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Title マジ顔写真付き 女の子は【全員顔写真付き】のメル友サイトが遂に登場したよ! 現在の写真登録点数3,494人。恋人/メル募集の女の子ばかり♪ http://www.merutomo-club.co.jp/m/ ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 女の子は専属スタッフが街でスカウト方式で登録。だからごまかしは一切ありません。 かなり、可愛い子ばかりだって!全国のゲーセンでも写真付きプロフィールカード同時絶賛発売中!
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Hi people,
Today we post the first *real* review of Pioneer DVR-A03. This is the first super CD/CD-R/RW/DVD-R/RW/DVD-ROM combo with an affordable price for end users. How it performs?
"...As it currently stands, the Pioneer DVR-A03 is the only recorder that supports both CD and DVD formats. The increased 2x writing DVD speed is a welcomed improvement over the previous Pioneer DVD-R recorders and the addition of DVD-RW format makes it unique. Dont forget the 8x writing and 4x re-writing speed of the drive. So is this the DVD-R recorder we have been dreaming off? Yes and no..."
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bordercolordark="#0000FF"> COPY ANY DVD MOVIE!! With our revolutionary software you can copy virtually any DVD Movie using your existing equiptment! Conventional DVD copying equiptment can cost thousands of $$$ Our revolutionary software cost less than the price of 2 DVD Movies! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO You have recieved this email because you enrolled in our free newsletter to recieve great offers from our partners. We keep a recored of all newsletter registrants and can provide proof of your enrollment. If you wish to be removed simply send Click Here
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COPY ANY DVD MOVIE!! With our revolutionary software you can copy virtually any DVD Movie using your existing equipment! Conventional DVD copying equipment can cost thousands of $$$ Our revolutionary software cost less than the price of 2 DVD Movies! CLICK HERE FOR MORE IN You have recieved this email because you enrolled in our free newsletter to recieve great offers from our partners. We keep a recored of all newsletter registrants and can provide proof of your enrollment. If you wish to be removed simply send Click Here
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182 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:22
Under Bill s.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th US Congress this letter cannot be considered spam as long as the sender includes contact information and a method of removal. Removal info is at the end of the mail. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Save or print for future use. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
AS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV: This is the media report (a true story).
Does this headline look familiar? Of course it does. You most likely have just seen this story recently featured on a major nightly news program (USA) and reported elsewhere in the world (including my neck of the woods - New Zealand). It could have happened anywhere - SINGAPORE, GERMANY, ENGLAND, MALAYSIA, SAUDI ARABIA, JAPAN, CANADA, AUSTRALIA. anywhere.
His mother was cleaning and putting laundry away when she came across a large brown paper bag that was suspiciously buried beneath some clothes and a skateboard in the back of her 15-year-old sons closet. Nothing could have prepared her for the shock she got when she opened the bag and found it was full of cash. Five-dollar bills, twenties, fifties and hundreds - all neatly rubber-banded in labelled piles.
"My first thought was that he had robbed a bank", says the 41-year-old woman, "There was over $71,000 dollars in that bag -- that's more than my husband earns in a year".
The woman immediately called her husband at the car-dealership where he worked to tell him what she had discovered. He came home right away and they drove together to the boys school and picked him up. Little did they suspect that where the money came from was more shocking than actually finding it in the closet.
As it turns out, the boy had been sending out, via E-mail, a type of "Report" to E-mail addresses that he obtained off the Internet. Everyday after school for the past 2 months, he had been doing this right on his computer in his bedroom.
"I just got the E-mail one day and I figured what the heck, I put my name on it like the instructions said and I started sending it out", says the clever 15-year-old.
183 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:23
The E-mail letter listed 5 addresses and contained instructions to send one $5 dollar bill to each person on the list, then delete the address at the bottom ( #5) and move the others addresses Down , and finally to add your name to the top of the list.
The letter goes on to state that you would receive several thousand dollars in five-dollar bills within 2 weeks if you sent out the letter with your name at the top of the 5-address list. "I get junk E-mail all the time, and really did not think it was going to work", the boy continues.
Within the first few days of sending out the E-mail, the Post Office Box that his parents had gotten him for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up with not magazines, but envelopes containing $5 bills.
"About a week later I rode [my bike] down to the post office and my box had 1 magazine and about 300 envelopes stuffed in it. There was also a yellow slip that said I had to go up to the [post office] counter.
184 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:23
I thought I was in trouble or something (laughs)". He goes on, "I went up to the counter and they had a whole box of more mail for me. I had to ride back home and empty out my backpack because I could not carry it all".
Over the next few weeks, the boy continued sending out the E-mail. "The Money just kept coming in and I just kept sorting it and stashing it in the closet, barely had time for my homework". He had also been riding his bike to several of the banks in his area and exchanging the $5 bills for twenties, fifties and hundreds.
"I didn't want the banks to get suspicious so I kept riding to different banks with like five thousand at a time in my backpack. I would usually tell the lady at the bank counter that my dad had sent me in to exchange the money] and he was outside waiting for me .One time the lady gave me a really strange look and told me that she would not be able to do it for me and my dad would have to come in and do it, but I just rode to the next bank down the street (laughs)."
