When a player buys ingredients and leaves both rows ofingredients next to one set of coins empty, then the end of the game is triggered. When this happens, all players, including the one who triggered the end of the game, need to carry out exactly 1 final action.
we will wok youというボードゲームの説明書に書かれている、 ゲームの終了条件についてなのですが、厳密な条件が読み取れませんでした。 ゲームの状況を簡単に説明しますとこんなかんじになります。
He definitely got fired, if he isn't an owner/operator. There is no excuse for that. It's one thing if you blow a tire, or something conks out under the hood. It's another matter entirely if you damage the tractor with your piss poor driving. I'm pretty sure when he got back to the office, his boss probably fucking killed him with his barehands for that. That is what I think would have happened. /works in tractor trailer industry.
At the moment the term ‘final decision' is a misnomer. This isn't because anybody's being dishonest as much as, with even the simplest of situations shifting frequently, even seemingly final arrangements are unlikely to last long. It's far easier if you regard them as the latest in a series of plans.
2 players need to meet in either a private or public room (lobby). Both players must have the very minimum agreed upon amount of money to boost with ($10 million HKC as an example). The 1st player challenges the 2nd player wagering $10 million HKC (again, as an example). Player 2 accept the challenge. The game starts. Player 1 breaks the balls and then either chooses Solids or Stripes or gets lined up for the next shot. Immediately after the break Player 1 purposely quits the game to exit back to the lobby. This disconnect will automatically transfer the money to Player 2 who then initiates the challenge in return for the same amount of money. Player 2 also quits the match after the break and the funds are returned to Player 1. This process is repeated until both players have aquired the necessary HKC to unlock the trophy (total winnings not $100 million raw cash on-hand).
Sent to a world cold as steel 鋼のように冷たい世界に送られ Don't know where else I have been その冷たい世界以外の場所にいたことがない Where will I go? - I can't tell これからどうなるのだろうか?わからない Who would save us if we fell もし転落したら誰が助けてくれるのだろうか Can you feel what I see? 私の気持ちがわかりますか?
>>16 (1) At the moment the term ‘final decision' is a misnomer. 今のところ、「最終決定」という言葉をここで使うのは不適切だ。
(2) This isn't because anybody's being dishonest as much as, with even the simplest of situations shifting frequently, even seemingly final arrangements are unlikely to last long. これは、誰かが嘘を言ってるからではない。これは、頻繁に移り変わる状況の最も単純なものにおいて さえ、最終の取り決めでさえ長くは続きそうにはないのと同じだ。
(3) It's far easier if you regard them as the latest in a series of plans. 最終の取り決めを一連の計画のうちの直近のものと考えた方が、はるかに簡単だ。
>>21 (1) 2 players need to meet in either a private or public room (lobby). プレーヤー2人が、個室か共有空間(ロビー)で出会う必要があります。
(2) Both players must have the very minimum agreed upon amount of money to boost with ($10 million HKC as an example). 2人とも、初期出資金として、申し合わせた最小限度の金額だけ(たとえば一千万香港ドル) を用意する必要があります。
(3) The 1st player challenges the 2nd player wagering $10 million HKC (again, as an example). 一人目が二人目に対して、(たとえば)一千万香港ドルを賭けます。
(4) Player 2 accept the challenge. 2人目が、挑戦を受けます。
(5) The game starts. Player 1 breaks the balls and then either chooses Solids or Stripes or gets lined up for the next shot. ゲーム開始。1人目が、ボールを割ったあと、塗りつぶしたものかストライプ状のものか どちらかを選び、次回のショットのために並びます。 (続く)
(続き) (6) Immediately after the break Player 1 purposely quits the game to exit back to the lobby. 割った直後に、1人目がわざとゲームをやめて、ロビーに戻ります。
(7) This disconnect will automatically transfer the money to Player 2 who then initiates the challenge in return for the same amount of money. 1人目の脱退により、自動的にお金が2人目に移り、2人目は、同じ金額で挑戦を開始します。
(8) Player 2 also quits the match after the break and the funds are returned to Player 1. 2人目も、ボールを割ったあとにゲームをやめ、資金が1人目に戻ります。
(9) This process is repeated until both players have acquired the necessary HKC to unlock the trophy (total winnings not $100 million raw cash on-hand). このプロセスは、二人とも、トロフィーの鍵をあける(トロフィーのロックをはずす)ために 必要な香港通貨を獲得するまで繰り返します。(獲得額は、手持ちの現金で一千万香港ドルに満たない。)
CThoughout the Arthurian legend, from early times onwards, there are many stories telling of her abduction or near abduction.
DThe Visitor, you may be aware, is an alien abductee who has returned to Earth, and more's the pity.
EIf you ablate the pulmonary veins with radio frequency, there is a danger that they will narrow.
FStrong winds gradually ablate the ice to leave its harvest of meteorites ready to be gathered. GTherefore, in the antiーcorruption case, he is a clear abettor in a crime as defined by the law.
All my life I was sure Kept my thoughts clean, real and pure Just as I will always know Were down here to learn and grow I am my own entity And the world is there for free Keeps me alive 'til that day When my soul will find the way
Well, I guess I am living it now.  The interesting thing about these people around town who point and talk about me in a negative way is that they are the very people who went out and bought or rented the movie as soon as they found out about it. I accept that people love to gossip.
I didn't do the movie for them, I did it for myself so their opinion of me really doesn't impact me one bit.
Not only that, but they see you walking around. They know you're from the neighborhood, and they know where you live. I was out in SF walking the streets, and three different people in an hour walked up and said, "Hey" . That was a little strange.
英文メールです The female has her eyes completely open and just blinks for a second. その女性は目を完全に開いてちょうど一秒間に瞬きしている。という意味でしょうか? 上記の点を改善すればよくなるよ、と書かれてましたが正直意味が分かりません
576 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/11/08(金) 23:29:04.65 It can thus be quite hard to see past the role of China's ravenous appetite for raw materials in Africa's recent economic success.
The time I have with you is always great . I respect your feeling now . If you want a small break, ok. But please watch and remember those videos. I really like you. So I need to do things on my side first . I don't want to be like your ex boyfriend. And you don't want to be the girl that stole me away. So please. remember our time together. Just watch the movies and remember the feelings. There was no acting there. This is how you make me feel. I know you can't trust guys anymore. So trust what you felt... And I hope that I don't lose you.
>>85ありがとうございます。とってもわかりやすいです!! respect for your feeling now とゆうのは、私の気持ちを尊敬しているという意味ではないのでしょうか? 彼女のいる彼の浮気相手になっている状態です。 とりあえず、あなたと彼女が別れない限り私はあなたと会いたくないと言ったら こんな文章がかえっきました。 そんな私のストップをかけた気持ちを尊敬してるとゆう意味でとらえたのですが、違いますか?
ちなみに、 Ive been trying to sleep because I want to forget about yesterday... but I had dream about you over and over again. I think of you everytime and I feel a pain in my heart. って送ったあとに、
I will call you tomorrow. Because I want to talk to you . So please don't let this pain reach you. I feel strongly about you . The fact you want to stop to see me means you are a really great girl with good values. Let me call you tomorrow, because I want to talk to you about me. So please tonight feel like always. I think you are right. Anyways please don't be in pain... I can't stand it.
Wide line through here.(ここはワイドラインで抜ける) I love this thing.(私はこれ(このやり方)が好きだ) Over the line.(ゴール) Yes.(よし) But it will do that all day long.(←一日中乗っていたいみたいな意味ですか? it とthatが何を指してるのかよくわかんないです)
I can give it no higher praise than to say it just doesn't feel like an Audi to me at all. (can〜noでcan'tと同じような意味でしょうか?) (「これは私にとって全くAudiのように思えない」という以上の賞賛を与えることは出来ない。…って感じでしょうか?)
“He has been able to take a very Democratic state – Obama won New Jersey by 17 points in the last two elections – and become a governor who could not only win a close election as he did the first time, but win a landslide election.”
“He has been able to take a very Democratic state - Obama won New Jersey by 17 points in the last two elections - and become a governor who could not only win a close election as he did the first time, but win a landslide election.”
Japan doesn't work this way. Japanese company unions almost always obtain their wage demands because they have been negotiated with management in advance. Such strikes as occur are often symbolic, one-day affairs, just to show that the workers are serious. Contrast the United States: there the talks are often pro forma, and issues are resolved by test of force. Sometimes, by miscaculation, the battle ends in closure of company or plant - who needs all this trouble? Too often the combat leaves a residue of hard feeling that embitters relations and invites another round. Both sides proclaim victory, but just wait until next time.
>>117 not only A but (also) B の構文はすぐわかるし、「かろうじて」はonlyに 引っ張られて付け加えたわけでもない。 「翻訳人」の訳文 「一度目の選挙のときに僅差で勝利しただけでなく、今回は大差で勝利し..」 だと、日本語としてつながりが悪い。 「僅差」と「大差(または地滑り的勝利)」は反対の意味を持つ言葉のせいで 「〜しただけでなく」とすると、意味は間違っていないんだが、どうも馴染まない。
There are social systems that cannot be adequately explained in terms of undirected individual forces and that exhibit features which in any other circumstance we would attribute to conscience.
>>137の元の文は For example, William Dembski, one of ID's leading proponents, has stated that the fundamental claim of ID is that "there are natural systems that cannot be adequately explained in terms of undirected natural forces and that exhibit features which in any other circumstance we would attribute to intelligence." 訳しやすいでしょ。 IDは、ここでは Intelligent Design
Keeping a brave face in circumstances is impossible. Cannot describe so many decisions. It's impossible to know which is the proper order, the best position to be in, take advantage or so it seems, the way it goes.
It's tragic. Laid down on your side too easy. you know that, you know. You're soaking wet, you talk too much, it's not necessary. Before the ice melts I just want to say "This packet's yours. Don't ask for more 'cause somewhere along the line I've forgotten already."
Sandman comes, two to one, in the dark, dark reflections, in my bed, in my head again. Sandman goes, two in tow, wet and dumb, three's the number, coming down, coming round again.
Waste no time worrying about keeping one particularly difficult person happy. They've managed to intimidate everybody into believing they come first, no matter what. If you already sense this is a tale they've cooked up for their convenience, you're right. At long last, others are about to discover that, as well.
Waste no time worrying about keeping one particularly difficult person happy. They've managed to intimidate everybody into believing they come first, no matter what. If you already sense this is a tale they've cooked up for their convenience, you're right. At long last, others are about to discover that, as well.
Waste no time worrying about keeping one particularly difficult person happy. They've managed to intimidate everybody into believing they come first, no matter what. If you already sense this is a tale they've cooked up for their convenience, you're right. At long last, others are about to discover that, as well.
>>157 (1) Waste no time worrying about keeping one particularly difficult person happy. 特に気難しい人ひとりの機嫌を取ろうとして悩んで時間を浪費するのはやめましょう。
(2) They've managed to intimidate everybody into believing they come first, no matter what. そういう人は、みんなを脅かして、どんなことがあっても自分たちを優先しなければいけないと思わせてるだけです。
(3) If you already sense this is a tale they've cooked up for their convenience, you're right. そう言う人が自分にとって都合のいいようにでっち上げたお話でしかないともう気づいてるのなら、あなたの考えが正しいのです。
(4) At long last, others are about to discover that, as well. 最終的には、他の人たちもそれに気づきますよ。
Are you willing to ship this at a lower price? Doesn't have to be a gift. just below 400$ total cost. if yes, i will go ahead and purchase it now. (Email、原文コピペ)
お願いします Cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham notes that teachers — along with parents, managers, and leaders of all kinds — are often “so eager to get to the answer that we do not devote sufficient time to developing the question,”. Yet it’s the question that stimulates curiosity; being told an answer quells curiosity before it can even get going. Instead of starting with the answer, begin by posing for yourself and others a genuinely interesting question — one that opens an information gap.
