>>28 Code Monkey-san,Thank you sooo much!! I really appreciate you.(´▽`*)
Please change setting when you have time.
BBS_TITLE=Vegetarian ↓ BBS_TITLE=ベジタリアン@2ch掲示板
BBS_NONAME_NAME=Anonymous ↓ BBS_NONAME_NAME=菜食の名無しさん@転載自由 I wrote something about the name field on the following threads: http://ai.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/psy/1383300872/207 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1397033719/88 There are few vegetarians on 2-channel. Therefore, to attract the interest of as many people as possible in the Vegetarians' BBS, will you please put "No authorization required for reproduction" for at least the first year, if not longer?
It's OK that you made new boards, toho and vegitalian. But 36 sais there are many people waiting for another new boards. Will you make all new boards for them?
194 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/05/28(水) 23:47:06.44 ID:???0 I want to make a couple new boards, but I dont understand these proposals written in Japanese.
If you start making board proposals in English, then that would be easier for me.
【板名】 狩りゲー 【理由】 In Japan, there is a lot of players for this genre of gaming. And these games require appointed places. It's suit for BBS. 【内容】 Monster Hunter, GOD EATER, or anything. 【鯖】 - 【フォルダ】 hunter 【カテゴリ】 ゲーム 【名無し】 - 【ID】 forced-ID
【板名】 2次元アイドル 【理由】 There is the board for funs of 3D idols, but for 2D is not. 【内容】 THE IDOLM@STER, ラブライブ! School idol project or anything. Maybe VOCALOID as an idol (not as an musical instrument). 【鯖】 - 【フォルダ】 2didol 【カテゴリ】 - (漫画・小説等 or ゲーム or something) 【名無し】 - 【ID】 forced-ID
>>70 He asked for all regulations, so I guess he wants all of those to be released. I want to make regulations less strict, but it should be completed slowly.
I have fixed the morningcoffee dat problem. Please tell me if it is working correctly now or not.
Please dont put board proposals on this thread. Send them to the board proposal thread.
>>74 I dont understand this. Liveplus is not on nozomi.
>>75 I am currently strengthening the 2ch backend architecture. After the backend architecture is stronger, then it will be trivial to stop the log copy sites. Please wait until I have finished the new architecture changes.
>>76 Okay~ Consider it done. If any board wants to opt-out of Emoticons, please inform me on this thread. Thanks!
I'm a user of livevenus(not livejupiter). Now in 2ch, when we write many times in the same thread, we are temporarily forbidden to write in the thread (bye-bye monkey(バイバイさるさん)). Because we write repeatedly in the same thread on the characteristic of the livevenus, バイバイさるさん makes us very inconvinienced. I would be grateful if you could ease バイバイさるさん in livevenus.
>>50 The login CGI for dedicated browsers returns ".2ch.net" cookies instead of ".bbspink.com". On the other hand, the login CGI for general browsers returns proper cookies. Please investigate it.
>>91 すまんすまん。お前は不便してないんだな。 じゃあ修正。これでいいよね Because we write repeatedly in the same thread on the characteristic of the livevenus, バイバイさるさん makes us very inconvinienced. ↓ Because we write repeatedly in the same thread on the characteristic of the livevenus, バイバイさるさん makes me very inconvinienced.
>>96 Thank you for your really hard work. Here is further work present for you.
Someone made a game boards list for headlines. (livevenus is a game board I thought too.) If more information (for example, short name) is necessary, please tell us easily. http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1397033719/242
When you have time, please visit here later. Since here is few people for now, so "when you have time" really. Let's talk with Code Monkey-san, Jim-san, Tom Cat-san, Mango Mangue-san in モンハン板 http://hope.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/hunter/1401453430/
>>77 Why don't you send DMCA notice to the hosting provider? The hosting procider will takedown copyrighted materials within 24hrs and they will suspend the hosting as abusing TOS. And you can send DMCA notice to the Google to remove these contents.
Notes: Code Monkey-san does not understand very well the Japanese. Therefore he will try to understand the Japanese by using a translation service. In that case, it becomes the cause of mistranslation and have entered a sentence is most unusual word or sentence or the subject does not exist grammatically.
