This is working well. You get a listing that is sortable of the posts that you are being notified of. So many people using it already, it crashes a bit. I will put it on good servers soon. I think just about ready to put on the menu.
>>141 Yes, I use it to keep track of the posts made by my friends. I can sort by date or by poster or by thread. It 1 2 3 4 5 Next >> 序次 年月日 掲示板 固定ハンドル 番 標題
EROyVmNwwM-san got a nickname in 2ch. The nickname is IPPOU. IPPOU is written down with "一方" in Japanese. A Japanese meaning of IPPOU. It is solidly and great, a smart person. Great IPPOU EROyVmNwwM-san.
>>154 It is the first I have heard of that. I think it is a nice gesture. Our grandfathers had quite the fight with each other. Our generation have been made allies and I think that is a much better situation for all of us.
>>167 Hi didi-san, i am out of the hospital today. The hospital was like a jail. I wanted to smoke, but they won't let me smoke. So I escaped my room, and found a quiet place to smoke. Then the security guard chased me. After that they put IV and I could not escape anymore. They let me out today.
>>168 are you okay?what happened to you?i guess i gotta read this thread from the beginning...... as a smoker, i really do understand how you felt out there. i would definitely do the same thing,i will somke no matter what!! matter of fact,a pack of cigarettes out here cost 4-5 bucks,5-6 bucks off base. it's much better than though.a pack of newport cost 10 bucks out there!!(i smoke misty silver though) what I want to say is this,no matter what happened we ain't gonnna quit right?......RIGHT!!!! so where are you now?still philippines? hope you chill and get some rest......we'll keep in touch!be a good boy and take care Jim-san!!ttyl.
>>172 Seemingly it is inspection hospitalization. Maybe I also smoke a cigarette. In Japan, the price of a cigarette will rise from October. Marlboro changes to 440 yen. I think whether I will quit smoking.
cigarette price in The Philippones is 35 peso that is less than 100 yen. Wow cigarette price for one pack in Japan is same as one month of please try it. It is addictive too. www
>>174 i used to smoke virginia slims rose or pianissimo peche and they were \320 i remember. it was 2 years ago though.i miss japanese cigarettes especially 1mg tar & 0.1mg nicotine. i smoke lightest one here misty silver yet 6mg tar. do you know about european cigarettes? you can buy online and they're very cheap with or without sipping. i don't know if they ship to japan though......
if you search”european cigarettes” you'll find more site. You'll even find mild seven! my friend told me that european brand has different flavor, but it's worth trying cause of price range. anyway thanks for talking to me!!
>>184 I have smoked Davidoff cigarettes, they are from the Ukraine. Nice smooth smoke, a guess they are a little heavy on the tar and nicotine, but tasty. I smoke Marlburo Lights, they are manufactured here in the Philippines and I think the tobacco is grown here as well in Batangas province.
>>184 The talk is glad for me to be able to do with you. I like the British cigarette of 555. However, in Japan, I cannot buy it. It is due to become difficult environment that I buy a cigarette. By that, I think that I will quit smoking.
わたしはイギリスだったと思うのですけど、 State Expressという555と書いてあるタバコが好きです。 けど、日本では入手ができません(´・ω・`)
The mobile phone version of Mamemaki is working well now. It has been updated to incorporate in the links so it will work very well with your Maru and your cellphone.
>>206 The email server for bbspink is being upgraded. Passwords will change. It will be a much nicer and safer system. If your email does not work then you will need to contact me.
>>208 The server will change, and you can use the same system with the new server. Although, I recommend using the new webmail that we have set up for it. It is safer.
It's just a vandal. He/She just post it until the thread reaches 500KB capacity limit and goes to another. He/She select the target thread from oldest thread in the board.
>>217 I think that it is not desirable for a manager to act as for solution of a vandal act. I think that the self-government of it should act. We the volunteers exist for the action.
>>221 えいご Please give an ARASHI report, when a vandal act occurs. It is to a PINK regulation discussion board. If it is a big problem, we will do solution action.
Banana3001 is currently offline due to HDD failure. We are currently running fsck and it should be back up shortly. We will notify you if we encounter any errors.
Thank you for your patience and we are looking forward to you visitng San Francisco.
>>231 HDD AD16 is damaged. They are being very careful with that machine. It is an important record, and should be saved for the future. Please wait it will be good again.
Good afternoon. There was work of Mumumu-san last evening. However, because Banana3001 had broken, he was not able to work. ピロリがよく来る雑談スレ If Banana3001 is restored, Mumumu-san will work. If Banana3001 begins to move, I will hope the information. I will tell Mumumu-san about the information.
>>238 The data became corrupt, when the OS drive failed. It has been restored and Ryan has scheduled the rebuilding of this machine. I am the one that told them to go slow, because I don't want the contents lost.
Jim san. There is a person changing SETTING.TXT dogmatically without doing discussion with anyone. I think that this is the important problem that everybody must think about.
