The older we get, the wiser we become. We grow more tolerant, more good-humoured, more easily able to handle our own problems and to give good advice to others. Well, that's the theory. In practice? Well, actually, open-mindedness is a quality of youth, not age. It is not experience that makes us wise; it is a "willingness to learn". That is something we can have (or fail to have) at any point in our life. Don't allow a frustrating situation to make you feel jaded and embittered. See it as your chance to discover something new about how to triumph over adversity.
On what parameters are you forming your perimeters? Do you know the etymology of entomology? And perhaps most importantly, do you care? Why should you be concerned with limits and restrictions? Why should you become bogged down by details? Look to the future. What do you see? Envisage yourself free from the difficulties that currently dog you. Think of a life where you are bound, not by the letter of the law but by the spirit of it. Then be reassured. That's where you are heading. You will get there faster if you resist the urge to argue about petty particulars today.
When things happen spontaneously, we have to decide quickly how we want to respond. Should we assume that our guardian angel is conjuring up an instant opportunity? Or should we be looking out for the influence of a far less friendly force? Often, we feel inclined to be automatically suspicious of anything that arrives without warning. When there is no time to conduct a thorough investigation of the facts, we tend either to apply some blanket policy and just object, on principle, to whatever has occurred - or we listen to our intuition. What is yours telling you now? Trust it.
It is no wonder you feel restless. Mercury is standing still in the sky. Unfortunately, it has chosen a rather unfortunate place to stop. Imagine crossing a busy road, then deciding to sit down for a rest half way through! Not wise. Mercury's halt has placed it in a sharp alignment with the planet of swift, dramatic upheaval. You feel as though you just can't settle for anything as it currently stands. Take your impulses seriously but try not to act on them immediately. You will stand a much better chance of making the right move once you have travelled just a little further.
You have many misgivings. You do not feel comfortable about a certain person's true motives. You suspect that there may be far more to a particular situation than meets the eye. Each time you answer one question, you come up with two more. Yet, for all that's vague and uncertain, one thing remains constant. One point of reference is fixed. Let that be your anchor in the ocean of confusion. Don't haul it up in a moment of false fear and then start drifting aimlessly. If you now cling to your most important priority everything will yet start to make perfect sense.
射手座原文 Yesterday, I distinctly remember telling you that tomorrow never comes. Well, here we are just 24 hours later and what has happened to tomorrow? It has indeed arrived. You are living in it. That just goes to show how dangerous it is to follow old advice. What may once have been highly appropriate can soon turn out to be wildly irrelevant. You cannot plan for your future on the basis of what has happened in the past. Or rather, you can - but you will regret it if you do. Ask yourself what feels right, right now? That's what you need to be basing your key decisions upon.
Imagine wandering up to the counter of a delicatessen and asking for airline tickets. Or requesting flowers at a pharmacy. Not only will the assistant be unable to help you, they will be inclined to think that you have lost the plot. Whilst we should never place limits on our imagination - or in our belief about what's possible, we need to have realistic expectations when dealing with daily life. Right now, somewhere in your world, someone is asking for something that simply cannot be supplied. No one need feel bad about this. But it is as well to look instead at what's actually feasible.
>>15 牡牛座 さしたる違いはありませんが、一部別訳 Whilst we should never place limits on our imagination - or in our belief about what's possible, we need to have realistic expectations when dealing with daily life. 想像することや、可能性を信じることには決して制限を設けるべきではないけれども、 日々の生活に対処する上では現実的な見込み(可能性)を見極める必要があります。
A man is crawling through the desert, wracked with thirst. Eventually, a passing stranger on a camel throws down a package. He eagerly tears it open. Inside? A necktie! He is barely able to contain his disappointment but he knows he must save his precious energy if he is to stand any chance of reaching water. Later, he hears a babbling brook. It is a real oasis, not a mirage, but it is fenced in and heavily guarded. At the gate there is a sign. "Formal dress code only!" You are now being given exactly what you need. It's just that you may not yet be able to see this.
They meet in secret. They gather furtively in darkened rooms, their voices never rising above a whisper. These are the plotters and the planners. The scoundrel schemers who desire nothing so much as your downfall. They know that the best way to unnerve you is to cast aspersions on your integrity. You pride yourself on being principled. If they bait their hooks with a taunt that challenges this, they figure that you will fast lose all perspective. They are out to get you now. Thankfully, you are too smart to be tricked in such a way. And your self-esteem is high enough to protect you.
The more you think about a particular situation, the more irritated you begin to feel. How ridiculous it is. How silly. And yet, how insidious. Someone, somewhere, has deliberately set out to stir up trouble. Unacceptable statements are being made. Unbelievable intrusions are taking place. Are you supposed to just sit back and let things carry on in this way? Absolutely not. But nor can it possibly be wise to wade into a battle for which you are not fully prepared. If you really want to fix a problem, first you must properly understand what is causing it.
おはようございます。双子座23日デイリーです。 よろしくお願いします。 最後にvery good newとあるので良さげな感じですね。
As Mercury, your ruler, ends its period of retrograde motion, it forms an antagonistic angle to Uranus, the planet of sudden change. Think of yourself as an elastic band. For ages you have been held back; stretched, challenged and charged with pent up energy. Now you are being let loose. In moments flat, you are going from the sublime to the ridiculous. This is making you feel more than a little uncomfortable. You are not sure that you feel ready for what is starting to happen but you may as well get used to it. There is going to be no turning back. And actually, that’s very good news.
おはようございます。 みずがめ座23日デイリー 翻訳お願いします。 Feel free to get as involved in the argument as you wish. Explore it from every angle. Consider it from every side. Leave no stone unturned in your effort to prove an important point. This is your prerogative. You are fully entitled to dwell on a contentious matter for as long as you see fit. Mind you, that's not to say that you will actually get anywhere if you do. If you want to make real progress or if you would like a life that does not entirely revolve around some petty dispute - you had best get yourself a sense of perspective pronto. Then, you had better turn your attention elsewhere.
Promises, promises. So easy to make, so easy to break. You though, can usually tell which promises are likely to be kept and which are not. You also take pride in your integrity and consistency. So you very rarely make commitments. You would rather be thought of as evasive than as unreliable. Once you have given an undertaking, you will stick to this through thick and thin. Recently your dedication has been called into question. Not only are you about to prove it is still strong, you are about to experience a great reward for your perseverance. Next week's outlook is exceptionally encouraging.
In the old days, writers would talk about the need to "screw up some courage". Perhaps they knew what we have now forgotten. You don't ever get real courage - or real wisdom - until you first screw things up. Success means nothing without failure. A person who has not properly tasted difficulty will never have any real appreciation of ease. The person who never gets anything wrong is a disaster waiting to happen - a dangerously deluded dreamer. Not all has gone exactly as you might have wished lately. That's precisely why things are soon due to go so well. Next week brings something special to celebrate.
Some while ago, you asked a very good question. Ever since then, you have been on the lookout for a good answer. You have heard lots of explanations. You have contemplated many alternatives. You remain though, unsure about the best way to proceed. Now, you are remembering the reason why you asked that question in the first place. Don't feel frustrated because you don't, so far, have a satisfactory plan you can believe in. Just look, once more, at the issue you are trying to address. One more insight will make soon make sense of everything
Your taste is almost impeccable. Your judgement is almost infallible. Your timing is almost always perfect. That's what makes you so difficult to deal with. That's why, at times, other people don't know quite what to make of you. They are overawed by your apparently unerring insight. But every so often, because you are after all only human, you miss a trick or you drop a stitch. This weekend, if you are wise, you will seek a second opinion before acting on an urge or impulse. But you had best request this humbly lest someone feels too intimidated to say what you so sorely need to know. Next week brings a delightful development.
"Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it. And then, where will you be?" Sometimes, we enjoy the journey more than the arrival. We like complaining more than we like problem solving. We like wistfully dreaming of some better tomorrow, far more than we like dealing with the challenge that change presents. Sometimes too, we come up with ideas that are far-fetched, expensive and too complicated. We believe in these so passionately that we cannot recognise a simpler solution, even when it is staring us in the face. You are now getting what you need. Don't reject it.
You are beginning to wonder whether somehow, in some subtle, spiritual way, you have had a psychic silencer fitted. Is an ethereal being hovering just in front of your mouth, holding up a large piece of foam that effectively absorbs your every utterance and prevents it from reaching the ears of its intended audience? Or how else could we explain the fact that nobody seems to be listening to you? You keep making the same important and really rather obvious points. Apparently, you might as well be whistling in the wind. This weekend, finally, you get heard.
Once bitten, twice shy. Twice bitten? Well, that's when we begin to become hard-bitten. Usually too, it is when we start to wonder whether we have bitten off more than we can chew - at which point we become very down in the mouth. So the big question this weekend is this: are you about to get something you can really sink your teeth into... or is something going to try to take a bite out of you? And the answer? Well, the only monster you are now being pursued by is a toothless one. And the Sun's link to Mars is your promise of a most encouraging new idea to chew over.
What a difference a week makes. Think of how you were feeling just seven short days ago. You are psychologically stronger, emotionally more secure, mentally more aware. You are far less bothered about whatever was bugging you so badly back then. What difference do you think another week will make? Here's an even better question. What difference would you like it to make? Really, right now, you are not waiting for someone to do something or say something. Nor are you waiting for opportunity to arise. You are merely waiting for your confidence to catch up with your imagination.
Two wrongs do not make a right. Nor, despite our occasional moments of self-doubt, do two rights ever make a wrong. Sometimes, we begin to wonder whether there is really any point in being laudable and applaudable. We watch aghast as amoral individuals appear to get clean away with inexcusable outrages. We see our own noble efforts to be ethical creating tension and apparently holding us back. And then we forget that we are merely looking at a snapshot. A freeze-frame from a film. Coming events will restore your faith in fairness.
They say that we should never sit on the fence. "Come to the boil or get off the hob." That's what indecisive people are told. Do you want to know the real reason why they are given such advice? It's because there is not so much room on the fence as you might think. Too many folk are trying to sit there. It would be a lot more comfortable if a few more would come down on either side. So hypocrites, preaching what they do not practise, sneakily try to make more room on that fence for themselves. You don't have to reach a big decision this weekend. You are perfectly entitled to wait.
Imagine tearing open a packet of potato crisps, hoping for the satisfying experience of a four-course meal. You are, inevitably, going to end up feeling disappointed. Now imagine going through the same procedure this time anticipating the taste of soggy cardboard. Now your hopes are due to be surpassed. Same situation, different expectation. This weekend brings an object lesson in "projection". Far less is wrong than you think, but in order to appreciate this, you have to become a little less unreasonably idealistic. Wish for what is possible - and you'll get it!
※何かが変り始めるようです。やっと待ちの期間が終わったかしら。 (以下原文) Are you beginning to feel as if you have been here before? Does anything strike you as surprisingly similar? It seems almost as if you are acting out a role that you have played many times in the past. You know your part off by heart. Yet you cannot help but wonder whether one day, the play could be given a happier ending. A couple of weeks ago, something began to shift. It is still shifting. You feel unnerved by this in one way, yet excited in another. Don't fear the repetition of some sorry old saga. You really are about to break the mould.
"Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it. And then, where will you be?" Sometimes, we enjoy the journey more than the arrival. We like complaining more than we like problem solving. We like wistfully dreaming of some better tomorrow, far more than we like dealing with the challenge that change presents. Sometimes too, we come up with ideas that are far-fetched, expensive and too complicated. We believe in these so passionately that we cannot recognise a simpler solution, even when it is staring us in the face. You are now getting what you need. Don't reject it.
Welcome to another week. After another 49 of these we will be in 2004. A thousand or so will get us to 2025! A thousand. Just imagine if weeks were days. There are less than a thousand days in three years. So, just how quickly do days go by? What about weeks, years, decades? Time is precious and time is short. Now, let us look at your great hope. How far are you going to get with it and how fast? This week brings you an unexpected chance to move much further, much quicker. Have the courage to take this before other events and distractions overtake you.
You will put up with an awful lot for an awful long time. That's because, despite your desire to come across as tough and fierce, you are essentially an amenable individual. You may belong to the most watery of the zodiac signs but you still prefer not to make waves or rock boats. Every so often though, your tide turns. You find yourself moving in a different direction. You have reason to be proud of all that you have lately accomplished. You will have reason to be even more proud about the important changes that you manage to bring about this week.
いつも翻訳ありがとうございます。 乙女座の27日をお願いします! Don't you think you ought to apologise? Never mind what for? Just go ahead and say "Sorry". It is, after all, almost certainly your fault. Isn't it? Perhaps it isn't. But then, just to be on the safe side, perhaps you should beg forgiveness. Tread lightly around "you know who" if you don't want to stir up any "you know what". Er... OK. How is this proposed policy of obsequious acquiescence making you feel? Well, that's precisely my point! You are giving in too easily. You are feeling unnecessarily guilty. You are tiptoeing meekly in an area where you ought to be putting your foot down firmly.
