Let's talk with Jim-san. Part11

70名無し編集部員:2008/11/10(月) 21:08:50 ID:KmunWDT8
71名無し編集部員:2008/11/10(月) 21:47:21 ID:V8JSQMib



72名無し編集部員:2008/11/10(月) 22:22:33 ID:X5cpledY
73名無し編集部員:2008/11/10(月) 22:37:40 ID:BnZQvJF5


74名無し編集部員:2008/11/10(月) 22:59:14 ID:FNLVnBLe
75名無し編集部員:2008/11/10(月) 23:44:38 ID:xM1mD366

76名無し編集部員:2008/11/10(月) 23:52:36 ID:BnZQvJF5

77名無し編集部員:2008/11/10(月) 23:55:10 ID:KmunWDT8
78名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 00:03:06 ID:FNROlREo
79名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 05:20:08 ID:SrGMbSRj
80Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 08:51:53 ID:???
おはよう ございます 翔 ◆KEEa96Ecz.ーさん
81Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 09:00:27 ID:???
82Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 09:05:24 ID:???
発言 てす
そのば のしょうり よりも ほんとうに すごく なろう
83Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 09:25:33 ID:???
Yes, Jim is a nice guy....:)
ども ありがとう
84Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 09:31:04 ID:???
>>73 とれなく ー ぜんぜん わからない
たぶん とらねこ? 
ごめんあさい わたしは 一 生活
85Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 09:40:51 ID:???
はい わかり ました
86Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 09:42:59 ID:???
おちつっきなしあ。 そんあに おさわぎ する ほど の こと じゃない でしょ。
87Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 09:45:42 ID:???
そうだ そうだ とても そうだ
88名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 09:47:42 ID:OEUoOkfU
89Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 10:07:25 ID:???
詐欺師 こちら、しょちら、どこでも です
詐欺師 すぐに4
90Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 10:25:45 ID:???
はい ちだし です
PINKちゃん 大丈夫 です がんばります
91Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 10:27:25 ID:???
ほんとに そのーとり
92Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 10:30:16 ID:???
93Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 10:34:26 ID:???
Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
94名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 10:36:21 ID:OEUoOkfU
95Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 10:47:10 ID:???
わたし もです。
My youngest son calls it "super luck"
others call it "the devils luck"
I just hope for it daily.

96名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 11:06:49 ID:9DIZAup6
           ,. -───-- 、_
  ♪   rー-、,.'"          `ヽ、.
   \ _」::::::i  _ゝへ__rへ__ ノ__   `l
     く::::::::::`i / ゝ-'‐' ̄ ̄`ヽ、_ト-、__rイ、    }^ヽ、
   .r'´ノ\::::::::ゝイ,.イノヽ! レ ヽ,_`ヽ7ヽ___>、_ ノ ハ } \    _人人人人人人人人_
  /ヽ/ r'´ ィ"レ´ ⌒ ,___, ⌒  `!  i  ハ /  }! i ヽ  >Jim-san "super luck!"<
 / / ハ ハ/ ! /// ヽ_ ノ /// i  ハ  〈〈{_   ノ  }  _」   ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 ⌒Y⌒Y´ノ /l           ハノ i  ヽ⌒Y⌒Y´  
      〈,.ヘ ヽ、        〈 i  ハ  i  〉
       ノ レ^ゝi>.、.,_____,,...ィ´//レ'ヽハヘノ
97名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 11:22:32 ID:0zKIkrHZ
98Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 11:26:51 ID:???
>>96 スーパ 毎日
99Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 11:33:01 ID:???
わたし も です
100Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 11:36:42 ID:???

I will hereupon confess I am in love: and as it is
base for a soldier to love, so am I in love with a
base wench. If drawing my sword against the humour
of affection would deliver me from the reprobate
thought of it, I would take Desire prisoner, and
ransom him to any French courtier for a new-devised
courtesy. I think scorn to sigh: methinks I should
outswear Cupid. Comfort, me, boy: what great men
have been in love?

101Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 15:48:02 ID:???
Is this a fish?
102名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 15:53:37 ID:LD3QTTWR
103Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 15:58:47 ID:???
They are heads....:)
104名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 16:04:41 ID:LD3QTTWR

2ch で はやって います (した)
105Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 16:08:14 ID:???
くわいい です
106Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 16:26:18 ID:???
107名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 16:36:37 ID:kwBA8mU8
108名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 16:47:41 ID:3az9Rz3q
109Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/11(火) 17:10:52 ID:???
Choice is the word used to describe excellent quality beef.
110名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 17:18:04 ID:6AzRnLdm
Oh, I think
that >>108 does not wonder
the meaings of the word "choice",
but says "What a good choice!"

In short, I think >>108 says "Your choice is very good, Jim-san!"

「なんというchoice」≒「なんて よい choice なの でしょう!」
111名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 17:28:32 ID:LD3QTTWR
たのしんで もらえた みたいで うれしい です!
112名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 17:39:17 ID:AlUnQ70a
Hi Jim-san.

There is one question.

What do you translate Japanese with?
113名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 17:41:11 ID:AlUnQ70a
huuum? Is it wrong?

Do you translate Japanese with any software?
114名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 19:03:37 ID:+gK682PX
115名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 19:06:04 ID:HaqU20Ly BE:1565895078-PLT(15151)
116名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 19:10:40 ID:QDkZwZj7
         イ从、从从从从从ll|| |リ从////ノノ彡;j
       (ミミ;;ッ''"゙ ̄ '、::::゙`゙''ー、/"´:::  :::: |;;;;;彡|
        }ミミ;;;} :::  {:: ゙:::::、:::    :::ィ ,,:::: };;;;イ;;l
        jミミ;;;;} :::  ヽ::::ミヽ::  |  ノ  W::  |;;;;彡:|
          }ミ;;;;;;} ::: ヾ {:::::ミ ヽ j イ|从 ":::: };;;;;;彡{
         iミ゙;;;ノ::::::  \'、 }}: l||イ /,ィ;;、、-ーーヾ'ァ;;イ、
        {;;;;リ:レ彡"三三ミヽ,,リ{{,,ノ;;;;ィ≦==ミ'" |;;〉l.|
        l"';;;l ゙'''<<~(::) >>::)-ら::ィ'ー゙-゙,,彡゙  .:|;l"lリ
          |l ';;', ::: ー` ̄:::::::ミ}゙'~}彡ィ""´   .:::lリノ/
         l'、〈;', :::    :::::::t、,j iノ:::、::..    ..::::lー'/
   ,、,,,/|  ヽヽ,,', ::.、    :::::(゙゙(  ),、)、ヽ::.  イ ::::l_ノ
)ヽ"´   ''''"レl_ヽ,,,', ヾ'ー、:::;r'"`' ゙'';;""  ゙l|  ::j ::: |: l,,,,
         ゙''(,l ', l| リ {"ィr''''' ーー''ijツヽ  l| :" l  |',`ヽ,
   英      (l :'、 `',. 'l| |;;゙゙゙゙"""´ー、;;| ノ:  / /リヽ \
    語       Z::::ヽ '、 ゙'t;ヽ ` ´ ノ;;リ   ,r' //  |
   で       ..>; :::ヽ  ::ヽミニニニ彡'"  , '::::://  |
   頼      ..フヽ ::\ : ミー―― "ノ , ':::: //:   |
   む       }ヽヽ :::::\::( ̄ ̄ ̄ /:::://:    |
           }| ヽヽ :::::`'-、竺;;ニィ'::://    |    l
   //      (: |  ヽ ヽ :::: ::::::...  :://     |    |
)  ・・.       (  |  ヽ ヽ::  ::::::... //      リ.    |
つ、       r、{  |   ヽ ヽ   //      /     |
  ヽ      '´    |   ヽ  ヽ //      /     |
117名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 19:23:07 ID:ZODbV4CQ
118名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 20:23:06 ID:096h2ieP
>>116 "Please speak English!!"
119名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 20:55:31 ID:9Tybd8Et
I am PENIS!!!
120名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 22:58:51 ID:EgNcI7N0
miss spell
121名無し編集部員:2008/11/11(火) 23:58:47 ID:C6Sj0UDY
Jim, I wonder whether you really understand Japanese or not.Can you translate >>69 to English?

122名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 00:31:05 ID:7+KA+BXb
123名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 00:39:04 ID:7+KA+BXb
124名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 00:55:09 ID:Y3jl/9yI
125 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/12(水) 01:14:22 ID:0aneKjGG
Good morning.
I wish you sweet dreams!

126名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 03:48:48 ID:8TiMdowx

127名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 04:49:49 ID:cvBQfj5r


それに「Deleters 乙」と言った直後に荒らし認定ってそこから既におかしいでしょ
128名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 07:02:35 ID:APJn1U1G
129名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 07:16:34 ID:nxEp4FxE
130名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 07:28:38 ID:mQuVdXrK
131名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 07:31:46 ID:H5E5QSSh
132名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 07:48:33 ID:AMKIPjcL
133名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 08:01:36 ID:APJn1U1G
134Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:09:48 ID:???
ほんとに? ども ありがとう
Thank you for the explaining my misunderstanding.
135Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:11:59 ID:???
たのしん これは
136Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:13:44 ID:???
137Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:16:58 ID:???
こう しゅうにゅう ばいと です
138Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:20:45 ID:???
139名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 11:20:57 ID:9jrBhGjQ
Thank you very much!
140Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:23:03 ID:???
英語で頼む おねがい します
日本 大丈夫です。。。。たぶうん
141名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 11:24:00 ID:9jrBhGjQ

JAPANESE [事実を言うか!]

変な訳になってる lol
142名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 11:25:17 ID:9jrBhGjQ

>>118 is >>116's traslate
143Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:26:05 ID:???
Misuzuya の あなたわ いい ひと です
ほんと ですか?
I think so。
144名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 11:26:17 ID:9jrBhGjQ
Oh! Mistake! Sorry!
145Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:26:35 ID:???
146Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:27:31 ID:???
どう いたし まして
You are welcome.
147Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:30:54 ID:???
>>144 大丈夫 です
148Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:46:16 ID:???
149Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 11:52:22 ID:???
>>121 I know the meaning of many kanji. I don't know the pronounciation of them.
Or even how to type them though. My Japanese ability is documented here.
My conversation level is passive listener. I understand basic conversation, but
can not reply well in Japanese. This is because I am not fluent enough to think
in Japanese. Everyday I show a little improvement though.
150Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 12:16:54 ID:???
Thus spoke the raven
151Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 12:39:43 ID:???
この もんだい どして も とけない です。
ど やれば いい か おしえて ください。
152Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 12:54:08 ID:???
なに の ボビオロヤン?
153Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 12:57:53 ID:???
Thank you Ranger
No art today?
154Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 13:02:59 ID:???
ごめんあさい すみーません
155Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 13:04:34 ID:???
とっても しぜんな しんせつ に であった わけだし。
156Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 13:12:49 ID:???
わたし も です >>129
157Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 13:15:44 ID:???
すみーません、 あらし ですか?
158Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 13:23:09 ID:???
Soon calling will become easier.
159Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 13:25:45 ID:???
雨 ふって じ かたまる
160名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 13:49:39 ID:7+KA+BXb
>>69 confirmed to Jim-san that both the person who request deletion of the thread >>9 and deleter of it are arashi(vandals).

Reply of Jim-san to >>69 in >>81 'あっています' means that admin consider some deleter as arashi.
If there are any errors, you may deny it clearly.
161名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 15:53:28 ID:ixHt/YoY
空気 読まずに 書くけど Jimさんは ゲーム 好き?
ソニックワールドアドベンチャー(Sonic Unleashed) 買うの?
162Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 16:02:44 ID:???
The deleter is a volunteer, and has no responsibility for that.
If they make a mistake it is ざんねん。
Most of the time they are doing an excellent job. I thank them
for the help they are doing for our community.
Everyone can not be happy all the time when they make a decision.
163Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 16:08:14 ID:???
I have been playing Guitar hero on the ps3.
Currently I am playing Guitar hero Aerosmith.
Jo Perry is so hard to beat! His death drain is
spiritual kung-fu.
164名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 16:09:46 ID:ixHt/YoY
おー ギターヒーロー あるんだ
音楽の ゲーム 面白いよね
165129:2008/11/12(水) 16:32:10 ID:Srgr9Mo4
166Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 16:32:28 ID:???
すべてが しゅみ と でいかつ です。
167名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 16:36:01 ID:9jrBhGjQ
What's "でいかつ" ?
168名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 16:37:23 ID:ixHt/YoY
169Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 16:38:07 ID:???
Is this the correct kanji for baseball? 野球
I have to go to baseball practice now.
いって きます
170Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/12(水) 16:39:39 ID:???
Spelling error
171名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 16:39:41 ID:9jrBhGjQ
あぁ "せいかつ"? Life?

172名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 16:40:02 ID:Rw3pw8Zs
_,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´
173名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 16:42:13 ID:IkxJI+X+
174名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 17:21:10 ID:VKFt0y1v
175名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 18:19:17 ID:MD4+gp/9
Yes, it is the kanji which has the meaning "baseball".
We read "野球" "yakyu"
176名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 20:01:37 ID:6cyZCL3q
Dear. Jim

How are you?
I have some Question.
The word "arashi" meaning = Management disturbance

原文 Jimさんは、削除人の1人を運営妨害(arashi)と書きました。
訳文 Mr. Jim wrote one deletion people to be management disturbance (arashi).

原文 その決定は、今後のボランティアに影響するでしょう。
訳文 The determination will influence a future volunteer.

原文 管理者のJimさんは、その削除人に対して、警告したのですか?
訳文 Did Mr. Jim of an administrator warn to the deletion people?

原文 この裁定は、ボランティアの協力を困難にするでしょう。
訳文 This arbitration will make cooperation of a volunteer difficult.

原文 管理人として、削除人に削除基準を示していたのであれば、問 題はありません。
訳文 As a janitor, if the deletion standard was shown to deletion people, it is a question. There is no title.

原文 あなたが、削除人をarashiと書くのであれば、ガイドライン1−b に抵触した理由を示さなければなりません。
訳文 If you write deletion people to be arashi, it will be guideline 1-b. The reason which conflicted must be shown.
177176:2008/11/12(水) 20:05:57 ID:6cyZCL3q

原文 管理人として、削除人に削除基準を示していたのであれば、問 題はありません。
訳文 As a janitor, if the deletion standard was shown to deletion people, it is a question. There is no title.

原文 管理人として、削除人に削除基準を示していたのであれば、問題はありません。
訳文 As a janitor, if the deletion standard was shown to deletion people, there is no problem.
178名無し編集部員:2008/11/12(水) 20:46:37 ID:7+KA+BXb
>>176 want to remove the permission of deletion from some deleter because some thread he resided was deleted.
The validity of his claim depends on just one sentence of >>81.
Objectively speaking, >>81 is very ambiguous and has no efficiency as a word of admin.
But, >>176 is believing that admin considered some deleter as evil and decided to remove permission.
He will continue inquiring about the progress of punishment until you deny it or execute.
179名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 00:46:15 ID:yqC2nlcn
 : : : /: /.:.:.:.〆:.:.:.:.:.イr ゝ=ノ ゝ==ノゝ=.イ「 __ 》ーく\\:.ヽ
 : : / :/:.:. 〃:.:.∠))ニイ : : : ′: : : : : : : : ::`T: :T K  V_) )ゝー_‐ 、
  :/: /:.:.:./:. イ 「 ¨:.:: : : : :U: : : :.U: : : : : :|: : : : : ゝ,ニ、Y´1 ( \ヽ
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180 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/13(木) 00:53:50 ID:yqC2nlcn





181名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 02:57:33 ID:Wbtnt09e
182Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 08:49:37 ID:???
I will write in English. I am happy with the work of the volunteers. Perhaps my
words are misunderstood.
I have complimented the deleters for their dedication.
The arashi are the ones that the deleters help defend against.
Deletion people are NOT arashi.
183Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:17:38 ID:???
Don't hit women.
184Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:18:39 ID:???
はい わかり まして
185Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:19:44 ID:???
186名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 09:22:45 ID:EQTjtrsb
  ┏┓  ┏━━┳┳┓ |:|:.l:.:.:.:|ノヾ ヽ!  Yfたミヽ:.:.|:.:j:.:|:.:.|l            ┏━┓
┏┛┗━┫┏┓┃┃┃ lハ:ヘ:.:.:| fr心    ヒzり |:./|/`i:|:.:.|l            ┃  ┃
┗┓┏┓┃┗┛┣╋┻━\!、:、弋り 、   ///.|':.:.|_ノ.:!:.:.!l━━━━━┓┃  ┃
  ┃┃┗┫┏┓┃┃       |:`T// 、-‐っ  /.:.:/:.:.:/:.:.:|:'、        ┃┃  ┃
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             /ヽ| '.   /    /      |:{ ハ:.:.:.:.:.:.:./.:.:.:/
          ,.イ― ! ハ.  '    /-―――― ヾ、.ヘ:.:.:.:./_.:/
           /:.:!   | | .ヘ.    ,.イ         ,.イ   !:.:/
            /:.:.:L_ | l l ヽ- '´| !          { '.  |/
            !//  ̄| l |.     |l          ヽ ヽ、
          f:.:.:.!   !   iー- 、. l !           `丶、
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          |:/廴二!  ヽ.__ノ    l=--== ¨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄i
187Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:23:33 ID:???
188Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:29:24 ID:???
焼ゅ yakyu = Wine
焼きゅ = Roast animal
夜気ゅ = Outdoor wine
と 野球 = yakyu = バスーバル
189Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:30:10 ID:???
190Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:33:20 ID:???
I emphatically deny that. He is taking my words out of context.
He should be a lawyer...;)
191Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:36:25 ID:???
おはよう ございます
Morning ascii の ども ありがとう 
192Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 09:37:32 ID:???
193名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 10:31:48 ID:h9rBqLXd
>>190 Overview of what's going on.

One of ascii2d board user complained about a deleter's behavior,
that is, the deleter deleted some posts which relates to upload's demand
and actual uploaded report of scanned copyrighted adult comics on the
ground of GL4&7(data) as requested in the ascii2d deletion request thread.
The deleter stopped some of the threads which does same offence even after
the several deletion at different times. (>>9-14, >>23)

He attempted to get the Jim-san's word which admits uploaded report should not be
the subject of deletion (>>26) and believed he got the answer "You don't say
No means OK thanks"(>>29)

Attempt to get the Jim-san's word which admits the deletion requester of the
uploaded report and the deleter are both vandals(>>69) because admin allows such
posts as above and Jim-san said "Correct"(>>81)
194Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 10:35:06 ID:???
Exactly. It is just a bad user, not a bad deleter.
195名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 10:47:53 ID:h9rBqLXd
I think that you had better say about the decision of the deleter is correct or not
as every points of the following, because the user still believed that he got Jim-san's word.

Point 1
The deleter's decision is right to delete the copyrighted data request(GL4)
Point 2
The deleter's decision is right to delete the uploaded report of copyrighted data(GL7)
Point 3
The deleter's decision is right to stop the habitual offender thread.
196Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 10:58:03 ID:???
Point 1
-The deleter's decision is right to delete the copyrighted data request(GL4)

The deleter is right.

Point 2
The deleter's decision is right to delete the uploaded report of copyrighted data(GL7)

The deleter is right.

Point 3
The deleter's decision is right to stop the habitual offender thread.

The deleter is right.

197名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 11:03:11 ID:h9rBqLXd
Aha. those are clear answer like today's Tokyo sky ;)
198Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 11:14:07 ID:???
とても まぶし?
199名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 11:20:04 ID:h9rBqLXd
Yeah, it is so bright although it is cold

はい。 とても まぶしい です。 さむい ですけど。
200Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/13(木) 12:24:20 ID:???
Please enjoy the day.
201名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 18:03:50 ID:WepbxvKk
202名無し編集部員:2008/11/13(木) 18:35:40 ID:tp6PhPaJ
203176:2008/11/13(木) 20:50:58 ID:wwGBfCon
Dear. Jim

Thanks for answer.
A question was settled.

>>195 Very Clear.Thank you.


204名無し編集部員:2008/11/14(金) 00:24:49 ID:KIPLhUFg
205 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/14(金) 00:43:32 ID:AJOhA6uR





206名無し編集部員:2008/11/14(金) 01:09:29 ID:yYTYTbe3
I より先に
H を習う

これが 日本の 英語 教育 なのです !
207 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/14(金) 01:51:13 ID:AJOhA6uR



208Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 09:48:48 ID:???
209Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 09:49:54 ID:???
210Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 09:50:28 ID:???
どう いたし まして
211Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 09:53:51 ID:???
Time to fly, a second chance, peace on Earth.
しぱい から まなびましょう
212Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 09:59:09 ID:???
おはよう ございます
日本 ♪ ください ほし です
213Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 10:16:21 ID:???
I looks like エ as in エロ
H pronounciation えっち
214Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 10:28:45 ID:???
>>207 $の前にHですか、ううむ?
215名無し編集部員:2008/11/14(金) 13:06:09 ID:Tu/6Pemg
なにが できるのか おしえてください。

216Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 15:08:55 ID:???
pasegueno いい です

217名無し編集部員:2008/11/14(金) 15:37:52 ID:uyoK4pR6
218Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 16:24:07 ID:???
219名無し編集部員:2008/11/14(金) 16:49:13 ID:l8nGSRtj
    _, ._
  ( ・ω・)
   |:::::::::\, ', ´
、、、、し 、、、(((.@)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
220名無し編集部員:2008/11/14(金) 17:02:59 ID:4UHErPZ3
"mistake" is not "しぱい" but "しっぱい".
Additionary, the kanji means "mistake" is "失敗".
221Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/14(金) 19:00:39 ID:???
Thank you. I will update my blog with that information.
222 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/15(土) 01:55:09 ID:8x3YoIA8






223名無し編集部員:2008/11/15(土) 11:21:58 ID:JJ1Trlbp

Surprisingly, though it noticed now.
Our Prime Minister is "ass hole".  /(^o^)\
224男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/15(土) 11:58:29 ID:???
aso- ga asso-
this is japanese joke
225 ◆CHINPOGEDU @男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/15(土) 12:02:23 ID:???
hi Jim how are you?
Writing is after a long time
226名無し編集部員:2008/11/16(日) 21:44:53 ID:77fcxaT/
It is this person's birthday today!
227名無し編集部員:2008/11/16(日) 22:05:02 ID:Z0w9hKLq
Yeah, it's his 19th birthday.

...19th? Really?
228名無し編集部員:2008/11/16(日) 22:21:48 ID:O4nciFS7
PINKには 入れない!
229Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/17(月) 08:45:14 ID:???
Happy birthday. I totally forgot. すみーません
230Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/17(月) 08:46:45 ID:???
What a lovely crime though. Victimless, and the criminal aspect makes it even more
おはよう ございます げんき ですか?
231Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/17(月) 08:49:01 ID:???
I think it is spelled Aso in roman characters...

232Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/17(月) 08:50:17 ID:???
元気 ですか?

233名無し編集部員:2008/11/17(月) 09:56:21 ID:bAGQS/Fv
What is Phoenix? new server, new regulation system, or something else?
Just curious about it.
234Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/17(月) 12:01:02 ID:???
It is just a code name for the project I am working on. Please please functions you would like
235名無し編集部員:2008/11/17(月) 12:38:11 ID:bAGQS/Fv

Yeah, I noticed the thread and wondered what it is.
hmm.... Just wish list for new Pink channel infrastructure?
236Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/17(月) 13:26:30 ID:???
I think this covers it.
237名無し編集部員:2008/11/17(月) 14:05:02 ID:Z8FtBiJ7
238Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/17(月) 14:22:36 ID:???
かぜ おひきました
239名無し編集部員:2008/11/17(月) 17:11:16 ID:9bR0d9/2
Oh, a magnet on a diskette...
The diskette might be broken...
240名無し編集部員:2008/11/17(月) 18:07:17 ID:Z8FtBiJ7
ソレダ!!ヽ(´∀`)9 ビシ!!
241Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/17(月) 18:12:58 ID:???
OMG hehehehehee. You are very observation skills are keen.
242名無し編集部員:2008/11/17(月) 19:10:01 ID:qAKssz6/
243名無し編集部員:2008/11/17(月) 19:16:37 ID:/M31r+FG
    _, ._
  ( ・ω・)
   |:::::::::\, ', ´
、、、、し 、、、(((.@)wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
244男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/17(月) 23:40:46 ID:???
          _, ._
         ( ・ω・)
          |:::::::::\, ', ´
wwwwwww、、、、し 、、、(((.@)wwwwwwwwwwwww
245 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/18(火) 01:30:30 ID:H1ZzE/dG


It is a dream medicine garden heaven.


we can !


246Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/18(火) 09:32:54 ID:???
はい ほんと です
dream garden heaven ぼちぼち
247名無し編集部員:2008/11/18(火) 21:32:19 ID:fv5ovKM6
Hi Jim-san

I like this great ero-painter
248男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/19(水) 00:57:31 ID:???
nice hentai
249Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/19(水) 09:58:45 ID:???
わいわい すげ
250Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/19(水) 09:59:34 ID:???
おはいおう ございます 
251男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/19(水) 18:05:36 ID:???

252Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/19(水) 19:17:29 ID:???
253 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/20(木) 00:37:07 ID:FCG9dxvq
                         _,,,,,,,,,,_   _,..-‐'''"ヘ
                         !´,-ュ、  `'´イ、ヘ、 ヽ,,
                           ム''ン /,イn \ ヾヽ, \1
                          / / イ /!l i  ヽ  ヘ  ヽ,
                        /   /! !_i,‐| リ \''' ナヘ ,!ヘ   ヽ
                     {  .∧,ヘl,,=ヘ、!   =‐ャ=!/i i     i
                       〉、| `y' r:'_;;l     ヒ:゙::__|ン  i    l
                          'イ i、!、_\´   '       ノ..ノi l !l l ぽちぽち
                          !∧ ヽヾ、   `´   _フ| ノノ .// !'
                   __,;;'_"´ ̄`''ー-_!`_ー ... -''"  .iノ-' "
                _,,... ‐ ''"´       ̄     ,.  ""''''ー- ゝ‐‐''''ー-、
                ,f": :            . :'"              ヽ
           /              /            i     i
           /                  i               . . . ヽ,     |
           |             _, t         : : : r;.、:.ヘ    .!
             !           _, - '"  \               ': : : i   .!
           ヽ、     _,.-''"        \               |  ./
           _,...r''7ェ'ア´            \             |  /
          ri'´l j._ノ        `゙'       \        / ./
         ,r゙''ー^''                        \     ノ /
       /     _......--.....__                  `''ェー''"  .l
      /              `"ー.、              ヽ,    /
     /                   `ヽ、               ヽ  /
    /                        \             ∨
   ./                         ヽ       _,.-'      i
  /                         ヽ  ,.-'"          i
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  .!             /                  /              |
  !           /                 ,イ                 |
   !         /                     /              |
   !、     /                    /                   |
    \   ./                     ノ                   |
        `ヽy                    /                  !
254ノfusidarasan:2008/11/20(木) 04:19:07 ID:eiIcRfGz
Happy Birthday, Jim-san

    ☆☆\_\/☆☆  .          |
   /  ☆☆☆  ./ |__∧       人
   | ̄ ̄【】【】 ̄ ̄|  |◇・)       ̄ Y  ̄
   |☆  【】【】  ☆|  |⊂丿       |
   |  ☆【】【】    |  | ノ
   |☆  【】【】 ☆ |  |_)         *
   |    【】【】  ☆| /      *
   . ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

255Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/20(木) 09:05:52 ID:???
Your art reminds me of an american folk song.
"That fine lookin' woman got a great big leg
Fine lookin' woman got a
great big leg, Yeah
Big fat woman with a great big leg
Big fat woman got a great big leg
And every time she moves
Moves like a soft boiled egg"
256Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/20(木) 09:07:19 ID:???
Thank you for the birthday thread....:)
257Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/20(木) 09:26:48 ID:???
Can someone tell me the meaning of this?
I laughed and laughed when I translated it.
"The smell of insects ass."

258名無し編集部員:2008/11/20(木) 09:37:13 ID:igRFJG0s BE:869249838-2BP(112)
259Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/20(木) 10:06:48 ID:???
I am cucumber dancing and laughing....:)
260Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/20(木) 10:19:45 ID:???
かじって なんぼ の しょうばい だ。
261名無し編集部員:2008/11/20(木) 10:35:28 ID:igRFJG0s BE:869249546-2BP(112)
I used http://sukimania.ddo.jp/trans/trans.php for translation.

>>258 は日本の子供の歌ですわ
>>258 is japanese children's song.

たぶんUSAなら…"Sesame street"の歌の一つかと
Maybe...The one like song of "Sesame street" in the USA.

Yeah! Jim-san's Japanese is skillful!

「お尻臭い虫」 だったら 「臭ってなんぼの商売だ」
「お尻臭い虫」 will become 「におってなんぼのしょうばいだ」

「臭ってなんぼのしょうばいだ」 は "It is business that I smell"? w
「におってなんぼのしょうばいだ」 is "It is business that I smell"? w
262Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/20(木) 10:44:26 ID:???

は日本の子供の歌ですわ ください

263長すぎ! It was too long!:2008/11/20(木) 11:14:08 ID:igRFJG0s BE:1014124447-2BP(112)
Is the translation suitable?

I am glad as it went into site mind.

Did you like this, too?
Happy Birth Day!! Jim-san! 誕生日おめでとう

> は日本の子供の歌ですわ ください
Because I don't really understand meanings well, I ask for the English if it is possible

Because is a dialect, do not mind "ですわ" very much; w

> は日本の子供の歌ですわ
「〜は日本の子供の歌です」 was similar, and should have done it?

翻訳するのはめんどくさいし疲れるけど、意味が伝わるとうれしいね :)
Though it is troublesome to translate and is tired, I am glad when a meaning comes :)

Comes again!
264名無し編集部員:2008/11/20(木) 11:15:20 ID:TIeaKW+T
.             / ,-〇
         /, - 、 rヽ     おしりかじり虫〜♪
            | l ・ | |・ |   n
.         !ヽ_丿 、_l_ (っ)
            } ト、____ノ |
            | l     |   /
.           r‐`ァーr‐'´
.            ヽ、_ノ
           / /
265Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/20(木) 11:39:02 ID:???
I have enjoyed your translation.
Thank you very much
ども ありがとう ございます。
いって りしゃい
266Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/20(木) 11:44:49 ID:???
おしり かじりたい
ひっくりかえて ぺこりんこ

267名無し編集部員:2008/11/20(木) 19:01:14 ID:igRFJG0s BE:289749942-2BP(112)
おしり かじられたい、、、おにゃのこ に だからねっ、勘違い しないでよ ねっ
268名無し編集部員:2008/11/20(木) 19:36:48 ID:NHfB/HDz
Happy Birthday♪Jim-san〜♪
                , -‐  、 _
                /:::::::::::::::ヽ::-ー-::、`  、
          l:/:::::::ヽ:/    l::::::::::::::::::::::l::::::::::::::::::::l
           /:::::::::::∧      l:::l::::::::::::i::::l::::::::::::::::::::l
            /:::::::::::メ、    '  ̄ ';::l::::::l::::l::i:!::::i::::::::::::::l
         //:::::::;イ ト.i    〒= 、:';:::l::::l::リ:::::l::::::::::::::l
         //:::::::/:l !リ     !::(  ヽ:!:::::l::::::::::l:::::::::::::l
         //:::://:;イz     L二プ;'::::::l へ:::::l::::::::::::l
        /;':::::::/:;イ:ヽ      z ZΖ/::::::;'ソ ノ:::::l:::::::i:::li
       ,':i::::::;イ::;' l:i::::\ヽ      /::::::;イー ':::::::::l:::::::l:::!l
        i:;'l:::;' l:::i l::';:::::::` ーr /:::::::/ l:::i:::::::::::::l:::::::l::::l
        !i l::i l::l  ';::';::::':;:::::';:::l/:::::::/   l:::';::::::::::::l:::::::l::::l
       l l::l ';:l  ':;:ヽ:::ヽ::/::;  - '  ';::':;:::::::::::l:::::::l::::l
         ', ';!  ' ,   ヽ:::; '          ':;:'::;:::::::::l:::::::l::::l
         ' ,     , '           ':;::':;:::::::l:::::::l::::l
               __ /            l  ';::';::::::::l::::::l::::l
           r/ /            ,' / !';::i::::::::l::::::l::::l
             rl i/      /       ノ / ,' i:::l::::::::l';::::l:::l
          くl し     /            /  l:::li::::::l i:::::l::l
          /     , '          /   l::::l l::::l l::::l:!
         /     /             /    l::::l l::l  l:::l
        /      ん          /     l::::l  l::l  l::l
          ,'       / l         i ,'     l:::;'  l::!  リ
       i     //l         l i     ,':/  ノl:!  ノ
       ` ‐--‐ '´  l         ', ',    ノ , ' リ
                  l         ' ,ヽ
               l            \
                  l              \
               l              ヽ\
                 l                   ', ヽ
269名無し編集部員:2008/11/20(木) 20:03:33 ID:GWjrFm3O
Happy Birthday Jim-san!
270翔 ◆KEEa96Ecz. :2008/11/20(木) 21:57:35 ID:7zkRQmD7

( ^^)Y☆Y(^^ )
271名無し編集部員:2008/11/20(木) 23:52:50 ID:vLDmXVFc

272 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/21(金) 00:46:08 ID:Sg4EDkwP
                            ,. -─=ニ二 `ヽ.:`丶
                      /.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ \::::.\
                      /.:/:/.:: . .::ヽ::丶::、:::::::ゝ一::::::::.ヽ
                    /.:: . i .l..:.::::!:::::::::i::::::ヽ:';::::::r'⌒丶::::::::',
                 ,. -─-、,' ..:::::::!::|::::::::!::::::j::!:::::::}:::j::::::、   |:::::、::i
              /     |::::::::::::、:l:;::::::|ハ;ノ!j:::::::jVイ:::::::`ー-'、:::::ヽ!
             ,ゝ _. -‐-、!::::::::::::、ヾ\:! ' リ;: -′ !:::::::::::::了 ヽ::::::!            Happy Birthday Jim-san。

            ,.イ/´   \ ゝ:ヽ:ゞ、   `    '´ ̄´|.:.:::::::::::j| /.:::::::!
          ,.イ //       丶 `ヽ:;ヽ_r‐'        |;j::::,l:::::|:|ノ.::::::::::、
            / /〃       ヽ(X) |iハ   '、 __,   ,ノ::」|:::::!:|::::::::i:::::::ヽ
        /l i! /_       /⌒l   |!::::.、   ヾ_/   ´ ̄ィ::::イ|:::::::::!:::::::::ヽ
   ,. -─r-/ |.j ,l    ̄ ̄  ̄`ー-'   |ヽ::::::丶.       / j::::/!:!:::::::::!:::::::::::ヽ
  / |   | i |.! i|               ,.` \:::::::::`::.._..,r'′ /イノィ|:i::::::::::!:::::::::::::ヽ
  { |   ! ヽ.|i .l|   (X)      , '    }::;>─く::`ー/ノ´|:::!:i::::::::::!:::::::::::::::ヽ
  丶 !  |   Y! l|          ,. '       r’´.::::::::::::::`::-::::_:::::|::::::i::::::::::i:::::::::::::::::ヽ
   ` ‐-'-一'´ヽ;hn       ,.'      _,L::_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::::::i:::::::::::!:::::::::::::::::ヽ
           r| | |∩         /.:::::::::::::`::ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::|::::::::i::::::::::::!::::::::::::::::::ヽ
273Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/21(金) 09:11:41 ID:???
274Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/21(金) 09:15:25 ID:???
ども ありがとう
くわいい です
275Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/21(金) 09:17:49 ID:???
Thanks guys. Its over now. ok?
276Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/21(金) 09:19:41 ID:???
ぜんぜん わからんあい
277Teach it if English is wrong:2008/11/21(金) 10:51:49 ID:Hpuivb60 BE:869248883-2BP(112)
No,no "やのこ"
おにゃのこ=おんなのこ=おんな の こ=女の子=女の娘=Girl=女性=Lady
"おにゃのこ" は スラング で、時々"BBSPINK" でも 使われる よ
"おにゃのこ" is slang, it's used sometimes in "BBSPINK"

http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1227121124/44 すげ "Rainbow" → "Wonderful"
ありがとう http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STl8wqvtbqo&fmt=18

Hawaian → Island's song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7V-wJYlggc&fmt=18 from okinawa-islands
ジムさんは たぶん "島唄" を 知っている ↑は 別の 歌で "童神" です
Maybe Jim-san is knows "Shima-Uta", ↑is different song "Warabi-Gami"="Child is Spirit(god)"
それ は 方言が きついから 翻訳する の は 難しい w
Because a dialect of lyrics is tight, it is difficult to translate it . ^^;

see you, Jim-san. ノシ
278Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/21(金) 11:27:50 ID:???
ども ありがとう 先生ーさん
Thank you for the detailed explanation.
おにゃのこ = 女の子
完璧 ですか?
279男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/21(金) 17:08:28 ID:???
In almost Japanese feeling, "おにゃのこ" is lolicon or pedophilian word when the man uses it.
280名無し編集部員:2008/11/21(金) 17:49:18 ID:lTX5sWfL

γ /'リ リ从,)
レ'レ;‘ ヮ‘ノj  はわわわ…


 ,l       \    ヽ
   l|, 、  、 |iヽ, ヽ \.   ヽ
 l  i ! | i  | |l'、ト ヽ iヽ ヽ  ',
 |  / | |. i  |.|| i.|ヽ |、 | ',   i  i
 ! / |,ャ、メ |i ト十i‐トi、! l  .i|  i
,.|!,.+‐'"| | | |i}  ' ュノェ|i,`i  l.| i
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' '/ iニ)ヽ,ヽ |!.   ' {::::::;、! 〉iー | | |
;〈 !:::::::c!      `'ー''(つ }i | i.| |
 (つ`''"    、  //// /;:i | | !. |
、////      '     /,ノi,   i. |
、,ゝ、     , ‐-    /   i |  |. i
 | lヽ、        /    | i  | !
i |l l| |`''‐ 、   , イ | |    | i  |. !
| ||i,| |    ` ''"  | /l| l  |i  |l l  ! i
| l|!,>‐!          |〃i:|'i i | |.i |i | |i
i l iヽ.,!        |メ,/ | /ノi i. ! il i |i
/' |.:.:.:.``''ー-、     !  〉,|/ |/i' l |i l |ヽ
281名無し編集部員:2008/11/22(土) 11:42:46 ID:O7hdC+OF
Big Eyes Monster!
282Teach it if English is wrong:2008/11/22(土) 12:09:58 ID:9aoCZ33A BE:760592873-2BP(112)
                           _ _
                       , -── くy‐{::豸::::::::::.',
                  「`ヽ  ヾ:::::::r‐ 、:::::::::::::::::::レ′
                ヽ    ノ:::::::l ノノ:::::::::::::::::/
                n   ノ゙´   `ー┘ l:::::::::::::::/
          n /)//_ 〈          |::::::::/
          | l リ/ r‐‐Oヽ        |:/
             ',ヽ  レ' /    ̄ ̄ 1    |
              l  V /      |  , ー ニニユ_
             |  ノ /      ノy/ *  . . : |
             |  /        //   . . :  *〈
            l  |       / ,r'´.  * : * . ゚:\
           |  ト、    | /.。 : . /  . 。 .* : .゚」
           r┴-、」_|\   リ . :* / *. . : . ゜: _/ ̄\
            〉     ヽ \ } : 。 ./ . : .: : : i :/     ヽ
            } _     \V * : /゜. : : :.* . 卩/ _入  .:::::
          「.。*.Vyr‐-. 、 \ :゚/ *  : / : : |;;//  入 .:.::::::
           |* : ゜/ . :゚ * :\ y'*. :゚ */ .* 。K〈   L_」.:.:.:::::
283POE ★:2008/11/22(土) 12:33:53 ID:???
ジムさん 今日は いい感じ ですか?
284名無し編集部員:2008/11/22(土) 20:31:41 ID:3mDqXy5E
285名無し編集部員:2008/11/22(土) 21:05:29 ID:dqJ3pJpM
286Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 08:53:38 ID:???
287Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 08:54:23 ID:???
288Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 08:56:10 ID:???
わたしは 元気 です

Poe-さん 今日は いい感じ ですか?
289Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 08:57:06 ID:???
I have looked at what Misuzuya-san has been doing. It seems correct to me.

290Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 08:57:58 ID:???
どこ ですか?
291名無し編集部員:2008/11/24(月) 08:59:59 ID:MMAO2j04
292Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 09:18:23 ID:???
70 Inches、 5 Foot 10 Inches
1 Yard 2 Feet 10 Inches
1 yard = 91.44 centimeters
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
70 inches = 177.8 centimeters
Some foot history for you.
"1975 Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act. The major provisions of the bill provide for:

* Adaptation of SI as predominant system of measurement units
* No specific timetable
* Voluntary participation
* A Metric Board
* Costs of Conversion

# treat as other costs of doing business
# no tax credits or subsidies
# hardship cases to be reviewed by Board "
Currently I am on no specific timetable to convert to the metric system. I still can not
think with it, and have to convert in my mind when someone gives me a metric measurement.

Basing subdivisions on 12, mean that 1/2 , 1/3 , 1/4 , 1/6 , 1/12 are natural subdivisions,
giving much more range for trading quantities.

293名無し編集部員:2008/11/24(月) 09:45:02 ID:R8sUbkrY
294名無し編集部員:2008/11/24(月) 09:50:30 ID:pnX598rz
295Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 10:31:38 ID:???
いや。 Misuzuya-さん 大丈夫 です。
296Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 10:37:16 ID:???
I am watching the housekeeping board everyday. It is a very busy board, and the tireless
volunteers do there best all the time there. I am impressed with their work and devotion.
Actually, I think of them as patriots. They are defending and helping our community be a better
place. Sometimes I see what they don't delete, and usually I think it is ok, and they have made
a good decision. If they delete something that should have stayed. I am sure that it will reappear
somewhere. There are many pirate mirrors.
297Teach it if English is wrong:2008/11/24(月) 10:50:39 ID:juMgLBzj BE:1955810096-2BP(112)
> ほんと?
お嬢さん=おじょう さん=おぜう さん≒A young lady≒Miss≒Girl≒Young woman≒A daughter...etc.etc...
↑大まかな 意味(A rough meaning)、ニュアンス(Nuance)
背景(文化・言葉・宗教観念・その他)が 違う ので、正確に 伝える のは 難しい
It is difficult to tell to be different in a background(Culture/words/religion idea/etc..) precisely
もちろん、日本人 同士 でも、、、
Of course, even the Japanese...
Love and Peace

"Foot" は "Feet" の 語源? Is "Foot" an etymology of "Feet"?
"Chinese Foot Binding"= "纏足" = てんそく (Ten-Soku)

I found these
Convertworld.com http://www.convertworld.com/
単位換算表(Unit conversion table) http://www.au-techno.com/tan-i.htm Please input to a left frame, and click "=".

−− −−− ・−・ ・・・ ・  http://www.geocities.jp/mrfamicom/JavaScript/morse.html
●● ○○ ○○●○ 点字(Ten-ji)(Japanese-braille) <-> Kana
●● ○● ○●●● http://muzik.gr.jp/tenji/default.asp
●○ ●● ○○○●
↑ Can you decode it properly, Jim-san?
298Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 11:11:35 ID:???
I am sorry I can not decode it.
I did bookmark this though.
ども ありがとう
"Foot" は "Feet" の 語源? Is "Foot" an etymology of "Feet"?
"Chinese Foot Binding"= "纏足" = てんそく (Ten-Soku)

1 = Foot、 2 Or more = Feet

299Teach it if English is wrong:2008/11/24(月) 11:22:05 ID:juMgLBzj BE:543281235-2BP(112)
> 1 = Foot、 2 Or more = Feet
なるほど、ありがとう Jim-san!
300Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/24(月) 12:15:52 ID:???
301男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/24(月) 22:05:23 ID:???
wats this!?
302名無し編集部員:2008/11/24(月) 22:24:24 ID:juMgLBzj BE:2028247687-2BP(112)
303男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/25(火) 02:14:43 ID:???
304Greenday ★:2008/11/25(火) 08:12:13 ID:???
Dear Jim-san.

All of the passwords / log in infos of
banana3001.maido3.com , Kako-log server

have been changed again.
I did not know that, so now I can not delete anything on those servers.

getting some serious complainings, so could you please ask someone to give you new login names and pass words?
If you can forward them to me, I would appreciate.

305Greenday ★:2008/11/25(火) 08:15:06 ID:???




Let's talk with Jim-san. Part11


306Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 09:24:15 ID:???
>>301 サイーバ セクセ です
It is cybersex.
307Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 09:32:06 ID:???
308Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 09:32:43 ID:???
309Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 09:37:32 ID:???
おはよう ございます Greendayーさま
すみーません、 まつ しかない
まかせて ください。
310名無し編集部員:2008/11/25(火) 10:32:48 ID:h5rjtCfE
311Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 10:45:57 ID:???
312Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 10:49:28 ID:???
313Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 11:01:37 ID:???
314POE ★:2008/11/25(火) 11:11:28 ID:???
Wow! so quick! Great!
315POE ★:2008/11/25(火) 11:12:13 ID:???
あ゛ーっ w
316 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/11/25(火) 11:18:23 ID:v65Xf0ao
Do you think that what kind of child is born?
317Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 11:25:40 ID:???
There is currently a lot of interspecies breeding experimentation going on.
Part human part animal = chimera
It is possible for different species with different numbers of chromosomes to breed though.
An example would be a mule. This is the offspring of a female horse, and a male donkey.
The horse has 64 chromosomes and the donkey 62. The mules they produce have 63 chromosomes
and are sterile.

318Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 11:32:04 ID:???
がんばって きたよね
319POE ★:2008/11/25(火) 12:12:50 ID:???
 ( ゚ω゚ )      n
 ̄     \    ( E) GJ
フ     /ヽ ヽ_//
320Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 12:15:37 ID:???
Actually a child would not be born this way. The only way I can see to get a viable result
is by gene splicing.
A cat has 38 chromosomes and a dog 78. If they could breed, who knows maybe this
would produce a Woolly Mammoth. They had 58 chromosomes.

Humans have 46 chromosomes and dogs 78. If they could produce offspring
they might be able to interbreed with donkeys who also have 62 chromosomes.
Even if the chromosome count matches. It does not mean that there could be viable
offspring. Can you vision a human rabbit? Both hares and humans have the same
number of chromosomes. Is it possible to produce a hareman?
Gene splicing is a much better alternative.
Providing you can get the cells to fuse, the exotic results are fantastic to imagine.

321Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 12:19:05 ID:???
どう いたし まして
322Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 12:19:39 ID:???
323 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/11/25(火) 12:56:52 ID:u5ZBrml/
324Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 13:06:20 ID:???
1963 hare
325名無し編集部員:2008/11/25(火) 15:33:48 ID:RMa2P2N0
326 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/11/25(火) 19:19:52 ID:YFbP3dew
Dear Jim-san

We have problems for solution in the report system and the release system.
It is a method of releasing the regulation.
There are some matters that should be released now.
There is a request "It corresponds, and release it, please" from ISP, too.

How about the result of Jim-san's speaking with Hiroyuki-san?

We were very embarrassed at Christmas of last year.
We think that the Christmas event reappears when making a mistake by the regulation system.
What should we do?
How should I write the answer to ISP?

