Have you been given permission to read this forecast? If not, perhaps you should go and ask someone if it is alright to do so. We canケt have you acting on your own authority or making independent choices. Donケt you understand that your life is not your own and that your purpose is to heed the wishes - and follow the instructions of others. Clearly, you need to become more subservient this weekend... donケt you?
A little celebration is called for this weekend. I said a little. Put down that case of champagne a glassful will do. Well, go on then maybe two but please take the point. You do not have to go too far, you do not have to do too much, you do not have to try too hard, you do not have to move too fast. This last point is the most important of all. Mars is putting you under pressure. Potentially you can accomplish great things - but not if you are allowing yourself to overreact to people and circumstances.
What?s the difference between a good idea and a bad idea? We live in a world which has clearly been shaped by bad ideas. Surely, nobody has been malicious enough to deliberately foist these upon the population -so we must conclude that all of these bad ideas were originally conceived as good ideas. Perhaps it would be a good idea, if people who thought they were having good ideas were more willing to check first whether they might be bad ideas! That said, your big idea this weekend IS a good idea.
You feel fairly confident that if you now proceed in your chosen direction you will attain success. Or, at least, you will avert a disaster. This is why you are sticking so steadfastly to your guns this weekend. You are likely to find, that despite your determination and commitment, not everything stays on an even keel. Awkward, unexpected developments may cause you to wonder if you are making a mistake. But you are not. Stay with your strategy it may not be working perfectly but it is working.
Will there be agreement this weekend? Will there be peace? Will there be understanding? What are you asking me for? It is your weekend! And it is your life. You have power. You have choice. You have the ability to defuse a ticking time-bomb and to pour oil on the most troubled of waters. Ah, but is this really what you want to do? Is part of you spoiling for a fight or itching for a chance to express a little anger? Reign yourself in. Be wise. Be clear. Be kind and, above all else, be big. Your outlook is excellent.
"There is no law against thinking something, you can think what you want." Indeed. It is a free world afterall. It is not though, true to say that thought has no impact. When we think about something, even if we take no action whatsoever, we subtly influence the world around us. We create an atmosphere that others can sense. We colour our own view of the world and prejudice our perspective. Think whatever you want to think this weekend as long as those thoughts are positive and constructive...
Some days are good. The wind blows in the right direction at just the right speed. The things you need to happen, happen. The things you don't need to happen, don't. A sense of grace descends upon us. We begin to feel as if all is well. Actually, many more days could be like this if only we could be less hasty about the way we judge them. We close our minds too quickly and then experience the discomfort of being in disagreement with the universe. Today though, is due to be a good day by any standard.
おはようございます。獅子座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 Instead of a forecast today, I would like to have a little chat with you about paperclips. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and have a variety of uses. The history of their invention is fascinating. Did you know that in the 17th century... I am just not holding your interest am I? Oh well, at least I'm making my point. Something that now engages you to the point of obsession is all but irrelevant to someone else. And vice versa. Keep this in mind at all times today.
"It's the little things that count." Or so they say. They are right to some extent. But the little things do not so much count as multiply - exponentially. First, one little thing happens and then another. Before you know it, your life is full of millions of little things - all of which need thinking about and dealing with. When faced with so many little things it becomes essential to dwell on just one big thing: some issue or factor that means the world to you and which allows you to put all the trivia in perspective.
We are told that we can expect to remain on this earth for three score years and ten. We are also told though, that once, people had a life span of several centuries. Nobody knows how long any of us actually have, but one conclusion we can confidently reach is that time is short and every moment of it is precious. The Sun's link to Saturn today will not allow you to make time stand still but it should yet provide you with something that you have reason to treasure and celebrate forever. Soon you will see more of life through different eyes.
Imagination is a wonderful thing. Without it, we would have no pictures, no stories, no myth and no legend. Yet, imagination also creates fear where no fears need exist. We can conjure up all kinds of imaginary demons or problems and make them seem so real. Even when other people tell us that we are worrying for no reason, we refuse to believe them. What are you dreaming up today? Is it inspiring you or triggering an anxiety? Allow yourself only positive inventions. Your outlook is much brighter than you think.
牡牛 もう一度やってみよう。そして更にもう一度。 雨が徐々に岩を削る様子を考えてみて。 そんなに長くではないけど、同じような忍耐は必要。 でもそれは、成功への確かな道。 Do it again. And again! The more you do it, the more you will make a difference. Think of the way in which rain can gradually erode rock. Not over night not even over years but over decades. I am not suggesting that you will have to wait as long as this before you make your breakthrough. But you may require the same kind of patience that you would need for such a schedule. This will lead to a gradual, permanent improvement in a situation that can probably change in no other way.
Do actions really speak louder than words? Yes, over time. Yes too, if the observer of those actions is intelligent and sensitive. Sadly, most of us are much more interested in words than actions and we cannot be bothered to wait long enough to see what actions are actually demonstrating. Words are due to make a big difference in your life today. Don't pay too much attention to what is being said to you but do think long and hard about the best way to say things to other people.
One man's ceiling is another man's floor. This is fine if you happen to be the man with the floor. If though, you are the man with the ceiling it is a darned nuisance. All day long there will be people walking around noisily just above your head. Right now you need some help and support with a matter that concerns you greatly. Before you can get this, you have to persuade someone else that it's their problem, every bit as much as it's yours. Or, more easily you can just decide to move to a higher floor.
Do it again. And again! The more you do it, the more you will make a difference. Think of the way in which rain can gradually erode rock. Not over night not even over years but over decades. I am not suggesting that you will have to wait as long as this before you make your breakthrough. But you may require the same kind of patience that you would need for such a schedule. This will lead to agradual, permanent improvement in a situation that can probably change in no other way.
Our circumstances sometimes, can make it difficult for us to do what we would really like to do. Sometimes too, the actions and attitudes of others can prevent us from making progress. All of these obstacles though, pale into insignificance when we compare them to the greatest barrier a human being can ever encounter. Self doubt! If we don't believe in ourselves, we will never get anywhere. And if we do, there is no hurdle we cannot conquer. Your big issue, this week, is all about faith.
All life is precious. From the highest to the lowest, from the most enormous to the most minuscule, existence is to be respected and celebrated. If every blade of grass is charged with the priceless energy of creation itself and matters just as much as every star in the sky, where does that leave us? Do we count for any more or less? Who can say? But what does it matter - we count. And we are blessed with the amazing gift of existence. Treasure yours today.
18日牡羊座 デイリー Our circumstances sometimes, can make it difficult for us to do what we would really like to do. Sometimes too, the actions and attitudes of others can prevent us from making progress. All of these obstacles though, pale into insignificance when we compare them to the greatest barrier a human being can ever encounter. Self doubt! If we don't believe in ourselves, we will never get anywhere. And if we do, there is no hurdle we cannot conquer. Your big issue, this week, is all about faith.
To some people the sound of chalk scraping down a blackboard triggers nothing more than a memory of school days. To others the noise is unbearable. It causes their hair to stand on end and their skin to creep. We all have different reactions to different things and to different people. It is perfectly normal for some of these responses to be disproportionate. We cannot help it. It is reasonable to be unreasonable. Ultimately, we are all creatures of passion.
"The quickness of the hand deceives the eye." Or does it? Our eyes are very fast and effective. There is little that they do not see. Our brains though, interpret the messages that our eyes send to them and it is here in the process of mental digestion that confusion can arise. Illusionists don't actually deceive our eyes they just plant false messages in our minds. Don't look today, at what you think you can see. Look only at what you can really see. That's a far more inspiring picture.
It is rather as if you are setting sail. You have raised your anchor. You have identified the direction of the wind. You are saying farewell to the harbour that has been providing you with protection for some while now. Understandably, you feel apprehensive. It is not even as if you are completely sure of your next destination. You wonder whether you should change your mind. Yet you know in your heart that it is time to move on. A new, more decisive phase of your future is beginning. あたかもややあなたが出帆しているかのように、それはそうです。 アンカーを上げました。風の方向を識別しました。 いくらかのためにあなたに保護を供給していた湾へ別れを告げています、 一方、今。当然、気遣っているように感じます。 あたかもあなたが次の目的地を完全に確信しているかのようにさえ、 それはそうではありません。考えを変更するべきかどうかと思います。 しかし、移動し続ける時間であることを心の中で知っています。 あなたの将来の新しくより決定的な過程は始まります。
You are in the process of going up in the world. You may not yet be getting offers of promotion or receiving invitations to mingle with the aristocracy. But that is neither here nor there. You are going "up in the world"' in the best possible sense of that phrase. You are rising above a petty concern. You are lifting your consciousness to a new height. You are transcending an old limitation. Soon, you will be taking another brave step up the ladder of wisdom and understanding.
Jack swapped the cow for a handful of beans, which his mother then threw away in disgust. But these were magic beans. By the next morning they had grown into a giant beanstalk. What's wrong with this story? Nothing really, other than the speed at which the beans grew. Long before Hollywood started telescoping time to make its movies more exciting, our traditional tale tellers were up to the same trick. Things don't happen as fast as that in real life. You are sowing magical seeds right now.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin. "Once upon a time there was a person born under the sign of Aries. A nice person. A kind person. A good soul - rather like you! This person had been having a bit of a hard time. They had been starting to feel frustrated. Nothing was quite working out the way that it ought to for them. Then one Tuesday they heard a piece of good news. It didn't fix everything but it certainly cheered them up. A lot."
Astrologers are forever accusing you of having a tough shell - or sharp claws. I normally try to avoid these clichés but I cannot help seeing an analogy now. Just as a crab tends to move sideways through life, so you often tend to take a circuitous route from a to b. Your emotional and psychological journeys require you to cover a lot of ground. You care very deeply about what is happening all around you, not just what's straight ahead. It is now clear though, that you are making magnificent progress.
A piece of cheese. A slice of tomato. A bread roll. Each, alone, is a comparatively common comestible. But when you put the three together, you end up with something that is far more than the sum of its parts. Yet as soon as we take the ingredients out of the sandwich they soon loose their additional appeal. When critics over-analyse great paintings or plays, they too take the extraordinary and reduce it to the level of the ordinary.
獅子座のデイリーの翻訳もお願いします。 All good teachers know how important it is to make the subject relate to the student. The interest of the class must be engaged. Sales professionals too understand this principle. If you want someone to buy something you must look for what the other person needs and suggest that your product or service will help with this. The same is true with all forms of communication. If you need someone to understand you now, use words and images that strike a chord in them. You can be very persuasive if you make the right kind of effort.
英語のできる方 申し訳ありませんが、 乙女座の今日の予報を翻訳して戴けませんでしょうか。 Open your mail carefully today. In amongst the offers you can easily refuse and the bills you can hardly believe, there may be a few gems. Perhaps an invitation to join international heads of state at their next meeting to advise them on their matters of policy or a request from your bank manager to suggest ways in which you could be made much wealthier. Well, perhaps it won't be quite this good. But you should expect soon, to be sought after for your opinions and offered some much needed material support.
'Let those amongst you who have no salacious skeletons in your own closets write the first gossip column.モ Or something like that. We all love to judge. We none of us like to be judged. Yet how often do we put ourselves in other people's shoes or acknowledge our own failings before we criticise others? A famous Capricorn made much the same points a couple of thousand years ago. Not much has changed. But it does now seem as if you are in the process of doing something very laudable, compassionate even saintly.
20日のデイリーをお願いします。 It's too late to stop now. A process is in motion. A countdown has commenced. This though, is no sinister preparation for the launch of a rocket by some evil genius with a desire to take over the world. Nor need you see yourself as an Austin Powers who must prevent the catastrophe at all cost. No heroics are called for. No last minute swing over the balcony of doom is required. Neither resist nor resent the changes that are now beginning to take place. Just go along with them. They will yet make you very happy.
