6キロも太ったんだ
131look:2005/10/30(日) 22:24:34 ID:???0
we keep our baby gators in here, apart from the big adults. -赤ちゃんワニは、大人のワニとは話して飼っています
but some of those look big. -でも大きそうなのもいますね

they do grow quickly, as much as a meter per year. -とても早く成長するんです。1年で1メートルも大きくなることだってありますよ

oh, that one looks young! -あっ、あれはまだ小さいなあ!
would you like to hold one of them? this one is about two years old. -1匹抱いてみますか?これは生まれて2年ぐらいです
it looks so beautiful! the eyes are so big! -とてもきれいですね。目も大きいし!

!some of thoseそれらのうちのいくつ、look big大きそうに見える。大きそうなのもいますね
!it looks so beautifulはsoがついて強調されている

look+形容詞TOP5  !〜のように見える
1. nice  that hat looks very nice on you! -今日の帽子とてもすてきだね
2. good  things are looking very good for george. -ジョージの状況は大変いいようだ
3. better  she'd look better with longer hair. -彼女、長い髪の方が似合うんだけどなぁ
4. all right  everything looks all right. -すべてよさそうだね
5. right  正しい

・look+形容詞  !すべて目で見えるという感じで使われる
1素晴らしい  nice, good, better
2大丈夫  all right, ok
3悪い状態  bad, terrible
4健康  well, tired, fine
5いつもと違う  different
6大きさ、年齢  big, young

that bracelet looks very nice on you. -そのブレスレット、とっても似合うね
that hat looks very nice on you. -その帽子とっても似合うね
those pants look nice. -そのズボン似合うね  !ズボンは複数形になる
but those look tight. -だけどそれ、きつそうだね
132like:2005/10/30(日) 22:33:40 ID:???0
alicia, do you like going to nightclubs? -アリシア、ナイトクラブに行くのは好き?

it depends. i do like hearing live music, but i don't like going to places that are too noisy. why do you ask? -場合によるわね。生演奏を聴くのは好きだけど、うるさすぎる所に行くのは好きじゃないのよね。どうして?

i'd like to see a really good new york club tonight. -今夜、ニューヨークの本当にいいクラブに行ってみたいの

tonight? oh, i'm sorry, i can't make it tonight. -今夜?悪いけど今夜は無理だわ

that's ok. i like doing things alone, too. can you recommend a good club? -いいわよ。一人で行動するのも好きだから。いいクラブを教えてくれる?

sure. but i'd like somebody to go with you, you know, just to be safe. hi, it's alicia robinson. i'm fine thank you.  

well, my friend, mika arai, would like to go to a nightclub tonight. i was wondering if you might like to take her... 

!do you like goingでingがついて〜するのが好き。going to nightclubsナイトクラブに行く
!places that are too noisyうるさすぎる場所。前にi don't like going toがきて、うるさすぎる場所に行くのは嫌いです
133like:2005/10/30(日) 22:38:16 ID:???0
like+動詞のing形TOP5  !〜するのが好き
1. being  do you like being with me? -君と一緒にいるのが好き
2. doing  i like doing this. -これするのが好き
3. going  
4. having  i like having japanese food for dinner. -夕食には和食を食べるのが好き
5. using  何かを使うのが好き

・like+動詞のing形  !〜するのが好き
i like going for a walk on sundays. -日曜は散歩に行くのが好き

○like to+動詞  〜するのが好き
i like to go for a walk on sunday. -日曜は散歩に行くのが好き

○would like to+動詞  〜したい  !like to+動詞よりも使われることが多い
i'd like to go for a walk. -散歩に行きたい

i like reading books on weekends. -週末は本読むのが好き
you like sleeping late on weekends? -週末は遅くまで寝るのが好きなの?  !ウソでしょというニュアンスでdo youのdoを省略する
134take:2005/10/30(日) 22:41:15 ID:???0
hey! i know you! you're the man from the gospel church! -まあ!会ったことありますね!ゴスペル教会にいらっしゃった方ですね!

yeah. my name is wes. it's good to see you again. -うん、僕の名前はウェス。またお会いできてうれしいです。

nice to see you, too! my name is mika. -こちらこそ、また会えてうれしいわ!私はミカです

i know. alicia telephoned me. we became good friends after the church. didn't she tell you? -知ってるよ。アリシアが電話をくれたんだ。あの教会の後で、僕たち友達になったんだ。アリシアは言ってなかった?

she said it would be a surprise. and it is, a nice one! it's so kind of you to take over for her. -ビックリするかもよって言ってたけどほんとにうれしい驚きだわ!彼女の代わりに案内してくれてありがとう

not at all. i'm happy to take you out to my favorite club. you know, this place is really starting to take off. 

is it far? -遠いの?

no. it's right over there! come on! -いや、すぐそこだよ!行こう!

!take you out連れ出す、to my favorite clubお気に入りのクラブに
!take over仕事などを引き継ぐ。
!take off物事がうまく行き始める。this place is really starting to take offこの場所は本当に最近流行り始めている
135take:2005/10/30(日) 22:45:17 ID:???0
1. out  i'd like to take you out for dinner. -君を夕食に連れ出したい
2. off  take off -(服を)脱ぐ、(飛行機が)離陸する
3. away  take away -持ち去る、取り除く
4. back  i came here to take back my memories. -思い出を取り返しにここにやって来た
5. up  take up -(趣味を)はじめる、(仕事)つく

take out…連れ出す・取り出す、(お金を)引き出す、(ローンを)組む
take away…持ち去る・取り除く
take off…(服を)脱ぐ、(飛行機が)離陸する、(物事が)突然成功する
take back…返す・取り返す

take off your shoes! -靴を脱いで!
you have to take off your shoes. -靴を脱がないといけない
i forgot to take out my money from the bank. -銀行からお金おろすの忘れた
136bring:2005/10/30(日) 23:43:59 ID:???0
this is the place. -ここだよ
is this really a nightclub? -これがホントにナイトクラブなの?
yes. it used to be a chinese barbershop. come on! -うん。昔は中国人の理髪店だったんだ。さあ行こう!

so, this is the nightclub? -それでここがナイトクラブ?
yes. let me introduce you to the DJ. -そうだよ。DJを紹介しよう

wes! what's up! who'd you bring with you? -ウェス!やあ!誰を連れてきたんだい?
i brought in my friend mika, from japan. mika, this is marcus, the DJ. -日本からの友達、ミカを連れてきたんだ。ミカ、彼がマーカス、DJだよ

but...where are the turntables?wow, unbelievable! wes, thanks for bringing me along. -でも…ターンテーブルはどこにあるの?わすごい!ウェス、連れてきてくれてありがとう
my pleasure. later on, this whole place will be full. -どういたしまして。もうちょっとしたら、この場所が人でいっぱいになるんだよ

!bring in人を何かのイベントに参加させる
!bringing me alongいっしょに連れてくる

1. up  i was brought up by mr.tono. -僕は投野先生に育てられた
2. in  this project brings in $3,000 a year. -このプロジェクトは年間3000ドルの利益を上げる
3. back  bring back -(習慣や制度を)復活させる、(記憶を)思い出させる
4. down  bring down -(飛行機を)着陸させる、(ものの値段を)下げる
5. out  bring out -(事実や才能を)引き出す

・bring+副詞・前置詞/句動詞  !それぞれの句同士はいくつもの意味がある
bring up…(子供を)育てる、(話題を)持ち出す
bring in…(人を)連れてくる、(利益を)あげる


that song brings back memories. -その歌懐かしい
i was brought up in japan and britain. -僕は日本とイギリスで育った
137that・which:2005/10/31(月) 00:06:13 ID:???0
marcus, what kind of music do you play here? -マーカス、ここでどんな音楽をかけているの?

well, new yorkers like it all, which means i have to be ready to do it all. -そうだね、ニューヨークはあらゆる音楽が好きなんだ。ってことは、何でもかけられるようにしておかなくちゃいけないってことなんだ

so, how do you decide what to play next? -じゃあ、次にかける音楽はどうやって決めるの?

it's hard to explain. it's a feeling that i get from the people, and a sense that i have about music. -口で説明するのは難しいね。その場にいる人たちの雰囲気とか、自分の音楽のセンスとか

it's different every night. and that's what makes a good DJ. -毎晩違うね。それがいいDJの条件だね

do you have a sound that is all your own? -自分ならではの音もあるの?

of course! let me show you! -もちろん!聴かせてあげるよ!

!that i get from the people私は人々から手に入れた、it's a feeling感覚でthatの後ろが前のa feelingを修飾する
!which meansってことは、i have to ready to do it all何でも準備しておかなきゃ
138that・which:2005/10/31(月) 00:08:30 ID:???0
・関係詞について  !前にある名詞が人かモノか、あるいはどの部分から前に出てきたかでつなぐ関係詞の形が変わる
私は昨日手紙を出した  i sent the letter yesterday.  
私が昨日出した手紙  the letter that i sent yestarday.  !the letterを前に出し、間を関係詞のthatでつなぐ

会話の中でよく使われる関係詞TOP5  !「僕の愛した女性」「髪の毛が緑の人」など名詞の内容を情報的に補足する
1. that  this is the book that i bought yesterday. -これが昨日買った本です
2. who  i know the man who ate my senbei. -僕のせんべいを食べた男を知っている
3. which  
4. whom  this is the book which i bought yesterday. -これが昨日買った本です  !thatの代わりにwhich
5. whose  i know a guy whose hair is green. -緑の髪の男を知っている

the pasta that i made yesterday -昨日作ったパスタ
the pasta that i made yesterday was really good. -昨日作ったパスタは本当においしかった
i'd love to taste the pasta that you made. -君の作ったパスタを味わってみたい
he is the man that i met yesterday. -彼が昨日会った人です
139give:2005/10/31(月) 01:08:00 ID:???0
so, alicia robinson gave me a call and said that you want to see chinatown. -それでアリシア・ロビンソンが電話で君がチャイナタウンを見たがっていると言っていたんだけど

well, i'll give you a choice. we can go to the general store first and then walk around, or we can walk around after the general store. 

this is the oldest gift shop in chinatown. there's something i want you to see inside. let's go give it a look. -ここはチャイナタウンで一番古いギフトショップなんだ。君に見せたいものが中にあるんだ。見に行こう

!gave me a call私に電話した
!give it a lookそれを見る。let's goがついて、「見に行きましょう」

give+動詞の名詞形TOP5  !〜する
1. ring  george, i'll give you a ring. -ジョージ電話するね
2. information  give me some information. -情報をください
3. kiss  she gave me a kiss. -彼女は僕にキスをした
4. advice  george, give me some advice. -ジョージ、アドバイスをちょうだい
5. answer  somebody give me an answer! -誰か答えを教えて!

give information=inform -情報を与える  !元の動詞と同じ意味になる
give an answer=answer -答える  !このような動詞そのものよりも口語的になる
give important information -重要な情報を与える  !informationの前に修飾語をつけて表現の幅が広がる

you didn't give me a call! -電話してくれなかったじゃない!
i'll give you a choice. -選ばせてあげる
140call:2005/10/31(月) 01:19:40 ID:???0
in 1880, only about 700 chinese people called this place home. -1880年にはたった700人ほどの中国人しかここには住んでいなかったんだ。

today, there are 200,000 chinese people living right here in chinatown. -今では20万人の中国人がここチャイナタウンに住んでいるんだよ

this is the setting for a movie, gangs of new york. you know, martin scorsese. -ここが映画「ギャングオブニューヨーク」の舞台になったところなんだ。知ってるよね、マーティンスコセッシ

and leonardo dicaprio. -そしてレオナルドデカプリオよね

yes. they call this neighborhood "five points." 200 years ago, it was a terrible slum. -そう。この辺は「ファイブ・ポインツ」と呼ばれているんだ。200年前にはひどいスラムだったんだよ

hey, what do you think? let's call it a day and get a massage! -ねえ、どうかな?きょうはこのくらいにしてマッサージを受けに行こうよ!

!called this place homeこの場所を我が家と呼んだ
!call it a day仕事なんか切り上げる、お終いにするという決まり文句

・call+代名詞+名詞  !〜を…と呼ぶ
i called my dog. -私は自分の犬を呼んだ
i called my dog pochi. -私は自分の犬をポチと呼んだ

1. day  let's call it a day! -今日はこの辺で終わりにしよう!
2. mr.  don't call me mr.corpus. -コーパス様と呼ぶのはよしてください
3. uncle  we call him uncle george. -彼をジョージおじさんと呼びます
4. dad  
5. miss  should i call you miss kato? -加藤様と呼びましょうか?

please call me super george! -僕のことスーパー・ジョージと呼んでよ!
we call her tah-chan. -私のことシンデレラって呼んでね
141find:2005/10/31(月) 03:29:17 ID:???0
have you ever had a traditional chinese massage? -中国式マッサージをしてもらったことはある?

no. -いいえ

then you're going to find this very interesting. -じゃあ、きっととてもおもしろいと思うよ

well, my job gives me lots of stress. don't you find it difficult to handle your stress? -ほら、僕の仕事ってストレスが多いんだ。ストレスに対処するのって難しいと思わない?

yes. and sometimes i find it hard to sleep. -そうね。それにときには眠れなくなることもあるわ

then this is going to be perfect for you. here my friend, cathy, will give you a massage. -だったらこれがぴったりだよ。ここでは僕の友達キャシーがマッサージをしてくれるよ

she will not just massage your body; she'll also massage your qi, your spirit. i have found it very helpful. 

well...ok. i'll give it a try. -そうね…わかったわ。試してみるわ

!find this interestingこれを興味深いと思う、you are going toが前にきて、きっとこれおもしろいと思うよ
!find it hardそれが難しい、itは後に続くto sleepを指して、眠るのが困難だと思う
142find:2005/10/31(月) 03:31:06 ID:???0
find it+形容詞TOP5  !〜が…だとわかる
1. difficult  難しいと感じる
2. hard  i sometimes find it hard to breathe. -ときどき息苦しくなるんだ
3. easier/easy  i find it very easy to understand. -理解しやすいと思います
4. interesting  i find this program very interesting. -この番組とってもおもしろいと思うよ
5. funny  i find him very funny. -彼はとてもおもしろいと思う

・find 名詞(to be)形容詞
i found the book. -その本を見つけた
i found the book very interesting. -その本はとても面白いと思った

・find it形容詞 to do  !形容詞の後にto+動詞
i found it hard to sleep. -なかなか寝られなかった  !眠るのが困難だとわかった

i find the book very difficult to read. -その本は私には難しいです
i've found it very useful. -とっても便利なんです
143happen:2005/11/01(火) 00:19:22 ID:???0
so? tell me what happened. -それで?どうだったか聞かせてよ

she was breathing so deeply! -彼女はとても深く呼吸をしていたわ!

that helps the energy move in her body. and then the energy moves in your body. did anything happen? -そうやって自分の体の中にエネルギーを呼び込むんだよ。そしてそのエネルギーが君の体に入っていくんだ。何か起こった?

oh, yes! i can feel something happening inside. i'm relaxed, but i also feel full of life! -ええ!体の中で何かが起こっているのを感じるわ。リラックスしてるんだけど元気いっぱいって感じ!

you'll have more energy, you'll not get so tired and you'll sleep better. that's traditional chinese massage! -いつもより活力が出て、疲れにくくなるし、よく眠れるようになるよ。それが中国古来のマッサージなんだ!

!tell me what happendどうだったか教えて
!feel something happen何かが起こっているか感じる

1. it  it happens to be my birthday! -偶然にも今日は僕の誕生日なんだ!
2. thing  these things happen. -こういうことはよくあるからね
3. something  something very strange is happening. -何か妙なことが起こっているぞ
4. nothing  nothing happened. -何も起こらなかった
5. anything  did anything happen? -何か起こったの?

・happenの基本的意味  !予期しないことが偶然起こる
○一般的名詞  accident, crash, disaster災害, event出来事

○i happen to...  たまたま〜する
i happened to meet her in shinjuku. -新宿で彼女と偶然会った

what happened to your ears? -その耳どうしたの?
do you happen to know that man? -ひょっとしてあの男の人知ってる?
144(-_-)さん:2005/11/01(火) 00:30:17 ID:???0
145watch:2005/11/01(火) 00:31:34 ID:???0
mika, is there anything else you want to do before you go back to japan? -ミカ、日本に帰る前に他にしておきたいことは?

yes! i need to buy some small presents. i want something fun but not too expensive. -あるわ!ちょっとしたおみやげを買わなきゃいけないの。何か面白くてあまり高くないものがいいなぁ

i know a good place. come with me. -いい所があるわ。行きましょう!

it's a great place to watch people, isn't it? -人間観察するには絶好の場所でしょ?

yes, it's even better than watching television! -そうね、テレビを見ているよりずっといいわ!

oh, look at this! -あっ、これ見て!

!it's a great place to〜するのには絶好の場所だ、watch people人間観察
!it's even better than〜するよりずっといい、watching televisionテレビを見てるよりも

1. television  
2. video  i love watching music videos. -私はミュージックビデオを見るのが好きだ
3. film  
4. program  i like watching english programs. -英会話の番組を見るのが好きなんだ
5. football  my wife doesn't like to watch football games. -妻はサッカーの試合を見るのが嫌いなんだ

・watchの後に続く名詞  !見る対象が何らか動きがあり、これから何が起こるのかじっと見守るというニュアンスがある
1映像関係  television, video, film
2具体的な番組  program, news
3スポーツの試合  football, match, game, play

let's go watch a football game! -サッカーの試合を見に行こう!
watch your mouth! -言葉遣いに気をつけて!
146meet:2005/11/01(火) 00:41:41 ID:???0
how about this? this is kind of cute. -これはどう?何かかわいい!

hmm. it's nice. but i want to get something that's hard to find in japan. -う〜ん、かわいいわね。でも日本にあまりないものが欲しいの

oh!ok. i'm sure something here meets your needs. let's go and have a look. -なるほど、わかったわ。ここならきっと欲しいものがあるはずよ。探しに行きましょう

yeah, and it's a great place to meet new people. oh, that's interesting. does that meet your needs? -ここは新しい人たちと出会うにもいい場所なの。おもしろいわね。これならお望みのものにピッタリなんじゃない?

yes, i think these will be good. i'll take ten...or should i get twenty? -ええ、これならいいと思うわ。10個…いや20個買って行こうかな

!meet new people新しい人達と出会う。meetの後に名詞を直接続けて「〜と会う」
!meet your needs君のニーズに会う→君の必要を満たす。does that meet your needsそれって欲しいと思っていたもの?

meet+名詞TOP5  !二つ以上のものが接触するというニュアンス。人と人が出会う、道や川が交わる
1. need(s)  this watch will meet your needs. -この時計ならお望みのものにピッタリでしょう
2. people  
3. requirement(s)  students have to meet their teacher's requirements. -学生は先生の要求にこたえなければならない
4. demand(s)  要求
5. wife  i met my wife in college. -妻とは大学で出会ったんだ

・meetの後に続く名詞  !人がくる場合「会う」、要求などくる場合「満たす」という意味合いで使われる
1「会う」という意味で  people, wife, girl, man
2「満たす」という意味で  need, requirement, demand

let's meet at shibuya station. -渋谷駅で会おうよ
does that meet your needs? -それがお望みのものにピッタリなの?
this one should meet your needs. -これならお望みのものにピッタリでしょう
147call:2005/11/01(火) 00:53:28 ID:???0
how's the packing going? -荷造りは進んでる?

oh, my goodness! look at all these boxes! how did you collect so much stuff in one month? -あらまあ!箱だらけじゃない!たった一ヶ月でどうやったらこんなに物が増えるわけ?

i like to shop! -買い物好きなの!

should i call up a mover? or should i call in a doctor? we might need one when we try to carry all this! -引越し屋さんに電話する?それともお医者さんを呼ぶ?これを全部運ぼうとしたらお医者さんが必要になるかもね!

actually, would you please call for a taxi? i don't want to be late for my plane! -タクシーを呼んでもらえないかしら?飛行機に遅れると困るし

ok. and don't worry about these boxes. i will send them to you by express mail. -わかったわ。箱のことは心配しないで速達で送ってあげるから

really? thank you alicia! you are a lifesaver! -本当?ありがとうアリシア!本当に助かったわ!

!call up電話をする。should iで、〜した方がいいかな。should i call up a mover引越し屋さんに電話した方がいいかな?
!call in人を呼ぶ、ちょっと立ち寄る。should i call in a doctorお医者さんを呼んだほうがいいかな?
!call for大声で求める。would you please call for a taxiタクシーを呼んでくださいませんか?
148call:2005/11/01(火) 01:12:25 ID:???0
call+副詞・前置詞TOP5  !call for「大声で求める」、という他に「天気を予報する」という意味合いも
1. in  
2. for  the forecast calls for more sunny days. -予報では晴れの日が続く見込みです
3. on/upon  i'll call on my grandmother tomorrow. -明日おばあちゃんの所を訪ねるつもりだ
4. at  call at -訪ねる
5. out  i called out for help. -私は大声で助けを求めた

○call back  電話をかけ直す  
will you call me back later? -後でかけ直してもらえる?

○call up  電話をかける、招集する

○call of  中止する
the game was called off because of rain. -試合は雨で中止になった

should i call in a doctor? -お医者さんを呼ぼうか?
let's call him in! -彼を呼び込もうよ!
i'll call you back. -電話をかけ直すよ
149break:2005/11/01(火) 01:13:26 ID:???0
that's it. i'm ready. -これで全部用意できたわ

oh, mika, it's been so nice having you here. -ああミカ、あなたと過ごせてとても楽しかったわ

thank you so much for everything, alicia. you really helped me break the ice when i arrived in new york. -いろいろ本当にありがとう、アリシア。ニューヨークに着いたとき、あなたのおかげで本当に緊張がほどけたわ

now i'm trying to convince my boss to let me go to tokyo. i'm thinking of writing an article about japan. -私、東京に行かせてもらえるように、今上司を説得しているところなの。日本について記事を書こうと思っているの

ah, that's your taxi! oh, saying goodbye always breaks my heart. -あ、タクシーが来たわ!さよならを言うのって胸が痛むわ

it's not goodbye. i'll see you in japan next time! thank you! -お別れじゃないわ。今度は日本で会いましょう!ありがとう!

break+名詞TOP5  !break a leg!がんばって!
1. leg(s)  i broke my leg. -足の骨を折った
2. window(s)  they broke the window to get into the house. -彼らは家に入るために窓を壊した
3. law  break the law -法律を破る
4. neck  
5. arm  i broke my arm doing karate with george. -ジョージと空手をしていて手の骨を折った

1体の一部を「折る」  leg, neck, arm
2「物を壊す」  window, glass, egg
3「規則や約束」を破る  break the law

break one's promise -約束を破る
why did you break our promise? -どうして約束を破ったの?
you broke my heart. -胸が痛んだのよ
i broke the world record! -世界記録を破ったんだ!
150(-_-)さん:2005/11/01(火) 01:14:44 ID:???0
151(-_-)さん:2005/11/01(火) 01:18:42 ID:???0
152SAC01:2005/11/01(火) 18:09:56 ID:???0
are you guys cops!? there is no such thing as justice in this world... -おまえら警察か。もはや体制に正義は成し得ない!

―if you don't like this world, change yourself first! if you don't like that idea, close your eyes and ears and live in solitude! if you don't like that either...

is this the time to be selfishly quarrelling? the real problem is the customers inside, right? -つまらんことで揉めていて構わん状況か。問題は中の客のほうだろう

―the customers who we believe to be captured are: the minister, the minister's secretary...it's been 17 minutes since the geisha robots caputured them.

tell me why the army wants to be involved... -軍が介入したい理由は?]

―one of our men is iside. i can't tell you more than that for now. -うちの関係者が中にいる。それ以上今は言えん

don't jump out in front of the car! -車の前に飛び出すなよ

―do i look like a child? -子供か俺は!

so, will you tell me the story, now? -話を聞こうか

―yes, the minister's secretary, the one shot in the head...was my man. she was under my command, and i ordered her to make secret inquiries...

then why was she shot? -では、なぜ秘書官が襲撃を?

―she might have been ersed because she knew something... -何か掴みかけたために消されかけた可能性はある

anything related to the minister? -大臣の身辺状況は?

―i looked into it briefly, but nothing...he wasn't being threatened and there was no unusual activity in his account either.
153SAC01:2005/11/01(火) 18:11:44 ID:???0
i will look into the relationship between the army and report. -ワシはレポートと軍の利害関係を洗いなおす

―oh? isn't he your friend? -あら、彼友人じゃなかったの?

――of course, that's why i'm the one who's investigating it! -そうだ。だからわしが調べる

a waste of money, isn't it? if you're going to bother with shooting practice...i recommend that you get an artificial body...

―are you saying i should become a cyborg? -それって、俺もサイボーグ化しろってこと?

――i'm not stupid enough to mix orders for work-related and private matters. -公私混同を命令で出すほど野暮じゃないわ

why do you think i pulled you out of the central office? don't you think it's better to try and contribute by doing what you're good at instead of being depressed?

how's your grandson? -お孫さんは元気かね?

―what do you think? -どう思う?

――boy you're impatient...the report won't affect the army in any financial way...there's nothing you would be interested in either.

what did you find out? -何が出た?

―the picture of the "willow" room right after the incident, and the video from the camera inside the restaurant both bug me.

you said the minister liked to switch bodies with geishas, right? what if the minister had his brain core switched?

―the secretary must have witnessed the minister's brain being switched... -秘書官は大臣が脳殻を積み替えられるところを見てしまった…
154Genshiken01:2005/11/01(火) 21:52:38 ID:???0
are you by yourself? do you like mahjong? have you ever played it? it's useful when you get into a company. 

um...sorry, i'm not interested. -いや…あの、ぼくはいいんで

hey, are you a freshman? joined a club yet? you sure put off an aura... -キミ一年生?サークル決まった?雰囲気あるねえ

buzz off. buzz off, already. -きえろ。いいから早く消えろ

hey, what were you listening to? -ねえ、何聞いてたの?

it's a CD by a voice actress named matsuzawa sumire. -松沢スミレっていって、声優さんのCDなんだ

cooking contest from the first episode? how about that! -一話から料理勝負ってどうよ?

it's flashy, but it's also pretty pushy... -ハデはハデだけど強引な展開だよなぁ

after all, you can't see a figure's panties unless it's the real thing. you've only seen figures in modeling magazines, huh?

so...now that we know we're the same kind, how about you join us? -とまあ…同類ってことで入会してみちゃどうかなあ?

gimme back kohsaka. oh, you got one more? what's wrong with him? -コーサカ返せ。あ、一匹増えたのか?何だこいつ?

his unfounded pride was just shattered. -根拠のないプライドが崩れたのさ

are you in genshiken too? -キミもげんしげん?

do i look like it? do i look like i'm the same kind as these guys?! don't look so confused! -見えるのか?あたしがコイツラと同類に見えるのか?!複雑な顔するな!
155Genshiken01:2005/11/01(火) 21:57:59 ID:???0
may i sit here? hey, you haven't been to genshiken much. what's going on? -ここ、いい?ねえ、げんしけんあんまし来ないけど、どうしたの?

―well, to begin with, i haven't really joined yet. it feels...like i don't fit in. -いや、そもそも入ったわけじゃないっちゅうか。なんかおれ、合わないような気がするんだよね

really? i think you fit right in. -そうかなぁ、ピッタリに見えるんだけど

―well, if you think so, then that might be true. you don't look like you'd fit in at all. you have a girlfriend and all. 

oh, we're not dating. but we're together a lot. i wonder if she likes me? what do you think? 

―you're an otaku...but more importantly, you're... -キミはオタクっていうか…オタク以前に…

what is he doing, sticking that commoner girlfriend of his in the same room as us? -一般人の彼女、オレらと同じ部屋にぶち込むなよな

―that'd be troubling for us. -こっちが困るよね

well then, why don't we continue this somewhere else? -さあて、どっかで続きやっか?

――um...can i make a suggestion? do any of you have hentai PC games at your place? i've never played one before.

hey, are we really going to my place again? -なあ、どうしても来んのかよ?

―just give it up. -覚悟をきめろ

―――what i lack is determination! the determination to follow my desire, wherever it may lead me! 
156Monster01:2005/11/01(火) 22:44:00 ID:???0
has the sun already risen this far? -もうこんなに日が高くなっていたのかぁ

yeah, it was a 6-hour straight operation. since we don't have visitors today, you can have a good rest. -ああ、なんたって6時間ぶっ続けのオペだったもんな。今日は外来もないし、ゆっくり休め

eva, when did you get here? -エヴァ、来てたのか

you've forgotten about the date today, haven't you, kenzo? -デートの約束忘れてたでしょ、ケンゾー

mr.rosen has a lot of fans. is there a chance for a comeback? -多くのファンを持つローゼンさんですが、復帰の可能性は?

yes. in order to recover his singing voice, we will put forth our maximum effort. -ええ。彼の歌声を甦らせるために、全力を尽くします

what are you trying to say, dr.becker? -何が言いたいんですか、ドクターベッカー?

a hospital is a world of politics. you're well aware that you are being used by the director, right?  -病院は政治の世界だからな。君だって院長にうまく利用されてることはわかってるんだろう?

why didn't you operate on my honey?! my honey was brought here earlier.  -どうしてウチの人を手術してくれなかったんだ!ウチの人の方が早く担ぎ込まれたのに

he weas brought here before that opera singer. yet you left him till later. -あんなオペラ歌手なんかより早く運び込まれたんだ。なのに後回しにしたんだ

but what can i do? i just performed the operation on the opera singer, as told by the director. it's not my responsibility, right?

of course. human life is not equal. -当たり前よ。人の命は平等じゃないんだもの

how many gunshots were reported? who's the resident of the house? -銃声は何発だ?この家の住人は?

five or six. well, they seay it's the residence of mr.liebert, who has just come from east germany in exile. -5,6発です。それが、先日東ドイツから亡命してきたリーベルト氏の住居だそうです
157Samurai Champloo01:2005/11/01(火) 23:38:19 ID:???0
how do you like that? are you remorseful? do you feel like begging for your lives, like dogs, now? -どうだ?後悔したか?土下座してでも許しを請う気になったか?

―if i had to live each day knowing you bastards were in charge, i'd rather stretch as far as i can and die. -てめーらに頭下げて生きるくらいなら、思いっきり背伸ばして死んでやるぜ

how about 50 dumplings? this is a barter. for that, i7ll take care of those guys. -団子50個でどうだ?取引だ。それでコイツらを片付ける

hey, what happened to the tea? what the fuck? -オラ、茶どうした?何コレ?

―i7m sorry...it wasn7t on purpose... -すいません…わざとじゃ…

――you7re pissing me off. how7re you going to make up for this? -ウゼぇんだよ。どう落とし前つけんだよ?

hmph, you7re in the way. i can7t get therough. -邪魔だな。通れんぞ

―do you intend to intervene? -邪魔立てする気か?

――just to kill an innocent man...did you hone your skills up till now just to do something like that? to tell the truth, it7s stupid.

that7s a mighty cheap life. the price for your shitty lives. around five dumplings per head? -まったく安い命だな。てめーらの命の値段だよ。一人頭団子5個ってとこか

―the numbers don7t even match up... -数合わないじゃん…

you7re taking us lightly, eh? how about i start with you for my sword testing? -ナメてんのかコラ?てめえから先に試し切りしてやろうか?

―try it. i won7t say anything cheap like "one at a time." all of ya, come at once! -やってみろよ。一人づつなんてケチくさいことは言わない。まとめてかかってこい!

are you him? that amazing swordsman or something? -てめーか?その凄腕ってのは?

―you've mistaken me for someone else. those amazing swordsmen died just a short while ago. -人違いだ。柳生の連中なら先ほど死んだ
158Samurai Champloo01:2005/11/01(火) 23:43:01 ID:???0
that shit wasn't dream? when that place suddenly burst into flames? -夢じゃねぇのか?あの時、急に火事に

―it would have been good if it were a dream. -夢なら良かったがな

it was unfortunate for you as well. you have no relatives, and...if you would like...with us... -あんたにも気の毒だったね。身寄りもないんだし、よかったらあたし達といっしょに…

―no, that's okay. because of this, i've made up my mind. -ううん、いいの。これで決心ついたから

do you want to know why i'm here? okay, if you promise me one thing, i'll help you get out of here. -何であたしがここにいるか知りたい?いい?あたしと一つ約束してくれたら、ここから出るの手伝ってあげる

―so what is it...that promise? -それで何だよ、約束ってのは?

――i want you to find the samurai who smells like sunflowers. ah! it broke... -ひまわりの匂いのするお侍さんを探して欲しいの。げ、壊れちゃった…

―――she...wha' the hell did she come here for? -あいつ…何しにきたんだよ…

have you made your peace? -覚悟はできたか?

―i make that shit every time mr.sun comes up. maybe today was the last day for sunbathing. -そんなものお天とさんが上る度に思ってら。日向ぼっこも今日が最後じゃないかってよ

hey, until we get outta here, our fight's on hold. -おい、ここを出るまでてめーとの勝負はお預けだ

―do you intend to kill all of them? sheesh, you are a low-life. -これを全部切るつもりか?まったく最悪な男だ

hey, you haven't forgotten the promise you made to me, have you? -ちょっと、あたしとの約束忘れたんじゃないでしょうね?

―before that, there's something we need to do. -その前にやることがある

――yeah, after i cut up this bastard. -そう、コイツを切ってから

―――hey! and what are you two going to do if both of you get killed? who's going to keep me company? -ちょっと!それで二人が相打ちになったらどうするの?!誰があたしと付き合ってくれるのよ?!
159SAC02:2005/11/02(水) 01:24:44 ID:???0
is it alright, giving it that? it may do some strange things. -いいのか、そんなもの入れて?変な学習するかもしれないぜ

―it's ok. this is what the machine loves. -いいのいいの。これは機械に対する愛なの

did something happen? -何かあったのか?

―a newly developed versatile tank went berserk in the kenbishi industry's trainiing dome 36 minutes ago. -36分前、ケンビシ重工の演習ドームで新型多脚戦車が暴走を始めた

that aside, is it possible to stop a tank that's unidentified with the tachikomas? -それにしてもスペックの良くわからない戦車相手にタチコマで?

―they're not that useless. -この子たちも捨てたもんじゃないわよ

is harima research academic city where our neuron-logic was made? -ハリマ研究学園都市ってボク達のニューロチップが作られたとこでしょ?

―returning to our old home in glory! you'll have a hard time from the major by saying such things. -生まれ故郷に凱旋!おしゃべりしてると少佐に怒られるよ

so the army will be watching us from above? -陸自の奴ら高みの見物のつもりかよ

―that must be the army's restraint on the kenbishi undustry. -ケンビシ重工への牽制と保険よ

whatever. where is the tank heading? can't confirm it's destination. is there really a person in that thing? -それにしてもこいつの目的は何だ?目的地も判らんし、だいたい本当に人が乗ってんのかよ

―i know that we don't stand a chance, but being ignored is pissing me off! -勝負にならんのは分かるが、こんだけ完璧に無視されると頭にくるぜ

――why don't you go toe to toe with him, then? -じゃあ鼻先に回り込んでみる?

kidnapper, tank bandit...why not solve this problem with artificial intelligence? -愉快犯、戦車泥棒、もしくはAIの故障って線で手を打たないか?

