“A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.” That’s what they say about cream cakes to dieters. Yet it’s not strictly-speaking true. Burn up enough calories ? and regulate food intake sufficiently ? and you can always compensate for yesterday’s mistakes. It’s elsewhere in life that certain actions are truly irreversible. Your recent choices have changed, in many ways, the shape of your life forever. Don’t try to shed them or shake them off. Adjust to the new outline. Find different ways to make it work in your favour. You will eventually discover that it suits you surprisingly well.
It isn’t always easy to be “big”. It is tempting to get caught up in irritating trivia. Or to be riled by some petty problem that refuses to go away. Even when we try to be understanding and sympathetic, we do not always manage it. Someone says one thing that we do not want to hear, or somehow presses an inner emotional button and whoosh, we are off racing down the road to conflict and confusion. You won’t find it easy to be “big” today. But you will find it possible. You will also find it extremely beneficial - as, indeed, will many of the people you are currently closest to.
Come along, explain yourself. Who do you think you are? What do you think you’re doing? Where do you think you’re going? Why do you think you’re entitled to any of this? Well? I’m waiting? Don’t look so surprised. Everyone else is prying into your private business and pushing you for answers. I just thought I would join in. By all means feel free to refuse to reply. But remember, if it is OK to tell me to stop being so nosey, it is equally OK to withhold crucial pieces of information from others. Discretion is not so much the better part of valour now, as the only part worth knowing about.
射手座原文 Do you have a guardian angel? Of course.It’s just that, well, it’s a very long way from here to heaven. Sometimes, you get a good connection and thus an instant response to your most heartfelt plea. Sometimes, the lines are busy and there are traffic jams on the astral bridge. You can be weeks - even years waiting for a request to be granted. A while ago you put in for a particular form of assistance. None was forthcoming. You gave up hope of ever getting it, so you made arrangements to compensate as best you could. But what’s this? Late acceptance of your original request!
Listen! I am as tired of this as you are. OK? There’s no point in blaming me. Indeed, if the two of us start to fall out, things really are going to go from bad to worse. I can’t move the planets for you. If I could, I would. But I can make a prediction. Pretty soon, your impasse really will come to an end. Now, I’m sorry that it is soon ? and not straight away but the future will be here before you know it. A day or two, not a week or two. Meanwhile, consider it an exercise extending your powers of patience. Remember, the best things in life are not just worth fighting for, they are worth waiting for.
You can drag out a drama if you wish to. You can easily extend a theme. You can add an extra act to a play of many parts and still keep your audience keen. Yet, whether you go for edited highlights or for a blow by blow description of the show, the fact remains that something is now ending. Soon, a big part of the past will have to go. It couldn’t come at a better moment and you should be grateful for your current, rare chance to change history. For a new and much improved play is now looking for a stage on which to perform. Prepare to raise the curtain on a very different type of success.
The Harry Potter movies cost millions to make. Not so, the books. They just took J.K. Rowling’s time. You can argue, with some justification, that they also took her talent - which is priceless - but the point remains. No great sums of money were required. Had our heroine been merely sitting around talking she would have had nothing to show for her flights of fancy. Now, what ideas ought you to be writing down? What flights of the imagination should you be giving greater wings to? It’s easy now, to create a lot of hot air. That’s all the more reason to build yourself a balloon!
You’ll get there in the end. But in the end of what? How much is it going to take out of you? How much effort are you really going to have to make? There’s nothing wrong with your great ambition. Nor with your valiant struggle against the odds. Indeed, there’s every reason to expect eventual success. Perhaps though, before you go too much further, you ought to make sure that you are going to be amply rewarded for when the pay-off finally arrives. Today brings a negotiating opportunity. Don’t be too shy or too nice or too fearful to use it. But don’t cut off your nose to spite your face, either.
Will things ever be the same again? Of course not. But then, they were going to change, whatever happened. That’s what things do. They change and they keep on changing. We do our best to prevent this process when it suits us ? and to speed it up when that seems like a more appropriate option. We ought to be used to the idea by now. Yet somehow, we manage to blame ourselves for events and circumstances that would possibly have occurred quite naturally even if we had done very little. Things never will be the same again. But, as you will soon see, that’s good.
You have to act and you have to act fast. Suddenly, it’s urgent. For a long time, you have sat on the fence. You have waited and watched. You have developed some strong opinions but you have largely kept them to yourself. A crucial point has now been passed. You can’t necessarily explain why, you just know that the moment has come. Are you right to be so bold? Of course. Mars and Saturn insist that you have no other option. The moves you make next will have a tremendous and powerful impact on many people’s lives. You will later come to realise that the timing of it all was perfect.
Where are the perfect people? We all yearn to meet them. We all feel sure they must exist, yet we all find them sadly lacking from our current social circle. If you really want to know where they are, I'll tell you. They are in the future (people we have not yet met find it much easier to appear perfect in our eyes). And they are in the past (ditto for people who have now gone from our world forever). It's funny how when we look at people in the present, we can often see only their faults. Don't be too concerned about finding perfection today. Settle for finding forgiveness.
以下原文 Jupiter and Neptune are two, slow, powerful planets that have been aligned in opposition for quite some while. This explains much about the mood the world is currently in. We all feel as if something “big” is about to happen. Astrological events of this ilk only occur once a decade and they always have this influence. The ruler of your sign, is now travelling over that opposition. That’s why you are getting so caught up in such an enormous drama. It is also why you can soon look forward to such a spectacular change for the better in all areas of life where there has lately been emotional stress.
The Harry Potter movies cost millions to make. Not so, the books. They just took J.K. Rowling's time. You can argue, with some justification, that they also took her talent - which is priceless - but the point remains. No great sums of money were required. Had our heroine been merely sitting around talking she would have had nothing to show for her flights of fancy. Now, what ideas ought you to be writing down? What flights of the imagination should you be giving greater wings to? It's easy now, to create a lot of hot air. That's all the more reason to build yourself a balloon!
20日の射手座デイリーです。 ボラ様どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Imagine opening your door one day to find some kid from your school days. You have not been putting out ads on the internet, this is just a random event. Suddenly, there is your friend. Older now ? and dressed in adult clothes but still clearly the same person. In their hands, a half-eaten chocolate bar. “Here,” says your visitor, “I’ve brought you back the sweets, just like I said I would.” You may feel, today, that life is being similarly strange ? producing the answers to questions that are no longer relevant and the keys to doors you no longer wish to open. But amongst all that, there’s one vital new development now taking place.
It really isn’t as big or as bad or as bothersome as it appears to be. Indeed, in many ways, it is much more a blessing than a curse. But then, that’s easy for me to say, I am not living your life I am deeply sympathetic, nonetheless, when I have finished writing this forecast, I can turn my attention to writing some other zodiac sign, whereas you... Hey, look on the bright side. There are ups as well as downs in your situation. And when the positive developments start taking place ? as they will in no more than a few days at most, you will be able to claim all the benefits for yourself.
Whenever we make a generous gesture, we run the risk of feeling foolish. What if we are being taken advantage of? What if we are being secretly laughed at? And what if we are just wasting our time? Or acting out some silly charade? The harder, harsher people in this world never seem to suffer for their selfishness. And we are forever watching mugs being made of sweet souls. Is there really any point in turning the other cheek? Won’t that just provide our enemies with one more target to aim a kick at? Today brings your chance to extend the benefit of the doubt. This may yet prove to be of great benefit to you.
So here you are, standing at the end of a long protruding ledge. You are wearing a blindfold. You cannot see what is ahead of you or below you. You merely know that you have to jump. You steel yourself for a long fall through space yet in fact, the ground is just a short distance away. This is no enormous ravine, it is merely a question of making a hop, skip and a jump towards a safer, stronger future. You are thinking harder than you need to. You are talking more than is necessary. In the process you are complicating something simple. Relax and, if you can’t open your eyes, open your heart.
It really isn’t as big or as bad or as bothersome as it appears to be. Indeed, in many ways, it is much more a blessing than a curse. But then, that’s easy for me to say, I am not living your life I am deeply sympathetic, nonetheless, when I have finished writing this forecast, I can turn my attention to writing some other zodiac sign, whereas you... Hey, look on the bright side. There are ups as well as downs in your situation. And when the positive developments start taking place ? as they will in no more than a few days at most, you will be able to claim all the benefits for yourself.
When an engine is being dismantled, it is of little use to anyone. The parts just sit on the work bench, creating an oily mess which is of interest only to a keen mechanic. When that same engine is reinstalled in a vehicle, it becomes a powerful machine that can take you almost anywhere, almost instantly. Of late, you have been looking at various component parts and wondering what possible use they could have. You have been effecting repairs without much thought to what you might be rebuilding. Suddenly, you are getting a reminder. The pieces are coming together. Amazing progress will soon be possible.
Never ask for advice unless you really want it. Indeed, even if you do really want it, think twice. Get advice about whether or not you should get advice. Bear in mind that all advice givers have vested interests; points to prove, axes to grind. You are now listening too carefully to a particular person’s opinion. Of course it is valid but then so too, is your own take on a situation that is difficult to read. And frankly, you know far more about it than any of the so-called experts. It’s not so much advice you need, as just objectivity. When your perspective is clear, everything else will become obvious.
So many strong emotions. So many powerful passions. So many obstacles, so many difficulties. So many reasons to look back on the past and wonder what happened. So many uncertainties about the future. So many fears, so many doubts, so many unanswered questions. These are the things you seem to have a lot of. Shall we look instead at what you only have a little of? You have a little hope. You have a little insight. You have a little time. You have a little imagination. You have a little inkling about the best thing to do next. That’s all you need. Forget the rest.
From tiny acorns mighty oaks grow. Unfortunately though, even if you bathe them in fertiliser, they don’t grow overnight. Only in Hollywood do trees appear at that speed. And of course, that’s the greatest trick in movie land. Something that takes you a couple of hours to watch and a couple of pounds to rent, takes a couple of years and a couple of million to make. And the rest! We conveniently forget all this - just as we conveniently forget that movie stars’ photos are often retouched. And the great heart-throbs of our dreams are only actors. Your oak will grow, but you’d better be prepared to give it time.
With power, comes responsibility. With responsibility, comes pressure. With pressure, comes a reduction in concentration. With distraction, comes loss of power. All of which is just as well really. Otherwise, we’d never have to keep on doing anything. We could just achieve what we wanted to once and forever. And then sit there becoming bored, frustrated and stale. Be glad of the fact that you are not all-powerful now and don’t feel obliged to use what little power you do have too sparingly. You may have less responsibility in a certain situation than you imagine.
axesはaxisではなくaxeの複数形なのですね。おはずかしい。 私も何かの慣用句ではないかと思いました。私はこういう場合、 そのフレーズをそのままGoogleで検索します。たいてい引っか かるのですが、今回はaxes to grindがロックか何かの題名と してヒットしたのみ。points to proveの方はそれらしいものヒット せず。とうとうギブアップしてしまいました。
How much more talking do you want to do? How many more conversations can you bear to hold? Aren’t you tired of plans, strategies, options and alternatives, maybes, could bes, would bes and should bes? You are beginning to feel very tempted by the notion of making some bold, brave, dramatic move. Some irrevocable decision. Some irreversible action. Some choice that will lead to change, even if that change is less than fully desirable. Anything, you figure, is better than an exasperating status quo. Resist this urge if you can. You are closer to a natural breakthrough than you think.
"Oh yes, I'm the great pretender..." So wrote the exotically named Buck Ram - and so sang every would be doo-wop singer ever since. The song was a great hit for The Platters who, of course, spawned a thousand imitators. Everyone who wanted anyone in the wonderful world, simply sang this song to themselves... and pretended. But then, that's, of course, what we all are. Great pretenders. Sometimes, we manage to be so great as to pretend that we are not pretending. Who, in your world now, has pretensions of grandeur? Who is kidding who about what? Don't take a charade seriously.
蟹座宜しくお願い致します。 What’s the difference between evasion and avoidance? What’s the difference between a little white lie and big pink porky? Between embroidery and imagination? Between bending the rules and breaking them? We are in subtle, sensitive territory here and if we are truly wise, we will not walk through it. We will not learn to weave and dodge and duck and dive, we will just go straight to the world of the right and proper, the fair and true, the honest and exemplary. That doesn’t mean that you must put all your cards on the table now - but you had better stop trying to keep one up your sleeve!.