Behold the great magician. See how she reaches into her top hat to produce a live rabbit. A string of silk scarves. A dove. How talented. How impressive. Always though, in the audience somewhere is someone who wants to know exactly how the trick was done. Or, worse still, who knows and cannot resist informing everyone else. One moment there is mystery, the next there is an explanation and a vague sense of disappointment. Without Illusions there can be no romance. Don't be in too much of a hurry to shatter yours today.
牡牛 地道に一歩一歩か Drop by drop. Step by step. Brick by brick. The best things in life rarely happen fast. Effort and energy must be expended over a long period of time. There must be commitment and dedication. There must be consistent concentration. There must be determined repetition. You should now think of yourself as someone who is conducting a campaign. There may be no short cut to your desired destination but the long road is perfectly passable provided you are prepared to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
If only there were two sides to every story. How simple life would be then. We would merely need to decide which side applied. The trouble is that usually there are not two but twenty two. As a Gemini, you enjoy nuance, subtlety and variety. But you also crave clarity. How, faced with a plethora of possibilities, can you have certainty? Yet surely, it is better to remain doubtful than to leap to the wrong conclusion. Today, one fact will cut through the confusion like a knife through butter and answer many questions fully, instantly.
Someone somewhere is trying to tell you something but are you ready to listen? It is almost as if life wants you to learn a lesson but you are determined to play truant from the school room. You do not want to hear what is being said or see what is being shown. Why? Because you suspect that a cover up is taking place. You are hurt or upset about something. You do not want to be fobbed off with some easy explanation or some quick compromise. Be less defensive. Be more trusting. And attend to your education today.
山羊座です。最近考えることがいっぱいで落ち着かないです。 いいことあるといいな。翻訳お願いします。 Let those amongst you who have no salacious skeletons in your own closets write the first gossip column.モ Or something like that. We all love to judge. We none of us like to be judged. Yet how often do we put ourselves in other people's shoes or acknowledge our own failings before we criticise others? A famous Capricorn made much the same points a couple of thousand years ago. Not much has changed. But it does now seem as if you are in the process of doing something very laudable, compassionate even saintly.
20日 天秤 デイリー 翻訳御願いします。 Next time you find yourself in a crowded room, try staring at someone who cannot see you. If you keep this up for a while, the person will eventually turn around to see who is looking at them. We all have eyes in the back of our heads.
We are all far more sensitive than we realise. We all have inner radar which can reveal valuable information to us if we are willing to listen to it. Are you now following a wise message from deep within? Or are you being led on a wild goose chase by a passionate impulse?
It's a bit of both but on balance your inner wisdom is the stronger force now.
It is possible to go a long way with a ball and chain. All you need is a wheelbarrow in which to transport the ball and the ability to hop. If you are obliged to live with this impediment for any great length of time, it is possible that you will become adept at the art of coping. You are after all an adaptable Sagittarian. You can get used to most things if you try. When though, you are offered the use of a pair of wire cutters, it is wiser to take advantage of the opportunity than it is to say, 'no thank you, I haven't got any room for these in my wheelbarrow!
Everybody has a story to tell. There is a reason why we all do what we do and act the way we act. Sadly, we do not tend to confide in each other enough. Therefore we never get to hear one another's full stories. Instead, we jump to wild conclusions on the basis of superficial evidence. We fail to think about what may have led up to a tense event or a defensive attitude. Allow some space in your world today for a little story telling. Be willing to speak and to listen carefully. This could yet lead to a magical, highly profitable exchange.
Motorways seem very straight when you trace them on a map. When you view them from the air though, you can see that they bend almost as much as a river. Only the Romans ever managed to build roads that never deviated. You are not a Roman and your road through life, which is an inner path, cannot possibly be a straight one. It has to bend and wander a little. Don't question the convoluted approach that you now seem to be taking towards an important destination. Just trust that you are doing the right thing in the right way - at the right pace.
There may be no short cut to your desired destination but the long road is perfectly passable provided you are prepared to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you." There is a slight chance that this phrase has been mistranslated at some point in the last 2000 years. But let us take it literally as many would insist that we must. Note the phrase, ALL things. Not some things. Not a few things. Note too, that in order to attain all those things it is not necessary to find the Kingdom of Heaven, merely to seek it! The Kingdom of Heaven lies within you. Look there now and you will yet find - all things!
You are thinking long and hard about a somewhat aggravating issue. You rather wish that you were not having to think so hard and you would very much like not to have to think for so long. Yet you can hardly put the whole thing down and walk away from it. A realisation is beginning to dawn on you. A fact is being digested. You absolutely have to give your attention to a pressing matter. Don稚 you? Actually, you don稚. There痴 far less to worry about than you suspect. Invest less, not more, energy in a bone of contention.
Whistle while you work. Indeed, don't just whistle, hum. Sing. Play the bugle. Conduct an entire symphony orchestra. Whist you cannot avoid an onerous task or a complicated commitment, you can apply yourself to it with enthusiasm. Or you can create a distraction that will make the whole process more enjoyable. One way or another you have to make yourself comfortable. The moment you find the formula for doing this time will start flying by and a scenario that seems problematic will begin to look welcoming.
Our world is full of people who love nothing more than to tell other people what to do. It is almost as if some of us take a fetishistic pleasure in giving orders, issuing instructions and pulling disapproving faces when we suspect that our rules are being contravened. Yet how much do we really know? And how right are we to act as if we have unimpeachable authority? You are now following an instinct. You cannot easily back it up with logic. But that does not mean it is wrong. Don稚 talk yourself out of your hunch today.
You can’t win ’em all. Thankfully. Imagine if you could. Every battle would have a forgone conclusion. Every exchange would end in a tedious triumph. You win some, you lose some. That’s much better. Now I know that you want to know whether or not you are going to win your current one. How do you want me to answer? If I say that you are not, you will resent my pessimism. If I say that you are, I will rob you of a surprise. Maybe you will, maybe you won’t. And maybe none of it matters as much as you think it does.
Great experts and intellectuals pride themselves on their ability to distinguish the significant from the trivial. They know what matters and what doesn’t matter. Or so they think. Truly wise people make no such assumption. They insist that the line between importance and irrelevance is one that can never be accurately drawn. None of us will ever really know what counts - or doesn’t count - and why. Do you want to be wise or do you just want to be clever? Then, be wise today. Just keep an open mind.
Imagine you are watching a watch on the end of a chain swinging backwards and forwards. Here it goes. There it goes. Back, forth. Back, forth. You are feeling sleepy. Very sleepy. When I count to three you will suddenly start to see your current problem as a source of great hilarity. Every mention of it will fill you with mirth and merriment. Never again will it bug or bother you even when you wake up - as you will do on the count of three. One, two, three! I知 keeping my fingers crossed. Let痴 hope this works.
You suspect you have reached a certain conclusion ウagainst your better judgementイ. Maybe though, you have not judged your better judgement very well! It appears that a flawed plan or a somewhat irrational choice has been extremely wise and fortunate. Over the weekend you will come across more reasons to be glad of it. This all begs an interesting question. If your deepest instincts are wiser than you realised - is your intellect more dubious than you knew? The answer is no but the sky IS now encouraging you to listen to your heart.
自分の力を過小評価しないで。 週末、優しく穏やかで品のよいアプローチをとって。 Do not underestimate your own power. Like Billy Whizz or Pansy Potter, the strong man's daughter - or perhaps even Gulliver in his travels, you have more strength than other people realise and you are even capable of surprising yourself. Take a gentle approach this weekend. Make small, subtle gestures and statements. The likelihood is that even these will be perceived as dramatic moves and announcements by the Lilliputians in your vicinity. You carry more weight and exude more authority than you know. Use it wisely.
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. People who work with computers should not expect their software to function flawlessly. And as for people who live in this section of the solar system? Well, one ウoccupational hazardイ of existence around here on earth is the continuous emergence of new sources of stress. You are never far from a problem on this planet! Nor though, are you ever far away from a solution. Change what you can change this weekend. And just donケt let the rest get to you!
Understanding is rare and precious. There's far too little of it in our world. One reason for this, of course, is that our communication processes leave a lot to be desired. We are very good at telling one another what we feel is wrong. We are not so adept at the art of offering praise and encouragement. And we tend to leave crucial details out of our explanations in case these compromise us - or cause others to think badly of us! Mercury, this weekend, will help you see what, until now, you were oblivious to. This will prove as rewarding as it is enlightening.
蠍座のデイリーの訳もお願いします。 "Dear Jonathan, in your forecast yesterday you said 'bad things do not happen all the time. Even in the lives of the truly unfortunate, such occurrences are rare.' But I have a hard time believing that some people are not abused or without food on a daily basis." Ron Franks by e-mail. Dear Ron, I take your point and I apologise if I seemed insensitive to the plight of the needy. But I still maintain that some Scorpios - especially right now - have a tendency to dwell too long and hard on the negative and in the process fail to see the positive.
おはようございます。獅子座の週末の翻訳もお願い致します。 Little things count for a lot. Sometimes though, they count for too much. We see in them more significance than we should. We forget that even if you add together one hundred little things they do not amount to one big thing. So we tend to multiply the little things in our mind and, in the process, we rather forget the value of those bigger things. By all means let a small source of inspiration inspire a vast celebration this weekend. But do not turn a minor disappointment into a major cause for concern.
It is going to be a good weekend. There is much to discover, much to learn and much to enjoy. Though you may be concerned about your role within a relationship - or perhaps within a particular group of people - you need not let this bother you. You have no need to play a part or to adopt a particular position. You merely have to be yourself. Your heart is now in the right place. Sooner or later, everything else in your world will follow suit. You really do not need to do much else other than accept this and trust it. There are wonderful things on your horizon.
When people speak about a shortage of resources, they usually mean they don't have enough time or money or both. There is though, something else that we all tend to regularly run out of - and which we never seem to be able to replenish satisfactorily. How long is it since you last had several really good nights of sufficient sleep in succession? No matter what you think your problem is this weekend, that's where your real problem lies! The planets insist that you must make it your priority to address all such deficiencies now.
We interrupt this forecast to bring you an important message. "PRODUCT RECALL. It has come to our attention that some of our mirrors have been giving out faulty reflections. If you have a looking glass of any kind that was purchased within the last fifty years, please return it to your nearest retailer for a free accuracy check." Ah well, that explains it. You have not been happy for some while with your own perception of yourself. Now you know why. This weekend, you will see ample evidence of how attractive you are in the eyes of others.
What do you weigh? You will not find the true answer to this question by standing on the scales. They can only measure the physical load you are carrying and this is all but irrelevant. Why should you be even remotely interested in the shape and size of your body when the shape and size of your mind means much more? Yet in your mind now you are carrying one burden too many and this is slowing you down and robbing you of precious levity. It is time to free yourself from this.
双子座なんですが良いのか悪いのか解りません。 どうかお願いします。 3,2,1... hilarity! 1,2,3... merriment! Darn! It just is not working is it? I was rather hoping that yesterday's little hypnosis session would render you immune to all sources of stress and tension. I figured that then, I would never have to mention these in a forecast again. Hey ho. Never mind. Here's the next best thing. Whilst I can promise you no failsafe cure for aggravation this weekend, I can at least predict that the sources of irritation and annoyance in your life will soon significantly diminish. Something silly is being sorted out.
All week long I have been urging you to trust your instincts. I am not going to urge you this weekend. Instead Im going to implore you to. Reach for the brightest and the best. Deep down within, you know that this is attainable and you also know that you are not obliged to settle for anything less. Put aside your fears and ignore the disparaging remarks of pessimistic people. They may have low expectations but you do not. Amazing coincidences are now attempting to make their way into your life soon. All you need to do is be sure that you welcome them when they arrive.