I protest against the volunteer staff. The volunteer doesn't try to delete the thread of "Pink nanmin" demanded by the user. I protest against the collapse of the autonomy function of "Pink nanmin" by volunteer and manager's negligences.
>>282 I am not for the volunteer. Here is not discussion [sure]. You must describe applying the cap with the deletion request board. The inducement by the user is done. However, the loess attaches afterwards and control doesn't attach.
The deletion request has been fairly put out ahead, and nobody puts out the judgment like you.
Is it because of writing here?Making an excuse panicking is unsightly.
>>286 If those who delete it do not accept the deletion request, you only have to answer so. However, you are free nameless now. There is no authority directed me.
It came here no correspondence even if stepping on the procedure. Where is the incompleteness of this deletion request?
Mamemaki is working well now that we have added a server to it. It does not seem to crash on the week-ends when it gets so busy. It is very functional. If there are suggestions on other things it should do, or how it should be formatted, I am very interested to hear that.
The restriction of 2ch is received to the pink refugee board and a large amount of user has flowed. Because they who did not have the autonomy rule of pink either were bulletin boards where ID was not displayed, it was divided by the thread flooding. differed the opinion However, some residents made an effort to the unification of the thread. The deletion request of the flooded thread was put out for that. The number reaches about 20 threads. It is a thread called a Nico life refuge. It very has the number of writing of 2ch or more in the thread with power. The deletion correspondence doesn't catch up for that. Because the deletion correspondence is not performed, the resident will say that digest by he or she the thread without the template either. However, the result has given validity to the ruining act of the thread flooding. In addition, the derivation thread has been set up. The resident groped for unification. Therefore, the flooding thread that has been set up up to now is not used. It is settled in the direction where the thread of which [sure] of the main stream direct line is neatly set up. It is operated in autonomy like that now. However, an essential deletion request remains being left. When the chance is waited, the criminal for pleasure who tries flooding tries the inducement to the flooding thread. This deletion request is passing of consolidating the opinion about not the personal one but the thread constant. Because the resident is concentrating on one thread in above all in the thread with the number, the evidence is plain. The volunteer doesn't show the action to this movement at all. It is leaving. The application method is a settlement of fault in outskirts of the phrase enumerating it.
Where of this deletion request the fault is not understood at all. I want you to know this current state Jim. Some volunteers wanted to tell the fact where it devoted his/her time to the race for power and the resident's deletion request had been left. The resident fears exclusion from a pink refuge a lot of the flooding thread. It is faced that some judgments are shown from *. Before long my best regards though it is a resident who might return to 2ch thread.
There is a person writing these several days or the same phone number. May I delete it earlier when I have you examine a host? Had better I delete it since you finished examining it?
There is a person writing these several days or the same phone number. May I delete it earlier when we have you examine a host? Had better we delete it since you finished examining it?
Hi Witch-san, I have been working on things offline. Phone numbers can always be deleted. That is in the deletion guide. I hope you are feeling fine and healthy.
I can understand your question. And I can answer about it. However, I think that it is not desirable to announce the matter. The reason is security. If you want to answer, send me e-mail. Best Regards,
The situation of >>91 is not changing now. I feel the necessity of solving about this vandal act. I want to ask FOX-san for this matter by the exception. I hope permission of Jim-san this time also.
What does master jim think of the reproduction? It becomes a serious problem The master`s help is necessary Example of reproduction site (
>>314-san is writing. However, this is a summary. The following is his opinion. He thinks that the site which reproduces the log of PINK is a problem. The PINK manager should accuse that site. Or the PINK manager should protest to that site.
This is his opinion. I (ERO) think that Jim-san has taken sufficient countermeasure.
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15 > 537 名前:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★[sage] 投稿日:2010/03/08(月) 13:31:11 ID:??? > >>536 > That is very bad. > This is the contact information in the whois.
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part15 > 542 名前:RobinHood ◆enUEIWqQt2 @Apparently admin ★[sage] 投稿日:2010/03/08(月) 17:07:28 ID:??? > >>541 > I hope some people complain. I am really tired of having to follow the rules and do the right thing. > Other people should have to do the right thing as well. > Thank you for the information about Paperboy.
Let's talk with Jim-san. Part16 > 448 名前 admin ★[] 投稿日:2010/06/12(土) 21:03:50 ID:??? > >>442 > 5. I am trying to find the servers that are allowing the unauthorized reproduction of Pink Channel. Some of these are on the same ip blocks that p2 is on. One of them is on the original p2 server. > The reason for this is they are doing SEO, and > it is hurting the advertisers that are on Pink Channel.
>>323 Mink-chan and other copy sites will always pop up. Instead of restricting them, can pink-chan gain traffic from those sites? Say... putting banner ad of bbspink as those site's top banner + a link to maru.
>>326 The problem is the people that run that type of site are criminals. They are not the type that can be trusted to do such a thing. There are many complaints to my email about things that I can not do anything about because it is on a copy site.