>>165です ゼミのネタ元にと思っていじっいるうちに落としてしまったようです。 出典は TIME April 15, 20133 Comments です
1. Start with the question. Cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham notes that teachers — along with parents, managers, and leaders of all kinds — are often “so eager to get to the answer that we do not devote sufficient time to developing the question,” Willingham writes in his book, Why Don’t Students Like School? Yet it’s the question that stimulates curiosity; being told an answer quells curiosity before it can even get going. Instead of starting with the answer, begin by posing for yourself and others a genuinely interesting question — one that opens an information gap.
If you make your chainstay length based on the axle being all the way forward in the dropout measurement,you still have plenty of adjustability for chain tension and also ability to draw the rear wheel forward for less muddy,more technical courses. i hope that clarifies my above statement. チェーンステイ と ドロップアウトは自転車の部分です
I'm just Utterly blown away and you can drive it ride this accurate straight line. 全く心を打ちのめされる! そして車をこの正確なストレートラインに載せることが出来る
And (menu/manual?) control leveling off. そしてメニューコントロールレベリングをオフ
And then you get a whole diffirent car. <=早口でかなりあやしい そして車は全くの別物になる
Ok, so (I went out/We are now?) ESP off for ESC off which is the Italian fool OK。そしてイタリアのおふざけであるESC(Electornic Stability Control)オフのために ESP(Electronic Stability Program, ESCの固有名称)
(Shout Italian?)"YO ANE YO OH NO" So, happens. (そして事態は起きる) (Say Itarian?) "rekerebebpurekas" Oh, an and overstairs quite a lot. (オゥ! そしてかなりのオーバーステア)
In this case it'd be better if we partially refunded you the difference between the costs of the mistaken products, and you made a new order, since returning old product + sending new product would make no sense. If you place the new order tomorrow or today we can process it immediately.
Usually, you wouldn't want to disappoint anybody. Yet in one particular case you must do exactly that. Without realising it or intending to, you've spoiled this individual. Since you can't say that, you'll need to let your actions send the message, which is they're not as important as they think they are.
根拠 badass (複数形 badasses) (米国用法, slang) A mean or belligerent person; a person with extreme attitudes, behavior or appearance. Don't mess with that guy, he's a real badass. 形容詞 badass (comparative more badass, superlative most badass) (米国用法, slang) Having extreme appearance, attitude, or behavior that is considered admirable. That tough guy looks badass. http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/bad-ass
Some express any feelings of irritation right away, then having done so, move on. You are, however, dealing with certain individuals who turn a perceived sleight into a lengthy drama. In the past you've been drawn into their theatrics. This time, apologise once, and sincerely, then focus your attention on other matters.
This was seriously the most awesome show I've ever seen!!!! I've never seen something that has made me feel like I've just ran 20 miles. Our hearts were pounding the entire time. You don't even need to put backs on your chairs because my friends and I were on the edges of our seats the entire time. The part of the show where Sami made love to the bed was one of the most sexually amazing things I've ever witnessed. Literally almost passed out! Whenever Chippendales comes back to my town or state, I will definitely make sure to be there, no matter what! Just sad they didn't select my bachelorette best friend to come up on stage! お願いします
>>260 A return of the item is absolutely no problem, us incurring to(the) cost of returning it from Japan (when we shipped it) to a US address is (a problem / no problem).
Maybe you are too emotional or too close to what is going on. Don't cut yourself off and sit behind a brick wall, since others will feel you are too self sufficient or self contained, and not offer help. Maybe you could try to break the ice by expressing your feelings more openly though it will not be easy. Mates secretly admire your courage for being so outspoken, though at times they wonder about your lack of humility. Still nothing ventured, nothing gained.
海外の通販でフィルムを買ったんですが不良品ではないかと、写真を添えてメールしたらこういう返信が来ました 是非翻訳お願いします 期待できますかね? Thank you for sending photo. It appears that you had troubles with the application, is this the first time you have applied a skin to a device before? We will be happy to send you a complimentary replacement screen skin for your ipad Air.
Salute the 21st century dreamers as we wake up in a jail cell Let the people think you're hiding something better than what you got It sure beats hiding nothing Paranoid? you can't blame me it's just JFK's LSD We signed a waiver now we're testing, testing, 123 Can't get enough Got quite a hunch you're scratching someone's crack Don't let them fool, you lobotomies are back! Salute the 21st century genius Throw grenades instead of baby showers
It is a tradition that trains generally do not run on time unless the passenger is two minutes late. It is also a tradition that, although the price of railway travel is infinitely variable, concessionary rates are only available at times or days other than those on which one wishes to travel. But with all its inadequacies, the English railway system is one facet of the English life that is imbued with more than its fair share of English sentiment. Anoraked train spotters, those archetypal eccentrics, still abound. Deep in the English psyche there is still a vague memory of a golden age of railway travel when E. Nesbit's Railway Children waved their petticoats at the train driver, thus averting danger. English urban buses travel in convoys so as to ensure that passengers wait as long as possible at the bus stops. Then, just before fighting breaks out among the waiting hordes, three or four buses sporting the same number will heave into view. It is always a feast or a famine. Whatever transport you choose you will find that, in England, you are nearly always late. This is because, contrary to popular belief, the English are not punctual by nature. It is considered polite to arrive a few minutes after the time you were invited for. English transport will probably ensure that you do anyhow. It's all part of the system.
To whom it may concern: This person named Mr./Ms.______________ wears a specific denture installed by magnetic attachment. It may cause disturbances during magnetic security checks or medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging examinations. Dentist:_______________
>It is a tradition that trains generally do not run on time unless the passenger is two minutes late. 客が二分遅れて初めて電車は「時間通り」に発車することができる。 伝統の一つである。 >It is also a tradition that, although the price of railway travel is infinitely variable, concessionary rates are only available at times or days other than those on which one wishes to travel. また、鉄道の運賃はいくらでも変動するにも拘らず、安価な切符が乗りたい日時以外に限って販売されてることも無論、伝統の一つである。
>But with all its inadequacies, the English railway system is one facet of the English life that is imbued with more than its fair share of English sentiment. しかしいくらダメな部分を述べたところで、英国の鉄道が英国人の生活の中でも必要以上に近しく感じられているのは否定できない。 >Anoraked train spotters, those archetypal eccentrics, still abound. もはや一種の変な種族とでも呼ぼうか、ニット帽かぶりの鉄ちゃんは未だに大勢存在する。
>Deep in the English psyche there is still a vague memory of a golden age of railway travel when E. Nesbit's Railway Children waved their petticoats at the train driver, thus averting danger. 英国人の深層意識には未だに鉄道の黄金時代の記憶が刷り込まれている。ネスビット氏の「鉄道の子供たち」が服の裾をひらひら揺らして運転手に危険を知らせたようなあの時代だ。 >English urban buses travel in convoys so as to ensure that passengers wait as long as possible at the bus stops. 英国都市部のバスは乗客がなるべく長くバス停で待つことになるように、集団行動で動く。
>Then, just before fighting breaks out among the waiting hordes, three or four buses sporting the same number will heave into view. そして待ちくたびれた大衆が暴動を起こす寸前、同じ路線番号を掲げたバスが三、四台のろのろと視界へと入り込む。 >It is always a feast or a famine. 常に饗宴か飢餓のどちらかである。 >Whatever transport you choose you will find that, in England, you are nearly always late. どの交通手段を選ぼうと、英国ではほぼ遅刻から免れることはできない。
>This is because, contrary to popular belief, the English are not punctual by nature. なぜなら、意外なことに英国人はもともと時間にルースな民族だからだ。 >It is considered polite to arrive a few minutes after the time you were invited for. 実際、招待された時間より数分遅れて到着するのが礼儀である。
You don't know what it's like to be a baby going through puberty. I don't know whether to watch YO GABBA GABBA or go out and tame some strange! ※YO GABBA GABBA =子供向け番組
海外アマゾンで注文を速達に変更したくて問い合わせから please change shipping speed to priority shipping from expendited shipping. too late? と送信しました 返信がきたのですが要点だけで良いので教えてください 自分の予想では「あなたの要望はわかったけど包装されてるから遅かった、********。電話の手順おしえます」 とかそんな感じですかね? 長文ですがよろしくおねがいします
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I can assure you that once we will contact you, we will immediately help you in the best possible manner.
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At Amazon.com, we value your trust above all else--it is the foundation our company was built on.
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Kerr's technical advice, whether verbal or in writing, is designed to assist dentists and laboratories in using Kerr products. Such advice does not expand Kerr's limited warranty or relieve the dentist or laboratory from controlling applications and methods foreseen by the dentist or laboratory regarding the intended use. The dentist or laboratory assumes allrisk and liability for damages arising out of the improper use of Kerr products. In the event of a defect in material or workmanship, Kerr liability is limited, at Kerr's option, to replacement of the defective product or part thereof, or reimbursement of the actual cost of the defective product. To take advantage of this limited warranty, the defective product must be returned to Kerr. In no event shall Kerr be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.
Except as expressly provided above, there are no warranties by Kerr, express or implied, including warranties with respect to description, quality, or fitness for a particular purpose.
A little princess(小公女)の中に出てくる一文ですが、 「あなたもお父様を世界で一番愛してるでしょ?」と問われ、いや自分はそうではない…と考えている場面です。
She knew that it would be far from behaving like a respectable child at a select seminary to say that it had never occurred to you that you could love your father, that you would do anything desperate to avoid being left alone in his society for ten minutes.
上記で、 it had never occurred to you that you could love your father, と言っていますが、話の内容からすれば、ここは、you ではなくIが適切だと思います(日本語的には)。 it had never occurred to me that I could love my fater のように。 (それに続く文も、一人称であるべき)
>>339 これは正しい英文です。you は具体的な「あなた、あなたがた」ではなく、一般的な「人」を 指していることはおわかりですね。少し古くて(今では堅い)英文ではこういうときに one を使っていました。つまりここに何度か出てくる you, your をすべて one, one's にしたような 英文を昔は書いていました。"A Little Princess" も 1905年という古さですから、one にしていてしかるべきですが、これは子供向けの小説なので、こんなに昔でも、その当時としては 耳で聞いてわかりやすい you を使ったのでしょう。大人向きの小説なら、この時代なら間違いなく one を使っていたでしょう。
さて、「これこれこういう状況におかれた respectable child なら、 当然のことながらそんなことは言わないはずだ」というような文脈の中で、「一般的に、人は このようなことを言わないはずだ」となっているのですから、その「人」を you とここでは言って いるわけです。昔の英語では one と言っていたところです。
>>340 大変わかり易い、かつ、わたしの大きな勘違いを指摘していただいたご回答、ありがとうございました。 そうですよね、仮に使うなら、I my meではなく、she her herですよね^^; でも、ここでは一般論を言っているので、oneが最適だと。 youはoneの代わりに使っているんだと。 なるほど、とてもわかり易かったです。
ちなみに、もう少し前から言えば Sara answered, (snip) "Do you love your father more than anything else in all the whole world?" Ermengarde's mouth fell open a little. She knew that it would be far……… つ続く文章でした。
>>337 日本語の質問文もわかりやすいように書きましょう。 商品の仕様を書いて欲しい、金があるから買える。 と連絡したんでしょ。 Yes that is the correct model and colour. それで型も色もあってます。その品あります。 If it's $180USD that is fine. 180USドルなら売れます。 180ドルです。 So will you put it up here on ebay to buy through? このままebayで購入手続きに進みますか? 買いますか?