2ちゃんねる運営がサクラに警告出してやると、 サクラはプロバイダ責任制限法に則らざるを得なくなる。 でもそれじゃ面白くないんで、 いきなりサクラを民事で訴えて裁判所判断もらってクローラーやってるノードの情報開示を請求してやると あっという間に根本解決。 {2-channel operation is gonna put out a warning to the cherry, Sakura be forced suitable for passing to the Provider Liability Limitation Law. But it 's not interesting Nde, If you'll be requested from the information disclosure of the node that is doing crawler and got court determines that the appeal in a civil Sakura suddenly Fundamental solution in no time.}
Plus, Sakura has a bunch of nodes which is crawling to 2ch.net. Thereby Sakura is supposed to know transferred nodes by the above-mentioned nodes.
Of course, Sakura should have to observe Provider Liability Limitation Act when 2ch.net warned to them. That's not funny. But if 2ch.net sues on civil trial and requests to disclosure information of that crawling nodes by a court award, it'll carry out a fundamental resolution in an instant.
>>114 Thank you for your hard work in the nighttime.
I apologize for contacting you late. The problem with ghard board is solved by Jack-san and Jim-san in Saturday.
And I confirmed the name of touhou board is fixed also.
By the way, discussing for game boards headline is developping in make new board thread. (Sorry almost in Japanese...) There are many more game boards than I thought. Would be okay the load on server and you?
>>118 I'm releaved by the response. I see. We discuss about game headlines at daytime, and then I'll submit the latest list for that. There are probably 65+ game (related) boards. Please tell us if you need particular format for the list.
即落 in hunter board works well, immediately. That's great for rather large new board, maybe in default.
Mr. Hi Code Monkey I came here to ask if there is a
In fact, I am very troubled vandalism came to the thread I'm having
I is located in the "plate net watch" thread I'm having
The local rules of the plate ■ exposed personal information requests and vandalism by personal grudge, it is also strictly prohibited vandalism copy and paste. There are rules
This is a state in which copy and paste of the news not related to the net observation has been continued to be written
Is Code Monkey's ask Is it possible to stop the vandalism and are in the thread?
※ I'm sorry if there is rude because it was translated in the translation site
I forgot to write. Could we propose a complecated specification for game boards headline, if we make an idea? Or it will be compatible with bbynews anyway?
>>121 What kind of specification are you thinking about?
I can quickly make it work similar to bbynews. If you want a complicated specification, then it might take much longer to complete the system.
If the complicated specification is really good, then I don't mind building the system to accommodate that. It will probably take much much longer to complete.
I'm thinking about as follows currently. Game category has more types of boards than news category. For example, 1. "ニュース板" The board consists of simple news threads. (gamenews, etc. a few) 2. "総合板" The board consists of general purpose threads for each title. (gameover, etc. so many) 3. "個別板" The board consists of threads for each topic. (ghard, etc. so many) 4. "専用板" The board consists of threads for one particular series of titles. (ff, poke, hunter, touhou)
For 1 and 2, bbynews will work well. But for 3 and 4, we must think out a plan to manage huge number of threads as well. It may be necessary two different algorithms. (Sorry. We're still thinking.)
When we make a thread on "livefoot", it is too many to make a thread. We aren't able to make a thread. Can you change interval to compress threads in "livefoot"?
// outline We re-organized game headline to three groups for ease of use in our mind. (0. NULL) 1. news by news headline 2. game-title by game-title headline 3. misc. headline We can classify all game boards into these three headlines according to the circumstance of the boards. Although the real view of headlines must be like as one headline I think. [news][gamenews] New foo is revealed. [game-title][gameover] The attack method for bar. [misc.][ghard] Let's talk about hoge. Like this. In this way, only a simple mixing algorithm is necessary. (If more complex algorithm will be necessary in future, you will implement it simply according to their headline groups.)
// major problems * Too long [.+][.+] are ugly. Ideally in colored? (but notice 2ch viewer does not support colors)
Drop number: now: 700 <- 750 new: 750 <- 800 即落 Setting: Any thread that has not had a new post reply in 24 hours and has less than 25 total replies will fall.
Hunter board is a state of being on the road to improvement day by day. 即落 system works amazingly. In the generality of cases, when their threads on current board reach to 1000, they move to hunter board. So I guess it will take some weeks.