おはようございます、獅子座のデイリーの翻訳お願い致します。 Are you in danger of going too far? Or could it be that you are not quite going far enough? A question like this is never easy to answer. Whenever we think that we know all there is to know about where we are going or what we are doing, we can be sure of one thing; we are wrong. There is more to the story than we realise. Jupiter's influence now implies an over-reaction of some kind. You are not so much jumping to a conclusion as bungee jumping to one! Be just a little less forceful.
"You were right all along." There. Wasn't that nice to read? I enjoyed writing it too. I just thought I would be the first person to say it to you this week. I will not be the last. Were you born under any other sign I would tell you not to let it go to your head but, given your intermittent self-esteem problem I am more inclined to say the opposite to you. Take pride in the vindication and the appreciation you are finally beginning to receive. You are entitled to feel good. Soon, you will have even more reason to glow with inner contentment.
"Extra! Extra! Read all about it!" Our appetite for information is rapacious, especially if the gossip is salacious. We just can't help feeling excited when a perfect reputation has been blighted. Nobody wants to read good news, or at least, they do not want to read very much of it. We want drama, conflict, tension and soap opera. And we always get it. The universe has enough of this to supply every need. Yet in your life now, there is also something small, subtle, peaceful and wonderful to be treasured and appreciated. To hear more about how important it is not to overlook this now call...
There are some people who will not get out of bed in the morning until they have consulted their daily forecast. This is very wise. And what about you? What are you doing out of bed? Get back between the sheets at once. Can't you tell that there is not point in getting up today because you are only going to encounter trouble and conflict? Oh well, seeing as how you are up already, I may as well let you in on a secret. Things are not as bad as they seem. To hear more about how the illusion of darkness is actually being transmitted by a projector full of light call...
Some people like to sit at the front of the bus. It gives them the feeling that they are reaching their destination more quickly than the people at the back. Others enjoy walking up and down the corridors of trains for much the same reasons. When an aeroplane lands, everyone stands up even though it will be another ten minutes before the doors are opened. Don't be an overly eager beaver today. Take it easy. Take it slow. You have done as much as you can to set a process in motion. The ball is rolling now, just let it roll. And if you want to know about where it is rolling to call...
Where do enemies come from? Almost certainly, from friendships that have turned sour. Yet familiarity breeds contempt. We do not keep a friendship sweet just by perpetually agreeing with one another. Indeed often, life's real problems emerge when people are being too polite and are only saying what they think they ought to say, instead of what they truly feel. It is far better now to be having a healthy argument with someone than to be having a most unhealthy, stifled and suppressed form of dialogue. What seems bad may be far, far better than you think. To hear more about why call...
Try talking to a caterpillar. Take it aside and tell it what its future holds. Describe the comfort of a cocoon and then the amazing moment of metamorphosis. Impress upon it that one day, this gruesome grub will become a beautiful butterfly. Do you think it will believe you? I'm having a bit of a similar problem myself at the moment. I cannot stress strongly enough how glorious your outlook is and how much positive change it contains. Yet I still suspect that you are not convinced of this. To hear more about how many wonderful things you have to look forward to call...
Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? Of course! What do you think a bad thing is? What is a curry, too spicy to eat, other than a lovely dish with just a little too much wonderful chilli in it? What is a relationship falling apart at the seams, other than a friendly bond in which a dynamic tension has become too tense? The 'bad things' in our lives, are almost always 'good things' that have gone too far. You have something very good in your world now. Don't overdo it!
I was going to write a different forecast for you today, but I received an e-mail from a friend of yours. They asked me to make a few suggestions that might help you be more willing to see things from their point of view. Apparently, you are not being as co-operative as you could be and you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that your life belongs to you and not to them. I thought about arguing but they bribed me well. So just do as you are told today. You have no other option!!! To hear more about the pressure you are coming under and how to avoid it call
Often, after hunting right around the world for something, we come back and find that it was on our own doorstep all along. Probably, though, if we were not to take that journey, we would never make the discovery. Just as absence makes the heart grow fonder, perspective makes the mind grow wiser. What matters now is that you are getting a chance to stand back from a situation that you have been too close to. The Full Moon may stir up much emotion within you soon but it will also help you see something very crucial, very clearly. To hear more about what this is call...
The Moon is growing Full. It has not yet entered your sign but at its moment of maximum strength and size, a little later this week, it will be in Libra. This just goes to prove how important you are. The entire cosmos is realigning itself in such a way as to triple underline your value, your relevance and your authority. All hail the mighty Libran. We are not worthy to help you in your great task. Well, perhaps that's going a bit too far. But only a bit. You will soon have a very good reason to feel rather full of yourself.
おはようございます、どなたか獅子座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 When you want something which you have not got it is difficult - indeed well nigh impossible - to imagine that the acquisition of this missing item will bring anything less than total satisfaction. If you hear someone emphatically tell you that you are seeking the wrong solution, you will not believe them. You will simply think, "Oh, it is all right for them to say that, they have what I do not." I do not know quite what to tell you now. I just want to stress that what you need is simpler and easier to get than you think. Because it is not quite what you think it is.
お早うございます。 蠍座のデイリーもよろしくお願いします。 Many astrologers feel that Pluto is the ruler of your sign. Some though, insist that this title more appropriately belongs to Mars. In truth, both planets have a claim to your symbolic inheritance. They are now antagonistically aligned with each other. Does this explain why you are starting to feel as if you are being torn in two? Your heart and head are locked in combat. Your instinct is wrestling with your intellect. This is all beginning to get very stressful but clarity and reassurance are on the way.
おはようございます。いつも有り難うございます。 デイリー蟹座、本日も宜しくお願いいたします。 What goes up, must come down. But what about what goes down? Must that always come back up again? Actually yes, it must. There's not a bone you can bury, not an issue you can ignore, not an event that you can blot the memory of forever. Sooner or later whatever has happened will have a consequence and, sooner or later too, everything negative will be turned into something positive. Without exception. That is the way of the world in which we live.
"Someone is trying to tell you something." Mind you, in this day and age, such a statement doesn't amount to very much. Given all the e-mail, junk mail, TV and radio advertising that we are all constantly exposed to - plus all the texts, faxes and phone calls that we can seemingly never escape - you might as well really say, "There will be some air to be breathed today." But sweet, fresh air is always special - just as some messages mean much more than others. You will soon hear some most encouraging words.
Are you waiting for a moment of inspiration? Are you hoping to be struck by a revelation? Do you feel as if you are wandering around in a darkened room reaching out for a light switch that surely must be on the wall somewhere? Before long you will have your moment. The penny will drop. The inner light-bulb will illuminate. All complicated matters are inevitably caused by the absence of something simple but essential. Before long you will understand what is missing.
There are six billion people on this planet. If you think that's a large number, just try to imagine how many trees there must be. Or blades of grass. Now, here's a question; how many different types of problem are there? You can argue this one of two ways. You can decide that, as we all have more than one each, there must be a trillion. Or, you can conclude that there are probably no more than two or three from which we all suffer. The latter is more true. And every problem, without exception, is solvable.
There are six billion people on this planet. If you think that's a large number, just try to imagine how many trees there must be. Or blades of grass. Now, here's a question; how many different types of problem are there? You can argue this one of two ways. You can decide that, as we all have more than one each, there must be a trillion. Or, you can conclude that there are probably no more than two or three from which we all suffer. The latter is more true. And every problem, without exception, is solvable.
From an early age we become 'conditioned'. We learn to expect certain developments and to see particular situations as normal. They may not actually be normal at all. They may be very abnormal, very strange. But if they are all that we know, they may become normal to us. And then, we find that we feel abnormal if these things are no longer present in our lives. You have been 'trained' to accept something negative. Now you are being liberated from this. That's a cause for celebration, not for concern.
牡羊26日です。すみませんがお願いいたします Stress is a wonderful thing. Aggravation is the key to happiness. You can't beat a bit of good old fashion tension. The very best thing in the whole wide world is to find yourself in a situation where you are desperately short of resources whilst dealing with an idiot who doesn't understand you - in a hurry! Keep repeating the above to yourself over and over again today. You never know, you may just come to believe it. Alternatively, you may manage to keep the big bad wolf away by using your sense of humour. To hear more about how this can be done call
You are making smart moves and wise choices. You are seeing what you need to see and responding accordingly to this. Why then, if you are being so clever, do you feel uncomfortable? Is it because of your own propensity to doubt yourself? Or is it because, although you are correct in the conclusions that you are drawing, you still do not like having to draw them? Neither be suspicious of a certain person's intention or pessimistic about your own prospects. Both are fairer than you think.
When people get it right all the time, they feel very gratified, but the rest of us tend to feel just a little peeved. We feel as if we have been shown up or made to look foolish. We end up watching the careers of clever characters with a jaundiced eye, half-hoping that they will make some spectacular mistake and cause us all to feel better in the process. You can then take heart from the knowledge that your current success is not necessarily going to be repeated. Enjoy the sense of satisfaction whilst it lasts!
Pisceans, of course, are peace-loving people. They are calm, mellow and non-competitive. Easy going. Passive. Sweet natured at all times. I don't think I can carry on like this much longer. Although I am being paid a vast sum by the Piscean Public Relations Company, for every nice word I write, I think I am going to have to tell them what they can do with their money. You can also be a bit of an awkward so-and-so when you choose to. Right now, someone is winding you up. Don't stand for it!
"What are you dreaming of? Don’t you know how silly and far-fetched that aspiration is? Can’t you tell that you are tilting at windmills and chasing rainbows as they pass through a cloud shaped like pie in the sky? Why don’t you grow up and settle down?" I’ll give you one good reason why you ought to carry on allowing yourself to dream. Because,one of these days, a substantial part of one of your brighter dreams is actually, going to come true. Will it be today? Perhaps not. But you may yet set a process in motion that eventually leads to such a day.
おはにゃぅごじゃいましゅ! 27日★カニ座 Y【’×’】Y デイリーの翻訳おながいします! If you have never known thirst, how will you ever appreciate the importance of water? If you have never known sadness, how will you recognise the true value of joy? As the Moon now grows full in the part of your chart that governs home and family, you are going through some angst or drama regarding your fear for the future. If you feel bad, be glad. This is merely your point of comparison so that when the Sun starts to shine again - as soon it will - you truly see the extent to which you have been helped and blessed by a kindly cosmos.
Life has not been easy lately. Well, come to think of it, when has life ever been easy? You are a Scorpio. Challenges don稚 just follow you around they track you down even when you change your address. Recent events though, have been particularly stressful because they have raised big questions to which you do not yet know the answer. Somehow, though, the urgency has now gone out of the situation. Things are becoming quieter and calmer than they were and you are becoming stronger and more philosophical. Soon, you will become happier still.
フタゴ座も気になるのでおながいしまっす! (でも一部バケてる・・直らない・・。汗) フタゴ座☆★デイリ(*'ー)(ー'*)ー27日 What would you like to find in your zodiac forecast today? News about a tall dark stranger? A suggestion of a trip over water? Perhaps even a hint that soon there will be wealth from an unexpected quarter. Well, I知 not ruling any of it out but I知 afraid that I can稚 promise any of this either. But I am willing to predict this much. A clear head. A chance to feel OK. An ability to see past or through a veil of confusion that has been causing you undue stress and aggravation for quite some while. And that I assure you is a much bigger bonus than you may yet realise.
You need to keep a close eye on a slippery situation. It is almost as if there is an illusionist at work. Someone is trying to create the impression that all is well in an area where much is chaotic and confused. The give away is the big signpost with the words "no problem here, we are all fine" written on it. Me thinks they doth protest too much. It is tempting to believe the official version of events - and seemingly convenient too. But the sooner you find out what is really going on the sooner you will stop a small problem turning into a big one.