The second sentence is absurd because it suggests that the rising of the sun could be deliberately planned, instead of being determined by natural law. In this respect, the be going to future has wider application than the Present Progressive future: we can say It is going to rain tomorrow (a forecast on the basis of present drcumstances), but not *It is raining tomorrow.
>>348 The second sentence is absurd (2番目の文は、理屈に合わない) because it suggests that (その理由は、その2番目の文は次の that 以下のことを示唆しているからだ)
the rising of the sun could be deliberately planned, instead of being determined by natural law. (その that 以下の内容とは何かというと、太陽の上昇つまり日の出が、 自然の法則によって決定されているのではなく、意図的に計画されたものでありうるということ。)
In this respect, (この意味で) the "be going to" future ("be going to" を使った未来形は) has wider application than the Present Progressive future: (現在進行形を使った未来形よりも広い用途を持っている。) (上記の文の最後のコロン[ : ] というマークは、「つまり、すなわち」を意味している。)
we can say It is going to rain tomorrow (すなわち、われわれは "It is going to rain tomorrow" という言い方ができる。)
(a forecast on the basis of present circumstances), (上記の表現は、現在の状況に基づく予測である) but not *It is raining tomorrow. しかし、"It is raining tomorrow" とは言えない。
>>349 わかりやすい文は K^° The factor of plan or arrangement in the future meaning of the present progressive restricts its use in the main to doing verbsinvolving conscious human agency. John is rising at Jive o'clock tomorrow, but not *The sun is rising at Jive o'clock tomorrow. Thelatter sentence is absurd because it suggests that the rising of the suncould be deliberately planned, instead of being determined by naturallaw ttp://ja.scribd.com/doc/153848042/Mihai-Mircea-Zdrenghea-Anca-Luminita-Greere-a-Practical-English-Grammar-With-Exercises Jiveはfiveであると推定。
One particular individual seems to have gotten away with their deceptive activities because others were hesitant, or perhaps embarrassed, about pointing out their manoeuvres. For this reason, it's all the more important that you point out anything suspicious and, similarly, encourage others to discuss their concerns openly. The more that's said, the better.
Frequently, however, a sentence with will describing a future event feels incomplete without an adverbial of definite time: ?*It will rain; ?*The room will be cleaned. These sentences are relatively unacceptable on their own, because of their factual emptiness. We all feel certain that 'it will rain' at some time in the future, so there is no point in saying It will rain unless an actual time can be forecast.
?*It has rained is slightly odd for a similar reason. (On the other hand It is going to rain is fine Without the adverbial - see §94a.)
I'm going to take Mary out for dinner this evening. I'm taking Mary out for dinner this evening.
An intention is part of one's present state of mind, while an arrangement is something socially predetermined in the past, regardless of how the speaker feels now. So the second sentence, but not the first, could conceivably be uttered with some reluctance by someone who now regrets the arrangement. It could very readily be used as an excuse: I'm sorry, I'd love to have a game of billiards with you, but I'm taking Mary out for dinner. The social nature of an arrangement also means that it is somewhat strange to use the Progressive to refer to an activity which the speaker will perform alone: I'm watching TV this evening (unlike I'm going to watch TV this evening) is a little odd, and seems to suggest that watching TV is an arrangement that has been made by the speaker with others. For example, several football fans may have arranged to meet and watch their favourite team on the television.
A good reason for putting together the future and modal uses of will lies in the very nature of futurity. We cannot be as certain of future happenings as we are of events in the past and present, and even the most confident predicition about the future must reflect something of the speaker's uncertainly and so be tinged with modality. Will is no exception. The word witch most usefully characterise the future meaning of will is PREDICTION - something involving the speaker's judgement. Thus, although the will construction provides English with its nearest approximation to a neutral or colourless future, we should not describe it as a 'future tense' on a par with the Past and Present Tenses.
So long ago, another life I can feel your heartbeat It's not a dream, remember us I could see it in your eyes We'll find our place in time A place in time, beyond the sun We'll find our place in time A place in time to call our own
But opposition parties remained dissatisfied, with some lawmakers warning the ruling bloc had become too complacent about public support after regaining control of both houses.
>>360 (1) But opposition parties remained dissatisfied, しかし野党側は不満が消えなかったが、
(2) WITH (付帯状況) some lawmakers warning [that] (that 以下のことを警告している) the ruling bloc had become too complacent about public support after regaining control of both houses. 与党側が両議院の過半数を得たあと、有権者の支持について自己満足の程が過ぎると警告している議員もいた。
>>355 文法解説より語法解説だぞ。 文法の正誤ではなく、表現方法の適否を説明してる。 We all feel certain that 'it will rain' at some time in the future, 誰だって将来雨が降るであろう事は確信してる so there is no point in saying It will rain unless an actual time can be forecast. だから、いつ何日、何時に雨が降るかをいわないでit will rainと言うのは意味が無い。 ?*It has rained is slightly odd for a similar reason. 雨がやんだ。という現在完了表現も同じ理由ですこしおかしい。 (On the other hand It is going to rain is fine Without the adverbial - see §94a.) (しかし雨が降りそうだ、雨が降りそうになりつつある は良い は副詞がなくても良い。)
>>356 I'm going to take Mary out for dinner this evening. 例文:僕は、メアリーを今夜、食事に連れて行くつもりだ。 I'm taking Mary out for dinner this evening. 例文:僕は、メアリーを今夜、食事に連れて行くことになっている。 An intention is part of one's present state of mind, 意図というものは、人の現在の心境の一部であるが、 while an arrangement is something socially predetermined in the past, 手配(計画)というものは、人と人との関わりの中で(社会的に)過去に決められたことであって、 regardless of how the speaker feels now. 話者がいまどう感じているかは関係ない。 So the second sentence, but not the first, だから、(一つ目の文ではなく)二つ目の文なら、 could conceivably be uttered with some reluctance by someone who now regrets the arrangement. そのように手配(計画)されてしまっていることを後悔している人が、少しいやいやながらこのことを言っているのだと考えることもできる。 It could very readily be used as an excuse: これは、言い訳として使うことも大いにできる。 (続く)
>>356 の後半 I'm sorry, I'd love to have a game of billiards with you, but I'm taking Mary out for dinner. 例文:すまんね、君とビリヤードをしに行きたいのは山々だけど、メアリーを夕食に連れて行くことになってるんだ。 The social nature of an arrangement also means 手配(計画)には人と人との関わりという性格(社会的な性格)があるということには、 that it is somewhat strange to use the Progressive to refer to an activity which the speaker will perform alone: 話者が一人で行う活動のことを言うときに進行形を使うのは少しおかしいということにもなる。 I'm watching TV this evening 「僕は今夜、テレビを見ることになっている」 (unlike I'm going to watch TV this evening) is a little odd, (「僕は今夜、テレビを見るつもりだ」という文とは異なる)という文は少し奇妙であり、 and seems to suggest that watching TV is an arrangement that has been made by the speaker with others. テレビを見ることを話者が他の人と一緒に取り決めた計画だという意味になってしまっている。 For example, several football fans may have arranged たとえば、サッカーファンが何人かで集まって、 to meet and watch their favourite team on the television. テレビで一緒に自分たちの好きなチームの試合を見るという取り決めをするということはありえる。
>>357 (1) A good reason for putting together the future and modal uses of will lies in the very nature of futurity. "will" という単語の未来を表す語法と叙法的な(法助動詞としての)語法とを合わせて 考えた方がよいのであるが、その有力な根拠が、未来性というものの性格そのものにある。 (2) We cannot be as certain of future happenings as we are of events in the past and present, 人間は過去と現在の出来事の場合ほどには未来の出来事には確信を持つことができず、 and even the most confident prediction about the future 未来について最高に自信を持って予測するときでも、 must reflect something of the speaker's uncertainly 話者には確信がないということが少し表れてしまうので、 and so be tinged with modality. 叙法性(法助動詞としての性格)が生まれるに違いないのである。 (3) Will is no exception. "Will" という単語も、例外ではない。 (4) The word which most usefully characterises the future meaning of will is PREDICTION - something involving the speaker's judgement. "will" の未来としての意味を表す言葉として最も役立つのは、「予測」という言葉であり、これには話者の判断が含まれる。 (5) Thus, although the will construction provides English with its nearest approximation to a neutral or colourless future, このように、"will" 構文のおかげで、英語では中立または無色の未来に最も近い意味合いが表せるので、 we should not describe it as a 'future tense' on a par with the Past and Present Tenses. これを過去時制とか現在時制に匹敵する「未来時制」であるなどとは言わない方がよい。
>>359 A Place In Time 時の流れの中の一つの場所 So long ago, another life ずっと昔、生まれる前の、別の人生で I can feel your heartbeat あなたの鼓動が感じられる It's not a dream, remember us 夢じゃない、二人を覚えていてほしい I could see it in your eyes あなたの目に映ってるのよ We'll find our place in time 時の流れの中で、二人の場所を見つけるのよ A place in time, beyond the sun 太陽の向こうにある、時の流れの中の、一つの場所を We'll find our place in time 時の流れの中の二人の場所を、共に見つけるのよ A place in time to call our own 時の流れの中の一つの場所、二人だけの場所といえる所
和訳を変更します。 >>359 A Place In Time 時の流れの中の居場所 So long ago, another life ずっと昔、生まれ変わる前、 I can feel your heartbeat あなたの鼓動が感じられるの It's not a dream, remember us 夢じゃないわ、二人のことを思い出してよ I could see it in your eyes あなたの瞳に映ってるのよ We'll find our place in time 時の流れの中に、二人の居場所を見つけましょうよ A place in time, beyond the sun お日さまの彼方の、時の流れの中の居場所を We'll find our place in time 時の流れの中の二人の居場所を、共に見つけるのよ A place in time to call our own 時の流れの中の居場所、二人だけの居場所
>>379 a place in time これは、過去とか現在とか未来とかいうことはいっさい示しておらず、あくまでも漠然とした 「場所」のことだと思います。「ある時点」のことでさえありません。というのも、 「ある時点」すなわち5万年前の、とある「一時点」という意味なのであれば a point in time というふうに point を使うはずです。ここでは point ではなく place を使っていますから、 やっぱり一つの時点ではなく「場所」のことを言っていると思います。
さらには、"time" は漠然とした「流れゆく時間の全体」を意味しますから、永遠に流れていく 時間全体のことだと思います。だから僕は "in time" を「時間の流れの中の」と訳しています。
"a place" を「時間の流れの中で」二人で見つけましょうと言っているのだから、「居場所」と 一応は訳しておきました。
そういうわけで、"a place in time" は「時間の流れの中の(一つの)居場所」という意味に なると思うわけです。僕が想像するには、この詩を書いている人は、この世のこの「私」の人生には 希望も何もないから、「あなた」と共に本当の幸せを勝ち取れる本物の世界を見つけましょう、 と言っているのだと思います。したがって、"a place in time to call our own" と 最後に言っているのは、「二人のものと言えるような、(永遠の)時の流れの中にある居場所」 という意味だと思います。その「居場所」は、二人にとっての理想郷なのでしょう。
The Obama administration disappointed Japan and Southeast Asia again last month, when National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the U.S. is seeking "a new model of major power relations" with China. Beijing, too, is keen on a relationship of equals. (1)That is not what countries living in the shadow of China's military buildup want to hear.