>>326 I am starting to block the ISPs that host these sites as completely as possible. I think that the ISP are good and business oriented people, and do not want the business of the copy sites, because of the trouble they make.
>>334 I got up. I stopped being in a bad state maybe. The weather where it is cold may be the cause. I was busy at the beginning of this week. It may also be the cause.
Dear Jim-san, Banana733 (top page for will be transffered to the new server we have provided as a solution. Your engineer is currently working on it and it should be completed within next 24 horus.
Thank you for the update Ryan. I will do what I need to do when that server is live. It should be much better. It was on a five year old server before.
>>341 Is the attack from the following addresses? or It seems that 2CH also had an attack if that was right. Reference:ピロリがよく来る雑談スレ That attack is a pattern to the port 90.
What is your take on deleting threads of users hinting about full service on health board? Shall we delete any responses hinting about full service? If you can answer in Japanese, it will be appreciated.
P.S. Intercourse is illegal in "health type" services
There are considerably many voices to expect the deletion work start of the reply of the contribution to promote the public performance act of the thread of Jim さんへるす (reply deletion), but does think in a direction done how?
>>379 as you may know, hiroyuki is the 2 channel founder, whose tweet would influence lots of people. i couldn't help laughing out at this page and i feel like donating, as pink channel always helps a part of my life. i wish it could accept credit card, though. unfortunately paypal is unpopular in japan, less than 1% of japanese have paypal accounts, i guess.
>>380 These options are available on the paypal page. "Pay with a debit or credit card If you don't have a PayPal account" Visa, Mastercard, American express, and JCB.
Is the Japanese not clear. I am sorry about that. Here is the English version. t was a lot of fun in December 2000, getting together with some of my friends in a log cabin in Mukilteo Washington. The current problem of the day was removing adult conversations from 2ch. Pink Channel was born there with beer bottles and guys sitting around the carpet in front of the fireplace. Pink Channel is more than eroticism, it has become a refuge for adult conversation. It is a place free of taboo, and the only childishness is adult play. I was surprised at what happened after that. My view of the adult scene in Japan was shallow. I must say my horizons have been expanded since that time. Our community is always under attack, it a powerful representation one resu at a time of the current climate of Japan. There is a need for economic stimulus at this time. Advertising revenue declines and the dollar falls in value. Luckily the will to keep spreading our seed, and keeping things growing continues. If you value Pink Channel I strongly urge your support to keep this exciting candle burning with the desire of freedom, anonymity and cherished happiness as our story goes on. I hope that you will choose the proper and right thing in your support of Pink Channel.
>>384 np, its written in perfect japanese. on the button was "donate by paypal", never thought i could use credit card. now i donated my small gratuity. pink channel forever!
Well, I can't leave it at 404 file not found. I am in Seattle doing things that have to be done. If there is a chance later I will have fun, but there will be no fun until I am done.
Christmas was such a disaster this year, I tell you. I got the flu and spent a whole night puking and shitting for diarrhea. After all, I slept a little bit till the morning but couldn't get up and eat. I really don't care much about Christmas anyway but this part was too disturbing of it. The day I couldn't eat is supposed to be all for meal: turkey, hum, roast beef sided with steaming potatoes, stuffing and gravy...
Now, though, I'm well so they all go in my stomach. No big deal.
>>419 I couldn't help it. It would've been worse if I hadn't taken it easy. Oh well, that's alright. I still got some left to eat. So things are all good.
>>429 I thought it was Big Luck...:) Excellent luck is even better. I forgot to remove it on the second pull. I received Center luck that time. Maybe that will help me get into the center.
>>432 Fireworks were great at my place last evening. It seemed to be air strikes. When I saw from the rooftop, fireworks had exploded at all the places to overlook.
I have deleted some CAPs that I saw on 2ch. I have done a better job of protection on bbspink. It needs more work though, and I don't have the technical ability for it. Tomorrow I will ask someone smart to help.
So I think we will need to rebuild the deletion system. Now maybe some of you feel bad forbthe terrible thins you said about LOVE in the past. That system was better. This time I will have my office make a good secure system and please give some input to how it will feel comfortable for you to use.
>>475 I have so much viagra, I can't even open my email anymore. is built. This is for deleters. We will do some testing tomorrow. Tonight we are all to tired. We don't want to make a mistake with the deletion system. There is a small probability that a mini black hole could be created, and that it could grow. So we will wait until tomorrow. The deletion passwords for bbspink are safe. They were not compromised. However there are some volunteers that are both Pink Channel and 2ch volunteers. I noticed many of them used the same password. I saw this from the leak that was displayed on 2ch. The same with the CAPs. I have read that 2ch is working on a new CAP system, and we have definately been working on a new deletion system. I have deleted the CAPs for the users that I saw with the same password as 2ch. I am tired, and time for some sleeping.
>>481 We used that dat for testing. It is working well now I think. We have done several more since then. Monday we will make this system for all the servers.