Surprisingly, the boy did not have any reason to be afraid. The reporting news team examined and investigated the so-called "chain-letter" the boy was sending out and found that it was not a chain-letter at all. In fact, it was completely legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and 1341, or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of federal regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state a product or service must be exchanged for money received.
185 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:23
Every five-dollar bill that he received contained a little note that read, "Please send me report number XYX". This simple note made the letter legal because he was exchanging a service (A Report on how-to) for a five-dollar fee.
[This is the end of the media release. If you would like to understand how the system works and get your $71,000 - please continue reading. What appears below is what the 15 year old was sending out on the net - YOU CAN USE IT TOO - just follow the simple instructions].
Dear Friend: "Making over half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from your home for an investment of only $25 U.S. Dollars expense one time"
THANKS TO THE COMPUTER AGE AND THE INTERNET! =============================================== BE A MILLIONAIRE LIKE OTHERS WITHIN A YEAR !! Before you say "Bull", please read the following. This is the letter you have been hearing about on the news lately. Due to the popularity of this letter on the internet, a national weekly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below, to see if it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are "absolutely no laws prohibiting the participation in the program and if people can follow the simple instructions, they are bound to make some mega bucks with only $25 out of pocket cost".
186 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:23
This is what one had to say:
"Thanks to this profitable opportunity. I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I am so glad I finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received total $ 610,470.00 in 21 weeks, with money still coming in". Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey. -------------------------------------------------------- Here is another testimonial: "This program has been around for a long time but I never believed in it. But one day when I received this again in the mail I decided to gamble my $25 on it. I followed the simple instructions and walaa ..... 3 weeks later the money started to come in. First month I only made $240.00 but the next 2 months after that I made a total of $290,000.00. So far, in the past 8 months by re-entering the program, I have made over $710,000.00 and I am playing it again. The key to success in this program is to follow the simple steps and NOT change anything ."
More testimonials later, but first:
187 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:24
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ If you would like to make at least $500,000 every 4 to 5 months easily and comfortably, please read the following...THEN READ IT AGAIN and AGAIN !!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
INSTRUCTIONS: **** Order all 5 reports shown on the list below. **** For each report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT YOU ARE ORDERING and YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS to the person whose name appears ON THAT LIST next to the report. MAKE SURE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS IS ON YOUR ENVELOPE TOP LEFT CORNER in case of any mail problems.
**** When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports. You will need all 5 reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 5 = $25.00.
**** Within a few days you will receive, via e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 different individuals. Save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of people who will order them from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case something happens to your computer.
****.IMPORTANT - DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report, or their sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed below in steps 1 through 6 or you will loose out on the majority of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also see how it does not work if you change it.
Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter it, it will NOT work!!! People have tried to put their friends/relatives names on all five thinking they could get all the money. But it does not work this way. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened.
So Do Not try to change anything other than what is instructed. Because if you do, it will not work for you. Remember, honesty reaps the reward!!!
188 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:25
1.. After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE the name & address of the person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their fortune.
2.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT # 5. 3.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT # 4. 4.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT # 3. 5.... Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT # 2 6.... Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position. PLEASE MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY! =========================================================
Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your computer. DO NOT MAKE ANY OTHER CHANGES. Save this on a disk as well just in case if you loose any data.
189 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:25
To assist you with marketing your business on the internet, the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e-mails legally, where to find thousands of free classified ads and much more.
There are 2 Primary methods to get this venture going:
METHOD # 1: BY SENDING BULK E-MAIL LEGALLY ============================================ Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we will assume you and those involved send out only 5,000 e-mails each. Let's also assume that the mailing receives only a 0.2% response (the response could be much better but let's just say it is only 0.2%. Also many people will send out hundreds of thousands of e-mails instead of only 5,000 each).
Continuing with this example, you send out only 5,000 e-mails. With a 0.2% response, that is only 10 orders for report # 1. Those 10 people responded by sending out 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 50,000. Out of those 50,000 e-mails only 0.2% responded with orders. That's = 100 people responded and ordered Report # 2. Those 100 people mail out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 500,000 e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 1000 orders for Report # 3. Those 1000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 5 million e-mails sent out. The 0.2% response to that is 10,000 orders for Report # 4. Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mails each for a total of 50,000,000 (50 million) e-mails. The 0.2% response to that is 100,000 orders for Report # 5.
190 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:25
THAT'S 100,000 ORDERS TIMES $5 EACH = $500,000.00 (half million).
Your total income in this example is: 1..... $50 + 2..... $500 + 3..... $5,000 + 4..... $50,000 + 5..... $500,000 ......... Grand Total = $555,550.00
NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. GET A PENCIL & PAPER AND FIGURE OUT THE WORST POSSIBLE RESPONSES AND NO MATTER HOW YOU CALCULATE IT, YOU WILL STILL MAKE A LOT OF MONEY ! -------------------------------------------------------- REMEMBER FRIEND, THIS IS ASSUMING ONLY 10 PEOPLE ORDERING OUT OF 5,000 YOU MAILED TO. Dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone, or half, or even one 4th of those people mailed 100,000 e-mails each, or more? There are over 250 million people on the internet worldwide, and counting. Believe me, many people will do just that, and more!
METHOD # 2: BY PLACING FREE ADS ON THE INTERNET =================================================== Advertising on the net is very, very inexpensive and there are hundreds of FREE places to advertise. Placing a lot of free ads on the internet will easily get a larger response. We strongly suggest you start with Method # 1 and add METHOD # 2 as you go along.