>>383 (1) The Obama administration disappointed Japan and Southeast Asia again last month, オバマ政権の動向により、日本と東南アジアは先月、またも失望することになった。
(2) when National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the U.S. is seeking "a new model of major power relations" with China. というのも、国家安全保障問題担当大統領補佐官であるスーザン・ライスが 米国が「新しいタイプの主要な力関係」を中国とのあいだで求めていると発言したからだ。
(3) Beijing, too, is keen on a relationship of equals. 北京でも、同等の立場での関係を確立することに熱心だ。
(4) That is not what countries living in the shadow of China's military buildup want to hear. しかしこんなことは、中国の軍備増強の陰で生活している国々は聞きたくないのだ。
それはともかく、たとえば I don't think he is very kind. これを訳すとき、文法的に、文字通り解釈すれば 「彼はそんなに優しいとは思わない」(1) となるけど、ごく自然な日本語ではむしろ 「彼はそんなに優しくないと思う(けど)」(2) になると思う。(1) と (2) には、実際にはいくらか違いがあるのであって、 あくまで原文の英文では (1) のことを言っているのだから (2) というふうに 訳すのは間違いだと言うこともできる。でもその辺は、ある程度は妥協しないと こなれた自然な日本語訳を作っていくことはできないと思う。第一、 英語では I'm not a movie star type. なんてことをブスが言ったりもするけど、これをもし英文に忠実に (続く)
(続き) 「私は、映画俳優みたいじゃないから」 なんてことをブスが言ったら、失笑千番じゃないかな?自然な日本語に訳そうとしたら、 ここはどうしても 「私は、とてもじゃないけど映画俳優なんかになれるはずもない女だから」 となる。さらに、どう考えてもフランス語の下手な奴が、フランス語べらべらの人に対して Your French is better than mine. なんてことを平気で言う。これを英語に忠実に訳すと 「君のフランス語は僕のよりもうまいね」 となるけど、そんなことを日本語で日本人に対して言うと 「何を生意気なこと抜かすか」 となる。これはどうしても、 「僕のフランス語なんて、あなたの足元にも及ばない」 となる。このように、同じ事象を表現するときでも、英語と日本語ではまるで違うので、 英語に表現されていると思えることを英文に忠実に直訳的に訳すと、日本人的な発想とは 食い違うことが多い。もう一つ別の例を挙げると I speak perfect Japanese. なんてことを、日本語の下手なヨーロッパ人は平気で言う。同じくらいのレベルの英語のできる 日本人なら、こういうとき My English is far from perfect. I still have a lot to learn before I can become a good speaker of English. とでも言うだろう。
>>407 必殺翻訳人さん、わざわざ翻訳を隅々までチェックしてくれて、しかもコメントまでくれてありがとう。 あなたの言う通りだと思う。現に、Google Books の corpus で https://www.google.com/search?q="relationships+between+major+powers"&btnG=Search+Books&tbm=bks&tbo=1 このページを見ると、たくさんの relationships between major powers という言葉を含む例文がたくさん見つかる。
I sure we have shipped your order I do not know why you have not got your tracking number I will be sure to send you the number today 個人輸入でいつ出荷するのかを聞いたらこう返ってきた 送り状番号はわかんないけど出荷してるよって書いてある?
The last time multilateral trade rules were updated, Bill Clinton was in his first term of office, data was shared by airmailing 1.4 megabyte HD floppy disks (few people had email), cellphones looked like bricks and calling costs were measured in dollars per minute. Trade mostly meant selling goods made in a factory in one nation to a customer in another. Simple trade needed simple rules – a fact reflected in both multilateral and regional trade agreements.
Ok, I have adjusted the inventory level in our system. I have ordered the item waiting for it to arrive. If you would just rather take store credit or a refund let me know as importing one item can be painful from your side.
>森には、何一つ、余分なものがない。何一つ、むだなものがない。 There is not a single thing that is superfluous in the forest. Not a single thing is wasted. >人生も、おなじだ。何一つ、余分なものがない。むだなものがない。 Life is just the same. Nothing is superfluous. Nothing is wasted. >やがて、とある日、黙って森を出てゆくもののように、わたしたちは逝くだろう。 Eventually, someday, we will pass away, just as we pass through the forest in silence. >わたしたちが死んで、わたしたちの森の木が、天を突くほど大きくなったら、 Once we have died, and the trees of our forest have pierced the heavens, >大きくなった木の下で会おう。わたしは新鮮な苺をもってゆく。きみは悲しみを持たずにきてくれ。 let's meet under those grown trees. I shall bring fresh strawberries. You will come without bringing your sadness. >そのとき、ふりかえって人生は森の中の一日のようだったと言えたら、わたしはうれしい。 We will look back upon our lives, and if then you could come to say that life was just like a day in the forest, then I would be happy.
Today again there is a single spider With a hungry appetite Who is trying to thread together with His web eight blue leaves And then that night upon the web While the moon was shining so bright The spider sound a shadow writing to be free
What a complicated prey it is that caught upon the snare Beautiful wings are scattering stardust-like powder The spider cloaks himself in darkness So as not to frighten her Not thanking the night for uniting them He runs to her
Before the spider could say to the girl "I'm coming to help you be free" Over again in her shuddering voice He could hear her shouting "Please help me"
I'm a hungry spider You're a Beautiful Butterfly If because it's not meant to be Then this passion I must throw And if I devour only all which in my trap comes by Maybe that beautiful girl will not get hurt
>Today again there is a single spider >With a hungry appetite 今日も一匹の蜘蛛が腹を空かせている >Who is trying to thread together with >His web eight blue leaves 糸で縫い合わせるは青い葉八枚 >And then that night upon the web >While the moon was shining so bright >The spider sound a shadow writing to be free そして月の輝くその夜に、 蜘蛛は巣を逃れようと暴れる影を見つける
>What a complicated prey it is that caught upon the snare なんと複雑な獲物がかかったのだろう >Beautiful wings are scattering stardust-like powder 美しい翼が散らす粉は星屑のよう >The spider cloaks himself in darkness >So as not to frighten her 蜘蛛は驚かせないよう闇に隠れ >Not thanking the night for uniting them この出逢いを連れてきた夜に感謝もせず >He runs to her 彼女に駆け寄る >Before the spider could say to the girl 蜘蛛は彼女に言おうとした >"I'm coming to help you be free" あなたを助けに来たのだと >Over again in her shuddering voice しかし彼女が震える声で >He could hear her shouting 叫ぶのを彼は聞こえた >"Please help me" 助けてくれと
>I'm a hungry spider 私は飢えた蜘蛛であり >You're a Beautiful Butterfly あなたはまさに美しき蝶 >If because it's not meant to be これが運命でないのなら >Then this passion I must throw 私の情熱、捨てるまで >And if I devour only all which in my trap comes by そして罠にかかる者のみ喰えば >Maybe that beautiful girl will not get hurt 美しきあなたは傷つかぬだろうか
That’s simple ? yes! I will sign your copies of children’s books, collectible cards, magazines, and just about anything else you send me. I only ask that you follow a few guidelines:
First off, no matter what you send to get signed, you have to include a clearly written SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope) with your package, so that I can send it back to you. If you want your signed items returned, please include one. If you’re sending expensive stuff (first edition books, rare Magic cards), you might want to insure your package.
If you are sending items from outside the United States, I ask that you include an International Postal Coupon with your SASE that I can redeem when I ship your stuff back to you. 頼んます
The method that I shall now asociate with the concept of a structual matrix of the national economy enables us to approach, very hesitantly and imperfectly, the solution of the problem of combining the general equilibrium analysis with preservation of a differentiated classification of all individual aspects of the economic phenomena.
Let me, first acquaint you with the basic factual material, which by its form of presentation suggests the type of theoretical handling that I shall tell you about subsequently.
England is the country of Shakespeare, Milton, Byron and Beatrix Potter. The first is, by common consent, a hero of the human race, a Titan of literature against whom all other writers in the world over the past four hundred years have been measured. The second two are worthy names in most literate households. But the work of the fourth is best known to the English; for while the first three tended to write about people, Beatrix Potter wrote about animals and the English prefer animals and understand them better. So it is that a mention of Peter Rabbit, Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and Jeremy Fisher elicits an immediate response from English audiences while the agonies of Hamlet, Coriolanus and Othello, leave the better read Of them intellectually stimulated but emotionally stone cold. Other nations may thrill to Henry V's call to arms at Agincourt or warm to Juliet's tearful pleas to her Romeo, but English audiences of all ages reach for the tissues on hearing how Jemima Pulldleduck outwits the fox, adjusts her bonnet and escapes the cooking pot to live another sunny day. Close on the heels of Beatrix Potter comes the sinister A. A. Milne, whose WinnieThe-Pooh written by an adult for other adults but passed off as a children's book - is read by adults for the rest of their lives. Paradise Lost, sadly deficient in the fauna department, stays firmly between its covers.
But considering the power of diveplanes, 30% is a massive amount, and simply speaks to a complete and fundamental lack of downforce exerted by the CLR.
>>449 (1) The method that I shall now associate with the concept of a structural matrix of the national economy ここで私が国内経済の構造的マトリックスの概念と結びつけて考えようとしている方法を使えば、 enables us to approach, very hesitantly and imperfectly, ためらいがちに、しかも不完全に、 the solution of the problem of combining the general equilibrium analysis 一般均衡分析を with preservation of a differentiated classification of all individual aspects of the economic phenomena. 経済現象の各側面の差別化分類の保持と組み合わせるという問題の解答に近づくことができるのだ。
Let me, first acquaint you with the basic factual material, 読者にはまず、事実に基づく基本資料に慣れて頂こう。 which by its form of presentation その資料には、その発表の形態により、 suggests the type of theoretical handling that I shall tell you about subsequently. あとで私が述べるような理論的な取扱い方法が示唆されている。
"If the US is truly committed to lowering tensions in the region, it must first stop acquiescing to Tokyo's dangerous brinkmanship," it (China Daily) said, adding that Mr Biden should not simply repeat the US's "previous erroneous and one-sided remarks.
