Having already invest serious amounts of time considering various offers or plans that would take you to unfamiliar settings, you’re in no mood for yet more exploration. But circumstances soon make it clear that you’ve no choice. If your attitude’s grudging as you begin the week, intriguing developments soon win you over. True, straight answers to basic questions are in short supply. However, once you realise that you’ve no time for discussion, you realise that opportunities of this nature come your way rarely. If you decide that you’ll just have to take your chances, by next week you’re unlikely to regret it.
This won’t necessarily be an interesting week. It could even seem that you’re facing one problem after the next. However, in most cases solutions appear with astonishing swiftness, enabling you to eliminate even persistent tasks from your list of things to do. This also forces you to discuss even tense issues openly, more than would otherwise have been the case. The results of these exchanges are even more worthwhile than what you get accomplished, in some cases resolving unsettling differences with those closest. This good timing, since Jupiter’s move into Libra on Saturday quite simply begins a new chapter of your life.
Usually it is not your style to hear about ideas one day and make decisions the next. You want to know who and what you are dealing with and need time to consider your options. Do that now, however, and those ideas or offers could simply vanish. Once commitments are made you can fine tune arrangements later.
As a Capricorn, you know how unwise it is to make a commitment without adequate discussion, questioning and research. While you’ll undoubtedly be able to gather the facts you need over the coming weeks, by then opportunities will have vanished. This means you’ll either have to take chances now or wonder what you missed.
Luck sometimes appears in strange ways, as you’re learning from late September. Also, the familiar may have to go before the new arrives. Forget about assessing the value of ideas or offers. Instead, invest time in reviewing your life, at home, at work and romantically, but decide nothing before mid-October’s powerful Libra solar eclipse. If anything’s lacking, declare your intention to improve on things. Judging by the current amazing planetary back up in your life, you’ll get all that you ask for.
山羊座週報お願いします。 Capricorn Tempting as it is to turn recent developments into plans, you'd soon regret it. As a Capricorn you're always more comfortable when you're organised. Try to do that now, however, and by next week you'll only be making changes. Instead turn your attention to discussions that involve an intriguing combination of innovative ideas and finances. Some may seem unrealistic. But as you learn more, you realise that they're forcing you to broaden your horizon. This new way of thinking may be somewhat intimidating. Overcome your discomfort with venturing into such unfamiliar realms, however, and you'll savour the rich world of ideas awaiting you.
All sorts of things could be blamed for the fact that you’ve been cut out of certain important decisions. It’s irritating. Still, they’re up to others, and that’s not negotiable. You could regard this as a real slight. However, this doesn’t exclude you from discussions. Get involved in exchanges, and you won’t just regain your self esteem, you’ll find what others have to say inspiring. So much so, in fact, that you realise why they’d handle things better than you. Having acknowledged that, you’ve also just eliminated your last excuse for not tackling a serious reorganisation of tedious but essential matters.
The Capricorn discipline by which you live is beyond anything most ever even consider. Consequently, the realms into which events and your emotions take you will make you compassionate about the ups and downs that other signs experience much of the time. However unsettling events are, it’s the intensified feelings provoked by the series of lunar eclipses midweek that are likely to be most perplexing. These trigger the self doubts you usually keep at bay, raising uncomfortable feelings of vulnerability. While they’ll vanish by the week’s close, muster the courage to delve into them and you could just conquer them for good.
During this rather bumpy week you’ll go through phases of sensing that others are being unfair, demanding or ignoring you, sometimes all on the same day. This is primarily because your feelings will be running riot, as will those of others ? particularly those you’re very close to. This may not sound like fun, but by Thursday’s potent solar eclipse various issues you’ve either been unaware of or ignoring will have surfaced. What you do after that is up to you. But if you can manage to discuss these rationally, you could eliminate conflicts that you’d accepted as being part of everyday life.
By now you’ve probably developed a clearer perspective about the events triggered by last week’s Libra eclipsed New Moon. At the time it seemed you were facing little but confusion. Now you realise that you were struggling to sustain certain elements of your life that are coming to their natural conclusion. In some cases this is a relief, but in others changes would leave a gap. This becomes your primary concern. Much as you’d like things settled, your time’s better spent delving into revelations, some of which are disillusioning. Upsetting as these are, they make it far easier to let go of the past.
