Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2

320Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
>>317 it is the first I have heard of this extension. I am looking for it now.
THanks for all the welcomes guys.I really am happy I had a chance to come here.
Even by accident. I will have to leave tomorrow though.
321Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/08/09(水) 11:06:10 ID:vRPkuByx
testing firefox extension
322名無し編集部員:2006/08/09(水) 11:10:48 ID:X9NO+ntT
Oooooh!! jim-san!!
good morning and evening!!

How did you spend Japanese night? & Is a test brisk?

323苺 ◆BladeyqILk :2006/08/09(水) 11:28:25 ID:ZcxCykiq

Url of bbs2chreader.xpi is
324Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/08/09(水) 16:00:36 ID:3GK3b9rq
>>323 Thanks. I installed that plug in.

I am in shinjuku tonight. Where is a good place to go out and party?