Most importantly we have a new deletion system. It is secure. It is new, and safe. We will add more functions during the week and make it live for use. So please post your suggestions on what it needs.
There is a trouble with a quifen server. Writing there now is impossible. I hope that Jim-san request repair to FOX-san. It is the following threads. ピロリがよく来る雑談スレ★4 おねがいします。
The new deletion system is working but it is to slow. Tomorrow we will optimize it. I already see some flaws that I want removed before we use it live. Please wait another day friends.
Ok, next problem is security for the site. The new deletion system works well. Tomorrow I will secure it from who it needs to be secured from. おやすみーなさい
The deletion program works well. There are some conflicts with another cgi as soon as that is fixed we can go live with this. Then there will be many functions that we can add to make it very good. Suggestions are welcome for that.
>>542 I think they will. I just need to have our program excluded from the auto program delete function that is currently installed. I don't know who to ask for that.
i wish i could help, but unlikely in my life. i just started tackling at C, but this week i've been slucking off pretty badly. i mean i wouldn't mind studying itself. it just needs to be more, shall i say, fun. everything tends to be plain when it comes to computer kind of writing. it's so hard to keep attracted, you know.
Hello Jim-san, Can BBSPINK use better performance servers on linux instead of BSD? BSD's are great as well, but maybe using Linus may help some of the security holes? (though I read fox say BSD is more secure)
>>550 If we do migrate back to Linux, then I want to make sure we use Centos. It is the version that I am most familiar with. Our office runs Fedora, which is the experimental version of Redhat and Centos. Centos is actually the generic form of Redhat.
>>552 CentOS is great. I have also read that read.cgi, bbs.cgi can only run on custom freeBSD per some of replies I have seen on I bet it's tough to migrate :(
>>553 It used to run on Linux, we switched to freeBSD, and it can switch back. I won't be the decider on that, I am sure it will be consensus that will decide. I do know this about freeBSD. It is only loved by engineers.
I need the CAP system for a PINK channel. I hope that Jim-san carries out that request to FOX-san. It is the following threads. ピロリがよく来る雑談スレ★4 I hope that Jim-san writes POST to that thread. ------ にほんご
I posted to that thread. I hope they understand my Japanese. This is what I mean to say. May Pink use the new cap system too? We will be a contribution to the society if we have it. Please please please.
I write a very impolite thing. I hope that you do not get angry. Japanese people cannot understand Jim-san's Japanese. I hope that Jim-san write to this thread or thread concerned in English. I would like to translate that English.
>>578 jim-san, don't worry. i either get you or just don't; i try to interpret you right. or if i can't make sense of it, i just laugh and you make my day. your attempt on japanese is sometimes worth a glass of beer. ;D
>>589 I am worried about the health of Didi-san. It seems that the entire world is cold now. When cooler than usual also in my place, other persons had said. Take care Didi-san. ----- Didiさん大丈夫ですか? 世界的に寒いようですね わたしの所もいつもよりは涼しいと周囲の人が言っていました。 Didiさん、養生して下さいね
>>591 Have you noticed that the news stops talking about global warming? They have changed the name to climate change. It is possible that we will get much cooler soon.
>>Jim-san Now, a display and function of Be do not work in PINK. The board which cannot make a new thread unless it uses Be function is in PINK. I want fix of Be function.
I got e-mail from the person of 2ch about that method. I will forward that mail to Jim-san. I hope that you work about it. よろしくおねがいします。
>>600 I can't put any new cgi on the server right now. It is automatically deleted. We need to upgrade and update our servers. I am hoping for Centos. If we can do that, then we can be more secure, and then hopefully we can fix those things
I am exciting about sunday night of AFC championship, pit vs ny. cheer pit. And, I like cheer girls. nice hip. but on japan tv, we cannot see their dance time.
>>621 I was rooting hard for the Seahawks. It would have very humorous for them to have made it all the way to the Superbowl with a losing record. For that reason it was appropriate that they lost, but I am from Seattle and would have enjoyed it so much if they won.
I need 2ch to synchronize the bbs.cgi of Pink Channel with the bbs.cgi of 2ch. What would be a good thread to post that on? It would sure be nice if someone would help me translate that so I don't get things confused. I don't like to write English on 2ch.
I need 2ch to synchronize the bbs.cgi of Pink Channel with the bbs.cgi of 2ch. What would be a good thread to post that on? It would sure be nice if someone would help me translate that so I don't get things confused. I don't like to write English on 2ch.
Christ's peace >>Jim-san 【Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!】 ★BE system has been dead since the previous hacking war. ★So has been BE_TYPE2 for BE system itself being dead. Please redeem the BE system asap.
【How BE System Works】 1. Emphasis on the "individualism" 2. You can give points to those who write something cool both on 2Ch and PinkCh. 3. More pts. changes your status. 4. In addition to ID, the profile works as another id. 5. Fun time at 2ch security (idk this is right word, to be honest. something about trading stuff.) and icon-exchange.
