You’re an optimist. But recent developments were so thrilling that even you questioned them. Now solid information begins to emerge. More important, you’re ready to address concerns, probing until you’re convinced that promises can be fulfilled. While the odds are good that things are exactly as they’ve been presented - if not better ? you must still deal with all sorts of practicalities. Such matters are always tedious, and even more so when there’s so much exciting going on around you. Things are moving swiftly. Consequently, what you organise now will become the foundation for arrangements that influence your life for years to come.
Your weekly stars for the week of July 6th This week’s developments are so easy and lacking in opposition that even you can find little to worry about. This is as it should be. In fact the more willing you are to go with the flow, especially when it comes the relationship side of what’s taking place, the better. Stop short of making plans. Only after next Sunday’s Capricorn Full Moon, which both highlights your own feelings and brings any potential issues to a head should you even consider finalising arrangements. And what to do with yourself until then? That which is perhaps your greatest challenge of all - simply enjoy life.
One interpretation of this week’s superb series of aspects involving Venus, which is positioned in your sign, would be offers involving matters of a financial nature that are as stunning as they are unexpected. This alone would be welcome news. However, another interpretation involves equally sudden and thrilling developments on the romantic front. Both could sweep you off your feet and into another world. But Tuesday’s encounter between Venus and Saturn raises practical issues. Difficult as facing these so early in the game may be, doing so could reveal that developments aren’t just as good as they seem ? they’re even better.
This really is your week. True, things won't necessarily go as you planned. In fact, some developments could seem more of a disruption than anything else. But as you learn more, you'll realise that any changes you must make are entirely justified by the extraordinary opportunities that each passing day brings
Recent ideas or offers were so exciting that you want to ensure that you've explored them fully. But others are more impatient. In fact they insist that you must make plans or commitments before another day has passed. They may be right. But remember, making plans doesn't mean that you won't change them eventually.
It's the rare Leo who gives up in the face of opposition. But recent encounters involving a tricky combination of obligations and partners or loved ones were so unsettling you've backed off. Don't. Difficult as raising these issues again may be, once you begin talking them over you'll realise how much their attitude has improved.
Aries March 21-April 19 Let life come to you. This is more difficult than it sounds. But with this week's extraordinary planetary set up, you'll be amazed what others come up with. Add to that developments that are as welcome as they are unexpected, and you'll find yourself happier and better off than for ages.
Exciting as developments involving unexpected opportunities may be, they will inevitably lead to disruptive changes. So much that you're bound to question the wisdom of pursuing them. While it's vital that you address those questions, at least take things to the next stage. You'll only regret what you didn't do, not what you did.
Usually you’re the one who’s devising clever plans that will improve on things on the professional and personal front. You dispense advice, make introductions and, on occasion, save the day. Now others seem determined to return the favour. Usually being on the receiving end of such generosity makes you feel distinctly uncomfortable. But recent developments made you realise this reluctance is really a foolish kind of pride. Consequently, you’re now ready to say yes to offers or opportunities that aren’t just good. They could bring you a kind of happiness you’d simply given up hoping could ever be part of your life.
You've felt that you'd no choice but to shoulder difficult burdens alone. At one time that might have been the case. But now others are more than willing to give you a hand. It's just that they've been reluctant to ask whether you want help, while you've assumed that they wouldn't give it.
You’ve already been discussing some intriguing ideas. On one hand these have held amazing financial or practical promise, while on the other they’d lead to somewhat exotic arrangements. Appealing as all this is, you’re still uneasy. This probably has more to do with the fact you’re feeling guilty about something. The issue in question may have little to do with these developments or be central to plans. You’re hoping you can ignore these. You can’t. In fact, discussing or dealing with these potentially disruptive feelings must take precedence in your schedule. Once they’re cleared up, the rest will sail along with amazing ease.
魚座の月曜日を御願いします Judging by the current fabulous planetary activity, unexpected encounters could not only bring a little light into your life, they could introduce a completely new kind of love as well. Whether this is romantic or involves some individual or activity that is dear to your heart, you'll be touched to your core.
It's unlike you to leave important decisions to others. But as is becoming increasingly clear, partners or close associates know a great deal more about both situations and the practical side of things than you do. Discuss what they're planning if you must. But then back off and leave it all up to them to decide.
Now that the planet of charm, Venus, has actually moved into your sign, few will be able to resist you. However, that doesn't mean that you won't have to think very carefully about what you ask for. Evaluate carefully what you request, or you may find yourself with far more than you bargained for.
As much of a compromise as it seems, you really have little choice but to go along with the decisions that others have made on your behalf. If you find them impossible to live with, you can rearrange things later. The odds are good, however, that you'll find yourself adjusting to them with surprising ease.
Today, 07 July 2003 It's the rare Gemini who keeps close track of the time, money or effort you invest in others. However, even without keeping a tally, you're beginning to realise that with certain selfish individuals you've been doing all the giving and none of the receiving. It's up to you to take a tough line.
If you face any challenge, It’s figuring out how to be polite in the face of others’ sincere concerns about your activities ? yet to ignore them. Your instincts are telling you that, improbable as things seem, they are exactly as they’re being presented, if not better. But whether it’s developments involving loved ones, romance or projects that are dear to your heart, you’ve no proof. What’s more, pursuing some of these would require you to close the door on the past. Next week’s events will prove you right. Until then, smile sweetly, but simply refuse to justify your decisions to a single soul.
いつもありがとうございます 水瓶週報です、どうぞよろしくお願いします。 For some weeks now there’s been promise of rewarding developments on several fronts. While events related to your work, your health and well being or certain tricky obligations are giving you increasing reason for optimism, things involving business or finances are going even better. Others may insist that these are unrealistic and should be questioned. Do so if you must, but you’ll only discover just how inaccurate their doubts were. What may be most exciting is what’s taking place on the emotional front. After a long period of struggle sudden changes make it clear that once distant dreams could soon become reality.
Whatever you’ve been planning, hoping for or expecting, something else - something very different - is coming. That’s the best way to explain the influence of your ruler Venus’s recent encounter with Uranus. Only when you view experiences or encounters in retrospect will you realise just how far reaching and exciting they were.
Today, 08 July 2003 Magical moments can grow out of even very awkward, difficult or troublesome situations. In fact, the more willing you are to confront others, naming what you disapprove of, the more exciting developments are likely to be. Behave like a lamb and you'll never be noticed. You've got to kick up a fuss.
It may be that others misunderstood you. Or, alternatively, you could have been unclear when you discussed certain matters. Whatever the case, you've no option but to go over old ground until you find out where the mistakes were made. Only then can you begin the process of putting things right with any confidence.
Exciting as certain unexpected encounters have been, they still have thrown your plans into disarray. Take special care to ensure that everybody concerned knows about the last minute changes you've had to make, or their irritation with being left in the lurch could take the bloom off of what promise to be otherwise thrilling developments.
Having spent a great deal of time making plans, you're in no mood to make changes just because certain individuals are unhappy about them. At least discuss their views. While you may find that alterations are unnecessary, what you learn as a result of exchanges more than justifies the effort of talking things through.
You may be very sure of your facts. But still, you'd be well advised to ask a few questions before you confront others. They've been dealing with all too familiar subjects from a different angle, and however well informed you are, they're still likely to have some important points and valuable insights to offer.
At times like this, life is easier if you simply adopt an easy-going attitude towards the unexpected, both in terms of people and events. Still, business or finances will require a touch approach. Others are under such pressure that you're likely to have to demand that they honour their agreements with you.
After weeks of juggling intriguing ideas you've been unable to come up with a plan that makes everybody happy. What's more, you're unsure of your own priorities. Others may be in a hurry, but you're better off avoiding any important commitments until after the Leo New Moon, as the month comes to a close.
You're thrilled about certain plans, but not everybody is as enthusiastic. And whether it's family, partners or colleagues, impressive speeches will get you nowhere fast. Only when you present them with facts of the variety that you find too boring even to think about, do you stand a chance of winning them over.
There's a fine line between being firm with those you care about and being so tough that you overwhelm them. But you must not only find that line, you must help them learn to walk it. While it won't be easy, what you learn in the process will prove invaluable to you both.
Either you've been putting the needs of others first to such an extent that you've short-changed yourself or you've simply been avoiding certain important personal obligations. Whatever the exact case, you've run out of reasons for ignoring these. Waste no time debating these with others. Now you and your interests must take top priority.
You're thrilled about certain plans, but not everybody is as enthusiastic. And whether it's family, partners or colleagues, impressive speeches will get you nowhere fast. Only when you present them with facts of the variety that you find too boring even to think about, do you stand a chance of winning them over.
Few things are more difficult than slapping the hand of somebody you both care about and know is struggling. But you're beginning to realise that they're taking advantage of their position. Draw the line, gently but firmly, making it clear what you can and are willing to do -and what's simply not possible.
Exciting as certain unexpected encounters have been, they still have thrown your plans into disarray. Take special care to ensure that everybody concerned knows about the last minute changes you've had to make, or their irritation with being left in the lurch could take the bloom off of what promise to be otherwise thrilling developments.
Exciting as certain unexpected encounters have been, they still have thrown your plans into disarray. Take special care to ensure that everybody concerned knows about the last minute changes you've had to make, or their irritation with being left in the lurch could take the bloom off of what promise to be otherwise thrilling developments.
Few signs are as conscious of the impact of your actions on others than you are. At the moment, however, you could overemphasise that sensitivity at your expense. Once you've considered the actual circumstances you're dealing with, as opposed to what others say, you realise they're manipulating them to their advantage.
Disruptive as sudden changes in plan are, you've nothing to complain about. True, you may have spent considerable time putting things in order. Stick to these arrangements, however, and you'll never know what you missed out on. Not for some weeks will the breadth of the opportunities now being discussed become clear.
Today, 09 July 2003 Romance may be exciting. But once the bloom is off the rose, things aren't quite the same. This is when the real relationship commences. You must begin to work at understanding others. And as important ・and for you, far more difficult ・you must also let them have a glimpse of your inner workings.
Usually you're easy going about matters on the domestic front. At the moment, however, it would appear that you're going to have to take a tough line with a particular individual or over certain issues. Whatever the short term upset this causes, it's vital if you're to have harmony in the long run.
Being generous with others is one thing. But letting them take advantage of your good nature is quite another. Things have developed so slowly that you weren't conscious of the time, thought and effort you've devoted to one particular person. Since they're unlikely to make changes, it's up to you to redress the balance.
