【原文】 You regard humour as healing, an escape or a great leveller. Not everybody has the ability to see what’s funny about the dilemmas you’re currently dealing with. Consequently, you’d be well advised to test the water before you begin sharing the kind of jokes you find so lift your spirits.
>>8 ふたご座土曜日原文 Sooner or later you’re going to have to confront others about issues involving a tricky combination of finances and trust. This is not the time. Mention your concerns if you must. But you’re better off saying nothing, even the most innocent of questions, until both their mood and circumstances have improved.
Friday Everybody seems to be in a hurry. Haste is always an excellent way to waste time, but it’s even more the case now. If certain individuals refuse to slow their pace, then factor extra time in plans, enough for them to alter their original, hastily made, and very unwise decisions.
Saturday Once you were clear in your own mind about even far reaching changes. Now you’re less sure. In fact, making decisions may require considerable thought. Give yourself the gift of time to investigate facts and reflect on your feelings. Ideally, therefore, you’ll avoid commitments until after mid-January’s Cancer Full Moon.
Sunday At long last others are willing to consider a new approach to old problems. The irony is that it’s take them so long to agree that you’re no longer sure of your own feelings. Give these serious thought now, since within only a few days you’ll have to make lasting commitments.
Once you were clear in your own mind about even far reaching changes. Now you’re less sure. In fact, making decisions may require considerable thought. Give yourself the gift of time to investigate facts and reflect on your feelings. Ideally, therefore, you’ll avoid commitments until after mid-January’s Cancer Full Moon.
Once plans were made, you felt a sense of relief that lengthy debates were over. Now they begin again. Irritating as this is, things have changed since you last discussed arrangements. And if you don’t update previous plans, you may as well not have bothered to make any at all.
You are capable of extraordinary generosity, especially with those you love. However, certain individuals are not only unappreciative of this, they seem determined to ignore your kindness. Waste no more time trying to figure out how to please them. If they can’t be gracious, they should have nothing at all.
Being flexible and understanding where others are coming from is one thing. Accepting unruly behaviour or a persistently negative attitude is quite another. If you don’t draw the line soon, then they’ll assume that you don’t mind the way they’ve been acting, and adopt it on a permanent basis.
火曜 For you a commitment is not merely an obligation, if you fail somebody else, you feel that you’re failing yourself. As a result you can sometimes spend a great deal of time ensuring that everything is done. This is, however, sometimes means that those closest are short-changed, if not neglected.
水曜 Not surprisingly, you’re overwhelmed, both by your normal obligations and numerous recent intriguing developments. While you can’t ? and shouldn’t ? neglect any of these, set aside a certain amount of time for yourself. If you don’t allow your mind to be idle, it becomes overworked, and you in turn become over-stressed.
木曜 Few things are more frustrating than arguing with somebody who will not listen to the facts. But at the moment there’s little hope of getting such stubborn individuals to listen, much less to convince them to view situations from a different angle. Save your ammunition for a more promising occasion.
By the time of next Saturday’s Cancer Full Moon, you’ll not only have discussed certain worrying issues openly, decisions will have been made. By then, however, circumstances are likely to have changed enough that you may be wishing for something very different from what you’d consider the ideal outcome now.
Life will be far easier when plans involving both your personal and relationship life have been made. However, forcing issues would only serve to complicate already complex situations. Investigate and discuss every option. But on no account allow anybody’s anxieties, including your own, to corner you into premature decisions.
There’s no use in arguing with those whose minds are closed. But as you discuss certain sensitive topics, you realise the thinking of others isn’t nearly as fixed as it once was. While it’s too soon to challenge them, certain ideas you’d once have avoided are likely to be well received.
Others are insisting that you make serious plans for the future. But you’re in no hurry. Situations remain unsettled and your own priorities are in just as much disarray. Instead of committing to any one plan, discuss various options. This should relieve the concerns of even the most anxious.
While you must view anything of unexpected nature that influences your financial security as serious, don’t jump to conclusions. Keep in mind that with Mercury retrograde, things aren’t necessarily what they seem. First, investigate the facts. This could expose errors that are as fundamental as they are easily remedied.
You thought that misunderstandings with loved ones had been ironed out before the new year began. Now it’s becoming increasingly clear that they are still upset. You can only discuss issues or apologise so much. Say you’re sorry one more time. After that, the problem becomes entirely theirs to resolve.
Tuesday Life will be far easier when plans involving both your personal and relationship life have been made. However, forcing issues would only serve to complicate already complex situations. Investigate and discuss every option. But on no account allow anybody’s anxieties, including your own, to corner you into premature decisions.
The time is coming when you're going to have to stand your ground in certain issues. At the moment others are in no mood even to discuss anybody's views but their own. Don't let that keep you from pointing out that there are alternatives. But say no more until they ask.
It pains you to watch others make mistakes and say nothing. But don't want anybody's suggestions. Instead of giving them advice, make a point of talking about other things. At least this keeps the lines of communication open, so they have you to fall back on when your support is needed.
Tempers have calmed enough to discuss recent disagreements. And it's fascinating. As everybody is telling their version of what happened, it's hard to believe that they were there, with you, in the same place at the same time. But if you all saw thing the same way, there wouldn't be disagreements.
Having examined and discussed every idea and option, you’re ready to turn ideas into action. Don’t be surprised if others aren’t quite as enthusiastic. It’s not that they aren’t as interested as they were before. It’s just that they have problems, which are both intensely private and holding everything else up.
Important as planning is, but you must now play things by ear. This means relying on your intuition, which is easy for any Pisces. Explaining to others the rationale behind those changes, however, is quite another matter. In fact, you may want to be enigmatic, and say as little as possible.
You must occasionally be reminded that the happiness of others is not your duty or responsibility. In fact, at the moment, you owe it to yourself to leave them to get on with their obligations without interfering. True, you could help. But that would make the achievements yours, not theirs.
It’s true, frequent changes are costing others in terms of both time and money. In fact some are threatening to back out of arrangements. Let them. Struggling to keep everything in place makes you seem desperate. Adopt an easy-going attitude about changes and that’s soon exactly how you’ll be feeling.
It’s not that you dislike arguments. It’s just that the upset they leave in their wake rarely justifies the issues they clear up. On the other hand, certain individuals are being so cagey about important matters that it’s not until they’re angry that they’re likely to reveal anything about their feelings or intentions.
While Mercury’s retrograde cycle, which lasts until the 23rd, is renown for mistakes, errors and confusion, it’s not all bad. In fact, what you learn as a result of those mistakes could provide answers for otherwise puzzling dilemmas or insights into the curious behaviour of certain individuals.
You don’t mind changing plans. In fact you find the rigid approach that certain individuals take both frustrating and difficult to deal with. But what you’ve just faced is indecision on an epic scale, enough that you’re beginning to wonder if you shouldn’t just call the whole thing off.
Whether it was a series of unsettling conflicts or a single rip-roaring onfrontation that you’ve just survived, you’re now hoping things will calm down. You needn’t worry about more artillery fire right away, but still, battles aren’t necessarily over. Tensions build until next weekend when either sudden developments or a change in the mood mean the kid gloves come off again. Knowing this, you’d probably rather get things over and done with. Triggering battles now, makes some resent your initiative, and so turn others against you. Facts are grim. But what you learn clarifies who deserves your loyalty - and who doesn’t
天秤座 6日 月曜日 Promising as certain situations are, you can't do everything on your own. This means working with others, and quite possibly with certain individuals who you don't particularly like. The important question is, however, are they skilled, knowledgeable and enthusiastic? Whether you like them or not comes after all of those.
You value action over reflection. But ever since last week, when the idea planet, Mercury, went retrograde in your sign, you’ve been increasingly aware of how your mood or attitude colours your viewpoint. This isn’t just important; ultimately this observation could prove more powerful than all your practical analysis.
You put so much effort into all that you do. This isn’t always acknowledged or appreciated. But you know what you’ve done, and that’s enough. Nevertheless, it is frustrating when others made sudden changes, and don’t even pause to consider the inconvenience that having to rearrange everything causes you.
For ages you’ve been meaning to tackle a variety of unresolved issues. Some are personal, others involve work, obligations ? but each in its own way seems to drain you of your vitality and enthusiasm. You needn’t resolve them; simply addressing them ends that persistent negativity, and introduces a much-needed optimism.
You may feel under pressure to make decisions. Before you commit to anything, however, continue the review that began with last Thursday’s illuminating Capricorn New Moon. Pause now to reflect on what’s over and done with, what works and ? most importantly - what excites you in terms of the future.
Thursday Some problems are best dealt with head on. Those you’re facing now, however, would benefit from a fresh approach. This means focusing on those restless feelings you’ve been having. Get away, take a break. And you’ll come back both renewed and able to conquer even tricky dilemmas with surprising ease.
Friday Others say you’re being stubborn. But when you simply can’t see the point to certain changes and nobody can justify them to you, then you’d say that you’re being logical. Rather than carry disputes further, call off debates. Instead agree to monitor events, allowing them to reveal who’s right.
Saturday Having worked long and hard to make plans, you’re not best pleased by sudden and surprising changes. On the other hand, these are accompanied by breakthroughs in situations that you thought you’d just have to live with. And these should more than compensate for whatever inconvenience unexpected developments have caused.
Sunday You’ve tried to put a gloss on recent difficulties. But the fact is, others’ actions were as unreasonable as they were surprising. Worse, they refuse to discuss what went on. Frustrating as this is, you’re probably better off postponing any serious exchanges while Mercury still retrograde, which is until the 23rd
Thursday This is as much a time of discussion as it is of decision-making. True, life would be easier if you could just get things settled. The stubbornness of others isn’t the only problem. You can also blame situations that are changing so frequently than not even simple arrangements can last. Friday Planning is one thing, facing constant changes and unreliable people quite another. While every Scorpio has the capacity to overcome anything ? or anybody that causes you problems, that doesn’t mean you have to go to battle now. Doing nothing isn’t weak. At the moment it would prevent you wasting time. Saturday If ever there was a time when playing your hand slowly and deliberately was wise, it’s now. You may think that you recognise an opening or opportunity. But with Mercury retrograde, things aren’t necessarily what they seem. If you must explore, ensure you check out the facts at every stage. Sunday You hate few things more than being cornered, unless you add in the fact that the circumstances involved are unfair. While you’d have to complaint loudly, you’re better off playing it cool. Once others start to wonder why you’re not reacting as they expected, you regain the upper hand.
Thursday You know others are up to no good. Yet you’re in no position to confront them. What you don’t know is that you’re not alone in your suspicions; observation will reveal those who are also unhappy about things. Join together and you’ll find ways to confront or overcome troublesome individuals.
Friday It’s not that you’re in an argumentative mood so much as you’re unwilling to make all the effort and watch others get the credit. Your first instinct is to withdraw, but that will achieve nothing. But you can remain cordial, yet withhold on the ideas that others merrily pretend are their own.
金曜日 Being somewhat of a perfectionist, you dislike making commitments that you consider a compromise. But if you insist on everything being the best it could be, you’ll make very few commitments. Instead, just make sure things are the best you can make them, then continue with improvements when you can.
土曜日 Any opportunity is worth exploring, even if its’ unclear where it would fit in or what use could be made of it. At minimum you’ll learn something. But as situations develop and surprising changes appear, what now seems of little use could prove to be of considerable value.
日曜日 You can tell others all the facts, and you can ensure that they understand how they’ll all fall into place. But that doesn’t mean that they’ll see things your way. At the moment, in fact, with your ruler Mercury retrograde, fact seem of little importance to certain individuals.
Others are in an argumentative mood. However, you feel that there's little point in having the last word if, at the end of disputes, nobody's speaking to you. For this reason you prefer to wait until the time is right, and then only after careful preparation, say exactly what you think.
Everybody says that you should be tougher with loved ones. But you see no reason to cause yet more tension in already difficult situations. What's more, you know that others are well aware how unpopular their actions are making them. Consequently, you feel anything you say would only make it worse.
As a Libra, you've become an authority on human nature. Still, people can surprise you. Take, for instance, the recent completely unanticipated antics of somebody dear to your heart. If you understood the reasons behind their actions, you could forgive them easily. But they refuse even begin discussing them.