>申し訳ありません。どなたかの目に触れるものとは思わなかったもので。 >ご覧の通りかなり意訳です。ただただ原文を読んで、勝手に日本語で書き直した感じです。 >あまりにも主語が意味不明だったので、○○(ワタシの名前)に文としての共通認識の前提条件を聞いたのですが >太陽星座別星占い・イギリス人が書いている・毎日の占いにある程度の連続性 ということでしたので、前日分を参考にしました。 >The harder, harsher people in this world never seem to suffer for their selfishness. >selfishnessはあまりいい言葉ではないですし、(selfish geneのselfishですね) >主語代名詞とも不明ですので、前日分より、生活の指針として寛大さを選ぶのが我々ならば、その我々よりも厳しい人たち、 >わざわざThe harderの書き出しということで単純に水瓶の逆をとりました。私感ですが、パッと見はそう読めます。 >しかし日頃著者が「other zodiac sign」と言うのならば、占星術師とのことですし、他星座という意味ではないのでしょう。 >周囲一般の話でよろしいのではないでしょうか。仕事と言っても工業英検勉強中の身ですので・・・まるでわからず申し訳ありません。
“An eye for an eye”, as Ms Dynamite pointed out so sagely last weekend in London, “makes the whole world blind.” All over the planet now, more people than ever are singing, “Give peace a chance”. But charity, of course, begins at home. And what greater, more charitable cause can there ever be, than the quest for forgiveness and reconciliation? There’s a chance, this weekend, for you to get your own back on someone. Don’t take it. You can be bigger than this and, if you are, you can start moving on to a much brighter future.
Well you see, the thing is, er, it's a bit like this. That is to say, what I really mean is, all things considered and not to put too fine a point on it... Look, I'm beginning to feel that I'm not explaining myself very well. Shall we start again? OK. Right. Tell you what, why don't you go first? You say something and I'll comment on it OK? ... ... ... Come along... I'm waiting... Or, to put it all another way, someone now is beating around the bush and obfuscating the issue with a view to creating confusion. You need to find out what they really mean. This weekend, by hook or by crook, you will.
The musk deer is much beloved by spiritual teachers and story-tellers. They love to talk about this creature ? and the way it spends its whole life beguiled by a particularly attractive scent. It smells it wherever it goes yet it can never find the source. And that, of course, is because it is within its own body! I don’t know if the tale is true but it makes a fitting analogy. You are looking for a solution of some kind. You are sure it must be nearby. Would you like to meet the person with the power to free you from an exasperating situation? Well then, look in the mirror this weekend.
Yesterday, I suggested that the planets and signs are like letters of the alphabet. There are not many of them but, once you start mixing and matching, you can make millions of permutations. Much the same can be said about music. There are only a few notes in the scale, even if you include the sharps and flats but from these simple components come complex compositions. The ancients said the planets were playing a sort of silent symphony. They called it ‘The music of the spheres’. “If you are sensitive enough,” they said, “You can hear this through your inner ear.”
You may not have yet noticed it but things are starting to change. Pressures are easing off. Obstacles are starting to shrink. You have been through the hardest part of a difficult drama. You are now at the stage where improvements can start to arrive. This weekend may not be entirely easy but it will be a lot less stressful than many other weekends you have lived through. If you want to reduce the tension, be nicer to yourself. Stop doubting old decisions. Stop questioning your entitlement to happiness. Oddly, as soon as you stop, others will stop doing it too.
Some people believe that, ‘If you can imagine it, you can make it happen’. Of course, you have to do more than close your eyes and wish. You have to be a bit of an opportunist. You have to be smart enough to recognise an opportunity when you see one and seize it. Then again, that is a bit of a technicality. If you can really, truly imagine something, you can set the ball rolling. If you can’t, well, how are you ever going to know if you have a chance or not? This weekend brings an inspired idea. Don’t dismiss it as a flight of fancy. Trust it. Act on it. It could yet alter everything.
Everyone is now busily telling you what you must and must not do. Only, of course, they are not phrasing it quite like this. They know you too well. They are saying things like, “It’s OK, do whatever you feel is appropriate. I will support you, regardless.” But you know what they are really saying. You can read in between their nicely-spoken lines. Normally, you just ignore subtle pressure of this nature. Right now, you are feeling sensitive. You are also aware of how much power a certain person has over you. Even so, you must make your own choice this weekend, not anyone else’s.
What if you give someone the wrong advice? What if you make a suggestion that turns out to be silly? We astrologers know all about such dilemmas. Each time we remind someone that, for example, ‘two heads are better than one’, we become racked with agonising self-doubt. What if they aren’t? Eventually though, we learn what all Cancerians instinctively know. You only have to worry about saying the wrong thing when there is a chance of making a mistake. Sometimes, there is no such chance. This weekend, you can’t go wrong! Unless, of course, you worry needlessly.
While we were all asleep last night, significant changes took place. A rare alignment of planets brought the arrival of a fleet of alien spaceships. The Zargons landed and proceeded to use hypnotic mind-control techniques on the minds of government leaders and fashion writers across the globe. As a result, world peace has been achieved and none of us ever have to worry any more about looking uncool. Oh, OK then, I admit it. I am making it all up. But this much I promise. Over the weekend, you’ll wake up to a world which is almost as unbelievably good in many respects.
“It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it.” That’s what they tell us. Unfortunately, it’s not true. All too often, it absolutely IS what you do. The way that you do it has nothing to do with it. Your current situation is a case in point. Style is irrelevant. Substance is everything. You absolutely must not be distracted by something superficial this weekend. There’s a fundamental factor to be dealt with and no compromise here can ever be acceptable. Only once you have satisfied yourself that you are doing the right thing can you then set out to do it in the best possible way.
Habits are like open manhole covers on dark nights. We don’t see them coming until it is too late. Sometimes, we don’t even realise that we have fallen into them! The descent is so swift that we mistake it for a sudden stumble. It can be ages until someone draws the matter to our attention. “Hey you, are you aware that you have fallen down the manhole/into a habit?” “Oh no, not I.” We bravely reply. Inwardly though, we know we need to get out of it. This weekend’s events show you how you have become stuck but they also offer you a way to freedom. Take it.
You are not, of course, a control freak. Oh dear me no. Easy going, that’s you. Laissez faire. That’s your policy. Why, the only reason they ever created the flow was so that you could go with it. And with that flow, you go. Always. You make quite sure of that. You don’t give that flow a chance to escape. You keep a close eye on it. You make sure that you know where it is at all times and you train it to learn how to do as it is told. Er...hang on, that can’t be right. Resist, this weekend, the urge to push something that is already moving naturally in the right direction.
What would you like me to tell you? What are you most keen to know about? Well, it’s my pleasure to inform you that in this area of life things are soon due to improve. Elsewhere though, you may not see such a rapid change. A certain scenario looks set to remain awkward until you learn to understand what someone is really trying to say. That’s difficult, not least because it’s something you do not particularly want to hear. Or rather, you think you don’t want to hear it. Actually, once you really listen, you will sympathise and you’ll see why you really don’t have a problem after all.
Is there really such a thing as a happy accident? Absolutely, they happen all the time. At first they are often indistinguishable from the other type. We say, ‘Oh no,’ when they happen. But then gradually, as the implications all sink in, we start to say, ‘Oh yes,’ instead. And we mean it. You may be under the impression that something less than ideal has recently taken place. You need to let a little more time pass. You may not have planned for this particular eventuality but that doesn’t make it a bad one. Indeed, it looks very much as if the universe is about to do you a significant favour.
I know you are in a hurry so if you want, you can just turn to the very last line of this forecast and miss out the bit in the middle. This will, admittedly, rob you of a chance to look at your own situation in greater depth. It will cause you to form a very superficial impression of the astrological influence you are now under. It will stop you from recognising quite how much power and choice you now have -even in areas of life where it seems you have been backed into a corner. But it will get the main point across. You need to slow down before you make a mistake.
We come to the earth with our eyes and hearts wide open. We arrive with total trust and a willingness to be pleased. We expect every experience to make us happy. We are genuinely surprised if it doesn't. Then, somehow, from somewhere, cynicism creeps in. We start to become jaded and world-weary. We learn to anticipate trouble. Trouble though, is never polite. It comes whether it is anticipated or not. And sometimes it seems to actively prefer visiting the places where it is being prepared for. This week, enthusiasm and optimism will serve you far better than caution and concern.
Some people think the way to win an argument is to use as many long words as possible. If your opponents can’t understand you, how can they disagree? Others figure the trick is to shout. Surely, they think, the person with the loudest voice will get the last word. You though, appreciate subtlety. You understand how quality counts more than quantity. You also know how one carefully chosen word, uttered at the right moment, in the right tone, can be worth seventy soliloquies. There is no need for a great debate now. It is merely a matter of picking your moment.
Quite what did you achieve at the weekend? Are you sure? Certain factors seem baffling. You feel frustrated but you cannot entirely put your finger on the reason for it. Are your misgivings echoes of some secret insecurity or reflections of some genuine cause for concern? How can you tell? You need more information. You also need to understand that no solution is ever perfect. A plan that suits someone down to the ground is sure to make someone else climb the walls. The most crucial question now is so simple that you hardly dare utter it. What’s really right for YOU?
“Dear Jonathan, Some of last week’s Aries forecasts were very doomy. Did someone else write them? Or should I really have stayed in bed?” Tess. Dear Tess, I am sorry. I was just trying to empathise with what looked like an exceptionally challenging astrological outlook. It appears, in your case, that I inadvertently made things worse. It’s always hard to get the balance right when the planets are making your readers extra sensitive. This week, though, you’ll soon be back to your old self. You’ll find things improve radically and rapidly both in your life... and on this page!
What are you doing here, reading this page? Is this really where you are supposed to be? Come along, I am waiting to hear your excuse. It had better be a good one. I am finding it hard to believe that you can come up with a satisfactory justification. Aren’t you? Well then, explain yourself! Oh, OK then, don’t. You don’t have to, of course. I am only kidding. But if you can make light of my demand for an explanation, you can now make light of someone else’s. Don’t be pressured by anyone now (including yourself) into feeling that you have made a mistake.
Oh good. You are here. I am so glad you made it because I have been waiting to have a little word with you. Now, you remember that money I lent you a few months ago? What? You mean you DON'T remember? I'm shocked. How rude. Are you honestly going to tell me that you have no recollection of the time when... oh, OK. I'm only kidding. But I am, I hope, making an important point. It's easy for some people to make other people think that they owe them something. We can all be manipulated and we can all be played upon. What you need, this week, is to watch out for artificial obligations.
“There are more questions than answers - and the more I find out, the less I know.” There are some though, who claim that the opposite is true. There are far more answers than questions. Think about it. How many questions only ever have one answer? How many stories only ever have one side? The more carefully we consider, the more we realise that there are several equally good explanations for every phenomenon. This week you may not get definitive answers to your most pressing questions but you will get good ones. These will help you to feel much happier.
There’s a scene in The Life Of Brian where our hero is trying to make a quick purchase in the market. He is so desperate to escape his pursuers he agrees to pay the asking price. The stall keeper is horrified. “You can’t do that,” he exclaims, “you have to haggle with me.” We watch this and we laugh. Yet how often in life do we get involved in similarly silly processes? We do what we think we are supposed to do - not what would really be best for us in the situation. Then suddenly, we see why things need not be this way. You are having a valuable revelation. Don't doubt it.
Are you still managing to be kind, considerate and compassionate? Or are you starting to wonder if it might not be easier to get strong and stroppy? Tempted though you may feel, it’s not a good idea. Summon some strength and stamina. Be as nice as you know how to be. Even ask helpful questions like “Do you have a problem you want to discuss? Or, “What can I do to make our future relationship sweeter?” Oily? Perhaps. But right now, you need a result. You’ll get one far more quickly and easily through charm than you will through belligerence.
射手座原文 All of a sudden everything seems to be happening at once. Well, I say all of a sudden, but of course that’s really always the story of your life. When is there not a lot on your plate? Right now though, there’s an additional sense of urgency - an edge that’s intense even by your standards. You are beginning to realise that an elusive objective might just be attainable after all. You can see, though, that to make this happen you are going to have to work hard and cover a lot of ground in a short time. You are excited and nervous at once. Don’t be. Just be determined.
Sometimes you may be down but you are never out. You’ve always got one trick left up your sleeve. Like the proverbial rubber ball, you just keep bouncing back. That’s because in your heart of hearts you are not a quitter ? but a heavy-hitter. Right now, you are doing something difficult. You are being brave and bold. Are you possibly going just a bit too far? Perhaps, but then that’s got to be better than not going far enough. You have reason to be immensely proud of all of your recent choices. Stop asking questions that are impossible to answer, just trust that what you know is enough.
Once, there were only a few TV channels. People watched what was on, or they didn’t watch at all. Then, along came video, cable and satellite. Is this choice making the medium more popular? Interestingly, since these innovations came along, overall TV viewing figures have gone down not up. A lack of choice can often be preferable to a surplus. We don’t always want to have to think. We can find it easier to adapt and compromise than to set out in search of perfection. Now though, if you are bold enough to seek it, you can achieve a truly tailor-made solution to a current difficulty.
