ニンテンドォ そーごー スッドレ 465


公  式 http://www.nintendo.co.jp/
案内所 http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Domino/6420/
避難所 http://jbbs.shitaraba.com/game/1335/
前スレ あって無きがごとし
2西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 22:08 ID:CL88LCmC
3名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:09 ID:guHRg/pd
4名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:09 ID:5Luyorgj
5名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:09 ID:F43OfFQw
6鳥取推進委 ◆EDdEt1O10A :02/12/09 22:09 ID:faeyY0cs
7鳥取推進委 ◆EDdEt1O10A :02/12/09 22:10 ID:faeyY0cs
8名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:10 ID:Ki9DVM/R
9西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 22:10 ID:CL88LCmC
10 ◆KASA8sbcJY :02/12/09 22:11 ID:1nEBJw5D
11名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:11 ID:/xOnR/Fd
12宇治金時:02/12/09 22:12 ID:fCpRbNNO

13にくまれっこ:02/12/09 22:13 ID:YtWWKWci
14名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:14 ID:WJt5x9Cf
15名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:15 ID:XY+AuP3v
16宇治金時:02/12/09 22:15 ID:fCpRbNNO

17 ◆KASA8sbcJY :02/12/09 22:15 ID:1nEBJw5D
18西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 22:16 ID:CL88LCmC
19名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:16 ID:5Luyorgj
20キチガイ:02/12/09 22:17 ID:8bVbwsHH
21にくまれっこ:02/12/09 22:18 ID:YtWWKWci
22キチガイ:02/12/09 22:18 ID:8bVbwsHH
23西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 22:19 ID:CL88LCmC
24魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 22:19 ID:86ONAOZ7
25キチガイ:02/12/09 22:20 ID:8bVbwsHH
26洋ゲー推進委員会:02/12/09 22:21 ID:jdNkkMNO
27名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:21 ID:ggLJQdWf
28キチガイ:02/12/09 22:21 ID:8bVbwsHH
29名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:21 ID:ggLJQdWf
30名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:22 ID:15bzr4sV
31名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:22 ID:ggLJQdWf
32西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 22:22 ID:CL88LCmC
33ネギ山:02/12/09 22:22 ID:nSVB/RVG

どさくさまぎれに スッドレになってる(;´Д`)
34魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 22:22 ID:86ONAOZ7
パネポンは面白いですよ( ´∀`)
35名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:23 ID:ggLJQdWf
36名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:24 ID:Ee5cwTb5

37名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:26 ID:IZ3xsUfC
38名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:27 ID:e2arOQLm
39西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 22:27 ID:CL88LCmC
40名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:27 ID:Ee5cwTb5
41名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:27 ID:5JF3GzuM
42名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:29 ID:ggLJQdWf

43名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:29 ID:F43OfFQw

44洋ゲー推進委員会:02/12/09 22:29 ID:jdNkkMNO
45名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:30 ID:Snm2bQXS
46魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 22:30 ID:86ONAOZ7
47名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:30 ID:9ydhoZYZ
48名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:30 ID:Ee5cwTb5
49名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:31 ID:e2arOQLm
50名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:32 ID:9ydhoZYZ
51名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:32 ID:IZ3xsUfC


52魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 22:33 ID:86ONAOZ7
53ヾ(´∀` ◆LinkJrLPtw :02/12/09 22:33 ID:gs4deGTm
ここが新スレかな・・・ (´∀` )
54名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:33 ID:4/0dY8kA

55名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:34 ID:ggLJQdWf
56名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:34 ID:9ydhoZYZ
57名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:34 ID:5Luyorgj
58魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 22:34 ID:86ONAOZ7
59名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:35 ID:Snm2bQXS
60名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:35 ID:e2arOQLm
61名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:35 ID:TzCWiCvV
にほひがして 気になります
62洋ゲー推進委員会:02/12/09 22:35 ID:jdNkkMNO
63名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:36 ID:9ydhoZYZ
64名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:36 ID:fBhbMXpC
65名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:36 ID:58bxX2VH