【BE_TYPE2 System Works】 1. Many BBSs are suffering from random building of threads, especially ones caused through the use of ●; BE_TYPE2 is a great solution for it. 2. Only a person who logs in to BE and has more than 1000 BE pts. can build a new thread, if it be done. 3. On PinkCh, they introduced this system on 半角二次元掲示板( and it solved the problem. They will probably put this on other BBSs accordingly.
>>648-649 I have already made an attempt to fix that system. Unfortunately we have to wait. There are a lot of modifications happening now to make things better.
I think that we should refresh a PINK bulletin board server. It is because one of reasons has uneasiness in security on the last problem. Another reason is that refreshment which we tried to do before was not performed. Reference: ■ サーバリフレッシュ工事2007-2008 【pink】 part3
I would like to hear the opinion of Jim-san about this matter. And at the past time, we thought that two or more were advisable as for a server. How do you think of this idea now? ----- にほんご わたしはPINK掲示板サーバをリフレッシュするのが望ましいと思います。 一つの理由はこの前の問題でセキュリティ的に不安があります。 もう一つの理由としては、以前我々がやろうと考えたサーバリフレッシュは 行われませんでした。 参照: (略) この案件についてJimさんの考えをわたしは聞きたいです。 以前に我々は2つまたはそれ以上のサーバが望ましいと考えました。 この事について今Jimさんはどう考えますか?
>>655 I really think that consensus is necessary before we do an upgrade. It would be very nice to migrate off of our current platform towards Centos. However I am interested in hearing what other people have to say on this subject.
I am interested in having some Pink Channel T-shirts made. People need to wear shirts, and maybe people would like to wear a Pink Channel T-shirt. Would you wear one? >>657
>>659 I want to upgrade the servers. I want to put them on a different kind of machine. However I also want to keep the friendly relationship we are having right now with 2ch, and it is probably better to use the same type of machine they are using.
The new deletion system works very very well...:) It is nice. You can delete by post number 777, or with a - 777-778 or with , 777,779,781. With this , example 778 and 780 would be spared.
>>662 This is what I want to do. I am interested in hearing good points and bad points about it. I want to move Pink Channel to a cloud system. On the cloud we can upgrade very easy. Add processor virtually Add ram virtually Add inodes virtually Backups of the entire server in an iso file automatically. I know this works very well. I don't know how it will work on such a dynamic and busy site. Some people say mysql does not work well on virtualized servers, but we are not using mysql. I would like to run this on centos, because the packages are easier to upgrade, and the library of packages does not disappear as fast as freeBSD. I don't know if it is anymore secure than freeBSD, I am guessing it is similar level of security.
hmm...Although I'm not an expert, as far as relationship with 2ch goes, using different OS and virtual machine may cause compatibility problems and may force extra work to Fox-san & root-san to build and move contents to new servers. So, I think it is up to Fox-san's and root-san's opinion.
My opinion:since pink channel's traffic can be covered with only one server,(I know you would want it to divided into two servers or more, for backup reason) virtual machine may just make things complicated.
>>664 I cannot agree with that idea. However, it is approval if it is the following structure. That new system is an existence different from the existing board. And the board included in that system is a board of a new experiment. I hope for this method. And the existing board is the same system as 2ch. I am very conservative guy. I'm sorry. I hope that you enjoy with the server of a new experiment, and the board of an experiment.
>>667 I would like to hear 2ch expert's idea. I would like to respect the idea of Jim-san. And I would like to also respect the idea of the expert of 2ch. I think that we need to discuss with them about this matter. I feel determining the matter of these systems only by us for danger.
the cloud, or the virtualization suits both pink and 2ch. i can suggest 3 ways:
OpenVZ (free) VMWare(non-free) XenServer(free)
but one common problem is the I/O rate. SATA II HDD that is now in use wouldn't have enough power and probably would freeze up, for the speed of ν速.
maybe, you can change to the structure noted below for the cloud, so it can be not so different from the one of 2ch.
Xeon Quad Core (3xxx series would be plenty.) SAS or SSD RAID6 or RAID10 so much memory as possible(about 32GB?) NIC ports have 4 ports.
it's affordable, like 1 million yen, or 10 thousand dollars?
bundle up all Pink BBSs into one machine and virtually divide them into 4 pieces, and you wouldn't have to change the current structure too much.
but, BSD would be waste b/c you cannot share the kernel on them. so, i agree with your idea of having centos. you can buy two machines and make them into (dangling structure?) if you got money.
>>671-682 Yes, you are correct about my reason for wanting to use Centos. My staff is already familiar with using openvs, we currently take care of Cloudtanium for Polywell.
It is understandable that cutting hosting cost by reducing the physical number of servers. But in case of hardware crash, effort needed for maintenance for 4VMs is same as with 4 different servers. 2ch is reducing number of servers by packing more boards in one server to reduce number of servers and effort of maintenance at the same time. 2ch setting maintenance for pink servers are done by 2ch people. I would say we should think about reducing their effort too.
