2 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/11/15 08:35 ID:gJHzXzaG
3 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/11/15 08:35 ID:/IiAnqMA
\\ 裏ゼルダ、ワッショイ!!裏ゼルダ、ワッショイ!! //
\\ カプコンすごいぞ、ワッショイ!!新作5本だ、ワッショイ!!/+
/■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ +
( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)
(( (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ )) +
. /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ +
( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)
(( (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ )) +
. /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ +
( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)
(((つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ )) +
. /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ +
( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)
(( (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ )) +
.+ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ /■\ +
( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)( ´∀`∩(´∀`∩)( ´∀`)
(( (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ (つ ノ (つ 丿(つ つ )) +
ヽ ( ノ ( ヽノ ) ) ) ヽ ( ノ ( ヽノ ) ) )
(_)し' し(_) (_)_) (_)し' し(_) (_)_)
6 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/11/15 08:42 ID:ari63WFX
8 :
>>3:02/11/15 08:58 ID:ari63WFX
13 :
424:02/11/25 14:07 ID:vWylPZQP
麟麟麟 麟麟麟
麟麟麟麟 麟麟麟麟
麟麟麟麟麟 麟麟麟麟麟
麟麟法麟 麟法麟麟
麟法法法麟 麟法法法麟
麟法 法麟 麟法 法麟
麟法 麟 麟 法麟
麟 法麟 麟法 麟
麟 法麟 麟法 麟
麟法 法麟麟麟麟麟麟麟麟麟麟麟麟麟法 法麟
麟 法法法法 法法法法 麟
麟 麟
麟法 法麟
麟 麟
麟 麟
麟法 法麟
麟 諒麟諒 麟
麟 諒 法麟諒 諒 諒 麟
麟 麟法諒麟麟 麟諒 諒麟 麟
麟法 諒麟麟麟諒 諒麟麟麟諒 法麟
麟 諒麟法 諒麟諒 麟
麟 麟麟麟 麟
麟 陵陵 麟 陵陵 麟
麟 陵陵陵陵 陵陵陵陵 麟
麟法陵陵陵陵 麟麟麟法麟麟麟 陵陵陵陵法麟
麟 陵陵 諒 諒 陵陵 麟
麟法 法麟
麟法 法麟
麟麟法法 法法麟麟
麟麟麟法法法 法法法麟麟麟
16 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/11/30 21:43 ID:jTTfgwCH
>>6 >>8 そんなのドラクエ8が発表された今となっては空しいだけでは・・・
17 :
事情通:02/11/30 21:45 ID:gRBRPLu0
18 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/11/30 21:45 ID:s2ZO91xQ
◆妊娠◆ ノ;;;;;;)〜〜 プゥ〜ンかまってかまって
(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)〜〜〜〜 プゥ〜ンかまってかまって
(;;;;;;;;;GC;;;;;;;ヽ〜〜〜〜 プゥ〜ンかまってかまって
/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ 〜〜〜〜 プゥ〜ンかまってかまって
人;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)クサイ クサイ
。 川川川/゚∴゚\ b〜 プゥ〜ン
。‖川‖.゚◎---◎゚|〜 ゚プゥ〜ン /
川川‖∵∴゚。3∵゚ヽ〜。゚ 。 。 <GC最高!!