Also, it seems that Monster Hunter F people like ogame2 a lot. We'd better leave them we think.
I wrote news by news boards are "a few". But in fact, there is a only one board, gamenews. It's only board belonging to group 1 now. URL,board name,abbreviation(optional),group of headlines http://awabi.2ch.net/gamenews/,ゲーム速報,ゲ速,1 So we propose that we add gamenews board to game headline to start. We want to watch how game headline works in our eyes to make an idea.
Of cource, anytime you're free is fine. Please don't overdo it.
>>148 Please wait a few more days. We are finalizing a new system to purchase BE points.
>>146>>151 I cannot finish these requests until early next week because I currently only have 56kbps internet speed. It is very slow and I cannot administer the servers.
If you want, you can ask jim-san to make those changes for SETTINGS on touhou and hunter. He can do it easily.
The new update for BE is complete and ready to go live. However, we will wait until later this week to make it live.
I am still without good internet. I will have good internet in two or three days.
Please excuse my lack of participation in the past few days. I will make the new game headline sometime this week after I have stable internet again.
>>162 I think they are just a data laundering website so they can fulfill their contracts with public companies. After I have stable internet again, I will begin uploading the new 2ch backend architecture.
>>166 Thank you for your support. Don't mention it. I'm looking forward to appear new BE and game headline.
In addition to gamenews people, ghard people made a proposal for game headline directly. It's almost okay to handle same as a gamenews that threads on ghard board having any URL in >>1. Please add ghard to headline initially also, if you like.
Were the messages of be.2ch.net translated automatically? They seem just strange for native Japanese... If you write original messages in English, maybe someone tries to translate them.
Thank you for changing LR of hunter board! And I'm very sorry for kanban URL was dead. I uploaded it again. kanban for hunter board http://i.imgur.com/3XWGklO.jpg
Welcome back, Code Monkey-san! Rejection of that kind of computer parts couldn't be helped. Please take it easy. Thank you for making vote system, also. It works correctly as I tested.
>>182 Yes I have forgotten. Can you guys make a list of things that I have forgotten to do? After there is a list, then I will do them all at the same time.
>>196 Nice job! The game headline seems working correctly. I can view it with either firefox or 2ch viewer (JaneXeno). And links are fully functional as far as I've clicked. I'll watch it for a while, and try to find out how to improve it. Thank you for your hard work.
>>208 Thank you for your reply. There is no need to hurry because you've already built an irrigation canal, so to speak. I am looking forward to seeing new nozomi server. Thank you.
>>210 I’m sorry for the delay in my reply and bad English.
Not yet on algorithm. (Except for "if >>1 has even an URL" in ghard.) In fact, I've watched the game headline a day. It seems working well unexpectedly without any filtering algorhithm. Then I thought the simple bbygame would make 3rd-party's utilities happy by its compatibility.
Therefore, please add boards of all categories to one game headline simply. Then it could be handled appropriately with existing 2ch viewers also. (I wonder what style of URL do viewers can parse correctly. For example, if http://headline.2ch.net/bbygame/?c=1 is OK, we could make variations easily. But I'm not entirely sure.)
BTW, Also I made a board list for anonymous news headline (bbyanews?). When you have time, please check it. Since bbyanews only consists of news boards, it would be simpler than bbygame. They are all the categories familiar to me.
bbynews provides a headline of plus news boards' threads by CAP reporters. On the other hand, bbyanews will provide a headline of non-plus news boards' threads by anonymous or BE reporters. Not a few users of plus boards tend to dislike anonymous news boards' threads. So we can't mix them into one headline. (Maybe the name "anews" is a confusing. I can not think of the right word.)
>>222 Livedoor has a contract with Nishimura, so they will continue to use SC as their cited source. Please complain to Livedoor if you do not like their business practices.
I need to finish the new backend architecture before I can spend more time on measures against spiders. I am working on the new architecture every day. It is a big project and requires more time before it is finished.
>>Code Monkey-san >>224The application place is good to do to the following places of PINK. If it applies at the place, I will judge. I want you to trust me.
This is request about 2ch.net; would you please add "snsplus" board to headline(bbynews)? This new board has many news appropriate for headline but unfortunately too unpopulated!