You do not seek the answer to a question. You do not require the solution to a problem. You have all this already. It is just that, in a funny sort of a way, you rather wish that you didn't. You would like the truth to be different. You would prefer not to know what you know - or to have to do what you now have to do. The longer you put things off though, the harder it will be to make what has now become an inevitable move. Don't waste time looking for loopholes. Trust the understanding that you have recently reached and then start bravely to act on your judgement.
Shall we say more today about your gentle, passive personality. Shall we discuss your endearing ability to appear wide eyed and open minded whilst encouraging others to reveal secrets about themselves that they might never normally tell to anyone. Or shall we dwell on the inner power at the heart of every Piscean. Shall we look at your ability to exude an air of steely authority and to bark orders with almost terrifying ferocity. You need to remember that you can do all this today. The rest of us will soon need no reminding.
Why don?t you try doing some more very hard work? I know you have done a lot of this lately but a little more never goes amiss. Come along, roll up your sleeves. Pick up your spade. Get that nose back on that grindstone. What else could you possibly be supposed to be doing with your time at the moment? Aha! You do think an easier life is attainable don?t you? Well, you could just be right. Think brighter thoughts and soon, the weight on your shoulders will lift.
There is a lovely old Indian story about three blind men encountering an elephant for the first time. One inspects the trunk and concludes that the beast is like a snake. The next finds a leg and decides that he is looking at a kind of tree trunk. The third finds the tail and figures that he is holding a rope. The moral? We all see life from a vastly different perspective and we are all "blind" to some extent - because none of us are able to fully grasp what is going on in this world. Yet the only view to take of your current situation is a positive one.
今日も終わりに近いですが、どなたか獅子座のデイリーの翻訳お願い致します。 Don't get carried away today. Not by a passion, not by a fury, not by a dream, not by a desire and not by men in white coats! Stay sane, stay sober, stay sensible. Well, see if you can manage the first and last of these anyway. Something seems to be much bigger than it actually is. Jupiter's influence in antagonising your ruler, causing you to make canyons out of wormholes. There is an easy way to tell whether what you are so bothered about really matters. Just leave it alone for twenty four hours.
3/28日乙女座デイリー宜しくお願いしますっ "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes had some good lines. Whilst I do not seriously suggest that you should don a deerstalker hat and start playing the fiddle today, it might be wise to think again about a puzzle you have been trying to solve for some while. The obvious has been staring you in the face all along. Soon you will start to see it. Once you get over your initial surprise you will immediately begin to profit from your useful discovery.
おはようございます、獅子座のデイリーです。よろしくお願いします。 24 hours later, how do you feel? Are you still baffled, bewildered, bothered or bugged? Or is it beginning to dawn on you that actually a current drama is nothing more than a thundercloud in a coffee mug. Of course a certain situation is annoying. It has been specially engineered by high-class nuisance manufacturers to fit your very personal need for a source of irritation. Why? So you can experience the rare delight of rising above it, letting it go and proving that you are made of bigger stuff than this. Still not convinced? Wait a few more hours.
お早うございます。蠍座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 As the Moon grows full in the part of the chart that governs institutions we find you re-evaluating your role within a large organisation of some kind. Why do things have to be done in a certain way just because they have always been done in that way? Why must you be made to feel like a small cog in some great machine when you are making such an essential contribution to an important project? It is time for a rethink. Have some courage and be strong. The sky now speaks of imminent, immense success - provided you now decide to believe in yourself.
蟹座デイリーです。よろしくお願いします。 私のモニターでは一部文字化けてる(半角ヶが混じってる)ようなのですが 大丈夫でしょうか? "Are you comfortable? Well we can soon fix that. Another twist of the rack should do it. I had a feeling you were managing to cope with the contortion. So let us stretch you a little further. Unless of course, you would care to spill the beans now and save us all some trouble. Come along. You know that sooner or later you are going to have to talk. So why not make it sooner?" Ironically, all you actually have to say is that you are sick of the pain. The moment you complain, it will end. And then, youケll walk free - and proud. To say nothing of tall!
おはようございます。牡羊座デイリーです。通訳、宜しくお願いします。 The Moon is now full in your opposite sign. This is deeply symbolic. It is, in terms of celestial imagery, to have someone pulling hard on your heart strings. It is to be a victim of emotional manipulation or of psychological pressure. It is to feel nagged and niggled, goaded and got-at or, worse, it is to feel wildly desirous of a completely unattainable relationship! Would you like a little good news now? This lunar position is ultimately a promise of relief and fulfilment in the very area of life where all now seems most frustrating or hopeless.
It is easy to forget, in all the fuss surrounding the Full Moon, that Mars is still in your sign. You still have power, you still have strength, you still have energy. And this is just as well for you still have five and half thousand things to do all before lunchtime today. Plus another two billion to be sorted out by the weekend. Or so it seems. Pressure? This is not pressure. This is slavery. You are being marched by merciless captors towards the altar of overkill. They want to offer you to the god of self-sacrifice. Donケt let them. Quick. Escape!
"A stitch in time saves nine." Or so they say. But they do not say nine what. Nor do they explain how it is possible to place a stitch in time. Indeed generally they lead us to believe that the fabric of the space time continuum is entirely indestructible. It cannot be torn or cut or stitched or sewn. Perhaps there is a cosmic clue in this old saying. Perhaps time can be re-shaped. In which case what can be saved? Nine minutes, nine years, nine lives? You are now seeing a vision of the future. If you like it, act on it. If you don't, change plans. Pronto.
いつも、有難う御座います。 双子座のデイリーですがお願いします。 The dust is settling, the mist is parting, the cloud is lifting. All around, chaos continues to reign but you are at the eye of the storm and you can see clearly what needs to happen next. And what does need to happen next? Why that?s easy! You need to get right back out into the madness and join in with it. What use is a place of peace when there is so much to be gained from strife and discord? Having briefly drawn breath today, you will soon realise that you have an obligation to step forward bravely and stir up some very necessary trouble.
28日の魚座デイリーです。 もしかして、また、行き詰まるのか心配です。 翻訳をお願いします。 The Moon is full. Don?t forget that today. Many people, at full Moon become a little intimidated. Their fears start to get the better of them. Their imaginations run riot. You already have an edge over those around you because, despite your own weaknesses you have a deep reserve of inner-strength. It is currently blessing you with a will of iron. You can cut through objections and arguments like a knife through butter. Right now, that butter is beginning to melt. And your knife is starting to glow. Be careful or you could inadvertently cause someone to fry.
"Oh Lord it's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way..." You must have made such a statement in your past for the cosmos in its kindness now appears to be responding. It is not, of course, possible to strip you of your superiority. Something perfect cannot be rendered imperfect by any power, divine or mundane. But fortunately this is not necessary. You merely have to suspect for a moment that you may be normal. During that brief experience of doubt you can be temporarily deflated. Enjoy today's brief flirtation with fallibility. It won't last.
Imagine you are standing by a car with its engine running. Go to the front of it and you will experience a slight sense of fear. What if it lurches forward and runs you over? Go to the back and you will encounter exhaust fumes. Only from the side does it seem safe to view the vehicle. The Full Moon in your sign suggests there are several ways to look at what1s happening in your life now. You can worry about a potential problem or resent a side effect of an essential process. Or you can just resolve to trust that what1s happening is what needs to happen.
You are moving on. You no longer want what you once wanted. Nor do you believe what you once believed. It is not that you are becoming jaded, merely that you are becoming more incisive. You understand more about yourself and other people. You can see that there is no point in wistfully wishing for what is never likely to happen. You can also see some very different, rather wonderful possibilities. Pursue these this weekend and a great sense of warmth and hope will descend on you. You are learning to cope well with life’s difficulties.
Welcome to a surprisingly good weekend. You should soon have plenty to think about - and talk about - and argue about. This weekend痴 arguments though, will be of the kind that prove enjoyable and profitable: ie, you will win them, or, at least, most of them. You should also find, to your delight, that there are some things that you do not need to argue about. A key point is being accepted. The wisdom of your judgement is being taken on trust. You are much loved and admired - and soon you will see real proof of this.
おはようございます、 獅子座のデイリーの翻訳お願いします。 One reason why some people find you difficult to fathom is because there is such a big difference between your outer and inner personalities. You come across as a larger than life character. A confident person with an air of unimpeachable authority. Deep within though, you are insecure, unsure and even shy. These contradictions add layers of rich complexity to the tapestry of your psyche - even if they confuse other people. This weekend though, your inner and outer selves are in full agreement. Something very silly must (and will) be sorted out.
おはようございます。 乙女座週末予報の翻訳を宜しくお願い致します。 Soon you will see someone or something in a new light. Your rose tinted spectacles will be replaced by plain glass. You will not have a negative reaction but you will have a realistic one. It will become clear to you that certain factors are never going to change. Well, I say never. You and I both know that we should never say never. But it is unlikely that progress will come on the time-scale you have been hoping for. Actually, this is good news not bad news in many ways.
"Boom boom boom boom." The tribal drums are ringing out loud and clear. Meanwhile, the water is getting hot. If you stand on your tip-toes you can just about see out of the top of the cooking pot - though you have to keep moving the onions and the carrots. Will you be rescued at the eleventh hour? Or are you destined to become a part of the stew. Neither! You will escape - but this will be thanks to your own effort nobody else痴. Jump out of the pan and make a run for it. Refuse to be intimidated - or to feel forced into doing something you do not want to do.
おはようございます。 牡牛座週末おながします。 "Boom boom boom boom." The tribal drums are ringing out loud and clear. Meanwhile, the water is getting hot. If you stand on your tip-toes you can just about see out of the top of the cooking pot - though you have to keep moving the onions and the carrots. Will you be rescued at the eleventh hour? Or are you destined to become a part of the stew. Neither! You will escape - but this will be thanks to your own effort nobody else痴. Jump out of the pan and make a run for it. Refuse to be intimidated - or to feel forced into doing something you do not want to do.
We have ways of making you talk. You really don't want to know about these. Why not confess all now before it is too late?" There is a sense now in which you are beginning to feel like the victim of some oppressive interrogator. You are under pressure. You are doing your best not to crack. Here, for all the world to see is the tough shell of the crab protecting the vulnerable creature within. Yet right, now your softer side is by far your stronger side. Show some emotion. Conceive some concern. Ask for help... and you will get it.
金運は果たして回復するのか・・・? 水瓶座翻訳お願い致します。Here you are, back on form. No more devastating self-doubt. No more time wasting soul searching. You are not so sure that you feel this confident? Then give the weekend a little longer in which to work its magic. Your financial picture is starting to improve. Your love life has the potential to be more fulfilling than it has been for quite some time. And you are starting to have some very clever ideas. Don't let it all go to your head. Don't ignore it either. Trust your insights, your ideas and your visions. They are good.
I should really have known better than to try and get cosmic with Capricorn. I have now had a flood of e-mail pointing out that if you make a stitch in time it will stop you needing to make nine stitches later. Of course. I knew that really. I was just trying to be poetic. And, I suppose, I was trying to make my point memorable. Often, when we state the obvious we ignore it because it sounds well, you know... too obvious! Something is becoming obvious to you now. Act on it as fast as you can, and as decisively as you can or you may regret it later.
気になる双子座の週末をお願いします。 What is the difference between deception and discretion? There is no definitive answer. Since time immemorial this question has troubled the conscience of the wise and smoothed the path of the ruthless. We can none of us ever be sure how much we should say or how far we should go. When does a white lie become a dark conspiracy? When does a frank admission become a source of unnecessary stress? I shall leave you to wrestle with that one over the weekend. Good luck! But don’t spend too much time worrying about it.
To be a Piscean is to be blessed with natural powers of healing. You can sometimes repair objects just by holding them in your hands and looking at them for a while. You do not need to have expert knowledge of their construction. Somehow, you can just instinctively sense what is wrong with them. As with things, so with people. You can be a great force for good. This weekend, you will be able to offer someone priceless help and assistance. And, by making just a few changes in your own lifestyle, you too can become much more secure. To hear more about the valuable progress you will soon make call...