“You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.” That’s what they say ? and it’s probably true. You can though, fool yourself. As much as you want, as much as you like. Nobody will stop you or question your entitlement to do so. Or perhaps they will, but then if you are really fooling yourself successfully, you will easily be able to ignore them. Are you fooling yourself now? Are you just encouraging yourself to believe something it would be convenient to believe? Almost certainly not. The planets strongly suggest your current hope is valid and viable.
Sometimes we do the right thing for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes, we do the wrong thing for all the right reasons. This just goes to show how irrelevant reasons can be. When we stop to think about how rarely, if ever, we manage to do the right things for the right reasons, we have to conclude that reasons are not really very reasonable. Reasons, like rhymes, are appealing but rather restrictive. They cause us to think along limited lines and to create artificial connections. What’s happening in your life now may not be very reasonable but it is very right.
There’s a lot to be said for unfinished business. It gives us something to come back to. It provides us with a sense of continuity. Imagine how tediously tidy the world would be if everyone always sorted everything out. Sometimes though, loose ends really do need to be tied up before they drive us to distraction. You are beginning to suspect that a particular problem may never be resolved. You fear you could be going round and round in the same old circles forever. But you really won’t be. A moment of completion is nearer than you think. So too is a moment of triumph.
Believe it or not, you are in an excellent position to improve your financial situation. You may be more conscious of a demand than an opportunity but the two, in a strange way, are linked. You will recognise where your big chance lies as soon as you stop wondering why the cosmos is conspiring against you. It isn't. It just appears to be. Act as if you're got a problem and you'll have a problem. Act as if you're got an opportunity, disguising itself as a difficulty and that's precisely what you'll turn out to be dealing with. You can be better off, sooner than you think.
�So many wonderful things can happen now. Endless exciting possibilities await. Perhaps though, you do not agree? Perhaps you can see only difficulties and drawbacks. There are, I agree, plenty of these. I am not trying to pretend they do not exist. But then when has it ever been any different? If you are waiting for a time when life is problem-free, you will be waiting a long time indeed. And while you are waiting, life will pass you by! So too, will all those endless, exciting possibilities. The trick is to seize them, regardless. It really is possible. The sky insists you can do it today.
You suspect that someone is saying one thing to your face and another behind your back. This may be true. There are six billion hypocrites on this planet. So we must know a few of them! Even so, you are not unloved or even unappreciated. And there is much more mileage in a particular journey than you may think. You have not reached the end of the road. You have just reached a crossroads. Now, you are turning in a direction that will turn out to suit you immensely. And you now know so much more than you think you know.
You have been feeling unhappy lately about your involvement with a particular person. You suspect that someone is saying one thing to your face and another behind your back. This may be true. There are six billion hypocrites on this planet. So we must know a few of them! Even so, you are not unloved or even unappreciated. And there is much more mileage in a particular journey than you may think. You have not reached the end of the road. You have just reached a crossroads. Now, you are turning in a direction that will turn out to suit you immensely. And you now know so much more than you think you know.
Shall we have a little talk about the things you really must do? I know you are already in possession of such a list but you appear to have omitted several items from it. おはようございます。天秤座25日です。 どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
I am sure this is only an oversight but I must remind you of your commitments. After all, you wouldn't want to let anyone down now, would you? So er... hang on! It's not fair of me to exploit your sense of guilt any more than it is fair for another certain person to lean too hard on you now. Today's challenge involves finding the strength to shed the burden of a false responsibility.
Shall we have a little talk about the things you really must do? I know you are already in possession of such a list but you appear to have omitted several items from it. I am sure this is only an oversight but I must remind you of your commitments. After all, you wouldn't want to let anyone down now, would you? So er... hang on! It's not fair of me to exploit your sense of guilt any more than it is fair for another certain person to lean too hard on you now. Today's challenge involves finding the strength to shed the burden of a false responsibility.
Shall we have a little talk about the things you really must do? I know you are already in possession of such a list but you appear to have omitted several items from it. I am sure this is only an oversight but I must remind you of your commitments. After all, you wouldn't want to let anyone down now, would you? So er... hang on! It's not fair of me to exploit your sense of guilt any more than it is fair for another certain person to lean too hard on you now. Today's challenge involves finding the strength to shed the burden of a false responsibility.
Have you got what you need? Absolutely. There may not be much to spare but there is enough. That’s what counts. Don't try to establish a greater margin for error. Don’t request reassurance that you don’t really need ? and that a certain person cannot give you anyway. Just be ingenious and inventive. Work on the assumption that you are not in your current situation by accident. You have been placed here for a purpose and it must therefore be possible to do what’s required. Use what you’ve got well and you really won’t need anything else.
Welcome to Day 17 of the Aquarius Charm School. Today we tackle “responses to antagonism.” Someone comes up to you and calls you a stupid idiot. Do you a) agree? b) punch them in the face? Or c) say, “I see you have a bit of a problem. Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?” There are, of course, pros and cons attached to all of these options. I ought though, to point out that a smack in the mouth often causes great lasting offence - and that you are not, of course, a stupid idiot. This really needs us only with a variation on the theme of c. Try it today.
射手座原文 Have you bitten off more than you can chew? There’s only one way to find out. Keep chewing! As you do, prepare to digest some important information. There are some things that really do need to happen now - and others that don’t. And, there are only sixty seconds in a minute and only sixty minutes in an hour. That’s the same with every hour in a twenty-four hour day. Frustrating, isn’t it. If they ever find a way of cramming in more time, I’ll let you know. Until then, you’ll just have to be picky about what you give your time to.
How much choice do you really have? Perhaps a better question is how much choice do you really need? You have as much as you need and surely, that’s all that matters. You are not being backed into a corner now. But you are being placed in a position that is relatively difficult to get out of. See that as something to be grateful for, not something to resent. Remember that nothing happens by accident. Something inside you once wanted to experience what you are experiencing now. There’s a reason why it’s happening ? and a good one at that.
The news is good. For now, at least, you can relax. You are not up against some impossible obstacle. You need not fear some depressing development. Having coped well with a complicated conundrum, you are now reaping the rewards. Don’t sit around casting aspersions on your own achievements. There may well have been room for improvement on your performance but then you never claimed to be perfect, did you? it’s enough to know that your efforts have led to a result, and a good one at that. Coming events will provide just this kind of reassurance.
It isn’t always easy to know quite how seriously to take some people. Sometimes, jokes are delivered in a dead-pan manner. Sometimes, important statements are made in a seemingly frivolous tone. Right now, you are trying to work out how to read a particular person. You suspect you know what is really being said or suggested but can you be sure? Seek a second opinion today. Better to seem silly in the eyes of others for doubting the obvious, than to get yourself into unnecessary trouble for jumping to the wrong conclusion!
Don’t over dramatise. I can’t quite believe that I just wrote that. Fancy me, an astrologer all these years, telling you ? a Piscean for even longer, something like that. Why the very thought of it. Over dramatise? You? Oh dear, dear me, no. Perish the thought. While you would far prefer to be cast into the wilderness with only stale bread to eat and last year’s fashions to wear, than to over dramatise even for a moment. So really, despite the fact that Mars and Neptune are now in such a sharp alignment, I need not give you any such advice. Er... need I?
Today, you will get everything you ever wanted. On a silver platter. With bells and brass knobs on. And that will be it. You will need nothing else. For the rest of your life, you can have it all. Now, how does that feel? Inspiring? Or terrifying? We need our aspirations. Without them, our lives lack colour and excitement. We have to be unhappy from time to time at least. How else are we ever going to appreciate true happiness when we find it? Today, you need to be glad of what you haven’t got. It is really only this that provides you with something to look forward to.
※(…)内の2文がうまく訳せません。どなたかお知恵をお貸しください。m(_ _)m Fancy me, an astrologer all these years, telling you - a Piscean for even longer, something like that. Why the very thought of it.
Remember those magic eye posters that used to be everywhere? They seemed like an abstract pattern from a distance. But if you sort of relaxed your retinas and stood on one leg and put your nose in the middle of the picture then shuffled slowly backwards whilst singing the national anthem, you could suddenly make out a shape. They were all the rage for about a year but now they have mysteriously vanished from the face of the earth. Yet their lesson remains with us and today, the cosmos offers it to you. The solution to your problem is only one mental jump away.
Nature is clever. She disguises her true intention ? and arranges for seeds to look wildly different from the plants they might one day turn into. we of course, are creatures of nature too. We have been specially designed to fit in with the world around us. We hide our true intentions, even from ourselves. Our tiny ideas give rise to enormous complicated situations that you might never imagine emerging from such a simple source. Something in your life now needs to happen naturally. Don’t assume that it must be forced. Just give it a little more time and a little more faith.
Some people, when they really persevere, find it is actually possible to set the time on their video recorder. This provides them with a great sense of satisfaction and it turns them into an instant expert. There are certain individuals who have set up business consultancies on the backs of breakthroughs little bigger than this. We all enjoy being intellectually stretched and challenged - as long as it is in the direction of our own choosing. We all hate to be forced to think about things we might prefer not to deal with. But if you persevere today, you will crack your case.
天秤座26日です よろしくお願いします “All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small.” They hymn goes on to remind us that the entire product range emanated from the one factory. There is no particular reason to dispute this nor the notion that we have been created in the “image” of the factory proprietor. Yet even if this is all so, it does not follow that we are thus capable of creating all things. Nor even of being responsible for them. You are now carrying upon your shoulders burdens so big that even the supreme creator might think twice about shouldering them. Don’t push yourself too hard today.
All we ever want to do is “the right thing.” The trouble is, we rarely agree on what the right thing is. My idea of wonderfully right can be your idea of terribly wrong. This is a point that’s often forgotten by people who have strong opinions. They feel that everyone really ought to agree with their point of view ? for, clearly, it is right. But there is something very wrong about a world in which its people are not allowed to have their differences. Ultimate rights and ultimate wrongs are very difficult to define. What’s happening now is (or soon will be) very right for you. Let that be enough.
All we ever want to do is “the right thing.” The trouble is, we rarely agree on what the right thing is. My idea of wonderfully right can be your idea of terribly wrong. This is a point that’ s often forgotten by people who have strong opinions. They feel that everyone really ought to agree with their point of view ? for, clearly, it is right. But there is something very wrong about a world in which its people are not allowed to have their differences. Ultimate rights and ultimate wrongs are very difficult to define. What’s happening now is (or soon will be) very right for you. Let that be enough.
They say that beggars can’t be choosers. But what about lucky beggars? It certainly seems as if some people get precisely what they want from life, whether or not they deserve it. There is some question now about whether you have much choice in the outcome of a current drama. You feel rather as if you have no option other than to go down a certain road. That may be so, but, whether you know it or not, you are lucky. Circumstances are conspiring to push you in the only direction that can possibly make any sense. Your heart has chosen this road, regardless of what your head thinks. And that’s good.
You are now trying hard to understand someone. You want to make allowances for their attitude. You want to be able to excuse their behaviour. You feel that perhaps you are doing them an injustice and that their cause deserves more careful consideration. But that’s largely because you cannot quite believe what you appear to be seeing or hearing. By all means seek an explanation. The more we find out, the wiser we become and wisdom is one of the keys to happiness. But bear in mind that some things in life are beyond understanding. And the wisest thing to do is to leave them as mysteries.
Somewhere in the ethers there are mischievous fairies. They float and flutter all day long looking for unsuspecting humans with a view to wreaking havoc in their lives. They take simple situations which ought to be easily dealt with and they turn them, somehow, into complicated logistical nightmares. They cause us to misinterpret innocent statements so that we start to hear them as contentious remarks. And then they flap their wings with glee to watch us wasting our life in needless struggle and strife. How do we beat such beings? By refusing to take life too seriously. Relax today.
射手座原文 Should you stay in bed today? Should you just give up and stop trying so hard? It is, after all, beginning to seem as if you are in a no-win situation. You are contemplating a particular course of action. Should you go ahead? Well, you are going to be damned if you don’t and damned if you do. So you really may as well feel free. There are no Brownie points to be gained now for treading delicately and diplomatically. You may though, yet manage to make everything all right simply through managing to be resolute, honest and clear. Make up your mind to do that and then throw off the covers!
Soon the moon will no longer be passing through your opposite sign. This will help to reduce the amount of stress and tension that you have lately been experiencing. It won’t though, prevent you from taking bold decisive action. Recent events have strengthened your resolve and inspired you to pursue ambitious new goals. It’s just that now you can do all this with a sense of enthusiasm and excitement, rather than in a mood of urgent desperation. Sometimes, under pressure, we reach decisions which we have been putting off for too long. You have made your choice now. It’s a good one. You can relax.