>>590 onsen souds so good……i miss it. do you miss snow? you're from seattle……maybe not so much? we're very spoiled that we didn't even have to go to work for few days because of less than 3inches of snow. i made pot roast today and i remember the first word i said to you on this previously thread was "pot roast". i still use slow cooker to make it, you sould try it out once!! very easy and less messy. meat will come out so juicy and tender or money back guarantee!! lol
>>435>>591 depend on states but we can purchase fire works on 4th of july and new years eve only. "roof top"? you meant really a roof top? are like a cat!......meow! i feel much better thanks so much eroy-san!! i'm from east cost yet it's south.winter is very very short here. anyway have you found states express 555 yet?......or you quit smoking? take careyourself eroy-san.
>>694 Because it will be the lunar New Year tomorrow, the sound of fireworks can be heard from yesterday at night. The people here like showy production, maybe. Is "roof top" strange? It is the top of my apartment. My place does not have winter. hehehe I changed the cigarette into the blue of the Marlboro rights. It is cheaper than 1 dollar per box. It seems to be difficult for me to stop a cigarette.
>>711 with all oil and greasy meat with it, chop suey is really heavy in your stomach, though. a guy ought to eat celery sticks. they go well with tomato juice. yes, seasar rocks.
My father was a mulatto, my grandfather was a Negro and my great grandfather a monkey. You see, Sir: my family starts where yours ends - Alexandre Dumas I have a new app for Electric Buddha on Facebook. It is interesting and not full of spam.
>>716 There is also a prayer wheel there. You spin it in the clouds and collect dharma items. After praying for one minute it will give you your fortune.
erochara has collapsed at this half a day 『名無し死ね』(Please die of nameless)thread was made and 100 or more was made There are no contents The thread necessary for substitution will be lost and 100 be lost It is because of doing for him to obstruct it mala fide erochara user became not happy Everything will end in one week
>>750 Champagne with orange juice, excellent idea, but then I would just go back to sleep. and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.
>>753 ouch, drink some green tea then. it always helps me when i'm sick. for flu, they say you shouldn't eat anything but drink lots of water. hope you don't get it!
>>764 I think they should look North, and fix their own problems before they make new ones. It is a troublesome culture, and hopefully we will not have trouble.
Hi Jim-san yesterday, Mail was sent to jim at bbspink com Do it reach without garbling though Japanese is described in parallel ? It retransmits only in English if there is a problem.
>>770 I am sorry, for some reason that mail is not working. Thank you for pointing it out. You can email me here. mrjim アト That should work. Warning I get thousands of emails there. Please post the subject here when you send again.
>>773 Is this you? From: Dr Jaime Johnson <[email protected]> Subject: VIGARRA - NEW WAVE OF MEDICINE Date: February 11, 2011 2:32:55 AM GMT+08:00 To: [email protected]
>>Jim-san I can write, if the usual Internet browser is used. However, it has continuation write-in regulation. I have to lengthen the interval of writing. ----- 一般のインターネットブラウザを使用すれば書けます。 しかしながら、連続投稿規制があります。 投稿間隔を長くしなければなりません。
>>788 hi,ero-san,how are you doing? as for me......i can't post from iphone at all. i couldn't post from pc either but i've updated to new version(i'm using browser"Jane") and so far it's working well. but the iphone though......i really don't have any idea to fix this"貴方の冒険の書を作成中です". favorite cigarettes cost $4,50 per pack now!!! but i'm not gonna quit anyway......
I can write only from the Internet browser and a cellular phone of Japan. Although I updated, I cannot write by Jane Style. I have not connected to the Internet in a local cellular phone. The iPhone of Jim-san cannot be written.
I caught cold. As for my cold, condition got good considerably. However, the cough is continuing. Jim-san says to me, "Because this is a good chance, take a rest." I am going to take a rest till tomorrow.
However, I cannot stop a cigarette. (´・ω・`) The cigarette here is one pack of about 85 cents. And the price of beer is about 50 cents per bottle. This is a price which is not good. It is a problem that they are also too cheap. It is a problem of mere its own mind. w ----- わたしは一般ブラウザと日本に携帯電話からしか書けません。 Jane Styleをアップデートしたのですけどダメでした。 わたしはローカル携帯電話でネット接続はしていませんが、 JimさんのiPhoneからは書けません。
グーグル翻訳 Secure deletion system is not important. It is the most important to resume deletion as soon as possible. Please borrow delete system from 2ch. Please develop your own system but in the meantime.
>>810 Is there a problem with the ? It is working well I think. Just waiting for the go ahead to install it on the new servers.
It is too functionally incomplete. The ability to delete posts only basis. "2ch" deleting system has the following features. Deleting a post / thread deletion / transparency deletion / Stop Thread / Archived posts can be deleted.
Besides "Sakkucho ★ san"'s not using that tool. Perhaps he was not in the subject of the tool under test. (he was doing most of the deletion requests (more than 80%)) Others now delete "phone number for deletion"and"meeting goal posts deletion" only.