Taking a tough line with somebody you love is never easy. But if you don't make it clear where you stand and what you feel now, things will only become more confused. As important, the issues in question must not be glossed over. Discuss them in depth and you need discuss them only once. ※最後の一文、繰り返しなのか何なのか??? お知恵拝借〜
While it's true that things are moving too swiftly to deal with any but the most sketchy of details, the structure these offer is vital. Therefore you'll want to discuss your options with as wide an array of individuals now, ensuring that what you plan gives you the best scope for future development.
Somebody seem to have been trying to make you feel guilty, and judging by the way you're feeling, they've had a certain amount of success. You could try discussing the issues in question. But you're probably better off distancing yourself from the entire situation rather than trying to justify your position or your feelings.
You are by no means a control freak. Yet when it comes to thrilling developments, you feel uneasy about trusting certain individuals. Discussing your concerns with friends or colleagues is a waste of time. While raising issues with those directly involved won't be easy, it's the only way you'll put your mind at rest.
You'd never make the statement that you'd refuse to do certain things without meaning it. But the current unsettling developments are almost designed to undermine such convictions. As you learn more about the situations in question, your perspective is likely to shift, which in turn will alter those views you thought you'd never change.
Few things are more difficult than disappointing somebody who is dear to your heart. But whether it's a child, close friend or loved one, it would appear that you've no choice. However, if you make it clear you're only changing plans, not cancelling them altogether, they're realise that all is not lost.
Difficult as it is to watch those you care about suffer, you really must take a tough line with certain individuals. They'll try to convince you that you're being unkind or unfair. Once they realise that you're not going to buckle, they'll suddenly discover resources that they previously insisted just weren't there.
Every Pisces has experienced situations in which when you allowed your emotions to overwhelm the practical side of your nature. You're now in danger of doing this again. Think carefully about who or what you're committing to, particularly if those who care about your welfare are questioning the wisdom of such an association.
Today, 10 July 2003 Important decisions are looming. But dealing with such matters too early in the game is as unwise as pretending that you needn't prepare for them. Only after this weekend's powerful Capricorn Full Moon are you likely even to know what you want, much less how best you could structure your future plans.
Today, 10 July 2003 Lengthy discussions of abstract dilemmas are not your cup of tea. But the time you spend in such discussions is nothing less than an investment in your future. There's no quick way to establish solid links with those whose trust is essential. Only by taking it slowly will you gain their confidence.
Now that your ruling planet Venus has joined the Sun and the Mercury in accenting discussion, the time has come to put certain persistent misunderstandings to rest. At one time you may have felt that you could simply ignore the issues in question. But they're causing so much confusion that something must be done.
There are important decisions to be made about where and how you live. While life will be considerably simpler when these are settled, you'd regret hurrying things. Ideally, in fact, you'll wait until after the events triggered by this weekend's potent Full Moon before you commit to anyone or anything.
Usually you know exactly what you want and where you're going. Yet recently you've been uncharacteristically at sea about several important matters. Unsettling as this is, if you reflect on these issues you'll soon uncover pivotal dilemmas that you hadn't even realise were there, much less situations that need to be dealt with.
Fairy tales make it seem that love comes by magic, and that when it arrives, requires little persistence. But the situations you're now facing indicate that the reverse is true. In fact, the time and effort you invest in establishing trust and understanding with others will form a foundation for an enduring bond between you.
You've been ignoring that certain restless feeling for so long that you've almost become accustomed to living with it. Now that circumstances have given you an opportunity to break away from restrictive situations, you have a chance to broaden your horizons. Take that now and you'll feel as if you've been reborn.
Because life is about what you can learn and experience, it's rare that you'll undertake any activity purely for financial reasons. But the potential benefits from the ideas or offers now being suggested are so good that you simply could pass them by. Investigate them thoroughly, ensuring that you derive the best from them.
Somebody owes you, but you've no idea how to address the issue in question. It makes no difference if debt involves money or is of a less tangible nature. Raising this isn't easy now. But the longer you wait, the more difficult the simple act of saying what you have coming will be.
Life offers very few moments of glorious happiness, of fulfilment of a romantic, creative or emotional nature. But judging by the current superb planetary set up, you've a little of exactly that coming your way. True, there are problems as well. However, these mustn't take away from these rare feelings or experiences.
If ever you needed patience, it's now. Promising as developments are, you really must wait until after the developments triggered by this week's Full Moon before you commit to anything. You needn't be shy about letting others know what interests you. Simply avoid making promises until sure where others stand and what they can offer.
One of the most difficult things for any Virgo is to listen to others state the wrong facts, yet say nothing. Think carefully before you say anything. Even the most minor objection is likely to be blown up into a major drama, one that demands more of your time than the issues involved merit.
Today, 11 July 2003 No Capricorn would ever make a commitment of any kind without knowing what's involved. Yet that's exactly what circumstances seem to be asking of you now. While this means relying on your intuition over more practical ways of evaluating the situations involved, you've every reason to trust on what your feelings tell you.
Today, 11 July 2003 You know both wise and right. But somewhat unfairly, decisions are up to others. However, that doesn't mean that you can't influence them. On the contrary, they're more than willing to listen, particularly if you discuss both your past experiences and your views. Still, ultimately, you must back off and leave it to them.
You're facing a real minefield of objections, justifications and subtle tricks. Certain individuals are pretending to support you. But for various reasons they intend to sabotage your plans. How to handle them? When they ask their impossible questions and make unrealistic demands, be gracious, but firmly refuse to say or do a thing.
You're enterprising by nature, so much that you're usually the first to discover and pursue worthwhile or intriguing new ideas. Since others rarely recognise their value until later, this is frequently solo. The current crop of developments requires a team effort, which means that you'll want to share your plans with others from the outset.
This hardly seems the ideal time to reorganise your life. In fact you can think of several reasons why things should be left as they were. But you've little choice. Ironically, it's only once you actually begin the process of examining potential changes, that you'll recognise what exciting developments they could lead to.
While you're by no means a loner, the concept of teamwork is currently of huge significance. This extends from the discussion of plans or ideas to turning them into action. Others have a great deal to offer, but so do you. It's the actual process of exchanging ideas that will prove most valuable
Certain individuals change their minds as often as they change their clothes, a characteristic that you find as irritating as it is inconvenient. However, after recent discussions you're viewing once solid issue from a fresh perspective. So much, in fact, that you've no choice but to alter arrangements you thought you'd never change.
However intense your feelings about certain matters, don't make the mistake of assuming that others know what they are. It's easy to assume that because they care about you, they'll automatically understand what's most important to you. In some cases they may. But when they don't, waste no time on dramas. Instead, just explain.
As much as you dislike the idea of justifying your views or your actions to others, it's vital that you explain yourself. Not only will this help them understand where you're coming from. It will also force you to consider in depth exactly who or what's been a major influence on your thinking.
While you're by no means a loner, the concept of teamwork is currently of huge significance. This extends from the discussion of plans or ideas to turning them into action. Others have a great deal to offer, but so do you. It's the actual process of exchanging ideas that will prove most valuable
The odds are good that somebody's going to complain about the changes triggered by this weekend's Full Moon. While they're long overdue, others aren't particularly happy about them and you seem to have your own reservations. Still, give them a chance. Once you've learned more, you're likely to be considerably more positive about developments.
After the excitement of new plans, suddenly you're faced with disruptive if not unwelcome changes. These seemingly sad circumstances hardly seem fair, especially with something so promising now unfolding in your life. B ut clearing the way for the new inevitably must inevitably involve letting go, relinquishing the past as the future is born.
While you understand the impact of sudden changes on partners or loved ones, you're beginning to wonder if they aren't turning them into dramas unnecessarily. Still, if you downplay their feelings it may appear that you're not taking them seriously. Listen to their concerns, therefore, but keep a certain detachment as you do.
Recently you faced a crisis involving somebody dear to your heart, and suffered long and hard deciding what to do. Now that your perspective is somewhat clearer, you realise that much of the problem was their responsibility and should, therefore, have been theirs - and theirs alone - to deal with.
Today, 12 July 2003 Don't mistake the uneasy feelings you're experiencing as an indication that things have gone wrong. On the contrary, they're going in the right direction. It's just that the Capricorn Full Moon is bound to bring intense feelings to the surface, many of which you've been trying to ignore for a very long time.
Today, 12 July 2003 You're not so much being stubborn about changes on the domestic or work front as questioning their timing. Certainly from your viewpoint they're ill-timed. However, as you argue points you realise that delays are unlikely. Instead focus on learning so much about changes that you're able to make the best of them.
Keep in mind that this is one of those tricky times when, whatever you say, somebody will object. That way, you’ll waste no time struggling to please impossible individuals. Instead, listen to their demands, do what you can, and forget the rest. Don’t be surprised if suddenly their attitude changes for the better.
Today, 12 July 2003 There are times when relationships with even those who are closest are under such stress that some variety of renewal is essential. This is just such a time. As you go through the day, notice what strikes an accord between you, and ensure that there’s plenty of opportunity to pursue those activities together.
If you were giving others advice, you’d probably say not to make any decisions until they’re calmer. Yet you’re trying to make wise choices while in the midst of emotional dramas. First, ride out the waves of feeling triggered by this weekend’s Full Moon, then focus on the important decisions facing you.
Recently you've faced a series of dull but important tasks. Once your ruling planet, Mercury, moves into the dramatic and somewhat excitable Leo this weekend, things should become considerably more interesting. In fact they'll be so demanding that you may find yourself longing for the quieter times of the past few weeks.
牡牛座原文 If ever there was a time for teamwork, it’s now. However worthwhile your ideas, the plans now being made extend far beyond your knowledge or experience. Yet you’re hesitant about asking others. Do so and you’ll soon realise that they’ve keen to help. It’s just that they’ve been waiting for you to say something.
You’ve made it clear that you’re not particularly enthusiastic about certain changes. In fact you’ve expressed your feelings so eloquently that certain individuals have volunteered to take over the decision-making on your behalf. That’s taking things one step too far. However unenthusiastic your feelings, you’re still responsible for what’s taking place.
Difficult as you find it to be angry with certain individuals, you’re doing them favours by tolerating their bad behaviour. You say you’re avoiding confrontations for fear of unpleasantness. But in reality you’re worried that in making it clear where the line is drawn, and expecting them to keep to it, you’ll alienate them altogether.