>>248 > SNSplus should already be on headline. Ill check it now and add it if its not on there already. Thank you! I'm afraid it's not on there yet, since the latest thread dated 6/28 16:53 does not appear.
It is a freeze request and "Be Profile" takedown of "Be Account".
Please remove Be Profile of the "199514802". Please to freeze the Account of the User. This User has a way to expose malicious Be Profile phone number. This is important deleted.
>>248 Good morning, Code Monkey-san, Thanks to you, a noname-name re-vote of hunter board was completed at last in security. Then please apply this setting to hunter board. http://hope.2ch.net/hunter/SETTING.TXT BBS_NONAME_NAME=名も無きハンターHR774
BTW, improved bbynews seems working well. I heared number of posting on snsplus board was increased after added to bbynews. Regards,
>>260 Thank you for your reply. Please pick some color. I coundn't find requesting to specific color from >>256 related posts. And I don't know a lot about plus boards. If colored bbynews seems better, we'll select color for bbygame also. Good night.
It's a report. http://headline.2ch.net/bbynews/ I can view colored bbynews by JaneXeno without error as usual. (JaneXeno cannot show color. But there is no problem.)
Hello,codemonkey san Could you fix thread list at touhou board(http://hope.2ch.net/touhou/)? We are having problems remaining many fallen threads at subject.txt.
I think the yo See also the news live + 06/30 01:12 ONEPIECE I feel yo is seen until about certain red dog yellow monkey blue pheasant to be Ryu ... (T_T) (7) On the other hand apology deficit fall by the news live + 06/30 00:54 Miki Watanabe black reputational damage, cutlass fish carpaccio Kazutami that said they watch like the topic ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (9) Good night news live + 06/30 00:44 you guys (12) News Commentary + 06/30 00:01 (4) Helper News Commentary + 06/29 23:38 Kanda Aikamoto NHK fishing Roque who did? (With image) man from behind (10) There is not news live + 06/29 23:05 Sorry, but we will end the last Sunday of June soon. Amissing. It is a weekday Monday. It rushes in July (18) (With image) 59 yen is Okame natto in the news live + 06/29 22:30 Seiyu (26) Let me say something on the news live + 06/29 22:00 guy (21) The suicide Tokyo University students jumped on the news live + 06/29 [21:27] breaking the tyranny of the University of Tokyo Abe or protest (38) It 's a round bald'm bald' s News Commentary + 06/29 21:19 likely (5) News Commentary + 06/29 20:03 Shuntaro Tanikawa's recital to talk about the universe (9) Found that the Belgian representative DF was first appearance in the news live + 06/29 [19:50] W Cup against Korea had crack fracture in Taekwon-scissors-tackle (35) What sushi rice ball and news live + 06/29 18:47 finger marks with (52) You give me the "Ie-jin was" by when the program title to died a long time ago entertainer news live + 06/29 18:03 I Kansai "Yashikitakajin"? Will usually be a program name change? ww (50) The same conditions as wrestling and rugby and karate and judo and reach weight News and Commentary + 06/29 18:01 stature (19) [Shop] in the same news live + 06/29 17:54 in the "What you also" shopkeeper → 711 "~ ♪ I came also" 90,000 yen convenience store robbery four days ago is now \ 30,000 (17) [On without losing Aso] + live news 06/29 17:29 Shinzo Abe suspects "of course and bullied children attached Glitter name is" "because I'm not a pet" (48) Shinzo Abe suspects live news + 06/29 17:15 [self-immolation] unconstitutional mandatory (60) we can be death sentence in the civil war crime apply! (Criminal law scholar) (45) Is it safe I water free server that you've got on your news live + 06/29 17:14 super? (67) There also do a manhole explosion record heavy rain blackout video image in self-immolation attempt Shibuya news live + 06/29 17:00 Imperial devastated Shinjuku ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (36) Various are occurring in the news live + 06/29 16:48 ■ the streets, but the right to collective self-defense is I will approved by the Cabinet tomorrow w (37) The (101) ... We'll try to rank the news live + 06/29 [16:01] ranking Western artist [Specialty] Jippura Homogifu samadhi News Commentary + 06/29 16:00 (4) The cancer screening ... (11) News Commentary + 06/29 15:36 long-term care insurance I think it is going to buy News Commentary + 06/29 15:29 fridge but this is Aryu of Na seen features like convenient? ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (30) ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ § news live + 06/29 15:25 guerrilla heavy rain has occurred (47) When you have made news live + 06/29 15:20 Seven Jap disabilities taste do not know this coffee taste like a real such Myra Niño is not flocking to 100 yen coffee Warota ... (T_T) (41) News Commentary + 06/29 15:02 you guys hate Olusegun talent TOP10 (65) News Commentary + 06/29 14:49 (18) Sapporo ... "I came also" medium [the 3rd] convenience store robbery I think it is going to buy lunch in the news live + 06/29 14:42 Seven, but what good Niño? ... (T_T) / ~ ~ ~ (25) Apparently there was a self-immolation in the news live + 06/29 14:23 Shinjuku (143)
Maybe they want to say. The liveplus boards has the character of the chat board. So liveplus threads shuld be removed http://headline.2ch.net/bbynews/ .
