おはようございます。今週も宜しくお願いします。 双子座7/21です。 There are so many questions we can't answer, so many things we just don't know. The more problems we solve, the more we seem to come up against. How can we ever be sure of anything? When you look at things like this, it is easy to be sucked into doubt. Yet there is now one thing that you can totally trust. One absolute fact that you can base a wise decision on. Focus on that, and nothing else this week. Draw your inspiration and guidance from the only thing that makes sense, no matter what angle you look at life from. That's how you will manage to make one of your smartest ever decisions.
山羊座7/21です。宜しくお願いします。 When HG Wells wrote his stories about space travel, he was laughed at. Nothing in the world could be more far-fetched than the notion of putting a man on the Moon. We might well ask, though, whether this would ever have happened without Wells putting pen to paper. His story inspired millions of schoolchildren - some of whom grew up to be the scientists that made this breakthrough actually happen. That's what the power of imagination can achieve. Right now, you have a special vision. It is not invalid or irrelevant. Nor must you wait decades before you see it come to fruition. Stick with it this week.
How did you get into your current situation? What on earth led to it? You probably need to look a bit further back before you go looking any further forward. There is a lesson to be learned. You did not make a mistake. You did not choose unwisely. Nor did you act rashly. You played a hunch and even though you are now starting to wonder if this was a good one, the jury is still out. A crucial story is yet to be told. New developments will soon give you much more confidence in your decision-making abilities. and if you reflect a little, you will start to see that you have been cleverer than you think.
How much power do we really have? How much choice? How much control? There are days when it feels as if the world is our oyster. We believe ourselves to be capable of achieving almost anything. There are other days when we just can稚 get anything together. It begins to seem as if the fates are conspiring against us. In truth though, we are neither servants nor masters, victims nor perpetrators. Our relationship with the universe is an arrangement between equals. Sometimes, we must do its bidding, but sometimes it must do ours. This week, it turns out to be your turn to call the shots!
Like the last movement of a Beethoven symphony, a saga has recently been building up towards a mighty crescendo. Each time you think you've heard the final chord, you have been slightly surprised by a further one. Some composers use this device a lot. They 'spin out' the ending to keep the audience on its toes. If we stop and listen to the music of the celestial spheres, we can hear a similar pattern now. You are nearly (but not quite) at the end of an intense drama. It is going on a bit... but it is not going on forever. A time of peace, release and celebration is nearer than you think.
Language is divided into 'doing words' and 'describing words'. By and large, you prefer the former. Verbs inspire you. Adjectives leave you unimpressed. You don't want to be told what something is like, you want to have the experience for yourself. Likewise, when you've got a point to make, you prefer to demonstrate rather than explain. Right now, you feel something very strongly and you naturally want to take action. There is, though, a bit more talking to be done first. Hold tight. Soon, the picture will come to life and the opportunity to make a move will arise. Just be open-minded and patient.
Your sense of humour is needed this week. You can crack a joke or mumble a quip that supplies a refreshingly amusing perspective on a matter which many people find anything but funny. Good timing lies, of course, at the essence of all comedy. There are moments during which you must remain poker faced - but when the right occasion to deliver that crucial line has arisen, you will know it... just as you will then know, instinctively, the line itself. With just a few daring words, you can positively transform a whole situation. This will help you gain control over chaos.
Mushroom connoisseurs know that the finest fungus grows where there's plenty of manure. Treasures, of a very precious nature often turn up in seemingly unpleasant places. In so far as your life is currently tense or stressful, it clearly has plenty of potential to bring forth a great reward. I promise you that my tongue is nowhere near my cheek as I say this. Something that you really don't like is happening. This very same process is though, in time, going to produce an event you are immensely glad of. It won’t take as long as you fear and the final outcome will be far better than you expect.
牡牛座原文 Do you need to work harder? Are there targets you are failing to reach? If you sit down and think for a while, you can probably come up with a hundred reasons to feel inadequate. There are so many tasks that you have yet to complete, so many promises that you still need to keep. Dwell long enough on these and you can end up growing very anxious and edgy. Yet you really do not need to put yourself through such torture. Many of the problems that now seem to loom so large are about to solve themselves. If you feel inclined to sit back and take it easy, you are not being lazy, you are being wise!
The iron is just about as hot as it is ever going to get. If you really want to smooth out the wrinkles in a crushed piece of material, this is your moment to strike. Recent events have left you highly conscious of an unsatisfactory situation or arrangement. Your chief priority this week, is to fix it - or try to fix it - as best you can. You may well feel that you are ill-equipped to do so or that there are numerous reasons why it might be better to wait. From an astrological point of view though, it's clear. Now's the time. Here's your chance. Face the issue and be brave.
If you carry on dreaming and scheming, you will end up steaming and screaming. You have been teased and tantalised long enough. It is time for something to happen. Rest assured that theory is about to turn to practice. Airy contemplation is about to become concrete manifestation. Within days, you'll be dealing with a reality as opposed to a fantasy. Meanwhile, now you know this, you can stop being your own worst enemy by trying to convince yourself that you're merely conjuring up an empty vision. Instead you can get ready for a change you have long needed. It is on its way at last.
You can pick holes in anything if you try hard enough. Nothing is indestructible. Nothing is beyond criticism. Nothing is perfect. Sometimes, we have to be really careful about how and where we unleash our critical faculties. Like ferocious guard dogs they are best kept on a tight rein. You must try not to be too sharp this week. Something delicate and tender and fragile and special is starting to unfold. Don't just give it the benefit of the doubt, give it some genuine faith. If you nurture your seed of hope it will grow into a very sturdy tree.