It’s not easy being blamed for problems that were neither of your making nor your responsibility. Argue too much and you’ll only seem to be on the defensive. Explain what you’ve done as, even more important, what you haven’t. Then stand back and allow events to testify on your behalf.
You know that what are only minor problems now are going to get worse if something isn’t done soon. But others either disagree about their importance or are pretending everything’s fine. Don’t turn this into your personal campaign. Detail your concerns, then leave it to them to take the next step.
This is your week to make an impression. Others are saying that you’re better off keeping a low profile. That might work for them. But you’re an Aries and therefore are at your best when you speak and act with the directness that is both your strength and greatest asset.
Friday: Now you’re less concerned with issues involving partners or close emotional ties. This means you can finally focus on long overdue changes. But just how and when you’ll accomplish them remains a mystery. Be patient. By the Cancer New Moon on the 18th, events will have answered many of your queries.
Saturday: Everybody prefers to live in harmony. But this is one of those times when, if you can manage it, it’s better to agree to disagree. Others need space to think, experience life and explore. Therefore, encourage them to pursue their own interests, ensuring them you’ll be supporting them from afar.
Sunday: For ages you’ve known that close emotional ties or partners were ready for a major change. But they’ve steadfastly refused even to discuss taking things from a fresh angle. Now events have helped them along. While it may some time before their direction is clear, those changes are finally underway.
Saturday: Everybody prefers to live in harmony. But this is one of those times when, if you can manage it, it’s better to agree to disagree. Others need space to think, experience life and explore. Therefore, encourage them to pursue their own interests, ensuring them you’ll be supporting them from afar.
You are the consummate diplomat. Yet sometimes you become so involved in smoothing the course for everybody that you neglect your own interests. Now it’s time to focus on you and what you want. And with next week’s extraordinary aspect between your ruler Venus and Jupiter, you’re likely to get it.
Few things are more difficult than watching those you care about make unwise decisions. Tempting as it is to interfere, you’d regret it. Instead make both your concerns and suggestions very clear, and promise your unconditional support. T hen back off, and ? however difficult - encourage them to chart their own course.
You’re under pressure to make decisions. Much as you’d like to do what others suggest ? and get them off your back ? you just can’t. And you’re right to wait. Intriguing as the opportunities you’re now facing may be, they’re nothing compared to those that are coming your way next week.
The way you experience this week has far more to do with your attitude about the unexpected than it does about events themselves. True, sudden developments shake everybody up. For you, however, the real issue is that decisions are in the hands of others. While this makes you anxious, worrying about who’s in charge achieves nothing. Instead focus on obtaining vital information about certain financial or business matters. What you learn now not only proves illuminating, once your ruler Mars changes signs on Friday, beginning a cycle that’s all about exploration and new ideas, you’ll be grateful for the facts you have to hand.
You’d like to think that you’re immune to the emotional ups and downs of the lunar cycle. Nevertheless, it would seem that the recent Full Moon has brought domestic or career issues to a head. In fact, it’s taken this to make you realise just how important certain goals are to you.
Few things are more difficult for an Aries than giving up. But if you don’t relinquish certain goals or objectives now, they’ll both frustrate and distract you. It’s the process of giving up or acknowledging defeat that’s your biggest obstacle. Once you do, you’ll wonder why you waited for so long.
Now that your ruler Mars has joined the charming Venus in accenting ways you could broaden your horizons, you should at long last overcome certain tricky obstacles. In fact you’ll finally persuade others to support new ideas or win them over to plans that they’d previously questioned or rejected.
Be understanding. Be sympathetic to the problems that certain individuals are dealing with. But then make it clear that you will take absolutely no nonsense from them. They're desperate, and if you give them an inch, they'll take a mile and won't even stop to thank you for it.
Gentle as you can be with those who suffer or are struggling, you'll defend loved ones or close friends ferociously. Certain individuals didn't seem to take this into account when they decided to play games with others. Now that they know what theyユre dealing with, however, they'll behave considerably better.
However forward thinking you can be, as a Cancer the past is your territory. Nobody can equal your capacity to understand of the past as the ground from which the present has sprung. Yet you're currently wrestling with certain past issues. Resolve these and you gain the key to the future.
火曜日 Naturally you would prefer to know where you’re going and what to plan for. But every time you begin to organise things, plans spontaneously undo themselves. Instead live one day and, if necessary, one hour at a time. You’ll not only be more flexible and benefit from each and every experience.
水曜日 Nobody is better at dealing with the unexpected or sudden changes in plan than you are. Having said that, the next few days are likely to be very unsettling indeed. Instead of hanging on to the reins, do nothing. Allow things to happen, knowing you’ll pick up the pieces later.
木曜日 You’ve been cautious in all your dealings with loved ones or close friends, conscious that they’re under pressure. At the moment, however, you’re probably better off saying exactly what’s on your mind. In fact, the more forthright you are, the more likely they are finally to express their true feelings.
魚座weeklyです。宜しくお願いします。 You’ve a knack for slipping away from disagreements before they become open conflicts, making your views known more via your absence than by direct confrontation. Now, however, if you don’t express yourself with uncompromising clarity from the outset, others will manipulate your words - and even your actions - to suit their purposes. Naturally this is infuriating. But in a way this crisis serves your purpose. For not only does it force you to analyse and declare your position, you’re also cornered into confronting those who have previously taken advantage of your good nature, and insisting that they respect what you believe or stand for.
月曜日 Forget about the past. True, others have already apologised. But you’re still wary, uncertain whether they can be trusted. If you give them a chance, they’ll soon prove that there are times when promises can be kept. And even better, that they truly have turned over a new leaf.
火曜日 There are times when it’s important to focus on tasks, goals and achievements. But there are also times when simply being with those you care about and doing nothing must take first priority. What’s more, temporarily setting aside even important projects should considerable clarify your perspective on them as well.
水曜日 If you’re not making any progress winning others over to certain plans or ideas, just bide your time. They may not fully understand what you’re trying to say or accomplish. If that’s the case, once Mercury ends its retrograde cycle next Thursday, things are likely to become considerably clearer.
There are plenty of times in life for celebration. But there are very few moments that offer an opportunity for valuable insights. Take advantage of those situations t hat arouse unsettling yet important feelings or issues, and soon you’ll have conquered them. In fact, you’ll see the back of them.
You haven’t exactly been procrastinating. It’s just that there’s always been something more important than certain tasks. While you freely acknowledge that you dread these, the longer you wait, the worse they’ll seem. Conversely, the more swiftly you begin, the faster you’ll overcome those obstacles that you’ve created.
There are few things you find more difficult than to ask for help. Yet not only is there nothing to be gained by going things alone, others are eager to give you a hand. Pride is the issue. All you need do is that it aside, even for only an hour.
Intriguing as recent developments have been, you’ve still felt unsure of your direction. This lack of clarity has meant that you’ve been unable to plan with any enthusiasm. Thus far you’ve fended off pressure to make commitments, but you recognise that others must know your intentions, if only from a financial angle. Tell them exactly that ? where you stand financially. But leave the rest loose until after Saturday’s emotionally intense Cancer Full Moon. This brings all manner of issues to a head, both personal and those involving close ties. Only after you’ve confronted these can you even discuss the future with any conviction.
Once you would have done anything to keep the peace. Now, after weeks of coping with others' negative attitude and provocative behaviour, you have absolutely no problem with the notion of upsetting them. In fact you're beginning to think that the only way the facts are going to register with certain individuals is if they're confronted head on. You're not alone in feeling this. But it's what you learn when discussing your predicament that convinces you that it's time to take a stand. While doing so won't necessarily resolve problems, you can be sure that it will get others' attention. 天秤座 週末 以前は、平穏を維持するために何でもしていたでしょう。 現在、他者の否定的態度と挑発的振る舞いに対処した数週間の後のあなたは、 それらをブッたおすべしという意見について完璧にノープロブレムです。 実のところ、あなたは「事実がある個人に強い印象を残すのは、 その問題を正面から突きつけられたときだけだ」と考え始めているのです。 このように感じるのは、あなただけではありません。 しかし、それは、立場をはっきりせざるをえなくなるような苦境について 議論したときに、学ぶことです。 そうすることで問題を解決できるとは限りませんが、 他者の関心を引くことは確かです。
Wednesday However forward thinking you can be, as a Cancer the past is your territory. Nobody can equal your capacity to understand of the past as the ground from which the present has sprung. Yet you're currently wrestling with certain past issues. Resolve these and you gain the key to the future.
There’s no arguing the importance of certain obligations. But that doesn’t mean that they should dominate your life. On the contrary, if you can achieve a balance between life’s duties and its pleasures during a trying period such as this one, then you’ll find it easy when things are calmer.
Initially you thought that others were really struggling with certain issues. But now you’re beginning to realise that they’re making a concerted effort to shift burdens your way. While you could probably handle these, do so and it’s just the beginning. Soon you’ll find yourself struggling ? and with their obligations.
There’s no arguing that you were born under one of the strongest signs of the zodiac. Yet even you have issues or certain sensitive matters that must be faced. The first step to dealing with these is acknowledging them. Do that and you’ll soon be wondering why they so worried you.
There are few things you find more difficult than to let those you care about go to battle over unimportant issues and remain by the sidelines. Get involved, however, and you’ll only complicate matters. Unexpected revelations by the week’s close will make you relieved that you left others to it.
Others seem to think that it's important that they discuss certain unresolved issues. You're not so sure it's wise to stir up things from the past. However, with the retrograde Mercury currently accenting such matters, you've a rare opportunity to confront and put to rest misunderstandings you didn't even realise existed.
Changes promise to have a lasting influence on your domestic set up. Eager as you are to get things settled, you'll regret any decisions you make in haste. In fact only after the events triggered by this weekend's potent Full Moon will you know enough to consider any plans as permanent.
You can afford to be philosophical about the ups and downs of close emotional relationships. In fact it's that kind of understanding that is what such relationships are all about. When it comes to finances, however, you must either set clear limits or be prepared to shoulder the commitments others make.
However many years you live, you'll probably still be shocked and amazed at how abrupt or rude certain people can be. But as a Libra, your instincts tell you that they've been blindsided by something, enough that they've temporarily abandoned life's niceties. Try to be understanding until they regain their equilibrium.
thursday Loved ones need your support. True, they haven't asked for it. And they're not likely to. But as an intuitive Pisces you know when those closest need the kind of emotional back up that only you can provide. Begin subtly, asking few questions, and soon the floodgates will open.
Friday True, you'll soon have to make certain decisions about the shape of your domestic or career life. But these can't be hurried. In fact you'd be well advised to wait until the week's close, when the courageous Mars joins the charming Venus in dominating this angle of your chart.
Saturday Usually your respect others' right to think and believe whatever suits them. But recently somebody crossed a line that has to do with honour or respect, and ever since you've been fuming. Confront them if you must. But keep in mind that they're unlikely to feel guilty, much less apologise.
Sunday Tempting as it is to get involved in others' problems, it's vital that you back off now. The first word of advice you give will draw you into dramas that are as time-consuming as they are pointless. These are their issues to resolve. Therefore, leave them to them.
金曜日 Based on what you know, you’d be right to take a stand. But it’s worth keeping in mind that with your ruler Mercury retrograde until this time next week, facts aren’t necessarily reliable. Instead take things slowly, making your views clearly known but remaining flexible about the potential outcome.
土曜日 Life will be far easier when certain crucial decisions involving property, family or domestic matters are settled. Rush these, however, and you’ll only cause more problems. Bide your time and by the weekend sudden changes in circumstances will have forced even the most reluctant to recognise and face issues.
日曜日 True, you’ve right on your side. And others may be courting serious problems by pursuing their half-baked ideas or concepts. But however incorrect their thinking, you can only warn them once. After that back off, making it clear that while you’ve concerns, you’ll be there for them whatever they do.
Only a few days ago the actions of attitude of certain individuals had driven you to despair. If you managed to avoid issuing an ultimatum then, you should now be rebuilding your relationship. In fact what you learned about them will help prevent misunderstanding of this nature happening ever again.
You’ve put things off for ages. But you’re running short of excuses. In fact, if you don’t tackle certain issues involving your health and well being soon, the gentle reminders you’ve been experiencing could turn into a stronger form of urging. Once you begin, you’ll wonder why you waited so long.