乙女座宜しくお願い致します。 Soon you will see someone or something in a new light. Your rose tinted spectacles will be replaced by plain glass. You will not have a negative reaction but you will have a realistic one. It will become clear to you that certain factors are never going to change. Well, I say never. You and I both know that we should never say never. But it is unlikely that progress will come on the time-scale you have been hoping for. Actually, this is good news not bad news in many ways.
Mars is starting to form an antagonistic link to your ruler. It will not be a very restful weekend. It may just possibly though, be a very productive one. That largely depends on how disciplined you can manage to be. There is a lot to react to. Everywhere you turn you can see people or situations doing their level best to distract you from an important agenda. his is all being made worse by a sense of urgency. Few of us make our best decisions when we are in a hurry.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?" The reason why this phrase has earned such a special place in our cultural heritage is that it conjures, in its imagery, an impossible idea. Mirrors do not judge. They do not make comparisons. When we look into them we see only ourselves looking back out - although, if we look very carefully we can sometimes see ourselves judging ourselves! Our own judgements though, are entirely subjective. If you really want to know how you are coming across, look at what is being reflected in a certain person’s eyes.
This week's full Moon falls in your sign. It places you in the cosmic spotlight. It puts you, somehow, on public display. It draws attention to you and obliges others to sit up and take notice of your assets (which is good) and of your deficits (which is not so good). But hang on a moment. Deficits? You? What are we thinking of? That's the influence of the full Moon for you! It causes us to feel vulnerable and to start seeing problems where none exist. You are perfect in every way. You are infallible. Beyond reproach. Even your so-called faults are just blessings in disguise. Really! You'd better believe it. Because, this week, as long as you do believe and remember this, all will be fine.
Before I give you your forecast I need to pass on a message. I have just heard from you-know-who, the film star that you fancy. They have asked me, to ask you if you would care to join them for a cosy tete-a-tete on a tropical island - all expenses paid? Well, OK then, I am joking. But I am not trying to make an April Fool out of you. I just want to help psychologically prepare you for the kind of romance and magic that you may soon experience. Mars and Venus are both now in Taurus increasing your pulling power.
おはようございます。獅子座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 From today onwards all will be peaceful. There will only be joy and contentment, harmony and prosperity. There will be no more struggle or strife in your life, and no more conflict or confrontation. You are about to become blissfully happy forever. APRIL FOOL! Now, don't get too mad at me. You didn't really want any of the above anyhow, you just thought you did. We all think we do but in reality, we like a little action and challenge. Life is dull without it. We only want a little peace, sometimes. A little peace, you can have. But a drama is starting.
What we require is a secret code. If I say 'hippopotamus' you can assume I am referring to 'you-know-what'. If I say 'green', that means 'you-know-who'. By developing this a little further, we can communicate safely about a sensitive matter. Nobody else, even if they happen to be reading this forecast over your shoulder, will know what we are on about. Not that it matters... for your secret is not actually as explosive as you fear. All you need to remember this month is that you can't really win the argument that you are now in the process of holding. Nor can you lose it. Accept as much and, effectively, you will have won it. You will only lose if you attempt to force a very specific outcome, to a certain situation. If, instead, you let it go, walk away from a source of antagonism and allow a little more time to pass, you will find that the great debate really is not very relevant - and that the great secret is really not such a great problem, It is almost as if fear is trying to trick you into wasting some of your very precious time. But er... if you do see any green hippopotami this month, do try to avoid them!
蠍座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 You have to get up very early in the morning to catch out a Scorpio. Indeed, I dare say that some people born under your sign woke up today, at the crack of dawn, and have been mounting a constant guard ever since for the slightest sign of April foolery. You have long since learned that a degree of cynicism is helpful in most areas of life. But do not be too negative about or dismissive of the quality of potential that lies in front of you at the moment. Something that you never thought would change is finally starting to change.
Soon, your pipes will block, your sink will overflow and your home will become knee deep in water. Well, no not really. But it is April Fool’s Day and I thought I would take this opportunity to make a point. Even though water is your element there are times when you can have too much of the stuff. In your effort now to fulfil a deep desire, you may be in danger of creating the wrong kind of outcome. Be less bothered about getting what you want. Be less afraid of getting what you don’t want.
乙女座デイリーよろしくおねがいします。 You are nobody’s fool. I shall refrain from making silly spurious suggestions. Besides which, I know that you are already beginning to suspect that a certain someone in your world is taking you for a fool. You are being patronised. Lip service only is being paid for one of your more important requests. This is not a situation that can be allowed to continue for much longer. But I am very sure that soon this situation will end. Your voice will be heard! You are rapidly growing much stronger and more able to fight your own corner.
Tense planetary alignments are now making you feel restless. It is largely because of this that I have resisted the urge to slip a little April fool?s joke into your forecast. I can tell that you are not really in the mood for being teased. Indeed, there is a risk that you may mistake a gentle act of jollity for a serious challenge. That tells us all we need to know and makes it easy for me to decide what advice I should give you today. Stay calm. Don?t rise to the bait. Cling tightly to your sense of perspective.
We interrupt this forecast to bring you an announcement. Your troubles are over. Your problems are solved. You no longer have to argue with a certain person for they now see life entirely from your point of view. And from now on, your word will be law in every area of your world. Sorry about this but... APRIL FOOL! Sadly, a tense cosmic climate continues to hover. But you can do much to minimise its impact. Be big. Be wise. Be understanding. And soon, if you can only be all this, you will be safe too.
For an April fool痴 joke to work well, it has to have a little credibility. It must not sound too silly or strange. You have to be able to look at it and say, "Hmmm, I can just about believe that this could be true." The crazier our world gets the harder it is for anyone to make a fool out of anyone else. Who can say what is real and what is fantasy? Well, actually, you can. Right now, you can tell the difference very easily. Trust your judgement. It may not be impeccable or infallible but it is pretty darn sharp.
Saturn forms a harmonious link to Neptune now. This is deeply encouraging and hopeful. You do not need to feel as if you are hemmed in. You should not consider yourself obliged to accept anything that you do not like. But the only way in which you will turn into an April Fool, is if you decide to shrug your shoulders resign yourself to a situation that you undoubtedly have the power to change. If you do not already see yourself as a person who has strength and power it is time you started to do so.
山羊座ディリーです。翻訳お願いします。 It is now, officially, April. And you are not, officially or in any other way, a fool. Having clarified that point let us now go on to establish a few other key facts. Your great golden vision is not just pie in the sky. Your big idea is a good idea. Your aspiration is intelligent and feasible. Saturn harmonious link to Neptune gets your week off to the best of possible starts. All in your world will stay hopeful - as long as you do. And you have, I promise, every reason to be hopeful.
April fool’s jokes work in a rather insidious way. They are based on the idea that information, from a normally trusted source, can suddenly become false or unreliable. You are having your own issues with the whole concept of trust at the moment and may not be in much of a mood for silly jokes. There is a big element of uncertainty hanging over your head. All you want is to resolve this as clearly as you can, as quickly as you can. That happy development may yet prove easier to attain that you imagine.
本日の乙女座デイリーの翻訳を宜しくお願い致します. What are you worth? It is not, of course, possible to measure your value in earthly terms. You are priceless. You are precious. To some people on this planet, you mean more than the Moon and the stars. Yet others are blindly unaware of your existence. One particular person now needs to know you. This individual would profit greatly from your acquaintanceship and, it has to be said, vice versa. Before much longer the necessary connection will be made and an interesting new phase of your future will begin.
It is all beginning to get a little crazy. No change there then. The difference is just that, where normally you manage to take insanity in your stride, you are currently stumbling over it. You can see the consequences of a certain situation. Others are not so far sighted. You sorely yearn to save someone from the implications of their own stupidity. Sadly, there is a limit to what you can do. Make every effort that you reasonably can now - but do not compromise the safety of your own position in the process.
Some people deliberately choose to live life close to the edge. Others try to keep as far away as possible from points of challenge or conflict. "The edge" though, does not occupy a fixed position. It moves. One man's edge is another man's middle. Yet even if you try to stay in the middle at all times, the edge will find a way towards you. It will follow you. You can spend today feeling edgy or you can experience the comparative comfort of compromise. It's up to you. Put up an inner railing and stay safely behind it.
Even the happiest of events can be unsettling, as April’s first two weeks illustrate. Some involve those you love, others opportunities to broaden your perspective, in yet others long and patient efforts bear fruit. While welcome, the changes they’d require seem overwhelming. You’re excited but still hesitant. But gradually you realise that you’d regret letting opportunities go. Consequently by the Full Moon on the 27th, which accents the structure of your life, you’ve begun to reorganise your personal, romantic or career life in ways that, only recently, you would never have considered.
蠍座のデイリーの翻訳をお願いします。 We all know the story about the boy who cried wolf. In the end, he did see a real wolf and nobody would believe him until it was too late. The moral of this tale is usually interpreted as a salutary lesson to those who might feel inclined to make false claims. It carries though, an equally important message to all of us: boys who cry wolf may not always be embroidering or exaggerating. We should not automatically disbelieve them just because they have been wrong in the past.
獅子座のデイリーの訳をどなたかお願い致します。 "Peace and love man. Far out. Right on. Have a flower. Let's all be nice to one another. Straight society encourages us all to be competitive. That's why it has so many bad vibes. We, the peace lovers, treat everyone equally. That is why we never fall out with one another." We interrupt this diatribe to bring you breaking news about a pig flying past the window of a tall building. Or, to put it all another way, there's a lot of guff being talked around you at the moment. Don't fall for it. You are right to be suspicious of a so-called golden promise.
山羊座です。ここ最近ずっと良い感じのようですが..。 A pessimist, calls a glass of water half-empty, an optimist calls it half-full. A Capricorn takes one look at the glass and decides that it is fifty percent water and fifty percent air. You are a wonderful realist. When there is trouble, you are not afraid to call a spade a spade. Nor though, when there is magic do you refrain from calling a fork a fork - or from describing and enjoying the wonderful food that is balanced on the end of that fork! Right now you feel sure that you are heading towards a feast not a famine.
Some people seem to have an unerring knack of being in the right place at the right time. Others appear to have two left feet. In reality, we are all "in the flow" sometimes and at odds with the universe at others. There is though, an art to surfing on the sea of serendipity. Ironically, it largely involves deciding that you are not in danger of drowning - even when the water is up to your eyes. You need no such lesson now. The planets are blessing you with a self righting mechanism
"Dear Lord, grant me the power to change what can be changed, the strength to accept what cannot - and the wisdom to know the difference. " It's a nice prayer and it will do no harm to utter it today. But will we ever be granted perfect discrimination? How can any of us know what can be changed - and what cannot be changed until or unless we have tried to bring a change about. Is it wisdom that now tells you to put up with a factor that is unlikely to alter? Or is it laziness? Amazing new possibilities are emerging for you now.
双子座はこれです "Moderation is a wonderful thing. We should all have as much of it as possible. Tolerance too, is magnificent. Intolerant people should be shot! Humility makes us wise. We should all be proud of our ability to be self-effacing." Etc. Hypocrisy is built right in to the human operating system. It does not come as an upgrade or an add-on. Nor sadly, is it removable by any means other than consciousness. You are starting to see through something at the moment. Be glad of this and see the humour in the situation too.
よろしくおねがいいたします。 Wednesday, 3rd April 2002 CANCER (Jun 23 - Jul 23) ��Every so often we think something is fine and then we suddenly realise it is far from fine. Then, we wonder how we could ever have been so foolish. Yet we also spend a lot of time dealing with problems. We begin to feel as if we are wading through a never-ending stream of difficulties. Then suddenly, we realise that we are not in the trouble that we thought we were. And then, we wonder how we could ever have been so foolish! Don't be foolish today. See the solution that is staring you in the face. And smile.