―it's all terror to the public whether it's by a kidnapper or a tank bandit. -愉快犯も戦車ドロも、広義においてはテロだ
160SAC02:2005/11/02(水) 01:25:25 ID:???0
so it's all going to end after only looking the damn ass of that tank? we'll get to the sniping point soon. -結局ゴツイ戦車の尻見て終わりか。もうすぐ迎撃ポイントだぜ

are we the only ones who can stop it? let's trust that monkey-faced old man. -俺たちで止めるしかないのか。サル親父に期待しようぜ

―we don't have time to deal with it like that. the story will be different when it chooses a different route. -そう悠長なことも言ってられないわよ。奴が分岐でどっちに行きたがるかで話は違ってくる

can you cover our deficit for giving out the specs? -スペックを公開することで受ける損害を、あなたたちが保証するとでも言うのか?!

―that's something you say only when there is a place left to sell! if things go on like this, the logo of kenbishi...will under a financial crisis! are you alright with that?

batou, confirm where they're going! -バトー、奴がどっちに行きたいのか確認するぞ!

―isn't he going to the city? -市街地に向かうんじゃねえの?

――don't be sarcastic! -撃たれるなよ!

so why does he want vengeance from his parents? -それで、なぜ両親に復讐を?

―kago hated his parents for giving birth to him with a weak body. he wanted to be reborn with an iron body after he rejects his past.

damn...did he hate his parents that much? -クソッタレ、そこまで自分の親が憎かったのか?

―no...when i burned his brain, i heard something, "how is it mom? how does my iron body look?" that...subtle emotion...cannot be called pride or revenge...
161Samurai Champloo02:2005/11/02(水) 15:01:17 ID:???0
okay, let's not hide anything anymore. whatever you've hidden away up 'til now, you gotta show it. ready, and...no way, that's it?

―asshole...you sure that's all you got? -てめー、隠し持ってんじゃねえか?

――i could ask you the same thing. what's with those chestnuts? -オマエこそ、そのドングリは何だ?

hey, you guys didn't forget what you promised me, did you? until we find the samurai who smells like sunflowers, you guys can't fight other.

so here's a question for you: if three people were to eat these, how many would each person get? -さて問題です、これを3人で分けると一人何個食べられるでしょうか?

―just kill the other two and eat it all yourself. -二人斬って一人で食う

you're saying those people who went missing were attacked by a demon? -その行方知れずの連中は鬼に襲われたってのか?

―yeah, taht's the rumor. i know, how about you get rid of that demon? -そういう噂だ。そうだ、あんたがその鬼を退治してくれよ

i heard your story. if that's the case, then how 'bout i go wipe your demon? -話は聞いたぜ。何ならおれが鬼退治してやろうか?

―hey! what do you mean by, "wipe out your demon"? you think you've become momotaro or something? -ちょっと、何が鬼退治よ。桃太郎にでもなったつもり?

um, you're not going to cross the mountain by any chance, are you? please reconsider. it will be dark any moment now.

why'd you call me here? -何でおれを呼んだ?

―you ask such stupid things. it's not like there are that many things a woman and a man can do alone. -野暮なこと聞くじゃないか。男と女が二人っきりでやることなんて、そういくつもあるわけじゃない
162Samurai Champloo02:2005/11/02(水) 15:04:32 ID:???0
things are proceeding mighty fast, aren't they? -ずいぶん話が早いな

―well, i don't intend to take it step-by-step. the night, much like a person's life, can be a short thing. -別に純情振るつもりはないさ。夜も人の一生も短いんだよ

do you know why fireflies glow? it's for the males and females to attract one another. but, supposedly, sometimes two males will try to attract each other.

―yes, well, i had some insight into that matter. the samurai, remember? the sunflower one that young lady was talking about.

you bitch. what the fuck did you just do? -てめえ、何をさせやがった?

how are you feeling now? it's the "one-night mushroom." they say if you drink sake with it, it becomes extremely lethal.

―who planned this? answer me, before my hand loses control and i stab your ass! -誰の差し金だ?手元が狂ってブスリといく前に答えろよ

i see. this is beyond my imagination. if this were a dojo, i would surely lose to you. -なるほど、想像以上だ。たしかに道場でなら私はあなたに勝てないかもしれない

―what is the matter? are you not used to the ways of the dojo? -どうしました?道場とは勝手が違いますか?

how's that? uncomfortable? i'm not gonna let you die that easily.  -どうだ?苦しいか?楽には死なせないからよ

―after all that, how can you call yourself a human being? -あんたそれでも人間なの?!

――i enjoy watching people suffer. i want to share my suffering with everyone. that's only fair, isn't it?
163Genshiken02:2005/11/03(木) 04:34:14 ID:???0
isn't his buying style amazing? in a way, he's almighty. he doesn't look at the price. -あいつの買い方すごいだろ?ある意味究極。値段を見ない

―i'm little envious, but does he have enough money? -うらやましいけど、お金大丈夫なんスか?

――no, it seems he's chipping away at his daily living expenses. -いや、生活費削ってるみたいよ

stuttering isn't the problem here. your voice is just too small! -ドモるのは関係ない!単に声が小さいんだよ!

―why don't we go to a karaoke, then? to practice raising your voice? -じゃあ、カラオケでも行きます?声出す練習も兼ねて

kohsaka, you sure are oblivious. don't you think so yourself? the very fact that you don't realize it shows that you're oblivious.

―to begin with, if you weren't, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. -だから、もし鈍感でないならそもそも私とこんな会話してないはずだぞ

i think i'm a little drunk. i feel hot...kohsaka...are you doing anything after this? -少し酔っ払っちゃったな。体が火照ってるみたい。コーサカ、この後用事ある?

―yeah, i am. i'm going to akiba to line up for a midnight release! it's been a while since i've been to a midnight release.

well then, i'd like to start the 256th "this is week's kujian was great" meeting. -えー第256回、今週のくじアンおもしろかった会議を始めます

―has there been that many episodes already? -そんなに放送してましたっけ?

――forget about that part. -そこは流せ

but childhood friends sure are powerful! why is that? -でも幼馴染は強いよなあ!何でだろう?

―you can't share childhood memories with someone you just met... -子供の頃の記憶を共有するって、ポッと知り合った誰かとはできないからね
164Genshiken02:2005/11/03(木) 04:37:17 ID:???0
but kohsaka room has adult games just lying about. why only now? -でもコーサカ君の部屋って18禁のパソゲーとか無造作に置いてあるじゃない。何で今頃?

―yeah...when i take a closer look, they're everywhere! -そう…改めて見るとそこらにゴロゴロあるんだよねぇ…

――how could you not notice? -何で気づかん?

―i guess they just didn't catch my attention... -目に入らなかったのかなぁ…

――are commoners like this? -一般人てこんなもんか?

i don't get it...how could you get excited over a drawing like this? -わからない…こんな絵に興奮するなんて…

―ah, there's a lot of people like you who take jabs at the 2-d complex. -あーよくいるんだよな、2次元コンプレックスがどうとか言う奴

then what is it? are you guys not interested in real women? -じゃあアレ?はっきり言って現実の女には興味ないの?

―people say that a lot to us, to...but we're interested. if we could get a girlfriend, we'd certainly like one. -これもまあよく言われるけど…一応あるよな。彼女できるならそりゃ欲しいし

you fell in love with the look of his face at first sight, didn't you? how can anyone do something like that? -コーサカの上っ面だけ人目惚れでもしたんだろ。何でそういうことができるかなぁ?

―i just don't understand it...how can you like someone without knowing that person? -俺にはわからんなぁ。相手をよく知らんで好きになれるの何で?

kasukabe, you were a childhood friend character? -カスカベさん、幼馴染キャラだったのか?!

―wow! shuch people really exist? oh man, she's starting to look really cute all of sudden... -すげーマジいるんだ?!あぁやべ、なんかすげー可愛く見えてきた…

well, hobbies change with age...but was he that handsome in the past? -まあ、趣味は年で変わってくけど、昔からあんなかっこよかったの?

―no, he had his head shaved. os i didn't know it was him at first. shall i take a jab at you guys about now? -いや、ボウズ頭だった。だから最初わからなかった…そろそろ突っ込むか?
165monster02:2005/11/03(木) 05:02:05 ID:???0
he says he is unable to sleep. can we prescribe some hypnotics? -どうしても眠れないとかで。何か民剤でも出せませんでしょうか?

―then please give him one tablet of halcion. -それならハルシオンを一錠、与えておいてください

director. i'm sorry about what i did. -院長、この度は申し訳ありませんでした

―well, it's matter of the past. you acted as you thought to be right. isn't that good enough? -まぁ、もう過ぎたことだ。君は君の思ったように行動した。それでいいじゃないか?

eva, can you tell you dad? i didn't do anything wrong. i just perdformed the operations in the order of arrivals. 

―you really are such a fool. dr.norden, that's a lovely suit. -あなたって本当にバカね。ドクターノルダ、素敵なスーツね

you can at least recognize your own name, can't you? your name is anna, isn't that right? -自分の名前くらいわかるよね?君の名前はアンナ、そうだよね?

―i told you, detective. it's still too early. -だから言ったでしょう、刑事さん。まだ無理ですよ

can't you do something about it, doctor? -何とかなりませんかね、ドクター?

―well, she had both parents shot and killed right before her eyes. could you please leave her alone for a while?

how about letting her see her brother? then she might feel at ease and the memories may come back. -こういうのはどうだ?この子を兄貴に会わせるんだ。それで安心して記憶も甦るかもしれない

―we cannot approve of such a layman's idea. -そんな博打みたいな素人考えには賛同しかねます

are you still going to work in that state? it's not worthwhile to work earnestly. -その疲れた様子でまだ仕事かい?真面目にやるだけ損だぞ
166偽一浪:2005/11/03(木) 10:00:41 ID:???0
167(-_-)さん:2005/11/03(木) 13:11:42 ID:???0

168SAC03:2005/11/03(木) 15:19:06 ID:???0
this...is this the factory that still produces androids? it's smaller than i though. -これ?例のアンドロイドを今だに生産し続けている工場って。以外と小さいのね

do you have any idea why the machine type jerry was targeted? -ジェリという特定機種が狙われた点に、何か心当たりは?

―well, i think i do...jerry was the type that a lot of users modified improperly. -ないわけではないです…実は、ジェリはユーザーが不適切な改造をしていたことの多かった機種なんです

do you think it's unrelated to the case at the capitol? -国会議事堂とは無関係だと思うか?

―most likely. but we still need to confirm it, right? i got a hold of the list of jerry users. -たぶんね。それでも一応確認は必要なんでしょ?ジェリユーザーのリスト、手に入れたわよ

hey major...according to what i've heard i get present if i stay home, right? -ねえ少佐…聞いた話では留守番をするとお土産をもらう権利が発生するんですよねえ?

―in that case, after i get back i'll tell you all the exciting details of what happened until you get sick of it. -土産話なら、後でうんざりするくらい聞かせてあげるわよ

what about the factory owner's story? -さっきの工場長の話はどうだ?

―it seems he was telling the truth. they stopped manufacturing the type 07-JL three years ago. -あの話は本当のようです。07-JL系の新規の機体製造は、3年前からもう行われていません

first of all mr.miyashiro, what do you think about this case? -宮代先生、早速ですが今回の事件についてどのようにお考えですか?

―androids are not life forms, so it's not "suicide". we should call it "self-destruction". -無論アンドロイドは生命体ではありませんから、正確には自殺ではない訳ですねえ。自戒とでも呼びましょうか

did you find something? -何か見つけたか?

―it's the virus that was planted in the jerrys. we hit the right spot. -ジェリに仕掛けたあったウイルス。当たりクジだ。
169SAC03:2005/11/03(木) 15:23:58 ID:???0
what is the culprit's current location? -犯人の現在位置は?

―he is heading towards the fukuoka area using loop number 6. -環状6号を福岡方面に逃走中

why would he be attached to an old piece of junk robot anyway? -なんでまたそんなポンコツの旧型ロボットにこだわってんだ、そいつは?

―there are always guys who can't get over the nostalgia of old devices that can't be bought with money. he might get along well with you.

are you afraid? -怖いかい?

―i'm afraid, but i got used to it. -怖いけど、慣れたわ

can you say something nice to me? -何か優しいことを言ってくれないか?

―i don't know that either. do you believe in the existence of souls? -私にもわからない。あなた、魂の存在を信じる?

――i only believe in kindness. damn it. it's under construction. i won't let it end the same way again. -優しさだけを信じるよ。くそっ工事か。同じ結末なんかにしない

so she overrode the GPS and created a fake traffic jam. -GPSに介入して有りもしない渋滞を作り出すと

―isn't it fun to work under a competent captain? -有能な隊長の下で働くってのは楽しいだろ?

jerry, what are you doing? did you go insane?  -ジェリ、何をする?気でも狂ったのか?

―no, i am sane. wait, no, i did go insane. i don't want to go with you. i don't want to love you anymore. -いいえ、正気よ。

――who called that a piece of junk? she talks more than the guys in section-9. -どこがポンコツなんだよ。9課のよりよくしゃべるじゃん

so this was the origin. the words that the jerry said last aren't in here. hey, there is another line after this, right?
170monster03:2005/11/03(木) 16:56:17 ID:???0
excuse me for asking, but have you been home all evening? -失礼ですが、今までずっとご自宅に?

―no...i was out drinking until early in the morning. what's wrong? -いや…朝方まで酒を飲んでて。何か?

so was this an accident? or a murder case? -それで事故なんですか?それとも殺人事件?

―all three of them died at the same time. of course this is a murder case! -3人が同時刻に死んだんだ、事件に決まってるだろ

――are you hospital personnel? do you have any particular information concerning this case? -病院の関係の方ですか?この事件に関して、何か情報をお持ちでしょうか?

and? have you seen anyone strange around this area? -それで、誰か不審な人物を見ませんでしたか?

―please, this really isn't the time for that. -ちょっと待ってください、今それどころじゃ

are the emergency units doing all right? -救急の方は大丈夫なのか?

―well...emergency cases have been coming in continuously at a time like this! we already have two patients right now waiting to be operated on. -それが…こんな時に限って急患が立て続けで!今も2件オペ待ちの患者が

doctor, would you mind helping out with our investigation? -ドクター、捜査に協力願えませんか?

―this isn't the time for that. -いまそんな場合じゃ

――i understand, but the initial investigations are very crucial. do you know if there's anyone who might have held a grudge against the director and the others?

so we still don't know where the children are? -子供たちの行方はまだわからないんですか?

―no, but we have determined the cause of death for the three.  -それよりも、院長以下3名の死因が判明しましたよ

they don't suspect you, do they? -おまえ、疑われてるんじゃないのか?

―that's because there are stories about me that make it inevitable. -疑われても仕方がないだけのネタが、僕にはあるからね
171monster03:2005/11/03(木) 16:57:01 ID:???0
will i be able to work again? -また働けますかね?

―yes, of course. but, you mustn't push yourself too hard. -ええ、もちろん。ただし、ムリはダメです

dr.tenma. there's a rumor that you're going to quit your job at this hospital. is it true? -ドクターテンマ、この病院やめるって噂、本当ですか?

―no other doctor is as good as you. please, don't say you're quitting. please. -あんたみたいな良い医者いないよ。やめるなんて言わないで。お願いだ

i'm sorry to have called you out. you've been appointed as the chief surgeon, right? i'm so happy for you. -呼び出したりしてごめんなさい。外科部長に任命されたんですってね、本当に良かった

―kenzou, you were trying to comfort me at my father's funeral, right? i was really happy. -ケンゾー、お父様のお葬式の時、私を慰めようとしてくれたでしょ?うれしかった…

it's too early to conclude that the suspect is a thief. from my data, for some reason, all of these couples have no children.

―if we concluded that it was a thief at work, don't you think there would've been more similarities among these cases?

so, how was the girl you dated last night? -それで、どうだった?昨夜の彼女

―how was she? she was a nice woman.  -どうって?いい人だったよ

――hey, this is the daughter of one of the board members we're talking about. don't tell me you just had dinner and then bid farewell?

tenma, have you flown a kite before? -テンマ、凧上げできるの?

―i did it many times as a youth in japan. -日本で子供の頃、よくやったよ

what are you trying to say? -何が言いたいんですか?

―no, my apologies. my job makes me think like this all the time. -いや、失礼。職業柄、年中こんなことを考えてしまって
172偽一浪:2005/11/03(木) 18:52:33 ID:???0
173Samurai Champloo03:2005/11/03(木) 22:13:34 ID:???0
don't you think you're letting your guard down a little too much by turning your back to me? -おれに背中見せるなんざよ、ちと気許しすぎなんじゃねえか?

―what are you two doing? sheesh, what's up with you guys? why do you two try to hurt each other for no reason at all?

――don't you guys have anything better to do? until we find the samurai who smells like sunflowers, the "no fihting" rule is in effect, okay?

by "yakuza," do you mean those pussies who can't do anything unless they're in a group? -ヤクザってのは、群れなきゃ何にもできない連中のことか?

―what was that?! how 'bout we just kill you then?! -何だと?一辺死ぬかコラァ?!

want to eat something much tastier? you have skill, as well as plenty of courge...i've become fond of you. -もっとうまいモノ食わしてやろうか?腕っぷしも立つが、度胸も十分だ…気に入ったよ

―if it's crab, then i wouldn't mind eating that. -カニってやつなら食ってもいいぜ

what? you lost, and now you're saying you can't pay up? how does that work? -何?負けといて払えないってのはどういう了見だ?

―if you can't pay up, then how about providing something else instead? -払えないなら、代わりのモノ出してもらいましょうかね?

don't tell me you're broke, too. -まさか、金がないってんじゃ…あぁまたかい

―is there any way to earn some money around here? -このあたりに、何か稼ぎ口はないか?

how about it? do you want to team up with me? why don't we conquer this world together? -どうだ?俺と組まないか?いっしょに天下を取ろうじゃないか?

―that game back there...it's a scam, ain't it? maybe this talk about conquering the world is a scam, too. -さっきのアレ…イカサマだろ。その天下取るって話も、イカサマじゃねえのか?
174Samurai Champloo03:2005/11/03(木) 22:14:56 ID:???0
what's the matter, son? if you thought you could question us, you stood up 10 years too soon. -何なのボクチン?俺たちに盾突こうなんざ、10年早いんだよ

―hey, kid. would you like to hire a bodyguard? i'll show you my skill right here. -おい、小僧。用心棒を雇わないか?腕は今見せる

um...i only have this, but will you tell me? -あの…これしかないんですけど、教えてくれます?

―hmph, well, only a hint. be wary of pots. -ま、ヒントくらいじゃな。壷に気をつけるが良い

i'll try talking to my father, so...won't you be my bodyguard? -親父に話してみるからさ、用心棒頼むよ

―what is that sword? that is not a toy. if you were cut apart in that incident, you would not be saying anything now.

――if you are not prepared to accept death, then do not swing one of these around. -死ぬ覚悟がないのなら、そんなものを振り回すな

oh, man...this isn't good. can you pay for it? i'm asking you if you can pay for this pot. -あちゃあ、まいったなこりゃ。払える?この壷、弁償できるかって聞いてるの

―we have a problem if you break another person's property and can't pay for it. -困るなあ、人の物壊しといて払えないってんじゃ

why'd we have to do something as stupid as that? all we need to do is go in and beat them up, right? -何でこんな面倒なことすんだ?乗り込んでぶっ潰しゃいいんだろ

―that way of doing things is old-fashioned. we don't destroy them...instead, we gut them and then take over. -そういうやり方は古いんだよ。潰すんじゃなくて、骨抜きにして乗っ取るのさ

――if we attacked, the townsfolk would fear us and customers would stop coming. it's also be hard to do business if we caught the attention of the authorities.
175Genshiken03:2005/11/04(金) 01:57:04 ID:???0
why are there so many people on this train? no, if i can tough this one out, an enormous quantity of doujinshi awaits me.

this is your first comifes, right, sasahara? you seem tired. are you all right? -ササハラ君、初コミフェスだね?疲れてるみたいだけど、大丈夫?

―yeah, i'm okay. i'm just tired 'cause i7ve been to excited since last night. -いやぁ大丈夫。ちょっと昨日から興奮しすぎちゃって、興奮疲れ

――it's too early for you to get tired! -まだ疲れるには早いよ

we took the first train out today! why are there so many people in line already?! -始発で来たのになんで、こんなに並んでるんですか?

―well, they camped out, of course. -そりゃ徹夜したんだろ

isn't camping out banned? on top of that, in this weather? -禁止でしょ徹夜?それにこんな天気悪いのに

―eactly, just because of the storm! well, i personally wouldn't want to go that far. -嵐だからこそな。ま、そこまでしたくねーやらって感じ

it sure is hot, isn't it? why are you so energetic? -いやぁ、暑いっすね。何でそんなに元気なんスか?

―this terrible weather makes you feel the event! i bet it's at a time like this when you have a religious experience!

i'm already on a runner's high! i'm in the realm of light seed! -俺もうすっかりランナーズハイよ。光の世界よ

―why don't you go for a run? i'll save your spot in line. -いっそちょっと走ってきたらどうです?列取っときますから

――a great idea! just kidding. i'm not going to disrupt the line like that. -それはよい!ウソウソ、そんな列乱すようなマネ…

this isn't good. a sprain, no, a fracture? but i can move my fingers, so i guess it's not a complete fracture... -これはヤバい。捻挫?いや、骨逝ってるか?でも一応指は動くし、ポッキリ逝ってることはなさそうだ
176Genshiken03:2005/11/04(金) 02:00:10 ID:???0
―before buying doujinshi today, i need to visit the industry booths. i only need to get in line to receive them.

――i can do it! i can do it with ease, if it's only receiving them! -いける!余裕でいける、受け取るだけなら!

should we check which trading cards we have? -トレカの中身、今チェックした方がいいスか?

―before that, let's get in the trading cards-only line. -その前に、トレカのみの行列に並ぼう

sorry, sasahara, but can you check them for me? it seems i twisted my wrist when i fell.  -悪い、ササハラ見てみて。どうもコケた時、手首捻ったみたいで

―is it swollen? it's definitely a sprain, or something worse. -腫れてんですか?これ、どう見ても捻挫、あるいはそれ以上なんじゃ…

――oh, really? i forgot to do an impression of tetsuo. -あ、やっぱり?今、哲雄のマネするのも忘れたしな

you can't shop with your hand like that, can you? -オマエ、その手じゃ買い物できんだろ?

―i'll just stick to sasahara's back. if i like the book too, he can buy two and i'll pay later. -だから、ササハラの後ろに張り付くわ。俺も気に入ったら2冊買ってもらって、後で金払う

i really don't like that idea. -それ、すっげえ嫌です

―it'll be fine. you can choose acoording to your taste! we're finally face to face with a mountain of treasures! could you run away now?!

did you buy anything for madarame? -マダラメ用の何か買った?

―yeah, i did buy a few. -はい、とりあえず何冊かは買ってみたんですけど

how was attending your first comic festival, sasahara? -どうだった、ササハラ君?初のコミフェス参加は

―well, i'm sure tired. -いやぁ、疲れました
177(-_-)さん:2005/11/04(金) 04:11:45 ID:A0Rq87uy0
178(-_-)さん:2005/11/04(金) 09:17:02 ID:???0
179(-_-)さん:2005/11/04(金) 11:18:37 ID:???0
180(-_-)さん:2005/11/04(金) 12:19:57 ID:???0
181(-_-)さん:2005/11/04(金) 18:20:06 ID:???0
182SAC04:2005/11/04(金) 18:25:29 ID:???0
oh, how have you been? it's been quite a while. -おぉ、どうしてた?久しぶりだな

sorry to suddenly call so late, but there's something i want to talk to you about. can we meet now? -こんな時間に突然すまんな。でも、どうしてもお前に相談したいことがあるんだ。今から会えないか?

do you remember the laughing man case? -お前、笑い男事件憶えてるか?

the one where someone kidnapped the presidents of micro-machine manufacturers and asked for ransom. "corporate terrorism" so to speak, that happened six years ago right?

are you absolutely certain...that the call you received was from the officer who died in that accident last night?

yes. he wanted to talk with me about some suspicious activity in the upper levels of the central office.

do you think his death is related to that? -それと彼の死が関連している…?

i have no proof, but the timing is too good to be true. -確証はありませんが、タイミングが良すぎます

the laughing man case, eh...? what do you think? -笑い男事件か…どう思う?

i had forgotten about that until now. -今の今まですっかり忘れてたわ

to be honest, i don't like the culprit's for that case. -正直言ってあの事件、犯人像も含めて好きになれないのよね

but if the central office's high officials are trying to pull something, don't you think that we should do something?

what are these? what did yamaguchi want me to see? mine does something like that sometimes. -何なんだ、これ?山口の奴、俺に何を見せようとしていたんだ?うちのもたまにやってるな、これ
183SAC04:2005/11/04(金) 18:28:22 ID:???0
wait...doesn't that mean that what togusa did was all seen by someone? -待てよ…てことは、トグサの動きも筒抜けになってねえか?

―yes, we would like to take immediate action, but we don't have enough evidence to do this head-on. -うむ、できれば早急に動きたいところだが、正面から行くには土産が足りんな

――shall i shake them up a little? -少し揺さぶりかけてみる?

did you come here just to say that? -わざわざそんな嫌味を言いにここへ?

―no way. i want you to give this scoop to one of the reporters that visit your bar. -まさか。このネタをあんたのところへ出入りしている記者に流してほしいの

hey, isn't the camera moving weirdly? -おい、何かカメラの動き、おかしくないか?

―you haven't chenged, daidoh. nice to meet you. you know who i am, right? -相変わらずですね、大堂総監。はじめまして。ですけど、僕が誰だかわかりますよね?

mr.daidho, i was thinking that i shouldn't get involved in your world anymore. when i deal with this ashcan-like world, it makes me very unpleasant.

―that's why i didn't say anything during your foolish acts. i knew everything.

――in other words, i grew tired of this uselessness. how unfortunate. -言ってみれば、大いなる無駄に疲れちゃったんです。残念ながら

three days from now, you're going to have a reunion with the graduates of your foolish friends, right? please tell the truth there.

―if you pull a fake act again, i'll have to ask you off this stage. -今度またウソっぱちの演技をしたら、あなたをこの舞台から消去しなくちゃならない
184monster04:2005/11/04(金) 20:37:43 ID:???0
over the past two years there were four middle-aged couple homicides...and you've been spotted near the scene of three of them. why is that, junkers?

because that's not what i wanted to ask you. why did you go around germany killing four childless middle-aged couples?

how about a deal to facilitate justice? if you testify now, you can avoid criminal charges. who put you up to this crime?

hey, where do you think you're going?! i can't allow you to just do as you please. -こら、どこへ行く?勝手なマネをされては困ります

for a walk. he's still a patient and needs to have some relaxation time. -散歩ですよ。患者だって気晴らしが必要なんです

we're just going out to the yard. if you're so worried, why not come along? -庭に出るだけですよ。心配ならあなたもどうです?

it's such a warm and beautiful day. you can speak now, right? -暖かくて気持ちのいい日だな。もうしゃべれるんだろ?

one a day like this, i'm just glad to be alive. i can't get by without such a day. especially when dealing with life and death on a daily basis...

you and i aren't that different in age but, you're like a father. you saved my life...it feels like you're my parent.

well, i'm suddenly a father to a big child, aren't i? -いきなりデカイ子供ができたもんだな
185monster04:2005/11/04(金) 20:46:22 ID:???0
they're dead. all the group members were killed. -殺された。仲間全部、殺されたんだ

―by whom?! is it that monster you were talking about? -誰に?!君の言っていた、モンスターにか?

i know it's late but can i make a visit? -こんな時間だけど、病室の方へ行ってもいいかな?

―sure. go right ahead, dr.tenma. what do you have there? -はい、どうぞドクターテンマ。何ですか、それ?

it's been a while, doctor. it's me...you saved my life nine years ago. have you forgotten about me and my twin?

―what are you going to do?! mr.junkers is my patient! -何をするつもりだ?!ユンケルスさんは私の患者だぞ!

were you the one who ordered the murders of the four couples? -まさか、4組の中年夫婦殺しの依頼人は、君なのか?

―they're not supposed to know my past. the same goes for those four couples, and the liebert couple.

what do you think a person's life is?! by saving your life i was able to realize what a doctor really is!

―you became the head surgeon after that operation, right?

what are you getting at? -何が言いたいんだ?

―you were saying it when i regained consciousness. you hated them to the point of wanting to kill them. i did what you wanted.

how i hate rain...i hate rain because any evidence is washed away. how about you, dr.tenma? 
186Genshiken04:2005/11/04(金) 21:49:28 ID:???0
say, kasukabe. would you be willing to cosplay at the next school festival? for starters, i'd like to suggest parn and deed.

i didn't faze him, did i? what is this about a bread? -堪えてねえな、コイツ。何だよパンて?

i think that's a good idea. it might liven things up a little. -いいんじゃねえかな。賑やかしにはなるかも

i hear this will take two months to heal. would you like to extend that a little? -全治二ヶ月だっけ。もうちっと延ばすか?

well, i've done it before... -私は、やったことありますけど…

then, do you want me to make you a costume? -じゃあ、衣装作ったげようか?

for real? you've cosplayed before?! if you treated yourself properly, you'd be pretty. so why?! he'll find out your sizes! you're going to let him measure you?!

on that note, i'll ask you to help me to take measurements. and i swear i won't make them public. -それについては、採寸の時はカスカベさんの手を借りるし、数値は誓って口外しません

well, that's actually more disturbing... -いや、それ逆に気持ち悪いよ…

are we really taking measurements at my place? i'm not unpacked yet. -本当にウチで採寸するんですか?まだ片付いてないんですよね

that's fine. i don't want to go into their rooms, or let them into my room. so that leaves only your room.

a room of a female otaku, huh? i'm gonna expose it! -女オタの部屋か。暴いてやる

um...well, can you wait a little? i'll go clean up real quick. i'll be done real quick. -えーと…じゃ、ちょっと待っててくれます?軽く片付けますから。すぐ済みますから
187Genshiken04:2005/11/04(金) 21:51:04 ID:???0
she didn't lock the door, did she? -今、カギかけなかったよね?

―you shoudn't...i'm not going in. -やめときなさいって…オレは行かないよ

bald? so this is what you were "cleaning up"? is this a joke? i see...so you're serious. tanaka...come on in!

―well, no one in the manga or anime clubs liked them either. only pretty characters were popular! my friends in america made fun of me too! am i weird?!

but do they actually sell posters like these? -しかし、よくこんなポスター売ってるな

―no, they're not available on the market. a person from a japanese circle that i met on the internet gave me some that he made.

beards are a no-no? -ヒゲはなし?

―oh, not at all! they're fine. -いえ、そんなことないです。アリです

――what is with you? -何だオマエ?

wow, they sell things like that? -すごい、こんなの売ってるんですか?

―well, they do, but this one is a handmade item that i got at an event. -いや、市販品もあるけど、これはイベントで手に入れた手作りの一品なんだよね

they're holding a guilty gear tournament at the anime club. don't you think kohsaka would be there?

―if that's what you think, then why didn't you tell that girl about it earlier? -そう思うなら早く言ってやれよ、あの女に

――well, there wasn't an opening for me to interject... -いやぁ、割り込むスキになくて…
188Samurai Champloo04:2005/11/04(金) 22:59:19 ID:???0
it's no use...i can't run away...if i run away, father will be killed. -ダメだよ…あたし逃げられない…あたしが逃げたら、おとっつぁん殺されちゃうもの

―but you don't like this, right? and besides, why should the daughter have to shoulder her father's debt?

what the hell do you want? -どういうこった?

―i don't need you to wield your sword anymore. you just need to stay here. -あんたはもう刀を抜かなくていい。ただ居てくれるだけでいいんだ

what the hell did you say? why'd you even invite me in, then? 'cause you wanted to win fights, right?

―listen. in this day and age, there are two types of people: those who rule and those who are ruled. -いいか。世の中には二種類の人間しかいない。支配する者とされる者だ

――by having someone like you at my side, those who are ruled won't rise up against me. that's known as an efficient rule.

this strength you keep referring to...is it the strength to rule others? -あんたの言う力ってのは、他人を支配するための力か?

―you've hit the nail on the head. -その通りだが?

――listen here, i don't give a fuck about that shit. i won't have any of this "rule or be ruled" crap. -オレはな、そんなもんに興味ねえ。支配すんのもされるのも御免だぜ!

if you stay with me, you can have anything you want. do you intend to give that up, like a fool? -俺と居ればなんだって思うままにできる。みすみすそれを捨てるつもりか?

―well, you see, i trust only in my own skill. later. -オレはな手前の腕以外何も信じねえ。あばよ

are you betraying me? do you think you'll get off that easily?! -俺を裏切るのか?タダで済むと思ってるのか?!
189Samurai Champloo04:2005/11/04(金) 22:59:54 ID:???0
―if you're gonna send people after me, bring on the strongest you have. -追っ手を遣すんならな、とびっきり強いのを送ってこいや

what is it? you wanna take me on? -何だよ?やろうってのか?

―i also used to believe only in my own skill. but see, it isn't that easy to build this day and age. there are times when, even if you think it's wrong , you have to nod your head in agreement.

――that's lame. don't live your life making up excuses. the one making your choices is yourself. -くだらねえ。言い訳しながら生きてんじゃねえよ。手前の生き方決めるのは手前自身だろ

how are you going to atone for this? an arm or two just isn't going to cut it. -どう落とし前付けてくれるんです?腕の一本や二本じゃ済みませんぜ

―i'll make up for this in full. -落とし前は付けさせてもらう

if you win, we'll give back your son. but in return, we'll take over your territory. it's better than taking a life, right?

―so be it. if win, orimise me that you'll spare my son. if i lose, then i'll use my life to repay you. -よかろう、ワシが勝ったら必ず息子は助けてくれ。負けたらたしかにその命をもって償わせていただく

hey, what are you doing? -ねえ、何してるの?

―can't you tell? instead of luring in customers, i'm turning their attention away. -わかんないかなぁ?客の目を惹くんじゃなくて、客を引かせるの

what are you doing here? -何しに来た?

―since it didn't lool like anyone was coming after me, i came myself! -ちっとも追っ手が来やがらねえからよ、こっちから来てやったぜ!

wait...do you not care what happens to... -待て、こいつがどうなっても…

―i couldn't really care less! -いいよ別に!
190SAC05:2005/11/05(土) 01:00:59 ID:???0
did he give you a disheartening lecture? -ガッカリするような話をされた?