You cannot fit a square peg in a round hole nor can you hammer in a nail with a screwdriver. But er... what if you have an imaginary hole and an imaginary peg? Or a theoretical screwdriver and a postulated nail? What's to stop you then? When people have a difference of opinion about some tangible practical factor, it is relatively easy to understand what all the argument is about. Yet most arguments are about philosophies, not facts. We get far more upset about a challenge to our belief than we ever do about a change to our reality. This week you face no real threat. Only an apparent one.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." With these famous words, Dickens began his Tale of Two Cities. You can identify. There are two 'cities' in your life now. One is an intellectual domain, the other
You have no idea how difficult it is to write your forecast. I want to tell you how fortunate you are becoming - how helpful the sky is being. I fear though, that you will translate this into a promise of "good luck" in the most clichéd way. You will start expecting lottery wins or acts of random chance that work dramatically in your favour. This though, is not quite what I mean. The planets are standing right behind you as you now attempt to broaden your horizons. You are not guaranteed success in all you do, but in any area where you apply intelligent effort with a pure motive, you will do well.
It is hard for you to understand why certain things are happening. So many strange developments seem to be taking place that you are beginning to wonder whether you have inadvertently offended your guardian angel or committed some kind of an etheric faux pas. Just for good measure, you are being continually asked by more than you can possibly find. How can your resources stretch as far as they now need to? You will soon find out. You will also find that you have all that you require in order to meet every demand that is being made of you.
射手座原文 Shortly after Christmas, a series of revelations caused your eyes to open wide. You began to see that certain factors simply had to change and so you set out to do your level best. This, you soon discovered, was going to take you much longer than you wanted it to. Psychologically, you settled yourself in for the long haul. Yet it now seems as if your journey is nearly at an end. You have made more progress than expected yet ironically, you are beginning to forget why you set out in the first place. You will soon remember! And then you will feel very glad of all the ground that you have covered.
It has been a long journey and it is not over yet. You are beginning to wonder if you can last the course. You fear that you have become stuck in a rut and your plans are only likely to take you round in ever-decreasing circles. Actually though,you are about to pass a significant point. It will soon be clear that you are entering fresh territory. You will start to see new signs of hope and support. This week, you become obliged to recognise a false assumption and replace it with a more realistic appraisal of what's possible. The moment you do, everything will become more straightforward.
おはようございます。27日蠍座デイリーです。 翻訳宜しくお願い致します。 Some people are sticklers for the rules. If the recipe calls for the eye of newt, that's precisely what they will put into the cauldron. They absolutely would never dream of substituting lizard's lung or tail of stoat. Others are more confident. They are quite happy to experiment with a spell even if they do not know quite what it will conjure up. You don't necessarily have the perfect ingredients for a textbook potion now. But if you are willing to work with what you can find and to trust what your instincts are telling you, you will yet find yourself able to work real magic this week.
It's great to feel that anything is possible. Or is it? Much depends on whether those infinite possibilities seem attractive or oppressive. Right now, you feel inclined to suspect the worst. You keep wondering how bad things can get and then it occurs to you that perhaps they can get very bad indeed. The gloomy mood is hard to shake even though deep down, you know you are just over-reacting to a fear or a disappointment. Anything CAN happen. But the "anything" in question is a good "anything" not a bad one. This week has many pleasant surprises in store.
You resent being restricted. You do not like having to live by other people's rules. You wish a certain person would just cut you some slack - or that a particular situation would become less problematic. You suspect though, that there is nothing much you can do about any of this. It seems to you as if all the power lies elsewhere. That's where you are wrong! You can do plenty to change things for the better if only you apply a little lateral thought to the predicament you currently find yourself in. A brilliant way to square a circle is now just waiting to be found.
牡牛座原文 "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." With these famous words, Dickens began his Tale of Two Cities. You can identify. There are two 'cities' in your life now. One is an intellectual domain, the other an emotional one. By the time this week is over, the difference between them will seem less pronounced. Your outlook is wonderful yet it is also difficult. You have a glorious opportunity but to seize it, you have to get past an intimidating obstacle. Right now, you feel inclined to doubt whether it really can be the best of times. Your perspective will change as you begin to decisively solve an old problem.
Unfortunately, there is no room for today's Cancer forecast. You see, Scorpios and Aquarians have a lot going on at the moment and I need extra space to speak to these signs. So I have decided to drop your prediction. You will not complain about being edged out or treated like a second-class citizen. Indeed, most probably knowing you, you will nod understandingly and offer to give up your horoscope tomorrow too if this will help matters. This brings me to my point. Er... do you feel that perhaps you are being just a little too accommodating?
Be gentle, be subtle, be sensitive. You do not need to assert yourself or to make a dramatic gesture. Your greatest request has been heard by a kind cosmos. It is already doing all it can to support you. But your order is tall. It may take a while to fulfil it. Have faith. Act as if you are quietly confident of success with a key plan or project. If, for any reason, you do not get the outcome that you are hoping for it will only be because an even better possibility is on offer - one that you have so far failed to spot. But it is more likely that you will get exactly what you are now envisaging.
おはようございます。乙女座28日をお願いします It's funny how we get used to being in a difficult predicament. One minute, we resent it. The next, we adapt. Then, we begin to feel almost comfortable with our cause for concern. In much the same way as we can learn to live with a sore leg or an aching back, we develop a technique of compensation. When the trouble dies down, we find that we have grown so used to dealing with it that our life seems odd without it. A couple of weeks ago something awkward cropped up. One way or another you have been adjusting to this ever since. Yet now it is finally starting to sort itself out.
You are being led to believe that a certain aspiration is impossible and unreasonable. You feel almost embarrassed to admit that you want what you want. You fear that such a confession is likely to incur much disapproval. Yet why should you possibly have such a reaction? What on earth have you to be ashamed of? You are paying too much attention to a carping, critical voice. This is causing you to take a molehill of misgiving and turning it into a mountain of self-doubt. See this - and see through it - and soon, you will see something much more inspiring.
Instead of a forecast today, here's a recipe. Follow the instructions carefully and you can to bake the Cake of Complete Contentment. Your every wish will be granted, the moment you place a slice in your mouth. OK. Are you ready for the list of ingredients? Don't be fooled if they seem ordinary. The real magic is in the way you combine them. Take half a pound of butter, add flour, eggs and old newspapers. Then mix the butter with...oops! I appear to have run out of space. Never mind. Contentment is overrated anyway. Compromise is much more fashionable!
Sometimes, when you hear yourself on tape, you realise that you do not come across as you imagine. Now imagine watching a video of certain events in your recent past. Imagine running it through over and over again. Where would you press pause? What is the one event that you would feel most inclined to subject to some serious scrutiny? Let's take a close look right now. What can you learn from this? It is never comfortable to be self-conscious. Sometimes though, it is very profitable to acknowledge - and alter - an ingrained pattern or habit.
28日蠍座デイリーです。 宜しくお願い致します。 Some strong, fully grown adults can be terrified of tiny insects. They may be so afraid of receiving a sting or a bite that they will make a disproportionate effort to protect themselves. If they see the offending creature, they will either run a mile - or wreak a terrible vengeance on it. It is strange how the strong so often see themselves as weak. Don't make that mistake now. You are big. Your problem is small. To become upset about it or angered, or agitated is to honour it with more attention than it deserves, thus causing it to become far bigger than it needs to be.
When people want to sound very wise and sophisticated, they talk about "deferred gratification". They remind one another that if we want jam tomorrow, we must make do with bread today. It sounds very sensible. But it is not necessarily true. Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that when people deny themselves too much for too long, they lose their taste for luxury. They become unable to treat themselves even when they can afford to, because they have psychologically adjusted to a state of deprivation. You now have a chance to do something rather wonderful. Don't deprive yourself.
おはようございます。 28日の天秤座です。翻訳をお願いいたします Two and two make eight. I am talking, here, about pairs of socks. Now you can, of course, argue that though there are indeed eight socks, there are only four pairs. But that's being a bit pedantic, don't you think? And anyway, where are these socks? Have you got them or have I? You can't see how many socks are in front of me. I may have no pairs - never mind four or eight. And if they are in front of you, why don't you just count them instead of trying to do some complicated sum. Or, to put it another way, today brings an argument you can easily win. All you have to do is keep asking difficult questions!
Imagine looking into a mirror and seeing a warped reflection - some twisted image of your true self. How disturbing would that be? As you now review the recent story or saga, you are doing it - and yourself - an injustice. You are conveniently (or could that be inconveniently?) remembering only half of what has happened and you are exaggerating some of that. No wonder you feel so doubtful about some of the decisions you have lately made. Soon your sense of perspective will return. With this will come the realisation that you have most definitely made the right choice.
People are not always as nice to one another as they ought to be. They carp and they criticise. They wheedle and they whinge. Then they wonder why their relationships are unsatisfactory - or why their lives seem to be full of tension and conflict. Of course, one reason why we treat others badly is because we are often inclined to be harsh on ourselves. We undervalue our own abilities. We doubt our own self-worth. Coming events will do much to inspire you. As you become more comfortable with your own capabilities, your involvements with others will grow sweeter and happier too.
There are no limits. In one way, that's inspiring. In another, it's intimidating. People like limits. They know where they stand with them. Limits give us a sense of structure. We can work around them - even if we do not like them. Things that are limitless are without form. Vague and void of purpose. So the cosmos is being very fair to you now. It is providing you with one situation which is extremely restrictive - and another which is almost ridiculously open-ended. Accept what can't be changed then take your chance to change something else that counts for far more.
Imagine looking into a mirror and seeing a warped reflection - some twisted image of your true self. How disturbing would that be? As you now review the recent story or saga, you are doing it - and yourself - an injustice. You are conveniently (or could that be inconveniently?) remembering only half of what has happened and you are exaggerating some of that. No wonder you feel so doubtful about some of the decisions you have lately made. Soon your sense of perspective will return. With this will come the realisation that you have most definitely made the right choice.
A mile is a long journey if you have to travel it with a sense of reluctance. A trip from here to the other side of the globe is a short hop if you happen to feel enthused enough about the expedition. The question, now, is not 'what's possible?' it is 'what do you truly feel an empathy for?' What do you want to happen? What are you willing to work for? And what are you trying, with all your might to resist? For if your heart is not really in a certain plan or policy, no amount of effort will make it into a success. And if it is, then no amount of difficulty will cause it to fail!
You can get by with a little help from your friends. In fact, you can get much further than you think. It is not just your friends who are able to help. Your enemies too, are keen to assist. Your critics and detractors; the people who can't wait to see you fail, are strongly of the opinion that you are now heading for a fall. If they can possibly push you further towards that moment, they will gladly do so. Let them. For as it just so happens, they are wrong. You are actually heading for a triumph. As long as you don't back away from the thing you have been heading towards, you'll get your breakthrough.
You don't have to be afraid of anything or anyone. You don't have to feel that you have made some mistake, for which you are now starting to pay a price. We can't, of course, be sure that everything will go the way you want it to today. The possibility remains that you will hear news you don't like the sound of - or that you will encounter some situation you find challenging. Even so, you don't have to be afraid. For, as long as you are now courageous enough to trust your own judgement, you will soon discover that you stand to benefit greatly from all that's now happening.
All you need, to get you successfully through your current challenge, is impeccable judgement, immaculate timing and impressive clarity. So, that's fine then. What's the problem? Er... if you can bring yourself to accept the fact that you are not superhuman, you will at least have clarity. You will also have good judgement because you will see that there is something that you really need to know more about. That will ensure you respond to new information when it arises. This in turn, will help greatly with your timing! Only if you try to pretend will you hit trouble today.
Reality TV may be very true to life - but it is still not reality itself! Reality is something that we can't switch off. We can't skip an episode. We can't turn away, at the end of the show and say: "Now, let's get back to whatever we were doing before." The issue pre-occupying you now IS your reality, regardless of whether or not you want it to be. There's no avoiding it or the numerous reactions that it is triggering. So it is just as well that your tale is due to have a good outcome. Keep watching and participating. You will yet be glad of all that you are going through.
射手座原文 If you exercise every day and then you stop, your muscle will turn to flab. The same principle applies to most disciplines in life. You can't trade on yesterday's triumph, any more than you can be nourished now, by the dinner you ate last year... or than you can spend today, the money you spent last week. Think please, about a process, which you were once keenly applying. You were making good progress with it. Then you somehow stopped. You are coasting now. It is time to renew your commitment and dedication and then to go back and finish what you started.
There is a realm over which you have complete control. You deign to share this with others sometimes but they know (and you know) who really rules this domain. Your environment matters greatly to you. If it is comfortable, you are strong. If it is tense, you are weak. Lately, perhaps through a reluctance to assert yourself as you should, a key part of your world has become overrun by other people. Now, you have your opportunity to claim it back. And really, you have no option but to take it. For you know that you are the only person who can steer a crucial ship in the right direction.
Talent is not always a pre-requisite for success. Determination, motivation, a willingness to work hard or to be nice to people will normally get you further. Talent helps of course, but if you have too much, you will create envy - or you will set standards which others feel threatened by because they are unable to live up to them. Or worse, you will judge yourself by such a tough yardstick that you begin to feel nothing you ever do is good enough. Use your talent sparingly today. Act as you might if you had no skill but merely a desire for success. Then you will get what you seek.
29日 ふたご座挑戦しました You stand at the threshold of a new era. You are starting to embark on a wonderful journey. Change has finally started to come to a part of your world in which too much has been stale for too long. Freedom is no longer as remote as once it seemed. This does not mean that you are about to have an exceptionally easy time. You have, after all, a lot to alter, to sort out, to settle and to step away from. But you also have a lot to celebrate. For you now have a real chance to start building the kind of future that you have always dreamed of. The chance is there. All it takes is courage.