。 川川∴゚∵∴)д(∴)〜゚ 〆⌒\。 \
。川川∵∴゚∵o〜・%〜。 (c人゚∴3
川川‖o∴゚〜∵。/。 ゚|゜#。゚。゚b。カユイ カユイ
川川川川∴∵∴‰U d゚。o∵。|゚ プゥ〜ン
U 〆∵゚‥。 ゚o゚ o\_ 。(・∀・。)プゥ〜ン
。 / \゚。∵@゚∴o∴つ (c‥∵゚)゚
o |∴\ '''''゚''''''''''''つ U d;∵|:∴|゚。
%。゚。。‰∴。∵゚∴o゚ o (::c(∴゚)。o。。
|o∵o。。| ̄ ̄
・身長159cm以下体重75kg以上 体脂肪率38%以上 ・年賀状が来たのは3枚以下
・3流理系大学生、アニメサークル所属、合コン歴無し ロリコン
・風呂には3日に1回しか入らない ・50メートル走タイム11秒5以上 ・自分の年齢=彼女いない歴
・AV、アニメビデオを1日最低3回は見る ・“ラップ”と聞くと「サランラップ?」とボケでなくマジで答える
・ジャニなどモテモテ芸能人を目の敵にしている ・ギャルゲグッズを多数所持
20 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:30 ID:AwTcc1mI
21 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:34 ID:zzDn7TRR
22 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:36 ID:AwTcc1mI
24 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:37 ID:UgpgRCRo
25 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:39 ID:FvdHJMWj
26 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:40 ID:ggLJQdWf
1000 :ヾ(´∀` ◆LinkJrLPtw :02/12/09 21:38 ID:gs4deGTm
兄さん 1000ゲットだよ
スバラシイ クゥゥゥー
∧_∧ ∧_∧
(・┏┓・) (・∀・ )
_| ̄ ̄||_) | ̄ ̄||_)
/旦|――||// /|――||///|
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| . |
27 :
|ω・`):02/12/09 21:40 ID:+JG7bWcx
29 :
ネギ山:02/12/09 21:40 ID:nSVB/RVG
30 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:40 ID:FvdHJMWj
32 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:40 ID:F43OfFQw
( ´_ゝ`)マッタク
34 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:41 ID:LzHWfI2z
36 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:41 ID:5Luyorgj
37 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:41 ID:AwTcc1mI
38 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:41 ID:FvdHJMWj
>>34 ここは黙ってスルーしてくれ
39 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:41 ID:ggLJQdWf
40 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 21:42 ID:fCpRbNNO
41 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 21:42 ID:fCpRbNNO
42 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:43 ID:hNnytzCx
44 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:43 ID:FvdHJMWj
45 :
ネギ山:02/12/09 21:44 ID:nSVB/RVG
>>40 そうなったら荒らしは違う板いくだけでしょ
昨日の消化スレ 3
本日の消化スレ 5.5
47 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:45 ID:55WeQIQE
48 :
|ω・`):02/12/09 21:45 ID:+JG7bWcx
49 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:45 ID:ggLJQdWf
52 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 21:46 ID:fCpRbNNO
53 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:47 ID:4/0dY8kA
どう考えても 荒らしを消す方法はこれしかなかった…
じゃあな 楽しかったぜ
55 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:47 ID:ggLJQdWf
>>42 こりゃ当分は直らないでしょ
56 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 21:47 ID:fCpRbNNO
57 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:47 ID:hNnytzCx
58 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:48 ID:hNnytzCx
59 :
出川でも妊娠でもない男:02/12/09 21:48 ID:+Q3OOECB
61 :
ネギ山:02/12/09 21:50 ID:nSVB/RVG
62 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:50 ID:NS1Y+QNl
>>60 全然効果ないけどお前自身のためなら頑張れw
63 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:50 ID:55WeQIQE
>>59 恨みじゃなくてスレの記録を作りたいんだよ
65 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:51 ID:RzeL2xgx
67 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 21:51 ID:fCpRbNNO
68 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:52 ID:F43OfFQw
70 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:52 ID:FvdHJMWj
71 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:52 ID:/QmEjSS2
73 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:53 ID:55WeQIQE
74 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 21:53 ID:fCpRbNNO
78 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:54 ID:hzCYwP5K
79 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:55 ID:F43OfFQw
80 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:56 ID:hNnytzCx
81 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 21:56 ID:fCpRbNNO
82 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:56 ID:55WeQIQE
83 :
出川でも妊娠でもない男:02/12/09 21:56 ID:+Q3OOECB
84 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:56 ID:AwTcc1mI
86 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 21:56 ID:qCR3BsvZ
88 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:01 ID:BsUeU9J/
90 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:02 ID:0+PKdsJh
91 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:02 ID:ggLJQdWf
92 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:03 ID:0+PKdsJh
93 :
ネギ山:02/12/09 22:03 ID:nSVB/RVG