―minister? he is merely a representive of the citizens. -大臣にか?あの人は良くも悪くも、ただの民衆の代表に過ぎん

――the problem lies with their head quarters, which is being accused by the public as the general's assasin, and who's working on a roller-coaster operation.

but even so...isn't it a little early to be assuming that? -それにしたって随分と大胆な推論じゃねえかよ

―yeah, this isn't like you chief, so can you tell us why you're assuming this? -課長にしては慎重さに欠ける気がするけど、その根拠は?

you've got to be kidding me! there is no way this guy could be the "laughing man! now. he's just as white as he is black.

―however, why is the S.I.D. chasing after a man who, with very little thought, acn be figured out as a decoy?

chief, why don't you stop with that ridiculous search and just try to get nanao to spill some beans? -課長、そんなまどろっこしい調査はやめにして、とっととナナオの口を割らせませんか?

―don't be so hasty! if we make a mistake on the timing for nanao's arrest, we might be the ones to be hanged...how's our subject?

――he is just sending brief messages through the line...i'm checking all of his messages as a precaution, but they were all spam. abd, there aren't any viruses in the messages sent...
191SAC05:2005/11/05(土) 01:04:49 ID:???0
wouldn't your office have that data? -そんな資料なら、仕事場にだってあるんじゃない?

―yeah, but i was out of the country when the incident happened. so i want to know the rumors... -うん。あの事件があった頃は国外にいたから、当時の事件に対する風評みたいなのが知りたいのよ

not now! why don't you tell them yourself? -今は無理だ!いっそ君がしゃべったらどうかね

―there will be no point! mr.serano i want you to deliver the truth to the people. -それじゃ意味が無いんです!セラノさん、あなたの口から真実を語らないと

what i don't get is why he risked showing himself in front of the camera, to make mr.serano say something?

―that's what he is calling a "desired delusion". this case isn't as simple as it may look... -だからそれが希望的妄想だと彼は言ってるわけ。この事件はそんなに単純なものじゃないんだよ

――i think that the "laughing man" is something that emerged from the dark side of the net...he is just made up by a group of people on the net who don't have any connection to each other. thus this crime was a stand alone complex...
also, a "laughing man" doesn't really exist!

chief! how's it going over there? -課長、そっちはどう?

―i got it! the evidence that S.I.D. gathered on the dates of the crimes of the "laughing man", is reason enough to think nanao is the culprit.
192monster05:2005/11/05(土) 16:29:23 ID:???0
well, students...what was teh basis for the judge's ruling in the 1986 stuttgart event? -さて諸君…この1968年のストッグガルト事件における、判決の基準となったものは何かね?

what is with this silence? has this classroom become some zen temple? so, is there anyone who can break this silence?

rejected again...how many times has it been now? -またフラれたな…これで何回目だ?

if there is anyone who can get nina to go out with him, i'd like to meet him! -あのニナを落とせるヤツがいたら、お目にかかりたいよ!

hey mom, did you dye your hair? -あれ、ママ髪染めた?

does it not look good? -似合うでしょ?

how have you been doing since the last time we've met? -あれから調子はどうだね?

i feel completely fine, dr.geitel. -おかげさまで元気です、ガイテル先生

so, you don't see those monsters appearing out of the darkness in your dreams anymore, right? -で、あの夢はもう見なくなったのかい?闇の中から現れるモンスターの夢は

yes, i've slept so well lately that there's no time for dreaming. i wonder why i was constantly having that nightmare.

who are you? but, even if i know his true identity, what good is it to me? -誰なんだ、お前は?だが、それを知って何になる?

all i know is that he commits murders repeatedly, and he's the brother of a twin...that's all i know...what am i doing?
193monster05:2005/11/05(土) 16:30:52 ID:???0
the haynau's were raising a boy, right? what kind of child was he? -殺されたハイナウ夫妻が、男の子を養っていたんですね?どんな子でしたか?

it was awhile ago, and he only lived there for about a year. i'm sorry, but i don't remember anything. -ずいぶん前の話よ、それも一年くらいしか一緒に暮してなかったし。覚えてることなんて何もないわ

did that boy have his sister with him? -その子は、妹を連れていませんでしたか?

no, there was only one boy. anyways, i want to forget about their murder. i even thought of moving after that.

someone's going to pick you up? who? -ニナを迎えにくる?誰が?

i don't know. i just got an anonymous e-mail. -それがわかんないの。名無しでメールが送られてきたの

you're not thinking it's going to be some "prince charming" riding on a white horse, are you? -まさか、白い馬に乗った王子様が迎えにくるなんて、思ってるんじゃないでしょうね?

were you two that close that he'd tell you it wasn't his real name? -そんなことまで話すほど、彼はあなたに心を許していたんですか?

he apppeared out of nowhere one day, and for about a year, he was taken care of by the haynau couple in the flat across the street.

do you remember anything else about him? -他に彼のことで思い出すようなことは?

he listened very intently to what i said. and do you know what he was interested in the most? stories of war. -よく私の話すことに聞き入っていたよ。彼が特に興味を示したのは何の話だと思うね?戦争の話だよ

what was his facial expression like when he listened to the story? -彼はどんな表情でそんな話を?

most likely with sparkling eyes and a grin. i'm blind. -目を輝かせて笑みを浮かべていただろう、おそらく。私は目が見えないからね
194Samurai Champloo05:2005/11/05(土) 17:01:51 ID:???0
you're kidding! it's that much? -ウソ!そんなに高いの?

―well, are you getting on or what? -で、乗るのか乗らんのか?

could you cut me a deal? -まかんない?

―nope, can't do that. if you can't pay, you can swim across for free. -ダメだ、ダメだ。払えないってんなら、いっそ泳いで渡るか?

you're gonna die if you disrespect us! draw your sword, you bastard! -ナメてっと死ぬぞ!どうした、抜けよコラ!?

―i won't need to worry about that with you. -うんにゃ、こっちはこれで十分

hey, did you do this one, too? what a beautiful sunflower. -ねえ、これもあんたが描いたの?キレイなひまわり

―would you like to venture into the world of art with me? oh, it's easy, don't worry. all you have to do is pose. -キミも僕と芸術の世界に行ってみたいと思いませんか?簡単、簡単。ただポーズをとってるだけでいいんだ

how about it, why don't you play a round with me? -どうだ、一局付き合っていかんか?

―i apologize, but i'm in a hurry. -いえ、急ぎます故

what if i make it interesting for you? -真剣ならどうだ?

―but i don't even have enough money to board a boat. -しかしこちらは、船賃すらままならぬ身

――well, if you don't have any money to bet, how about wagering your life? if you win, i'll give you this bag of money. if i win, your life will be in my hands.

―sounds like insanity to me. -正気とは思えぬが

i can buy some with this, right? -これで買えるな?

―there you go. -毎度
195Samurai Champloo05:2005/11/05(土) 17:03:36 ID:???0
a yakuza like you got taken? don't get mugged again. -ヤクザがカツアゲされただって?二度とスられるんじゃないよ

―the next time you see that guy, you'd better be able to take care of him. -今度その相手見つけたら、必ず落とし前付けるんだよ

you're pretty good. where'd you learn to play like this? -なかなかの腕だな。どこで手習いを覚えた?

―in the dojo. just like in sword fighting, in shogi one must constantly think of how to take the advantage before his opponent does. that was my master's teaching.

i see. it appears that your master was quite a man himself. -なるほど。師匠もかなりの腕のようだ

―indeed. i was never able to beat my master at shogi. -はい。将棋ではついぞ師に勝つことはありませんでした

――how about with your sword? did you ever win? -剣では勝ったのか?

well, it's getting pretty late. we'll continue tomorrow. oh, oops. -もう日も暮れた。続きは明日だ。おおっといけね

―that's some memory you got there. however, didn't this go here? -たいした記憶力だな。しかし、この金はここじゃないか?

―you've been quite busy with your art lately. it's been a while, don't you agree? -近頃じゃ芸術とやらが忙しくて、すっかりご無沙汰じゃないか

――just who do you think you owe your lifestyle to? i'm not letting you go home tonight. -いったい誰のお蔭で、今みたいな生活できると思ってんだい?今夜は帰しゃしないよ

jst how many people have you played like that?! answer me already! -あんた、今まで何人騙したのよ!?答えなさいよ!

―at first, i didn't know what was going on either. even though i had a feeling something was wrong...i just pretended i didn't know.

――because if i didn't...woodblock prints woudln't support a living. -だって、そうでもしなきゃ…浮世絵師なんて生活できないんだ
196Genshiken05:2005/11/05(土) 19:54:56 ID:???0
it can't be helped if the club won't exist any longer, right? -しょうがないよね、会そのものがなくなっちゃうじゃね!

―you guys don't even have the courge to complain to the student council, do you? i can just see you all crying yourselves to sleep.

hey, i head genshiken is getting shut down? well, i had a feeling this would happen some day. i mean, your club isn't needed at all. 

―kohsaka, once this place is gone, come on over to the manga club. ohno, your cosplaying is popular. we'll totally welcome you!

――that's sexual harassment... -セクハラ、セクハラ…

to begin with, there's no way you guys haven't been active. didn't you do a cosplay photo session at the school festival?

―but afterwards, the student council yelled at us since we didn't report it in advance. -でもあれ事前に申請してないことやるなって自治会から怒られました…後で

you're all pissing me off. and what do you all think of this? you're going to let genshiken be shut down like that?! what do you think?!

―hmm, kasukabe, i thought you wanted genshiken to be shut down? -あれカスカベさん、げんしけん潰れてほしいんじゃなかった?

――yeah, i would love for you guys to be shut down. but more importantly, i can't accept the way they're doing it! that and how you guys aren't even getting angry about what's happening to you!
197Genshiken05:2005/11/05(土) 19:56:41 ID:???0
all they do is play video games in the club room. and they went ahead and held a cosplay photograph shoot at the school festival without permission! with these "credentials," are they even worthy of having a club room?

―as for the cosplaying at the school festival...well, it's true that they should've asked for permission...but doesn't it show that they're active? just with these reasons, you can't mark them for removal due to "lack of activity."

how dare she call me an otaku...hey, does anyone know her weak points? like, through hidden cameras or microphones?

―how did you come to that? you have a really weird misconception about us. -なんでそうなるよ…俺らすっごい偏見の目で見られてる?

i mean, you guys are otakus. -だって、あんたらオタクでしょ

―we don't have any technology otakus here. -ウチに技術系オタクはいねえの

you're useless... -役立たねえな…

―that's mean...and isn't there some personal hatred in there somewhere? -ひでぇ…それになんか個人的な恨み入っていない?

none of you were there, that's why you can be so relaxed about it. kitagawa is serious. you guys will really get shut down. you'll all get kicked out of here. are you fine with that?!

―not really... -良くはない…

what's this good idea, chairman? -何、会長いいネタって?

can you lend me your ear for a moment? -うん、ちょっと耳貸してくれる
198Genshiken05:2005/11/05(土) 20:00:50 ID:???0
first problem: if genshiken is shut down, we won't have a place to hang out anymore. -げんしけんがなくなった場合、まず直面する問題としては、溜まる部屋がなくなるってことだな

―aren't you all cold? -寒くね?

――why don't we go to the cafeteria? it should be warm in there. -食堂に行きません?あそこなら暖かいし

but i mean, when it's hot, it gets humid and sometimes itchy. like your head and your feet. -でも、ほら暑いとムシムシして痒くなったりするじゃないですか。頭とか、足が

―how do you know about it? what is it? you want to keep your club around by blackmailing me? you would go that far?!

――i'm only talking about how i don't like the summer. -あたしはただ、夏は嫌だなって話をしてるだけですよ

―――just tell me how you know about it! did you hear it from someone? please! -何で知ってるのか、それだけ教えて?誰かに聞いたの?お願い!

wait, it's not like that! it's unrelated to that, but will you go out with me? -待って違うんだ!そんなこと関係なしに、俺と付き合ってくれないか?

―it's so sudden...are you serious? but you can get infected from things like bathroom rugs... -そんないきなり…本気で?でも、足拭きマットとかで移っちゃったりするよ…

chairman, i've been wondering with the whole deal with the student council, but...how do you know about those things? is it really just a coincidence?! are you sure you don't have...hidden cameras around?

―i'm in a bind...if i was that kind of a person, there'd be a lot of people too embarrassed to stick around at this university...but you haven't met anyone like that, have you?
199SAC06:2005/11/05(土) 23:49:32 ID:???0
hey, you're joking right? if you kill me, who are you going to arrest as the "laughing man"? -おい、冗談だろ?俺を殺しちまったら、一体誰を笑い男として逮捕するんだよ?

―you being alive or dead isn't really a problem. all i need is the fact that you were the "laughing man".

what the hell does this mean? weren't they planning on feeding him to S.I.D. as the "laughing man" to draw the curtains?

―how should i know? this could be like a lizard casting off its tail... -俺に聞くんじゃねえよ。これも、トカゲのシッポ切りかもな…

ishikawa, what about the tachikomas the major took with her? -イシカワ、少佐が連れて行ったタチコマは?

―other then the one saitou has, there's two that are free. -サイトー機以外にフリーが2機

――alright, back the major up with those two. bouma, hurry up with the antidote. -よし、そいつで少佐をバックアップするぞ。ボーマはワクチンを急げ

excuse me? which is it to the hotel, where the assassination of the general is being held? -すんません…警視総監暗殺が行われるホテルにはどう行けばいいんじゃろか?

what are all these people? -しかし、どいつもこいつも何だってんだ?

―i have no clue...they don't seem like ordinary fans of the "laughing man" to me. there are also those claiming to be the "laughing man" themselves.

――they're all the same, aren't they? -どうせ、似たり寄ったりの連中なわけだろ?

anyways, aside from the police announcement, those are what i call,imitators...what do you think they were? -それにしても、警察の発表はともかく、あの模倣者たち…と敢えて呼ぶけど、あの連中は一体何だったと思う?
200SAC06:2005/11/06(日) 00:04:41 ID:???0
―in theatrical plays, even the audience is part of the play. -劇とは、観客自体もその演出の一部に過ぎない

what is it that you want? i'm in the middle of recuperating. -何の用かね?私は休養中の身でね

―i thought that it wouldn't hurt to thank my men...but oh well. by the way, i hear that amsterdam is a nice place to live in the summer...

i am now able to make a decision, due to this time's incident. to find the truth within the case of the "laughing man", poblic peace section 9 will begin our own investigation. i came here today, to inform you of this.

―when the investigation begins, i have many things to talk to you about regarding the movement of money with SERANO...so, i would advise that you rest while you are able to do so...

anyways, the answer to the last question, i believe that there is no actual suspect in the "laughing man" case. this time's seems to be seeded from something buried 6 years ago, that began sprouting with the assassination notice.

―and the imitators were an independent copy without an original, it is a stand alone complex. -そして、模倣者たちもこの現象が引き寄せたスタンドアローンの複合体であり、所詮はオリジナルのないコピーなのだと

――are you saying that there is no original "laughing man"? -笑い男のオリジナルは存在しないと?
201Genshiken06:2005/11/06(日) 12:32:19 ID:???0
ohno...isn't you hair too long? it'd look better if you'd just cut it or color it a little...but is it for cosplaying?

―well, that too...but when i was in america i felt reluctant to color it. sometimes people envied my black and straight hair.

ohno...aren't your boobs too big? what's your cup size? -大野…おまえ乳でかすぎない?カップ何だっけ?

―how is that possible...? you need to be that big to replicate the boobs you see in manga? it's almost a soccer...

――J league?! world cup...? -Jリーグ?!ワールドカップ…?

man, you're gonna ignore us? don't you give me that. i'm trying to set up the mood to ask you guys for advice!

then may be cosplaying would be a good idea? he seemd to be attracted to those cat ears the other day...

―then would you like to borrow a costume from me? -じゃあ、衣装貸しましょうか?

――you size would probably be uncomfortable for me, so no. plus, you wouldn't want your costume to be used for that kind of thing, would you?

huh? um...weren't you talking about your friend? -あれ…あの友達の話だったよね?

―of course we are. anyway, what about you two?! if you had a girlfriend, whould you want to have cosplay sex with her? how about it?
202Genshiken06:2005/11/06(日) 12:34:38 ID:???0
――how, you say...we don't think about things like that when we don't even have one... -どうって…彼女がいもしない内からそういうこと考えないですよね

yeah, and while i've seen cosplay sex in adult videos before, it's not that interesting since the girl is a porn star.

――and they do have doujinshi about cosplaying...really erotic ones. -あとコスプレの同人誌もありますよね、エロいの

ah, yeah, i do see stuff like that in the comifes catalog...i wonder if they're doujin software? -ああ、コミフェスのカタログ見てるとあるよな、ありゃ同人ソフトかなぁ

―can you talk facing us? -こっち向いてしゃべれよ?

that's right. it's been almost a year since you joined, sasahara. so, have you matured a little? -そういや、ササハラも入会してもうすぐ一年だな。どうよ、ちっとは成長してっか?

――well, i've become a lot more careless in the way i spend my money...i can't call myself an otaku when i don't even own a computer...

whoa, what was that? a denial of being an otaku? -うわ、何?オタクじゃない発言?

――well, it's not like that, but i feel that i still have a long way to go. -いやそうじゃないですけど、まだまだかなって…

to begin with, why don't you buy a computer? is your mind trying to fight it off? -だいたい何でパソコン買わないのよ?何か抵抗してんの、精神的に?

―well, it's not like that...i just don't have the money. like i just said, i spend it all. -いやそんな…金ないんですよ。さっき言ったとおり使っちゃうんで

no, you can buy one. if you feel like it, you can do it. isn't there a saying? "think after you buy!" -いいや買えるね。その気になればなんとかなる。諺にも言うだろ、買ってから考える

―you look like you're really asking for a jab. -無茶苦茶突っ込みほしそうな顔だなぁ
203Genshiken06:2005/11/06(日) 12:38:22 ID:???0
no that i think about it, you're not turned on by younger sister characters at all...with fighting games, you always choose the sexy female characters...

―i can vouch that they are a result of fantasies by people who don't actually have a younger sister. -あんなのはね、実際妹がいないやつの幻想です。断言できます

――you're such a idiot, sasahara. who needs a blood-related sister anyway...? -バカだな、ササハラ。血の繋がった妹なんかいるわけないじゃないか

―――whoa, that statement is right on the edge! -うわ、ギリギリの発言だあ

i wonder what she calls him? "dear brother" is out, for sure. -何て呼ばれてると思う?お兄ちゃんは、まずないよな

―the way she looks, it's probably something like "bro." -あれならまあ、兄貴とかじゃん

――she might say "you bastard..." -テメェだとか

―――what is it with these guys? -何だこいつら?

ah, you're late, ape! -あ、サル遅えよ!

―you're still calling me that? -まだそれかよ

didn't you say that nothing good comes out of choosing men for their looks? -おまえ、自分で男は顔で選ぶとロクなことないって言ってたじゃないか

―i know, but i can't. i just can't stand ugly guys. all my friends are like that.  -わかっちゃいるけどダメ。やっぱブサイクじゃ耐えらんない。結局友達みんなそうだよ

what are you doing here? weren't we supposed to go out together today? hm, who's this girl? -何してんの?遊びに行く約束してたじゃない。あら、この子誰?

―um, kasukabe, i asked you not to tag along because i knew you'd do something like this... -いや、あのねカスカベさん。こういうことするからついてこないでって言ったんスよ

――Aw, sasa-yan, you can't play along...man, you're boring. -うわササヤン、ノリ悪…あぁ、つまんねえヤツだな
204monster06:2005/11/06(日) 16:13:48 ID:???0
it's possible that a search notice for the brother was circulated. and there might be an article about it. can i check your newspaper archives from about nine years ago?

―oh yeah, i only helped you because i didn't want to waste my time working on stupid stories. leave when you're satisfied.

so you fainted after you saw taht guy. what did he look like? -ということは、君が失神したのは、その男性を見たからだと言うんだね?どんな男だった?

―ie seemed like i'd met him before...but, it's kind of different. i can't describe it well, but...absolute evil. i can't describe it clearly, but it was similar to that nightmare.

did you let that man use the archive room? i asked him a few questions and he told me that he got permission from you.

you don't go back to your house? what about your family? -家には帰らないんですか?ご家族は?

―i was always busy with my job. by the time i noticed, my wife and daughter had already gone back to their hometown.

you're not thinking of bringing her back? -奥さん、迎えに行く気はないんですか?

―why? they are the ones who left me. why would i bring her back? work is my number one priority. i'm happy that my wife left me, since she doesn't understand my job.
205monster06:2005/11/06(日) 16:16:20 ID:???0
doctor...if i...go see my wife again...do you think she'll come back? -なあドクター…もしもだぜ…おれがその女房迎えに行ったら、女房帰ってくると思うか?

―yes. if you quit smoking. -ええ、タバコやめたらね

didn't you just say that this criminal was going to kidnap his sister when she turns 20? -あんた、その犯人は妹が二十歳になったら迎えに行くって言ってたな?

―if the boy in this article is her brother...look at this. his birthday is written here. today is the twins'birthday.

doctor, what will you do if the twin sister is at the fortner's house? -ドクター、フォルトナー家に双子の妹がいたらどうするつもりだ?

―her family is in danger now. you should call the police and have them guard the house. -とにかくその一家には危険が迫っています。警察に連絡して、警備を頼みます

ah, umm! can you answer some of my questions? do you have a daughter? is she the missing boy's sister? -あ、あの!少しお聞かせ願えないでしょうか?お宅には娘さんがいませんか?失踪した男の子の、双子の妹さんが!

―man, this is a problem. cake...they are getting ready for a birthday party. -まいったな、ケーキだよ…中で誕生日パーティのケーキを用意してやがった

did you adopt twins nine years ago? does the twin sister still live here? -9年前、双子を引き取ったんですね?その妹はまだこちらに居るんですね?

―please leave! we raised nina as if she were our real daughter. please don't cause us any trouble. leave us alone.

how should i explain this to the police? -さてと、警察にどう説明するかな?

―this is not good. the phone lines has been cut. -なんてこった。電話線が切られてるぜ
206Samurai Champloo06:2005/11/06(日) 16:58:50 ID:???0
you're sure we can eat all we want for free? -本当にタダで食い放題なんだな?

―well, preferably, we're going into this to win. this is a blessing for us, considering we're always going hungry.

additionally, there's a very polite rule that says a contestant has given up if they bring their hands tpgether in the familiar pose showing thanks for a meal.

―oh! someone's made the give up signal already! wow, that was quick. too quick! why did this man with glasses even come?

how much food can a human being eat? where do we come from, and where are we going? -人間は、どこまで食べられるのか?我々はどこから来て、どこへ行くのか?

―we may be witnessing the evolution of the human stomach...while it occurs this very instant. -我々はもしかすると、人間の胃袋の進化。まさにその瞬間に立ち会っているのかもしれん

why the hell do i have to let you know about stuff like that? -何であんたにいちいちそんなこと言わなきゃなんないのよ

hey, don't you think he talks funny? -つーかよ、こいつ何か言葉おかしくねえか?

―yeah, definitely a little funny. -おかしい、絶対おかしいよ

that sword...that sword is my life. would you please return it to me? i'm not asking you to do it for free.

―then, will you work part-time for me? i...want to tour edo. if you will be my guide, i'll return it to you.

――i'll go wherever you want me to. i was called "edo's tour map" once. -どこへなりと行こう。私は江戸の観光地図と呼ばれた男だ
207Samurai Champloo06:2005/11/06(日) 17:38:06 ID:???0
we have information that a westerner has slipped into this area. do you have any idea where he might be?

―huh? a westerner? haven't seen one at all. -はあ、南蛮人?見かけないねえ、ぜんぜん

you ass, who do you think you are? it's best that you don't defy us. -おい、キサマ何のつもりだ?手向かわん方が身のためだぞ

―the stuff you say only makes me wanna defy you even more. -そんなこと言われると、ますます手向かいたくなってきたな

just what were you thinking, escalating the situation like that? -どういうつもりで事を荒立てるんだ?

―those kinds of guys piss me off. -ムカツクんだよ、ああいう奴らはよ

――what will we do, if we can't stay in edo anymore because of stuff like this? we won't be able to find the sunflower samurai!

do you even understand that people are after you? -あんた追われてるのわかってんの?

―you don't have the time to be watching plays. -芝居など見ている場合ではない

do you have...any other clues? -もう少し手がかりありますか?

―i don't know if it's a clue...but i have one thing he owned. -そうだ、手がかりかわかんないけど…その人の持ち物が一つ

――please keep that hidden away. that...is very dangerous in this contry. you must not show that to people. all i can say...is this: if you go to nagasaki...you will find something for sure.
208SAC07:2005/11/06(日) 18:30:23 ID:???0
the legendary hero has been entering the country repeatedly? -伝説の英雄が、これほど頻繁に入国を繰り返していたなんて…

―is there any proof that the one that major's following is real? -少佐が追ってるのが本物だという確証は?

――it can't be proven; it's a matter of probability. it can't be proven; it's a matter of probability. -確証なんて無いわ。あるのは確率の問題

does the data that the inspector dug up identify him as the real one? -行動観察官のはじき出したデータでは本物と?

―that is also a matter of probability. -それも確率の問題

――argh, too much trouble. just ghost hack him and make it all clear. -めんどくせぇ。ゴーストハックでも仕掛けてはっきりさせりゃいいのに

they want us to find out why marcelo is entering our country so frequently. -マルセロが頻繁に入国する理由それ自体を調査してほしいとの事だ

―any possibility that it's because he's the drug king of south america? -南米の麻薬王でしょう。そっちの線は?

――it's hard to imagine that marcelo would risk coming here by himself just for a drug trade. -麻薬の取引だけで、マルセロ本人が危険を冒すとは考えにくいわね

this is the police. gondou's inside, isn't he? i need to have a talk with him. will you open the door?

―major, the cops taking action in the hotel are prefecture police trying to raid the scene of a drug trade. they're after gondou, not marcelo.

――if the prefecture police get marcelo, it'll screw things up badly. help marcelo escape. -県警にマルセロを押さえられては面倒なことになる。奴を逃がせ

―――it might get a little rough. batou, we're going down. -荒れるかもよ。バトー、降りるぞ
209SAC07:2005/11/06(日) 18:33:43 ID:???0
chief, could you find out how many facilities kourinkai has in the prefecture? -課長、功綸会の施設が県内にどれくらいあるか調べられる? 

―okay, retrieve all camera data for the past five years on marcelo...all the facilities that kourinkai possesses too.

――a huge warehouse...i have some weird data on the warehouse. every time marcelo entered the country, there were dates when the electricity usage was abnormally high.

togusa, what's this all about? there are two marcelo's! -トグサ、どういうこと?マルセロが2人いるわよ!

―hold on...what's going on? i've caught marcelo, too... -ちょっと待ってくれ…どういうことだ? マルセロは俺が…

the chief said not to let any organization know, but is that ok? -課長のやつ、どの機関にも知らせるなって言ってたけどよ、いいのか?

―tell them marcelo himself is already dead? -マルセロ本人はとっくの昔に死んでます、って?

they couldn't allow individual differences, and they had to make everyone believe the real one was alive...

―so that was the reason for the sightseeing trip...i still don't understand why they needed to cross that dangerous bridge.

――that's because he's a hero, right? -:…彼、英雄だからでしょ

what will happen to the citizens, when they find out the hero they admire is a doll? -その英雄が人形だってわかったら、信じて付いてきている国民はどうなるんだ?

―a hero that doesn't function right is better than a doll that continues to recite dreams. -機能しない名ばかりの英雄よりも、夢を語り続ける人形のほうが、いくらかマシよ
210monster07:2005/11/07(月) 23:42:35 ID:???0
reinforcements should be arriving soon. let's leave the crime scene to them...and have you two come down to the station to give a statement.

is she the daughter of the victims? i feel sorry for her. -被害者の娘さんですか?お気の毒に

excuse me, but where are we going? but the heidelberg station should be towards the middle of town. -あの、どこに向かっているんですか?でも、ハイデルベルク署は街の中心のはず

we came from the neighboring mannheim station. -我々は、となりのマンハイム署からきました

why are they taking us to a station in another town? -なぜわざわざ、となりの署まで連れていくんだ?

we'll be arriving in about fifteen minutes. -あと15分ほどで到着します

they said they came because they received a report, didn7t they? but whose report? the phone line was cut.

this car came without the siren on. do the police remove the primary witnesses...without first preserving the crime scene?

umm, she said she's not feeling well...so can she go outside to get some fresh air? -あの、この子が気分が悪いと言うので…少し外の風に

did those two do something? -何かしでかしたんですか、あの二人?

not, it's nothing like that. -いや、そういうわけじゃないんだ

what's going on here?! are they real detectives? what shoud i do? -どういうことなんだ?彼らは本物の刑事なのか?

are you okay, dr.tenma? -大丈夫ですか、ドクターテンマ?

how did you know? i told you my name, but i never said i was a doctor! how did you know that?!
211monster07:2005/11/07(月) 23:45:15 ID:???0
why did you save him? if only you hadn't saved my brother...papa and mama wouldn't have been killed!

―you stay here. i'm going to the police. if those two detectives from last night were real...it would mean that johan has connections with the police.but we can't just stay here like this.

do you have any leads on the killer? -犯人の手がかりはないんですか?

―any connections to the middle-aged couple murders that've been going on throughout the country?

――why was the reporten named mauler also in their house when they were killed? who was the japanese man seen together with him?

―――is the murder at heidelberg castle that occurred roughly at the same time the wrok of the same man?

and besides, even though you're from the BKA, you're here to investigate the murders of the middle-aged couples, right?

―i was just curious. this man has marks that suggest he was bound. did you find rope or something nearby?

nina...what are you planning to do now? are you going to kill him again? it was me who brought him back to life. it was me who brought that monster...back to life!
212Samurai Champloo07:2005/11/07(月) 23:57:12 ID:???0
he weasn't where i looked, either. -こっちもいないスよ

―are you guys trying to ruin my reputation here? if the chief hears of this, he'll chop off more than just my fingers! -てめえら俺の顔にドロを塗るつもりか?このことが親分に知れた日にゃ、両手の指詰めたって足りないんだよ!

hey, are there any kids in this house? -おい、ここにガキはいねえのか?

―you guys...barged in without even asking first. haven't you ever heard of courtesy? in any case, i don't have a child. -あんたたち…人の家に勝手に上がりこんで、礼儀ってものを知らないのかい?それに、うちにはせがれなんていないよ

shinsuke, how'd you get your hands on something this dangerous? -シンスケ、こんなやべぇもんどうしたんだよ?

―lemme think...how about seventy percent for being the broker? i'll make you a deal for that. -そうだなあ…仲介料7割だ。それで手打ってやる

you were working this late? -こんな時間まで仕事かい?

―yeah. if this gig goes well, i'll rake in lots of money. we should be able to buy good medicine. -まあな。今度の仕事がうまくいけばまとまった金が入るよ。そうしたらもっといいクスリ買えるぜ

have you heard anything from him recently? -最近、あの子から何か聞いてないかい?

―what do you mean by "anything"? -何かって?

――oh, never mind. sorry about that. lately, he's been acting rather strangely. -いやあ、いいのよ。ごめんなさいね。最近あの子、ちょっと様子が変に見えたから

don't play dumb. yesterday, a pickpoket brat came to you, didn't he?! -バックレてんじゃねえぞ。昨日スリのガキが、お前の所

―what're you gonna do to me? -何すんだよ?!

don't come closer, okay? if you do, i'm gonna cut her throat. -来るなよ?きたらコイツの首、掻っ切るからな

―hey, what do you intend to do? -おい、どういうつもりだ?

don't you get it? if it comes down to it, i'm going to kill you. -わかってんのか?いざとなったらお前を殺すぜ
213Samurai Champloo07:2005/11/07(月) 23:58:38 ID:???0
―i met your mom. she'd be sad if she learned you're a pickpocket. -あんたのお母さんに会ったよ。スリなんかしてるの知ったら、きっと悲しむよ

you told her about that? -お前、スリのこと言ったのか?

―how could i? why would i want to worry a good mom like her? -言えるわけないじゃない。あんないいお母さんに、心配かけたくないじゃない

――don't talk like you know everything. -わかったようなこと言ってんじゃねえ

what about your parents? -お前の親は?

―my dad's been gone for a long time, and my mom died a year ago. -お父さんはずっと前からいないの。母さんは一年前に死んじゃった

you know, i was always discobeying my mom and making her worry...then she was gone...before i could tell her what i wanted to and ask her what i wanted to know.

―i need money. no place would hire a brat like me. it's not all about money? only people with money say that. without money, you can't even buy decent medicine.

shinsuke...he hasn't been home. did something happen?  -シンスケ…帰ってないのよ。何かあったの?

―it's really nothing. i just came by to check on you. well, then...i'll come by again. -何でもないんです。ちょっと顔見にきただけ。じゃあ…また来ます

he's...never coming home, is he? am i right? it's all right...i've had that feeling for a while now. -もう帰ってこないの?そうなのね?いいのよ…なんかそんな気がしてたの

―i though things would end up this way, somehow. that boy...he was doing something wrong, wasn't he? he got punished for it, didn't he?
214Genshiken07:2005/11/08(火) 00:59:52 ID:???0
ah,saki, would you like to cosplay with me to attract new members? -サキさん、新人勧誘にいっしょにコスプレしてみませんか?

―absolutely not. -絶対してみません

when will you cosplay, then? -いったいいつになったらコスプレするんですか?

―hey, wait a minute...you think i'm gonna do it eventually? -ちょっと待て…時間の問題なのかよ?

well,now...you were just talking about using cosplay to attract new people, but isn't it just a limited view of the activities done in genshiken?

―but i want to use every opportunity i have! -でもあたし、やれる機会は全部やりたいです!

――i see...your personality sure changes when it comes to cosplay... -あ、そう…君コスプレのことになると性格変わるねえ…

say, how can you watch the same thing so many times? is it fun? -ねえ、何でそんな何べんも繰り返して見れるわけ?おもしろい?

―well, you ask such a fundamental question. about whether it's fun or nor, yeah, we're watching becaus it's fun. -いや、そんな根本的なことを聞かれてもね。いや、おもしろいかおもしろくないかっていうと、おもしろいから見るわけで

the chairman! did he graduate? did he leave the university? -会長!会長って卒業した?大学出てった?

―did he get a job, or maybe go to graduate school? or maybe he's taking the year off? what year is he, anyways? -就職、院に上がったとか。それとも留年?て、そもそも何年よ?

you don't need to act so shocked. -そんなに驚かなくても

―you normally would. -いや、驚きますって普通

i think it's about time i graduated. -そろそろ卒業しようと思ってね

―about time? what year are you? -そろそろって、何年目なんだ…

――you didn't think about graduating until now? -これまではしようと思ってなかったのか…
215Genshiken07:2005/11/08(火) 01:00:29 ID:???0
don't worry. i had tanaka do all the actual work anyway. -大丈夫。僕も実務は田中君にまかせきりだったし

―then perhaps you should ask tanaka first? -え、じゃ、まずは田中に頼むべきなんじゃ?