>>810,812,813.814 I have been asking for suggestions since January 9. Thank you for your input now. Your suggestions will be taken very seriously, and viable ones will be taken into account. I don't understand Transparency deletion either. Can you explain that more?
transparency deletion / Stop Thread / Archived posts can be deleted. These are not currently available on I don't understand what transparency deletion is, and Stop Thread. Archive deletion is simple, but Archive server is weak now. I have not allowed new work on that at this time. Please explain Stop thread and Transparency deletion. Ero-san, is it possible for you to write that in Japanese for me? I don't want a misunderstanding.
13 I recruit friends. Please write e-mail address. 14 mail ad @... 15 mail ad @ 16 mail ad @ 17 mail ad @ 18 (A remark.)Stop it ! 19 mail ad @ 20 mail ad @ 21 mail ad @ 22 Ah
Stop Thread - To prevent further posting to a particular thread. The stopped thread will go to Archive. Thread deletion erase an thread completely and never archived.
Stopped thread example(in Archive) The last post of the thread is marked like this:(The mark is generated by read.cgi automatically and it is not in the actual dat file) 970 名前:停止しました。。。[停止] 投稿日:停止 真・スレッドストッパー。。。( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ
It is mostly used for stopping thread which is not appropriate for a particular board but contains lots of postings which may be useful for somebody. ---------------- スレッド停止 - 特定のスレッドへのそれ以上の書き込みを禁止する方法 停止されたスレッドは過去ログ倉庫へ行きます。スレッド削除はスレッド を完全に消し去るので過去ログとはなりません。
Some more personal opinion toward the tool: I suggest that you would consider the actual behavior of a deleter and think up a better and easy to use user interface for deletion.
Left Pane: List of deletion request threads in the deletion request board. Middle Pane: Instruction. Clicking a left pane thread number shows list of requests. Right Pane: Checking the request and clicking "Send->" in the middle pane sends actual url of the postings to be deleted.
I suppose that your tool currently has the Right Pane function only. ---------- 削除ツールへの個人的な意見:削除人の削除方法に沿った使いやすいユーザー インターフェイスにしてください。
Here is another simple but elegant temporary deletion tool by Fox-san(a.k.a "dobatto tool") for you to review. It might be useful for casual deleter who process particular request thread (ex. phone#) often since it is simple and fast.
Note:You can see the user interface by the default peer password as is. It only works on deletion request now.
Overview: Top Pane: Go Button / Passoword box / Board or Thread URL box / Direct-input checkbox Left Pane: Shows contents of the URL. Right Pane: Shows posts contents with checkbox and can do post(inc. transparent) deletion thread deletion & thread stop & archive deletion here
How to use --------- Example A: Process single deletion request thread 1) Copy & paste at top pane box 2) Click Go button and contents will be shown at Left pane 3) Scroll down to #336 post and press the request URL (1293287404/235-236) 4) Target posts with checkbox checked will be shown at Right Pane 5) Scroll down and check the posts to see if it worth deleting and process using buttons. -- Good points: - Same deletion buttons set are placed at top & bottom for easy deletion for short/long posts. - Post Deletion and Transparent Deletion buttons are apart for preventing accidental click. - Thread deletion / Thread Stop / Archive deletion buttons are apart from posts deletion for same reason. - Thread deletion button is marked with "★" for alerting accidental click. - If the request has post# or range of post#, right pane shows them with checkbox checked.
--------- Example B: Process a board. 1) Copy & paste at top pane box 2) Deletion request threads shown at Left pane 3) Clicking a thread number shows contents at right pane. 4) Copy target posts URL for deletion, and do direct URL input(example C.) -- Good points: - Easy to see request threds list coloring.
--------- Example C: Direct URL input deletion 1) Expand Top pane height and check Direct-input checkbox at top pane. 2) Copy paste below at top pane box (can accept multi-requests URL) 3) Left Pane shows pasted URLs. Processing is same as Example A 4-5 -- Good points: - No need to trace through deletion request thread if URLs are known beforehand. - Useful to process multi-post threads deletion.
The real adventure begins. I am now in the same province as Mount Pinatubo. I have to spend a few days here. Although I doubt I can find Pinatubo. I have looked for it before.
>>844 i was watching australian open tennis at that time. what's this, i thought, all news were saying that cactus got water and people went fishing sharks outside the porch! but, melbourne was fine hosting the tourney just like recent egypt having national party. out in suburb, people suffer from the severe nature and in cities are luxuries everywhere. i thought this was such a sad allusion of how the world works.
