Here's an empty stage. What, pray tell, do you think of the show so far? Here's a book full of blank paper. Please compose a critique. We all hate to be disapproved of. So, on the grounds that nobody can pick holes in something that doesn't exist, the safest way to avoid this is to do nothing. But the point about creating something is that, once you have done, you can build on or alter it. Whereas nothing at all is likely always to remain... just that. This weekend you're now in the process of doing SOMETHING! That's very brave of you. It is also very right.
It's difficult to know what to do today, for you are on a vision quest and don't want to let reality interfere with your experience. Although your spiritual awakening may be reaching a new level of importance, you must simultaneously live in the real world of cause and effect. Find a way to balance your metaphysical needs with such mundane things as eating, sleeping and paying the bills.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 21 August 2005
After the past weeks’ exciting events, many of which could lead to long cherished dreams being fulfilled, you now hit reality with a bump. What you face isn’t negative as much as it’s tedious. You must now analyse plans from a financial angle, consider your time and carefully examine whether you’ll actually get what you hope to. This isn’t fun. But even at your most optimistic, you realise that if you don’t go over such matters now, you could be in for trouble later. As important, this allows you to review plans with others, ensuring that you’re all reading off the same hymn sheet. 21- On Monday it might seem to you that a colleague is being deliberately inflexible and intolerant. It might also appear that they're working harder than necessary. It could be though that they're trying to goad you into action by taking up a position. It might appear that you're 'going along with' too much. It's likely to be at least 1st of next month before you're ready to focus though. Until then you need to gather information and try out ideas. What you learn midweek confirms this as the best approach. If you're too rigid in your thinking now, you might miss a vital ingredient. Thursday's investigations could turn up interesting facts and figures. Indeed, the colleague who challenged you earlier might then have some explaining to do. An error made back in July could come back to haunt them. By insisting on seeing all the background communications you might also see where a compensating error has been made. This provides the essential leverage for re-opening negotiations.
You love to think on your feet. You prefer, though, at least to know where those feet actually happen to be! How then, have you managed to wander into a situation like the one you now face? You are under pressure. You are running out of time. Yet you feel unprepared. Carry on fretting. It will keep you on your toes. Please, though, don't bother to panic. There is really no need. For though it is all getting a little tight, your outlook is excellent. You WILL get what you need, when you need it, albeit by the skin of your teeth.
On Tuesday the Sun moves to accent the structure of your life, at work and at home. Between this and the New Moon there in early September, it should gradually become clear what needs reorganising or changing. In some cases you might even realise that certain activities you once enjoyed no longer excite you.
Is it all mapped out, long in advance? Or does the future create itself instantly and spontaneously as we step towards it? Different people have different ideas but astrologers tend to find that life is rather like a painting. There's a rough outline, sketched in pencil. As it gets inked in, the artist can stick with the original, make a small change or draw something very different indeed. There are some things you absolutely can't alter now, but there are still many factors that you have the power to change to your distinct advantage.
You feel like a pony ready to run, but may be forced to slow down so that others can catch up. View this as a temporary lull, not a lifetime sentence. Things may not happen as quickly as you’d hoped, but they will happen. Some of you feel temperamental for no apparent reason, and lash out at those nearby. Hint: Your anger probably comes from a past injustice or disappointment, not anything in the present.
The world knows what it wants from you now. Do you, though, know what you want from the world? Do you want to provide what you are being asked for - or do you want to persuade the universe to approach you with a different request entirely? It is a lot easier to just comply. You, though, don't always like to do whatever is easiest. Sometimes, indeed, you only feel happy when you are attempting something extremely difficult. Venus and Jupiter, though, suggest that you should now look more favourably upon the least stressful option.
cainer 2005-8-25 As we were discussing yesterday, you have the kind of personality that becomes excited when it sees a degree of difficulty. You like to see what difference you can make, what impact you can have, what power you can wield. That's healthy, most of the time. It allows you to lead an unconventional life and see the potential for success in situations that would daunt and deter most people. Sometimes, though, you pick the tricky path when you could just as easily select the simple one. Right now, your easy option is your best one.
