It is easy to reach the conclusion that this world is a very complicated place. Thousands, if not millions of people, have a vested interest in perpetrating this myth. Think, for example, of all the experts who would be out of a job if only we knew how simple most of their jobs really were. Or of all the specialists who would no longer be able to charge such inflated fees, were it not for all those long words and off-putting phrases. You suspect, this weekend, that a particular situation is intricate, complex and difficult to sort out. Actually though, if you muster a little confidence you will find it is a piece of cake.
A moment of completion is nearer than you think. It is just that you have grown used to dealing with an unresolved issue. You have developed techniques and strategies for coping without the answer to a crucial question. Whilst your methods of stress management may not have been entirely satisfactory, they have worked well enough. That’s why a part of you is now nervous about clearing everything up. What if reality obliges you to think again and make things worse rather than better? Ignore such fears. This weekend brings a valuable discovery and a liberating decision.
Cancerians are a little bit like balloons ・or should that be sponges? They can absorb an awful lot. No matter how much gets put into your life, you somehow find room for it. Eventually, there comes a point where you realise you have been given more than you can take. The discovery is usually sudden. One moment everything is under control, the next, some dramatic reaction has taken place. You have been thinking and wondering about a particular possibility for many a moon. This very weekend you will finally start to make it a reality. Rapidly.
Whose life is it anyway? You are beginning to suspect that it is not yours. Too many plans seem to require other people’s permission. Too many needs and preferences have to be taken into account. It has been so long since you last got a chance to do what you really want to do, that you have all but forgotten what it is that you actually DO want to do. You have given up hoping and have tried instead to make the most of reality. Let’s hope you remember soon what your actual agenda is. For this weekend brings a surprisingly good opportunity to get your own way - at last.
Take it easy. This, I know, is not the kind of advice a Sagittarian wants to be given. You know full well that you are completely incapable of taking it. When you want something to happen, you want it to happen immediately. You either care so passionately that you will move heaven and earth to make something happen or you are totally uninterested. Mars and Jupiter are in opposition. You have a growing sense of pressure and urgency. You feel sure a significant shift must occur soon. You are right. It must. It will. That’s all the more reason to take it easy. Your big moment is coming as fast as it can, all of its own accord.
��I have been asked to pass you a note from that rather attractive person - over there in the distance. They said they were too shy to approach you personally but wanted to let you know how gorgeous you are. So they wondered if I would be kind enough to play messenger. So, here it is! I cannot advise you about how to respond. You are after all, responsible for your own choices. I ought, though, just issue a word of notice about the high level of charisma and magnetism that now seems to be emanating from you. It is due to grow even stronger still this weekend! So watch out.
So that’s it then. You are destined for a life of struggle and servitude. It is written ? not only in the stars ? but in the tea leaves, the Tarot cards, the little lines on the palm of your hand and on the big sign outside your front door that says, in large neon letters, “A mug lives here. Feel free to take advantage.” You are not aware of such a notice? Never mind, just take it from me that it exists. Or better still, don’t. Refuse to believe that any part of your life has to be the way that it is, or has to go the way it seems to be in danger of going. This weekend brings your chance to regain power, control and dignity.
獅子座 We won’t repeat the joke that has been our theme for the last couple of days. It wasn’t very funny in the first place and it has now been rendered irrelevant by changing circumstances. You are no longer in any danger of being usurped or undermined. The astrological influences that were creating such a sense of vulnerability have ended. You are about to get back all the strength that you lost, plus some that you never had before. This weekend should bring much satisfaction, along with the chance to turn the tables on someone who has been abusing a position of power.
Are you barking up the wrong tree? That is no easy question to answer. Even if others insist that you are now making the wrong choices, you need to look carefully at their motives for being so dismissive. Do they really know what they are talking about? Do they have a vested interest in steering you off in another direction? Are they secretly jealous of your possible imminent success? The planets suggest that you are about to encounter a strong wave of doubt. They also imply that you should not let this drown or drench you. Surf on it. Ride it out. And stick with what you have started.
牡牛座原文 What goes up, must come down - or so at least, the pessimists believe. They waste no time reminding us of the power of gravity - often in a somewhat carping, irritating sing-song voice. Perhaps they are right. But even if so, the reverse must also be true. And as, in a certain area of life, things have fallen about as far as they can possibly go, we may safely conclude that from here, the only way is up. Any remaining doubt will be swiftly dispelled this weekend by a series of developments that inject the light of optimism into even the darkest nooks and crannies of your world.
You may not be happy about everything that is happening, but at least you know where you stand. This will enable you to make further decisions with confidence over the weekend. It means you will soon no longer have to worry about what to say ? and to whom. You need not strive to keep all your options open. You can even risk a little unpopularity in certain quarters. Where an element of confusion still exists, it will soon be cleared up. Just take care that you do not let one strong but currently unrealistic desire, colour your otherwise excellent objective and incisive judgement.
牡牛座おねがいします! If you need a break from life's hectic race, allow yourself some pleasure in May as Venus - your ruler - starts her once-every-18-months journey through your sign. Her presence means (a) you're looking good (b) so are your finances and (c) people like you more than ever. May hay while Venus shines! And if you're in the mood, indulge yourself in some wicked pleasures while you're cashed up (OK, so all your cash flow dramas may not be solved overnight, but there's certainly going to less of a feeling of lack while the Sweet One is in your sign). And then? Then mid-month there's an eclipse in your opposite sign, which could see your most important relationship put to the test. When you look at this VIP in your life (who could well be a past, present or potential partner) what do you see? Eclipses are nothing to fear, but they do focus the attention. Attached? Your partner will find new ways to grab your attention. Single? Watch out for the love affair which hits like a bolt from the blue! Your power dates this month are Friday 2nd, Wednesday 7th, and Sunday 18th. Careful not to overdo it around the 26th.
You see your commitments through, regardless of how stressful they may be. This does not mean though, that you allow yourself to be taken for granted or that you are prepared to play out pointless charades. You now need to travel down a difficult road. Important conversations must be held. Yet you can see how wise it could be to avoid upsetting someone. You need to apply determination and sensitivity in equal measure. That’s like saying, you need to balance fire and water. It is no easy task. But as long as you don’t let your emotions get the better of you, you find a way.
There’s not much point in sitting in the driver’s seat if you don’t know where you are going. Nor even if you do but you don’t know how to get there. First there must be contemplation, then navigation. You now have power but it must be allied to a purpose. This is not a time to wallow in self-doubt nor to dither over a series of alternatives. Don’t keep questioning yourself or wondering whether you might be better off in a different position. Just do the cleverest thing you can, given the circumstances you face, and you will never regret the courage you are about to show.
It’s funny how some people will swear that black is white - whilst those who can actually see the truth will often keep their voices to a whisper. We should beware the drum-bangers and the sabre-rattlers of this world. And, when people keep pressing home the same point, we should wonder whether perhaps, they protest too much. Others are now making public pronouncements and announcements. You feel inclined to disbelieve these yet you do not have much evidence to back up your interpretation of events. Even so, you should trust your judgement.
There are two sides to every story. Or so we are continually told. If only it were true. Think how sweetly simple life would then be. As a Gemini though, you are all too keenly aware of the daunting truth. There are not two sides, nor even twenty-two, but twenty-two to the power of twenty-two ・and twenty-two again. Cubed ・and then marinated in a bubbling sauce of confusion and opinion. If nothing is ever black or white and shades of grey are everywhere, how can we ever reach a firm, final decision? The answer? With difficulty! But even so, every so often, we can.
��When people go bouncing on a trampoline, they gradually build up momentum. Each jump takes them higher than the one before it. They can’t just expect to go hurtling skywards on the first attempt. You have lately been doing a lot of leaping. You may not yet feel as if you have connected with anything substantial or significant, but you have certainly been building up strength and speed. You now need to remain vigilant and diligent. If your next big effort doesn’t pay off, the one after it will. Opportunity is all around you now, just waiting to be identified and exploited.
I am, of course, very old. But I recall a time when yoghurt was something you could buy only in a health store and you were allowed to eat muesli only if you had a beard. Suddenly, somehow, these foods went from the minority to the mainstream. The change seemed to happen almost overnight. Transforming processes often follow a trend like this. They look, for ages, as if they are never going to catch on. Then, before you know it, they have taken hold and there is no turning back. Now, about that notion you have been quietly contemplating for so long.
I’ll talk quickly because I know you are in a hurry. You have a busy week ahead and a great deal that you clearly want to accomplish. That’s why you feel so restless. You wish a particular person would make up their mind about what they want to do. You are tired of forever facing tedious restrictions. This week, you will make the most amazing progress ? so why waste time worrying about how it is going to happen. Just trust that change is on its way and relax as best you can. There is no chance at all that you will miss your great opportunity when it finally arises.
Opinions bring comfort in times of uncertainty. When there is doubt or insecurity, we can take refuge in arrogance and ignorance. The less we actually know, the more we feel it is important to pretend we have answers. By clutching at such silly straws, we prevent ourselves from grasping a much more substantial life-raft. We thus become ever more powerless at the very moment when we most require true strength. Don’t respond to your current challenge with a rigid attitude. If you need help, concede as much and seek it. Pride will produce a problem. Humility will lead you to a solution.
Ever tried slicing cold chocolate with a blunt knife? If though, you take the same implement and heat it first, you will make short work of this task. Now here is a really smart trick. Heat up the knife when nobody is looking. Recite an ancient incantation. Furrow your brow in concentration. Plunge the knife into the chocolate with a ceremonial gesture. Then it really will look as if you have some rare talent E' and the ability to work miracles. There is a lot of mumbo jumbo being spoken now. In essence though, it is surprisingly simple to get what you truly want.
They say that, “To assume is to make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’.” It sounds very smart but the truth of the matter is a little different. Many things in life are perfectly predictable. We are safe to suppose. There are very few presumptions in our assumptions. We could all, more often than not, waste a great deal of time doubting the indisputable or questioning the incontrovertible. Most of your plans this week will proceed precisely as you expect. But in one key area of life there WILL be a surprise and a drama. Don’t fear or resent this. It is your blessing in disguise.
Are you going round in circles? Absolutely! How can you possibly hope to avoid this? You live on a planet that revolves on its own axis once a day, whilst circling the sun once a year. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The more they move on, the more they come back round to how they used to be. Circles and cycles have high points and low points, but, of course, as those circles turn, so the lows become highs and vice versa. Right now, you are conscious of something that has sunk a long way down. Soon though, you will start to see it rise a long way up.
People claim to value the truth yet they rarely speak it. Nor do they seem especially interested in hearing it. We love our fantasies. We adore the chance to weave webs of deception. We want to see ourselves as anything other than what we actually are and we resent being reminded of qualities that we are doing our best to ignore the existence of. Something now may be painfully obvious to you but it is not even a blip on another person’s radar screen. You now need to find a way to draw their attention to this without creating a wave of negative reactions. There’s an old fashioned word for this delicate art. They call it diplomacy.
6th, Aquarius "Always look on the bright side of life." That's what Monty Python's Brian sang, after he had been nailed to a cross. The scene was intended to satirise the false optimism of cheesy, cheery Hollywood movies. Some things are truly dark and dismal - and will remain so no matter how hard you try to put a positive spin on them. If or when you are in danger of encountering such factors, I will give you plenty of notice. Just for the record, no such experience looms before you now. You are entitled to look on the bright side of life because there is a genuinely bright side to look at in your current situation.
人は自分の言うことを正確に伝えることはめったにしません。都合よく表現を省略したり ぼやかしたりします。手段や聞き手によって調子を変えたりします。それはどうすることも 出来ません。そのように作られているのです。どんなに誠実さや一貫性を誇りにしていた としても、我々は皆すべて影響されやすい性格なのです。絶えず変化しているこの世で 確実に生き抜くために、我々はこの能力の恩恵を受けてきました。今のところあなたは 誰を完全に信じたらよいのか確信がもてないかもしれません。でも、それは好都合なこと です。つまり、何かを為すことが出来ないとあなたがどんなに強く言おうとも、結局はやが て実行可能であると判明するかもしれないということを意味します。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
6日射手座です。 今日もよろしくお願いします。〜<昨日はサンポール様ありがとうございました。> Look at how tiny seeds can grow into sturdy trees. Look at how the young shoots of these plants can break through paving stones and emerge through gaps in solid concrete. The urge to grow, the will to conquer, the impulse to expand ? call it what you will, is powerful stuff. It runs deep within us all. Right now, it is motivating you to explore new opportunities. Don’t let any of this become stressful. There are no issues you need to force ? nor battles you need to fight. You just have to be ready and willing to seize a chance when a chance arises. The cosmos is now as keen as you are to ensure the end of a tired old era.
People rarely mean exactly what they say. They conveniently omit and obfuscate. They change their tune, according to their instrument and their audience. They cannot help it. They are made that way. We are all, no matter how we may pride ourselves on our integrity or our consistency - malleable characters. We have been blessed with this ability in order to ensure that we survive life in a constantly-changing world. You may not feel sure who you can quite believe at the moment. But that’s an advantage. It means that, despite how insistently you are being told that something is impossible, it may yet prove feasible after all.
People rarely mean exactly what they say. They conveniently omit and obfuscate. They change their tune, according to their instrument and their audience. They cannot help it. They are made that way. We are all, no matter how we may pride ourselves on our integrity or our consistency ? malleable characters. We have been blessed with this ability in order to ensure that we survive life in a constantly-changing world. You may not feel sure who you can quite believe at the moment. But that’s an advantage. It means that, despite how insistently you are being told that something is impossible, it may yet prove feasible after all. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
��If you ruled the world, where would the rest of us stand? Who would you punish and who would you reward? I ask out of something more than idle curiosity. The question is not, in fact, entirely academic. You may never rule the whole world but you do very definitely govern a small yet crucial part of it. Within this restricted arena you have real power and influence. That’s precisely why it is so extremely important to use this wisely and well. Your disapproval of a particular person’s behaviour may be justified but you still need to be compassionate and tolerant in your response. You must not descend to their level.