Please let me hear Jim-san's idea.

your friend EROyVmNwwM




327 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/11/25(火) 19:34:13 ID:YFbP3dew
Jim-san is a birth at year of the rabbit.
I imagined it.
Rabbit-man that the face is a rabbit, and a body is a human.
328Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 20:27:40 ID:???
I hope that Christmas is not ruined as well.
しかえし しちゃ いけません
Please forward me the ISP request, and I will ask
for this to be released as well.
Hopefully we are better prepared this Christmas.
At least we have a backup plan in place if there
is some kind of problem.
Thank you for your hard effort.


329Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 20:29:02 ID:???
>>327 hehehehe
Yes I can imagine that too. Maybe it looks something like one of those
ascii art characters that is beating a drum....;)
330Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/25(火) 20:29:38 ID:???
おやすみ なさい
331名無し編集部員:2008/11/25(火) 20:30:11 ID:F3S4yToq
332 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/11/25(火) 20:51:46 ID:YFbP3dew
I (We) am wishing an excellent relation between PINK and 2ch.
I wish always to express my gratitude for 2ch.
There cannot be retaliation.

Mail from ISP is forwarded to Jim-san.
Other matters that should be released are sent.
However, it is likely to become after tomorrow.
Because I should get up early in the morning.
I will work tomorrow evening.
333名無し編集部員:2008/11/25(火) 22:17:23 ID:DWxSLWZ7
334名無し編集部員:2008/11/25(火) 22:19:45 ID:DWxSLWZ7

176 名前:名無しさん@ピンキー[sage] 投稿日:2008/11/25(火) 12:28:07 ID:JgSUYzEi0
Misuzuya ★がそれに踊らされ(もしくは結託し)、不可解なスレスト乱発。そのくせグロなどの荒らしは放置
◆AGE.7DMhSgによる削除依頼荒らし再開。当然のように便乗犯も削除依頼荒らしを再開 ←今ここ
335名無し編集部員:2008/11/25(火) 22:31:33 ID:q8xTBTSS
336名無し編集部員:2008/11/25(火) 22:39:51 ID:SQTl+Wri

Jim-san will say "I don't understand Japanese."
337名無し編集部員:2008/11/26(水) 00:12:11 ID:M6y4L+o9

> 愉快犯が、荒らし目的の
> それに踊らされ(もしくは結託し)
> 今依頼を出しても無駄と悟ったか、
> 削除依頼荒らしを行えない事でストレスが溜まったらしく、
等々 不要です。
338 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/26(水) 01:45:36 ID:tJaOeR8V




1.2.3. DA-----

339Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 09:46:56 ID:???
>>333 アップロード どこ どこ ですか?
340Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 09:50:20 ID:???
If the grammar is correct in Japanese, and the person who writes it is intelligent,
then translation software is sufficient to understand the meaning and context of
that persons writing.
341Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 09:52:21 ID:???
わたしは わかります
342Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 09:57:31 ID:???
はい そう です
おねがい します
343Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 09:58:45 ID:???
おはよう ございます Rangerーさん
Art ください. わたしは ほし です。
Cheer me up baby.
344Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 16:31:40 ID:???
I am going to baseball practice now.

345名無し編集部員:2008/11/26(水) 16:38:13 ID:l7FjvKT1
Go for it!
I used to play baseball. it's alot of fun
346名無し編集部員:2008/11/26(水) 17:14:35 ID:0WAiwGu8
Hit by pitch
347 ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2008/11/26(水) 20:07:00 ID:LnmJdrHI
Dear Jimさん

Evryone understands that its better using 2ch system.
Now, weare using it.

The user came across the vandalism.
They report status to FOX.
FOX makes writing ban when the condition is equal.
Except for the vandalism which has invariable single IP address, the involvement occurs in the influence.
報告人(ほうこくにん) notifies the damages to the ISP.
  Only PINKch as for writing ban, we have begun work already.
◆EROyVmNwwM confirms that the ISP investigated and that it warned the person who caused vandalism.
◆EROyVmNwwM judges whether or not to cancel writing ban.
2ch cancels writing ban.

It is necessary that you say "You OK? press the button of the cancellation because we have 報告人 of PINKch and judge cancellation".

◆EROyVmNwwM-san wants to know.
If you already told to Hiroyuki-san in very personal , He wants your words "GO".
If not tell yet, I think that youll write here or anywhere "You OK? press the button~~~~~ ".
348Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 20:14:04 ID:???
If Seven san and Ero san think it is good. Then lets push the button.
Fox-san thinks it is good, then that must be very good. We have to be
careful, but if the ISP has warned them, then it should be ok.
349Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 20:14:43 ID:???
Baseball is over. Practice was a lot fun.
350Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/26(水) 20:15:17 ID:???
ouch! Walk.
351 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/11/26(水) 20:29:04 ID:E4Xh/2J/

I forwarded mail.
Please confirm it.
352 ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2008/11/26(水) 20:45:44 ID:e8REvICZ
Wow great!

The person of pushing the button is reffi-san 報告人-2ch.
and he/she is under Hiroyuki-san's control.
So Hiroyuki-san's instruction is necessary.
In other words we need you and Hiroyuki say "GO"

So please declare here to Hiroyuki-san about OK or NO cancellation writing ban.
And EROyVmNwwM-san takes Hiroyuki-san anyhow................?
We just say we have 報告人&解除判断人 already.
353名無し編集部員:2008/11/26(水) 21:26:01 ID:vTAzUTxM
354 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/27(木) 01:06:41 ID:mH1sBzQs




355 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/27(木) 01:07:58 ID:mH1sBzQs
  \             /⌒ー‐‐-、
  {^ \             / く      \
  \ \        /   ヽ      \
    ',  ヽ      /   / \      ヽ
     }    }´ ̄ `ヽ/  /    .\      l
     ト、  l_    / .∧       ヽ、__   │
     | ヽ/ \ー/⌒ヽ、',          `ヽJ
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: ∧ │ jl │/l…ーヘ l  |   ヽ
/ |`トJ l{ |_!_{    iレzュ!、 l: !ヾ}
i  |ミl  jイテ丈ヽ  /,ィァk}イ/Nl j/
l  iNヽ{ 代i汀     jヒ;/'/! l|
 /| l ^ヘ`ー''   i  `´厶 八
:/i | l l   ト,、  ー ' /、:/ ∧ ヽ Jim-san...
 ハ ヽ\小 > -イ⌒∨ 人 `! ト、
ノ 人 l  ゝ { ゙̄く人__}  Vハl ヽ
/  ヽi  ヽ \/| \/    :リ  l
    |   l   ̄        ヽ_ j
    | i:  |            / `く     _ __
    | i:  i    丶   /     ハ   ノ(     `ニ=ー- 、
    l i:  /-―‐‐-、 ヽ. /     i } ,/{ >} 、>‐、ヽ\ヽ‐-
    ! ! ∧     \}/       // /了  \_ヽ  \}_j J    丶、
ヽ   ヽ { i       ^  ー-イ</   ヽ   `´              \                               _
 l    lハ.ヽ      /      ヘ _ __\                \                           ∠_   ̄ヽ___
i :|   ノ! V\ ー '´                \                \                   __ -一'´   `ー─‐ -、 \
i |     :| :/   \\                    \                \           -‐ ´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄               \
 /  ` | {    \\                  ヽ、 _、              ヽ、 ___/                _,. -=ニ¬ー-、 ,ィ=<
 {  ‐-、〉 ヽ ___ ヽ \                   )' 、              `ー'´                  _ - '´      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄`\丶
 〉´/`ヽX        \ヽ、                   /  ` ‐- ._                      _  - '´           __
く/ \\_か、‐==-、 _ >、`ヽ         _  -‐'´        ` ‐- _                _, -‐ ´    _  -─‐   ̄ ̄    ` ー-
ー\_ヽ_>、)`ー’、__ ) )   )ミ)`ー==ニ¨_ ̄                 ` ー 、_        ,. <──  ¨ ̄
           ̄ ̄ ̄             ̄  ――‐ ―――  ¨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ `ヽ、 __, - '´
356Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 10:42:56 ID:???
I received it.
Fwd to Hiroyuki:

Dear Hiroyuki,

Could you ask Reffi-san to unblock this?

Your friend,

357Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 10:44:32 ID:???
358Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 10:45:57 ID:???
ども わざわざ すみーません
ども ありがとう Rangerーちゃん
359Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 10:47:55 ID:???
360 ◆SEVEN/xSuE :2008/11/27(木) 11:32:50 ID:chNTU8gQ
361名無し編集部員:2008/11/27(木) 12:06:30 ID:PQPxbP/a
ぐっど もーにんぐ
362Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 12:19:01 ID:???
The result is.
Please write it on

363Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 12:29:46 ID:???
lunch time
364Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 15:14:56 ID:???
365POE ★:2008/11/27(木) 15:17:34 ID:???

366Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 15:33:44 ID:???
367POE ★:2008/11/27(木) 16:07:09 ID:???
おいしそう です
look like taste good.
368Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 16:29:03 ID:???
ほんとに そのとり
野球に いって きます
369名無し編集部員:2008/11/27(木) 17:09:05 ID:FWQEvPsg BE:1738497986-2BP(112)
そっち は 夜中 じゃないの?
baseball ? -- your place -- midnight it is not -- ?
370Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/27(木) 19:46:47 ID:???
1 hour behind Tokyo.
おやすみ なさい
371 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/11/27(木) 19:52:35 ID:Fd2Gst5w
I'm sorry.
I do not understand well.
Hiroyuki-san is called in this thread or it asks Reffi-san for release.
Which is it?

I came to want to eat the pizza.

372名無し編集部員:2008/11/27(木) 20:12:13 ID:FWQEvPsg BE:2607746898-2BP(112)
373名無し編集部員:2008/11/27(木) 20:12:40 ID:WAIvMyHL
Really? Jim-san is in Manila, the capital of Philippines?

It's 20:11 in Tokyo, so it's 19:11 in Manila.

How often do you go abroad, Jim-san?
374 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/11/27(木) 23:38:18 ID:mH1sBzQs
                     _,.、-‐―――- 、__
                     ,ィ´:.,.ィ'´ ̄``:.:ー-、\`丶、
                    /: ://: '"´ ̄: : :\ヽ:}>、:.\
         .         ,r‐fーマ,イ : /:/ ̄ ̄ ̄``丶 :.:\:.:\
                 く―‐-、__〉/:/-――――- 、 \:、\: ヽ
              ,.ィ''7ミ_,斗<,イ:.:./: : :./: :,.ィ'"´: : } :\ ヘヽ:ヽ:.ヘ
             /  /:.く. //:.:.:./: \': :/: : : : :./: :,'!: \ハ:ヘ:. :ハ
         .   /|   /:.:.ハムイ: : :/:./!: X: : : :._,イ:.:/ / | : |: ヽ!:.:!-‐┴-、
           ムj _,厶://{ ,':.:. :i,ィfテッ、-ヘr''"/:./,イ 」_;ム:.:.リ:.:ト、ー-、 {
           「 ̄、-‐<:.:./∨:.:.:.:.|`|ハ::::},ハ -‐''"´/ィ'"´!:/!: :/:.:.:!:|、\ーリ   
           レ'´ ,':.ハ:.:.:/:.:.:|:.:. : :|ヽ'=ソ        /刋ミハ/:./: : :,':.| |  K、         
             i/ |: :|:.:.:.:| : : : i         {krjノ '",イ : : /!:.| レ'ト \
             |!  !: :ハ:.:.ハ : : :ハ   /ヽ、 _'_   `"´ / : :./|: :.|.〈:.:.i    ヽ
               ∨::,ヘ: :|、: : : iヘ. {::::::::::ノ     ,イ_,.イ:/| : |ヘ∨     !ヘ >>358 
           _,.-――i:/ ∧:| ヘ : ハ \`ニ´-‐ '"´-―‐-、:./|: ,'/\    | ∧
         /    .  |::i ,'::.ヽ! ∧:.| ヾ    | ー‐-ヽ  \_/i/    ヽ  ム-‐'      おはようございまーす。じむさーん。
                    |::|.! : :: :: 厶ハ|`ー‐  ヽ、` /∠ ヽ  \_    i\
                    |::||:: :: ::.::レ   ____,.---'´イ__二ヽ、_. |/~
                    |:‖: :: :: |/(ー-' ´      `ー――   __-、-ヽ
                ハ ハ: :: ::!∠ /    __二二-―ニ二二――――--- 、 _
               V.∧:: :: ,/  zニ二二__二――'´ ̄           ..::::`:..、__
                ハ.∧::/ _zニ-‐'´ ̄                       :::::::::{:::ti }
               ,イノ/ /´                             :::::::::::`''´ヽ
            ,.. '´|{'´/イ,'     ....:::::::::::::::::....      ヽ             ´' :;;:::::::;:''i
         ー'´{  | 〉  /    ..:::::::ィ(ー)::::::::::::.        ',                ´  |
            ヾ ノ/  イ    ::::::::ヾzイ'':::::::::::        ',                  /
           { イ!{  / |     ::::::::::::::::::::::::::         !                /
            レ' ノ ',  !     ' :;;;;::::::::;:::''´        ,' \             /ヽ
          、 ! い \ ',                   /  ` 、、        ,. '´z  ヽ
            ` 、  \ヽ                 /      `ー―t-- '´レ´    j
               ` 、_ \              /           !
                 / ̄`ーヽ、         /            /
         _____ゝ //〃  )`ー――‐‐'´             /
375Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/28(金) 11:19:43 ID:???
Good morning...:)
Please ask Reffi-san for release.

ぼちぼち いってだけます ピーザ

The weather is good. とても まぶし
Will you come here to visit?
376Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/28(金) 11:21:15 ID:???
NV すむいいいいい!
377Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/28(金) 11:24:10 ID:???
おはよう ございます Rangerーちゃん
いあ じむ
378Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/28(金) 11:25:17 ID:???
I had a turkey stuffing roll at Starbucks today.
to sweet, definately not my taste.
Happy Thanksgiving guys.
379POE ★:2008/11/28(金) 16:23:39 ID:???
Happy Thanksgiving, sir.

感謝祭 11月 第4 木曜日 ですね。
今日も お休み です。

いつもより おいしい ディナーを 食べますか?
380Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/28(金) 18:36:29 ID:???
Yesterday was Thanks giving for me. I just found the turkey today.
381名無し編集部員:2008/11/28(金) 18:36:52 ID:pvSLl2WN
382Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/11/28(金) 19:45:11 ID:???
My spider just finished. Would you believe I collected 23000 free pictures, just from the
pages that are linking to bbspink?
383男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/11/28(金) 20:24:22 ID:???
that is the next generation...very FUNNY
384名無し編集部員:2008/11/29(土) 21:31:52 ID:MFuuz4cD
         __                 __
       , ⌒ヽ\_ ,    ´ ̄ ̄ ̄`  、_// ヽ
         {、_  ゙y´, -‐-v ´ ̄ ̄` < ̄\  小
       Y⌒ヽ〃、//,  / , = 、  ヽ彡ヘ ノノノ
        ゝこVヽ/// , へY  ̄`ヽ\  V//'Y´
          八7// 〃{ い ヽ `ヽヽ 、ヽ  V//!
         小7‘ { 小l l| 、 !、  l、! l V V/l
         / ト| |l | |jLヽl ヽトlヽ 小、ハ l   v゙!
          / 八j j{|{x=ミ一´ u`x=ミ、Y | ! |
.        / / fぃi Wrぅハヽ   ´rぅハ )ぃ{ {!
.         / /  ハ ヘ !゙ j_コリ..................j_コリ ハリ ||
       / /  //ヘぃ  ..::::::::::::::i::::::::::..   ,.|l  ! |
.     / /  //! 川ゝ     , - 、    / || ,l!
.      / /  // j { l{! 丶   弋__ノ  , イ/ |l /j l|
    / / , ゙´ ̄`丶、  j 丶 __ ..<//j 〃 | l|
.   / / /       ` く     |V///l/―くノl
   / / /!    、     \     !`ア /    V
.  i ‘   ム     ヽ      ` r'´        ',
.  | l // ∧  jこニ=ー 、           /   y-、__
.  | | , ,゙ /小 /, -‐ノ r  `丶、 `ヽ     丶  ノ ´  v゙
.  | l l l {l/K_/ // , ^   `丶、}_     }/     _)
.  | i l li |j/| ヽ/ , ゙ / ,、     〈ン >   ´        〉
.  | l i il |{ {   l,/ 〃/ ヽー‐_ 彡"´      _、-く_, 〉
   いl li |レ!  `く‘´    >'´      ,.  ゙´   ̄`ヽヾ
   ‘ ¬彡 へ、  ム          , ^ 、         !
     Yチ い \」小、       ,.  ´   />.  __ノ
       い. \\Y {{ ノヽ __  ´      {彡'゙
      乂\__入ン              '、
.          ̄ ̄ ,.´         {、    ヽ
             /            "     ゙,
385EROyVmNwwM ★:2008/11/30(日) 12:06:24 ID:???
I have understood well.
I was going to ask Reffi-san for release.
However, the restriction had been released because of the passage of the period
before asking for release.

Which should I be going to do in the future?
Do I ask Jim-san?
Or, do I ask Reffi-san directly?

386 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/11/30(日) 12:14:44 ID:80VorbgY
I have feelings where I wants to go.
However, I do not have a passport.
And, I can become feelings where I went to Manila by the Internet.
387名無し編集部員:2008/12/01(月) 07:24:36 ID:vGMQ74ww



572 名前:名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ[sage] 投稿日:2008/11/30(日) 01:01:09 ID:7larW5bm
8800 part1
8803 part2
8806 part3
8807 part4
388Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/01(月) 15:07:05 ID:???
I have been busy having puppies
So far there are six. I think I can feel another one. The bitch
is taking a rest now.
There are five males and one female so far. I have named
the first one Prince Valiant. He is black with a white heart on
his chest. My youngest son has named on Frank as well.
We are still thinking of names for the rest of them.
389Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/01(月) 15:09:56 ID:???
Please ask directly on that thread. If there is problem, then please let me know.
390Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/01(月) 15:11:14 ID:???
391Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/01(月) 15:13:12 ID:???
>>383 What will we call the babies from this union?
392名無し編集部員:2008/12/01(月) 16:01:03 ID:4qrCkyix BE:434625034-2BP(1113)
画像 を 見て 最初 "タランチュラ"か と 思った^^;
Looking at the picture, first " Tarantula " Whether you thought. ^^;
次 に 思ったの は "コウモリ"?
As for thinking next "Bat "?
翻訳 して やっと "犬"だ と 把握^^
Translating, at last " Dog " When is, it grasped. ^^

393Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/01(月) 16:16:59 ID:???
Bat might be a good name. My son will pick the rest of the names though.
These dogs will probably end up with new names anyway. They will be given
away when they are old enough.
394EROyVmNwwM ★:2008/12/01(月) 20:42:51 ID:???
Yes, I have understood well.
We think that we will consult Jim-san when there is a problem.
Please come to the thread that examines release when there is a
I will ask by this thread.

よろしく おねがいします。
395名無し編集部員:2008/12/02(火) 00:19:09 ID:zBf1tLi4

Here is the translation of >>387, just in case there will be no misunderstanding for you.
(I think you may understand what kind of person is writing that already ;)
Although there is an uploaded report posted in the lesbian thread of ascii board,
a copyright advocator posted a deletion request. Please tell me the way to block
the access of the deletion requester.

We are annoyed with the deletion request of the post, which does
not even interfere with the deletion guideline, such as below.


572 名前:名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ[sage] 投稿日:2008/11/30(日) 01:01:09 ID:7larW5bm
I uploaded it(the Mist - Japanese lady's comic scan - 300MB total. [it is magazine
publicly sold in the bookstore and copyrighted, of course) with the split format as below.
Ichigo100M (Uploader name)
8800 part1 (Uploaded file number1)
8803 part2 (Uploaded file number2)
8806 part3 (Uploaded file number3)
8807 part4 (Uploaded file number4)
(the rest are omitted because of little importance)
396 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/02(火) 00:26:20 ID:cnBZUsVM
        \          i i      /人   \_
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            |/i.  |    | ´ ̄      `'''゙´ / |   i
           / |. |.    !. ゙゙゙゙゙    ,   ゙゙゙/ .|  | おっぱいようございます
         .    `ヽi    i\.     ,.    / .i |.  i   
                !     ト、_\     /  ノ| i.  |         自夢さーん。
         .      ヽ    i-<-イ>、. イ`ー'´`' |,、_i  /
          _,..-―---ヘ   |`Liヾ=- 5 ./'ー 、___ | /
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..        ..'   !   ,.'   ..      ,'   .|      /
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         ゙'、,,,,     `- 、,,,,,.. - '    |     /
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           |            ゙、  /    |
           |     i        ゙.、/     !
           i               ゙ 、   /
           |                 ヽ  /
.           |                 ヽ
.           !                 ゙、
            |                   i
.            !                   i
           /      ,,,,,,l              |
.          /       '''ii|           l
          /         .|           ノ
          /          !          ,'
        /           l,,、-ー'''''''''','ー-,,,|
        /          / |''"''':::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;|
       /           ./  i:::"::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;|
       /         ./   |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;|
397名無し編集部員:2008/12/02(火) 07:13:39 ID:8v7x4quZ
398Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/02(火) 12:42:35 ID:???
ども ありがとう ございます
おねがい します。
399Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/02(火) 12:48:25 ID:???
The deletion should accur on the server that the files are uploaded to.
Announcing that you have uploaded it, is very stupid, but not illegal to announce.
However you have announced that you did something illegal. This is covered a bit
in the deleter wiki.

> a copyright advocator posted a deletion request. Please tell me the way to block
> the access of the deletion requester.

We should not block them from requesting deletion.
400Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/02(火) 12:52:41 ID:???
ども ありがとう Ranger-さん
Pretty bunny
401Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/02(火) 20:25:18 ID:???
おやすみ なさい
402名無し編集部員:2008/12/02(火) 20:38:31 ID:8BYMnhS1 BE:1629841695-2BP(1113)
403 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/03(水) 00:19:44 ID:PeCoijZr



404 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/03(水) 01:29:21 ID:PeCoijZr
. / : : : / /: : : : : :/: :./: : : : : ://  l /: /: :/  ,': :l/  ヽ!   ./l       l     ..:l
. ,. '/ : :/  l : : : : : /: : /: : : : : //   l/: /: /   / /      ,.' ::!         !    j
 ./ : :/.  j: : : : : /: : :/ : : : : //   /: /l:/.   //        .:::l         l    ;:'
. / : /   { : : : : ,' : : /: ,': : : : /   // j/    〃     '     :::!       .!:::::ノ
.,': : j    !: : : : {: : ,' : :l: : : : ,'   〃}::                 :::!       .!´ |
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. !: l     ヾヽ: : : :,' ヽ: : :l /      ノ               .:::/.l        /
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        /                           .:::i .l / リ  `ー'
      , '               ,                   ...::::! !/ ノ
     ,'                ,'                   ..:::::l
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   ′           :′                       ヽ
  ,'.             :,',                        丶
 .,'              ',                           ∫
 l             丶::::                          )゙、
 !               :::::::::                      |゙、 
. {               ::::::::::                      ' 
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 ',                ヽ,'                      l
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  ',                !                      )
405 ◆N/H/K02YyM :2008/12/03(水) 01:31:31 ID:ij24OQwY
Dear Mr.Jim, Its very nice to write you.
I'm quite impresed by your web communication boards "BBSPINK!" ,
and I really enjoyed watching the chat and seeing everyone having a great time!

I like your boards, and I know you are busy, naming your very cute puppies!!
So I don't wanna say "there must be something wrong with your people".
I'm so sorry, but I must tell you that your task force staff member is "Troll".