Navel gazing is not as easy as it sounds. Unless you are a highly advanced practitioner of yoga, you will find it almost impossible. If you have to resort to a mirror over your belly button, you are probably exerting too much effort for a passive pre-occupation. It is just as hard to look deep inside yourself. How are you supposed to do that? Yet if you cannot see into your own soul, how can you look into the hearts of others? You don't know as much as you think you know now. But you know enough. Trust what is beyond doubt.
オハヨーゴザイマッス! フタゴーもお願いいたします。 3日デイリーです。 In India they take a different approach to music. They begin with the assumption that silence is truly golden. Precious. Any sound that breaks that silence had better have meaning. Here in the West, we just crank up our radios, our hi-fis, our walkmen and our in-car entertainment systems. Something vital is being communicated to you now. To hear it, become subtle and sensitive. Reduce the noise and interference that is forever demanding the attention of your busy mind. Calm down. Listen - and be inspired today.
"Day after day. Alone on a hill. The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still..." There are worse things in life to be than a fool on the hill. A fool in a valley, for example. And you know what's worse than that? It's being the kind of person who feels able and qualified to call any other a fool. It is when we judge, when we assess our fellow human beings and find them wanting in some way, that we risk becoming truly foolish. Be open-minded about what's happening around you now. It is not as silly as it seems.
"You can't afford it. Put it back. Put it down. Put it off." Your finances appear to be in a delicate state. In fact, they are more robust than you think. What's tender, what's sensitive, what's easily damaged yet hard to repair is your sense of confidence. That's what you truly can't afford to compromise now. Someone, somewhere, is not making it easy for you to feel good about yourself. Your task is to feel good regardless of what this person happens to be saying or doing or thinking. And regardless too, of what you have or haven't got.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Or so we are told. Personally, I have my doubts about this. Certainly the reverse is not true. We can hardly argue that the more things stay the same, the more they change! You now seek a change. You should not assume that no matter what you do in an attempt to alter your situation, you will have no impact on it. Nor should you conclude that all you will be doing is moving a problem from one place to another. Have a bit more faith. Be a bit less cynical.
The first thing you are going to need is a white charger (and that, by the way, is not just some exclusive credit card). Then, you will require a suit of armour complete with helmet. This will not be air conditioned - nor will the tip of your jousting pole be made of rubber. If you seriously intend to go into the rescuing business you must be properly equipped. You must also be willing to risk discomfort... even danger! It is noble to want to save someone from their own silliness but, er, pardon me for asking... why can't they save themselves?
獅子座のデイリーの翻訳お願い致します。 If you want your life to be full of fortuitous coincidence, see yourself as an angler dangling a bated hook in the stream of serendipity. In this river every catch is a prize catch. Even an old boot is a treasure to be gratefully reeled in. It will turn out to belong to someone who needs it back badly. Or to be a magic boot. Or to have diamonds hidden in the soles. Now, here's a question; what distinguishes the stream of serendipity from the ordinary river of life? And here's an answer. Nothing - other than positive expectation!
山羊座ディリーです。どなたかよろしくお願いします。 Place your elbow on the table with your lower arm stretched upwards. Now grasp your opponent's arm. Push with all your might. Do not worry about the fact that the other arm is longer and wider than yours - and that it appears to be comprised of pure muscle. Just find the eyes that are attached to the face that belongs, in turn, to the arm you are wrestling with. Look into those eyes. Make contact. Break the deadlock. Say something charming - or disarming! It is possible now to win any battle, as long as you use brain not brawn.
"There may be trouble ahead..." There may indeed. There has certainly been trouble behind. Some people think that it's the trouble behind that causes the trouble ahead. They figure that if you could only make the past more peaceful, you could make the future more prosperous. Others subscribe to the opposite view. As long as you can make sure that tomorrow is good, you can cancel out the impact of a thousand awkward yesterdays. It is all a bit academic. There need be no trouble now. That's all you need to know.
天秤座のデイリーです。翻訳おながいします。 Do doctors still test people's reflexes by hitting them on the leg with a hammer? In a thousand comic movies we see this. What are they trying to test for? Right now, you need no such experiment to confirm your own ability to feel things in your bones. Your inner radar is working overtime. Your intuition is in tip-top condition. If you do not like something or someone today, do not bother asking why. Just trust your reaction. Likewise, while Pluto is forming such a strong link to your ruler, trust any instantly positive feelings you get.
Words are wonderful things. There are dictionaries full of them. And libraries full of dictionaries. And halls of learning, full of libraries, full of dictionaries. You would think really, with all these words and all these experts, that we might be in with a chance of understanding one another - at least some of the time. But words are slippery things. They may not speak as loudly as actions yet they can't half whisper themselves insidiously into the wrong ears at the wrong moments. Don't pay too much attention to empty words today
4日 カニ デイリー よろしくお願い致します。 あ。おはようございます♪ High flyers in the world of marketing, have a special catch-phrase. They talk about the need to make a unique selling point out of a product defect. Toothbrush handle too short? No problem! Sell it as ideal for travel. Recipe tastes awful? Explain on the packet how very good for you it is. There's always a way to put a positive spin on a difficult scenario. But you don't need to create some smart new way to look at your current situation. It is fine from pretty much any angle.
Put a message in a bottle. Seal the lid and send it out to sea. Or set free a helium balloon with a note tied to the tail. Or just sit still, in a quiet room, and transmit your thoughts into the ethers. You need, if you will forgive this lapse into hippy speak, to "put out" for something. You need to ask the universe to assist you with your quest. Will you be heard? Will you be helped? It may seem unlikely but I hereby, confidently predict positive progress. It will come sooner than you think.
Would you like more magic in your love life? To hear how to make the most of your zodiac partnership:call...
フタゴ座 デイリー 4日 Discipline is a wonderful thing. Other people really ought to have much more of it than they do. Do you require some? Hey, steady on. That's going too far. People who spend their whole lives bemoaning their own lack of self-discipline should let themselves off the hook a little more easily. There's a lot to be said for loose living. It is not discipline you need now. It is inspiration. Summon that - and a little imagination too. Don't look for a dull, boring, painful solution. Seek a brilliant one instead. You'll find it.
There are they tell us, two sides to every coin. Ah, but what about the double headed penny? It seems as if you now keep coming to the same conclusion no matter how you phrase or rephrase a certain question. You are starting to feel as if there is only one way to proceed - as if you have no choice. Yet you would rather like to feel that an option was open to you. You are not entirely enamoured with the story as it is unfolding. Let it unfold a little further. Soon, you will see things from another side.
There's no time like the present. But there's no present like the gift of time. What's the hurry? What's the big deal? What's so urgent that it can't wait a while longer? Ok, ok, don't answer that, I know. Or rather, I know what you think you know. You think that a certain matter cannot be put off a nanosecond longer. But I still insist that you can safely let more water pass under the bridge. Stop winding yourself up. Just slow yourself down. And refuse to bow to any sort of pressure today.
おはようございます、獅子座のデイリーの訳をお願いします。 "What goes around, comes around." This is fine if we happen to be talking about generosity, not so fine in the case of a bad vibe. You have to be careful about what you give out because there is a worryingly high chance that you might get it back. You may feel tempted to be dismissive of a certain silly situation but if you add anger to the cauldron of confusion you will just make it more likely to explode and cause more damage than it needs to. Be big. Be wise. Be kind. Be clever.
"We interrupt this forecast to bring you an important announcement. After years of top-secret research, German scientists have finally found a way to reverse the ageing process. As the project now goes into beta test mode, volunteers are urgently sought. For details please send a cheque for 」50 to... " If they ever do make such a break through they will still find no Capricorn takers. People born under your sign mature like a fine wine. Today, you will see through a load of baloney. Thank goodness.
You are wrong. You are mistaken. You have misunderstood something. How are you enjoying this forecast so far? Is it filling you full of enthusiasm? Can you hardly wait to see what comes next? Well then, take the point. Nobody likes to be criticised. Or shown up. Or made to look foolish. Our diplomatic skills are amongst the most important we posses. It is not an argument that you need to win today, it is a heart. Be magnanimous. Or at least, do your best to pretend to be so. This will get you where you want to be a lot more quickly.
Don't roll to the right. Don't lurch to the left. Don't lean. Don't twist. Don't argue. Keep it straight and steady. No sudden moves are needed. This is not, I know, the advice you want me to give. You feel attracted to a dramatic solution. You quite fancy doing something bold and brave and big. This would afford you a sense of satisfaction. It would release some tension in the short-term. But you and I both know the trouble it would cause in the long-term. And it's not necessary. Really.
Some things simply defy all explanation. They happen because they happen. They exist because they exist. Scientists and religious leaders are equally baffled by these odd occurrences. This does not, of course, prevent either group from having plenty to say on the topic. It is almost as if, whenever there is a mystery, there is a battle between the various so-called experts for the right to have the final word. Don't ask why things are as they are in your life now. Just keep quiet and be glad.
4日の魚座です。お願いいたします。 Let us come to an arrangement. From now on, I shall start the sentences and you can... There! You are starting to get the hang of it already. Let's try another. It is time that you... oops! No, no, no. That is not what I meant. I can see that we are going to refine this system if it is ever going to work. Perhaps there is a lesson for both of us here. I need to be less ambiguous. And you need to make fewer assumptions. Something now is far better than you think it is. Trust that and stop worrying.
What's more miserable than to be stranded in the desert? To be in that same situation without the benefit of a mirage. Those imaginary oases fulfil a vital psychological function. They take our minds away from pain. They offer a sense of hope. If we think we are heading towards them they will help the last remaining drops in our water bottle to taste much cooler and sweeter. Are you heading towards a mirage now? Actually, no. You are heading out of one. Your desert is entirely imaginary.
You don't need to put on a happy face. You can frown if you want to. Indeed, you can even feel free to throw one of your famous Cancerian super-sulks. It really won't make any difference. The sky, this weekend, is determined to uplift you. It has happiness on its agenda and it will not allow any other point of focus to take priority. Complain as much as you like. Dwell on the dark side if you care to. Still, somehow, you will catch the sunshine. A recent source of stress is sorting itself out. Before long, a problem will be a memory.
ふたご座 The news is good. The prognosis is encouraging. The pressure is off, or at least, soon, it will be. You have recently begun to feel like a juggler keeping plates spinning on poles whilst simultaneously twirling flaming torches. You enjoy a challenge but this is all beginning to get a bit too much. Things will not return to normal this weekend. You are, after all, a Gemini. Normality is something you have never really known! But there will be a return to something that bears a much closer resemblance to sanity.
Explain yourself! By this I do not mean that you must put all your cards on the table. You can't, anyway, for you are a Scorpio and you probably always have to keep a little something up your sleeve. But then you do not need to take everything off in order to reveal something essential. You merely need to make sure that what you do show to others is clear and complete as far as it goes. Be candid this weekend. And be insistent. Eventually, you will get what you want.
お手数ですがよろしくお願いします。 t is one thing to make a fool of yourself - quite another to let someone else make you look foolish. By the same token, it always feels more comfortable to make a risky move when you are in the driving seat of a vehicle than it does when you are in the passenger seat. As the Moon now passes through your sign you are starting to feel a vulnerable. Over the weekend a sense of security will return. Meanwhile, don't let others take advantage of a weakness that you have recently, bravely, shown.
Some people can argue the case for anything. They can argue that blue is red. Or that the Moon is made of green cheese. Or that pigs really can fly. These statements are very clever and convincing. No matter how persuasive they may be though, they cannot actually change reality. You can get caught up in an awful lot of academic discussion this weekend but, if you value your time, you will not bother. Actions will make a difference. Words, no matter how sweet, or seductive, will not.