It’s no surprise that you feel uncomfortable making plans with others without having talked things through thoroughly. But at the moment there’s just no time. Those discussions will take place, but only as the month’s second half unfolds. You can’t avoid making plans. But you can view all those you arrange as tentative.
Rearranging your business or financial life is both time consuming and disruptive. But it’s also inevitable, so much that you really can’t put this off. Don’t do this alone. Ask the advice of those who deal with such matters frequently, and you’ll get both a helping hand and the valuable insights their experience offers.
Upsetting as recent clashes were, they could be an opportunity in disguise. Recently others simply refused to discuss their feelings. Now that situations have forced everybody's emotions to the surface, things are much more open. In fact, they've no choice but to acknowledge where and with whom their deepest feelings lie.
Today, 13 July 2003 Don't mistake the uneasy feelings you're experiencing as an indication that things have gone wrong. On the contrary, they're going in the right direction. It's just that the Capricorn Full Moon is bound to bring intense feelings to the surface, many of which you've been trying to ignore for a very long time.
Today, 13 July 2003 You're not so much being stubborn about changes on the domestic or work front as questioning their timing. Certainly from your viewpoint they're ill-timed. However, as you argue points you realise that delays are unlikely. Instead focus on learning so much about changes that you're able to make the best of them.
For those born under the sign of Capricorn, dignity is fundamental to your self respect. Yet at the moment you’re taking chances,and are worried whether that would undermine the views of certain individuals. There’s no need for concern. In fact the greater the risks you take, the more they admire you.
Now that you’ve had a chance to think about recent ideas involving potential changes, you’re feeling far more favourably inclined towards them. More and more, you’re wondering why you ever objected. It may have had more to do with the fact that decisions were in others’ hands than the situations themselves.
Today, 13 July 2003 You've always considered those who change their views as frequently as the styles change to be a bit weak. But now you find yourself in the midst of a cycle of questioning. Not only do you understand others' shifting views better, you're finding each fresh perspective adds significantly to your understanding of even complex situations.
蟹座 13日 For weeks you’ve been holding back, hoping that troublesome issues would resolve themselves. They won’t. In fact the current Full Moon seems to have brought these to an emotional head. Unsettling as the resulting confrontations are, don’t be shy. Others are finally ready to discuss concerns frankly, openly and from the heart.
Gemini (May 20 - Jun 20) No sign has greater powers of persuasion than a determined Gemini. Yet judging by this week's rather difficult planetary activity, even you are likely to run into problems convincing others to go along with your plans. Since you can't hurry things, simply accept that things will be moving at a slower pace.
No matter how worthwhile the ideas you have in mind are, there’s no guarantee that those whose support you need will agree with you. In fact, they’re likely to require a good deal of persuasion. Over time they’ll begin to see things your way, but you’ll have to take it very slowly indeed.
Few things upset you more than the idea of leaving somebody you care about in need. For this reason you sometimes overcompensate, looking after those who really don’t need much help. At the moment, in fact, you really must say no. Give certain individuals an inch today and tomorrow they’ll be back, demanding a mile
As much of a nuisance as changing things on the domestic front is, things just can’t remain as they are. True, certain individuals will complain, whatever you do. Knowing that, there’s no point in worrying about whether the decisions you make might upset them. Ignore their moaning and chose what’s best for everybody concerned.
It’s not that you’ve been neglecting yourself. It’s just that in the recent past, there’s always been somebody or something that’s had to come first. Now issues involving your health and well being or certain very personal matters must take priority. Waste no time explaining to others. You know what’s right, which is all that matters.
乙女座原文です。 Few things upset you more than the idea of leaving somebody you care about in need. For this reason you sometimes overcompensate, looking after those who really don't need much help. At the moment, in fact, you really must say no. Give certain individuals an inch today and tomorrow they'll be back, demanding a mile.
While you like the idea of things being organised, a life that runs like a well-oiled machine can prove to be restrictive. Having dutifully fulfilled your obligations, it would be no surprise if you found yourself suddenly breaking away from plans and commitments, more to experience the feelings freedom than anything else.
You've invested considerable time, thought and in some cases emotion in various plans. Consequently, you're not best pleased when sudden developments force you to change, if not abandon, them. However, when revelations about both situations and practical matters arise, your irritation is exchanged for relief. Everything from pivotal facts of which you were completely unaware to hidden agendas on the part of certain individuals comes to light. Ordinarily you'd bounce back, and be busily devising new plans. But with what you've learned, you'll want answers to a few questions about what you were pursuing and the individuals involved before you even begin thinking about the future.
It won't be easy to ignore troubling events taking place around you, especially since some could have a profound influence on your life. But because the current Capricorn Full Moon accents both personal issues and those involving close relationships, these must come first. Ironically, the pressure actually forces everybody including you to be uncharacteristically open when discussing problems or considering changes. This reminds you why you bother with certain people, giving you reason to renew important commitments. Once all this is over, you turn to those once urgent dramas, only to realise that they've been more than adequately resolved without your help.
It won’t be easy to ignore troubling events taking place around you, especially since some could have a profound influence on your life. But because the current Capricorn Full Moon accents both personal issues and those involving close relationships, these must come first. Ironically, the pressure actually forces everybody ? including you ? to be uncharacteristically open when discussing problems or considering changes. This reminds you why you bother with certain people, giving you reason to renew important commitments. Once all this is over, you turn to those once urgent dramas, only to realise that they’ve been more than adequately resolved without your help
Ordinarily you’d hurl yourself into dealing with this week’s array of setbacks and disappointments without thinking too much about the risks involved. But because the current Full Moon accents security on both the domestic and career front, you’re hyper-conscious of such matters. This is good, primarily because those anxieties prevent you wasting time on plans or projects that have, in truth, outlived their purpose. In fact, developments force you to realise that with either circumstances or your objectives having changed so much, you owe it to yourself to invest serious time in reconsidering what and who should come first in your life.
This week’s tricky dilemmas bring out the rescuer in you. While you can help others deal with upsetting situations, you must not focus on their problems to the exclusion of your own welfare. There’s little to be done about deteriorating circumstances. But you must ensure that the blame for things that were not your responsibility don’t land on your doorstep. This could mean shifting the blame to others, something you’d usually never even consider. Ironically, however, they’ve known all along that they were responsible. Discuss problems with them and you’ll find a way to give them much needed help ? while still avoiding the blame.
You’ve invested considerable time, thought and - in some cases - emotion in various plans. Consequently, you’re not best pleased when sudden developments force you to change, if not abandon, them. However, when revelations about both situations and practical matters arise, your irritation is exchanged for relief. Everything from pivotal facts of which you were completely unaware to hidden agendas on the part of certain individuals comes to light. Ordinarily you’d bounce back, and be busily devising new plans. But with what you’ve learned, you’ll want answers to a few questions about what you were pursuing and the individuals involved before you even begin thinking about the future.
Having struggled to face difficult facts, you’re now prepared to discuss them with others. This is good timing, since the current Full Moon is bound to bring all manner of issues to a head. But others aren’t ready even to acknowledge the existence of such dilemmas, much less talk about them. What’s more, with a variety of obstacles slowing progress, if not causing serious problems, even simple discussions are bound to be interrupted. Ironically, however, these events force others to admit just how vital discussions are. Play it cool, therefore, and by the week’s close you’ll be talking things over, fully and frankly.
おはようございます。いつもお世話になります。 天秤ウィークリーです。翻訳よろしくお願い致します。 Few situations are more galling for a Libra than those in which you meant well, yet things have gone terribly wrong. While you’re under pressure to take a decisive stance, resist the impulse to try to undo problems. These efforts will only get you in deeper. Instead, discuss potential solutions with others. This both proves illuminating and builds feelings of optimism for everybody concerned. But it also reveals just how complex problems are. Enough, in fact, that you may soon find yourself ready to jettison plans that were once dear to your heart in favour of something less likely to develop complications.
>>310 黒ひょう乙女Oさん ご指摘の部分 Give him an inch and he'll take a mile. 《諺》 「寸を与うれば尺を望む」 =チョット甘い顔を見せたら図に乗る ってことですよね。 なので、 Give certain individuals an inch today and tomorrow they’ll be back, demanding a mile 直訳すると 今日はある人たちに、ちょっとだけいい顔みせてみなさい。 そしたら明日には、タプーーリと要求するようになりますよ。 ってことだと思うのです。 ただその前の部分で、今は手を貸す時じゃないってあったので、 ひっくり返して表現してみたんですが… わかりにくかったですね〜 ちょっと距離を置けば、図に乗ることはないよ〜 ってのを言いたかったんでつ。 ウーーーン ムズカシイ…
Few situations are more galling for a Libra than those in which you meant well, yet things have gone terribly wrong. While you're under pressure to take a decisive stance, resist the impulse to try to undo problems. These efforts will only get you in deeper. Instead, discuss potential solutions with others. This both proves illuminating and builds feelings of optimism for everybody concerned. But it also reveals just how complex problems are. Enough, in fact, that you may soon find yourself ready to jettison plans that were once dear to your heart in favour of something less likely to develop complications.
The trick to dealing with the current crop of problems facing you ? and everybody else ? is to focus on practicalities alone. That means tackling finances or any obligations that could cause serious difficulties for you or others, and leaving everything else to fall apart. Unsurprisingly, this strategy is not universally acclaimed. Waste no time justifying your thinking to others. Simply let them try to rescue deteriorating situations and they’ll soon recognise the wisdom of your position. Meanwhile, discuss various alternative plans with those you respect. After all that’s gone on, the ideas you’d previously dismissed could suddenly seem very appealing indeed.
After having discussed issues to the point of exhaustion, you'd think that there would be some common ground. On the contrary, while it's clear what everybody thinks, those views of becoming increasingly disparate. Give it a rest. Only when things get worse will certain stubborn individuals even consider the notion of making a compromise.
山羊座14日です。よろしくお願いします。 Today, 14 July 2003 Not only was there no way around the issues accented by the recent Capricorn Full Moon, you were happy to deal with them. It was a relief to see all too familiar problems raised in such a way that they couldn't be ignored. Now all that remains is to confront them head on.
Today, 14 July 2003 Recent disruption on the domestic front hasn't improved your mood. But it has brought certain persistent issues to the surface. Naturally you'd like to get these out of the way as swiftly as possible. However, you're better off discussing your various options thoroughly now than making hasty and ultimately unsatisfactory arrangements.