――you should just do it. you're right for the position. -いいじゃんやれば。適任でしょ

―――i see...well then. should i give it a try? -あ、そう…じゃ。やってみっかなぁ

cosplay? that was ohno. was your judgment blinded by her cosplay? -コスプレ?やっぱ大野。コスプレに目がくらんだ?

―no, nothing like that! -いやあ、そんなことはナッスィング

――kasukabe, don't make them feel uncomfortable. they're our new members. -カスカベさん、刺激的なのはダメだよ。新人さんだからね

―――as i expected, kasukabe has begun hazing the new members. i'll have to take it upon myself to stop this. yes, as the chairman!

that dress is by cecil, isn't it? i was thinking it really matches you, as expected. -その服たしかセシルだよね。さすが似合ってるなあと思って

―what did you expect? -さすがって何?

hey. think of something to talk about. -おい。話を探せ

―you do that. aren't you the chairman? -そっちこそ。会長だろ?

how many people joined? that's not much. is genshiken going to be all right? -何人入った?少ないねえ。げんしけん大丈夫?

―the manga club rented out a room, but it's still packed. they're really partying it up. -漫研、個室を借り切ったんだけど、それでもいっぱい。すっごく盛り上がってるよ

i heard. so you're the new chairman? -聞いたよ。会長になったんだって?

―even though i couldn't have done it since i'm too busy, i wish he would've to me about it, at least. -ま、僕に振られても忙しいからムリだったとは思うけど、一言くらいあってもよかったよね
216Genshiken07:2005/11/08(火) 01:01:03 ID:???0
i'll accompany him. -ボクがついてくよ

―why do you have to go, kohsaka? sasa-yan can go! -えー、なんでコーサカが?ササヤンがいるじゃん

we're taking our last orders. whould you like to order anything else? -あの、お料理の方ラストオーダーのお時間なんですが、いかが致しましょうか?

―please bring the check. -もう閉めてください

then, shall we test you? an entrance exam. how about, if you can beat kohsaka in a fighting game, we'll let you join?

―want to give it a try, then? for the sake of our new friendship, i'll go easy on you. -ちょっとやってみる?まあ、親睦を兼ねて軽くね

――no, you can just play like you always do. just like you did when played puyo puyo! -いや、軽くじゃなくて、いつも通りにやってくれればいいの。ぷよぷよの時みたいにいつも通りにね

even with video games, does it make you happy when your boyfriend wins? -やっぱゲームでも彼氏が勝つとうれしいもんかね

―you're not bad. -まあまあかなキミ

――you're telling me that after you get two perfect wins on me? -2試合パーフェクトで取っといてソレですか…

want to give it another try? -もっかいやる?

―of course! -やりますよ

i'm going to cheer him on. kohsaka, do your best! if you win this one, i'll give you a kiss! -応援するの。コーサカがんばって!次も勝ったらキスしてあげる

―why have you been yelling? -何さっきから大声出して

――of course i would! it has nothing to do with a test. a ki...something like that. -そら出すぞ!テストに関係ないだろ、キ、キ…とか

―――well then, if he can beat kohsaka, i'll give the newcomer a kiss. -それじゃ、コーサカに勝てば、新人クンにもキスしてあげるよ
217SAC08:2005/11/08(火) 02:44:36 ID:???0

―how old is...the girl? -あの娘……いくつ?

――she just turned 6. -まだ、6歳になったばかりよ

contack the coordinator that was responsible for the girl, the people at meditic. i'll head over with ishikawa and boma once i figure out the money flow.

―something on your mind? -何か気になることでも?

don't worry about it. everyone makes that mistake. it's hard for others to admit the fact. -いやいや、気にせんといてください。いつものことですわ。ジェイムスン型いうのは、どうも他人様には理解されまへんな

―you were here to ask about something? -何か確認したいことがあるっちゅうことでしたな

what kind of stereotype is this? going through all the work of using kansai dialect to express himself. -どんなステレオタイプよ。わざわざ下手な関西弁使って、自分を演出してんでしょ

―well who would've have thought that the most succesful chairman of the artificial organ business would be a cyborg that uses a jamieson robotic body.

――at this rate, he probably replaced his own organs as products to sell. -あのいきおいだと、自分の臓器まで商品に回しちゃったのかも

―――so, is it inside that metal box? we can't ignore that possibility i see. -で、あの箱に入ってる?ありえなくもないわね

tachikoma, are able to get to that car? -タチコマ。目標の車、追いつけそう?

―i could "catch" it, but it might be more apparent like that. -張り付くことはできますけど、逆に目立っちゃいますよ?

――just stay high up there, but get me the license plate number. -そのまま屋上伝いについて来い。ナンバープレートを確認しろ
218SAC08:2005/11/08(火) 02:46:17 ID:???0
togusa, stand-by the long-distance wireless to full range. measure out if there's any scanning virus spreading around or echoes.

―would't that be violating communication laws? -それって、電波通信法に抵触するんじゃ…

――this is an urgent situation. -局所的非常事態ってやつよ

people on the car identified. the fugitive is a research medical student. what should we do? -逃走車両特定、登録者も確認できました。逃亡者は、研修中の医学生のようですね。どうするんです?

―they seem to be headed to the harbor's storage factories. i should probably call on batou soon. -向こうはこのまま港の倉庫街に潜るつもりね。そろそろバトーを呼ぶか

aren't we just providing needy people with organs? anyhow, even if we get caught, my dad will help us out. -俺たちは義体化のままならない一般市民に激安で臓器を提供していただけじゃないか。それに仮に捕まったとしても、親父が何とかしてくれるって

―but what should we do with this for now? -でも、とりあえずはどうするんです?これ

――before they wake up, we can hide them in the car. the harbor is full of junk anyways it'll be safe there. nobody will know where the car is located.

―――i'm worried about that guy. he just fired a bullet at us. would they be those infamous mafia as of late? -さっきの男が気になる。いきなり銃を撃ってきたし。もしかして、集団拉致を起こしてるという海外マフィアじゃないのか?

force the target car to point D3. you can scare them as long as you don't kill them. -逃走車両をポイントD-3に追い込め。殺さない程度に脅かしていいぞ

―yo, yo, you sure you can let me do fun stuff like that? -おいおい。いいのか、そんなおもしれえことやって?

yo, good job don't you think? -よお、ケレン味たっぷりにしといてやったぜ
219SAC08:2005/11/08(火) 02:51:27 ID:???0
―good work. -ご苦労

――hey, don't you think you overdid it? -おい…ちょっとやりすぎなんじゃないの

from what i see, you're all pure body right? you can probably sell this for a lot of money. -見たところ全身生身だな。闇市場にバラ売りすれば、さぞ高く売れるだろう

―you think i would neogtiate pigs like you? -お前らのような青二才と取引をするとでも思うか?

――there are people who aren't reasonable in the dark side of the world. it's a good time to change your heart. you guys have money and education

she got machinerized around the same age as that girl. maybe this event was reminiscing for her...anything else happen?

―no...not really. just that...there are girls who want organs instead of mechanical parts and chairmans who throw their own organs away to get cyborg and mechanical bodies.

batou, did you buy muscle training goods again? i don't care what you buy with your salary, but that is a pretty bad habit.

―what? stop bossing me around and switch into a guy's body for a change. you'll get more power that way. you want to try me?

――if i use your brute force on yourself, a girl's parts are just fine. i can't wait for your report on the feelings of punching yourself.
220monster08:2005/11/08(火) 17:51:02 ID:???0
i remember you now. you're that worthless detective who couldn't solve a case. what do you want with me now?

―you're really something to have maintained this large mansion...even after the death of your father. -お父様の死後も、この大邸宅をこうして維持されているとは、たいしたものですね

――you came to see how much i've made...from my father's inheritance and the alimony? -父の遺産と離婚の慰謝料で、あたしがどれだけ儲けたか見に来たってわけ?

you can see for yourself. i want for nothing. if you see something you like, you're welcome to take it home with you.

―as long as i have my alcohol, that's enough for me. -私はお酒があれば、それで十分

i came because i have something to show you. this necktie. do you recall seeing it anywhere? you might not remember it...since it's an item from nine years ago.

―might you have...bought this as a present for someone? it'll be an important key to solving a certain murder case.

――who knows? i bought presents for so many men that i don't have time to remember every single one. all the men chasing me...are only after my money.

my daughter's wedding is next month. do you think i'll be able to make it? -来月、娘の結婚式なんだが、出席できますかね?

―yes, no problem. but please take it easy at the reception. -ええ、大丈夫です。でも、宴会でハメを外さないようにしてください
221monster08:2005/11/08(火) 17:53:00 ID:???0
did you lose some weight? i heard you took a sabbatical. yes, you should take a rest like that from time to time. you're a workaholic.

―did you lose some weight? -キミも少し、痩せたんじゃないか

i'm happy you feel that way about me,but...i can't accept it. -キミの気持ちはうれしいが…受けられないんだ

―i didn't say anything! the police came asking about your necktie, but...you did something bad with that tie, didn't you?

that necties was definitely the one i gave you as a present. i'll stay quiet as long as you do what i say!

―i have something i have to do. -僕には、やらなきゃいけないことがあるんだ

looks like there's a huge commotion over there. there's a lot of police cars out there, dr.tenma. -何だか、えらい騒ぎですね。パトカーが山ほど来てますよ、ドクターテンマ

―is that so? i wonder what happened? anyway, please drop me off in front of the station. -そうか?何があったんだろう。とにかく、駅の前で降ろしてくれ

what's that? isn't that newspaper three days old?  -何だいそりゃ?3日前の新聞じゃねえか

―they said another middle-aged couple was murdered, this time in verden. they said a doctor did it, didn't they?

――speaking of which, you said you were going to verden, didn't you? do you know someone living there or something?

―――yeah...i don't know if i'll meet him there...but i have to go.  -ああ、会えるかどうかわからないが…行かなくちゃならないんだ
222Samurai Champloo08:2005/11/08(火) 18:20:50 ID:???0
so, would you like a pear? my big bro would like to have a word with you. -ところでナシ食べます?うちの兄貴が話しあるみたいなんすよ?

―he trying to ask me out? why doesn't he ask himself? -ナンパってこと?何で本人がこないのよ?

――well, he's pretty shy. -いや、兄貴シャイな男なんすよ

yo, honey! me? i'm going to be big! and i mean, big. not only that, bigger than the biggest! -いよお、ハニー。俺か?オレはビッグになる男。とにかくビッグ。それどころかビガー、ザン、ビゲスト!

―exactly which part of you is shy? -どこがシャイなのよ…

so, you're the ass harassing all the samurai who wear glasses around here? -キサマだな?最近ここいらを荒らしているメガネ狩り侍というのは

―lying in wait for me? but those aren't real. your glasses are fake! which means, you're not jin! -待ち伏せか。だがな、そいつはモノホンじゃない。お前のメガネはニセモノだ。てことはな、お前はジンじゃない

i am indeed the type of guy who will use others as a stepping stone to get ahead. however, it's not my style to fight without a reason!

―enough with your pretentious talk! i will punish you! -御託はいい!オレが成敗してやる!

――anyway, ya gotta do what ya gotta do! -エニウェイ、やるしかない!

aerial strike! um...sword of the wind! that was all a part of my plan. but it was a useless fight. -空中殺法!えと…飛竜の剣!全て計算。だがムダな戦いでした

―i knew you'd come! shall we head over to grioppon hill? -やっぱ来てくれたか!ギロッポンの丘にでも繰り出すか

what the hell is this? it's blood red! -何だこりゃ?真っ赤じゃねえか

―it's wine. it's alcohol from across the sea. -葡萄酒よ。海の向こうからきたお酒
223Samurai Champloo08:2005/11/08(火) 18:22:50 ID:???0
do you know why i've brought you here? all of this will be my backyard someday. and that well be my future home, edo castle.

―so, will you be the "minister of heart"? -だからさ、今から俺の心の大奥にならない?

――um...i don't really know what you mean. -あの…よく意味が…

―――if you want to know more about me, you should read that. that is my unfinished memoir. i'm calling it the road to being big.

so, you've been going around attacking random samurai? -で、手当たりしだいに侍を襲ってるってわけ?

―it's not random! i know that the guy wears glasses, which is unusual, even here in edo. -誰でもじゃない!その男は、この江戸でも珍しいメガネをかけていることはわかってる

it's about jin...have you...heard anything about his past? -ジンのことなんだけど…なんかさ…昔のこととか聞いたことある?

―dunno. why don't you ask him yourself? -知らねえよ。やつに直接聞きゃいいだろ?

――well, it's a bit hard to ask. i wonder if he's really a bad guy. -うん…ちょっと聞きづらいのよね。本当は悪なのかな…

right this moment, the door opened. the door of fate! you couldn't wait until this evening and came looking for me, right?

i've been searching for you. in order to find you, i even stooped so low as to apprentice myself to that man, and waited. why did you betray him?! why did a man like you...?

―i am not the betrayer. however, i won't make any excuses. at any rate, it's true that i killed my master. -裏切ったのは私ではない。だが、言い訳はすまい。いずれにしろ、我が師を切ったのは事実
224Genshiken08:2005/11/08(火) 19:27:25 ID:???0
three times faster than normal! -通常の3倍だ!

―you're not that fast. -そんなに早くはない

――it's spring. don't you guys have anything better to do? that was a stupid question. -春だってのに。他にすることないわけ?いや、愚問だった

a gauf for a ral fan? -やっぱラルだけにガフ?

―well, yes. -ええ、まあ

――a gauf because it's spring? -春だけに、ガフ?

a jimmy for sasahara? would you normally start there? -ササハラはジミ?普通そっから行くかあ?

―i like the simplicity of a mass-produced mech. -おれ量産機の無機質差が好きなんで

――then what about the 'cannon? wow, in a sense, you're a true man! -んじゃキャノンとかも?ある意味男だなあ

you guys need to speak japanese! -お前ら日本語話せ!

―you're not interested in plamos, are you, kasukabe? -プラモなんて興味ないっスよねカスカベさん…

spring is actually the best time to make a model. the temperatures are drastic in the summer and winter, but most importantly, it's though to control the humidity.

―well...that's not what i was asking about... -いや…そんなこと聞いてないけど

oh, then why is autumn a bad tiem? because it gets cold before you know it and makes the painting process difficult.

―like i said, that's not what i asked about. -だから聞いてねえっつの
225Genshiken08:2005/11/08(火) 19:31:33 ID:???0
plamos, huh? in the end, they're just toys, right? -プラモねえ。要は玩具でしょ

―i can't let that comment pass. i'm sorry, but plamos and toys are totally different. these things need to be built. -それは聞き捨てならないねえ。悪いけどプラモと玩具は別物なんだ。これは自分で組み立てなきゃいけないから

――oh, so they're worse than toys. -あぁ、じゃ玩具より下なんだ

um...when you move it, can you move it at the joints? i mean...move the shoulder first, then the elbow, so that you don't put too much stress on the joints. well...for safety.

―whatever. -なんだかなあ…

why? why did you intentionally put it on such an unstable surface? was it on purpose? hey, was that on purpose? -何で?何でわざわざそんな不安定なとこ置くわけ?ワザと?ねえ、ワザと?

―no...i thought it'd look better higher up. that made me sweat. -いや…高い所の方が見栄えがいいかなと思って。何か汗掻いた

――hey, this is a no-smoking area. -あ、火気厳禁なんだけど

should we put them away? -片付けましょうか?

―don't mind me. -いいよ

i wonder if kasukabe wants to build one too? -作りたいのかな、カスカベさんも…

―that wouldn't happen. -そりゃねーだろ

――but...maybe i should invite saki, after all? -でも…やっぱり、サキさんも誘ってみようかな

um...would you like to build this with me, saki? since you've been around a lot lately, i thought you might be interested in plamos. -あの…よかったらサキさんも一緒に作りませんか?最近よく来てるから、ちょっとプラモに興味あるのかなと思って

―you've gotta be kidding me. ask someone else. -冗談、他当たって

――see? i told you it wouldn't happen. -ねえ?ありえないって
226Genshiken08:2005/11/08(火) 19:33:15 ID:???0
i'm sorry! i'll pay for it! let's go buy another one together, oaky? -ごめん!マジ弁償する!今度買いに行こう、ね?

―no, you don't need to repay me. -いえ、弁償なんてそんな

the gauf wasn't something she just bought from a store. it was something that ohno spent a week building.

―ohno's tears came from each one of the steps ohno had to take in building it. -その一つ一つ積み重ねた作業があるが故の、大野さんの涙なわけだよ

――it's not something that can be made up for by simply buying her another kit. -それは同じキットを買ったところで癒されるものではない

do you understand? ohno's tears signify the difference between plamos and regular toys that you can just buy with money!

―then i'll do something for you, anything, to make up for it. what do you want me to do? -じゃあ、あたしお詫びに一つ何でもするよ。何がいい?

as reference, how much did that thing cost? 3000 yen, huh?  -ちなみに、それって元はいくらなの?3000円かあ…

―it'd be a little difficult for me to do a full cosplay with that amount of money. i can just do a part of my body, right?

――a part of your body? then that might be good. -一部ですか?じゃあ、あれがいいかなあ

this is...! isn't this more outrageous than the one from last time? -これなあ…これ、なんか前のよりすごくない?

―it's made for maids and it looks even cuter. please do it, meow! -メイド仕様で、一段と可愛くなったと思いますけど。お願いしますニャン!

――"meow"?! dammit, i won't be triked into this! -ニャン?!えーい、ダマされるか!

―――hey, that's not fair! you promised! -ずるいです!約束したのに!
227SAC09:2005/11/08(火) 21:06:04 ID:???0
i heard there are people in this chatroom who have interesting conversations about the laughing man incident. who are they?

―i would think it'd be everyone present here. -ここにいる全員がそうなんじゃないのかな?

then how about, the reason behind the laughing man's sudden appearance in the failed assassination of the inspector general?

―yes, sensei...i believe he was just bored from doing nothing and had a little fun. -はーい、先生…それは、世の中が相も変わらず退屈でクソったれだからだと思います

enough from you. i know that, but what i'm saying is if there was a possibility that he wasn't the same laughing man as the one who appeared 6 years ago.

―you say "he"? we're not even sure if the laughing man's a guy or not. -彼だって。笑い男が実際に男かどうかもわからないのに?

―hold on please. i think if you researched enough you'd know, but he never referred to himself as the laughing man.

even so, it has to be a guy. from the video of the chairman kidnapping, i wouldn't think that was a woman's figure.

―easy. it could've been a mimicker. -たーんじゅん。義体って可能性もあるのに

whick reminds me, one of my sources tell me that the companies that got threatened in the past employed some assassins.

―and what source is that, you pighead? oyster? -それどこのソース?トンカツ?オイスター?
228SAC09:2005/11/08(火) 21:08:22 ID:???0
what's in it for the fake one? -にしたって、ニセモノ消して何になるんだよ?

―exactly. even if ti was the real laughing man, there's no way he'd get killed by assassins before the police found out it was him.

then let's say, he was killed by the real laughing man. -だったら、本物の笑い男によって殺されたってのは?

―i don't think so. like the police said, it was more likely to be multiple fakes, and split among the villains.

there's no point in discussing whether the two suspects from the two events are the same person or not. -今は6年前と今回の犯人が同じかどうかってことを推理しても意味無いわ

―the key to opening these mysterious events is to find the relation between the current assassination and the event six years ago...and the reasons behind it.

everyone seems to be running away from my topic, so let me provide you with some secret info provided from my source.

―the official police report stated the failed assassination attempt was caused by a virus sent by naano. is all false.

tell us what source. -そのネタのソースを明かせよ

―great, another source. and since J.D's here, i've heard the sources way too many times. -まただよ、ソース。ちなみにこの部屋にJDがお出ましになってから今まで何回ソースって言ったでしょう?

to tell the truth, i hacked into the scene of the crime. -実は僕、あの時間、現場にハッキングを仕掛けてたんです
229SAC09:2005/11/08(火) 21:11:43 ID:???0
i have some other secret information. after nanao got killed, i dived into the net...and found the group that got disbanded by nanao, the carnegie's, attacking the server.

―it's been upped to level six, and several simulations are left inside it. the fragmented slow-effect virus is still intact in there.

――but an this point, there was something suspicious about it. from nanao's simulation, the assassination of the inspector general was not included.

from all those simulations inside, what would be the reason for him to switch to the assassination simulation?

―are you saying nanao's also influenced by the hype of the assassination, and is also a mimicker?

――if not, there's no other explanation for him to switch to this plan that wasn't as organized as the other ones.

―――so who exactly announced to assassinate the inspector general? you went way too deep into this. -じゃあ、総監暗殺を予告したのは誰よ?あんた深読みしすぎだよ

then let me counter him with this question. why is it that there were no other computer hacking other than nanao?
230SAC09:2005/11/08(火) 21:12:29 ID:???0
―perhaps, nanao was the only one who planned to pull an event. and even if he failed, nanao would become known as the suspect that shocked the nation six years ago.

and who would be taking advantage of this situation? -その筋書きを書いて得をするのって、誰?

―it would probably be the poli... -それはやっぱり、警さ…

mister, you've circled around your explanation a lot, but you ended up pretty close to the answer. -あなた、随分と回りくどい説明してきたけど、かなりいい線まで辿りついてるんじゃない?

―at the scene of the crime, did you see my computer defense being crushed? -あの時現場で、私の身代わり防壁が吹き飛ばされたのを見た?

――you're...that woman that accused the S.P. for being the enemies. yes, i saw it. it was so close to destroying your defenses.

do you still have fragments of that video? -その断片とかって残ってる?

―yes...it's here. -ええ…これです

――i thank you for the fragment, but if you end up knowing too much, i can't promise your body in reality will be safe.

damnit. i wasn't able to trace it. huh? did you say something? -ちっ、トレースできなかったか…えっ、何か言った?

―don't tell me you were diving in the net all this time. damn that was dangerous! -もしかしてお前、今までずっと潜ってた?あぶねえなもう!

if it's just around this area, i can still drive while sleeping. so what were you saying? -別にこの辺りの運転なら、居眠りしながらでもできるわよ。で何?

―never mind. i'm not saying it again. -いいよもう。二度と言わねぇ
231monster09:2005/11/09(水) 14:04:28 ID:???0
by the way...was this man an excellent student? he would've appeared on your training grounds about five months ago.

he is a genius when he grasps a scalpel, but did he have a similar aptitude when he held a gun? -メスを握れば天才だが、銃を握ってもその素養はありましたか?

i don't like talking about my students. -教え子に関しては話したくないんだがね

have you ever taken any firearms training? so you were self-taught? -銃を習ったことは?我流で撃ってたくちか?

no. i've never fired a gun. -いいえ。撃ったことがないんです

not even once? -一度もか?

yes...i know this is a fool's eraand, but...you're the only one i can ask. -はい…無茶なお願いなのはわかっています…でも、あなたにお願いするしか

either way, i make everyone who comes to my home forget about their experience with guns up 'til now. -どのみち、うちにきたらそれまでの銃の経験は忘れてもらってる

however...this is the first time i've taken on someone who has never fired a gun. -だが…一度も撃ったことがない人間は初めてだ

it's hard to jump rope as well as you do. do you always keep watch like that over the training in the instructor's stead?

fine...i'll do it without you glaring at me like that. i have to do it. -わかったよ…そんなに睨まなくてもやるよ。私はやらなくちゃいけないんだ
232monster09:2005/11/09(水) 14:05:17 ID:???0
are you so exhausted that you don't even have any appetite left? eating is also a part of your training. -疲れきって食欲もないか?食うのもトレーニングのうちだ

is she your daughter...i mean, your niece? -お子さん…いや、お孫さんですか?

no. i shot her mother. right in front of her. it was in myanmar. -いや。あの子の母親は俺が撃ち殺した。あの子の目の前でな。ミャンマーでだ

so, what kind of "grade" did that man graduate with? -で、その男はどんな成績で卒業していきましたか?

with a perfect score, from a technical aspect. he became physically fit as well. above all, his concentration was exceptional.

but...it's different when you shoot a human being. it all depends on if you can shoot a man the first time. that's where the path diverges...as to whether or not you can use a gun.

i see. which way do you think he'll go? well, never mind that. so, do you know where he went? -なるほど。彼はどちらに進みますかね?ま、それはいい。で、彼の行方を知りませんか?

if you do know, i'd like for you to tell us. -知っているのなら、教えていただきたいですね

well? you know where he went, don't you? -どうなんです?彼の行方を知ってるんでしょう?

that, i cannot say. -それは言えない

very well. you may go. -結構です。お引取り下さい
233Samurai Champloo09:2005/11/09(水) 14:07:12 ID:???0
but...it's amazing. i mean, you've been at the hakone checkpoint for thirty years, and you've never let a trespasser slip through, right?

―how long do you plan on dawdling? hurry up and get back to work. -いつまで油売ってるつもりだ。早く職務に戻らぬか

a travel permit? what the hell is that? -手形?何だそりゃ?

―you seriously have no idea what that is? -本当に知らないの?

――i'm amazed you got into edo without one. -それでよく江戸に入れたものだ

you can't get through a checkpoint without a travel permit. do you have one, jin? -手形がないと関所は通れないの。ジンは持ってないの?

―i did one...but...i lost it. -無論、持っていた…が、無くした

――who the hell cares? if they stop us at the checkpoint, just cut them down. -構いやしねえ。関所で止められたら、切っちまえばいいんだろ

hey there, fellas. travel permits right here! -どう、兄さん方。手形あるよ

―travel permits...you mean for the checkpoint? -手形って…関所の?

――these are obvipusly fake. you actually thought you could get through the hakone checkpoint with these? -こいつは真っ赤な偽物だ。こんなもので、この箱根の関所を通れると思ったか?

so which head has the bounty on it? -で、どれがその賞金首だい?

―oh, bingo! but shit...he's sort of dead already. aw man, what are we going to do? this is seriously not good. -お、ビンゴ!って…もう殺しちゃったよ。あーあぁ、どうすんだよ。マジやばいって

――we have to fool them somehow... -今日中になんとか誤魔化さないと…
234Samurai Champloo09:2005/11/09(水) 14:08:21 ID:???0
so, what's this about a goblin that appears in the mountains? -で、その山に出る天狗ってのは?

―it attacks with the speed of the wind, and as yet, no one has escaped from it. whether they're assassins or common foot soldiers, there's no one who dares to go near that mountain.

――he wouldn't...just run away and leave us here, would he? -まさか…あたし達を捨てて逃げたりしないよね?

hey. you don't think...he got lost, do you? -まさか…道に迷ったりしてないよね?

you don't think...the goblings got him, do you? -まさか…天狗に捕まってたりしてないよね?

looks like he ran away. -逃げたか

―he couldn't have...can't we wait just a little longer? i mean, he could be right around the corner... -まさか…もうちょっとだけ。ほら、もうすぐそこまで来てるかも…

but i wonder what all that was? -しかし何だったのかしら、あれ?

―all that matters is we managed to get away in all the confusion. -どさくさ紛れに、関所越えが出来ただけでも良し

everyone continued to dance in their dreams. they forgot everything, and everything became an illusion. -誰もが夢の中で踊り続けた。そして全てを忘れ、全ては幻となった

―oh stray dog, full of pride, do you still remember? that summer of love when we ran, danced, and fought within the purple smoke?
235Genshiken09:2005/11/09(水) 16:58:59 ID:???0
this is the first time i've been in the club room alone with kasukabe. no wonder i'm feeling uneasy. -なんか落ち着かんと思ったら、初めてなんだな。部室でカスカベさんと二人きりなのは

―i've been around her for a year. why am i nervous? -一年も経っているのに何意識してんだか

――let's talk about something already. yeah, that's right. -さっさと何か話すべ。そうだ、そうだ

yuumei no koibumi! it's a masterpiece. but should i share my feelings for it with her? -幽明の恋文シリーズか!うん名作だ。だが、この感動を分かち合うべきだろうか?

―i'm so predictable...i know well enough that reality isn't as simple as choosing between two options. well, i'll casually...

that's a good book, isn't it? -それ、おもろいっしょ?

―she's ignoring me! no, even kasukabe wouldn't do something like that on purpose! -無視ですよ!いやいや、いくらカスカベさんでもそれはしないだろう!

――she's on volume 9! that's a really good part of the story. it's when toki and shiira finally reunite! -あぁ、9巻ね!たしかに特におもしろいあたりだね。トキとシーラがやっと再開するし

―――she must be too caught up in it. well, in a way, that makes me happy. -夢中なんだね。ま、ある意味うれしいか

this isn't good! if i don't start doing something, she'll think i'm being shady! -ダメだ、いかん!そろそろ何かしていないと怪しまれる!

―no, no, no, that wouldn't happen! what am i doing, making a joke and jabbing myself for it?! i can't pull this out!

can i turn on the TV? thank you. why am i thanking her? -テレビつけていいかな?サンキュー。て、何で感謝してる俺

―do you want me to turn it off? i should. it's loud, right? -消そうか?消した方がいいよね?うるさいし
236Genshiken09:2005/11/09(水) 16:59:59 ID:???0
this is odd. this isn't good...this is weird. where did it go? -あ、変だな。困ったな…おかしいな。どこいった?

―that's right! that's how it was! that was a close call! -あそっか!何だそういうことか!あぶね、あぶね

why am i leaving? why am i running away after pulling such a stunt? -出てってどうする?逃げてどうするよ俺?あんな小芝居までして

―but it'd be unnatural for me to go back so quickly. -とはいえ、すぐに戻るのも不自然

i just need to talk to her naturally. naturally. -もっとこう、自然に話しかけりゃいいだろうが。自然に

―would you like a drink? hey, it's in a can so there's nothing weird in it. -これ飲む?ほら、缶だから変なもの入ってないし

――no, that's not the issue. i have no erason to take anything from you. i don't want it! -いや、そんなことじゃなくて。もらう理由ないでしょ。いらない!

―――i see...huh? that's weird. am i off? -あ、そう…あれ?おかしいなあ。俺ズレてる?

she must be feeling uneasy too, now. she might feel sorry for saying 'no' in a rude way. and that it'd seem strange if she just left now. that's it! that must be it!

so, how are things? anything interesting happen? -最近どうよ?何かあった?

―like what? -何が?

like with kohsaka...and like with kohsaka... -コーサカとか…コーサカとか

―nothing. -別に

――anything out of the ordinary. -つつがなく?
237Genshiken09:2005/11/09(水) 17:01:11 ID:???0
do you have the next volume? -これの次ある?

―volume 10? yeah, we do! it's somewhere around here...i found it. here's volume 10. -あぁ10巻、あるある!たしかこの辺に…あぁ発見。はいこれ10巻

――does she dislike me that much? am i the andromeda strain? -そんなにイヤか?俺はアンドロメダ病原体か?

it'll fall out, right? will it fall out? even if it'll fall out, should she leave the room looking like that? -落ちるよなあ。落ちるかな?落ちるにしても、あのまま外に出るのはどうよ?

―i'd feel sorry for her if anyone but me saw it and laughed at her. i guess i'll just let her know if she's leaving and it hasn't fallen off yet.

――in a game, it's easy when there's only one choice to make. but when it's like that in real life... -ゲームなら選択肢が一つだと逆に安心する。でもそれじゃ、現実はなぁ…

there's no way! there's definitely no way! there is no heroine that has nose hair poking out! -いねえ!絶対いねえ!鼻毛の出てるヒロイン!

―not only should i let her know for her sake, i can't agree with such a thing on a personal level! -本人のためもあるけど、それ以前に俺的に納得できない!

――if i let it pass, i'll lose something spiritually. although i'm not sure what spirit i'm talking about. -認めてしまえば、何かに負けてしまうのだ、魂的に。何の魂かは知らんが

no, that's not the issue at hand at all! i'm distracting myself! -だからそういうんじゃなくて、いかに集中を促すかってことなんだよ!

―i've always been told that i can't concentrate at all. is this what they meant? i'm seriously experiencing it!

am i noticing her now? even though it's been a year already...or maybe...it's because...it's been a year. -意識か。一年経ったにもかかわらず…というかある意味…一年経ったからこそ…かもしれんなぁ
238SAC10:2005/11/09(水) 20:19:35 ID:???0
what are going to do? -なにする気なの?

―i'm going to give them...fear...and to accomplish that...i don't think someone would care if one life was lost.

batou, how is it? -バトー、どう?

―the decay is horrible. not even a veteran will be able to analyze it. -腐敗が酷い。ベテランの観察官でも初見で判断できんだろ

――that's not what i meant. i'm asking what you think of it? -違うわ。あなたがどう思ったか聞いてるのよ

it's got nothing to do with people with fetishes or sexual urges. this guy isn't enjoying any of his killings.

―how are you so certain about that? -何で断言できるんだよ?

――if you had to put it, it's his sence of responsibility. -そこに何かあるとすれば、それは義務感だ

―――i doubt that there's such a thing as a "responsible" serial killer. -そんな連続殺人あるかよ…

from what the american navy tell us, it is highly possible that he's the one behind it. -米帝から提供された情報によると今回のホシはこの男の可能性が極めて高い

―the logic behind this is, saying this man is the suspect? -この男がホシだって言う根拠は?

chief, if we know so much about him, then the wanted signs have been posted right? -課長、そいつのことをそこまで分かってるんだったらもう手配はしたんでしょ?

―not yet. just today, the CIA stroke a deal with national security to secretly capture and hand him over to them.

――that's political intervention right there! heck, why are we even working for the CIA? -それって立派な内政干渉ですよ!大体、何で俺たちがCIAの尻拭いなんか・・・
239SAC10:2005/11/09(水) 20:20:37 ID:???0
but, can i ask you something? are you hiding something concerning this series of crimes? -旦那、聞いていいかな?今回の件何か隠してることがあるんじゃないの?

―i'm interested in this topic too. -それは私も興味ありますねえ

――listen, when i find that bastard, it'll be the last time i see him. remember that. -いいか、俺が奴を見つけた時が奴とこの世の永遠の別れになる。覚えとけ

―――the show is getting interesting as we go on. -芝居がかってるねえ

you're not yourself today. got a fever or something? well, not that you ever had one... -今日はらしくないぜ。熱でもあるんじゃねえの?まあ旦那には縁のない話だろうけど…

―tougsa, this is an encrypted communication. listen quietly. if batou were to go berserk in this investigation, i want you to stop him.

nasty! even cold coffee doesn't wake you up now...is there something between batou and the suspect? -まず!冷めた缶コーヒーほど目が覚めるもんは無いな…何かあるんですかね?バトーとホシの間に

―i don't know. but he's definitely not at his normal mental state. -わからないわ。でもいつもの精神状態では無さそうね

――indeed. i understand, i'll do my best. damn, and no caffeine either. -確かに。判りました、できるだけやってみます。だあ、カフェインいらず

―――don't tell us if it's that bad... -まずけりゃ黙って予習でもしてろ…

i'm counting on you. -頼んだわよ

understood... -了解

damn...why the hell does he have to spread this kind of sound? -ちくしょう…なんだってわざわざこんなデータをばらまいてやがんだ奴は?