While, as an Aries, being honest to others is important, being honest with yourself is vital. This is particularly the case at the moment, when there’s pressure to make decisions just to keep others happy. Compromise now and begin journeying down a road that will, sooner or later, lead to tears.
Vital decisions about the shape and structure of your life are becoming pressing. You think you know the direction in which you want to go, but are worried that focusing on one now means bypassing others that intrigue you. Indicate where your interests lie, therefore, but continue to explore your options.
You’d prefer to settle conflicts peaceably. But the sooner you take off the kid gloves, the better. Certain individuals insist that taking a tough line will upset others. That’s exactly what you want to do. The stronger you come on now, the more swiftly things will be satisfactorily resolved.
Aries can be both tough and canny. But there’ve been times in life when you’ve been too trusting. This now appears to be the case. And if you don’t ensure that certain individuals fulfil their promises or pay up now, they’ll do their best to wriggle out of obligations altogether.
>218 難しいですね モーあかんさんの「単純」な方のお考えにひかれます。 もしかして down は単に旅の(意味的な)方向性を表しているだけで、 訳さなくても良いかも?? "journey down"でググってみた所、例としてこんなのがありました。 ・A trip down memory lane 過去の懐かしい記憶を辿る旅 ・The class reunion was a trip [ or journey ] down memory lane その同窓会では、昔懐かしい話に花が咲いた なのでずばり「その道を行け」ではないでしょうか?
You’re respected for both your courage and integrity. Yet you’re also a creature of habit, and so will say no to ideas, offers or even opportunities without even giving them serious thought. Think twice, therefore, before you turn down unsettling but ultimately worthwhile developments involving the way you live or work.
You may not be thrilled about sudden or enforced changes, especially because they threaten to be hugely unsettling. But there’s not much you can do to stop them. In fact battling them would be a waste of time. Instead focus on learning enough to turn them to your advantage.
月曜 Let those you care about look after you. Let them spoil you. This may sound a silly thing to be telling somebody. Yet you’ve turned down certain offers and rebuffed others. Sometimes you knew you were doing this, but all too often you were entirely unaware what you were doing.
火曜 Love comes in many forms. Of greatest importance now, however, is to consider whether what you’re doing shows love for yourself. As generous as you can be with others, you can be unduly tough on yourself. Kindness begins at home, and with the person you see in the mirror every day.
水曜 You’ve been getting increasingly friendly with certain individuals. Yet you’ve kept them at arms’ length, as you dislike letting any but those closest in on your deepest thoughts. Now, however, if you intend to take things to the next stage, you’re going to have to let others know more your feelings.
Monday Within the next seven days you’re going to have to make certain things clear to others. That could mean upsetting or disappointing them. Or it could mean making them happy. Whatever their reaction, your first priority must be informing them of your views, and setting uncompromisingly clear limits.
Tuesday Somebody owes you, and they owe you big time. In fact their debt to you is so substantial that you thought there was no need to discuss it. Not only do you now realise that there is, it’s vital that you talk everything through in precise detail.
Wednesday You once hoped that others would realise just how much trouble their attitude or actions are causing. But they haven’t. Or perhaps they have, but don’t care. Whatever the case, it’s now up to you to set clear limits. Not only are they expecting it, they’ll be relieved.
One of the most difficult words in the English language for a Libra to say is an uncompromising no. But if you don’t make it clear where you stand and what you consider to be unacceptable now, when will you? The longer you wait, the more difficult those discussions will be.
Once you make up your mind, your commitment is rock solid. The process of reaching that conclusion, however, can be a complex one for you and confusion for those around you. So much, in fact, that you should consider discussing the impact of this period of exploration with those closest to you.
You have the knack for creating a sense of intimacy with others, while keeping most of what you think to yourself. Now, however, as your ruler Venus meets the uncompromisingly truthful Pluto, you’ll have to say exactly what’s on your mind, and down to the very last word.
Monday It’s not that you’ve been lying. You just haven’t told others everything you think or feel about what they’re doing. Now you need to clear the air. They won’t necessarily be happy about what you say. But sooner or later, they’ll admit they knew you felt that way all along.
Tuesday Usually you have no problem letting go of the past. But you seem to be having trouble getting certain things out of your mind. This may be because you haven’t adequately dealt with them. Talk them through, point by point, and you’ll soon find yourself able to bid them a lasting farewell.
Wednesday To you it’s silly to waste time on pointless investigations. But others seem to think that, unless issues are discussed in depth, they’ll miss something of importance. Let them do all the talking, therefore, and be there when they’re done to find out what they’ve learned ? if anything.
Monday It is unwise to expect too much from others. You sometimes forget that not everybody takes commitments with the same seriousness that you do. If you keep this in mind, then you wonユt be surprised if they suddenly back out of plans or arrangements youユd considered to be rock solid.
Tuesday Being a practical earth sign, youユll never make a commitment without knowing what ミ or who - youユre becoming involved with. But over the next week or so youユll need to made decisions either very swiftly or based on very little information. Trust your instincts. Theyユll guide you with unerring accuracy.
Wednesday By this weekendユs close, youユll have made life changing decisions. These may not seem all that important now. But with every passing day and in some cases, every hour - youユll begin to realise that as you embrace the future you must inevitably leave elements of the past behind you.
Monday: All too often you put you and your interests last. Now, however, certain matters really must take precedence, even if it upsets others. These issues involve your physical, mental or emotional well being. And the sooner you delve into these concerns, the more swiftly you’ll put perplexing worries to rest.
Tuesday: The time has come to resolve issues from the past. You’ve been avoiding these for fear of upsetting others. That’s what they’ve been hoping, that you wouldn’t see through their smoke screen of sad stories. Once you penetrate it, you’ll view the individuals in question in a very different light.
Wednesday: For weeks you’ve been cautious, aware that close ties at work or on the domestic front were under stress. But now that Mercury, which has been accenting such partnership matters, is no longer retrograde, their position should improve considerably. Enough, in fact, that there’s no justification for cosseting them any longer.
Ever since the new year, you’ve been frustrated in your efforts to bring about a much needed reorganisation in the structure of your life. You’ve made plans, only to have circumstances change or find others unable to keep their commitments. Now, however, you’re realising that such arrangements would have been unwisely premature. So you’ve forgotten about planning and are instead focusing your efforts on pure exploration. This is wise. What you learn and who you meet have such an impact that by the week’s close you’re thinking of your future in a completely different light.
Between your intuitive understanding of others’ position and needs, and your sense of fair play, you sometimes give up too much ground when making plans. Recent developments have underlined the importance of regaining your position, even if it means upsetting existing arrangements. As it happens, with Mercury ending its retrograde cycle on Thursday anyway, the timing couldn’t be better. Still, you’re hesitant. Usually you’d concoct a master plan beforehand. Instead, play it by ear. Not only does that enable you to adjust things according to others’ needs, you can arrange them to suit your own as well.
You’re not suspicious by nature. But, on one hand, recent offers seem too good to be true, on the other they demand a variety or degree of commitment that feel hesitant about making. However, if you ignore these offers now, and you could be rejecting life-changing opportunities for good.
When you began the week you felt almost defeated by the slow pace. Now things have begun moving so swiftly that, instead, you’re worried about dealing with everything that each day offers. Focus on the big picture. While details can’t be neglected, they’re best decided on later, when you know more.
You’ve known how certain decisions that would influence your domestic or career life should be made. But those whose cooperation or support you need have been unable to reach a conclusion. Suddenly they do, and with enough conviction that you may have to remind them of previous plans or commitments.
You’re tough on yourself. But you worry about close friends or loved ones so much that you sometimes indulge them. Lately, however, they’ve begun moaning over nothing. This not only irritates you, their complaints, viewed in stark contrast to the very real pressures you’re facing, make you short tempered. Tell than exactly why. You’d be likely to blow up anyway. But also, with your ruler Mercury ending its retrograde cycle on Thursday, the more forthright you are, the better. And perhaps even more important, those you’ve spoiled finally begin to realise that they’re not the centre of the world
You're uncompromising about serious issues. Yet when it comes to close friends or loved ones, you can be a real soft touch. Difficult as taking a tough line with them may be, if you don't make certain issues clear, they'll assume that you're happy to have things continue as they are.
Most of the time your Leo pride is a real asset. However, at the moment it's keeping you from even considering certain potentially worthwhile offers. If you can't say a wholehearted yes, then at least do yourself the favour of investigating these. What you learn will surprise and please you.
Nobody has the zest for life that a Leo does. However, that means you sometimes take on more than is humanly possible to achieve. Frustrating as certain delays are, they give you a much-needed opportunity to reflect on those goals and, as important, to spend time with those closest.
You may not be in the mood to wait for anything. But now that your ruler the Sun has moved into the part of your chart that accents partners and close associates, the next move is up to them. And that means cooling your heels for far longer than you'd like.
Every Scorpio recognises the complexities in human relationships. Whatever the area, personal or professional, you study others’ actions with a canny eye for hidden agendas. At the moment, however, you’re about to be surprised. Offers come your way and, as usual, you reflect on their unstated motivation. But instead of mulling things over silently, you find a way to raise it with others. And the answer is: there’s nothing to hide, their interest is genuine. That turns the tables. Now you’re forced to deal with something even more challenging, which is being admired for who you are.
Thursday There's nothing you dread more than having to confront others with facts they don't want to hear. But if you don't say something now, they'll merrily assume that you're happy with things as they are, which is most assuredly not the case. The sooner you speak your mind, the better.
Friday Others are insisting that you be careful. While it's true that, in the past, your trust has not been honoured at it should have been, things are different. In fact the offers that certain individuals are extending to you could go a long way to making up for those disappointments.
Saturday Now that the Sun has moved to accent love and life's pleasures, achieving a balance in your life has become even more important. Too often you put others' needs and interests first, leaving little time for your own interests. Until that balance is restored, these must be number one priority.
Sunday You face a perplexing assortment of issues, some entirely personal, others involving close emotional ties or associates. In every case, however, you feel that so many pieces of the puzzle are missing that your options are limited. Still, it's better to do something imperfectly now than wait, perhaps for too long.
Thursday You know that sooner or later you’re going to have to confront certain individuals. Obviously this is not something that you’re looking forward to. But, equally, they’re beginning to irritate you so much that you must say something. Beginning is the most difficult part. The rest will come naturally.
Friday You’re about to make an arrangement that could not only be advantageous, it could substantially improve your life. Certain rather suspicious individuals are insisting that you check things out. But your instincts tell you that things are just as good as they seem. And for once those instincts are right.
金曜日 You’re so helpful to others, yet frequently find yourself left without support when dealing with your own problems. It’s hard to believe, but you sometimes refuse offers without realising that you’d done it. Pay close attention over the next few days and you’ll spot when and how you do this.
土曜日 Ever since early January your ruler Mercury has been retrograde. While the period during which it appears to be moving backwards in the sky coincides with a time of confusion here on earth, that chaos can produce insights. In fact, you’d unquestionably benefit from meditating on certain recent revelations,
日曜日 For ages you’ve known that you’d have to tackle certain unresolved issues on the domestic front. But you’ve put things off, worried what they’d lead to. Now those changes aren’t just wise, they’re overdue. Wait any longer and they’ll begin of their own accord - and not necessarily as you’d have liked.
You hate disappointing loved ones. On the other hand, you only have so much of yourself to give. Difficult as saying that you’re not going to be able to fulfil certain commitments may be, it’s better to let others down now than try to do it all, and end up doing nothing well.
You’re so helpful to others, yet frequently find yourself left without support when dealing with your own problems. It’s hard to believe, but you sometimes refuse offers without realising that you’d done it. Pay close attention over the next few days and you’ll spot when and how you do this.
Ever since early January your ruler Mercury has been retrograde. While the period during which it appears to be moving backwards in the sky coincides with a time of confusion here on earth, that chaos can produce insights. In fact, you’d unquestionably benefit from meditating on certain recent revelations,
For ages you’ve known that you’d have to tackle certain unresolved issues on the domestic front. But you’ve put things off, worried what they’d lead to. Now those changes aren’t just wise, they’re overdue. Wait any longer and they’ll begin of their own accord - and not necessarily as you’d have liked.