For every $5 you receive, all you must do is e-mail them the Report they ordered. That's it. Always provide same day service on all orders. This will guarantee that the e-mail they send out, with your name and address on it, will be prompt because they can not advertise until they receive the report.
191 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:29
Notes: Always send $5 cash (U.S. CURRENCY) for each Report. Checks NOT accepted. Make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least 2 sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper, write the NUMBER & the NAME of the Report you are ordering, and very clearly, YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS and your name and postal address.
REPORT#1 "The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk E-mail on the Internet" ORDER REPORT#1 FROM:
K. Gordon 907 West 4th Street Fordyce, AR 71742 USA
REPORT#2 "The Insider's Guide to Advertising for Free on the Internet" ORDER REPORT#2 FROM:
Rich Newman 767 Beaupre Ave. Oshawa, On. L1J 1E4 Canada
REPORT#3 "The Secrets to Multilevel Marketing on the Internet" ORDER REPORT#3 FROM:
IIS North LTD Po.Bx.293 Appleton Wi. 54912-0293
REPORT#4 " How to become a Millionaire utilizing the Power of Multi Level Marketing and the Internet" ORDER REPORT#4 FROM:
192 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:30
G. Wang #04-177, BLK. 23B, Queen's Close, S(141023), Singapore
REPORT#5 "How to Send 1,000,000 e-mails for FREE" ORDER REPORT#5 FROM:
Dusty P.O. Box 60204 Palm Bay, FL 32906-0204 USA
There are currently more than 250,000,000 people online worldwide!
$$$$$$$$$ YOUR SUCCESS GUIDELINES $$$$$$$$$$$ Follow these guidelines to guarantee your success:
If you do not receive at least 10 orders for Report #1 within 2 weeks, continue sending e-mails until you do.
After you have received 10 orders, 2 to 3 weeks after that you should receive 100 orders or more for REPORT # 2. If you did not, continue advertising or sending e-mails until you do.
Once you have received 100 or more orders for Report # 2, YOU CAN RELAX, because the system is already working for you , and the cash will continue to roll in !
193 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:30
THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Every time your name is moved down on the list, you are placed in front of a different report. You can KEEP TRACK of your PROGRESS by watching which report people are ordering from you. IF YOU WANT TO GENERATE MORE INCOME SEND ANOTHER BATCH OF E-MAILS AND START THE WHOLE PROCESS AGAIN. There is NO LIMIT to the income you can generate from this business !!! ____________________________________________________
FOLLOWING IS A NOTE FROM THE ORIGINATOR OF THIS PROGRAM: You have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life, with NO RISK and JUST A LITTLE BIT OF EFFORT. You can make more money in the next few weeks and months than you have ever imagined. Follow the program EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED. Do Not change it in any way. It works exceedingly well as it is now. Remember to e-mail a copy of this exciting report after you have put your name and address in Report #1 and moved others to #2...........# 5 as instructed above. One of the people you send this to may send out 100,000 or more e-mails and your name will be on every one of them. Remember though, the more you send out, the more potential customers you will reach.
So my friend, I have given you the ideas, information, materials and opportunity to become financially independent. IT IS UP TO YOU NOW !
194 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:30
************** MORE TESTIMONIALS ****************
"My name is Mitchell. My wife, Jody and I live in Chicago. I am an accountant with a major U.S. Corporation and I make pretty good money. When I received this program I grumbled to Jody about receiving ''junk mail''. I made fun of the whole thing, spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved. I ''knew'' it wouldn't work. Jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and few days later she jumped in with both feet. I made merciless fun of her, and was ready to lay the old ''I told you so'' on her when the thing didn't work. Well, the laugh was on me! Within 3 weeks she had received 50 responses. Within the next 45 days she had received a total of $ 147,200.00 all cash! I was shocked. I have joined Jody in her ''hobby''." Mitchell Wolf, Chicago, Illinois -------------------------------------------------------- "Not being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan. But conservative that I am, I decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that I wouldn't get enough orders to at least get my money back. I was surprised when I found my medium size post office box crammed with orders. I made $319,210.00 in the first 12 weeks. The nice thing about this deal is that it does not matter where people live. There simply isn't a better investment with a faster return and so big." Dan Sondstrom, Alberta, Canada
195 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:30
-------------------------------------------------------- "I had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered if I should have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed again by someone else.........11 months passed then it luckily came again...... I did not delete this one! I made more than $490,000 on my first try and all the money came within 22 weeks". Susan De Suza, New York, N.Y. ---------------------------------------------------- "It really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money with little cost to you. I followed the simple instructions carefully and within 10 days the money started to come in. My first month I made $ 20,560.00 and by the end of third month my total cash count was $362,840.00. Life is beautiful, Thanx to internet". Fred Dellaca, Westport,New Zealand ------------------------------------------------------- ORDER YOUR REPORTS TODAY AND GET STARTED ON YOUR ROAD TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM !
196 :PARENTS OF 15-YR-OLD FIND $71,000 HIDDEN IN HIS CLOSET:01/12/25 15:31
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こんにちわ! いつもInterFMをお聞き頂きありがとうございます! 金曜25時からの「GRIND HOUSE FM」からのお知らせです。 今週のGRIND HOUSE FMはプレゼント大放出大会! SUM 41やINCUBUSの秘話も飛び出すか?! ぜひお聞きのがしなく! GRIND HOUSE FM」毎週金曜25時 DJ:有島博志(LINKIN PARKが表紙の雑誌「GRIND HOUSE」主宰) [email protected]
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We have posted the announcement of Primera Technology's new CD/DVD duplicator called "ComposerMAX". This is the first high-volume machine from Primera. It automatically copies and prints up to 400 discs at a time using 32x Sanyo CD-R drives or the Pioneer DVR-A03 DVD-R/CD-R recorders. Primera's proposal comes in a very affordable price and has considerable more capacity than most other duplicators.
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Domain names in the .com, .net, and .org domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net for detailed information.
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The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .ORG, .EDU domains and Registrars.
Domain names in the .com, .net, and .org domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net for detailed information.
Domain Name: P-MONI-NET.COM Registrar: GLOBAL MEDIA ONLINE, INC Whois Server: whois.discount-domain.com Referral URL: http://www.discount-domain.com Name Server: NS777.PARAPARA.TO Name Server: NS090.E-IIJAN.COM Updated Date: 03-dec-2001
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The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .ORG, .EDU domains and Registrars.
Domain names in the .com, .net, and .org domains can now be registered with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net for detailed information.
Domain Name: 2CH.NET Registrar: NETWORK SOLUTIONS, INC. Whois Server: whois.networksolutions.com Referral URL: http://www.networksolutions.com Name Server: NS1.HE.NET Name Server: NS2.HE.NET Name Server: NS3.HE.NET Updated Date: 05-nov-2001
>>> Last update of whois database: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 05:23:07 EST <<<
The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .ORG, .EDU domains and Registrars.
From:"Legal Council"< [email protected] > To: [email protected][email protected][email protected] Subject:re:Hire a Reputable Law Firm Inexpensively Date** Received:from [] by ** with ESMTP id ** Received: from qvp0079 ([]) by email.qves.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2966) From [email protected] Message-ID:< [email protected] > X-Mailer: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2462.0000 Return-Path: [email protected]
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This email is not sent unsolicited. This is an Opt-In Network mailing! This message is sent to subscribers ONLY. The e-mail subscription address is: [email protected] To unsubscribe please click here. or Send an email with the word 'remove' in the subject line to [email protected] Or you may mail us at: PO BOX 810000 Boca Raton, Fl 33200-00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
From:"Bad Credit Mortgages"< [email protected] > To: Subject:cc: 2 clicks gets you the Lowest Mortgage Rates Date** Received: from [] by ** with ESMTP id ** Received: from qvp0000 ([]) by email.qves.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2960) From [email protected] Message-ID:< [email protected] > X-Mailer: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2460.0000 Return-Path: [email protected]
Get the LOWEST Mortgage Rates with 2 clicks from thousands of lenders. See how much money you can be saving in moments, even if you have damaged credit!
From:"George Washington"< [email protected] > To: Subject:cc: Is George Your Grandpa? Find out on Ancestry.com Date** Received: from email.qves.com ([]) by ** with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.4900) Received: from qvp0000 ([]) by email.qves.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.2910) Message-ID:< [email protected] > X-Mailer: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2462.0000 Return-Path: [email protected]
Record last updated on 06-29-2001 01:14:27 AM Record expires on 06-26-2003 09:08:58 PM Record created on 06-26-2001 Database last updated 06-19-2002 05:06:38 AM
Domain servers in listed order:
This whois service currently only reflects registrations made through PSI-Japan as a registrar in the .com, .net and .org top-level domains. Registrant: Jeyz (PSIDN-29808) 3 Nishimatsuyama-cho God-bldg Toyohashi-shi, Aichi-ken Japan
Record last updated on 06-29-2001 01:14:27 AM Record expires on 06-26-2003 09:08:58 PM Record created on 06-26-2001 Database last updated 06-19-2002 05:06:38 AM
Domain servers in listed order:
This whois service currently only reflects registrations made through PSI-Japan as a registrar in the .com, .net and .org top-level domains.