Your image, career and reputation are top priorities this month. Pluto, a long-term visitor in your sign, moves direct on the 2nd, greenlighting you to move forward with plans. Hesitation is rapidly replaced by new goals and agendas that are time sensitive. Your opinion may suddenly be in demand. Because others are likely to quote you, in or out of context, be mindful of how your say things. On the 11th, Venus moves into Scorpio, bringing up long ago memories, secrets and plans you致e never quite given up on. A dream that slipped through your fingers once before is now within your grasp. No matter how busy you are, this is something you may not want to pass up. The Full Moon on the 17th reshuffles priorities again. Family or personal matters may compete with career or school obligations, but you manage to find a semblance of balance. After the 20th, you find yourself in talks about future projects a process you thoroughly enjoy.
The time has come to draw the line. You’ve been tolerant for long enough. After weeks of excuses from one particular individual, you’re no closer to getting things settled. True, they’ll have the usual array of excuses. Once they realise you’re no longer willing to accept them, however, they’ll admit that the game is up.
How well will things work out this weekend? That largely depends on your expectations. Usually, in order to avoid disappointment, it is wise to set these fairly low. Now, though, while Venus and Jupiter are edging ever closer towards an auspicious conjunction, you are entitled to hope for the best. Believe in the possibility of a deeply positive outcome and you will vastly enhance your chance of getting one. Remember, though, to be open-minded about the shape that your breakthrough actually needs to take. I've just recorded a prediction that will please you greatly and may even change your life. To hear it click here and take out a free four week trial of your weekly spoken forecast.
The key to success, this weekend, involves making the most of whatever you have available. Jupiter's tense alignment to the Sun implies an unfulfilled desire. There is a 'tool' or a 'facility' of some kind that you hanker after. You feel that with this, you could soon make short work of all your problems. You are right. You could. But in the absence of such an advantage, you should not see yourself as thwarted. There's an alternative option. It requires more effort and ingenuity... but if you apply it, you will yet get a spectacular result.
Your world could be shaken this week. A hint of what's to come could be offered on Tuesday when you're let in to someone's 'grand plan'. A radical change of direction suggests that someone is ignoring the way things have always been done and going off on a new tack entirely. Their argument may be compelling. Yet they clearly want your opinion and appear, midweek anyway, to be taking account of some of your ideas. Unconnected or not, your window on the world looks set to change from Thursday. (This could be quite literal with changes to your actual desk view). You may even be asked to undertake a trip at short notice. It's almost as though you'll be 'flying the flag' on someone's behalf. You might even need to make a speech. Coupled with developments in a close friend or partner's life on Friday, your financial outlook could change too.
Some dreams excite us momentarily - and are then forgotten about. We inwardly know that, no matter how appealing they may be, we will never manage to make them come true. Other dreams refuse to go away, even if we do our level best to ignore them. They recur, not just in our sleep, but also during our waking hours. They nag at us until we take some kind of action - even if that action seems pointless or madly over-optimistic. Your current dream deserves more attention than it is getting. It contains the seed of a very realistic notion.
Often, when we have alignments such as these, global developments grab our attention: you yourself may have nothing to complain about but events in near and distant parts could draw your sympathies and concerns. However, should Uranus and Pluto provide a personal awakening, you can be a hundred percent sure that it is in your long-term best interests. Uranus brings changes on the home and family front while Pluto is more concerned about your belief systems and your relationships. My advice, should you be on the receiving end of a less than welcome development, is to wait until the whole story has unravelled before taking action. And this may well mean waiting until after the 18th or better still, the 29th. There is something rather fated about September's events, so be patient and trusting.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 28 August 2005
Few things infuriate you more than ridiculous rules and heavy-handed people. Yet that’s exactly what you’re facing. Tempting as it is to turn unfair situations into a campaign, rein yourself in. State your case, then forget it. This isn’t a compromise, it’s a strategy designed to ensure that you’re free to respond to this week’s array of exciting developments and encounters. Some will be merely fun. But those that are triggered by Thursday’s alliance between Venus, planet of love and money, and your ruler Jupiter will contribute something wonderful that will have a lasting influence in your finances, self esteem and emotional life.
ケイナー Wednesday, 31st August 2005 SAGITTARIUS(Nov 23 - Dec 21)
Be kind, be calm, be loving and be generous. Where you must draw a line, draw it firmly but gently. Where you can give the benefit of the doubt, be free with it. Where you can't make such a gesture, be strong in yourself. Venus and Jupiter are forming their annual conjunction. There's magic in the air. You will see it at work before the day is through - and you will see it working in your favour. Look for the easiest possible way to get what you want. If it is at all attainable you will get it without much effort. If it isn't, you will suffer no loss.