66名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:36 ID:9ydhoZYZ
67名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:36 ID:Ee5cwTb5

68名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:37 ID:9ydhoZYZ
69名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:37 ID:F43OfFQw
70捨蔵:02/12/09 22:37 ID:TS1jrUeF
151 名前: 捨蔵 投稿日: 2002/12/09(月) 18:29
●『1080°GC』、日本版のタイトルは『1080°SILVER STORM』に決定。
・NINTENDO パズルコレクション
・Viewtiful Joe
・『ドカポンDX わたる世間はオニだらけ』
・『Onimusha Tactics』
・『ドナルドダック レスキュー大作戦』

181 名前: 大人も子どもも名無しさんも 投稿日: 2002/12/09(月) 22:28
71名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:38 ID:pQIF0kbO

72魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 22:39 ID:86ONAOZ7
73名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:39 ID:9ydhoZYZ
74名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:40 ID:IZ3xsUfC

75名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:41 ID:9ydhoZYZ
76( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 22:41 ID:wOAahyYw
77名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:42 ID:Snm2bQXS
78名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:42 ID:5JF3GzuM
79名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:42 ID:15bzr4sV
80名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:43 ID:Ee5cwTb5

81魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 22:43 ID:86ONAOZ7
82名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:44 ID:SDW4spVF
83( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 22:45 ID:wOAahyYw
84名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:45 ID:SDW4spVF
85洋ゲー推進委員会:02/12/09 22:46 ID:jdNkkMNO
タイムツイストと遊遊記も( ゚д゚)ホスィ
86名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:46 ID:9ydhoZYZ
87名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:47 ID:Snm2bQXS
88名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:47 ID:TzCWiCvV
>>71 どうもです
89名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:47 ID:IZ3xsUfC
90名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:48 ID:0dOkXIpi
91名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:48 ID:Bnk3YsO2
92名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:48 ID:9ydhoZYZ
93( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 22:49 ID:wOAahyYw
94名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:49 ID:Snm2bQXS
95( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 22:50 ID:wOAahyYw
96名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:50 ID:9E8qQOlq
97鳥取推進委 ◆EDdEt1O10A :02/12/09 22:50 ID:faeyY0cs
98名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:51 ID:Ki9DVM/R
99名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:51 ID:Snm2bQXS
100名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:51 ID:IZ3xsUfC
101名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:51 ID:pQIF0kbO

102( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 22:52 ID:wOAahyYw
103名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:52 ID:15bzr4sV
104名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:52 ID:IZ3xsUfC
105名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:53 ID:cp6E4H/j
106名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:53 ID:xZMdf5S/

107名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:53 ID:0dOkXIpi
108鳥取推進委 ◆EDdEt1O10A :02/12/09 22:54 ID:faeyY0cs

109ヾ(´∀` ◆LinkJrLPtw :02/12/09 22:55 ID:gs4deGTm
鬼ヶ島と西遊記でてほしいな・・・ (´∀` )
110捨蔵:02/12/09 22:57 ID:TS1jrUeF
●バットマン ダークトゥモロー
111名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:57 ID:TzCWiCvV
>>101 よろしくお願いします
112名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:59 ID:IZ3xsUfC

113名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:59 ID:9ydhoZYZ
114名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:00 ID:pQIF0kbO
115熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:01 ID:JC5fB09L
116名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:02 ID:IZ3xsUfC
117ヾ(´∀` ◆LinkJrLPtw :02/12/09 23:02 ID:gs4deGTm
2002.12.20 TETRIS WORLDS サクセス パズル
118熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:02 ID:JC5fB09L
2002.12.20 TETRIS WORLDS サクセス ハズレ
119( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:02 ID:wOAahyYw
120名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:02 ID:ggLJQdWf
121名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:03 ID:LgHshWal
122熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:03 ID:JC5fB09L
123名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:04 ID:IZ3xsUfC
124名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:04 ID:9ydhoZYZ

125名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:05 ID:9ydhoZYZ
126熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:06 ID:JC5fB09L
127名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:06 ID:15bzr4sV
128名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:07 ID:bte3P9rO

