>>346 Very nice, are there already many threads discussing this topic? There are so many female users of Pink Channel. I am sure they would be interested. They might already be discussing these topics on other boards like 801. What would you name the new board?
>>407 Not yet, this topic laid on between "801" and "erocomic/novel" and "gagame". On 2ch, there exists "GirlsComic" board, but no girls novel, nor ladies comic board.
My some idea is "girlsbook", but how others have a idea?
>>409 I feel sounds good. how about "girlsromance"?
A businessmedia says that Japanese digital comic is purchased 80% by female. They favor girls adult comic. http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/6037488/ On 2010, Japanese digital comic is 6.5 billion JPY market.
>>410 That sounds good, but the description is similar to this board. http://pele.bbspink.com/erocomic/ In English the genre you are talking about is called Romance. ロマンス These are erotic novels for women. girlromance maybe?
In Japanese term, "ロマンス" have a little meaning "female". In Japanese society, female position is very minority. so I desire "female" or "girls" related titlename.
>>412 I think it is a very good idea. I would like to make this board. How about you ask some more people for their opinion and if we can have consensus I will make it this week-end. I would like to have the opinion of more people before I just make it. Otherwise nobody will use it.
私の知る範囲ではそのようなスレッドはまだありません。 The thread discussing this topic is not yet,in the range which I know.
女性向けの創作物は様々な種類を持ちます。それは>>346で書いたものが例になります。 A female-oriented creation thing has various kinds. What wrote it by >>346 becomes an example.
その種類の全てを1つの板で扱うのは難しいかも知れません。 It may be difficult to treat the kinds of all with one board.
まず総合的な板を最初に作るのがいいと私は思います。私は仮に板の名前を「大人の女性向け創作総合(Ladies' contents )」とします。 (これらの名称は、より多くの意見を求めるべきでしょう。) I think that it is good to make a synthetic board first. I consider the name of a board as "大人の女性向け創作総合 (Ladies' contents)" temporarily. (The name of these should search for more opinions.)
将来的に、新しい板の中で、たくさんの利用者が集まる種類はさらに新しい板を必要とするでしょう。 In the future, probably, the kind for which many users gather in a new board needs a still newer board.
そのようにして女性向けの板が緩やかに増えると良いと私は思います。 If it is made such and female-oriented boards increase in number gently, I will think that it is good.
Jim-san, I would like to also hear other persons' opinion. I am going to guide here those who are enjoying the novel of these >>427. They have more idea and opinion. Please give us the time for how many days before making a new board.