ついでに双子座原文ハリコしときまつ。 Today, 14 July 2003 It's unusual that you can't find some way to raise important issues. In fact your skill at getting others to talk about even tricky matters is the envy of everybody. Still, as the delicate situations in question unfold, you'll find yourself feeling thankful that circumstances prevented you from saying more than you did.
You find it nearly impossible to accept the fact that, however many questions you ask, there is no solution for the dilemmas you are now facing. However, you’ll keep on searching. Situations of this nature reveal just how stubborn you can be. True, this capacity to maintain your focus through think and thin can be an asset when dealing with difficult individuals or situations in which your loyalty is paramount. But now, it’s only when you finally let go and view things from a fresh perspective that you realise the answer lies in a completely different direction, and with a very different cast of players.
Today, 14 July 2003 Important as it is for you to achieve an accord with others over future plans, this is not the best time to conduct any discussions. In fact, exchanges could actually prove to be counter-productive. If you must, talk things over casually. But then back off until the mood improves, later in the month.
For the last couple of weeks, there has been no daily stars on my site. This is due to some small technical problems that my internet service provider has mentioned. However we hope to have this rectified by the middle of this week.
For the past several weeks you've enjoyed exploring various plans or ideas that promise encounters with new people, places or ideas. Now serious difficulties in existing arrangements have arisen, however, and you've panicked. Try to impose order on problems and you only complicate matters. Adopting a Zen perspective isn't easy, but living in the now is the only solution. This means doing whatever you can each day, then refusing to allow dramas to overshadow the rest of your life. This approach reminds you that it isn't challenging situations that are the problem, but your tendency to obsess when things don't go your way.
It's easy for you to forgive those who make mistakes because they're ill- informed or ignorant. But those who merrily dispense incorrect information with little concern who or what it will harm upset you greatly. While you can do nothing to stop them, there's plenty you're capable of doing to set the record straight.
Nobody feels more strongly that everybody should feel free to express their opinions more than a Sagittarius. Yet even you are beginning to wonder whether certain individuals are overdoing it. The recent Full Moon seems to have so overheated their emotions that they're now making absolutely no sense at all.
No Virgo would ever ask something of another that you couldn't do or deal with yourself. Sadly, others are quite so scrupulous about their requests. This has put you in an exceedingly difficult position, since you're unable to refuse them, but also in no position to admit that you can't do as they demand.
You’ve been playing a waiting game. Some weeks ago you realised that partners or associates had big changes in store. But you also knew that they weren’t even prepared to discuss such matters, so said nothing. They’ve finally realised that those changes are inevitable, and that you’re there to support and guide them.
Having worked so hard to avoid potentially upsetting confrontations, you're now wondering why you bothered. Recent clashes may have ruffled others' feathers, but they also cleared up a great deal of confusion. In fact you're beginning to think that having things out regularly is better than your constant efforts to keep the peace.
There is no way to make pivotal decisions about tricky domestic issues without upsetting somebody. That being the case, you may as well stop trying to be all things to all people and instead do exactly what you want. Difficult as this is initially, ultimately it will make your life far easier.
Upsetting as recent clashes were, they could be an opportunity in disguise. Recently others simply refused to discuss their feelings. Now that situations have forced everybody’s emotions to the surface, things are much more open. In fact, they’ve no choice but to acknowledge where and with whom their deepest feelings lie.
Today, 14 July 2003 Much as you'd like to know that you have the support of those you care about, you mustn't compromise your views just to keep them happy. Worrying as you find it, stick to your beliefs. Once you do, those who were so cavalier with your feelings will realise just how sincere you are.
Being generous by nature, you’re usually the last person who needs to be reminded to be attentive to others’ needs. Yet certain individuals always have something to say, ask for or demand. However, their chronic complaints have far more to do with their lack of appreciation than what you have or have not done.
As a Leo you tend to shoulder the burden for problems, even those that are neitheryour responsibility nor of your making. While it’s important that you remain involved with this complex week’s issues as they’re being dealt with, stay well away from any situation with which you’re not directly involved. You may feel uncaring, unkind or guilty -quite possibly because that’s exactly what certain manipulative individuals intend for you to feel. Firmly refuse to become involved until the full facts are clear, which is unlikely until the week’s close. Only after that can you rationally discuss who will be responsible for what.
おはようございます。7/15 山羊座TODAYでございます。 Today, 15 July 2003 You're happy to shoulder the burden for decisions that aren't really yours to make. And you'll even deal with the responsibilities that others pretend they've no time for. But you draw the line at being blamed for others' laziness. They can say you've overloaded them, but they know that nobody's taking them seriously.
Today, 15 July 2003 If ever there was a time to be frank, it's now. After a long period of having to treat certain issues and certain individuals with the utmost delicacy, this shift in mood could seem a real shock. Once you begin talking things over, however, any anxieties will be replaced by a serious feeling of relief.
You're at your most persuasive. And you have reason on your side. At the moment, however, that accounts for little. Much as you'd like to get important plans settled, hurrying others only makes things worse. You're far better off biding your time until those who've been causing problems are in a more cooperative mood.
Tolerant as you are of others' foibles, certain individuals are beginning to get on your nerves. Strange as it seems, it could be that their antics are no accident. They want somebody's attention - possibly yours. Since they're too shy or inept to be forthright, they've adopted a very peculiar way of getting it.
Much as you'd like to know that you have the support of those you care about, you mustn't compromise your views just to keep them happy. Worrying as you find it, stick to your beliefs. Once you do, those who were so cavalier with your feelings will realise just how sincere you are.
You wouldn't mind the cavalier attitude of certain individuals if you hadn't sacrificed your own needs or interests in favour of theirs. At some point you may be able to discuss this situation rationally. For the moment, however, you're probably better off skirting the issue entirely, that is unless you're ready for a drama.
First you spent considerable time discussing your options. Then you worked long and hard to find a solution that would make everybody happy. Consequently, it's no surprise that others' uncooperative attitude has upset you. Exasperating as this is, their questions could turn up information that ultimately proves to be of considerable importance.
ものすごーく出遅れてしまいましたが、どうしても内容を知りたいので… ボラさま、どなたかお願いできないでしょうか。 蠍座15日Dailyです。 Making promises is one thing. Keeping them, however, is quite another. Once you make a commitment you'll move heaven and earth to fulfil it. But as you're now learning from bitter experience, certain individuals have completely different values, and have no scruples about withdrawing their support or simply absenting themselves entirely.
It’s been a very long time since certain misunderstandings took place. So long, in fact, that the resulting tension and confusion has almost become routine. After recent unrewarding attempts to diffuse problems, you’re probably not optimisticabout your chances to put things right, which is what makes this week’s successall the sweeter.
Dear as certain members of your family are, nobody has the capacity to drive you crazy faster. While their shenanigans are irritating, the issues in question deserve your close attention. True, you've lived with these for so long that you don't really notice them. But that doesn't justify leaving them as they are.
Others may be looking to you to make decisions about family or property matters, but they aren’t exactly supportive. In fact between their argumentative mood and disillusioning revelations, you’ve no choice but to say farewell to numerous arrangements. Sadly, you’ve devoted considerable time and effort to many of these. Disappointing as this may be, letting these go frees you in unexpected ways. True, you’re short of alternatives, which is somewhat anxiety producing. But if you remember all those past occasions when extraordinary developments arose from an unexpected quarter, then you’ll have faith enough to wait for them to appear this time around.
No matter how frequently you explain your plans to certain tricky individuals, there’s little chance of them understanding. This has nothing to do with what you’re saying and everything to do with their attitude. Say and do nothing more until circumstances force them to behave in a more cooperative fashion.
おお! 最後のフレーズは445さまの方が訳として正しいです、とワタシは思います。 Say and do nothingって、 Do not either say or do anything.って意味でShelleyタソ書いたのだと思いまつ。 「何もせず黙っていろ」 文脈的にも論旨的にもその方が正しいです。 ヒレフシマス
でも、命令の並列で目的語を共有するのって、文法的にありなのかなー? 例: Cook and eat it! Cook and eat nothing! なんかアリなようなあり得ないような気もしてきました。 文法書開く気力もないでつが・・。 アタマガ ウニ デツ 誰かネイティブのかた、アリなのかナシなのか指摘おねがいしまつ。
This won't be the easiest week of your life. In fact judging by Mercury's consistently difficult aspects, even relatively simple exchanges are unlikely to go smoothly. That being the case, take things slowly, putting off what you can and keeping your expectations for everything else very modest indeed.
It's not in your character to badger others until they do what you want. But at the moment certain relationships would benefit from a little of exactly that kind of relentless persistence. Your subtle messages have been completely ignored, and it will take something like a rocket to get through to others.
Today, 16 July 2003 If you avoid certain individuals, it isn't because you dislike them. It's that when they want something from you, they'll make you feel so guilty that you find yourself cornered into offering. Irritating as this is, keep in mind that it's because they're so insecure that they're afraid to ask directly, as you would.
Naturally you don't want to give others the impression that you're weak or that you don't really care, when in reality you're passionate about the issues in question. However, balance is vital. State your case too strongly and you could make them think that you'll insist on having things your way, and nothing else.
For some reason family, friends or colleagues seem to think that you're happy to make some rather complex decisions on your own. If you proceed, the first thing you must do is make it abundantly clear that, whatever you opt for, having abdicated their right to decide, they've also lost their right to complain.
When looking at the situations you're currently faced with, the word “unfair” comes to mind. What's tricky is that if you confront others now, they'll only cause more trouble. Difficult as it is to remain silent, if you can do so for the time being, you're more likely to receive an apology later.
原文 This won't be the easiest week of your life. In fact judging by Mercury's consistently difficult aspects, even relatively simple exchanges are unlikely to go smoothly. That being the case, take things slowly, putting off what you can and keeping your expectations for everything else very modest indeed.
The last thing that you're interested in at the moment is dealing with tedious obligations and tiresome practical matters. But as these are just becoming increasingly urgent, ignoring them would only create complications. Much as you're dreading them, once you've begun you'll discover they're not nearly as bad as you'd anticipated. After that, it's easy.
Nobody is more thorough than a Scorpio. When making plans, you check out every conceivable potential problem, and then think things though again. But even at your canniest, you'd never have conceived of the unexpected developments currently causing such disarray. Since there's no way you could have known; don't even consider blaming yourself.
However strong your feelings for certain individuals, you'd never expect them to share the same views on important matters as you do. Yet others' attitude toward such issues is very different. Be prepared to be challenged on your opinions, and to the extent that your relationship might be in question.