Your diary is full of commitments, and then there are the plans that you haven’t even written down. Still, pressing as these obligations are, they’ll just have to wait. Developments involving the people and projects that are dear to your heart require close attention. What you achieve now could be nothing short of miraculous.
Your diary is full of commitments, and then there are the plans that you haven’t even written down. Still, pressing as these obligations are, they’ll just have to wait. Developments involving the people and projects that are dear to your heart require close attention. What you achieve now could be nothing short of miraculous.
How much water is there in the ocean? How much oxygen is in the air? Enough! Worry, by all means, about life's more finite resources but don't fret, please, about running out of these commodities. Then, having satisfied yourself that nature remains abundant, at least in this respect, consider this: happiness is available to you in equal or greater quantity. There's sufficient joy for everyone in this world... and you can't ever use up your supply. Want to be happier today? You can be. And soon, I promise, you will be. Worried? To hear how you could turn everything round in the next few weeks click here to take out a free four week no-obligation trial of your weekly spoken forecast - which also gives you readings based on your EXACT date of birth.
What is going on? What are you supposed to make of recent events? And what, in turn, do these tell you about current events? You feel as if you are caught up in a whirlwind. Everything is chaotic and confused. You are in a pressure cooker environment. Steam, soon, has to escape from somewhere. But from where? You fear that everything is coming to a head at once and there may soon be a development that is out of your control. Probably, that's quite correct. But it is due to be a positive one that is sorely needed.
シェリー2日 よろしくお願いします。 Daily stars for today 02 September 2005
For so much of your life you’ve juggled your need to feel free to explore the people, place and ideas that interest you with an equally important need for a home and strong emotional attachments. Exciting as recent developments are, they’ll require that you think through your priorities, and seriously consider making some changes.
You may be tired of a particular conversation. He person concerned may have been going on about an issue for months. Yet today could be a significant turning point. Your passion could be aroused when you discover what's at stake. On another note: contact with someone at an educational establishment could prompt travel plans.
Of course you can curl up in a ball on the sofa if you wish. The world won't end if you take a few days off - either because you feel physically exhausted or mentally drained. Really, though, what's sapping your energy is not the amount of work that needs to be done. It's the fear that nothing will ever change or improve. You suspect that as fast as you solve one problem, another will emerge. Venus and Jupiter, this weekend, complete a glorious conjunction. Look at what you have achieved. Be proud of it. Then let this inspire you to persevere.
Aims and objectives could be reviewed this week. Questions asked by friends and colleagues on Monday make it clear that they'd like to know in which direction you're now headed. They may be aware that the value of your expertise has grown. Yet they may also be anxious to try out new working methods. So you could be seen as a stick-in-the-mud by Friday. Worse, you might even be accused of having luddite tendencies. Blending old with new could put you on collision course with one colleague in particular. Yet this strain might not be evident until at least midweek. Your disquiet may come from the fact that you don't think that practical matters have been given adequate consideration. On Thursday, pointing out where a plan could come unstuck tests goodwill. A degree of crisis management may be necessary on Friday when failures in both transport and communication systems could leave nerves frayed.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 04 September 2005
You’ve had no problem with this rather lengthy and very intense cycle of development. Thus far you’ve rearranged elements of your personal life and activities out in the world. This has gone on long enough that you’ve realised that even what seemed intimidating initially is now proving to be exciting. Keep this in mind as yet more unexpected twists force you, and everybody else, back to the drawing board. If there’s any trick to dealing with these, it’s to put off making new plans until midmonth, by which point things will be calm enough to make a realistic assessment of your future.
Aims and objectives could be reviewed this week. Questions asked by friends and colleagues on Monday make it clear that they'd like to know in which direction you're now headed. They may be aware that the value of your expertise has grown. Yet they may also be anxious to try out new working methods. So you could be seen as a stick-in-the-mud by Friday. Worse, you might even be accused of having luddite tendencies. Blending old with new could put you on collision course with one colleague in particular. Yet this strain might not be evident until at least midweek. Your disquiet may come from the fact that you don't think that practical matters have been given adequate consideration. On Thursday, pointing out where a plan could come unstuck tests goodwill. A degree of crisis management may be necessary on Friday when failures in both transport and communication systems could leave nerves frayed.