>>465 (1) "If the US is truly committed to lowering tensions in the region, 「米国が地域内での緊張緩和に本気で取り組もうとしているのなら、
(2) it must first stop acquiescing to Tokyo's dangerous brinkmanship," まずは日本の危険な瀬戸際政策を黙認することをやめないといけない」
(3) it (China Daily) said, adding that Mr Biden should not simply repeat the US's "previous erroneous and one-sided remarks. と(中国日報)は報じたが、さらに[中国日報は]、米国側が以前述べた間違った一方的な 発言をバイデン氏が繰り返すだけに留まらないようにした方がよいともコメントした。
Television For the majority of English, watching television is their only real experience of a broader 'culture'. English television, naturally, majors in sports coverage and titanic struggles occur between television companies to win exclusive rights to televise the most popular games. But even the English cannot quite live by sport alone. Pandering to the competitive nature of their audiences, broadcasters screen large numbers of quiz and games shows. In addition they produce a wealth of news and discussion programmes and the occasional original drama series. These are bulked out with a staggering number of imported and specially created soap operas and mini-series, which are hugely popular. For the rest, it is old films of which the English never tire. Programmes aimed at the more intellectual members of English society are screened late at night so as to cause the least inconvenience to the majority.
There are many books about The Beatles but most of them focus on the accomplishments of the group as a whole or the exploits of Lennon and McCartney, and to a lesser extent, George Harrison. Ringo Starr is usually overshadowed, so a biography on his life should have been a worthy addition to any Beatle fan's bookshelf. Unfortunately, it's not the book it could have been and ultimately disappoints. Beginning in his teddy boy days in Liverpool and ending with his first "All Starr Band" tour, this biography does have segments to recommend it. In particular, the chapters covering 1970-1990, as Ringo's post-Beatle life has been chronicled less than his days as a mop top. We get some insight into his successes and failures in this period including wayward record deals and a bout with alcoholism.
An example of a micro-enterprise that Drishtee has created is the Rural Outsourcing Center (BPO) which leverages the people Drishtee has trained. Drishtee has conducted a successful pilot in this space and is geared to expand this further. The model follows a hub arrangement responsible for quality assurance of the deliverable with a large number of kiosks functioning as spokes. The key customer base includes large private organisations such as banks and libraries, or the government, both of which require digitisation services. The rura l outsourcing centres also target the customer service/ customer acquisition market particularly where the local language/dialect and knowledge of local communities is important.
>>468 (1) Television -- For the majority of English, watching television is their only real experience of a broader 'culture'. テレビ --- 大多数のイングランド人にとって、広い意味での「文化」を本当に体験するには、テレビを見るしかない。
(2) English television, naturally, majors in sports coverage and titanic struggles occur between television companies to win exclusive rights to televise the most popular games. イングランドのテレビは、もちろん、スポーツの報道を主に行っており、一番人気のある試合を独占報道する権利を獲得するにあたって、テレビ会社同士でひどい争いが繰り広げられる。
(3) But even the English cannot quite live by sport alone. しかし、イングランド人でさえ、必ずしもスポーツのみにて生くるにあらずというわけだ。
(4) Pandering to the competitive nature of their audiences, broadcasters screen large numbers of quiz and games shows. 競争を好む視聴者の好みに迎合して、テレビ会社は夥(おびただ)しいクイズショーやゲームショーを放映している。
(5) In addition they produce a wealth of news and discussion programmes and the occasional original drama series. さらには、膨大な数のニュース番組や討論番組、そしてときには独自のドラマシリーズを制作している。
(6) These are bulked out with a staggering number of imported and specially created soap operas and mini-series, which are hugely popular. こういう番組を水増しするため、驚異的な数のメロドラマや短期連続ドラマの輸入作品や特別制作作品を提供しているが、ものすごい人気だ。
(7) For the rest, it is old films of which the English never tire. その他は、イングランド人が決して飽きることのない古い映画の数々だ。
(8) Programmes aimed at the more intellectual members of English society are screened late at night so as to cause the least inconvenience to the majority. もっと知的なイングランド人を対象とした番組は深夜に放送し、大多数の視聴者がなるべく不便を感じないようにしている。
>>469 There are many books about The Beatles ビートルズについての本はたくさんあるが、 but most of them focus on the accomplishments of the group as a whole ほとんどはグループ全体の功績に、 or the exploits of Lennon and McCartney, あるいはレノンやマッカートニーの偉業に焦点を当てていて、 and to a lesser extent, George Harrison. それよりも度合いは下がるとはいえ、ジョージ・ハリソンに注目している。
Ringo Starr is usually overshadowed, so a biography on his life should リンゴ・スターは影が薄いのが普通なので、彼の生涯についての伝記は、 have been a worthy addition to any Beatle fan's bookshelf. ビートルズファンなら誰でも手元に置きたいと思うものであるはずだった。
Unfortunately, it's not the book it could have been and ultimately disappoints. 残念ながら、よい本ではなく、読者は失望するに至る。
Beginning in his teddy boy days in Liverpool and ending with his first リバプールでテディボーイ・スタイルで暮らしていた時期から始まり、最初の "All Starr Band" tour, this biography does have segments to recommend it. 「オール・スター・バンド」のツアーに終わっていて、この伝記にはいくつか推奨に値する部分もある。
In particular, the chapters covering 1970-1990, 特に、1970年から1990年までを扱った各章がそうなのだが、 as Ringo's post-Beatle life has been chronicled less than his days as a mop top. それは、ビートルズ脱退後のリンゴの生涯が、モップ頭で暮らした日々よりも扱われることが少なかったからだ。
We get some insight into his successes and failures in this period including wayward record deals and a bout with alcoholism. 身勝手きわまりないレコード契約やアルコール中毒を含めて、この時期の成功と失敗について、じっくり考察することができる。
>>470 (1) An example of a micro-enterprise that Drishtee has created ドリシュティーの創立したミクロ事業の一例として、 is the Rural Outsourcing Center (BPO) which leverages the people Drishtee has trained. ドリシュティーの教育訓練した人材に影響を及ぼす地方外注センター(BPO)がある。
(2) Drishtee has conducted a successful pilot in this space ドリシュティーは、この地域で試験的な事業を行って成功し、 and is geared to expand this further. これをさらに拡大しようとしている。
(3) The model follows a hub arrangement responsible for quality assurance of the deliverable with a large number of kiosks functioning as spokes. このモデル事業は、たくさんのキオスクをスポークとして配送品の品質保証を行うというハブ・アンド・スポーク方式に基づいている。
(4) The key customer base includes large private organisations such as banks and libraries, or the government, both of which require digitisation services. 主な顧客ベースとしては、銀行・図書館などの大手私営機関あるいは政府などがあるが、その双方に、デジタル化サービスが必要である。
(5) The rural outsourcing centres also target the customer service/customer acquisition market 地方外注センターではさらに、顧客サービスや顧客獲得市場をも対象としている。 particularly where the local language/dialect and knowledge of local communities is important. 特にその傾向が強くなるのが、地域の言葉や方言、その地域についての知識が重要になる場合である。
Sadly though, Clayson's book fails to get close to his subject in any meaningful way. Ringo wasn't interviewed for it and nor were any direct family or former lovers or any of the other Beatles or Beatle sidekicks or musicians who worked with his after the break up. Clayson relies almost solely on newspaper stories, articles in the music press and other author's books to piece together Ringo's story. Those interviewed for the book are a bunch of no-names who could probably call themselves acquaintances of the man but nothing more. It's obvious that Starr and everyone who is really close to him, decided not to cooperate with the author, so Clayson's book reads like a scrappy research project cluttered with endless footnotes. Because of this,the book lacks depth and we learn little of the man who was once Richard Starkey.
All orders are shipped via United States Postal Service. For U.S. Priority Mail, allow 2 – 3 business days from the shipment date (not guaranteed). For First Class Mail (tracking is not currently available), please allow 5 – 7 business days from the shipment date for shipments within the U.S. and 7 – 10 business days for shipments outside of the U.S
注文の全てはアメリカ合衆国郵便公社から送られます。U.S. Priority Mailの場合、出荷予定日より2-3営業日をいただきます(保証はできません) First Class Mail(現在追跡は利用出来ません)の場合、アメリカ国内への配送は出荷予定日より5-7営業日、アメリカ国外への配送は7-10営業日をいただきます
>>478 (1) Sadly though, Clayson's book fails to get close to his subject in any meaningful way. しかし残念ながら、クレイソンの書いたこの本では、意味のある形でテーマに肉薄できていない。
(2) Ringo wasn't interviewed for it 伝記を書くにあたってリンゴ自身にはインタビューしていないし、 and nor were any direct family or former lovers 直系の家族や元の恋人や or any of the other Beatles or Beatle sidekicks or musicians who worked with his after the break up. 解散後にリンゴと共同作業した他のビートルズメンバーやビートルズ周辺の仲間やミュージシャンにもインタビューしていない。
(3) Clayson relies almost solely on newspaper stories, クレイソンは新聞記事や articles in the music press 音楽雑誌の記事や and other author's books 他の著者による書籍にほとんど頼り切って to piece together Ringo's story. このリンゴの伝記をまとめ上げたのだ。
(4) Those interviewed for the book are この本を書くにあたってインタビューした相手といえば、 a bunch of no-names who could probably call themselves acquaintances of the man but nothing more. リンゴと知り合いだと自称できるだけだろうと思われる無名の人たちばかりだ。
(続き) (5) It's obvious that Starr and everyone who is really close to him, リンゴや彼と本当に親密だった人たちみんなが decided not to cooperate with the author, 著者に協力しないことにしたということは明らかだ。
(6) so Clayson's book reads like a scrappy research project だから、クレイソンの書いた伝記は、スクラップを集めて書いた調査報告書に cluttered with endless footnotes. 延々と続く脚注をゴチャゴチャとつけただけのように見える。
(7) Because of this, the book lacks depth そのため、この本は深さに欠けるので、 and we learn little of the man who was once Richard Starkey. 読者は、元の名前がリチャード・スターキーだったこの男のことについて、ほとんど知ることができないのだ。
There isn't national timeline for winter vacation in the USA. It depends on the local schools, or your company. students get about 2 weeks of vacation time. They go back to school the first Monday after New Year's Day.
I don't think I will watch the new season.
Do you like reading non-Japanese novels or books?
I am curious. Do you use an online translator to write to me? If you don't, I think your English is getting very very good!
1 "Onct I see a princess. I was standin' in the street with the crowd outside Covin' Garden, 2 watchin' the swells go inter the operer. An' there was one everyone stared at most. 3 They ses to each other, 'That's the princess.' She was a growed-up young lady, 4 but she was pink all over--gownd an' cloak, an' flowers an' all. 5 I called her to mind the minnit I see you, sittin' there on the table,miss. You looked like her."
