The Rules of Deletion

148Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
Wow, what a great debate. I am not encouraging anyone to break
the law. Please stay out of trouble. I have definate opinions, and
have been asked them.
I answer with my opinion and then get blasted by the people that ask me.
It is like you are setting me up to have fun with. That is ok but the whole point is.
Lets have fun and enjoy our Pink Channel.
I intend to follow the 2ch guidelines and as matters that don't pertain to 2ch because of adult material arise. We will discuss them
like we have been doing.
Don't act so shocked when you hear my opinion.
John Dobbins has said something that is worth debating. His opinion, is not exactly mine, but very interesting.
I happen to love Japan and my friends in Japan are like jewels to me.
How other people feel about certain laws is their opinion and it should
be allowed for them to express their opinions.