このホストは ORDB.org に不正中継ホストとして登録されています。 データベースの検索結果: ( Look up this host in non-ORDB RBL's (May take a while to load) ORDB.org への初回登録日時: 2001-11-14 15:43 CET 初回送信ホスト: 最終検査日時: 2002-03-13 09:21 CET 不正中継が確認されたメールのヘッダ情報: Return-Path: Delivered-To: marvin@groundzero.ordb.org Received: from server.techlinebayarea.com (unknown []) by groundzero.ordb.org (Postfix) with ESMTP id D14025B158 for ; Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:21:27 +0100 (CET) Received: from groundzero.ordb.org ([]) by server.techlinebayarea.com with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2653.13) id W32PFYF7; Wed, 13 Mar 2002 00:09:35 -0800 X-ORDB-Envelope-MAIL-FROM: X-ORDB-Envelope-RCPT-TO: From: spamtest@[] To: marvin@ordb.org Subject: ORDB.org check (0.3283845200203360.0644541382) (0) Message-Id: <20020313082127.D14025B158@groundzero.ordb.org> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:21:27 +0100 (CET)
このホストは ORDB.org に不正中継ホストとして登録されています。 データベースの検索結果: ( Look up this host in non-ORDB RBL's (May take a while to load) ORDB.org への初回登録日時: 2001-11-14 15:43 CET 初回送信ホスト: 最終検査日時: 2002-03-13 09:21 CET 不正中継が確認されたメールのヘッダ情報: Return-Path: Delivered-To: marvin@groundzero.ordb.org Received: from server.techlinebayarea.com (unknown []) by groundzero.ordb.org (Postfix) with ESMTP id D14025B158 for ; Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:21:27 +0100 (CET) Received: from groundzero.ordb.org ([]) by server.techlinebayarea.com with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2653.13) id W32PFYF7; Wed, 13 Mar 2002 00:09:35 -0800 X-ORDB-Envelope-MAIL-FROM: X-ORDB-Envelope-RCPT-TO: From: spamtest@[] To: marvin@ordb.org Subject: ORDB.org check (0.3283845200203360.0644541382) (0) Message-Id: <20020313082127.D14025B158@groundzero.ordb.org> Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 09:21:27 +0100 (CET)
Domain Information: [ドメイン情報] a. [ドメイン名] BC-NET.CO.JP e. [そしきめい] かぶしきがいしゃえす・びー・しー f. [組織名] 株式会社エス・ビー・シー g. [Organization] SBC Co.,Ltd. k. [組織種別] 株式会社 l. [Organization Type] Co.,Ltd. m. [登録担当者] KS1727JP n. [技術連絡担当者] KS1727JP p. [ネームサーバ] ns17a.wh.ocn.ne.jp p. [ネームサーバ] ns17b.wh.ocn.ne.jp p. [ネームサーバ] ns17c.wh.ocn.ne.jp y. [通知アドレス] [email protected] [状態] Connected (2002/06/30) [登録年月日] 1998/06/24 [接続年月日] 1998/07/10 [最終更新] 2000/10/31 10:58:42 (JST) [email protected]
Personal Information: [個人情報] a. [JPNICハンドル] KS1727JP b. [氏名] 佐藤浩二 c. [Last, First] Sato, Koji d. [電子メイル] [email protected] f. [組織名] 株式会社エス・ビー・シー g. [Organization] SBC Co.,Ltd. k. [部署] l. [Division] m. [肩書] n. [Title] o. [電話番号] 011-251-1646 p. [FAX番号] 011-251-1649 y. [通知アドレス] [最終更新] 1998/06/24 13:02:02 (JST) [email protected]
Need to Send Money? GET $10.00 TO SIGN UP AND SEND MONEY Sign up with iKobo at www.iKobo.com to send money Use a credit card or a debit card to send money An i-Kard (a reusable debit card) is sent via Courier to the Recipient The recipient goes to any ATM displaying the PLUS symbol to withdraw money. Services are currently offered in the US, Canada, and Trinidad & Tobago. Click Here to be removed from our mailing list mailto: [email protected] ?subject=remove Under Bill s.1500 Title III passed by the 100th U.S. Congress this mail cannot be considered Spam as long as we include contact information and a remove link for removal from our mailing list. To be removed from our mailing list reply with "remove" in the subject heading and your email address in the body. Include complete address and/or domain/ aliases to be removed.
As seen on NBC, CBS, and CNN, and even Oprah! The health discovery that actually reverses aging while burning fat, without dieting or exercise! This proven discovery has even been reported on by the New England Journal of Medicine. Forget aging and dieting forever! And it's Guaranteed! * Reduce body fat and build lean muscle WITHOUT EXERCISE! * Enhace sexual performance * Remove wrinkles and cellulite * Lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol profile * Improve sleep, vision and memory * Restore hair color and growth * Strengthen the immune system * Increase energy and cardiac output * Turn back your body's biological time clock 10-20 years in 6 months of usage !!! FOR FREE INFORMATION AND GET FREE 1 MONTH SUPPLY OF HGH CLICK HERE You are receiving this email as a subscriber to the Opt-In America Mailing List. To remove yourself from all related maillists, just Click Here[email protected]
FoundMoney is here to help you locate and claim your lost CASH. And the amount on that check, OR MORE, literally be YOURS for the claiming. This is not a contest or a promotion. FoundMoney is a search service dedicated to putting UNCLAIMED MONEY together with its rightful owners.
This is not an unsolicited email (please see "You are receiving this..." message above). If you wish to unsubscribe from this list, or feel that you have received this message in error, please click here or reply to this email with "unsubscribe" as the subject line, or copy and paste the link below into your browser address bar. We have your email address listed as .com. This is a recurring mailing.