天秤座6日です。 よろしくお願い致します。 Around and around with relentless regularity this planet of ours spins on its axis. It’s a wonder we don’t all get dizzy. Perhaps, though, it is the predictable movement that causes us to feel so sure that other things in life will also always follow precisely the same path. We come to feel that we can rely on certain factors and we start to take them for granted. Then suddenly, we discover that life is full of surprises. You have lately experienced a few worrying bolts from the blue. Now, here comes a helpful upheaval ? a change that undoubtedly works in your favour. Prepare to see an old problem from a more inspiring perspective.
>>125 失敗したのでもう1度。 Around and around with relentless regularity this planet of ours spins on its axis. It’s a wonder we don’t all get dizzy. Perhaps, though, it is the predictable movement that causes us to feel so sure that other things in life will also always follow precisely the same path. We come to feel that we can rely on certain factors and we start to take them for granted. Then suddenly, we discover that life is full of surprises. You have lately experienced a few worrying bolts from the blue. Now, here comes a helpful upheaval ? a change that undoubtedly works in your favour. Prepare to see an old problem from a more inspiring perspective.
Two wrongs do not make a right. Two chaotic situations do not make a sense of order. Two crazy ideas do not add up to an inspired stroke of genius. Two incompatible individuals do not make a perfect partnership. You would rather like to think that the impossible is possible. Or, at least, that there was some secret reason for the silliness that surrounds you. Don’t believe a convenient explanation today. Do what you know to be appropriate even if it is difficult, time-consuming or expensive. The sooner someone acknowledges a mistake has actually been made, the quicker they can stop trying to justify it ? and set about fixing things.
The last straw is about to break the camel’s back. By which I do not mean to imply that you are just a beast of burden ? nor that your spine is about to suffer an injury. But there is a sense in which you are carrying far too much weight. Subtly, piece by piece, people are piling on the expectations. They want so much from you that you are no longer able to remember what you really want from yourself. You have had enough of an unacceptable situation. You have been considering a daring new move for a long time. You are about to make it at last ? and to discover, in the process, how much happier your life can be.
People love to seem and sound complicated. They adore long words and intricate explanations. They like sub-clauses in small print - plus plenty of protocol, regulation and rule-enforcement. They generally feel that the more mystery they can create around a simple situation, the more power they can wield. Right now, you can see a simple way to proceed. You cannot quite understand why everyone else is making such a mountain out of what, to you, looks like a molehill. Don’t become persuaded of a reason to slow things down or create layers of confusion that need not exist. There really isn’t any need.
We never dare admit that we do not know what we are doing. We feel obliged to feign infallibility and to manifest an air of supremecertainty. Rarely, if ever though, is this air of confidence justified. We spend a lot of time clutching at psychological straws. Yet it really does now seem as if you do understand the pattern that has been gradually unfolding around you for some while. You are in a good position to make a clear decision and you should trust the insight that you seem to be gaining now. Today’s events will bring you even closer to a sense of certainty ? and an accurate insight.
The last straw is about to break the camel’s back. By which I do not mean to imply that you are just a beast of burden ? nor that your spine is about to suffer an injury. But there is a sense in which you are carrying far too much weight. Subtly, piece by piece, people are piling on the expectations. They want so much from you that you are no longer able to remember what you really want from yourself. You have had enough of an unacceptable situation. You have been considering a daring new move for a long time. You are about to make it at last ? and to discover, in the process, how much happier your life can be.
You can think things through from now until the cows come home. You can debate, discuss, contemplate and consider. You can worry and wonder for ever and a day. You can set out in search of information and additional insight. There will never be any shortage of this. Sooner or later though, you are going to have to make a choice. Judging by the look of your astrological outlook, its probably sooner rather than later. I suspect that, deep down, you have already made your most crucial decision. And in a world where nothing is ever perfect, your current answer is as good as any you will ever get.
Mars will remain in your sign until the middle of June so you’d better get used to leading your life at a different pace. Where once you could afford to let things drift, now it is as if every second counts. You have a target to hit. A deadline to beat. Do you really stand a chance? Absolutely! The sooner you forget past difficulties and disappointments, the sooner you will be able to recognise the size and scope of the opportunity before you. And as for the doubts that keep crossing your mind? They are just odd bits of static, spoiling the radio signal of hope. Ignore them.
Things are beginning to get a bit silly and stressful. You suspect that if you weren’t so caught up in the detail and the urgency of a certain situation, you might find it almost amusing. There’s certainly a bizarre side to your situation and, seen in the right light, it could be construed as funny. Before you can laugh, you first have to relax. And before you can do that, you have to set your mind at rest. Ironically, you will manage that more easily if you can only manage to take things less seriously. Your concern and passion is making everything seem more complicated than it is.
おはようございます。 天秤座7日です。よろしくお願い致します。 We all know the old joke. It wore thin many moons ago. People born under your sign are supposed to be indecisive. But Librans are not sure if this is true or not. They want to think it over for a while and let us know the conclusion they reach. If they ever do. Ho ho. Very funny. Every so often though, it becomes clear that you are extremely capable of reaching swift decisions ? and of being right about them too. You have no doubt in your mind now about the importance of a particular plan. That’s as it should be. Your instincts are extremely accurate.
私たちはみんな記憶を選択して持っています。そのようにして私たちはなんとか うまくやっています。記憶にとどめておくことがつらいことはすべて都合よく忘れ てしまいます。起こったとたんに過去を書き直してしまいます。じゃ未来のことは? さて、私たちはただ容易に理解できるような事実というのが好きです。希望すれ ば何でも、そこに描出することができます。そして私たちはそうします。そんなわ けで、どんな精度にも合わせて将来を見据えることが出来るのは私たちの一部 の人だけなのです。がぶ飲みしたことを忘れて吐いてしまう利き酒人のように、 私たちは自分が見た最初のことを鵜呑みにして、最後には夢で酔っぱらった状 態になります。今日は現実を思い出させる出来事があります。それをありがたく 思い、注意を向けていてください! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
We all have selective memories, that’s how we survive. We conveniently forget whatever it pains us to remember. We rewrite history just as soon as it has happened. And as for the future? Well, we just love the fact that it is such an open book. We can project into it whatever we want. And we do. That’s why so few of us can ever see forward in time with any degree of accuracy. Like wine tasters who forget to swill and spit, we swallow the first thing we see and end up drunk on our dreams. Today brings a reminder of reality. Be grateful for it and pay attention! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Are you fighting your battle? Are you making your stand? Are you proving your point? Or are you just starting to get very, very tired? Jupiter’s rare opposition to Mars implies a time of turmoil. You feel as if you are caught up in a drama that you can’t control. It is bigger than you. And somehow, you have to play your part as best you can, regardless of what this takes out of you. That’s how you feel ? but is it true? Must you really worry as much, try as hard and dedicate so much energy? Life is about to get an awful lot easier and lighter.
牡羊座 5/7 原文です� �Some things just always go together. Traffic and pollution. Cream cakes and corsets. Fame and vanity. Politicians and promises. Plus, of course, our old favourites, power and responsibility. Love and marriage, be blowed. When it comes to these two, you can’t have one without the other. You can try, of course. Why, some people spend their whole lives trying to do that and nothing much else. But if you want to make life easy for yourself, you’d better concede that there’s now a task you have a duty to attend to. Just be glad you’ve got the chance - and the ability.
We all know the theory. Good deeds are rewarded, bad ones are punished. If only the reality were so straightforward. More often than not, it seems some get away with blue murder whilst others are hounded for crimes they have not committed. Plus the bothersome matter of how you tell right from wrong. Only the deeply religious, the profoundly ignorant and the pitifully stupid ever manage that with any degree of ease. That said, it really does look now as if you are doing the right thing. And it also looks as though it’s going to bring you the right result!
If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, what is the road to heaven paved with? Bad ones? How baffling. How unfair. Unless, maybe, there is no road to heaven. Perhaps you can’t walk or drive there. I ndeed perhaps your only real chance of getting anywhere near it involves making a concerted effort not to care whether or not you ever arrive. Perhaps heaven is simply an experience of not striving - or worrying. Stand a little further back from your current cause for concern. Then, you will at least be able to see exactly where it is leading you!
None of us appreciates being awakened. We resent alarm bells when they ring. Even if we happen to know that we are waking up to something really good, we like the idea of getting in a little more shut-eye first. Usually, we need a cup of tea before we can decide quite how we really feel. You are now being taken through a shift of consciousness. You are being shown, taught or reminded of something. Right now, you probably feel a bit put out. You liked things the way they were. You were used to it. Just put the kettle on. Soon, you’ll like the new view even better.
Mars suggests you are in the driver’s seat, rather than the passenger’s. This though, does not guarantee you the power to choose your destination. As every chauffeur will testify, that is the prerogative of the person in the back. Your peaked cap may not even give you the right to select the route. You may have to let someone else navigate. But you do get to pick the pace. You get to decide when to speed up and slow down. Right now, that makes all the difference between a sense of comfort and control and one of weakness. Use what power you have wisely and it will prove to be all you need.
Mars now completes its opposition to Jupiter. You will soon stop feeling as if the universe is putting you under perpetual pressure to perform. At which point, of course, you will find it much easier to come through with whatever is required. For there’s nothing like a little rest and relaxation to create what no amount of tension can ever produce. So what are you going to do about the big source of irritation and aggravation in your life now? No, no... haven’t you been listening? There’s NO point in rising to the bait. Ignore it! And soon it will sort itself out. The long range forecast service has just been updated.
誰かが分別のあることをするまで、物事は愚かなことを続けるでしょう。ここで問題なのは 気が変な人々だけが、自分たちが正気であると思っていることです。自分が賢いとの宣言 を下す前に、かなり無知にならなければなりません。自分は傷つきやすいとの表現を下す 前に、無神経でなければなりません。そしてあなたは自分が謙虚であると称するためにう ぬぼれ屋にならなければなりません!ですから、今取るべき必要があると思われる「分別 あるステップ」をもう一度見直してみましょう。ばかばかしいこと、そうでないこと。それらを 示すのにあなたは最適な人物かもしれませんよ?さあ、もうあなたは何をなすべきか知っ ています!。なたは、何をするかが必要であることを知っています! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Things will carry on getting silly until someone does something sensible. The problem, here, is that only crazy people ever imagine themselves to be sane. You have to be pretty ignorant before you decide to proclaim yourself wise. You have to be thick-skinned before you decide to describe yourself as sensitive. And you have to be big-headed to call yourself humble! So... let’s look again at that sensible step you now see the need to take. It is ridiculous, is it not, to suggest that you might be the best person to make it? Well then. Now you know what you need to do! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Cover up the rest of this page. Stop yourself from reading even one more sentence. There! Now I can say anything I want because you are not looking, are you? Er... Hey! That’s naughty. Oh well, never mind. We have, I think, proved the point. It is almost impossible not to look at what’s in front of us. And of course it’s just as hard to see that little bit further. If I forbid you from reading tomorrow’s prediction today, you’ll find it easy to comply. Because you can’t! My point? You are now jumping to uncomfortable conclusions. Don’t. More information will soon change your perspective for the better.
��“All you need is love...” So sang The Beatles. But they of course, lived in a far less sophisticated world. Things have moved on since then. Now, we have internet sites, reality TV shows and mobile phones. Had they been writing today, Messrs Lennon and McCartney could well have taken a different line. “All you need is a Sim card” they might have sung instead. Or would they? Some things, actually, never change. Nor do some people. Today’s drama is, in essence, truly timeless. So too, is the solution you need to apply to your problem. Love IS all it needs.
“Shoot first, ask questions later.” Unless, of course, you’re a Gemini. In which case, it’s the other way around. Kind of. I am not trying to suggest that you are all talk and no action ? for there’s always plenty of action when you’re around. But there’s usually lots of talk too. You ask questions WHILST shooting! No wonder you don’t always get back many answers. Or maybe that’s your secret plan. Maybe you like inquiries far more than you like replies. And maybe you OUGHT to listen more carefully now. For someone is trying to tell you something.
Here’s a magic ring. Touch it when you make a wish. And here’s a lucky horseshoe, a four-leafed clover, a bottle of water from the fountain of eternal wisdom plus a prayer wheel, containing scrolls from ancient Tibet that have been charged by the chants of lamas on their seventh re-incarnation. There! Happy now? Surely you don’t want more than that? Actually, you don’t. You want less. It is NOT the ability to get what you want that matters now. It is the ability to want what you’ve got! Stop striving for the ridiculously impossible and you will find that’s easier and more satisfying than it sounds.
Dont ask the price. You cant afford it! So its a good job, really, that the stuff is free of charge. All yours to help yourself to. A fresh supply every single day. Ironic, really, isnt it! Because it is so abundant, we take it for granted. And then every so often, we notice... and get precious. And in the process of doing that, we waste even more of the stuff. What am I talking about? Why, time, of course! You may not feel that you have quite enough of it now... but you have every bit as much as you need. Be grateful. And put yours to the best possible use! By making room, in your life, for a little more magic.
Vitamin C. And plenty of it. Maybe some B-group, too, while you are at it. A nice mix of minerals won’t go amiss. And Echinacea, of course, is wonderful stuff. Mix it with blue-green algae for best effect. But if you truly want immunity from any malaise... get more sleep and re-arrange your life so that it is less stressful. Then find something that fills you with joy, every time you think about it. Pluto’s sharp link to your ruler speaks of psychological tension. An issue is unresolved and seemingly, it cannot be sorted out. That’s what’s really draining you. Take it less seriously. You’ll feel better right away.
True freedom has nothing to do with physical space. It’s a frame of mind. Think, for example, of the people whose lives are not restricted in any way. They can go where they please and do almost anything. Yet how often do they explore their imaginations? How rarely do they leave their well-trodden paths? How easily do they settle for whatever is obvious and easy? And then, there are prisoners of circumstance or limitation... who write books, dream dreams and make the wildest journeys in their hearts and minds. The sky now offers you the chance to be free from anything that is holding you back.