There will be no rain on your parade today. Metaphorically speaking that is. The earthly weather reserves, as always, its right to surprise us, but the cosmic climate promises to be consistently warm and sunny for all who share your sign... wherever they happen to be on the globe. You'll find it easy to be tolerant and forgiving, philosophical and considerate, optimistic and enthusiastic. This in turn will make others feel inspired to co-operate with you. Many pleasing opportunities will present themselves provided you overcome a negative expectation and stride out confidently in search of success.
29日蠍座デイリーです。宜しくお願い致します☆ The news can give us a misleading impression about what's happening. Papers and programs present us primarily with information about matters, which are deemed, by the people in charge of those platforms, to be of greatest interest to the widest cross section of their audience. In your private world, there's some selective editing going on now. One story is getting lots of attention. It seems very vital. The other is being overlooked. Nobody is especially interested. This second issue though, means much more to you (and others) than you know. Watch today, what's less than obvious.
獅子座 The more intense life gets, the more essential your faith becomes. To get through the next day or two, you are going to need a strong belief in something. The trouble is, you feel less inclined than ever to trust a philosophy or principle that you once felt able to lean on. You are becoming disillusioned. You are fast losing your enthusiasm for a plan or policy. That's fine. It is something other than that you need to have faith in. Yourself! Soon, you'll have a very good reason to feel more confident. For though something in your world is bending now, it is really not about to break.
Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try... " Ah, but is it? Most of us find it difficult to envisage a world without a heaven. We may try hard to seem cynical but deep within, we are all idealists. Not only do we like to dream of an ever-after that is always happy, we also like to feel that heaven is a place on Earth. We keep hoping that any moment now we are going to enter it. The "ever-after" bit I am not qualified to comment on. My power of prophecy extends only to this world - not the next! But I can say something about the here on Earth. Soon, you will get a little taste of heaven.
Is it is a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's... just a trick of the light. Sorry if I got you excited. I thought the world was about to be treated to a rare sighting of the SuperScorpio. This legendary figure flies through the air, righting wrongs, avenging injustices and puncturing pompous pretences. Sometimes, someone answering your description has been seen entering a phone booth and then re-emerging clad in Lycra. But these days, we use mobiles instead of phone booths. Perhaps that's why no amazing appearances occur. Hey, hang on, it IS you! To the rescue. Just in time. Thank heaven.
いつもありがとうございます。蠍座30日デイリーお願いします。 Super Scorpioって・・?よい予報なのかな
Some people think that horoscopes only appear accurate because they are phrased so ambiguously. You can "read what you want" into the words of most astrologers. Actually, people in my profession go to great lengths to be as clear and specific as possible. Words though, are notorious for meaning different things in different contexts. Silences too can be interpreted in a number of ways. What are you to make of a certain person's explanation now? What are they saying? What are they failing to say? Don't "read in" whatever you want to hear. Track down the truth.
Is there something you should say? Is there a point you need to make? Or do you think that perhaps, if you just sit around saying nothing, the hint will be picked up by osmosis? Are you hoping someone will get the vibe? Or that somehow, you'll communicate your message telepathically? It's a nice thought. And it is not entirely impossible. But nobody will think you at all unsubtle if you actually say what's on your mind. And this will vastly increase the chance of someone actually hearing it. Given the importance of all that you now have a duty to explain, that's got to be worth a try.
Why are you reading this? Don't you know what time it is? Don't you have enough places to go, people to see, things to do and obligations to honour without adding yet another task? What if your astrologer advises you to DO something? Where, in your packed schedule, are you going to fit this in? What if he tells you NOT to do something? How are you ever going to let down a certain person who seems to be depending on you? Besides which, don't you already KNOW how things are going to turn out? You do, you know. They are going to turn out well. Very well. Sooner than you think.
There is no smoke without fire but, under some circumstances, it is possible to have a lot of smoke for very little flame. We have to be careful not to jump to conclusions. We must also remember that time brings a perspective that can rarely be attained in the haste of the here and now. Think of immunisation. A brief exposure to an illness can prevent vulnerability to some far worse disease. Now think of what's happening in your life and be glad of it. Your current concerns are based on the evidence you have so far seen. Soon you will see - and understand much more.
Do you think Madonna wakes up in the night, wracked with anxiety lest someone realises she is not the goddess that half the world perceives her as? Or the Queen? Do you think she worries lest people decide she's nothing so special? Yet both are unique. No matter what happens to them in their lives, they will always be who they are. And they will never be allowed to assume any identity other than the legendary status they have acquired. And er... now we turn to your reputation! You can't shed it. And you should be proud of it. Because you can use it now to help get what you need.
おはようございます。獅子座30日、お願いします。 Be careful where you point your finger today. Invisible rays of light are emanating from your hands. Meanwhile, the telepathic nodes in the back of your brain are transmitting at frequencies, which are beyond most people's powers of perception. Hypersensitive beings though, are quite capable of reading your signs and signals. Indeed, the intensity and importance of what's on your mind right now, is causing you to become transparent, not just to aliens and psychics but even to the most casual of bystanders. Say only what you truly mean. Ask only for what you truly want.
Why argue? Why not disagree with everything that is being said? Who cares whether it is right or wrong? The object of the exercise is just to have a quiet, peaceful life isn't it? Now I know that this is not a philosophy you would normally subscribe to, but I can't help noticing a degree of uncharacteristic acquiescence in your personality at the moment. It is as if you do not have the stomach for a particular fight. You must find it from somewhere for a key point is now far too crucial to concede. You may feel dejected from losing a recent battle but you can still yet win the wider campaign!
Imagination is the most powerful tool that we can ever have access to. It is also the most dangerous. If we can persuade ourselves of anything at any time, how can we ever tell whether our visions are fanciful or realistic? And if we can’t be sure of that, what can we ever be sure of? To counter imagination, we need discrimination. And, of course, we have to be extremely careful that we don't just imagine we have this when we don't! Are you now trying to tell yourself a story that does not really ring true? Be careful not to talk yourself into trouble you can't easily get out of.
Greetings. Today, I bring a special, private message from shhh, you-know-who. Now come along, don't look innocent. You DO know who! You are just a little surprised that I know too. But I am your astrologer. Of course I know! Indeed, right now, I know more than you do, for I know what it is that you-know-who wants you to know. Or er... do I? Am I, perhaps, bluffing in the hope that this will provoke a reaction in you - from which I will be able to read something? Don't be drawn, now, into revealing more than you need to. Someone is trying to probe you for information. They are not entitled to it.
They say: "seeing is believing". Would that it were true. Sadly, the reverse almost always applies. As professional illusionists soon find to their profit, whilst seekers of wisdom discover to their loss, people see whatever they believe they ought to be seeing. A heart filled with faith will produce a strange kind of blindness. The eyes attached to that heart, will refuse to recognise anything the heart is not interested in knowing about. That's no always a bad thing - but as you are a seeker of wisdom, you need to be aware of the phenomenon. This weekend, there are no ultimate answers, so don't waste time looking for any.
おはようございます。31日天秤座 宜しくお願いします。 And as circles have no beginning or end, it really does not matter where you enter them. Sooner or later you will cover the same ground once more. Time is circular. We only perceive it as linear because the curve, from where we are standing, is too subtle to be seen. Think of how the horizon appears straight, even when the Sun is going down behind it. We know the Earth is circular but we cannot see this. Yet we make such a fuss about where on the Earth we were born. We forget that it is another one of life's circles and, as circles have no beginning or end, it really does not matter.
Some stars are so many light years away from Earth that we are only seeing now, the way they looked a thousand years ago. And, of course, they are experiencing the same delay with our transmissions. Radio waves and satellite broadcasts may advertise our existence to aliens throughout the galaxy but sadly, by the time they get here - eager to find out what all those episodes of "The Jerry Springer Show" really mean, there will be nobody who remembers them. The time lag in your current communication process is not as bad as this... yet! But it is heading that way. Hurry up and say what you mean.
Maybe you need to try a different bus route. Perhaps you can walk along a different street or drive a different car or travel on a different train. Or maybe the journey that you need to alter is mental - not physical. Do you perhaps, always travel from one idea to another via the same old mental pathway? Do you reach the same conclusion, every time you think about the same old topic? Things don't have to carry on in that tired, predictable way. Allow the universe to show you a new solution this weekend.
"I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love." So sang the Beatles. But were they right? Your fellow Aries, the late, great Spike Milligan once observed that, "money can't buy you friends but it can get you a better class of enemy." If that's true, and if it is also true that many enemies start out as friends, perhaps money can buy friendship - of a kind. Perhaps it can even purchase a shallow, temporary form of something that might be mistaken for love. But one thing it can never buy is perspective. This weekend will bless you with this priceless commodity. Be appreciative.
Five things you can do this weekend: 1) Hang around waiting for the phone to ring. 2) Hang around not waiting for the phone to ring. 3) Switch the phone to silent so you don't have to worry about whether it rings or not. 4) Switch the phone back on again to prove that you are really not bothered. 5) Look really busy so nobody will possibly think you are just hanging around. Five more things you can do this weekend. 1) Nothing too strenuous. 2) Decide not to analyse anything. 3) Take it easy. 4) Stop thinking. 5) Have fun. Er... it's only a suggestion but if I were you, I'd choose from the second list.
おはようございます☆蠍座週末です。宜しくお願い致します!!! If you say what you really think, you will upset someone. If you don't, you will upset someone else. And how will you upset yourself? By thinking too much about what you ought to say! You may decide you are more concerned about other's happiness than your own. But that can only, surely, be because it makes you happy to see someone else happy. In which case the concern for their happiness is not quite as altruistic as it might appear. So, unless you want to make yourself unhappy, you may as well think less and be spontaneous. Instinct, this weekend, will work wonders. Strategy will wreak havoc.
"Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!" Jerry Lee Lewis was wiser than he knew when he coined this famous phrase. We are taught to look up to people who allegedly did great deeds. We are told to respect the people who made great statements. Yet to be great, or even to aspire to be great, is to be, by definition, a long way from humble. And surely, true humility is the greatest attribute that any human being can ever display. I cannot, having said all this, now go ahead and promise you a great weekend. But I will predict an inspiring, humbling experience.
This is the third rock from the Sun. If you seek beings who are willing to dedicate their entire lives to crucial missions, I suggest you try the fourth. And if you are looking for love? Well, the second is traditionally touted as the best place in the cosmos for it. Here on the blue planet, our speciality is inconsistency. We love nothing more than the chance to say one thing one moment and then contradict it the next. Unless, of course, it is the ability to say the very opposite of what we mean, whilst doing the reverse of whatever it is we say we are doing. You'll have a fine weekend as long as you remember which planet you are on.
"Blessed are they who have no expectations for they shall not be disappointed." These are, indeed, wise words that we would all do well to heed. It is always surely better to be pleasantly surprised than to feel let down because our hopes have been dashed. Yet if we pursue "realism" too far, we may inadvertently end up experiencing pessimism. And the trouble with that? Well, negativity begets negativity. If you assume the worst, it is so much more likely to occur. This weekend, you have every reason to assume the best. And to expect it.
You are not really reading this forecast. You are actually asleep in your bed. Any moment, you are going to wake up and feel amazed by how vivid your dream was. Soon after that, you will blink and forget the whole experience. So really, I can say anything I want to! I can make you any promise, predict any kind of future because none of this is real - right? Don't argue. You cannot be completely sure that I am merely joking. Later this weekend, you will have good reason to wonder whether you have become caught up in a fantasy so I suggest you suspend judgement for a while.
That was then, this is now. What do I mean by "that was then"? Well, whatever it was, it is over now. That was then. This is now. Only, of course, because time is forever moving on, that "this-is-now" has just become a "that-was-then". Goldfish are the ultimate exponents of the ability to live in the moment. They allegedly have a three second memory span so they can only exist in the here and now. The rest of us though, soon find that "living in the present" is not all it's cracked up to be. It is almost as bad as living in the past. The future's the thing. It is here now - you can see it if you open your eyes.
Of course you want to be free. Yet what else do you want? Security? Comfort? Companionship? To enjoy any of these advantages it is necessary to sacrifice a little liberty. Routine comes at the expense of spontaneity. Relationship comes at the expense of independence. Life is a balancing act and we are all pivotal points (if things are calm) or desperate jugglers (if things are not). Right now, you are trying to reconcile mutually-exclusive needs. This requires you to come to terms with a contradiction that cannot be explained but which must be accepted.
おはようございます。この1週間また頑張ってまいりましょう。 蠍座3日デイリーどなたかお願いいたします。 Every so often, you cross a bridge. Usually, just prior to this important development, there comes a moment when you find yourself staring at the river, watching helplessly as it rolls on by. You can see no way of building a bridge let alone crossing one. Then, somehow, the materials and the support systems present themselves. Opportunities arise. Mars and Pluto, as they now begin to complete one of their biennial conjuctions, are placing you right by the side of a ravine that somehow, you know you must get yourself over. Sooner than you think, you will find a way.