27日 双子座の翻訳、宜しく願い致します。 Put your best foot forward. Which is your best foot? Why that’s easy. It’s whichever foot you didn’t put down last. Walking is a rhythmic process best achieved by employing alternate legs. It is possible to proceed on just one - but that’s called hopping and it’s different. Whether by accident or design, certain people seem to be eroding your confidence. It is very important that you don’t allow yourself to feel, today, as if you haven’t got a leg to stand on. Saturn’s harmonious link to your ruler insists you have every reason to be sure-footed as you now stride confidently towards a much-deserved success.
おはようございます。 27日蠍座デイリー翻訳宜しくお願い致します。 There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with compromise. Too often though, we use this world as a euphemism. What we mean is ‘sacrifice’. That’s something that is rarely worth making. Are you now in danger of becoming a martyr to a certain cause? Are you letting go of something you really ought to be holding on to? Of course you want to be generous and kind. You are a Scorpio. You do not feel complete unless you are sharing something very deep and very real. But you may now be in danger of going just a little too far. Remember please, today, that you are not obliged to give up anything.
You are getting into training. You are preparing for the big events and dramatic challenges that await you later in the year. You are building up your strength and developing your stamina. That’s the way to think about the somewhat stressful situation you currently seem to face. Don’t get bogged down in detail. Don’t allow anything to irritate you. Just be aware that if you can rise above a particular problem now, you can gain a level of perspective which will stand you in excellent stead in months to come. During those months, you will have the opportunity to profit enormously, emotionally and financially.
There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with compromise. Too often though, we use this world as a euphemism. What we mean is ‘sacrifice’. That’s something that is rarely worth making. Are you now in danger of becoming a martyr to a certain cause? Are you letting go of something you really ought to be holding on to? Of course you want to be generous and kind. You are a Scorpio. You do not feel complete unless you are sharing something very deep and very real. But you may now be in danger of going just a little too far. Remember please, today, that you are not obliged to give up anything.
You are getting into training. You are preparing for the big events and dramatic challenges that await you later in the year. You are building up your strength and developing your stamina. That’s the way to think about the somewhat stressful situation you currently seem to face. Don’t get bogged down in detail. Don’t allow anything to irritate you. Just be aware that if you can rise above a particular problem now, you can gain a level of perspective which will stand you in excellent stead in months to come. During those months, you will have the opportunity to profit enormously, emotionally and financially.
天秤座27日です よろしくお願いします Life can’t be easy for God. Nobody to talk to. Nobody to get on a level with. People hassling you day and night for things that aren’t even good for them. Other people, stomping around insisting that you do not even exist. And then there’s the slight matter of your greatest admirers. Who would want to be associated with so many religious fanatics? Still, it’s reassuring to know that nobody gets an easy ride in this world. Not even a supreme being! You have had it relatively tough recently. Things though, are about to start getting a whole lot better. Whether you feel the cause of this is earthly or divine, be grateful.
You fear you are not very good at carrying out a certain task. You question your competence. You suspect that you have mistakenly ended up in a particular position. You really need, though, to stop and remember your own tendency to doubt yourself. Too often it erodes your confidence at times when you ought to feel full of enthusiasm. Certain people may be casting aspersions now but then their criticisms count for nothing. They are always finding fault. Don’t let them feed your fire of fear and don’t pour on any of your own fuel either. If you now believe in yourself, you’ll automatically do the right thing.
How can you tell what’s really going on? You could be sorely mistaken. Appearances can be deceptive. So too can explanations. People seemingly love to confuse one another. They go out of their way to create artificial impressions. They do it in the way they dress and the way they speak. They call it “looking their best”. Or “sounding persuasive.” Deception is embedded in our culture. Right now, Someone is stretching a point. They are making an item or an issue seem much bigger than it is. Or than it needs to be. If you want to know the secret of success, it’s this: simply refuse to over-react.
Our world is woefully short of rhyme and reason. That’s why, whenever we come across something that remotely resembles common-sense, we cling to it so tightly. Ah ha, we say to ourselves, “an explanation! I shall treasure this and treat it with great respect. I shall repeat it to myself several times a day and if anyone questions it, I shall defend it vigorously for I recognise how precious it is.” All of this is fine, apart from one thing. Circumstances change. Needs and values differ over time. We have to allow a little room for flexibility in our lives even if that invites a degree of chaos. Don’t be rigid today, be loose.
いつもありがとうございます。 27日山羊座デイリーです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Our world is woefully short of rhyme and reason. That’s why, whenever we come across something that remotely resembles common-sense, we cling to it so tightly. Ah ha, we say to ourselves, “an explanation! I shall treasure this and treat it with great respect. I shall repeat it to myself several times a day and if anyone questions it, I shall defend it vigorously for I recognise how precious it is.” All of this is fine, apart from one thing. Circumstances change. Needs and values differ over time. We have to allow a little room for flexibility in our lives even if that invites a degree of chaos. Don’t be rigid today, be loose.
Once, when we lived in a more simple and innocent age, every household had a “Mr Nobody.” This was the evil blaggard who broke the window - or left the light on - or even, in some unspeakably dreadful circumstances, left the cap off the toothpaste. But in the self-aware, psychologically sophisticated noughties, we are all more than happy to shoulder the blame. “Mea culpa” is the motto of the masses. We climb over one another in the scramble to take responsibility. Sometimes, we even own up to things we haven’t actually done. Don’t go that far this weekend.
Professionals want us to believe their jobs are complicated. Experts want us to believe they know an awful lot. The folk who make ready-meals, have a similar attitude. They want us to feel that their food is hard to cook so we will pay them for a job we could easily do ourselves. This goes on at every level. We cannot help but fall for the spin. Now, of course, some things are extremely tough and require years of specialist training. But do you really have to be a rocket scientist to work out what needs to happen next in your life? And do you need to be a brain surgeon to bring it about?
Feel free to turn off the TV. Avoid books, movies, radios and telephones. Declare yourself entirely independent from the rest of the world and its endless, ongoing, soap-operas. It will make little difference. You can head, if you like, for a Himalayan cave and dwell there in splendid isolation. Still, somehow, a drama will make its way to you. You are destined, this weekend, for an exciting experience that seems, at times, to be putting you through more than you can possibly cope with. Go along with it. Have some faith. The story may well be intense, but it is due to have a happy ending.
射手座原文 They say the Devil makes work for idle hands. That’s yet another good reason to keep busy this weekend. Not that there’s very much choice in the matter. Your hands are full and, if you’ll pardon the rather unfortunate mixing of metaphors, they are also tied. You have to do what you have to do, even though you doubt your own ability to do it. But then, what else would you be doing? Soon, you’ll have more strength. Soon too, you will feel less as if you are surrounded by enemies and critics. That will make all of your tasks less stressful.
If we had no criminals, why would we need a police force? Robbers help to keep cops in a job. So too, do politicians by forever making new activities illegal. But then again, perhaps those with nefarious inclinations also have good reason to thank the government. It is often suspiciously slow to ban behaviour that really ought to be forbidden. All kinds of strange symbiotic relationships exist in our world. We should be cautious before approving or disapproving of one another. You might not think that this weekend’s events and connections are likely to be helpful. But they are.
"Just follow your heart." That’s what people say. They make it sound simple. They imply that, if only we can get ourselves "in tune with our deepest feelings" everything will be simple. They forget that the impulse of the heart is not particularly logical. It doesn’t just disagree with the head by taking the opposite point of view, it winds it up to a frenzy by taking a stance that makes no sense. Or even, by taking two stances at once! If you follow your heart this weekend, it may well take you round in circles. That’s fine, as long as you don’t try to force it to follow a straight line.
These days, we all know too much. Thanks to the Internet, the press, the radio and the TV, we are continually bombarded with an excess of information. Everywhere we turn, people are trying to tell us things. It’s amazing that there are any gaps left in our knowledge at all. Sometimes though, we still manage to make surprising discoveries. This weekend, you can look forward to a revelation. Something is not as you thought it was. Someone is not who they seem. That’s all the more reason why you must continue to be true to yourself. Next week brings your chance to make a naughty dream come true.
Fortunately, your ability to see every story from at least two sides is counterbalanced by an instinctive capacity to recognise the side on which your bread is buttered. There are, indeed, times when this second talent can cause you inadvertently to abuse the first. When it suits to support an assertion that cannot possibly be correct, you can manage to maintain and advantageous silence. I pass no judgement here, I merely wish to point out that this weekend, through a combination of wit, wisdom ? and knowing when to keep your mouth shut, you can profit immensely.
There may be no point in ‘reinventing the wheel’ but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t look for new solutions to old problems. All too often we begin to feel that a certain situation will never change ? or that we have exhausted all possible options and must therefore resign ourselves to uncomfortable fates. Actually though, there’s no such thing as a hopeless situation. It is only when we tell ourselves that nothing can be done ? or talk ourselves out of a good idea? that things get stale and sorry. This weekend presents you with a chance to start doing things very differently. Take it.
There may be no point in ‘reinventing the wheel’ but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t look for new solutions to old problems. All too often we begin to feel that a certain situation will never change ? or that we have exhausted all possible options and must therefore resign ourselves to uncomfortable fates. Actually though, there’s no such thing as a hopeless situation. It is only when we tell ourselves that nothing can be done ? or talk ourselves out of a good idea ? that things get stale and sorry. This weekend presents you with a chance to start doing things very differently. Take it.
天秤座週末です よろしくお願いします Mind you, if it’s tough being God, imagine what it must feel like to be Satan. Stuck down there, millennium after millennium. All that heat and no fresh air. To say nothing of the responsibility. A constant obligation to lure innocents away from the path of righteousness. And to cook up ever more fiendish punishments. Every so often, you’d be bound to weaken and find yourself doing a good deed by mistake. Rights and wrongs are difficult for even the divine to define. But no matter what seems wrong this weekend, there’s something very right and very encouraging about it.
We are supposed to grow more sensible as we get older. All the textbooks tell us this, so it must be true. Perhaps it is for people born under other zodiac signs. But Virgos? Well, you know what I’m going to say don’t you? And you know why I’m saying it too. You are trying hard to be a grown-up now and you suspect you are failing miserably. Ask yourself what constitutes true failure. Is it the inability to do what you think you ought to door the inability to stop yourself from doing what you know you really want to do? By all standards that matter, you are now being successful.
Spectator sports are easy to participate in. By ‘thinking ourselves’ into the role of the player, we live out the action in our minds. When the ball goes into the net, we don’t just cheer, we pat ourselves on the back. Yet when a pass is fumbled, though we may feel gutted, we tend not to relate quite so closely to the person on the field. It is not our loss, it is theirs. We feel sure that had we been in their place we would never have missed that chance. Others can now say what they want but you are in the thick of things. It’s not criticism you deserve but praise. Soon you will get it.
The trouble with life on this planet is that you just can't do anything without it leading to something. Every action produces a reaction. This is even true in situations where we fear we are failing to attain any result for our effort. We may not be getting the outcome we want but we are causing some change to occur. Some people call this the law of Karma. They say it is impossible to go anywhere or do anything without generating Karma of some kind. Of late, one way or another, you have been creating excitement. This week brings a much needed chance to create calmer Karma.
Why, when we first arrive in the world, does no little book of instruction come with us? Why is it not shrink-wrapped in polythene and tied to our leg? It could contain all sorts of handy information from the role we were expected to play ? to a list of the people we should listen to ? or avoid. Then, there need be no doubt about anything. In the absence of such an instruction manual, we have only three options. Write our own, read from somebody else?s or conclude that doubt must be what we came here to feel! This week brings a new philosophy and the start of a new adventure.
People are a bit like chickens. They are always concerned about their place in the pecking order. hey scrabble about looking for little niblets of status that they can proudly claim for themselves. They get completely caught up in issues of self-worth and relative value. They are always measuring themselves to see how they shape up in comparison to their neighbours. And of course, the more they do this, the more they ultimately belittle themselves. If you want to achieve something truly great this week, you need to be big enough to see how small you really are.
Have you ever tried to disentangle a jumble of string? You undo one knot, then another, only to find you cannot pull the rest through till you first remove a further blockage. The process requires patience and dexterity. These, so the textbooks tell us, are traits you possess in abundance. It is tempting to wonder how the ancients reached this conclusion. Perhaps they were just so short of such skills that anyone with a modicum of talent would seem blessed by comparison. For you are not as patient as you claim to be nor as deft as you need to be. Yet. But you are about to become so!
Some people let their fantasies entertain them. These people are not Sagittarians. Whenever you have a dream, you experience a burning urge to turn it into a reality. You entertain your fantasies. What’s more, you like to consider yourself the most generous of hosts. No matter what your fantasies require you will go out of your way to supply it to them. No wonder you keep encountering problems. There’s an easy way to make your life less stressful now. It simply involves settling for less. Not willing to do that? Then you’ll have to keep struggling!
