Monday In spite of your best efforts to keep everybody up to date on developments, certain individuals are now pleading ignorance of their obligations. You doubt this, but know that arguing would only complicate matters. Don’t create a fuss now. But should you discuss any important future plans, ensure there are witnesses.
Tuesday Your inborn gift for accepting, understanding and forgiving others’ quirks leads to lasting relationships and considerable loyalty. It can also mean that certain selfish individuals are merrily taking advantage of your generosity of spirit. Difficult as it is, draw the line with them now, or face actions that will become increasingly hurtful.
Wednesday Since you will never be able to prove who said what, there’s little point in arguing about the past. Just keep in mind that those who betrayed you once could easily do so again. Acknowledging the shortcomings of others is a vital first step to restoring the trust between you.
Somebody close is taking pot-shots at you, either criticising you or making false claims. This is hurtful but you know why they’re behaving so badly. Still, by midweek you realise that something must be said. A quiet word to them is unlikely to have much effect. But in the build up to Friday’s emotionally intense eclipsed Full Moon everybody’s feeling hyper-sensitive. The trick is to focus on the sweeping changes now being ushered in. Only recently you resisted these. Now you realise they provide an excellent excuse for discussing what you expect of others, and equally, what you’d appreciate it if they didn’t do.
Your usual approach to minor misunderstandings is to assume that they’ll work themselves out. With Mercury remaining retrograde for another week, however, assumptions of this nature could prove risky. Tackling even very detailed dilemmas now will prove less time-consuming than dealing with them when they’ve turned into serious problems.
You would have thought that last week’s confrontations clarified both the nature of certain issues and your views on them. But the actions of others have given you good reason to wonder. Approach them diplomatically. Don’t be surprised, however, if you have to go over exactly the same territory all over again.
You’ve long known that you should look into matters related to your health and well-being. But something’s always distracted you. However, events around the time of Friday’s Full Moon make it clear that while good health is a gift until a certain point, after that, it must be earned.
Usually the line between disputes about ethics or values and differences over simple practicalities is a clear one. But now others are taking the moral high ground over what you regard as indefensible points, all while you stand up for ordinary issues. Point this out and you’re put on the defensive. What’s more, your position is weak, simply because overt battles would undermine already sensitive situations. While backing down isn’t an appealing option, gradually you realise it’s wise. Ironically, having opted out of these dramas, you realise they were really others’ charades, a distraction from issues they feared addressing themselves, much less discussing with you.
You’ve long hoped that others would recognise the extent to which their actions are upsetting you. Certainly you’ve given them enough hints. Now you’re going to have to be more direct, which is exactly what you’ve been avoiding. But both your self respect and the future of your relationship depends on it. Tuesday
While you’re aware that the viewpoint and priorities of others diverge considerably from yours, you’ve avoided highlighting these differences. Now you must speak about this directly, or they’ll simply assume that you feel the same way as they do. Which, considering the plans the currently making, could lead to serious problems.
Wednesday It’s the rare Pisces who actually picks fights with others. Most reserve that surprising streak of ferocity for moments when those individuals or ideals closest to your heart are threatened. If this seems to be the case now, first ensure that those you’re confrontingknow exactly why you’re so angry.
It pains you to have to confront others over issues that you would think are obvious. But after having left a string of hints and conducted discussions you thought got the point across, you must acknowledge either that others still have no idea why certain issues are so important ? or they don’t care. The results are surprising. They are genuinely shocked at how oblivious they’d been. And you’re amazed how different their world is from yours. Once you manage to find a shared wavelength, you realise that while similarities make understanding each other easier, it’s the differences that make things exciting.
There are few things you dislike more than having to justify your thinking to others. What’s more, at the moment they’re either distracted or in an argumentative mood, which turns even simple explanations into a lengthy process. But as you swiftly discover, hurrying things achieves nothing. Accept the fact that neither the timing of events nor decisions are in your control, and you suddenly realise that you’re free to turn your attention to far more interesting matters. Some involve potentially worthwhile pursuits, others people you love. With these things move swiftly indeed. In fact, by Friday’s pivotal eclipse, developments are revolutionising your life.
Irritating as various disputes are, you’d be well advised at least to listen to what others have to say. While it’s true that with Mercury still retrograde their facts may be wrong, the issues they’re pointing out, especially financial dilemmas, are serious enough to merit your attention, if not immediate action.
You know exactly what you said and promised, so see little point in listening to others’ version of these exchanges. However, this not only eases their bruised egos, there’s something to be learned from them. Your words may have been less clear than you thought. If so, you’ll find out now.
One of your most important lessons, as an Aries, is to stick to what you believe in. True, the arguments of others are persuasive. What’s more, they’re be made by certain individuals who you admire. Still, it’s your life, and you know that, in the long run, you’d regret backing down.
Being generous by nature, you’re happy to give a hand when and where you can. This makes the manoeuvres of certain individuals, who are trying to corner you into doing what they want, all the more peculiar. And it also gives you good reason to question them before you agree.
It’s tempting to put off dealing with seemingly unimportant details and difficult individuals. But it would be unwise to let these wait. Not only will these dilemmas only become more complicated, tricky planetary activity over the next week indicates that you’ll be facing more of the same.
Earlier in the week, you had good reason to wonder why certain individuals were behaving so strangely. Worse, they wouldn’t answer questions of any kind. Now that events have revealed information about the circumstances they were dealing with, you’re feeling both forgiving and more than ready to give them a helping hand.
You’ve faced one mix-up after another, and spent considerable time untangling problems. This hardly seems the ideal time to begin a new project. On the contrary, with so much in disarray, they will be plenty of people who would otherwise have closed minds, but how now will be ready to listen.
Thursday 5/15 True, you can’t entirely forget certain pressing issues. However, once you’ve done what you can on any one day, you can ? and should ? take a break. Overcome any feelings that you mustn’t relax until things are settled. You need to allow whomever and whatever restores your spirits to do exactly that.
Friday 5/16 Few things are more difficult than watching those you care about facing a crisis. You’d do anything to make it easier for them. You are, however, right in thinking that they wouldn’t thank you for your assistance. It’s far more important that they know you’re there for them, whatever they decide to do.
Saturday 5/17 If you’ve been patient with family, close friends or loved ones thus far, then you only have a few more days. Once Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on Tuesday, they’ll finally recognise important facts for what they are, and you’ll at last be able to discuss the issues involved openly.
Sunday 5/18 When it comes to certain projects that are dear to your heart, timing is everything. Don’t let recent rejections or situations in which your intensions were misunderstood undermine you. All your efforts are about to bear fruit, and in ways far more spectacular than you’d have dared to dream.
Thursday Most Scorpios are canny enough not to need to have the last word. You’ll let others say what they want, then organise things your way, but so subtly that they never notice. However, you’re so overwrought that, unless you’re cautious, you could boil over and say far more than is wise.
Friday For weeks you’ve been putting up with the erratic moods and uncommunicative attitude of those closest. You’ve known that, sooner or later, you’d discover exactly what was causing this difficult cycle. Now not will they only explain the whys and wherefores of their behaviour, they’ll apologise profusely for all you’ve suffered.
Saturday At the time of the recent Scorpio Full Moon, you felt that you said far more than you should have. But now that you’d had a chance to review those exchanges, you’re beginning to realise how important it was to air both issues from the past and your here and now feelings.
Sunday Ever since late April, when Mercury turned retrograde in your opposite sign of Taurus, you’ve put up with unpredictable moods and frequent mistakes, especially from partners. Once it resumes forward motion, on Tuesday, things will return to normal, although it may take some time to untangle the recent chaos and confusion.
Thursday For weeks you've been waiting for the right moment to address issues involving the tricky combination of finances or business and close partners. Now that your ruler Venus is moving to accent these matters, not only are these likely to arise spontaneously, you'll find it easier to discuss them frankly.
Friday However rewarding the time you spend doing the things you enjoy and with those you love, you seem to be short-changing yourself. Perhaps it's no surprise that you, who were born under the sign of the scales, must frequently address the issue of balance in your life. This is just such a time.
Saturday You agonise about leaving difficult decisions to others. It's not that you don't trust them. It's just that you worried that they'll run into problems or make mistakes. Not only must you keep these concerns to yourself, the more positive your attitude, the more support they'll feel from your direction.
Sunday Recent developments involving matters of the heart may have been promising. But that doesn't mean things are guaranteed. In fact this is the most difficult part, being patient and leaving it to others to decide when to take the next step. However much discipline it takes, the wait will be worth it.
Thursday You haven't meant to short-change yourself. It's just that you've been so aware of the needs of others than you haven't really thought about your own plans. Now you're cornered by circumstance and must make up for lost time. That begins by asking all those you've supported so handsomely to return the favour.
Friday When you begin the week you probably weren't planning to reorganise anything. But now that you've tackled certain areas of your life that weren't exactly thriving, you realise that a good clear up was long overdue. The more courageous the changes you make, the more their benefits will ripple out.
Saturday You've probably long since given up on certain once-cherished plans on the domestic front. However, on Tuesday ,when Mercury ends its retrograde cycle in the angle of your chart that accents such matters, these and other important arrangements could spring back to life without you doing a thing.
Sunday You'd never be disagreeable for the sake of it. However, certain individuals who are dear to your heart are driving you crazy. And your irritation's beginning to show. Don't hide your feelings. Either they'll thank you for telling them they're overdoing it, or you'll realise that they're actually trying to provoke you.
木曜 However friendly you are, you reserve discussion of pivotal issues for those closest. And with them you're completely open. Consequently, their complete lack of awareness about certain crucial situations has shocked you. Don't allow the emotionally intensified atmosphere of the current Full Moon to turn these minor misunderstandings into a major crisis.
金曜 You tend to think that life's little details should be left to look after themselves, at least until something goes wrong. Even when there are problems, you still hope for the best. If you ignore certain issues for too much longer, those minor issues could turn into major, and exceedingly time consuming, difficulties.