1行目 Onct = once ? 2行目 swells(?膨らんだもの?) inter the operer = into the opera ? 3行目 ses=said ? 5行目 minnit (調べたらminuteと出てきたのですが、それでは意味がわかりません)
>>507 (1) "Onct I see a princess. ---> Once I saw a princess. (以前、王女さまを見たことがあるんです。)
(2) I was standin' in the street with the crowd outside Covin' Garden, ---> I was standing in the street with the crowd outside Covent Garden, (ロンドンのコヴェント・ガーデンの外の道路で、人がたくさんいる中で私は立って、)
(3) watchin' the swells go inter the operer. --- watching the swells go into the opera.(僕にも、この場合の swells の意味がわかりません。) [swells(群衆の一部?)がオペラハウスに入っていくのを見てたんです。]
(4) An' there was one everyone stared at most. --- And there was one [whom] everyone stared at most. (そこに、みんなの注目の的になってた人がいたんです。)
(続き) >>507 (5) They ses to each other, 'That's the princess.' ---> They says [= say, said] to each other, 'That's the princess.' (みんながお互いに「王女さまよ」って言いあってるんです。)
(6) She was a growed-up young lady, but she was pink all over ―gownd an' cloak, an' flowers an' all. ---> She was a grown-up young lady, but she was pink all over --gowned and cloaked, and flowers and all. (その人は若い大人の淑女だけど、体中、ピンクなんです。ガウンとマントを着てて、花とかいろいろで。
一部の方言では grown を growed と言います。
(7) I called her to mind the minnit I see you, sittin' there on the table, miss. You looked like her." ---> I called her to mind the minute I saw you, sitting there at the table, miss. You looked like her." (あなたがテーブルのところで座ってらしたのを見たらすぐ、その人のことを思い出したんです。 あなたはその人にそっくりだったから。)
call her to mind = 彼女を私の意識へと呼び起こす = 思い出す the minute I saw you = 私があなたを見た瞬間に(the moment I saw you に似た表現)
>>525 'ospital ね。そうそう。そのように、h の発音を抜かすのは、外国人ではフランス人あたりが 小説や映画に出てきたときによくそのようにしゃべっていますね。そしてフランス人は逆に、 本来は h のない単語である ill (= sick) を hill と発音したり書いたりして、 That man is hill. (ill と言うべきところ)なんてことを書いたりしゃべったりして、 最初は面食らいます。
外国人でなくても、"A Little Princess" に出てくるその子は、おそらくロンドンの Cockney(コックニー)方言をしゃべっているのでしょう。イングランドの他の地域にも、 h を片っ端から抜かしてしまう方言がたくさんあるようですよ。
1840 C. F. Hoffman Greyslaer II. iii. xiv. 255, I ups rifle at onct, and hand on trigger to cut the string with a bullet. 1898 J. D. Brayshaw Slum Silhouettes 1 We was born to it, an' never expec's nuffink better; but 'e's been a real toff onct, Satan 'as. 1906 E. Dyson Fact'ry 'Ands viii. 95 What led me on t' wish t' be er gentleman onst more. 1913 C. E. Mulford Coming of Cassidy vii. 117, I saw you onct an' I wondered if I was right. 1922 E. O'Neill Hairy Ape (1923) i. 16 But aw say, come up for air onct in a while, can't yuh?
The regional forms with -st follow the pattern seen in, e.g. against prep., conj., adv., and n.
つまり、once の方言には -st で終わる形がたくさんあるけど、それについては、 against という単語を参照せよ、と書いている。そこで against を OED で調べてみると、 against にも時代や地域によっていろんな形があり、agains とか againce という形もある。 さらには、次のようにも書いている。
Etymology: < again prep. + -s suffix1, perhaps after to-gains prep.
The development of excrescent final -t (see γ. forms) was probably reinforced by the fact that the word was frequently followed by te , variant of the adj., and perhaps also by association with superlatives in -st ; compare similarly amongst prep. 1a, amidst adv., betwixt prep.
ここの説明は僕にとっては難しくてよくわからんけど、ともかく、>>531 さんの言う通り、 once (ons, onst, onct) の語尾の -st は against の -st と関連があり、 さらには betwixt の語尾や amongst, amidst などの語尾とも関係があるという 意味のことが書いてある。この他にも、once, against などについての OED の 語源や歴史的変遷や地域差についての解説やデータが実に詳しくて面白い。 ただ、今の僕には詳しすぎて、すべては理解できないのが悔しい。
>>535 (3'50" から) So the big difference between the clean dead lift and the traditional dead lift: with the clean dead lift, the shoulder stands out of the bar. With the traditional dead lift, the shoulders are kind of behind the bar and you're pulling back. So, there's tends to be a little more quad dog because you do start at a lower position . And you have to use a double over-handgrip because of preparation for the clean, which eventually you wrap on your shoulders. So you're using a mixed grip. You couldn't reach out for the position.
The history of human conduct does not warrant that exalted opinion of human virtue which would make it wise in a nation to commit interests of so delicate and momentous a kind, as those which concern its intercourse with the rest of the world, to the sole disposal of a magistrate.
(続き) >>546 (5) 前にも話したように 日本に来る時にはなるべく早く連絡して下さい However, as I told you before, if you get to come to Japan at all, please notify me as early as possible.
(6) 1ヶ月前が理想です いきなり 来ちゃったとか言われても仕事を休めず案内も出来ませんからね One month in advance would be best. If you come to see me all of a sudden, I won't be able to take a day off, nor can I show you around.
(7) 3月から6月 または 9月から11月が良い季節だと思います I think the best seasons are from March to June and from September to November.
(8) ちなみに ハイジはやはり日本のアニメでしたよ 残念でしたね Just for your information, "Heidi" IS a Japanese animated cartoon after all. Sorry for you.
(9) それでは また会える日を楽しみにしてます Well then, I'll be looking forward to seeing you again.
His anxiety for Jane was evident, and his attentions to herself most pleasing, and they prevented her feeling herself so much an intruder as she believed she was considered by the others.
I love arts!(any kind of ARTS) and simply like them and make happy to the user(the one who draw) I actually don't like giving comments about their mistakes or what so ever... (-_-) I simply like their arts and give a good comments! Because Arts can become anything! ^_^ I'm actually a nice and easy going person and don't like to pick a fight or anything. Respect is one of all importance in human race, why? no respect, more war coming in our way(hate each other) I'm also sometimes borrow one of your character if it interest me and I will put them on my own Manga! :D uniquely become animation! ^_^
Just remember~ -Respect each other -Be friendly -No spam
Sorry, i've been away from internet access for the last few weeks. So who's in for Vegas this weekend? I can be there by Saturday evening, 12/21 and would be able to meet anyone up until late Sunday afternoon, 12/22. I don't want to make the trip unless there's confirmation at least someone from this forum will also be there. Sorry again for the delay. If this weekend is too short notice, then I'm available the following weekend as well. おねがいします
PC Monitorsというサイトの、EW2740LというPCモニターのレビュー記事の一文なんですが、
This model does not use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to modulate backlight brightness. Instead it uses a DC (Direct Current) method to control backlight brightness at any brightness setting -- even ‘0’ where 11 cd/m2 was recorded.
>>570 One of One of his scrolls cost me my magical potency... And my normal potency on top of that One of his scrolls 彼の一連の攻撃のうちの一つ scroll 画面が次ぎ次ぎ変わるように連続した攻撃 と推定した。 彼の攻撃の一つには我が魔法とも言える能力を使うことを強いられたよ 我が通常能力でもそれのトップだよ。
(1) One of his scrolls cost me my magical potency... 奴の巻物のうちの一つのせいで、俺の魔力がなくなってしまったよ。
(2) And my normal potency on top of that おまけに、俺の性的能力までもな。
============= 参考 (1) scroll(s) --- 書簡、巻物 (2) potency --- 力 (3) magical potency --- 魔力?魔術の力? (4) on top of --- 〜に加えて (5) on top of that の "that" は、"my magical potency" のことだと解釈した。 (6) on top of that --- それに加えて、おまけに(= in addition to that) (7) AAA cost me BBB. --- AAA のせいで、俺は BBB がなくなって(ダメになって)しまった。 (8) magical potency が「魔術の力」だから、normal potency は「通常の力」。 一般に potency は男性の性的能力を意味することもあるから、ここではそういう意味だろうと解釈した。
He wisely resolved to be particularly careful that no sign of admiration should now escape him, nothing that could elevate her with the hope of influencing his felicity;
>>585 の続き (1) オーレックス英和、第2版 like it's going out of style --- たくさん、度を越して
(2) プログレッシブ英和、第5版 like it's going out of style --- むやみやたら、馬鹿みたいに、湯水のごとく
(3) ウィズダム英和、第3版 like it's going out of style --- 思う存分、好きなだけ
(4) ネット上の英英辞典 like it was going out of style Fig. rapidly or frequently. I'm worried about Sally. She's taking aspirin like it's going out of style. The kids have been eating sweet corn like it was going out of style. http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/like+it+was+going+out+of+style
spend money like it's going out of style and spend money like there's no tomorrow
Fig. to spend money recklessly; to spend money as if it were worthless or will soon be worthless. 例文: Extravagant? she spends money like it's going out of style! I can't control it. I spend money like there is no tomorrow. http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/spend+money+like+it's+going+out+of+style
(6) ネット上の Language Forum での解説 When clothing is "going out of style," no longer à la mode, it is sold cheaply, and so it sells fast, and soon will be unavailable... To use anything "like its going out of style," means do it as if this were your last opportunity, in other words too fast, to excess, in an exaggerated manner. Another expression is "as if there were no tomorrow." http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1356
Putting Sarajevo and the Balkans back at the centre of the story does not mean demonizing the Serbs or their statesmen, nor does it dispense us from the obligation to understand the forces working on and in those Serbian politicians, officers and activists whose behaviour and decisions helped to determine what kind of consequences the shootings at Sarajevo would have.
お願いします。あと、もしよろしければ「in those Serbian politicians, officers and activists〜」が文法的にどう係ってるのかをご教授くださいませm(_ _)m
>>598 (1) Putting Sarajevo and the Balkans back at the centre of the story これが主部(主語):サラエボとバルカン人たちを歴史の中心に戻すことは
(2) does not mean demonizing the Serbs or their statesmen, これが (1) の述語(述部):セルビア人たちや彼らの(彼らが選出した)政治家たちを 悪者扱いする(危険視する)ことを意味してはいない。
(3) nor does it dispense us from the obligation to understand the forces さらに、それ(彼らを歴史の中心に戻すこと)は、その諸々(もろもろ)の力を 理解するという義務からわれわれを免ずるということもない。
(4) working <<< on and in >>> those Serbian politicians, officers and activists
解説:working は、その前の the forces を修飾している。"work on AAA" と "work in AAA" とを合わせて "work on and in AAA" となっている。つまり「(そういう人たち)に対して働きかけ、 (そういう人たちの)心の中で働きかけているいろんな力」ということ。
>>599 (1) キャンセル取引をしたのですが、バイヤーが誤って拒否をしました。 I canceled a transaction but the buyer refused my cancellation by mistake.
(2) しかし、私は既に返金処理もしましたし、それはebay側でも$マークが返金済みに なっているのが確認できます。 But I already did perform the refund operation and you can confirm it on the eBay side by seeing that the dollar sign is marked "Refund complete."
(3) また、My Messageを診てもらうと、相手と私でキャンセルの同意を取り交わしてるのが わかると思います。 You can also see "My Message" and confirm that the other party and I did agree to the cancellation.
(4) これはバイヤーが誤って拒否をしたので、私は納得が行かない。 The buyer refused it and I feel frustrated.
(5) Final Value Feeを返金してください。 Could you please refund me the Final Value Fee?
Its inventors never imagined its military potential, but by World War I it had become one of two or three main factors of the soldier's life --- or death. In the war, British soldiers produced their own parody of the music hall songs: "I know where your sweetheart is --- 'e's 'angin' on the frontline wire!"