During the past several weeks circumstances have forced you to keep an uncharacteristically low profile. Now that the communication planet Mercury has actually moved into your sign, however, things have changed. You're finally in a position to air your views and, better yet, should have little difficulty expressing what you need to say.
Every Cancer can remember at least one occasion when you went out of your way to give somebody a hand, only to have your efforts completely ignored. It may seem this is happening all over again. On the contrary, others are grateful for what you're doing but are too shy to acknowledge it.
Tempting as it is, you must not allow recent difficulties to overwhelm you. Insurmountable as these obstacles seem, they're merely forcing you to view situations from a completely different angle. Once you're able to look at things from this fresh perspective, you'll suddenly spot solutions - and in the most unexpected places.
Today, 17 July 2003 Initially you were puzzled by the intensity of recent clashes over finances or joint resources. But now that you've had a few days to think, you realise the real issue wasn't money matters, but others' anxieties. While the practicalities remain to be dealt with, a little reassurance will go a long way.
There have been enough times in the past when you've relied on nothing but your intuition and been proved correct. This promises to be another, but you have the extra complication of having to convince somebody who wants facts that you're right, which makes the entire process far more complicated and time consuming.
Today, 17 July 2003 It is becoming increasingly clear that you'll have to leave important decisions to partners. This means going along with what they say, whether you agree with them or not. Since, judging by this tricky week's planetary activity, you're unlikely to be in accord on anything, say nothing and leave them to it.
Today, 17 July 2003 It's been a week, and nobody has been willing to agree to anything. You're even beginning to question your approach. Reconsidering what you're doing and why wouldn't be a bad idea. But in many cases the issue is that others simply need a great deal of time to reflect on decisions, nothing more.
This is one of those times when even the most diplomatic of individuals have little hope of smoothing out difficult situations or keeping everybody happy. That being the case, waste no time worrying about what others say. Since they'll complain whatever you do, shock yourself and others by putting your interests first.
Usually you confront difficult situations and unreasonable individuals head on. Now that your ruler Mercury has moved into the most sensitive and strategic angle of your chart, however, you've no choice but to keep a low profile. Whatever points you have to make had best wait until things improve.
This hardly seems the ideal moment to reorganise your daily life or routine at work. But then there no convenient time for tacking such matters. If anything, you'll find it easier to ignore those who insist that you plan carefully, then simply leap in, allowing each step to dictate what comes next.
When the possibility of reorganising the way you live or work arose, your initial reaction was not a positive one. In fact it seemed nothing but an inconvenience. Now that you've begun the process, however, you're realising how much could be improved upon, done better or even benefit from radical change.
For ages you've been hoping that you could iron out misunderstandings with those closest at home or at work. But they've either been unable or unwilling to talk. While frank exchanges are unlikely to achieve much, the simple act of spending time with them can begin the process of rebuilding those burnt bridges.
Sooner or later you're going to have to discuss tricky issues with loved ones. They'll claim that you've already talked things over enough. But once next week's developments take place, there will be no doubt that both the situations in question and everybody's views will need to be discussed in considerably greater depth.
Balancing what you must do and what you want to do is never easy. But the responsibilities that you're now facing have made it even more difficult to keep emotional relationships on an even keel. The key in all of these isn't what you do, but that everybody knows how hard you're trying.
Today, 18 July 2003 Nobody would deny that you've tried to reach an accord with others. But every time you came close to agreeing, they'd find something wrong. By now you're probably beginning to realise that, while they want everybody to think that they're making an effort, they've absolutely no intention of agreeing to anything.
When it comes to important decisions involving matters on the financial or partnership front, timing is everything. Tackle things now and you're likely to encounter opposition from a number of quarters. Wait until next week's more temperate mood when others will be happier and you can expect everything to go considerably smoother.
Today, 18 July 2003 For ages you've been putting off dealing with tedious but important matters involving your health and well being. Now these are becoming urgent, yet you're still seeking an escape. Waste no more time on such games. The sooner you tackle them, the faster you'll realise that they aren't nearly as bad as you imagined.
牡羊座18日です。よろしくお願いいたします。 Today, 18 July 2003 You hate seeing others suffer. Neither analysis nor the discussion of the issues in question has achieved much. Not surprisingly, you're feeling increasingly upset about your lack of solutions. However, your intuition has been telling you exactly what you must do; it's just that you haven't had the courage to trust it.
Nobody would deny that you've tried to reach an accord with others. But every time you came close to agreeing, they'd find something wrong. By now you're probably beginning to realise that, while they want everybody to think that they're making an effort, they've absolutely no intention of agreeing to anything.
Few signs of the zodiac are more instinctively helpful than Virgo. Yet others don't always appreciate what you do for them. That isn't going to prevent you reaching out the next time somebody needs a hand, for you'd rather be rejected by ten different individuals than ignore one person in serious need.
18日 水瓶座 (ヌーン...ポジティブに捉えたいところ...冒頭重いケド...ムズカチイ) Much as you'd like to plan ahead, vital issues involving close ties at work or at home aren't unlikely to be settled right away. In fact not until after the Aquarius Full Moon in mid-August is anybody going to feel confident about your priorities and the direction in which you should be going.
天秤座 18日 (不慣れでスマソ...なんか逃げずにやったほうがいいってサ...ガンガレ) For ages you've been putting off dealing with tedious but important matters involving your health and well being. Now these are becoming urgent, yet you're still seeking an escape. Waste no more time on such games. The sooner you tackle them, the faster you'll realise that they aren't nearly as bad as you imagined.
Aの水瓶座の原文はこれでした Having already thought long and hard about plans involving your work or other obligations, you've no interest in discussing alternatives. But certain individuals are relentless. And, admittedly, what they're suggesting is intriguing. Still, you can't imagine how their idea would fit. Don't worry. Since you're unlikely to make any changes until around the Aquarius Full Moon, in a month's time, there's no hurry.
18日 水瓶座 (内容は>>523と一緒ポイ) Having already thought long and hard about plans involving your work or other obligations, you've no interest in discussing alternatives. But certain individuals are relentless. And, admittedly, what they're suggesting is intriguing. Still, you can't imagine how their idea would fit. Don't worry. Since you're unlikely to make any changes until around the Aquarius Full Moon, in a month's time, there's no hurry.
You'd hoped that others would realise how much their rather selfish attitude is disrupting your own plans. But they haven't. In fact they seem oblivious to anybody but themselves. It's up to you, apparently, to teach them a thing or two about civilised human behaviour, especially when it comes to working and living together.
You may be convinced that you know exactly what you want and where you're going. But as the coming two weeks pass you're likely to begin seeing things from a very different perspective. Not only will the circumstances you're dealing with change, your view of what's possible is likely to be completely revolutionised.
You've long been aware that improvements in your working or living circumstances are long overdue. It's just that you haven't known where to begin. Now you begin to get hints. Take it slowly, however, since you're unlikely to get the full picture until late July's New Moon brings you both inspiration and insights.
18日 獅子座 ref) By and large misunderstandings are best tackled by talking things through. However, in certain extremely sensitive situations, you're probably better off spending time with the individuals in question, but saying very little. Save the serious discussions for later, when everybody's mood is better and there's greater likelihood of achieving resolution.
As a Cancer you combine the virtues of a strong intuitive nature with a variety of common sense that's rare. Now, if you're to make the best of extraordinary opportunities, you're going to need to set aside that more down to earth side of your nature and trust your instincts, whatever others say.
Others are optimistic about money matters. While you've by no means negative about the potential of the plans currently under discussion, you'd prefer to have the financial side of things better organised before you take things to the next stage. Not only is this wise, in time it will prove to have been vital.
When it comes to emotions, trust and support, there's nothing to keep you from being overly generous. Finances are quite another matter. They seem to be expecting you to back their projects to the hilt, and without much explanation from them. A refusal might upset them, but not as much as loosing money would upset you.
Don't make the mistake of assuming that, just because others behaved well in the past, they're going to do as you expect now. They're in a tricky mood and this is an extremely unsettled period. Expect the best, and you'll be disappointed, expect the worst and you could end up being pleasantly surprised.
Today, 19 July 2003 As a Gemini your mind is one of your greatest resources. But this is one of those times when even your quicksilver thinking can't solve the dilemmas facing you. Instead rely on your intuition; absurd as what your instincts say may be, the odds are good that the results will be fantastic.
After having tried every approach to resolving differences, you're beginning to wonder whether others have any interest in achieving a resolution. The answer is: not really. Eventually you'll learn the reasons behind the delaying tactics that they're employing. Until then, waste no more of your precious time on these uncooperative individuals.
Few things make you more uncomfortable than situations in which you're forced to demand that others honour their commitments. Of course, that's exactly what others hoped. Discuss this further and you'll discover that they had no intention of doing what they said, which is the reason they were so generous with their promises.
Nobody packs a day fuller than those born under the sign of Aries. This means that you'll often achieve more in a few hours than others do in a week. Still, even you need a break. This isn't just to rest and renew your energies. Those closest desperately need your undiluted time and attention.
19日蠍座原文です。 よろしくお願いします!! Others may insist that you prove to them that the decisions you're making are wise. But when it comes to certain areas of life, there's no such thing as proof; you're guided by your feelings and your instincts. And in the situations you're dealing with, they're far more reliable than so called facts.
Viewed from a logical perspective, you'd think that others would be eager to resolve tensions on the domestic front. Raise issues now, however, and you'll soon discover that they've no interest even in discussing them. Back off, therefore, saying and doing nothing until developments become serious enough that others are forced to face facts.
Something somebody said or did has so infuriated you that you're becoming obsessed. You want to find a way to get back at them, and feel you can't rest until you do. While these issues must be settled, it's vital that you view the plots you're hatching as a satisfying fantasy, not reality.
You hate having to insist that others keep their commitments. It's both embarrassing and makes you wonder why they made promises they didn't intend to keep. The fact is, that not everybody takes what they commit to as seriously as you do, something to remember as you plan for the future.
Eager as you are to make plans for the future, you'd be better off keeping things flexible - if not putting off arrangements entirely. Irritating as delays seem now, once you're benefiting from the insights triggered by the Leo New Moon later this month, both circumstances and your priorities should look very different indeed.
Partners and loved ones often don't even realise it, but frequently it's you who are behind what they consider to be their ideas or inspirations. This promises to be particularly the case over the next several weeks, as situations arise to which - without your support - others would be completely oblivious.