Don't have perfect credit? Request a Home Equity loan from Ameriquest. There's no cost or obligation. Getting the money you need to pay off high-interest debts and credit cards is just a click away. You don’t need to have perfect credit to qualify. You are receiving this email because you have opted-in to receive email from publisher: winbigstuff1. To unsubscribe, click below: http://u.azogle.com/?z=50-123456-ab0000
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http://www.ordb.org/lookup/?host=hispeedmediaoffers.com このホストは ORDB.org に不正中継ホストとして登録されていません。 データベースの検索結果: hispeedmediaoffers.com ( Look up this host in non-ORDB RBL's (May take a while to load) ホスト hispeedmediaoffers.com は ORDB.org のデータベースに登録されていません。 http://www.ordb.org/lookup/?host=mailer.hispeedmailer.com このホストは ORDB.org に不正中継ホストとして登録されていません。 データベースの検索結果: mailer.hispeedmailer.com ( Look up this host in non-ORDB RBL's (May take a while to load) ホスト mailer.hispeedmailer.com は ORDB.org のデータベースに登録されていません。 http://www.ordb.org/lookup/?host= このホストは ORDB.org に不正中継ホストとして登録されていません。 データベースの検索結果: ( Look up this host in non-ORDB RBL's (May take a while to load) ホスト は ORDB.org のデータベースに登録されていません。
Did you know that your computer AUTOMATICALLY SAVES every PICTURE from every WEBSITE you visit? This function helps your PC access your favorite websites more quickly, but it also allows EXPLICIT adult pictures to be saved to your computer if adult websites have been accidentally or intentionally visited!
FREE, confidential online PC check! Safely detect offensive files in just minutes! http://www.contentwatch.com/audit/index.php?cid=80;5;20 (Note: Scan will not display images--only file names that may indicate the presence of offensive material.) You are receiving this e-mail because you have opted-in to receive special offers from Hi-Speed Media or one of it's marketing partners. If you feel you have received this e-mail in error or do not wish to receive additional special offers, please scroll down to unsubscribe.
Domain Information: [ドメイン情報] a. [ドメイン名] IRN.CO.JP e. [そしきめい] かぶしきがいしゃ あいあーるねっとわーく f. [組織名] 株式会社 アイアールネットワーク g. [Organization] IRNetwork Corporation k. [組織種別] 株式会社 l. [Organization Type] Corporation m. [登録担当者] OS198JP n. [技術連絡担当者] OS198JP p. [ネームサーバ] ns-ka01.huname.ne.jp p. [ネームサーバ] ns-ta01.huname.ne.jp y. [通知アドレス] [email protected] y. [通知アドレス] [email protected] [状態] Connected (2003/03/31) [登録年月日] 2000/03/10 [接続年月日] 2001/02/19 [最終更新] 2002/04/01 00:00:00 (JST) [email protected]
http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph?site=mail.linkgift.com OS, Web Server and Hosting History for mail.linkgift.com OS Server Last changed IP address Netblock Owner Linux Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_ssl/2.8.7 OpenSSL/0.9.6b DAV/1.0.3 PHP/4.1.2 mod_perl/1.26 20-Jul-2002 CPU SOLUTION HOLDING
Return-Path:< [email protected] > Received: from (HELO amuro.net) ( by ** with SMTP; ** Received: from qwerty ( by m10.grp.snv.yahui.com with smtp; ** Received: from [] by smtp-server1.cflrr.com with local; ** Received: from qwerty ( by pet.vosni.net with esmtp; ** Reply-to:"American Apparel"< [email protected] > Message-ID:< @ > From:"American Apparel"< [email protected] > To: [email protected][email protected] [email protected][email protected] [email protected] スパマーのアドレス CC:** Subject:SummerSale!Take $10 Off! QualityT-shirts and panties. Date** MiME-Version:1.0 Content-Type:text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
Summer Sale!Take $10 Off Amazing Product. Progressive Politics. At American Apparel, the only thing more important than making the sexiest, highest-quality T-shirts and panties on earth is the fair and ethical treatment of our more than 500 workers in our downtown Los Angeles facility. With over 50 men's and women's styles to choose from, you won't just look good - you'll also feel good about every purchase when you know they're made in a sweatshop-free environment. Check out the entire American Apparel line today at http://www.americanapparelstore.com and remember to use promotional code S50 for your $10 savings at check out. This is a one-time offer, limited to one discount per customer. Offer expires 8/20/02. http://www.americanapparelstore.com To= [email protected] &Subj=ab123
Don't go further into debt! Are you thinking about borrowing money to consolidate your bills? Are you approaching or already past due on your credit cards? Do you usually only pay monthly minimum on your credit cards? Are your creditors harassing you about late payments? If you have $4000 or more in debt, a trained professional will negotiate with your creditors to: Lower your monthly debt payments End creditor harassment Save thousands of dollars in interest and late charges Start improving your credit rating All credit accepted and home ownership is NOT required. This it not another loan to dig you deeper in to debt! For a Free - No Obligation quote to see how much money we can save you, fill out the easy form below! To receive no further advertisements from our company regarding this subject or any other, please reply to this email with the word 'Remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
STOP PAYING FOR PORN You will be amazed how easy it is!! GETTING FREE XXX PASSWORDS IS EASY, WE'LL SHOW YOU HOW!! CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE PASSWORDS Removal Instructions: You have received this advertisement because you have opted in to receive free adult internet offers and specials through our affiliated websites. If you do not wish to receive further emails or have received the email in error you may opt-out of our database here: Please allow 48hours for removal. This e-mail is sent in compliance with the Information Exchange Promotion and Privacy Protection Act. section 100 marked as 'Advertisement' with valid 'removal' instruction.
