>>930 Yes, I understood. I will hear a concrete content from FOX-san and Mumumu-san.
I have the request. It makes three boards of the management system the same server. The same server of the erobbs-board, ccc-board and housekeeping-board is preferable. Moreover, it is preferable that the pinknanmin-board exists in these and another machine servers. The reason is safety.
I hope for this to be achieved this time. I hope for the manager's Jim-san permission of this matter. おねがいします。 ------------------------------------------------------------ にほんご
>>935 I think it is very good idea to have those boards on the same server. Spreading the pinknanmin board out on all the servers is interesting. Can you explain more about that?
>>936 > Spreading the pinknanmin board out on all the servers is interesting. The pinknanmin board is not made except all servers. The pinknanmin board is a server besides the management system 3 boards.
I am not good at English. My explanation in English is unskilled. sorry.
>>940 I also need to put the pinknanmin logo on logo.bbspink.com The i.bbspink.com went away when http://ula.cc/pink became the telephone system for Pink Channel.
>>941 > Do I need to put an additional server on for it?
I think that you need not add the server. In the current state, pinknanmin and housekeeping are the same servers. I hope to make these separate.
The pinknanmin board cohabits by the same server as other boards. The housekeeping board cohabits by the same server as other boards. (The ccc board, the erobbs board, and the housekeeping board are here. )
There was a proposal from FOX-san and MUMUMU-san. >>917 They are experts. We will hear their opinions. And, we will discuss as them. . And, I think that it is preferable to leave it to them.