You have got what it takes. Really, you have. The only trouble is, you have only just got it. You haven’t got what it takes ? plus a whole bunch more. Or at least, you haven’t got this with regard to a particularly stressful current challenge. To make a success of a key enterprise or activity now, you may need to draw on every ounce of your strength, patience and faith. That’s the bad news. The good news is that, if you do, you will do extremely well and will emerge from the situation with a result to be proud of. The best things in life are worth striving for, And you really are about to be treated to the very best.
As an Aquarian you have a natural tendency to be argumentative. Sometimes, this is a good thing, sometimes not. A tricky decison lies ahead. Deal with it when the time comes. By then, you will know more. You will also have more confidence. Or at least, you will if you keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep refusing to enter into empty conjecture about what you are likely to encounter next. There’s something important and obvious to be done. Venus and Mars strongly suggest that you should forget the rest and focus only on that.
It is easy to forget (but important to remember) that no two people ever view the world from precisely the same perspective. We all have an inbuilt bias and, though we may try to see things from someone else’s angle, we do not find it easy. Our opinions, experiences and, last but not least, our vested interests, cause us to somehow, subtly, shift the emphasis. Thus, whenever we talk to anyone, for any length of time, we end up finding issues over which we disagree. What’s amazing, at the moment, is not the bone of contention that you face ? it’s the fact that despite this, there’s so much common ground.
射手座原文 Is this the beginning? Or is it the end? It’s a bit of both, in a way. There’s both replacement and renewal taking place now. There is though, no standing still, nor is there any going back. Mars is now helping you to put even more distance between your present and your past. Mars though is not a planet renowned for bringing forth nicety or subtlety. It is causing you to make some fairly brutal distinctions and blunt choices. These will seem far less sharp and harsh once you have made them - and once it has become clear to you that no harm has come from your courageous decisions.
Sometimes, you are very happy to reach the end of the week, Sometimes, you find that Fridays like this are uncomfortable. Now, ... sorry did you say something? Please don’t interrupt, I am giving a zodiac forecast. Where was I. Ah yes, Fridays. Well, like it or not, it’s Friday now... hey, stop shouting at me. I know that it is Monday really but that’s my point. You are peering too far into the future. In the process, you are undermining your power to do something constructive in the present. Think about what’s happening today and tomorrow (to say nothing of Friday) will take care of itself.
All you want is to know that you are doing the right thing. There are times though, when you feel as if you just can’t do that... no matter how you try. Whatever you say will be rejected, misinterpreted or criticised. Whatever you do will somehow cause more problems than it solves. You really must shake off a negative expectation which is subtly shaping your idea now. For though the power of positive thought is not enough, on its own, to work miracles, when combined with an opportunity like the one you have now... it can! Saturn’s sharp link to Mercury poses no problem you cannot solve.
We regret that, due to circumstances beyond out control, we are unable to bring you a zodiac forecast today. Here, instead, is a little light music. Tiddle tiddle pom, la la la, tiddle pom. Now I know what you’re thinking. You are thinking, what on earth is he trying to tell me? Where is the hidden message? Should I take every third tiddle and divide it by the number of poms? And what are those la las? Clues? Anagrams? But you see, that’s precisely my point. You are reading too much into too little. You are over-complicating simple matters. Think less, succeed more.
The benefits of an education last a lifetime. Once we have learned a skill, a subject or a trade, we become able to draw on that knowledge for evermore. It is never long before we conveniently forget the effort it took us to attain our qualification. Whilst we are studying though, it's a different story. To last the course takes diligence and dedication. The University of Life is now preparing you for an advanced diploma. This will open many doors and bring you many rewards. But first, you must pass your exam. Times may be testing but you are on the verge of a breakthrough.
以下原文です。 We all selectively edit the information we give to one another. Sometimes, we omit trivial details in order to avoid boring other people. Sometimes, we cut out crucial pieces of important information in order to avoid getting people too excited! Sometimes, we get so caught up with the subtly different stories that we are trying to tell to a series of different audiences, that we completely forget what is actually, really, going on. This week’s events bring a reminder of the truly important priorities that have recently begun to be edged into second place by an emphasis on gloss or glamour.
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all? What a question. Just imagine having to answer it, having to hide behind a pane of glass and speak into a microphone. Or having to program the software for a computerised magic mirror. You would need to resist all temptation to reply with comments like, “not you, fatso". Or, “I’ll give you the answer as soon as that really ugly person stops pulling faces at me.” Instead, you would have to come through with bland, encouraging remarks. Today, you feel sorely tempted to say something to someone. Make it something nice ? or keep it to yourself.
Think back on some of the greatest moments of your life. Remember those times of triumph. Those exhilarating sensations of success. Now think back a little further. Remember the mountain that you had to climb before you arrived at that peak. Recall the moment when you nearly decided that you could never reach the top - or that your dream was destined always to remain an empty fantasy. But you persevered and now as you look back, aren't you glad that you did? Times are a little trying but only because you are rapidly heading towards another significant summit.
Aquarians are often accused of being cold, aloof and unemotional. You are now receiving much criticism and are starting to fear that this is what everyone thinks of you. Not so. You are more popular than you realise. A sweet emotional or personal encounter will soon surprise and delight you. Expect to be offered much needed help with a difficult project. Expect also, to see a way to profit from a recent difficulty. Exciting new possibilities now lie much closer to your own front door than you may previously have realised. Now, you are going to discover how to capitalise on these.
Close your left eye. Look out of your right. Now close the right and look out of the left. There! Proof that there’s no such thing as a consistent perspective ? even within one individual. If one pair of eyes cannot agree on quite where things are, how on earth are two people ever going to see one thing in precisely the same way? We may like to feel that our friends are the people with whom we have most in common, but it is more likely that they are actually just the people with whom the differences do not lead to difficulties. Today brings a lesson in communication ? and an opportunity to clear up an old problem.
There is an intelligent way to make progress now. It involves rethinking a few fundamental priorities. You have based a decision on an assumption. Maybe that assumption is right, in which case you can do no harm by going back over it. But maybe (indeed, most likely) it is flawed. You are worried about asking a certain question in case you find that you do not like the answer. The irony is though, that if you do find the courage to seek the truth, you will discover something that proves to be deeply reassuring and valuable.
We may dwell in mortal realms but we like to think of ourselves as gods (albeit with a small ‘g’). We may not be able to move mountains but there are some forces we can control and some transformations we can bring about. Whether these are simply pedals that turn when we press them... or recipes that work when we follow them, we jealously guard our abilities. Then, every so often, we find out that we can do far, far more than we ever realised. Whilst that still doesn’t entitle us to capitalise the ‘g’, it does give us a breathtaking sensation of power. And it allows us to drop the small stuff for a while.
You are finding it hard to know quite what to say or do about a particular situation. It seems dauntingly complicated and irritatingly difficult. Appearances though, can be very deceptive. Saturn’s antagonistic link to your ruler is causing you to become more concerned than you need to be about an obstacle that matters less than you think. You are right to conclude that this week’s problem won’t be easy to solve but wrong that this will cause you any real trouble. You’ll find you can get along just fine, even if a particular question remains annoyingly unanswered.
It is easy to give advice. That’s why the world is full of people who never stop telling one another what they are doing wrong or how they could be doing better. Be careful now, about how much advice you listen to or take. The planets suggest that you have a strong reason to carry on doing what you are doing. You may not yet be enjoying as much success as you feel you ought to be but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is time to change tack. Avoid being steered off course by a seemingly discouraging development that is not as serious as it appears ? or by someone who is trying to be overly helpful.
Did Michelangelo, whilst lying on his back one day, with a paint brush between his teeth, look up at the ceiling of the Cistine chapel and think, “Oh no, I have painted this all wrong, I had better start again.” And what about Mozart? Did he get nearly to the end of his horn concerto before wishing he had written it for a violin instead? We shall never know. History rarely records doubt. It only remembers acts of impressive certainty. When you look back on what’s happening in your life now, you will see it as the time you created your masterpiece. Don’t let passing, irrelevant anxieties distract you.
Nothing is impossible. Or so they tell us. Strictly speaking, they are right. It is not possible to achieve an absolute ‘nothing’. There always has to be a ‘something’. This though, is stretching a point. That phrase, is misleading. Some things most definitely are, to all intents and purposes, completely impossible. We may as well accept as much - and then turn our attention to whatever is NOT impossible! There may be many things that you simply cannot do now but there are some things you most definitely do have the power to achieve. Give these your energy and nothing else will matter.
They say that the devil is in the details. It may be so, but it is not the whole story. Angels also dwell in life’s smaller, subtler spaces. We miss a lot when we paint with a broad brush or when we speak in sweeping generalisations. In trying to oversimplify the story of your life now, you are effectively turning a three-dimensional object into a two-dimensional picture. You are robbing it of depth and thus depriving it of meaning. Now comes a chance to remember what matters and why, and to restore precious perspective that has recently been lost. Don’t make false comparisons now.
You are not alone. Nor, perhaps more relevantly, are all your companions undesirable individuals. You are beginning to feel a little as if all the really good people have gone away and left you in the hands of some truly dreadful characters. Who can you talk to? Who will understand? Who will care? You are about to be pleasantly surprised. You have had your doubts about a certain person and you have begun to wonder whether you will ever fit in with a particular group. Yet you are now clearly becoming part of something that suits you ー and into which you fit, quite wonderfully.
At last, a change! Not, I hasten to add a complete transformation - or a move that suddenly alters your entire situation. But a change of some significant proportion nonetheless - and a change that is indisputably for the better. That sense of needing to swim against the tide is being replaced now with a feeling of greater confidence. As events around you begin to back up your hunches and confirm your judgements, you will soon have reason to feel even less anxious - and more optimistic about the next stage of your journey towards a more relaxed and prosperous future.
You see them sometimes swaggering down the street; people who have clearly dedicated many hours of their life to the art of looking cool. Even if they are dressed apparently casually, you somehow know that they have spent hours achieving that ‘just thrown-together’ look. You really can’t be bothered going to such lengths just for the sake of achieving a superficial impression. And nor do you need to. You are now naturally and instinctively finding your way through tricky territory. If you want to succeed ? or if you need to impress, just remember to relax and be yourself.
射手座原文 Some days are good; some days are not so good; and some days・well, actually, some days are not so bad as you might fear. Today falls into a different category entirely. It has the potential to become one of those days that you never forget. You will remember it not because of what went wrong, but because of all that went so wonderfully well. Mars is now forming a harmonious link to your ruler. Whilst this is not a guarantee of success in everything you do, it is a promise that most of what you attempt will lead to at least some degree of satisfaction.
Please read this forecast as quickly as you can. In about three minutes it is due to explode. You need to be as far from the page as possible by then, \but before you set off, you also need to memorise what you are about to read. For it is terribly important! Well, perhaps I exaggerate ? but that’s more or less the feel of what’s happening. Everything seems urgent yet at the same time there’s an edge of menace ? and a sense of uncertainty. You are heading ever faster towards a vital decision that has to be made. And despite your fears you are handling your challenge brilliantly.
Must you take charge? Must you sit in the driver’s seat? What will happen if you leave it all up to someone else? Now I know that you are tempted to reply: ‘Nothing,’ ー and I don’t dispute this. But sometimes the right kind of nothing is worth far more than the wrong kind of something. Nature abhors a vacuum. If you create a space, you offer up an invitation to the cosmos to fill it. If you leave no room in your life for change, you make it much harder for change to reach you. Right now, you will fare far better if you can manage to muster a comparatively passive stance.
It never rains but it pours. And it never shines but it scorches. Isn’t it strange how often in life it goes from the sublime to the ridiculous; swinging from one extreme to the other like trapeze artists in the circus of existence. There’s no safety net beneath you now, as you prepare to make a daring leap across the chasm of confusion. Will you make it to the other side? Or will you hurtle towards the depths of disappointment? Mars and Jupiter know the answer to this question. For the time being at least, the sky is firmly on your side.
‘Have a biscuit,’ said the Queen to Alice, when the little girl complained of thirst. It’s amazing how often we do precisely the thing we really ought not to do at the one moment when we really ought to know better. We try to put out the fire with gasoline. Or we slam our foot on the accelerator, just when we really ought to be hitting the brake. And when we are not busy making such mistakes? Then we are busy watching other people making the same mistakes, while we complain about their stupidity. If you want to make sure that nothing goes wrong today, forgive, forget and move on.
天秤座 原文 Don't be nervous, don't be anxious, don't be pessimistic. It's easy enough to find the drawback to a plan or to see the downside to a new development. But then it is also easy to criticise anyone no matter how wonderful they may be, or to find fault with anything - no matter how much merit it has. Your misgivings are not entirely irrelevant now, but to some extent they are academic. A process is taking place. You can do very little to stop it even if you want to. And you are not at all sure that you do want to, even if you can. So for now at least, you may as well accept what's on offer.
You are not yet off the hook. Your current source of irritation may continue to exasperate you for another 24 hours or so ? possibly slightly longer. Whilst we can take the optimist’s view here and say that that time will soon pass ? we may be wiser to acknowledge that time spent in a state of duress tends to pass much more slowly than time spent in a spirit of joy. In between the task you cannot quite seem to complete and the duty that you must absolutely carry out ? there’s a sense of pressure, exacerbated further by the ongoing argument that apparently you just can’t win. All will be different soon.