1/25(土) Frustrating as certain delays are, they give you a much-needed opportunity to reflecton those goals and, as important, to spend time with those closest. 物事が遅れてしまうのはあなたにとってストレスがたまることでしょうが、 そうした遅れによってあなたはある重要な機会を得ることができます。 目標をもう一度吟味したり、もっと重要なことに、親しい人々とともに 過ごせたりする機会を、ね。
Thursday:It is becoming increasingly clear that either certain arrangements are going to have to change radically, or you’ll have to call it a day. But before you do that, have a heart to heart talk with others. You’ll be surprised how much your frankness touches them, and how much harder they try.
Friday:Things seem clear cut to you. But don’t make the mistake of assuming that others know what your intentions are. In fact, if you want their support, you must be prepared to discuss both your plans and your needs frankly. Hold back and don’t be surprised if others disappoint you.
Saturday:You are in the right place at the right time. And, judging by the current extraordinary planetary set up, offers come from out of the blue. However, that doesn’t mean that you’ll say yes. It’s up to you to turn those golden opportunities into part of your day to day existence.
Sunday:For weeks you’ve been waiting for the right moment to address tricky dilemmas involving a combination of finances and partners. The timing may be good, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be ready to hear what you have to say. Raise issues and then beat a temporary, but well calculated, retreat.
After weeks of debate and seemingly pointless discussion, by the week’s close the pace should pick up ? and with surprising suddenness. For this reason, you’d be well advised to deal with even tiresome details now. Once things finally begin to move, you’ll have no time to even think about such niceties.
Others say you’re impulsive. But you see no reason to discuss ideas or weigh up options, as they insist you should, when you could be learning from experience. This particularly applies to matters of the heart, where exciting opportunities are not only promising, but could lead to life-changing commitments.
It wasn’t until your ruler Mars moved into the restless sign of Sagittarius last week that you realised how confined you’ve been feeling. So much that the urge to break away is becoming overwhelming. Waste no time in debate or discussion. Change your habits or, better yet, take a short trip.
Saturday Let others spoil you. No sign is more generous to those around you. This doesn’t just mean loved ones. You’re kind to friends, colleagues and even strangers. But you’re not nearly so kind to yourself. Now is the time to allow others to begin to return those many and varied favours.
Sunday For weeks you’ve been wrestling with perplexing dilemmas. No amount of analysis has been successful. And your intuition hasn’t got you much further. These frustrations may have more to do with Mercury’s retrograde cycle, which ends on Thursday. Things are likely to straighten themselves out spontaneously. Try again after that.
For ages you’ve been looking for ways to improve the financial side of your life. But you haven’t found anything promising enough to pursue. Suddenly you not only encounter stunning ideas, the people associated with them are of extraordinary interest as well. Waste no time taking things to the next stage.
Recent frank exchanges were illuminating, but also left you confused about numerous areas of your life. This is as it should be. In fact, the more open you are to the unfamiliar or even the unknown, the better advantage you’re likely to take of this week’s welcome ? if unexpected ? developments.
By the week’s close, certain elements of your life are going to seem very different indeed. In fact, you’re likely to be so excited by developments that, where you’d become dispirited, your optimism is renewed. And just how and when this takes place will be as surprising as it is wonderful.
月曜日 Now that you’d had a chance to think about your position, your convictions aren’t quite as strong as they once were. In fact, changes are becoming increasingly appealing. Rather than waste time on debate, give things a try. Practical experience should prove far more informative than even the canniest of questions.
火曜日 You’re by no means stubborn. In fact in many areas of your life you’re hugely inquisitive. Still, there are certain things you see no reason to change. But circumstances seem to have a different idea. In fact, the more you battle those changes, the more difficult they’ll be for you.
水曜日 The time has come to pause and consider your options. Only recently you would have been sure about both your short term priorities and long range plans. But with so many recent changes, you’d regret making any commitments without carefully thinking about what ? and who ? you’re putting first.
The happiest times in life are also often the most unexpected. Savour what's now taking place with close friends or loved ones, experiences that make you feel glad to be alive. Waste no time analysing the source of these golden moments. Instead, simply enjoy what every minute of them offers you.
Only recently you thought you'd simply have to live with tensions on the domestic or romantic front. But as a result of what seemed, at the time, minor discussions those issues seem almost to have vanished. Resist the temptation to discuss how and why. Put these well and truly behind you.
It's not that you've meant to put off dealing with certain personal matters. It's just that somebody else's needs have always come first. But now you really must pause and think carefully about your priorities. Others can encourage you to look after yourself. But ultimately, it's entirely up to you.
Listen to the advice of those you respect. Consider the practical suggestions of individuals you know are up to date on the latest information. But when it comes to making life changing decisions, ultimately, you’ll going to need to rely on your own feelings and instincts, over what anybody else says.
You’re by no means shy. In fact, in most situations you take the lead. At the moment, however, you’d be well advised to leave both the decisions and the timing to others. Their ideas are good, their connections better, which could mean you easily overcome obstacles you’ve been battling for ages.
Your instincts tell you that good things are coming. But the facts are very different, so much that you’re beginning to wonder if you’ve got things wrong. You don’t. Certainly by the middle of next week you’ll find that the tide has turned in your favour, and in a most spectacular way.
After weeks of playing it cool, you’re getting both worried and impatient. Wait just a little longer and your restraint will pay off handsomely. In fact once the charming Venus moves into Capricorn on Tuesday, things fall into place by magic. Better yet, you’ll find that, suddenly, you’re irresistible.
Patience is the name of the game. Usually you’re the one who’s telling others how important it is to persist yet let things happen in their own time. At the moment, however, if you force issues or hurry arrangements to completion, you could undermine additional opportunities of which you’re unaware.
As a Capricorn you don’t believe in waiting around for opportunities to appear. You make your own. Don’t let that keep you from exploring certain offers that are about to come from out of the blue. Usually things aren’t really as good as they seem. But just this once, they are.
You’re restless, ready for a new challenge. But nothing you’ve explored has lit your fire. Now you understand why. It’s not what you were considering; you were looking in entirely the wrong direction. Events this week acquaint you with both new people and ideas, enough that you realise you should be broadening your horizons through discussion, study or travel before you even consider committing to any one plan. Suddenly the persistent frustrations you’ve been wrestling with are exchanged for a new enthusiasm, and not only about the future, but about life itself.
While it’s vital that you nail down various details before you take plans much further, undue haste would be wise. There’s still a lot to learn before you can even begin to solidify arrangements. In the meanwhile, invest your time in exploring every single option that’s available to you.
When it comes to plans, timing is as important as what you intend to achieve. Others are taking recent difficulties far too seriously. Some are even suggesting that you abandon certain objectives. Instead, play it cool. By early next week you’ll be celebrating offers as welcome as they are surprising.
You’re not happy about the idea of taking things slowly. Force issues now, however, and you’ll soon regret it. By early next week, however, those plans that now seem riddled with difficulties could not only be proceeding smoothly, what have been frustratingly persistent obstacles will have been completely eliminated.
Tempting as it is to suggest solutions for others’ problems, you’re better off saying nothing. Not only must they work out solutions for themselves - however many detours they must take ? you’ve got personal dilemmas of your own to deal with. These include a range of issues, some minor but perplexing, others involving health, work or tricky obligations. In each you feel frustratingly helpless ? and in each the solution comes not from within, but from seeking assistance. This isn’t easy. But once you overcome your resistance you wonder why you waited so long to ask.
With swirling changes influencing your own life, your domestic or career set up and close ties, your instincts are telling you to play it cool. During January’s first two weeks, you gather facts and gain confidence, enough that you’re soon making decisions. Still, with Mercury retrograde from the 2nd until the 23rd, bringing both revelations and confusion, even rock solid arrangements should be considered tentative. Meanwhile, reconsider your priorities. Thus, by the month’s close, you’re ready and able to make future commitments from the heart.
Everybody is being decisive, busily doing everything possible to impress everybody else. You, however, are so unsure of your priorities that you happily observe others’ antics without feeling that you should join in. That’s wise, since you’re in a cycle that’s about determining your priorities, not putting plans into action. Take things as they come, and by midweek an image of your future is forming itself. Still, leave the rushing to others. Only after mid-March’s dazzling planetary activity will you even know what your full range of options are, much less what you want to do.
You’re about to receive what amount to plain and simple golden opportunities. Others may question the wisdom of pursuing these, insisting that they’re too good to be true. But if your instincts tell you that they’re right, then in the long run you’d regret not having given them serious consideration.
For some reason you are thinking about saying no to offers that are as exciting as they could be thrilling in future terms. Is this because you feel that in agreeing you’re loosing control? However easy going your image, underneath it all, you’re far more uptight than you’d like to admit.
There are few things more lovely than the sense of harmony that comes with working closely with somebody. You almost anticipate each other’s next move. Once the tasks or project in question ends, however, these happy circumstances won’t continue by magic. You will, in fact, have to arrange something.
The time has come to discuss potential changes in your work or lifestyle. Initially this may seem nothing but a nuisance. But once you begin to realise just how much circumstances themselves are in transition, you’ll also begin to recognise how unwise it is to keep things as they were.
You seem to have been seduced by certain intriguing individuals or ideas. Fascinating as these are, think carefully before you become too involved. What begins as an innocent dalliance could not only become time consuming. Before you know it, you could find that you have made unexpectedly expensive commitments.
You can afford to be generous with your time and your affections. But certain individuals seem to think that your kindness should also be of more tangible, and involve gifts or money. If you don’t set clear and uncompromising limits right away, they’ll keep their hands extended in eager expectation.
After weeks of struggling to achieve breakthroughs in frustratingly unresponsive situations, suddenly things change. But those changes aren’t going in the way or direction you expected. Surprising as these developments are, in the long run they could prove far more worthwhile than any you’d previously had in mind, much less planned.
Changing your plans is one thing. You weren’t happy about it, but understand changes were necessary. Being forced to revise changes several times over, is quite another matter. Disruptive as this is, demand to stick with things as they were, and it swiftly becomes clear that you’re only causing yourself problems.
After weeks, if not months, of struggling with issues involving a tricky combination of family and property matters, solutions are finally in sight. True, these are a real departure from anything you’d envisioned. But as nobody would agree to previous idea, you’re better off starting from an entirely fresh approach.
Others are insisting that being sentimental is unwise. But you can’t rely solely on cold hard logic to guide you in decisions that involve those you care about most. This is the terrain of the feelings, and you must listen to your heart, over others’ suggestions or, indeed, you own logic.
Your first reaction to certain unexpected developments or the changes now being proposed is unlikely to be positive. Still, at least take time to consider them. With so much in transition around you, what seems unwise now could, within a very short time, suit both circumstances and your requirements perfectly.
You’re now in the second week of a period that’s as rich in touching personal moments as it is in dazzling offers of a more practical nature. By midweek, however, you realise that taking things further will demand a variety of commitment that, under normal circumstances, would give you an instant case of claustrophobia. Yet you realise that your life would be the poorer for having bypassed these. If you can’t say a wholehearted yes, trying pretending that you have long enough to experience the extraordinary gifts that these opportunities bring with them. After that, it’s easy.
月曜 The time has come to stand your ground. You’ve been hoping that others would realise the problems their actions or attitude have caused. But clearly they haven’t. Or perhaps the issue is they don’t care. Whatever the case, it’s up to you to ensure that they’ve no more excuses left.
火曜 One of the most difficult things in the world for you is refusing somebody you feel is genuinely in need. But that’s exactly what you must do. This seems unkind. But only once things are on an even footing does it become clear just how capable others are of helping themselves.
水曜 At the moment life is like a chess game. You make one move, taking into careful consideration how others are likely to respond, and what you’ll need to do after that. Still, the one thing you haven’t taken into account is the sudden and very welcome opportunity now coming your way.
Even your formidable diplomatic skills are unlikely to have sweetened the mood enough to eliminate tensions. The fact is, however, leaving others to stew may actually speed issues to a mutually acceptable resolution. This means playing it tough, appearing not to notice others' ploys and, equally, resisting the temptation to compromise. Instead focus on certain of your own interests. This not only distracts you, it puts recent issues in a considerably clearer perspective. Enough, in fact, that you're likely to be far less easily seduced by others when they come to you with their sob stories.
