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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 19:55
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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 20:10
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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 20:14
WHAT shoud we talk about in English?
Any other languages?
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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 20:16
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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 20:23
>>7 Foreign Language(except Engilish)@2chBBS
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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 20:30
>>8 THEREFORE I ask you -- WHAT LANGUAGE(s) shoud we talk ABOUT in this thread?
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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 20:42
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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 20:45
let's talking!
of course in English.
>>8 >(except Engilish)
What does "Engilish" mean?
Hi guys!
How about discussing vowel diphthongization before tense sonorants in
Munster Irish, which appears in such words as poll [pauL] (a hole) and
gann [gauN] (scarce)?
Or do you prefer talking about West Greenlandic noun incorporation
such as inuk(a man) > inororpoq (to grow up)?
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名無しさん@3周年:03/09/05 22:35
>>1 Hirnlos!
Espèce d'idiot!
¡Qué escándalo!