Let's talk with Jim-san. Part10

146 ◆EROyVmNwwM
Jimさん こんにちは

To begin the report system, it discussed it by the thread.
I hope the following four points.

Manager of the BBS need to guarantee the correctness of reporting vandal's information to the ISP.
The information is currently posted at regulation discussion board (PINK規制議論板http://venus.bbspink.com/ccc/)
by ERO転載★ as a repost based on the vandal's access log disclosure by 2ch regulator.

One example:
□YBB規制情報("YahooBB Regulation Information")
Jim-san's(as a manager) approval is needed that the reposted information is PINK channel's official information
in order to expect prompt action against the vandal by the ISP.
Please approve the reposted information on the regulation information board as PINK official information.

If the above approval has granted, an application to change the notice of a local rule of
the PINK regulation discussion board(PINK規制議論板) as below will be submitted.
Please report major vandal here.
Please do not expect the result of the report at present time.
(There is no change up to here. )

Vandal & access regulation information has been disclosed.
 ・Regulation information that "ERO転載 ★" posted on the each regulation information thread is
PINK Channel's official information that the manager guarantees the correctness.
 ・The report mail to the ISP with CC:block@bbspink.com is an official report as the representative of the manager.
The manager expect that the concerned ISP would take an prompt action against the vandal.
 ※:Any report mail from a free mail address or without declared URL is not considered as an official report mail.
147 ◆EROyVmNwwM :2008/05/12(月) 22:02:40 ID:HBTdeo/4
In order to confirm the report mail to ISP is an official, an official mail address to use as a CC is necessary.
Although I would like to use the "block@bbspink.com" address that had been set before again, should I ask for it to 79-san
or Jim-san? The "block@bbspink.com" mail is supposed to be able to read by 79-san, Jim-san and ◆EROyVmNwwM in current plan.

When the ISP took sufficient action against the vandal, there will be no need to continue the access regulation.
However, there is no official procedure to lift the regulation that became unnecessary in the current PINK Channel.
The regulator(規制人(きせいにん) and the deactivator (解除人(かいじょにん) of 2ch has the ability
to lift the regulation.
In order to ask them to lift the PINK regulation that became unnecessary, it is necessary to obtain
the 2ch managers' permission. Would you obtain the permission from 2ch manager, Hiroyuki-san, for
the deregulation judgment in PINK and actual deregulation request to the 2ch for PINK's regulation?

If the Hiroyuki-san's permission has granted, PINK's reporting person can submit the deregulation request,
and the regulation that became unnecessary will be lifted.

Or, if you would turn everything above over to me(◆EROyVmNwwM), I will visit to 2ch and ask for it
as your total representative.

PINKちゃんねる報告人作戦本部準備室 2
(PINKちゃんねるreporting person operation preparation room 2)

(PINKちゃんねるreporting person operation preparation room 難民 branch)
*:For person who cannot write it in secret base