土曜 If you've said everything you can say, and make it clear where you stand, then that's enough. True, you're not happy with the reaction of others. But at the moment others' mood is extremely uncooperative. Therefore, it's better to take two steps forward and one back, than achieving nothing at all.
日曜 When you confronted others recently, you felt you were taking serious risks in much valued relationships. However, the outcome has been very different from anything you imagined. Instead of being upset, those who you'd begged to be considerate, but who seemed to have virtually no conscience, are suddenly behaving perfectly.
After having tried everything, you now have no choice but to rearrange certain plans at the last minute. If others challenge you, as is likely, explain that both financial pressures and a reassessment of your goals have forced these changes. While they’ll undoubtedly complain, they’ll still support you to the hilt.
Few things are more difficult than disappoint those you care about, especially when they’re already excited about plans. But obligations of a practical or monetary nature are increasingly pressing. If you continue with arrangements as previously organised, you’ll soon be paying a high price, in both emotional and financial terms.
You may be impressed by the persistence of certain individuals. In fact, the passion of their beliefs is beginning to sway you from your own views. Before you go any further, determine for exactly how long they’ve held these convictions, and if they’re recent converts, consider it reason enough to be cautious.
You rarely analyse such matters. So you hadn’t previously realised just how much certain individuals expect from you, while they return very little. Now that you have, changes are vital. You needn’t discuss this. Instead, gradually but firmly shift arrangements until you’re once again getting as much as you’re giving.
5/15 Thursday You have neither enough information nor adequate support to make important decisions. Yet if you don’t at least indicate the direction of certain changes on the domestic or work front, others will make arrangements themselves. Knowing this, you’re better off relying on whatever facts you can muster and your instincts.
5/16 Friday You loathe making excuses or dwelling on past mistakes, so are likely to give short shrift to those who raise certain problems. However, it’s worth reviewing these issues. Not only will it quiet others, what you learn from previous situations should prove useful in dealing with the decisions currently facing you.
5/17 Saturday For weeks you’ve been trying to bring together certain individuals whose agreement is vital for certain plans to proceed, but with little success. Don’t give up. In fact, if you keep trying, the events of the next few days should allow to you more than make up for lost time.
5/18 Sunday You don’t think of yourself as a perfectionist. But you’ve put off making certain plans or commitments until everything was right. And because it isn’t right, nothing’s been done. You’re better off doing something, however imperfectly. Put things off much longer, and whatever you do, opportunities will simply vanish.
Thursday(5/15) As a Cancer you know the influence of the Full Moon better than anybody. Yet you still seem to be allowing certain individuals to succeed in what can only be termed emotional blackmail. The fact is, if you played it tough or said an uncompromising no, they would survive perfectly well.
Friday(5/16) As much as you’d like to end tensions with others, you feel that in giving in you’d be giving up as well. At the moment, there’s nothing better you could do, since once Mercury’s retrograde cycle ends on Tuesday, unexpected revelations are likely to show that everybody was completely wrong.
Saturday(5/17) When you made certain commitments of your time, ideas or even your money, you didn’t realise that pivotal shifts were coming. Now that they have, you must revise all manner of arrangements, including these. Difficult as it is disappointing others, they’ll understand, as everybody’s experienced similar unexpected and unwelcome changes.
Sunday(5/18) Much as you’d like to get plans for the future settled, you’d regret rushing even unimportant arrangements. Not only are circumstances likely to change several times, your own priorities are likely to shift, as well. They’re likely to alter so much, in fact, that you’d have to reorganise absolutely everything.
Your ruler Mercury's been retrograde since late April, triggering a variety of difficulties, opposition and personal confusion as well. While numerous of these issues are likely to sort themselves out once Mercury resumes forward motion early next week, it's not magic. In fact, others will require considerable effort in your part.
For several weeks now you've avoided even discussing certain tricky issues, hoping they'd simply vanish. They haven't. In fact, if anything, they've become more worrying. Much as you dread the notion of confronting these, acknowledging these and talking them over openly couldn't be worse than what you've already put yourself through.
It appears that somebody you both trusted and depended on has let you down. Distressing as that is, try not to take it personally. True, they haven't even had the decency to discuss this with you. They're embarrassed. Raise the issue gently, and you'll be greeted by a flood of sincere apologies.
At times like this it's so easy to get distracted by discussions involving who said what, and when. But proving who was wrong in the past achieves nothing. Once your ruler Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on Tuesday, you'll want to concentrate on the future, not the past.
Friday Now that your ruler, the planet of charm, Venus has finally moved into Taurus it should be easier to win others over to certain plans. Think twice before you begin your campaign, however, since you’re could soon be substantially revising exactly those schemes that you’ve just convinced others are ideal.
Saturday You really can’t afford to waste time, doing nothing, until others finally recognise the point of your objectives. But you need their support. Instead of arguing, begin. Take it slowly, however, hoping that as you proceed, your success will testify to both the strength of your convictions and the wisdom of your thinking.
Sunday With so much in confusion and so many differing views, this hardly seems the ideal time to make new plans. However, once Mercury resumes forward motion in your sign, on Tuesday, many of those problems will vanish in a twinkling, leaving you time to pursue whatever plans you’ve already devise
You’re vaguely bothered by rumours and inaccurate statements, but think that countering them would only lend them credibility. Yet others are merrily embroidering on these tales, some of which involve you, your life, work or reputation. Meanwhile, you’re increasingly fascinated with ideas that could take you away from all this, via new ideas, study or travel. While these may indeed offer escape ? and something of a more lasting nature, too ? that’s later. By the week’s close you realise that if you don’t douse the increasingly intense flames of speculation about your life and times, those rumours will soon start to be accepted as fact.
Everybody’s looking to you to make pivotal decisions involving developments on the domestic or professional front. While you’d be happy to shoulder the responsibility for these, you’re seriously short of facts. Be patient. Mercury’s only just ending its retrograde cycle. Once it does, the information you need should be within easy reach.
5/20 Tuesday
You’ve already struggled over plans once, only to be forced by sudden changes to abandon them. Consequently, you’re in no mood to waste time on further efforts. However, if you don’t at least indicate what your intentions are, others will assume you’re not interested and merrily take over where you left off.
5/21 Wednesday
Now that the Sun’s joining the practical Saturn in accenting future plans, they’ll be pressure on everybody to commit. True, this may mean abandoning certain of your previous plans or ideas. The fact is, things have changed so much that you’re probably better off reconsidering many of your original concepts.
Ever since late April you’ve been under pressure to make decisions. But the retrograde Mercury has undermined even your best efforts. While Mercury once again moves forward on Tuesday, the planets’ mood remain uncooperative. The trick is do your best, yet ensure that everybody regards arrangements as tentative. This actually broadens your range of options, since if one plan doesn’t work, you can simply try another. What’s more, since others know about your struggles, they’ll want to work closely with you. In fact, however satisfying what you arrange or achieve, it’s those links with others for which, ultimately, you will be most grateful.
While you haven’t exactly been worrying about finances, you’ve been conscious that a very long time has passed since you reviewed your position. While you’re likely to learn a great deal, keep in mind that with so much in transition, once solid facts are subject to change ? and from day to day.
Being a Libra, your word is your bond. Consequently recent developments have put you in an increasingly awkward position. While you want to honour commitments to others, changes are making it increasingly difficult. Discuss this openly with others. They’ll be relieved, since changes have been forcing them to reconsider arrangements as well.
As much as you dislike the idea of walking away from discussions without having achieved any kind of resolution, it’s your best option. In fact, if you agree to disagree with others, then at least you’ll have a positive foundation from which to approach whatever exchanges you conduct in the future
The past few weeks haven’t exactly been easy. However, even difficult situations have proved illuminating. Nevertheless, with Mercury, which has been retrograde in your sign since April 27th, finally resuming forward motion on Tuesday, the puzzle pieces assemble themselves into a recognisable image. Don’t misinterpret this clarity as an indication that you should pursue delayed plans full throttle. True, the personal confusion with which you’ve been contending is gone. But the world around you remains just as chaotic, and just as full of unexpected opportunity, as last week. It’s just that now you’re sure the direction in which you want to go.
Monday Being an earth sign you usually take a practical approach to decision-making. But now you’re both putting yourself under pressure and have become a perfectionist. After several weeks of twists and turns, forcing issues will only cause you frustrations. For the time being, take it easy.
Tuesday Now that the little planet of communication, Mercury, has finally ended its retrograde cycle in your sign, life should gradually become less challenging. While this won’t remove normal, ordinary obstacles, those difficulties that seemed to make everything take longer will no longer be a source of continual delays.
Wednesday For ages you’ve been concerned about matters involving your financial stability. However, your attempts to sort things out have proved frustratingly unrewarding. Now all those efforts pay off. Welcome if sudden developments, combined with your recently acquired knowledge, enable you to make arrangements far more beneficial than you’d imagined possible.
Knowing that loved ones are about to make unwise decisions is one thing. However, convincing them that they should change their plans is quite another. Delicately suggest that there may be a better approach or say you’ve advice to give. But if your offer’s not taken, back off at once.
It would appear that you’ve made a miscalculation involving a tricky combination of business or financial matters and people or projects that are dear to your heart. Downscaling would disappoint everybody. But if you don’t cut back now, the odds are good that you’ll face considerably bigger disappointments in the future.
It worries you when close friends or loved ones undertake plans that seem to have little merit or hope. You’ve asked, but their words have left you unconvinced. Now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, however, it may be that what only recently defied explanation can now be justified with great ease.
For weeks you’ve been concerned that unexpected events or misunderstandings would cause serious problems in projects or relationships that are dear to your heart. While there have been difficulties, these have stimulated conversation more than they’ve done damage. Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on Tuesday, eliminating a certain amount of confusion. But because this is only the beginning of a cycle of change, you’re better off keeping both arrangements and your priorities flexible. However sure you are what you want today, others’ actions and unexpected breakthroughs could substantially alter your perspective. So much that, by early June things could look very different indeed.