"◆AGE.7DMhSg" This is him. He is reporting a message boards violation many times.
But in fact, he insulted and harrassed many people of the board by saying that
"You stupid asshole, You're GUILTY!! I'll report this thread 'cuz of COPYRIGHT VIOLATION!! lol".

And IMPORTANT THING IS, his reports of copyright violation is "NOT The RIGHT THING" seriously means!
This boards' guidelines of "Links to Illegal File-Sharing Sites " is a bit iffy,
and he insists "No Clickable URL" is guilty. ("No Clickable" means invalid links, Hints and Tips for finding it.)
I guess his interpretation of the law is wrong. Apparently, he is only threatening ...for FUN.

Mr.Jim, If you have any comments or suggestions about guidelines, please tell me what your thinking!
We need your judgment!!
406 ◆N/H/K02YyM :2008/12/03(水) 01:32:24 ID:ij24OQwY

http://yomi.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ascii2d/1225664354/592,594,596,599,604,608 ← Trolling.
http://yomi.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ascii2d/1225664354/609 ← Actually, it's not link.
609 名前:名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ 投稿日:2008/11/29(土) 02:34:45 opM+k01+
http://yomi.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ascii2d/1225664354/611 ← He said, I WILL REPORT!
611 名前:名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ 投稿日:2008/11/29(土) 02:52:53 mmbkXqZD
http://babiru.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/housekeeping/1223742379/368 ← His Report.
368 名前: ◆AGE.7DMhSg 投稿日:2008/11/29(土) 02:53:31 NhJf1XW+0
http://yomi.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ascii2d/1225664354/612 ← He said, I DID!
612 名前:名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ 投稿日:2008/11/29(土) 02:53:51 mmbkXqZD
http://yomi.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/ascii2d/1225664354/614-672 ← Trolling.

> 659 名前:名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ 投稿日:2008/11/29(土) 05:15:22 mmbkXqZD
It's his words, means....
407Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/03(水) 09:08:35 ID:???
408Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/03(水) 09:09:25 ID:???
おしり くわいい です
409Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/03(水) 09:19:03 ID:???
ども ありがとう ございます。
ども わざわざ すみーません。
I appreciate you taking the time to report this.
There is no way to tell who is good or bad in this
situation. Sometimes we all make mistakes.
どう して いい か わかり ません。
There are many boards, with many local rules. I hope
you can find the one that suits your needs.
あめ ふって じ かたまる。
じぶんに すなお に すすめば いい じゃん。

410Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/03(水) 09:28:47 ID:???
I will start packing my desk now. I have to move my office today.
いって きます
411名無し編集部員:2008/12/03(水) 09:38:36 ID:P3h3uE/c BE:977904893-2BP(1113)
412Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/03(水) 13:19:56 ID:???
413名無し編集部員:2008/12/03(水) 13:46:48 ID:GBUygtmB
414名無し編集部員:2008/12/03(水) 14:07:30 ID:/7l9OIor
okaeri jum-san
415Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/03(水) 15:45:36 ID:???
I am going to baseball now.
416名無し編集部員:2008/12/03(水) 16:20:42 ID:/7l9OIor
I am playing internet everyday forever.
417案内人シャア ★:2008/12/04(木) 00:36:56 ID:???
I am busy with work now.
418Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/04(木) 09:36:47 ID:???
すべてが しゅみ と せいかつ です。
どう する?
419416:2008/12/04(木) 12:18:30 ID:H2GLIEd+
ぼく の せかいは いんたーねっと が すべて です
にほんご で へんじ してくれて ありがとう ございます!(・ー・)v
jim-san have a nice day!
420Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/04(木) 15:58:48 ID:???
>>419 万歳! フレーフレ
わたしは サポータ です
421名無し編集部員:2008/12/04(木) 16:55:06 ID:H2GLIEd+
thank you!Jim-san!!
家で cat 飼い始めました でも cat 病気 です
ぼく ずっと 寝れません
cat ごはん たべません
でも Jim-san 応援 してくれたので がんばって 看病 します!
422POE ★:2008/12/04(木) 17:05:45 ID:???
ジムさん 今日の ランチ 何食べましたか?

>>421 看病 がんばれー
423EROyVmNwwM ★:2008/12/04(木) 19:32:33 ID:???
This is a report of the release system.

I asked Reffi-san because there was a restriction that had to be
released yesterday.
It was safely released.
Thank you for Jim-san.

There is a pending issue in the release system.
I will come to ask.

よろしく お願い いたします。
424名無し編集部員:2008/12/04(木) 20:41:09 ID:vlWaehsG
.    ☆     `、ー-、    +  *
         _,ニ三≡=-, ψ
        '‐( ゚ω゚ )´ / ゜ お断りします
   、_      <´<ハ>,フつ
.   ミ≡=_、_(,ノ(,, _,-、ゝ____ -、
.   彡≡=-'´ ̄ ̄`~し'ヽ) ̄  ̄ ゙̄"′
425名無し編集部員:2008/12/05(金) 04:10:43 ID:MRU7ZKKN
otokowari = men discount
426Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/05(金) 16:01:54 ID:???
>>421 rice cat?
おいし ですか?
If you are petting your own kitty, does it get itchy?
It is better to eat at the ジム。
427Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/05(金) 16:05:27 ID:???
Be careful Ero-san. I am starting to see some mess again, and maybe it is coming from a release.
Or maybe there is testing in preparation for something....
428名無し編集部員:2008/12/05(金) 16:18:06 ID:n2n/tVjl
Jim さん
Comic と Novel ( http://set.bbspink.com/erocomic/ )
を ふたつ の 板 に 分けて ください
429名無し編集部員:2008/12/05(金) 16:23:32 ID:XhDZiXzy BE:1738498368-2BP(1113)
mistaken.? Jim-san's Joke? umm^^;
430Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/05(金) 16:59:04 ID:???
Joke...:) sounds funny? mmmmm
431Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/05(金) 17:16:19 ID:???
Subback たくさんです
いや Busy です
なんで 分けて? どーしてた?
すみーません かじって なんぼ の しょうばい だ。
もう すぐ かわる よ せかいが。
The subback seems big. The board
does not seem so busy. It is important business to split
a board, please talk more here, and tell me why, and let some other
people express their opinion too. I like to make more boards, but it
also requires effort from other people, like a big team to make that work
and we should have consensus before we begin something.
432名無し編集部員:2008/12/05(金) 17:26:37 ID:n2n/tVjl
分かり ました
お返事 ありがとう^^
433EROyVmNwwM ★:2008/12/05(金) 18:10:07 ID:???
Yes, I am very careful.
I will become more careful.

Nana-san and I consult Jim-san when worrying because of release.
I think about safety the first.

There is "石橋を叩いて渡る" in the proverb of Japan.
This meaning is "Wear a belt and braces. "
I often think about this proverb.
434Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/05(金) 18:20:36 ID:???
大丈夫 です どう いたし まして。
おなか ごろごろ いって やがる。


>This meaning is "Wear a belt and braces. "
Who will tie them?

いって きます
435EROyVmNwwM ★:2008/12/05(金) 18:26:40 ID:???
It is a meaning examined with the translation tool.
436どれが英語として正しいんでしょう?:2008/12/05(金) 18:41:41 ID:XhDZiXzy BE:1303873766-2BP(1113)
Cross Translation::色々な翻訳サイト・翻訳サービスの一括、横断翻訳(英語)

powered byYahoo! 翻訳
I knock on the stone bridge and pass

powered byExcite 翻訳
It wears a belt and braces.

powered byLivedoor 翻訳
It is overcautious.

powered byinfoseek 翻訳
I knock on the stone bridge and pass

powered byAltaVista
Hitting Ishibashi, it crosses

powered byDictionary.com

powered bySo-net翻訳
It is overcautious.

powered byFresh Eye翻訳

powered byルー語変換
437Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/05(金) 19:34:14 ID:???
ども ありがとう ございます
No need for I am sorry.
乙です Ero-san

ありがとう どれが英語として正しいんでしょう?ーさん
Cool link.
438Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/05(金) 19:44:37 ID:???
おやすみ なさい また あした
439名無し編集部員:2008/12/05(金) 19:51:18 ID:XhDZiXzy BE:869249838-2BP(1113)
Sorry, misstake

Which is cool translate in english?

おやすみ なさい
440POE ★:2008/12/05(金) 19:53:21 ID:???
The word which compared very prudent.
Hit the stone bridge which does not collapse with hammer more before crossing.
"Good watch prevents misfortune."
"Look before you leap."

いしばしさんを 可哀想に 感じたw

おやすみ なさい
441名無し編集部員:2008/12/05(金) 22:12:46 ID:wS4vbU3o
Hi, Jim-san.
Can I ask a question?

Why did you make "レズビアン画像板→レズ・百合萌え板" ?
We cannot decide for what do we use this board.
It's hard to fill a board with lesbian and yuri images.
Because they are so rare.

442 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/06(土) 01:03:52 ID:0jvl8yTO

443 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/06(土) 01:08:58 ID:0jvl8yTO




444 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/06(土) 01:10:32 ID:0jvl8yTO




445男根様はかく語りき ★:2008/12/06(土) 05:01:43 ID:???
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::☆::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: )___ヽ.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(___S__):::::∧∧::::::::: Thief!? NO!
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::☆::::::::::::::/⌒ミ,,゚Д゚彡(゚ω゚ )::::::::      
::::::::::::::☆:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(  ミ ニllつミ:::(    )*:::
          ⌒⌒⌒⌒      |__|__|__|_|
   ⌒⌒                  ⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒
         ⌒⌒   ⌒⌒⌒  ⌒⌒       ⌒

 :::::::::::::::::::☆::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::☆:::::::: O、 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: )___ヽ:::::::::: / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 :::::::: (二二二二二二二二) ::::::::::::::::::::::: (___S__)  < Shit! It was a well!!
 ::::::::: |__|__|__|_| :::::::::: ノ⌒丶ミ;゚Д゚彡 ::: \____________
 ⌒⌒|_|__|__|__|⌒⌒/     ノllつ:/ll) ∧∧
     |__|__|__|_|   (    ノ [ニ[]ニ]  (,,゚ω゚) Its not a chimney.
       ⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒     (____ノ  ∪ ∪ (    )*
             ⌒⌒   ⌒⌒⌒  ⌒⌒
446名無し編集部員:2008/12/06(土) 11:53:00 ID:TUhePw7C
Who can it be now?
447Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/06(土) 13:27:56 ID:???
I used to use Systrans. It was very cool, but it kept crashing my computer.
Now I use translate.google.com but only because it is convenient, not because
it is better.
448Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/06(土) 13:29:13 ID:???
Don't take any wooden nickels.
449Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/06(土) 13:32:28 ID:???
たくさん です
いま みます。。。;)
450Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/06(土) 13:36:05 ID:???
Wow Bomber!
451ノfusidarasan:2008/12/06(土) 13:52:51 ID:PndM+G9w
≒An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. えいごのことわざ(proverb)

≒You can never be too cautious.
≒Good watch prevents misfortune.
≒Prevention is better than cure.

452436=439:2008/12/06(土) 16:22:43 ID:Y/0OTJ0V BE:2607747089-2BP(1113)

453名無し編集部員:2008/12/06(土) 16:32:36 ID:3VXAb9sg
454POE ★:2008/12/06(土) 16:38:04 ID:???
455名無し編集部員:2008/12/06(土) 17:27:22 ID:RmHVhQAF
everyday thank you.
I love Jim-san!!
456 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/08(月) 02:12:30 ID:MH2ABiTu



457Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/09(火) 11:51:56 ID:???
I like Ben Franklin quotes...:)
Here are some great ones.
A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.
458Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/09(火) 12:42:27 ID:???
Thanks Poe-san
459Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/09(火) 12:43:02 ID:???
どう いたし まして
460Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/09(火) 12:43:51 ID:???
おはよう ございます Ranger-さん
元気 でうか?
461名無し編集部員:2008/12/09(火) 14:31:06 ID:XqhtXbPh
462名無し編集部員:2008/12/09(火) 15:05:48 ID:OKPD1iXE
463Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/09(火) 15:21:22 ID:???
464名無し編集部員:2008/12/09(火) 20:47:00 ID:WQxAGUOj

465名無し編集部員:2008/12/09(火) 20:48:58 ID:o/+YgzxL
おー うそつき ねー
466名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 02:01:16 ID:PyV6M1p9
                     /,.-,.--- 、>― 、_
                   /:./::/|:::::::::::///:/}:./ `ヽヽ:.:ヽ:ハ
                   !:.:|::::!:.!::::::/:.:.:.:.-/イ   /_)ヽ:.:/
                     |:.:|:::::!:.ヽ::|:.:.:.:.ィ仁ニ、   〃,=彡'
                      |:.:|::::::\r 、:.:斗´ f_    _rリソ
                  |:.:|::::::::::::ヽ、Y〈  宀”   7´  i
                    |:.:|:::::::::::::::ヽ_j:ハ     、_,.   人
                       |:.:|:::::::::::::::::::::::}|::ヽ      /:::ヽヽ
                   |:.:|::::::::::::::::::::::/.!::!」 ` ー1:::::::::>‐、\ daccha
                     |:.:|:::::::::::::_,./:.:}::::L \  ヽフ´   ヽ:ヽ 元気だぉー
                 !:.:|::::::::::/  /:.:.!::::|  ̄  ー'    r  \、
                 /:./::::::::/ /:.:.:/:::::!          ` ー  ヽ
                i:.:.!::::::::::レ':.:.::/::::::/     `  、      `ヽ_ヽ
                   |:.:.!::::::::/:.:.:./:::::::::/          ヽ      :,,;rく\
              r‐┴〈::::::/:./:/:::::::::::イ|    : rッ:;    }       7  ヽヽ
            r‐く  | へ::レ':/::::::イ:/八    ` ´   /  .、    イ   ヽ\
            |ヽ ヽ| !.> 〉、!::/ i{  ト、ヽ、   _ /     T´::ヽ /  ヽ:!
            └―べし(_/  (ヽ    |::::\   ̄     、    |:::::::/      ハ
                /ハ、Y    \  !::::::::::ヽ       ヽ  j:::::/      /:.::.!
                  /  ハ{       !::::::::::::::::i       ! 〈::::/    /::|:.V
              //  !:.:.):::\   /:::::::::::::::::j       /  V   /::::|:.:.|
              //! |ヽ:.:j::::::::::`::ー'::::::::::::::::/        {   V /::::::::::!:.:.|
             ,イ::| | ヽ ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::}ヽ           〉/:::::::::::::/:.:/
             ||:::| |     }:::::::::::::::::::::::::ハ、`ー---------<,.-{ヽ::::::::::/:.:/
                 !!:::!イ    人::::::::::::::::::/⌒ヽニ=--≦=ニ二二へ':::::::/:.:/
             ヽヽV{ 〃/\ヽ:::::::∠二ニ=―二二二二__,.=rNヽ:./
               ヽ、 V/  \\7不^ー'ー^ーヽヽ三三三ラ/`|':.:./
                 )}{     \_」        \ハ 「二r/ ├'
                / .{{、       |          !ヽ/   |
467 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/10(水) 02:03:51 ID:PyV6M1p9



468名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 05:37:37 ID:mtqB8Q+r
うそ よくない
469名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 10:38:06 ID:SRTHEBgA
470名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 10:44:21 ID:D5e8TOnm
471POE ★:2008/12/10(水) 10:54:20 ID:???
議論を 尽くすべき です。
良い 結論なら 通るはず です。がんばれ。
472名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 10:58:19 ID:SRTHEBgA
473名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 11:04:44 ID:eckvvmQR
474名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 11:51:34 ID:tercALxZ
脅迫 は 駄目 です
475Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/10(水) 12:54:54 ID:???
はい たくさん 元気だぉー
もーすぐ いくたぉー
476Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/10(水) 13:01:50 ID:???
>>468 ほんとですか?
>>464,469,470, hmmm.
477名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 13:05:52 ID:cjDwk3NS
Please believe your friend.
あなたの ともだちを 信じて!
478Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/10(水) 13:24:04 ID:???
はい そう です
議論を おねがい します

議論を ーーGive me kanji or romanji ください
479Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/10(水) 13:30:13 ID:???
議論を ください
I believe my friends、I think discussing this is a good idea、
480POE ★:2008/12/10(水) 13:48:22 ID:???
That's right! じむ さん
議論する = discuss

+議論を尽くそう (つくそう)
Do the discussion
481Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/10(水) 14:00:42 ID:???
+議論を尽くそう (つくそう)
Do the discussion
482Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/10(水) 14:01:31 ID:???
Lunch time brb
483Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/10(水) 14:51:24 ID:???
484POE ★:2008/12/10(水) 15:36:58 ID:???
485名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 15:50:20 ID:SRTHEBgA
486Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/10(水) 16:13:31 ID:???
Now I must go to baseball. Sorry for the short time. I will work again
487POE ★:2008/12/10(水) 16:17:46 ID:???
結果は どこに?
↑に議論内容と(レス範囲指定) まとめを 貼りましょう。

488名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 16:47:33 ID:xnph176D
489名無し編集部員:2008/12/10(水) 16:51:00 ID:VFKaUpGV
POE★ は 日本の ジョークの 名人です

490 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/11(木) 00:58:13 ID:rqpsUF2K
  /      /        ,. -r―-- 、 __     ヾ、
  /    /   / /  |:::::::::\::::`ヽ ̄``iー-、 ヽ!
. /     /  / /     !``丶、:::ヽ丶、``丶、__  ノ
/    ,ィ´ / /       l\__  `ゝ-、、ト 、::<`/
  / !/ /         !\\   ,r=、l::ヽ\::ヽ   
 /  l  /         |,.--``ヽ、 f、::} !:::ヽ´\ヽ 
 ヽ r'  〈|        l,r='    、゙'-'‐ ',\::ヽ ヽ!
  ヽヽ   !         l         〉   !ヽlヽ:::',
--、、  ヽ l          !\      _   l:',::\ヽ!
  \```!           !`丶ゝ   (_j  ∧:ト、:::ヽ、
    /ヽ l         l         ' ∧:l!| | ` ̄`` Go-Go- Jim-san ですぉ。
、  /  l            ト、          / l:!リ |
. ! |  l         !、:ヽ      _ノ   l!  |
 ! ノ'/!         |::::ヾ` ` ̄/--、____ _ ヽ|    ,、_,.、_
 `´  l           l、丶、\  !‐-,-、,、,_,、`ニ=-―'--tヽヽ- 、_,.、
     !           !ヾ=- ``   >' _         { 、ヽ_ 、} )、
.     l          ト、ヽ、         ``丶、      〉 !' = ) ,) ',
    |          !l ヽヽヽ  _        `丶    〉 , ')、'_,)   !
     !           |  ヽ '⌒ `⌒⌒`'`ー'`ヽ-、__ヽ  〉//、ノノ    !
    l         l   {_,、``__,´、_,´ ,.``ー_ ‐-、ヽヽ ( , 〉)}´    }
      ゙、           l  !Y´ヽゝ`ヾ´ヾY´ヽr‐、,.-'ヽ}Yr', ′    /
       ヽ          ゙、 !| ヽ-r `'`'`'_'´' __`'´_,.-'⌒ljヽ=ォ   /
       ヽ         ヽノ,!⌒ ヾ-'ー' ー'´ `´    l_〉ヽく  , ′
        ヽ        //;、_             人||__ヽ>'
          ヽ      ノ/,ィヽ ``      |     /  !j l
            \ , '´、>` |! \        !    /     !
491 ◆witch2enoc :2008/12/11(木) 09:41:04 ID:KRdOlRaT
I stepped on the broom yesterday and strolled in the sky.
But I was dropped on the way.

492Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/11(木) 10:13:18 ID:???
I am not certain, but I think this might be a good place to make a vote, and get some real results.
Many people might not want to weigh-in on their results in public, but in a private vote
Lets get a better feel for peoples needs. Belligerent words will not work.
493Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/11(木) 10:16:06 ID:???
あなた みます
494Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/11(木) 10:18:16 ID:???
>>489 POE-さんは いい ひと です。
495Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/11(木) 10:26:03 ID:???
五五 Rangerーさん ですぉ。
496Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/11(木) 10:47:37 ID:???
おひさしぶり 元気 ですか?
うそーばっかり! なんで?
おだいじ に。
497Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/11(木) 11:46:33 ID:???
This is my favorite music video right now.
Jizz in my pants.
498POE ★:2008/12/11(木) 12:04:01 ID:???
That sound good.
It's good to use for reconfirming discussion result.
I think the vote at the anonymous BBS-PINK can make only to research into tendency.
Regrettably, the result manipulated as the voter's like. especialy anony-vote-system.
As for it, their attention is necessary.

うれし o(^^)o
じむさんも いい 人 です。

She is witch!!!
...may be a wizard!!!
So she can!!! Yes she can!!! Yes we can!!!

499ξ:2008/12/11(木) 12:04:48 ID:nvstUxub BE:1738498368-2BP(1179)
I like this↓ which I found from the link w

YouTube - Saturday Night Live - Dick In A Box
500POE ★:2008/12/11(木) 12:09:01 ID:???
501POE ★:2008/12/11(木) 12:28:18 ID:???
I listen three times and I like it.
502Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/11(木) 15:27:09 ID:???
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
This is a video of my favorite wizard.
503ξ:2008/12/11(木) 18:06:15 ID:nvstUxub BE:434625326-2BP(1179)
504EROyVmNwwM ★:2008/12/11(木) 18:53:48 ID:???
We are embarrassed by vandal.
We want to learn manager Jim-san's idea.

PINKちゃんねる規制について考えてみるスレ 5
It is Japanese. sorry.

505名無し編集部員:2008/12/11(木) 22:05:15 ID:ayZnKyK9 BE:421269337-2BP(1666)
506 ◆witch2enoc :2008/12/12(金) 05:06:39 ID:Rf3HSeTa
Good morning Jim-san.

I am not cheerful.
I fall over a broom, and breast is painful.
I think that it becomes a cushion if a breast is a big person.
But.............My breast is small.
I cannot but wait till I do not have a pain in it.

痛くなくなるまで、まつ ちか ない
507 ◆witch2enoc :2008/12/12(金) 05:10:20 ID:Rf3HSeTa
POE ★san is my good friend.
POE ★san is a very good personable.
POE ★san loves exchange emails with all of you.

POE ★san = PO(Post Office) + OE (Outlook Express).
And PO is nullpo of the JAVA.

POE ★sanさんは親友です。POE ★さんはとてもいい人です。
POE ★sanさんはメールのやり取りが大好きです。
POE ★san = PO(post office郵便局)+OE(Outlook Express)・・・
508Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/12(金) 11:56:52 ID:???
I don't see the vandal. Someone I know says give them a pornographic thank you.
But I don't understand the rest.
509Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/12(金) 12:00:42 ID:???
ごめんあさい おっぱい
たぶん おっぱい マサジ いいです。
すこし おっぱい 大丈夫 です。
Get well soon.
Poeーさん is Java developer?
510Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/12(金) 12:01:44 ID:???
なーむ! ひゃ!
511POE ★:2008/12/12(金) 17:35:46 ID:???
Why you know?
I'm just a Post Officer with Erotic spirit.