--- It is easy to understand intuitively that it match the color coding of 2nn. http://www.2nn.jp/ newsplus #000080 mnewsplus #ffa500 news4plus #ff0000 bizplus #008000 news5plus #0000ff scienceplus #808080 femnewsplus #a52a2a moeplus #ffc0cb dqnplus #d1bada
The following six and either may be the all black because of the number of occurrences small amount. wildplus #000000 liveplus #000000 snsplus #000000 news4plusd #000000 editorialplus #000000 owabiplus #000000
New liveanarchy board is in a state of anarchy than anarchy. :-) Maybe a place for nuclear tests?
>>278 It seems better! >>279's plan would enhances it furthurmore.
[bbygame - game headline] We made list of boards v1.0. It includes their color. (3 colors category by category, and a ghard dedicated color) Please add them all to bbygame when you have a time. An enormous number of boards...
>>286 Thank you. In my opinion, liveplus board shoud not be removed from bbynews because liveplus board is plus board without doubt. That board has the personality. But it's my opinion.
Liveplus is only one semi-CAP plus board. And some plus board users dislike threads made by anonymous reporters simply. Therefore, we could exclude anonymous reporters' threads from bbynews to settle the matter. It may make some people happy.
【板名】iPhone/iPad 【理由】Separate into iOS device/app threads and iOS game threads (iOSデバイス/アプリのスレとiOSゲームのスレ分離のため) 【内容】iphone board is occupied by iOS game threads, We need place for iOS device and app. (iPhone板はiOSゲームスレで占められています。iOSデバイス/アプリについて話せる場所が必要です) because game thread people will not move to new board, even if create new game board. (たとえ新しいゲーム板を作ったとしても、ゲームスレの住民は移動しないでしょうから) 【鯖】hello 【フォルダ】 iOS 【カテゴリ】 家電製品 【名無し】 iPhone774G 【ID】 強制
NO It can not corresponding to the title that is provided to both iOS and Android. Also Can not cope even if the title that is not available to any iOS and Android are present. >>290 not solve the problem of filling the board threads were subdivided It Does not satisfy the convenience of the user threads iPhone game.
Plan that corresponds in each case 【板名】スマホゲー(個別) 【理由】 過密の緩和 【内容】 スマートフォン上で動作するゲームタイトルの個別スレ用(retro2などに準拠) for smartphone games. 1 title 1 thread only. 【鯖】 iPhoneと同じ http://hello.2ch.net/iPhone/ 【フォルダ】 gameapp 【カテゴリ】 モバイルゲームカテゴリを新設 【名無し】 白ロムさん 【ID】 強制
>>318 They seem working correctly now. BTW, some livesangyou board's users want to pass through BBx like liveanarchy board. Would that be possible? Also, liveanime users want to it. Thanks always!
ももクロ→スタダアイドル スタダ(Sutada,Stardust) is the name of the talent agency. Momoclo belongs there, too. The reason to want you to change the name is because we want to get more users.
>>321 I agree with you, as far as I saw related threads. If it were necessary, momoclo board people would proposes that again later, I think. Thank you.