天秤座weeklyです。 お願い致します。 Having tried both reason and charm with little success, you’re unsure how to handle troublesome situations and difficult people. The answer is: with patience. You could hope that once Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on Tuesday things will suddenly go smoothly. But that would be far too optimistic. True, confusion ends. This leaves you, and everybody else, to deal with past problems and the deliberate deceptions of certain unscrupulous individuals. Combine persistence with tact and a precise loyalty to the facts and you’ll restore both order and mutual trust. More important, when early June’s extraordinary opportunities arise, you’ll know exactly what you want.
いつもお世話になります、射手座です。よろしくお願いします。 Monday You may not have realised what you were committing to at the time. Or perhaps circumstances have changed. Whatever the case, difficult as it is, you’ve no choice but to let others know that you can’t fulfil certain obligations. They’ll complain. But not nearly as much as if you’d said nothing.
Tuesday You’re fairly easy-going about revising plans, even at the last minute. Others, however, take less kindly to sudden changes. Judging by the planetary activity of the next week, you’d best encourage them to get used to it, since such changes are going to be as frequent as they are dramatic.
Wednesday Having spent a good deal of time organising complex plans, you’re hardly likely to be pleased when they must be sidelined. On the other hand, while developments are bound to be disruptive, they also give you an opportunity to encourage far-reaching changes that otherwise wouldn’t even be considered.
After wrestling with anxieties, you finally made certain important, and in some cases long overdue, demands. Now you're dealing with various reactions; these weren't what you expected, and range from emotional flare ups to puzzling misunderstandings. The latter are likely to be resolved with relative ease once Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on Tuesday. But you realise sorting out other traumas will take time. Actually, this is good. You soon discover that between the generally uptight mood and others' reluctance to face facts, and constant and unsettling changes, everybody's in a state. Focus on maintaining your own equilibrium, therefore, and let others worry about theirs.
Monday When certain individuals made promises on your behalf, they thought they were doing you a favour. It's turned out that the reverse was the case. True, recent explanations weren't particularly well received. But Mercury now ending its retrograde cycle, your efforts at resolving problems are likely to achieve far better results.
Tuesday There are few things you dislike more than disappointing friends. What's more, certain plans or commitments were made ages ago, and know how much they're looking forward to them. Difficult as telling them is bound to be, you're better off explaining in detail and apologising now than putting off discussions until later.
Wednesday You have been so involved in certain family, domestic or property matters that you've barely had time to look up, much less enjoy life. Now that you've managed to achieve some kind of order, you can ? and must ? take a break. And make it luxurious, a reward for all that you've accomplished.
You struggled to make plans that friends, colleagues or family where happy with, yet which still retained the ideas that originally inspired you. Consequently you’re not thrilled when circumstances force them to be changed. But with Mercury finally ending its retrograde cycle on Tuesday and tricky planetary activity continuing until the end of the month, even relatively simple arrangements are likely to be revised several times. Frustrating as the resulting delays are, the accompanying chaos has its benefits. Move swiftly and you should be able to slip in ideas that previously certain individuals had sworn they’d never allow to see the light of day.
You’d prefer to get things settled sooner rather than later. With Mercury about to end its retrograde cycle, this is no time to rush even the most unimportant of plans. Over the next few days, as previous dilemmas unravel themselves, both circumstances and your own priorities are bound to change considerably.
Few things frustrate you more than wasting time waiting for somebody to make what should be a straightforward decision. If their apparent indecisiveness is irritating you, instead of fuming, talk things over. Once you do, you’ll be shocked by the extent and nature of the problems they’re contending with.
It’s not that you’ve been putting off serious discussions. On the contrary, every time you’ve raised crucial issues, some variety of obstacle has intervened. Much as you’d like to say what needs saying, any pivotal discussions are best delayed until both situations and the mood of others have settled down.
今週もお世話になります。魚座デイリー前半です。よろしく御願いします。 19Monday You seem to be feeling guilty about situations that simply weren't under your control. This does nobody any good. If you have, indeed, upset or inconvenienced others, it's vital that you apologise. Then once you have, firmly put what's taken place out of your mind. You've better things to think about.
20Tuesday Those around you are aware of the complex situations with which you've been struggling. Most support you, but a few plan on using your misfortune to improve their own position. They'll either encourage you to feel guilty, thus distracting you, or undermine your confidence. Whatever the case, it's vital that you ignore them.
21Wednesday For ages you've wanted to reorganise your life. Things have changed and so have you, but certain elements of your domestic or professional set up harken back to days long gone. Now circumstances are giving you a chance to make those changes. Waste no time in conjecture. The faster you move, the better.
魚座のウィークリーです。よろしくおねがいします。 You prefer to admire those with whom you work or spend a great deal of time. So lately you've been making excuses to yourself about the questionable behaviour of certain individuals. You've raised the issues involved, but have been disappointed by their responses. Don't expect much more over the next two weeks. In fact, ideally, you'll evict them from the pedestal on which you've placed them. First, this evens out your relationship. More important, when the bountiful Jupiter's rare aspect to your ruler Neptune in early June introduces stunning offers, you'll waste no time worrying what those you once so admired would think.
蠍座の前半です。御願いします 月曜日 It may take some time for you to resolve some of the issues triggered by last Friday’s Scorpio Full Moon. But that won’t stop others from wanting to make plans. Discuss all their suggestions, even those you consider unlikely. By the time situations are ready, you will be too. 火曜日 Ever since late April Mercury’s been retrograde in your opposite sign of Taurus, which means that those closest have been even more mixed up than everybody else. Now that Mercury’s resuming forward motion, therefore, you can expect those particular relationships to benefit even more than usual, as well. 水曜日 Few things make you more nervous than making arrangements without knowing what you’re committing to in financial terms. But it simply hasn’t been possible to determine certain costs or expenses. Now that it is, what you learn means that you’ve no choice but to engage in a good deal of bargaining.
蠍座の週も御願いしますm(__)m You are wrestling with a combination of your own issues and confusing dilemmas involving business partners or loved ones. However, your efforts of discuss and resolve these matters have been frustrated. Others seem willing, but persistent obstacles have interfered. This chaotic mood is likely to continue until early June. So for now, put these issues aside and instead do what’s most difficult for you, which is go with the flow. This seems pointless, until you realise that in doing so you’re suddenly spending more time with those you’ve been trying to see, and worrying far less about what you have to say to them.
Monday You’re under pressure to go along with others’ plans. You’re tempted to say yes, although aware these aren’t necessarily in your best interests. True, bowing out at this point could cause a certain amount of upset. However, it’s better than going along with plans that could cause you long-term problems.
Tuesday For weeks you’ve been questioning certain plans or decisions of close friends or loved ones. Their attempts to explain have been fruitless. Now you learn the reason why. The fundamental flaws in their scheme show themselves, and with maximum embarrassment to them. The less you say about it, the better.
Wednesday For ages you’ve been hoping that certain issues about which you feel guilty would resolve themselves. They haven’t. On the contrary, events around this Saturday’s solar eclipse bring them to a head. The more openly you discuss dilemmas beforehand, the less uncomfortable this weekend’s developments are likely to be.
Few signs understand the complexities of human nature better than Cancer, so you’re unlikely to have been upset by the capricious attitude and frequent changes you’ve faced in recent weeks. For reasons of diplomacy or for fear of causing even more confusion, in most cases, you’ve avoided commenting or complaining. Others have noticed this tact and been grateful. They’d like to show their appreciation, but things continue unsettled, which means that even their most sincere efforts or offers are unlikely to survive. You don’t mind. In fact, you’re relieved you’ve time to yourself to delve into long delayed, but increasingly urgent, personal issues.
フォローありがとうございます。 ぁぅぁぅ。確かに意味的にはそんな感じなのでしょう。 この場合のdoesは「役に立つ」という意味が当てはまりそうです。 普通に考えると、 This does not good for anybody. となるところが、 This does any good for nobody. となって、 This does nobody any good. となった感じなのでしょうか?つーか、doesが目的語をとるなんて あまり見たことないもので。単に漏れの英語力が低いだけナノカモ。 アカデミックな解説できなくてスマソ。 Shelleyの場合は、英語力、国語力の他にShelleyの頭を割って 中を見る能力が必要な気が…。
# This seems pointless, until you realise that in doing so you're suddenly spending # more time with those you've been trying to see, and worrying far less about what # you have to say to them.
You’ve thought of every idea possible to accommodate the requests of those who are dear to your heart. But disappointing as it is, you’ve concluded that what they’re demanding just isn’t possible. This isn’t easy. Once you tell them, however, you’ll realise that it upsets you far more than it does them.
You know exactly what you think about tricky issues. Or at least you thought you did. But the events of the next week or so promise to challenge many of those views. While unsettling, the resulting fresh perspective could free you from restrictions you thought you’d just have to live with.
Ordinarily you’d feel that, in leaving certain tricky issues for others to resolve, you’d be avoiding facing your own responsibilities. But you’d be doing yourself a favour. Certain individuals have no intention of making agreements of any kind. As a consequence, the further way you stay, the better.
It was difficult enough achieving an agreement involving important issues on the financial front. Now that you have, it’s vital that you leave the next step to others. True, they may not be doing what you’d hoped or expected. If you can manage to be patient, however, they might even exceed your expectations.
21日Thursday This weekend's clash between the Sun and the unpredictable Uranus indicates developments as sudden as they are unsettling. While these will ultimately benefit everybody, because Uranus is actually positioned in Pisces, it's likely to appear that you're in some way responsible, which means you'll have to face and with others' complaints.
22日Friday Life is far easier if you and those you're living or working with share the same viewpoint and objectives. However, you're currently faced with serious differences. Difficult as this is, it provides a golden opportunity to discuss any problems or misunderstanding with far greater intensity that would usually be considered appropriate.