From:ThriftyTales< [email protected] > To: [email protected][email protected] [email protected] スパマーのメール Subject:DigitalSatelliteTV Installed in 4 RoomsFREE Date** Received: from thriftytales.com ([]) by ** with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.4905); ** Received: (qmail 12345 invoked from network); ** Received: from qwerty (HELO app99) ( by with SMTP; ** Message-ID:< [email protected] > Return-Path: [email protected]
You have been selected to receive a complete Dish Network Digital Satellite TV System. There is absolutely no equipment to buy. Your total start up cost is only $49.99 ($39.99 activation plus $10 S&H)! use the following link, https://www.skyviewusa.com/order.asp?s=NCI000000 OR CALL 1-800-654-4808 ** This offer is for new Dish Network residential subscribers only. Previous and existing customers are not eligible. Subject to credit approval by Dish Network. Valid major credit card required. Offer limited to residential homes within the continental United States and Hawaii. Not available in Alaska, or Puerto Rico. One-year program subscription to America's Top 100, 150 or Top 200 packages on Digital Home Plan Required. Three free months applies to basic and local channels. ** http://thriftytales.com/c/[email protected]&P=HQ2037_20020718_2013&U=000000000
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You are receiving this email as a subscriber to our mailing list. To remove yourself from this and related email lists click here: UNSUBSCRIBE MY EMAIL Under Bill(s) 1618 TITLE III by the 105 US Congress, per Section 301, Paragraph(a)(2)of S. 1618, a letter cannot be considered Spam if the sender includes contact information and a method of "removal".
Removal Instructions: You have received this advertisement because you have opted in to receive free adult internet offers and specials through our affiliated websites. If you do not wish to receive further emails or have received the email in error you may opt-out of our database here: Please allow 48hours for removal. This e-mail is sent in compliance with the Information Exchange Promotion and Privacy Protection Act. section 100 marked as 'Advertisement' with valid 'removal' instruction.
http://spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip= ヘッダが似ている。 Dear Friend, You can earn $200,000 or more in the next 90 days sending e-mail. Seem impossible? Is there a catch? NO, there is no catch; just send your e-mails and be on your way to financial freedom. Basically, I send out as many of these e-mails as I can, then people send me cash in the mail for information that I just e-mail back to them. Everyday, I make a three minute walk to my mail box knowing that there are at least a few hundred dollars waiting for me. And the best part, IT IS COMPLETELY LEGAL. This message is sent in compliance of the new email Bill HR 1910. Under Bill HR 1910 passed by the 106th US Congress on May 24, 1999, this message cannot be considered Spam as long as we include the way to be removed. Per Section HR 1910, please type, "REMOVE" in the subject line and reply to this email. All removal requests are handled immediately once received. Only used for list removal. Complaints and reports to this server will only cause the account to be terminated and removal options unavailable.
Hello You may have seen this business before and ignored it. I know I did - many times! However, please take a few moments to read this letter. I was amazed when the profit potential of this business finally sunk in... and it works! If you have any questions of the legality of this program, contact the Office of Associate Director for Marketing Practices, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Washington, D.C. This message is sent in compliance of the proposed bill SECTION 301, paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618. * This message is not intended for residents in the State of Washington, Virginia or California, screening of addresses has been done to the best of our technical ability. * This is a one time mailing and this list will never be used again.
I am Mr. Lucas Zizi, Bank Manager of Standard Bank of South Africa. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you.
On June 6, 1999, an American Mining Consultant/Contractor with the South African Mining Corporation, Mr. Ken Power made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve (12) calendar months, valued at US$28,000,000.00 (Twenty-Eight Million Dollars) in my branch. Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers, the South African Mining Corporation that Mr. Ken Power died from an automobile accident. On further investigation, I found out that he died without making a WILL and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless. Awaiting your urgent reply through telephone & fax numbers/e-mail address above.
Return-Path:< [email protected] > Received: from (HELO gmx.net) ( by ** with SMTP; ** Received: from n9.groups.huyahoo.com ([]) by web.mail.halfeye.com with asmtp; ** Received: from unknown ( by mta21.bigpong.com with esmtp; ** Reply-to:"Deals4U"< [email protected] > Message-ID:<> From:"Deals4U"< [email protected] > To: Subject:Free Gift Basket to Relieve Stress Date:**
This is a free notification service. Please do not respond directly to this email. If you do not wish to be informed about our "no obligation" services and products or if you received this in error please Click Here [email protected] to be removed. Please allow 5-10 business days for database request.
Email: [email protected] 1-775-429-2428 Dear Sir, I am Mr. James Adeda. Bank Manager of Diamond Bank of Nigeria, Lagos Branch. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. On June 6, 1997, a FOREIGN Oil consultant/contractor with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Mr. Barry Kelly made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for twelve calendar months, valued at US$25,000,000.00 (Twenty- five Million Dollars) in my branch. Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation that Mr. Barry Kelly died from an automobile accident.