Even after being a professional fortune-teller for several decades, I am still not always sure when to speak out and when to keep my mouth shut. I do know though, that very few people really want to know the future - despite what they say. Astrologers who want to stay popular soon learn that it better to say too little than too much about what lies in store. Yet sometimes, forewarned really is forearmed. Right now, Jupiter is awakening your own power of prescience. If you suspect that something has the potential to happen it probably does. And unless you do something about it, it probably will!
When you are dealing with a paradox, it is always advisable to keep a good sense of humour handy. It is extremely inadvisable to get into one of those ‘I am really gong to sort things out’ states of mind. Perhaps you think there is nothing paradoxical about your situation. In that case why can’t you solve the problem? How come a certain factor refuses to make any sense no matter how hard you try to understand it. I cannot promise you a great breakthrough, but I can, at least, predict a change of emphasis soon. You may get no closer to a satisfying solution, but somehow this won’t matter.
獅子座5日デイリー原文。 How do you ever know whether or not this is your finest hour? Many people throughout history have made fools of themselves by demanding attention for actions, which were best ignored. Many more have been dismissive ? or even apologetic ? about ideas that they thought little of yet which turned out to represent genuine genius. You really have no perspective on your current situation. If you had, you would rapidly recognise that you are now in the process of attempting something extremely brave and deeply laudable. What’s more, you are doing it all magnificently well.
How much do you know? What do you really understand about the situation you find yourself in? You can look now at all the technical details that seem somehow beyond you and you can decide to worry. You can feel confused because you lack information or because you do not have enough experience to follow a particular line of argument. Or you can focus instead on what you do know and you can realise that this is more than enough. In principle and in essence, you get the picture fully and completely. The rest really is just detail. Don't be drawn into it. Don't let it undermine your confidence. Just trust, today.
None of us are entirely without shame or blame. We all have skeletons of some sort in our closets. We are not obliged to take these out and wave them around in full public view - but every so often, we do need to take a private look at whatever it is we are hoping the world will look away from. If we don’t, we may start to tie ourselves up in a web of self-deception... or develop psychological “blind spots” which lead us to repeat old mistakes. Or our inability to learn from the past may cause us to make new errors. Lately you have been very brave. Now, as a direct result of this, you are about to become very successful.
How far into the future can you see? Further than you think, if you really want to try. Even if you don’t feel inclined to look years or decades ahead, you can glimpse a possibility that lies just a few weeks or months ahead. It is beckoning in much the same way as a beam from a lighthouse must seem all but irresistible to sailors on a dark, stormy sea. Of course you want to follow where it is pointing - and you can. But you don’t have to. Other destinations are open to you. Your ocean is not so stormy as to leave you with no choice. If you really like what you see, head towards it. If you’re not so sure, feel free to consider other options.
Are you quite sure that you are now reading the correct zodiac forecast? Do you know when exactly were you born? Who told you that? Why should you believe them? You certainly don’t look that age. I wonder if you weren’t really born at another time of year entirely. You look much more like a Scorpio to me. Oh well, here’s the Taurus forecast for you if you really want it. Despite all that’s now causing you to question your identity and wonder whether a certain situation is really right for you, you will soon hear reassuring news and experience a pleasant boost to your confidence.
The Moon is in your sign. For this you can have seven marks plus a bonus point. Mars, your ruler, is forming a harmonious link to Jupiter. That entitles you to an A-plus ? plus substantial discount from your favourite shop. When we add up this package of benefits, we come up with an impressive offer of reward from a sky that is clearly keen to avoid a protracted round of negotiation. And the drawback? Only one…you would be about to pass the test of life with flying colours were it not for one thing. You are an Arian. You can manage to make anything difficult. Mind you, you’ll have to try pretty hard to spoil your outlook today.
The classic example, of course, comes to us courtesy of the Keystone Cops. Desperate to enter a locked room in which their villain is hiding, they prepare to batter down the door. They go racing towards it carrying a large pole. Just at the crucial moment somebody on the inside throws the door wide open. The cops go charging in with such speed that they cannot prevent themselves careering through the window on the far side of the room! Or, to put it another way, you may now be trying too hard to accomplish something that is likely to happen naturally anyway.
天秤座 原文 Haven't you seen the latest designs from Paris? Why, darling, everyone who is anyone is wearing sackcloth and ash nowadays. It's the latest thing, yet so practical, classical and timeless. ★Of course, we know that it is inappropriate to dress like this if we have nothing to repent, so we are all now going out of our way to transgress important laws of life - just so we become entitled to make our clothes out of these materials! Well… perhaps not quite. But you do now seem to be allowing yourself to feel guilt about something which cannot possibly be your fault. If it's not for the sake of some strange fashion, what on earth is the reason?
Don’t forget, that you are under an intense influence. Even if you normally feel inclined to be a little serious ? or to ask piercing questions of all around you ? this urge is being exacerbated by the rare conjunction of Mars and Pluto. Something has to change. You know too that you can offer no superficial sacrifice to the gods of transformation. They want your heart! But what will they do with it? Why, heal it and give it back to you, of course! You are not failing yourself or anyone else. You are just facing something that oddly, you have been hiding from ? even though it is inside yourself! You can only benefit from this in every way.
Lately, you have been finding it hard to decide what you really feel ? about who ? and why. Memories of an awkward experience have been surfacing. These have been colouring your judgement, making it even harder than usual to be impartial about an emotionally-loaded subject. We can hardly now say that everything is sorted out. You’re in the middle of a process that may take months or even years to complete. But you have now passed a crucial point. In one area of life where there has always been a lot of secret doubt, now there is true clarity. This means you can go ahead and make a commitment that you have been putting off.
The classic example, of course, comes to us courtesy of the Keystone Cops. Desperate to enter a locked room in which their villain is hiding, they prepare to batter down the door. They go racing towards it carrying a large pole. Just at the crucial moment somebody on the inside throws the door wide open. The cops go charging in with such speed that they cannot prevent themselves careering through the window on the far side of the room! Or, to put it another way, you may now be trying too hard to accomplish something that is likely to happen naturally anyway.
We regret to announce that, sadly, due to commercial considerations, we can no longer supply a free zodiac forecast on this page every day. From now on, the very reasonable sum of just 」10 will be charged for every word you read. So far today you have read over 50 words. So, as a special introductory discount offer, we値l(we'll?) make that a straight 」400 that you now owe the publishers of this page. Happy with that? Of course not! Nor should you be happy with the other outrageous demand that is now being made of you. This one is every bit as much of a joke, yet you are being urged to take it seriously. Don稚!(Don't?)
We regret to announce that, sadly, due to commercial considerations, we can no longer supply a free zodiac forecast on this page every day. From now on, the very reasonable sum of just £10 will be charged for every word you read. So far today you have read over 50 words. So, as a special introductory discount offer, we’ll make that a straight £400 that you now owe the publishers of this page. Happy with that? Of course not! Nor should you be happy with the other outrageous demand that is now being made of you. This one is every bit as much of a joke, yet you are being urged to take it seriously. Don’t!
Now you can move on. Assuming, of course, that you want to. There’s no law that says you have to. You can stay where you are if you prefer. You can even go back if you wish. Some people dedicate their whole lives to preserving ? or recreating ? the past. It brings them great pleasure. Yet… well, you know what you are like. And you know that you have never yet managed to go, for any length of time, in any direction other than forward. So as the planets really are now offering you an excellent chance to do this, quite dramatically, once more, how can you reject your opportunity? Here comes a new era. Enjoy.
After a week like the one you have just scraped through, you can easily believe that the weekend is due to be crazy. Why should it not contain more chaos, more stress, more ludicrous madness, more confusion and more conflict? Actually, though, the cosmic climate now begins to alter substantially. Soon, you'll feel inspired to pursue a creative urge - and this in turn will enable you to see answers to the questions that have lately been driving you wild. Fortune is now smiling on you - which does not necessarily mean a lottery win - but does imply that somehow, you will be guided towards the perfect choices soon.
You are now moving further, by the day, from the awkward experiences of the last few days and weeks. Ironically though, the more things improve, the less comfortable you feel. It is almost as if you are having a delayed reaction to a profound experience. Allow yourself time to digest whatever you have discovered. Don’t respond to unnecessary, artificial deadlines that are being imposed on you by others - or by your own misplaced sense of urgency. The more calmly you proceed, the quicker you will realise just how many of your fears are unfounded. And then you really will start to cover some ground.
It’s funny how we can end up dragging our heels, even though there is no ball and chain attached to them. Or walking with a stoop, even though there is no millstone around our neck. Sometimes, we let our fears get the better of us. We exaggerate them in our imagination. Then that belief becomes a reality. Recent events have freed you from an inhibition that you did not ever realise you were suffering from. You are no longer so scared of an undesirable possibility. If it has to happen, you figure, it will. Yet now you just know somehow, that it won’t. This weekend you can celebrate a different sort of freedom.
In theory you can do anything you want this weekend. Well, I say that ? but obviously there are limits. You can’t get a guest-starring role in an episode of Friends. You can’t magically zap all the fat out of cream cakes. And you can’t stop you-know-who from being a complete pain in the you-know-what. In other words, you have a reasonable range of options. Work on the assumption that if it is truly worth having there must be some way to get it. Jupiter and Neptune should inspire you to find brilliant solutions to problems that were beginning to seem stale and frustrating.
We interrupt this forecast to bring you an urgent news flash... Jimbo the gorilla has just escaped. He was last seen in your street. Do not answer the door to anyone taller than seven foot ? and remember, please, to carry a bunch of bananas with you whenever you leave the house. And now , we return you to your scheduled prediction… So watch out, please, this weekend for false alarms and ridiculous suggestions. Certain people are dangerously deluded yet they are speaking with great authority ? be careful not to trust their every… LOOK OUT, the gorilla is behind you!
If you are hoping to get what you really want, it helps to have some idea of what that is. Having no idea will enable you to feel quite delighted by whatever you end up getting! You can say to yourself, ‘Ah! This is just what I wanted only I didn’t know it!’ Having some idea will increase your likelihood of disappointment, but it will at least reduce the chance of warmly accepting something that you ought to be coldly rejecting. You have some idea of what you want now ? and that’s a good thing , not a bad one. Don’t be swayed from your principles and priorities this weekend.
The week is almost over. The weekend starts here. The two are due to be dramatically different. Forget all the hassle and headache that you have had to wrestle with over the past few days. Your problem may be no closer to a solution, but your situation has somehow changed. Where you once had a pressing need, you now just have a temporarily troublesome situation. You do not have to do very much about this ? if anything. You are no longer at the mercy of forces beyond your control. You should soon start to feel much lighter and brighter.
Some people are well entrenched in routine. They live in the same homes, do the same jobs, meet the same people and follow the same habits, year after year. Others thrive on spontaneity. They cannot bear repetition. They love to act on the spur of the moment and try things they have never explored before. The first group fear chaos. The second fear stability. Both types find, sooner or later, that they must taste whatever they have been trying to avoid. Both also find that it is not so bad. Your life is now changing. It is opening up to allow in something you have been keeping at bay. That’s good, not bad, I promise.
Sometimes, we have conversations which seem rather ordinary. It is only some while later that we suddenly think, ‘Did I really hear THAT?’ We take umbrage or we begin to feel uncomfortable as we slowly digest what we have discovered. Then we feel slightly bad that we are having only a delayed reaction. “Why didn’t I do something at the time?” we ask ourselves. It is not just the desire to be polite that keeps us quiet. Sometimes, it is sheer incredulity! We cannot believe what we are encountering. A penny is now dropping in your world. This weekend, you’ll see exactly what needs to happen next.
Your outlook leaves a little to be desired. Well, actually, it leaves a lot to be desired. But what’s the point of desiring anything if you can’t afford it? There is a way to reduce drastically the economic pressure you are under. But to see it, you have to stop seeing something else. Your eyes are fixed on a particular objective. Your heart is set on a specific goal. There’s nothing wrong with this - other than the fact that, right now, opportunity in your life lies in a different direction. Turn and look where there is something encouraging to recognise. And then it won’t just be your finances that improve.
Astrological forecasts are rather like freshly-baked bread rolls. They soon go out of date. Who wants to read a prediction that covers the past? Who wants to drink milk that is no longer fresh? While we contemplate the answers to questions like that, we need to consider how relationships need to be constantly renewed if they are not to turn stale. I concede that, in mentioning this, I am disproving my own point but then, regardless of when else that statement may be true, it is especially pertinent for you now. Someone needs your energy and you need theirs. That requires a gesture of faith. Make it.
Some creative acts are instantly rewarding. We come up with an idea, we implement it and we gain immediate satisfaction from the process. Others take much longer to come to fruition. Of course, the more effort we have to put into chasing a dream, the more fulfilling it is to finally make it a reality. But that's little comfort when you are seriously starting to wonder if life will ever bring you your heart's desire. Are you now being creative? Or are you pursuing a more deeply emotional goal? Or is it a mixture of both? Whatever it is, success may be nearer than you realise.
