少し訳をいじらせてもらいますと、↓のような感じになります(´▽`) doublyの単語にピンとくるためには、ちょっぴり、占星学の基本知識がいるのかも……、 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The recent new moon eclipse that will be followed by a full moon eclipse on Monday, 最近新月の喰(10月3日)に引き続き、月曜日の満月の喰(10月17日)が近づいています。
October 17 has elevated the energy and the importance of a life altering change. 10月17日は、活気満ち溢れる、そして、人生を変えゆく重要な日なのです。
To make it even more close to home, the full moon eclipse coming this Monday is in your sign. 10月17日のあなたに対する影響をさらに強くするのは、来たる月曜の満月の蝕があなたのサインである 牡羊座で起きるということです。
This makes the eclipse doubly important to you. だから、この喰はあなたにとって、「満月の蝕」「天空の大きなイベントが自分のサインで起こる」 といった二重の意味(doubly)で重要になります。
>>8さん 引き続き、役に立つかどうかわからないアドバイスですが…。 will be followed by は受動態の未来形で new moon eclipseがa full moon eclipse〜によってfollowされる、で新月が先と思います。 10/3は金環日食でしたが、占星術では目で見える現象より重なってる状態を表現して "new moon eclipse"「新月の蝕」という表現になるのではないかと。
>>12さん 専門的な説明、ありがとうございます。 横レスを入れてさらに自分で訂正している性格に親しみを感じますw toの解説、文法は苦手だったので名詞節とか副詞節というのはすっかり忘れてしまったのですが、 "To make it even more close to home,"は訳す際に相当悩んだ箇所だったので助かります。 はじめ、牡羊座で蝕が起こってそれがより実感される、って感じかなぁとぼんやりと読んでいて(この状態が副詞節?)、 それを文にする際「それをよりに身近する、〜」と訳し、直訳すぎると思い「より身近なことに」に変えたのですが、 「〜なことに」では名詞節で、文法的に正確ではないという理解でよいのでしょうか。
>>20 ありがとうございます。 ようやく分かりました。文の区切りを勘違いしていたのか〜。 「on Monday, October 17」を「10月17日の月曜」と思ってました。3日も月曜でしたね。。。 その結果The recent new moon eclipseを主語にして、has elevatedをその述語だととってました。 確かに「be followed by 」も「The recent」もおかしいよな〜って思ったです。
誰も何も言ってないから、前半の訳に問題がないのだろうと思っていました……Σ( ̄□ ̄;) おっしゃるように、全体が1文で、主語はThe recent new moonですね……。 、 The recent new moon eclipse that will be followed by a full moon eclipse on Monday, October 17 最近新月の喰(10月3日)に引き続き、月曜日の満月の喰(10月17日)が近づいていますが、 has elevated the energy and the importance of a life altering change. まず、新月の蝕によって、生活を変えることの重要性が高まり、そのためのエネルギーも強まったこと でしょう。
Meter reading: 9 October 17-23: Whoa, baby! This week's mega Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse emphasizes your needs and desires and all the good times that go with ?em. Don't hesitate to ask for special treatment. You'll enjoy it ? and so will your paramour. Remove your chaps and spurs and allow yourself to be pampered and properly handled. Sometimes, surrender can be a beautiful thing. This week's touchstones: Watermelon Tourmaline, Moonstone.
Meter reading: 8 October 17-23: Finally ? a business or financial partnership begins to come together in a cohesive way. Tuesday may uncover stubborn problems that may have gone unnoticed for months. As always, knowledge is power. Remove dead wood and replace it with something hearty and productive. If you're a typical work-obsessed Ram, expect to be busy and decisive during the weekend, too. This week's touchstones: Onyx, Pyrite.
For some months circumstances, and possibly your decision that it’s finally the moment to deal with such matters, have meant you’ve been focusing on financial and business matters. While there’s been progress, you’ve put in more than you’ve gotten back. Now that the mighty Jupiter has moved to accent this side of your life, you’ll find that investment in time and energy begins to be returned. However, as this is a year long cycle, don’t assume that what comes your way now is all that you get. On the contrary, if you can be patient, what appears this week is just the beginning.
Meter reading: 7 October 31-November 6: This week's New Moon makes you eager and impatient for action, answers and satisfaction that might be slow in coming. You're just a touch suspicious, too. Late week may heighten your concerns, leading to a negative showdown that really doesn't have to happen. Instead of wiping up the floor with your lover's face, why not schedule an appointment with your therapist? Confrontations are ominous now, so avoid them. This week's touchstones: Chalcedony, Watermelon Tourmaline.
Meter reading: 8 October 31-November 6: You're fiercely, ferociously competitive this week. You mow down the few remaining competitors that are still standing. You view the success of an alliance or project as an indicator of your worth and effectiveness. There is almost nothing you wouldn't do to protect your turf and advantage. Grrrr'.. This week's touchstones: Jade, Onyx.
Once you accept the fact that, whatever you do, things simply aren’t going to go as you intended, you’ve overcome the week’s biggest obstacle. It’s not the situations you’re dealing with, but avoiding your stubborn streak, that’s the problem. Instead of focusing on long term arrangements, make it your business to learn from the dilemmas that are causing such chaos. Soon these issues will so absorb you ? and be so informative ? that being in control won’t even cross your mind. Better yet, when stunning offers arise around the week’s close, you’ll be in both the mood and position to take advantage of them.
This is definitely your kind of month. For starters, you have two New Moons! That’s two stellar opportunities to either restart your engine or get a new engine. Before the end of the month, you’ll undoubtedly know what comes next in a complex, multi-tiered drama that affects your job or living situation. Look at it this way: your personal and professional soap operas should get reined in and kept nicely under control. Mercury and Mars (your ruling planet, btw) go direct, making it possible to not only make plans but enforce them! Can you stand it? You’re advised to work like a maniac, tying up loose ends and issuing necessary explanations and apologies between the 1st and the 10th. Starting on the 12th, you feel free to travel and pursue things you want to do. Obligations back off a bit, making more time for fun and creativity. The 17th and 18th are chock-full of great intentions that are likely to misfire or overshoot the target altogether. Before leaping into action, make sure you understand the full story. The 21st elevates your visibility, stature and desirability, personally and professionally. Some of you alter your status from single to engaged or vice versa. Others decide to accept or pass on a job opportunity. You have silver heels this month and can pretty much make your own rules! Two days to guard your reputation and most prized possessions are the 24th and 27th. The 30th and 31st position you for a major life enhancing change. You lucky Ram….