獅子座のデイリーです。翻訳お願い致します。 We all understand what an ocean wave is. Few of us though, can define a sine wave. And as for a microwave? Well, isn't that what you get when you say farewell to someone with a very small, subtle gesture of your hand? What you are due to experience this weekend, is a brainwave. A sudden encounter with a higher intelligence - that turns out to be your own! Has anyone ever told you how clever you can be at times? Hopefully soon will be so smart that others will not realise quite how clever you are being.
"Restless? Uneasy? On edge? Uncomfortable? Nervous? Irritable? You need Wizzo-Fizzo, the new wonder cure for all psychological ailments. Just pop two in a glass of milk. Available from all good drug stores and iron mongers." I do apologise for this intrusion into our precious forecasting space but the Wizzo-Fizzo marketing department were very insistent. They felt sure that you would be their perfect customer this weekend. I though, am not so sure. It looks to me as if you will soon have an even easier cure for the blues.
Let more water pass under the bridge. Let more traffic go through the tunnel. Let the big hand pass the little hand a few more times. I know how frustrating it must be to turn to your forecast speaking news of imminent liberation, merely to be told that you ought to wait. I am not, I promise, trying to fob you off with a platitude. Your astrological outlook is truly inspiring. Later this weekend there really will be something to celebrate. ] The cavalry is riding to your rescue as fast as possible. ]
Too often, in life, we misunderstand one another. We share the same language, the same culture, the same lifestyle - even the same family - yet still we manage to miss one another's meaning by a mile. Sometimes, this happens because we do not communicate clearly enough. Usually though, it happens because we are all too eager to hear what we want to hear regardless of what is actually being said. This weekend's challenge is all about improving a relationship. This can happen easily if both parties are truly willing to listen.
If you haven't got anything nice to say - don't say anything at all. So, what have you got to say this weekend? Sorry? I can't quite hear you! What was that? Come along now, say something nice, you know you want to. As the sharp alignment between Mercury and your ruler now begins to separate, you will soon feel less inclined to be argumentative. More inspired to be optimistic. Soon, you will find you have many nice things to say. A series of helpful celestial influences will soon put you in a new frame of mind.
Well, isn't that what you get when you say farewell to someone with a very small,subtle gesture of your hand? そう、それ[=microwave]は、小さく微妙な手の動きで誰かにさよならを言うときに得られるものでは、ないですよね?
>>729 そうですね。それも考えました。でも、"a very small, subtle gesture of your hand" と小ささを強調してあるので、「手を振る」には小さすぎるかと思いました。 でも、言葉の"wave"にひっかけるなら、それが正解だと思います。 ご指摘、ありがとうございました。
You are in no mood to be messed with. Those who think of Virgos as acquiescent types are in for a surprise soon. You pride yourself on your ability to be reasonable. You often make, in calm measured tones, statements that others might feel far more inclined to shout from the tops of their voices. You are quite willing to be patient as long as you are being listened to and treated with respect. When though, it becomes clear you are being taken for a ride or treated like a fool, a new side of your personality rapidly comes to the fore. It is now becoming clear that, in one way at least, you are being ignored by someone. That situation won't last much longer!
5日の天秤座のデイリーです。 翻訳よろしくお願いします。 You know that feeling that you get when you arrive at the bus stop, just moments after the bus has gone? That's a kind of magic! It is a coincidence - every bit as important and impressive as the kind that you get when you do board the bus in the nick of time. It is just that we human beings are irrepressibly judgmental. We love to praise. We love to blame. This weekend, your experience will fall firmly under the traditional heading of 'good'. You will like what happens. But you will like it even more if you approach it with an open mind.
Monday, 8th April 2002 週のはじまりの蟹でございます。よろしくお願いいたします。
��That's it! You have no choice. You are stuck, scuppered, stuffed and stranded. There is no hope. I officially resign as your astrologer because I can see nothing bright on your horizon. No, no, no, no. Not REALLY. Of course it is not that bad. As a matter of fact, it is not even a bit bad. I just thought I would begin the week by painting a negative picture. That will make the positive picture look even brighter by comparison. You have far more power than you realise. You can change a great deal about what you now dislike. All it takes is courage.
"Blessed are they who have no expectations, for they shall not be disappointed. " You have had some expectations. You have built up high hopes about a particular situation. All has not gone exactly according to plan. Now, inwardly, you feel a little fed up. Be more philosophical. Since when can anyone on this earth have it all their own way? We all suffer set-backs. It is just that some of us smile in the face of adversity, whilst others frown and complain.
What are you worried about? Why do you think that the sky may be about to fall? Have you never encountered negativity before? It is amazing how quickly we forget the way in which fear exerts a hold over us. Perhaps it is just as well that our memory is so short, or we might all lead dull, flat lives with no drama and no tension. Here comes a little excitement, that's all. What's happening now is a little hard to understand. You can be forgiven for imagining that some of it is problematic. But is isn't.
When is good news not good news? When you have resigned yourself to the idea that it will never come and have thus made a series of alternate plans. When there is no longer room in your life for something wonderful because the space has now been filled up with something second rate. What's happening in your life now is really rather excellent. If it does not match your idea of what ought to be happening, change your idea about what ought to be happening!
They say that nothing ever happens without a reason. But then, with their next breath, they postulate the most unlikely reasons for the most unbelievable things. They don't know as much as they think they do. We ought not to believe them when they make their pompous pronouncements. Maybe there is a reason for what's happening in your life now. And may be there isn't. But it is happening and it is big and it is very exciting. Never mind the explanation - just seize the moment.
試練です。もう疲れ果てました。翻訳お願いします。 A deal now needs to be done. An agreement now needs to be reached. So strong is this need that it will happen this week almost regardless of how much effort you put into it. Opportunities to reduce tension within a fraught situation will seek you out and follow you until you give them the attention they deserve. You may not think of yourself as a person who has healing powers but the sky seems to be of the opinion that there is now a wound - or a source of damage, that only you can repair.
How far should you go? Where should you draw the line? Its no use looking to me for the answers to questions like this. You are the only person who can make such a decision. But right there in that statement is a useful clue. YOU are the only person who can make the right choice, not your companion, not your colleague, not your mentor and not your advisor. Don't waste time this week worrying about what other people might think. Set your own standards, live by those and you will automatically know what to do. It is time to take control.
There is tension between you and another person regarding the disparity between what you want and what you've got. Strange though it may sound, I now confidently predict that the gap will grow smaller as the week goes by. Your astrological outlook is more helpful than you might imagine.
No matter what you do, someone will criticise it. No matter what you say, someone will argue with it. No matter what you think, someone will think differently. This is a fact of life. We all have to live with it. We tend though, to find it easier to live with when the someone in question is far away. Or when the someone is several someones - all of whom can be avoided. When though, that someone is very close to home - it can all get a little exasperating. Don't be pushed today, into trusting anyone's judgement but your own.
What would you rather have? The right kind of nothing? Or the wrong kind of something? Too often in life, we fill up all the available space. We surround ourselves with substitutes. We settle for second best. In the process, we make it very difficult for life to give us what we truly need and deserve. Think of the coffee cup analogy. You want a fresh hot brew. Your only available cup contains an old cold drink. Unless you first clear it out, the one will taint the other. A radical rethink is now called for.
How far should you go? Where should you draw the line? Its no use looking to me for the answers to questions like this. You are the only person who can make such a decision. But right there in that statement is a useful clue. YOU are the only person who can make the right choice, not your companion, not your colleague, not your mentor and not your advisor. Don't waste time this week worrying about what other people might think. Set your own standards, live by those and you will automatically know what to do. It is time to take control.
It is not always easy to know what to do for the best. It all becomes even more difficult when the decision is not ours alone to make. When a close companion is entitled to an equal say in the future of a key situation, we can find ourselves sitting on a seesaw of confusion. Lately, you have been struggling to reach agreement with an individual whose view differs vastly from your own. There may not be a miraculous, instant improvement this week but there will be a slow, steady one.
Things are far from ideal. You appear to be in a bit of a pickle. Your financial situation leaves a little something to be desired. Your love life too, is not as smooth as it could be. In all areas of life now, you are conscious of conflict.
How can you make sure that you are in the right place at the right time? You can begin by disabusing yourself of the notion that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Negativity is self-perpetuating. If you want to create a lot of it all you ever need is a little bit. Fortunately, positivity is subject to the same law. A small amount of this goes even further. As events over the next couple of days will soon prove, you are in the right place and this is the right time. To hear more about why many of your misgivings are now misplaced - and about how much you have to look forward to call...
Would you like me to tell you about the problems that you may soon face? Shall I list the difficulties that now lie ahead of you? Shall we discuss the things that could go wrong at any moment - and the reasons why you ought to be so anxious and apprehensive? What do you mean yes? The appropriate answer to that question is no! It is almost as if a part of you is now stealing itself for disaster. I hate to disappoint your desire for disappointment(!) but I must insist that your outlook is excellent. Soon, like it or not, you will simply have to start smiling. To hear more about why call...
おはようございます。毎日楽しみにしています。 蟹のデイリー、よく意味がわかりません。 お願い致します! You do not have to keep propping it up every time it falls over. Nor do you have to keep throwing good money after bad. The trouble with you is that you are sentimental. You form emotional attachments to people and things - even when they are no longer any good for you. Or when they clearly are doing nothing to reciprocate the faith and energy you are putting into them. You hate to say goodbye but a wonderful road is now opening up before you. You can only go down it with people and things that are truly right for you.
As we move towards the annual new Moon in your opposite sign, we find you feeling apprehensive about the nature of a close relationship. The problem may not lie in your love life - or in your career but somewhere in your world there is someone who does not understand you. You, in turn, cannot understand why they cannot understand! This lack of understanding makes you feel as if you are standing under a dark cloud. Happily, the Sun will soon shine - or rather, the Moon will soon grow new. It amounts to much the same thing as far as you are concerned. To hear more about why call...
"How on earth have you managed to find time to read this forecast? You have far too much to do. Don't you know how many people are waiting for you? Don't you know how much can go wrong if you do not attend to it immediately? Stop reading immediately. Start worrying at once. Become more anxious and please, hurry up!" Mars is now forming a sharp link to your ruler. Messages like this will bombard you all day long. You really ought to relax and ignore them. To hear more about the pressure you are under - and the best way to avoid it call...
Every time we cross the street we put our lives at risk. We all know this and we all take care on the road. But we do not allow the idea to terrify us or we would never be able to leave the home. We toughen ourselves up against daily threats to our well-being and then place undue emphasis on occasional ones. We develop a fear of flying or of travelling by sea - even though the dangers here are far smaller. Do you now have a disproportionate concern? A small problem is being posed by a particular situation but it is nothing that you cannot solve. To hear more about why call...
Imagine that you have a piece of string in front of you. Never mind how long it is. We don't want to get caught up in that question! It is long enough to have become tangled and knotted. Your challenge at the moment is to straighten it out. This is no easy task. It requires patience and dedication. There are some processes that you simply cannot hurry, and this is one of them. Resist all temptation to get out the scissors and do not allow a sense of urgency to unnerve you. You have more time than you think. To hear more about the best way to reach your goal call...
Let us suppose that you require a new sofa. Your old one is desperately uncomfortable. You have to carefully arrange the cushions in order to sit down for just a few moments. Should you keep the current piece of furniture until you have a replacement - or should you throw it out? That, more or less makes a metaphor for your current dilemma. You may be far better off with nothing to sit on that with the wrong sort of seat. The latter will encourage you to put up with a poor situationfor longer than you should. To hear more about why it is now wise to make a space call..
