The Rules of Deletion

120Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
I am really excited about the idea of that. Maybe it requires more thinking, and thought, but it would be really fun and interesting to have a concentrated blast of goddess love on one board.
121名無し編集部員:2006/08/14(月) 12:12:06 ID:/9On4jOz
To make a goddess board is to provide an illegal place.
A check becomes easy when the police see that.
The risk of the deletion person rises, too.
Therefore, it is opposite to make a goddess board.
You should prohibit a goddess thread, too.

(in japanease)
122Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/08/14(月) 12:26:28 ID:ipllzVzm
that is a reallly annoying thought.
I want to see all the pretty girls that are going to show me theire hipu
and legs and pussy of course.
they want to show it and I want to see it. Don't you?
Goddess thread is not illegal here.
Are they going to have all the girls show their pussy in court to see who's pussy was displayed on Pink Channel?
I would die before I let the police know who showed who's pussy to who.
Maybe the birthrate in Japan will go up. If people could see more of the beautiful site, that is between the legs of Japanese girls.