>>848 oh, thanks. :) i have to get this problem sorted out asap so that i can listen to my pillows instead of bgm for work. i'm so tired today and actually writing here helps me keep my sanity. so thanks for that and i'll work my way out. i'll be a loud mouth again when my table is clear and it is quiet here. bye then. :)
>>849 When my table is messy, it makes me happy. Like I can't die, because there is to much work left to do. I am glad you are finding your sanity here.
holy, look at new zealand. they just got magnitude-6 shakes. they were so huge that a solid church got knocked down. the scene was totally devastated even on tv. the earthquake must've struck the world off the landers, but it was lucky that it happened at day-time. it would've been worst if people'd been sleeping at the time though i think many people, still, lost their life under buildings. everything around nature these days doesn't look good at all. crazy snow in EU, flood in down under, and earthquake in new zealand. they say the global warming is on its way and at the same time the earth is heading to the ice-age. i don't know what can happen, but, meh, this sure is something. remember the prediction that japan'll get a big shot, Nankai Earthquake? hear that the sun's getting more and more active towards next few years? know the 2012 phenomenon? well, i may be, and probably am, just over-reacting, but it's good to be alerted.
>>883 I confirmed the redirections are working correctly for those three boards now. Thank you for your good job. ------------ 3板が正しく転送されることを確認しました。 お疲れさまでした。
I cannot understand these contents of 1. > 1. It register kilauea and pele to stats. I think that stats is I investigated the past log etc. last night. However, I was not able to discover the method of registering to stats. Do you understand this method? And can you do doing it?
>>886 I don't have access to that machine to do anything. It is not my machine. It is not something that I have ever done either. I am sorry I can't do it. We can make the request on the thread is all.
>>895 This is something we have the ability to make. Do you think I should have my staff make it? If we do make it, then I would need a list of things it is required to have in it. Or we can wait several more months.
The menu problem has already been fixed on On the English only board we discussed this and it has been reported for changing the menu as well. Please update your menu to the pinkmenu then it will work well. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
My son's band Hammered, has just released a video about the revolutions in North Africa. The lead singer is from North Africa. Can I talk about this topic? "Channel 2" and "BBSPINK" and is an independent site. Content has been tampered with belonging to a server that is provided. There are malicious script pages for mobile phones. Announced to the user. Email may be reached because it was for mobile phones. PC for subsequent pages are of fixed, mobile phones, unfortunately, the page is still infected. What I want now to post a specific address?
>>904 Yes of course you can talk about that here. However I don't know what you are talking about. Please give an example. Show an example of your problem, so that I can understand what you are talking about.
>>908-909 Do we have a Gambler board? Actually that is a good idea for a board. That is definitely adult related. We don't want children gambling. Tell me more please. I understand the concept of Drive by download, and a Gambler is a person who gambles, but I don't know where we have this problem on our servers.
aguse examined by "The spamhaus project" is "CAUTION" has become.[TAB] That may have been hijacked to send spam site. However, IP may be other sites on the same server because they are judged by.
>>911 Wow, that is the first time I have heard of that virus. Are you saying it is on one of our servers? That is a serious report. Please show me which server IP has that.
dnsあっとnttsupport.comからはこんなのが戻ってきた。 > Hi. This is the qmail-send program at > I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. > This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. > > <dnsあっと>: > Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1) > I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
This is written in 210. > It is bad to convey e-mail address without getting permission from each deleter.
It is sure that plural people do not need to know an e-mail address. Is the person whom JACK_san directed to convey e-mail address to DeleDele_san without getting permission from each deleter you? I am anxious about a thing such as "the e-mail address leak case" that happened in 2ch of the other day.
>>925 I am anxious too, that is why we built our own deletion program. The user information is more secure there. Dele Dele recruiting new deleters now. Did Dele Dele ask you?
>>925 I have to go to sleep now. Thank you for posting your concern. Please relax, and know that all security possible is being taken to insure that deleters are safe and secure. This is my duty.
>>934 Thank you for your posting. However, I am not the person that fixes those things. I am the technical contact at the registrar, that means I was responsible for obtaining the domain name. I am not the person that takes care of that server. Probably it is a Maido3 server. Here is their web address. They are good and kind people, and I am sure will be happy to handle your report appropriately.
It has been years since I touched the headline server. I don't remember how to update it. I have tried. This script was originally written by Fox-san. I don't know if he even remembers, it runs so well, it never needed touching. No notation on how the script operates. It will take me some time. I will ask Fox-san if I can't figure it out, but maybe he can not either.
>>937-939 You know guys, I am clueless why you are talking to me about that. I have no control over what people put on their own domain names. Our only rules are no CP and no bestiality. If there is some other problem there. I appreciate the report, but I am not the one to remove any content.
>>941 Oh, this is a deletion problem. I am understanding now. Yes please delete links to viruses and one click scams. I thought you were wanting me to touch somebody's property.
>>943 And what company do you work for? I think that it is easy to say what others should do, but if you are not involved with those others, probably the appropriate thing is not to. I am not involved with Maido3, and have no control over what they do. たぶん、あなた余計者です。
>>961 hehe, just kidding. i've been actually having one of the excellent mornings in this year. it's nice to lay on the grass and seems it has finally come to the end of winter. hope you the best of a day, and i'll head out. bye now