An adage declares you should be careful what you pray for. Fabulous planetary activity in your sign involving the bountiful Jupiter during November's first week may turn dreams into reality. But life is as chaotic as it is exciting. Ordinarily you'd focus on getting things organised. Instead, regard even seemingly stable plans as tentative. That way, you'll be ready for the next round of exciting developments during the month's final week. With so much that's wonderful coming your way, you must keep your options open.
蟹座4日 Sooner or later you’re going to have to confront one particular individual about their selfish attitude. Naturally you’d prefer to avoid this entirely. However, not only is that impossible, over the next few days their antics will increase to such a degree, and so aggravate everybody, that you’ll have no option but to take a tough stance.
While you haven稚 exactly been unhappy about recent developments, you also haven稚 found a way to fit them into your life. Consequently, as November begins you池e both puzzled and frustrated. By midmonth both circumstances and your attitude are transformed. This is partly due to events, but also you池e suddenly more confident. This leads to discussions that are both frank and informative. Your newly optimistic attitude also does wonders to eliminate tensions from close relationships. Soon improvements in your way of living and loving justify serious celebrations.
While you haven’t exactly been unhappy about recent developments, you also haven’t found a way to fit them into your life. Consequently, as November begins you’re both puzzled and frustrated. By midmonth both circumstances and your attitude are transformed. This is partly due to events, but also you’re suddenly more confident. This leads to discussions that are both frank and informative. Your newly optimistic attitude also does wonders to eliminate tensions from close relationships. Soon improvements in your way of living and loving justify serious celebrations.
みづがめ15日 It’s taken a lot of patience. But now that long delayed plans or ideas are finally coming good, it will have been worth the wait. True, some things may need to be changed, primarily because circumstances themselves have moved on since you began. Still, these are minor details during an otherwise glorious week. 多くの忍耐や痛みがあったことでしょう。しかし今、長く干されていた計画や考えがついに姿を現すときがきたのです。 それは待った甲斐がありましたよ。がらりと変化を遂げる局面もあるでしょう。あなたがてを付け始めてから初めて 環境そのものが変化することによるものです。このことも、これからの素晴らしい週においては瑣末なものといえるかもしれませんよ!
みづがめウイクリィ(14日から) You’re entering what is perhaps the most remarkable period of the year for you, although as it begins it may not seem that way. This is because you’re facing a disconcerting number of uncertainties. If there’s any question that you should pursue ideas or offers, just do your sums. That alone should persuade you. Keep in mind, however, that whatever seems good now is likely to be considerably improved by the extraordinary developments promised by Jupiter’s rare aspect to the inspired Neptune, which is in your sign, at the month’s close. After that you’ll have no doubt where your future lies. あなたはあなたのために、1年で最も重要なピリオドに突入しました、始まる時にはとてもそのようには思えないでしょうが。 これはあなたが直面し,まごついていた不確定要素のために起こったものです。 もしも疑問に思っていることがあれば、その件について考えやものごとを追いかけるべきです。 ただそのことだけがあなたを説得できるでしょう。 しかしながら、覚えておいてください、今よさげにみえるものはなんでも 木星とあなたのサインである海王星のまれなアスペクトによって、今月の終わりには目覚しい 発展を遂げることを。 そのあとに貴方の未来があることには何の疑問も持たないでしょう。
The events that take place between now and November’s close could be some of the most important of the year, although at the time they may seem more of a disruption than anything else. Consequently you’d be wise to go with the flow until you begin to recognise a pattern forming. In the meanwhile, keep in mind that for the new to come, the old must go. This means what you’re clinging onto ferociously may actually be holding you back. Relinquishing it won’t be easy. But what appears once you do more than justifies any anxieties you must deal with.
24日 みづがめ During the lunar cycle, the few days prior to the Full Moon mark a period of increasing tension. While you may find yourself feeling uptight about personal issues and those involving loved ones, that no indication that problems are serious. In fact this may give you a much-needed chance to talk things out.
25日 みづがめ Every once in a while what could be termed a golden opportunity comes your way. And judging by what’s taking place in the heavens this week and next, that’s exactly what’s happening to you. While these developments can’t entirely banish problems, what they introduce to your life should make them seem considerably less significant. 貴方の人生にまたとない機会が訪れます。 今週と来週天空で起こっていることが、まさに貴方の人生にやってこようとしています。 それでも、これらの進歩は、抱えている問題を完全に払拭することはできないのですが、 さりげなく見せてしまいましょう。
みづがめ(26日) Some people you know are likely to advise that you take a cautious approach to offers, while others will insist that you move swiftly in response to developments. Ultimately it’s up to you what you do and how fast you move. Just keep in mind that the opportunities coming your way won’t last forever.