129名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:07 ID:LgHshWal
130名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:07 ID:9ydhoZYZ
131名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:08 ID:9ydhoZYZ
132( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:09 ID:wOAahyYw

133魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 23:09 ID:86ONAOZ7
134名無しさん必死だな :02/12/09 23:09 ID:V7aPcua9
135名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:09 ID:cvciOzPR
136名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:10 ID:ggLJQdWf
137名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:10 ID:LgHshWal
138( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:11 ID:wOAahyYw


139名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:13 ID:Mpc0Up3N
140名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:13 ID:9ydhoZYZ

141熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:13 ID:JC5fB09L

142名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:13 ID:IZ3xsUfC
143名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:13 ID:HeWg6d2n
144( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:14 ID:wOAahyYw
145名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:14 ID:a1H9NV88
146名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:14 ID:ST2ezyWQ
147名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:14 ID:ggLJQdWf
148名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:14 ID:9ydhoZYZ
149熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:14 ID:JC5fB09L
150名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:15 ID:cvciOzPR
151名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:15 ID:9ydhoZYZ
152熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:16 ID:JC5fB09L
153名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:16 ID:9ydhoZYZ
154名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:17 ID:pQIF0kbO

155名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:19 ID:ggLJQdWf
156( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:20 ID:wOAahyYw

157( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:20 ID:wOAahyYw
158名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:21 ID:9ydhoZYZ

159ヾ(´∀` ◆LinkJrLPtw :02/12/09 23:23 ID:gs4deGTm
タイヤキ (゚д゚)ウマー
160( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:23 ID:wOAahyYw

161名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:23 ID:5Luyorgj
162洋ゲー推進委員会:02/12/09 23:24 ID:jdNkkMNO
GC版 gamespotで5.1, 5.7
163名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:24 ID:9ydhoZYZ
164( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:25 ID:wOAahyYw
165ネギ山:02/12/09 23:26 ID:nSVB/RVG
ズラシとかやる場合は自然落下を待たねばならず ↓は使えなかった。

166名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:27 ID:9ydhoZYZ
167名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:27 ID:DXuoFMd4
168 ◆KASA8sbcJY :02/12/09 23:27 ID:1nEBJw5D
169西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 23:27 ID:CL88LCmC
170名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:28 ID:9ydhoZYZ
171名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:28 ID:IZ3xsUfC
172( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:28 ID:wOAahyYw
173魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 23:28 ID:86ONAOZ7
174( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:29 ID:wOAahyYw
175熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:29 ID:JC5fB09L
176名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:29 ID:9ydhoZYZ
177名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:29 ID:bte3P9rO
178洋ゲー推進委員会:02/12/09 23:29 ID:jdNkkMNO

179名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:30 ID:IZ3xsUfC
180名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:30 ID:Jz+U0yE5
181( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:30 ID:wOAahyYw
182熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:30 ID:JC5fB09L
183名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:31 ID:9ydhoZYZ
184名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:31 ID:ggLJQdWf
185名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:31 ID:9ydhoZYZ
186名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:31 ID:tbO+U+AK
187熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:31 ID:JC5fB09L
188ネギ山:02/12/09 23:32 ID:nSVB/RVG

189( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:32 ID:wOAahyYw
190名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:32 ID:WJt5x9Cf
191名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:32 ID:9ydhoZYZ
192名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:32 ID:ggLJQdWf
193名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:33 ID:9ydhoZYZ
194ネギ山:02/12/09 23:34 ID:nSVB/RVG
195名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:35 ID:9ydhoZYZ
196名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:37 ID:9ydhoZYZ
197名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:37 ID:9GZ0gPP4
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
198名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:37 ID:IZ3xsUfC
199名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:37 ID:DHOG7lMT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
200名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:37 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
201名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
202名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
203名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
204名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
205名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
206ネギ山:02/12/09 23:38 ID:nSVB/RVG
207名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:9erSGY3y
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
208名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:DXuoFMd4
209西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 23:38 ID:CL88LCmC
210名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
211にくまれっこ:02/12/09 23:38 ID:YtWWKWci
212名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:g5UksiH5
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
213名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
214名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
215名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:38 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
216名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
217名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
218名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
219名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
220名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
221名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:9GZ0gPP4
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
222名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:DHOG7lMT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
223名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:SDW4spVF
224熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:39 ID:JC5fB09L
225名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
226名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
227名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
228名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
229名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
230名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
231名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
232名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:/yb/ZDIS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
233名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:3dfi8anu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
234名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:IZ3xsUfC

