Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2

511LOVE ★
512LOVE ★:2006/08/17(木) 21:03:39 ID:???
Announcement to the volunteers who are on the list >>366 and >>509 above:

Send these to del at bbspink dot com by email from the internet provider.
The leader will receive it.

1. A trip which is on the list Jim made for the volunteers.
2. A trip's password for proving identical.
3. A handle of your cap.
4. A password of your cap.
5. Your age.
6. What kind of volunteer experience in 2ch have you had, if you have done?

Write new trip after you prove your identical if you want to change a trip.

1. リストにあるトリップ
2. トリップパスワード(本人証明)
3. 希望キャップハンドル
4. キャップパスワード
5. 年齢
6. 2ちゃんねるでのボランティア経験