23日Saturday You've discussed problems and made whatever amends were appropriate. But others are still carrying on, complaining about how they're suffering to anybody who will listen. On no account should you rise to this manipulation. The less attention you pay them, the sooner their amateur dramatics will cease.
24日Sunday Few things upset you more than knowing you've hurt somebody you care about. Yet judging by the circumstances you're facing, you'd no choice. In any case, what's most important is not what you've done, but that you, first, apologise, and as important, ensure the lines of communication are kept open.
Usually you’d complain about the unsettling last minute changes with which you’re now being confronted. True, having to rearrange things is somewhat inconvenient. But it’s very little bother compared to the benefits promised by alterations that you’ve been struggling for ages to get others even to consider, much less actually make.
You may not agree with the way in which close friends or colleagues are proceeding with certain plans. In fact they’re beginning to worry you. Think twice before you express these concerns. They’re in no mood to listen to anybody’s advice, particularly if it raises questions about what they’re undertaking.
You’re not happy with the arrangements that others have made on your behalf. If you feel guilty about this initially, discussions with family, friends or colleagues will reveal that their discontent more than equals yours. Enough, in fact, that you’ve every justification for demanding that those who organised things make improvements.
It’s perfectly natural that you’d want to do everything you can to help those you care about deal with crises, particularly where finances are involved. Think twice before you commit cash sums to their rescue. Judging from the current planetary set up, they’re far more in need of advice than money.
There has been serious discussion of major changes on the work or domestic front. While you recognise that these will be vital at some point, they’d be seriously inconvenient just now. Once the developments promised by early June’s planetary activity take place, however, you’ll feel considerably more optimistic about such changes.
At the moment you may be feeling seriously irritated with children or loved ones. Having said they’d do one thing, they’ve done the exact opposite. Before you begin to fume, investigate. Things aren’t what they seem. Ask others and their explanations will put their actions in a very different light.
Judging by the planetary activity of the next several days, whatever you do or say, somebody’s going to disagree. While you’ve no fear of upsetting others, this is not the best time to discuss future plans. Sideline these temporarily, therefore, instead focusing your formidable analytical skills on as yet unresolved personal issues.
Those closest have left little doubt what they want. Knowing others’ expectations is one thing, being able to fulfil them, quite another. Ordinarily you’d avoid discussing such tricky issues further. Since they’ll take your silence as agreement, it’s vital that you let them know what you can do ? and what you can’t.
There has been serious discussion of major changes on the work or domestic front. While you recognise that these will be vital at some point, they’d be seriously inconvenient just now. Once the developments promised by early June’s planetary activity take place, however, you’ll feel considerably more optimistic about such changes.
At the moment you may be feeling seriously irritated with children or loved ones. Having said they’d do one thing, they’ve done the exact opposite. Before you begin to fume, investigate. Things aren’t what they seem. Ask others and their explanations will put their actions in a very different light.
Judging by the planetary activity of the next several days, whatever you do or say, somebody’s going to disagree. While you’ve no fear of upsetting others, this is not the best time to discuss future plans. Sideline these temporarily, therefore, instead focusingy our formidable analytical skills on as yet unresolved personal issues.
Those closest have left little doubt what they want. Knowing others’ expectations is one thing, being able to fulfil them, quite another. Ordinarily you’d avoid discussing such tricky issues further. Since they’ll take your silence as agreement, it’s vital that you let them know what you can do ? and what you can’t.
Few signs understand the complexities of human nature better than Cancer, so you’re unlikely to have been upset by the capricious attitude and frequent changes you’ve faced in recent weeks. For reasons of diplomacy or for fear of causing even more confusion, in most cases, you’ve avoided commenting or complaining. Others have noticed this tact and been grateful. They’d like to show their appreciation, but things continue unsettled, which means that even their most sincere efforts or offers are unlikely to survive. You don’t mind. In fact, you’re relieved you’ve time to yourself to delve into long delayed, but increasingly urgent, personal issues.
Thursday Between recent sudden developments involving family, domestic or career situations, and intriguing offers, life is as interesting as it is exhausting. True, things would be far easier if you could just make decisions once and be done with it. But if plans this far-reaching are best taken in stages.
Friday It may take you days, if not weeks, to unravel the network of confusion that's resulted from recent misunderstandings. Tiresome as this is, the process of putting things right promises some unexpected benefits. In fact, those you meet and those you reconnect with should more than compensate for whatever efforts you make.
Saturday Ever since the courageous Mars moved into Aquarius in late April, you've had a considerably less tolerant about others' shortcomings. In fact you've found yourself challenging certain individuals before you know what you were doing. Better yet, your words have had a powerful impact on them, their attitude and their actions.
Sunday Over the next few days you've no choice but to acquaint certain individuals with facts that you know they're not going to want to hear. Tempting as it is to break things to them slowly, you're far better off giving them the full picture, then discussing whatever details most concern them.
Once you’ve made a plan or commitment, it’s unlike you to back down. But unexpected developments are giving you increasingly good reason to back off from previous arrangements. Not only have circumstances changed, you’re becoming increasingly worried as you witness the financial end of things spiralling out of control.
Nobody is more tolerant of nonsense from close friends or loved ones then you are. But there is a certain individual who’s gone too far. Either they’re taking advantage of you or genuinely don’t realise the problems they’re causing. Whatever the case, it’s up to you to draw the line.
You’ve already thought through important plans. But you also know how much a certain person would like to take them over. The biggest gift you could give them is the freedom to proceed on their own, particularly if you can manage to prevent them knowing that you were behind it.
You’re not expecting much. But you feel that it’s important that your participation in recent situations are acknowledged. Not only do you want your efforts recognised, but you feel it’s important that everybody concerned should know to whom they should address whatever feedback they have, from questions to challenges.
Monday 5/26 If you’re feeling edgy, unsettling or even disorientated, it’s no surprise. In a little over a week your ruler Saturn changes signs for the first time in over two years. This ends a cycle of duty and obligation, freeing you to explore the much broader and far more interesting world around you.
Tuesday 5/27 For some time you’ve known that changes in your daily routine or working life were overdue. Yet you’ve put these off, knowing how disruptive they’d be. Now you have no choice. Much as you’re dreading them, once you actually begin the process of making changes, you’ll view them with relief.
Wednesday 5/28 It doesn’t matter how precisely you explain both you’re doing and your long term intentions. Nobody’s as deaf as those who aren’t listening. Still, you’re better off at least trying to make your points, even if you’re likely to have to repeat them several times more.
You’re being blamed for mistakes or misunderstandings that were clearly others’ responsibility. This isn’t fair. However, if you can survive the week without saying a word, two things will happen. First, they’ll be eternally grateful that you didn’t expose them. And second, you’ll have let circumstances do it for you.
Somebody you trusted, or perhaps even loved, has let you down. While there’s nothing you can do about the hurt feelings, you can try to put their actions in perspective. Soon your mind will be on other things. But they’ll always have to live with the knowledge of how badly they treated you.
The shake ups that accompany this weekend’s solar eclipse are long overdue. Before then, however, the current lunar eclipse of your ruler Venus raises penetrating questions of a far more personal nature. The more deeply you reflect on these, the better positioned you’ll be for the next few days’ developments.
続いて天秤座weeklyです。 よろしくお願い致します。 Usually you are incredibly tolerant when friends or colleagues, family or lovers are tiresome. But something in you is about to snap ? and it’s no bad thing. Certain individuals have been taking advantage of you for far too long. You’ve discussed both their antics and strategies for making changes. Suddenly you simply say exactly what you feel. This is largely due to the intriguing opportunities ushered in by Saturday’s eclipsed New Moon, which totally alter your perspective. Where you’d once worried about upsetting others, now you’re off on new adventures, telling them they can come with you ? but only if they behave properly.
No sign has a greater tolerance for life’s tiresome details. Dealing with these is almost second nature. Still, over the past few years you’ve struggled under the burden of others’ problems and your own frequently tricky dilemmas. As this week commences, it’s more of the same. However, you soon recognise a difference; you’re putting numerous matters to rest for good. Then you begin to wonder and, being a Capricorn, worry about what’s coming next. The answer is that, as your ruler Saturn changes signs on June 4th, you begin an exciting new chapter of your life. Until then, continue to tidy the past away.
You have every right to be exasperated with the way in which others are constantly making changes. It’s both time-consuming and inconsiderate. Once you examine situations in greater depth, however, you’ll realise that they’re doing their best to handle even more disruptive developments, all of which are beyond their control.
5/27 Tuesday
This won’t be the easiest week of your life. Everybody’s mood is uptight, particularly those whose support you need. While they’re unlikely to respond to your ideas or suggestions, they’ll still be listening. So much so that when things have calmed down they’ll do their best to give you a hand.
5/28 Wednesday
Everybody admires both your patience and the understanding way you’ve dealt with delays in potentially life-changing arrangements. Now that patience is about to be rewarded, although perhaps not quite as you expected. There’s no need for disappointment, however, since what’s coming promises to be even better than anything you’d imagined.
By the week’s close, you’ll be amazed by how complicated some people can make things. Yet, in spite of others’ pleas for help, most of these dramas have little to do with you. Offer sympathy if you must, but stop short of giving advice. It would be ignored, and you’d still be blamed for later problems. Instead focus on future plans and those you’d be pursuing them with. While Saturday’s eclipsed New Moon is bound to bring dramatic changes in the situations you’re dealing with, the stronger your understanding with others, and clearer your goals, the better advantage you’ll take of those developments.
For the past two years you’ve balanced encouraging others to pursuing what they believe in with monitoring the practical and financial side of things - from a discreet distance. Now things seem to have gone terribly wrong, and you’re in the midst of dramas, if not being blamed. This isn’t fair. It also isn’t nearly as serious as it seems. Usually you’d leap into action. Instead play it cool, at least until after this Saturday’s eclipse, which promises to turn the tide. It does. Once futile struggles suddenly bear fruit, and in ways you and those closest would never have imagined possible.