Wednesday While it’s true that life is all about teamwork, at times you must ignore others and listen to your feelings, instincts and heart. Certain individuals may insist that what you’re pursing is unwise or impractical. But if those goals or pursuits inspire you, then you must allow nothing to stop you.
木曜日 Initially you didn’t realise what seemed a kind gesture could lead to. But now you’re beginning to feel certain obligations. That’s what others have been hoping for. There is no reason for you to allow these individuals to ensnare you in such obligations. Back out before things become even more complicated.
金曜日 Nobody’s more aware of their obligations than you are. And nobody suffers greater guilt when those obligations aren’t fulfilled, as so often seems to be the case. Viewed from a more positive angle, however, you could consider the fact that you get lots more done than others even dream of achieving.
本文です Thursday Others may complain when you make changes. But judging by their attitude recently, they’d complain whatever you do. What’s more, it has become increasingly clear that even relatively straightforward matters really must be altered to keep up with rapidly changing times, even if it means upsetting certain individuals.
Friday If ever there was a time when listening to everybody’s ideas was wise, it’s now. With so much in transition, no single person could possibly be aware of every fact that needs to known. Only by sharing information will you make your way through this intriguing but sometimes tricky week.
Thursday Initially you had difficulty being as patient with others as was necessary. Now that you've learned to slow your pace, they're struggling with exactly the same problem. It's ironic that you, of all people, would be teaching anybody patience. But that's exactly what youユre meant to be doing.
Friday It's not that you dislike arguing. It's just that, when dealing with certain individuals, settling even minor differences can be hugely time-consuming. At the moment, however, not only do those exchanges settle existing issues, as you discuss here and now matters, you'll be building bridges to the future.
Saturday Only recently you were challenged over certain facts. At the time you proved that you were right. But don't count on being able to do this again. Things are changing at such a swift pace that previously solid information may not only be unreliable, it could even be misleading.
Sunday Touching as recent experiences or encounters were, you're uneasy. In fact, while you're drawn to others, you fear the restrictions relationships might impose. But you'll never know if you don't try. What is sure, however, is that withdrawing now virtually guarantees that, in time, you'll regret the chances you didn't take.
木曜 When it comes to life's practicalities, sticking to the facts is wise. But in matters of the heart or when dealing with loved ones, it's important that you trust your instincts over your intellect. Only by tapping on your intuitive understanding can you gain a glimpse of others' true feelings.
金曜 After months of dreading certain exchanges or discussions, now that they're behind you it's as if a weight's been lifted from your shoulders. What's more, having finally cleared the air, it's vital that you ensure that minor misunderstandings or confusion aren't allowed to build up into major issues ever again.
土曜 You were hoping that you could avoid clashes with others. But now that it's clear you'll have to be frank, if not forthright, about issues, you may as well say everything that's been on your mind. Worrying as you find this, once you begin things fall into place with amazing ease.
日曜 You hate being cornered by those who are either unsympathetic or simply refuse to discuss alternatives. But this is what you face, and for now you'll have to play the game their way. Unfair as this seems, sudden changes in circumstances will eliminate what now seem insurmountable obstacles to resolution.
The time has come to pause and reconsider your goals. Your objectives may be exactly as they were a short while ago. But circumstances have changed, and if you don’t update your plans in accordance with those changes, you could find yourself facing difficulties as unnecessary as they are time-consuming.
Initially you let others go on discussing their ideas, thinking that they were little more than flights of fancy. But as situations have developed, you’re beginning to realise that they could actually become reality. Certainly it’s worth your time to discuss their plans for taking things to the next stage.
Your philosophy is live and let live. In fact, you dislike confronting others when they should be free to make their own mistakes. But their actions are becoming increasingly troublesome, if not a source of serious concern. And the more swiftly you discuss them, the faster you’ll set things straight.
Nobody would blame you for battling restrictions you consider to be unfair. Before you take things too far, stop and discuss the reasoning behind the decisions that have been made. Once you’ve heard others’ thinking, at minimum you’ll understand their motivation. And you may even find yourself convinced that they’re right.
Love is one thing. Working closely to achieve a common goal is a very different thing and creates a very different kind of bond. Don’t confuse the feelings that you have for certain individuals as romantic love. Once the project in question is over, you’ll have surprisingly little in common.
When you said yes to certain offers, you felt like celebrating. At the time you didn’t realise that pursuing one set of plans meant eliminating others ? and the people involved as well. This may cause hurt feelings in the short term. But in the long run it was inevitable.
The last thing you want to do is upset others. But if you don’t make it clear where you stand now, even at the risk of hurt feelings, then confronting them later will be even more difficult. Most of all, waste no time justifying your feelings. Simply tell it like it is.
If ever there was a time when listening to everybody’s ideas was wise, it’s now. With so much in transition, no single person could possibly be aware of every fact that needs to known. Only by sharing information will you make your way through this intriguing but sometimes tricky week.
There are few things more difficult than watching others make unwise decisions or mistakes and saying nothing. Try to discuss these matters, with them, however, and their argumentative attitude will soon convince that they’ve no interest in anybody’s guidance or advice. They’re far happier dealing with things on their own.
Be cautious, even in seemingly trivial discussions. In fact, what begin as innocent exchanges could swiftly escalate into something of a considerably more complex nature. Of perhaps greatest importance to you is keeping in mind how risky getting involved in trying to solve the problems of others can be.
Sometimes thereユs only a fine line between inspiring ideas and what are no more than pipe dreams. Others may not recognise the potential in what you intend to do. Explain to the best of your ability. But if they still donユt understand, let your success testify on your behalf.
The time has come to draw the line. Either youユve been indulging yourself and have long known you must stop, or youユve been pretending that certain habits werenユt destructive. Not only do you realise that they are, if you donユt set your own limits, something or somebody will do it for you.
While youユve been aware that certain changes in your way of working or lifestyle would be wise, you hadnユt reckoned for anything quite so extensive. And youユre wondering whether theyユre necessary. Perhaps not. But the odds are good that youユll soon be wishing that youユd make the changes in question.
>>437 双子座の土曜日 最後のところ They’re far happier dealing with things on their own. 彼らは自分で事態に対処することにとても満足するのです。
その前の部分 … their argumentative attitude will soon convince that they’ve no interest in anybody’s guidance or advice. 彼らの理屈っぽい態度が、誰の指示にもアドバイスにも興味がないからだって すぐに納得できるでしょう。 を受けていると思います。
For weeks you’ve been restlessly searching for something, someplace - or somebody ? to renew your zest for life. While this has lead to interesting encounters, nothing has fired you up. You wonder if you aren’t looking in the wrong direction. Then a combination of enlightening exchanges with acquaintances and revealing discussions with those who know you best completely alter your perspective. You might still travel, study or adopt stimulating challenges. But you realise that until certain complex personal issues you’ve been resolutely ignoring are dealt with, you’re unlikely to enjoy even the most remarkable of experiences in the world around you.
The time has come to move swiftly. And if you’ve done your homework over the past week or so, as is likely, you should be prepared to respond to ideas or offers without having to resort to much discussion. In fact, you’ll be able to take advantage of even fast moving developments.
Lengthy discussions may seem a waste of time. But there are vital facts of which you’re unaware, and changes that could be of considerable importance. Still, you’re tempted to skip these exchanges, letting experience be your guide. Do so and you’ll soon wish that you’d invested time in learning more.
It’s not your pride. Others’ indecisiveness has prevented you asking for help. But you simply can’t achieve your goals on your own. In fact, the name of the game is teamwork. Waste no time figuring out what others should do. Just ask for their support, then work together on the rest.
As a Libra one of your greatest goals in life is bringing happiness to those you love or care about - family, friends and partners. And you've an instinct for knowing what others want. Now, however, if you truly care, you'll help them face certain issues that they've been resolutely ignoring.
Sometimes getting what you want requires giving up some other part of your life. This may be a habit, a viewpoint or a way of thinking. Once you acknowledge to yourself what you must let go of, you've overcome what has been perhaps your greatest hurdle to achieving your goals or objectives.
You thought you were protecting others. In fact you felt that if you could prevent the discussion of potentially disturbing issues, you could sidestep problems entirely. But now they've just getting worse. You can't avoid these. Put off discussions if you must. But they can't be avoided entirely.
Others’ ideas may be good. But that doesn’t mean that you need to go along with them. In fact, once you analyse plans point by point, you’re likely to realise that certain elements of what they’re planning would be a real inconvenience. And the faster you speak up, the better.
You’ve worked long and hard on certain plans. Naturally you’re not thrilled about the idea of beginning again. But if you don’t at least review what you’ve arranged now, you’re likely to find yourself having to make even more disruptive changes once things are further down the line.
You’re not exactly a control freak. You know others are far less willing to leave anything to others than you are. Yet over the next few days you’re likely to realise just how many opportunities you miss because you refuse to let go of the reins or let others shoulder certain responsibilities.
Monday Others say that you must think plans through, then explain them in such a way that they understand what you have in mind. Their intentions are good, but this process could cause serious delays. Instead, continue with what you have in mind, explaining to others only after the fact.
Tuesday Everybody insists that planning is vital. But you don’t see much point in making plans when it’s clear that the circumstances you’re dealing with are going to change. If you must, take tentative arrangements. However, ensure that they’re the sort that can be altered without too much difficulty.
Wednesday You hate to upset others. But if you don’t rattle their cage, then they’ll simply never take any notice of what you have to say. What’s more, once you have their attention, it’s vital that you state your concerns in strong enough terms that you get the action you’re seeking.
As an optimistic Sagittarius, being confronted by the doubts of others is nothing new. All your life you’ve faced those who insist they’re only being sensible, and proved them wrong. Recently, however, even you were wondering if you’d pushed things too far. You haven’t. Not only do events justify the calculated risks you’ve made, these lead to offers as thrilling as they are unexpected. Even more surprising, however, is the change in attitude of your detractors. By next week their customary cautious attitude will have been utterly transformed. They’ll be prepared back you, and in far more tangible ways that you’d ever have expected.
For months, if not years, you’ve been patiently dealing with issues involving close relationships. As a Leo you’re loving and forgiving by nature. Recently, however, circumstances beyond your control have forced you to develop the patience of a saint. Now your virtue is rewarded, and in spectacular ways. At the same time, however, other equally promising developments appear. These introduce astonishing opportunities of another, more personal, variety. Others insist they’ re too good to be true, so must be investigated thoroughly. But you quite rightly point out that such inquiries are only a waste of time when things are so obviously going your way.
There is no reason for you to take no for an answer. Others’ may not have been very encouraging in the past. But things are different now. And you may have lost your enthusiasm for the goals in question. But begin talking about them again and you’ll rekindle the flame.
You may not be in a patient mood at the moment. But it is becoming increasingly clear that, if you’re to have things your way you’ll need to move slowly. This cautious and painstaking approach to arrangements may be somewhat dull. However, it prevents the appearance of nasty surprises later.
Sooner or later you’re going to have to conduct some frank discussions with certain individuals. But you’re still hoping that things will work themselves out before you need to resort to such measures. On the other hand, the more thoroughly your discussions, the more you’ll know about others’ intentions.
月曜日 Thrilling as offers were, it would appear that you must now encourage others to honour their agreements. It may be that they’ve forgotten certain promises. Or perhaps difficulties intervened. Whatever the case it’s vital that you continue to discuss the importance of taking these plans to the next stage with them.
火曜日 For ages you’ve been hoping that others would realise the problems their actions or attitude is causing. But they haven’t. Consequently, sooner or later you’ll have to confront them. Bide your time, but think through what you want to say, so you’ll be prepared to move swiftly when the moment comes
If anybody’s flexible when it comes to change, it’s you. Yet you seem to be finding it difficult even to discuss altering certain elements of your life. This may have more to do with the people involved, and who’s making the decisions, than the actual changes that you’re talking over.
魚座weeklyもupさせて頂きます。どなたかお手すきの方、翻訳をお願い致します。 You have reconsidered your goals and reorganised your life so many times recently that you’re beginning to view even seemingly straightforward plans as tentative. This is not only wise, it means you’ll be well prepared to deal with the extraordinary opportunities that appear over this week and next. Some involve work or on-going obligations, and will make your life easier and duties more interesting. But others could lead to more far-reaching changes, if not constitute a bit of an adventure. Had you not already eliminated numerous doubts, you’d probably reject them instantly. However, you’re feeling so brave that you can’t resist saying yes.
