さて、アルファベットを覚えたらまずは簡単な文章を読んでみようか。 Tað er ikki bara nú á døgum, at vit føroyingar hava ov nógv kyksilvurinnihald í kroppinum. Eftir at hava kannað eina flættu hjá einari konu, sum búði í Funningsbotni, og sum varð fødd í 1860'unum, er Pál Weihe, granskari og yvirlækni, komin til úrslit, sum benda á, at føroyingar eisini fyri nógvum árum síðani, høvdu nógv kyksilvur í kroppinum.
- Kyksilvurinnihaldið í gomlu flættuni var nevniliga einar 3-4 ferðir hægri enn miðal í dag, sigur Pál Weihe, sum fegin vil gera fleiri kanningar av gomlum hári.
So um onkur hevur eina flættu hjá ommu sínari, ella kanska eina krúllu hjá abba sínum liggjandi, sum tey kundu hugsað sær at fingið kannaða, kunnu tey koyra ein lokk í ein brævbjálva, og senda hann til postrúm 14 í Havn.
cats have the ability to see in dark a woman of great ability I did the job to the best of ability I admire his ability to manage an organization a man of many abilities
He has remarkable ability as a translator She ran as fast as she was able(to) This computer ought to be able to do this I ran after the bus and was able to catch it He is the abler of the two boys. an able President an able speech No one has ever been able to do it.
It's time to go aboard a ship[plane] All aboard!!Welcome aboard!! The bus fell off the cliff,killing all aboard. Put the mail aboard the plane come[go]aboard ship the life aboard whaler
climb aboard a plane She accepted his hand in marrage accept the inevitable I can accept that. 《略式》君の言うとおりだ 〈語句の〉意味を取る,理解する ・ How is this word to be accepted? この語の意味はどう取るべきだろうか He accepted that the world was flat 〈物が〉〈付属品・部分などに〉合う;〈機械などが〉…を受けつける ・ The vinyl bookcover will not accept ink. ビニールの表紙にはインクで書けない ・ Does this vending machine accept thousand-yen bills? この自動販売機は千円札が使えますか. All major credit cards (are) accepted. 主なクレジットカードはすべてご利用になれますレストランなどでの掲示.
I know nothing about him I traveled about[around] Europe There is [She has] something different about her there is something mysterious about the accident About what? [=What about?] Now (it's) about your application, ... (新しい話題を導入するために)ところで君の応募の件だが… ・ That's what it's all about. 結局そういうところだ;それがねらい[本質]だ. I don't have any cash about[on]me Keep your wits about you about the middle of May ..に従事して, に携わって.
・ What are you about? 何をしているのですか. Go and mail this letter, and while you're about it buy me a pack of cigarettes Bring me some water, and be quick 〜about it! I was about to leave the house, when the telephone rang The bus was (just) about to start. バスは発車しようとしていた(※話ではしばしばjustが入る). [類語]be going toよりも改まった言い方で, 差し迫った未来について用いる; be going toに許される未来を表す副詞(句)(例えばtomorrow)とは一緒に用いない.
〜 ten miles 約10マイル. ・ 〜 three grams 約3グラム. ・ 〜 as high as the roof 屋根の高さぐらい. ・ It's 〜 time for the train to arrive. もうそろそろ列車の着く時刻だ. ・ I'm 〜 tired of this quiet life. この静かな生活にはいいかげん[ほとほと]飽きてしまった( [注意]「ほとんど, ほぼ」という控え目な表現が, かえって強意にな
I'll be about again when my leg heals. turn about ぐるりと向きを変える. ・ go a long way about 大きく遠回りする. The plague was about that year. その年はペストがはやった. ・ There are too many drugs about nowadays We drove the car turn and turn about
He bet everything he had 〜 him. 彼は持ち物を全部賭(か)けた( この意でaboutを用いるのは《米》では今はまれ. またon, withも用いるが,aboutとonは主として金のような身近に持つ小さいものに限られ, withはI had an umbrella with me.のように大きなものに用いる) I'm not about to pay 200 dollars for shoes like that
I'm afraid it was all rather above me. 私の力の及ばないことだったと思う He is above finding fault with others He is above trickery She is not above reading her own poems He is not above chewing gum in the classroom. 彼は教室内で平気でガムをかむ.
天上(heaven);上層部 ・ orders from above 上からの命令 ・ a blessing from above 天からの祝福. 〜 ten years 10年より長く(※10年を含まない). ・ men above fifty 50歳を越えた人. ・ The parcel weighs above one pound. その小包は重さが1ポンドを超える. ・ My work at school was well above average. 私の学校の成績は平均をかなり上回っていた. ・ The girl's shrill voice could be heard above the noise. 少女のかん高い声が騒音を越えて聞こえてきた
昨日のフェロー語はマイナー過ぎたので、今日はデンマーク語の読み物だ。 Jo yngre mænd er første gang de køber sex hos en prostitueret, jo oftere fortsætter de med at købe sex senere i livet. Også selvom de lever i et fast parforhold og bliver gift. Det viser en stor undersøgelse af sexkunder, foretaget af Videns-og Formidlingscenter for Socialt Udsatte.
6350 mænd har deltaget i undersøgelsen. Den viser blandt andet, at 14 procent af de danske mænd har erfaringer med prostituerede. Sker det i en ung alder vil det ofte præge mændenes sexualliv sidenhen, siger sociolog Claus Lautrup, der står bag undersøgelsen.
Samtidig foreslår KFUKs Sociale Arbejde, KSA, at Danmark følger Sveriges eksempel og helt forbyder køb af sex hos prostituerede. Det er den eneste måde, vi herhjemme kan dæmme op for handelen med kvinder. Danmark er blevet et attraktivt sted at handle med kvinder, mener KSA, som bl.a. driver institutionerne Reden for prostituerede i København, Odense og Århus.
KSA begynder i dag en kampagne, som skal føre til, at køb af prostitution bliver ulovlig. Begrundelsen er, at prostituerede lever et elendigt liv. En måde til at forhindre det, er at kriminalisere kunderne, mener KSA.
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