そしてサソリンデイリー前半でございマス。 Monday As a Scorpio you consider halfway decisions to be a compromise. At other times that might be true. But at the moment you’re better off achieving some variety of plan or accord and at least keeping in touch with others - especially when the alternative is a total lack of communication.
Tuesday Don’t be upset if your efforts with certain individuals are unrewarding. It has nothing to do with you, and in fact little to do with them as well Everybody’s feeling unsettled in the run up to Saturday’s solar eclipse. Only after that should you try to take plans to the next stage.
Wednesday At the time of the Scorpio eclipsed Full Moon in mid-May you made yourself some promises. Now situations are testing your conviction. In fact, what seemed a reasonable challenge then has become almost beyond your reach. While you needn’t give up, take a break until after May’s second eclipse this weekend.
Monday Everybody’s being so disagreeable that you wouldn’t be blamed for wondering if they’ve decided to give you a hard time. You needn’t worry about any conspiracies. However, the current planetary setup indicates that both difficult people and equally challenging events are forcing you to face issues you’ve been resolutely ignoring.
Tuesday Once you realise that, whatever you say, certain tricky individuals will object life is much easier. Obnoxious as they are, there’s something to be gained from your dealings with them. Their habit of questioning anything and everything has cornered you into tackling numerous unresolved issues before they find out about them.
Wednesday Your sense of humour is always a saving grace, but never so much as when you’re facing unfair challenges. At the moment, however, you’d be well advised to think carefully about who you’re talking to before you share a laugh, or you’ll find certain individuals accusing you of taking dilemmas too lightly.
For some reason those around you are in a hurry to make decisions, and so they’re badgering you. This is ridiculous because, between unsettled situations and unresolved squabbles, not even simple plans are likely to last. This means your biggest challenge is informing others that you’re making no commitments, while keeping things cordial. Of course by the week’s close you may not care quite so much. Once the thrilling developments triggered by Saturday’s eclipsed New Moon take place, your mind ? and possibly your heart ? will be elsewhere. And that’s just the beginning. Next week what were merely promising dreams turn into reality.
Judging by the planetary activity early this week, you’re going to have repeat explanations several times over. This is in part because what you’re planning is so creative, unusual or inventive. But equally, others are currently so self absorbed that they’re unlikely to be listening to a word you say.
If you suspect that somebody you trusted is about to let you down, then the odds are good you’re right. Disappointing as this is, it has nothing to do with you. They have found themselves involved in situations that are both restrictive and so embarrassing that they’re reluctant to discuss them.
Recently you made certain commitments. You now find yourself facing a growing array of obstacles, so much that you’re unlikely to be able to do as you promised. Instead of struggling to keep those commitments, discuss these problems with others, the aim being to make changes while you still can.
Monday Judging by the planetary activity early this week, you’re going to have repeat explanations several times over. This is in part because what you’re planning is so creative, unusual or inventive. But equally, others are currently so self absorbed that they’ re unlikely to be listening to a word you say.
If you suspect that somebody you trusted is about to let you down, then the odds are good you’re right. Disappointing as this is, it has nothing to do with you. They have found themselves involved in situations that are both restrictive and so embarrassing that they ’re reluctant to discuss them.
Recently you made certain commitments. You now find yourself facing a growing array of obstacles, so much that you’re unlikely to be able to do as you promised. Instead of struggling to keep those commitments, discuss these problems with others, the aim being to make changes while you still can.
You hate the idea of disappointing others. In fact you’ll continue trying ways to keep the promises you made to them. Much as you dislike doing so, at least let them know that plans could change. That way they’ll be happy if things go well, but prepared for the worst.
You hate to upset others. This has lead to you being persuaded to make commitments that you neither have time nor any interest in keeping. Difficult as it is backing out now, it’s far better than living with an obligation that you dread looming ahead of you in the future.
Few things are more rewarding than being able to do something that brings happiness to a person who is dear to you. You are, however, somewhat troubled by their complete lack of gratitude. Before taking their apparent rudeness to heart, discuss it. The odds are good that a genuine misunderstanding was behind it all.
魚座の週刊も御願いします You know that you’re frequently taken advantage of. But it’s easier just to do what you can than bother weighing up the merits of every situation. Yet if you’re not vigilant about both others’ demands and the issues you face, what should be minor problems could turn into time-consuming dramas. Consequently, you’re better off declining, and facing others’ complaints; at least you’ll then be done with things. That frees you for the extraordinary developments promised by next week’s rare encounter between the bountiful Jupiter and your ruler Neptune; what arises then should make you forget all those tedious dramas of the past.
While you’re correct in your assessment that potentially influential decisions are out of your hands, there’s no reason to worry. True, others are in a contentious mood, and so unlikely to welcome advice or discussion. But by the week’s close, when those decisions must be made, their attitude will be far more positive.
There’s nothing to keep you from raising tricky issues with others. Just keep in mind that, like you, they’re under considerable pressure. Consequently, while they’ll be perfectly willing to listen to what you have to say and do their best to help, the reception you get may be far from gracious.
As a sensitive Cancer you try to avoid potentially upsetting issues and do your best to sidestep confrontations. At the moment, however, there’s little you can do to prevent clashes. Ironically, it may only be when exchanges become heated that you learn what the feelings or intentions of others really are.
For too long you’ve been shouldering what are essentially others’ duties or problems. You’ve either been concerned about their struggles or feared things going wrong. Now you’re exasperated; you’re going on strike. Initially leaving such tasks undone requires huge discipline. But you’ve other things to think about. And urgent as some dilemmas seem, once next week’s changes have taken place, they’ll have become unimportant. Of even greater significance, after over two years of self sacrifice, next week’s move by Saturn into Cancer marks the beginning of a cycle in which you suddenly discriminate between what serves others, and what is in your best interests.
Others are complaining about recent unheralded and unsettling changes being disruptive. That’s true, but they’re also so intriguing that you’re eagerly investigating their potential for you. Proceed. But remember that, however dramatic what’s already taken place, there’s more to come. In fact once Saturn shifts signs for the first time in two years, next week, moving to accent the structure of your life, seemingly rigid situations could be altered in a twinkling. That being the case, waste no time arranging plans now. Instead, busy yourself exploring your options, so when things begin to happen, you’ll be ready to make your move.
Thursday(5/29) It’s tempting to remind others what you want and where your heart lies. But having made your intentions and feelings clear only last week, a repeat presentation is not going to advance your cause. Waiting is the hardest part. Do so and soon your faith will be more than justified.
Friday(5/30) Saturn’s reputation as a demanding planet is more than justified. Nevertheless, you should still welcome its arrival in Cancer next Wednesday. After several years of having no choice but to live with restrictive situations, at long last you’ll find yourself in a position to bring these struggles to a satisfactory conclusion.
Saturday(5/31) It’s the rare Cancer who is interested in revenge. Yet you’ve found it impossible to put the actions of one particular individual behind you. Now that you’re in a position to carry out the retribution you’ve for so long imagined, you realise that you gain far more by forgiving and forgetting.
Sunday(6/1) For ages your attitude about certain goals has been ambivalent. One day you’re passionate, the next you lose interest. Now that’s about to change. In fact you’re likely to surprise yourself with the intensity with which you approach these, not to mention the swiftness with which you achieve them.
For weeks you’ve been doing everything you can to keep things happy on the domestic front. True, your efforts haven’t been recognised, but you haven’t minded. What you do mind, however, is the fact that those you’ve been catering for in so many ways are now showing attention on somebody far less deserving.
For ages you’ve known that you’d have to reorganise your daily routine or working life. But you really haven’t known where to start. Now events make the decision for you. Once the most practical planet of them all, Saturn, moves to accent such matters on Wednesday, changes begin in earnest.
It’s not that you’ve been neglecting your health. It’s just that there’s always been something more pressing to do than deal with minor but irritating problems. Now if you don’t do what you need to, those various issues could carry out their threat to gang up and turn into something more serious.
Recent perplexing situations left you wondering just how much you can trust certain individuals. At the moment the answer is, less than you’d like. This is no reflection on their character. Rather they’ve found themselves with obligations that they can neither change nor admit to, thus their elusive behaviour.
Recent developments have cast both what seemed solid facts and the resulting decisions in a suspicious light. Unsettling as this is, it also frees you to review numerous other situations and areas of your life. Ultimately, you could even be able to alter arrangements you thought you’d just have to live with.
As much as you’re longing to explain the problems you’ve been facing to others, it’s unlikely to achieve much. They’re so preoccupied with their own dramas that they won’t really be listening. Instead simply apologise for any inconvenience caused, then retreat until both their spirits and their circumstances have improved.
Being skilled at using charm to avoid conflicts, it’s rare that a Libra will have to resort to harsh words to make a point. But at certain times and when dealing with certain individuals, you’ve no choice. Keep your words sharp and brief, carefully avoiding the trap of justifying your comments.
You may not have known exactly what you wanted to do. But still, living betwixt and between has taken a toll on you. So much, in fact, that when Saturn reaches the pivotal midheaven angle of your chart on Wednesday and you’re forced to make immediate decisions, you’re unlikely to mind at all.
This weekend’s Gemini solar eclipse ends one chapter and begins a new one for you. However, those around you are likely to be in the midst of transition as well. So much so, in fact, that they’re likely to be ready to make changes that, only recently, they’d have refused flat.
Now that you’re in a position to look back on recent disagreements, you realise the problems involved were very different from those you initially blamed. They misunderstood you as much as your words confused them. Don’t allow discouragement to overtake you. Try again and you’re likely reach an accord surprisingly swiftly.
You have a reputation for being changeable. Still, when it comes to close relationships you’re the last person make abrupt shifts, much less say farewell. Initially you’ll have difficulty eliminating certain tense issues. Once you’re able to discuss these openly, everything else changes in a twinkling.