Does anyone know the problem about MX実況(http://hope.2ch.net/livemx/)? In spite of the situation very complex, residents were plunged into civil war due to be made ??a place at the simplistic decision. I don't want to see people from contest... Please re-think.
>>323 Thank you for your reply. No, I don't. I'm sorry for bad English. I wrote "BBx" as host/IP regulation or something (Not bby). Since livesangyou board has many smart-phone user, they seem to want to be loosen docomo regulations. Thank you.
>>327 The first place, the reason for the need for new board because fallen the other thread there(MX・tvk・テレ玉・チバ・群馬・とちぎ実況) is too quick pace. MX実況(livemx) is not allowed MX only. But the thread MX・tvk・テレ玉・チバ・群馬・とちぎ実況 (called 統合スレ) is including 関東TV channel(Tokyo,Kanagawa,Saitama,Chiba,Gunma,Tochigi). And there has a very long history of nearly 10years it has reached the 40000. It is not acceptable that most people move to livemx in isolation only MX from 番組ch. You guys should make the board is 番組ch(関東U局), it was not a livemx. People have continued to quarrel with no answer still. I want you to remove the board if you don't change the name. Please...
The local rule is not decided. Please change the name of the board if the topic of idol except Momoclo is possible. ももクロ→スタダアイドル スタダ(Sutada,Stardust) is the name of the talent agency. Momoclo belongs there, too. Idol fans except Momoclo does not want to come by the name of "ももクロ".
>>335 DO NOT be two-fold with new board problems in /iPhone
>• The filled immediately when you established the board how much you do not limit the subdivision thread A problem here and there , " dealing with the subject of unspecified " to " deal comprehensively about a particular event " and (finite ) attrition ( infinite ) thread is mixed Retention number is required indefinitely in original retention plate number that should live in a finite primarily
hi code monkey. is there any standard to config 'force ID display' or not? tech (=program) board is already config to force. but similar board like database, webprog aren't config to force. I hope all of those technical board will be force ID display. thank you :)
CodeMonkey-san Thank you for making the board 番組ch(MX) and changing the name. Some problems have been resolved in your favor. However, the problem also remains just a little. Because I want to solve it, you may want to teach.
Can you chage the value of SETTING.TXT of 番組ch(not 番組ch(MX))? We need the change[BBS_MAX_MENU_THREAD=16 → 20]. We found the number of threads isn't enough here, so deal with local channel in Japan.
>>354 それ保持数の設定じゃないよ、index.htmlでスレッド名を表示する上位スレッド数 >>354 seems requiring to increase thread holding number of weekly board. (Maybe value 30 is recommended)
CodeMonkey-san Thank you for making the board 番組ch(MX) and changing the name. Some problems have been resolved in your favor. However, the problem also remains just a little. Because I want to solve it, you may want to teach.
Can you chage the value of Thread holding the number of bulletin board of 番組ch (http://hayabusa2.2ch.net/weekly/)? We need you to increase to 21→30 the current thread holds the number. We found the number of threads isn't enough here, so deal with local channel in Japan.
Hi Code Monkey monazilla ★ says: In 2ch.net, an acquisition method of dat and terms of use are going to be changed in few days. To the existing developers who had registration, we plan the communication of new specifications beforehand. I'm sorry to trouble you, but, please cooperate with registration.
~~ Is this the truth? I want an official guarantee from you or Jim.
[headline of headlines / headline portal] We made names for 3 game headlines. game headline #1 ゲーム速報headline game headline #2 ゲーム個別headline game headline #3 ゲーム総合headline news headline 速報headline live headline 実況headline bbynamazu 地震headline
【板名】 AKB48G(姉) 【理由】 Thread the amount of AKB board too many. Thread dealing with individuals fall in DAT soon. Chat thread has been created in large quantities. There is a limit to the number of threads holding. board similar to morningcoffee board want. 【内容】 AKB and Idol 【鯖】 - 【フォルダ】 akb2 【カテゴリ】 芸能 【名無し】 - 【ID】 The same settings as the all morningcoffee board.