5月8日 Rarely, if ever, do you stop once you have started. And even more infrequently do you embark on a project that you cannot complete. You instinctively know your limitations. You also know that if you really push yourself, you can do almost anything! So it’s never so much a question of ‘Can I do this’ as, ‘Can I be bothered to spare the necessary energy?’ You have lately been making some pretty good things happen. Soon, you’ll get the chance to work yet another apparent miracle. Prepare for your great deed to go all but unnoticed. By all, at least, but a highly discerning few!
Are you being reasonable? Are you being fair? Tell you what... let?s make a pact. When either of us ever discovers the true meaning of those words, let?s inform the other. Then we may be in a position to make an objective judgement. Right now, you have no way of knowing how right or wrong your reactions are. Nor, despite their pompous pronouncements, does anyone else. Your supporters are biased in your favour. Your opponents are prejudiced against you. You can though, be forgiven for erring on the side of the folk who make you feel better. At least that way, you are being fair to yourself!
Now, let me ask you a difficult question. Is it true that you need help to see the future? Or can you see it perfectly well? Could it be that you are concerned about your vision? Are you hoping for a second opinion or an alternative point of view? Are you, perhaps, a little overwhelmed by what appears to be looming so large on your horizon? The planets suggest that you can now see perfectly well... but you are just having some difficulty in believing the evidence of your eyes. If what you see is inspiring, trust it. If it is not, change it. Whatever you do, don’t ignore it.
山羊原文 You know what you are doing. You are following a particular plan for a very specific reason. You may not yet be getting much by way of a result but that doesn’t mean you are making a mistake. Good things take time. Very good things take an awful lot of time. When you are standing on top of a mountain, it is easy to plot a route through the valley ahead. When you are down in those dales, it is hard to remember quite how far you could once see. Yet you are nearer now to your destination than you were before - even if it doesn’t seem like it. Have faith this weekend.
You know how sometimes, when you are hungry, you look wistfully into the fridge yet no matter how much it contains, there seems to be nothing you fancy? That’s a well-known syndrome. We are all more interested in what we haven’t got, than what we have. Sometimes we just have to go beyond this. We can’t allow ourselves to indulge a sense of helplessness. We have to look at what’s feasible and then decide to do the best we can with that. This weekend, you can have everything but what you think you want. So... er... why not just think you want something different!
Mars and Neptune are forming a conjunction. With each passing day these two planets are growing closer. That?s why you are under so much pressure. It is also why you are now in such a strong position. You feel deeply motivated. You know you must try your hardest to make something happen and you rightly suspect that if you put in enough effort, you will get a good result. Don?t be talked out of your big idea. Don?t assume an ambition is unattainable. Don?t let a small setback put you off. You are due to make some very impressive progress this weekend.
小さな行為が大きな違いを生みます。器用で繊細な手法は、並なものを並外れたものに 変えることができます。味気ないものを魅惑的に見せることができます。安っぽいものを 高価なものに見せることができます。私は形式が中身以上に重要だと主張しているわけ ではありませんが、驚くほど多くの場合においてこの二つはほとんど同じ重要性を持って います。今現在、あなたがそれを知っていようがなかろうが、とにかくあなたは必要とする ものの大半を手に入れています。今週末、あなたはそれら全てを違った角度から見る手助 けを受けるでしょう。それはあなたの熱意と評価を大いに高めるでしょう。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Little things make a big difference. Deft, delicate touches can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. They can make something dull seem fascinating. They can make something cheap seem expensive. I am not trying to claim that style counts for more than substance but in a surprising number of incidences, the two have almost equal weight. Right now, whether you know it or not, you have the bulk of what you need. This weekend, you will be helped to see it all in a different light. That should vastly increase your enthusiasm and appreciation. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
“Izzy Wizzy let’s get busy!” That’s what Sooty used to say, before tapping his magic wand firmly on the counter. Or rather, that’s what Mr Corbett used to say that Sooty had said. Sooty, of course, was a glove puppetー famous for never speaking a word. People had to interpret his gestures. Which brings me on to this weekend’s big question. What kind of magic do you now want to create? For as long as you believe that power rests in someone else’s hands, you’ll be stuck. But you will get back all the strength you need the moment you make sure you are being properly understood.
Expect the unexpected. There you go. The most useless advice you will ever get. How can you possibly benefit from hearing that? If you know what to expect, it will no longer be unexpected! And if you don’t know what to expect... how on earth can you prepare for it? You are not sure what to make of a certain situation. Every time you think things through, you reach a different conclusion. Every time you talk them over, you hear a different opinion. Yet it is not the unexpected that is eluding you now. It is the obvious! This weekend, you’ll see it.
牡羊座 5/9(週末)原文です。 ��After a while, you get used to a bad mattress. You find a position in which you can just about sleep. You learn to lie with your back away from the bumpiest bit, turning your feet so that they don’t fall into the saggy part. And when you finally get to rest on a proper bed, it feels odd, wrong somehow. You almost miss the contortion. Neptune and Mars are now beginning to form a rare conjunction. This gives you the chance to replace a most unsatisfactory arrangement with a far superior solution. Don’t settle for second best this weekend.
Pardon me for asking a personal question but, what exactly were you placed on this earth for? Is there something you are supposed to be doing? I s there a point and a purpose? Well, of course. You know perfectly well you have a crucial contribution to make to an important cause. It'sjust that sometimes you get so caught up in the humdrum drama of daily life, you forget. That big issue now needs more of your energy and time. Make it available and you will be surprised by how much better you start to feel and how quickly the change comes about.
Before you climb into a hot bath, it is a good idea to stick your toe in the water and check the temperature. You have been born blessed with a psychological safety mechanism. It kicks in every time you face a potential danger. It alerts you and triggers a very necessary, highly appropriate moment of worry. That’s healthy. But what if you stay up, night after night - unable to sleep for fear of inadvertently encountering boiling water? That’s unhealthy - and unnecessary. Respond, by all means, to a concern this weekend but don’t let it turn into an obsession.
獅子座 Franz Schubert left an unfinished symphony. So too, did Gustav Mahler. This was not the intention of either composer. Events overtook them. Now, I am not trying to make a point about how brief life can be. Nor am I particularly attempting to remind you, that if you want to do something, you should always seize your chance while you can. Feel free though, to read that message into the subtext if it helps. My point though, is a different one. Sometimes, things make more impact when they are incomplete. An issue need not be resolved this weekend. Just accepted.
“Izzy Wizzy let’s get busy!” That’s what Sooty used to say, before tapping his magic wand firmly on the counter. Or rather, that’s what Mr Corbett used to say that Sooty had said. Sooty, of course, was a glove puppetー famous for never speaking a word. People had to interpret his gestures. Which brings me on to this weekend’s big question. What kind of magic do you now want to create? For as long as you believe that power rests in someone else’s hands, you’ll be stuck. But you will get back all the strength you need the moment you make sure you are being properly understood.
てんびん座週末お願いします Our best is all that we can ever do. And how do we do that? Well, we certainly don’t achieve it by worrying about whether we could be doing better. When we try too hard, we spoil things. We create unnecessary complications. We re-open wounds that are best left alone and given time to heal. The planets now speak of your desire to solve a particular problem. You want, of course, to do all you can to the highest possible standard. But you still need to remember where to draw the line. A few minutes of careful thought are worth hours of aimless effort.
Who listens to you? Who takes you seriously? You may soon be surprised to discover that you are more influential than you ever thought. Your words carry weight. Your actions impress. Your allies and supporters outnumber your opponents by a considerable margin. Your ideas are good and your current plans look extremely likely to succeed. Powerful forces are now at work. They aim to ensure that you get what you have been needing for so long. Though this may not arrive in quite the way you expect it to, it is going to happen.
山羊原文 Rules and regulations. Laws and orders. Permits and protocols. Dispensations and directions. People love legalities ? don’t they? If not, how come they create so many of these? Do they really think that if they pass enough legislation, they can control human nature? Inspiration is always ten times more effective than intimidation. Carrots work far better than sticks. Really, you don’t need to force anything. You just need to create an atmosphere of enthusiasm. If you want compliance, create a sense of complicity. Strive to generate that and everything else will take care of itself.
They teach us to read and write. They work hard to ensure we know how to behave. From the earliest age, we are shown a thousand things, some of which are extremely useful and some just extremely pointless. Yet nobody ever sits down and explains quite how important it is to enjoy life. Nobody tells us to be happy. Or reminds us that life without a sense of excitement, adventure and hope is all but meaningless. Right now, you are keenly conscious of what you should and should not do. And of what you can or cannot accept. But where is the fun? Where is the levity? You are about to find out!
居心地の悪い状況になった場合には、通常その対応をするより無視した方が簡単に 思えます。ただ歯を食いしばって物事を我慢していれば、いずれ勝手に変わっていく だろうと推測します。あるいは物事を容認するために最善を尽くそうと単に決心します。 多くの場合、私たちは何とかして心の中に押し込める方法を見つけられる限り、非常に 多くのことを我慢することができます。しかし、何にせよ自分に都合の良いように考えよ うとするときはいつも、私たちは己の現実認識能力を譲歩します。それは決して良くあ りません。今週、あなたは不都合により隠されていた物を見ることになります。その過 程で、あなたは素晴らしい扉を開きます。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
If a situation makes us uncomfortable, it usually seems easier to ignore it than to deal with it. We figure that if we just grit our teeth and put up with things, they will change of their own accord. Or we just decide to do our best to accept things. Often we find that we can put up with an awful lot, as long as we somehow find a way to push it to the back of our mind. Yet, whenever we try to kid ourselves about anything, we compromise our ability to recognise reality. That’s never good. This week you get to look at what’s been swept under the carpet. In the process, you open a wonderful door. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Just imagine what kind of world this would be if nobody in it ever took any risks? What if we were all to play it safe? What if we never made ourselves emotionally vulnerable? Do you fancy life in such a world? Neither do I. Nor, of course, do any of us want to seem foolish. We loath the idea of making a mistake. That though, on balance, is often a chance we have to take. In an odd way, the right thing to do is now the wrong thing! You know that, deep down within and you really should not hesitate any longer
So, here we are at yet another crossroads. You could turn left, you could turn right, you could go straight ahead. At an absolute pinch, you could even double back on yourself. In which direction will you go? You know perfectly well. This is a very academic turning point. A theoretical moment of choice. In practice, there is now only one route you can take. Minds may not be made up but the cosmos has a mind of its own. It knows what it wants from you and deep down within, you recognise this. It is nothing to afraid of. Nor is it anything to regret. You are about to claim your heavenly inheritance.
Should you diversify? Should you add another string to your bow? Or should you take that bow, with its existing string, and aim it very carefully at just the one, single, target? Your recent efforts have not been entirely successful. You have begun to wonder if you will ever make progress with a plan or project. You don’t want to waste more energy. But nor do you want to give up on something that you have invested a lot of faith in. The planets now speak about consistent commitment. If your heart is still attached to a particular objective, keep the rest of your body ? and your head there too.
��Many people find life frustrating. Their dreams just don’t seem to come true. Their hopes get raised, then cruelly dashed. After a while, they grow wise or so, at least, they think. They start lowering their standards. Expecting less. Protecting themselves from disappointment by setting only the most modest aspirations for themselves. Such people are not born under your zodiac sign! Like a rubber ball, you keep bouncing back. And every so often, you score big. This week there’s a chance to work some very real magic. Don’t doubt yourself.
Pisceans are renowned for their imagination and their ingenuity. People born under your sign are blessed with fluidity and flexibility. They can often see solutions to problems ? even in areas where others forget to recognise the existence of a difficulty! That’s one reason why people don’t always appreciate the full extent of your wit and wisdom. You can be too far ahead of your time. Right now though, you are in the right place, at the right time. You are about to implement a plan that turns out to be a resounding success. Don’t be daunted, just because certain other people don’t seem to understand this.
Personally, I blame crossword puzzles. We encounter these at an early age and discover that they are perfectly planned. All answers interlock. For every question, there is a solution. All very neat and tidy. Then we begin to assume that all problems can be tackled in this way. Solved completely. Tied up with a bow and filed under 'F' for Finished. Nobody tells us about paradox. We forget that some things cannot be sorted out so easily. It is just possible that, with regard to a particular matter, you may never reach a satisfactory conclusion. Accept as much and stress will rapidly vanish from your life.
It’s a funny old thing really. We pride ourselves on our intellect yet there are millions of things our brains can never comprehend. Try, wrapping your mind around the concept of infinity. Or eternity! We can use those words but we cannot grasp their meaning. When we sit down to imagine a universe that goes on forever and ever, we just start to boggle. Likewise, when we think about time that has no beginning and no end. So, if we cannot understand such fundamental factors - basic building blocks of existence itself - how can we expect to understand anything else? This week, your heart is talking much more sense than your head.
Be careful. Don't read any more of this forecast than you have to. Over the weekend the government introduced a new taxation system. Horoscopes carry an automatic levy of two pounds per word. So you have already run up a bill of eighty-four pounds! Well, no, not really - thank heaven. But it probably wouldn't surprise you too much if it turned out to be true. Everything else in life seems to be becoming more expensive by the hour. Dramas in your financial world may well intensify this week - but there's plenty of hope on the horizon. Ultimately, you set to gain, not lose.
You have skills that are not being used. Abilities that are not being exploited. You have built up a lot of experience and you are only just now beginning to realise the true value of this. For many years you have wanted to proceed in a particular direction but it has not been possible. Various obligations and limitations have prevented you from making much progress. You suspect that this may be about to happen once more. Your goal is nearly ? but not quite ? within reach. Or maybe it seems as if, any moment now, your chance is about to be cruelly snatched away from you. Not so. Success is assured.