>>87 でもスレが容量オーバーで潰れるのは避けられない罠。
94 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:03 ID:5Luyorgj
95 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 22:03 ID:fCpRbNNO
96 :
宇治金時:02/12/09 22:05 ID:fCpRbNNO
97 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:05 ID:0+PKdsJh
>>94 実際どうやってるかはわからんけど
98 :
ネギ山:02/12/09 22:09 ID:nSVB/RVG
>>94 それはないと思いますよ
100 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:13 ID:0+PKdsJh
101 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:14 ID:GaYy59o0
102 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 22:15 ID:0+PKdsJh
>>101 糞スレ乱立を有効活用している香具師の方が問題だと思うが
105 :
ネギ山:02/12/09 22:18 ID:nSVB/RVG
>>101 任天堂総合スレはゲーハー板の隔離スレだから
107 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/09 23:57 ID:nSVB/RVG
110 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:06 ID:4o0Cd/f0
112 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:11 ID:o+8b4FFy
118 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:17 ID:o+8b4FFy
>>115 管理人も大変そうだよね
120 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 00:17 ID:pG/WOmvT
126 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 00:21 ID:pG/WOmvT
;',ー( ´∀`)゜。 避難、避難…
. ≡ | (つ つ))
≡ "''人 Y
≡ し (_)
130 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:22 ID:n14L2Zn2
133 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:23 ID:ji0L2FY7
137 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:24 ID:n14L2Zn2
>>133 皆に知れ渡ると対策されますよ
TSYTAYA onlineでゼルダ着メロキタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
169 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:27 ID:cOs7TTbN
173 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:28 ID:ji0L2FY7
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
180 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:28 ID:Qa7FAAcC
181 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:29 ID:Qa7FAAcC
182 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:29 ID:o+8b4FFy
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
184 :
カルピス:02/12/10 00:29 ID:imbsXH6Z
185 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:29 ID:Qa7FAAcC
>>180 お前このテンプレ貼るな
187 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:30 ID:Qa7FAAcC
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
191 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:31 ID:Qa7FAAcC
>>186 そうかもしれんが
193 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:31 ID:uaHwENL1
>>186 荒らしに原因もクソもないよ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
196 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:32 ID:Qa7FAAcC
>>191 一理ある
199 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:33 ID:uaHwENL1
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
202 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:34 ID:uaHwENL1
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
204 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 00:35 ID:pG/WOmvT
207 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 00:35 ID:pG/WOmvT
208 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:35 ID:uaHwENL1
>>202 それだけはダメです
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
217 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 00:37 ID:pG/WOmvT
218 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:37 ID:uaHwENL1
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
221 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 00:38 ID:pG/WOmvT
224 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:39 ID:uaHwENL1
>>217 まあね
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
232 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:41 ID:uaHwENL1
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
237 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:42 ID:uaHwENL1
238 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:43 ID:uaHwENL1
>>238 被害を最小限にする為ここで様子を見ましょうよ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
245 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:44 ID:uaHwENL1
246 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:44 ID:n14L2Zn2
>>231 荒らしを面白がって応援、便乗した時点で迷惑も糞もなし。
251 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:45 ID:uaHwENL1
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
260 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 00:47 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>223 ルーンさん、どうも
「左のページに表 側面 右のページに裏面」
>>250 でも後々任天スレの住民が悪く言われるのが目に見えるのですが