Only a few days ago certain individuals were complaining bitterly about how unfair life is, and that you in particular didn’t care enough. Now they’re happy as they can be. Let this be a lesson about the dramas triggered by the recent Full Moon. Intense as they are at the time, the pass very swiftly indeed.
While you’re happy to take responsibility for the things you’ve done wrong, others are trying to blame you for problems you had nothing to do with. Calling them on their manoeuvres won’t make you popular. But if you don’t stop them now they’re try worse later. Also with Mercury retrograde from Tuesday until December 20, you’ll have to be vigilant about minor errors anyway. Ironically, the stunning ideas or offers that you learn about when discussing these could be so exciting that the dramas you’re facing become mere tedious details, you’re able to concentrate all your attention on what the future holds.
This really is your week, although you’d be forgiven for thinking the reverse as it begins. What seem little but disruptive offers will soon reveal themselves to be extraordinary opportunities. All you need is the patience to allow the facts to unfold and a willingness to be open to very unexpected ideas.
>328 よろしくお願いします。ペコリ This really is your week, although you’d be forgiven for thinking the reverse as it begins. What seem little but disruptive offers will soon reveal themselves to be extraordinary opportunities. All you need is the patience to allow the facts to unfold and a willingness to be open to very unexpected ideas.
申し訳ございませんが蠍座の日々を御願いします。 30日 Naturally you want loved ones to be happy. However, their demands could mean undermining your own position. Worse, when you explain that, they seem not to understand. Forget about discussions and instead busy yourself with other, equally pressing, matters. Once they realise you池e not playing their game, others are likely to become considerably more cooperative
Get caught up in justifying your thinking or plans to others and you'll regret it. Simply ignoring others-objections may seem rude, but tactically it's your best bet. First, with Mercury retrograde from Tuesday, everybody - you and others - could be mistaken in your facts. Also, certain individuals have their own reasons for being difficult; refuse to play and they'll lose interest. Of by far the greatest significance, however, are the thrilling developments that arise now but promise to go though several permutations before all is said and done. What these offer, personally, romantically and creatively, makes all your existing plans pale in comparison.
You haven’t been so naive to hope that tricky issues involving your resources, from time and money to ideas, could be resolved without dramas. Still, December’s power struggles come as a surprise. Understanding what’s behind difficulties requires patience. Gradually you gain a fresh perspective on both situations and others’ priorities. Still, with Mercury retrograde until the 20th, misunderstandings cause problems. Discussing these with unaccustomed openness seems risky. However, be direct about both your hopes and your concerns and you both resolve conflicts and rebuild strained relationships.
みづがめ 1日 As a logical air sign, you’ve a respect for the facts. But you’re also aware that others, even those closest, disagree with you on certain relatively fundamental issues. Under other circumstances this makes no difference. At the moment, however, you really must work together to find a plan that everybody concerned can live with.
みづがめ 12月 As one of the most inquisitive signs, you’re intrigued by everything new. However, because you think long and hard before committing to a plan, you dislike making sudden changes. Yet recent developments have your mind working overtime. Explore these, but as there’s much more coming in 2005, there’s no rush to make arrangements. Instead focus on the dilemmas highlighted by Mercury’s retrograde cycle, until the 20th. This raises unresolved past issues and misunderstandings. As you eliminate them you free yourself from potentially restrictive worries and beliefs. 好奇心の最も強い人々のなかの一人がサインする時、全ての新しいものに興味をそそられます。 しかしながら、あなたはプランを立てて実行する前に、あまりにも長く、深く考えすぎるので 急速な変化を厭う気持ちになっています。 しかし、最近の進展にはあなたが働きすぎでへとへと気味なのでは? これらを探検しなさい、しかし来るべき2005年にはもっとなんやかんやいぱーいあるのですが その支度として、急ぐ必要はありませんよ。 水星が逆行しる20日まではあなたのジレンマに関しては強調されてしまいます。 過去の未解決の問題や、誤解などがクローズアップされてきます。 それらを排除するときに、あなたは潜在的に自分を縛っている心配や信念から解放されます。
2日 みづがめ You’ve no intention of upsetting anybody. But at the same time you can’t agree to plans that you regard as impractical or foolish. Let others know what you think, but go no further. Once you begin to waste time on explanations, you’ll be drawn into debates. All they need know is where you stand.