Yes I'm SUN. It's so glaringly.
いつも テカテカ してます

512名無し編集部員:2008/12/12(金) 23:28:46 ID:MAq0kGKb
                          〃   ヾ、
                         〃      ヾ、    Would you say kick the bucket ?
                       〃         ヾ、
                     〃    ____    ヾ、  hahaha
                    〃   /     \   ヾ、
   / ̄ ̄\           ||   /  ⌒   ⌒\   ||
 /  _ノ   \          || /   (● ) (― )\ || 
 |   ( ●)(●)l Shake a leg... ヾ,|    ::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::::|//
. |    (__人__) |          (⌒)、_       ̄   _,(⌒)
  |    ` ⌒´ |         / i `ー=======一'i ヽ
.  |         }           l___ノ,、          ,、ヽ___i
.  ヽ   79   }            l     JIM        
   ヽ     ノ
513名無し編集部員:2008/12/13(土) 01:20:02 ID:6RJtIsnS
We love yuri.
We love girlslove.

but, We don't have money.
Help us.
514POE ★:2008/12/13(土) 21:52:42 ID:???
くろ ねこ くるくる♪
515POE ★:2008/12/13(土) 22:10:14 ID:???
くろ ねこ くるくる かんがえる?
516名無し編集部員:2008/12/13(土) 23:41:40 ID:Df3YnWo1
            _∠ - ―- _:::::::::::ヽ:::\
              ,イ   __    ¨ ‐ ::::::ヽ:::ヽ
          // _ イ:T ¨ri- ._. ヽ¨ヽ1:::::ハ
         j  イ斗‐!: |  |:l:|-:、T ォ、ヽ!-、:ハ  ,.ィ
         | /: :.|: |r‐i、 l  |:l:|r‐ 、: |: ヽ}  ム:}メメ
         レ:.:.:|:!:イ.f_:|  ヽl.f_∨:i: レ  {d爻爻
         |: |(|: :.| トュリ     トュリ |:.:|)|  {====}
         lN:. |: :.| `,,,   '  `,,, !l.:|: |  ヽ tiノ 
          |:.:|:. :|ヽ、  _   .イ:j:l |: |
          Nl!: :.|从:≧ァ ≦‐j:从:!:.j  
               ヽ:.l イ { l_/ ´  ._.トレ  
                |  ハ   /:::Vj
       ___z―.|::::!::::::::::::::::i::::::::: Vj
      /:::::::::::::::::::::::::|:::ハ ::::::::::::::l::::::::::ハ
       {:::::::::::::::::z:::::::: |:::::::{::O:::::::::l:::::::/:::',
        イ/. . ./7::::::::::::::}:O:::::::l:::::::::/::::',
         /. . ィ7_/::::::::::::_ム/::::::|::::::::::::::::::ヽ-、
       /. イ. ..j .V` ー‐ ∠ --、::l:::::::::::::::::::::ソ \
     /. .´. .{{. . l ム_   / __. `ト __::/   }、
      {. . . . . . >'ー' ー/二 _ \ |       /:::ヽ
     ヽ ‐ ¨ ヽ__ノ  ,./. . . . . . Y_..j_     ∠::::::::::::\
            〈_ // . 二>. ¨. . . . T -r‐く_):::::::::::::::\
               /. . . . . . . . . . . . /  ヽ-' ヽヽ ::::::::::::::ハ
            {. . . . . . ._ - ¨7_, イ    \\:::::::::j:ノ
                ` ー一        ヽ       〉 .`ー''
517名無し編集部員:2008/12/13(土) 23:57:14 ID:Df3YnWo1
                    ,  -── -  、
                  , -'´: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ` ‐、
            _ _, -'´: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :\
               プ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : \
              /: : : : : : : : : i:l: : :l: : i: : : : : : : ヽ: : : : : ヽ
             /:/: : : : : l: : : :l: l: : :l: : :l: : : : : : : : '; : : : : : ',-、
             ,':/: : : :i: : l: : :i: li: li: : :l: : :l : : : : : : : i : : : : ; - く⌒ヽ
               i:;' : : : :l: : l: : :l: l l: l_'; : :'; : :'; : : : : : : :l: : : :(;;;;;;;)ヽ: : \
            l:i : : : : l: : l: : :l: l '; :', ヽ: ヽ: :';: : : : : : : l: : : :;イ: l   '; : ヽ:',
            l:li : : : : l: : l'; : l:」 '、ゝ,.イて ーr、: : : : :」 ヽノイ: :l  '; : : l ',
                l:li: : : : : l: :l ,イて',    l::::::::::::l ';:ィ '´:ト l: :l: : l   i: : l
             l! ';:i: : : : l: :l ト..イ  ,.ィ./';:::::::::」// l: : lノ /: i l : l   l: /
             ', ヽ'; : : : '; l ';::::」///////////i /l: : l イ:i: :l l : l   ノ
              i: :/  イ: : ,イ////// , - 、 J,イ!: ;':l: l: l: :l l : :l
                 l:;イ  /:/: :/: :',   r '´    )' l;' /l: l: l: l: :l l:i: :l
             !  /:/: : /: :/:` ー- 、._ /  / , -─ -、: l : l'; !
              // /: :/ ;イ:i: :l: l: l/::::l    ノ/       ', l ';:! ';!
              / /;イ/l/ !; -ァ'´::::::; イ   /         i ! ', '.,
             ,'  / ,' /:::/:::::::::/-、 ‐' /_____.l
               ,'   /:::::::` ー-、/   /く:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
                  l::::::::::::::::::「/ _/::::::::ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l
                  l:';:::/:::::::::l/  l:::/::::::::::::::';::::::::::::::::::::::::::」
         _ __     lノ:::::::::::;' _r'´:::::::::::::::::::: ̄ ̄ ̄「 ̄
   __ ,.イ::::::::::::::::::;イー、__ /::::::::::0:i l:::::::::ー----- ‐ ' ´:::::::」
   ` ‐-/ l:::::::::::::::::::i:::::::l::::::i:「 ̄ ̄「 ̄` ー---- ‐ ' ´//
   /   l:::::::::::::::::::l::::::::l::::::l:l::::::::::::::l';::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::/
  / /    l:::::::::::::::::::l:::::::::l::::::ll:::::::::::::::l:';::::::::::::::::::::::::/、::::/ヽ
  ` / ,イ r‐'´ ';::::::::::::::::::l::::::::::';::::l::::::::::::::::l::::::::::::::::::::/:::::::: ̄:::::l
  /ノ l」   ヽ_, -、::」ー-、:::::l::::::::::::::::l:::::::::::::/ \::::::::::::::::::\ , -ー 、 __
          r -ーィ'´::ヽ::::l::` ‐ヽ::::::::::::::::::/    l\::::` ー-- ‐' ´:::::::::::::::::::ヽ
    、ー──-/:::::::::l:::::::::::;:イ:::::::::::/  ̄ ̄ ̄        l::::::\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l
    / ` 、._l::::::::::::';:/:::::::::::O/            ';:::::::::` ‐ 、::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l
   / /   _';::; - '´:::::::::::::::::/:l    ',         ヽ::::::::::::::::::` ァ 、::::::::::::::::::::',
   / / / ノ, ‐' ´:::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::::l      i          lヽ、:__:/    `  ー ---
  /ノ-‐'´/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::l      !          ,' 「 \
      l:::::::::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::l           i  /  ,'    \
      l:::::::::::::::::::/ヽ::::::::::::::::::ト、',           !/   /     ヽ
518名無し編集部員:2008/12/14(日) 00:09:15 ID:DmBhRI12
             l::i::::::::::::::::l:::::l::::l:::l';:::l::::',  l:::::::/  リ:ノ::l:::::
             l::l:::::::::::::::::l:::::l::::lイて`Tヽ l::::/  イて Tヽ
                 l::li::::::::::::::::l::::::l::::l l::三::l  ヽト、  l::三:::l
               l::ll::::::::::::::::l:::::::';::l L:::::ソ    l:::〉 L:::::ソ
  _              ';l ';:::::::::::::::l::::l::';l:',Z ̄    l:/  イΖZ
  _  /         ', ヽ:::::::::::::l::::';:::l',      ノ      /
   / _  l |        \::::::::';:::ヽ::ヽ     _,    /:::
    ─┴ | |/     //` ‐-、:::l::::::l` r 、   , -'´l:::l::::
              /::/::::::::/::l:::::::il:::::l:::::::l   ̄    l  ̄
            /::::/::::::::::/::::/l:::::::il:,. - '´l       l
          /:::::://:::::::://:::/; -l::::::il   ,.イ       ` ‐
        /:::::::::/::::/::::::/:::/:::/  ',ヽ:::',イ/ ノ
       /:::/:::::::/::::;'::::::/::::;':/  /  `r /、 __   , -‐' ´
      /:::/::::::::/::::/ ̄二/ l /    //      `
 //  ,' - ── '´: :/: : :/   l'     //
  , -‐ '´: : : : : /: /:/ : : :/ , ヘ l     //
/: : 「: : : : : : //: : : : : ://: : : ヽト、 i //           ...
: : : : : '; : : : :/: : : : : : :/: : : /: : : l ト、 lプ<         ...:::
: : : : : : ヽ: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :/: /: : ;:イ::/ `\         ..::
: : : : : : : : \: : : : : : : : : : : /: :/: :/: :./     ヽ
519ξ:2008/12/14(日) 06:58:42 ID:Gm5oQQyi BE:760592873-2BP(1179)

from here^^ > 猫(ぬこ)のガイドライン 25匹目 http://society6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gline/1227652806/
特訓 する ねこ。 ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPzNl6NKAG0
つちぬこ ttp://nukoup.nukos.net/img/24457.jpg
つちのこ(Image) ttp://myds.sakura.ne.jp/uma/tsuchinoko/
520名無し編集部員:2008/12/14(日) 11:39:24 ID:beSM/jlE BE:120362832-2BP(1666)
Why is not Hiroyuki Nishimura arrested?

Do you know?
521名無し編集部員:2008/12/14(日) 12:53:25 ID:beSM/jlE BE:501510555-2BP(1666)
522名無し編集部員:2008/12/14(日) 21:13:22 ID:xqoUAnsi

523 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/15(月) 01:50:17 ID:quZtqA/J



524Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:04:24 ID:???
525Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:05:01 ID:???
526Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:11:00 ID:???
I can offer this: Long hours, low pay, lack of security, and GLORY!
Jim is now hiring Java developers. If you want to give up a career
at the post office and take a chance, let me know....;)
527Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:12:14 ID:???
おはよう ございます Rangerーさん
528Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:15:49 ID:???
たぶん Bonzai Kitty です
529Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:30:37 ID:???
My soul howls in pain.
530Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:32:02 ID:???
ねこ便器 です WWWWW
531Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:33:50 ID:???
Maybe you can find a charity worker here.
532Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:35:10 ID:???
533 ◆79EROOYuCc :2008/12/15(月) 11:49:35 ID:HlXYCr2p
it's not me who posted this >>512
534Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 11:54:40 ID:???
はい そう です。
I trust you completely, and forever.
535Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 12:18:43 ID:???
ぜんぜん わからない
536Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 12:20:45 ID:???
The best bbq is Brazilian.
This is a nice place for it in Manila.
537名無し編集部員:2008/12/15(月) 17:26:41 ID:I596Fede
My house doesn't have the garden though I want to do the bbq.
If it is possible, I want to move to the country.
It is unreal and it is very sad.
538Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 18:00:56 ID:???
I have been in the same position before.
BBQ happened at the public park.
The country is clean air, blue sky and hard work.
539Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 19:50:14 ID:???
おやすみ なさい
540名無し編集部員:2008/12/15(月) 20:03:49 ID:I596Fede
The barbecue is prohibited in most public parks in Japan.
It should search for very few places where it can be done.
Or, pay facilities are used.
I want to go to the United States. :-)
541Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/15(月) 20:21:31 ID:???
I didn 't sleep yet.
You can BBQ on the street here in Manila.
542名無し編集部員:2008/12/15(月) 21:28:23 ID:I596Fede
It seems to become hungry if walking on the street there.
You have not slept yet.
You have various enjoyments tonight. hehehe
543 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/16(火) 01:13:32 ID:l8SA+so7




544名無し編集部員:2008/12/16(火) 02:11:47 ID:jPbUFcMY
How about Brazilian-style barbeque?(barbeque with salsa sauce)
I have never tried it, so I don't know it tasty or not.
Is that yummy?
545Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/16(火) 18:39:28 ID:???
I enjoyed my sleep. Today has been a long day moving things.
My office is moving this week.
546Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/16(火) 18:40:49 ID:???
547Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/16(火) 18:43:09 ID:???
There are many flavors and tastes. I think it is more the style of delivery that makes it Brazil.
You are given a green and red coin, or something similar. When your green coin is up. Then
the food comes. Pork tenderloin, beef stake, lambshops, tasty grilled pinapple, there are to many
treats awaiting your hungry tummy.
548名無し編集部員:2008/12/16(火) 18:47:00 ID:ZA3mwqMK
           ,  '´: : : : : : : : : :`丶、
         /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : \
        ./: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ヽ
       /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :',
       l: : : : i : l : : /: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::l
       | : : : :|: l: : :/::{: : : :l: : : ::l: : : : : : : : :l
       l: : : : l: |: ::/川ヽ: : :l: : : :|\::|: : : : : |
       l: : : : l 卞、 ヾ \::l.:.:.: | ̄::|: : : : : :|
        l: : : : ハV:}   '仟__ト、:|: : :jヽ: : ::l::{
        ` Tー:ハ     { :.:.リ ノ|: ::/ソ小:|ヾ、
          |::∧ヽ.'    `¨ U l:.:/`77ー- 、
          .l:/ ヽ| {丶、 __ .ィ´ l/  //   ヽ.
          l   ヽ  \ ヽ  __//     }
               \}    r´ {.{ /    /
              {{ヾ/      ///   /
         __ ,, _ jj_/   ノryzx/ /   / l
       /´__    ¨''<ヽ /´   ./   /  l
       イ/ィ/ァ >- .,,   ¨'' ‐- /   /ミミ l、
      レ //´   ゝ`丶        /   {ヾミ⌒丶、
                ./`丶、 __./       \  \
      /⌒>T     /  / \            ヽ  ヽ.
     /  / /ヽ   .イ ノ Y    >、ヽ.          }   ィ
   /  イ / /ヾ /ノノノっ  /  \ _        ノ rX´ l
   f\  ノ y/⌒/ 7     /      ヾニ,,_ーァ‐´不    .l
  f\ヾイ  { //ヾ    /        / 7´       /
  (\  Y   Y/   ',   /       / ./        /
  }   ソ    ',    ,  ./       /  /        /
  \ ノ      ,    , /      /    /       /
           ,    /      /    ./       ./
            ',  /     /     /       /
            丶      /      /      /
             ヽ    /       /      /
549Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/16(火) 19:15:25 ID:???
Wow, super loose socks...:)
550POE ★:2008/12/16(火) 23:04:29 ID:???
I'm not able to be useful for you. Very sorry.
I have only knowledge 15 years before about it.
Old brain of JAVA.....orz

And appreciate to having asked me.

Best regards!

これからも よろしく
551Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/17(水) 10:38:34 ID:???
It never hurts to ask. Please have a sunny day.
552POE ★:2008/12/17(水) 17:33:52 ID:???

In Japan, the warning report about the danger of the new kind of influenza increases.
It's not an exception there, too.

体に 気をつけて ( ください )。
Take care (please)
553名無し編集部員:2008/12/17(水) 22:50:25 ID:hi0YQN+L
My heart got hurt.
Of cource I'm Japanese.
554名無し編集部員:2008/12/17(水) 22:59:38 ID:8tFeORur
555名無し編集部員:2008/12/18(木) 00:23:23 ID:tMc6+/K0
\ bull
$ bear
556 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/18(木) 02:35:25 ID:4rGmf8Vk





557名無し編集部員:2008/12/18(木) 02:59:09 ID:N17yb1ma
Yes her past name is Shiwasu.
Means, she was Shiwasu.
558名無し編集部員:2008/12/18(木) 07:49:01 ID:AKPX/bOg
Hi Jim-san

How do you think?
If it is me, it is sad that mail is open to the public.
559Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/18(木) 12:33:14 ID:???
I will watch out for influenza. I carry a microscope with me at all times. www
560Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/18(木) 12:40:39 ID:???
師走 = December?
おっぱい よう ございます。 = Good morning tits?
Ranger-さん 元気 でうか?

561Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/18(木) 12:45:40 ID:???
She was = Now she is not.
It is a nice sounding song by the Talking heads.
The lyrics are very strange, and they make me think
they are about a woman who has died. Kind of a sad song
with a happy tune.
562Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/18(木) 12:48:40 ID:???
That is a very old email. It must be over a year ago.
563Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/18(木) 12:49:34 ID:???
I am neither a bull or a bear.
564Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/18(木) 12:50:11 ID:???
565Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/18(木) 12:50:53 ID:???
I hope your heartache heals.
566 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/19(金) 02:21:20 ID:zJ8lHsI+


師走 = December? >Yes
おっぱい よう ございます。 = Good morning tits? >???、、Yes


567Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/19(金) 09:14:31 ID:???
まつ しかない 2009

568Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/19(金) 09:27:41 ID:???
569ξ:2008/12/19(金) 19:11:14 ID:Jyyg0Kpn
> 529 名前:Socket774:2008/12/19(金) 03:34:51 ID:6jKMAnCO
> 晒し
> http://jisaku.pv3.org/file/4829.jpg

Do you understand it? Jim-san
570北極ネコ ★:2008/12/19(金) 19:37:25 ID:???
Banana733 received 80 megabit/second on last Saturday. What is it?
571名無し編集部員:2008/12/19(金) 21:22:44 ID:rT7M9pYO
8th anniversary pinkchannel.
572名無し編集部員:2008/12/19(金) 21:31:00 ID:kqT/qaAH
                                             //  .//
                              f"'''''>''"ヽ        _,// _.//
                             _,|___/___>::ぇ     (__/ (__/
                           ぇ'"~::::::ヽヽ::::::::::::::::::x               _
                           <:::::;;:::::::::::', ';::::::::::::::::ヽ,              //
                          '"ヾ! '"ヘ:r-;l l:::::::::::::::::::z            _,//
                            r'   '' <;;l_l::::::::::::::;/            (__/
                            ヽ    ,>::"'-<_                    ♪
                               |::::;;;;;;;;;;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;lニ/ ̄`'''‐、,、-──-- 、         _.,,,,,,_,,,
                               l:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;l!;;;;;;;;;;;/      l;;;:::::::::::::::::::>、  _,、-‐ニ="-二ニ=-z=-=--z
                               ,':::;;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;、-'"        / \;;;;;;;;;/;;/-‐'"  "   "   _,,、z=ニニ二
                              (/ ̄7;ノ'"      ○ _/   .|;;;;;;;|‐'"   ...:::  ..:: .............:: -==ニニ二、_
                    ,、_,,         l  /;;;l~l''-、___,、 - '"    ,.';;;;;;;;l  ...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ニニニ==-
                    /;';';'!___     /''""~::;;;l X)           /;;;;;;ノ--:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-=ニ_
                    ヾ,l';';';';';';'ヽzzっ'::::::::::::==---',         ,、-';;;;;-''";;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::z───'
 ______________);';';';';';:';';'ll__,l:::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>、___,、- 'll!::l"_"""::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::二ニ="
. (__________________C!イ:::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゙、_____  ゙;:::l::l  `'''''''───-------------------'"
                          ヾ」`'-、;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;>.     ヽ,_l!:::';::',
                          <"゙、  `''''‐-、;;;;;;;;/       ';::::::l::::l
                           ll',. ゙、      `"         ヽ-、/
573 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2008/12/20(土) 02:23:00 ID:6iGUQaLb
it's RARE!
  |         |  |      ________________________________________________
  |         |  |_____ΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦΦ||ΦΦΦ
  |         |  | ̄ ̄ ̄ /|                    ||
  |         |  |   / /|TTTTTT   TTTTTTTTTT||TTTTT
  |        /\ |  /|/|/|^^^^^^ |三三| ^^^^^^^^^^^||^^^^^^^
  |      /  / |// / /|
  |   /  / |_|/|/|/|/|    FESTIVAL! HURRY UP!
  |  /  /  |文|/ // /
  |/  /.  _.| ̄|/|/|/         Λ_Λ
/|\/  / /  |/ /           (___)
/|    / /  /ヽ            /〔 祭 〕〕つ
  |   | ̄|  | |ヽ/l            `/二二ヽ
  |   |  |/| |__|/   Λ_Λ     / /(_)
  |   |/|  |/      ( ´∀`)   (_)    Λ_Λ
  |   |  |/      // /  ^ ̄]゚        (`   )
  |   |/        ゚/ ̄ ̄_ヽ         ⊂〔〔 祭 〕
  |  /         /_ノ(_)          ┌|___|
  |/          (__)             (_ノ ヽ ヽ
/                                (_)
ごらんの有様だよ! 魔法少女アイ参 colorsスレ54

They are eating the thread one after another!
That power doesNOT stop NOW!!!
574 ◆witch2enoc @削魔除 ★:2008/12/20(土) 06:29:50 ID:???
>>568 Jim-san

My pain became slightly good.
まつ しかない
575Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/20(土) 15:22:30 ID:???
576Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/20(土) 15:25:43 ID:???
577Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/20(土) 15:27:15 ID:???
Fox on the heat sink?
578 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2008/12/21(日) 09:32:09 ID:gBIRdN8t
ummm? what's this mean?
is which mean?
ちょwwどうしよwww (hey! what should I do?)
ちょうし どうよ (how are you?)
579ξ:2008/12/21(日) 09:51:25 ID:4SE+3ZCM BE:651937436-2BP(1240)
No No No

ID:6jKMAnCO > 6 jk MAnCO
jk=JoshiKousei=じょしこうせい=女子高生=high school girl
MAnCO > まんこ(in Roman alphabet typing)=pussy

6 high school girls' pussy
580Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/21(日) 14:30:25 ID:???
Ha! I am so stupid. Just now I understand the meaning of JK.
I have seen it many times, but did not know what people were
talking about.
581Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/21(日) 14:34:30 ID:???
Long time, no see. How have you been?
ちょうし どうよ
My interpretation.
582ξ:2008/12/21(日) 15:22:35 ID:4SE+3ZCM BE:1158998584-2BP(1240)
"JK" also has a different meaning.
JK=Joushikitekini Kangaete=常識的に 考えて (常考)=Think in common-sense terms