日曜日分、更新されますた! 双子座よろしくお願いします。 You’ve been as clever as you’ve been patient in your approach to tricky situations and temperamental individuals. Now and over the next few days, they’ll finally be willing to talk. This is where your restraint pays off. While they’re unlikely to trust others, they’ll be open and honest with you.
山羊座翻訳お願いします。 Since you're unlikely to be able to make important business or financial decisions until later in the month, battling out issues now achieves little. Discuss plans and ideas enough that you everybody knows what's coming. Then say nothing more until you're in a position to make a lasting commitment.
牡羊座20日です。よろしくお願いします。 Nobody packs a day fuller than those born under the sign of Aries. This means that you'll often achieve more in a few hours than others do in a week. Still, even you need a break. This isn't just to rest and renew your energies. Those closest desperately need your undiluted time and attention.
No matter how pressing certain obligations are, it’s vital that you find time for those who are closest to your heart. They won’t necessarily complain that they’re feeling neglected. However, you’ve been devoting a great deal of time to duty and considerably less to those individuals who matter most.
It's really not worth confronting others if they're not going to pay attention, as now seems to be the case. Much as you dislike the idea of putting off pivotal discussions until the end of the month, it's better to do so, wait, and ensure that others will take your words to heart.
You probably can’t count the number of times that you’ve said certain things to others. In some cases you were making demands, but equally you were making statements of affection. Now you realise how often they tuned out what you said, even when your words were meant to inspire or lift their spirits.
Today, 20 July 2003 Something somebody said or did has so infuriated you that you're becoming obsessed. You want to find a way to get back at them, and feel you can't rest until you do. While these issues must be settled, it's vital that you view the plots you're hatching as a satisfying fantasy, not reality.
天秤20日です。よろしくお願いいたします。 Much as you’d like to join life in the fast lane, living well and playing hard, it’s unlikely for the time being. In fact with your ruler Venus still dominating the crucial midheaven angle of your chart, you’ve serious responsibilities to deal with. Your time will come, but not until July’s close.
You're just as vulnerable as everybody else. It's just that you only allow those closest even the smallest glimpse of those feelings. Consequently the rest of the world has no idea how you're struggling with certain tricky issues. Tell them if you can. Or be prepared for some highly insensitive comments from others.
After months of patience and weeks of jockeying over position, the offers you've been hoping for are finally coming your way. Tempting as it is to play it cool, you're far better off letting everybody know exactly how you feel, from excitement to an expectation that you'll be well compensated.
Don’t let the fact that others simply weren’t ready to take your words seriously make you think that there’s no hope of discussing issues frankly. By early next week both circumstances and their mood will have improved considerably. Enough, in fact, that if you raise issues you’re likely to get a successful response.
It’s unlike you to give up. However, in your efforts to discuss issues with certain tricky individuals you’ve hit a brick wall so frequently that you’ve serious questions. Persist, but try a new strategy. Leave the next move to them. They’ll feel more in control, and as a result, will be far more cooperative.
Facts are worthwhile. However, when you’ve exhausted every realistic approach to decisions, you must consider other options. That something is your intuition, which all along has been telling you that the answer lies in a direction very different from that in which you’re headed. What you do, however, is up to you.
Life would be easier if you didn’t have to face others’ doubts and difficult situations all at the same time. But if you’re to gain the confidence of certain pivotal individuals, then you’ll have to carry on as if you hadn’t a worry in the world until you’ve convinced them that it’s true.
山羊座デイリーお願いします。 Today, 21 July 2003 Waste no time on diplomatic manoeuvres. If you're worried that others aren't being straight with your about business or money matters, ask them. Under other circumstances this might be considered offensive. But things are moving too swiftly for any such niceties to apply. What's more, it's possible they could use your help.
Nobody is more generous when others need a hand. Yet you’ve been hesitant about asking them for what are, in the scheme of things, minor favours. If you can’t muster the courage on your own behalf, just think how annoyed they’ll be when they realise that you didn’t ask when you could have.
Tuesday 7/22
When it comes to major decisions you may follow your instincts. But you’ll also have considered every alternative and checked out facts as well. Now new, intriguing and unexpected developments force you to do it all over again. However tedious these investigations, what you learn proves that opportunities are as good as they seem.
Wednesday 7/23
For some time you’ve known that you’d have to tackle tedious issues involving your health and well being. You’ve put them off hoping they’d just resolve themselves. They won’t. But they’re also not nearly as worrying as you imagine. The sooner you investigate them, the faster you’ll discover the truth of this.
Tuesday It appears that you’ve backed yourself into a corner. Acknowledging this to yourself isn’t easy. But it’s telling others that you dread. The sooner you do it, the better. First, they knew you were in trouble all along. And second, they’ve struggled often enough, so view your problems as just part of being human.
Wednesday You’ve been rather hoping that others’ pride in themselves would kick in sooner or later. This would have prevented you from having to make embarrassing demands. But they don’t have the standards you do, so are unlikely to be upset by the dilemmas they’re facing. This means confronting them won’t embarrass them either.
Being hyperconscious of others’ feelings, you won’t have found it easy to say what needed saying to certain individuals. But if you managed to make your points with them last week, then this week’s on-going - if somewhat chaotic - discussions should be easy sailing. Still, it’s worth reviewing recent exchanges once again. Talk over both the creative side of plans as well as practicalities. Also ensure that everybody feels they’ve contributed to the shape of the arrangements now being made. This not only ensures that you’ve taken full advantage of what they have to offer, it prevents later complaints that they weren’t consulted.
Ever since last week’s pivotal developments involving a series of both personal and relationship issues, you’ve been in a reflective mood. Unsettling as some of the questions raised may be, you’ve long known that you’d have to address them. Those of a purely personal nature require no more than some serious thinking. However, some force you to discuss things frankly with others, and this is where you run into trouble. Inevitably these exchanges will venture into topics you’ve deliberately kept to yourself. Still, it’s time to talk these over. If it’s a struggle initially, you soon realise that all those anxieties were for nothing.
Monday Waste no time on diplomatic manoeuvres. If you’re worried that others aren’t being straight with your about business or money matters, ask them. Under other circumstances this might be considered offensive. But things are moving too swiftly for any such niceties to apply. What’s more, it’s possible they could use your help.
Tuesday It appears that you’ve backed yourself into a corner. Acknowledging this to yourself isn’t easy. But it’s telling others that you dread. The sooner you do it, the better. First, they knew you were in trouble all along. And second, they’ve struggled often enough, so view your problems as just part of being human.
Wednesday You’ve been rather hoping that others’ pride in themselves would kick in sooner or later. This would have prevented you from having to make embarrassing demands. But they don’t have the standards you do, so are unlikely to be upset by the dilemmas they’re facing. This means confronting them won’t embarrass them either.
Monday In recent discussions you haven’t exactly been holding back on expressing your views. Still, others won’t necessarily have fully understood what you were trying to get across. But every time, others understand more. Consequently, tedious as yet another conversation seems, certain individuals are finally ready to take your words to heart.
Tuesday For the past several weeks you’ve had to stick close to home. Whether this has been in physical terms, dealing with domestic matters, or relates to family, you’ve regarded these duties as almost sacred. Still, now that they’re over and done with, you’ll be relieved that you can get on with the rest of your life.
Wednesday Life isn’t always fair. Lately, in fact, important obligations have meant you’ve barely been able to deal with the bare necessities, much less any variety of luxuriating. While you’re still under pressure, it’s vital that you take at least a little time out for who and what you love and know nourishes you.
Because "teamwork" is your middle name, you're unlikely to be troubled by the fact that everybody has something to say about the decisions now being made. The irony is that while those around you - friends, colleagues or family - are bush off this outpouring of advice, with your exquisite Libra manners you're gracious about even patently unrealistic suggestions. There are many, however, that are worth listening to, and more than a few worth taking. Perhaps of greater importance are those you encounter during this process, probably via others' introductions. Some merely intrigue you, but one or two bring something more significant to your life.
Much as you’d like to ignore demanding family issues or complex situations on the property front, you know what isn’t dealt with now will only become more complicated later. Ironically, the conversations you most dread could turn into worthwhile ? and ultimately heart-warming ? exchanges. The trick is to overcome your impatience, allowing others whatever time they need to cope with developments they find daunting. This less uptight atmosphere leads to creative solutions for dilemmas. Better yet, the resulting conversations veer into far more congenial realms. Some involve creative activities, others intriguing individuals, but all promise to ensure that everybody can forget recent tensions.
Monday After weeks of trying to get others in taking part in plans, they're finally showing an interest. In fact they're showing far more interest than you would have imagined. Now your challenge has become one of a very different nature; you must decide just how much you're happy for them to take over.
Decisions may be up to you. But others must live with them, too, so you've discussed the impact of decisions with everybody involved. Now, the ball's back in your court. However, before you even begin trying to make plans, sift carefully through others' views, sorting those that are completely self- interested from the rest.
You believe that the most demanding of commitments can still be fun, even at their most challenging. However, those you're dealing with don't seem to have realised that, which means you must cajole them into reconsidering their approach. While you've a knack for handling difficult individuals, you'll need to muster all your charms.
dairy Monday Next week’s Leo New Moon ends one cycle and begins another. Set aside time for reflection. First, consider the past, what’s worked and what hasn’t. Equally, think what dreams remain to be fulfilled. That way when decisions must be made, you’ll be fully prepared to say what should stay and what must go.
Tuesday It’s not so much that you’ve been secretive as your efforts to discuss certain pivotal matters have fallen on deaf ears. Others simply weren’t ready to acknowledge the situation or their responsibility in it. Now that they’re gradually waking up to the facts, you must speak again, although delicately and with great sensitivity.
Wednesday You simply assumed that others knew how important certain people, plans or goals were to you. But clearly they didn’t. While they’ll be keen to delve into the source of this misunderstanding, such exchanges achieve little. Simply accept their apologies graciously, then focus on ensuring that such mistakes can never take place again.
Recent exchanges were so exciting that you’re eager to make commitments. Begin now, however, and you soon discover that neither you nor the situations in question are ready. There are many more options yet to explore and you need to discuss the impact of plans on close ties at work or at home. Most of all, however, you’ll want to reflect on certain goals, relationships and even habits you could well do without. Equally, there are new plans ? and passions ? that should take centre stage. Consider these now, and by next week’s Leo New Moon, you’ll be making them part of your life.