The great roller-coaster ride of life has recently been taking you over some sharp bends in the track. That's why it is so important to strap yourself in tightly - and then to relax. You can't stop the carriage from hurtling along but you can rest assured that those sudden twists and turns look a lot more dramatic than they actually are. The ride is designed to create an illusion of insecurity. Trust what you know - and trust too, that you are heading towards a much smoother, more comfortable section of the journey.
シェリー5日 Daily stars for today 05 September 2005
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that others know what you intend to do. True, you’ve talked about various ideas with them and discussed your conclusions in depth. But they’ll still need to be reminded. In fact, you may have to begin again. Don’t take this personally. They pay no more attention to anybody else.
The great roller-coaster ride of life has recently been taking you over some sharp bends in the track. That's why it is so important to strap yourself in tightly - and then to relax. You can't stop the carriage from hurtling along but you can rest assured that those sudden twists and turns look a lot more dramatic than they actually are. The ride is designed to create an illusion of insecurity. Trust what you know - and trust too, that you are heading towards a much smoother, more comfortable section of the journey.
Remember fun? Remember levity? Remember freedom? Remember feeling that life was something to be enjoyed, not endured? Remember when you had faith and confidence and felt able to relax a lot more often? Oh well. Even if it has now been so long that you don't remember, you'll know that experience again before long. Life is not about to free you from all your cares and woes, but it is, somehow, going to make it much easier for you to deal with them. Where once, all seemed chaotic, soon there'll be encouraging structure.
You?ve no objection to reorganising elements of your daily life. You?ve already realised that some things that could benefit from an entirely different approach. However, what?s being discussed is more far-reaching than you have in mind. The fact is, by the time that mid-September?s Full Moon takes place, you may not have much choice.
This is a potentially pivotal month for you. Pluto in your sign is giving you power and his September link to Jupiter in your wishes zone suggests you can transform your life, if you can just get very clear on what you want. Make no mistake, this is the month to open your mind to new ideas and possibilities, as well as to new people. Travel and learning are also very well-starred - anything which widens your horizons will invigorate you.
The September 4 New Moon is in your work zone, bringing you the chance to begin a new professional chapter - obviously ‘start the way you mean to go on’ is the idea way to go. If you deserve a raise now but feel you can’t ask it yet, though, work like a dog instead, so that when the time is right, you’re more likely to be told ‘yes’.
Around about once a year, the planet of love meets your ruler Jupiter - and guess what, it’s happening this month. This doesn’t mean that every single Sagittarian is going to walk out the door this month and fall in love but it does most certainly increase your chances. Astrology is all about timing, and when the planet of love (Venus) meets your ruler (Jupiter) then certainly the time is right. Single who don’t go out and meet someone, could at least have a jolly good flirt. And given then Venus is also the planet of money, there’s also a chance you could be about to get a lucky break re cash. If so, thank your lucky stars (literally!) If you’re already attached, of course, you will find it easier to make the most of the Venus/Jupiter vibe, which is most powerful in the first few days of September. Schedule some time with your partner, take a few hours to remind each other of why you first fell in love with each other, do something you know your partner likes to do.
And if you’re single and wondering how to get hooked up, while there are no guarantees, it certainly does look as though a friend could be the one to introduce you to someone who takes your fancy. If you’re already in love with someone who you consider a friend, this month could work well for you ? good luck! And if you’re still trying to get your romantic life back on track after a few problems in the love department, you can consider this month as a new starting point. The last time that Venus came along and kisses Jupiter was towards the end of last year. It’s been way too long!
ON THE WORK FRONT It’s not all Venus kisses now though ? in fact smart Saggies who care about their careers will be glad to hear that there is also a new cycle starting for you professionally speaking. The New Moon at the start of September takes place in your work zone. This is a time to think about the direction you want your career to take, and if you’re not already headed in that direction, it’s time to change course. Remember, the Jupiter/Pluto link makes this a potentially wonderful month for you when real positive transformation is possible.
You now have something to think about, ponder over and wrestle with. A piece of information raises as many questions as it answers. An interesting development offers an opportunity but it also poses a potential threat. You can't expect instant enlightenment. If you feel you immediately know how everything is now going to fit together, you are probably jumping to the wrong conclusion. Play with a few possibilities. Explore an idea from several different angles. Take a little time to be sure before you make your next big move.