Sales people soon learn not to be upset by a rejection. They learn to play the numbers game. If you knock on 99 doors without any success, this only makes it more likely that you will achieve a breakthrough on the 100th occasion. All you need is stamina - and a thick skin! What have you been trying to sell or persuade someone of, for a very long time now? How many attempts have you made? You are now entitled to see each previous failure - not as confirmation of the hopelessness of your task - but as a reason why, sooner than you think, you can expect to make progress at last.
It’s funny how people say one thing to your face and another behind your back. Or rather, it’s not funny, it’s sad. Yet it is not surprising. Such behaviour has been the way of the world, since the dawn of time. And to a greater or lesser extent, we are all guilty of it. You can’t even call it hypocrisy. For that implies a deliberate dual standard. Often though, we genuinely feel one way while talking to someone ? and we genuinely feel another when we are talking about them! Both feelings are sincere! So now, how do you really feel about a certain person ? and a particular situation? Weigh up both your reactions before you decide.
Work harder. Worry more. Experience additional difficulty. Disagree with people. Feel fed up. Do you think you can manage at least some of the above? It’s funny isn’t it? We don’t need to be told to do this kind of thing. We live in a world that more or less forces it all to happen. Yet we also live in a world that is full of grace, beauty and magic. Our lives are blessings. Our moments are gifts. Our futures are not destined to be full of drudgery. We can experience great joy and contentment at times. You only face one challenge now. Are you going to let a minor matter upset you or are you going to rise high above it?
厄介な話題の場合、人々はしばしばそれを避けるでしょう。彼らはある特定の問題については 触れないと決めるでしょう。彼らは闘争か意見の相違の寸前のところで丁寧に進めるでしょう。 それは1つの方法としてはとても良いが、一方で大丈夫だという誤った感覚を持ってしまいます。 非常に浅はかな意見交換の場では言うまでもなく!適切な議論なしでは何も向上しません。 どんなやりとりも完全に正直ではないので、誤解は増えます。現在月が満月になるにつれ、あ なたは取り組むべき必要があると自分自身分かっていることを無視することが、以前より難しい と感じています。それは良いことです。あなたは言うべきことを言う必要があります。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
When there’s an awkward topic of conversation, people will often avoid it. They will decide not to mention a particular problem. They will step politely around the edges of a conflict or disagreement. That’s very nice in one way but it can create a false sense of security ? to say nothing of a very shallow dialogue! Nothing ever improves because nothing is properly discussed. Misunderstandings multiply because no exchanges are entirely honest. As the moon now grows full you are finding it ever more difficult to ignore what you know you need to tackle. That’s good. You should say what needs to be said. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
��Of course, if your expectations are unreasonable, they can never be met. Everyone knows that, don’t they? Well, everyone may know it but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is true. There are many myths and misconceptions that the inhabitants of this planet cling to with great faith. Many subscribe to the notion that it is best to cut your coat according to your cloth and to work within your limitations. Mars now forms a conjunction to Neptune. This represents a clear message from the sky. Anything is possible. Should that last sentence read, “Anything within reason?” No! Be more ambitious.
Are your needs simple and humble? Or are they wildly ambitious and extravagant? That rather depends on how you view them. Cancerians love to see themselves as modest, unassuming characters who would never do ー or demand anything unreasonable. But what you do want, you want with a passion. And suspiciously often, it seems you want the one thing you cannot have. That one thing may not be very dramatic or very distant but... well... you know what I mean. Can you have exactly what you want now? Perhaps not. You can have something far, far better than that. You are about to discover what it is.
Nature is abundant and generous. She brings forth an endless supply of fruit, foliage and flowers. Even in relatively remote, barren locations, she finds some way to offer food and shelter to the needy. Why then, do so many of us feel deprived and hard done by? It’s not because the planet is being unkind to us ? it’s because society is considerably less benign. People are mean to one another. They share their advantages selectively ? allowing only a chosen few to benefit from their blessings. But even people, ultimately, are products of nature. They have a primeval impulse to be kind. As soon, you will see.
You keep trying to make something work but you find yourself thwarted. There nothing wrong with your plan. It is almost as if you need your difficulty. It may have something to teach you. Or it may be, that in some strange way, it represents the only way in which you can get from here to where you need to be. Some roads simply are not smooth. In an odd way, what bothers you far more than any aspect of your situation, is the idea that things ought not to be this way. Change that idea. Decide that things may be somewhat unconventional but they are fine as they are. And you will discover that it true!
Average equates to ordinary. Ordinary is synonymous with safe. Why risk your neck in search of the supreme when nobody will criticise you for being humdrum? Only one reason. Personal pride. Others may be able to settle for second best but you just cant bring yourself to do that. Your current quest for the best is about to produce an extremely impressive result. The energy you are about to expend is due to reward you greatly.
Would you go looking for cauliflowers in a confectionery shop? Would you seek screwdrivers in a fashion store? Well then, why do you seek logical explanations in a world like this? I know we are brought up to believe such things exist - but that’s just part of a conspiracy! Tantalisingly, people show us ideas that appear sensible and lead us to believe that all things can be understood. Why do they do it? No reason. Now you’re learning. The very same ‘no reason’ why most things in this world ever happen. There’s no particular reason why you have to strike it lucky over the next few days and free yourself of a restriction that has long held you back. But it is, precisely what you are going to be able to do.
ご意見ありがとうございます。自分も「but as a reason why」は そういう感じなのかなぁって思ったんですが、どうもbutが入るのが訳わかめで。 今見たらnot にかかってるんだなって気付きました-で括ってるから気付かなかったです。 意訳かましたくない派なのでひとつの単語がかみ合わなくなるとなだれのように 全体の意味合いがおかしくなってしまいます(ナキ
You know what you are good at. But, whilst that’s gratifying, it is by no means as interesting as a chance to find out what you don’t know. Mysteries are always much more exciting than certainties, especially when they hold forth the possibility of fresh hope. There is, of course, the chance that you could turn out to be useless in your other role. You could yet regret veering away from the straight and narrow. But then, if you think like that, you will never get anywhere. Whereas, if you now trust and follow your urge to explore, you will end up going a very long way indeed.
You have a lot of plans, hopes and ideas. You really need to get working on them. Mars is in your sign. Things are different now to the way they were just a few short weeks ago. It is not fair to say that anything is possible. Many obstacles and difficulties remain. But whilst some of these are as solid as ever, others have had their bolts sheared. They appear to be rigidly fixed in place but if you give them one little push they will swiftly collapse. How can you find out what’s possible and what’s not? Well, really, there’s only one way. Be brave and be determined today.
People, as you may have noticed, say different things at different times. Sometimes, they change their story for the benefit of their audience. Sometimes, they alter it in order to better suit their own mood. Sometimes, they have a good explanation for the alteration. Sometimes, just a poor excuse. More often than not, they do not even realise quite how inconsistent they have been. Even the most conscientious are prone to the occasional memory lapse. You are now dealing with someone who is not saying what they used to say. Maybe it’s time to change your tune too.
本日射手座です〜よろしくお願いします。 They say the best things in life are worth waiting for. But haven’t you been waiting an awfully long time for something that really ought not to be so difficult to deliver? Keen though you may be to let nature take its course, you can’t help but wonder whether nature might appreciate a little extra fertiliser. And what about a hot-house? That’s natural isn’t it? Before you expend too much energy in pursuit of a tantalising yet elusive goal, try waiting just a little bit longer. The planets suggest that you may yet be surprised to discover quite how much is now on its way to you.
人生は舞台稽古とは違います。もちろん本番の劇とも違います。他人に自分の進路を 描いてもらうことは期待できません。また、全ての状況が事前に定義された脚本通りに なると考えるべきではありません。そして、私たちは役(役割)を引き受けることに関して は特に慎重であるべきです。あなたがあなた自身であることはいまとても重要です。ま たある一部の人にとって、同様に気楽に感じることも重要です。問題?あなたがたは互 いに過剰反応しています。あなたがたの相違点は誇張され、その誇張されすぎている 部分はあなたがたの共通点です。自分をだれとも比較しないでください。そして、他人同 士をも比較しないでください! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Life is not a dress rehearsal. But then again, nor is it a play. We cannot expect anyone to write our lines for us. Nor should we imagine that every situation follows a pre-defined plot. And we ought to be particularly careful about taking on a role. It is very important now for you to be yourself. It is also important, for a certain other person to feel similarly free. The problem? You are over-reacting to each another. Your differences are being exaggerated and so too are your points in common. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. And don’t compare anyone else... to anyone else! ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Are your needs simple and humble? Or are they wildly ambitious and extravagant? That rather depends on how you view them. Cancerians love to see themselves as modest, unassuming characters who would never do ー or demand anything unreasonable. But what you do want, you want with a passion. And suspiciously often, it seems you want the one thing you cannot have. That one thing may not be very dramatic or very distant but... well... you know what I mean. Can you have exactly what you want now? Perhaps not. You can have something far, far better than that. You are about to discover what it is.
You spend a lot of time worrying about other people and their welfare. You are always willing to go out of your way to help out. Often, you will completely forget about your own requirements and just feel perfectly satisfied as long as someone else’s are being met. Right at the moment though, others are more interested in you than you are in them! You have friends, followers, admirers! You have scored a big hit. You are needed and wanted. You are powerful and influential. You find this hard to believe? Just watch how today’s events and dramas unfold.
If the choice was yours alone to make, you might well make it rather different. You have some strong desires. Your sense of duty though, is also highly pronounced. You can't just walk away from a commitment. So, for the time being, at least, you will have to turn down an invitation or ignore a possibility. If it still exists when you are free to act differently, you will know it is right for you. If it doesn't, well that can only mean one thing; you have encountered a passing temptation and need think no more about it. The planets are most emphatic. You are in no danger of missing anything.
��It’s funny really. We loathe pretenders and posers. We thoroughly disapprove of cheat and deceit. And yet we idolise actors. People who make their living from living out a lie are rewarded and applauded. The difference, of course, is one of complicity. We only like to be fooled by people who have been given particular permission to fool us. You are now in an excellent position to make a proposition seem highly desirable. You can dress it up and turn it into something stunningly seductive. By all means use Neptune’s power to be persuasive. But don’t be manipulative.
Are you getting your message across? Are you being received and understood? Or does it seem as if someone is determined not to hear you? Various planetary factors now point to a communication problem. It is as if someone has a pre-conceived idea about something. They are so sure they know what they think they can see, that they simply cannot recognise what is actually in front of them! You can explain until you are blue in the face. You won talk this person down from their fantasy. All you can do for now, is make sure there are no scales in front of your own eyes.
Truly principled people don’t stick too closely to their principles. They understand that there are exceptions to every rule. They also recognise the rigidity of dogma. Policies and positions are easy to declare and sometimes too, even to maintain. That doesn’t automatically make them right! In reality, every situation must be judged on its individual merit. As must every person. You may not now be doing what you once said you would do. You may even be doing what you once insisted you would never do but that doesn’t make any of it wrong.
Good Samaritans are not always thanked and praised. Some folk resent their interference. Others are just happy to take advantage of their naive generosity. Does this mean then, that it is better to remain remote and uninterested in the fate of your fellow man? On the contrary. Far better to be a little bruised from too many awkward but well-intended encounters, than to be flawless and heartless! A recent act of kindness is about to produce a somewhat unexpected result. Don’t be deterred from making a further attempt to help someone who clearly now needs some assistance.
Happiness and sadness are two sides of one coin. Their relationship is as intricate and inseparable as the bond between day and night. To declare a preference for one over the other is to imply that you cannot see the hidden link. Does that mean that you must experience both in equal measure? Of course not. Those who love the night soon find a way to sleep throughout the day. And vice versa! You can now have much more joy than sorrow. But you need to remember that to desire anything too intensely brings potential for disappointment.
The question is not, “What will the coming eclipse bring to you?” It is, what will it take from you? You have too much on your plate. You need to lay down a burden, at least for a while. But of course, you are reluctant to do this. You take your responsibilities seriously and you hate to concede defeat. The universe though, knows what you need ? even if you don’t. Your load must be lightened for a while so that you can concentrate on making a success of what’s truly important. Gently but firmly this will soon be arranged for you! If you would rather make the decision for yourself, you had better be quick. And clear.
Years ago I rented a house. In the kitchen was a cooker. And on the cooker was a button. It said, “End Time.” I never dared press it ? although there were moments when I felt sorely tempted. I have often wondered since then, why the universe put that particular control in my care? And what happened to it after I moved out? Is it still there? You though, would always be perfectly safe with such a device. You would never be tempted to press it, just to see what happens next. Er... would you? You are about to take a very big leap of faith. Trust yourself… and be sure you understand what’s involved.
あなたは誠実でよく働いています。規律を守り、ひたむきで勤勉です。 それがまさに あなたといっしょに仕事したくない人が数人存在する理由です。自分達の欠点が暴露 されるのを危惧するか、または仕事を完了させたいという願望が彼らにはありません。 彼らは単に型どおりにしているだけです。彼らが最も欲しくないものは良い結果なので す!まるであなたに仕事を終わらせる力が無いように見えることを心配しないで下さい。 そして、自分の時間とエネルギーを必要とするはるかに良いものが、とてもたくさんある ことをうれしく思ってください。あなたはいかに幸運であるか、つまりもっと価値のある契 約を自由に結べるという状態にあることを知りません。しかし、もうすぐ知るでしょう。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
You are loyal and hard working. Disciplined, dedicated and diligent. That’s precisely why some people don’t want to work with you. Either they fear their shortcomings will be shown up or they have no desire to get the job done. They are merely going through the motions. The last thing they want is a good result! Don’t worry about the things that you seem to have no power over, just be glad that you have so many far better things to do with your time and energy. You don’t know how fortunate it is that you are free to embark on a more rewarding engagement. But you will soon find out. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
The humorous writer, L. Peter, gave his name to a business principle by which people who do well in their jobs are promoted again and again until eventually, they get given a project that they cannot handle or a role they cannot properly play. Here, with this, they remain for the rest of their working lives! Is this why our world is full of mediocrity and incompetence? Certainly, lots of people seem happy to settle for second best. You though, want something much bigger and better. You know full well that if you get your chance, you won blow it. Today, brings you one step nearer to this.