>>403 The reason for a power outage is that two power plant in Batangas is not working. The rolling blackouts may continue to at the beginning of the week. (´・ω・`)
I leave describes the contents of the >>408 because it seems Code Monky san did not have time. コードモンキーさんのお時間が無かったようなので>>408の内容を記載しておきます。
The following text is about live anarchy plate. 以下の文章はAnarchy実況板についてです。
The person who changed the banner because it infringes the copyright is good. 今のバナーは著作権侵害をしているので変更した方がいいです。 Change banner idea is http://i.imgur.com/aEdG24O.jpg 変更用バナーの案は[上記URL]です
It is not registered as a trademark in the United States. It may be registered someday even in the United States. If registered, please give me change. Since I am busy with the measure against the crawl, please postpone.
The discussion already came to the conclusion that "iPhone" board should be changed to "iOSゲーム" board. Othrwise, there is a possibility that new iOS board will become a waste.
now banner use the image of anime. 今のバナーはアニメの画像を使っています。 There is a risk of Japanese copyright infringement this. これは日本の著作権侵害の恐れがあります。 So those who have changed the banner is good. だからバナーを変更した方がいいです。
This is because the atmosphere would be worse. 1001については荒れるからです。 The nature of Anarchy live plate, there are immigrants from various places. Anarchy実況板の特性上、様々な板からの移民がいます。 1001 which had the characteristics of a particular plate is offended everyone. その中で特定の板の特徴を持った1001のままでは気分を悪くする人が出てきてしまいます。 So I would like to be returned to the default 1001. なので1001をデフォルトに戻すことを希望します。
It is not registered as a trademark in the United States. It may be registered someday even in the United States. If registered, please give me change. Since I am busy with the measure against the crawl, please postpone.
If you do not change the board name to "iOSゲーム" from "iPhone", overlap will occur in the article that can be handled as "iPhone" and "iOS" board. If you're saying that require further discussion to change the board name to "iOSゲーム" from "iPhone", user will get confused by the overlap of the topic that can be handled by both "iPhone" and "iOS" board.
I want you to change to "iOS hardware and software except games" from "iOS hardware and software" the current local rules of "iOS" board. Just add the "except games" at the end of the current local rules of the "iOS" board. Overlap of the topic that can be handled by each board can be resolved this way.
>>425 You've pointed out is correct. Our opinions remain divided on the issue. We are idiots. Please forget about banner. We apologize for the inconvenience.
現在、2chのサーバー群はアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ365 Main社運営のデータセンターにある、Pacific Internet Exchange所有スペースにある約60台のサーバー群で運営されています。 数年にわたって改良が続けられてきた掲示板システムと、各種ロギングや投稿チェック、そして「実況」と呼ばれる最大で秒間数百以上にのぼる大量投稿を捌きつつ、クロール問題にも対処する。
2ch operation was set up live Anarchy plate in order to isolate the noise from Anarchy plate and commentary J plate anything. This is the so-called experimental plate in order to deal with criminal activity, such as by Hiroyuki Nishimura interim suspect.
It is thought that circumstances VIP board was established, that it was in order to isolate the noise from breaking news plate that's you know of course. At the same matter of this time is similar.
Currently, server group of 2ch has been operating in the server group of about 60 units located in a data center in the United States, San Francisco, CA 365 Main's management, to Pacific Internet Exchange owned space. I have been judged mass posting amounting to several hundred or more seconds at maximum called "live" and bulletin board system improvements have been continued for several years, and check posts, and various logging. Management to resolve the load due to crawl further.
Copyright issues do not violate the laws of the State of California and the USA to the presence of the server installation company. 1001 >> banner is not a priority of Mr.CodeMonkey. Please use your enjoy it depending on the application each because there are a lot of live plate. From now on board of the experiment Me.CodeMonkey of Anarchy live board also thank you.
So I will consider it as the mouthpiece of the current 2ch.net are we expected from the development of this and of Mr.JimWatkins Mr.CodeMonkey.
Problem of AKB board that thread falls to DAT immediately. AKB board is due to the amount of threads that are created in one day too many. Every day, a large amount of chat thread is created. Useful large number of threads fall to DAT in this effect. User thinks the inconvenience. This problem is solved by creating a new board.
There was a similar problem in the past. There is a "Johnny's" "Hello Project" of idol group of Japan. Johnny's is four. Hello Project is three. There is more than one board to 2ch. This increased the board in order to distribute the load. Please create a new board to solve the problem.