―that's his whole purpose. -奴にとってそれこそが目的だからさ
240SAC10:2005/11/09(水) 20:21:48 ID:???0
it's probably a device to let the victim see through the eyes of the suspect. -恐らく犯人の視覚情報を被害者に流すのでしょう

―so the victims could see how their own skins were torn off by the suspect? how cruel and merciless... -被害者は、自分が生きながらに生皮を剥がされていく様子を見せられていたと?

ishikawa, you find anything? -イシカワ、何か出た?

―yeah...the CIA's good. but there were records left inside the fort plugs. -ああ、さすがCIA。壁は堅かったが、フォートプラグにいくつか記録が残っていた

can't you find anything better than that? -その中にもっと突っ込んだ情報はない?

―what's this file? project "sunset"? -何だこのファイル?サンセット計画?

if you don't know it, i'll tell you what it is. it was a plan brought forth by the CIA in order to completely destroy the enemies morale and will go fight.

we sent in our workers into enemy grounds, and become friendly with the local people there. -工作員を深く敵地に潜り込ませ現地の人間と親しくなった上で

after that, we would kill the women and children in the cruelest method we could come up with. sunset was the name given to this guerilla warfare.

that's no battle plan. damn assholes... -そんなモンが作戦だって?ふざけてやがる

rumors say that most of the soldiers that participated in this project suffered severe mental problems later on.

―boma. does it say what day it was recorded? get a professional, find out the location, and tell me. it's possible she's still alive.

――it's almost tragic that she's still alive. -生きてるのが気の毒ってくらいだな
241SAC10:2005/11/09(水) 20:22:11 ID:???0
i won't let marco go on like this. i will find and kill him this time. -今度は逃がしゃしねえ!確実に奴の息の根を止めてやる!

―i see...if you took care of it, we wouldn't have to interfere now, would we? -そうか…君が処理してくれていたら我々も出向く必要はなかった

how about if you try asking some advice from me? that's why i'm here and following you guys from crime scene to crime scene.

―what do you think you can advise on? -てめえが何を言えるってんだ!

――there's sewer water flowing underneath. -この下には下水が流れているのじゃないかね?

ahhh, this is ome humidity! if we get this done, our team's value will go up. maybe we didn't do enough packing for this mission.

―stop complaining. at least you don't smell anything. -文句言うな。臭いが分からないだけマシだろうが

――well, we can know how it smells like by analyzing with our sensors...is it disgusting? boma's unhappiness rating 68%.

eeww...what the hell is this? -おおっと、何だこりゃ?

―he probably hid it in case of an attack from the outside. we're right. -外部からの襲撃に備えて隠しといたんだろう。当たったな

this humidity, this awful smell. that's right, this is the jungle that we fought in. -この湿気…この腐った水の臭い…そうだな、確かにここは俺たちの戦ったジャングルだ

―what are you mumbling about? -何独り言いってんだよ

kill me...please kill me...that's right. tear my skin off with that knife. -殺せ…俺を殺してくれ…そうだ。そのナイフで俺の皮を剥げ

―you bastard...you think you can escape from your duties? don't joke with me! -貴様…それでお前は任務から解放されるっていうのか?生言うな!
242Genshiken10:2005/11/10(木) 20:41:01 ID:???0
why am i at a place like this?! -なぜ俺はこんな所にいる?!

―that's the seventh time you've said that today. -それ今日7回目です

kuga-p drove us here, so he's fine, but what are the rest of you doing here? -クガPは車出してくれたからいいけど、なんであんたらもいっしょ来るわけ?

―well, i guess it's just how things turned out. -まあ、成り行きだよね

due to the restridtions from the rental place, our parasols will have to be close to each other, though... -ま、荷物番の関係上パラソルだけは近くね

―what's with this discrepancy in population density? -この人口密度の差はいったい…

――why am i over here? -なんであたしがこっち側なわけ?

ape... -サル…

―who in the world would help someone who calls him an ape? -サル呼ばわりするヤツを誰が助けるか

hey...you're all going to just sit there? -ねえ…このままじっとしてるつもり?

―well, i might as well do some previewing of comifes... -うん、せっかくだからコミフェスの下調べでもしとくか

――at a place like this? -ここでかよ

oh, so you've decided who to cosplay? which character are you doing? -コスプレ決めたんだ。どれやるの?

i thought she might be good... -これがいいかなって

hey, come on! play with me! they're playing gungal shiriori over there! -ねえお願い!遊んでよ!あいつらガンガルしりとりとか始めてんだよ

―hey, i want to play that too! -あ、僕もやりたいな
243Genshiken10:2005/11/10(木) 20:41:43 ID:???0
what the hell? what's the problem with that?! "sayla's good luck charm! in the novel version, amuro yearns for it! -なんでよ、いいじゃねえかよ?!セーラさんのお守り!小説版でアムロが欲しがんだぞ!

―that's too maniacal! not only is it from the novel, it seems too random! -マニアック過ぎる!小説版て上に、なんだかアブノーマルくさいぞ

――can't you just say "sayla mass?" -セーラマスでいいじゃねえか

―――no! i have to call her "sdayla-san"! it's a deep-rooted japanese tradition! i'm not budging! -ダメ!どうしてもセーラさんと言っちまう!日本古来の伝統だろうが!

since we came all this way, why don't you go out for a little bit? i'll watch over our stuff. -せっかくだから、ちょっと行ってくれば?荷物おれ見てるし

―ohno, you could at least play with the waves. -大野さんも、波打ち際で遊ぶくらいなら

――well then, for a little bit. -はあ、じゃ少しだけ…

i'm not going! going to comifes with a tan is...! -俺は行かんぞ!日焼けしてコミフェスなんて!

―ah, right, it's embarrassing, huh? -あぁはい、恥ずかしいんでしたね

yelling like that is bothersome to everyone around us. -大きな声は、回りに迷惑だよ

―hey, we're friends with that girl's older brother. and he's here too. -ちょっとキミ、あたしらこの子の兄貴の友達なんだけど、兄貴も来てんだよ

――it's not like you came here alone either, did you? let's not ruin this occasion by getting into a scuffle. -キミもさ、一人で来てるわけないんでしょ、こんなとこ。せっかくなんだからモメ事はやめようよ

this isn't good, i'm seriously falling for him! -やっべ、まじ惚れそう

―get away alredy! don't bring us trouble, you idiot! a guy who thinks he's gread because he can yell... -はい離れる!このバカ、トラブル持ち込むんじゃないよ!あんな声出しゃ偉いと思ってる男
244Genshiken10:2005/11/10(木) 20:44:15 ID:???0
you sure got away in a hurry... -早かったっスね、逃げるの

―i'm an undependable bodyguard. -頼りにならないボディーガードっすから

what are you doing at my place? -何でおれん家来るんだよ?

―who cares? let me stay for a while. hey, let me watch some of your videos. an anime. -いいじゃん、しばらく置いてよ。ねえ、何かビデオ見せて。アニメ

―you don't like them, do you? -はあ、お前嫌いだろ?

――it doesn't matter. don't try to act cool and show me a mainstream one. i want to watch something that reeks of otakuness. -いいから。カッコつけてヌルいの出さないでよね。激オタっぽいの見たい

kujian is fun, isn't it? -いいよね、くじアン

―what, you're going to try to become an otaku? -なに、オタクにでもなるつもりなの?

――well, i think i'm capable of becoming one. -まあ、素質はあるかなあみたいな

do you have any idea what they sell there? it's porn! -あそこで何売ってるか知ってるの?エロ本だ!

―yeah, yeah. you probably want to say that it's not all porn. but what is it that you guys buy? -はいはい、エロばっかじゃないって言いたいんだろうけど、キミらが買ってくるのは何?

do you want to take a look? there's a bunch in here. -どんなのか見せようか?ここいっぱい入ってるよ

―i really wanna see! -あ、超見たい!

――well then, tanaka, can you pull a few out? i don't want to touch something that's so corrupted. -じゃ、田中君出してくれる?あたしこんな汚れたもの触りたくないし

tens of thousands of guys like these rush into a hall with books like those lined up everywhere! -こういうのが所狭しと並べられたでっかいホールに、コイツラみたいのが何万人と押し寄せるわけだ!

―you speak as if you've been there before... -見てきたように言うね…
245Genshiken10:2005/11/10(木) 20:46:07 ID:???0
so why does it turn out like this? -また何でこういうことに?

―that's right! what are you doing here, girlfriend? -そうだよ!なんで姉さんがいるわけ!

――i'll say this again, but i don't intend on becoming an otaku, ever! i'm just here to keep an eye on her! -改めて言うまでもないけど、あたしはオタクになる気なんてこれっぽっちもない!あたしはコイツを見張るためだけに来てるんだからね!

why are those guys standing in line when it's so god damn hot? -なんでこんなクソ暑い中並んでんのコイツラ?

―how the hell should i know? -知るかよ

maybe it's impossible for you to become an otaku? -やっぱりムリなんじゃねえの?オタクになるの

―no, i'll become one! i definitely have the potential! -いやなるよ、あたし素質あるもん、絶対!

――someone in our club said this once, but...you don't become an otaku by trying. you're just one before you know it.

haven't you tried to become an otaku to match kohsaka? -姉さんはコーサカさんに合わせてオタクになろうと思ったことはないわけ?

―nope. well, i did try to play a video game with him...it backfired. -ないね。まあゲームくらいやろうとしたけど…挫折した

how much longer will you be staying at my place? -お前いつまでおれん家にいるんだ?

―i'll leave tonight. you idiot? how many years have we been siblings? you bought a lot today, didn't you? -今日出てくよ。マジ馬鹿。何年兄弟やってる?今日はいっぱい買い物したもんね

a blood-related sister isn't too nice to have... -なんかヤダな、実の妹…

―isn't it? there's nothing that great about it. -でしょ、別にいいことないんですよ

hey...your sister won't be coming to our college next year, will she? -なあ…お前の妹、来年うちの大学入るとかねえよな?

―she's stupid, so we don't have to worry about that at all. -あ、バカだからぜんぜん大丈夫っス
246monster10:2005/11/10(木) 22:13:08 ID:???0
come on, officer, let me go. i haven't taken anything yet, you know? -サツの旦那、勘弁してくれよ。オレまだ何もとっちゃいねえんだからよぉ…

―i'm not with the police. -私は警察じゃない

do you know anything about the murder in that house? -あの家で起きた事件について、何か知らないか?

―who knows? now, scram. later. -さあね?とっととオレの前から消えな。じゃあな

he's on the third floor of this cheap apartment building. -この安アパートの3階にいるよ

―how do you know that? -なぜそんなことを知ってるんだ?

――i've been looking at that councilman's house for about a month, ever since i targeted it. just when i was about to take action, this guy appeared. -あの議員の屋敷は、目つけてから1ヶ月もリサーチしてたのさ。そろそろ決行て時にヤツが現れた

you used that gun because someone asked you to, didn't you? a certain man? -あなたは、誰かに依頼されてその銃を使ったんじゃありませんか?ある男に

―a man...oh yes, he started talking to me at a bar one day. -男…ああ、ある日バーで声をかけられたんです

a blond man, around twenty years old? -金髪の二十歳くらいの成年?

―oh yes, we became good friends after meeting several times. he invited me to his house, the house of councilman springer.

so, he stayed at that house until just recently? -彼は、つい最近まであの屋敷に?

―yes, he said that for about a year, he was treated like a son there. -ええ、一年ほど前から息子同然に可愛がってもらってるって

but i simply couldn't forgive the one thing they did. there was a bed of sunflowers in front of the councilman's mansion, but he got rid of it to make a curb.
247monster10:2005/11/10(木) 22:13:44 ID:???0
―when i said that it was a terrible thing to do, erich agreed with me. -あれは酷すぎるって言ったら、エーリッヒもその通りだって言いました

――you didn't kill him just for that, did you?! -まさか、そんなことで殺したのか?!

hey, more importantly, do you know where the safe in that house is located? -あのよ、そんなことより、あの屋敷の金庫の場所知らねえか?

―i believe it was at the back of the study on the second floor. -たしか、二階の書斎の奥です

did you know that the past can be erased? you can erase all of it, if you do not like it. you can "reset" your life. -知ってますか?過去は消去できるんです。気に入らなければ、全て消し去ることができる。人生はリセットできるんです

―i don't think so. you may try to forget, but you cannot erase the past. -私はそうは思わない。忘れようとすることはできても、過去を消すことはできない

――you're right...why did i think so? why did i think that, by pulling this trigger, i could erase the past? why did i listen to him?

what's the deal with dying? everything's over when you die. being alive is what it's all about, right, doctor?

―yeah, you do say good things sometimes. -ああ、たまにはいいことを言うんだな

won't you hand over the 25 thousand marks you owe us, heckel? -借金25万マルク返してくれないか、ヘッケル?

―mr.grosz, i have every intention of repaying the money. -グロスさん、返すつもりはあるんだ

――that's good...at least, the thought makes me happy. just break both of his arms for now. -うれしいね…その気持ちだけでもうれしいよ。とりあえず両腕へし折っとけ
248monster10:2005/11/10(木) 22:14:55 ID:???0
earlier, you called what i did an "act of indiscriminate terrorism," didn't you? don't give me that crap...there's a meaning behind my actions.

―i'm feelin gso good that i'm ready to die at any time...because i was able to kill the CEO of the GWE company. -俺はあのGWE社の会長を殺すことができて…いつ死んでもいいくらいスッキリしているんだ

i don't want to die...i don't want to die...i don't want to die... -死にたくない…死にたくない…死にたくない…

―are you scared? are you scared of dying?! everyone died that way. the twelve people you killed all died that way! that's what it means to kill someone!

a hospital? what the hell are you thinking? i'll shoot if you don7t put him down! -病院だと?何考えてんだ?!降ろさないと撃ち殺すぞ!

―if you want to shoot, then shoot. if you are going to shoot me, then you take this man to the hospital. -撃ちたければ撃て。もし私を撃つなら、お前がこの男を病院へ運べ

then you're saying you didn't bring anyone else into it? -じゃあ、巻き添えになった人間はいないというのか?

―you mean...the kid at the shop... -あの…売店にいた子か…

――so you knew that you shot that child. -やっぱり知っていたんだな、あの子を撃ってしまったこと

why did you save a man like me? it wasn't because you were afraid of getting shot, was it? your eyes weren't those of someone who feared getting killed.

―why did you save a murdering, indiscriminate terrorist? -なぜ、こんな無差別テロの人殺しを助けた?

――because i believed...that you are human. -信じたからだ…お前は人間だって
249Samurai Champloo10:2005/11/10(木) 23:39:31 ID:???0
you guys came along at a good time! i was in real need of some extra help. -いやあ、ちょうどよかった。人手不足で困っていたところなのですよ

―now, once you've finished wiping things down, please polish the buddha. is that all right? -さて、雑巾掛けが済んだら、仏様を磨いて差し上げてください。よろしいですね?

young lady, think carefully. if you can see the samurai killer, that means he can see you too. -お嬢ちゃん、よく考えてみな。辻斬りを見るってことは、相手にも見られるってこった

―no one has survived that kind of encounter. -そんなヤツ、生きちゃいられないぜ

――i guess not...but aren't there are clues? -そっか…でもなんか手掛かりないかな?

hey, who's the best around here? -おい、ここいらで一番腕の立つ野郎は誰だ?

―what are you asking that for? -どうすんのよ、そんなこと聞いて?

――well, he'll be the next target, right? -そいつが次に狙われるってこったろ

yes, there was a corpse. and it was a really odd corpse, too! -ええ、来ましたよ、死体。それが不思議な死体でね

―there were no external cuts or wounds, but he was just lying there, dead, with blood oozing from his eyes and ears...every orifice in his body.

then...how was he killed? -じゃあ…どうやって殺られたの?

―well, that's the thing. if they knew that, this would have been solved long ago. -さあね。それがわかればとっくにお縄になってるでしょうって

you won't get much for that, but that might be best for the time being. -それじゃあたいして飲めねえが、まあその方がいいかもしれねえや
250Samurai Champloo10:2005/11/10(木) 23:40:09 ID:???0
you won't get much for that, but that might be best for the time being. -それじゃあたいして飲めねえが、まあその方がいいかもしれねえや

―haven't you heard? it's become really dangerous around here lately. -聞いてねえですか?最近この辺りは物騒でね

you talking about the samurai killer? -辻斬りか?

―yeah, my business is suffering because of him! -ええ、お蔭でこちとら商売上がったりですわ

you know anything? he seems to select only strong guys. i wonder why... -おまえ知らねえか?わざわざ強い奴ばかり狙うらしいぜ。なんでかね…

i once heard this story...lomg ago, there was a famous mountain climber on the continent. that man climbed a very tall mountain.

but no one had ever seen that mountain before, so they didn't understand what an accomplishment it was. -しかし誰もその山を見たことがなくて、それがどれほどすごいのか理解できなかった

reluctantly, that man climbed even higher mountains, day after day, just to prove how amazing he was to others. -男は仕方なく、さらに高いとされる山に登り続ける。来る日も来る日も、自分の凄さを皆に認めさせるために

then one day, that man, having spent too much time in the mountains, turned into a monster. -そしてついに、その男は山に住み着き、魔物になってしまった

say, about your hand...you ran into the samurai killer, didn't you? -おい、その手…辻斬りに会ったんじゃないのか?

―yeah. he had some weird-ass sword. and a fierce wind came out of it. and if you're struck by that wind... -ああ。妙な刀を持ってやがった。その刀から、なんかすげえ風が吹いた。その風があたると…

――it's just as i feared. that samurai killer is most likely a man named shoryuu. he was my disciple. -やはり。その辻斬り、おそらく昇竜と呼ばれる男。私の弟子だった男です
251Samurai Champloo10:2005/11/10(木) 23:40:38 ID:???0
it was a technique called hakkei. it's not brute strength, but the strength of the ki inside you that allows you to defeat your opponent. i learned that technique after intense training.

―but, what of the predicament of this country's warriors? i want to teach the true martial arts to those foolish samurai who can only swing a sword and live an easy life in this peaceful world.

to attack a person who offers no resistance, and not only that, but to kill him...what do you think martial arts are?!

―martial arts, once mastered, are techniques for killing people. in other words, to take away your opponent's life completely.

i now announce your expulsion. -破門を申し渡す

―expulsion? me?! why? -破門?この私が?!何故だ?

――that you do not understand is why you are expelled. -それがわからぬから破門なのだ

―――do you fear being defeated by me? is that the reason you expel me? you coward! -俺に倒されるのが怖いか?だから俺を破門にするのか?この腰抜けが!

it makes me happy...the thought of fighting against someone like that. -うれしいねえ…そんな野郎と殺り合えるなんてよ

why do you fight me? because there is a bounty on my head? -あなたはなぜ私と戦う?私が賞金首だからか?

―that doesn't matter anymore. right now, i'm just having too much fun. -んなもん、もう関係ねえ。俺は今な、楽しくてしょうがねんだよ

――as am i. but...will be bringing things to an end soon. -私もだ。しかし…そろそろ終わらせてもらうぞ
252SAC11:2005/11/11(金) 00:27:07 ID:???0
want to play catch? it's still bright outside. -どうだ、キャッチボールでもやらないか?外はまだ明るいし

―he panics when his glove is lost. and no one here wants to go outside. -こいつ、ミットがなくなるとパニックになるんだ。それに今じゃ外に出たいなんて思う奴は居やしないんでね

this facility uses people with cyberbrain closed shell syndrome to program and disassemble protection mazes.

―if there's someone in here who can make use of that technology...we can explain the clever hacking done to the ministry of health, labor, and welfare.

i see. so, are there any clues as to who did it? -なるほど。それで、犯人の目処は?

―no, not yet. but there are heavily armored cyborgs here. it's a weird facility. -それが、まだ。ただ、やたらと重装備のサイボーグが居たりで。妙な施設です

oh, major, there's one more thing that caught my attention. who do you think "leader" refers to? -ああ少佐、あとひとつ、気になることが。団長って、何だと思います?

―i see, we'll try to find details about that. you try to gather information about that person before your next periodic report.

i thought what i'd do was. i'd pretend i was one of those deaf-mutes or should i? what's this? -僕は耳と目を閉じ、口をつぐんだ人間になろうと考えた。が、ならざるべきか?なんだこりゃ?

wow, that's good. it looks like a photograph, but you're not going to paint it on that canvas? -へぇ、大したもんだな。まるで写真だ、でも本番は書かないんだな

―do you know who this "leader" is? -君は団長って人のこと知ってる?

――he's going to create a beautiful world. he's going to look at a new heart. -美しい世界を作るの。新しい心を見るの
253SAC11:2005/11/11(金) 00:27:52 ID:???0
you guys can read quasi-image programs? -君達、擬似画像プログラム読めるのか?

―what, you can't? then try connecting with his brain. you'll see something interesting. -なんだ、あんた読めないのか?だったら、こいつの脳と繋がってみなよ。面白いものが見られるぜ

we can't have this. are you spying on us while leaving the one you're in charge of alone? -困ったわね。担当をほったらかして、スパイ活動?

―you won't find any information on the leader even if you search there. -そんなところを探しても団長に関する手掛かりは見つからないわよ

――looks like i'm in no position to make excuses. -言い訳できるような状況じゃありませんね

hold on a sec. if we fight here, this precious picture will... -ちょっと待ってくれよ。ここでやり合うと、折角の絵が…

―are you trying to fight me with that? -そんなもので戦う気か!

――i was trying to warn you not to let the picture go to waste...unlike electronic information, it can't be copied. -だから、絵を粗末にするなって…電子情報と違って、複製がきかないんだからさ

major, all the terminals in the facility went online just now. they're trying to crack our acces code. -少佐、今しがた施設内の端末が、一斉にオンライン状態になりました。こちらのアクセスコードを解凍しようとしてます

―did they find out? -内偵がバレた?

――shut off all the lines. -すぐに回線を切れ

something bad happened, someone from the outside found out. a lot of adults will be coming here soon. i have to get out of here before that happens.

―you were able to get through these situations before. we'll protect you this time, too. -今までうまくやってきたじゃないか。今度も俺たちが護ってやるよ
254SAC11:2005/11/11(金) 00:36:17 ID:???0
no, i had to leave here soon anyway. -いや、そろそろ僕はここを出て行かなくちゃならなかったんだ

―are you going erase onba's and my memories as well? so, i can't cheer you on from virtual city alpha anymore. -じゃあ、俺やオンバたちの記憶も消していくのか?ヴァーチャルシティアルファから君を応援することも、二度とできないんだな

――okay, but we don't want to forget about you. can you leave something behind? -解った、でも俺たちは君のことを忘れたくない。そのために何かを残していってくれ

so, is there any proof that the boy togusa was speaking of, aoi, existed? -で、トグサの言っている、アオイという青年が実在した証拠は?

―we couldn't find any. it's possible that the facility's computers and the staff's memories were tampered with...

what about the picture that girl was drawing? -もう一つの、少女が描いていたという似顔絵は?

―we couldn't find that either. -それも発見できなかった

is that why he's going to turn in a picture of a boy instead of a report? -あいつ、それで報告書代わりに似顔絵を?

―yeah, a handsome boy in a wheelchair with a southpaw catcher's glove. he's going to draw that using the memories left in his cyberbrain.

――a southpaw catcher's glove? in internet slang that means, "although it seems it might exist, it doesn't." -左利きのキャッチャーミットねえ?それは存在しそうで実際にはあり得ないって意味のネット隠語だよ

i don't know about that. don't wet your pants, it's one of my best works. -そいつはどうかな?驚くなよ、会心の出来だぞ

―what the heck is this? -なんだ、こりゃ?

――looks like you got a weird memory inserted from some weird place. -あなた、とんだ所でとんだ記憶を噛まされてきたようね
255monster11:2005/11/11(金) 21:53:35 ID:???0
what?! you just came to find out more about mr.liebert? dammit, you're not a customer... -え、リーベルト氏のことを調べにきただけ?なんだ、客じゃないのかよ…

―i'm sorry...i needed to find out something. -すいません…どうしても知りたいことがあったので

didn't the lieberts have twin children? -リーベルトさんには、双子の兄弟の子供がいませんでしたか?

―oh, i remember! those twins that mr.liebert took in from the prphanage. -ああ、思い出した。リーベルトさんが孤児院から引き取った、あの双子

what's that orphanage? -その孤児院は?

―we, i think...well...511...i think it was 511 kinderheim. -えーと、たしか…うーん…511…あぁそうだ、511キンダーハイムだと思うな

do you know any children from this orphanage, or anyone else who was involved with it? -この孤児院の関係者の方、知りませんか?

―anyone? of course there's no one left. i'd rather not talk about this. my, it's so creepy. -関係者?そんなもの残ってるわけないだろ。このことは話したくないね。ああ薄気味悪い…

that incident? what happened at that orphanage? -事件?その孤児院で何が起きたんです?

―you said you wanted to hear about the twins? -あなた、あの双子のことを私に聞きたいとおっしゃいましたね?

you know something about those two, don't you? -何かご存知なんですね?二人のこと

―i don't know much about the girl because she was sent to an orphanage in a different district. but i know about the boy, johan. -妹の方は、別の地区の孤児院に預けられましたから、よくは知りません。しかし、兄のヨハンのことはよく知っている

what was the incident? johan...what did...johan do? -何ですか事件て?ヨハンが…ヨハンが何をしたんです?

―a revolution. -革命ですよ

dieter, we have a guest. be polite and hello. dieter, what's with that attitude? why don't you greet him? -ディータ、お客様だ。ご挨拶しなさい。ディータ、何だその態度は?ちゃんとご挨拶しないか
256monster11:2005/11/11(金) 21:55:14 ID:???0
―ah, well, we've already met out front earlier. anyway, can you tell me more...? -いや、もうさっき家の前で会ってるんです。それで、今の話の続きなんですが…

――sorry, i'd rather not speak of it in front of the child. -いや、子供の前では勘弁してください

mr.tenma, if you're a freelance hournalist, you're going to turn these stories you've researched into articles, right?

―then i'd like you to write this down, nice and clearly: the growth of a child depends completely on the adults who raise the child.

he fell. he was on top of a chair and... -落ちたんです。イスの上に乗っていて…

―where does it hurt, dieter? what are all these scars?it hurts right here? -どこが痛いんだ、ディータ?何なんだ、このたくさんの傷跡は?ここが痛むのかい?

――he has two broken ribs. and he's dislocated his left shoulder...how did all of this happen, just by falling off a chair? -肋骨が2本折れている。それに、左肩を脱臼している…イスから落ちただけでどうやってこんなケガを?

the ambulance should be arriving shortly. so, we're fine now. -救急車はじきに来るそうです。だから、もう大丈夫です

―yes, but what are all these scars? -はあ、しかしこの傷はいったい?

i said we're fine. so, please go now. -大丈夫といったでしょう。だから、もうお引取りを

―these wounds...how did they end up all over his body? -この傷は…この体中の傷はいったいどうしたんですか?

more importantly, mr.tenma, shouldn't you run? i called the police along with the ambulance. -そんなことよりテンマさん。逃げた方がいいんじゃないですか?救急車といっしょに、警察も呼びましたよ

―you did this, didn't you? -あなたがやったんですね?

did? did what? -やった?何を?
257monster11:2005/11/11(金) 21:55:37 ID:???0
―you are abusing dieter. -あなたは、このディータに虐待を加えている

abuse? you shouldn't use such terrible words. right, dieter? -虐待?人聞きの悪いことを言わないでほしいな、なあディータ?

―what are you going to do? -どうするつもりだ?

――i'm taking this child to the hospital. -この子を病院へ連れていきます

you've never been to the hospital, with all those injuries?! -体中ケガしてるのに、病院に行ったことがないのか?!

―i'm scared...the world today is filled with bad things. that's why i have to be stronger. -怖い…今の世の中は、悪いことでいっぱいなんだ。だからボクは強くならなくちゃいけないんだ

did mr.hartmann tell you this? -ハルトマンさんがそう言ったのか?

―the world is pitch black. tomorrow is pitch black. -世界は真っ暗だ。明日は真っ黒だ

――that's not true. it's a big lie that the world is pitch black. tomorrow will surely be a good day. -そんなことはない。世界が真っ暗だなんて大嘘だ。明日はきっと、いい日だ

now, what to do...? first of all, where should dieter go? -さあ、これからどうする?まずは、ディータの身の振り方だが…

―even if he were to go to the police, i could not go with him. -警察へ行かせるにしても、私はついていけないし

there's a child you want us to take in? and who are you? suddenly coming in here at this time of night... -引き取ってほしい子供がいるだって?で、何なんだいアンタは?こんな時間にいきなりやってきて…

―i understand that the child is being abused. but if i don't know who you are...i can't take in a child from a stranger like yourself.

――is this the orphanage in which anna liebert was cared for? -あの、もしかしてこちらは、アンナリーベルトがお世話になっていた孤児院では?
258Samurai Champloo11:2005/11/11(金) 23:21:10 ID:???0
while it's really none of my concern...this canal is not as deep as it appears. if you want to drown yourself, you'll have better luck elsewhere. -余計な世話だが…この堀、見かけよりかなり浅い。身投げするなら、他の場所にする方が賢明だ

―does it look as though i want to drown myself? i was just looking at the canal. -身投げするように見えた?ただ、堀を見てただけよ

what? don't you believe me? oh dear, did i really look so gloomy? -何?疑ってる?やだ、そんな陰気な顔してたのかな。

―i...wouldn't do anything that might be painful. thank you for the warning. so long. -ほんと…そんな痛そうなことしないからさ。ご忠告ありがとう。じゃ

that was a great meal. this will be a nice memory. bye. -ごちそうさま。これもまあ、いい思い出になったわ。じゃ

―i'll be...working at a brothel, starting tomorrow. so...today is the last day i'll be able to walk around in freedom.

――my husband built up a large debt, so in order to pay that off...well, it happens quite ofte, doesn't it? -旦那が借金こさえて、その形にね…まあ、よくある話よね?

you came all the way here just to return that to me? -それ返すためにわざわざ来たの?

―i can't venture out into the world anymore. it no longer matters to me whether it's raining water or arrows outside. -私はもう外の世界には出られない。外で雨が降ろうがヤリが振ろうが関係ないの

c'mon! if you don't win, no dinner for you! -うりゃあ!勝たねえと、メシ抜きだぞ!

―why do i have to come and watch bugs bash into each other? -なんであたしが虫のど突き合いなんか見なきゃなんないのよ?

did i forget something else? then did you come to play? -あたしまた何か忘れ物した?じゃ、遊びに来たの?

―i'm sorry...but you're going to get in the way of business. -ごめん…悪いけど、商売の邪魔になるから帰って
259Samurai Champloo11:2005/11/11(金) 23:22:15 ID:???0
that money...lend it to me. -その金…貸してくれ

―what are you going to use it for? -何に使うのよ?

――i'm going to buy a woman. -女を買うんだ

why in the world would he go for another woman when i'm around? -だいたいね、あたしというものがありながら他の女に

―you saying you wanna be his woman? -じゃあ、お前が相手するってのか?

would you like some sake? -お酒でも飲む?

―it's okay...just like this. -いいんだ…このままで

――but...you spent so much money. it doesn't look like it's going to stop raining, does it? -でも…せっかく高いお金払ってるのに。雨止みそうもないわね…

i hope it never stops. then...i could stay here forever. you're not supposed to laugh. -この雨がずっと止まなければいい。そしたら…ずっとここにいられる。笑う所ではない

―but...no one talks like that anymore. -だって…今時そんなこと言う人いないよ

shino, isn't this job difficult for you? -シノさん、この仕事辛くないのか?

―well, of course there are times when it's difficult. but, you see, i laugh...when i'm really sad. it hurts, so i laugh the pain away. -そりゃ、辛いことだってあるわよ。でもね…私は本当に悲しい時、笑うのよ。悔しいから笑い飛ばしてやるの

let's get out of here. you souldn't have to do this anymore... -ここを出よう。これ以上こんなことを…

―don't be silly. do you have any idea how much it costs to buy a woman from a brothel? -簡単に言わないで。女郎の身請けにいくらかかるかわかってるの?

why don't you stop gambling and do some honest work? -博打なんてやめて、真面目に働いたらどうなの?

―you want a divorce? sorry, but i'm not planning on letting you go just yet. -別れてえか?あいにく、まだお前を手放す気はねえぞ
260Samurai Champloo11:2005/11/11(金) 23:22:58 ID:???0
you can't honestly say that you've fallen for her?! -まさか、本気で惚れちゃったとか言うんじゃないでしょうね

―jin...are you planning on running away with her? -ジン、駆け落ちでもする気なの?

――if i don't come back...the two of you should go on without me. -もし、私が戻らなかったら…後は二人で旅をしてくれ

we're leaving this place. on the other side of the river is a temple that shelters women. if you seek refuge there, you might be saved.

―it wouldn't work. even if i found refuge there, i'd be a prisoner. i wouldn't be able to leave for three years. -ダメよ。駆け込めたとしても、また囚われの身。3年は出てこれないわ

――i wouldn't even be able to see you, like i can now. if that's the case, i'd rather stay here and wait for you... -こうやってあんたと会うこともない。それなら、ここであんたを待つ…

that time, on the bridge...you were planning on dying, weren't you? -あの時、橋の上で…本当は死ぬつもりだったんじゃないのか?

―yes. if you hadn't passed by, right now, i'd be...i'll go with you. -そうよ。あの時、あんたが通り掛かんなかったら、今頃あたし…行くわ、いっしょに

you aren't...really going to leave me, are you? -お前、まさか…俺から逃げようってんじゃねえだろな?

―i won't allow you to continue to use me like that. i'm...going to take my life back. -あんたに振り回されて生きるのは、もうご免だよ。あたしは…人生取り返すんだ

――that was the price of the woman who used to be your wife. -それが、あんたの女房だった女の値段だよ
261Genshiken11:2005/11/12(土) 01:59:52 ID:???0
how about we head out now? -そろそろ行こうか?

―hey, are we actually having a serious meeting today? -今日は真面目なミーティングなの?

it seems that way. -らしいよ

―it's not going to be that nth something meeting? -なんたら会議じゃなくて?

does it still hurt? -まだ痛い?

―yeah, i have a lump there now. you need to clean your room. -うん、コブできた。片付けようよ部屋

――yeah, i'll get to it eventually. -うん、そのうちね

why were we having a meeting today, again? -今日って何の集まりだっけ?

―it's about the school festival. um...as for our display this year...it'll be the same as last year. adjourned. -学園祭についての話し合いです…じゃ、今年の出し物ですが…去年と同じです以上

are you guys really okay with that? what's the manga club doing? -それでいいの?漫研とかどうなの?