3日蠍座デイリーです。宜しくお願い致します。 We never question the good stuff. Sometimes, we don’t even stop to say thanks for it. We just throw ourselves into it like parched travellers in the desert, finally arriving at an oasis. Yet when we find ourselves trudging once more through those endless sand dunes, we soon start to wonder which god we have inadvertently offended or which unwritten rule of natural law we have unwittingly transgressed. Don’t dwell too long on that, this week, just prepare for an imminent improvement. It needs no ‘good reason’ to occur. It is just going to happen anyway.
天秤座2日です。 よろしくお願いします They say there are two sides to every story. No, really, they do. I know how you feel. I couldn’t believe it either when I first heard it. Only two? Clearly they cannot be Librans. Never yet have you encountered a situation so shallow that it merely has a dual dimension. Every story you have to tell is octagonal at the least. Yet strangely, we now find you fascinated by one particular point of view. Suddenly, it seems you are no longer interested in all the other possible nuances and implications. If that’s making you happy, carry on. If not, remember that there ARE other angles.
Imagine trying to sleep with your shoes on? It is possible but it just doesn’t feel very right. Now imagine having to talk to someone who makes you feel nervous ? whilst in your bare feet. Somehow, you yearn for that sense of being earthed and protected. Different moods, like different clothes, are appropriate to different situations. Yet every so often, we find ourselves entering into a task wearing the wrong ‘look’. You are now clad in the psychological equivalent of a pair of hobnail boots. Yet, actually, you would be better off in ballet shoes. If you want success today, tread lightly and deftly.
We none of us have long on this planet. Just a few precious decades in which to experience all that is on offer. For those with a sense of wonderment, it is just not enough. For those with bitter hearts, it is far too long. And for those who seek enlightenment, well, surely the art is to recognise perfection in everything - regardless of what it may or may not compare to. You are facing issues of time now. You wish that one process could be speeded up and that another could be slowed down. One way or another, you are having to learn the ultimate enlightenment lesson. That’s no bad thing.
Tell you what, let’s not have today’s forecast. Let’s have instead a prediction from five years ago. Will you even notice? That largely depends on how much you are tending to dwell on the past. 魚座3日です。 You are thinking too long and too hard about events that occurred many years back. You cannot undo what has been done. Even if you could, would you really want to? Some of what has happened in the interim has been precious indeed, yet it might never have taken place had it not been for you-know-what. The way to ensure a better tomorrow is to let yourself feel better about yesterday.
Tell you what, let’s not have today’s forecast. Let’s have instead a prediction from five years ago. Will you even notice? That largely depends on how much you are tending to dwell on the past. You are thinking too long and too hard about events that occurred many years back. You cannot undo what has been done. Even if you could, would you really want to? Some of what has happened in the interim has been precious indeed, yet it might never have taken place had it not been for you-know-what. The way to ensure a better tomorrow is to let yourself feel better about yesterday.
What did you come here for in the first place? When you arrived on the planet were you seriously intending to get embroiled in all the petty disputes and difficulties that seem to dog you so much of the time? This was never part of the plan. Nor, almost certainly, was it ever a part of anyone else's. So how have we all ended up in such a pickle, leading lives that don’t do full justice to our potential? You are now being given a rather wonderful reminder of what really matters and why. Honour this with a reorganisation of your schedule and a reassessment of your priorities.
射手座原文 Millionaires have to spend a lot of time worrying about where to keep their wealth. Are their investments wise? Are their possessions secure? To them, it’s a real problem. The rest of us find it difficult to take it very seriously. We simply think, “I wish I was being troubled by something like that.” We cannot identify. Now imagine how someone else might feel viewing your situation from afar. You have a tremendous asset. A big advantage for which you should feel grateful. It is creating some serious complications. Even so, it is a source of stress that you should be very glad to have.
Why do you need a zodiac forecast today? Why can’t you just read a prediction for someone else’s sign instead? We may as well ask why you don’t just wear someone else’s clothes ? or live in their home instead of your own? Identity is important. In a world full of people who are all too quick to conform, individuality is precious. A certain situation now suits you enormously. It does not though, suit someone else anywhere near so well. Consider yourself entitled to have things the way you like them as long as you make some reasonable allowance for how this may impact on others
Different people believe different things. There’s nothing wrong with that. Apart, of course, from the fact that some people believe that other people ought not to be allowed to believe what they believe. You can always tell when someone believes that their belief is the only belief worth believing in. Their behaviour becomes unbelievable! In some cultures it is considered a sign of weakness to be unsure of what it is you believe in. It is actually though, an indication of great strength and wisdom. You no longer believe what you used to believe. Let that lack of belief be a relief!
They say we become like the company we keep. Let us hope that it doesn’t happen too quickly. There are certain people whose examples you do not wish to emulate. It may be worth asking yourself why you feel this quite so strongly. Could it be that their attitudes remind you of tendencies within yourself that you are anxious to repress? Perhaps you feel that it would be all too easy to become like them given just a little more carelessness and insensitivity. Have more faith in your own integrity and be less concerned about the idea that their actions can influence you in any way.
Simulators are supposed to make life safer. Yet they can be dangerous. They can reproduce reality so well as to cause us to confuse theory with fact. We can end up thinking that we know what something is like because we have been in a situation that enables us to imagine it. Yet there’s all the difference in the world between an artificial cockpit and a genuine aeroplane. You are now in territory that you have often thought or fantasised about. Suddenly, your involvement is actual rather than hypothetical. If it feels uncomfortable, just give yourself a while to get used to it.
>>482 の They say we become like the company we keep. は、「朱に交われば あかくなる」 って云ったところでしょうか? 直訳だと、「一緒にいる仲間みたいになるって、世間じゃ云うよね」 かな? この They say は 「世間でよく言われる・・・」 の 使い方かな?と。
Of course you can dwell on the downside if you want to. It's a free world. There's nothing to stop you. But you'll be doing yourself a disservice. You'll be looking at the situation from a perverse perspective. You'll be forgetting that there's always a reason to doubt everything - and everyone. Nothing is so pure that it doesn't have a side-effect. Nor so straight forward that it doesn't have complications. You might do better to remember that the darkest shadows are always caused by the brightest lights. Just find a way to put yourself on the lighter side of your obstacle.
Politicians don’t have it easy. They know that when they are trying to get elected they must differentiate themselves from their opponents by declaring a passionate belief in particular policies. They also know that once they are in power they will require every last ounce of flexibility they can get. Policies never work in practice ? unless they are applied very loosely. So, for the purpose of today’s analogy, it is rather as if you are now in government but still trying to win votes. Be less concerned about what ought to be happening and more pragmatic about what’s really going on.
It’s odd how you can know someone for ages only to realise that in some ways, you hardly even know them at all. But if you stop to think about it, it’s not so surprising. None of us really know ourselves. We may think we understand who we are and what we are doing here but sooner or later life will present us with a challenge we were not expecting. Our reaction to this reveals a great deal. We stop and scratch our heads, “Now why did I do that?” We ask ourselves. Make some allowance now as you find out more about someone close. The relationship is changing but in a good way, not a bad one.
If our every deed has an impact of some kind, what about our every thought? Can we be sure, when we entertain an idea, that it is not somehow, causing a subtle shift in the energy of the cosmos somewhere? Simply by holding a notion in our mind we may be influencing the outcome of an event. What a responsibility. So er... are we supposed to police our own thoughts lest we inadvertently contemplate something inappropriate? Most people think not. They argue that it is sufficient merely to regulate our actions. Even so, there are some things you are better off ignoring today.
Emotionally, you feel a little battered and bruised ? to say nothing of dazed and confused. You can’t quite work out what has happened or why. You just know that something is not as it was ? or as it ought to be. A certain situation is draining your strength. It is also costing you money and precious time. Yet it ought to be bringing you joy and reward. You feel sure that, with just a small adjustment, it could. You are right. It can. You just have to stop hanging on to the hurt and start reaching instead for understanding and forgiveness. There is a positive way to proceed from here.
Are there really days when you may as well stay in bed? Well, even if there are, I am not going to tell you. I don’t want to plant a negative expectation in your mind ? nor be held responsible by the government for keeping a twelfth of the workforce at home. So until or unless this page gets sponsored by Dunlopillo, I shall be making no such suggestions. I would though, always drop a hint if I thought you faced a day during which efforts were not likely to get results. Today though, you need to leap up and get going for the going is due to be good.
Was that a smile I saw flitting across your face a little earlier? Well, what was it doing there? Do you have a licence for it? Or even, come to that, a genuinely convincing reason? Be careful. Smiles can be highly contagious and difficult to remove once they have become established. You don’t want to end up with a reputation for being happy, do you? Try and focus today, on as many miserable or depressing thoughts as you possibly can. if you work hard, you may be able to remove that smile from your face for a while. Though I still suspect it will come back sooner than you think.
射手座原文 Since the middle of January, Mars has been in your zodiac sign. Now, as it leaves, we find you looking carefully at what you have lately accomplished and wondering what you still need to achieve. Over the past few weeks, you have developed very deep determination. You remain convinced that you have a mission to carry out. Now though, you can start to tackle it at a more leisurely pace, safe in the knowledge that you have built up significant momentum. It will take quite some while before you can lose this, even if you want to... but you definitely don’t.
5日 おひつじ座 ��Words, of course, mean nothing. Talk is cheap. Anyone can say anything. What does it matter? Words, ultimately, are expressions of the intellect which is cold and dry and slightly robotic. The language of the heart by comparison is distinctly non-verbal. Yet that, surely, is the one we truly want to be fluent in. But then, sometimes, a few well chosen words can make the world of difference. Today, even if you do not find yourself able to say them, you will hear them. Prepare for a very profitable and productive exchange of important ideas and information.
Sometimes, before things can improve they have to get worse. You know this only too well. Lately, in some respects, that’s precisely what they have been doing. Indeed, each time you contemplate a particular situation, you wonder how it can possibly get any worse. It can’t. It can only get better. And soon, it will. The lessons you have been learning lately have been difficult. You are still reeling from their intensity and their importance. But you have learned what you needed to learn and now you are ready to profit from your knowledge. It should yet prove a very pleasing day.
When people don’t know what they are doing, they either tend to go to pieces or to become terribly uptight. In much the same way, frightened people either whimper or roar and angry people either rage or repress their feelings completely... and pretend to be all sweetness and light. Right now, you must watch for this tendency in others... and in yourself. If you feel something, even if you fear that it makes you seem vulnerable, have the courage to show your true emotion. And make allowance please, for the real reactions that others are too shy to show.
"Buzz, buzz, buzz." That's the sound of the bee in your bonnet. I felt it was appropriate to begin your forecast with this today for I know, right now, you are having difficulty hearing anything else. It is though, beginning to become a bit of a boring bee. It just keeps droning on and it never seems to produce any honey. Things could, admittedly, be worse. You could have a hornet in your helmet or a wasp in your wig. But do you really need any of this at all? Do not let anyone sting you for anything today. If they try, just tell them to buzz off!
Theory and practice are not so much two sides of one coin as two sides of one tug-o-war. Superficially, the relationship can seem civil and mutually supportive but it soon becomes clear that there are deeply irreconcilable differences. Some people, understanding this, feel sorry for theory. They assume that it must always lose out in the end. Actually though, theory is seductive ? so much so that it can win over supporters who will resolutely reject reality even when it is staring them in the face. Today, you need to know which side a certain person is on.
It has been argued in all seriousness by senior theoretical scientists, that the beating of a butterfly's wing on one side of the globe, can trigger air currents that eventually cause a hurricane many miles away. If so, perhaps we all have to rethink the idea that our words and deeds make little impact on society as a whole. We do have influence. And power. We need to recognise this and to use our abilities wisely. Right now, your actions and choices have the potential to change the world for a great many people. Act with great respect for your deepest ethics.
Every relationship involves, to some extent, a power struggle. In the best of these, the struggle is never won. It continues month after month, year after year. Too often we wrongly assume, that to get on well with someone we must have plenty in common and much agreement. In reality we can grow tired of any form of interpersonal communication if there is insufficient challenge within it. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with the tension or conflict you are experiencing now. Just ask, is this potentially part of a mutually-productive process?
If yesterday was the first day of the rest of your life, today must be the first day of the rest of the rest of your life. And tomorrow? Well, yes, you’ve guessed it. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Nature is much more generous than society. Where people tend not to allow one another too many fresh starts and new beginnings, she positively hands them round like sweets. She does a wonderful line in new seasons, new moons and new dawns. To say nothing of new breaths. Every few seconds we make a symbolic fresh beginning. Your future starts here. Forget the past.
You can really ask a saxophonist to play quietly. Or rather, you can ・and they can try to oblige but they are still going to be very noisy. It like asking an elephant to tread gently or suggesting that a Scorpio should make an effort to be less emotionally intense. You are only now doing what comes naturally to you and there is no reason to assume that this is in any way wrong. Regardless of the impact it may be having on your popularity or (temporarily) on your bank balance, you are doing what you must do. And that, surely, has to be right.