どうやら 落ち着いたようだ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
266 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:48 ID:uaHwENL1
>>268 ようやくここまで収まったんです。
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
275 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:50 ID:L9QY2vXd
( ´_ゝ`)ルーン久々に見た気がする
276 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 00:51 ID:QkXrUiKv
>>268 独走してる一流企業の人間がそんなマネするはずがない
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
279 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:51 ID:uaHwENL1
>>268 アンチを特定機種のユーザーと決め付けるのは、よくないことですよ
>>260 有難うございます。
>>272 落ち着いただろうけれども
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>276 気にしない方が幸せですよ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>285 さっきの勢いと比べてみても一応対策されたみたいですね
>>279 いやこれやってるのは明らかにこのスレ読んでる人への
>>262 まああくまで最後の手段だしね。
294 :
カルピス:02/12/10 00:55 ID:imbsXH6Z
297 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 00:55 ID:uaHwENL1
>>281 ああ・・・IDが同じだから手動だと思ったっちゃ・・・
>>294 オカリナの時は凄かったからなぁ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>296 スレタイが関係ないことが解ったんですから
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
308 :
カルピス:02/12/10 00:58 ID:imbsXH6Z
>>299 BGMに勢いがないというかナントイウカ・・・
>>298 さっきの一連の荒氏にも含まれてたIDなんで、同じっぽいです。
(((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクガクブルブル
>>307 別人ですよ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
316 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:00 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>307 (´∀` ◆majinxup7w が本物で
魔(´∀` )神 はクローンです
嫌がらせとしか思えない…(((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクブル
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
324 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:01 ID:o+8b4FFy
外出から戻って来たら この有り様
雪が降ったからって はしゃぎ過ぎだよ
>>320 それが妥当でしょうね
328 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:02 ID:B6AkaFwA
☆ チン マチクタビレタ〜
☆ チン 〃 ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
ヽ ___\(\・∀・) < 風のタクトのネタばれコピペまだー?
\_/⊂ ⊂_ ) \_____________
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /|
| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| |
| .愛媛みかん. |/
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
333 :
カルピス:02/12/10 01:03 ID:imbsXH6Z
334 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:03 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>320 せめて260からにして・・・・
>>316 ???¨q`rmr,qzr2qニq?qテqオqァqdqdqd
338 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:05 ID:HP1TsBuy
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
着メロダウンロードできたよ ヾ(´∀`)ノ゛ヤッホーイ
344 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:07 ID:pG/WOmvT
345 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 01:07 ID:uaHwENL1
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
347 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:08 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>337 報告スレの974です。
350 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:09 ID:pG/WOmvT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>316 なんかへんな風になっちゃったんで、もう一度・・・
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
360 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:12 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>353 例えるなら 元祖生八橋 と 本家生八橋 とか……
>>353 ちなみに魔(´∀` )神コテを使ってる人は俺の知る限りもう一人います
363 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:13 ID:OLl5cgOj
風タクの 風 以外の要素って何だと思う?
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
366 :
:02/12/10 01:14 ID:HlQU2T6X
>>349 ここは無視でいいんじゃないかなあ?
368 :
カルピス:02/12/10 01:14 ID:imbsXH6Z
369 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:14 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>361 そうなるとやっぱり本スレは460からが妥当ですかね。
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
375 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:15 ID:pG/WOmvT
閑(´∀` )人はスルーですか?(w
>>372 まだソースが無いみたいだから
>>361 雑談をやめたい場合は収まるまで待つか
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
385 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:17 ID:OLl5cgOj
>>381 う〜ん記事でもアップしてもらえればいいんでしょうけどね
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>362 ・・・そ、そうなんですか・・・
391 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:19 ID:OLl5cgOj
>>387 それは困るなあ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
399 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:21 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>393 熊田さんのテンプレ内容を追加してみました。
>>394 前のマリオが64だったからね
>>381 プレイボーイが、どうしたんですか・・・?