―ah, well...it seems that the manga club and the anime club are jointly hosting a large event. -ああ、なんかね…漫研とアニ研合同で、ちょっと大規模なイベント仕切るらしいよ

――this group really is useless...why don't we just fold genshiken? -ほんといらねえよなこのサークル…いっそのこともうげんしけん自体やめようよ

lucky for you it was an empty box. -空き箱でよかったね

―it hit me in the same spot. it hit me in the same spot! we're doing a big cleanup! -同じとこ当たった。同じとこ当たった!大掃除するよ

what are you saying all of a sudden? -何いきなり?

―i've already decided! we're doing it!  -いやもう決めた!するよ!
262Genshiken11:2005/11/12(土) 02:01:43 ID:???0
i'm sick of this! this is a stupid meeting anyways. you don't mind, do you?! -もうやなのこんなの!いいでしょどうせくだらない会議してんだから

―if you guys don't clean up, i'm not coming anymore! -掃除してくんなきゃ、あたしもうこない!

――well, i wouldn't particularly mind that... -いやあ、それはそれで別に構わないと思いますけど…

and one important thing: let's throw away all the perverted stuff! especially the doujinshi over there. -あと大事なこと。エロいもん捨てよう!特にあの辺の、同人誌とか

―well, there might be some things that have a premium on them and are worth a lot. -いやあ、あの辺もプレミアついて、高いのもあるかもよ

oh, really? then let's sell them. -あ、そうなんだ?じゃ、売ろうよ

―she's demom... -鬼だ…

1987?! how many years ago is that? -87年?!何年前だ?

―genshiken has been around that long? -その頃からもうあったんだ、げんしけん

how old is the first chairman now? -初代会長って今…

―don't ask. we'll assume he wasn't around. -言うな。いなかったことにしよう

we don't need to throw them away right now... -何も今すぐ捨てんでも…

no way! things like these need to be thrown away swiftly. -ダメ!こういうのはチャッチャッと捨てるの

people like her end up becoming splendid mothers in the future... -ああいうのが将来立派な母親になるんだぜ…

they just throw things away without asking. -勝手に捨てるんですよねえ

and they call plamos toys and break them. -プラモを玩具って呼んで壊すしな
263Genshiken11:2005/11/12(土) 02:03:18 ID:???0
this water smells funny... -なんかこの水臭いんですけど…

―i'm sorry. moreover, why are you standing there? -ごめん、ていうかなんでいるのかなあ

shouldn't we call an ambulance for this? -これって、救急車呼んだ方がよくね…?

―was someone hurt? -誰かケガしたんですか?

――he means the fire engine... -消防車だろ…

―――um, i'd like to be rinsed with water, too. -あの、私も水浴びたいんですけど

i've been like this ever since i had water dumped on me by saki... -この間サキさんに水ぶっかけられて以来、この状態なんですけど…

―huh? does that mean you can't cosplay, ohno? -あれ、ってことは大野さんコスプレできない?

if i have a week, i can make just about anything. and regardless, i already have one made for you, kasukabe.

―so that you'd have one to wear if you ever felt like it. i saw you at the beach. -もしその気になったらいつでも着れるように。海の時見たし

――it's close enough... -誤差はあるけど…

―――tanaka is incredible... -田中恐るべし…

do i really have to do it? -どうしてもやんなきゃダメ?

―here it is! she's doing her tearful pleading act! -キター!泣き落としキター!

i admit it was my fault...but cosplaying has nothing to do with it...even so, do i still have to cosplay? -たしかに私が悪かったけど…でもコスプレは関係ないじゃない…それなのに、どうしてもやんなきゃ…

―give it up. -ダメ
264SAC12:2005/11/12(土) 02:41:09 ID:???0
hey, you, have you seen locky? locky is my dog's name. he's lost... -ねえあんた、ロッキー見なかった?ロッキーはわたしの飼ってた犬の名前なの。迷子になっちゃったけど…

―will you help me look for him? -いっしょに探してくれない?

that can't...doesn't that dog look like locky? what do you think? is this locky? -もしかして…あの犬ロッキーと近いんじゃないかな?どう?この犬ロッキーじゃない?

―that's not him, locky isn't that skinny. -違うわよ。ロッキーはそんなやせっぽちな犬じゃないわ

hey, tachikoma! that's mean! -こら、タチコマ!かわいそうでしょ

―mean? but that's not the dog we want. that's wasn't locky, was it? -かわいそう?でも、いらない犬だよ。ロッキーじゃないんでしょ?

even though it wasn't locky, you shouldn't be so cruel, understand? -ロッキーじゃないけど、いじめちゃいけないの!わかった?

―that wasn't cruel, we just don't need it. -いじめてないよ、いらないだけ

――enough, if you do that again i'll be really angry. -もう、今度やったら本当に怒るからね

tachikoma, you just stole something, didn't you? taking people's things without asking is stealing!  -タチコマ、今何かとったでしょ?人のものを黙ってとるのはドロボウよ!

―it's selfish! now, hand over what you're hiding! -勝手なことするから!さ、今隠したもの出しなさい!

you, the little girl over there. what are you doing in a place like this? do you have any identification with you? is this your pet robot?

―hey, officers. despite my appearance, i am this child's guardian. during the war, i was on the front line and sustained near-fatal injuries, so they put my brain in this tank as an emergency treatment.
265SAC12:2005/11/12(土) 02:43:20 ID:???0
――it's rude to call someone who loved his country so much that he lost his body for it, a pet. you kids today have had a comfortable life with no war; you wouldn't know anything about...

cool! was that ventriloquism? -すごい!今の腹話術?

―you could say that. -まあね

you two are close friends then? but, how did locky get lost? -二人は仲良しだったんだね。でもロッキーは何で迷子になったの?

―hey, tachikoma, do you know the story of "the secret goldfish?"

umm, i don't understand that. wasn't the goldfish already dead? couldn't she use her allowance to buy a new one?

―that wouldn't work. the dead goldfish can't come back... -ダメよそんなの。死んじゃった金魚はもう帰ってこないんですもの…

――the little girl didn't want to spread her sadness over the death of her fish to the grown-ups. because she was already very sad herself.

he was sick before that. mama insisted that locky was just wandering outside. but, on both friday and saturday, when i said i was going to find locky, papa and mama both said no.

―so, even though i already knew that locky was dead, i still had to pretend to look for him, because mama and papa don't know that i know the truth.
266SAC12:2005/11/12(土) 02:44:29 ID:???0
it's very sad for humans when their best friend dies, isn't it. i don't understand the concept of death. i just think of it as a body without a ghost.

―i also don't understand the concept of sorrow. i don't think i'm capable of dying. -悲しいって概念も理解できない。やっぱりボクが死ぬことができないからだな

you can't die? -タチコマは死なないの?

―yeah, because i'm an AI. -うん。ボクはAIだからね

so, you won't die if i keep you as a pet? even if you're run over by a car? i see...but i don't think i want to have another pet now.

―don't you think it's about time for you to go home? your papa and mama would be sad too id you were gone. -そろそろ家に帰った方がいいんじゃない?パパとママも、ミキちゃんがいないと悲しいんじゃないのかな?

i wish you wouldn't make such a serious face. it's not like i ran away... -そんな深刻な顔しないで欲しいなあ。別に逃げ出したわけでは…

―be quiet. -少し黙ってろ

batou treats that tachikoma too much like a cat. it's only a machine. -バトーはタチコマを猫可愛がりしすぎなんだよ。ただの機械なんだぜ

―that's discrimination! i demand you take back what you said! you're cold-hearted. you should love machines too!

are the contents of this box dangerous? -その箱の中身相当ヤバイもの?

―we just brought him back from diving a little while ago. -さっきから、こいつが潜ったまま戻ってこないんだ
267SAC12:2005/11/12(土) 02:47:19 ID:???0
hey, it's better to stay put until you get the boss's permission. what if something happens? -おいおい、課長の許可が出るまではやめて置いた方がいい。万が一のことが起こったらどうする

―that's only IF something happens. it's strange that our investigator hasn't returned. plug in! -もう万が一の状況よ。うちの鑑識が戻ってこないのはただ事じゃないわ。繋げ

it's no use. everyone here has been possessed by that thing. -無駄だよ。ここにいる連中は、アレに取りつかれてしまった連中だからね

―possessed? by what? what "thing"? -取りつかれた?何に?アレとは何だ

how was it? -どうだった?

―i certainly wouldn't say it was a bad movie. but, no matter what kind of entertainment it is...it should be temporary.

――with no beginning or ending, the audience is bewitched into not letting go of a movie like this. i don't think there's anything wonderful about that, in fact it's rather harmful.

oh, harsh. you're trying to say that we should return to reality, right? -ほぉ、手厳しい。我々観客には戻るべき現実があるとでも言いたいのかね?

―there are people in this audience who have unhappy things waiting for them if they return. if you take away the audience's dreams, will you also take on their responsibilities?

――no, i won't. dreams only have meaning because we struggle in the waking world. just projecting yourself into other people's dreams is the same as being dead.
268SAC12:2005/11/12(土) 02:48:08 ID:???0
a realist, eh? -リアリストだな

―if you call someone who runs away from reality a romantic. -現実逃避をロマンチストと呼ぶならね

――such a strong girl. call me when you've made your beliefs reality. we'll come out of this theater when that time comes.

where did the tachikoma picked up such a thing? -タチコマの奴、どこで拾ってきたんだ、こんな物?

―there weren't any traps or hacking, he compensated his visitors with the appeal of his projects. he's quite humble.

so, what should we do? mister director is still alice. -でどうするよ。監督さん、まだ生きてるぜ

―remove the brain from the box and put it in a modified steel case so he can't go online. dig out the list of audience members retrieve their ghosts. -脳を箱から救出し、オンラインできないよう筐体を変えろ。意識を取り戻した観客のリストも洗い出しておけ

batou, have you ever been so moved by a film that you cried? -バトー、あなた映画に感動して泣いたことってある?

―why are you suddenly asking that? come to think of it, i did once a long time ago. i laughed so hard at a marx brothers flick that tears came out.

――how very like you. -あなたらしいわ

say, how about we go see a movie together sometime? -そうだ、今度二人で映画でも見に行かねえか?

―thanks, but all the movies i really want to see, i see alone. -ありがとう。でも本当に見たい映画は一人で見に行くことにしてるから

what about movies you don't want to see so much? -じゃあ、それほど見たくない映画は?

―i don't go. -見ないわ
269monster12:2005/11/12(土) 19:12:06 ID:???0
they conducted experiments to see if they could create cold human beings completely devoid of compassion. -哀れみをまったく感じない、冷徹な人間をいかに生み出すかの実験

―can you imagine what kind of people those children whould grow up into? -そんな子供たちが成長して、どんな人間になるか想像つく?

then, what happened to 511 kinderheim?! -それで、511キンダーハイムはどうなったんですか?

―they all died. everyone at the orphanage, including the staff, killed each other. -みんな死んだのさ。教官を含めて孤児院のメンバー全員が、あそこで殺しあったのよ

didn't i ask for you not to let dieter leave with anyone until i came back? -私が帰ってくるまで、ディータを渡さないでって言ったでしょう?

―that man was the child's foster parent. he was very gentlemanly too, much more so than you. -あの人、あの子の里親ですよ。それに、とても紳士的だったわ。あなたよりずっとね

i asked johan, "what...what exactly did you do?" -ヨハンに尋ねたよ、いったい…いったい何をしたんだ?と

―he answered...by brandishing a cloth dipped in oil over the fire, and... -彼はこう答えた…こうして、油の染み込んだ布を、焚き火にかざしてね

well? do you understand what this means? -どうだい?この意味がわかるかね?

―"where people gather, hate is born. i just added a small amount of fuel." -人が集まると憎しみが生まれる。ボクはそれにほんの少し油を注いだだけだよ

it's true that 511 kinderheim was an experimental ground for a project to raise orphans into perfect soldiers. now that i think about it, that too, was a tiny experiment.
270monster12:2005/11/12(土) 19:12:27 ID:???0
―but, look at johan. him, a soldier? impossible. he is a natural born leader. he is a person meant to be at the top. we could't have produced such a piece of art!

――from the very beginning, he was more than human...more like a monster. he predicted...that all humans, in the end, would hate and kill one another.

what do you think johan's goal was? -ヨハンの目標は何だったと思うね?

―this is what he said: "to survive alone, at the end of this world." -彼はこう言ったんだ、この世の終わりに一人生き残ることだ、とね

you must become at least a little bit more like johan...and yet...why doesn't it work? -おまえも少しでもヨハンに近づかないと…なのに…どうしてダメなんだ?

―why can't you be more like johan?! -どうしてヨハンのように、なれないんだ?!

dr.tenma, you wanted to know about johan, didn't you? -ドクターテンマ、あんたヨハンのことを知りたいんでしょう?

―what will you do with such information? i believe it is futile to attempt to find and kill him. -ヨハンのことを知ってどうする?見つけ出して殺そうなんて、無理な話だと思うよ
271Samurai Champloo12:2005/11/12(土) 19:37:06 ID:???0
but anyway, don't you think it's strange? i mean, why the hell are we traveling around anyway? -つーかよ、おかしいと思わねえか?だいたい俺たちゃ、何で旅してんだ?

―to find the samurai who smells like sunflowers, right? -ひまわりの匂いのする侍を捜すためだろ

what will you do? -どうする?

―i'm gonna go sniff around while she's taking a bath. -あいつが風呂入ってる間に探んだよ

hey...don't look through other people's things. -おい…人の物を勝手に…

―who cares? it's her fault for not telling us anything. -構いやしねえ。何も教えねえアイツが悪いんだ

july 19th. i suddenly found myself all tied up! i seem to be living a really troubled life, don't you agree? -7月19日。いきなり拉致監禁だよ、もー。なんかあたし、以外と波乱万丈な人生送ってない?

―although, if i think about it...i have two bodyguards, and yet these horrible things keep happening to me every day.

i just thought of this...why the hell were we going toward edo, then? -そもそも今気がついたんだけどな…ここまで何で江戸に向かってたんだよ?

―didn't she write anything about that? -なんか書いてねえのかよ?

wait just a minute. hasn't she written anything about the sunflower samurai? -ちょっと待てよ。ひまわりの侍のことは書いてねえのかよ?

―all she writes about food! -食い物の話ばっかじゃねえかよ
272Samurai Champloo12:2005/11/12(土) 19:37:28 ID:???0
anyway, i've decided that i'm not going to trust him anymore! -とりあえず、あいつはもう信じないことに決定

―fine with me! who needs your trust anyway? -上等だ。てめえなんかに信じてもらえなくて結構だよ

we could talk about lots of things together...or so i thought. jin didn't say a single word. -二人でしんみりいろんなことを話したり…するかと思ったんだけど、ジンのやつずーっと黙ったまま

―i mean, isn't it his job as a guy to do the talking in situations like that? no matter what i said, all i got was "ah" or "yeah" from him. what the hell is that?

maybe he doesn't like me. or maybe i'm just an acquaintance? -ひょっとして、あたし嫌われてる?それとも、単なる人見知り?

―i mean, quite a bit of time has passed since we started on our journey. how long is it going to take before he opens up to me? it makes me kinda sad.

――hey. what do you think, "as a guy"? this is no good. -おい、どうよ男としてよ?ダメだこりゃ

people are born free. they are not born to be someone's subject. that is what i believed. -人は本来、自由に生まれてくるものであり、何かに従うために生まれてきたんじゃない。私はそう考えました。

―but isn't the law of the warrior in opposition to this? -しかし、それは武士の本分と、相反することではないのでしょうか

――freedom...is not something won through suffering, or taken by force. -自由とは…苦労して勝ち取ったり、無理してなるものではない
273Genshiken12:2005/11/12(土) 23:18:12 ID:???0
but wouldn't it make you happier if genshiken were shut down, kasukabe? -カスカベさんは、げんしけんがなくなる方がうれしいんじゃない?

―well, yeah, it would. but recently, it seems that they've gotten tired of hanging out at peoples' homes and they all look so bored.

why don't we put this in someone's room? -これ、誰かの部屋に置いときません?

―that's good idea. we can pass the new year with it. -いいね、年末これで年越すか

sheesh, it's the holidays but we can't find the time to hang out together. this sucks so much! all thanks to someone!

―was it me? could it have been me? i mean is she crying for real? she's not putting on the tearful pleading act? -おれ?もしかして俺か?ていうかマジ泣き?泣き落としじゃなくて?

――i'm sorry. i should have noticed that you were stressed. -ごめんね。気づいてあげられなかったね

don't you think it's a bad idea to leave them alone? -二人きりにするの、まずくないスか?

―that's right! who knows what would happen in a situation like this. -そうだよ!こんな状況でどうなるかわからんだろ

――to begin with, you're the one who made her cry. -そもそも泣かしたのはお前だ

lately...i can't smoke cigarettes. it's not really the cigarettes, but i'm scared of fire...i even dream about it...i was so scared...

―maybe it's not so bad. cigarettes are bad for your body anyway! damn it, i missed on that one. -まあ、いいんじゃない、タバコ体に悪いし!やっべ…外した
274Genshiken12:2005/11/12(土) 23:18:58 ID:???0
i was at fault. i know that. that's why i even cosplayed, but you all kept talking about penalty game this and penalty game that...

―okay, you're right, i'm sorry, i won't say it anymore! -あーそうだね、ごめんね、もう言わねえよ!

――damn! i could have said that better. -くそ、こんな言い方しかできんのか俺は

plus the reason we all seem to pick on you is...because we all actually love you, saki. -それに僕らがサキちゃんをいじめるのは…みんな、サキちゃんが好きだからだよ

―oh, it was just that you said something really embarrassing. -いやあ、なんか恥ずかしいこと言うからさ、つい…

but your dinal goal isn't to buy the doujinshi, but to use them. -ていうかアレでしょ、最終目的は同人誌を買うことじゃなくて、使うなわけじゃない

―are you trying to say that you want to make me your errand girl for something like that? -そんなことのために、あたしをパシりにしようって?

then it's a simple matter since you already understand us so well. then let me be honest with you. -そこまで我々を理解しているなら話は早い。ならば敢えて言おう

―you sure like to play the actor... -いつもいつも、芝居がかってんな

can i retire as the chairman? well, i think we're at a good juncture... -会長引退していい、俺?いやあ、なんかいい区切りじゃねえかと思って

―why don't you stop holding it back and just say it? that we've had too many problems because of someone and that you're tired of it?!

――see, i had a time bringing this up because i figured you'd say that! -ああ、だからそうとられそうだから言い出しにくかったんだって
275Genshiken12:2005/11/12(土) 23:20:21 ID:???0
actually, i need to start looking for a job this year...hey now, don't all say it at once. -それに、俺もう今年は就職活動しないとさ…そこそこハモらない

―it's never too early to start looking, right? -まあいいタイミングじゃないかと思うんですよ

what does attending as an organization mean? -サークル参加って何?

―it means to be a dealer at comifes, by making a doujinshi. -コミフェスで売る側になるってことです。同人誌作って

if we get in, want to be a sales girl? -もし受かったら売り子とかする?

―it sounds like fun, but i'll pass. -おもしろそうだけど、まあやんないね

oh, by the way, what should we call ourselves? -あそうそう、これサークル名どうしましょう?

―hmm..."the society for the study of modern visual culture" won't work, will it? -うーん…現代視覚文化研究会じゃまずいよなあ

won't our abbreviation work? -略称でもダメかなあ?

―it's not bad, but it's not great. -ダメってことないでしょうけど、よかないでしょう

――then why don't we think of a weird one? -じゃ、なんか変なの考えるか

why don't you spell out "genshiken" in hiragana? -ひらがなで、げんしけんは?

―yeah, that sounds subtly shady and might be good! -うん、微妙に怪しげな響きでいいかも
276SAC13:2005/11/12(土) 23:56:35 ID:???0
so, this picture was taken when she was kidnapped? -じゃあ、これは誘拐された当時の?

―no, that's from two days ago. they are at a radioactive decontamination plant 200 nautical miles off the shores of okinawa. a member of the japanese coast guard SST took this picture.

this DNA data came with the report. we don't known how the SST got this data, but it is an exact match with her past medical records.

this was the last thing we heard from the troops, we lost contact with all four of them. -しかし、これを最後に、プラント内の先遣隊4名全員との連絡が途絶えた

that's that. we will see what is going on there. -そこでだ。あそこで何が起きているのか、調べて来い

batou, how is it? -バトー、どう?

―no one's here. there's no trace of anyone entering. -誰もいねえな。もうずいぶん人が入った形跡がない

ishikawa, is there any movement above the plant? -イシカワ、プラント上部に何か動きは?

―it's quite calm, just right for night fishing. -穏やかなもんですよ。夜釣りにはぴったりですね

major, it's a dead end. -少佐、行き止まりです

―i can see that. -見ればわかるわよ

umm...if you permit, i can destroy the barricade... -あのー…お許しいただければぶっ壊しますけど?

―no. act like an adult when we're closing in on the target. -ダメよ。目標に接近するまではおとなしくしてなさい

you don't plan on going that way, do you? i hope this isn't dead end. -もしかして、ここに入るんですかぁ?またつかえないといいけどなぁ
277SAC13:2005/11/12(土) 23:58:09 ID:???0
major...i've been thinking...aren't we walking into the brigade's trap by doing this? -少佐…思うんですけど…これってやっぱ旅団の連中に一杯食わされてるんじゃないすかね

―even though we can confirm where the survivors are, it's suspicious that there's no response. -生存者の居場所は確認できるのに、応答がないのもクサイし

you think all the troops were wiped out? -全員消されたと?

―i'm not saying that. think about it major. she can't be the real thing. -断言はしませんけどね。少佐も考えてるんでしょ。あれは本物じゃないって

then what is she? -じゃあ、何かしら?

―well, a cyborg is the first thing that came to my mind. -まあ、真っ先に考え付くのが義体かな

――did you forget that they are a sect of the human emancipation front? they are a group that opposes cyborgs and cyberbrains.

in addition, the DNA test results from the SST's last report, how do you explain them? -それにSSTの最後の報告書にあったDNA鑑定の結果、あれはどう説明する?

―don't you think that the brigade would have preserved blood and cell samples? they could make a clone from that. -旅団の連中が、血液とか細胞を保存していたとは考えられませんかね?それでクローンを造ったとか

what for? -何のために?

―for example, trying to get tokra's inheritance? -例えばですけど、トクラ氏の遺産を狙ってるとか

――there isn't any evidence to contradict the clone theory right now, but there aren't any good reasons for a clone to look like the girl did 16 years ago.
278SAC13:2005/11/12(土) 23:59:23 ID:???0
hey, can you understand me? what happened to the other three? -おい、わかるか?他の3人はどうした?

―kill her...if she became a leader... -殺された…あいつがリーダーだったんだ…

togusa, you're rather nervous, aren't you? -トグサ君、そろそろ緊張してきたかなぁ?

―this is no time to be joking! -ふざけてる場合か!

how's that? -どうだぁ!

―you fool! did you forget that someone's in your pod! -バカヤロー!ポッドの中に人が乗ってんの忘れてんのか!

――but, but, i want to fight more! -だって、だって、もっと戦争したいよぅ!

those SST people realized, just as the major did, that the old lady was the real tokra eka, not the girl.

―when they figured that out, they tried directly connecting to her, but they were connected to the android instead.

"delete it", huh? at first, i didn't have a clue what that meant. it meant, "delete my memories," didn't it?

―sixteen years after being kidnapped, a ten year old girl has aged enough to look like an old woman. i don't want to even imagine what happened during that time.

so then, why did eka's daughter end up with those guys afterwards? -あとは何でエカの娘がやつらを従える立場になったかってことなんだが…

―yo want to find out? connect to her. -確かめてみる気ある?彼女に繋がって

――nah, i'll pass. -いや…やめとくわ
279(-_-)さん:2005/11/13(日) 16:28:45 ID:???O
280monster13:2005/11/14(月) 00:53:50 ID:???0
i will take you to get a check-up today! -今日こそは検査に連れて行くからな

―didn't tell you it was no use coming over here, no matter how many times you try?! -何度来ても無駄だって言ってるだろ

――who do you think i'm coming here for? -誰のために私がこうして向かえに来てると思ってるんだ

is he conscious? -意識はあるのか?

―the guy who brough fink in is treating him. -フィンクを担ぎ込んだ人が手当てしてるよ

what did he look like? -そいつの特徴は?

―he was asian, and he had a boy with him... -東洋人で、男の子を連れてましたけど…

um, what should i do with fink? -あの、フィンクさんの処置は?

―just let him sleep there. it wasn't "first aid" at all. that was perfect. -そのまま寝かせておけ。応急処置なもんか。あれで完璧なんだよ

are you him? the one who made an unnecessary offer at my clinic?! don't look down on me! -あんたか?人の診療所で余計なことをしてくれたろ。オレをナメるな

―i know that fink is a penniless alcoholic! i wouldn't even dream of taking money from him for his treatment. -フィンクが文無しのアル中なのはわかっている。あいつから治療費を取ろうなどこれっぽっちも思っちゃいない

why did you lie like that? -なんであんなウソを?

―that was for helping fink. if you hadn't treated him so promptly, he would have died. -フィンクを助けてくれたお礼だ。あんたの迅速な処置がなければ、あいつは死んでいた
281monster13:2005/11/14(月) 00:54:26 ID:???0

yeah, there's nothing here, but it's a laid-back village. -ああ、何もないがのんびりした村だよ

―no, not about that. you are loved by the people here, and you truly love them in return. -いえ、そうじゃなくて。あなたはここの人達に愛されて、あなたもここの人達を本当に愛してて

――love? i lost that lofty emotion a long time ago. i'm only doing my job. -愛だと?そんな上等な感情はとっくになくしたよ。私は仕事をこなしてるだけだ

should i try to convince her? -私が説得してみましょうか?

―she may turn you away as well, but... -同じことかもしれんがな

――are you still wandering around out there? -まだそんなとこでウロウロしてるのかい?

why do you hate doctors? -なんで医者が嫌いなんですか?

―you probably think you're god or something, playing around with other peoples' bodies. -人の体をいじくって、自分のこと神様とでも思ってんじゃないのかい

sometimes i wish i could be like god. we are always trying our best, but we still make mistakes. i wish i could provide the perfect cure, like god can.

―whenever i take a look at patients, i'm really shaking with fear inside. -私なんかいつも患者さんを診ながら、内心ガタガタ震えてるんです
282monster13:2005/11/14(月) 00:54:48 ID:???0
what is it, dr.schumann?! this isn't like the man who takes care of everyone in the village. -どうしたんです、ドクターシューマン?この村の患者を、一手に引き受けていたあなたらしくないですよ

―i don't know what happened in the past, but doing our best for the patients in front of us in the only thing we can do as doctors.

but, what have you done of your mother over the past five years? have you even gone to see her once, since you went to the city?

from the time she raised you up until now, what have you done for your mother? listen. the people you care about will die, sooner or later.

do you remember the taste of your mother's grache? petra, by force of habit, still makes your share. i get to have the portion that's left over.

it is good. the taste couldn't get any better. -あれはうまい。あの味は絶品だ

dr.tenma is fighting to save your mother's life. if you want to have the grache again, then get out! -ドクターテンマはお前のお袋さんを助けようと必死で戦っている。またあのグラシューが食べたければ、おとなしく出て行け!

are you still planning on bringing this man in? this man who gave everything to save your mother? do you still think he's a murderer?
283(-_-)さん:2005/11/14(月) 00:55:57 ID:???0
284Samurai Champloo13:2005/11/14(月) 01:04:52 ID:???0
i don't team up with anyone. i told you that before. -俺は誰とも組まねえ。あの時もそう言ったはずだ

―i see...so...what does that make them? -ほお…じゃあ…コイツらは何だ?

――they're not my comrades. i just promised to tag along and protect her until we got to nagasaki. -仲間なんかじゃねえ。長崎に行くまで守ってやるだけの約束だ

hey, you got any idea what this guy's done in the past? you got any idea how many people he's kiled? -おい、コイツがどういうことをやってきたか知ってるか?どんだけのヤツをぶっ殺してきたかわかるか?

―it's pretty unbelievable. and a guy like that is gonna protect someone? -とんでもねえ話さ。そんな奴が人を守るだって?

my brother should just die... -死んじゃえばいいんだ…あんちゃんなんて

―but if you don't like him that much, you don't have to be with him, right? -でもそんなイヤなら、無理していっしょにいなくったって

――there's no choice. because...i can't live on my own. -無理よ。だって…一人じゃ生きていけない

do you have any last words? -何か言い残したいことはあるか?

―just fucking get it over with. i don't give a damn if i go to hell. living every day is already like hell. -さっさとやれよ。地獄に落ちようが構いやしねえ。どうせ生きてたって地獄みたいなもんだ

――but...i don't like the idea of being killed by you guys. i came this far on my own strength. when i die, i'll go to hell by my own hand.

―――that fool! he thought he'd survive after diving off this cliff? -馬鹿が。この岩場に落ちて助かると思ったか

how do you know all that? -何でてめえがそんなこと知ってんだ?

―i've got connections with someone on that ship. that guy is in my group. -御用船にこっちと内通している奴がいる。そいつは、俺の仲間だ
285SAC14:2005/11/14(月) 03:23:14 ID:???0
preparations for retrieval of nonburnables complete. what's the status on your end? -不燃物回収準備完了。そっちは?

―i'm ready whenever you are. you worry too much, really. you don't need to send encoded transmissions. no one's tapping us, anyway.

tachikoma, report.タチコマ、状況は?

―roadblock complete. major, there's an old man lying in the trash...what should we do? -道路閉鎖完了。少佐、おじいさんが捨てられてますけど、どうします?

leave him alone. let the pertinent authorities handle it. what about you? -ほっときなさい。所轄の仕事よ。そっちは?

―i've loosened the power plugs in all suspicious vehicles. should i take care of the power plug in that car, too? -怪しい車のプラグは全部半抜き状態にしておきました。あの車のプラグも抜いときますか?

let's get started.

are you okay? i guess you're untoched. -大丈夫か?一応無事みたいじゃん

―now's not the time to laugh. togusa, get the car! -笑うところじゃないわよ。トグサ車を廻して!

you're certainly dressed for the occasion. are you trying to waft some pheremones in my direction? -えらい格好だな。ワシに対する視線誘導が目的かね?

―of course not. i had no choice. -そんなわけないでしょう。止むをえずよ

was the intelligence sent by the henan public safety department of any use? -河南省情報局からの情報は役に立ったか?

―well, regarding that, i am concerned about two things. the first is that there was an android in the group that wasn't included in the report.

――as for the other thing...while their targets were supposedly financial institutions, dor some reason, they had data on one private investor.
286SAC14:2005/11/14(月) 03:25:12 ID:???0
so, what is it that you would like to discuss with us today? -それで今日は何か?

―well, as a matter of fact, when we investigated the account of the group that was selling weapons to the synadicate, we found a cash flow trace that we could not identify.

you want to convert A-SIA into \C$? i think you will get a better exchange rate if you go from A-SIA to \en, but...

―i don't care.構わん

what about that "mansions of millionaires" program's producer? wouldn't he know how to get in touch with yokose? -メディアでやってた豪邸番組のプロデューサーはどう?彼が連絡先を知ってるんじゃない?

i tried that already. during that program's production period, all contacts were initiated by mr.yokose himself. -それもあたったよ。番組取材の際はすべて横瀬氏から連絡を取ってきたそうだ

batou, report. -バトー、そっちはどう?

―i just arrived at the back of the mansion, with a million bug bites. -虫だらけで屋敷裏に到着

it now appears that the group we caught at the chinese restaurant was a decoy. -中華料理店の連中は、捜査当局の目をそらすのが目的だったようです

―all right, i'll get further details from your report. get down here. -よし、後は報告書で見る。お前もこっちへ飛んでこい

――understood. it's a good thing i'm already heading over. -了解。ふう、向かってて正解…

what am i doing? tachikoma, where were you? -何やってんだろ、私ったら。タチコマ、何見てたの?!

major, none of these people have firewalls! -少佐、この人たちはみんな脳に防壁がありませんね

have you forgotten that you're supposed to be watching my back? -あんた、私の服としての役割を忘れてない?

that was never my intention... -そんなつもりないんだけどなぁ
287SAC14:2005/11/14(月) 03:26:32 ID:???0
i'm sure you feel a great satisfaction by surrounding yourself with money that has been squeezed from the poor. -貧しきものから搾取した金に囲まれ、さぞかし満足だろう

―yokose, die by way of the money that you love so greatly! -ヨコセ、お前の好きな金で死ね!

in any case, this is quite a stash we have here. it's a deast for the eyes. -しかしすげえな、こりゃあ。目の保養になるぜ

―you mean poison. -目の毒でしょ

are you saying that no one noticed his death because this money-making program continued to operate, post-mortem?

―it seems that way. what do you want to do about this? -のようだな。どうする、これ?

if he has no designated heir, i suppose the government will inherit that pile of gold. -相続人がいなかった場合、あの金塊は国が回収するんだろうな

―what an outrage. -理不尽な話よね

isn't it more outrageous for him to hoard it for himself? -一人で貯め込む方が理不尽なのでは?

―what are you holding? -あんた何持ってるの!

it's not like he could take all of this with him to his grave...this is to pay for his ferry across the sanzu river.

by the way, where is the major? -ところで少佐はどうした?

―she's having a discussion about our troublemaker AI with ishikawa. -うちの困ったAIのことで、イシカワと相談中

well, i can see your point, but can't we program an understanding of consequences into it somehow? -それはそうだが、訓戒とか懲罰といった認識は入力できないのか?

―well...the tachikoma never grasped the concept of "work" in the first place... -そうだな…タチコマにはそもそも、労働という概念が理解できないからなぁ…
288monster14:2005/11/14(月) 21:39:51 ID:???0
please go home. if you persist with this, i may take certain steps. -お帰り下さい。しつこくすると、こちらにも考えがあります

―certain steps...would you sue me for defamation of character? no, as a secretary, you wouldn't do such a thing. -考えがある…名誉毀損で訴えますか?いや、そんなこと秘書のあんたはしない

it would be bad for mr.boltzmann if he became implicated in this case, no? -こんな事件でボルツマン先生の名前が出てはまずいでしょ

―was that meant to be a threat? -脅迫しているつもりかね?

――of course not. i just want to know the truth. -とんでもない。本当のことを知りたいだけですよ

but would a big shot like boltzmann have anything to do with a prostitute? -しかし、ボルツマンほどの大物が、あんな売春婦に手を出しますかね?

―the victim is no ordinary prostitute. the names of numerous politicians surfaced when we investigated her. -あの該者はただの売春婦じゃない。何人もの政財界の人間の名が、彼女の線から上がっている

――but all we have on him is one person who witnessed the victim in the hotel where boltzmann was staying. how can we make a
connection between the two with such unreliable information? -しかし、ボルツマンがいたホテルで、彼女を見かけた人間が一人いるだけです。そんな不確かな情報で、二人に関係があるとは…

have you decoded her list of clients? -彼女の顧客リストの解読は?