It is different in context ^^
583名無し編集部員:2008/12/21(日) 20:24:15 ID:aLpfLO03
                         r―----、,.__― ,.ィ( /`ヾ(((   )
                       ,. -ヽ  _____ト`ー /⌒` rこ_Y乂
                    ,..:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:\   \_r'´`ー1 r=f'、 `/イ  `7
        ___      /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽ   〉乂  /! し'=ヾー'⌒<_`...、
       /  ___  ヽ    /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.`..、/  从/! 〉--r==ァ /`) 、 `  、
     〃 ∠:::::::::/  /,-ァ┴i:.:.:.:.:.:.:,. ---、:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:ヽ/レ介´ _,.U(/ ̄ ̄7ヽ   ` 、
   /::{  (/:::/__/:::/   |:.:.:./ ,.-‐ァ }7 ̄/:.:.:r'   / /レ'´       /  ` ー    >
    {::::ヽ _ ̄`ヽ  /::/ /l  |':/ /:::∠.// // !  /./       / し――――'"´
   ><::::: ̄) V ̄  二  |i /:.:.::.:.:.:/:/    /\,.| |     ,,, /-―'":.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:'.
 // /7::/ // /--r'|  |  ゝ-‐' 〉 /|  |:.:.:.:.:.| | |       /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:'.
. {::::{  ` ̄___//:'-,ァ i:.:.:レ:_7`ー―ァ'::/._/:.|:::|  |:.:.:.:.:ヽ| |      ,':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.i
 ヽ_二ア´    ̄  |:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ̄ ̄`ー‐:':.:.:.:レ二/:.:.:.:.:.:.:}! |      {:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.|
             |:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.|| |     ハ:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.!
                 |:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.__:.:.:.{.{ {       ヽ:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.;
              !:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,.-―ニニ― ヽ`ー<―-、     '.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,'
               '.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.i ,'´       ヽ      \    !:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,'
               '.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'. '.         \    ,  ヽ /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,'
                ヽ:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:'.`、   `ヽ、_   \ //ハ /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,.'
                  ヽ:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'. '.       '.:.:.:. ̄ ̄ ̄) /:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,.'
                   \:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'. '.     '.:.:.:.:._,. -‐―  ¨ ̄/--,:.:.,-┐:.:.,. '_
                    \:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ヽヽ     '.:.://  _  ,--/:/ /:::/  |/:/  /,.イ ̄ ̄ ̄/
                    ` 、:.:.:.:.ヽヽ    !/二二:::/ /:.:./:/ /:::/  |::::/  /::_/ / ̄ ̄´
                       ` 、:.:ヽ '.   '.:.:.:.:.:/::/ /:.::/:/ /:::/ /| レ' , /::/   ̄ 7
                          ̄ ヽ   '.___/::/ /,. /::/ /:::/ /::| ,〃 /:::::7 /二/
                                ヽ   V:::/__/ /::└‐/::└':::└'::└/::::/ └―┐
                               ヽ   爪く/ `ー‐' `ー' `ー'`ー'"ー二二二/
                             ||  /|| 八
                                 ||  V {ヽ、〉
                                  ヽゞー! 〉
584POE ★:2008/12/21(日) 22:47:49 ID:???
女子高生の 常識的に 考えて は、
585 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/22(月) 01:50:25 ID:DRdO6XW5
                      ,.-.'.,´. -. . .\
                     /:/;/イ' .;. . , . ヽ
                  /;:=-'ッ、::/、/:::.〃., . !
                /-;:;/ /:r'.ヽ://:;イヽi.|
              _,.../;::::/〃/:::::::::::.. |'::;/j!'ヽj|,!
             /〃' リ'゙'〃,イ:::::::::::::::.Kn_,、;r:´;:/
            /〃   ,〃'´|' ::::::::∠ノ´//´//
           /〃 _,.r'´   |::.. ''''....イ| ゙´  〃
          /-''t‐'´ ., ヽ , |:::::ヽ::::/ ',.   /'
            }  /  ー k';::::::::. '} ノ
           _ノ-'´ _.  ! } ::ノ,ィ´
          r'´ー‐'´__`_ソ..'' ..:: !
         ,,┴-'_ ̄_ ,へ:::::::::!:::, ::: !
      _/ /´__/ .:::\;、!::::; ' |        !,
     //,r--、fr-、..r,-‐''"´ノ::|:::::i :: !        ト、 、、
   /',イノ /     ヾへ.....:ィ_:::!:::::;ノノ      ヾ--' '`ヾ\ト, _
   ,イ/⌒`゙!          ∨' 'ノi::::彡ト、_    _,.-',ィ,.-z,、,,   レ'ィ_
  /_i    !          ∠__ト、::''...:イ、ノ -=ニ'7_''´!!? ´ 'ハ;   <_
  `':!;.    ゙、             〈 |..,::::/::|  、. Z|rゝ.(:t'''ヾ, lli.:!:',   < おっぱいようございます
   /       ヽ、        ∨L;-|'´  o  lii'、;  'ー'' /:;_.':::'::-≧      ←Jim-san
\./____   "入"          ヾ,>    ゚  !r=ッ--、.〈,イi }:::::≦´
ヽ \'‐、---、、`X.‐、ゝ,     ,.-,=ゞ,  _=ニヽ|iL__|,/ ̄''',ィ'-、;::!_
\::ヽ\ヽ;;i_ \ヽ\ _ヽ,  _.r',--'‐゙'' ヽ‐>三_ゝ'''´.:.:.:.:.://  _ヽ\
::.....>'''¨:-‐''¨ ̄`"'ー- ヽ' /'      ヽ/,r'''´.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:| i゙     ̄'''ヽ、
::/::'_´_ __,.      ヽ        ヾ.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:._ ._|_| / ̄´    \
-=ヽ;:::::::::::ヽ::::::::::::ヽ     ゙ト, /, , _,   ヽ.:.:.:.:.:r'ニ--、ヽヽ'__/  _,.-   \
:::::::::ヽ ::::::::::`::::::::::::i::ヽ  、  ノ;(〆<、_  ヽ.:.:.:.:´__;::--'_ヽ_`、'−=ニ_,.-‐''ヽ ',、
:::::::::::::ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::':i::::ヽ, - '´  ⌒ヽ ̄   }.:.:.:└_'二-' _,..   `ヽ__   ̄ヾ ヽi.ヽ
:::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::,r-_-、;∠_              /.:.:.とニ.,.‐'''___、    `ヽ、_ i  il .|
::::::::::::::::::::::::::r'ソ_,.∠-<,.二ヽ,       _,∠-‐'´"'''''''''''´    ゙ヽ、    `'!  |! !
:::::::::::::::::::::::,∠=‐     ヾ,-ゝ、 _,. - '´                `ヽ、__ノ .//
----ヾ=、'´,=-     _,.. -ェ''_ソ"´                     `ヽ---'
ニ二二i| `` , _,. - '"´  ̄"´
...::: ノ::::::}_>'"´
586 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2008/12/22(月) 03:47:07 ID:LPpS67vZ
Oh got it! lol
My onanie life is all right!
How about you?
587ξ:2008/12/22(月) 06:53:27 ID:chq08zV8 BE:289749942-2BP(1240)
jkjk > JuKu-JuKu > jukujo > じゅくじょ > 熟女 > Mature woman (lie)
I like it, too uhihi
588Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/22(月) 10:28:33 ID:???
熟女 いいです

Benjamin Franklin's advice on choosing a mistress.
5. Because in every Animal that walks upright,
the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part:
The Face first grows lank and wrinkled;
then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms;
the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever:
So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding2 only what is below the Girdle,
it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one.
And as in the dark all Cats are grey,
the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal,
and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.

Google translation
5 。すべての動物が直立歩くために
589Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/22(月) 11:23:08 ID:???
590名無し編集部員:2008/12/22(月) 12:58:34 ID:KL8phPry
              _,.- ''"´::::::::::::::`゙'::..、
            _,. ''":::::::::::::::::::::::::‐-::、::::.ヽ.
          i:::i::l:::l:::l:::l::l::::l::l |:.|:.|:.|:.||:.|:.|:.l:.:l::::!           
          l:::l::l:::l:::l:::l:::l::::l::l l::l::l::|_,!l-H-!:.:l::::i.
          !:::l::l:::l:::l:;ハ_!,」-| ! l l ! ,.-rュァ'!:.::l::::i.
          !:;::l::ト:ト:::i_,.r;ァュ     ` ̄ 」::.::l:::::i
          ,'::i:.l::l::l::ト:',` ̄´      ____( ト、:l:::::l
          /!::l:.l::l::l::l::l:'i、     ' ,. 'ー、ヽ〃l:::::l <今日も寒い日々が続きますがジムさんお元気ですか?
         /,!::l:.l:.l::l::l::l:!:::ト.、    ` ´ _/ /!:::l-┴‐‐‐ァ_
         〃!:l::.l:.l:.l::l::l:|:.:|::::i>、,. -‐'"  /イ:.:.|     / `ヽ、
        // !:l:.l:.l:.l:::l::!:|:.:l::::| /     / j:.:.:|   /    '、
        / / !:|:.l:.!-'''"`!:.:l:.:.|`i   _,.-'"  /:.l:.|   /     }
       / / !::|:.,<     |:.:l:.:.| !   i>、,,.-''"!:.l::j   /      /
      / //:::|:.i  \  |:.:l:.:.l l    !:::.\ |:.l:./ /      ,イ
      / 〃::..|:.:l   丶|:.:l:::j l   !::::.:.:.ヽ|::l/ /      /!|
     / /::.i::..|:.:i',    |::.l::::トl    !::::.:.:.:.l::/-/      /-'!,
     //::.i::.l:..|:.:l::i,     |:.lハ!::l     i::::::.:.:l/::/       /::.:.:::〉
    〃!::.l::.l:..|:.:l::::i,    ヾl::::::l      i:::.:.:.:::/      /::..::::;':i
    /!::.l::.l::.l:..|:..l:::i::i,     i:::::l      i:::.:./      /:::.:.:.::'::;::}
591Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/22(月) 15:48:55 ID:???
Have an ice cold Jim after a long workout?
たっぶん あついい ジム health.
592Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/22(月) 15:50:35 ID:???
こにちは Rangerーさん
まかせて ください
593Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/22(月) 15:55:33 ID:???
こにちは Poe-さん
どう して いい か わから ません。
594 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/23(火) 02:08:56 ID:CWCZwC2v



Yes! 地球の未来はJimさんだぁ!!!

595Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/23(火) 10:49:33 ID:???
596名無し編集部員:2008/12/23(火) 16:04:57 ID:7uicd5ME
                'r ´          ヽ、ン、
               ,'==iゝ、イ人レ/_ル==', i
               i イi rr=-,     r=;ァ ヽイ i  |
               レリイ.'  ̄        ̄"| .|、i .||
                 !Y!   'ー=-'     「 !ノ i |
                L.',.          L」 ノ| .|
                | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
        /⌒ヽ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´
       /     ヽ   レ'/    '´ ̄ ̄//ヽ
      /       ! ,..ヘ/    .,    //  ',
     /        ',(   \  /_ , -ー´/     !
.     /      !    ',ヽ__,ヾニ/     `i   !
    /      /    !:::>、  ヽ      ,.イ   !
   /      /     |<`ー-へ`ー‐'' / |   ト、
.  /      /      |:::::` ̄ ̄ ト、ヽ、/-、レ   人
597Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/23(火) 17:45:17 ID:???
You are missing 1/2.
598EROyVmNwwM ★:2008/12/23(火) 18:20:01 ID:???

599Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/23(火) 18:23:47 ID:???
いま みます
600 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/24(水) 01:57:02 ID:uu2wPCLj
 *                    i|    . .. ... ...:: :..::: :::::::::::::
                         i|      .. .. .... .:..:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::
    +            ─ ─i|──    .. . .. ....: :::: :..::::::::::::::::::::::
          ..               i|     .. ..: ... ..:: :::::: :..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ゚    。                i|    . .. ... ...:: ..:::: ::::...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 *                    i|     .. .. ... ..:: ..:::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                         i|      .. .. . ....:: ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  +  ・    *          ヘ       . .. . ....: :::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
      ;              .:l;;i,      . .. ... ...::..:: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  ,,        。         .::l;;;;;i        .. .... ...:: :: ...::::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::::::::
                  .:::l;;;;;;;;i       . .. .... ..:: :...::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ゚             .::::l;;;;;;;;;;i       . .. .. ....:: :.....:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  *        ゚       .:::::l;;;;;;;;;;;;;i        . .. .....: :....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                 ,,.,/ヘ~~""''''ヘ、     .. .. .....:..: ::... :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::
                 ,/i~~""'''';;i'~    . .. .. ....::...: :..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                      .:::i;;;|::|;;|:::l;|   .. .. .. ...:: ..:: ::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                      .:::i;;;|::|;;|:::l;|  .. .. .....::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                     i::: i::::::::::::::::| ... .. ....::: :..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                l::: i::::::::::::::::|___ . .. ....::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                  , ...:;;|i:: i:::::::/::::::/\ ....::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
             .....:.::::.:::|i_,,l::/::::::/::::::::::\ ...:..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
           .....:.::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ :: :::::: :::::::\ ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
         .....:.::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ :: :::::: :::::::::::::::::\ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
601Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/24(水) 08:43:01 ID:???
That is nice Ranger-san.
602名無し編集部員:2008/12/24(水) 20:40:36 ID:F2OlKC7j
                'r ´          ヽ、ン、
               ,'==iゝ、イ人レ/_ル==', i
               i イi rr=-,     r=;ァ ヽイ i  |
               レリイ.'  ̄        ̄"| .|、i .||
                 !Y!   'ー=-'     「 !ノ i |
                L.',.          L」 ノ| .|
                | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
        /⌒ヽ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´
       /     ヽ   レ'/    '´ ̄ ̄//ヽ
      /       ! ,..ヘ/    .,    //  ',
     /        ',(   \  /_ , -ー´/     !
.     /      !    ',ヽ__,ヾニ/     `i   !
    /      /    !:::>、  ヽ      ,.イ   !
   /      /     |<`ー-へ`ー‐'' / |   ト、
.  /      /      |:::::` ̄ ̄ ト、ヽ、/-、レ   人
 /      イ         |::::::::::::/!::::!:!\,.イ __ /   !
 `ヽ   /|        !___/__|__:|:|::::::`ト、__,へ、 /
::::::::::::ヽ/   !       /    _厶イ:!::::::::::::!`ー―‐く
::::::::::::/   /!       !  /__:::::::ヘ:::::::::::::::::::ヽ
:::::::::/   /::::ヽ     ヘ_/   \::::ヽ、::::::::::::/
::::::/     ̄ ̄ \  __j !/           ム:::::::! `T´
            ̄   7           / ー' !  ヽ
                    i        /    !    ̄`ー_、
               |       /     ヽ_`ー、―--'
               |      /          ̄´
               !      ヽ
603名無し編集部員:2008/12/24(水) 21:07:29 ID:F2OlKC7j
ヽ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::`'::.、 ゆっ……
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__     _  _◎
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7    / / | |           _
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7  / /   | | [二二 丁 ○  ./ /
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ / /   | |  _ レ′   //
!イ´ ,' | /ノ !/ V 、!_ハ  ,' ,ゝ / /   |_| ./ /    [二/
`!  !/レi' 旡≧ :::::: ≦乏 レ'i ノ  ̄       ̄
,'  ノ   !'  , -- 、     ノ\人/|_
 (  ,ハ   ー'⌒ー'  (#      <
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ        >
      ( ̄ ̄ ̄\ 彡
        ̄ノ   \ 彡
   ( ̄ ̄ ̄
604 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/25(木) 01:23:44 ID:oRz74UAh



605POE ★:2008/12/25(木) 10:10:47 ID:???
Merry Christmas
God bless you.

The apt joke
606 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2008/12/26(金) 01:29:52 ID:ZrrIcQKt
めりーくりすます later
Nice onanie!
Off course Onanie hole is important
607 ◆SupremeTTw :2008/12/26(金) 12:00:31 ID:xXSrGFya BE:2635848689-PLT(35556)
Hi Jim.
It is my new thread.
Please come here.

608 ◆witch2enoc @削魔除 ★:2008/12/27(土) 12:18:15 ID:???

Do you know "P2"?
609名無し編集部員:2008/12/27(土) 12:25:22 ID:ndf+jEsF
610 ◆SupremeTTw :2008/12/27(土) 12:39:46 ID:sTFwX6kz BE:1976886296-PLT(35556)
611ξ:2008/12/27(土) 12:45:11 ID:NC+DwwxM BE:869249546-2BP(1277)
612 ◆Ranger.9zk :2008/12/28(日) 02:46:03 ID:scmM1gHT



613名無し編集部員:2008/12/28(日) 04:03:51 ID:+YhWzCmD BE:1642383195-2BP(2222)
Notes of >>608
614 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2008/12/28(日) 04:16:38 ID:+IYOuKir
Notes of >>608
"P2"=horror movie
615名無し編集部員:2008/12/28(日) 09:10:57 ID:pEIxKPdq
616ξ:2008/12/28(日) 10:05:08 ID:1Al+OWGX BE:1955810669-2BP(1302)
Notes of >>608
"P2"="Honda Humanoid Robot P2(ASIMO prototype)"
617名無し編集部員:2008/12/28(日) 18:36:26 ID:yNqvt+Ev
Notes of >>608
"P2"="P2! - let's Play Pingpong! -"
618自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/29(月) 16:40:21 ID:???
Hi Guys. I have spent the week-end upgrading my laptop to Fedora 10.
It runs excellent, and most of the bugs from Fedora 9 are fixed.
This if from my laptop.
619自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/29(月) 16:41:21 ID:???
p2.2ch.net. Is that what you are talking about?
620ξ:2008/12/29(月) 17:11:03 ID:YuPc1Vt/ BE:1955810669-2BP(1302)
upgrade おめ

I think direct ひろゆき to hear it to go
・To reduce the injustice user who used ...
・Writing restriction
・Price hike of use charge

◆ p2<依存症・爆撃>対策 ◆ http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1230339510/
◆ p2<依存症・爆撃>対策 ◆ 2 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1230440443/
p2.2ch.net総合スレ Part43【不具合/要望】 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1229640113/
p2.2ch.net総合スレ Part44【不具合/要望】 http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1230534690/
621名無し編集部員:2008/12/29(月) 17:23:24 ID:L+7Hslnx
622ξ:2008/12/29(月) 17:26:29 ID:YuPc1Vt/ BE:869249164-2BP(1302)
>>621 ^^;
623自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/29(月) 20:29:42 ID:???
That will take me a month to read. Can you condense it for me?
Price hike, what a good idea...;)
The Dollar Yen rate warrants it. Maybe it is not a good idea to talk about that.
Someone might get the idea it is a good idea. I think the best solution
is to sign up quickly before anything like that happens.
20% is the number I think could be justified.

624ξ:2008/12/29(月) 20:55:10 ID:YuPc1Vt/ BE:651937829-2BP(1302)
Sorry, think the tidy translation while it talks now it to take time.

Your Name wwww
625名無し編集部員:2008/12/29(月) 21:53:20 ID:9cqLUEua
626名無し編集部員:2008/12/29(月) 21:55:33 ID:2cZn8UjH
627名無し編集部員:2008/12/29(月) 22:03:38 ID:Jnmds+rj
Thank you I will look forward to your tidy translation.
By the way, what is the meaning of your name?
It looks a bit like a snake to me, maybe a cobra?
628名無し編集部員:2008/12/29(月) 22:05:59 ID:Jnmds+rj
It is not my cup of tea.
629ξ ◆Typhoon5mI :2008/12/29(月) 22:13:16 ID:YuPc1Vt/ BE:869249164-2BP(1302)
ξ is abbreviation of Typhoon of my trip
630自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ :2008/12/29(月) 22:23:22 ID:Jnmds+rj
It is a very cool trip.
means freedom dream, or daydream.
631自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/29(月) 22:44:39 ID:???
おやすみ なさい また あした
632ξ:2008/12/29(月) 22:52:28 ID:YuPc1Vt/ BE:760593637-2BP(1302)
おやすみ なさい

I compile the main point if possible
I may ask somebody for translation ^^;

I thought whether it was played with FOX > 自夢 w
Meaning cool of daydream. ^^b
633ξ:2008/12/30(火) 02:19:02 ID:vjnpgRPV BE:724374454-2BP(1302)
正確に 翻訳できる 自信がないので 誰か 翻訳 お願いできませんか?
翻訳スレに 持って行ったほうが いいのかな^^;


・書き込み規制が緩和される ←荒らしに使われることがあるので今問題になってる


・新規登録時 1000森+α森を支払うことでBBQされていないp2で書き込み可能(一年間)
・更新時 1000森を支払うことでBBQされていないIPでp2で書き込み可能(一年間)

New Thread (add >>620)
◆ p2<依存症・爆撃>対策 ◆ 3
634 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2008/12/30(火) 03:16:02 ID:yu/gvwjh BE:300906353-2BP(1666)
635Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/30(火) 09:20:39 ID:???
That was me Typhoon-san.
636Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/30(火) 09:32:35 ID:???
ども ありがとう
We will find the way. I am working on new value added services
that will make people happy, and we might be able
to change society a little. Hopefully we won't be the nail that sticks up.
I am very tired of being hammered down. That hammer needs to be put away.

まつ しか ない
まかせて ください
637Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/30(火) 09:35:52 ID:???
I hope everything comes out ok...
638名無し編集部員:2008/12/30(火) 10:16:19 ID:zLSwP/IW
FOX-san is said.
I do not dig P2 damaging it.
Do you think that why is it? Jim-san.
639Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/30(火) 10:20:31 ID:???
すみーません Both in English and Japanese I don't understand that.
ぜんぜん わからない。
640Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/30(火) 10:57:27 ID:???
Now I understand p2.
I can't post here. i will figure it out next week.
641名無し編集部員:2008/12/30(火) 11:30:57 ID:zLSwP/IW
FOX-san said.

I do not regulate P2.
642ξ:2008/12/30(火) 11:39:21 ID:vjnpgRPV BE:1448748858-2BP(1302)
I have a feeling that some danger was found.
Please do it well
Is it safe even if FOX-san is not told?

規制人より 掲示板にもボーナス∩( ・ω・)∩くれくれ 芋55本目
643名無し編集部員:2008/12/30(火) 11:45:25 ID:zLSwP/IW
644 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2008/12/30(火) 18:38:00 ID:yu/gvwjh BE:320967528-2BP(1666)
Thanx Jim.
I had spent good time with Eroge.
Eroge is pith of the hentai culture.
(*゚∀゚) =3
645自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/30(火) 19:02:23 ID:???
I do not regulate p2 either.
Is it dangerous? I have not looked into it farther yet.
Please tell me more about it.
646自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/30(火) 19:03:56 ID:???
647ξ:2008/12/30(火) 19:32:38 ID:vjnpgRPV BE:1738498368-2BP(1302)
>>642 translate
> >>641
> おとといあたりからp2もちゃんと掘れるように試行錯誤中ですよん
> たしかこのへん
> 規制人より 掲示板にもボーナス∩( ・ω・)∩くれくれ 芋55本目
> http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1228260131/824-n
It is trying and erring to be able to regulate p2 the day before yesterday neatly. < FOX-san and others
Around here probably < http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1228260131/824-n

私が 知ってる事は これぐらいです。
「p2 と 串を 使って 2chで 連投できる らしい。」
What I know is this.
"Seem to be able continuously to contribute with 2ch by using p2 and the proxy. "

PINKにとって「危ない」かどうかは よくわからないので、PINKボランティアの人に 聞いてみてください。
Whether it is "It is dangerous" for PINK It doesn't understand well, and ask PINK volunteer's person, please.

あまり 力に なれずに ごめんなさい。
I'm sorry that it is not possible to help so much.
648自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/30(火) 20:04:50 ID:???
I think that is ok then. New things have to be tested, and if they are good kept.
If they are not good scrapped. I don't know if p2 is good or bad, I didn't understand
the problem, just I knew I could not post my bug report.
649ξ:2008/12/30(火) 21:12:46 ID:vjnpgRPV BE:1629841695-2BP(1302)
p2 isn't bad. It's just tool.

悪いのは p2を 悪用する 人です Those who abuse p2 are bad.
しかし、悪用されることが わかっていて 放置するのは よくありません。
But, being found, that it is abused, it is not good to leave.
p2を 悪用されないように 工夫している ところなので、私は それに 期待しています。
In order p2 not to be abused, because it is the place where you have devised, I have expected to that.
また、Jim-sanが 状況を 把握して うまくやってくれることを 期待しています。
In addition, I expect that Jim-san grasps the situation and does it well.