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>390 あれはトリップ付きの本物の魔神さんのウェブサイトですよ
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
516 名前:名無しさん必死だな :02/12/05 04:41 ID:UzL7f3Eb
>>406 2chブラウザの情報も入れておいた方がいいのでは。
413 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:24 ID:kuhbYq5t
>>406 まだ変なのがいるから
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>411 管理人さんもそこらへんは分かるでしょうさすがに
420 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:27 ID:OLl5cgOj
>>404 見せて・・・
>>412 乗せるならちゃんとしたのをのせなあかんが・・・
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>416 GCのCPUが64ビットだったらもっと違ったかな?
>>420 あ、なるほど。皮肉を逆手か。納豆お得。
429 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:29 ID:pG/WOmvT
430 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:29 ID:OLl5cgOj
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
433 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:30 ID:cOs7TTbN
>>431 そうですか・・・
>>429 それは必要ないでしょう。
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
438 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:33 ID:kuhbYq5t
440 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:34 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>436 いや、だから2以降に・・・・
ドラクエのCM、なんじゃありゃ・・・ (´Д`;)
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>440 読み落としてました。すまそ。
448 :
:02/12/10 01:36 ID:HlQU2T6X
449 :
カルピス:02/12/10 01:37 ID:imbsXH6Z
450 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:37 ID:OLl5cgOj
451 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:37 ID:pG/WOmvT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
453 :
カルピス:02/12/10 01:37 ID:imbsXH6Z
454 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:38 ID:kuhbYq5t
>>450 このスレでも思いっきりポケモンに食われた格好のようですね。
457 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:39 ID:M8nr1SB1
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
フジキタ Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒Y⌒(。A。)!!!
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>438 そうなんですか?
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>455 それはあるよね
470 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 01:43 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>462 だよねぇ やっぱ我が侭だったか
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
472 :
カルピス:02/12/10 01:44 ID:imbsXH6Z
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>475 ルイージマンションの音楽は好きですよ
481 :
キチガイ:02/12/10 01:46 ID:uaHwENL1
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
( ・∀・)つ〃∩ ヘェーヘェーヘェー
( ・∀・)つ〃∩ ヘェーヘェーヘェー
( ・∀・)つ〃∩ ヘェーヘェーヘェー
485 :
:02/12/10 01:47 ID:HlQU2T6X
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>450 エグゼ3評判悪いんですか?
492 :
カルピス:02/12/10 01:49 ID:imbsXH6Z
>>484 おおー!!そですか
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
501 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:51 ID:m8OqJECK
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
ホントに無駄知識だな・・・ (´∀` )
508 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:52 ID:stqzBzhB
( ・∀・)つ〃∩ ヘェーヘェーヘェー
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
513 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:54 ID:OLl5cgOj
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
ウイイレなんで同時に出してくれないんだよー (´Д`;)
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>517 ごめん、なんか勘違いしてたかも
>>517 そっか忘れてた。マジカルバケーションの方しか覚えてなかった。
524 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 01:58 ID:OLl5cgOj
>>513 そうなんだけど
>>516 イヤフォンよく使うなら考えても(・∀・)ゐゐ!かも
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
528 :
524:02/12/10 01:58 ID:OLl5cgOj
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
>>527 あ、そうだ。有賀d。
( ´∀`)つ〃∩ ヘェーヘェーヘェーヘェーヘェーヘェー
>>528 じゃあ二つ目の方かな?
539 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:04 ID:OLl5cgOj
>>535 魔神が持ってるのは一つ目?