235名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:39 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
236名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
237名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
238名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
239名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
240名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
241名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
242名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
243名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
244名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
245名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:rjFC41ih
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
246名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:pQIF0kbO

247名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
248名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
249名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
250名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
251名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:40 ID:3dfi8anu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
252名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
253名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
254名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
255名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:g5UksiH5
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
256名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
257名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
258名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
259名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
260名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:SDW4spVF

261名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
262名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
263西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 23:41 ID:CL88LCmC
264名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
265名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
266名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
267名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:/yb/ZDIS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
268名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:DHOG7lMT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
269名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:+ADA1emT
270名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:41 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
271名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
272名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:e2arOQLm
273名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
274名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
275名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:3dfi8anu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
276名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
277名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
278魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 23:42 ID:86ONAOZ7
279名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
280名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:rjFC41ih
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
281キチガイ:02/12/09 23:42 ID:8bVbwsHH

282名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:pQIF0kbO

283名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
284名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:g5UksiH5
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
285名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
286名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
287名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
288名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
289名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
290名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
291名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:42 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
292名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:DXuoFMd4
293名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
294名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:9erSGY3y
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
295名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:DHOG7lMT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
296名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
297名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
298名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
299名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
300西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 23:43 ID:CL88LCmC

301名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
302名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:ggLJQdWf
303名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
304名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
305名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:/yb/ZDIS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
306名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
307名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
308名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:g5UksiH5
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
309名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:43 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
310名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
311名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
312魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 23:44 ID:86ONAOZ7
313名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
314名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
315 ◆XyMario//2 :02/12/09 23:44 ID:JrPEolJ/
316名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
317名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
318名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:CFr0Aela
319名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
320名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:xR1q3L00
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
321名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:DHOG7lMT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
322260:02/12/09 23:44 ID:SDW4spVF
323名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
324名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:9ydhoZYZ
325名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
326名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
327名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
328名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
329名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:3dfi8anu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
330名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:44 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
331名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
332名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
333名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:xR1q3L00
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
334名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
335名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:g5UksiH5
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
336名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
337名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
338名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
339名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:pQIF0kbO
340名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
341名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
342名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:IZ3xsUfC
343名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
344名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
345名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
346名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:LhCqNirt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
347名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
348名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:DXuoFMd4
349名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:9erSGY3y
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
350名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:DHOG7lMT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
351名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:45 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
352名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
353名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
354名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:3dfi8anu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
355名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
356名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
357名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
358名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
359名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
360名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:xR1q3L00
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
361キチガイ:02/12/09 23:46 ID:8bVbwsHH
362名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
363西武百貨] ◆ookdS9P/mI :02/12/09 23:46 ID:CL88LCmC
364名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
365名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:g5UksiH5
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
366名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
367名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:pQIF0kbO
368名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
369名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
370名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:46 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
371熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:46 ID:JC5fB09L
372熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:47 ID:JC5fB09L
373名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:47 ID:ggLJQdWf
374( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:47 ID:wOAahyYw
浜村通信 5点

ジョルジョ中治 6点

鈴木ドイツ 6点

渡辺美紀 6点
375名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:47 ID:9ydhoZYZ
376名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:47 ID:IZ3xsUfC

377名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:48 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
378名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:48 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
379名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:48 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
380名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:48 ID:/yb/ZDIS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
381名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
382名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
383名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
384ネギ山:02/12/09 23:49 ID:nSVB/RVG
385名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
386名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:3dfi8anu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
387名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
388名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
389名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
390名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
391名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:xR1q3L00
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
392キチガイ:02/12/09 23:49 ID:8bVbwsHH
393名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
394洋ゲー推進委員会:02/12/09 23:49 ID:jdNkkMNO