3日 みづがめ Somebody’s trying to play on your sympathy, and it would appear that they’re having considerable success. Certainly you feel that you’re obliged to keep them happy. This is ridiculous. They’re perfectly capable of looking after themselves. It’s just they’ve even better at manipulating others, which is exactly what they’ve been doing with you. 誰かさんがあなたの同情引きを仕掛けていて、それはかなり成功している様相をあらわしています。 あなたは彼らのために自分が犠牲になっているような気がしていることでしょうが、おかしいことですね。 彼らはいまや完璧に自分達で面倒をみられるのです。彼らはなお小細工を他人に広めていますが、 良さはかれらがあなたと共にしているということです。
Weeks of attempts to bring everybody together or achieve a mutually acceptable goal haven’t exactly been rewarding. In fact you’re not a lot further than when you started. If truth be told, you’re thinking that maybe plans should just be abandoned. However, your understanding of the individuals involved has increased several fold. A bond of trust has been created, and you’re wondering whether that might not lead to something more significant. This might be the best approach to the events that are promised by potent planetary developments late next week. At minimum you’ll want to work together on these, though that could evolve into something more.
>369 おまけに。7日みづがめ Discussing plans is one thing, making then quite another, as you’re learning. As an Aquarius you’re usually superb at achieving a consensus. At the moment, however, there is absolute no spirit of cooperation. Take it slowly. Eventually others will realise that their biggest problem has been their own attitude. Until then occupy yourself elsewhere. もうすでにあなたが学んだ通り、ずっと議論されてきたプランと、成されたことは別物です。 本来の水瓶座らしさは、異なる意見を束ねていく力がずばぬけているのですがね。 しかし、いまは絶対的に協力するのにNOという感じになっています。 ゆっくりいきましょう。そのうち彼らも自分達の態度にこそ問題があることを理解することがあるでしょう。 それまであなた自身は少しどこか違う場所に身をおいてください。
8日 みづがめ Naturally you don’t want to make arrangements until you fully understand both the commitment you’d make making and know more about the people involved. What’s tricky is that with Mercury retrograde, even simple facts aren’t necessarily reliable. While it’s worth proceeding, simply ensure that everybody’s aware that a certain amount of amendments are very likely. あなたは、あなたがしてきたことと他の人が作り上げたことと、二面性があり、 十分わかるまではどうこうしようって気にならないのは当然です。 ただでさえ事実が信頼できるかわからないのに、まして今は水星の逆行中です。 他の人々がかなりの量の修正が近々必要なことに気がつくことだけ押さえておけばいいでしょう。
Saying no to dear friends or loved ones is never easy. But you’ve both considered situations and examined your feelings, and simply can’t go along with what they ask. When you tell them the answer is no, they’re unlikely to be happy. Deep down, however, they’ll be relieved. They’ve been unsure about plans all along.
三月うさぎたん、ありがとうございます。あーんど週末みづがめ The time has come to put yourself first. For the past several weeks you’ve been juggling all variety of obligations, most of which involved the needs of certain individuals and organisations. While most of these were important, they’ve all been dealt with, leaving you with time to focus on you and what you need. あなたが最初に身をおくべき時がきました。過去数週間、あなたは義務とすべての種類を考慮しました。 その大部分は核心している個人と機構のニーズに関わります。それらの大部分が重要だった間、それらはすべて対処されています。 あなたに関する時間と貴方が必要としている物を残して。
13日 みづがめ For some time you’ve suspected that differences with close friends or loved ones wouldn’t work out until issues came to a head. Consequently you’re likely to welcome this week’s developments, which force everybody involved, including you, to express their views and feelings. After that you should be able to make some serious progress. しばらくの間あなたは親しい友人、あるいは愛する人々の間での食い違いが、いよいよ土壇場にくるまで 解決しそうにないよ〜とさじをなげたい気持ちでした。 あなたはもちろん、含めた全ての人々を巻き込む大騒動が今週起こります。 その結果、あなたはその出来事を感謝するようになるでしょう。その後に何らかの重大な進行をあなたが進めるべきです。