>>539 ゲームぜんぜん進めてないの(´Д`;)
>>542 ( ´∀`)つ〃∩ ヘェーヘェーヘェーヘェーヘェーヘェー
546 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:11 ID:OLl5cgOj
>>539 進めてなくてもゲーム始めて5分位で聞けるんだけど
547 :
540:02/12/10 02:11 ID:f+tsFs7y
549 :
546:02/12/10 02:12 ID:OLl5cgOj
>>543 俺は同じミスを何回繰り返せば気が済むのか、、
551 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:14 ID:+2pv+BQz
>>549 いいよいいよ〜
553 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:16 ID:OLl5cgOj
水になれ 友よ
>>545 あ〜ここにあったんですね 聞いてみました
556 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:19 ID:OLl5cgOj
ブルース・リーもいいけどジェット・リーもなー (´∀` )
561 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:30 ID:Qa7FAAcC
562 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:31 ID:+2pv+BQz
565 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 02:32 ID:pG/WOmvT
566 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:34 ID:+2pv+BQz
567 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 02:39 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>566 ネタ元をわかってもらえて嬉しい
568 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 02:42 ID:m8OqJECK
572 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 02:49 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>575 ボクもマッハメモリ、欲しいんですけどバイオ0に付いてたし
(((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクガクブルブル
580 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:07 ID:pG/WOmvT
583 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:08 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>578 そんなにあるのに買うんですか(((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクガクブルブル
586 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:09 ID:pG/WOmvT
588 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 03:13 ID:+2pv+BQz
>>583 ネギ山さん持ちすぎ(((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクガクブルブル
590 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:16 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>585 GC買った当初に1つ買って
その後まさか ドシン・バイオ・カプエス・バイオ0でついてくるなんて思わなかったから
597 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 03:24 ID:+2pv+BQz
>>595 でもたまに速すぎてデータ読み込み失敗は愛嬌で・
>>597 まじ? (((( ;゚Д゚)))ガクガクブルブル
604 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:33 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>603 初期コンで猿玉マスタークリア出来たわけだが
606 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:34 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>601 PS2版、ベストで3月にでるらしいですよ
>>605 だいぶへたってるんだよ
610 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:38 ID:pG/WOmvT
>>607 いや、たぶん値段変わるでしょう
>>607 あきらかにソニコンの嫌がらせだね。
612 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 03:39 ID:+2pv+BQz
>>612 最初に初期化しないとダメとか読んだ記憶がある
>>611 あ〜カプコンの意図じゃないかもね確かに
>>609 やっぱへたり易いのか、初期コン。
>>613 メモリーカードって初期化しないと認識いないんじゃないでしょうか?
>>615 俺がアホほど使ってるだけかもね
PSO 300時間
スマブラ 80時間
他 十数本
>>610 3のPSのBest版、4800円なんですかあ・・・
619 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:48 ID:pG/WOmvT
621 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 03:51 ID:pG/WOmvT
625 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 04:16 ID:H2e8ozM1
629 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 06:27 ID:CWj7+l1d
632 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 06:31 ID:qn/+6bMB
633 :
名無しさん必死だな:02/12/10 06:33 ID:vSL7fsAn
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
655 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 09:15 ID:pG/WOmvT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
658 :
ネギ山:02/12/10 09:22 ID:pG/WOmvT
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.
Ninshin is given some respite and allowed to recruit her strength, then the Aoributas resume work,
but this time, as the nerves are pulled into sight, they are scraped with the blade of a knife.
The friends complete that operation and now move elsewhere; a hole is bored in her throat, her tongue is drawn back,
down, and passed through it, 'tis a comical effect, they broil her remaining breast, then, clutching a scalpel,
the Chikan thrusts his hand into her cunt and cuts through the partition dividing the anus from the vagina;
he throws aside the scalpel, reintroduces his hand, and rummaging about in her entrails,
forces her to shit through her cunt, another amusing stunt; then, availing himself of the same entrance,
he reaches up and tears open her stomach. Next, they concentrate upon her visage: cut away her ears,
burn her nasal passages, blind her eyes with molten sealing wax, girdle her cranium, hang her by the hair,
attach heavy stones to her feet, and allow her to drop: the top of the skull remains dangling.
She was still breathing when she fell, and the Chikan encunted her in this sorry state;
he discharged and came away only the more enraged. They split her belly, opened her,
and applied fire to her entrails; scalpel in hand, the Degawa burrows in her chest and harasses her heart,
puncturing it in several places. 'Twas only then her soul fled her body;
at the age of fifteen years and eight months thus perished one of the most heavenly creatures ever formed by Nature's skillful hand. Etc. Ninshin's eulogy.