蟹座weekly Over the past few weeks you've been busily reorganising everything from your priorities to your domestic or professional set up. Now the focus has shifted to practicalities, from examining your financial set up to considering the way you use your time. In some cases this is stimulated by alluring offers, but even these force you to face the fact that certain ingrained habits are doing you no good. You hate to bother others, especially since you feel that you should have dealt with these yourself. Overcome that embarrassment. Others are not only keen to help, they've been discreetly waiting for you to ask.
The planets’ message to you for the next few days is clear; you must at least consider everything. In the recent past you’ve refused certain offers without a thought. Unless you go back now, seriously reconsidering your decisions, you could be allowing potentially rewarding opportunities pass you by entirely.
It’s difficult to imagine letting go of certain now familiar habits. But if you’re going to take advantage of certain amazing offers, that’s exactly what you’re going to have to do. In fact you may find yourself making changes that, only recently, you’d have done everything you could to avoid.
Being generous by nature, you derive as much pleasure from seeing those you love happy as from realising your own goals. At the moment you’re likely to be experiencing both, since welcome changes in your own life are paralleled by extraordinary events in the lives of those closest.
天秤座 #不穏につきひきつづき For weeks you've been living what amounts to a fantasy existence, hoping that tricky domestic or family issues would somehow magically resolve themselves. Now that your ruling planet Venus has moved into the practical Capricorn, however, you realise that the only way they'll be settled is by tackling them head on. 木曜日 扱いにくい家庭や家族問題が、 なんとかして不思議にもそれら自身で解決してくれることを望んで、 何週間かあなたは空想的生活ともいえる暮らしをしてきました。 しかしながら、あなたの支配星ビーナスが今、現実的な山羊座へ移動したので、 それらが解決しそうなただ一つの方法は、それらに正面から取り組むことによると悟ります。
Sooner or later you're going to have to deal with certain sensitive matters. But timing is as important as the way you approach the issues in question. The sooner these are settled the more swiftly harmony will be restored. Wait for others to raise them, and you'll know they're ready to talk. 金曜日 遅かれ早かれ、ある微妙な問題に対処するつもりでいなければなりません。 しかしタイミングは、あなたが問題中の問題に近よる方法と同じくらい重要です。 速やかに収束すればするほど、より速やかに、調和は回復されるでしょう。 他者がそれらを巻き起こすのを待ってください。 そうすれば、あなたは彼らが語る準備ができていることを知るでしょう。
Because you dislike leaving even minor tasks unfinished, you can become compulsive about getting things done. But if you don’t develop a more easy going attitude towards things, you’ll be driven to distraction by constant changes in circumstances. Plus, these are good ? and getting better every day. Try to nail down plans, however, and you’ll only have to reorganise them, and soon.Similarly, you like making your own decisions. Yet benefiting most from opportunities requires yielding to others’ choices. Here, too, flexibility is key. While this requires discipline, it’s more than justified by the extraordinary direction in which developments are taking your life.
January was chaotic, but the confusion highlighted what must go and where changes are overdue. Consequently youユre now eagerly exploring your options. Happily, partners on the domestic or work front are also restless. In fact they take the lead with worrying enthusiasm. Encourage them, but continue to expand your perspective, too. Youユre ready for a challenge, as new passion, ideal or pursuit. Find something exiting takes longer than youユd imaged. But the process is as worthwhile as the result and, more important, strengthens ties with those closest.
Only recently you would have welcomed just a few of the intriguing ideas and offers that are now nearly overwhelming you. Discussing these with others doesn’t help, since everybody encourages you to pursue something different. This means you must either try to narrow your choices now or continue, knowing that eventually you’ll have to cut back on commitments. But the situations in question are about to change, some faltering, others improving in unexpected ways. That being the case, forget about making decisions and instead focus on enjoying the process of exploring options ? some of which could soon become central to your every day life.
双子 水曜日 If there’s anybody who’s open-minded, it’s you. Yet others are saying that you’re stubborn because you won’t go along with their plans. Indulge them. At worst, your misgivings will be justified. But it’s also possible that others actually do have something that, once you learn more, you’d discover is worth considering.
Because you dislike leaving even minor tasks unfinished, you can become compulsive about getting things done. But if you don’t develop a more easy going attitude towards things, you’ll be driven to distraction by constant changes in circumstances. Plus, these are good ? and getting better every day. Try to nail down plans, however, and you’ll only have to reorganise them, and soon. Similarly, you like making your own decisions. Yet benefiting most from opportunities requires yielding to others’ choices. Here, too, flexibility is key. While this requires discipline, it’s more than justified by the extraordinary direction in which developments are taking your life.
Initially, the tricky issues you’re facing were a shock. Now you now realise that dealing with them helps clear up numerous other dilemmas, too. Some are purely business or financial and demand only your time and attention. But others focus on people and problems you simply hadn’t given much thought to. Once you do, you see many things, including the options available to you, in a new light. You begin considering changes you’d once have rejected as folly, and by early March, you’re making them.
Thursday Good times are coming. In fact tricky as recent situations have been, your efforts are not going to go unrewarded. At the same time, it’s vital that you assume the responsibility for letting others know both what you’d like changed, not to mention where and how you’d like improvements made.
Friday For ages you’ve felt guilty about certain arrangements. On one hand you’ve thought that you’d been saddled with more responsibilities than was fair. Yet you’ve felt that you really couldn’t complain. Now you must. In fact, if you don’t say something, others are likely to shift yet more your way.
Saturday The word teamwork is written all over your chart. For some time you’ve had to go things alone. This hasn’t been easy, but it’s forced you to clarify both your thoughts and your priorities. Now, at long last, somebody has come along to give you the support that you need.
Sunday You’ve had certain changes on your mind for ages. But only recently did you realise just how important these are. This has little to do with practicalities. Rather these involve activities that are dear to your heart. Putting them off much longer means you’re abandoning a little part of your dream.
You seem to be on a bit of a winning streak at the moment. This results from a combination of your natural instinct for being in the right place at the right time, and the bountiful Jupiter’s presence in Leo. However overwhelming opportunities seem, saying no would be folly.
Goals are sometimes set years in advance, and must be pursued with diligence and persistence. But opportunities can appear in a flash and some, such as those you’re facing now, must be responded to at once. Waste no time on details. If you’re seriously interested, go for it now.
Life would be easier if you could make plans once and be done with it. But both circumstances and your priorities are constantly changing. In fact, you’re unlikely to be sure of either your feelings or your objectives until mid-February’s Leo Full Moon. Until then, keep things flexible.
You’re not thrilled that pivotal decisions involving your life have been left up to others. Not only do they have your best interests at heart, their perspective is considerably clearer than yours. So much, in fact, that they’re far more likely to make wise choices than you are.
Thursday Change is disruptive and, in certain cases, it can be expensive. Yet unsettling as what’s now being proposed would be, you know that such changes are timely. As important, whatever costs you incur in terms of time or money will be more than compensated by improvements in your life.
Friday Things are going well, and at the moment they’re promising to go even better. But still, you’d like to know more about who and what you’re dealing with. Explore each of these concerns now, so that when decision time comes you’ll be ready to respond swiftly and enthusiastically.
Saturday For some reason you’ve rebuffed recent offers without even thinking why. Now that the planet of both money and relationship, Venus, has moved into your sign you’ll be viewing these and others situations in a far more favourable light. Once you review situations, in fact, you’re likely to reverse previous refusals.
It’s the rare Sagittarius who can resist the call of new and intriguing ideas, interesting people or unfamiliar places. And now things are being made easy for you. Others insist that such offers are a distraction. For you, however, the reverse is true. These are what life is all about.
Eventually you’re going to have to get certain information out of others. Simply requests haven’t achieved much. Others advise that you take an aggressive approach. But before you resort to such a tough approach, you’ve numerous other approaches to choose from. It’s worth trying these before you get heavy handed.
Others insist that offers are too good to be true. But your instincts are telling you otherwise. In fact, they suggest that this could be a real turning point. Still, you must ensure that you allow neither others’ doubts nor your tendency to put things off to delay your response.
You’d think that, after weeks of discussion, both situations and your own perspective would be clear. But now certain questions have raised issues that, quite frankly, you’d never considered. As you discuss these in greater depth, you realise that you really must take those plans back to the drawing board.
Judging by the current planetary set-up, you’re feeling increasingly restless. With your ruler Venus just having moved into the most expansive angle of your chart, you could suddenly crave a change of scene. While this may involve altering your habits, you could find yourself undertaking something considerably more dramatic.
The last thing you’re in the mood to do is to reorganise your domestic set-up or financial life. But opportunities are too good to bypass. In fact once you begin to explore them, you realise that even minor changes could so benefit you that you’re relieved you didn’t ignore them.
Being a sensible Taurus, you’ve probably already taken care of the numerous pressing business or financial matters that arose last week. This is fortunate, since by midweek you’ll have very different, and far more intriguing, issues to think about than those that have been at the forefront of your mind.
Saturday It’s unlike you just to leave things to others. You’re worrying either about what they’ll do or that they’ll be overwhelmed. But just this once, you must demonstrate your trust and belief in their abilities. They’re not only able to fulfil their obligations, the trust you show will transform your relationship.
Sunday A fresh view of matters involving joint ventures should go a long way to settling persistent problems. But it’s still going to take some ingenuity to turn potentially tricky situations into something that everybody concerned can live with. The more flexible you can be, the more swiftly a solution will be found.
月曜 You’re faced with a combination of potentially dramatic changes and equally demanding individuals. And you’re under pressure to respond swiftly. Instead, take your time. By the week’s close both circumstances and others’ desires will have changed enough that what’s now unrealistic should be fairly easy to achieve.
火曜 For ages you’ve known that certain long-standing arrangements would have to come to a close. In the past you always avoided talking about such changes for fear of upsetting certain individuals. Now you must discuss these openly, if only to give them a chance to deal with things their own way.
水曜 Good ideas and vision is one thing. Support of a financial and practical nature is quite another, and that’s what you’re lacking. However confident you are that things are going to fall into place, it’s vital that you ensure that you have can count on certain important individuals and institutions.
月曜 Waste no time trying to find a diplomatic way to get certain points across. First, there's no time to squander. But, second, the issues you're dealing with are too important to allow for even a minor misunderstanding. The more forthright you are, the less confusion you'll have to deal with.
火曜 There is nothing worse than making a promise based on guilt. And there's nothing more difficult than extricating oneself from such commitments. But if you don't say something now, things will only get more complicated. What's more, others won't be surprised. They already know exactly what your feelings are.
水曜 You already realise that the time you spend talking important issues over with family or loved ones is an investment in your future happiness. That means you're unlikely to rush these exchanges. It also means that, as much as you'd like things settled, a final resolution is unlikely before next week.
Even the most canny or intuitive of individuals can’t anticipate the changes that will accompany this week’s run in between the Sun and the unpredictable Uranus. In fact the only thing you can be sure of is that they won’t be anything close to what you would have imagined.
As a logical earth sign Virgo, you’ve a very real respect for those who are more knowledgeable than you are. However, that doesn’t mean you trust them to make important decisions for you. Whatever your feelings, these arrangements are their responsibility. Happily for you, they also have the necessary facts.
・水曜 Over the past few weeks you’ve lived an interesting, rewarding but somewhat restrictive life. Now that your ruler Mercury is in the inquisitive Aquarius, however, the focus changes radically. You’ll find, in fact, that developments which are as welcome as they are unexpected give your mind a much needed work out.
月曜 Others may be insisting that you’ve taken leave of your senses. But your instincts tell you that the ideas you’re discussing or the plans you’re considering are wise. True, they veer a long way off your chosen track. Nevertheless, you know that if you don’t pursue these, you’ll always regret it.
火曜 You’re by no means a pushover. Yet it would seem that you’ve never adequately addressed certain very personal issues. Not only have you been ducking them personally, you’ve also been giving others the impression there’s no problem. Raise and discuss these openly now or risk a series of very embarrassing revelations.