As Mars now moves towards a right-angle with Uranus, liberation becomes the main motif in your astrological outlook. But are you ready to be liberated? Or, has the town of your heart been under the occupying force of frustration for so long now, that it has lost the will to break free? Are you hankering after a quiet life instead of yearning for a bold adventure? Do not resist or resent the changes that are starting to take place around you. These are precious gifts from a kind cosmos, even if some seem slightly sharp.
Every time we cross the street we put our lives at risk. We all know this and we all take care on the road. But we do not allow the idea to terrify us or we would never be able to leave the home. We toughen ourselves up against daily threats to our well-being and then place undue emphasis on occasional ones. We develop a fear of flying or of travelling by sea - even though the dangers here are far smaller. Do you now have a disproportionate concern? A small problem is being posed by a particular situation but it is nothing that you cannot solve.
If you can't make it, fake it. "Put on a happy face." "Paint the clouds with sunshine." "Smile, even though your heart is breaking." But actually it is not breaking - it is merely bending a little. When it has finished stretching it will be bigger than it was to begin with and you will be glad of the excess capacity. Pretend today to be pleased with everything you can see around you. With a little luck you will fool yourself so convincingly that you will forget all about whatever was bugging you. For several more reasons to be cheerful while Mercury is aligning with Neptune call...
You are now having to wrestle with a difficult decision. Not only does it seem as if you cannot have your cake and eat it - you cannot even see where you are going to get a cake from. You may be able to afford the flour but you do not seem to have enough money to pay for the eggs and the butter. Even if your financial resources are in reasonably good shape your emotional resources are under strain. You feel stretched and stressed out - someone is asking you for more than you can spare. There will soon be much more comfort and much less conflict. To hear more about why, call...
As we move towards the annual new Moon in your opposite sign, we find you feeling apprehensive about the nature of a close relationship. The problem may not lie in your love life - or in your career but somewhere in your world there is someone who does not understand you. You, in turn, cannot understand why they cannot understand! This lack of understanding makes you feel as if you are standing under a dark cloud. Happily, the Sun will soon shine - or rather, the Moon will soon grow new. It amounts to much the same thing as far as you are concerned. To hear more about why call...
When you face a big problem, there is always an easy way to solve it. Just break it down into a series of smaller problems. Something is confusing you now. You feel intimidated by a situation that keeps becoming more complicated the more you think about it. Reduce it to a set of component parts and stop worrying about what it all means - or may come to mean one day. What is now causing you to become far more anxious than you need to be? It is just a daunting emotional fear. Ignore it.
Now you have something to think about. You are being granted a rare insider's view of a situation that before now you have only ever seen from the outside. This explains a lot. You are changing your opinion about someone as a result. You can also see why a certain plan will not work but why another, less obvious, approach will. Now, all you have to do is explain all this to someone else. This may not prove to be as easy as you would expect it to be. But try to be patient and choose your words carefully.
Someone, somewhere is in love with you. No, really, it's true! You are admired, appreciated and held in deep affection. If you are not so sure of this, today's events will convince you. A great effort is being made on your behalf. Obstacles are being moved and requests are being made to those in a position of power. The object of the exercise is for you to get what you want or at least some of it. This should be a surprisingly rewarding day. If you want to make it even sweeter, do something special in return.
Don't get hot under the collar. Take your collar off. Indeed, remove as many impediments to ease of movement as you can. Not only will this make you feel less awkward, it will allow you to dissipate your inner heat more quickly. Make yourself as emotionally naked. Allow your deepest fears and feelings to be exposed. The more you try to cover things up, the crosser you will become and the higher your inner thermometer will rise. Try to send the cooling air of candour through the engine room of self deception.
山羊さんも知っておきたい。 Hollywood has a lot to answer for. In the course of a two hour movie it will cram an entire life story - or tell the tale of an event that took place over many years. At an early age we watch such films and they make an impression on us. In our own unreasonable imaginations, we develop an expectation. We start to think that the story of our lives ought to progress at the same pace as a biopic. We grow disappointed when things take longer. What you need to happen is happening: slowly. Give it more time - and meanwhile, relax.
本日の乙女座の翻訳を何卒宜しくお願い致します。。 As human beings, we are all blessed with highly developed discrimination. We can distinguish the difference between two seemingly identical items and tell instantly which has more value than the other. You are a Virgo. Stability comes even more easily to you than it does to the rest of us. Why then, do you or I - or any of us, make the wrong decisions? Because, our aptitude for insight is outstripped by only one thing; our capacity to complain. As soon as we find fault we lose objectivity. Hold on to yours today.
毎度です。。。おひつじぃ〜デイリー10日、お願いします。。。 今日は、勝負になりそうです。。。 All change! From today onwards things can be different. It is rather as if you have been trying to operate a machine without an instruction book. You have done reasonably well. You have managed to start it and stop it. But you have not been able to make it as efficient or as smooth running as you suspect it ought to be. Suddenly, here comes a valuable insight. Maybe you still don't have a complete manual but you now understand something new. That means you have power where before you only had a sense of bewilderment.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it. And if it is? Then think carefully before you make a repair. What caused it to break in the first place? Once everything has been put back together again, will it be subject to the same stresses and strains? What will be the cost? Might it not make more sense to start afresh with a replacement? To what extent are you letting false sentimentality cloud your judgement? Two hands are waving at you now. One is the past saying farewell. The other is the future - beckoning. Follow the right hand!
おはようございます、どなたか獅子座のデイリーの翻訳もお願い致します。 Nature abhors a vacuum - but human nature abhors an overly full container. Whenever, for example, we see a sign saying "No Vacancies" we turn away. We none of us want to fill up a space that belongs to someone else - or to take up a seat that is spoken for. Might you have been giving out the wrong sort of signal in your life at the moment? Your actions suggest that a pressing need is being met - but if you really want something new to enter your world you must be more open about what it is that you lack.
Open your mouth. Let the words come out. You can think about what you need to say from now to the end of eternity. But you still won't manage to write the perfect speech and, even if you do rehearse a carefully scripted soliloquy, you will discover that it sounds different when you say it to the way that it did when you played it out in your imagination. Just be spontaneous. Be honest and be clear. Do you fear that someone will not like what you want to say? Ultimately, they will like it even less if you stay silent.
Why do some people argue so much? Why, when life is so short, do they bicker and squabble? Why, when we are all clearly equal in the eyes of our creator, do we try so hard to score points off one another? These are good questions. If you happen to know the answers, send them in - and I'll explain to you why you are wrong! Then you and I can argue and, in the process, lose all objectivity. Conflict is like quicksand. It seems safe enough but it soon sucks us in. Don't start what you can't finish today.
You have what you need. Perhaps though, you do not have what you want. This is nothing to worry about. You do not need what you want. If only you could understand this, you could start wanting what you need. Then you would realise that you want for nothing! Be glad of what you have not got. Its absence is saving you from a great deal of hassle. If it looks today, as if life intends to deliver what you have been hoping for in your heart for so long, think twice before you agree to accept it. You may be better off without it.
If you have paperwork to attend to, deal with it now. Blow the dust off that pile marked, "things I must get around to dealing with urgently. " Sweep the cobwebs away from the draw labelled, "too complicated to think about right at the moment. " On a bad day, facts, figures and fiddly little details can give you a headache. But on a good day, you can sort them out in seconds flat. This is a good day. Make phone calls. Write letters.Negotiate contracts. Fill out forms. Read instruction manuals! Make the most of it.
Some communication problems come from lack of awareness. People donケt think hard enough about what to say. Others stem from exhaustion. When someone is busy dealing with an urgent problem they may omit to explain something vital to a would-be helper. Or they may be too tired to tell someone else why they are so busy - which inadvertently makes them seem a little rude. Try now, to make an allowance for the erratic behaviour of a colleague or companion. And if you are not sure whether you are expressing yourself clearly, make an extra effort to be emphatic.
�Which three little words in the English language are the most more dangerous and devastating? I'll give you a clue. The worst two-word combination involves "only" and "if". This way round, they are only a little problematic but when you swap the order, you get "if only..." and we all know how pointless that type of thinking can be. The three word equivalent is "might have been". As in, "might have been different". No more wistful thinking today please. Deal with the reality. Bravely. Decisively. Because the reality is actually better than you think.
11日山羊座デイリー What is the best thing to do? Why that so easy. It is the right thing to do. The right thing is the best thing. The best thing is the right thing. The wrong thing is the worst thing. The thing that is not as good as it could be, is not as right as it should be. And vice versa. For the avoidance of doubt, as they say in legal circles, you now face a choice. You can do something that is expedient but not entirely morally defensible or you can do something that is awkward but which is ethically impeccable. Now read this forecast again and decide which I recommend.
おはようございます、蠍座のデイリーの訳お願いします。 There are some things in life that we have to do alone. Some tasks that others cannot share with us or help us with. No matter how close we may be to a companion - or how deep our relationship is with someone else may go - we are all, ultimately, alone. For some of the time at least. In our most private moments, we get to look into the mirror of our own soul and meet the person that we truly are. Right now, you are finding something important about yourself. And you are about to discover that you are a nicer (and luckier) character than you thought!
おはようございます。 獅子座ですが、翻訳よろしくお願い致します。 Today, instead of a forecast, I am tempted give a list of instructions. After all, I know how much you enjoy being told what to do. And you had better get used to following orders. Right now, it is rather as if you are being frogmarched along the road of life by an armed guard of oppression. Well, maybe thatケs going a bit too far. But then, just you try deviating from the course that you are being led along! Donケt test the tolerance of your captor. Just do what it is clear that you have to do and bide your time. Your chance to escape will come eventually.
Is it closing time? Are we shutting down? Finishing off? Winding up? Is it the end of an era? The last act of an old play? The final reel of a long movie? Are we heading for pastures new? Are we setting sail to fresh horizons? Is the future now beckoning to us from a far? Is it time to begin again? Well, what do you think? Perhaps you are not yet completely sick and tired of a situation that has long since run its course. Perhaps you still fancy eating that food which has past it's sell-by date. But I would strongly advise that you put it behind you and move on.
Would you like to know whatケs going to happen during the rest of your day? Well, first you are going to finish reading this forecast and then... Hey, are you sure that you would not rather let it come as a surprise to you? Do you really want every detail blow by blow? What if other people are reading this? Do you want them to know exactly what you are likely to be up to? I think not. I think your privacy is important to you now. I think you also need to leave a little room in your plan for spontaneity. You may yet be surprised by how well things turn out.
The Moon is now passing through your zodiac sign. The Sun is already there. Mercury is also in Aries. Tomorrow¹s new Moon will be particularly potent. It will bring you the chance to stride out in a new direction and go far away from an aspect of the past that you have outgrown. If you currently feel tense or apprehensive, don¹t worry. Likewise, if it seems as if something is falling apart. Before anything new can begin, something old must end. You are in the process of moving on. Moving forward. Moving ahead. Look in the direction of travel now if you want to enjoy the ride.
As we approach the annual New Moon in your opposite sign, we find you wrestling with a difficult decision. Again. Sometimes, I feel tempted just to program this statement into my word processor and just hit the ウrepeatイ key when it is time for the Libra forecast. Nine days out of ten I can say that you are wrestling with a difficult decision - and be correct! This particular difficult decision involves ウwhat to say to a certain person.イ Actually it is not difficult at all and the decision has already been made. Now, just say what must be said.
11日の乙女座デイリーの翻訳をお願いいたします。 You are kind, caring and compassionate. Wise, witty and wonderful. Stylish, charming and graceful. Sensitive, talented and tasteful. And you are absolutely not, ever a miserable, moody, moaner. Oh dear me no. That¹s someone else. Not you. And anyway, if you ever are a bit awkward - it is only ever because someone else has driven you to it. Your natural state is that high, happy condition we began by discussing. Isn¹t it? Of course it is. Well then, stop being drawn into a tedious debate today. And don¹t let something silly - and ultimately stupid - drag you down.