Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2

10 ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★
# なんか、おいら、Jimさんにとことん無視されてるんですが(汗)
# レスを読んでないのか、状況を分かってないのか、どっちなんだろう。。。


I'm not getting answer of questioning and asking from you.
If there isn't permission of you, my work isn't proceeded.

In that case, all volunteers will be not able to work, when coming time limit.

Please give me RIGHT to operate and construct of the deletion system.
I've the ability to do. I'm fit. I can become leader.
Please question Hiroyuki if you have some doubt in me.
Don't you think my doing those work to be pleasant?
I withdraw if you don't hope.




11Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/07/27(木) 14:36:41 ID:YyMTfED7
>>8 What will we do if the politician has no principle?
The biggest concern for the safety of bbspink is from religious political groups
in the USA. To them their religion is above the law, and it is ok to break the law to further
their agenda. So the biggest concern I have in the deletion rules are that the threads and boards
are enjoyable by the majority of the users. We can't do anything if the religious groups in the US
take aim at us. It is probably very funny thinking for someone in Japan, but thatis my only worry.
Almost all words typed on this bbs are protected by the constitution of the US. Even though the typist
may be in Japan his words are stored in the US, and my principle mission is to protect them.

12Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/07/27(木) 14:38:46 ID:YyMTfED7
>>10 Toru-san my problem is not understanding your questions. gomenasai.
I am happy to have you as volunteer if there are no complaints that are valid against
you on this board.