Received: from 200-207-131-21.dsl.telesp.net.br (HELO hotmail.com) ( by ** with SMTP; ** Received: from unknown ( by rly-xw01.otpalo.com with asmtp; ** Reply-to:< [email protected] > Message-ID:< @ > From:< [email protected] > To: [email protected][email protected] スパマーのアドレス Subject: hi 5 Date:** Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.2600
Are you tired of spending a fortune on printer cartridges? Are you tired of making a mess trying to refill your old cartridges? Then here's your answer...... PRINTER CARTRIDGES FOR UP TO 50% OFF STORE PRICES The average person spends over $150 on new cartridges per year..... DON'T BE ONE OF THEM...EMAIL TODAY! Just include your printer or cartridge type, and we will email you back the price, its that simple. THIS WILL SAVE YOU LOTS OF MONEY!! Be sure to ask about our referral discount for passing the savings on to a friend. Click here: [email protected] If we don't save you $$$, you have lost nothing! In addition, just reply with your printer type, and be automatically entered in our monthly $50 gift certificate drawing. We just wanted to save you some money, but to unsubscribe to this mailing email here: [email protected] and just type 'REMOVE' in the subject line.
Received: from (HELO bobos-server) ( by ** with SMTP; ** From: "" <Peter> To: Subject: Very Important! Date:企廃肯厩 妊層獣 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2462.0000 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2462.0000
This message was sent by Express Direct Email Blaster V5.1, you can download it from: http://www.fastbulkemail.com Express Direct Email Blaster is a powerful email marketing tool!! ------------------------------------- Hi pals. I have recently found a program that pays you just for surfing the net. You can earn up to US$0.50 an hour. This is true! I have earned more than US$500+ a month just by surfing the net. You can do the same too. International surfers are welcomed too ! Don't hesitate . Join now! http://www.spedia.net/cgi-bin/tz.cgi?run=show_svc&fl=8&vid=1234567 Regards, peter.
What's in it for you? Answer: We search the Web for the best offers and freebies available. You can use the offers of your choice as you see fit. You'll save money on gifts, household items, music, DVDs, long distance rates, life and health insurance, etc, etc. Of course, this service is no cost to you.
From: [email protected] Reply-To:< [email protected] > To: [email protected][email protected] [email protected][email protected] [email protected] スパマーのアドレス Subject:FREE Jennifer Lopez Sex Video See it Now! Date** Received: from mail219.mayham.net ([]) by ** Message-ID:< [email protected] > X-Mailer: VM 6.92 under 21.4 (patch 3) "Academic Rigor" XEmacs Lucid [email protected] FREE PASS SEE THE NEVER BEFORE SEEN TAPE!! Jennifer Lopez decides to give her new dancer friends a blowjob and gets caught on tape. Her husband (old dancer) uses this tape against her in court to take half her money! We have the blowjob footage used in court! Watch it for free right now before she has it removed from the net! http://www.tnt-hosting.com/pz Click on the link below to go to free adult passes where you will use a free pass to watch these shows. Once you get your pass and go to watch the movie, look to the right of the big speakers and you will see J lo on her knees and her friend leaning against the speakers! Click on the link below for your free pass to watch the J lo blow job video! http://www.tnt-hosting.com/pz
Received: from (HELO webalphome.alphome.co.kr) ( by ** Received: from smtp02.mail.yahoo.com (unverified []) by web_alphome.alphome.co.kr (EMWAC SMTPRS 0.83) with SMTP id < [email protected] >; ** Message-ID:< [email protected] > Date:** From:"Matthewson Lazaro"< [email protected] > To:** Subject: pd1ams,Free 30 day supply of HGH- $99.95 value!
Hello, As seen on NBC, CBS, and CNN, and even Oprah! The health discovery that actually reverses aging while burning fat, without dieting or exercise! This proven discovery has even been reported on by the New England Journal of Medicine. Forget aging and dieting forever! And it's Guaranteed! * Reduce body fat and build lean muscle WITHOUT EXERCISE! * Enhace sexual performance * Remove wrinkles and cellulite * Lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol profile * Improve sleep, vision and memory * Restore hair color and growth * Strengthen the immune system * Increase energy and cardiac output * Turn back your body's biological time clock 10-20 years To remove yourself from all related maillists, just Click Here.[email protected]
インフォスフィア管理人、再検査依頼 管理者がホストの中継設定の再検査を依頼したようです。 データベースからの削除http://www.ordb.org/removal/ http://www.ordb.org/lookup/?host=mxa.sphere.ad.jp このホストは ORDB.org に不正中継ホストとして登録されています。 データベースの検索結果: mxa.sphere.ad.jp ( Look up this host in non-ORDB RBL's (May take a while to load) ORDB.org への初回登録日時: 2002-09-12 08:15 GMT 右記ホストの登録状態: mxa.sphere.ad.jp ( 最終の検査依頼ホスト: 検査待ちリストへの最終登録日時: 2002-09-13 11:50 GMT This submission has been confirmed This host is currently being tested http://whois.nic.ad.jp/cgi-bin/whois_gw?key= [ネットワーク名]NTTPCNET[組織名]株式会社エヌ・テイ・テイ ピー・シーコミュニケーションズ [Organization]NTT PC Communications, Inc.
件名: AUTOSTART Received: from Lvdizej by mail502.nifty.com (8.12.6/3.7W-07/15/02) with SMTP id g91EDbNo001606 from (HELO mail502.nifty.com) by smtp.c000.nrt.cp.net ( with SMTP; 1 Oct 2002 23:14:41 +0900 from Lvdizej by mail502.nifty.com (8.12.6/3.7W-07/15/02) with SMTP id g91EDbNo001606 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Jet2cPnx06njgS Return-Path: <[email protected]> Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Received: 1 Oct 2002 14:14:41 GMT Message-Id: <[email protected]>
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