気になるのでシェリ週報(12日より)も みづがめ For weeks others seem to have been expecting you to give them a hand with perplexing problems. You’re happy to help. However, they’ve become increasingly demanding, until in certain cases it seems they’re waiting for you to rescue them. Now you’re forced to draw the line, and it isn’t easy. Not only do you not know what to say, they’re not exactly thrilled about taking responsibility for their own lives. Deep down, however, they know problems are theirs to resolve. Besides, you’ve some considerably more interesting developments involving intriguing activities and associations to focus on. These are far more deserving of your time and attention. 何週にもわたり、あなたは他の人々にあのややこしい問題について手助けをすることを期待されています。 あなたも人の助けることは望む所です。しかし、彼らの要求は雪だるまのように増大し続け、例の一件に関しては彼らは貴方の手助けを 今か今かと待っています。たやすいことではありませんが、今、あなたは一線をひくべきです。 あなたは何を言ったらよいか知るべきではなく、彼らが彼らの人生においてスリルを求めていないことを知るべきです。 しかしながら、本当の事を言うと彼らは彼ら自身で問題解決すべきであることを知っています。 そのうえ、興味深い進展のためあなたが注意を払ってきたことやいくつかの注目のことがらの活動を含むことをあなたはしてきました。 これらのことは、あなたがしてきた注意や時間よりはるかに価値があることなのです。
14日 みづがめ Discussing plans for the future is one thing, getting others to take things to the next stage is quite another, as you’re learning. While the last thing you feel is patient, if you back off and let them take the next step, once they do, you’ll find that they’re in a far more cooperative mood. あなたが学んでいる通り、未来について討論することと、 他者を次の次元に引き上げることとは全く別物です。 あなたが最近感じる物事をガマンし、引き返して彼らを次のステップに引き上げてやると、 あなたは彼らがはるかに協力的なムードであることを知るでしょう。
水瓶座16日、よろしくお願いします。 どうやらこの週末が、自分にとってはとても重要な局面になりそうです。。。 If you’re smart, you’ll leave important decisions to close friends or colleagues, even if you’re unsure about their judgement. The simple act of showing that you trust them will have a far more lasting influence than even the most unwise of their decisions. What’s more, they can be reversed within a short time anyway.
17日 水瓶座 Confusion about arrangements involving children or loved ones is beginning to cause you some concern. Much as you wish things would go smoothly, with Mercury retrograde until Monday there’s little chance of that. What you can do, however, is decide to learn from events, however disruptive they are in the short term. 子供達や愛する誰かを巻き込む騒動はあなたに関連することが起因しています。 あなたがものごとがスムーズに進むことを望むならば、月曜日までの水星の逆行中ならわずかなチャンスがあります。 しかし、あなたができることは出来事から学ぶことだけなのです。短い期間で彼らは分裂してしまいます。
18日 水瓶座 お願いします。 Letting go of long cherished dreams is never easy. But it’s particularly difficult if you don’t have anything to replace them. Still, it’s not until you’ve allowed the past to go that you’re likely to spot certain promising ideas or hopeful developments. This is the first step to building your new dreams.
山羊座の18日の翻訳、どなたかお願い致します。 During the weeks since late November, when Mercury went retrograde, unexpected twists in circumstance have give you good reason to question a number of things you do without thinking. While it may take some time to fully understand the significance of what you’ve learned about these seemingly routine matters, there’s no doubt that it’s important.
While everybody complains about the confusion that accompanies Mercury’s retrograde cycle, because it’s your ruling planet this period also tends to trigger self doubts. Now that it’s once again moving forward, not only is life easier, but the shadows that have seemed to follow you vanish, to be replaced by a more optimistic mood.