Thankfully, a few problems remain. Happily you have not yet eradicated all difficulty from your life. Fortunately, there is still plenty to aggravate and disgruntle you. The alternative is too ghastly to contemplate. Let us not go there, even for a moment, in our imagination. You have no desire to live in a bland, twee world full of harmony, co-operation and understanding. No colour, no texture, no light and shade, no interests, no drama, no... whoops! I am so sorry. I said we would not go there yet look where we went. That’s the nature of negativity you know. It attracts like a magnet. Don’t be drawn today.
In some parts of the world, they leave their buildings deliberately unfinished. Even if the entire structure is an intricate work of art they keep one little section incomplete. This is to acknowledging the fact, that here on the earth there’s always room for improvement! Nothing is ever as good as it can get. When we claim to have it all or pretend that we have solved all our problems, we are kidding ourselves. To be human is to wrestle with incompatible urges and to struggle with factors that are less than ideal. You don’t really need a solution to your problem now, you just need to see it as less of a problem!
射手座原文 Our world is restrictive and constraining. It is full of petty rules and regulations plus a million unwritten codes of behaviour that we transgress at our peril. We are judged by our peers and found wanting if we fail to follow their protocols - or live up to their expectations. Take, for example, the thorny issue of identity. Why are we all only allowed one each? Why can’t we have several to pick and choose between according to our mood? You now don’t feel what you used to feel nor want quite what you used to want. In some circles, this is called inconsistency. A much better word for it would be progress.
Often, we talk about people we should be talking to. We comment behind their backs. We pass judgements and we make critical observations. But we do not communicate these to the people who most need to hear our reactions ? and then we wonder why they never listen to us! Of course, we can’t just go storming up to the folk we disapprove of and start telling them where they are going wrong. We have to be gentle and diplomatic. But we do have to press our point. Unless, that is, we secretly enjoy carping and complaining and are more interested in nursing a resentment than in achieving change.
蠍座6日です。お願いいたします Of course you care. How can you not? Are you cold and callous? Are you heartless and inhumane? Numb and robotic? Mean and miserable? Well then, as you are clearly none of these things you have no option other than to experience ・and express a little emotion. Is it appropriate? Who cares? Is it counter-productive? Who knows? Some things are just beyond quantification and explanation. Right now, you are in the realms of instinct, not intellect. The best thing you can do with your thoughts is ignore them whilst you let your feelings lead you to an inevitable and important destination.
When you were a kid did you wish you could be a super-hero? Did you dream of speeding through the air with your cape stretched out behind you? Did you yearn for the power to read minds or to see through walls? Some of those abilities you actually now have! They may only be intermittent but on a good day, you can tell what others are thinking and sometimes you just know what’s going on, even if it is being hidden. Pluto is now enhancing that capacity. I must be very clear here. If you think you can fly, you can’t. But if you reckon you know what a certain someone is really up to - you are probably right!
We all want to be fair. Or at least, I hope we do. Problems, in our world, don’t always tend to come about because of people deliberately deciding to be selfish. Often they emerge over some bitter dispute regarding the true meaning of the word ‘reasonable’. One person’s justice is another’s wild imbalance. So how are you to know where the rights and the wrong really lie within your current situation? There may well be another way to approach the matter that sits before you now. But as long as you are willing to see this, should it emerge, you are right to proceed with your current plan of action.
Even when she lay atop twenty mattresses, piled one over the other, the princess could still detect a pea beneath them. That was how they knew she was truly regal. Of course, it wouldn't work today. They would just decide that she was suffering from a rare skin condition or perhaps a psychosomatic disorder. Besides which, these days, peas are frozen not dried so they squish much more easily. Arguably there are two ways to look at the way you are handling a current challenge. One involves suggesting that you are paying great attention to minor detail. The other, is to see you as hypersensitive.
Some people like to go into the same restaurant and order the same meal, week after week. That’s their prerogative, we don’t think any the worse of them for it. We object though, when they make precisely the same remarks or tell exactly the same jokes. Unless, of course, we too are so set in our ways as to take comfort in such company and find it supportive rather than stifling. There’s a shade too much repetition in your life at the moment. There’s a shade too much repetition in your life at the moment. There’s a shade... Well, you take my point, I hope. And now, you need to take a different direction.
Normally I encourage my clients to eschew idle conjecture. I tell them not to dwell in the land of ‘what might have been’. I remind them that whilst the words ‘if’ and ‘only’ are innocuous enough in isolation, they combine to make a potent and potentially devastating cocktail. Maybe now though, I should break that rule and urge you to take a flight of fancy. Think of how things might have been had key events run a slightly different course. Wallow in that vapid vision then give thanks for the way it has all turned out and have faith in your current power to influence the future, favourably.
Why is it, do you think, you have such potent powers of self-criticism? Could it be nature’s way of compensating you for your awesome insight into others? Might it be that without this moderating influence you would be a devastating force? An intellectual colossus, striding purposely through a world of whimpering fools, reducing others to an empty shell with a few well-chosen words of dismissal and disapproval? The only reason you can’t do this is because you sometimes lack faith in your own judgement, brilliant though it is. Right now, it truly is brilliant. You should trust it.
Whenever the moon passes through our sign of the zodiac we tend to feel a little vulnerable and exposed. We grow more sensitive, more anxious or more apprehensive than usual. Even if we belong to the sign of assertive Aries and are thus never afraid of anything or anyone, we can become ever so slightly less certain of ourselves under such cosmic conditions. So far, therefore, this week has been a little difficult. You may continue being a little uncomfortable today but soon your confidence will come swinging back in, all the stronger for having survived a somewhat nerve-racking experience.
Some things make sense when you first think about them but gradually, they lose their logic and their reason. We end up wondering why on earth we ever believed in a creed - or accepted a certain suggestion. Other ideas have the opposite impact. They grow on us slowly. We experiment with them out of necessity rather than enthusiasm and then discover that we have been blessed. For some while now, you have been keen to reject a particular proposition. You are about to discover that it has much to offer you. It should prove a profitable weekend.
There will be an awful lot to think about ? and talk about ? this weekend. That’s all the more reason not to get too deeply embroiled in any conversation or too excited about any particular topic. No matter what you think, you will think differently when you find out more information. No matter what is being said, something different will be discussed after further dialogue. Consider the whole thing a mental exercise and take part only for as long as it is helping to strengthen you. Stop as soon as you grow tired. There is no need to go for the burn.
乙女座週末です。よろしくお願いします。 Vacuum cleaner salespeople love to show us pictures of the microscopic creatures that dwell in our rugs and carpets. Even though they are all-but invisible to the naked eye and no more harmful than dust, we shiver when we see those images. They look like evil mutated insects. Characters from some 1950s science-fiction B-movie. We feel threatened. We instantly know that they must be eradicated. It is either us or them. Yet it is all, of course, a matter of perspective. Watch this weekend for a tendency to blow something very small into something ridiculously big.
Fairy tales have a lot to answer for. All those handsome princes and beautiful princesses. Those shining castles and enchanted forests. Those dragons, those wizards and those wish-granting fairies. We hear so many, at such an early age, that we begin to believe them. But of course, they can’t come true… er... can they? I cannot promise a happy ever after this weekend, but I can predict a ‘much happier than you have been. ’ It will come about through a series of rather wonderful reasons and the impact will last for longer than you might initially expect.
Actions have consequences. Plans have implications. It’s a shame really. If only they didn’t we could get an awful lot more done, a whole lot faster. Unfortunately, we cannot ignore the complicated nature of reality. Links and connections have to be understood. Bored yet? Falling asleep? I know I’m not saying the kind of thing that interests you very much. You prefer to shoot first and ask questions later. If you ever ask them at all. And, er... sometimes, just sometimes, you can get clean away with it. Feel free not to think this weekend. You really don’t need to.
We are always encouraged to be decisive. ‘Be firm,’ they urge us. ‘Be clear, be strong, be sure.’ It all sounds very good and very appealing. Why on earth would any of us want to be anything else? Yet sometimes, there are disadvantages to such certainty. We can act with conviction and speak with total authority in areas where we know very little and understand even less. And that’s never wise. You face a danger of this nature over the weekend. Don’t succumb to pressure. Remember that it is better to be a brave doubter than a cowardly believer.
It has been some while since we last tried a telepathic experiment so here goes. I will send you your prediction silently so that you can receive it using your innate psychic skills. To make sure that we both transmit and receive at the same moment, I shall count to three. Ready? OK. Let’s begin. One, two... three! There! Did you get it? Well done. You will find, over the next few days, that the forecast proves completely accurate. That is the great advantage of unspoken communication. You can twist it to mean anything you want. Be aware of that this weekend.
Every year it gets harder to be outrageous. More lines are crossed, more taboos are broken down, more boundaries are pushed. And that’s not the only reason. As individuals, we are all on a path of spiritual inner growth. We are learning to be more open, tolerant and accepting. Even so, no matter how society changes or how evolved our consciousness becomes, the universe finds a way to test us and stretch us somehow. You may, at first, feel amazed by some of this weekend’s developments and discoveries but you will soon come to see how constructive they are.
Every year it gets harder to be outrageous. More lines are crossed, more taboos are broken down, more boundaries are pushed. And that’s not the only reason. As individuals, we are all on a path of spiritual inner growth. We are learning to be more open, tolerant and accepting. Even so, no matter how society changes or how evolved our consciousness becomes, the universe finds a way to test us and stretch us somehow. You may, at first, feel amazed by some of this weekend’s developments and discoveries but you will soon come to see how constructive they are.
おはようございます、 蠍座週末です。ヨロシクお願いします。 Your fan club has many members. The secret meetings of your critics and opponents are also well attended. Unfortunately, some people seem to be members of both groups. They keep changing their tune. They lull you into a false sense of security and then do something deeply disappointing. And sometimes, they put you unnecessarily on edge before proving reliable after all. Don’t be overly-sensitive this weekend. Your real friends are true friends and the others have far less power than you think. Only if you take them too seriously will they be able to cause problems.
おはようございます。 山羊座週末をお願いいたします。 You are very good at weathering storms. You have a natural ability to build shelters and create strong defences. You are also very patient. You may mutter and complain but you see things through. You wait as long as you have to. Sometimes, you wonder whether these abilities work against you. Perhaps,・you postulate, If you gave up sooner, you would have to withstand less.・Then, every so often, you attain something magical and precious that could not have come about in any other way. That makes it all OK. This weekend will bring you just such a breakthrough.
When something is wrong you can usually tell. Your inner radar begins to emit a high-pitched beep. You may not be able to identify the precise nature of the problem but you can sense its existence. You find yourself unable to rest until you have tracked it down and sorted it out. This weekend, you find yourself being bugged by a new cause for concern. It seems mysterious, but is it really so baffling? Could it be that actually, you know full well what needs to be dealt with and why. Look at the obvious before you look at anything else. You may not need to look any further.
‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’Or so they say. But there are all kinds of very real threats and problems that we have every reason to be wary of. It remains true though, that when people act unforgivably they usually do so as a result of some secret terror. They may not even know they are afraid. They may pretend to be terribly strong in their effort to disguise the true depth of their feeling. Even so, fear is pervasive and invasive. It has a lot to answer for. Happily, so too does hope. This weekend you have everything to play for and nothing to worry about.
‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’ Or so they say. But there are all kinds of very real threats and problems that we have every reason to be wary of. It remains true though, that when people act unforgivably they usually do so as a result of some secret terror. They may not even know they are afraid. They may pretend to be terribly strong in their effort to disguise the true depth of their feeling. Even so, fear is pervasive and invasive. It has a lot to answer for. Happily, so too does hope. This weekend you have everything to play for and nothing to worry about.
Since 1995, the ruler of your sign has been actually in your sign. That hasn’t happened since the First World War. It explains why the last few years have been so demanding. It is not even fair to say you have been going through ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences, for some people simply never live long enough to be faced with such a cosmic challenge. In time, you will look back with gratitude and see this era as a time during which you were set free. Currently, you are more inclined to see it as something you would like to be set free from. Events this very week, will grant this wish for you.
‘Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose...’ So sang Kris Kristofferson in his immortal Me And Bobby McGee. But freedom is a word with more than one meaning. To some it is a scary proposition. Too often, we become like birds caged for so long that even when the door is left open we feel afraid to escape. It is true that you have nothing much to lose. But it is also true that you have an awful lot to gain. This week, doesn’t so much bring a taste of freedom as a five-course gourmet meal comprising the finest delights that liberty ever has to offer.
��What is the secret of true happiness? Over the centuries many people have asked this question but few have ever claimed to know the answer. Perhaps instead, we should ask, what is the cause of eternal sadness? The human heart is amazingly resilient as too, is the mind. No matter what we experience, we can find some way to accept it or put it behind us. So if sadness cannot last forever, perhaps happiness cannot either. And perhaps, it is only when we understand this that we become truly happy. Something in your life is starting to make a lot more sense. That can only be good.