The current theme in your chart involves a both rearranging old commitments and developing one or two new ones at a very rapid pace. At other times this kind of haste might be unwise. But now circumstances make it clear that you must move swiftly ? or not at all.
Nobody is better at knowing when to be forthright and when to back off. Yet you seem to have somewhat overstated your case, leaving others upset and you embarrassed. Difficult as this is to deal with, with the current swift pace of events, the less you say, the sooner others will forget.
By the time that Saturn actually changes signs, next Wednesday, you’ll have completed a cycle of over two years of dealing with tricky situations and demanding individuals. And the break you get, one that encourages you to broaden your horizons, will be as welcome as it is well deserved.
If ever there was a time to believe in yourself, it’s now. After a long period of challenges from others and deep personal introspection, you’re finally in a position to take much-delayed plans to the next stage. True, things may progress slowly. But something is better than nothing.
It’s not that you’re proud. You know that if you accept certain offers of support, cash or introductions, at some point you’ll be obliged to return the favour. So much as you’d like to say yes to those offers, you wary about taking on far more than it would appear on the surface.
5/29 Thursday Your word is your bond, so when you make a promise you’ll do everything within your power to honour it. Alas, others don’t live by quite the same principles. Keep this in mind and you’re unlikely to be as surprised when certain individuals who you trusted fail to carry out their commitments.
5/30 Friday While you’ll do your best to accommodate the requests of others, being cornered into doing things is quite another matter. Yet you know that if you don’t proceed as others hope, you’ll feel guilty. Only you can decide which is more important, pleasing others or being true to yourself.
5/31 Saturday Others have made it clear that, should you take certain plans to the next stage, they will not be happy. Much as you’d like to please them, it’s your life. What’s more, if you succumb to their demands now, you’ll have more difficulty saying no when they propose even more troublesome arrangements.
6/1 Sunday Thrilling as the developments ushered in by Jupiter’s superb aspect to Neptune early in the week may be, it’s vital that you check facts out carefully. For while on one hand Neptune signifies inspiration, it’s also the planet of fantasy and illusion. Ensure that’s not what you’re being drawn into.
While you’re unlikely to be disappointed with the situations that Saturday’s solar eclipse beings to a close, initially you’ll be less keen about new developments. Still, at least explore than. Once you’ve learned more about both changing situations and your role in them, what seems unappealing today could suit you perfectly.
5/30 Friday
You’ve said you’d do anything to rid yourself of certain contentious relationships. But now that issues are simply vanishing, you’re experiencing a peculiar sense of nostalgia. If you worry that you’ll miss missing what’s become a stimulating and familiar adversary, there’s no need to worry. Somebody else is due to appear shortly.
5/31 Saturday
You’d have every right to complain about the unfair way you’ve been treated. But others are so involved in their own dramas that even your most eloquent words are unlikely to register. Instead, stage a sit down strike. Say nothing and more importantly, do nothing. You’ll be noticed right away.
6/1 Sunday
At the moment logic is likely to achieve little. In fact, the key to dealing with conflicts as persistent as they are tiresome is to combine imagination with the element of surprise. Carefully work out your plan, then move swiftly and others will completely forget their various concerns or objections.
You didn’t intend to be misleading. But as one thing has lead to another, you’ve found yourself in an increasingly difficult position. Tempting as it is to hope that things will work out as you hoped, it’s unlikely. You’re better off telling everybody involved exactly what kind of problems you’re facing.
The last thing you want to do is offend others. But if you don’t make both your views and your priorities clear from the outset, problems could ensure. True, they’re unlikely to welcome everything that you have to say. However, it’s better dealt with now than further along the line.
If you’re a typical Pisces, you’ve learned the peril of accepting offers that seem too good to be true. However, judging by next week’s powerful aspect between the bountiful Jupiter and your ruler Neptune, this is one of those rare times when things could actually be better than they seem.
For ages you’ve known that you’d have to reorganise some element of your domestic life, but you’ve put off making the necessary changes. Now events force your hand. They’re more dramatic, too. The fact is, the developments triggered by the recent solar eclipse could utterly revolutionise any plans you’d previously made.
If ever there was a time to trust your vision over what others insist is practical, it’s now. True, they may have experience on their side. But that’s based on the past. And having examined both situations and thought future plans through, you’ve good reason to ignore even the most sage of advice.
You are by no means closed to new ideas. Yet you’ve been ignoring potentially valuable offers, primarily because you assume that they come with serious strings attached. And you fear that they’ll trap you. While they’re not without certain obligations, what you get more than justifies what you’d be committing to.
While the past few years have been both exiting and productive, you’re beginning to wonder if you haven’t missed the boat when it comes to the financial side of things. If so, you’ll find out once the most practical planet of them all,Saturn, moves to accent such matters on Wednesday.
Although it may seem doubtful now, the next few days promise to bring life-changing opportunities. True, some may have been long in the works. But with your ruler Jupiter forming a rare and wonderful aspect to the visionary Neptune, developments are likely to be as surprising as they are inspiring.
If ever there was a time to trust your vision over what others insist is practical, it’s now. True, they may have experience on their side. But that’s based on the past. And having examined both situations and thought future plans through, you’ve good reason to ignore even the most sage of advice.
You are by no means closed to new ideas. Yet you’ve been ignoring potentially valuable offers, primarily because you assume that they come with serious strings attached. And you fear that they’ll trap you. While they’re not without certain obligations, what you get more than justifies what you’d be committing to.
While the past few years have been both exiting and productive, you’re beginning to wonder if you haven’t missed the boat when it comes to the financial side of things. If so, you’ll find out once the most practical planet of them all, Saturn, moves to accent such matters on Wednesday.
Although it may seem doubtful now, the next few days promise to bring life-changing opportunities. True, some may have been long in the works. But with your ruler Jupiter forming a rare and wonderful aspect to the visionary Neptune, developments are likely to be as surprising as they are inspiring.
5/29 Thursday While you’re unlikely to be disappointed with the situations that Saturday’s solar eclipse beings to a close, initially you’ll be less keen about new developments. Still, at least explore than. Once you’ve learned more about both changing situations and your role in them, what seems unappealing today could suit you perfectly.
ところで獅子タンの木曜日、最初の一文も(゚Д゚)ハア???でしたよねー。 the situations that Saturday’s solar eclipse beings to a close ってなんだよー、ミタイナ。 私は「日食がもたらしたある結末に」とタイソーな訳をあてましたが、 さらっと「日食が終わったあとの状況にがっかりすることはなさそう」って 訳をあててもよいかと思います。直訳だとこっちかなぁ。私はどっちかっつーと意訳派(w よって、「何が終わるんだろう???」と、ガクブルしないでくださーい> >>444さん&獅子タンALL
Monday You don’t think of yourself as either stubborn or resistant to change. Yet not all of the developments triggered by the recent pivotal Gemini solar eclipse have gone down well. However worrying these seem, the more swiftly you undertake them, the faster you’ll realise just how beneficial these changes could be.
Tuesday Others seem to be looking to you for inspiration, if not to make decisions. Yet the real power is in the hands of others. Frustrating as this is, you’ll simply have to work hard to win those whose views matter over to your way of thinking. Achieve that and the rest is easy.
Wednesday Some planets move swiftly in their courses. But others arrive for such a long stay that their influence seems to have changed life for ever. That is completely untrue, as the delightful developments that accompany the dour Saturn’s departure from Gemini, after over two years in your sign, more than amply illustrate.
It’s only when you view this week’s events in retrospect that you’ll recognise how they brought a lengthy, challenging and ultimately valuable cycle to a close. In fact during the week itself you could even feel a sense of loss. For over two years you’ve lived with the pressure that’s accompanied Saturn’s presence in Gemini; its departure on Wednesday ends this cycle. Now you begin capitalising on your efforts, in rewarding if frequently unanticipated ways. Some opportunities appear as fleeting suggestions, others as mere hints. Whatever their form, ultimately they all mean exchanging those now familiar struggles for a far easier life.
By the time this remarkable week is over, your ruler Saturn will have moved into a new sign, its first change in over two years. This ends a lengthy chapter during which you’ve focused more on obligations than life’s pleasures. Now that focus shifts close relationships and their future promise.
Nobody would blame you for being uneasy about offers as sudden as they are promising. However, judging by the current planetary set-up, they could be even better than they seem. The trick is to show interest, yet make no promises, all while you’re checking out facts every step of the way.
Life would be a good deal easier if loved ones would choose a more convenient time to misbehave. True, their shenanigans threaten to disrupt important arrangements. Leave them to it. They’re unlikely to do any real damage. What’s more, ignore them now and they’re less likely to act up again.
Monday Your allegiance to certain individuals or causes has been admirable. But this week’s realisations and revelations shake your convictions. At minimum, these oblige you to review your commitments. Once you do, however, you may find that you’ve no choice but to reconsider arrangements that you thought you would never change.
Tuesday For some time you’ve known that certain exceedingly tricky issues were brewing on the domestic front. But you’ve either ignored these or lived in hope that they would somehow resolve themselves. Now it is becoming increasingly clear that they’re going to need your personal attention, and the sooner the better.
Wednesday It’s hard for you to believe that anybody can be as difficult as the individuals you’re now dealing with. If you haven’t already figured it out, there’s little point in trying to keep things civilised. Simply let them know what your intentions are and, similarly, exactly what you expect from them.
The events of the next three weeks usher in a new chapter of your life, personally and in terms of your role out in the world. However, just what form these will be taking remains unclear. Consequently, your best strategy is to try everything now, learn what you can, then cut back on commitments later. Similarly when, after two years, the practical Saturn changes signs midweek, forcing you to make swift decisions, the bolder you are, the better. Also, since whatever you do, somebody will object, please yourself. Fulfilling obligations to others while remaining faithful to your goals is challenging, but entirely possible.