21日 みづがめ There’s talk of reorganising elements of your working life or changing circumstances could force you to rearrange your daily routine, and you’re not happy about it. Once you begin, however, you’ll realise that certain things you’re doing out of habit are actually more of a hindrance than they are of any help to you. 事情のため、あなたの仕事や環境を変えるため日常の生活に変化の要素が生じました。 あなたはうれしくないことでしょう。しかし、いったんそれをはじめることによってあなたは気がつくことでしょう。 他の人が助けようとしても、あなたが習慣的にしていることがもっと妨害になっていることを。
ついでに 水瓶座19日からの週報です(長期的予測も含まれてましたので) There are few things more upsetting than arguing with friends or loved ones, particularly when the issues are as mundane as finances or obligations. However, these disputes serve to bring previously unnoticed differences to the surface. While these may seem to be of little significance now, once you’re making important decisions early in the new year, you’ll be grateful that what you’ve learned. Insights help you understand why others have been so difficult. What’s more, with Mercury finally ending its retrograde cycle on Monday, the missing puzzle pieces in various dilemmas should also come to light, and just when you were getting desperate. 友人や愛する人たちとの諍いほどいやなものはないですよね、事柄がお金のことや信用問題に関わる場合は特に。 でも、このような争いが、気付かないような以前との違いを表面化してくれるのに役に立ちます。 いま、たいした違いはわからないかもしれないけれど、来年早々あなたが重大な決意をしたときに あなたが今まで学んできた事柄に感謝することでしょう。洞察することです。それが、他の人がなぜ難しい顔をしているか理解する助けになります。 月曜日に水星の逆行が終了したことよりも、もっと、あなたが絶望の淵にたたされたときに、 失われたパズルのピースが光り輝きながら出てくるでしょう。
22日 水瓶座 Sad to say it appears that somebody you’ve trusted has taken advantage of that position. Difficult as it is raising such matters, they’re best discussed openly now. There’s a slight chance that it’s all a complete misunderstanding; if so, you’ll soon clear things up. Alternatively, at least others will know that you’re on to them. 貴方が信頼していた誰かが、そのポジションを利用したようである、ということは悲しいことです。 いろんな出来事が浮上してくる中、困難さを感じていることでしょうが、 いま事態がオープンになったということは、ベストの議論ができるということです。 もしもあなたが物事をクリアにしようとするならば、 全てが誤解に基づくものだと理解してもらいチャンスは残っています。 かわりに、他の人たちは、すくなくともあなたの思いやりの深さを知るでしょう。
Having wrestled with the kind of self-doubts you have difficulty even acknowledging, you’re hardly going to be keen about discussing them with others. You’ll need to take your time. You may even wait until somewhat into the new year. Once you do, however, you’ll get far more support than you would have imagined possible.
水瓶座23日です。 There are few things more difficult than witnessing others make unwise decisions and being unable to say anything. But they’ve made it clear that they want no advice, and you must honour that. What you can do, however, is remain quietly on the sidelines, ready when somebody’s needed to pick up the pieces.
別訳、修正歓迎。以下、原文。 You’ve an instinctive understanding of when others need encouragement and, equally, of those situations when you should remain silently by the sidelines. At the moment the latter is the case. Although they’re unlikely to comment, much less thank you in any way now, over time others will eloquently express their gratitude for your consideration.
水瓶座24日です。 Life will be a lot easier when you’re able to discuss tense issues involving close friends frankly and openly. But they’re just not up to facing them and won’t be until early in the new year. Back off for now, therefore, and say nothing until others make it clear that they’re ready to talk.
25日水瓶座です。別訳歓迎。 If you’re beginning to feel a little bit restless, it’s no surprise. In fact with the expansive Jupiter accenting new ideas, people and places, you’re bound to need a change of scene. Just what that might be, however, could be as much of a surprise as the way in which the opportunities involved appear.
26日水瓶座 Nobody likes it when friends or colleagues are at odds with each other. But if they refuse to acknowledge the source of their problems, they’ll never get to the bottom of things. Encourage them to discuss these matters, but ensure that you avoid getting caught in the middle of issues that are theirs to resolve. 同僚や友達が仲たがいしているところを好きな人なんていません。 しかし、問題の本質を捉えないことには真相を探り当てられないでしょう。 論議することを彼らに勧めなさい、でもあなたが中心に入ってはいけません。 彼らが自分で問題を解くべきです。
The last thing you want to do is upset anybody. But subtle hints or genteel discussions about financial matters or joint ventures have resulted in promises ? and not much more. Tempting as it is to avoid discussions, by making decisions on your own and simply telling others what you’ve decided, will only lead to regrets. First, sudden and rather dramatic changes in circumstances towards the week’s close would mean revising plans anyway. But also, there are facts of which you’re unaware. Whatever you don’t discuss in depth this week you’ll have to talk over next week anyway, so you might as well begin now.
水瓶座週報(26日〜) Adopt a philosophical approach to various dilemmas and you make life a lot easier. Differentiate between those situations about which you can do something and those you can’t, then focus on the former, and you avoid a manner of stress. The trick is discerning which is which. Early in the week you’ll be wrestling with the intense developments triggered by the current Full Moon. However dramatic they seem, these yield to a thoughtful approach. Issues which involve a tricky combination of personal responsibility, friends or colleagues and money seem clear-cut, but will require of you far greater patience and character-building detachment.