Astrologers love to give patronising advice. They warn their readers to ‘keep their temper’ or to ‘avoid extravagance’. They trot out these well-worn cliches day after day, like nannies chastising their charges in a kind of half-hearted absent-minded way. Should you really avoid extravagance today? Hey! It’s not my job to tell you that. I am your fortune-teller but not your moral guardian. Besides which, I doubt that you can avoid it, even if you want to. Jupiter’s antagonistic link to Mercury is strong and seductive. But I do have every confidence in your ability to ENJOY going a bit too far!
You are now giving an awful lot of attention to a particular situation. Does it really warrant all that time and energy? All too often, we inadvertently go through a process of displacement. Rather than tackle a daunting, difficult task we become disproportionately fascinated by some relative irrelevance. We gain more satisfaction from sorting out something small than we do from peering into the abyss of apparent impossibility. Yet you will only make the progress you deserve by taking your attention away from the trivial and focusing it on the truly important.
The planets speak of an improvement in your mood and circumstances. You should soon feel considerably less compromised. Of course, I must be careful when making such statements for I would not like you to run away with the idea that everything is going to be wonderful forever. As a Sagittarian you are blessed with an endlessly optimistic imagination. It doesn’t take much to trigger it off and once it gets going it can paint all kinds of extravagant pictures. If though, your hopes are now relatively realistic, there’s every reason why they should soon be fulfilled or even surpassed.
おはようございます。 蠍座10日です。翻訳宜しくお願い致します。 Superman has X-ray vision. He can see right through people ? even through walls. This comes in handy for battling arch-villains but it is a bit of a problem in his personal life. It makes it hard for people to keep secrets from him. Yet every so often, we all need to preserve a little mystery and mystique. You have superpowers of your own. Rarely do you miss a trick. Even more rarely do you fail to detect an undertone. You may not be able to see right through people’s bodies but you can easily penetrate their facades. You are seeing more than you need to see. Just ignore it!
Uranus is moving into your sector of the sky. It hasn’t been there since 1919-20. It will remain with you (after just a brief break towards the end of this year) for the rest of the decade. You had better get used to a new perspective. Uranus hates tedium and predictability. Wherever there is an established routine or a firmly-ensconced regime, it does its best to bring about dramatic change. This is always for the good but, because we are all creatures of habit, we often resent the influence when we first encounter it. Prepare to embrace a much-needed opportunity.
Things are very different now. Indeed, they may never be quite the same ever again. Not everything on the surface has altered but deep down where it matters, there has been a seismic shift. The tectonic plates of your life have changed position. The earth has moved. It may take a while to adjust to this. At first you may begin to wonder whether or not you feel good about what has happened. Roughly around the same time that you realise there can be no going back, it will dawn on you that you do not want to. Forward is the only direction that can possibly make sense. Soon, you will be celebrating.
Some relationships matter much more to us than others. Yet we have many delicate and important involvements with other people and it is always a good idea to honour these with a little effort and energy. That’s not always easy though. We can find ourselves being stretched too thin when too many people want us to be in too many different places at the same time. You are now having to look closely at the way you fit into a certain person’s world - and the way in which they fit into yours. Old agreements can no longer be taken for granted but new and much better ones can yet be formed.
There's a precious diamond glinting in the sunlight. Unfortunately, it is sitting on a leaf. The leaf is attached to a lily. The lily is sitting in the middle of a swamp. The swamp is infested with alligators. Now, how badly do you want it? Some things are just too difficult. Their theoretical advantages may be enormous but the cost of turning that theory into practice is too high. Before you decide to go wrestling with alligators, look around. There are other more readily attainable gems. Don't assume, just because something is easier to get, that it must be in some way inferior.
Uranus will return to your sign in September before finally departing early in 2004. For now though, you are free from its influence. Whilst many astrologers argue that it is good to have your ruler in your sign and therefore, by implication, not so good for it not to be there, the reality is different. It is inevitably stressful. Whilst it may bring many benefits we tend to pay a high psychic price for these. You have now paid your price. It is time to start reaping your rewards. If they have not already begun to come flooding in, they will start to do so shortly. And they will keep coming for quite a while.
Do you like green eggs and ham? The little character in the famous book by Dr Seuss, was not at all sure that he did. Only after enormous amount of persuasion was he coerced into experimenting with the dish. But in the end, it turned out that he liked it a lot! Must you be chased up and down mountains before you finally explore an option that is surely going to prove worthwhile. Is it some perverse streak of self-denial that makes you reluctant to accept the gift the cosmos has on offer? Or do you seriously see it as inappropriate? Put aside your misgivings. Count your many blessings.
射手座原文 People often describe yours as a lucky sign. Yet lately, you have not been feeling especially fortunate. You are, indeed, becoming ever more conscious of the ways in which fortune is failing to smile on you. Yet recent scientific research has established that when people see themselves as lucky, they are much more likely to encounter advantages. So that’s one good reason to be optimistic. Another, is that your astrological outlook is improving by the day, if not by the hour. The more you now think yourself into a positive frame of mind. The more rapidly you will begin to get results.
Who wants fair-weather friends? Who needs superficial support? Who courts empty popularity? Who yearns for fawning admirers? Well, of course, we all know the answer to that one. But, er... other than particular pop stars and politicians, who on earth could ever desire such vapidity? There may be a lot you lack but it is surely better to have the right sort of nothing than the wrong sort of something. And anyway, it is not as if you have nothing. That in your life which is real is now very real indeed. And very wonderful. Which more than compensates for a million pointless possibilities.
Why can’t everything be wonderful? What stops the world from being a bright, happy place? I can offer you the long reason if you have a year to spare for the explanation. Or, if you prefer, I can just give the potted version. Nothing! Or, at least, nothing very much. We think up a million reasons to worry. We find it all too easy to identify problems and difficulties. Yet the planet remains, in essence, a beautiful place. Life is a precious gift. We have come here to enjoy ourselves, not to suffer. Every so often, life gives us a glorious reminder of this inspiring truth. Expect yours any moment now. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
いつもボラさんありがとうございます。 11日蠍座デイリーです。宜しくお願い致します。 There’s a very significant difference between knowledge and understanding. Many people are like walking encyclopaedias. They can talk to you about almost any topic. They can recite places and names, facts and figures, dates and details. Yet their level of actual insight is surprisingly low. The hows and the whens they can easily grasp. It’s just the whys that elude them. You are now gaining access to an enormous amount of information. It is important to use it wisely. That means thinking carefully and employing some sensitivity before you go jumping to conclusions.
Are you quite sure you deserve a forecast today? You don’t think, do you, that we might be better off donating this space to someone born under a less troublesome sign? Oh good. I am glad you don’t think that. That means your sense of self-worth has not been entirely eroded by recent debilitating developments. You still need, though, to be wary of unjustified attacks on your integrity. Where normally you might laugh these off, you are feeling exceptionally sensitive due to the Moon’s passage through Gemini. Remember, please, it’s one thing to be humble - another to be self-effacing.
With power comes responsibility. With responsibility comes complication. With complication comes confusion. With confusion comes disempowerment. Nature is really rather wonderful. Somehow, she always manages to ensure that everything has a season and that nothing stays the same forever. Right now, you are accomplishing something important. There’s no doubt that you are making a big move. Somehow though, you feel more conscious of the downside than the upside. Gradually, you will learn how to cope with the side-effects of your newly-improved situation.
When people tell us they have good news for us, we immediately think, 'Oh yes, and do you have some bad news too?' We automatically assume that there will be a drawback or a downside. We steel ourselves for this. And of course, in one way we are right to do so. There's no such thing as a flawless, perfect situation. It is though, quite possible to enter a scenario where the negative is far outweighed by the positive. Right now, you are in an enviable position. Don't be doubtful or dubious, just prepare to take a rather wonderful step in a new direction. Your news truly is good.
Do you feel any different yet? Uranus has begun a visit to your zodiac sign which will last for the rest of the decade. Influences of such importance do not always make their presence felt instantly. But then Uranus is very much a planet of sudden surprise. It may well decide to help mark this new phase of your future with an unexpected incident or a rapid realisation. One thing is for sure, the routine you now follow will soon be very different. Something inspiring and liberating will help you to shake off the shackles of tired tradition and embrace the excitement of fresh opportunities.
魚座 11日デイリー原文 ��Do you feel any different yet? Uranus has begun a visit to your zodiac sign which will last for the rest of the decade. Influences of such importance do not always make their presence felt instantly. But then Uranus is very much a planet of sudden surprise. It may well decide to help mark this new phase of your future with an unexpected incident or a rapid realisation. One thing is for sure, the routine you now follow will soon be very different. Something inspiring and liberating will help you to shake off the shackles of tired tradition and embrace the excitement of fresh opportunities.
Like veterans of some famous battle, we vividly recall the tense events of yesteryear. We consider ourselves proud to have survived our trials and tribulations and even show off our scars with a degree of satisfaction. “Look,” we say. “That proves how much I went through.” We dine out on those tales of trouble for the rest of our lives. Gradually, we downplay the amount of anxiety and emphasise the element of heroism. Uranus, as it now moves into a new sign, is effectively sending you home from a long, demanding fight. The worst of a stressful saga is over. You are a winner.
“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere.” Dr Seuss is known as a writer of books for the very young yet as the above clearly demonstrates, he was also a gifted observational philosopher. The line comes from his inspirational classic, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Perhaps we do him an injustice to quote it out of context. Nonetheless, it is true that we are surrounded, our whole lives long, by the funniest of things. Even more peculiarly, we pretend that they are perfectly normal. It’s not an explanation you need today. Just a sense of humour.
The trouble with golden moments is that, however wonderful they may be, they remain merely moments. They don't last forever. Eventually, they become memories and, no matter how hard we try to hang on to them, they slowly slip from our minds. Your vivid recollection of a past triumph has a lot to do with a reason why you have wound up in your current situation. You are about to have a new experience of glorious, uplifting inspiration. Treasure this for what it is. Don't try to learn from it or make it last. Just let it carry you where it so clearly wants to take you.
�That which does not destroy us makes us stronger. Friedrich Nietzsche said a lot of things not all of them true. In this case though, it would appear that this famous philosopher hit the nail on the head. You have been through a lot lately. There have been moments when you were not sure that you would come through unscathed. Now though, it is clear that you are stronger. Whilst it may be too soon to start giving thanks for all that you have lately encountered, you can at least see that there is no need to fear a repetition of recent difficulty. Soon, youll see more than that!
Some you win, some you lose and some you just take one look at and then realise, in an instant, that the whole notion of “success vs. failure” is childish and irrelevant. You are not now interested in points or prizes. You are having a profound reaction to a powerful experience. This is humbling in one way, inspiring in another. Today, brings yet another eye-opener. You may have given up hope of ever making progress with a particular problem but here comes something more than progress. A proper solution! Yet it comes from a most gloriously unexpected quarter. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Perhaps it is time to dig out your certificate and look at the small print. Don’t ask, “What certificate?” Why, surely you remember. You were clutching it in your left hand at the moment you were born. You don’t have it any more? Nobody ever told you where it went? Why that’s outrageous! It said something about an entitlement to expect perfection in every way, at every turn, during every moment of this life. Er... didn’t it? Well, I guess if you don’t have it in writing, you can’t complain. But don’t feel too hopeless. For, in a strange way, things ARE about to work out perfectly!
Due to technical difficulties we are unable to bring you a zodiac forecast today. Meanwhile, the management have borrowed some advice for you. Please appreciate that it is on loan and treat it with respect. Someone else may need it after you. “A watched pot never boils. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. A stitch in time...” Phew! The problem has been fixed. There’s just time for the end of your actual forecast. “And remember today, Saturn may cause some people to deprive you of your rights whilst fobbing you off with dubious excuses and tired platitudes. Don’t let them.
Just imagine if we really could turn back time. We’d have to spend the whole of the rest of our lives getting ready for yesterday. The only thing we would have to look forward to would be more looking back. And there would be no point in getting a new zodiac forecast every day for we would all know precisely what was coming next. I understand why you have doubts and misgivings about a recent development. I also see quite why you are reluctant to seek too far in a particular direction. But what else can you do? And where else can you go? Press on. You really won’t regret it.
Some you win, some you lose and some you just take one look at and then realise, in an instant, that the whole notion of “success vs.failure” is childish and irrelevant. You are not now interested in points or prizes. You are having a profound reaction to a powerful experience. This is humbling in one way, inspiring in another. Today, brings yet another eye-opener. You may have given up hope of ever making progress with a particular problem but here comes something more than progress. A proper solution! Yet it comes from a most gloriously unexpected quarter.