水曜 You’re by no means secretive. Yet there are certain unsettling issues that you simply haven’t discussed with those involved. Consequently, they’ve no idea about your feelings. These emotions won’t just vanish. However much you dread raising them, it’s far better than allowing them to ferment into a sinister brew.
Anybody else would agree to this week's offers before they have a chance to vanish. But you're wary and insist on knowing more. They seem suspiciously free of complications. What's more, you're conscious that circumstances, both around you and in your own life are changing, and so are hesitant about making any commitments. This once, however, you can and should say yes. While it's true that a great deal is in transition, that shouldn't keep you from savouring life's joys when they come your way - particularly if they're likely to be of a lasting nature, as now seems to be the case.
Monday Security is vital to every Cancer’s sense of well being. There are many kinds of security. Yet when the word is mentioned, the tendency is to think on financial terms. At the moment, however, you must broaden your perspective to include t he stability of both your emotional and your material life.
Tuesday Recent events cast a number of situations in a very different light. In fact, you’re now seeing ways you could make changes were before you felt restricted, if not trapped. What’s most important at this juncture is that you continue to ask questions, and to explore every option that arises.
Wednesday You’re in no mood to reorganise your life. But you simply can’t allow certain intriguing opportunities to get away. True, taking them to the next stage would lead to considerable disruption. But if you let them pass you by, you’ll spend the rest of your life wondering what you missed.
Thursday Gentle hints haven’t had any impact. In fact fairly bold statements haven’t made a dent. This means that you’re simply going to have to call certain individuals on their behaviour and see how they respond. You’re worried they’ll be upset. But they’re actually been wondering what’s taken you so long.
Planning may be wise. But the ability to spot an unexpected opportunity or take advantage of surprise developments is a talent. Your intellect may insist that you don’t know enough about recent opportunities. The only way you’ll learn anything substantial, however, is by taking what seems a chance.
Every step forward means that you must leave something behind you. That something becomes the past. Others want to close the door on recent differences without resolving issues. Invest time in working things out now, or you’ll have to live with the resulting unsettled feelings for a very long time.
By now you’ve probably acknowledged the fact that things can’t remain as they have been. But you’re also beginning to realise that, dramatic as the developments triggered by this weekend’s Leo Full Moon may be, these changes involved are long overdue. Once you begin, in fact, you’ll feel both relieved and excited.
2/11 TUESDAY Only a few days ago you wouldn't even have considered making changes in your work or lifestyle. But now you've not only undertaken them, you're excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. This truly is an exciting time, as you open the door to a thrilling - if unexpected - future.
2/12 WEDNESDAY You've been very kind to others. In fact in certain cases you've let them get away with far more than you should have. But now circumstances force you to take a tough line. Don't worry about others. They know they've had it easy, and have been expecting this for some time.
2/13 THURSDAY Nobody would blame you for viewing sudden changes as a disaster. Being forced to reorganise things is both time-consuming and could lead to problems. But behind these unwelcome changes lurk opportunities of such a surprising nature that you'll recognise them only once you've actually begun exploring them in detail.
The cycle of change and opportunity that began in late January is moving swiftly, and its developments are thrilling. In fact your only real obstacle is dealing with certain overly concerned individuals. Simply telling them that you’re enjoying life isn’t enough. Their vigilance extends to insisting that you to justify both your current activities and future plans to them. This is both exhausting and futile. They’ll never understand. Your real challenge, therefore, is to create a tale that satisfies them, is close enough to the truth to be honest, yet gives you time to enjoy this rare and wonderful chapter of your life.
ふたご座 水曜日 Nobody is a better listener than you are. Currently, however, it’s advice that others want. And the situations involved are of such a sensitive nature that you’re unlikely to want to become involved. That being the case, you may need to avoid them altogether until difficulties have been settled completely.
You loathe others making decisions for you and, what’s more, are already worrying about the restrictions that would accompany so-called opportunities. Still, colleagues or friends you trust insist that what’s on offer is incredible; but you’re sure they could be considerably better. In fact, you just can’t muster any enthusiasm until serious improvements are discussed. But with your ruler Mars confronting both the uncompromising Pluto and stern Saturn over the next two weeks, tough talking, if not confrontations, is inevitable. Since it’s unlikely that battles can be avoided, aim high. That way you’re sure that what you’re fighting for is worth the effort.
金曜 While you have by no means been lying to everybody, there are certain individuals with whom you haven’t been entirely honest. If you don’t come clean now, you’ll run into serious difficulties. They’ll not only learn exactly what you haven’t been saying, they’ll misunderstand the motives for your silence. 土曜 Opportunity is in the air. True, what’s being discussed has little relationship to your previous plans. Still, rejecting others’ ideas without exploring them would be folly. At minimum you’d learn something. But the odds are good that, after a little investigation, your opinion of what’s being offered will improve considerably 日曜 True, the inability ? or refusal ? of certain individuals to make decisions is holding up progress. But confronting them achieves nothing. More important, what seems a good plan now would prove unwise within a short time. Patience doesn’t come naturally to you, but try to adopt for the time being.
木曜日 Some time ago you gave somebody a hand. This single gesture has turned into an obligation, one that you resent and want to end. But don’t know what to say. Now events give you the perfect excuse; discuss these frankly, then say that the existing arrangement must come to a close.
金曜日 Nobody would blame you for being upset. After all, others are making decisions that, by rights, are yours to deal with. This is unfair. While there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it now, by midmonth circumstances should enable you to reorganise arrangements to suit your needs and situation.
土曜日 As a Capricorn you don’t expect others to do you favours. On the contrary, you’re proud of earning whatever you have or achieve. Consequently you might question, if not reject, certain out of the blue offers. Don’t. You’ve earned these, although you’ve long since forgotten what you did to justify them.
日曜日 The ups and downs of the past few weeks have made you somewhat suspicious about the reliability of intriguing ideas or offers. But judging by the Sun’s superb aspect to your ruler Saturn, things really are as good as they seem. Be careful if you like, but you’ll soon find caution’s unnecessary.
When the week began you were in no mood to make bold changes, much less reorganise your life. But intriguing ideas or unexpected offers have you thinking about those changes in a far more positive light. So much so, in fact, that you’re seriously considering taking things to the next stage.
You’ve been tolerant of the antics of close friends or loved ones ? too much some have been saying. Now you’re beginning to wonder if others are right. In any case, it’s becoming increasingly clear that if you don’t draw the line soon, their high jinx could begin to cost you dearly.
It’s unlike you to allow anybody to make up your mind for you. But in the situations you’re now dealing with, you recognise that others know far more than you do. Perhaps even more important, because they’ve your best interests at heart, you know that you can trust them completely.
Others insist that you must not allow recent ideas or offers to pass you by. But you remain unconvinced. And you’re unlikely to be sure until after the upheaval triggered by this Sunday’s Leo Full Moon. Only after that will what you want or which way you’re going be clear.
You’ve been putting off certain discussions, waiting for just the right moment to talk over the sensitive issues involved. When it comes to dealing with certain individuals, however, there’ll never be a right time. So far their grumpy façade has successfully kept everybody, including you, from raising matters they wish to avoid.
You’re under considerable pressure. In fact you’ve barely had time to think of yourself or your own needs and interests. Things aren’t so urgent that you can’t take a break. Do so, indulging yourself in those activities that restore your body, mind and spirit, and you’ll return to the fray refreshed.
As a Libra you’ve an instinct for timing, especially when it comes to close relationships. Consequently, you’re likely to have put off potentially pivotal discussions with loved ones, knowing they’d go easier when the time was right. That time has come. Address issues now and they’ll be resolved with little fuss.
For ages you’ve known that you’d have to deal with tricky issues on the domestic front. Now your chance has come. Waste no time discussing your strategy or thinking through various options. By midweek circumstances will have shifted, enough that what you’d resolve easily now would become considerably more complicated.
Thursday:Gentle hints haven’t had any impact. In fact fairly bold statements haven’t made a dent. This means that you’re simply going to have to call certain individuals on their behaviour and see how they respond. You’re worried they’ll be upset. But they’re actually been wondering what’s taken you so long.
Friday:Somebody owes you, but they’re pretending that they don’t. And they’re hoping that you won’t cause a fuss. If you choose not to embarrass them, then you’ll have no right to complain about their meanness. Or you could overcome your anxiety about confronting them, and watch their arrogance crumble.
Saturday:The time has come to be honest with yourself. You’ve been hoping that you could resolve certain issues involving your health and well being without resorting to a regime. But you’ve been getting nowhere. Either you commit wholeheartedly, or stop pretending and indulge yourself without guilt until prepared to commit.
Sunday:Recent emotional ups and downs have been difficult enough. But now that money is involved, there’s additional pressure. While there is unlikely to be an easy answer, if you take things slowly and refuse to allow conflicts to turn into dramas, you’ll find a solution before the week is out.
木曜 While you benefit from an extraordinary intuition, you don’t always trust it. In fact you’ll often back off from what your instincts tell you just to avoid ridicule. Now, however, you must be true to yourself and your feelings, or risk making decisions you’d regret for a very long time.
金曜 You’ve important decisions to make. However, you don’t feel clear enough in your own mind to commit to any one plan - and you’re unlikely to until early March’s Pisces New Moon. Until then, therefore, explore every option, showing interest in what intrigues you, but refusing to be rushed into anything.
土曜 Now, at long last, it would appear that you’ll be in a position to make necessary changes or repairs on the domestic front. Your previous efforts have been unsuccessful, delayed by obstacles of various kinds. But the tide’s turned in your favour, enough that things should proceed without even the slightest hitch.
日曜 As a Pisces you’ll do anything and everything for those you love. But you’re far less comfortable when they offer to move mountains for you, as is now the case. Overcome the impulse to refuse them. Accept, if only because they’ve been longing to do something for you for ages.
It’s not that you don’t trust others to make decisions for you. It’s just you’re worried they won’t be as attentive to details as you would. But you’ve little choice. More important, they’re less emotional about certain sensitive issues than you are, which means their perspective will be considerable clearer.
Only recently you’d have said that undertaking even modest changes would be colossally unwise. But with each day’s passing you’ve begun to recognise the potential in even very dramatic changes. They would not only free you from past restrictions, you’ll be able to take advantage of thrilling, if disruptive, opportunities.
You’re not usually weighed down by unnecessary sentimentality. But you seem to be having considerable difficulty letting go of elements of the past, particularly those involving home or family. But not until you say farewell to these will you get a clear image of the exciting developments the future offers.
As a Virgo you know that if you don’t keep up with obligations, whatever their nature - personal or professional - you’ll only feel guilty. At the moment, however, the reverse is the case. Certain discussions or decisions involving those people or activities closest to your heart must take first priority.
Having worked long and hard to organise your life, both at home and out in the world, you’re not exactly thrilled about the changes now looming. However, there’s no way of stopping them. Forget about battling them. Only once you stop resisting them, will you realise just how much they’ll benefit you.
This hardly seems the ideal time to take chances. Yet you simply can’t ignore what’s currently being discussed or offered. It would take more than these opportunities alone to alleviate all the issues you have to worry about. Nevertheless, they’ll go a long way to restoring your faith in life.
Certain financial issues have been unresolved for so long that you’re beginning to wonder if they’ll ever get settled. They will, and within a week. By then the dramas indicated by the volatile Mars’ clash with your ruler Pluto will have forced everybody to face and deal with the hard facts.
17(月) You would think that you’d talked things through enough. But you’re going to have to go over old ground again. If this seems pointless initially, you’ll soon discover that there’s a great deal to learn from analysing situations and discussing various ideas. Only then should you even consider making decisions.
18(火) It is gradually becoming clear that you’re going to have to make some changes in your work or lifestyle. Only recently you’d have dreaded this, but now you’re looking forward to what will constitute a fresh start. Continue to review your options, however, since changes continue until early March’s New Moon.
19(水) Now that you’re in a position to consider recent pivotal events from the perspective of hindsight, you realise that both your worries and your struggles were unnecessary. You were tempted to organise every step of events. On the contrary, the less you interfered with developments, the better things have come out.
射手座後半もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 20(木) While there is only one way to disagree, there are many ways that an agreement can be achieved. Keep this in mind if your initial ideas or proposals are rejected. What’s most important is that everybody who’s involved feels that, if they must compromise, they’re also getting something for it.
