Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2

694Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
I wish you were not dissapointed Witch.
That is a quote from a very erotic song.
The song sings about the perfection of a womens hips.
and the wonderful things she receives because of them.
There is no danger in looking at those beautiful hips.
Just she is upset and will start trouble if her beautiful hips are touched.
You can look but don't touch.
This is my current advice.
I wish people would stop complaining so much. Freedom of thought is at stake, and our servers are secure, and your posts remain intact.
695名無し編集部員:2006/08/23(水) 03:42:57 ID:gi/nqRH4

There seems to be a person showing e-mail.
696228 ◆SSuTDMeFzQ @PINK JOKER ★:2006/08/23(水) 03:43:05 ID:???
>>686 LOVE ★-sann
I confirmed it about the mail.

It was far contents in the content that I expected.
I intend to stop waiting more than this.

Please stop my CAP.
And please erase all information about me whom you have entirely.

Separately from this, I intend to send an email.


I am sorry.
697Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/08/23(水) 03:48:18 ID:jPQNtkoR
that is already old news.
Whats new?
698名無し編集部員:2006/08/23(水) 03:58:53 ID:HjlAcj8p
Are you enjoying that you talk to yourself?
699名無し編集部員:2006/08/23(水) 04:00:40 ID:gi/nqRH4
Oh my god!!

Do you understand why many people resigns as you?
700Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/08/23(水) 04:22:52 ID:jPQNtkoR
Witch, that email was posted by the sender because he thought he could not contact me. It did not come out of my email box.
I like you Witch, please don't be a bitch.
701名無し編集部員:2006/08/23(水) 04:27:25 ID:z+a5sPkO
It seems that the number of the reply place has shifted since the data of >>604 was deleted.
Is this thread seen using "Firefox" and "bbs2 chreader add-on"?
Supposing you become so, please re-acquire by the following operations.

1.This thread is chosen by thread list.

2.A mouse is right-clicked and "ログの削除(delete this Tread Log)" which is at the bottom of a menu is chosen.
3.By thread list, this thread is chosen and data is resaved.

Now, the number of a reply place could be specified correctly.

Firefoxとbbs2chreader add-onを使って、このスレッドを見ていますか?

2.マウスを右クリックして、メニューの一番下にある「ログの削除(delete this Tread Log)」を選択