Some people are well entrenched in routine. ある人々は、ルーチンワークに身をかためます。 They live in the same homes, do the same jobs, 彼らは何年もの間ずっと同じ家で暮らし、同じ仕事をし、 meet the same people and follow the same habits, year after year. 同じ人々と会って、おなじ場所で生きていきます。 Others thrive on spontaneity. その一方で、正反対の人たちもいます。(この文は完全にあてずっぽうです) They cannot bear repetition. 彼らは繰り返しの多い人生に耐えられません。 They love to act on the spur of the moment and try things they have never explored before. 彼らは水しぶきの飛び散る瞬間を愛し、見たこともない物事に挑戦します。 The first group fear chaos. The second fear stability. 最初のグループの人たちは混沌を恐れ、次の人たちは安定を恐れます。 Both types find, sooner or later, that they must taste whateverthey have been trying to avoid. どちらの人たちも、早かれ遅かれ、自分たちが避けようとしてきたものに直面することになります。 Both also find that it is not so bad. そして、どちらの人々もそれがそんなに悪いことでもないと知ることになります。 Your life is now changing. あなたの人生は今変わりつつあります。 It is opening up to allow in something you have been keeping at bay. あなたが遠ざけてきた何かを、許容できるようになりつつあるのです。 That’s good, not bad, I promise. それは良いことであって、悪いことではありません。私が保障します。
You have the chance to go a long way this week one way or another. Even if you have no journey planned you'll find yourself travelling a great distance in your imagination. That's as it should be. Too much for too long, has been limiting you for no particularly good reason. You have allowed various inhibitions and uncertainties to stifle your creativity and suppress your ability to make progress. Now comes a rather controversial opportunity to widen your horizons. Taking this chance won't necessarily make you popular. But it will make you happy.
Once we had shops and stores. Then, along came supermarkets, which gave way to hypermarkets, to be overtaken by megastores. People like exaggerated phraseology. They also like the idea of expansion and extravagance. ‘The more the merrier.’ ‘The bigger the better.’ They know, of course, ‘size isn’t everything.’ They still can’t help suspecting that it might be. Big stuff is now happening in your life, but perhaps it is not all as big as you imagine ? or as you feel inclined to see it. Keep things in perspective this week.
This is an important week. A big week. A significant one. The conjunction between Mars and Pluto speaks of your need to face a fact, conquer a problem and beat an inner demon. We all, no matter how sedate and sensible we pretend to be, suffer from an occasional tendency to act self-destructively ? or at least to do things that are against our own best interests. Inevitably there comes a time when we have to realise what we are doing ? and then stop. That’s what’s going on now. It can only be for the good.
Kids quite deliberately call each other despicable names. They pull faces and use sing-song tones of voice that are deliberately intended to goad and rile. Kids though, can afford to be this provocative - for they are blessed with an amazing ability to forgive and forget. Yet when grown-ups get mad, they stay mad, and thus they must be very careful about who they upset. Someone who ought to be old enough to know better is now acting like a big kid towards you. But you of course, are not going to be drawn down to their level this week. Er, are you?
射手座原文 Jupiter and Neptune only ever oppose each another once a decade or so. It’s just as well really - for these powerful planets stir up an awful lot of emotion and imagination whenever they make cosmic contact. Just look at what’s happening in the world right now. Or rather, don’t look - for if you do, you will probably start to wonder what on earth you are doing on such a crazy planet. But then it has actually always been crazy. As have all of its inhabitants. And sometimes crazy things are also wonderful, successful things. As in your own life now you are starting to prove!
Some people are just naturally credulous. You can tell them almost anything and they will believe it. Others are instinctively manipulative. They seek out these gullible individuals and exploit them mercilessly. Never yet has there been a Virgo born who fits into either of these two categories. You are almost ridiculously fair. And you are, of course, far too intelligent to fall for any kind of a spin, or seductive suggestion or tall story aren’t you? This week you look set to do very well, as long as you do not end up believing what someone else wants you to believe.
Don’t get too excited. You may be over-reacting to a relatively minor factor. There’s a lot of this about at the moment. People are sensitive to the rare series of astrological alignments that are due to culminate at the end of the week. Some are becoming anxious, others getting belligerent ? and yet more people are, well, I am not trying to suggest that you are being completely unreasonable, but I do wonder whether your situation justifies as much passion as you seem to be experiencing. Are you taking something or someone too seriously?
In popular fiction, spell-casting is always accomplished with the aid of magical incantations. Special words which, once uttered under the right conditions, will produce amazing effects. In reality, even if such phrases exist in secret ancient leather-bound tomes, they are worthless. Combinations of vowel and consonant have no innate force. True magic is created by the heart not the head. It is an expression of will, not word power. Right now, you may not know what to say, but you know what to do. This week, that will prove more than enough.
Over the last couple of weeks you have reached several brave decisions which, at the time, seemed imperative and inarguable. You felt you had no other choice. Yet now, you are starting to wonder whether things were really ever quite so clear cut. Could you not have reached a compromise? Events this week will vindicate your recent choices. You had to do what you did for you were getting ready to usher in an important new phase of your future. Soon, you will soon start to see what this entails and why you had to create so much space in your life.
You and I speak the same language, so in theory we understand each another. And in practice? Well, the trouble is, just as individual words can have a different meaning according to their context, the same phrases can also be used to sum up a wide variety of moods and emotions. It is all in the tone of voice. The nuance. The implication. Or at least hopefully it is. Sometimes, it is in the ear of the listener. Sometimes, we read far more than we ought to into some innocent expression. This week, for you, is about clarification, simplification ? and communication.
Life is not always lived at the level of intensity that you now seem to be experiencing. If it were, we’d never need to watch TV soap operas or read paperback thrillers. You are caught in a drama that seems to be getting ever more absorbing. There’s not much you can do to get away from this - nor is there much point in me advising you to pay it less attention. You’re hooked. But I must point out that the current cosmic climate is inflammatory. It is easy for people to become distracted by irrelevancies - only to realise later how far off track they have wandered. Don’t let that happen to you.
What are you worth? Not in financial terms, but in terms of time, energy, attention? Don’t you deserve the best? Are you not entitled to respect and sensitivity? It’s a good job that we can’t put a price on your finest qualities, because if we could, you’d be a multi, mega, hyper-millionaire. How does this translate into material wealth? Perhaps it doesn’t. Perhaps it can’t. But at the very least, it can be a reason for you not to worry about how you will make ends meet. This week, as long as you remain sincere, you will get all you need.
Don’t forget please, that the conjunction between Mars and Pluto has yet to complete. Those two powerful planets are still moving closer together and thus, they are continuing to pile on the celestial pressure. You have been through a great deal in the past few weeks. Clearly, you still have to go through just a little more. That’s OK. The process you are going through is extremely important. It is helping to bring about a change that has been needed for many years. You may not be doing what other people consider to be wise ? but it is undoubtedly right for you.
Do you feel as if you are fully in charge of the steering wheel of your life? Or does it seem to have a bit of a wobble? Does it appear as if, when you turn to the left, it pulls to the right and vice versa? Do you sometimes feel as though the vehicle of your existence is actually on tow and, though you can make your journey more (or less) comfortable by adjusting the wheel, you cannot do very much to alter the speed or direction? That’s not too surprising. There is a sense in which you are being taken towards a date with destiny but it is really nothing to fear.
It's funny how sometimes, big things can have no great influence on us but little things can make all the difference in the world. 天秤座 原文 But then again, who can say, in the overall scheme of things, what's really big and what's really little? Something now has triggered a reaction in you. You are ready now to act on an impulse that you have been trying to keep at bay for a while. In many ways, it seems as if the time is all wrong and the reason is not quite logical enough. But you feel what you feel. You cannot deny this, nor ignore it, nor even suppress it! And as you are about to discover, that's a very big thing indeed.
Once, there was a frog. He lived in a well - where he had been all his life. One day, he got a visit from another frog. “Where do you come from?” asked our friend. “Oh, I come from a lake, some distance from here.” “Really? How big is it?” “Oh, enormous.” “What? Bigger than this?” said the well frog as he stretched out his limbs. “Oh yes.” said the lake frog. “Bigger than this whole well.” “That’s impossible.” snapped the well frog. “Nothing is bigger than this.” Watch now that you don’t rule out a perfectly viable alternative just because it is beyond the realm of your experience so far.
There are many popular myths and legends about cities that disappear and reappear. Or people who come wandering into the world for a short space of time, spreading magic in their wake. Then suddenly, the wind changes or the allotted hour arrives and all is as it was before. Jupiter’s opposition to Neptune is a precious thing. It occurs only once a decade and it invariably brings about a miracle of some kind. The conditions now are right for you. It is as if you are being offered a chance to experience something very rare and valuable. This is your special time. Make the most of it.
おはようございます!魚座ディリー翻訳よろしくお願いします。 There are many popular myths and legends about cities that disappear and reappear. Or people who come wandering into the world for a short space of time, spreading magic in their wake. Then suddenly, the wind changes or the allotted hour arrives and all is as it was before. Jupiter's opposition to Neptune is a precious thing. It occurs only once a decade and it invariably brings about a miracle of some kind. The conditions now are right for you. It is as if you are being offered a chance to experience something very rare and valuable. This is your special time. Make the most of it.
Some people seem to think they can win arguments just by shouting. Others reckon the trick is to use longer words. What they all forget is that nobody ever wins an argument. To enter into one is to lose. It’s that simple. If you want to win, don’t get into a position of conflict, for, where there’s constructive dialogue there is always the chance of real progress. Argument is childish. What? You don’t agree? Well, much as I hate to enter into an argument, I must point out that... Er, actually, I must point out that right now, if you are being honest, gentle and good-humoured, you are being all you need to be.
We say one thing - and we mean another. We do this by the day, by the hour, by the minute. We cannot help ourselves for it is simply not in our nature to be consistent. Nor, if we are honest, can we really claim to be honest! We hide things from one another all the time - and with some justification - for people are just as busy hiding things from us. Suddenly, it seems, you are experiencing a twinge of conscience about something that you really have no need to apologise for. Don't give yourself a hard time today. And don't assume that you face some major problem. Because you don't!
“To be, or not to be? …Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to...” Tell you what, I shall spare you the rest of the speech. My point is made. You can’t, really, do justice to words like this by reading them in a flat tone of voice. They have to be spoken with passion. Yet nor can we lead our lives as if we were eternal thespians. Whilst Shakespeare was, of course, quite right, to suggest that “all the world’s a stage,” he omitted to add that it is a very large one and the action cannot possibly happen everywhere at once. The planets suggest that a certain matter is now being over-dramatised. Don’t play it up today, play it down.
おはようございます。 射手座の翻訳もよろしくお願いしたしまたす。 Sometimes, the great roller-coaster ride of life takes us to a terrifying height. Sometimes, it sends us plunging into an apparent abyss at a breathtaking speed. And sometimes? It simply glides gently along smooth rails treating us to the most glorious views of passing scenery. Right now, you are heading somewhere very special. You can hardly believe how helpful the planets are being. You are slightly concerned lest they present you soon with some new unexpected problem. Yet all is fine and soon due to get even better.
“People, people who need people, are the luckiest people in the world...” Far be it for me to argue with Barbra Streisand but that assertion has always struck me as ever so slightly odd. I mean, I can quite see why people who need to be needed are lucky for there is surely never a shortage of folk who want help. But given the notorious unreliability of certain individuals in this world, can we really count ourselves lucky when we feel in need of assistance? You now need a little help. You are not at all sure that this makes you lucky. But it does. Coming events will soon show you why.
Things can’t carry on like this. They absolutely have to change - and soon enough, they will. Once they do, of course, you’ll look back and say, “Oh, how I miss the good old days.” You will conveniently forget how sick of them you were. That’s human nature. Our memory plays tricks on us. If it didn’t, there would be a lot less of us here. For no mother, for example, would ever allow herself to have a second child if she remembered how hard it was to give birth to the first. So there’s a lot to be said for the ability to ‘blank things out.’ Still though, there are certain things you really ought to try to remember today.
At night, if you place a curtain in front of your window, it will prevent any light within your room from flooding out on to the street. During the day, that very same curtain will stop light from moving in the opposite direction. But of course, if you don’t ever open that curtain how can you know which particular function it is serving at any point in time? Is the world outside your window now light or dark? There’s really only one way to find out. Events today provide you with a reason to look beyond the obvious. As you do so, you should soon begin to feel exceptionally inspired.
What tone of voice would you like me to take with you today? Shall I admonish you for your recent behaviour? Should I communicate concern about your apparent lack of caution? Should I urge you to be more sensible, more grown up, more restrained? I know that you are half-expecting such a response. Your world seems to be full of people who disagree with your current plan. Actually though, I don’t think you’re being crazy or lazy. I think you are being very brave and very smart. Deep down, you must think the same or you would not be acting with such courage.
“To assume,” they say, “is to make as ass out of you and me.” They are of course, very right and very wise. Though it is easy for them. They just have to sit there making up clever statements all day. The rest of us have lives to lead and, somewhere in the process, we are sure to encounter a little confusion from time to time. There is, though, a fairly big assumption being made in your life. A certain person thinks that you feel a particular way about a sensitive matter. You think, in turn, that you know where they stand. A few carefully placed questions could save a lot of silliness now.
Kids experience this phenomenon when they form their first rock band. The bass player turns up his amp to be heard above the drum. The guitarist, drowned out by the bass, increases her volume. This leaves the keyboard player in the background so up goes yet another switch. Then the drummer starts playing harder to break through the wall of sounds. It is now as if various forces are competing for your attention. No wonder you are becoming sensitive to headaches. The more you try to quieten things down, the easier it will be to see what’s going on ? and to do something constructive about it.