Monday(6/2) It would be unwise to underestimate the importance of the issues raised by the recent eclipsed New Moon. Difficult as these are to face, not to mention deal with, tackle them now and you could put them to rest for good. Plus, confronting them is far easier than wishing they weren’t there.
Tuesday(6/3) Whatever the planet Saturn’s reputation for being a tough taskmaster, its move into Cancer reveals it’s about organisation as much as about discipline. Acknowledge both what you want to do and what you must do, and by its departure in July 2005, you’ll be amazed how much you’ve accomplished.
Wednesday(6/4) The time has come to say farewell to those excuses you’ve been making. Some involve obligations, others promises that you’ve made to yourself. In ever case you’ll need to assess the seriousness of your commitment to the task at hand. And then you’ll need to back up that commitment with action.
You think of yourself as cautious. Yet because Cancers are enterprising by nature, you take all sorts of chances that others wouldn’t dare risk. Wednesday’s arrival by the canny Saturn but unsentimental in your sign forces you to analyse your affairs, considering what’s worthwhile and what isn’t. This means facing difficult facts, making plans and adopting tough disciplines, some perhaps enforced by outside events. A few may even seem unfair. Demanding as this cycle of slightly over two years promises to be, ultimately, you’ll be better off in many ways, from the fantasies you’ve relinquished to the achievements you’ll have made.
Having just invested considerable time in reviewing and reorganising your responsibilities, recent changes are ill timed. Disruptive as these developments are, they leave you significantly freer to break away from previous restrictions. In fact, it could be said that you’re finally in a position to plot your own destiny.
For the past two years or so you’ve been shouldered others’ burdens, particularly on the financial front. You’ve dealt with these uncomplainingly and responsibly. Still, having things settled will be a relief. True, these aren’t necessarily as you’d have liked or planned. But the fact is, decisions simply aren’t yours to make.
Your world is about to become a larger and more rewarding place. True, it may seem that you’re being forced to undertake studies or go places that don’t interest you. However, once you overcome your initial resistance, you’re likely to find what you encounter as intriguing as it is worthwhile.
On one hand you’re facing situations that demand a precise analysis of facts and a tough approach to finances or other practicalities. On the other you must deal with potentially far-reaching changes that, while alluring, are founded on no more than exciting discussions and instinct. Your biggest challenge is keeping these two types of situations ? and the way you handle them ? strictly separate. Those practicalities require considerable investigation, but are likely to be resolved by midmonth. The broader changes now being discussed involve a shift of perspective more than anything pressing. Consequently, all you’ll be needing now is an open mind.
You’re by no means rigid in your thinking. Yet even you could find the developments of the next few weeks overwhelming. What seems ideal one day could be replaced by something far better the next. Ideally, therefore, you’ll remain open-minded, even when events seem to run counter to your best interests.
Witnessing a lack of generosity in others saddens you. In fact, you’d rather be over-generous than deal with any person or situation in a petty manner. However, with circumstances now forcing you to watch everything from your time to your money more carefully, you’re developing a new respect for a cautious approach.
The tricky dilemmas now facing you are unlikely to be resolved until after the pivotal Sagittarius Full Moon in mid-June. Consequently, forcing issues now achieves little. Instead explore your options, paying special attention to new ideas and unexpected encounters, since what’s least expected is likely to lead to the most worthwhile solutions.
Your innate inquisitiveness makes life interesting, but it’s also meant that you’ve frequently spread yourself too thin. During the past two years, the disciplined Saturn forced you to be uncharacteristically focused on practicalities. Now you’re so well organised that you’re amazingly well placed. And you’re cannier. Once, you’d have leapt at the intriguing opportunities now in the air. Instead, you’re asking tough questions or making concrete demands. What’s more, there are personal, professional and emotional heights you haven’t yet scaled. Most important, you’ve learned that if you evaluate your options now, y ou can profit from those explorations as much as you enjoy them.
As the week begins you’ll be so preoccupied with upheaval involving your own life, obligations to others and certain tricky issues that you’re won’t be thinking about anything else. Consequently you could miss the change in mood triggered by Wednesday’s move by your ruler Saturn, its first in over two years. It shifts to accent joint ventures in all forms from the most personal to business. While dazzlingly self-sufficient, you now learn to rely on others. This week’s lesson is just the beginning, and is more challenging than it sounds; you must trust pivotal decisions to those who are better informed than you are.
This Tuesday’s extraordinary aspect between the bountiful Jupiter and your ruler Neptune accents the difference between discussing intriguing opportunities and ensuring that they being lasting benefits. Promising as negotiations may be, the pace is chaotic and everybody’s easily distracted. This means that those with the best of intentions could forget even simple commitments. Ordinarily you’d worry that your persistence would cause embarrassment or upset. But it’s your life, and if others forget their promises, it’s up to you to remind them. Still, you’re in for a fantastic period, so much that soon others will thanking their lucky stars that they’re associated with you.
It would be no surprise if felt overwhelmed by the ideas, offers or opportunities triggered by Jupiter’s potent aspect to your ruler Neptune. These have more to do with the process of developing a fresh perspective than simple decisions. Knowing that, you’ll forget about mere facts and instead rely on your intuition.
You are at your most charming and persuasive. In fact with the Sun superbly aspecting your ruler Neptune, you can have your way in pretty much any situation. Consider carefully what you opt for, however, since with circumstances changing so swiftly and dramatically, what’s ideal today may prove undesirable tomorrow.
Now that the sternly practical Saturn has moved, for a stay of over two years, into the most creative angle of your chart, long-cherished dreams could become reality. This gives you the combination of determination and staying power that’s necessary to achieve goals that you once considered beyond your reach.
It may not be for some weeks yet that you realise just how much improved your spirits are. Nevertheless, very shortly after Wednesday’s departure from the part of your chart that accents love and life’s pleasures you’ll begin to feel as if a shadow has vanished. Suddenly you’ll remember what happiness is.
Naturally you’d like to plan your time. But the entire month of June is brimming over with dramatic planetary activity, which means changes are as frequent as they are unexpected. While the first half brings assorted obstacles, stunning developments and surprise offers around the month’s close more than compensate.
It’s unclear whether others are being difficult just to get attention or their views truly are opposed to yours. Whatever the case, you can’t allow these or any other obstacles to halt planning or progress. Consequently, if they feel that compromise is impossible, then you’ll just have to agree to disagree.
You know that changes in your life, work and close relationships are overdue, yet have no idea where to begin. This week’s events show you. True, just how you’ll benefit isn’t immediately clear. Still, developments shake up situations that have become stultifyingly rigid, and broaden your horizons as well. This particularly focuses on certain habits that you hadn’t recently thought about; these range from your working life to your health and well being. Make no decisions now. Instead simply make a commitment to explore whatever arises, knowing that even sampling options could bring your life just the boost it’s been needing.
蠍でございます。 お手すきな時にマンスリーもお願いしたいのです・・・ June’s first two weeks requires considerable jugglin on the financial or business front. If this worries you initially, you soon recognise even surprising developments as opportunities. Having these settled, you’re both free and feeling restless. This is good timing, since offers then appear that you’d ordinarily reject without even considering them. But your instincts correctly tell you that in order to revitalise your life, you must be more open to unfamiliar experiences ? and people. If you are, the results are nothing short of miraculous.
Ever since last year there’s been promise of exciting developments. Either you’ve been working on plans or opportunities have been under discussion. Others questioned your faith in these, but now your convictions are proved correct ? and more spectacularly than even you had imagined. These influence many areas of your life, from purely personal matters, to romance and loved ones to business. If there’s any challenge, it’s balancing practical needs with the time you must invest in these remarkable events. Do that and you’ll have it all.
Naturally, you’d prefer to make plans and be done with it. But once the events promised by Wednesday’s move by Saturn into the pivotal midheaven angle of your chart have taken place, you’ll be glad that you kept things flexible. In fact, what transpires could completely alter your perspective and priorities.
After lengthy and informative discussions, you’re not closer to finding a common meeting ground with certain individuals. Instead of spending more time talking things through, at this point you’re probably better off just agreeing to disagree. Doing that enables you to focus on what you have in common, temporarily forgetting the rest.
Disappointed as you are with the attitude of others about certain emotional matters, don’t call it a day just yet. They’re doing the best they can. In fact, once you learn more about the difficulties they’ve been dealing with, the irritation you’re experiencing now is likely to turn into admiration
You have been putting others’ needs first for so long that, when pivotal decisions are left to you, you’re uneasy. But with Saturn now bringing its lessons in self reliance to the pivotal midheaven angle of your chart, you’re beginning a two year cycle of personal exploration and discovery. That doesn’t make the situations currently facing you any easier. However, you realise that expressing your feelings is vital, whatever they are. Also, with dramatic developments promised in both circumstances and your priorities over the coming two months, others must realise that those feelings and the resulting decisions are very much subject to change.
Being optimistic by nature, you’re unlikely to be daunted by array of ideas, events and offers that could seriously unbalance your life. You’ve no doubt these will come together, and in good time, they do. The result is spectacular opportunities that are challenging enough to be interesting, yet bring practical and financial benefits. True, you must make lengthy or extensive commitments, perhaps in ways you’d once viewed as claustrophobic. However, adjusting to this is a small price to pay for what you get in return.
Now, after months of patience, your efforts with loved ones pay off spectacularly. Plus, surprise developments introduce ideas or offers more thrilling than anything you’d ever have imagined possible. In fact, your only real problem is juggling all the people, activities ? and changes ? involved. Initially you wonder if you’re taking on too much. But you know that these are once in a lifetime opportunities, so take a chance. You already know that you’ll never regret it. And that your life will never be the same again.
いつもありがとございます。獅子座マンスリーです。お願いします! You hate it when petty quibbles prevent progress. Although decisions are yours to make, you’ve no power over difficult people or troublesome situations. And battling these is futile. So instead, focus on learning from them. This proves so illuminating that you’re soon reconsidering your original objectives. Tackling obstacles this way makes life more interesting. Your horizons are suddenly broader, and you recognise the potential for happiness in unexpected settings. Most of all, you’re confident enough to give partners the space they need, knowing they’ll return with passion renewed.