最後の文の意味が分からないんです。教えてください。最初の Its inventors というのは家畜を囲うために作った有刺鉄線の inventors のことです。 お願いします。
>>613 (1) Its inventors never imagined its military potential, 有刺鉄線を発明した人たちは、それが軍事的にどれくらい有用であるかなど決して想像もしなかった。
(2) but by World War I it had become one of two or three main factors of the soldier's life --- or death. しかし第一次世界大戦までに、有刺鉄線は兵士の生命を守る(あるいは死なせる) 二つか三つの主な要因のうちの一つになっていた。
(3) In the war, British soldiers produced their own parody of the music hall songs: その戦争のとき、イギリスの兵士たちは、演芸場で歌う歌の兵隊版を作った。
(4) "I know where your sweetheart is --- 「君の恋人がどこにいるか知ってるぜ。
(5) 'e's 'angin' on the frontline wire!" 前線にある有刺鉄線にぶらさがってるんだよ」
(5) は、普通の英語に書き直すと、"He's hanging. . ."。 h を片っ端から発音しないでしゃべる方言もあるのですが、ここではその方言をそのまま表記したもの。
"As to her younger daughters, she could not take upon her to say --- she could not positively answer --- but she did not know of any prepossession; her eldest daughter, she must just mention―she felt it incumbent on her to hint, was likely to be very soon engaged."
>>623 「橋本ななみん」だなんて、可愛いハンドルネームですね。もしかして、この Jane Austen の 小説を大学か大学院でテキストとして輪読会でもしてるんでしょうかね。
(1) "As to her younger daughters, she could not take upon her to say --- she could not positively answer --- but she did not know of any prepossession; 「ベネット夫人は、下の方の娘については、はっきりと答えることができず、 コリンズ氏がどの娘を特に気に入っているのかについてはまるで知らなかったが、 責任を持って言うことはできなかった。
(2) her eldest daughter, she must just mention ―she felt it incumbent on her to hint, was likely to be very soon engaged." つまり、ともかく口に出さないといけないのだが、 自分の長女がもうすぐ別の男性と婚約しそうだということを それとなく言わないといけないような気がしていたのだ。
>>633 解説をありがとう。"but" について気になったので、調べなおしてみた。通常の辞書にも載っている ことだけど、小西友七「現代英語語法辞典」の but の項目には、次のように書いてある。
引用はじめ say, know, think, see, be sure などの動詞の否定形や疑問文の後に続く but that, but what は、"that. . . not" (〜ではない)と同意である。 He was not sure but that the train had already left. (彼は列車はもう出ていると思った) 引用おわり
さらに「ジーニアス、第4版」の but の (10) には、次のように書いてある。
引用はじめ I can't say but that I agree with you. (君に賛成だとしか言えない) 引用終わり
以上の解説を見ると、この場合の but は「逆接」を意味しているのではなく、"that. . . not" を意味しているらしい。
したがって、>>626 で引用した (1) "As to her younger daughters, she could not take upon her to say --- she could not positively answer --- but she did not know of any prepossession;
As to her younger daughters, she could not take upon her to say (that is, she could not positively answer) that she knew of any prepossession; 拙訳: (ベネット夫人の)下の方の娘たちについては、夫人は 自分が偏愛のことを知っているとは責任を持って言えなかった (つまりはっきりとは答えることができなかった)。
ということは、この prepossession を (1) Mr. Collins がどの娘のことを気に入っているのかについてのこと (2) 娘たちがどの程度に Mr. Collins のことを気に入っているのかについてのこと この二つのうちのいずれになるかは、さほど明らかではないように思う。僕が思うには、 このセンテンスには Mr. Collins が出てきておらず、逆に daughters が前面に 出てきているので、この any prepossession を --- any prepossession on the part of her daughters --- any prepossession of her daughters というふうに paraphrase するのが自然なような気がするので、やはり僕の原案である 「娘たちがコリンズ氏のことをどれくらい気に入っているかについてのこと」という意味に 解釈した方がいいと思うのだが、どうだろうか?
>>623 "As to her younger daughters, (she could not take upon her to say --- she could not positively answer --- but) she did not know of any prepossession; her eldest daughter(, she must just mention―she felt it incumbent on her to hint,) was likely to be very soon engaged."
原文: "As to her YOUNGER daughters, she could not take upon her to say ―she could not positively answer―but she did not KNOW of any prepossession; her ELDEST daughter, she must just mention ―she felt it incumbent on her to hint, was likely to be very soon engaged." ("Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen)(大文字で強調した部分は、原文ではイタリック) http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1342/1342-h/1342-h.htm
>>639 >>she did not know of any prepossession; >>だれかと付き合ってるとかは聞いていませんよ = フリーですよ ==================
もしかしたら、 I haven't heard that my younger daughters are prepossessed in favor of any man (または men). という意味、つまり I haven't heard that my younger daughters like a particular man. という意味なのかもしれないという気もするのだ。もしかしたら確かに、Mrs. Bennet は 娘たちがどの男が好きかなんて気にしていないかもしれないけど、Mr. Collins に対しては 表向きの言葉を使わないといけないので、 「心配しなくても、別の男の人のことを気に入ってるなんてことは聞いてませんよ。 だから、安心して、どの娘でもいいからアタックしていいですよ」 と言っておく必要があるため、このように言ったのかもしれない、と僕には思える。
a. The action or fact of having or taking possession beforehand; prior possession or occupancy. 1638―2005 (英和辞典では、「先取」と訳している。)
†b. A previous or former possession. Obs. rare.
1646―1646(Show quotations)
2. A preconceived opinion; a prejudice, a bias; (now also) the condition of being favourably predisposed towards a person or thing. Also: †the act of influencing a person beforehand (obs.). (OED Online) ==============
上記の定義のうち、ここで的確なのは、 the condition of being favourably predisposed towards a person or thing. という定義だと僕は思うのだ。そしてそのような意味で prepossession を使っていると思われる OED での例文のうち、古い時代のものを列挙する。
1816 S. T. Coleridge Coll. Lett. (1959) IV. 662 The lending of the Sheets to my Enemies at Clifton, while it was printing, was not the best way of creating a prepossession in it's favor. 1863 H. Cox Inst. Eng. Govt. i. x. 247 The King's strong personal prepossessions against the ministers of the late Queen.
3. trans. To influence (a person) in advance against or in favour of a person or thing; to bias, prejudice. Now also freq.: to make a favourable impression on.
1647 J. Trapp Comm. Epist. & Rev. (1 Cor. i. 22) The reason of their rejecting the Gospel is, they are prepossessed against it. 1654 T. Fuller Comment on Ruth 159 Who have taken Bribes to prepossesse the Judge. 1700 T. Brown Amusem. Serious & Comical xi. 141 An Outside so Prepossessing us in his Favour. 1787 W. Beckford Portuguese Jrnl. 30 June (1954) 110 The English have been trying their best endeavours to prepossess him against me. 1849 E. B. Eastwick Dry Leaves 123, I was quite pre-possessed by his appearance. 1866 G. MacDonald Ann. Quiet Neighbourhood xiii, His talk prepossessed me still more in his favour. 1871 J. O. Brookfield Influence ii. 84, I must say he did not prepossess me at all the little I saw of him; he was silent and dull, and exceedingly ill-dressed. 1914 M. Beerbohm Let. 6 July (1988) 99 The latter I have looked up in Who's Who, and she doesn't prepossess me. 1969 W. Birney James G. Birney & His Times 5 For General Jackson he cherished an antipathy that amounted to rancor, and the feeling prepossessed him against the general's personal and political friends. 2002 Africa News (Nexis) 9 Apr., I say this not to prepossess you, but to place in context your present efforts.
Honor's yacht rode the flank of Benjamin Mayhew's ship Grayson One like a limpet. There'd been no time to recalculate or rehearse the maneuver. Honor did it by hand and eye, holding her position, watching the missile roar in, seeing it vanish from her sensors at last as her wedge swung up to shield against it. It disappeared, and she held her breath, and then----
A twenty-megaton warhead detonated less than iffy kilometers from her ship. For one fleeting instant, the space yacht Jamie Candless was trapped in the very heart of a star, and Honor's canopy went black as the armorplast polarized. But even through her own visceral stab of terror, a cornr of her mind exulted, for it was a standard nuke, not a laser head. And the meant there was a chance, if only----
The plasma wave came on the heels of the flash, ripping out across Grayson One's course. But Honor had anticipated that. The true fury of the explosion wasted itself against Candless' belly stress band. Generators shrieked inn torent as the particle and radiation shielding which protected the throat of any impeller wedge took the shock.
Those generators were designed to protect the ships which mounted them against normal space particles and debris at velocities of up to eighty percent of light-speed. Grayson One and Candless were moving far slower than that, at barely nine thousand KPS, but their shielding had never been expected to face the holocaust which suddenly erupted across their base course, and the scream of audible warnings file the universe. Honor's darkened flight deck was a trapped, madly heaving pocket of hell as shoe shod the rapids of nuclear destruction. They weren't going to make it. She knew they weren't...
I'm glad you have received your items. Have you received all parts of the order, i.e. the 3 seperate packages? To package the items well we had to send them separately.
It is possible we ran out of the Netsky t-shirts therefore they were not sent. The reason I did this is I thought it would be best if you got the majority of your order before Christmas and we could sort out the t-shirts afterwards.
The mooted Criminal Conspiracy Act will be passed, marking the beginning of the end for the yakuza ? or not. The mobsters will simply move en masse to the right-wing political and nonprofit groups they use as fronts, which will be shown to be funded by large Japanese corporations.
One of the nation’s leading talent agencies will be conclusively shown to have cosy ties with organized crime. Deep bows and apologies will ensue as its bosses vow to change their thuggish and evil ways. The Japanese media will pretend it hasn’t been ignoring this corrupt situation it’s known about forever ? but it won’t make waves for fear of losing its access to celebrities.
There is no saying it will decline with all the insecurity plaguing Afghanistan, and besides that the political market hasn't calmed down. There is a need for a lot of money
This photo was ------- この写真を presented to (???) is --- ???さんに提供した ouse-bo. who is --- 佐世保(???)。その人は employed at Iwakuni --- 岩国で勤務。 for Ritz A.T. (A.F.???) --- Ritz A.T. (Ritz A.F.???) 氏のところで勤務。 by Ken Garret before returning to New Zealand --- Ken Garret がニュージーランドに帰国する前に撮影した。 31/1/47 ---- (1947年1月31日)
Hi. Sorry but I am struggling to fill out a postage address from these details. Can you please translate your address to fill in the following fields for me:
A mass of Arctic air known as a "polar vortex" hit much of the U.S. Midwest on Monday, with temperatures in Chicago dropping to minus 27 degrees Celsius.
For your protection and security, your order is currently on hold. In order to proceed with the processing of your order, please fill out the below form:
The rise of 21st century regionalism is not yet a disaster for the world trade system. It has fostered unilateral tariff cutting and this has kept trade liberalisation booming despite the WTO’s slow progress. But the present course of events seems certain to undermine the WTO’s centricity – regional trade agreements (RTAs) will take over as the main loci of global trade governance. Over the past ten years, WTO members have “voted with their feet” for the RTA option. Without a reform that brings existing RTA disciplines under the WTO’s aegis and makes it easier to develop new disciplines inside the WTO system, the RTA trend will continue, further eroding WTO centricity and possibly taking it beyond the tipping point where nations ignore WTO rules since everyone else does (see Baldwin 2008 and Baldwin and Carpenter 2009). おなしゃす(´・ω・`)
This scenario runs the risk that global trade governance drifts back towards a 19th century Great Powers world. In the best of cases, the WTO would continue to thrive as the institution that underpins 20th century trade flows. The Marrakech agreements would form a “first pillar” of a multi-pillar trade governance system. All the new issues would be addressed outside the WTO in a setting where power asymmetries are far less constrained. This is what has happened with the bilateral investment treaties – they established a parallel system of disciplines without substantially undermining the WTO’s authority on Marrakech disciplines. But this is not the only scenario. It is also possible that the WTO’s inability to update its rules gradually undermines the authority of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism. これもよかったら(´・ω・`)
おねがいします! Today’s trade is radically more complex. The revolution in information and communication technologies fostered an internationalisation of supply chains which created a nexus between trade, investment, and services which is at the heart of so much of today’s international commerce.