395名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:g5UksiH5
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
396名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
397名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
398ネギ山:02/12/09 23:49 ID:nSVB/RVG
399名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
400熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:49 ID:JC5fB09L
401名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
402名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:IZ3xsUfC

403名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
404名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
405名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:49 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
406名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
407 ◆KASA8sbcJY :02/12/09 23:50 ID:1nEBJw5D
408名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:/yb/ZDIS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
409名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
410名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
411名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
412名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
413名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
414魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 23:50 ID:86ONAOZ7
415名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
416名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
417名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
418名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:rjFC41ih
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
419( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:50 ID:wOAahyYw
420名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
421名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
422名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
423名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
424名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
425名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
426名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:50 ID:9ydhoZYZ
427名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
428キチガイ:02/12/09 23:51 ID:8bVbwsHH
429名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
430名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
431名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
432名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:xR1q3L00
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
433名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:SDW4spVF
434名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
435熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:51 ID:JC5fB09L
436名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
437翻訳:02/12/09 23:51 ID:e2arOQLm
438名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
439ネギ山:02/12/09 23:51 ID:nSVB/RVG
440名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
441名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
442名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:DXuoFMd4

443名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
444名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
445名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
446名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:51 ID:xR1q3L00
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
447魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 23:51 ID:86ONAOZ7
448名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
449名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
450名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
451名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
452名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
453名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
454名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
455名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
456名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:LhCqNirt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
457名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
458名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:9erSGY3y
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
459名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:a1H9NV88
460名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:DHOG7lMT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
461名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
462名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
463名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
464名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
465名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
466名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
467 ◆KASA8sbcJY :02/12/09 23:52 ID:1nEBJw5D
468名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
469名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:52 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
470名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:rjFC41ih
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
471名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
472名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
473名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
474熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:53 ID:JC5fB09L
475名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
476名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
477名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
478名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
479( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:53 ID:wOAahyYw
480名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
481名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:LhCqNirt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
482名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
483名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:/yb/ZDIS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
484名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
485洋ゲー推進委員会:02/12/09 23:53 ID:jdNkkMNO
486名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
487名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
488名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:a1H9NV88
489名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
490名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:53 ID:dEVEonbu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
491名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:DXuoFMd4
492ネギ山:02/12/09 23:54 ID:nSVB/RVG

493名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
494名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
495名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
496名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:9GZ0gPP4
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
497名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
498熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:54 ID:JC5fB09L
499名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:g5UksiH5
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
500名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
501名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
502名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:SDW4spVF

503名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
504名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
505名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
506名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
507名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
508名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
509キチガイ:02/12/09 23:54 ID:8bVbwsHH
510名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:LhCqNirt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
511( ゚_ゝ゚):02/12/09 23:54 ID:wOAahyYw
512名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
513名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:9erSGY3y
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
514名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:DHOG7lMT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
515名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:yWVRRhL0
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
516名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:54 ID:a1H9NV88
517名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:M2dBf4Fu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
518名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:ijOPXecS
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
519名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:6Hi7RR3c
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
520熊田かヲる ◆IzQ2mnDd1A :02/12/09 23:55 ID:JC5fB09L
521名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:8fMcrhBP
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
522名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:0aSnNM2D
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
523名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:sY6r9M32
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
524名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:6id6KuRk
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
525名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:pQIF0kbO

526名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:KqbsK65B
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
527名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:pQYFn5du
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
528名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:tYkNHkEp
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
529名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:I2z/3iiD
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
530名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:tPhdMSk7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
531名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:kj1KlMMQ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
532ネギ山:02/12/09 23:55 ID:nSVB/RVG
533名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:8tcdCakn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
534名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:wuknDslt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
535魔(´∀` )神:02/12/09 23:55 ID:86ONAOZ7
536名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:55 ID:sJQ1Dp9T
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
537名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:56 ID:LhCqNirt
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
538名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:56 ID:oE5UDtVu
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.

She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.