We are about to witness an eclipse of the moon in your zodiac sign. Due to geographical, atmospheric and practical considerations, not all of us will be able to view the celestial phenomenon. But we will, nonetheless, be able to feel its impact. And we will certainly be able to see how it is influencing you. Before our very eyes, you are about to reach a point of no return. You are getting ready to cut your ties with a part of the past that you have outgrown. This is going to take a lot of courage, yet at the same time, it represents about the only move you can possibly make. It cannot possibly be wrong.
Sorry, you can’t read this forecast today. It has been reserved for someone else. Nor can you sit in that chair. And I hope you are not planning to have your favourite food for lunch. There is none left. The sooner you get used to the idea that you cannot get anything that you are hoping for, the better. Don't assume this is a passing phenomenon. It is simply how things will always be from now on. Compromise and sacrifice are the new twin themes of your story. They go hand in glove with frustration and deprivation. Happy about that? Well then, put up a fight! Stand your ground today.
�Fantasies are so attractive. Like the mythical mermaids of seafaring tales, they distract us with their siren songs, causing our fragile boat of hope to founder on the rocks of unrealistic expectation. Oh how we try to shun them and remain sensible at all times. Yet not all fantasies are false. Some dreams can and do come true. If we suppress our every aspiration for fear of disappointment, we may inadvertently deprive ourselves of genuine opportunity. How seriously should you now take a tempting proposition? As seriously as you dare! Creativity is now the key to impressive success.
Our beliefs give us strength and succour. For this, we cherish them. When people have the temerity to question our deepest spiritual connections, we rarely feel well-disposed towards them. However illogical they may be, they are ours. They matter to us. Our commitment to them is lifelong and profound. Still though, subtly, somehow, our beliefs evolve. Our ideas change. Our convictions alter. You are now making room in your mind and in your heart for a wider way of looking at the world. If you don’t already know this, you will soon find out that it is true, and that it is a wonderful thing.
The big bad wolf couldn’t tell what would happen when he huffed and puffed. To him, the house of straw looked very much like a house of bricks. He had had no special training in the construction industry. He just huffed and puffed anyhow, the best he could. Sometimes, he caught his pigs and sometimes, they stayed safe. A wind is now blowing around you. Is something about to collapse or will it withstand the pressure? Only you know the answer to that. Don’t be intimidated by fierce noises and loud threats. Just fortify your defences and prepare to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
The sun comes up every morning. Every evening it slips back down below the horizon once more. Maybe that’s why we all imagine that life is predictable. Other factors compound the illusion. The calendars which give us the same days of the week, over and over. The routines that have us getting up at the same hour of each day. Theoretically, all we need to do is find a way to fit comfortably into a repetitive rhythm. Then, for as long as it never changes, we need never alter either. In reality, every day is different. Flexibility is the true key to success. If today won’t give you what you want, want what it will give you!
Beethoven knocked out a few dodgy tunes before he composed his greatest works. Some of Shakespeare's plays are definitely in the second theatrical division. Conveniently though, we forget this. We idolise our heroes and our heroines and come to believe that they have never put a foot wrong in their lives. As you now look back on an old adventure, you can see plenty to criticise. Be careful. There's a danger that you are being over-sensitive or applying impossibly high standards. Even if you do have reason to regret, you have no reason to assume that future brilliance is in any way compromised by what went before.
Imagine if we were all pure of thought and deed. If our every intention were noble, our every action selfless. Envisage a world over-brimming with altruism and sincerity. How interesting would it be? Without a little shade, how can we appreciate sunshine? Are you now attempting to achieve the impossible? Are you setting yourself a standard that you cannot possibly live up to? Are you trying to be a perfect person in an ideal world? Take the pressure off yourself this weekend. Aim for glorious inconsistency rather than tedious righteousness. You’ll have far more fun.
Is Mercury now retrograde or stationary? Even if you could get a perfect view of the communication planet, you would be hard pushed to reach a conclusion just by looking. You would need a special measuring instrument and a lot of patience for Mercury’s movements now vary each night, not by degrees but by seconds of arc. Experts, clutching logarithmic tables and calculators, insist Mercury will not be technically direct until Tuesday. I say, it’s a moot point. You will notice, this weekend, a distinct difference in the pace of life. There will be progress all around, at last.
山羊原文 Have you ever gone a long way into a conversation with someone, only to suddenly realise that you cannot remember their name? How can you introduce your new-found friend to someone else without this crucial information? Yet you don’t want to appear rude ? or stupid. You are suddenly seeing the need to ask a question that you should really have phrased a long while back. Isn’t it all now a little too late? Perhaps ? but one way or another, you have to find out what you don’t yet know ? and you then have to incorporate that into your plan. This weekend, you will make a breakthrough.
Some people have a Teflon-coated psyche. No matter what they encounter, they shrug it off. Even the most intense experiences seem to make no mark on them. Others are more like cactus plants. Anything that gets remotely near them tends to stick for a while. You don’t forget or ignore a situation until you have learned all it has to teach you. You ask question after question. You reflect very deeply. But when it finally comes time to put it behind you, you do so decisively. A big moment has arrived. A big change has begun. A big step forward takes place this weekend.
獅子座週末 原文 Have you been stopped in your tracks? Or does it look as though this could happen at any moment? If so, have no fear. If you can’t proceed according to plan, it merely means that you are about to be presented with a preferable plan. All good parents sometimes must be ‘cruel to be kind.’ When their children request something dangerous or unhealthy, then no matter how they plead, the adults stand firm and gently steer their charges towards better options. The cosmos is now taking similar steps on your behalf. This weekend, you begin to see the proof of this.
射手座原文 God, we are told, created man in his own image. Or so we are told. Certainly, the reverse is true. Just look at the claim that he added woman as an afterthought. Proof positive that God is just a rubber stamp, used to officialise whatever cock and bull story the preachers want to tell. Happily, none of this stops us all from having our own, deeply personal relationship with the creator. We all envisage that power in our own particular way. And if we are healthy, we find that vision alters as years pass by. This weekend brings a deepening of your faith. And of your understanding.
中には理解するのが難しい考えもあります。それらは複雑に思えるか、またはあまり 考えたくない話題を伴うかです。我々はやっとのことでそれらを取り上げ、ホッとしなが らそれらを手放します。少し違いがあっても別の考えに注目してしまいます。いったん 魅惑の炎が灯ってしまえば、それを弱めることは難しいことが分かります。そのために 我々は少しでも関係のある事柄に関して、必要以上に長い間そこに留まってしまうこと になります。そしてもちろん、我々がより重要な要素と取り組まねばならないと知れば 知るほど、これら注意をそらすものがさらに我々をそそのかします。今週末、何か大切な ことに焦点を合わせてください。魅惑的なものにではなくね。。。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Some ideas are hard to grasp. They seem complicated or they involve issues we prefer not to think about. We pick them up with difficulty. We put them down with relief. Other concepts attract our attention, even from a distance. Once a fire of fascination has been ignited, it can prove hard to damp down. We end up dwelling much longer than we ought to on matters that have little real relevance. And of course, the more we know that we ought to be wrestling with weightier factors, the more these distractions seduce us. Focus, this weekend, on what’s valuable. Not on what’s mesmerising. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
There must have been a point, just before he picked up his brush, when da Vinci saw the Mona Lisa in his mind’s eye. Mozart, similarly, would have heard a great concerto in his mind before he played a single note. Inspiration is invisible. So too, at first, is invention. When great artists or musicians are just standing there, thinking up a brilliant move, it looks as if they aren’t doing anything very useful at all. You have lately been through a process of gestation. You have been allowing yourself time to mull over several interesting possibilities. This weekend, they start coming to life.
How much time do you have? Watch out this weekend. A thief is on the prowl. Don’t put your most precious possession in peril. And lest there be any doubt, let us be clear about what your most precious possession actually is. Your clarity. Your sanity. Your sense of humour. Without this, well... even if you have all the wealth in the world, you will not be able to appreciate it! How can you protect yourself more effectively? By being careful about what you dedicate your time and energy to. If it isn’t crucial, leave it. If it’s pointlessly aggravating, ignore it. If it inspires you, embrace it.
Your feelings have started to change. Emotions that once nearly crippled you with their intensity are fading fast. You can hardly remember why it all mattered so much. Meanwhile, you are having surprising new reactions and responses. You can sit and wonder all you like about whether this is good, bad, right or wrong but you can’t do very much to change the situation. It is as if you are being taken on a journey of discovery. Whether or not you remember signing up for the ride you are travelling. Over the weekend, you will discover much more about the destination. Then you’ll smile.
We are brought up to believe that the world is full of restricted resources. This may be true of some commodities but not all. Take love, for example. The more of this you feel, the more you CAN feel. Even time won’t stop you. It will stretch somehow. Before this forecast starts to sound like a slushy greeting card, I should point out that this only applies to unconditional love. It is hard enough to have that for life itself. It is almost impossible to have it for another person. But even as an aspiration, it can bring forth the most amazing inspiration. As you’ll see, this weekend.
Why are novels so pleasing to read and instruction manuals dull? The problem lies, at least partially, with language. Many words evoke exotic associations. We can easily communicate drama, tension or intrigue. But we can’t put facts across anywhere near so clearly. Try, for example, using words to tell someone exactly how to make a cup of tea. Tiny step by tiny step. Or describing what an orange tastes like. There’s a lot of talk and a lot of drama in your life now but most of it is just making a big deal out of a small detail. Take this weekend’s ‘big adventure’ with a pinch of salt.
Thereis an old saying, Better to keep your mouth shut and let people suspect you are a fool than to open it and leave them in no doubt! There are many other reasons too, why silence can be golden. The more information we reveal about ourselves, the more potential power over us others have. And when we are talking, we cannot do much listening. So we end up hearing our own voice over and over again whilst failing to notice what people are trying to tell us Watch carefully now and keep your ear to the ground. You will yet learn amazing things.
山羊原文 Ignorance is not bliss. It is rather like a strong painkiller. As long as you can keep some in your system, you can avoid noticing many problems and difficulties. Warning signals can pass you by. Important alerts can fall on deaf ears. Situations can go from bad to worse to diabolical. What do you care? You are oblivious to it all. Until, that is, the moment when enlightenment arrives. At which point all you ever wish is that you had known the truth a long time before. It is because you think you know something now, that you cannot see what it is that you need to find out. Be less arrogant.
Some people travel halfway round the world to find what they had at home all along. When their past catches up with them, they see it in a new light. THEN they value it. And some people make the same journey with a view to leaving their past behind. All they want to do is to forget something that has gone wrong. Yet we can no more divorce ourselves from yesterday than we can wed ourselves to tomorrow. Until tomorrow actually arrives, we will never be sure what our relationship with it really is going to be. Your challenge, this week, is just to face whatever you don’t want to see.
You can walk down the same street a thousand times and think you know all it contains. Then you can make that journey once more and find it full of surprises. This may either be because something different has happened on the road... or in your head. Often, our attitudes and expectations trap us in a dull world where little ever alters. Most of us only ever see what we want to see so it doesn’t really matter how much there is to wonder at. We will happily ignore it if it doesn’t fit in with our big idea about what’s going on. Until, that is, we get a week like this. With fresh eyes, you are starting to recognise fresh possibilities.
Many Indian spiritual teachers advise their disciples to “live like a lotus.” They are referring to the flower, not the sports car. The lotus famously blooms just above the surface of a pond. Its roots may stretch deep into the mud below, but this does not compromise its beauty or its grace. The idea is that we should all attempt to rise above whatever may be murky or obnoxious in our lives. We should focus on our higher selves and resist the urge to identify with base desires or impure emotions. Is it really possible? Well actually, this week, you are about to discover that it definitely is!
元来、あなたは金星人です。あなたは包容力があり感性豊かで、しかも独創的かつ 創造力豊かです。何事も無駄には出来ない性格です。機会があれば、あなたはそれ を手に入れるでしょう。手段があればそれを利用するでしょう。美しいものがあればそ れを鑑賞するでしょう。そして見たところ何も無ければ、出来る限り多くそれを理解する 方法を見つけようとするでしょう。すべての金星人がこんな感じです。でもすべての金 星人がおうし座生まれというわけではありません。それがあなたが二倍に祝福される 理由です。実際は今すぐにでも祝福を三倍にできます。なぜなら金星は単におうし座 の支配星というだけではなく、現在おうし座内に「いる」のですから。。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
By nature, you are Venusian. You are receptive, sensitive, creative and fecund. You don’t like to see anything go to waste. If there’s an opportunity, you will seize it. If there’s a resource, you will make use of it. If there’s a beauty, you will appreciate it. And if there’s seemingly not very much at all... you will find a way to make as much of it as you possibly can. All Venusians are like this. But not all Venusians are Taureans. That’s why you are doubly blessed. Indeed, right now, we can make that a treble ? for Venus is not only the ruler of your sign ? it is currently IN your sign. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Would you like to buy the world a Coke? Back in the innocent, idealistic 70s, this was regarded by many as the highest act of altruism that any spiritual soul could aspire to. Those of a more evangelical disposition could attempt to "teach the world to sing in perfect harmony." Somehow, through a combination of soda pop and voice coaching, we were hoping to usher in an age of love and understanding. These days, few of us expect it to be so simple but that doesn't mean all dreams of a better world are naive and passe. This week, you are in danger of going soft. Is that such a bad thing?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. That’s what they say. But it isn’t always true. Sometimes, when you do nothing, you gain a great deal. Self−respect, for example, if you can manage to resist the urge to respond to a taunt, or satisfaction if you can patiently wait for something that does not need to be hurried. What’s more, something ventured is most definitely not always something gained. Many efforts are wasted. Many deeds produce no result. I make this point purely to stress that I am not merely giving you glib advice. You now very much want to do something. And you should. If you try it, it will work.