In order for us to evaluate your request for higher selling limits, we need your help. Please answer these questions. We'll then review your account within 7-10 days. Is this your first time selling with us?
How many items do you plan to list on the site? Where do you get the products that you plan to sell? What is the average price for the items you’re selling? How quickly do you ship your items after receiving payment? What shipping service do you plan to use? Are you going to use tracking or delivery confirmation? Are you using PayPal to receive payments? If no, what method do you plan to use? Do you have any other eBay accounts?
If you are a registered business, please fill out these additional questions: What is the name of your business? How long have you been in business? Do you have a website? Do you sell on any other website, including your own? If yes, how much experience do you have with selling on the internet? Do you have employees who help you sell on eBay? If so, how many? Do you dedicate inventory to your eBay seller account? If yes, how do you intend to manage the inventory you list on the site? Are you listing items that are also publicly available?
Once we receive your email reply, we'll get back to you as soon as possible. We appreciate your cooperation.
The Name is Psynce I like the styles you merge, you've got a good ear Gon. I wouldnt mind rapping over one of your productions if you'd be willing at 0.24
ちょっと海外のサイトで躓いた翻訳お願い Check your e-mail addresses folks we will be going to e-mail only login very soon. Folks if the pool is down more than 15 minutes and it's not in maintenace someone send me a e-mail.
That's good you have plenty to keep you busy. I'm doing alright tho, just started school ontop of work and hanging with friends n stuff.
You did fine when you were over here with your English tho, it was fun. We just need a translator. Hope you'll be back soon tho, foreign friends are more fun then our local people.
Formal legal equality provides the traditional frame within which the relationship between law and gender is located and explored, and it is certainly that to which the legal mainstream remains most receptive.
Formal legal equality provides the traditional frame 正式な法的平等は因習的な古風な枠を定めている within which the relationship between law and gender is located and explored, その枠の中で法律と社会的性差の関係が決められており実際に調査されている and it is certainly that to which the legal mainstream remains most receptive. そしてその(旧来の)枠フレームによって法的平等とは。の主流が最も受け入れられている。
Espousing the principle of formal equality also accommodates recognition of the fact that while gender ought to be irrelevant to law, in terms of historical development and, to some empirically determinable extent, contemporary application, it is not.
Dutch porn actress, Bobbi Eden, promised all her twitter followers oral sex if the Dutch soccer team would win the World Cup of 2010, they lost the final with 0-1.
Scientific discovery and scientific knowledge have been achieved only by those who have gone in pursuit of it without any practical purpose whatsoever in view.
In 13 papers, the title contained spin, as did 49 abstracts and 21 results sections, Altman and Boutron reported in 2010 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
This remains empirically evident in legal practice and institutions: notwithstanding the vastly increased representation of women lawyers, men still enjoy far better career prospects within the legal profession and women continue to complain of an institutional culture in which they feel marginalized and often sexualized.
Hi! I was wondering if I could purchase this and pick it up from you? I'm actually in Japan for holiday and won't be home for 23days. If not it's cool, but could you tell me where I can purchase this? I've been to every single make up store here in Japan with no luck. Thanks.
While women were now entitled to keep their own earnings and inheritance on divorce, so also were their husbands; and as married women had very limited opportunities to earn and few inherited, women often found themselves with little or no property in the aftermath of divorce.
It cannot be denied that the married women’s property reforms of the late 19th century (particularly when taken in conjunction with the legal drift towards greater and more equal access to divorce), at the time represented a considerable advance by recognizing women’s legal status as separate from their husbands and empowering them to hold property in their own right.
It cannot be denied 以下の事は否定できない that the married women’s property reforms of the late 19th century (particularly when taken in conjunction with the legal drift towards greater and more equal access to divorce), 主語 at the time副詞句 represented 述語 以下目的語 a considerable advance by recognizing women’s legal status as separate from their husbands and empowering them to hold property in their own right.
The social and political order with which law had long been associated was gendered to the core and the adoption of a position of gender-neutrality in the application of legal rules could do little to unsettle deeply embedded social hierarchies and widely shared cultural attitudes and beliefs.
>>888 > The social and political order with which law had long been associated 主語 was gendered 述語 to the core徹底的に > and the adoption of a position of gender-neutrality in the application of legal rules主語 could do 述語 littleほとんどできない to unsettle deeply embedded social hierarchies and widely shared cultural attitudes and beliefs.
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, liberal feminism was deeply invested in challenging the ‘disabilities’ which law imposed upon women, preventing them from entering the professions, holding public office, or participating as full citizens in the political and commercial spheres.
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, 副詞句 liberal feminism主語 was deeply invested 述語 in challenging the ‘disabilities’ 以下‘disabilities’の説明 which law imposed upon women, preventing them from entering the professions, holding public office, or participating as 完全市民権を持つ人full citizens in the political and commercial spheres.
After World War II one often came across pieces of property in Japan that were neither in use nor up for sale. Their owner was, as we say, ` sitting on them- though he wasn't, of course, actually there. No doubt, he was waiting for the value of property to rise; and then perhaps he might sell. But in the meantime, he was obstinate about not selling. This isn't a peculiar Japanese characteristic, but one of the many less endearing aspects of human nature. Yet it is the aspect we attribute, rather unfairly, to poor dogs-as when we call someone "a dog in the manger". The source of this unfair attribution is, I regret to say, Mr. Aesop.
In one of his shorter fables, which is more a proverb than a fable, he presents a dog that made his bed in a manger. The following morning, the horse came to the manger for his breakfast, and there he found the dog. The latter growled at him and refused to let him touch the hay. "What a dog in the manger you are!" com- plained the horse. "You won't eat the hay yourself, nor will you allow anyone else to come and eat it." This complaint of the horse reminds me of what Jesus once said to the Pharisees. "You shut up the kingdom of heaven against men," he complained. "You will her go in yourselves, nor allow anyone else to go in
Because of its great distance from the observers, Jupiter fit neatly within the frames of the zillions of photographs taken of it last week.
最後の方のphotographs taken of it のところは文法的にどうなってるんでしょうか? 例えばこれを普通の文にするとI took photographs of Jupiter last week.だと思いますが これを過去分詞で修飾された文にするとphotographs of Jupiter taken last week.になると思うのですが… "of Jupiter"がtakenの後に回されたというだけでしょうか?
Thanks for your email. I have contacted my paypal department to refund you the money, due to the new year holiday please check your paypal in 3 working days. But since ebay has charged us the final value fee once you bid the item, but this order has not been completed, would you please agree and confirm the cancel link after we send it to you ? So it can help us get back our final value fee? We appreciate for your understanding and patience. You are a good buyer, we have left a 5 stars positive feedback for you. Would you mind leaving a 5 stars positive feedbacks for this transaction too? Hope to hear from you soon, friend.
(続き) 残高参照や先月いくら使ったかをアプリ上で確かめるためには、何度もタップしたり する必要があるから、音声認識技術を使って、この記事の一段落目にあるように “How much did I spend at restaurants last month?”としゃべるだけで、 画面に答えが出てくるアプリがあれば、自分の銀行の顧客獲得やサービス向上に つながる。
アメリカのお店とのやりとりなんですがお願いします I am away from the item with 14" of snow on the ground and no electricity- I have no way of weighing the package to give you a quote and am not sure when I will be able to I charge actual shipping charges- no more than $16.75 Thanks for understanding
続き Yeah, I was just trying to see what we might have that would work for you, but none of them have the 62 in road, it looks like none of them actually did either, so yours should be the same size, I usually wear a 62 and have the Limar 777 that fits just fine, but either way we can do a return, but I can't send over a prepaid label to get it back. If you wanted to return and pay for shipping, we can credit the shipping towards another order or product since we can't paypal the money over there for a none sale overseas unfortunately, does that work for you?
Your new work may boost your future benefits, which are based on your top 35 years of earnings. But any bump is likely to be noticeable only if you haven't already had 35 years of earnings
Dear AAAAA Sorry to hear that. Do you mean all 3 items haven 't got ? It seems delayed by post office or lost on it's way You see ,it was a small parcel Shall we refund in full first or send replacement out? Thanks in advance. Cindy
@Fishbain et al. reviewed 40 studies that more specifically addressed the causal relationsip between pain and major dep ression. AThe reviewers concluded that empirical supporw was stronger for hypothesis that pain precedes depression (i.e. the consequence hypothesis). BHowever , problems were identified in the research base making any firm conclusions about the direction of the relationship difficult to form.
BHowever , problems were identified in the研究基盤 research base 以下は研究基盤の中身説明 making any firm conclusions about the direction of the relationship difficult to form.
>>957 make 〜 difficult 〜の実現を難しくする making述語 (any firm conclusions about the direction of the relationship)目的語 difficult補語 to form. 痛みと気分沈鬱の関係について確実な結論を出すのが困難であることが研究の結果でわかった。
A supposedly deaf composer who was called modern-day Beethoven revealed on Wednesday that he has staged an 18-year hoax by hiring a ghostwriter to compose most of his popular works.
>>978 いや散々ググりましたが出てこないんです 使い方や設定を解説してくれるところもなくて HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the Observatory. Turn this on? をグーグルで翻訳すると HTTPSはどこでも送信することで、ブラウザに対する攻撃を検出することができます 証明書は、あなたが天文台に受け取る。これをオンに? なって HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the Observatory. Turn this on? HTTPSはどこでも天文台にあなたが受け取る証明書を送信することで、 ブラウザに対する攻撃を検出することができます。これをオンに?
>>980 そうですか Exciteでもおかしいんですよ HTTPS Everywhereって名前のアドオンなんですが分けるとまた違う意味に "HTTPS Everywhere" can detect attacks against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the Observatory. Turn this on? 「HTTPS、どこでも」観測所へ受け取る証明書を送ることによりあなたのブラウザに対する攻撃を検知することができます。 これをつけますか。
HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the Observatory. Turn this on? HTTPSは、観測所へ受け取る証明書を送ることによりどこでもあなたのブラウザに対する攻撃を検知することができる。 これをつけるか。
(HTTPS Everywhere) can detect attacks against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the Observatory. Turn this on? (HTTPS‥‥どこでも)観測所へ受け取る証明書を送ることによりあなたのブラウザに対する攻撃を検知することができる。 これをつけるか。
HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the Observatory. Turn this on? HTTPSは、観測所へ受け取る証明書を送ることによりどこでもあなたのブラウザに対する攻撃を検知することができます。 これをつけますか。
「HTTPS Everywhere」 can detect attacks against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the Observatory. Turn this on? 「HTTPS Everywhere」は、観測所へ受け取る証明書を送ることによりあなたのブラウザに対する攻撃を検知することができます。 これをつけますか。 「でアドオン名をくくったところそれらしい文章になったんですが >>980 この通りで大丈夫ですか?