射手座週報です、よろしくお願いします。 You experience periodic bouts of restlessness. While these can be torture if you’re trapped by restrictive circumstances, your timing’s superb. You’re already in the midst of exploring various intriguing options and situations are fluid enough that you can juggle existing obligations. If you face any obstacles, it’s those involving practical or financial commitments, or straightforward considerations such as time. Tedious as these may be, not only have you little choice but to deal with them now, doing so prevents a repeat of past situations in which you merrily committed to more than anybody - even a keen Sagittarian - could realistically achieve.
"It’s unlike you to give up. But recent frustrations raised questions about whether you’d ever get through to certain unimaginative individuals. Finally, you have. In fact not only do they understand what you intended to say, they embrace your plans, ideas with an intensity that you begin wondering what you’ve got yourself into."
"You may be confident that you know where you stand and what you think. But others’ questions are likely to put you on the spot. This isn’t just challenging; it forces you to consider carefully whether you still back certain ideas with the same passion that you once did, and if not, why."
"You’ve been holding off from making certain far-reaching plans. This hasn’t been from lack of interest as much as because you’ve needed to coordinate with others. Now and over the next week you’ll all need to discuss your intentions. Things have changed, enough that you might need to reorganise your arrangements completely."
The good news is that you’re at your most imaginative. The bad news is that others are both feeling insecure and grumpy, which means that even your most modest ideas or suggestions are unlikely to be properly welcomed. Make them anyway, knowing that they’ll be remembered and discussed when others’ mood has improved.
However cold and calculated it seems, you must think carefully about who you’re talking to before you discuss certain matters. In some cases, the issue is whether they’d understand you. In others, however, it not about what they’ll comprehend, but whether they’d so admire your ideas that they’d steal them for themselves.
Much as you loathe lengthy discussions about financial matters, if you don’t talk things over openly now, you’re likely to regret it later. The issue seems to be diverging views about the right approach to certain decisions. Discuss these now and you should be able to avoid all manner of confusion afterwards.
Practical or financial matters are probably the last thing you’re in the mood to deal with. Certain situations are relatively urgent. Meanwhile, in others seemingly minor issues turn out to be amazing opportunities ? but only once you delve into them is the full scope of their potential clear. What’s more, the swift pace means that what you’ve ignored as the week begins will have simply vanished by its close. Aim to at least deal with, if not complete, whatever arises before each day’s close, and you’ll both get it all done and ensure that none of this week’s extraordinary opportunities or encounters pass you by.
Monday(7/21) Getting worked up about issues involving business or money matters achieves absolutely nothing. For various reasons even the simplest of discussions are unlikely until next week. Gather what facts you can now, then firmly put your mind elsewhere. This won’t be easy, but it’s better than allowing your anxieties to run wild.
Tuesday(7/22) Somehow you’ve allowed the words of a tactless or unkind person to get under your skin. Now you must retrench, both in terms of your self-esteem and your emotions. First consider whether their words had any merit in practical terms. If so, address those issues, and put the rest out of your mind.
Wednesday(7/23) Ordinarily you could compare notes with others, then work to achieve a mutually acceptable compromise. But because the decisions you’re now making are based more on your feelings than fact, you’ll need to take a very different approach. Speak frankly and from the heart, relying on the emotions behind your words to win others over.
You seem to feel that you must shoulder most of the burden for tricky issues involving obligations of some sort. On the contrary, there’s nothing to prevent you relying on others for help. In fact certain individuals have clever solutions up their sleeves, but are wary of offering unsolicited advice. The trick, therefore, is to open the floor to discussion, encouraging everybody to become involved. If you’re uneasy initially, you soon realise both how supportive others are and how much they have to offer. In fact as the week closes, your biggest problem is choosing from the variety of appealing options before you.
You worry that being completely open about your intentions weakens your position. But others are both aware what you’re up to and eager to support you however they can. Consequently, the more they know, the better. As important, in outlining your plans to others you’ll find minor but important improvements that need making.
As the time for discussion comes to an end, you’re now facing potentially life-changing decisions. You’re concerned about the disruption these would bring. Yet things are going so smoothly that those worries simply haven’t been justified. If anything, it’s becoming clear that you move more swiftly than you’d have imagined possible.
This hardly seems the ideal time to rearrange your plans. After your efforts winning over certain difficult individuals and organising things, the thought horrifies you. Yet you know that you’d regret allowing intriguing ideas to get away. Discuss them, refusing to think about what might come next until you know if they’re worthwhile.
あと、週の翻訳もすみませんが、御願いします。 You’ve known that decisions were pressing. But you can only go so far without others’ cooperation, and recent attempts to discuss arrangements have been stunningly unrewarding. While frustrating, delays gave you a chance to reflect on situations and ? ultimately ? to devise far better plans than anything you’d previously come up with. Consequently you begin the week newly confident and ready to talk. While others’ mood is receptive, don’t expect instant decisions. This has little to do with them and everything to do with practicalities that are unlikely to be resolved until the New Moon, early next week. After that it’s all systems go.
You’re confident that you’ve all the time on the world to deal with tedious but vital issues involving your work or other obligations. But you don’t. In fact the Sun’s move into Leo on Wednesday begins a relentless shift away from such matters, meaning that you’ll have increasingly less opportunity to tackle them.
Tuesday At long last partners or loved ones have realised that responsibilities are meant to be shared. In fact, since they’re unwilling even to discuss certain decisions, you’re worried that they’re taking their role somewhat too seriously. Say nothing. Balance in such matters is achieved only by first losing it, then working hard to recover it.
Wednesday There are few things you dread more than the notion of being mean-minded with friends, family or loved ones. Consequently you sometimes indulge others without really meaning to. Now you must draw the line, or certain individuals will simply assume that in the future you’ll be as generous as you have been recently.
Much as you’d like to ignore demanding family issues or complex situations on the property front, you know what isn’t dealt with now will only become more complicated later. Ironically, the conversations you most dread could turn into worthwhile ? and ultimately heart-warming ? exchanges. The trick is to overcome your impatience, allowing others whatever time they need to cope with developments they find daunting. This less uptight atmosphere leads to creative solutions for dilemmas. Better yet, the resulting conversations veer into far more congenial realms. Some involve creative activities, others intriguing individuals, but all promise to ensure that everybody can forget recent tensions.
It was a struggle. But it would appear that you've finally managed to get important individuals to understand certain of your feelings, views or priorities. This has required patience, talking and considerable psychology. Consequently you're unlikely to take it well when their words or deeds run counter to what's only recently been agreed. Keep in mind that this way of thinking is new to them, and that they won't necessarily have realised that certain run of the mill activities need to be altered. True, this means mustering yet more patience on your part. But in the long run, it will be worth it.
24 Thursday Stresses on the partnership front are wearing you down. Much as you'd like to resolve these, hasty discussions will only make things worse. What's more, many of the issues that have been a source of tension are likely to vanish after the New Moon early next week. Until then, try to play it cool.
25 Friday After recent frank exchanges, you understand both others and what they've been facing much better. This has made you realise how much you misjudged them. Take this opportunity both to go over old ground and to discuss here and now plans in the light of these discoveries. These exchanges should completely revolutionise your thinking.
26 Saturday If ever there was a time when it's vital that you refuse to take no for an answer, it's now. True, you've been rebuffed or refused bluntly. But situations have changed and so has the attitude of others. Forget about the past. Focus on the here and now and begin all over again.
27 Sunday It would appear that for a short time you may have to pursue certain plans on your own. True, it will be difficult without others' support. But they need time to think, and more importantly, they need to feel they're making their own decisions. The less you say, the faster they'll be back.
Thursday You been hoping that you’d be able to achieve some kind of accord between all concerned before you take plans to the next stage. But that’s becoming increasingly likely. The fact is, however, that it really doesn’t matter. It’s your vision that’s behind plans. Begin now, and others follow when they’re see what you’ve achieved.
Friday When it comes to financial developments, timing is as important as the actual numbers involved. Consequently, if things aren’t falling into place as you hoped, it may be better to back off temporarily. Wait and see what others do. Learn from their reactions and you’ll know what your next step should be.
Saturday You didn’t realise that it was going on at the time. But you’ve allowed the manoeuvres of certain unscrupulous individuals to undermine your confidence. While getting back at them would help restore your dignity, you’ll boost your self-esteem considerably more if you focus on achieving what they’ve been saying that you couldn’t.
Sunday All relationships have their ups and downs. At the moment those seem to be fuelled by misunderstandings about certain commitments, particularly those that involve business or finances. Call a halt to the hostilities, therefore, until you’ve learned more about the numbers involved. The problems you’re facing may be considerably less worrying than you imagined.
Thursday Only recently others weren’t even willing to discuss changes. Now they’re eager to explore new ideas, which isn’t just progress, it constitutes a near miracle. Keep in mind, these ideas are familiar to you, but new to them. You should, therefore, introduce plans gradually. This, plus on-going discussions, should avoid any unnecessary dramas.
Friday It would be no surprise if you’re in a particularly charitable mood, feeling the need to give somebody a hand. In fact, with your ruler Mars actually positioned in the most altruistic sign of them all, Pisces, this is the ideal time to focus on sharing whatever you have, and helping wherever you can.
Saturday You may not have given much thought to certain fears or anxieties. In fact you may have done your best to ignore them. If you’re willing to face these, issues you’d hoped you’d never have to think about, you could not only resolve them, you could put them to rest for good.
Sunday It hasn’t been easy. But if you’ve been patient in certain matters that are dear to your heart, that patience is about to pay off. Various obstacles or difficulties in the lives of others prevented things moving as swiftly as you’d have liked. Now things have changed, and there’s absolutely nothing to stop you.
Thursday It’s usually you who’s encouraging others to consider the new, unfamiliar and untried. Yet at the moment you’re the one who’s refusing even to discuss changes. This may have more to do with your general anxiety level than the situations in question. Calm yourself and suddenly those changes will look far more positive.
Friday A good idea is still a good ideas even if the timing is terrible. And appealing as the suggestions now being discussed may be, adopting them would cause chaos. On the other hand, if you don’t at least investigate them, you’ll always wonder what would have happened if you’d taken a chance.
Saturday Be careful what you promise. The current optimistic mood could fool you into feeling that you’ve all the time in the world. But when they ask you fulfil your commitment, things are likely to have changed so much that you won’t be in the position to do what you’d said you would.
Sunday When you make certain offers, it will seem the most natural thing in the world. Only when you consider what you’ve done in retrospect will you realise what you’ve gotten yourself into. Discuss this with the individuals involved at once, either pulling out or reducing what you’ve promised to more realistic proportions.