It’s not that you fear clashes. What worries you is the time they’ll take and the emotional dramas that could well be the after effects. At the same time, however, they’ll force others to discuss facts frankly. This is a relief, as it would enable you to clear up numerous worrying issues, and all at once.
Something good is coming ・perhaps it’s a goal nearing completion. You can make measurable progress today without a lot of Sturm und Drang. You also benefit from the affection and thoughtfulness of friends and loved ones. On a different note, one health or job issue remains a question mark. A number of you continue to struggle with something that may continue a while longer ・but eventually will stabilize or improve.
They say, 'You should learn to walk before you can run.' It's true. You should. Often, though, we end up feeling as if there just isn't time to practise. So, instead of walking - or running - we just crawl as fast as we can and wear out our knees in the process. You are in a hurry now. You want something to happen as fast as possible. That's understandable. But, regardless of the pressure you face, you need to remember that five minutes with a map, in a calm frame of mind, could save you hours of wandering round in circles.
It's rare that you allow minor anxieties to become so overblown that they obscure everything else. But what you are facing is far more complex, and triggers more anxieties than you first realised. Much as you like to ignore these feelings, the more willing you are to face them, the more you'll clear up for good.
If we don't set ourselves deadlines, we never get anything done. Often, though, we build great safety margins into our plans and schedules. We figure, 'I don't want to get into a rush and panic, so I'll allow plenty of time.' Then, having forgotten all about this, we rush and panic in an attempt to meet the earlier target. How close to the wire is a certain situation now? How much time do you really have? You are getting more restless than you need to be. Keep your priorities in perspective, this weekend.
You’ve some important decisions to make about who and what you want to put first in your life. Some of these decisions seem perfectly clear cut. But once you know more, especially after the revelations triggered by the Full Moon on the 18th, both situations and your priorities will suddenly be very different indeed.
What can you do without? By this, I don't mean what factor in your environment do you wish you did not have to face? There's plenty, right now, that you could really 'do without'. Think how much easier life would be if you didn't have to go here, tackle this or deal with that. Much, though, of what you are up against now is essential. It may be a pain but it's a pain you have to put up with. You are, though, being granted a lot of additional energy by a kindly sky now. So drop what you can drop but don't worry about what you can't drop! With that, you'll yet succeed.
Too much coffee creates a very restless frame of mind. No matter how peaceful your world may be, it will cause something within it to seem edgy. Things seem wrong, even when they are quite all right. You will have a sense of urgency even when there is nothing to hurry for. The current, sharp angle between Mars and Jupiter is a cosmic triple-espresso. You can't request a decaffeinated alternative, but you can be aware of the astrological impulse and make an allowance accordingly. Either find something that really needs doing and throw your excess energy into this task or remind yourself that, actually, it is now perfectly safe to relax.
Some people talk a lot, but they don't really say anything. Some people do a lot, but they don't really get anything done. It's easy to use up a lot of energy without getting a worthwhile result. That's a pitfall that you now need to be looking out for. You don't need very much strength. You just need some clarity. You really understand what you need to communicate and achieve. You can turn a seemingly complex and daunting task into an easy and efficient process. Don't hurry and don't worry. Just do your best to focus.
If you really feel that you must bang your head against a brick wall, at least wear a crash helmet. It's one thing to waste energy and another to do yourself unnecessary damage. Your head, though, is a very valuable asset. It doesn't deserve to be used as a battering ram. It is the seat of your intellect. Apply that to your situation and then analyse the wall carefully until you can see where it is at its weakest. Better yet, think of another way to go round, past, over or under that wall. There is a way, you just have to find it.
tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing... ' Could Shakespeare's famous description apply to the saga you have been so caught up in lately? Have you been wasting your time? Have you been wrestling with an impossible ideal? Have you expended a great deal of emotional energy for no good reason? Wait a while before you answer any of this. You don't yet know what lies in store. You have learned a valuable lesson. You may yet be glad of all you have been through.
For ages you’ve known that things would go more smoothly if you reorganised certain elements or your working or domestic life. You’ve had this very much on your mind, but never actually got around to doing it. Now events force your hand. As much as you’ve been dreading this, admittedly, it’s exactly what’s been needed.