A suspicion, no matter how strong, is never a quarter as convincing as a confession. Even when we feel sure we know the score, we still like to have things explained to us. It takes away that niggling element of doubt. Plus, of course, it allows us to pat ourselves on the back. “Aha,” we can say, “I knew that already.” This is probably why, back in the old days, sinners were urged to own up to everything for the good of their souls. In reality, it was just for the good of their accuser’s egos. Now, who is trying to get you to put which cards on what table? And why? If in doubt, say nowt.
This is not guaranteed to be one of the most noticeably wonderful days of your life. It is just possible that the best of the cosmic magic will be taking place behind the scenes, affecting some area of your world that isn’t immediately obvious. You may not even be currently aware that you have a problem there. But somehow, you are being helped enormously now by an exceptionally benign sky. As if to welcome Uranus, the planet of sudden change into Pisces, Venus is forming a conjunction with your ruler. There’s real magic in the air plus real warmth and comfort too.
In some boxing matches, you can’t tell who’s winning till the last moment. The opponents keep slugging it out until they are equally battered and bruised. As they wobble unsteadily on their feet, bereft of all intelligence save a brutish determination to keep hammering at the enemy, it is anyone’s guess who will emerge victorious. As we now look at your state, exhausted after an intense exchange with an awkward set of circumstances, we could easily see you as the loser. But actually, you have won on points. Get your strength back. There’s about to be a celebration.
双子座12日原文 It wouldn’t take much, would it? A small twist of fate? A serendipitous coincidence? A helpful hand from a kindly cosmos? Why can’t you get what you seek? Why can’t you have what you need? Now, please read the following sentence very carefully. You CAN have the latter but only if you relinquish your cast-iron grip on the former. The planets suggest that you now seek what you do not need. And therefore, by implication, that you need what you are not even seeking. Seek to understand what it is you truly need. Once you identify that, you will find it surprisingly easy to get.
Your ruler is now passing through your second house. That’s a statement I have never been able to make to you in all my years as an astrologer. In all your years, you have never experienced such a phenomenon. This is a rare, cosmic transit with a powerful influence. The second house governs material status. It is seen by many as the house of money. But there is actually a lot more to it than that. When people feel well off, they tend to become well off. Confidence attracts wealth, just as kindness attracts appreciation. You are about to attract a significant improvement in your circumstances.
原文 "Tell me please, oh great astrologer, am I due to have a good day?" "Ah, it is not as easy to answer you question as you might think. For you see, my friend, the words good and bad represent relative concepts. Compared to something terrible, something bad can seem good. And compared to something truly wonderful, something good can seem bad. Then there's the matter of seemingly bad news which ultimately leads to something very good. Yet when you first hear it, you cannot possibly feel pleased about it. Today, actually, will be very good. But tomorrow will be better.
おはようございます。 今日もよろしくおねがいします。 When the going gets tough, the tough get someone else to do the dirty work for them. They are too tough ? and too smart to fall for the idea that they ought to feel guilty. Only the weak feel obliged to take on personal responsibility for everything and everyone. If bucks can be passed, the tough are quite happy to hand them over. So… er... what does this make you? In many ways, your softness is your strength. You are under absolutely no obligation to do what you are now trying to do. But you feel determined to do it and that’s a sign of tremendous strength.
Perhaps the explanation lies in your childhood. Maybe, if we can cast our mind back this far, we can find the reason why you are so strongly drawn towards a particular idea. Can it really be wise? Hmmm. We associate wisdom with restraint and self-discipline. Yet actually, sometimes, it can be most unwise to hold back a profound emotion or ignore a deep yearning. Likewise, it can be wise to show wild enthusiasm if this is what you truly feel. You don’t need to analyse your past or indeed, any aspect of yourself. You just need to trust what your heart is telling you now. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Look at all you have been blessed with, then try to put a price on it. You can’t. It is precious beyond measure. How many stars are in the sky? Planets revolve around them all. Yet as far as we know, none is capable of supporting life. Our very existence on this earth, is a miracle. Every day brings a choice. We can sit around feeling sorry for ourselves ? or indulge in some petty point-scoring exercise ? or we can stop and recognise how incredibly fortunate we are to be here. Today brings one reason to celebrate. Appreciate it properly and the one will become many.
Appearances can be deceptive. Then again, so can disappearances! We think something has gone from our lives forever then suddenly, it returns. We think something is missing, then we find it once more. How are we supposed to know what’s really going on? We can try asking an expert but experts love to play safe. Whenever they don’t really know the answer to a crucial question, they just say whatever sounds most sensible. But they won’t admit that this is what they are doing, lest it makes them seem like less of an expert! Trust your hunches today. They are as reliable as anything else.
Appearances can be deceptive. Then again, so can disappearances! We think something has gone from our lives forever then suddenly, it returns. We think something is missing, then we find it once more. How are we supposed to know what’s really going on? We can try asking an expert but experts love to play safe. Whenever they don’t really know the answer to a crucial question, they just say whatever sounds most sensible. But they won’t admit that this is what they are doing, lest it makes them seem like less of an expert! Trust your hunches today. They are as reliable as anything else.
“Then he got up on top with a tip of his hat. “I call this game fun-in-a-box”, said the cat.” And with these words, the most famous of Dr Seuss’s creations proceeded to unleash yet more naughtiness on an unsuspecting world. Surely, you recall the story? The nervous children, trying to be good for their disapproving mother. The cheeky cat in the hat with an ‘anything goes’ agenda. Now… er… which role do you want to play today? You are entitled to a little adventure and excitement. As your tale is due to have a happy ending, you may as well take your chance.
獅子座 Some people are sticklers for the letter of the law. They will not allow so much as the tiniest transgression. Others are much happier to be totally loose, free and spontaneous. In between these two extremes lie most of the rest of the human race. If put on the spot, we normally feel obliged to say whatever we feel ‘the right thing to say’ is. But if we are not put on the spot ? or if our attention is not drawn to a particular matter, we are more than happy to turn a blind eye to it. The official answer to today’s big question probably has to be “no”. But you could always try not asking!
When you look into the mirror, who do you see looking back out? Is that really you? The honest answer is ‘no, not really’. It may be a reflection of your current physical form but it is by no means the whole you, the full you, the true you. You were once a small child. One day, you will be much older. Your appearance has already changed drastically and it will yet do so again. Current events are showing you something about the real nature of your identity. You are a little too closely involved with a particular set-up or situation. You now need to remember that you are much bigger than this.
When you look into the mirror, who do you see looking back out? Is that really you? The honest answer is ‘no, not really’. It may be a reflection of your current physical form but it is by no means the whole you, the full you, the true you. You were once a small child. One day, you will be much older. Your appearance has already changed drastically and it will yet do so again. Current events are showing you something about the real nature of your identity. You are a little too closely involved with a particular set-up or situation. You now need to remember that you are much bigger than this.
Some people love to talk. They will spout forth any old rubbish on any old topic as long as it gives them the chance to hear the sound of their own voice. Happily, some people also love to listen. They will attend to the most dreary and pointless of monologues and conversations. If you want evidence of this, just turn on the radio and flick through a few channels. It seems we don’t care what we hear any more than we care what we say. Unless, of course, we are Scorpios. Try to remember today, thatthe rest of the world neither says what it means nor means what it says. This is really nothing personal.
How are you adapting to the influence of Uranus? Can you feel the power of this planet as it passes through your sign. Does it suddenly seem as if anything is possible? Are you beginning to feel like rewriting the rules by which you lead your life. Look out, today, for a way to get further, faster than you ever thought possible. A brilliant solution to a tired old problem has been staring you in the face. Can you go straight ahead and apply it? Possibly not. You may have to smooth out some complications first. But if you keep working on your scheme or dream, you will yet make it come true.
Look! A four leaf clover. Don’t bend down to pick it up - you may pull a muscle in your back. Try the lucky leprechaun instead. Mind you, if he’s been on the stout, he may misunderstand your request. Perhaps it would be better to ask the wish-granting fairy. Although, maybe, given the experience of recent history, you would be best off wishing for the ability to undo previously granted wishes! You are not entirely enamoured with the forces of fortune. You suspect they work better for others than they do for you. This weekend’s opportunity is not flaw-free. But it is still worth taking.
Why do they have juries and judges? Surely, the truth is always plain to see, er... isn't it? Every so often, we all get hold of the wrong end of the stick. We believe something so passionately that we cannot bear to think of it as false. Fine・until someone challenges our assumption. Should that other person be equally whole-hearted in their conviction to the contrary, great tension will ensue. This weekend brings awareness of conflict and disagreement. It also, though, brings forth a way to build bridges. All you have to do is be a little less certain about something that, actually, you only think you know.
“Hello, how are you?” “Oh, I’m fine thanks, how are you?” “Oh, you know... mustn’t grumble.” “Nice weather we have been having lately.” Have you ever wondered why people indulge in meaningless chatter? It’s because it makes them feel safe. They do not have to reveal anything real about themselves ? or risk discovering anything important about the person they are talking to. Yet weirdly, the same folk who talk so nicely to one another will often say much ruder, more insulting things behind one another’s back. This weekend, you need a genuine conversation with a true friend. Don’t play charades. ――――――――y―――――――――――――― ('AA/) (,,゚Д゚) _ ▲つ`つ_/ / / ● ノ| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| 〜(●_ゴコ| |〜[=]  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
We think we know what’s going on. We are full of ideas and opinions. We are proud of our preferences and confident of our priorities. Yet we know much less than we think we know. The cosmos is bigger and smarter than we are. Every so often, it decides to prove this point to us. Suddenly, we find our carefully-laid plans are thrown into upheaval. We have to think it all through again, from a different perspective. This weekend, you probably won’t be able to follow your own agenda. Don’t waste time feeling cross about this, just accept and embrace the change.
“I can read in red. I can read in blue. I can read in pickle colour too.” The late great Dr Seuss didn’t just teach several million children to read. He showed them how to think interesting thoughts at the same time. Through his many stories, he encouraged those kids to explore and experiment. He let them know it was OK to be different ? and that nonsense was a fine thing to think. Why have I been quoting him here all week? Because you now need to revisit your childhood and cast out the memory of an experience which left you stiff and stuck. This weekend brings magic. Help yourself to it!
Sometimes, we grow fond of our problems. They can begin to seem comfortingly familiar. When, as eventually all problems do, they start to become less pressing ? or even disappear entirely ? we try to keep them alive. We continue to persuade ourselves that they exist, even when they don’t. It helps us to create a sense of continuity. It stops us, we imagine, from having to start afresh with new difficulties that we may not know our way around so well. For all these reasons and more, you may decide that you are still up against the same old obstacle this weekend. But really, you are not!
Money comes and money goes, but understanding lasts forever. We always tend to undervalue our knowledge and experience. We take it for granted. We forget how hard we worked to attain it and to what extent it differentiates us from other people. Your personality, of course, sets you apart. So too does your sense of humour. But what really makes you special is the way in which you have learned so much in your life. Think about what you know. It is priceless. Your recent education has been acquired at quite a cost. But this weekend, you will discover that this too is invaluable.
When therapists want to take their patients beyond a psychological barrier, they encourage them to “get in touch” with their anger. Deep down within, we are all cross about something. Such emotions have their purpose and their value. They can provide us with the motivation that drives us forward and prevents us from getting stuck in a rut. Right now, you are more than a little agitated about something or someone. Understandably so. But if you now ‘channel that anger’ into a constructive plan of action, you can yet profit immensely from your source of discomfort.
Some people love to talk. Others love to listen. Does this bode well for constructive communication processes the whole world over? Er... well, there’s one more thing people like to do. And that’s argue! They can’t resist. Any excuse and they’re off. A lot of talking is due to take place this weekend. This, sadly, does not guarantee a lot of understanding. If you want this, you must put aside your prejudices and ignore your anxiety. You need to be big enough, not just to see the other side of the story but to understand why a certain someone is being so unreasonable. Pluto, your ruler, stands still in the sky soon.
If something is unavoidably imposed upon us ? and we can do nothing to rid ourselves of it ? we can resent it or we can learn to love it. That’s often much easier said than done. Some things (and, come to that, some people, some factors and some experiences) are notoriously difficult to like. We have to work very hard to find forgivable qualities in them, and even harder to find attractive ones. But you are not now striving to accommodate something quite so bad. You may yet, this weekend, come to see your situation in a different light. A much more flattering and appealing one. Next week brings a challenge and a drama.
�Mars, the power planet, is still passing through your sign. You are achieving and accomplishing a lot. Probably though, you are all-but unaware of this. You are conscious only of how far you have to go, how much you have to do and how tense a certain area of your life has become. You feel harassed and hassled, apprehensive and agitated. That just goes to show how well you are responding to the current cosmic climate! This weekend will bring you proof of how far you have travelled lately. It will also show you that you are nearer to your destination than you realise.