If you haven’t made revolutionary changes in your life as June begins, by its close you will have. First, with your ruling planet Saturn changing signs, on the 4th, for the first time in over two years, you’re beginning a new cycle. So it’s perfect timing for dramatic changes around you. Once you’d have hesitated, but now you’re taking some and seriously exploring others. But you’re still restless. You relieve this either studying, travelling or starting a new business, all of which makes this a summer you’ll never forget.
Early June is all about interesting people and intriguing ideas. Explore whatever you fancy, but keep plans flexible. On 4 June the focused Saturn moves to accent property or the needs of family or loved ones. This begins a lengthy period of dealing with matters closer to home. Some are exciting, others demanding, but in most there are delays and final decisions are not in your hands. Initially this frustrates you. However, when thrilling developments arise around the month’s close, you’re relieved that you’re not restricted by previous commitments.
Everybody’s looking to you to make pivotal decisions involving developments on the domestic or professional front. While you’d be happy to shoulder the responsibility for these, you’re seriously short of facts. Be patient. Mercury’s only just ending its retrograde cycle. Once it does, the information you need should be within easy reach.
You’ve already struggled over plans once, only to be forced by sudden changes to abandon them. Consequently, you’re in no mood to waste time on further efforts. However, if you don’t at least indicate what your intentions are, others will assume you’re not interested and merrily take over where you left off.
Now that the Sun’s joining the practical Saturn in accenting future plans, they’ll be pressure on everybody to commit. True, this may mean abandoning certain of your previous plans or ideas. The fact is, things have changed so much that you’re probably better off reconsidering many of your original concepts.
This week’s events bring to a culmination discussions that began as long as a year ago. Having put such effort into these, letting go is more challenging than you imagined. But your success now requires support, which means allowing others to do things. They’re already making changes, and you’re uneasy. But the more swiftly you hand the reins over, the faster you can turn your attention to the even more intriguing developments just now taking form. These promise to be joint ventures, and could enhance your personal life as much as the current crop of opportunities will improve your finances and your position.
For ages you’ve wanted to tackle numerous practical issues. Saturn’s move into Cancer on June 4th begins a two year cycle focusing on exactly that. First, you clarify your needs. You acknowledge that once cherished ideals must go, then set new goals. This is good timing, since making the best of opportunities as exciting as they are unexpected requires careful thought. It’s the same for romance; you aim higher, demand more of others. This no longer makes you anxious, the new you expects and gets the best.
Monday After several days of obstacles and misunderstandings, things finally seem to be getting back on track. That is not to say, however, that you can proceed as you did before. On the contrary, you’ll probably need to review previous plans, if not make serious changes, before you can begin again.
Tuesday You’re by no means bossy. But still, you’re not absolutely comfortable with leaving certain pivotal decisions entirely to partners or close associates. However worrying relinquishing control may be, it’s vital that they feel that you’re confident of their capacity to handle these and other pressing situations on their own.
Wednesday For some considerable time you’ve suspected that certain individuals weren’t being entirely straight with you. However, you’ve never been able to pinpoint the exact source of your discomfort. Now that the canny Saturn has moved to accent such matters, sudden changes in circumstance expose how incredibly manipulative they were being.
Life is fabulous. Exciting opportunities-both planned and unexpected- spring up in several areas of your life. Yet you’re uneasy. Perhaps it’s because decisions are up to others, or demand unsettling changes in your work or lifestyle. Still, give these a chance. The more prepared you are to venture from who and what you know, the more exciting the discoveries you make. You’ll only regret what you didn’t do, not what you did. Take chances and by June’s close, you’re savouring new and completely unexpected options and pleasures.
Libra September 23? October 22 Your monthly stars for June
However thrilling ideas or offers are, initially you have absolutely no interest in them. They’d mean reorganising your work, habits or domestic set up. But you soon realise how wonderful ? and rare ? what’s being discussed is. So by June’s close you’ve begun a new cycle of your life, one more with more far reaching repercussions that you think. Soon benefits of a financial, creative and social nature appear, enough that you’re happily agreeing to yet more changes and convincing those closest to join in with you.
Thursday Now that the commanding Saturn has moved to accent the structure of your life, certain changes are becoming increasingly urgent. True, you may have to bend to the demands of higher-ups or fit in with certain rules. However, going along with minor compromises is better than living with all too familiar problems.
Friday Frustratingly, you’re faced with individuals whose thinking is rigid and attitude narrow-minded. While you can’t avoid the situations in which they’re involved, you can decide how you’ll approach them. Ironically, the more you allow them to dominate the proceedings, the more likely you are have things your way in the end.
Saturday Others are insisting that you plan things carefully. But your instincts are telling you that this is no time to struggle with getting things organised. Since changes can’t possibly be anticipated, view any arrangements as tentative, and you’ll waste no time on details that are bound to be altered anyway.
Sunday If there’s any trick to dealing with both demanding situations and the tricky decisions facing you, it’s leaving things to others. Usually you find yourself shouldering more than your share of such responsibilities. This time around, the more you leave the friends, colleagues or partners, the fewer problems you’ll have.
Thursday What began as minor differences are now turning into major misunderstandings. This is puzzling, particularly since nobody’s particularly passionate about the issues in question. It’s not what you’re dealing with. Others are in a difficult mood anyway, and would object whatever you say. Ignore their grumpiness and it will soon vanish.
Friday You admire certain individuals who are passionate about their beliefs, although you don’t agree with them. However, they’re now treading on your toes and something must be done. Difficult as standing up to their strong convictions may be, you cannot afford to wait. Forget about intellectual explanations. Simply speak from the heart.
Saturday For some time you’ve been hoping that certain contentious individuals would realise the problems they’re causing. But at the moment you can’t afford to upset the applecart. Be patient. Once the warrior planet Mars moves into Pisces in mid-June, both circumstances and your mood will make the necessary confrontations far easier.
Sunday You hadn’t considered yourself to be rigid in your thinking. But your reaction to the enforced changes ushered in recent events make you question that viewpoint. More important, waste no time in debate when you could be shaking off years of restriction and concentrating on what the future offers
Everybody seems to be looking to you to make decisions. While you recognise that things are changing and that plans must soon be made, it’s early days yet. However, if you don’t at least make it clear what you intend to do, others will assume that you don’t care, and make arrangements themselves.
You’re between the past and the future, confused yet eager. While you already know which elements of your life are slipping away, it’s unclear who and what will become most important. Others may be in a hurry, but you can do nothing until you’re confident you’re making exactly the right decision.
When the week began you may have expected to make a few decisions. But you probably didn’t expect to be dealing with those of a potentially life-changing nature. However, with the practical Saturn now accenting the structure of your domestic and working life, a far reaching reorganisation is becoming increasingly likely.
You thought that others understood where you were coming from. But recent discussions and decisions have made it clear that they have no idea where you stand. Much as you dislike the notion of confronting them, if you don’t address misunderstandings swiftly and clearly, they’ll merrily continue to misquote you.
Don’t mistake others’ interest in the dilemmas you’re facing with a willingness to shoulder some of the burden. Discuss your plans and ideas with them. But when it comes to making those extremely difficult decisions that you must deal with, you cannot and should not allow anybody to influence your views.
Understandably you’re worried that in giving way on minor issues you’re letting others think that they can do whatever they please when it comes to more serious matters. What you’re dealing with now really isn’t worth arguing about. However, the conflicts that arise next week most certainly will be.
Certain individuals are doing their best to offload their duties or responsibilities. Waste no time discussing the theories behind these obligations. Simply make it clear exactly what you expect of them and when. And if they don’t fulfil your requests, turn those requests into demands that leave no room for argument.
While the next seven days won’t necessarily be easy ones, you should be able to accomplish a great deal. In fact the conflicts or challenges you face should give you an opportunity to clear up confusion in a number of situations. While eliminating previous distractions you’re also able to streamline your plans.
It’s not that you’ve become suspicious, so much as recent events have made you cautious about ideas or offers that would once have excited you. Once you’d have dived in enthusiastically first, only discussing the practical side of things later. Now you’re asking about responsibilities before you even consider saying yes.
Once of your greatest charms is your ability to say exactly what’s on your mind, yet be so amusing that nobody’s ever offended. Now, however, you’ll have to tread for more carefully. In fact, the issues in question so delicate that they’re best taken slowly, if not in stages.
Having just made exciting, if not life-changing, decisions you naturally want to turn those plans into action. However, once you begin you realise that certain individuals aren’t nearly as supportive as you’d have expected. In fact they’ll need considerable reassurance from you that changes won’t upset their little world.
By the end of next week both the charming Venus and your ruler Mercury will have moved into Gemini, boosting both your position and your capacity to win others over to your way of thinking. Until then, play it cool. Mention issues, but leave serious discussion until the week’s close.
6/5(木) Having invested a good deal of time and effort in dealing with tricky situations involving partners or loved ones, you initially regard changes as irritating disruptions. Yet with the demanding Saturn no longer dominating these matters, as once crippling restrictions vanish, your options are suddenly considerably broader and more interesting.
6/6(金) The key to making decisions is the realisation that, no matter what you do, somebody will object. Knowing this, you'll discuss your plans with others openly and fully, welcoming those who support you. And while you'll listen politely to their advice, you'll do what you think right - and nothing less.
6/7(土) You'll soon have to stand up to others over certain issues involving matters of rights or ownership. While having your facts in order is vital, the major determining factor is bound to be your attitude. Approach those involved with confidence and you're unlikely to be questioned or challenged.
6/8(日) Sure as you were that others understood both your plans and your priorities, they clearly had no idea were you were coming from. Irritating as having to go over things again may be, this provides you with a useful opportunity to review your thinking before you initiate discussions with others.