Your weekly stars for the week starting 11 September 2005
Usually you’re adept at finding a way around tedious details and potentially troublesome encounters. However, several situations reach a crucial point at the same time, and in each you’ve no way out. While you’re not thrilled about facing this array of issues, you’ve long known that eventually they’d need to be dealt with. In every case - personal, relationship, financial or business - the trick is to do whatever’s necessary in depth once, face nay unsavoury facts that need to be confronted, act on them and then move on. Demanding as this is initially, you’re soon achieving so much that you actually begin seeking other challenges.
Usually you’re adept at finding a way around tedious details and potentially troublesome encounters. However, several situations reach a crucial point at the same time, and in each you’ve no way out. While you’re not thrilled about facing this array of issues, you’ve long known that eventually they’d need to be dealt with. In every case - personal, relationship, financial or business - the trick is to do whatever’s necessary in depth once, face nay unsavoury facts that need to be confronted, act on them and then move on. Demanding as this is initially, you’re soon achieving so much that you actually begin seeking other challenges.
They say you can't pour a quart into a pint pot. That may be so, but it's surprising how much liquid you can squeeze into a small balloon. If the container is flexible, you can stretch it. You can put in more than it ought to hold and, for a while at least, it will remain there. Eventually though, the pressure will grow too much. Either there will be a leak or an explosion of some kind. Too much, in your life lately, has been made of too little. Now, an imbalance must be redressed. This may be happening rather dramatically, but it is a positive process.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that, whatever you do, it’s simply not possible to make everybody happy. This means you’ll need to think carefully about whose support is crucial and whose isn’t. Only once you know that will you be in a position to make a sensible decision about what your next step should be.
Good news that benefits your wellbeing, career and reputation arrives! Something you’ve done in the past may be recycled and rewarded. Better late than never, right? Past meetings or correspondence finally produce better measurable results. Communication in general is vibrant and favorable throughout the day. Even an occasional faux pas adds to your charm.
Often the changes that accompany the emotionally unsettling Full Moon, which takes place on Sunday, seem more of a challenge than they really are. Consequently you’ll have to muster your courage and persuade others to do so as well, frequently reminding yourself that once things are calmer next week, you’ll be glad you did.
This weekend brings a big discovery. You will understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will gain a priceless insight into someone or something. All this and more is suggested by the culmination of an alignment between Jupiter and Pluto that has been building in intensity for several weeks. You have already made some important discoveries. You have not felt fully comfortable about all of these. As one more piece of the jigsaw falls into place, though, the whole picture will improve.
You are starting to get somewhere. Psychologically, you are in good shape - or you will be once encouraging developments take your mind off recent worries. Materially too, there's hope. You need the wherewithal to make something happen yet you can't yet see how this is going to make its way into your life. You have, though, more resources than you realise. Just for good measure, you can soon expect to find that you are held in very high regard by certain other people. This should help make a distant dream seem more possible.
While you’ve never objected to change, you prefer to make your own decisions about how and when you’ll undertake life’s more serious transitions. However, events seem to have got the best of you. This isn’t just frustrating, because the recent Full Moon has accented feelings of vulnerability, you’re actually experiencing uncharacteristic anxieties.
Uranus continues to wreak havoc in your domestic arena, and Pluto continues to move you to a newer improved version of your Self. When outer planets take over your world, there is no other story, nor is there anything you can do to change what’s happening. Your only choice is to continue to surrender to the Powers that Be. Once you’re through the tumultuous passage you’ve endured for so long and you’re safely on the other side of all the upheaval, peace will DEFINITELY be restored to your world, that’s a promise. Until then you must continue through your rebirth until it is accomplished. Friends and group connections reactivate and these become extremely vital to your well being. You have a way of staying detached, as a rule, but now’s a good time to leave that habit behind.
You'd probably prefer more time to collect your thoughts before having to 'pull a heavy' on someone who's promised loads but has yet to deliver. Time could be of the essence by Wednesday and it's possible you'll have to go-it-alone at a meeting. Your ability to 'wing it' isn't in question. What might upset you is the knowledge that someone else is going to suffer when a new direction is undertaken. That could result in an uncomfortable conversation on Thursday when the truth becomes known. The Sun reaches the Equinox late that day (22.23 GMT), bringing a new surge of energy. You might then find you're discussing more than one trip and/or training course. Exciting as this is, even you may be worried that your talents are being spread too thinly and that not all projects are being given adequate attention. It might be wise to ask for the weekend to peruse a document carefully before agreeing terms.