Pivotal business and personal decisions have been in your mind for some time, but you're been so uncertain about your own objectives that you're been unable to commit to one line of action. Now the events triggered by today's Cancer Full Moon eliminate numerous options, focusing your thinking. Yet you're also feeling unusually vulnerable and are worried about the reaction of others. Urgent as things seem, you're probably better off letting the most important discussions wait until after the new year, when a combination of unexpected revelations and practical realisations promise to make things clearer and, therefore, far easier to deal with.
27日水瓶座です。 If anybody is fair, it’s you. Yet over the coming week you’re going to be forced to make exceedingly difficult decisions on your own. It’s not just what you’re dealing with that’s the problem, but that whatever you decide, somebody’s going to be unhappy. That being the case, you may as well please yourself.
28日 水瓶座 You really must keep a close eye on the use of your resources: your time, money and even your ideas. The problem is, that forces you to cut back on the support you’ve been giving others. Some will understand. But others’ complaints reveal that they weren’t just unappreciative, they’ve been taking you for granted. あなた自身の源となるもの…お金だったり、時間だったりあなた自身の考え方であったりしますが、 あなたはその使い方について厳しく目を光らせるべきです。 例の問題があるために、あなたは他の人へのサポートを減らしている所です。 理解してくる人もいるでしょう。他の人は不平をもらすかもわかりませんが、それこそ それこそ彼らは見る目がなかったことの顕れです。 彼らはあなたを認めようとしています。
29日水瓶座。荒訳スマソ。別訳歓迎。 The time has come to say no. You think of yourself as being practical. But you’ve been agreeing to the demands of certain individuals without really considering what saying yes entailed. Now that you have, you realise that you must renegotiate or even withdraw from arrangements before they begin to cost you big time.
遅くなってすみません。水瓶座30日です。 You’re tolerant of the foibles of others. In fact you’re charmed by the idiosyncrasies of certain rather tricky individuals. That doesn’t mean that you can allow their intriguing characteristics to get in the way of certain plans of your own. Difficult as discussing these matters are, the sooner you tackle them, the better for everybody.
1月マンスリー You never expected everybody to agree on major decisions involving work or domestic matters. But you hadn’t anticipated such intense differences. Still, let others squabble, even if things get worse. Their bickering exposes issues that otherwise would have remained unacknowledged. Consequently, when an accord is reached, midmonth, it’s genuine and lasting. This is good timing, since you’ll then want to focus on more rewarding developments in your personal or romantic life. Aim high and what seemed distant dreams could become part of your life.
2005年の予報 If you look back on the events of 2004, particularly its last four months, you’ll realise how much wider your world is. You’ve met interesting people, encountered intriguing ideas and made plans. But there’s also been disarray; even the most welcome of changes bring confusion with them. This is all down to the presence of the planet of growth and opportunity, Jupiter; it entered Libra late September of 2004 and remains until October. But its influence can emphasise the interesting over the practical, which means you’ll be thankful that you’ve the stern Saturn dominating the part of your chart that accents your way of living and working. So while you’ll enjoy considering all sorts of offers, something will keep you from making commitments you’d later regret. Of course the influence of these developments on relationships will be at the forefront of your mind. Don’t refuse anything just because it might upset existing ties. In most cases such changes only serve to stimulate greater closeness. And, equally, if you’re still seeking that special partner, the wider your world, the more likely you are to encounter somebody intriguing. Having profited from exploring the world, by October you focus on how developments would profit you financially or professionally. This is good timing, as you’ll both need to narrow your scope and investigate what you’ll get for your ideas or efforts. Similarly, you’ll be considering future plans. Careful choices involving the people and ideas concerned ensure that things remain as rewarding in the long term as they promise to be in 2005.
水瓶座1月です。 Feeling compassionate about others’ problems is one thing; getting involved in them is quite another. Discussing issues is informative; become entangled, however, and you’re in a web of deception and chaos. But you may also be avoiding various important but far less intriguing dilemmas. They may seem lacking solutions; ignore these and you’re guaranteed they’ll become more troublesome, and you could even find ways to tackle them. Most of all, when mid-February’s Aquarius New Moon demands that decisions be made, you’ll be well-informed and ready.