おひつじ座原文です ��Some people call it prosperity consciousness. Others call it the psychology of abundance. Once upon a time, before the far-out, right-on, new-age dawn, they used a more down to earth term: “An eye for a fast buck,” Anyway, whatever you want to call it, you’ve now got it. Or you will have it soon. You don’t have to feel your options are limited and your choices are restricted. It is almost as if some natural inner magnetism is drawing wealth into your world. Encourage the assumption that everything you desire is attainable if only you are willing to try hard enough. For this is just about true.
おはようございます。獅子座19日です。 よろしくお願いします。 You are entitled to your opinion ? unless, of course, you are of the opinion that a certain other person is not entitled to their opinion! That’s an opinion you are NOT entitled to. Er.. unless that person is of the opinion that you are not entitled to your opinion. THEN you are entitled to your opinion about their opinion. Aren’t you? If there’s one thing we all love more than a nice, comforting, clear point of view, it’s a good old-fashioned argument. We love ifs and buts. Exceptions and complications. You can’t really win this week’s debate but nor can you lose it. Unless, that is, you take it too seriously.
We try hard to be sensible. We fill in forms carefully. We follow rules religiously. We think of the most organised people we have ever met and try to emulate their example. Ultimately though, it is all in vain. The problem, you see, is that we are living in a crazy world. It?s a madhouse and the most dangerously certifiable inhabitants are the ones who purport to be sane. You are not quite sure whether to laugh or cry about a certain factor. Laugh! Then you?ll see why it?s not a problem after all. Jupiter and Neptune are now taking you closer by the day to a life-changing development.
You like to portray yourself as a person of great discretion and discrimination. You like to be respected for your wisdom and recognised for your restraint, yet secretly beneath your sensible exterior, you are a creature of wild passions and electric impulses. When these start racing through your veins you find it almost impossible to keep the mask in place. Right now, your heart is in the driving seat and your head is looking nervously over the map, somewhere near the back of the vehicle. That’s fine as long as you don’t try to travel too fast. What you need most right now, is on its way to you.
“If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” That’s what some folk say. But is this really good advice? If someone behaves in an unacceptable way, should you emulate their example and sink to their level? High standards are never easy to uphold but it is especially hard to maintain them whilst surrounded by folk who seem to be profiting from laziness, carelessness, stupidity or selfishness. When you look at what others seem to get away with, it makes you wonder why you bother. But then you remember. You have a private relationship with a higher power. You cannot get away from doing anything less than your best.
マリリン・モンローには足の指が6つありました。彼女は足に関してはとても 気にしていたのです。実際彼女は己の美しさの程度に疑問を持っていました が、それでも多数の人々が彼女は今までの中で最もゴージャスでグラマラス な女性の一人であると思いました。さあ、ここで良い質問があります。あなた はどれくらいすてきですか?自分自身で答えようとして悩まないでください。 あなたの見解は正しくありません。自分について考えることは全て、これを知 る必要があります。:現在金星がおうし座内を通過していくにつれ、あなたに 大いに魅力的な輝きを放っています。 あなたはだれかのひざを震わせていま す。そして彼らの脈拍を早めています。そして・・・おそらく残りはすぐ見つかる でしょう。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Marilyn Monroe had six toes. She was very self-conscious about her feet. She had real doubts about the extent of her own beauty yet millions still considered her to be one of the most gorgeous, glamorous women who ever lived. Now, here’s a good question. Quite how lovely are you? Don’t bother trying to answer this yourself. Your perspective is not straight. Whatever you think about yourself, you need to know this: Venus, as it now passes through your sign, is causing you to radiate a profoundly attractive glow. You are making someone’s knees knock. And their heart race and... well, you’ll probably soon find out the rest. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Sometimes, we say the same thing over and over to ourselves in the hope that if we repeat it often enough, it will become the truth. We try to tell ourselves that we like a person, even when we don’t. Or that we are happy in a certain situation, even when we aren’t. Often, this process of repetition bears fruit. We kid ourselves completely to the point where we can remember no other reality. You have been saying something for a long time now. You may not yet have managed to convince yourself but you have convinced someone else. Soon, their expectation will impact on yours ? in a surprisingly positive way.
山羊原文 The King was quite convinced by the charlatans. He loved his invisible new outfit and he wore it with pride. Nobody dared question the judgement of a monarch so he strolled stark naked through the streets whilst everyone tried hard to imagine that he was wearing something. Until, that is, a little boy broke the spell by pointing out the obvious. Imagine the trouble that poor kid got into. Nobody ever likes to be reminded of the truth when a lie is so much more exciting, interesting and convenient to believe. Should you keep quiet for the sake of an uneasy peace today? Ha! Just try. You can’t!
Are you right or are you wrong? Well, you are wrong if you think you are in the right. But you are right to think you are not in the wrong. It is wrong to think in terms of right and wrong. It is wrong too, to think in terms of wrong and wrong. It is right though, to think in terms of right and right! There are two ways to look at a particular situation and both have validity. You feel that you would be more willing to recognise the merit in someone else’s point of view, if only they were prepared to acknowledge the relevance of yours. But actually, you need to be big enough to see both sides of a certain story, even if others are determined only to see one.
Your forecast today is sponsored by “Wizzo” the wonder formula. Cures acne, heartburn, angst and gout. Apply liberally to remove warts and other unsightly blemishes. Drink two spoons nightly for improved vitality and memory. Removes toxins from impure vegetables. Cleans silver. Wins elections. Plus folks, if you order now, we’ll also throw in, absolutely free, a year’s supply of “Fizzo”. Shed pounds in days. Massage into problem areas for an instant cellulite banishment. Bonds metal to plastic. Mends broken hearts. Sounds too good to be true? Well, there are some good solutions on offer now ー but none are THAT good. Be wary.
Should you interfere? Should you mind your own business? Should you make an effort? Should you wait to see what happens? Should you give it your best shot? Or should you give it up as a bad job? I know what. Why not just sit around endlessly debating the pros and cons of a courageous move? With a little luck, by the time you feel ready to reach a decision, circumstances will have moved on and decided everything for you. This week’s boat is easily missed. This week’s chance is easily lost. But if you grab your opportunity with both hands and follow your heart, rather than your head, you won’t have cause to sit and wonder whether you did the right thing.
“Me and my shadow strolling down the avenue...” This happy tune was written by Billy Rose and Al Jolson many moons ago. It conjures up a lovely image of a cheerful soul, dancing and singing down the road. Yet psychologists speak of a shadow in less enthusiastic terms. To them, the shadow is the dark side of our personality. The part of our nature we try to hide from the rest of the world... and from ourselves. But maybe it is wise to celebrate and be glad of what we can never get away from. After all, if you shine a spotlight on a shadow, it disappears. You are meeting your shadow now. Take it for a walk and give it a chance to explain itself.
�There’s nothing more annoying than reading a zodiac forecast that cheerfully insists your life is full of opportunity, at a time when you happen to feel as if you are up to your eyes in er... well, never mind, I’m sure you know what I mean. But of course, there’s a direct relationship between that stuff and prosperity! As they say in my part of the world, “Where there’s muck, there’s brass.” Our worst problems bring forth our best solutions. We grow when we are being stretched. No matter what’s bugging or bothering you now, you will soon have cause to be glad of it. In an odd way, it represents your quickest route to happiness.
People consistently underestimate your strength and power. They mistake your caution for cowardice, your pensiveness for passivity. You have no problem with this. It merely makes it easier for you to win battles of wit. You are perfectly capable of summoning great strength and determination. Once your mind is made up, it does not change and sooner or later you always get what you are after. Remember that now and relax a little. Victory is already assured. Only the timing of it is subject to question. It will come all the quicker if you refuse to hurry - or worry. And if you pay no more attention to what others think!
They say that to err is human and to forgive is divine. But how do they know? Error is often very much in the eye of the beholder. One person's dreadful mistake, is another's delightful triumph. And what of forgiveness? Are there not times when this is better withheld? To be overly free with forgiveness could be construed by many as an act of cowardice or condescension. Do you really want to let a certain person off the hook? Or would you prefer to see them wriggle there for a while longer? It's your choice. But don't let the arrival of an exceptionally good mood entirely erode your baser nature.
20日 蠍座 Do you know what you are really capable of? Are you beginning to feel like a thoroughbred race horse who is being used to pull a cart? Or a great artist who has been put to work as a house painter? Are you also finding yourself obliged to watch from the sidelines whilst others, who clearly do not know what they are doing, make a series of regrettable choices. Focus, for now, on the difference that you can make and the area of life where you actually do have some power. Your chance to spread your wings and soar high above a set of petty problems will come sooner than you think.
Do you need a big change? Do you need to see a dramatic difference? Does something fundamental need to alter? Yes and no. When we don’t know the answer to a particular question, we tend to assume it is going to be hard to find out. Processes seem to be much more complicated when they have not been properly explained. Solutions seem to be much more distant when they have not yet been fully thought through. You are much nearer than you think to a small but significant development that could yet alter everything in a very pleasing fashion.
We live in hope. We can’t help it. Hope is hardwired into our heads. It is a part of the operating system. It refuses to go away. Is it justified? Well, there’s a funny thing about hope. It justifies itself. As long as you have it, you have the ability to turn a difficult situation into an easy one. The moment you lose it, you find yourself missing the most crucial tool for survival. Don’t ask today, whether your optimism is based on realism. Simply remind yourself that it is always realistic to be optimistic. Continue to live in hope, and to let hope live in you!
一生懸命頑張りすぎる人がいます。あまりに努力しすぎです。努力してもがいて 多くの不要なストレスを生みます。彼らはモグラ塚から山を作ります。木の実を割 るのに大ハンマーを用います。ドラマを危機に変えます。そして何かとても重要な ものを忘れてしまいます。人生において最も簡単で最も単純なことが、たいていの 場合最善のこととなります。あなたは今、どれくらい一生懸命働くべきでしょうか? その(一生懸命働く)必要はまったくありません。今日の目標を達成するためには、 是非とも少しだけ努力してみてください。本当に少しだけ。もっとずっと手がかかる ようなら、それはおそらくあなたが知らないもっと簡単な代替手段があることを意味 します。 ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Some people try too hard. They make far too much effort. They strive and struggle and generate much unnecessary stress. They make mountains out of molehills. They use sledgehammers to crack nuts. They turn dramas into crises and they forget something very important. The easiest, simplest things in life are almost always, the best. How hard should you now be working? Not very! By all means go to a bit of trouble in order to accomplish today’s target. But only a bit. If it takes much more than that, it probably means there’s an easier alternative that you have not seen. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) Happy birthday to all Taurus who were born on this day. (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Don't worry about how much you may stand to lose, think about how much you may be able to gain. Look at the pros rather than the cons. Indeed, don't stop there. Look at the cons in a different light. Decide that even if they were to prove relevant, their impact would not be as bad as you fear. Indeed, oddly, you might benefit from encountering a particular problem or creating a certain difficulty. Be afraid of nothing. Be open to anything. Be willing to trust that even if things don't go quite the way you think they ought to, they will work out well enough.
When something goes wrong, we start to lose our faith. We begin to assume that we must have made some kind of mistake. We regret our indiscretions and we worry about the choices that have led to our current situation. Clearly, we feel, we are “not supposed” to be where we are. We have arrived in our present position by accident. Therefore, nothing good can ever come of it. Before we know it, we have started sliding down a spiral of pessimism. There’s just one thing you need to know today. Despite all you fear, you are in the right place. At the right time.
When something goes wrong, we start to lose our faith. We begin to assume that we must have made some kind of mistake. We regret our indiscretions and we worry about the choices that have led to our current situation. Clearly, we feel, we are “not supposed” to be where we are. We have arrived in our present position by accident. Therefore, nothing good can ever come of it. Before we know it, we have started sliding down a spiral of pessimism. There’s just one thing you need to know today. Despite all you fear, you are in the right place. At the right time.
�The devil, they say, is in the detail. I’m not so sure myself. It’s a very strange place for the Prince of Darkness to reside. Why hide there when you can walk abroad and wreak havoc in the world of general principles? You can spread plenty of paint with a broad brush and you can spread plenty of mischief with a broad-based assumption. Can you really stir up quite as much trouble with some fiddly-widdly, petty, predicative factor? It is not the detail you now need to look at. It is the big idea. Ask just one question, who does it benefit most?
They say, "Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do today." But how do you know what you can do today? Very often, we over-estimate the amount of activity that we can cram into a 24 hour period. Yet there's one thing we can always manage to do today ? and that's put something off until tomorrow! In what way are you prevaricating now? Is there or is there not an option to act fairly immediately? Do you or do you not want to take this? Will there or will there not be any particular advantage to waiting a while? Well then, if you really mean it, make your move.
Have you ever wondered where dust comes from? There seems to be an awful lot of it about. Personally, I blame vacuum cleaners. Think about it. All day long they suck up dirt. Then what happens? We take it out of the house and we send it off with the garbage collectors. And sooner or later, it gets let out again. If we all just stopped cleaning up, the dust wouldn’t keep moving around. Er.... would it? Beware flawed logic today. And beware too, a subtle temptation to talk yourself into an interesting point of view that actually works against your own best interests.
Marketing experts often speak about ‘Brand loyalty’. They use the expression excitedly and rub their hands together with glee. Some people care so much about the name of a particular manufacturer that they will pay almost any price for their product, regardless of its quality. Some famous names deserve their reputation. Others really don’t. What are you placing your trust in now, and why? Are you just conveniently assuming everything will be fine because somebody says so? Or are you really looking at what a particular situation entails? Read between the lines today.