> I could not post my bug report.
I do not understand what "Jim-san's bug report" means
It is mortified that my English is unskilled. :-(

use these web-translate-tool
Cross Translation::色々な翻訳サイト・翻訳サービスの一括、横断翻訳(英語)
10の翻訳エンジンから一括翻訳 翻訳くらべ 英語版
650 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2008/12/30(火) 22:39:50 ID:yu/gvwjh BE:240725726-2BP(1666)
Oh you know it!? It's important too for hentai culture.
I think BBSPINK has the aspect having mainly role of the hentai culture.
Your responsibility is very big(^ω^)

And your Kanji name 自夢 is COOOOOL 播(゚ω゚ )
Meaning is good too. Maybe it relate the "dream"?
651自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/31(水) 07:54:14 ID:???
はい わかり まして
652自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/31(水) 07:56:04 ID:???
653ξ:2008/12/31(水) 21:18:30 ID:+S1PAeII BE:2933715299-2BP(1364)
【年末審議中】 (12/31 大晦日)
  オイオイもう終わりかよ          今年何か進展あったかお前       やあ、来年はよろしく
        ___        ____       ____      ____         ____
    /  \  \.  /   \  \   /  /   \ . ./  /  \     /  /  \
    | .∩ .|__|  |  ∩  |   |    |   |  ∩  |  .|   |  ∩ .|     |   |  ∩ .|
     ̄/ (´・ω・).  |  |. |  (´・ω・) .(・ω・`)| ..| |. .|  (・ω・`) >< <    .\(・ω・`)j  |
    ./  (ノ___∠.  |  ∪(ノ|   |)  (|   |(ノ∪  |  .(|   .|(ノ∪  |      .(|_.(ノ  ./
    |____|__|.  \__/__/     \_\__/   \_\__/       /__/ __./
        し`J         し`J      し`J         し`J            し`J
               早いよなぁ            俺は十年後にまた来るよ
654自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/31(水) 22:04:20 ID:???
>>653 たくさん Zeros
655自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2008/12/31(水) 22:53:39 ID:???
おやすみ なさい また あした
656ξ:2008/12/31(水) 22:57:50 ID:+S1PAeII BE:1448748858-2BP(1364)
よい お年を
Your good year < ?
657北極ネコ ★:2008/12/31(水) 23:00:37 ID:???
Have a great 20089 !!
658ξ 【吉】 【1318円】 :2009/01/01(木) 00:09:13 ID:niugQAXW BE:434624843-2BP(1464)
【新年審議中】 (1/1)
    明けたみたいだな           ま、今年もまたりと行こうぜ
        ___        ____       ____      ____
    /  \  \.  /   \  \   /  /   \   /  /  \
    | .∩ .|__|  |  ∩  |   |    |   |  ∩  |  |   |  ∩ .|
     ̄/ (´・ω・).  |  |. |  (´・ω・) .(・ω・`)| ..| |. .|  \(・ω・`)j  |
    ./  (ノ___∠.  |  ∪(ノ|   |)  (|   |(ノ∪  |    (|_.(ノ  ./
    |____|__|.  \__/__/     \_\__/    ./__/ __./
        し`J         し`J      し`J         し`J
               そうだな、明けた         十年ぶりだからがんばるぞ!

A Happy New Yeahhhha!!
659自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/01(木) 09:04:01 ID:???
Happy New year guys. Sorry I went to sleep early last night. I think I ate some
bad pork. Stomach ache...;)
Or maybe someone is poking to many pins in the Jim doll.
Anyway. I hope 20089, and 20009 and 2009 will be good years.
660自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/01(木) 09:06:38 ID:???
661ξ:2009/01/01(木) 09:53:27 ID:niugQAXW BE:1086561656-2BP(1500)
Please be careful about a body ^^;

Japanese manners and customs have "千羽鶴"
千羽 鶴 = せんばづる = せんば つる = Thousand origami cranes
Thousand origami cranes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is 100 of them, but gives it it

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ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆
ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆 ヽ1〆
662 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/01(木) 16:28:54 ID:DV/qKUZa BE:280845672-2BP(1666)
Happy new year!
Onanie is good for it ^^
663名無し編集部員:2009/01/01(木) 17:07:44 ID:psLC925S
664名無し編集部員:2009/01/01(木) 17:33:16 ID:vorhlZFh
665名無し編集部員:2009/01/01(木) 17:33:29 ID:zMFz++mo
666名無し編集部員:2009/01/01(木) 17:43:45 ID:/Fxblrfg
667 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/01(木) 23:14:25 ID:DV/qKUZa BE:481449964-2BP(1666)
668名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 01:55:32 ID:WiA9lWf9

         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯( ´∀` )◯ < I like Kouyama Mitsuki-chan!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)
669名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 08:32:42 ID:F2FKQdN1
670 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/02(金) 08:42:22 ID:NJt+1HZr BE:541631939-2BP(1666)
Is it true that Jim became the admin of "2ch"?

Hiroyuki said,
Management authority transfer to PACKET MONSTER INC.

And there is your name in PACKET MONSTER INC's domain registrant info.
671ξ:2009/01/02(金) 08:42:24 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:651936492-2BP(1501)
Hi Jim-san
I was very surprised. hahaha
It is very very interesting. ^^

672ξ:2009/01/02(金) 08:49:37 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:1955810669-2BP(1501)
673 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/02(金) 08:57:45 ID:NJt+1HZr BE:982960177-2BP(1666)
However, it becomes a story of joke(釣り).
Umm.. information is complicated.
674Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 09:57:21 ID:???
675名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:00:00 ID:mZeSq4et
676Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:01:32 ID:???
I hope it helps. World peace would be a good thing.
This is the symbol of world peace according to Wiki.
677Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:02:10 ID:???
わたしは 元気 です。
678Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:04:08 ID:???
679Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:07:52 ID:???
680名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:10:43 ID:q0oepAQ9
キーワード:JIM is freedom


I see.
681Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:11:04 ID:???
My name has been there for many years. It is nothing new.
682名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:12:12 ID:+JNeBh+w
Jim san, didn't you think it was a big risk to acquire 2ch? You might end up with having a lot of lawsuits.
683名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:12:43 ID:QW2hiMeD BE:235234962-2BP(211)
point please!
684Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:13:21 ID:???
15,000,000 hits on google for those keywords.
685名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:13:38 ID:pA7egszi
ひろゆきが2ちゃんねるを「PACKET MONSTER INC」という会社に譲渡したことについて
686名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:15:37 ID:QW2hiMeD BE:940939586-2BP(211)
This is a Jim.
687名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:17:38 ID:iboAtuHG
No. This is not Jim.
This is a pen.
688名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:17:42 ID:TXDOMZFL
Hi Jim san,


Hiroyuki repoterd that he completed to transffer 2ch's administration to "Packet Monster Inc" in yesterday and so most user are confusing now.
We're wanting to know the datail of that. Could you explain?

689Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:17:49 ID:???
My company is not a Packet Monster. I am the technical contact.
2ch is mostly on my servers. It is completely normal.
690680:2009/01/02(金) 10:18:27 ID:q0oepAQ9
'JIM is freedom' の検索結果 約 15,000,000 件

Yes! JIM is freedom!!!
691Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:19:33 ID:???
You agree with me?
692名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:20:03 ID:+JNeBh+w
I see. Thanks for the reply.
693 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 10:21:40 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:1464360858-PLT(36700)
694名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:23:55 ID:QW2hiMeD BE:196029825-2BP(211)
Please give the Be point to me.
695名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:27:52 ID:+JNeBh+w
I got confused because someone at the new+ board is saying that you are the new owner of 2 ch and I just believed it. Thanks for clarification.
696名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:30:37 ID:NvFLuyVH
no!!!!you are foool!
Jim is mine!!!!!
697名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:31:39 ID:HGncTCmR
Hey! Comeonbaby!
You're free!!
698名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:32:53 ID:P5jSbcdz
Packet Monsterの責任者は誰なの?
699 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 10:33:17 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:1171488948-PLT(36700)
現在、ご指定のトリップキーで生成されるトリップ ◆SupremeTTw宛でシステムに蓄積されているモリタポは存在しません。

モリタポ通帳 : (C)2006-2009 未来検索ブラジル All Rights Reserved.
700名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:33:22 ID:2GO+RBKk
701 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/01/02(金) 10:34:02 ID:vpacWIAl
あけまして おめでとう ございます。
今年も よろしく おねがい します。
702Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:35:18 ID:???
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
703名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:35:20 ID:+JNeBh+w
Maybe, you should ask him in English ;->
704Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:37:23 ID:???
ひろゆき の http://hirox.asks.jp/
705名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:37:53 ID:2QcU4//u
706Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:38:36 ID:???
The pen is mightier than the Jim.
707名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:39:11 ID:5wmus7Ee
Mr jim please save oppai...
708名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:39:44 ID:lWT9zTCd
Jim san,
who is your boss in Poket Monstar INC?

709名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:41:03 ID:+JNeBh+w
710Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:41:37 ID:???
ほんと です。
My name has been there for many years.
I am sure that nothing important will change, and users
will not be affected by Hiroyuki's change. He announced
this. Was it not clear in Japanese? I think he is a professional
writer, and probably the words are very clear.
711名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:42:45 ID:0/H3EZfB
Poket monsterって、英語の俗語で男性器の意味なんだってね・・・。
712Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:43:37 ID:???
ウパソ モリタポ デス。
713名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:44:32 ID:0/H3EZfB
poket monsterの代表って、インド系の名前の人らしいね。
714Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:44:53 ID:???
715名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:45:11 ID:1fEjfGPG
  (´・ω・`)     n
 ̄     \    ( E) 
フ ア.フィ /ヽ ヽ_//
  (´・ω・`)     n
 ̄     \    ( E) 
フ ア.フィ /ヽ ヽ_//
  (´・ω・`)     n
 ̄     \    ( E) 
フ ア.フィ /ヽ ヽ_//
  (´・ω・`)     n
 ̄     \    ( E) 
フ ア.フィ /ヽ ヽ_//
  (´・ω・`)     n
 ̄     \    ( E) 
フ ア.フィ /ヽ ヽ_//
  (´・ω・`)     n
 ̄     \    ( E) 
フ ア.フィ /ヽ ヽ_//
716 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 10:45:41 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:585743982-PLT(36700)
Brad Pitt
717ξ:2009/01/02(金) 10:46:13 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:434625326-2BP(1501)
Did the stomachache heal?
Though mere overeating is good, please be careful to food poisoning ><

An article was given to the Japanese Yahoo news
2ちゃんねる、海外企業に譲渡 ― 西村博之氏からPACKET MONSTER INC.へ譲渡完了(RBB TODAY) - Yahoo!ニュース
718Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:46:18 ID:???
大丈夫 です
もう すぐ かわる よ せかいが
719名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:46:41 ID:+JNeBh+w
Hiroyuki's words were not clear (as always ;->) and there are a lot of speculation going on there right now. But I like this kind of confusion. This is 2ch.
720名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:47:45 ID:PFCG6dJH

Do you know Administrative Contact:"DHANVANTRAY, RAGINI"?
What is he like?
721名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:47:55 ID:0/H3EZfB
722名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:48:21 ID:vVT5LR/o
YOU are chinco
723名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:48:43 ID:c9JIr7Ai BE:453564353-PLT(12825)
my name is afio
nice to meet you
I love louise
724 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/02(金) 10:49:34 ID:NJt+1HZr BE:541631939-2BP(1666)
Good news!
Have a nice onanie year!
I didn't notice it
Pull the wires? Mastermind? Power broker? lol
They say ignorance is bliss.
OK, let's do the masturbation.
725名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:50:00 ID:0/H3EZfB
 Jim san ganbatte kudasai.
Oen shite imasu.

Good luck, Jim san
726名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:50:39 ID:c9JIr7Ai BE:453564735-PLT(12825)
727名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:50:43 ID:+JNeBh+w
728名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:51:08 ID:TXDOMZFL

Thank you Jim san.

Actually Hiroyuki has not explained detail yet..
So almost user is concerning who is new administrator.

Anyhow I agree your saying, nothing would change for users.
729 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/02(金) 10:52:03 ID:NJt+1HZr BE:200604252-2BP(1666)
yea, it's me
no, it's me
manko tinko
730Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 10:52:10 ID:???
すぐ まどり ます
トバコ に いって きます
たぶん 15 ぷん
731名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:56:10 ID:Eq5Zo2F5
732名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:56:24 ID:7KDyF7he
jim, whats your age?
733名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:57:09 ID:lj+K5r/f
734名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:58:22 ID:g+tuaZRI
735名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 10:58:29 ID:q0oepAQ9
(i) < Manko Manko Manko
736ξ:2009/01/02(金) 10:58:36 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:579499182-2BP(1501)
in japanese たばこ=タバコ

I love GARAM (´ー`)y─┛~~
737名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:01:06 ID:fgiAQMbr
Hey Jim japanese de おk
738名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:01:10 ID:7KDyF7he
Cigar is god
739名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:01:15 ID:6EXWTHMi
740 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/02(金) 11:04:28 ID:NJt+1HZr BE:962899586-2BP(1666)
トバコ is Republic of Trinidad and Tobago?
In only 15min?
You are beyond time and space indeed.
741名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:04:33 ID:vZHYZXsm
What your language?
English, please. hahaha, I love you.
742名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:06:08 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:1221213375-2BP(3038)
743名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:07:08 ID:362re9uj
Is it "NEW WORLD ORDER. "?wwwwwwwwwww
744 ◆TWARamEjuA :2009/01/02(金) 11:07:26 ID:fA275QfA
すぐ もどり ます
タバコ に いって きます
たぶん 15 ふん
745名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:08:02 ID:zBPN4JYW
I am OrangeJuice
746名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:08:11 ID:mZeSq4et
Mild seven yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
747名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:09:00 ID:2QcU4//u
Are relieved, and thank you. :-)
748名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:09:23 ID:WPvgh/Q2
I don't like natto.
749名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:10:17 ID:hMGiW7jC
I am pen.
good writing feelings.
750名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:10:39 ID:qjwPjRoZ
Hi! Jim-san.
Do you like animated cartoon?
751堀井文隆 ◆1pa6FdTE8I :2009/01/02(金) 11:10:48 ID:u4QYzr6R
Hi, Jim.
Do you have any plan to improve/develop the 2ch?
752名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:11:27 ID:c9JIr7Ai BE:483802144-PLT(12825)
jim is the new ruler of the world
753名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:12:20 ID:0/H3EZfB
the pen is the new ruler of the world
754名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:12:45 ID:FuOPF0Fs
A long time ago in a 2ch far,far away . . . .
755名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:12:54 ID:PDfAp9tC
How often do you masturbate a day?
756Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:13:36 ID:???
757ξ:2009/01/02(金) 11:14:19 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:579500328-2BP(1501)
758名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:14:35 ID:XwKB91XW
759名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:14:42 ID:q0oepAQ9
I love "rouge".

760名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:15:24 ID:FuOPF0Fs
Konata is my Yome!!!!!!!!
761名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:15:36 ID:PDfAp9tC
Hi,Jim! Please suck off!
762名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:16:12 ID:WPvgh/Q2
Welcome home mastering.
763名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:16:18 ID:TXDOMZFL

I think it taken from Perfume's song, "Computer City".
Jim san, do you like Perfume?
764 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 11:16:36 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:439308634-PLT(36700)
765Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:18:13 ID:???
Perfume いい です
Best Japanese girl band.
ほのとに そのとり。
766 ◆TWARamEjuA :2009/01/02(金) 11:19:39 ID:fA275QfA
Hi Jim♪
Do you know Japanese TABACCO 'quiser'.
I present the quiser sometime when I encounter you ♪

767 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 11:19:54 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:1464360285-PLT(36700)
Britney Spearsとエッチしたい
768Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:20:50 ID:???
またせて ください
まつ しかない。 たぶん Long long time.
769名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:21:51 ID:PDfAp9tC
But Jim looks very pretty girl.
Jim is my bride.
770ξ:2009/01/02(金) 11:21:59 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:543281235-2BP(1501)
What is 'quiser' mean? ^^;
771ξ:2009/01/02(金) 11:22:49 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:1774716877-2BP(1501)
772名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:23:27 ID:hK3atm5v
Do you know JOJO ?
773Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:23:41 ID:???
>>740 Pink teleportation.

774名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:25:06 ID:PDfAp9tC
What video games did you play?
775ξ:2009/01/02(金) 11:25:25 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:2933715299-2BP(1501)
Jim-san is PINK Ninja!!! lol
776 ◆TWARamEjuA :2009/01/02(金) 11:25:42 ID:fA275QfA
777Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:26:07 ID:???
Don't worry, be happy. Everything is ok.
It is a holiday still in most places. Hiroyuki is a busy
guy. I am sure he will explain things clearly later.
778Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:27:45 ID:???
The world is my oyster.
779名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:28:37 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:1046754465-2BP(3038)
780Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:29:07 ID:???
はじめ まして
自夢 です
どぞ よるしこ
781名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:29:24 ID:iMi8KcC/
come back ARPA?
782名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:30:13 ID:PDfAp9tC
Do you know that there is a movie titled "Perfume"?
I heard it is very grotesque...
783ξ:2009/01/02(金) 11:31:40 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:869249164-2BP(1501)
>>777 lucky 777 おめ
I love his songs, too ^^

YouTube - Bobby Mcferrin - Don't Worry, Be Happy

Crazy Climber
784Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:32:54 ID:???
I prefer to watch erotic movies.
That is a German murder story I think.
785Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:34:18 ID:???
I am smoking Davidoff Classic cigarettes now.
786 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/02(金) 11:34:37 ID:NJt+1HZr BE:180544133-2BP(1666)
787名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:37:47 ID:PDfAp9tC
Why I hear it is my friends are exited to talk about it.
I will watch it,thanks.
788名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:37:57 ID:PDfAp9tC
Why I hear it is my friends are excited to talk about it.
I will watch it,thanks.
789名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:38:48 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:1116537784-2BP(3038)
じむさん にんき
790Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:40:20 ID:???
It is completely a cappella.
791名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:40:50 ID:c9JIr7Ai BE:1693306278-PLT(12825)
792名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:40:59 ID:PDfAp9tC
Why I write them is they are important.
793Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:44:10 ID:???
I am playing Guitar Hero almost everyday.
I also like Soul Caliber IV
Hedge Wars is my favorite computer game.
794Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:45:31 ID:???
I am watching Perfume video right now. They must smell
like heaven. hehehehe.
Or smell to high heaven.
795ξ:2009/01/02(金) 11:45:54 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:2028247878-2BP(1501)
Davidoff Classic Cigarettes - Cheap cigarettes

Mmm..........Cheap? --;

また こんど ノシシ
796名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:45:54 ID:9JDYYahI
へーい じむ 好きな ピッツァは なに味だい?
797名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:47:16 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:209351423-2BP(3038)
A happy new year.
I thought suddenly asked whether it was Shotacon or a Lolita complex
or it was either what.
798Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:48:16 ID:???
Oh, how I wish for this. Someday, somewhere, someone will have it.
799Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:49:02 ID:???
Happy New year too
Shotacon? What is that?
800 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 11:49:08 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:1976886296-PLT(36700)
801Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:50:02 ID:???
Hawaii Supreme Pizza.
802名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:50:07 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:837403283-2BP(3038)
In Shotacon, I am probably Shotacon that has it like indicating the
boy ・・・.
803名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:52:52 ID:0/H3EZfB
Shotacon=Pederasty lol
804Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:52:55 ID:???
That is a good price. Made in the Ukraine.
so they must be good for you.
805名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:53:38 ID:TXDOMZFL

Shotacon means a people who loves little cute "boy".
806 ◆TWARamEjuA :2009/01/02(金) 11:53:52 ID:fA275QfA BE:1089252-2BP(7089)
Price: $ 20.80 カクブル...

I smoke a '小粋[KOIKI]'
'小粋[KOIKI]' is '刻み[KIZAMI] tobbaco'
'刻み[KIZAMI] is very finely chopped cigarette leaf.
807名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:54:09 ID:PDfAp9tC
"Shotacon" is who likes pretty boy.
And I am Shotacon too. So Jim is my bride.
808Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:55:56 ID:???
Wow, I had to consult dictionary.com for that.
Hmm, it is not my cup of tea.
Maybe someone will visit you in prison, but don't count
on it.
809Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 11:58:31 ID:???
810名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:58:55 ID:bG2xZSXO
OMG, what's goinnon here?
811名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 11:59:30 ID:7KDyF7he
Did you play WoW?
Im playing now at blackrock server
812Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:00:25 ID:???
ごめなさい すみーません
ぜんぜん わからんあい
813Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:00:58 ID:???
814名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:01:49 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:1953941287-2BP(3038)
Is a Lolita complex faction?
815Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:02:53 ID:???
JoJo loves me. I see it everyday here.
816名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:10:48 ID:Uee4tZPr
【緊急速報】 まろゆき ニコニコで詳細説明!! 【12:30頃から】
817名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:12:29 ID:0/H3EZfB
>>816 つまらん釣りすんなw
818名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:13:22 ID:QhCtiP4f
A happy new year Jim san!

In regards to Hiroyuki's post about new assigment and transferring
ownership to Packet Monster Inc has already making a lots of
confusion and I just found that SANKEI(one of major media network like
NBC or ABC in JPN) puts an article on their website. It looks like it would be
huge MATSURI in seconds..... What do you think?

819Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:15:45 ID:???
We are the news for them. It seems that the TV news gets
a lot of their news from 2ch users. It is better to just watch
2ch. They usually spin confusion and use 2ch to bring up their
820名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:15:50 ID:ggBsozgR
821Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:16:43 ID:???
Lolita complex is adult women who like to dress like
maids and schoolgirls? I like this. Cosplay is erotic to me.
822名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:16:44 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:628052292-2BP(3038)
Have not you understood.
I'm sorry.
823Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:17:22 ID:???
same shit different day...;)
824名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:18:21 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:558269344-2BP(3038)
Though it doesn't understand the Lolita complex well when school
child and junior high school student's favorite girls are called
generically ..the desire..
825名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:19:53 ID:0/H3EZfB
 over 16 is not lolita.
826Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:20:27 ID:???
Oh, that is completely different.
It is very similar to >>808
827 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 12:20:30 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:1171488184-PLT(36700)
Fuck me right now with 79.
828Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:21:07 ID:???
World of Warcraft. I know it, but it takes to much time away
from idoling.
829Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:21:52 ID:???
Keep up the dream spirit.
830名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:22:23 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:1221213757-2BP(3038)
By the way, does often go to Akihabara?
Does the housemaid go to see?
Is it seen and is the housemaid Heraheraed?
831堀井文隆 ◆1pa6FdTE8I :2009/01/02(金) 12:22:41 ID:u4QYzr6R
Jim, do you have any plan to improve/develop 2ch?
832Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:22:57 ID:???
What do you call it when older women pretend to be young girls?
I thought that was a "lolita complex."
Sometimes I am really confused. Please keep me up to date on
the keywords...;)
833Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:25:17 ID:???
I love Akihabara. I wish I could get my maids to wear these
costumes. They are so sexy.
834名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:26:17 ID:bG2xZSXO
haha... that's somethin... I guess.
BTW, you know any of English bulletin boards like here?
835名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:26:24 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:837403946-2BP(3038)
Incidently, there is a power line iron tower in the United States.
I want to see the substation in the United States by 275kV etc. of
the line once when saying in Japan it is.
836名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:27:39 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:628053236-2BP(3038)
If the housemaid is seen, does Chin Chin become Gingin, too?
837Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:28:46 ID:???
shhhhh. Secret...;)
838名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:30:05 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:1046754656-2BP(3038)
I'm sorry for.
839Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:30:28 ID:???
There is a 2ch English board, and a poetry board that I read
sometimes. The English board seems to be devoted to racial
bigotry, and can be very hilarious. Japanese English students
trying to talk like cheap white trash, and ghetto gangsters.
840Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:31:53 ID:???
わたしは みて みたい
ほし です。
841Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:35:09 ID:???
はい そう です
この もんだい ど して も こてないんです。
度やれば いいか おしえて ください。
842ξ:2009/01/02(金) 12:35:18 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:543281235-2BP(1501)
Maybe lolicon='lolita complex' like this

843名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:36:46 ID:0/H3EZfB

844Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:37:13 ID:???
はい! Servers are safe. Things will be ok.
845 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 12:37:36 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:549135735-PLT(36701)
846 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/02(金) 12:37:54 ID:NJt+1HZr BE:561691474-2BP(1666)
You should perform to Hollywood film and you'll be a Movie Star soon!
847Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:38:12 ID:???
Is that Harry Potter?
848名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:38:42 ID:bG2xZSXO
You mean English board in 2ch?
seems interesting, I've never been there and I have some kinda... somethin though.
hope this makes sense.
but I'm just curious about bulletin abroad.
849Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:39:34 ID:???
I am not a handsome man, just an ordinary average guy.
Who would play me in a movie?
850名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:39:40 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:697836645-2BP(3038)
The television during ..support.. 27-sleep Ishikari food squirrel
television hour ..coming... play Sre of ↓
851Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:40:47 ID:???
Some kinda.. somethin though?
Like just a little bit pregnant.
Or just a little sick?
852名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:41:07 ID:+yhybzSE
853Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:41:53 ID:???
11:43 AM
854ξ:2009/01/02(金) 12:42:21 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:217312823-2BP(1501)
This is Japanese housemaid!!!