Your zodiac sign is traditionally symbolised by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Let’s add to that the fact that right now, the two planets that govern your sign are engaged in a kind of cosmic tug-of-war. You are beginning to feel a little torn in two. You are wrestling with a difficult choice yet at the same time you are keenly conscious of a rare and precious opportunity. You are not sure whether to feel extremely put-upon or exceedingly blessed and fortunate. You will soon discover that it is most definitely the latter description that is more appropriate.
射手座原文 Some people feel that heaven is a cake shop where you can eat as much as you like without putting on weight. For others it’s a tropical paradise or a library full of wonderful books with all the time in the world to read them. Sagittarius heaven is not quite like this. It’s a busy place full of excitement and drama. There’s trouble too - and tension. What distinguishes it from normal everyday life? Just one thing. In this other world, your every move works well, your every decision proves wise, your luck ensures that you take it all in your stride. Welcome, for a while at least, to a kind of heaven.
“It is in giving that we receive...” So said Saint Francis of Assisi. History does not record, with any great degree of certainty, what zodiac sign the great holy man belonged to ? but we shall I think, confer upon him the status of an ‘honorary Cancerian’ for his attitude was certainly very close to the ethos by which you seem to live your life. Right now, you are doing an awful lot of giving. And if there is any receiving going on, it is happening rather unnoticeably. But there is still time for that to change. And soon enough... it will. Even if all your behaviour today is not entirely saintly!
Capricorns are supposed to be sensible and practical. Wise, cautious and restrained. All the textbooks say this ? so it must be true. Er, mustn’t it? Much though you find it convenient at times to let others form this impression of you, it is hardly an accurate reading of your character. Right now, it represents an exceptionally misleading image. You are full of fire and excitement. You feel more than ready to let some magic into your world ? and that’s just as well, because some very real and wonderful change is now knocking at your door ? and it is clearly determined to come in.
“And they all lived happily ever after.” Zzzz. Zzzz. Oh, sorry, is it over now? I do apologise. It’s just that I always fall asleep whenever I sense the story coming towards a conclusion. In my line of work, helping people through crisis after crisis, it’s about the only time I get to take a rest. And anyway, alarm bells always ring when I hear those words, “Everything worked out all right in the end.” I have been around long enough to know that it’s just when you think that’s what’s happening, that the trouble really starts! Everything will be fine now, as long as you don’t become complacent.
You know when you blow up a balloon? If you keep on forcing an ever greater quantity of air into it, it will keep on expanding. Then, there will come a moment when, without warning, the whole thing bursts. Even professional balloon blowers find it hard to predict when that moment will come. Librans are a bit like balloons. Emotionally, psychologically, they will take on board a lot. You can treat them badly, demand vast amounts from them, put them in endless unreasonable situations and they will somehow accept it all. Then, well... any moment now... if someone isn’t careful.
It is now as if a veil is lifting or a cloud of confusion is being blown away by a breeze of inspiration. Suddenly, you are starting to remember the things that once were so very important to you. You can hardly believe that you let them slip so far from your mind. So of course you have the strength to do whatever’s necessary now. How can you possibly allow yourself to feel daunted by your difficulties or stymied by your circumstances? You have great power and strength. You are rediscovering this just in time to put it to the most excellent and appropriate use.
“One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor.” Paul Simon didn’t coin this phrase when he wrote his famous song but he helped to emphasise the poetry in it. It’s just one of those statements that means more each time you hear it and which ultimately sums up the whole of the entire human condition. Right now, it speaks volumes about your own condition. You can take, in your stride, what someone else finds inordinately difficult to deal with. And there are, lest you forget, areas of life where the reverse is true. Make a few more allowances today. You’ll be glad you did.
Do different star signs have different dreams? When Geminis fall asleep, do they dream about making sales or writing books? And what about Scorpios? Do they revel, every night, in images of secrets kept and conspiracies exposed? One thing’s for sure, Virgos don’t dream about clean floors and filing cabinets! Indeed, lately, your dreams have been taking on a decidedly colourful hue with distinct overtones of blue! What’s more, some of these are more likely to come true than you might think. So expect a little excitement.
みなさんいつもありがとうございます。 乙女座13日をお願いします Do different star signs have different dreams? When Geminis fall asleep, do they dream about making sales or writing books? And what about Scorpios? Do they revel, every night, in images of secrets kept and conspiracies exposed? One things for sure, Virgos don't dream about clean floors and filing cabinets! Indeed, lately, your dreams have been taking on a decidedly colourful hue with distinct overtones of blue! What's more, some of these are more likely to come true than you might think. So expect a little excitement.
We put a moat and drawbridge in place to protect ourselves from enemy invaders. Yet if our friends decide to pop by on the spur of the moment, they may well feel excluded. The crocodiles in your moat are now getting hungry. The drawbridge mechanism is beginning to prove unreliable. You seem to be suffering from the side-effects of too much self-defence. Tomorrow is you-know-what-day. Why not send a certain something to you-know-who? Perhaps they are feeling equally concerned about not appearing vulnerable.
Who won’t take no for an answer? Who is pushing their luck? Who is in danger of going too far? Who is reading this forecast? Who is sitting here, right now, wondering who else this prediction could be about? Surely not you? You are not that kind of person, are you? Maybe you are being pushed and goaded towards a certain course of action. Or maybe you are being seduced and tempted. One way or another, if you want things to improve between you, and you-know-who, you must make sure you know who is calling the shots.
Let’s get in training for Valentine’s day. We don’t have long so we had better work hard. We will start by finding a cliff top. If we can’t travel to one we had best try to make one out of papier-mache. Now we need to practise the art of running towards our partner in slow-motion with arms outstretched. Never mind WHICH partner. That’s the easy bit. The hard part is humming in such a way as to sound like a thousand soaring violins. OK. Are you ready? Steady?... Go! I’ll see you tomorrow ? and so I suspect will a certain someone else.
Even if tomorrow was not Valentine’s day, I would now feel inclined to mention romance in your forecast. Jupiter’s opposition to Neptune is emphasising your natural idealism and strengthening your already powerful imagination. You have so many hopes, dreams and aspirations. Can they all be fulfilled? Of course not. That’s not the point. Some of them can and that’s enough. Who can say where your current preoccupation is leading you. If it is bringing you enjoyment and inspiration - accept it at face value and be glad.
Valentine’s day comes but once a year. That’s the problem with it. Right now, across the world, millions of last-minute romantics are racing to despatch messages of love in time for the great day. Why? Because they feel they ought to. It is expected. Questions may be asked if they don’t. But you have no desire to participate in a ritual of obligation. If someone is going to pay you lip-service, you can think of a much more enjoyable way for them to do it. Your need to put sincerity before security is now greater than ever. Rightly so.
These are not necessarily the most romantic times you have ever lived through. You are certainly experiencing many deep and profound passions. But these, by and large, have more to do with the material world than the emotional one. You are becoming exceedingly agitated about a matter of considerable importance. Could this be because you want something more passionately than you care to confess? The more closely you involve a certain someone with your great fascination, the happier you both will be.
The trouble with relationships is that they involve two people and are consequently complicated. Surely, there’s a gap in the market for a one person partnership. Think how much one of these could save you on cards and gifts. You could put the money instead, towards counselling sessions that enable you to get along with yourself better. If we all did this, our world would become full of happy souls who, ironically, would get along fine with one another! Expectation is a bad thing. Spontaneity is good. Aim for the latter now.
There’s just not enough tolerance in this world. Certain people are far too quick to judge. There really can be no excuse for this. Nor is there enough patience. Some folk are in far too much of a hurry. They need to learn to restrain themselves ? as quickly as possible! And as for all those who feel that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflict? Well they deserve a jolly good slap! Shout now for things that seem to make a lot of sense on the surface but which turn out to be more nonsensical the longer you think about them.
Can we assume, that if the Moon is due to be full in your sign this weekend, you are perfectly placed to enjoy a magnificent Valentine’s day? Well, let’s put it this way ? we can’t automatically assume the opposite. The celestial spotlight is shining brightly on you now. You are receiving much attention and affection. You are also, of course, encountering criticism, conflict and tension. But none of this need get in the way of your happiness... unless you let it. Remember please, that you have power. Don’t give it away.
天秤座 原文 Mind how you go up this creek - you really don't want to lose your paddle. And if you are going to use the engine, be careful with the fan. Once those blades start turning, who knows what they may connect with! I am trying to be polite but I suspect you know what I am getting at. You are now surrounded by - well, let's just say, by things you do not need to be surrounded by. People, attitudes, expectations, all seem unfair or unjust. You are inclined to make a sweeping gesture in an attempt to change them. It may yet prove appropriate.
蟹訳お願い致します。 I don’t care too much for money, money can’t buy me love. ” Of course, back in the days when The Beatles first sang this, marketing systems had yet to evolve. The Internet was not even in its infancy. Love simply was not available for money. But of course, all that has changed now. You can buy it from any large department store. Woolworth’s have an aisle specially dedicated to it. Love comes in all shapes and sizes with price packages to suit every pocket. Er... doesn’t it? Well then, don’t allow anyone to confuse the two today.
"Your cheating heart... will tell on you." All who have ever sung this song with sincerity know that it works like a charm - or a spell! Hank Williams was not so much composing a hit when he wrote this - as preparing a prophecy. Now why, you may wonder, have I chosen to quote this, of all things, in your zodiac forecast for Valentine's Day? Oh, no reason. Other, perhaps, than one. Somewhere in your world now the whole of the particular story is not yet being told. But it can only be a matter of time before this happens - and it can only be for the best.
“Come on baby, let’s start anew, ’cause breaking up is hard to do...” If you sing this to a teenager, they will completely misunderstand. Breaking up is something that happens to us all, every time we get a bad reception on our mobile phone. And how do we fix it? We just hang up and dial again. None of this is hard to do. So why write a song about it? But of course, we cannot end our relationships as easily as our phone calls. Sometimes though, forging a wonderful lasting connection between two sympathetic souls really can be as easy as picking up the phone. As you will soon see.
Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes? Or do they just seem overly interested in other parts of you? Or do you even suspect that you are not at all appreciated for who you are ? merely for what you can supply to a certain someone? All too often, relationships can be about getting to know less and less about another person ? rather than more and more. Without meaning to, we turn one another into icons, tokens, symbolic figures of the imagination. It is not easy to go beyond all this but it is, of course, possible and deeply rewarding. And it’s possible now.
How was Valentine’s Day for you? What? You are kidding aren’t you? Do you really mean to say you slept right through it? Oh well, better luck next year. Meanwhile, let’s look at what you can expect during the rest of this rather special Saturday. Actually, I am quite relieved that you missed out on Friday, for I would never have advised you to do what I suspect you were intending to do. Yet I can see in retrospect why you probably should have done. Er, what’s that you say? This IS Friday. Whoops. Well, I don’t mean to influence you unduly. Do as you see fit! Just pretend we never spoke.
How was Valentine’s Day for you? What? You are kidding aren’t you? Do you really mean to say you slept right through it? Oh well, better luck next year. Meanwhile, let’s look at what you can expect during the rest of this rather special Saturday. Actually, I am quite relieved that you missed out on Friday, for I would never have advised you to do what I suspect you were intending to do. Yet I can see in retrospect why you probably should have done. Er, what’s that you say? This IS Friday. Whoops. Well, I don’t mean to influence you unduly. Do as you see fit! Just pretend we never spoke.
“If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with...” So sang Stephen Stills in his anthem of the psychedelic age. Stills though, was not born under the sign of Sagittarius, nor, for that matter were Crosby, Nash and Young. You know perfectly well how to love the one you’re with but that doesn’t stop you from wanting to be with the one you love. Nor, this weekend, does it serve as an excuse to allow you to accept an easy option. Hold out for the best and you will yet get it ? though, on a time scale that suits the cosmos, not the manufacturers of greetings cards.
Will the earth move for you this weekend? Well, it will try. Rare, powerful planetary alignments will bring forth the urge to break down barriers and shed inhibitions. You now feel determined to get away from an old, tired but easy routine. You want more. More meaning, more fulfilment, more magic. Why shouldn’t you have this? It may seem as if there are plenty of reasons. One way or another they are all irrelevant. First, decide that you are entitled to fulfil your own heart’s desire. Then, look for the right opportunity. The rest will take care of itself.
“We can’t go on together with suspicious minds... “ So sang Elvis. But then, he was a Capricorn. Scorpios cannot help but feel suspicious ? all the time ? of everyone. Their happiest relationships are, therefore, with other similarly-suspicious souls! Trust, comfort and understanding, all stem from sharing suspicion ? not from repressing it or from attempting to live in blissful ignorance. People of this world fall into two categories; those who understand what I have just said ? and those who don’t. Next on the cards for you? A deepened relationship with someone from the first group!.
How do you comfort a lovelorn Piscean. Well, you certainly don’t tell them there are plenty more fish in the sea. Your own journey through the ocean of emotion involves celebrating the idiosyncrasy of individuality. In your view, no two people are ever alike - nor any two moments between those people. Are you lovelorn now? Well you shouldn’t be. The planets suggest you will soon feel spoilt for choice - until you realise that there is no choice to make. One relationship counts for more than all the others you have ever experienced. Its magic and meaning is about to become inspiringly clear.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” The magic mirror is part of a mystic tradition that has not been lost in the passing of the centuries. To this very day, every soul upon the earth possesses their own ? though they may not know it. Look into your mirror today. Gaze at your reflection whilst you keep asking that crucial question until you hear the only answer that can possibly be acceptable. The inevitable, indisputable truth. YOU are the fairest of them all. You need and deserve this self-confidence. This weekend will yet bring you a good reason to develop it.