People love to talk. Unfortunately, they are rarely quite so keen to listen. That’s why conversations often become rather frustrating. People take it in turns to state their position and very little true dialogue actually takes place. Today’s most crucial encounter must not be allowed to go down this road. Somehow, you need to find the proposition that will most interest a particular person. In order to do this, all you need is to make yourself sympathetic to the view of the world they currently have, regardless of whether or not you agree or approve of this!
Isn’t it time you had an adventure? Don’t you deserve a little more excitement? Or is there a risk that, if you are given so much as an inch of opportunity, you will end up taking a mile and living to regret it? It’s strange how we end up listening to the voice of our inner schoolteacher. We become so keen to avoid trouble that we stop ourselves from doing almost everything. Is there really a good reason why you should hold back the strong impulse you currently feel? It might just do you the world of good to spread your wings a little further.
水瓶21日デイリー Of course there are some aspects of your own personality that you are less than delighted with. Hey, welcome to life on Planet Earth. We all have to face the fact that we are less than perfect. We also have to do what we can to improve ourselves. None of this though, means that we have to spend hours feeling bad about our imperfections. That kind of behaviour is self-indulgent and, to some extent, it represents the very kind of negative tendency that needs to be cured! Today brings a happy reminder that in one person’s eyes, at least now, you are truly wonderful.
Along come the Keystone Cops in hot pursuit of a villain. They know the man with the waxed moustache is behind a locked door. They cannot get him to let them in so they build a battering ram. They come racing towards the door and then, at the very last moment, it flies open. Unable to stop, our heroes race right through the room and straight out the window on the far side. Make sure your life does not begin to resemble a silent movie today. Use no more force than you have to. Be subtle and sensitive. And consider the possible consequences of your actions before you make them!
Along come the Keystone Cops in hot pursuit of a villain. They know the man with the waxed moustache is behind a locked door. They cannot get him to let them in so they build a battering ram. They come racing towards the door and then, at the very last moment, it flies open. Unable to stop, our heroes race right through the room and straight out the window on the far side. Make sure your life does not begin to resemble a silent movie today. Use no more force than you have to. Be subtle and sensitive. And consider the possible consequences of your actions before you make them!
It is never wise to sit on the fence for too long. No matter how you position yourself there, you are likely to end up with a nasty pain in the posterior. Sooner or later, you have to come down in favour of one side of an argument - or the other. Or so, at least, we are traditionally told. These days, there are many who might dispute the assertion. Politicians of the centre, for example. Middle-of-the-road musicians. Lots of folk do well through pursuing a process of bland neutrality. That said, you are about to reach a clear conclusion about a crucial matter. You won’t change your mind again.
Wise men say, “Only fools rush in.” But what do fools say? Interestingly enough, they tend to be in agreement with the wise men. Which presents us with a bit of a conundrum. For, if fools and wise men are offering us the same observation, how can we be sure who is talking to us? And here’s another question. If the foolish agree with the wise, aren’t those foolish folk now wise? Or are the wise now foolish? Either way, it becomes hard to decide who precisely is doing all that rushing in. There’s something now that you can’t help doing. Don’t worry about it. And don’t apologise either.
The government may spend billions each year on arms... but the people spend trillions on faces! The cosmetic industry is enormous. We plough a fortune, every day into an attempt to disguise our features. We go to every effort to create a look that represents how we would like to be seen. No wonder we get the feeling, sometimes, that others don’t really know who we are! Conflicts are starting to arise around you. These are due, at least in part, to a case of mistaken identity. Never mind how it arose. Now is the time to replace an attractive assumption with a realistic appraisal.
Leos are supposed to be consistently confident. Permanently proud. Eternally authoritative. We read this everywhere. Yet the reality, as you and I both know, is different. Your certainty comes and goes in waves. It ebbs and flows throughout the day, week and month ? much as the tide tends to fluctuate. When you are on a high, you are unbeatable. When you are on a low ? well, maybe that’s why people have the wrong idea. Maybe you disguise your difficulties too well. Lately, events have caused you to question yourself. Soon though, your strength will be back with a vengeance.
Have you ever been camping? There you are, out in your tent on a rainy night. The fly sheet has come loose and a little pool of water has made its way on to your sleeping bag. It has arrived slowly, drop by drop so your body heat has had a chance to raise its temperature. You are wet, but not yet cold! If you could only manage to keep sleeping through, you could probably ignore the whole situation for a while longer. But the moment you wake up, you have had it. You will never be able to get comfortable again. A discovery may soon prove inconvenient but you will yet be very glad of it.
Watch please as I swing this crystal pendulum back and forth. Fix your gaze on the stone and follow it. Back and forth. Back and forth. You are feeling sleepy. Very sleepy. When I count to three, you will descend into a deep trance. One, two, three. OK. Now tell me honestly please, what are you really trying to achieve in your current situation? Thank you. That makes a lot more sense. When I count to three again, you will wake up and remember nothing. One, two, three. Ha! Now I know what you’re playing at. But you’re still none the wiser. I suggest you find out as soon as you can.
おはようございます。 天秤座 22日です。 よろしくお願い致します。 Why don’t we all just play it safe? I’ll write you a dull little forecast, full of sensible advice about limiting risk and deferring gratification. You can read it, nod sagely in agreement ? and then forget the whole thing five minutes later when you are presented with the temptation that you absolutely cannot resist. Then, I will be able to say that I did my best to warn you and you will be able to say that you were not properly warned! If I really stick my neck out and say what I truly feel today, you may not like it. Oh, go on then! This weekend, you need to behave yourself!
おひつじ座 5/22 予報 �They say that where there’s a will there’s a way. But what happens when two people, with strong wills, are in conflict? Do they cancel each other out? Or does the most determined person triumph? This is not a question you often have cause to dwell on. Nature has blessed you with an inextinguishable inner fire. You know how to push hard for what you want. The only time you play second fiddle is when it suits you to delegate a little authority. Will you really now get what you want? Absolutely - provided you really want it badly enough.
We all like to think of ourselves as invincible, infallible and immortal. Perhaps, in a way, we truly are all of these things. Invincible because, though others can sometimes hurt us, they can never destroy us. Infallible, because even when we appear to have made a mistake, we may have been doing the perfect thing for reasons that have yet to become clear. Immortal because, although our bodies do not live forever, our souls are made of energy. And energy has no beginning or end. Not convinced? Well, you’ll soon have reason to feel fairly strong, anyhow
After a while, we get used to things the way they are. It doesn’t much matter whether they are good or bad, pleasing or disappointing, comfortable or awkward. We just become familiar with the world we know and we start to feel a little strange about change. But of course, nothing stays the same forever. Oddly, ironically, you are now encountering developments that once you couldn’t wait for. Yet you are not quite sure how you feel about these. Hold on for a few more days. You will soon feel a lot more confident about the direction that you are heading in.
Charlie Chaplin was once asked how to make a comedy work on screen. “First,” he replied, “show a man. Then show a banana skin. Show the man walk towards the banana. Have him lift up his foot and step OVER the banana skin - only to fall into a hole in the ground!” Good comedians know how to play with our expectations, as do all good manipulators. Someone now, is encouraging you to think one thing in the hope that this will prevent you from seeing something else. What is really being said and meant? Tempting though it is to let yourself be led, you need to think for yourself.
Some problems can easily be solved with logic. We just have to sit down and think carefully. Others are nowhere near so responsive to the intellect. You can wrap your brain around an emotion from now until the end of time, you won’t get any closer to understanding why it exists. There’s a lot of debate and discussion taking place now. You can easily spend the whole weekend trying to work out what is the best move to make. You are not though, likely to be any the wiser by the time you have finished. Your heart is now not only a much better judge than your head, it is a much faster one!
So here you are, at the top of a diving board. Way down below you can see what you hope, is a large pool of water. Are you ready to jump? Well, if not, what are you doing up here? You have picked a fine time to decide you don’t much fancy the adventure. Is it possible to shuffle back to the steps and make your way back down? Probably ー but do you really need to make such an undignified retreat? Your doubts and misgivings are only natural. You have, after all, placed yourself in a difficult position. But as long as you now act with courage and clarity, you will yet attain a triumphant result.
牡牛座原文 It is always healthy to have an inquiring mind. It is though, most unhealthy to have a personality that never takes anything on trust. We can end up worrying too much about minor or non-existent problems. Or like children, turning imaginary steering wheels in the back of the family car, we can strive far too hard to drive forward processes that are naturally unfolding at their own pace. Be cautious, by all means, this weekend, but don’t be overly anxious. The obstacles and difficulties you face are merely tests of your sincerity. Respond to them with determination, not with suspicion.
Open the packet and just add water. Follow the easy instructions. Snap your fingers and hey presto! Oh, if only it were all so simple. Sadly, even in this high-tech push-button age, some things have to take their time. Emotional processes absolutely cannot be hurried. We cannot simply force ourselves to change the way we feel. Gradually though, we can re-train our hearts and minds. You have been working for some while now on a different way to respond to some powerful triggers. This weekend brings your first test of that new strength. Fear not, you will pass with flying colours.
Rituals and ceremonies do not, on their own, have power or potency. This has to be conferred upon them by those who believe. They can help to confirm or consolidate a process but they cannot instigate or initiate it. Nor can they ever persuade a person of a different opinion to change their mind. There’s a lot of posturing and positioning taking place at the moment. A lot of pomp and protocol too. Don’t worry about any of it. You now know what needs to happen. No speech, show or spectacle can make a difference to your plan.
おはようございます! 獅子座週末をお願いします Tea bags used to be square. Then they were round. Then they became pyramid shaped. Those little arrows, on the diagram on the side of the box, used to point in the other direction. Marketeers are not yet entirely convinced we have reached the end of the tea bag development line. Light-reactive, oblong bags folded into a concertina with water softness censors included will probably be with us in a while. But now think of the knife and fork. Is this basic design ever likely to alter? In your life now, a certain arrangement is perfect just as it is. Don't worry about trying to change it this weekend.
You now feel a very strong urge to act in a particular way. You are not especially interested in the rights and wrongs of this. You are having an impassioned, impulsive experience. Your enthusiasm for a particular idea is almost childlike. But it is not childish. There’s a method to your madness and a reason why you feel such a burning desire to ensure a particular plan comes to fruition. Instinctively, you have known for a long time that you need to make a greater contribution to a worthy cause. You can now take a big step ina delightful direction. And you should.
So many plans, so many hopes, so many big ideas. It’s funny how we are all so fond of thinking. We just can’t stop - even when there’s nothing much to think about! Those ideas keep rolling over and over in our minds, rather like info-mercials on a satellite channel in the middle of the night. Only for some strange reason, we can’t seem to turn them off. You know full well that some of your thoughts are worth pursuing and others are just plain crazy. But can you find the discipline to discriminate this weekend? The planets look set to do all they can to help.
Every so often, due to circumstances beyond your control, you get hold of the wrong end of the stick. You misunderstand what someone is trying to say or you realise, too late, that they meant X when they said Y. This is, of course, never your fault. It is just down to the silly way in which people communicate - or rather, fail to communicate! Even so, you then feel a duty to set the record straight. Sometimes though, due to the weird way people behave, this brings more chaos. To be on the safe side this weekend, make no effort to explain anything to anyone. Then it won't be your fault when they get confused!
Imagine going to a strip joint in search of true love. Or heading for a burger bar in the hope of finding healthy food. Or looking for peace at a rock concert. Or truth at a political meeting. Or tolerance in a religious sect. Somewhere in your world now, someone is barking up the wrong tree. Although you may feel sorely tempted to point out the error of their ways, you had perhaps best, first, take a look at your own behaviour. What are you now trying to find in an unlikely place? This weekend brings a chance to plough a far more fertile field.
�Is everything predestined? Are we playing out parts that were written long ago? Or do we have choice? Can our actions influence the way things turn out? Well, thats a long debate. Some time, when you and I both have a decade to spare, perhaps we can give it the concentration and discussion it deserves. Meanwhile, you wont go far wrong this weekend if you work on the following principle. Whilst the future of some things may hang in the balance and some destinies may well be subject to change the outcome of your highest priority project now, is a forgone conclusion... in your favour!
※Someone now, is encouraging you to think one thing in the hope that this will prevent you from seeing something else. ※この文、ちょっと意訳というか、原文より断言的に書きました。 ※日本語と英語の表現の差というか・・・その点お含み置きください。
Extravagance, we are taught, is a shameful trait. From an early age we are encouraged to be frugal, prudent, even parsimonious. Yet whenever we look at nature, we see wanton excess! Trees with a thousand leaves. Plants with a hundred flowers. Snowflakes by the million. Can't the world get by with far less? The cosmos though, is infinite. Why should something endlessly bounteous be interested in accountancy? You are a part of that natural cosmos aren't you? Then, why be so worried about living within your limits? This week offers an adventure. Be wild. Embark on it.
Imagine pointing a TV camera at a wall, then dipping a brush in paint and slowly covering that surface. You could invite the audience to watch while the paint slowly dries. Not a ratings winner? Ah, but what if the paint was being applied by... A CELEBRITY?! That would be fascinating wouldnユt it? Weユd all have to race home early to watch that one. The Greeks and Romans had their gods and goddesses. We have our pop-stars and sporting personalities. Try, this week, not to forget the true extent of your own celebrity status. Afford yourself the respect and recognition you really deserve.
You don’t get long on this planet. A handful of decades or so. Two handfuls at the most. And the last few handfuls go by much faster than the first few. As youngsters, our eyes (and indeed all our senses) are wide open. We take everything in. A minute seems like an hour. As we get older our attention span increases. We become able to spend a lot longer dwelling on the past - or projecting thoughts into the future. So we become far less able to notice and appreciate the here and now. You have something wonderful to focus on. Make the most of it. Forget everything else.
Imagine pointing a TV camera at a wall, then dipping a brush in paint and slowly covering that surface. You could invite the audience to watch while the paint slowly dries. Not a ratings winner? Ah, but what if the paint was being applied by... A CELEBRITY?! That would be fascinating wouldn't it? We'd all have to race home early to watch that one. The Greeks and Romans had their gods and goddesses. We have our pop-stars and sporting personalities. Try, this week, not to forget the true extent of your own celebrity status. Afford yourself the respect and recognition you really deserve.