She is very popular in lolicon of Japan. hehe
855Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:44:06 ID:???
856名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:45:00 ID:bG2xZSXO
I just feel them weird, but just my bias.
And yeah, I now have a stomachache that can make me sick.
But I NEVER will be pregnant.
857Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:47:16 ID:???
Yes, Japanese housemaids are great. Like in "The courtship of
Eddie's father."
She was so hot.

858Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:49:59 ID:???
お だいじに
859名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:52:14 ID:pqpmCz7L BE:209351232-2BP(3038)
The transfer of two channels is announced from) ..Hiroyuki Nishimura who is the manager of anonymous
bulletin board "Two channels".. ..(... It is entitled, "2ch transfer" in "Diary @ opening SNS", and reports on January 2,
"At last, the transfer completion was done". A corporate name of "PACKET MONSTER INC." is posted as
those who manage it in the guide page of two channels now.

Shi is revealed in case of "It makes a business trip abroad many times and make arrangements for 2ch
transfer last year" in this entry. Transfer..ahead..peel..domain..owner..retrieval..Singapore..enterprise..pattern.
The transferred background etc. are not clarified though the influence on the lawsuit problem that Shi comes one
after another as two channel use and two channel manager etc. will be thought in the future by this transfer.
860d207-216-216-16.bchsia.telus.net:2009/01/02(金) 12:52:29 ID:bG2xZSXO
Thanks. I'm gonna take a shower and soon be in bed.
861 ◆CHINPOGEDU :2009/01/02(金) 12:52:30 ID:NJt+1HZr BE:902718959-2BP(1666)
Don't worry.
Your PINK teleportation skill makes you the perfect man as the Hero.
I want the SKILL of you...!
862Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:52:48 ID:???
They have a nice office in San Francisco. It is very close to
the university. I have never been there, but have driven by it.
863Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 12:54:44 ID:???
おやすみ なさい
864ξ:2009/01/02(金) 12:57:16 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:2607746898-2BP(1501)
>>854 is Etsuko Ichihara

She is main cast of Japanese popular TV drama '家政婦は みた" series

Miyoshi Umeki ....I don't know, sorry
865名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 12:58:14 ID:0/H3EZfB
>>862 なるほど、サンフランシスコにあるのか。
情報ありがとう。 Jimsan
866Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 13:21:26 ID:???
どう いたし まして
867Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 13:22:15 ID:???
いま みます
868Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 13:25:13 ID:???
どう して いいか わかりません。
しごと してた。 どう する?
869名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 13:34:17 ID:s4he9JOt
hei jim-san!
yokoso nippon!

870名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 13:46:41 ID:Cltzq8tW
871名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 13:52:41 ID:CxQwG+zR

According to your commentary,
you are only in charge of technical aspects as before
and the change is only nominal,
so the real sway is still in the hand of Hiroyuki?

This change is only for the purpose to eschew the
plight of litigation or something and the core of
2ch undergoes no substantial change in management
and use?
872871:2009/01/02(金) 13:57:46 ID:CxQwG+zR
We have scarce source of information about this matter
therefore we expect trickles of information from you Jim lol

873Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:05:20 ID:???
How would I know that? Don't jump to conclusions.
874CCXCI ◆cCXCI7U6Vs :2009/01/02(金) 14:05:28 ID:ZwGJVcgG
Nice to meet you.

I'd like to question, is the problem?
I was transferred to the 2chBBS by Hiroyuki been announced.
Singapore destination transferable is a company, which is removed by the guidelines and may be changed?

And I have also written in Japanese is OK?
875Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:05:52 ID:???
おしこ = Trickle
876Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:07:45 ID:???
I don't know what will change. My position as Technical contact will probably stay the same.
I don't know the new owner at all.
877 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 14:09:00 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:878617038-PLT(38000)
▼ ̄>―-< ̄▼
  Y ● - ● Y
  (@  o  @)
  >       <
 人)       (人
878Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:10:12 ID:???
879 ◆SupremeTTw :2009/01/02(金) 14:11:06 ID:JNmT/6dw BE:1464360858-PLT(38000)
▼ ̄>―-< ̄▼
  Y ● - ● Y
  (@  o  @)
  >       <
 人)       (人

880Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:12:31 ID:???
がんばって すこしちんこーさん
881CCXCI ◆cCXCI7U6Vs :2009/01/02(金) 14:14:03 ID:ZwGJVcgG
Until now the technology as well as contact Jim is not.

I have some questions, please.
Hiroyuki had heard from?
Hiroyuki borrower from the server to change companies in Singapore?
882Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:15:05 ID:???
You are mistaken sir.
883CCXCI ◆cCXCI7U6Vs :2009/01/02(金) 14:17:14 ID:ZwGJVcgG

Having been translated with the help of Google because statements are to be funny.
I'm sorry.
884Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:27:05 ID:???
大丈夫 です
For many years I was the only human contact information on 2ch.net
Until recently, and I have never been the owner, just the person who
manages the dns for 2ch. There have been no DNS change requests
from Packet Monster, and no introduction, so I will just wait until the holiday
is over and see what happens. Lets enjoy our holiday. May I recommend
one of the fine boards on BBSPINK for you to spend some time on this
885名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 14:35:21 ID:WRZy5klm
886d207-216-216-16.bchsia.telus.net:2009/01/02(金) 14:38:38 ID:bG2xZSXO
I'm now BACK!
887ξ:2009/01/02(金) 14:38:39 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:1774716877-2BP(1501)
Here is nice spot uhihi
888Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:42:26 ID:???
おかえり なさい
889Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 14:43:32 ID:???
はい そうだ
ぼちぼち です
890ξ:2009/01/02(金) 14:44:52 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:507062827-2BP(1501)
∩( ・ω・)∩バンジャーイ

 ∩ _   ∩
 ミ( ゚∀゚) 彡 おっぱい!おっぱい!
 ミ |⊂ つ| 彡
   し ∪J
891名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 14:48:30 ID:bG2xZSXO
I had a quick look the thread you mentioned and found youngness in most of the fellows.
BTW, do you post on that thread?
892Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 15:01:20 ID:???
Ya! おっぱい!
893Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 15:02:00 ID:???
I post sometimes.
894名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 15:11:16 ID:bG2xZSXO
Okeydoke. Then it's worth keeping my eyes on that.
But, the problem is my provider; it's always denied except around now.
Just because mine is over sea.
Sadly I will not be able to say anything by myself.
What do you think of this? Crazy, eh?
I wanna be free... :(
895名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 15:11:55 ID:BYRej9o8
Hey, Jim san
bbspink extermity
I love spats
I love swimmer
896名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 15:29:45 ID:F2FKQdN1
897ξ:2009/01/02(金) 15:31:10 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:434625034-2BP(1501)
There is a method with p2 to evade regulation

p2.2ch.net βバージョン
p2.2ch.net総合スレ Part44【不具合/要望】

Good luck ^^b
898d207-216-216-16.bchsia.telus.net:2009/01/02(金) 15:33:12 ID:bG2xZSXO
899ξ:2009/01/02(金) 15:47:37 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:1303873294-2BP(1501)

900名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 15:52:33 ID:bG2xZSXO

901ξ:2009/01/02(金) 16:08:06 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:1738497986-2BP(1501)

902名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 16:14:30 ID:bG2xZSXO
For sure, this thread should exist for Jim.
Anyway, thanks for some neat lessons.
903CCXCI ◆cCXCI7U6Vs :2009/01/02(金) 16:15:43 ID:ZwGJVcgG
つ Google翻訳

904名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 16:30:15 ID:QTDMVbum
Mr. JIM.
Please say that it works in the charge on which the deletion request has collected.
★ 長期未処理[スレッド依頼]報告 ★
905Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 16:50:17 ID:???
That is why I made www.emailgenki.com
However it is hard to get the gals to use it.
They are set in their ways...;)
906Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 16:50:58 ID:???
We have an ero board for athletes. Probably there are many swimmers there.
907名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 16:55:09 ID:bG2xZSXO
Unfortunately, IMO, it won' work.
I guess that message should be to >>895, though. lol
908ξ:2009/01/02(金) 16:58:42 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:1303873766-2BP(1501)
It is Japanese, and it is explained intelligibly, and it is convenient, and the users will increase in peace if it is a usable site.

However, appearing is difficult as English.
I do not understand what kind of rule there is. ><
909名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:04:56 ID:bG2xZSXO
You see, and will understand.
910名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:09:57 ID:TXDOMZFL
911Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 17:12:40 ID:???
I am glad you think so....:)
912名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:14:19 ID:iTxKSAQr
913Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 17:15:01 ID:???
Thank you for the advice. Actually it is growing very fast, but
I was hoping the 女神 would use it more.
My Japanese is terrible, I would just scare them away.
914名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:15:04 ID:iTxKSAQr
915名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:15:23 ID:bG2xZSXO
I'm also glad I can talk to you as the title says.
916ξ:2009/01/02(金) 17:21:15 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:905468055-2BP(1501)
If a volunteer here translates, is it good?
My English is terrible, too TT

917Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 17:23:52 ID:???
はい いい です
日本語 大丈夫 です
Google is Volunteer translator...;)
918名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:24:00 ID:bgiHkQta
I heard that the person who control 2ch changed.
Is it really?
919Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 17:24:42 ID:???
I am very happy to talk to people. I enjoy it. Maybe today I missed answering some people.
I will have to read through again later.
920名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:36:26 ID:bG2xZSXO
Absolutely true.

It's lota work for me, may not for you. 'n joyful to you.
What a job! You're very lucky I think.
921Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 17:42:19 ID:???
I am not luck, I am doomed.
922名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:47:52 ID:bG2xZSXO
I strongly hope it wouldn' be true.
Actually you're now having fun doin stuff around here.
'n you know, you help people.
923ξ:2009/01/02(金) 17:51:32 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:362187252-2BP(1501)
I'm try Email Genki

Title Your EmailGenki Post
from [email protected]
> Thanks for using EmailGenki!
> To view your post visit this url
> http://www.emailgenki.com/view.php?postid=090102450015
> To delete your post, visit this url
> http://www.emailgenki.com/delete.php?postid=************
924名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 17:52:09 ID:aWoua6cR
What a sociable atmosphere this thread is!
It seems that here is not in 2ch.
925Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 17:52:59 ID:???
It works...:)
Look at the happy cats.
926Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 17:55:27 ID:???
Lets see what the future brings. I have fun here, and I do try to help people.
927Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 17:58:02 ID:???
Do you really think so?
928ξ:2009/01/02(金) 17:59:38 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:1303873294-2BP(1501)
Everybody mind it

1. The size of the image at the maximum

2. Are you seen even from what kind of carrying?(docomo/au/softbank/etc)

3. Till when is the image stored?

4.画像以外もuploadできないか(ex .mp3 .3gp)
4. Is not upload made besides the image either?(ex .mp3 .3gp)

5. Is not e-mail address abused?

5 is very very important!!
929名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 18:00:07 ID:bG2xZSXO
Yep, hope you could help me with sleep. lol
I have to get asleep now, but it always takes 1 h at least, I'm tired, though.

Good to seeya. Hope to have conv. again. Later!
930ξ:2009/01/02(金) 18:01:24 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:1521185876-2BP(1501)
>>928 mistake
> 2. Are you seen even from what kind of carrying?(docomo/au/softbank/etc)
2. Are you seen from any cellular phone?(docomo/au/softbank/etc)
931名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 18:03:06 ID:bgiHkQta
Thank you!
932名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 18:06:30 ID:pbuknwRD
933名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 18:07:35 ID:06qjzQH/
ジムさんは ひろゆき のことどう思う?
934ξ:2009/01/02(金) 18:26:07 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:2028247687-2BP(1501)
935Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 18:27:55 ID:???
Please get some rest, thank you for your help.
936Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 18:29:26 ID:???
I am not Hiroyuki.
937Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 18:30:27 ID:???
Good idea, less than 18 Do not use it for pornography.
938ξ:2009/01/02(金) 18:41:33 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:507061872-2BP(1521)
I see >>934 in this way in my environment (Use 2chBBS Browser "Open Jane View")


The upper link should click it.
The lower link is seen directly.
939Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 18:47:06 ID:???
Wow, that works very well.
I am using JD, and it has a similar result.
940名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 19:24:51 ID:qlAS0/SJ
I love you
941Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 19:31:46 ID:???
Loving me is a crime...;)
942Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 19:32:21 ID:???
It should be in the local rules. Don't love Jim.
943Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 19:36:36 ID:???
Thank you though....:)
944名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 19:37:44 ID:8XcKPksG
Jim-san, I have a few questions.
What kind of relationship do you have with Hiroyuki-san?
I heard that "2ch" buisness was transfered to your company "Packet monster INC.".
Does that mean you are going to manage whole 2ch site, and Mr. Hiroyuki withrew from "2ch"
management completely?
Or, is Mr.Hiroyuki still going to be involved with 2ch management?
Please let me know.
945ξ:2009/01/02(金) 19:40:01 ID:Iqczlbh/ BE:579499182-2BP(1521)
I hate you :P
946名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 19:45:54 ID:g2piOFaD
947名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 20:25:32 ID:3EeVQo5f
                                          ,  -‐ 、
                                       , '     iアー- 、
                                      /         ! , - 、 ̄`  、
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                      / , -ゝ- 、    i/ /  /,' ,イ=、    ノ ` ‐-ヾ、   三l:::l  ノ
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                 l   il     l::.,'  ,  '  _      ,  ',  '   ', i          \      `ヽ ヽ ',
                  ヽ l ' ,    ト、i/, -r.. ':: :: ::  ̄`ヾ  /      ヽ   \       ヽ    ヽ-、', ',i
                   l  ` 、.__ ヾゝ-、-─- 、:: :: :: :: :: :: :)         ',     `  、     ',    ',  ',
                   li    /`ヽく,' ヽゝ    ` 、:: :: :: :ノ ,. ィ       i  \     ヽ\         i
                     ll   /    ヾi         ヽ:: ::ノ /  l       /ヽ  lヽ    ', ヽ     ',  l
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                   ll/             ̄ ーァ '   ,. イ      i   l  l ,'   i   l     i  l
                  /               /  ヽ  / l       l/  /  l /    l   l    l ,'
                    /               ヽ   ` ‐l ` ‐-- ‐'´  /  l/    l  l     l /
948名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 20:26:47 ID:3EeVQo5f
                /             __  ',     ヽ        l  ノ     l  ,'    ノ
              _ハ    ,     ,   '::.::.::.::.::.::. ̄ヽ__,.イ        l        l /
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             /::.:/::.:` ‐r-::.::--::./::.::.::.:l::.::.::.::.::.l::.::.::.::.:l::.::.', /ヽ、__ , イ /      -‐ '´
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         /::.::.::./::.::.::.::.::/::.::.::.:/::.::.::.::.:l::.::.::.::.::.:l::.::.::.::.::.:l::.::.::l      /   i
       く::.::.::.::.::/::.::.::.::.::/::.::./::.::.::.::.::.::/::.::.::.::.::/::.::.::.::.::.::l::.::.::.l    , ' ,イ  /
        ヽ::.::.::.::l::.::.::.::.::.l::/::.::.::.::.::.::./::.::.::,: イ::.::.::.::.::.::.:l::.::.::.::l     〃  /
         \::.ノ::.::.::.::.::l:ト、::.::.::., -'∠-‐' ´  / - ─ Z::.::.::.::.:l       /
          「::.::.::.::.::.::l::';:.ゝ'                `ヽ:l       /
           ';:.::.::.::.::./:/                   /l      ,イ
           `ヽ::.//                    ,.'::l      ヾl
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          /                    /:.::.::.::.::ト、;イ ` ‐- ‐ ' l
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      , '           ,  -─`  ‐  、  l          l   l  ヽ
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                      ヽ   `    rー --- ───-< ノハ         ヽ
                        ' ,       l             ̄ `  、      l
                              ',         l                 「ニ    ハ
                         i       l                 ト     イ
                            l       l                 ',     /
                          l       l                 ヽ、_ノ
949名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 21:27:48 ID:TfWehzK0
Thank you for the information. And thank you in every meaning.
Change of the owner(?) of 2ch is very interesting.
It may de-marginalize the Japanese.
950自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 22:47:58 ID:???
Let's find out next week, what Hiroyuki plans.
I don't own Packet monster. I don't intend
to manage 2ch, I have not been asked to do
that, and I could think of at least a dozen
people more qualified than I to do that.
951自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 22:48:53 ID:???
That is better....:)
A very wise person once told me they are very
similar emotions.
952自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 22:50:37 ID:???
はい そう です。
There is still much that is unwritten.
953自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 22:51:27 ID:???
Wow! I like my women in ascii mode...;)
954自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/02(金) 22:52:24 ID:???
どう いたし まして
おやすみ なさい
また あした
955名無し編集部員:2009/01/02(金) 23:19:02 ID:QWK0hiR3
「自夢」 <- Good name! very cool!!
956名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 00:38:35 ID:I/8pVxrj

957名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 01:30:12 ID:4B9Yf9D/
958自夢 ◆/Kzqfb3jiQ @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 07:04:19 ID:???
おはよう ございます
959名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 07:08:28 ID:NmECV00s
Good morning.
You are a good waker, are you not?
960Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 08:57:01 ID:???
ども ありがとう
961Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 08:58:25 ID:???
わたしは やる 気満々
962ξ:2009/01/03(土) 08:59:43 ID:sKi+fjxH BE:1014123874-2BP(1521)
   _ _  おはよう!おっぱい!
  ( ゚∀゚)
  (  ∩ミ  ブンブン
   | ωつ,゙
   し ⌒J

    _, ,_
  ( ゚Д゚)  ガン!!
  (  ∩ミ ____
   | ωつ☆
   し ⌒J |
963Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 09:02:47 ID:???
ども ありがとう
964Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 09:04:49 ID:???
I wake up hard in the morning.
965Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 09:06:14 ID:???
おはよう ございます ξーさん
966名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 09:09:54 ID:NmECV00s
It's the same as I.
I just woke up almost at noon and untill now I've been in bed as if I were a hibernator. lol
967Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 09:18:47 ID:???
たぶん ふぐま です。
968ξ:2009/01/03(土) 09:18:51 ID:sKi+fjxH BE:2317997388-2BP(1521)
There was it in various ways yesterday.
I do not yet understand it well.
また あとで〜

A thread to enjoy in the AA of the entrance
玄関でボケをかますスレ ←dat落ち
玄関でボケをかますスレ 2軒目
969名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 09:24:16 ID:NmECV00s
A bear?
I'm not such cute and dangerous animal.
I'd rather wanna be a bird than a bear because they can fly!
970Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 09:28:57 ID:???
What type of bird would you be?
If I was a bird, I would want to be a starling, or a sparrow.
Probably I would end up a penguin or a ostrich though.
971Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 09:29:47 ID:???
いま みます
972名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 09:41:34 ID:NmECV00s
That's a difficult question.
I never thought it deeply so far, so.
I guess I wanna be a gull or some living on Guiana High.
But, yeah, your opinion seems neat for me too.
973Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 09:55:38 ID:???
I read a book about a bird.
It was titled Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
It is a very nice book. Maybe you made a good choice to
be a gull.
974名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 10:06:30 ID:NmECV00s
Thanks for your recomendation of the book.
It seems interesting and has some 100 pages which helps me to keep fun with.
I'm gonna try to look for that book although we don' have a big bookstore.
Or I should use internet shopping... I want a card...
975Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 10:07:39 ID:???
Probably it is also translated to Japanese. It is an old book.
976名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 10:13:03 ID:CZW0ScwY
977名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 10:15:21 ID:NmECV00s
Yeah, actually it is.
But, it's neat to read the original to learn things
and I believe something is different between the original and translated ones
because it has to be once again made up.
978Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 10:25:19 ID:???
はい そう です
わたしは ごっつい です。
979名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 11:00:28 ID:lax9Xb62
980名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 11:03:28 ID:uvGqXh7h
981Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 11:08:01 ID:???
982 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2009/01/03(土) 11:22:13 ID:PYIJnxPz
following new thread

Let's talk with Jim-san. Part12
983名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 11:23:55 ID:uvGqXh7h
984Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 11:27:21 ID:???
Public is ok.
985Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 11:28:01 ID:???
ども わざわざ すみーません
986名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 11:32:48 ID:NmECV00s
Jim, do you have any other usable language than English and Japanese?
987Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 11:47:59 ID:???
maraming po.
988名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 11:51:01 ID:NmECV00s
What's that?
989Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 11:53:02 ID:???
I can speak Spanish as well
and I continually try to learn Chinese and Japanese.
I am a failure as a language student though.
I just end up thinking in all of those languages at the same
time. My brain is babiru.
990名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 12:06:39 ID:NmECV00s
So, you're a pentalinguist? OMG.
I'm planning to start learning Spanish too.
I have Spanish friends and also a Philipino.
But I'm not studying Philipino because of my brain that is willing not to be packed in.
991Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 12:19:37 ID:???
Don't worry about studying Philipino. They are discontinuing it, even in the Philippines.
Now Children are taught from grade one in English only.
992名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 12:26:44 ID:NmECV00s
Really? Philipino is dying? Hmm...
I have no idea if it's good a language is passing away.
993Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★:2009/01/03(土) 12:30:11 ID:???
It is actually a useless slave language. The Spaniards would not let them
learn Spanish. It is designed for whispering and talking softly like a slave
might have to. It is short on specifics, and long on indirectness. It is not
a good language for scientific thinking at all. It is a very good language for
getting a girl into bed though. As far as I can see, it is only useful for dating.
It is very romantic.
994名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 12:43:28 ID:NmECV00s
I never could think Spanish was whispering; they speak crazily fast enough to confuse me.
And the Spanishes are actually good at study, right?
They're unluckey if Spanish is not good lang. to think about study...
But they are some kinda crazies imo.
One of my friends would often ask me
about girlfriends, why I was so negative to love or whatever like that.
And actually they were crazy in their personalities like always yelling. lol
They are very good people, though.
995 ◆TWARamEjuA :2009/01/03(土) 12:45:17 ID:jZbgHniE BE:6098887-2BP(7089)
1000 !ahora si! (^Q^)/
996名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 12:47:17 ID:XzC5KogW
       /⌒ヽ /⌒ヽ   /⌒ヽ
   /⌒( ^ω^ )( ^ω^ ) ⌒ヽ^ω^ )
  ( ^ω^(つ⌒と つ⌒と) ^ω^ )/⌒ヽ
  (つ⌒( ^ω^ )( ^ω^ )/⌒ヽ ^ω^ )
 /( ^ω^(_.__つと_(_.__つと_)^/⌒ヽ /⌒ヽ
( ^ω( つ⌒ヽ      __ _( ^ω^ )^ω^ )
 ( /⌒ヽω^ )_____|i\__\と )/⌒と)
  ( ^ω^ )と_※ ※ |i i|.====B|ヽノ(^ω^ )
  (つとノ`ー/⌒ヽ|\\|_____◎_|_i/⌒ヽ /⌒ヽ
       ̄( ^ω^| | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |( ^ω^ )^ω^ )
          (つとノ\|_____|(つとノ (つとノ
997ξ:2009/01/03(土) 12:59:25 ID:sKi+fjxH BE:2281778497-2BP(1521)
count down 3
998ξ:2009/01/03(土) 13:00:12 ID:sKi+fjxH BE:1955810669-2BP(1521)
999ξ:2009/01/03(土) 13:00:49 ID:sKi+fjxH BE:325968833-2BP(1521)
1000名無し編集部員:2009/01/03(土) 13:00:58 ID:CZW0ScwY