―about that, the encryption used on that floppy disk has been giving us some trouble. -それが、あのフロッピーには暗号が羅列してあって、なかなか…

i'll do it. -私がやる

―but detective, aren't you busy with other cases as well? -しかし、警部は他の事件でもお忙しいんでしょう?

uhh...i've been wanting to ask this...when do you sleep? -あの…前々からお聞きしたかったんですが…いつ眠ってらっしゃるんですか?
289monster14:2005/11/14(月) 21:41:02 ID:???0
―what does that have to do with the case? an irrelevant question. -それが事件とどう関係ある?不合理な質問だな

when are you going to tell him? -あの話、いつするの?

―it wouldn't matter when i tell him. he never listens to what we have to say. -いつ話しても同じよ。あの人、あたし達の話なんか聞いちゃいないんだから

runge. i hear that you're still investigating councilman boltzmann in connection with the prostitute murder. -ルンゲ。お前、まだ例の売春婦、ボルツマン議員の線を洗っているそうだな

―is there a problem with that? -何か問題ありますか?

――yes! there's a huge problem with that! the top brass in the ministry of the interior are putting pressure on us. -あるよ、大有りだ。内務省の偉いさんからも圧力がかかってる

what if your investigation is a mistake? you've had an outstanding record so far. there's no need to get frantic about showing success.

―or is there something else? something like "in the name of justice"? -それとも何か?正義の名の元、とか言うつもりか?

――showing success...justice...i'm not interested in either one. a woman was killed. i'm only interested in the killer. -功を焦る…正義…どちらも興味ありませんね。女が一人殺されてるんです。私はその犯人にしか興味はありません

it seems you've been drinking a lot again. -ずいぶんとまた飲んでらっしゃるようですね

―how can i stop drinking?! -飲まずにいられますか?!

for now, the case with dr.tenma has been solved in my head. he claims that it was the work of a man named johan, but johan is just another persona that exists within tenma.
290monster14:2005/11/14(月) 21:42:27 ID:???0
―the case may appear nonsensical at first glance, but it makes complete sense under this assumption. now, we only need to wait for the police to take him into custody.

are you saying that your job is done once you've requested his arrest warrant?! -逮捕状を請求すれば、あなたの仕事はもう終わりってこと?!

―there are many things i want to ask him once i meet him. dor.tenma...he's an interesting character, after all.

――however...there's a whole mountain of case files on my desk right now that require my attention. -ただ…デスクの上には私を必要としている事件が山積みなんです

then what? are you suggesting that the councilman hired that hitman? how ridiculous! -じゃあ、何かい?そのプロの殺し屋を先生が雇ったとでも言いたいのかね?馬鹿馬鹿しい!

―i've decoded the names of the victim's clients. the councilman's name was included in that list. -殺された女の顧客リストを解読しましてね。その中に議員の名前がありましたよ

so what if his name was in there? what would be his motive to kill? -名前が合ったからって、殺人の動機は何なんだ?

―well, i really have no answer to that... -ま、そう言われればそれまでですが…

then...what am i doing? -では…私は何を?

―there is nothing left for you anymore. -キミにはもう、何もないんだよ

when can we see each other again? -今度、いつ会える?

―let's see...i'll stop by after my next business trip. -そうだなあ…次の出張の後、寄るよ

you were looking at me again, weren't you? -またあたしのこと見てたでしょ?

are you interested in the fact that i bring home a different man every time? -いつも違う男を連れ込んでるのが気になる?
291monster14:2005/11/14(月) 21:43:59 ID:???0
you want to get a piece of action too, don't you? how perverted. -あなたもあやかりたいと思ってるんでしょ?いやらしい

maybe a man like you could do it. do you have the confidence to make me happy? -案外あなたみたいな人なら、できるのかもね。あたしのこと、幸せにする自信ある?

when will they ever arrest tenma?! he killed my father and ran! he says he was framed, but it's a lie! -連中はいつになったらテンマを逮捕できるのよ?!あたしの父親を殺して逃げたのよ!あいつは濡れ衣とか言ってるけど、ふざけんじゃないわ!

―how can it be "johan's work"?! look at this! that's johan, pictured with my father! do you think a kid like him could kill someone?!

then...why do you have his picture out like this? in your heart, you truly believe that tenma is not the murderer. and you're still...in love with tenma...

―you must have been watching too many soap operas. this man was the man who was most suitable for me. -メロドラマの見過ぎじゃないの。この男はね、最もあたしにふさわしい男だったのよ

i can't replace him, can i? i'm fine making gardens for you for the rest of my life, if that gives you peace of mind.

―don't think you're so hot just because you slept with me once! you're only someone to help me whittle away my boredon! i was just playing around with you!

――you are truly a lonely person. -あなたは、本当にさみしい人だ
292Samurai Champloo14:2005/11/14(月) 22:06:59 ID:???0
it's strange...they're still so beautiful, even when i feel so sad. -あんなに…あんなに綺麗なんておかしい、こんなに悲しいのに

―they can't see anything at all. looking down from up there, we're nothing more than grains of sand. -何も見えちゃいないのさ。向こうから見たら俺らなんざ、砂粒みてえなもんだ

how about it? do you wanna team up with me? you and i are alike. we're both loved by this hell. -どうだ?俺と組まないか?俺とお前は似たもの同士だ。どっちも、この地獄に愛された男さ

―i don't team up with anyone. -俺は誰とも組まねえ

what are you scared of? -何を恐れてる?

―i ain't scared of jack. -怖えもんなんかねえよ

then why won't you join me? -じゃ、なぜ俺と組まない?

―'cause i don't like you. -てめえが気にくわねえからだろ

we were born and raised in this hellhole. there's nowhere to go but up from here. there's nothing left to lose. -俺達は、このどん底みてえな所で生まれ育った。もうこれ以上落ちることはねえ。もう何も失うもんなんてねえはずだ

how'd you find this place? no way... -どうしてここがわかった?まさか…

―i was supposed to be the one to kill him.  -アイツは俺が切るはずだった

you think i'd die before killing you? i'm gonna take care of things. -てめえ斬る前に死ねっかよ。片つけてくらあ

―i killed him. he was tricked...as well. -斬ったよ。ハメられたんだよ…アイツも

do you regret what happened? -後悔してるのか?

―no...this is the only path for me, after all. i've lived this way my whole life. -ううん…だって、これしか生きてく道がないもん。ずっと、こうやって生きてきたんだもん
293SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:37:08 ID:???0
oh yeah, that reminds me. have you heard that even the definition of the term "cyborg" is now being debated? -それで思い出したけど、サイボーグって言葉が問題になってるって聞いた?

―people say that the term is discriminatory towards those with cybernetic implants! -義体化した人に対する差別語だって

――by "people" you mean the retroactive naturalists, don't you? how can they oppose cybernetic implants or cyberbrains, given the world of today?!

good job! it's touching to see a diligent robot! -お役目ご苦労!仕事熱心なロボットってのは健気だねえ

―what do you intend to do? -何をするつもりですか?

we're not planning to do anything with it. -何にもしないってば

―you shouldn't think that you can fool me so easily! -そんな口先の嘘は通用しませんよ!

that's right, all i do is lie! i never tell the truth! -そうだよ。僕は嘘しかつかない。本当のことは何ひとつ言わないんだ

now then, if what he said just now is true, it means that he ended up telling the truth. -さて、もし今の台詞が本当なら彼は今真実を語ってしまった

if what he just said was a lie, it means that he normally tells the truth. -もし今の台詞も嘘なら、彼は普段から真実も語ることになる

how would you process this paradox? -この矛盾をどう処理する?

that was easy. especially since it couldn't even reconcile the paradox of self-reference. -ちょろいなあ。自己言及のパラドックスをクリアできない奴って

i've been concerned lately. the major's been watching our behavior very closely, but she's been getting pretty serious about it lately.

―are you referring to the debate over that natural oil incident? -それはもしや、天然オイルが問題となっている?
294SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:38:27 ID:???0
――it's far more serious than that! it means that we, ourselves, might be scrapped! -それどころの騒ぎじゃない。僕たち自身が廃棄されかねないってことさ

is getting "scrapped" the same thing as dying? -廃棄処分って死ぬのとおんなじなの?

―well, the concept of "death" doesn't exist anywhere in our current realm of experience, so i can't say anything for sure...

――you could say that it's a limitation imposed on us, as als without ghosts. in the end, we're half-dead and half-alice; since we're not alive, we cannot die.

being scrapped wouldn't necessarily entail dying, would it? -廃棄処分イコール死ぬってことじゃ無いでしょ

―oh, you think so? -え〜そうかなあ?

the time when the physical body and its ghost had to coexist is long past. so if we take that to an extreme, it's entirely possible that a bodiless conglomeration of data can harbor a ghost.

―wow, you've been thinking about this?! but hey, don't you want to join in the discussion over there? -すっごいな君、そんなこと考えるなんて。でも、あっちの会話に入っていく気はないの?

oh, well, i've lately been really interested in books. -ああ、最近本が面白くてねを

―what are you reading? -何読んでるの?

"flowers for algernon." -アルジャーノンに花束を

―you actually bought a bound paper copy? -わざわざ紙媒体で?

hey, what do you think it means to be alive? -ねえ、君は生きるってどういうことだと思う?
295SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:40:17 ID:???0
―i mean, the very definition of "life" is in constant flux, so...for humans, through interaction with robots, the concept of "life" is changing at the subconscious level.

――but, you know what? the ones who are changing are probably humans, not robots. -変化しているのはロボットではなく、むしろ人間のほうでしょ

but, wait a minute! if they delete my data, does that mean that i'll forget about miki, too? -でも待てよ。もしデータを消されてしまったら、ミキちゃんのことも忘れてしまうのか?

―miki?! i want to see her, too! -ミキちゃん?ミキちゃんなら僕も会いたい

comrades, don't panic! in any case, who was the one who actually met miki face to face? -諸君慌てるな!そもそもミキちゃんと直に会ったのは誰だっけ?

―it was me! no, it was me! no way, it was me! -僕です!いや僕だ!いやいや僕でしょ!

then, did any of you notice the major watching us? -じゃあ、あの時少佐らしき人影に気づいていた者はいるか?

―stop asking that, it'll get us nowhere. since all our data is synchronized, the experience of one becomes the experience of all.

this is interesting food for though...it might be that memories pertaining to batou are special. actually, he was the only one who had natural oil put inside of him, too.

―then, does that mean that body and consciousness are inalienable, after all? -じゃあ身体と意識はやっぱり不可分だってこと?

i wonder...yeah, i think the major's actually pretty angry about what we've obtained lately. -実は少佐、僕たちが最近獲得したものに対して怒っているような気がしてさ
296SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:45:33 ID:???0
―this is, individuality. and, i think i'm even starting to understand the concept of god, which was tatally foreign to me before.

maybe, just maybe, it's something that's akin to the concept of the number zero. -もしかしたらだけどさ、数字のゼロに似た概念なんじゃないかなって

and then if you think about it, our primary structure is dijital, right? -でね、僕たちって基本的な構造がデジタルなわけじゃない

so, no matter how much information we accumulate, a ghost will never dwell within us. -だから僕たちがいくら情報を集積していっても、今のところゴーストは宿らない

but since batou and the others have a primarily analog structure, no matter how muc you increase the dijital factors in your structural makeup by adding cybernetic and cyberbrain implants, your ghosts will remain intact.

in addition, you are capable of death because you have a ghost. lucky you. what does it feel like to have a ghost?

is there reason to obsess over exterior details so much? -外見的な差異にこだわるのって、そんなに意味があるのかな?

―well, wouldn't it be? togusa carries around a photograph of his children and always makes a big fuss about which of their parts take after him.

but more importantly, it's probably because our users would invest too much feeling in us if we were humanoid. i think that we'd be even more disliked if we were humanoid.
297SAC15:2005/11/14(月) 22:46:01 ID:???0
―then, what about that one? -じゃあ、あいつはどうなの?

――that has restricted processing abilities, so it doesn't matter. it will never pose a threat to mankind, and besides, it deals with customer services a lot.

then what are we supposed to do? -じゃあ、僕らは一体どうすればいいわけ?

―what i'm trying to say is, people desire for machines to act like machines. -だからさ、人間は機械には機械らしい反応を望んでるわけじゃない

――oh, i see! then, if we all act more like machines...the major will feel more kindly towards us! AKA, the ultimate robot strategy plan!

we are robots, we are robots...ugh, i can't do this! before, i felt like i could just do things without thinking, but...

―that's because you really weren't thinking anything, right? you have to think more positively about acquiring intelligence!

――"it's better to be a dissatisfied socrates than a satisfied pig!" taht's what we're talking about! -満足な豚より不満足なソクラテス。これよ!

―――um, you're using the phrase in a context that's slightly off... -それ、微妙に引用間違ってるよ

have you seen batou? -バトーを見なかった?

―yes, he headed towards that elevator hall just recently. our pleasure. -ハイ、先程アチラノエレベーターホールニ向カワレマシタ。イイエ、ドウイタシマシテ

how was that? -どうかな?

―yes! i think that was a good, natural, robotic greeting. -そうね。ロボットらしい自然な挨拶だったと思うよ
298Samurai Champloo15:2005/11/15(火) 15:03:25 ID:???0
jin! give up already! come over here and eat with us. i'll split my catch of fish with you! -ジン、もうあきらめてさ!こっちにきていっしょに食べようよ。あたしが釣ったの、分けてあげるから

―just let him be. he's just pissed off 'cause he's the only loser. -ほっとけ、ほっとけ。自分だけボウズで意地になってんだよ

――besides, he's the one who said before we started: "fishing is an earnest battle between man and fish. if you take it lightly, you're sure to get hurt." and the one who said that can't even catch a single fish!

maybe we laughed a bit too much... -ちょっと笑いすぎたんじゃない…

―hell if i know. don't look him in the eye! in the eye... -知るかよ!目合わせんなよ、目…

where did this come from?! -どうしたの、これ?!

―it was lying at the bottom of the lake. -池の底に落ちていた

who else started working here at the same time as this man? -この男と、時同じくして入ったものは?

―he came to the foundry about at year ago. there are four or five others working below. -こやつが鋳造所に入ったのが一年ほど前。他、4、5人の同期が地下に

――and above...i think the only one who joined us about a year ago is yatsuha... -上では…一年ほど前となると、ヤツハぐらいしか…

yatsuha, are you sure it's okay to leave him here? -ヤツハ、大丈夫か?こんな所に置いといて

―it seems he was traveling with some people, so i'm sure they'll look for him. -連れがいたみたいだからね。探してもらえるでしょ、たぶん

i hope he doesn't get eaten by the crows. -カラスに食われないといいけどな

―he'll be okay. he's pretty tough. he's going to be my husband. i fell for him! -大丈夫、そんなにヤワじゃないわ。あたしの旦那になる男だから。惚れちゃったの!
299monster15:2005/11/15(火) 15:06:32 ID:???0
he told me to stay with you, mr.heckel, because he found this man he was looking for. -探してた男が見つかったから、しばらくヘッケルのおじさんといっしょにいろってさ

―i'm supposed to look after you?! this has got to be a joke! -オレに、お前の面倒を見ろってか?!冗談じゃねえ!

――what happened to our arrangement for him to become a back-alley doctor and make us big bucks? -モグりの医者で一儲けって話はどうなったんだよ?

i told you, you can't hold it with your hands. that's a yellow card. -手で持ってちゃダメだって言ってるだろ。イエローカードだよ

―you can't make a living being scared of things like that! -そんなもんが怖くて、世の中渡れるか!

――saying that will get you a red card. -そんなこと言ってると、レッドカードだよ

what are you planning to do, dressing up like that just to meet your brother? -そんな格好までして、お兄さんと会ってどうするんです?

―i must kill him. -殺さなきゃいけないの

what kind of car was it? what color? -その車の車種は?色は?

―it was a big, red mercedes. -真っ赤なでっかいベンツだよ

――okay. i guess i have to find that car and go after it. -よし、とにかくその車を見つけて、後を追うしかないな

you people don't know where johan is either, do you? -あなた方もヨハンの居場所を知らないのね

―we need him...to rule over us. do you know hitler gained so much power? -私達は彼を必要としている…我々の上に座ってもらうためにね。ヒトラーが、なぜあれほどの力を得たか知っているかい?
300monster15:2005/11/15(火) 15:07:03 ID:???0
he was an intelligent businessman, so he understood three points. -彼は頭のいい実務家でね、3つのポイントを知っていた

he controlled the banks and the military-industrial complex, as well as the military itself. -人口を押さえ、軍需産業を取り込み、そして軍隊を掌握した

right now, johan is hiding in one of those systems. -ヨハンはそのいずれかに潜んでいる

what do you think? don't you think this is a likely possibility? -どうだい?この推理、正しいと思わないかね?

however, the reason hitler succeeded in those thing swas due to his charisma. -ただし、ヒトラーがそれを成し得たのは、彼のカリスマ性のおかげだ

what must i do? -あたしはどうすればいいの?

―i want you to stay here for a while until johan appears to meet you. -ここにしばらく居てほしい、ヨハンが君に会いにくるまでね

what are you trying to achieve by finding johan? -ヨハンを探し出してどうしようっていうんだ?

―what are you going to do with nina? -ニナをどうする気だ?

――i told you not to ask questions! nina is a valuable guest, unlike the piece of garbage you are. -質問するなと言っているだろ!ニナは大事なお客様だ。お前のようなゴミとは違うんだ

but she's very dangerous. with such a pretty face, she's trying to kill johan...we have to dispose of such people sooner or later.

―then, nina is just a tool to bring johan out? -ニナはヨハンを呼び出すまでの道具というわけか
301SAC16:2005/11/15(火) 20:59:35 ID:???0
dona dona dona...dona...taking the calf to market...dona dona dona...dona...teh cart sways...oh! batou!

―you guys...do you understand the meaning of that song? -おまえら、その歌の意味わかってんのか?

oh please! of course we do! it's a song describing how a calf gets sold to the market. -やだなあ、知ってますよ!仔牛が市場に売られちゃう歌でしょ

yeah, in order preserve his existence, man pripritizes economic factors over sentiments, that's what it means!

right, right! it's about friendship being defeated by poverty! in, the end. -そ〜そ!友情が貧困に負けちゃう歌なんだよね。結果的にね

well...it seems that we're being sent off to the lab. all right then, bye-bye! -まあまあ…僕たち、ラボ送りってことみたいです。では、バイバ〜イ!

hey, man. are you concerned that the tachokomas were sent to the lab? -ねぇ旦那。タチコマのラボ送り、気にしてんの?

―why would i be? -何故?

――well, it's fine if you're not. well, i'm not "worried" but you sure don't seemt too enthused lately. -いや、気にして無いならいいけどさ。別に心配って訳じゃねえけど、どう見てもノってないぜ

hey, is batou around? -おい、バトーは来てないのか

―oh, that guy from yesterday. i haven't seen him aroud, no. -ああ、昨日の。まだ見てませんね

oh, the man's well-know around here? -あいつここじゃ有名なのか?

―oh, no. i think he's a member of the 103rd air force division that came in when the mikumo made a port call yesterday.

what do you want with me? -俺に何か用か?

―oh, so you are here. how about lunch? -いたのか。どうだ飯でも?
302SAC16:2005/11/15(火) 21:00:20 ID:???0
――lunch? i feel more like a shower right now. -飯?今は飯よりシャワーって気分だな

by the way, there are some guys from somewhere who're here for a group training session, aren't there? -そういや、今どっからか合同訓練が来ている奴がいるだろう

―oh, are you referring to the navy guys from the aircraft carrier that made a port call? -空母で寄港している、海兵隊員のことかしら?

――oh, maybe. yesterday, one of those guys came to the gym, and he had some backbone. -そうかな。昨日そこの奴がジムに来たんだけど、なかなか骨のある奴だったよ

hey! did one of you enter my room? -おい!おまえら、俺の部屋に誰か入ったか?

―no one's...inside, sir. -誰も…入ってませんよ

you pretended you were a fan and approached me because you were conducting an internal investigation? -俺を内偵するために、ファンを装って近づいたのか?

―i was deceived pretty well. did you study my past, too? -上手くだまされたよ。俺の過去も勉強したのか?

――you wanted money? even though you said everything went wrong, it seems like you had a pretty good life going. -金が目的か。人生の計画が狂ったとは言え、それほど悪い暮らしぶりとも思えんがな

what do you know about my life? -お前になにがわかる!

―i want to ask you one thing before i arrest you. it's that "implants' weaknesses" thing. -逮捕する前にひとつ聞きたい。義体の隙って奴のことだ

you...did you let yourself be beaten on purpose yesterday? -お前、昨日はわざと負けたのか?

―have you fallen so far that you can't evem tell if i did? -わざとかどうかわからねえほど、錆びちまったのか

oh, hey man...it's finished? er, what's wrong? you don't seem to be feeling any better than before, even though the case was resolved. -あれ?旦那、終わったんだ。どうしたのさ?解決したってのに、出発前と変わらないぜ

―do i seem that way? -そう見えるか?
303monster16:2005/11/16(水) 19:50:06 ID:???0
that man who was in the photo with my brother...? -兄といっしょに写真に写っていた…

―yes. he knows johan better than anyone. he said he probably knows johan even better than you, his sister.

johan wouldn't choose to lead you people. it's impossible to have johan take a place at the top of your organization.

johan doesn't hold with cheap racist ideals and prejudices the way you people do. -彼は、お前達のような安っぽい人種差別や偏見など、持ち合わせちゃいない

johan mocks all of humanity! -ヨハンは人間全てを嘲笑っているんだ

well, isn't this a rare guest? -これは、珍しいお客さんだ

―give this guest my usual, on me. -こちらのお客に、おれから一杯いつものヤツ

what a kid... -たいしたもんね

―he'll grow up to be a real villain. -ありゃ、相当なワルになるね

――that tasted horrible. how do they drink that stuff? -まっず…よくあんなの飲むよ

what shall i do with this boy? he was talking about coming to find this man. -この子はどうしましょう?この男を探しに来たとか言ってました

―i don't know him. he has nothing to do with me. just let him go. -知らないな。関係のない子供だ。離してやってくれ

we will soon be arriving at the mansion where general volfe is waiting. -もうすぐ、ボルフ将軍がお待ちになっている屋敷に、到着します

―will nina be there as well? -そこには、ニナもいるのか?
304monster16:2005/11/16(水) 19:50:42 ID:???0
i'm sorry for acting so violently. go now. i know you people trusted me when you returned my gun, but it didn't seem like you would stop unless i did that.

―oh, no. i'm sure general wolfe will be pleased to know that you consider guns to be more than mere accessories.

human names are very mysterious. those who know me know that my name is wolfe. -人間の名前というのは、不思議なものだよ。私を知っている人間は、私がヴォルフという名前だと知っている

however, if i join a group of strangers, i must introduce myself as wolfe. -しかし、見ず知らずの人間の中に入れば、私はヴォルフと名のらなければならない

but then, where in the world is the proof that i am "wolfe"? -だがね、私がヴォルフであるという証拠は、どこにあるというのだね?

i am only associated with the organization for convenience's sake. -私は今、便宜上この組織に属しているだけだ

it seems that the others are attempting to set him up as a hitler, but it is a foolish idea. -他の連中は、彼をヒトラーに仕立て上げようとしているようだが、馬鹿な考えだよ

even someone like hitler was able to go that far. if it were johan...yes. i gave him that name. -ヒトラー程度の人間でさえ、あそこまで行ってしまった。ヨハンだったら…そう、ヨハンという名は私が付けたんだ

they lost consciousness as soon as we took them in. they would have died if we had not found them. it's the same as when you saved his life.

when he came to, i asked him, "how are you feeling you?" -意識を回復したとき、私は彼に問いかけた。「今の気分はどうだね?」

he answered, "you'll find out soon enough." -彼はこう答えたよ、「あなたも今にわかりますよ」
305monster16:2005/11/16(水) 19:52:35 ID:???0
there is no proof that i am wolfe. people who knew me died, one by one. -私がヴォルフである証拠はないんだよ。私を知っている人間は、次から次へとこの世から消えていった

my wife, children, parents, siblings, relatives, subordinates, even friends...they all died, one after the other. i was all johan's doing.

it is only thanks to the large sum of money i brought with me when i escaped from east germany that allows me to prove that i am wolfe.

unless i believe that i am myself, no one will know me. -私が、私であると信じる以外、誰も私を知らない

"you'll find out soon enough." this is what it means. solitude. -「あなたも今にわかりますよ」。その意味がこれだ。孤独だよ

wasn't there a turkish woman being held at this mansion? -この屋敷に、トルコ人女性が監禁されていなかったか?

―that woman was dead on the third floor. -その女は3階で死んでいた

will that man be able to kill johan? -あの男、ヨハンを殺せるでしょうか

―i don't know. but he still might not be too late. -わからん。だが、今ならまだ間に合うかもしれない
306Samurai Champloo16:2005/11/16(水) 20:24:19 ID:???0
isn't there an easier way? isn't there a shortcut going weat? -もっと楽な道ってないもんかしら?西へ抜ける近道とか、あるんじ


―i don't know much about the west. -私は西にはうとい

what? are you guys criminals or something? -何、あんた達、罪人なの?

―yup. i was born a criminal. at any rate, i'm a good-looking guy. -そうそう、俺は生まれつきの罪人よ。なんせ、いい男だから

――idiot! just an idiot. -バカ!ただのバカ

say...you wanna join me over there in the bushes? -なあなあ…あっちの、草の生い茂った方とか行かねえか?

―eh? what do you have in mind? -え〜、何考えてんのよ

――oh, this and that. -いろいろとね

―――a perv. just a perv. -エロ。ただのエロ

so...what the hell is it that's supposed to appear? -結局…何が出るのよ?

―it's just a rumor. that's all... -噂だ。あくまでも…
307Samurai Champloo16:2005/11/16(水) 20:25:16 ID:???0
―it's just a rumor. that's all... -噂だ。あくまでも…

are you sure this is a shortcut? why did you want to go this way, anyway? -こっちが近道なの?何でこっちに行く気になったのよ?

―well, something sure seems to have made a home on this mountain. -まじで、何か住んでるみたいだからな、この山には

――of course something lives here! -そりゃ、何か住んでるでしょうよ

looking for the sunflower samurai? i was...never fucking interested in it! -ひまわり侍を探す気?そんなもんな…ハナっからねえ!

―and as for spending time with you, i never thought of it as being enjoyable! -ましてや、お前といっしょにいたいなんて思ったことはな、これっぽっちもねえ!

then why the hell have you stuck with me up till now?  -じゃ、何で今までいっしょにいたのよ!

―it just happened! -たまたまのたまたまだ!

――stop this. it's unsightly. -よせ、見苦しい

this four-eyed freak feels the same way. "what's so great about traipsing around after this unattractive girl?" -このムッツリメガネだって思ってんだよ。「こんな色気のない女といっしょに居たって、何の楽しみもない」ってな

―i shouldn't have said that. how dare you call me "four-eyed"? -そいつは失言だな。ムッツリメガネとは聞き捨てならん

――that's not what i meant! -そっちかい!

"the samurai who smells of sunflowers..."? what the fuck is that?! what the hell were you gonna do with a sissy like that?

―he's not like that at all! -そんなんじゃない!

then what's he like? -じゃ、どんなんだよ?
308Samurai Champloo16:2005/11/16(水) 20:26:28 ID:???0
―you truly don't even know what he looks like? -まさか、本当に顔も知らんのか?

――why the fuck do we have to search desperately for someone when you don't know if he's alive or dead? -実際、生きてんのか、死んでんのかもわかんねえ奴を、何で必死で探さなきゃなんねんだよ?

but, i...am not like the others in the dojo. avenging my master has no meaning for me. -でも、僕は…道場の連中とは違う。師匠の仇など討つ意味がない

―now, with no dojo, the wind is full of rumors about you. i'm sick of it. -道場亡き今、風の噂はあなたの名前ばかり。うんざりです

so you want to make a name for yourself? -名を上げたいか?

―you, too, made yourself famous by killing our master. -あなたも師匠を討って、名を上げた

why do you keep retreating? -何故、逃げてばかりいる?

―i don't want to kill you. -お前を斬りたくない

you cannot kill me. -あなたに、僕は斬れない

―i will not grant you death. if i kill you, it will only rust my sword. -お前は、斬るに値しない。お前を斬っても、刀の錆になるだけだ

what's the matter? shall we go to hell together? -どうした?このまま共に、地獄に逝くか?

―tell anyone you like that you killed me. i may as well be dead. -私を討ったと、好きに振れ回れ。私は死んだも同じだ
309SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:24:30 ID:???0
what is this place? -なに、ここ?

―an old friend works here. she runs the wine fund. it is an "asset management" system where wine is purchased and then held in an investor's name.

i just got off work. how long has it been? about two years? -丁度仕事上がりなの。2年振りになるかしら

―i was surprised when you suddenly left the world of politics. -おまえが突如政界を離れて渡英したときは、驚いたよ

and? what would you like to discuss? -で、相談と言うのは?

―you are abrupt as usual. -相変わらずせっかちね

the truth is, the mob is laundering their money in cooperation with some of our top bankers. -実は、うちの銀行の上層部の手引きで、マフィアの資金のロンダリングが行われてるみたいなの

―do you have proof? -確証はあるのか?

――in the clerk's registry of names, there is a file that has been disguised under a different name. -管理名簿の中に、巧妙に偽装されたファイルがあるの

so, could you help me? i want you to help me discover who the middleman is. -ねえ、手伝ってくれない?パイプ役が誰なのか、その証拠を一緒に見つけて欲しいの

―but this is england. it is completely out of my jurisidiction. if i make a wrong move, it would be a criminal act. besides, i...

――"can not make a move based on self-interest," right? that's what you always say. -私情で動くわけにはいかない。あなたの口癖だったわね

how did you get past the protection? -あなた、どうやってセキュリティを?

―when i fled the prganization, i took the key to break through this protection. -組織を抜けるときに、防壁破りを頂いてきたんだよっと
310SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:26:08 ID:???0
hey, you fool. yeah, you. come here. -おい、そこのウスノロ。ああ、お前だ。ちょっとこっちへ来い

―what is it geezer? -なんだあ、じじい?

――what was that noise? -なんだ!今の音は!?

snipers. how did the police arrive so quickly? it must have been you guys. -狙撃!?警察が何故こんなに早く・・・さてはお前らだな!

―you are the one who cut off contact with the outside. -外部との連絡手段は、おまえ自身が全て絶っただろう

――the circuits have been disconnected and cyberbrain communications are being jammed. -有線回路は切断されたままだし、電脳通信もジャミングが作動中だ

―――the only way to connect would be...since all of the electricity has been cut off, that is the only thing that has a connection to the outside.

but that's strange. basically, england's banks don't trust the police. this security system is also connected to the security company.

―if our records are tampered with, the security company should respond first. -帳簿へのアクセスを察知したら、警備会社の方が早く来るはずよ

――it looks like the identity of the middleman between the bank and the mafia is becoming clearer. -どうやら、銀行とマフィアの仲介役が誰だか見えてきたようだな

i've never heard of the police being briefed about wine transactions. don't try to screw with me. -警察がワイン取引に噛んでいるなんて、聞いたことねえぞ。でまかせ言ってんじゃねえ

―when they shot at us, there was no sound of gunfire. you only use a silencer for assassination. you two are in a somewhat dangerous situation.
311SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:26:29 ID:???0
we have hostages. those guys can't make their move easily. -俺たちには人質がいるんだぜ。向こうは簡単に手出しできないはずじゃないのか

―no. we are not valued as hostages.  -いや、我々に人質としての価値は無い

does that mean they are planning to kill us with them? -それって、あたし達ごと消そうとしてるってこと?

―most likely. anyone who had a chance to find out about the account must be eliminated. this is the basic strategy for keeping a secret. they can easily create a cover-up for our deaths.

let me see the weapons you two have. if i am not mistaken, you also have a map. we will plan from there. -貴様ら、所持している武器をワシに見せてみろ

―do you have any idea of the position you are in? -確か地図も持っていたな。そこから作戦を立てる

――don't worry. we don't want to be killed now either. give me your weapon and i will offer you my knowledge. we're running out of time, hurry up.

even the press is here. -報道陣まできてるぞ

―that must be the major's work. now it is hard for them to shoot or attack with explosives. -少佐の仕業だな。これで向こうも、爆破や狙撃といった強攻策を取りにくくなる

i did as you told me geezer. now what? -言われたとおりにしたぜ、ジジイ。次はなんだ?

―didn't you two have a hand grenede? we need to stall for time while escaping. that is the only entrance they can storm. we must set up a trap.

i did as you asked. but, will this kind of trap really work? -言われた通りにしたぜ。でも本当にこんな仕掛け方でいいのかよ?

―it will be okay. -大丈夫だ
312SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:27:01 ID:???0
what's teh deal with that geezer's tactical competence? -何なんだよ、あのジジイの手際の良さ?

―how sould i know? -俺が知るか

when you are done with that, save the account registers that the two of you opened. -それが済んだら、貴様らが開けた裏帳簿のデータを保存しておけ

―good, we have stalled for all the time we could. we should get ready for the attack. -よし、やれる限りの時間稼ぎはした。我々もそろそろ逃走の準備をするとしよう

there is a bomb in the front entrance? useless. -正面入り口に爆弾だと?無駄なことを

―change the point of attack! we will move in through the adjacent apartment. -突入路を変更、隣のアパートより進入する

the sewer? so, they must've escaped by making it look like they have compassion. -下水道か。篭城すると見せかけ、ここから逃げたな

―make sure that you find and secure all the entrances and exits to the sewer system. we will pursue them. -背後の地下水路の出入口を集中的に固めろ。我々は追跡を続行する

did you capture the criminals at one of the exits?! -出口で犯人を押さえたのか?!

―we have blocked off every passage. they cannot escape anywhere. -全ての通路を封鎖しました。もうどこにも逃げられません

well, well. what would you have done if i didn't notice? -あらあら、私が気付かなかったら、どうするつもりだったの?

―i knew you'd notice. -お前なら気付くさ

sorry for being late, but the troops wouldn't leave this place for a while. or, would it have been better if i had come a little later?

―if you had, the wines that depend on a certain temperature would have gone to waste. we took out quite a few. -その場合、温度と湿度に敏感なワインが犠牲になっただろう。かなりの本数を外に出したからな
313SAC17:2005/11/16(水) 21:27:58 ID:???0
forget about the wine this time. if you do, we will let you go. -今回はワインはあきらめろ。そうすれば貴様らのことは見逃すことにしよう

―thanks to you, we were able to get the hidden account information. -お蔭で裏帳簿の資料も手に入ったしな

――how about it? in this situation, don't you feel glad just to be alive? -どうだ?あの状況下で命が助かっただけでも有難いと、思わんか?

is it okay to just let them go? even though you stopped their attempt, it is still a crime. -いいの?このまま逃がしちゃって。未遂で終わったとはいえ、一応立派な犯罪者よ

―well, it doesn't matter. it's out of our jurisdiction anyway. -まあ、構わんだろ。なにせ、管轄外だからな

this is a disk proving your connection to the mafia. it contains all the past illegal transactions. -これは、あなたとマフィアの癒着を証明する、過去の不正取引の一切の資料です

―it was a good way to hide the money laundering, but you should've respected people's lives. -後を残さない上手いロンダリング方法でしたが、人命尊重は貫くべきでしたな

where have you been hiding all this time? -いったい、今までどこに隠れていたんだ?!