Thursday After many setbacks and frustrations, you're nearing the point at which you can say that plans for certain exciting ventures are made. This has required more persistence than you first expected, but is also proving more intriguing than you've have imagined. If those whose support you need are wavering, encourage them gently but relentlessly.
Friday After a period of decision-making that's been as exhausting as it's been lengthy, reconsidering your plans fills you with horror. Yet you can't just ignore intriguing ideas or offers. Discuss these, knowing that if they're dull, it won't matter. And if they're dazzling, they'll be worth whatever chaos adopting them would cause.
Saturday After weeks of having carefully managed both tricky situations and difficult individuals, things are finally falling into place. This is a relief and you should be celebrating. But you can't when interlopers are claiming your efforts as their achievements. Forget about being polite. Pack them off as the cheats that they are.
Sunday You bend over backwards to be fair. Yet there are times when decisions must be made based on your needs first, and others second. If this seems unfair, think about recent situations in which others clearly made very little effort to consider your position. You need do nothing more than they did.
Thursday While it’s important that you make all your plans with both care and thought, don’t invest too much time in details. By the time you’ve incorporated the amazing opportunities that next week’s superb planetary activity ushers in, you’ll have altered, if not substantially reorganised most of the arrangements you’re now making.
Friday If ever there was a time when that phenomenal capacity for coming up with original ideas that is your strength, as a Gemini, will prove to be handy, it’s now. While others are struggling with sudden changes, you’ll find worthwhile ways to incorporate them into the plans have already been made.
Saturday For some time you’ve suspected that plans wouldn’t continue as they were originally arranged. Not only are you right, sudden developments turn even what seemed rigid situations into something of a far more unexpected nature. While chaotic in the short term, these lead to equally disruptive but ultimately worthwhile opportunities.
Sunday An intriguing idea is worth pursuing even if it seems to be neither practical nor popular with others. By early next week both circumstances and the attitude of those who matter will both have changed dramatically. So much, in fact, that their initial rejection will turn into a sincere thank you.
Today, 23 July 2003 Much as you loathe lengthy discussions about financial matters, if you don't talk things over openly now, you're likely to regret it later. The issue seems to be diverging views about the right approach to certain decisions. Discuss these now and you should be able to avoid all manner of confusion afterwards.
Thursday(7/24) A good idea is always valuable, even if it isn’t particularly well timed. Don’t take the dismissive attitude of certain individuals to heart. Instead, just bide your time. As early as next week the pace will begin to pick up. After that others are likely to recognise what you’ve suggested for its true value.
Friday(7/25) If ever there was a time when you should refuse to take no for an answer, it’s now. While not everybody will necessarily be enthusiastic about what you propose, you must not give up. It’s not what you’re planning that’s the problem. It’s that they’re not ready to make the changes they’d demand.
Saturday(7/26) Generosity is one thing. Allowing others to take advantage of your good nature is quite another. True, you hate the idea of those you care about suffering. But they’re convinced you that they’re in distress. Investigate and you’ll realise that, in reality, they’re doing nothing more than indulging in some championship league complaining.
Sunday(7/27) Sooner or later you’re going to have to confront others about wounding exchanges. But before you do, ask a few questions. They may not have intended their words to be as hurtful as they were. The issue could, therefore, be more a matter of their misguided words than any intention to cause you distress.
獅子座 Thursday Your Leonine pride has substantially influenced your approach to recent tricky situations. You would hate to be embarrassed, so you’ve done everything you can to avoid putting others in similarly difficult positions. However, not only do they not mind, the more forthright you are about the issues in question, the better.
Friday For you, trust in close relationships requires intimacy on every level, mental, emotional and physical. Yet there are certain issues that you simply haven’t raised for fear of the reaction you’d get. True, recently these were wisely avoided. But now the time has come when they should ? and must ? be discussed frankly.
Saturday You have some important decisions to make. Usually you’re fearless when facing even controversial situations. But you’re becoming increasingly aware that, whatever you opt for, somebody’s going to be upset. That being the case, you’re better off ignoring everybody’s pleas and demands, and basing your conclusions exclusively on cold, hard facts.
Sunday The last thing you’re in the mood for are sudden changes in plans, particularly those you’ve struggled long and hard to arrange. But it’s becoming increasingly clear that things simply can’t remain as they were. Since there’s nothing to be gained by battling changes, you’re better off going with the flow.
For some time loved ones have been saying that they wanted to have a talk. But you don't really see what's so important. You probably never will. This is because it's more about expressing their feelings than anything rational. Simply agree to have the talk, listen intently, and take it from there.
You may be happy and settled where you are. While you may not actually move house, the planets seem determined that you to consider the possibility. Certainly, the places you visits or offers you get are bound to give you an entirely fresh perspective on the place or the way you live.
Sometimes the best answers are the simplest. Having struggled to find a solution for a perplexing personal problem for weeks, you sudden realise that you don't need a remedy at all. You simply need to view the entire situation from a different perspective. That changes everything and eliminates every problem in the process.
>>701タン you understand both others and what they've been facing much better. は you understand much better that others and what they've been facing. と考えるとよいのでは?
Thursday Initially it seemed others simply had no interest in taking responsibility in certain pivotal decisions. Only now are you beginning to realise that they were convinced that you want to handle things solo. Now that you’re overcome this confusion, it’s vital that you speak frankly about who and what’s most important to you.
Friday You’re rarely confused about your goals or objectives. But between changing situations and your own questions about long term priorities, you’re finding increasingly more difficult to make a clear statement about where you’re going. This is as it should be. Only after Tuesday’s New Moon is any of this likely to be apparent.
Saturday However worthwhile what you’re planning, it’s of little consequence if those closest to you aren’t happy. Difficult as recent exchanges have been, don’t give up. It may not seem so, but they were only trying to understand what your intentions were. Now that they know, they’ll be more secure and far less temperamental.
Sunday It may be that you thought you could handle things yourself. Or perhaps those you wanted as partners or associates were unavailable or not keen. Whatever the case, things have changed, and for the better. While you’ve become accustomed to doing everything on your own, once you have it, you’ll welcome their support.
獅子座 Friday Nobody enjoys being applauded or appreciated more than a Leo. Yet at the moment you’re uncomfortable about even discussing certain recent situations. Others are extremely grateful. Yet you feel that you did nothing, so feel gratitude is inappropriate. Still, accepting their thanks graciously makes them happy and it won’t hurt you.
Thursday Even the best of plans or ideas is likely to have its detractors, as current dilemmas make all too clear. Do you best to explain your intentions to others. The odds are good that they’ll either be unable to understand what you have in mind or simply refuse to listen. But you’ll have tried.
Friday You’re closing in on long-cherished goals, so would think you’d happily rest on your laurels. But it is becoming increasingly clear that these could lead to something even more exciting that anything you’d imagined. Bide your time. It’s early days yet, and things could be even better within a few weeks’ time.
Saturday Important as it is that you make plans now, it’s vital that you keep things flexible enough that you can make changes without too much difficulty. That ensures that when the remarkable opportunities ushered in by the planetary activity of the next month take place, there’s nothing that will keep you from responding.
Sunday You’ve been so absorbed in dealing with intriguing developments in several areas of your life that you haven’t really had time for anything else. This has meant that certain other projects, and in fact certain individuals, are languishing for lack of attention. While the projects can wait, you can’t ignore the people for much longer.
When certain individuals said no recently, it sounded final. But both situations and their perspective have changed, enough that it’s worth at least raising issues. Once you’ve got them discussing things, do more listening than talking. They’ll soon reveal the source of their previous worries, making easy for you to address them.
Nobody would call you narrow minded. Yet you recently dismissed certain ideas or proposals without even asking the simplest of questions. Now you’ve been given a second chance, and would be wise to investigate further. Refuse to consider your options and your original hasty rejection is bound to come back to haunt you.
Nobody would blame you for the decisions you made. They were based on what you understood the facts to be at the time. But now you know more. That, plus thrilling, if unexpected developments, force you to go back to the drawing board. This is tedious. But you’re better off starting all over again.
双子座Weeklyも宜しくお願いします。 You may adore discussing life’s ups and downs. But lately there’s been too much talk and exasperating little action. Things finally change, but not fast enough for you. However intriguing the ideas being proposed, they don’t adequately address increasingly pressing decisions involving your life, work and emotional arrangements. Try to finalise things now and sudden changes in circumstances force you to reorganise plans, possibly several times over. Only once the expansive Jupiter changes signs, as August ends, will your full range of options be clear. Until then view everybody you encounter and all that you learn as just one part of the puzzle.
Between changes in the lives of partners or close emotional ties and equally potent developments on the financial front, you’ve no choice but to undertake a massive reorganisation. Time-consuming as this is likely to be, it will enable you to tackle certain issues that you’ve simply never got around to dealing with.
You may know exactly what needs to be done to put complex partnership or business issues right. But others aren’t able to see things quite so clearly. In fact it may take them a while to understand the complex situations involved. Encourage them, but don’t expect much in the way of action until mid-August.
You thought that you’d heard it all. But the ideas that emerge from the exchanges influenced by Mercury’s potent aspect to the innovative Uranus are bound to be as exciting as they are worthwhile. True, they’re radical and could even upset certain individuals. But true progress rarely is welcomed by everybody concerned.
It’s not that others haven’t wanted to find a common ground. It’s just that between complex issues and frequent changes in circumstances, finding a mutual perspective has been a serious challenge. Now, however, the tide turns in your favour ? and not before time. Still, worthwhile as the ideas being suggested are, they’d require taking an entirely different approach. This brings its own set of problems. But by midweek, when intriguing opportunities of quite another sort arise, you find yourself increasingly willing to compromise, as long as you can finalise plans and shift your focus to these new ? and far more intriguing - developments.
You’ve been both dreading and looking forward to shifts that would influence the shape of your domestic or working life. On one hand you’ve known that any change would be disruptive. On the other you realise that a far reaching reorganisation would enable you to eliminate certain ingrained but increasingly detrimental habits.
You see little point in discussing issues of an emotional nature. In fact you worry that raising certain potentially upsetting matters will only make things worse. However, changes in both the circumstances around you and the attitude of others could mean that you’d be able to settle these, once and for all.
If your instincts are telling you to play your hand slowly, they’re right. However good things are going now, events over the next two weeks seem almost guaranteed to improve your position dramatically. This means what could be achieved with very little struggle now, you could accomplish with no effort at all then.