■スレッドたてるまでもない質問スレッドPart 3■


"Only the Heaven knows," and "Only the God knows" is wrong!

You must say either "the heavens" meaning the atmosphere above Earth, or Heaven (no definite article) as a pronoun referring to a supernatural location.

You must say either "the gods" meaning non-Christian deities (such as Greek gods), or God (no definite article) as a personal pronoun substituting for a name. This is because English is a Christian based language, and the rules of grammar always capitalize "God", "He", or "Him."

These are very common expressions: Heaven only knows, goodness knows or God only knows. It means, I don't know and nobody else does but maybe omniscient God knows. Second meaning is surely or certainly. Example, "Heaven only knows, I have tried hard enough." You can find this expression in any good dictionary of English idioms! God knows, I did.