Baby, baby, baby, you can have my private number...” So they sang in Motown back when music (and love) really meant something. Sadly, in this more mercenary day and age, a private number is more likely to be an annual income figure ? while the only thing that’s ever “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”is a prenuptial agreement. Is there any room in this world any more for a romantic like yourself? Or should you just succumb to cynicism in the way that everyone else seems to? Don’t even think about it. Hope springs eternal. And this weekend it is positively bouncing up and down!
おはようございます。 いつもありがとうございます。 獅子座14日お願いします! “You can’t hurry love...” Or can you? There are some who would argue that it is a supreme misconception! All across the land, people are busily selling us all flowers, oysters, chocolates and candlelit dinners on the implied promise that this will ‘hurry love’. But if we do hurry love, do we simply cause it to run its course more quickly? Is love like an orange which, if squeezed long enough will eventually dry up? Or is it like a magical fountain which delivers more, the more you sip from it? Whatever it is, it’s happening now in exactly the right way. Don’t worry ? or hurry this weekend.
“Something’s gotten hold of my heart, keeping my soul and my senses apart...” So sang Gene Pitney - making his love, sound for all the world, like a list of dire symptoms for some dreadful psychological malaise. But then, as Diana Ross once observed, “If there’s a cure for this, I don’t want it.” Love, many a great poet has remarked through the ages, is often a bitter-sweet experience. Right now, you are keenly conscious of the fact that it has a sharp side as well as a soft one. Yet would you really have things any other way? Soon, you will see, all is as it should be now.
ついでに蟹座は、歌詞の一部“Come on baby, let’s start anew, ’cause breaking up is hard to do...”が引用されてますが、曲名は、 Breaking Up Is Hard To Do(悲しき慕情) ニール・セダカの曲で、デビッド・キャシディーと パートリッジ・ファミリーでヒットしたそうです。
“You can’t hurry love...” Or can you? =「恋を急ぐことはありません...」 それとも急ぐべき?
It is not especially easy to be belligerent in bare feet. It always seems more comfortable to assert yourself by wearing big boots. That’s why most people go stomping around the place, doing all they can to make a deep impression wherever they go. Some people though, are natural dancers. They understand that if you can be deft and delicate, you can often get what you want without anyone even realising that you got it! At the moment, you feel a little weak and hence, you yearn to prove yourself strong. but if you want real progress, you are better off being more subtle than stroppy.
Think of all the books in all the libraries in all the world. Think of all the words in all those books. Now think of all the letters of the alphabet that those words contain. Funny, isn’t it, how so much boils down to so little. In your life now a lot is being made out of something seemingly small. That happens quite often so you can be forgiven for feeling a little cynical. A certain person may well turn out to be ‘all talk’. A particular situation may well not prove as pressing at it at first appeared. Be careful though, not to be too dismissive. For a surprisingly strong and influential force IS at work.
Have you ever had a dream within a dream? You are fast asleep but in your dream, you imagine that you have just woken up. You are now finding it difficult to gauge how real a particular situation is. You just don’t know what to make of it. You suspect that a certain story is far from over. You are even inclined to believe that none of it is real and everything is going to alter suddenly, without warning. There is indeed, more to discover and experience ? but there is nothing to worry about ? and no reason to doubt the importance of all you have been through.
On your marks, get set, stop! Ready, steady, hold it! OK. Here we go. One, two... three... Oops, I’m sorry, it appears we have a form to fill in. Or an obligation to honour. Or a representative from some official body informing us that our procedure is incorrect. So we shall have to start again at some unspecified point in the future. Hey ho. Let’s have some music whilst we are waiting. How about, ‘Busy doing nothing’ or what about ‘I can’t get started’? You may be raring to go, but until Saturn completes its opposition to your ruler, you ain’t going nowhere. A few days should fix it.
Agatha Christie knew the score. She engaged her readers by inviting them to play detective. She gave clues and dropped hints ? whilst scattering a few red herrings around the place. Only at the end, in the inevitable library scene, would her audience of would-be sleuths discover how well, or badly, they had been in following the true plot. This week, brings a decisive development in your life. A denouement. You may well be about to find out that many things are not at all as you had once thought. But that’s OK, for the reality is due to prove better than the fantasy.
Life is beginning to resemble a poorly-plumbed shower. One moment, everything is too hot, the next, too cold. Just when you think you have finally got the balance right, someone turns on a tap elsewhere and suddenly you start to scorch ? or shiver ? once more. There’s irony in the extremes you are now going through, especially when we stop to consider the direction you were heading in last week. Sometimes though, as every yachtsman knows, the only way to make progress against an opposing wind is to tack from side-to-side; approaching the destination via a series of odd angles.
There’s no place like home. Although you are beginning to wonder quite where your true home really is. Where do you belong? And to whom? What are you relating to? What are you feeling a part of? It is not that your involvements are inappropriate, just that you seem to be seeing yourself inextricably linked to a particular set of circumstances. Yet if you do not feel at home here, you should not consider yourself obliged to maintain the connection. You have other options and alternatives. And some of these may well be a lot more comfortable.
天秤座 原文 On this page you will find twenty-six symbols which have been jumbled up to form a variety of different patterns. Study them carefully and they should begin to suggest associations which could then lead to recognition of an important message. You follow all this? Well actually, you do! The twenty-six symbols are the letters of the alphabet. Everything else refers to the way these work. Now think please, about the other very similar patterns in your life which are being turned into painfully, pointlessly, convoluted explanations. Success, this week, requires a refusal to be blinded by science.
Why does so much seem to be going wrong? Why do you feel as if nobody is really helping you ? and that most people are deliberately setting out to cause you trouble? It is not just your imagination. But you need to understand what’s really going on. Somehow, thanks to a kindly cosmic guide, you are being steered away from a plan or idea that appears very sensible but is actually inappropriate. You cannot yet see why this is and thus you feel inclined to resent whatever is thwarting your plans. But there will yet come a point where you feel deeply glad of all you are up against.
モーあかんさん、別訳ありがとうございます。 especially when we stop to consider the direction you were heading in last この部分は私も何かウマい訳は無いものかと迷いました。ジョナの言いたいこ とは「目的に直進するのではなく回り道しながら進め」ということは間違いない とおもいます。ただ、we stop to consider the direction 〜の部分はイマイチ ウマい訳が見つかりません。stopは動名詞、不定詞いずれもとることの出来る 動詞ですが、不定詞の場合は通常「〜するために立ち止まる」という意味にな ります。weがdirectionをconsiderすることを止める・・・う〜む、なかなか前の文章 とのつながりがうまくいかない。
Life is full of surprises. Sometimes, those surprises are pleasant and sometimes, well... you see, the thing is there's not much we can do about this, Surprises, by their very nature, have to be surprising. If we knew for sure that every surprise was due to be a happy one, there wouldn't be anything surprising about it. Which brings me round, in a convoluted way, to your outlook for the week ahead. Er, actually, surprisingly enough, the cosmic climate is looking surprisingly good. And that's about as much as I ought to tell you really. For to say any more might be to spoil the surprise!
There’s a risk, this week, that you may end up getting hold of the wrong end of the hippopotamus. There, you see, I rest my case. I started a sentence and you felt so sure you knew where it was leading that you finished it in your mind before we got to the end. You got so stuck on the stick, that you didn’t see the hippopotamus coming. That’s precisely the sort of mistake you want to avoid making now. It is easy to jump to conclusions - or assume that you know what certain signs and signals are pointing you towards. Appearances can be deceptive. Don’t be too quick to judge.
おはようございます。 射手座18日よろしくお願いします。 Imagine you are a prisoner. You feel that you have been wrongly convicted. Carefully, you start chipping away at the floor of your cell. Eventually, you have a secret tunnel. Then suddenly, the warder says, ‘It’s OK, you have been pardoned. I am now setting you free.’ It is just possible that you may feel cheated. You were working on your own way to get out thank you very much. Now, you may never have that adventure. Don’t take that attitude towards this week’s helpful developments. Just be glad of the solution being presented to you, even if it does seem very different to the one that you had been privately working on.
It is not always advisable to pour oil on troubled waters. Indeed, in these days of ecological disaster, it is considered a highly controversial thing to do. The troubled waters are much more likely to require detergent dispersant. We have to be a little careful, delicate and diplomatic about the problem-solving methods we employ. Right now, there’s a right way and a wrong way to sort out a difficulty. One way sounds very appropriate and will meet with lots of approval, in theory, from others. The other will work. Deep down, you know which makes the more sense.
It is very brave of you to turn to your forecast this morning. You clearly have not heard the news. Religious fundamentalists infiltrated the government and passed a law last night making it an offence, punishable by death, to read your horoscopes. In fact, you see that figure at the window? Quick, quick, turn to another page and try to look innocent. I jest, of course, but elsewhere in your life it really is beginning to seem as if some very silly and outrageously unfair restrictions are being imposed upon you. Don’t allow anyone to undermine your confidence.
The planets can’t seem to decide whether they are coming or going. This explains why you, in turn, appear to be vacillating. Normally, you are deliberate and decisive, quick and clear, sharp and sure. In many ways, you continue to manifest all these wonderful qualities. Yet somehow, you just can’t do what you want to do. You can’t go where you want to go. You are being impeded and inhibited. There’s actually a good reason for this. Soon, you will find out what it is and then everything will change. Your difficulty is only visiting. Don’t make up a bed for it in the spare room.
Once a bridge has been put across a river, it’s easy to get to the other side. Prior to that, it’s difficult. You need a boat. Or at least a raft. Or you would have to swim. Even if you are trying to build a bridge, you can expect a long drawn-out process. Right now, you are being told all about a result that may be attainable. Someone is conveniently forgetting to mention the time, effort and energy that success will require. Is this because they want this result more than you do? Even if you are happy to help a particular project, you really ought to be aware now of whose need is greater than yours.
We all understand that it is not possible to turn back the clock. We accept as much stoically and philosophically. o instead, we settle for striving to accomplish the nearest possible thing. We struggle to make time stand still. Sometimes, we almost achieve this. We find that we can hold everything steady for a surprisingly long while. Sooner or later though, change must come to even the most stable situation. You are not sure whether you really want things to alter now but can you swear that you do not want this. That’s interesting isn’t it? Expect more such interesting developments soon.
We all understand that it is not possible to turn back the clock. We accept as much stoically and philosophically. So instead, we settle for striving to accomplish the nearest possible thing. We struggle to make time stand still. Sometimes, we almost achieve this. We find that we can hold everything steady for a surprisingly long while. Sooner or later though, change must come to even the most stable situation. You are not sure whether you really want things to alter now but can you swear that you do not want this. That’s interesting isn’t it? Expect more such interesting developments soon.
おはようございます。 18日蠍座デイリーです。翻訳宜しくお願い致します。 We cannot compare you to the person at the end of a diving board. For you have definitely jumped. Nor can we you are someone who has landed in the water. For there has, as yet, been no big splash. And is it really fair to suggest that you are frozen in mid-air ? between the end of the board and the pool below? Perhaps you should remember that at times of intensity, perception of time slows down. Seconds seem like minutes, minutes seem like hours. Plenty is happening ? and it is all very productive. It may not be happening as fast as you would like, but it can hardly happen any faster. Relax ? let more time pass.
Some things are easier said than done. We all learn, relatively early in life, that the relationship between truth and fiction is somewhat more complicated than we were originally led to believe. Likewise, the link between action and intention. Some people know how to say all the right things - whilst doing none of them, they even manage to make a career of it. It can be weeks, even months, before anyone ever notices. Or if the people in question happen to be politicians, it can be years! Many great pronouncements are now being made. Just remember today, that talk is cheap.
People love to feel superior. They work hard to give themselves an edge. They feel that if they know more than someone else - or if they dress differently - or if they have a particular appreciation of a certain subject, it makes them special. And it makes everyone else ordinary. The strange irony is that everyone does it! I have my way of feeling "better than you" whilst you have your way of feeling "better than me". In reality, we are none of us any worse or better than each other. Today's challenge involves learning to stop playing a game and start building a much more meaningful rapport with others.
You need time to digest recent events. Ideally, you could do with a decade or two to let the implications sink in. It may well be another twenty years before you can fully put everything in perspective. Meanwhile, just trust your instincts. These are better than you think. Never assume, just because you occasionally make a mistake, that your judgement is flawed. Every so often, we all have to do things for the sake of the greater good ? even if this briefly causes us to act against what appear to be our own best interests. Your intuition tells you now that you are on the right track. Trust this.
Are you going round and round in the same old circle? Quite possibly, the only honest answer to this question is ‘yes’. But that’s not necessarily undesirable. Much depends on whether you are collecting new information each time you pass your marker point -or if you are endlessly repeating previous experience. The planets strongly suggest that real progress is now taking place. Remember please, that time is circular - and so is space. Look at the planet on which we live. There’s nothing wrong with an ever-turning circle as long as it supports a learning process. Right now, you are making valuable discoveries.