Like all great powers, the power of creativity can be a tremendous force for good - or for bad, depending on how it is applied. Artists, musicians and writers are by no means the only people who apply their imagination constructively. We can all come up with inventive ideas and use them to help make a positive contribution to the world. Likewise, we can all cook up false fears, silly conflicts and irrelevant problems. A sharp link from Mars to Jupiter says be careful what you allow yourself to create and develop now.
ケイナー21日です。よろしくお願いします。 Wednesday, 21st September 2005
Once upon a time, parks had roundabouts. Simple little rides without motors. Children would push them to start them turning. Once they got to a certain speed, the rider had to hop aboard. If they kept running and pushing, it would rotate so quickly that they would be unable to climb on. The health and safety brigade outlawed these contraptions long ago. In our lives, though, we still encounter daily reminders of this principle. You have now put a lot of energy into a plan or project. If you apply too much more, you will set it spinning too fast.
Ordinarily you’re the one who keeps things going when friends, colleagues or family either lose interest or are anxious about plans. But now you’re the one who’s thinking about backing out. This is wise. Not only have circumstances changed since plans were first made, so have you. The best bet is to begin all over again.
Once upon a time, parks had roundabouts. Simple little rides without motors. Children would push them to start them turning. Once they got to a certain speed, the rider had to hop aboard. If they kept running and pushing, it would rotate so quickly that they would be unable to climb on. The health and safety brigade outlawed these contraptions long ago. In our lives, though, we still encounter daily reminders of this principle. You have now put a lot of energy into a plan or project. If you apply too much more, you will set it spinning too fast.
They say, 'What you gain on the swings, you lose on the roundabouts'. I've never understood this. You don't gain anything on the swings, apart, perhaps, from a sense of dizziness. And you are hardly going to lose that on the roundabouts. What can they mean? And why, if the statement is nonsensical, do so many people parrot it? You have a chance to rewrite a rulebook and gain power in a situation where you have previously been powerless. The secret involves questioning a widely accepted belief. I have got more to say to you...
There are few things worse than disappointing those you care about. However, when you made certain commitments, your position was stronger and life was a little bit easier. Now that you’re facing obstacles of a completely unexpected nature, you really have no choice but to cut back, in some cases in ways you’re unhappy about.
People all over the world, these days, wear similar clothes. They watch the same quiz shows. They buy almost identical products in carefully-cloned chain stores and supermarkets. Where are the mavericks? Who is breaking new ground? Why are we all following each other like sheep? Jupiter is now forming a sharp angle to Uranus. In doing so, it is issuing you a challenge. It is daring you to be different. An old habit or pattern can be broken this weekend. You can create a very different future for yourself.
It may not seem so now, but the reversals you’re facing are doing you a favour. While it’s true they’re restrictive, sometimes unfairly so, they’re also forcing you to examine elements of your life that you haven’t thought about recently. What you learn will give you a fresh perspective, and just when it’s most needed.
Someone you know knows what you need to know. All you have to do is work out who it is - and ask them. The trouble is you don't much like asking anyone anything. You far prefer to be the one who is doing the telling. There's another trouble too. The person that you now need to ask is someone whose opinions you do not normally agree with. But, then, you're not asking for an opinion now - and, as long as you don't phrase your question contentiously, you are not going to get one. Instead you are going to get a fact. This is going to be of great help.
Sometimes, things just don't happen in the way they are supposed to happen. Sometimes too, though, when this happens, we later realise that it has happened for a reason. Once we see what that reason was, we may even decide that what wasn't supposed to happen, was supposed to happen! Or not happen, if you see what I mean. Confused? You are supposed to be. You face a confusing situation. It is full of factors that seemingly make no sense. There is no point, though, in getting frustrated or anxious. Nor, unless you can see a very clear, viable opportunity, is there much point in doing anything at all. Wait a while. Relax. I've got some excellent news for you in your latest in-depth astrological forecast.