In one way, we are all performers. We have a private face and a public face. We work hard to project a particular image. We like to be thought of as clever or kind or cute. We work hard to keep up an appearance. Deep down within though, we are rarely what we seem. There are always, contradictions and inconsistencies. Others have trouble reconciling these in us and we in turn, have the same trouble with them. This week, you are really getting to know someone. They, likewise, are discovering much about you. The process is a little bumpy and wobbly but it is likely to have a highly constructive outcome.
Exceptional talents don’t just rest on their laurels or trade on their reputations. No matter how well they have done, they continue to chip away at the coal face of success. Relationships, similarly, need constant maintenance, no matter how good they may once have been. Indeed, all agreements and arrangements must be updated every so often. This week’s eclipse raises the twin spectres of ‘involvement’ and ‘commitment’. You are becoming obliged to look at what’s no longer OK the way it is but only so you can now begin to base it on a better foundation.
Some people take a perverse satisfaction from telling others what they are or are not allowed to do. They enjoy explaining entitlement, especially when this gives them a chance to dwell on limitation or restriction of some kind. “You want what?” They say sneeringly, “Why, don’t you know the rules?” Even if we are fortunate enough to have no such characters in our vicinity, we still have to contend with an inner voice that likes to take much the same tone. A part of you now suspects that it is simply impossible to get what you are after. Events later this week should silence that inner cynic. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
We all have a public face and a private one. We act differently in front of people we know and we try our best to make a good impression on strangers. Sometimes, we end up concentrating so hard on our image that we become confused about our own true identity. We try to act out the roles that others expect us to play. Somewhere in this process, we lose something valuable. Our deepest point of inner balance. You have come under a lot of pressure lately. This has made you more wobbly than you need to be. Coming events will help to put you on an even keel once more.
With enough determination, you can do almost anything. Except, perhaps, take it easy. You can be as determined as you like to relax - but that won’t make it any the easier. Relaxation is achieved through lack of determination! You have to care less, not more if you really want to feel all calm and floaty. Ah, but is this what you really want at the moment? You may claim to be interested in a quiet life but your actions imply some enthusiasm for a much noisier existence. There’s nothing wrong with that ? but you may as well still relax ? for it is already clear you are going to get your own way.
Psychologists believe that everyone has a hidden agenda. Behind our clever, comforting, conscious explanations lurk intense, unreasonable emotional urges. We can hide them from others. We can even hide them from ourselves. But sooner or later, they will make their presence felt. We will find ourselves looking back on a situation and asking, “Why on earth did I act like that?” If we want to feel whole and at peace with ourselves, we must learn to recognise and come to terms with our odd inner demons. That takes courage. But it brings a wonderful freedom as you will soon find.
Some feel that doubt is healthy. Others are doubtful. Probably, it all depends on what you happen to be doubting. Rarely though, is it a good idea to doubt yourself. If exceptional circumstances demand it, the process should be swift... and must reach a quick, clear conclusion. Now though, you need not go through this much uncertainty. There’s a reason why you are in your current situation. You may not be right about everything, all the time, but you are right to feel what you currently feel. As you gradually, this week, get a chance to act on your instincts, you should do so with confidence.
26日 蠍座デイリーです。宜しくお願い致します。 You don’t like short cuts and easy answers. You know from bitter experience that these usually have hidden drawbacks. You prefer plans that are solid and likely to last. It’s not proving easy now, to see where the answer to a key question really lies. Neither short nor long term solutions are presenting themselves. Understandably, you feel stuck. In the run up to the solar eclipse, that sense of exasperation may get worse before it gets better... but it WILL get better. Even if you don’t find a clean and tidy way to sort everything out, you will at least find a way that works.
27日山羊原文 Some things in this world go on forever. There will, for example, always be trouble. Always. You can try to avoid it. You can try to resolve it. You can even be successful in the endeavour! Still though, somehow, trouble will reproduce itself. Like a single cell amoeba it doesn’t require much help or encouragement. Criticism is another seemingly self-replenishing substance. Court it or ignore it as you choose. It will never be absent from your world for long. Happily, there will always be one thing that’s even more powerful and accessible. Wisdom. Just summon yours today and all will be fine.
You have been here before but last time, things were different in a hundred subtle and not so subtle ways. Think of how soap operas use the same set for a range of dramas. You may watch a couple arguing in one room, one week ? and next week, in that room you may see two other people doing something very different. Or what about the bridge of the Enterprise? We saw it in every episode of Star Trek but we cannot tell from this alone, which sector of the universe we are in. Yes there is something familiar about your situation. But as you are about to discover, there is also something very new and hopeful.
People often speak about going “on a journey of self-discovery.” They make it sound like a trip to the shops. “Oh, I am just setting out on a personal quest... save me some supper if I’m late back .” In reality, such expeditions last forever. The “self” is not some finite thing that you can explore like a building. The more you learn about who you really are, the more you realise how much more there is to discover. So it would be silly of me to predict that soon you will complete an investigation. But you ARE about to take a significant step into territory you have never encountered before. A revelation awaits.
Taureans are cautious characters. We know this must be true for we have read it in a thousand reference works. Have you ever wondered why such books always agree? It’s because a lot of them aren’t written by real astrologers at all. They are knocked out by journalists trying to make a fast buck. So they go down to the library, get out all the previous words of wisdom on the topic and recycle them with a slight twist. One person, once said something about your sign. Ever since, it has been pathetically parroted. But if you are really such a wuss and a wimp, how come you are now taking such a brave (and wise) risk? ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Don’t put it off. Don’t leave it to chance. Be a bit of a control freak. Force the issue, push the point. Well, I say that but of course, I am making a bit of an assumption. I am figuring that you have a particular, practical project to pursue. With regards to all issues emotional, personal or relationship related, the advice is actually very different. Step back. Be gentle. Let time pass. But if it is to do with work, career or creativity ? give it all you’ve got while you still have this rare astrological opportunity to make a difference. Mars in your sign is still giving you exceptional power and influence.
What deals have been done? What agreements have been reached? How many of these, in practice, are as good as they once sounded in theory? Are you travelling on autopilot? Are you making the best of a less than brilliant situation? Do you feel that there must be room for improvement somewhere? It’s now necessary to make some honest assessments ? and to review some old arrangements. You can’t take anything for granted any more. But that’s good. For you need to start afresh ? acknowledging the real requirements of a changed situation. And there’s a real chance to do that soon.
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again.” Unless of course, you prefer to follow the other well-known saying, “Once bitten, twice shy.” Many who dispense wise advice will urge you to quit while you are ahead. But how are you supposed to know whether you are ahead or not? What if it is possible to get a whole lot further and you give up far too early? The planets now strongly suggest that you can accomplish something that might normally prove extremely tricky. Even if you have taken a road in the past and failed to get very far down it, you may find that this time it leads you all the way to success.
おはようございます。天秤座お願い致します。 For an allegedly indecisive person, you have great certainty about many matters. You don’t doubt your deepest instincts. And you are rarely wrong. Even when you do have difficulty making up your mind, it is usually for a good reason. Like, for example, the fact that there’s not enough information ? or that the story genuinely has two equally important sides. What’s needed in your life now is not some glib answer to an oversimplified question. It’s the courage to ask and keep asking the right question regardless of how hard it may be to answer! Deep down inside, you know this, don’t mistrust your own judgement.
27日蠍座デイリーです。宜しくお願い致します。 There’s just no pleasing some people. Whatever you do for them, it isn’t enough. Or there’s something wrong with it. If only everyone was as easy-going and innocently uncritical as you. Er... some might argue that you are getting a taste of your own medicine. A particular individual is really being no more unreasonable or stubborn than you, from time to time, can have a tendency to be. But, of course, you always have a reason for being unreasonable. This is different. Or is it? If you want peace, progress and positivity in a situation that seems irritatingly tense... try seeing the funny side of whatever makes you feel so cross.
獅子座 What does a solar eclipse imply? More pointedly, what does it mean to those whose zodiac sign is traditionally ruled by the sun? Think about it. Your celestial significator is about to have its light blocked out by the moon. Its power is going to be usurped. Its invincibility, challenged. Does this mean then, that your cosmic guardian will be less able to protect you over the coming few days? On the contrary. It merely suggests that an old assumption must be questioned. You may have a brief encounter with a weakness but the upshot will be a distinct increase in the extent of your own inner strength.
Of course, we can’t set out on a genuine journey of self-discovery whilst ignoring the needs and feelings of others. If we want to meet, understand and reform an inner demon, we had best be willing to show tolerance towards the demons that reside in our companions. It is easy to act holier than thou. Self-righteousness feels satisfying. But it is the psychological equivalent of junk food; the more it fills you up, the more it blocks you up. There’s something you now need to get rid of. Don’t suppress it - and try to extend sympathy, rather than disapproval, towards those who are still trying to cling to false dignity.
The Mouse That Roared. The Little Engine That Could. Or the tale of David and Goliath. There are plenty of famous examples to choose from. We all love to hear about a triumph of someone weak over someone (or something) mighty. And no wonder. The notion is inscribed into our collective psyche by a series of solar and lunar rhythms. Every so often, we get to see the tiny, puny Moon march right in front of the giant Sun and obliterate its light. You are ruled by the Moon. Your ruler is about to enjoy a moment of courage, leading to victory. And so are you.
Lots of people seem to think that we are each on this earth to learn a lesson. But if that’s the case, where’s the blackboard? And the timetable? And ought there not to be exams every so often? Maybe the lesson is that there is no lesson to learn! Maybe the point is that there is no point. Maybe we are here, not to achieve or understand anything, but simply to appreciate and enjoy the magic of it all. And maybe all we need to learn is how to be happy even when we are not quite getting what we think we want. Life is offering you a gift today, try to accept it gracefully.
Necessity is the mother of invention. Opportunity is the father. Faith is the midwife. Effort is the nursemaid. And the good news? You’ve got the whole crew in your world at the moment. More conscious of the mother and the nursemaid? Well then, that’s just like life, isn’t it? Of course there’s a lot of need. Of course you’re going through quite a struggle too. But you are getting somewhere. Somewhere very significant. Your “invention” is just about to be “born.” It will grow up strong and healthy, more quickly than you might expect. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
28日山羊原文 Oscar Wilde famously said, “I can resist anything except temptation.” But he was a Libran. Capricorns are made of sterner stuff. Once your mind is made up, it stays that way. You may find it hard to ignore various seductive persuasive arguments now being made. Yet instinctively, inwardly, you know that they are shallow and superficial. You have long-term considerations to take into account plus private, pressing agendas to pursue. If you want to make yourself popular today, cave in to pressure. If you want to make everyone’s world a better place, do no such thing!
Thank you for calling the cosmic hotline. All of our operators are busy at the moment so we invite you to leave a message. Simply leave the name of the planet that you wish to shift or the astrological influence you would like to avoid. Explain why you would like the rules of the universe rewritten to suit your current particular plan or preference. Then, your “Brownie Point” account number. If you have earned sufficient credits, we will consider your request. Otherwise, expect a day when someone else does the leading - and you get to do the following!
おはようございます、天秤座28日です。 よろしくお願い致します。 Perfection is not easily attained. Indeed, there are some who might argue, that it is totally unattainable. No human being can create it. It exists only in nature. This, of course, does not stop many others from striving. Yet perhaps, we are trying for the wrong thing. Perhaps, instead of wrestling to create perfection we should be learning how to recognise and appreciate it. Perhaps we are too quick to see imperfection all around us. You may not be able to do much to improve a difficult situation but you can do plenty to alter the way you look at it today.
Are you sitting down? Then stand up, your posture is wrong. Are you standing? Then you are straining your legs, lie down. But be careful what on. A soft surface may damage your back. A hard one may bruise you. Nothing in this world is beyond criticism. There’s not a move you can make, a stance you can take, a word you can say or a game you can play. You can always find someone who can tell you why it is wrong. Want a hard time today? Plenty of people are happy to help you have one. Want a good time? Then just refuse to listen to all that negativity.
Think of this world?s greatest achievers. Did they really all work their fingers to the bone, day in, day out, for years? Were they really all blessed with some superhuman gift or talent? Or were they just sincere people with open minds, brave hearts and determined constitutions who just one day stumbled across an opportunity that they were intelligent and adaptable enough to seize? Today?s unusual cosmic climate effectively offers you the chance to start living a much more extraordinary life. If you are ready to take it, you are ready to live it!
Think of what’s due to happen over the coming solar eclipse. Your ruler, the Sun, is about have its light obscured. For a few brief minutes - in the sky above a small part of Earth. Billions of people won’t even notice it happen. Indeed, if there’s cloud cover, nobody will see it. Or, to put it all another way, you are in the process of receiving a challenge to your strength and authority. This is not exactly delighting you. Nor though, is it creating any real problem. Nothing can harm you now unless you allow yourself to have a disproportionate reaction to a minor difficulty.
God, they say in the Old Testament, made man in his own image. Let us hope that he did not also copy his own personality when he created the human race. For if God is as judgemental, narrow-minded, ignorant, arrogant, stupid and selfish as most people on this planet seem to be, then, Houston, we have a problem. Somewhere within we may all have the capacity to be loving, tolerant, kind, enlightened, wise and selfless, but we don’t half hide it! Right now though, you are being given a chance to reveal your inner divinity! Many will soon be grateful.
Look at the cover of almost any magazine. What do you see? A model with flawless skin. Do you think this has been achieved through diet and exercise. Absolutely not. It has been done through lighting, make-up and photographic retouching. We all know this but it somehow doesn't stop us from making false comparisons. But maybe one day, the penny will drop. Maybe too, we will realise that all those permanently happy people we see on TV are faking it too. In reality, we all have our ups and downs. Your life may not be perfect now but you are doing brilliantly. Don't forget that.