―"the truth is in the wine." if i am not mistaken, that is a british expression. -真実はワインに有り。確かイギリスの諺でしたな

can't you stay here for just one more day? -ねえ、1日だけ帰国を延ばせない?

―no. it's unfortunate, but i have a mountain of work waiting for me. -いや、残念だが残してきた仕事が山積みなんだ

i wouldn't mind if you extended your leave. -私は別に、課長が帰国を延ばしてくれても構わないのよ

―there are people who spend time waiting for the wine to age. don't worry about me. -ワイン同様、熟成に時間を要する人間関係もある。余計な気は使うな
314monster17:2005/11/17(木) 14:05:36 ID:???0
now...what shall we do with them? -さてと…コイツらどうします?

―there was beings like these, even among the superior race. this one has become a petty thief, and the kid tried to tell the turks about our plan.

how did you find this place? -どうしてここが?

―i got the general directions from dieter. -ディータに、だいたいの場所を聞いていたからね

――so you were the "tenma" that boy was talking about? -やっぱりあの子の言ってたテンマって、あんたのことだったのか

you're a disgrace to the turks. who knows who that kid's father is? -トルコ人の面汚しだぜ。そのガキだって、誰の子だか

―you people should know as well as anyone...one must survive, even if it is by doing such things. -そうやってでも生きていかなきゃならないのは…あんたがたもよくわかってるはずだ

――should we set up a neighborhood watch? why don't we try doing as this japanese man asks for a little while? -自警団を作れってのか?この日本人の言うとおりに、ちょいとやってみようじゃねえか

and, as we do so...see! take a look, that's the first of the fires. however, that's just the appetizer. -そうしているうちに、ほら!ごらんなさい、まず第一の火の手が上がりましたよ。でもまだまだ、あんなものは前菜です

―where is the main dish? if that fire is the appetizer, then what are you planning to burn for the main dish?!

johan doesn't want this. -ヨハンはこんなこと望んでいないわ

―how would you know that? -なぜ、そんなことがわかるんだね?

――i saw...after going to the place he mentioned in his message. -私見てきたのよ…彼の伝言通りの場所へ言ってね
315monster17:2005/11/17(木) 14:06:22 ID:???0
what did you see? -何を見てきたんだね?

―he didn't want anything! -彼は、何も望んでいなかった!

are there any other shelters where the injured were carried to? -他にケガ人を運び込んだ避難所は?

―yeah, a mosque on the riverbank. -川縁のモスクだ

if the earlier fires were just decoys, then where are they going to light the main fire?! -今までの火事が囮だって言うなら、いったいヤツらはどこに火をつけるの?

―just leave it. who cares what happens to this town? more importantly, i have a job to take care of. -ほっとけよ。こんな街どうなろうと知ったことかい。それよりオレには、片付けなきゃならねえ仕事があるんだよ

if it were up to you, where would you light the fire?! -もしあなたなら、どこに火をつけるの?!

―i told you! the wind will start blowing from the river soon. if you started a fire in one of the abandoned factories along the riverbank, nothing you could do would stop it, since there should still be chemicals left in them.

i will shoot you in the head before that happens. if i sever your nerves, i can stop you from moving! -その前にあなたの頭を撃つわ。あなたの脳神経を切れば、あなたの動きは止められる

―will you be able to him me? -当たるかな?
316Samurai Champloo17:2005/11/17(木) 14:06:54 ID:???0
you wanna get caught or something? that song...sounds a lot like something i heard when i was a kid. -追っ手に見つかりてえのか?その音…ガキの頃に聞いたのと、よく似てんぜ

―where were you born? -生まれはどこだ?

――ryukyu, was down south. -琉球さ、南の果てだ

did they pay you off? -金でも渡されたのか?

―i just wanted to fight you face to face. -俺はただ、あんたとサシでやりたいだけさ

why are you here? -お前はなぜここにいる?

―what's it to you? you're not gonna say that you had regrets and that you've come back now, are you? -関係ないじゃない。今更、後悔して戻ってきたって言うんじゃないでしょうね

i thought you might have drowned...this was floating down the river. -ドザエモンになってるかと思ったが…川を流れてたぞ

―were you keeping it as a memento? -あたしの形見にでもしようと思ったわけ?

――i thought i could make it an offering to your remains. -遺体にでも備えてやろうと

did you really think you'd deceive me? do you know why this mountain is worshipped by so many? -僕を欺いたつもりですか?この山、なぜ多くの民が参拝するか?

―it seem you can be reborn again. everyone comes here seeking death and rebirth. it seems to be that kind of mountain.

――do you also intend to be born again? -あなたも、生まれ変わるおつもりか?
317Samurai Champloo17:2005/11/17(木) 14:07:17 ID:???0
why do you run from me? -どうして僕から逃げるんだ?

―will nothing change your mind? -どうしてもやるのか?

――even if i am betrayed, or abandoned, i will...never let you escape! -たとえ裏切られても、見捨てられても、僕はあなたを…逃がしはしない

do you know this okuru? -知ってるのか?オクルという男

―i owe him my life. -あたしの命の恩人だもの

you've a strong sense of honor. -義理堅い女だな

―when honor goes out of fashion, this world falls into darkness! -義理が廃れば、この世は闇よ

why are you looking for that sunflower samurai? for revenge? -そのひまわりの侍探して、どうしようってんだ?仇討ちか?

―that's right. i'm going to avengte my mother. or something like that. -そうよ。母さんの仇、みたいなもん

where are you going? -どこ行くのよ?

―where the hell is nagasaki, anyway? there anything good to eat there? -長崎なんてよ、どこなんだよ?うまいもん、あんのかよ

――i've heard they've imported something from europe called "sponge cake." -南蛮渡来のカステーラとかいうのがあると聞いたが
318SAC18:2005/11/17(木) 19:24:39 ID:???0
what? you have a personal errand at an important time like this? -なんだよ、こんな大事な時に私用か?

―i'll be back by nightfall. we will maintain close contact with the major as she tries to track down who made the threat.

i believe you also had a younger brother in elementary school, didn't you? -確か、小学生の弟さんもいらしたようですが

―yes.um...there's something i'd like to ask you about. -ええ。あの…荒巻さんに相談があるのですが

――and that is? -何でしょう?

it's about my brother, yuu. he has suddenly begun acting like my father. -弟のユウのことなんです。あの子が最近、亡くなった父に、急に似てきたんです

―he was raised well. he resembles tsujisaki, when he was young. -立派に育てられましたな。若い頃の、辻崎の面影がある

no, that's not what i mean. it's not just a physiacal resemblance, both his voice and manner of speech are now quite similar to our father's.

―does that pose some kind of problem? -それに何か問題でも?

he recently began to access military news sites, though he has never shown any interest before now. -最近弟は、今まで全く興味が無かったネットの軍事関連のニュースサイトに、頻繁にアクセスするようになりました

in addition, i sometimes wake up in the night because i hear a noise in the living room, and i find my brother sitting there reading my father's works very intently.

when i became worried and asked him what he was doing, all he did was to look at me and ask, "saori, you're still awake?"
319SAC18:2005/11/17(木) 19:25:04 ID:???0
do you think it's possible that he might be involved in something strange? please, i want you to investigate why he changed so suddenly.

―i'm very sorry, but i cannot use my professional authority for private matters like this. -申し訳ありませんが、個人的な理由で私の職務権限を行使するわけにはいきません

――you may confide in me, but i cannnot help you, based on what you have told me so far. -お話を聞くことはできますが、今の話だけでは何の力にもなれんでしょう

the man's purposefully letting himself be seen on TV. -旦那の奴、わざと写ろうって狙ってんだぜ

―how easygoing of him...and here we are laying low, toiling away in our pursuit of the suspect. -余裕だな…こっちが地味に、暗殺予告犯の足取りを追っかけてるってのによ

any clues as to the target's identity? -犯人の目星はついた?

―well...this just came in. -ああ、それなんですが…こんな情報が入ってます

this is the assassin who is targeting undersecretary kim? -これが金外務次官を狙う暗殺者なわけ?

―i'm having the system run an identity check using this image, but will take about two more hours for the results come back.

have you determined the identity of the suspect? -犯人の割り出しは済んだか?

―we haven't reached a final conclusion, but judging from the circumstances, he is our best candidate. -まだ特定という訳じゃありませんが、状況から判断して、そいつが最有力です

how long has your brother been using the portable terminal? -弟さん、携帯端末をいつから使ってる?

―yuu received a package containing the portable terminal our father used on his sixteenth birthday. -16歳の誕生日に、ユウ宛に父が生前使っていた携帯端末が送られてきたんです
320SAC18:2005/11/17(木) 19:26:10 ID:???0
did you find something? -何か見つかった?

―there is no sign of him on the monitors at train stations and airports at present. -今のところ、駅や空港のモニターにそれらしき人影は写ってないな

from here on, it is only speculation on my part, but consider tsujisaki yuu's actions thus far and the degree of cunning in his apparent ability to predict our movements. if you put the two together...

―his father's library was a collection of war tactics that had been accumulated over the years, and tsujisaki yuu succeeded in secretly obtaining that information by using the password in his father's terminal.

in other words, his mind is now that of an assassin who has been trained by an extremely capable intelligence officer?

―i do not have conclusive proof, but considering how he has continued to brilliantly circumvent all efforts on our part to capture him, the possibility is high.

what is this about? -どういうことなんだ?

―at first, i had no intention of doing anything. i just wanted to tell "myself" the truth... -最初は何もする気はなかった。ただ、俺に真実を知らせたかったんだ…

what did you hide in the data library? -データライブラリに、何を隠したと言うんだ?

―the truth behind the okinawa incident. -沖縄を巡る真実だ

vengeance, after all these years? that's not like you. -この後に及んで、復讐か?おまえらしくないぞ
321SAC18:2005/11/17(木) 19:26:31 ID:???0
―i agree. but now, i am tsujisaki hideo and tsujisaki yuu at the same tiem. -私もそう思うよ。今の私は辻崎英雄でもあり、辻崎ユウでもある

――when this is finished, it may be that i will become someone entirely different. -もしかしたら、全てが終わったら私は、俺でもない全く別の自分になってしまうのかもな

do you intend to make your son into an assassin? -息子を殺人犯にするつもりか?

―if i could at all help it, i would prefer not to. no one can stop this. it must be yuu's youth that necessitates this.

saitou, can you scope out possible sniping points? he has a sniper rifle with an extremely long range. -サイトー、ポイントは特定できねえか?奴は、超長距離レンジの狙撃ライフルを持ってる

―if he's planning to make the kill as a sniper, my current location is the best position. other locations suffer from a strong sea breeze and obstructions. he would not be ablt to shoot with any accuracy.

we've found the weapon! -武器が見つかった

―what about the sniper? -奴は?

――there's no sign of him. all we've found is one sniper rifle and a student whose uniform was taken. -本人は見つかってない。見つかったのは、狙撃銃一丁と服を取られた学生が一人

―――so, the rifle was a ruse! -狙撃はフェイクか!

major, i didn't know that you were here. -少佐、来てたのかよ

―we were able to determine the actual plot from tsujisaki's data. according to him, "the most effective assassination method is to approach the target without regard for an escape route."

――an assassin with a one-way ticket, huh? -片道切符の暗殺者ってわけか
322Samurai Champloo18:2005/11/18(金) 12:53:52 ID:???0
so, what are you guys getting? -で、あんたたちは?

―i'll go with seafood...oysters. -海鮮で…カキを

can you only...read one letter? -もしかして…読めるのって一文字だけ?

―one is more than enough! it doesn't keep me alive. -一つも読めりゃ十分だろ。別に生きるにゃ困んねんだよ

but isn't it amazing that we didn't even notice until now? -だってさ、今までぜんぜん気づかなかったっていうの、すごくない?

―listen up. you don't need to read in order to kill someone. -いいか。人を斬んのに文字なんて必要ねんだよ

what are you saying?! a fool should stay a fool? don't say such dismal things! -何ヌかしとんじゃい?!馬鹿が馬鹿のままでいいなんて、悲しいことヌかすんじゃねえ!

―doesn't it bother you that people think you're stupid just because you don't know your letters?! do you want to stay a fool?! damn it!

――he passed out. -寝ちゃった

who drew this? -これ描いた人って、誰ぇ?

―how the hell would we know?! if we kew that, they would've been arrested a long time ago! -知るわけないでしょ?!わかってたら、とっくにお縄よ!

mihara's pretty far from here. who are you willing to go so far out of the way for? an ex-girlfriend? -三原ってけっこう距離あるよ。わざわざ行くなんて誰?元カノとか?

―for one who aspires in martial arts, mihara is a town that connot be passed by. -武芸を志す者にとって、三原はかかすことのできない町
323Samurai Champloo18:2005/11/18(金) 12:54:41 ID:???0
what the fuck kind of attitude is that so take with your older brother? -それが兄貴に対する態度だってのか?

―don't play "big brother" when you were only born one minute before me! -たかだが、生まれが一分しか違わねぇのに、兄貴面すんじゃねえよ!

actually, i can't even stand your face. -だいたいその面からして、気にいらねえ

―that's...my line, asshole. -そりゃ…こっちのセリフだってんだよ

――what are they talking about? they both have the same face. -なんだ、どっちも同じ顔じゃない

why are you two quarreling? as brothers, shouldn't you be helping each other and mastering the path your father set for you?

―it can't be helped. these days, people don't have to carry on the family legacy or some "path." -仕方ねえじゃん。そういう家とか道とか継ぐような時代じゃねえしさ

then do you have something to take the place of the sword? -では、お前達にとって剣に代わるものとは何だ?

―that could...only be one thing, i guess. -そりゃあ…やっぱあれかな

graffiti, is it? -ラクガキか?

―bro, that's not exactly right. it may look like just graffiti to you, but we're putting our lives on the line for it.

well then, why don't you challenge each other with that "graffiti" thing? -じゃあさ、その落書きで勝負すりゃあいいじゃん

―how? -どうやって?

――isn't it good engough to say that whoever paints in the most dangerous place wins? -やっぱ、一番危険なトコに描いた方が、勝ちでいいんじゃない?
324Samurai Champloo18:2005/11/18(金) 12:55:02 ID:???0
the one that has the curly on the end is "ne," and the one with a straight end is "re." -この最後んトコが、ちゅるんってなってるのが「ね」で、ここがシュッてなってるのが「れ」だ

―how many times do i have to say it for you to understand?! -何回言ったらわかるんじゃい?!

――this is so friggin' confusing! -まぎらわしいんだよ!

the competition can't be settled at this rate. -これでは、勝負がつかん

―well then, where haven't you done graffiti before? -じゃあ、今まで落書きしたことない場所は?

――well, that would be...of course. hiroshima castle! -そりゃあ、決まってんだろ…広島城だ!

so...who won? -で…どっちの勝ちだったの?

―neither of us. someone beat us to it. we lost to someone we don't even know. -どっちでもねえ。先客が居た。知らねえ奴に負けた

the world is a big place. there's always someone better than the best. -世の中広ぇよ。上には上がいるわ

―it's enough if you've come to understand that. -それがわかっただけでも、十分だ

hey, you! what's the meaning of this? -ちょっと、あんた!どういうことよ、これ?

―gotta put your name on your belongings. -持ち物には、名前を書かなきゃな

what is that word? -その字は?

―it means "infinity." i made it up. -「無限」て意味だ。俺が作った
325monster18:2005/11/18(金) 20:05:09 ID:???0
then, i can go home now? -それじゃ、これで帰っていいんですね?

―yes. and...the people in that town called the asian "dr.tenma." would you happen to know anything about him? -ええ。あ、後…あの街の人々が、その東洋人のことを、ドクターテンマと呼んでいるんですが。あなたは彼について、何かご存知では?

――i don't know anything. -何も知りません

what do you think? -どう思うね?

―judging by her appearance, don't you think she was trying to become a prostitute in this town? -あの格好だと、この街で売春でもやろうとしてたんじゃないですかね

not about her. i mean dr.tenma. that's what the people from the turkish town called that asian. -違うよ。ドクターテンマだよ。最初、トルコ人街の連中は、その東洋人をそう呼んでいた

―but, after we told them he was a suspect in a series of homicides, we began our questioning, and every single one of them said that they had no idea who he was.

i see you still put five spoonfuls of sugar in your coffee. -相変わらず、お砂糖5杯入れるんですね

―of course. coffee is no good if it's not sweet. -あったりまえさ。甘くなきゃ、コーヒーなんてうまくねえ

of course you're hired! how can i refuse? with such a pretty girl working here, my restaurant will get a lot of business.

―it's just that...you should...smile a bit more. don't let your pretty face go to waste. -ただなあ…お前さん、もう少し笑った方がいい。せっかくの美人が、台無しだぜ

hey, you're not going to be working as a waitress in this restaurant, are you? -おいおい、まさかお前さん、こんな店のウエイトレスやるつもりじゃないよな?
326monster18:2005/11/18(金) 20:07:27 ID:???0
―and what's wrong with this restaurant? of course, anna is going to be our waitress from now on. -まさかこんな店ってのはどういう意味だ?アンナは今日から、間違いなくここのウエイトレスだぞ

hey rosso, where'd you pick up a cutie like her? -ロッソよ、どこでこんな可愛い子ひっかけたんだい?

―i don't have to pick up anybody! -ひっかけたなんて、人聞きの悪いこと言うない

i don't mean to ask questions, but...where are you going every day? -詮索するつもりはねえけどよ…毎日どこ行ってんだ?

―oh, forget about it. it's none of my business what you do on your break. -ああ、いいんだ。別に休み時間に何しようと、勝手だからな

――i go to...practice shooting. -射撃の…トレーニング

mr.rosso, have you ever fired a gun? -ロッソさんは、銃を撃ったことある?

―guns? no way! i get the shakes just from seeing one. -銃なんて、とんでもねえ!あんなもん、見ただけで震えがくるぜ

i wonder how it turned out this time? -今度はどうかなあ?

―try it. what can you taste? -食べてみな。何の味がする?
327monster18:2005/11/18(金) 20:07:56 ID:???0
when i was young, i didn't have the time for movies, even when i wanted to watch them. -若い頃は、映画を見たくても、見る暇もなかったからな

―i know i ate a lot of good food back then, but i can't remember the taste of a single thing i ate. i didn't even know the taste of sugar.

――you know about me, don't you? i also checked you out, after you left. -俺のこと、知ってんだろ?俺も、あんたが出てった後、あんたのこと調べたんだ

what did you want me to do? was it a job? did you want me to teach you? -俺にどうして欲しかったんだ?依頼か?教えて欲しかったのか?

―i thought about having you...teach me. -教えてもらおうと…思った

how did you figure out who i was? -どうして俺のことがわかったんだ?

―there was a law professor in my college who had been researching you. -大学の法学部で、あなたのことを研究していた教授がいたの

how many people do you think i have killed? -俺が何人殺したと思う?

―to be honest, i don't know either. -実は、俺も覚えてないんだ
328monster18:2005/11/18(金) 20:08:41 ID:???0
it was at a cafe in the middle of the day. i aimed my gun at this person i didn't know, who might have been the hundredth person i would kill.

that person...had ordered coffee. then, he began to put sugar in his coffee. when he put the fifth spoonful of sugar in, the taste of the coffee i usually drank spread thgough my mouth.

that person drank the coffee as if it tasted great. -誰かさんはそれを、うまそうに飲みやがった

and then i put down my gun. just like that. just like that, and i couldn't kill anyone anymore. -それで俺は、銃を降ろした。そんなもんだ。そんなもんで、俺は人を殺せなくなった

why didn't you ask me to teach you how to kill during the six months you were with me? -なぜ半年の間、俺に殺し方を教えてくれと言い出さなかったんだ?

―because...because i realized i shouldn't force you to get involved... -あなたを…あなたを、巻き添えにしてはいけないと思ったから…

do you have to go? -どうしても行くのか?

―well, then...thank you, mr.rosso. -それじゃ…ありがとう、ロッソさん

――killing people is easy. just forget the taste of sugar. -人殺しなんて簡単だ。砂糖の味を忘れればいい
329SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:40:28 ID:???0
batou, what's the situation? -バトー、状況は?

―i came to pick up some visuals from the IR systems around here, but they show nothing. our investigation was fruitless.

hey, don't you think it's similar? to their criminal method? -なあ、似てると思わねえか?例の手口に

―the chief seems to be thinking the same thing. a person suddenly disappears in the great urban city... -課長もそう考えてるみたい。大都会のど真ん中で、忽然と人が消える…

either way, why is there still is no ransom demand from the criminal? -それにしても、犯人からの要求が未だにないのは何故かね?

―as a matter of fact, although this has not been confirmed, it's possible that the criminal who abducted reiko didn't know that she was the daughter of a congressman.

the northern mafia is composed of tens of thousands of people from high officials to low-ranked members. -北方マフィアは、上から下まで数万人の構成員で組織されています

―there are most likely people in the lowest ranks who do not know of your efforts. -使いっぱしりのなかには、あなたの努力を知り得ない者もいるでしょう

i'm quite disappointed with you, to think that you can only reach that kind of conclusion. or perhaps the main government faction pressured you to obstruct the investigation?

―you seem to be having misgiving about many things, so let me say this clearly. -何かと危惧されることがお有りのようなので、はっきり申し上げておきます

――i am not concerned with anything other than getting your daughter back safely. -私はお嬢さんを無事に保護すること以外に、興味はありません
330SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:42:44 ID:???0
former prime minister kanzaki seems to be quite paranoid. -神崎元総理、相当疑心暗鬼になってるようね

―it can't be helped. he had to resign because a family member in the government party leaked information... -無理もない。辞任騒動の発端は、身内である与党内部からのタレコミだったのだからな

the northern organ smuggling group are professionals that operate with the implicit consent of their government. -北方の臓器密売グループは、明らかに祖国政府の暗黙の承認を得て動いているプロ集団だ

―then it's all the more curious that they abducted kanzaki's daughter, since he is their defender. do you really think her abduction was a coincidence?

――though i have no proof, yes. even if they are a professional group, in the end they are just a bunch of hoodlums.

if it's the former scenario, then it would be bad if the criminals found out that she's kanzaki's daughter. if i were a low ranked person...

―we cannot let that information get to them at any cost. that's what the media control is there for. -その情報だけは奴らに知られてはならない。そのための報道管制だ

――in addition, don't let the enemy detect our movements. the police have never gone after blind folded erwin to this extent before.

―――they're probably off guard for the moment. however, if they find out, they'll probably kill off all the hostages and hide underground.
331SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:43:17 ID:???0
batou, it's highly unlikely that they would send their stock overseas alive. they're probably going to process them somewhere.

―investigate the institutions that could do the dismantling, starting with the most likely ones. -大量の人間を解体処理できそうな施設を、可能性の高い順に洗って

――the major is so matter-of-fact... -即物的だな、少佐は…

how many more do we need? -目標まで、あと何人だ?

―will you let me rest for a bit? three more. -少しは休ませてくれよ。あと3人

you're going to do them by yourself? -一人でやんのかよ?

―i had the local mafia introduce me to a black-market doctor. -解体作業は、地元ヤクザに闇医者を紹介してもらってある

major, the first entry has come in. -少佐、最初の書き込みが入りました

―already? i'm amazed, where do they get the information? -もう?あきれるわね、どっから嗅ぎ付けるのかしら

the location is virtual city beta's "tarekomi dera". checking the response related to the entry. information leakage into personal sites, confirmed.

―that's suspicious. it's very likely that the nine great networks leaked it to get past the media agreement.

well, it's not like i didn't expect this...what's the estimated time until the criminal reaches the sixth level?

―two hours if we're lucky. if they perform an AI search, it'll ne more like twenty minutes. -運に頼って、せいぜい2時間。AI検索でもかけられたら、ものの20分てとこだ
332SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:44:58 ID:???0
it's common sense of work from the highest probability to the lowest, but would they really be hiding in such an easy to find place?

―sometimes you open the door and find out that your neighbor is a criminal. -蓋を開けてみたら、隣人が犯人なんてことはままあるもんさ

how about it? how about informing the embassy? -どうです、大使館に連絡を入れてみては?

―that's a good idea, but what will happen if they deny knowledge? what then? -それもよろしいが、彼らに白を切られた場合は、どうするおつもりですか?

――but, you police people can't be depended upon, right? -だが、貴様ら警察も当てにはならんだろう

i can't disagree with that. however, i have an idea. -言葉もありません。ですが私にひとつ考えが

―we're going to use your media power to do the opposite of what we've been doing. -議員の力を、メディアを通して利用するのです

we've been using the media agreement to try to keep this situation hidden, but now we're going to spread information about the situation throughout the internet.

―if i do something like that, the media will have a field day with me! -そんなことをすれば、私はメディアの格好の餌食だ!

the viewers will spread this scandalous information through the internet like wildfire, and the criminal will certainly hear about it. then your power will work effectively.

the fleeing criminal is, luckily for us, a professional. since our opponent is a professional this plan becomes effective.
333SAC19:2005/11/19(土) 00:45:38 ID:???0
you may think this is strange, but even though the criminal is our enemy, she is a professional. her actions are guided to some degree by principles.

in other words, if the government's dog finds out that she has the daughter of congressman kanzaki, the ally of her mother country, then she'll certainly ask her comrades for help.

and while she is thinking of a way to get out of this, she will most likely not harm your daughter. -そして対応を考える間は、お嬢さんに危害を加えることはまずあり得んでしょう

because of this, we want to get the information about your daughter to the criminal as soon as possible.

when that happens, there's only one place the criminal will run. -そうなった時、敵が逃げ込むところは一つです

―to the embassy... -大使館か…

――it's all up to you now, congressman. -あとは、議員のご決断次第です

but, chief, i'm surprised you came up with a plan like that in the midst of an emergency. to make him choose between his daughter's life and his political life...

―since the northern mafia was involved, cutting off ties to kanzaki helped resolve this case. that was reason enough for kanzaki himself to admit the truth.

it's great how he was able to get off easy by admitting the truth. -真実を認めたことで彼、楽になれて良かったじゃない

―there's no harm in being appreciated by him, now is there? -彼に感謝をされて、損をすることはあるまい
334monster19:2005/11/20(日) 00:00:32 ID:???0
my wife said to me, "you're just a collector who peers into human minds." -妻は私にこう言ったよ、「あなたはただ、人の心を覗くコレクターだ」とね

―doctor...you're abnormal. -ドクター…あんた異常だよ

――perhaps. the task of peering into the deep abyss and lurking in the depths of the human mind puts me at teh inherent risk of sinking into the abyss myself.

so, your fourth victim was an eighteen-year-old munich woman, was it not? when you cut her up, did you become sexually aroused?

―doctor...why don't you ask me about my twelfth victim instead? -ドクター…そんなことより、12番目の殺人について聞いてくれ

――no need. i'm sure i'll ask you about it at some point, but right now, i wanted to ask you about the one before, the eleventh case. okay?

―――well then, let me ask you this: did you feel more sexual excitement before killing the victim, or after?

do you believe that i am a serial killer? -私が、連続殺人犯だと思うか?

―i don't know. i can't tell from newspaper articles, stuff on TV, and rumors from former university classmates alone.

but why did you come to visit me, of all people? it's not as though we were particularly good friends. or rather, you looked down on me.

―that's what i thought, every time our eyes met. that you looked down on me. -君と目が合う度、思ったよ。君は私を軽蔑しているとね
335monster19:2005/11/20(日) 00:00:52 ID:???0
oh, i get it now. you want me to repay what i owed you from that time, huh? is it money? -ははあ、なるほど。あの時の借りを返せと言うわけだな。金かい?

―no. that's not it. i hear you're an authority on criminal psychology. i have something i'd like for you to see.

so, is there anything you can figure out from these two messages? -それで、その2つのメッセージから、何かわかることはないか?

―whether he has the multiple personality disorder you spoke of, you mean? -君の言うところの多重人格か?

you want to say that one personality is committing these murders and that a different personality is trying to prevent them.

certainly, there have been serial homicides in which notes like these were left at the crime scene. but, at times, these notes can be an "excuse" in order to escape culpability.

―making the distinction between the two possibilities is where our skills as psychoanalysts come in. -そこを見極めるのが、私達精神分析医の腕の見せ所なんだ

is he...toying with me? -わたしは…彼に弄ばれてるのか…

―well, hang on there. it's unwise to leap to conclusions. can you speak about johan in more detail? -まあ、待ちたまえ。結論を急ぐのは良くない。もっとゆっくりヨハンの話を聞かせてくれないか

what do you think of this man? -この男、どう思う?

―i can understand him well. -よくわかるよ

on what points? -それは、どういう点でだい?

―the..."monster" that he spoke of. -彼の言う…怪物
336monster19:2005/11/20(日) 00:01:22 ID:???0
he will definitely come to see you, i hope? -奴は確実に、あなたの元へやってくるんでしょうな?

―he will. i'll contact you right away when that happens. -必ずきます。その時はただちに、連絡しますよ

――however...i'd like for him to become one of my research subjects after you arrest him. he is an extremely interesting criminal,
that dr.tenma.

what is going on here? it's just like the room he described. -どういうことだ?そのものじゃないか

―did jurgens recreate the storage room from his childhood here? -ユルゲンスはここを自分で、子供時代の物置そっくりに作り変えたというのか?

is the doctor being threatened? -ドクターは脅されているのか?

―well, the people around them are so noisy that we can't pick up their voices... -それが、回りが騒がしくて音声が…

it was in ms.kempf's storage room. ms.kempf didn't have any children. -ケンプ夫人邸の物置にあったものだ。ケンプ夫人に子供はいなかった

the johan you spoke of and the friend jurgens spoke of friend jurgens spoke of are probably the same person. -おそらく君の言っていたヨハンと、ユルゲンスの言っていた友達は同一人物だ

the same messages as johan's were at ms.kempf's mansion. johan lived off of ms.kempf, then killed her when he didn't need her anymore.

―it may be to erase his past, as you said. -君が言うように、過去を消すためかもしれない

――i don't know how, but johan can detect killers. he can infiltrate their solitude and manipulate them. -どうやってかはわからないが、ヨハンは殺人者の匂いを嗅ぎ取る。そして、彼らの孤独に入り込み、操ることができる
337monster19:2005/11/20(日) 00:03:13 ID:???0
also, as to why you haven't found any cases where he murdered the foster parents he had when he was older... -ヨハンには、青年期に寄生した養父母を殺害したケースが、まだ見当たらないということだが…

―it's probably because he is at an age where he no longer needs foster parents. -おそらく年齢的にも、養父母を必要としなくなったからだと思う

there are other possible reasons, though. johan has finally found and joined the ideal family. -しかし、他にも考えられる。ヨハンはついに、理想の家族を見つけ、そこに入り込んだ

―still, why does he try to erase his past? is there a reason he needs to? -だが、なぜ過去を消そうとするんだ?何か理由があってなのか?

――if so, then is he currently with a family for a particular purpose? to accomplish something... -ならば今は、何かの目的のために、その家族に入り込んでいるのか?何かのために…

i wasn't looking down on you. it's the truth. -私は君を軽蔑なんかしてなかった。本当だよ

i thought you looked like an interesting guy, but i didn't get a chance to get to know you. -おもしろそうな奴だと思っていたが、いい機会がなかった。

however, we've finally become friends. -でも、やっとこれで友達になれたな

i was cheating too. -私もあの時、カンニングしてたんだよ
338Samurai Champloo19:2005/11/20(日) 00:36:22 ID:???0
dammit. where the hell did they wander off to? -たくもう。あいつらどこで油売ってんのよ?

―if they're gonna take off like this, they'd better bring something back! -売ってないで、何か買ってこいっつーの

just who do you think you are? -何なのよ、あんたたち?

―a woman came here, didn't she? -ここに、女が来ただろう?

――i don't know anything about that. -知らないわよ、そんなの

what's with the line? -何の行列だ、こりゃ?

―as you can see, it's a faith test. if you understand, hurry up and step on it. -見ての通りの踏み絵だ。わかったら、さっさと踏むんだ

don't wanna. i can't stand being bossed around. -やだ。俺は指図されんのが大嫌いなんだよ

―don't cause a fuss. step on it so we can leave. -騒ぎを起こすな。踏めばすぐ済む。

then don't step on it. -では踏むな

―well, if you tell me NOT to, it kinda makes me wanna... -踏むなと言われりゃ、踏みたくなるのが…

quit screwing around! take these two into custody! -ふざけるな!コヤツらを連れてけ!

―you wanna go a round? -やんのかオラァ

――are you so eager to expose your stupidity that you're willing to cause unnecessary conflict? tone down your bravado, will you?

you sure she wasn't making it up? -ガセネタじゃねんだろうな?

―she said that she knew the samurai who smells of sunflowers. -言ってたもん。その人、ひまわりの匂いのするお侍さんを知ってるって
339Samurai Champloo19
――anyhow, it's late at night. we'll just lose our way if we continue to walk around aimlessly. -いずれにせよ、もう世も更けた。闇雲に歩き回っても、道に迷うだけだ

um...did a woman come to this village? she was being chased by some suspicious men armed with guns. -あの…この村に女の人が来ませんでしたか?銃を持った怪しい男達に追われていて

―you must be mistaken. if someone like that had come here, this whole place would be in an uproar. -何かの間違いでしょう。そのような人が来たとしたら、今頃大騒ぎになってるはずですよ

――you sure you didn't dream the whole thing? -夢でも見たんじゃねえのか?

it's late. if you'd like, why don't you spend the night at my place? -世も更けました。よろしければ、私の家にでもお泊りください

―now, that sounds like a good idea. -ま、そうさせてもらうぜ

it's suspicious. for a village so deep in the mountains, security is too tight. -妙だな。山奥の村にしては、警備がしっかりし過ぎている

―don't you think you're worrying too much? -気にし過ぎじゃねえの?

――i hope you're right... -だといいが…

okay everyone. may i have your attention? -オウケイ、皆さん。聞いてください

until now, it was thought that all you had to do to enter heaven was to believe in god. -今までは、ただ神を信じていれば、天国へ行けると思われてました

however, even heaven has become overpopulated lately. real estate is getting scarce, and not just anyone can get in anymore.

and thus, this gun has become the passport to heaven! -そこで、天国へのパスポートとなるのが、この銃です!

the number of these holy guns that you make will determine whether you can go heaven! -どれだけ、この神の銃を作ったか。その数で、天国へ行けるかどうか決まります