水瓶座週報です(2日から) For some time you’ve simply assumed that certain arrangements involving who or what you love would proceed as they have, continuing by a mutual unspoken agreement. Now it all comes apart. This seems a disaster. However, what’s taking place gets you - and everybody else - talking about your idea of where things are going. First you discover just how disparate your views are. Then you learn about others’intentions. These exchanges become uncomfortably frank but also clearly long overdue. They also set you thinking about whether you want to continue in the same direction as before.
水瓶座3日です。 Facts are facts. At the moment, however, various rather strong-minded individuals seem sure that they’re the only person in possession of the truth. Not surprisingly this is likely to lead to clashes. Since you also have your own idea of what’s right, you’re better off avoiding even simple discussions until things have been settled.
シェリ1月5日 水瓶座 You’ve a strong sense of mutual responsibility, and will happily help others when you can. You’ve also a huge respect for independence and would never intrude on situations that are clearly others’ to deal with. Alas, certain individuals don’t share those instincts, which means you may just have to tell them to back off.
シェリ6日 水瓶座 Making plans is one thing. At the moment, however, it’s sustaining them that’s the problem. Shifting circumstances and individuals who constantly rearrange things are playing havoc with existing arrangements. While you can’t prevent situations of this nature arising, you can adopt the kind of attitude that refuses to allow any such developments to upset you.
After having discussed various issues at length, you’d think others would both know what you’re able to do and your views. But they don’t, which means you’ll have to go over these again. While tedious at first, the misunderstandings you catch and insights you gain more than justify the process. You also find yourself shifting your perspective, enough that by mid-January you’re discussing ideas you’d once have dismissed. As you learn more, your options ? and world ? broaden until by the month’s close you’re considering far-reaching changes.
Capricorn December 22? January 19 Daily stars for today 24 January 2005
It would appear that you’ve been cornered into making a commitment that was either unwise or which has taken a turn for the worse. Whatever the case, by the week’s close you’ll have need face these problems head on and find a solution. Dealing with those who got you involved won’t be quite as easy.
This week’s events prove that adversity brings out the best in people, and can even do wonders for relationships. When circumstances reveal that you’ve been caught out by either unfortunate developments or the miscalculations of others, you’re surprised ? and touched ? by the support you get. Ordinarily you’d fend for yourself. But the nature of the situations you’re dealing with have left you in a uniquely vulnerable position, one that you dislike acknowledging to yourself or others. However, when you’re tempted to say no to offers of assistance, you realise that it’s pride, not practicality, that’s speaking.
Late last year you discussed various plans that could completely revolutionise your life. They seemed far out then, but now they take several steps closer to becoming reality. If there’s any problem is that they’re being discussed in a climate of change, which means even simple plans will be revised several times over before anything is settled. Don’t mistake this for meaning offers are unreliable. They’re not just good, they’re probably better than you’d imagined. However, only once you pursue them will you be sure.
It’s not that you’ve been ignoring issues involving the structure of your life, professionally, domestically and personally- you’ve just hoped they’d wait until you had time to deal with them. They won’t. Between the revelations triggered by the retrograde Mercury, from today, and the turmoil that accompanies Thursday’s Full Moon-both of which accent exactly these matters- they become your number one priority. While events may be out of your hands, even what seems negative now could have a positive outcome. In some cases, this means acknowledging that progress means breaking away from the familiar and moving on to something, or somebody, new.
Discussions that you dreaded are not only far more interesting than you’d anticipated, they’ve introduced intriguing ideas. Eager as you are to pursue these, take things slowly. With Mercury retrograde until mid-April, what seems solid now could be revealed to be very different from what you first thought. If you must make commitments, ensure they’re flexible.
The issues you’re dealing with aren’t exactly a surprise. But the fact that those who really aren’t involved have decided to weigh in with their views is. Irritating as their interference is, remember that while you can’t ignore their pronouncements, there is absolutely nothing compelling you to do as they insist that you should.
Your monthly stars for April Nobody enjoys discussing new ideas more than you do. But both what others are talking about and what comes to light while Mercury is retrograde, until the 12th, is both somewhat upsetting and a nuisance. Yet if you’re patient, you’ll soon recognise a pattern: situations that no longer benefit you, people you shouldn’t trust. This is disillusioning. Worse, if you let go of these, what will you have? Since the answer comes in completely unexpected ways during April’s final week, avoid even promising commitments before then.