ケイナー26日 Between now and next week's eclipse, much will change. The difference won't necessarily be dramatic, but it will be deeply meaningful. You will develop a different attitude in the light of new discoveries and understanding. You will also see a new way to look at an old problem. You will be shown something that seems obvious once you recognise it, yet which you had never previously noticed. While you wait for this revelation, suspend judgement. Carry on doing whatever you are doing but leave room, in all your plans, for an adjustment. 今と来週の食の間に大きく変わるでしょう。ドラマチックな変化ではありませんが、深い意味があります。 新しい発見と理解に対して別の態度を学ぶでしょう。古い問題に対処する新しい道も見えるはずです。 今まで気づかなかった新しい、一度気がついてしまえば明らかな何かを見つけるでしょう。 この発見を待つ間は判断は控えてください。するべきことをやるべきですが、計画に余裕を持たせましょう。
Now that it’s clear that you must reorganise your work or lifestyle, you’re beginning to get excited about changes. The problem is that not everybody is as eager to undertake these as you are. Arguing with them will get you nowhere. Instead discuss what’s taking place, and gradually they’ll begin to see things more positively.
If last week’s disappointments didn’t convince you that certain individuals and situations are unreliable, this week’s should. A combination of ill-judged concepts and a poor assessment of the facts has lead to problems. True, you’ve been excessively optimistic, so aren’t entirely blameless. But others haven’t exactly focused on increasingly obvious problems. Now you must all pause, analyse the present and consider your options. Try out what intrigues you. Ideally, however, you’ll avoid any long range commitments until after October’s intense planetary activity, which includes two eclipses and your ruler Jupiter’s move into a new sign. After that, things could be very different indeed.
If you keep an open mind, you could end up believing almost anything. If your heart is open too, though, you reduce that risk. Somehow, you will be guided towards what's right, even if you have become convinced of the wrong idea. Trust is an easy thing to talk about and a difficult thing to feel. You would prefer, now, to have a little less blind faith and a lot more by way of sensible strategy. There is nothing wise, though, about jumping to a premature conclusion. Give crucial information a chance to reach you.
Don’t let the fact that you’re short of solutions for the problems caused by new ideas keep you from pursuing these. Others may insist that you’re risking too much. However, once the communication planet Mercury meets your ruler Jupiter in the middle of next week, discussions are likely to provide just the answer you need.
Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by Eric Francis. While Sagittarians are often given the 'Attitude Award' by everyone else, you clearly would not have the influence you have in the world were you not able to charm, persuade and ultimately make your viewpoint be understood. The current days are one of the great moments in your life for this process, as if you've been invited into the cosmic halls of power to lobby members of the Galactic Senate for an idea that is dear to you at home on Earth. Understate your case, but make sure people know how important it is to you, and that time is crucial.
You’re not usually stubborn about change. Yet there is one particular project or arrangement that you’re clinging on to like fury. This is because it represents a long cherished dream you’re still hoping to see fulfilled. Only when you give this up will you recognise the new, and better, options soon to come your way.
You experience an epiphany early this morning. Once that occurs, the rest of your day lightens up considerably. You remove the yoke from your neck and shoulders and stop being an amiable beast of burden. Late afternoon could be very interesting. You feel liberated enough to express your true thoughts about something you're held in for ages. Uh oh.
You’re by no means a loner. Yet there’s one particular matter in which you’ve not only refused offers of help, you’ve been uncharacteristically stubborn. Reflect on this, and you’ll realise you’re trying to prove something to somebody. The irony is, they’ve moved on and aren’t actually taking much notice of what you’re doing.
You’re able to motivate (perhaps emotionally resuscitate) a weary friend today. You supply the breadcrumbs that lead a friend out of a dark, confusing place. Considering all that this friend has done for you, this is the least you can do. You remind your pal what really matters and list his or her outstanding qualities. Sometimes, a good friend is the best cure for shattered faith.
You are on a run of unusually good luck, and you may be wondering how long it's going to hold up, given the condition of the world and the wild state of the cosmos. But if you're wondering, I suggest you not bother and rather keep doing what needs to be done, particularly involving a particular friend who is depending on you now. The interchange has a dramatic sense about it; something is reaching a peak; your generosity will be more than rewarded, which I am sure is of little consequence to you. The world needs more of your example.
ケイナー 10/1 週末 It doesn't take much to make you happy. For all your big aspirations, wild ideas and far-fetched dreams, you can go a long way on a small amount of reassurance. A smile, a nod or a wink from the right person at the right moment can be sufficient to chase away all blues. The slightest sign of hope on the horizon will banish negativity in an instant. A most encouraging development this weekend may not seem like a big deal to others... but it will mean a lot to you. And actually, you will be quite right to feel very excited by it.