21(金) Now that you know more about both the circumstances and the individuals involved, you’re probably beginning to see things from a different perspective. In fact your previous anxieties are being replaced by far more positive feelings. Better yet, within a few days you’ll see how right they were.
22(土) You’re tempted to argue with what others say and what they insist is true. But with so much in transition there’s little to be gained by haggling over such matters now. Hold back until final decisions are made, later in the week. That’s when you should you give it your all.
23(日) There’s no way around it. You’ve been cornered and must accept what others say or decide for you. While this isn’t the way you’d planned things, there’s no need for worry. In fact with your ruler Jupiter just having aspected the visionary Neptune, these changes could usher in extraordinary opportunities.
Some months ago you had certain ideas or began certain projects, but they progressed so slowly that you gave up. Now suddenly these take on new life. Better yet, the time is now right, so much that others are wondering how you managed to develop your plans so swiftly.
Waste no time on thorough investigation or careful evaluation of your options. Things are changing too swiftly for any such analysis to be worthwhile. Instead trust what your instincts tell you is right, even if it means taking a chance. You’ll only regret what you didn’t try, not what you did.
You’re worried that you have no facts to back up your ideas or claims. But at the moment nobody else is any more sure of their facts than you are of yours. In other words, it’s a time to take bold steps. Risky as they seem now, your success is assured.
翻訳ボラの皆様、いつもお世話になっております。そして、ありがとうございます。 魚座週前半を、お手すきの時にお願い致します。 月曜 It was difficult enough confronting others. Now you must wait and see what their reaction will be. As much as you’d like to ask for updates on their thinking and the progress of their decisions, you’re better off staying completely out of it until everything has been completely finalised.
火曜 It may not seem so at the moment, but you really do have time on your side. While waiting for decisions may be agony, things are going on behind the scenes that are distinctly in your favour. The irony is, the longer those decisions take, the better it is for you.
水曜 Now that you’ve talked plans through, you’re going to have to back off. This is the most difficult part of the process. As much as you’d like to drop an encouraging word or two, that would be colossally unwise. If you’re tempted, then find something to distract yourself.
There are times to act, and then there are times when talking is wise. Over the next seven days, you're going to be doing a lot of the latter. In fact the more you discuss and the more issues you air, the more informed your response to welcome, if surprising, offers.
You're currently debating with yourself about whether to rely on your instincts or trust a more down to earth analysis of situations. Viewing decisions from a practical angle would be wise if issues involved practicalities. But since situations are of an emotional nature, your decisions should be as well.
You were born under one of the most diplomatic signs of the zodiac. The irony is that you probably worry more about whether your words will upset others, when you're the most tactful of the twelve signs. So put side your worries, and say what needs to be said to certain individuals.
The combination of unreasonable demands and the heavy handed manner of certain individuals might justify a blow up. Instead, state your complaints ? but briefly. For disruptive as situations are, and irritating as others’ attitude may be, most of your attention should be devoted to this week’s extraordinary developments. Some involve those people or activities that make life worth living, perhaps even fulfilling long cherished dreams. A few are as unexpected as they are welcome. All encourage discussion. These exchanges calm your ire enough for you to go with the flow, which is vital if you’re to capitalise on those thrilling developments.
Capricorns consider maintaining their cool in even the most stressful of circumstances a virtue. But being unemotional about the issues you’re discussing or situations you’re dealing with just isn’t possible. On one hand life-changing decisions are being made for you, on the other, sudden changes in circumstances are unsettling. Your mind’s working overtime, trying to figure out solutions. You achieve most doing what you most dread; revealing your feelings. Once you begin talking about what’s going on within, others don’t just soften, they try to help you. What’s more, exchanges lead to brilliant ideas that turn previously worrying situations around in a flash.
火曜日 If ever there was a time to persist, it’s now. Others may insist that your objectives are unachievable. All it takes for you to turn your vision of what’s possible into reality is an ability to ignore others’ doubts and to stick to what you believe you can do or achieve.
水曜日 As an earth sign you’re not only practical, your ability to solve even tricky problems is a real gift. Yet sometimes that same practicality can prevent you trusting your instincts. Now, however, what your feelings are telling you is far more reliable than what a more down to earth analysis would reveal.
木曜日 The time has come to be both frank and bold. Don’t hesitate to tell others what you want. And overcome any shyness about asking them for their guidance, help or support. So often in the past you’ve worried more about troubling others than your own interests. This time you must come first.
Either others are too shy to tell you want they feel or they’re unclear themselves. Whatever the case, it’s up to you to encourage them to discuss their feelings. This won’t be easy at first. But once they begin, what they say will probably be as surprising to them as it is to you.
This hardly seems the ideal time to say no. But by calling the proceedings to a halt, you force everybody, including you, to review both situations and the nature of obligations. Once you do this, you’ll realise that certain changes must be made if plans are to succeed as you’d hoped.
The time has come to set clear limits in financial situations. You’ve been hoping that sooner or later others would realise just how much they owe you. Ironically, you’ve been so gracious and generous that, unless you say something, they’ll simply assume that you’re happy to continue as you have.
Everybody is confident they know what is in your best interests. In fact certain individuals are merrily making decisions on your behalf. Call a halt to this planning, but keep on talking, at least until the week's close. By then the surprise twists indicated by planetary activity early in the week will have taken place. Also, exchanges will have revealed vital facts about both the situations you are dealing with and others' hidden agendas. Perhaps most important, after Saturday, when canny Saturn, which is in Gemini and has been retrograde since October of last year, resumes forward motion, situations that seemed hopelessly stalled suddenly go your way.
You were absolutely sure what you wanted and where the line was drawn. Having faced opposition, you’ve even been prepared to do battle to achieve your objectives. Then the insights triggered by Sunday’s rare aspect between your ruler Jupiter and the visionary Neptune force you to view both dilemmas and your role in them from an entirely different angle. You realise that your true interests lie in a very unexpected direction. This shifts your attitude, triggering not just discussions - it forces everybody involve to realise how unproductive their adversarial approach has been. Mutually disarmed, you resolve once unbridgeable issues with little effort.
Monday As a Scorpio you’re not the sort of person to take no for an answer. Recently, however, your persistence has had only limited rewards. Now at long last, the tide is turning. And happily, all those past efforts begin to pay off at once, and in spectacular style.
Tuesday Others may insist that you provide them with facts. But if you’re convinced that what your instincts are telling you is correct, then you really must pay attention. True, if you told certain individuals why you’d reached certain conclusions, they’d laugh. But there’s no need for you to say a word.
Wednesday However sure you are you know what’s wise, it’s vital that you discuss your plans with loved ones. The issue is not what they have to contribute to plans, but that they feel included in every stage of developments. Listen carefully, however, since they could still come up with valuable ideas.
Inside even the most practical of Pisceans there’s an idealist who believes that, with enough imagination and effort, even dire situations can be remedied. You’ve proved this true often enough in the past. Still, you’re facing some serious challenges. If ever faith was in order, it’s this week, as the bountiful Jupiter forms a rare aspect to your ruler Neptune. Waste no time justifying your plans to others. In fact, by midweek there’s no need; events allow you to laugh at others’ doubts. Those seemingly impossible objectives you’ve set come good, and all that’s left is to discuss the dazzlingly favourable details.
If happiness is defining your goals and then seeing them fulfilled, you should be feeling very pleased about what life has to offer at the moment. When you first made plans or set your targets you were anxious about achieving them. Now you’re thankful that you aimed as high as you did.
As much as you sympathise with others’ problems, you really must look after your own interests. This means stating very clearly what you expect from them and, equally, what where you must draw the line. Waste no time apologising. They’ve always known that they couldn’t have things their way forever.
You know that the pressure is building, and if decisions aren’t made soon, there’ll be problems. But others seem determined to debate issues until they’ve discussed even the vaguest of possibilities. Let them. Once they’ve talked things out, they’ll be ready to both make commitments and to stick to them.
You know that you must stand up on your two feet. Yet you’re also aware that certain individuals knowledge about situations involving practical and financial obligations outweighs yours. In fact they’ve already devised some truly inspired solutions for complex dilemmas. Yet you’re still not entirely sure you trust them. While some concerns may be valid, Sunday’s Full Moon only heightens those anxieties. Thus, what you consider seriously upsetting as the week begins, you could regard an opportunity by its close. Most important, resist the temptation to brood. Keeping the lines of communication open transforms those worries into a growing sense of trust.
No matter how much you care about certain individuals, you simply cannot allow them to do whatever they want. Whether it’s children, very close friends or loved ones, they have convinced you that they need a great deal of freedom. Give it to them, however, and they’ll soon start abusing it.
You don’t mind sudden changes. In fact surprises add spice to life. Yet developments which forced you to alter plans you’d only recently made were irritating enough that you battled them. This is futile. The faster you accept that changes are inevitable, the more capital you’ll make of them.
Initially you didn’t realise just how unsettling the developments that accompanied last week’s Leo Full Moon were. Only now that you’ve discussed issues and events with others is their impact clear. In fact, you’re now recognising what took place as a turning point ? and one that was long overdue.
When you raised certain questions involving partners or loved ones, you didn’t realise the kind of reaction that you’d get. While the resulting dramas were unsettling, at least now everything ? and what everybody feels ? is out in the open. Now you can begin a realistic discussion of the future.
翻訳ボラ様いつもありがとうございます! お忙しいとは思いますが、宜しくお願い致します。 天秤座週後半 Thursday It's natural that you would assume that friends or colleagues know what your plans and intentions are. Certainly you discuss them often enough. But truth be known, they weren't really paying attention. Annoying as that is, it's only human nature. Just begin again, as if you'd never said a word.
Friday Making plans is one thing. At unsettling times like this, sticking to them quite another. For this reason struggling to refine arrangements achieves nothing. Make whatever you plan loose enough that when the next few weeks' unexpected twists take place, you can easily make whatever adjustments are necessary.
Saturday You've been worried that the frank exchanges necessitated by important decisions would go too far and upset others. The fact is, they're likely to be even more extensive than you anticipated. But those revelations that so concern you are not only important, they'll highlight issues you've been hesitate about raising.
Sunday You're confident that you've plenty of time to deal with vital, if delicate, plans, issues or decisions. These involve individuals or activities that are dear to your heart, so you want things to go perfectly. If you don't move soon, however, those arrangements will be made without even consulting you.
Your main objective in life is to create and sustain harmony in close relationships - all while continuing in efforts to achieve own objectives. Consequently, you've learned to recognise and avoid potentially distracting dramas, focusing only on what is important to you and those closest. However, this week's conflicts arrive costumed as moral dilemmas, and you could find yourself enmeshed before you know it. Consequently, you must carefully evaluate situations. This doesn't just avoid pointless disputes. It ensures you're free to focus on thrilling developments involving matters of the heart. Whatever emotional risks these demand are more than justified by what you get in return.
木曜 You may think that you know where your loyalties are. But recently there have been extensive changes in both circumstances and your own feelings. Only now are these coming to the surface. And only after you’ve come to terms with what these mean can you consider arrangements final.
金曜 No matter how sure you are of both your facts and the general mood, you’d be well advised to discuss such matters with others. These exchanges should not only prove informative, they are likely to expose important information that previously wasn’t mentioned as it was considered of little value.
土曜 You may understand why certain decisions had to be made. But that doesn’t mean that you’re happy about them. Consequently, now that you’re watching those arrangements unravel, you’ve no objection. Better yet, this temporary reprieve gives you an opportunity to state your views clearly to those who matter.
日曜 The recent brilliant aspect between the bountiful Jupiter and your ruler Neptune means that you’re the lucky one this week. While this could mean happy opportunities or a winner in some form of lottery, the real prize will be the vital insights you achieve into persistently troubling issues.
20日の射手座デイリーです。 ボラ様どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Imagine opening your door one day to find some kid from your school days. You have not been putting out ads on the internet, this is just a random event. Suddenly, there is your friend. Older now ? and dressed in adult clothes but still clearly the same person. In their hands, a half-eaten chocolate bar. “Here,” says your visitor, “I’ve brought you back the sweets, just like I said I would.” You may feel, today, that life is being similarly strange ? producing the answers to questions that are no longer relevant and the keys to doors you no longer wish to open. But amongst all that, there’s one vital new development now taking place.