1 wat exactly addres are u moving too sir? 2 were exactly in ○○(地名)? 引っ越し先にレンタルしてるものを持ってって引き続き使うことは出来るか、可能なら日曜日持って行きますっていうメールの返事です。2通届きました。どういう意味でしょうか?
In Western countries, the prevalence of dementia is less than 1% in those aged 60-64 years, but doubles with each 5-year cohort to a figure of around 16% in those aged 80-84 years.
>>12>>13 ありがとうございました。 更に追記で we cannot manage to supply water in〜.because it's quite too far from our office. but if u want just pay us 3500 u will owned the dispenser already. if u don't want we wii going to pulout tomorrow night? と来てました。but〜alreadyの所がよく分かりません。(ここからのメールはいつもこんな感じでとても困ってます…仮に正確でも分からないんですが(^^;;
I saw Cloud Atlas recently on the DVD. And this film was a real crap! I advise you never ever watch it. I want my time back! The makers of it must be sons/daughters of bitches! It is only confusing and there is no meaning behind it.
I told you to never tell her my address. How can you be such a shittily shitty shit person? I will never go out with you again. Don't call me any more. I'll obtain an injunction if you neglect my request.
So, on the general principle that if I am not for myself, who will be for me: that left-wing rag the Wall Street Journal has a new assessment, based on some supposedly objective criteria (but not including Twitter followers) of the most influential business thinkers.
1. The water-grind-stone is not something I bought, but was being attached with Ontario AFSK. 2. I don't know that in detail. sorry. 3. I think it's enough to prepare a #300 water-grind-stone and a #1000t water-grind-stone.
メールでhacker と来て自分は分かる限りでチーターじゃないことを教えてようとしてメールを送ったら返信が来たんですけど翻訳お願いします amusing becamuse u like all japanese give the i do not know english and you are hacking i live meet a thousand level 90 and they can not beat level 600
I didn't know IRMA, a Danish supermarket chain. I googled it and found that the image character of it is a woman and she is pretty and popular. Some blogger even bought a doll of it for a souvenir! I am going to put her photo on my profile page.
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
The Left is afraid of the environmental good news because it undercuts stylish pessimism; the Right is afraid of the good news because it shows that government regulations might occasionally amount to something other than wickedness incarnate, and actually produce benefits at an affordable cost.
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
私が依頼した英文が勝手に複製されてます。止めてください。 Among the points in the complex agreement: subject to the court’s approval, the secured creditors will each receive a pro-rated share of the new equity, the new debt, and excess cash. (The debtors plan to come out of bankruptcy with fewer than 2,000 holders of new equity and fewer than 500 holders of new equity that are not “accredited investors,” so as not to be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act.)
I await the advent of NoteSlate. It is all I need. My wife likens other tablets to dog feces. And, I think they have good reasons for it. by Alan Curtis Kay
東京に住んでいた友人が今帰国していますが「東京に戻る」とメールしてきました。 私も来月に1週間だけ東京に戻るので、 I'll be back in Tokyo next month, too. Only for a week, though. と送ると、its at least something.って返事が来ました。
I fell down from a ladder, hit my head and had an intercourse with my father and other family members in Tokyo. Also, I want to insure our relation. So, send me 100,000 yen as soon as possible. If you blame me for this conduct, I will not come home again. I need you to let me keep the relation.
The way you see things disgusts me. My cell phone account is being suspended. Unless I pay 40,000 yen by July 31th, my whore shop manager will have me cancel my cell phone and auction accounts. I have an intimate relation with a doctor here so I will not see one in Tokyo. One of my new partners is an adept translater and helps me write English letters using the Internet.
710 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage] 投稿日:2013/07/27(土) 14:25:00.00 >>706 The way you see things disgusts me. My cell phone account is being suspended. Unless I pay 40,000 yen by July 31th, my whore shop manager will have me cancel my cell phone and auction accounts. I have an intimate relation with a doctor here so I will not see one in Tokyo. One of my new partners is an adept translater and helps me write English letters using the Internet.
>>135 The way you see things disgusts me. あなたの考え方むかつくわ。
My cell phone account is being suspended. Unless I pay 40,000 yen by July 31th, my whore shop manager will have me cancel my cell phone and auction accounts. 私のケータイは止められてる。月末までに4万円払わないと、売春宿のマスターに、ケータイとオークションのアカウントを解約しろって言われちゃうの。
I have an intimate relation with a doctor here so I will not see one in Tokyo. One of my new partners is an adept translater and helps me write English letters using the Internet.
The way you see things disgusts me. あなたが事態を見る方法は私をうんざりさせます。
My cell phone account is being suspended. Unless I pay 40,000 yen by July 31th, my whore shop manager will have me cancel my cell phone and auction accounts. 私の携帯電話アカウントが保留されています。 もし私が7月31日までに40,000円を払わなければ、私の女郎屋マネージャーは私に私の携帯電話とオークションのアカウントを取り消させるでしょう。
I have an intimate relation with a doctor here so I will not see one in Tokyo. One of my new partners is an adept translater and helps me write English letters using the Internet. 私は、ここに医者との親密な関係を持っています。したがって、私は東京で1つ見ません。 私の新しいパートナーのうちの1人は熟達したtranslaterで、私がインターネットを使用して、英語の手紙を書くのを助けます。
First, it includes some things that are not really costs of going to college. Even if you quit school, you need a place to sleep and food to eat. Room and board are costs of going to college only to the extent that they are more expensive at college than elsewhere.
Room and board are costs of going to college 家賃食費は通学するのにかかるコストです。 only to the extent that they are more expensive at college than elsewhere. 家賃食費についてだけは他より高い。
Marginal decision making can help explain some otherwise puzzling economic phenomena. Here is a classic question: Why is water so cheap, while diamonds are so expensive? Humans need water to survive, while diamonds are unnecessary; but for some reason, people are willing to pay much more for a diamond than for a cup of water. The reason is that a person’s willingness to pay for any good is based on the marginal benefit that an extra unit of the good would yield.
最終文のthe marginal benefit that an extra unit of the good would yield.がどういう意味か分かりません。 an extra unit of goodってどういうことですか?
The reason is その理由は〜です。 that a person’s willingness to pay for any good 人がどんな物についても買いたいと思うのはそれを買ったらいくらかでも儲かると思うからです is based on the marginal benefit that an extra unit of the good would yield. その特別の品がわずかな儲けでも生み出すのではないかという期待があるからです。
"If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. And one can always come back. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return.” ― Paulo Coelho, Alchemist.
a tendency to fall in place. この場合は男しかNFL審判にはなれないという傾向。 and not doing it for recognition things just kind of have a tendency to fall in place 男しか審判にはなれないと思って(女が)審判になろうとしない
>>186 >> If you are doing something because you love it and (and if you are) not doing it for recognition, things just kind of have a tendency to fall in place.
上記のように、recognition の後にコンマがあると考えればいい。
「君がそれを好きでやってるんであって、recognition(他人から認めてもらうこと)のために (つまり賞賛を得るために、他人から「偉いなあ」と言ってもらうために)それをやるんじゃないんだったら、 物事は、ただ fall in place(収まるべきところにおさまる)もんだ」
たぶん "fall in place" は、「なるようになる」とか「きちんと収まる」って感じだと思う。 再び、思い切って意訳すると、 「君がそれを好きでやるんであって、人から認めてもらうためなんじゃないんだったら、 ちゃんと、なるようになるさ(うまくいくさ)」
>>183 "If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. 人が見つけ出すものが純粋な物質で出来ていたら、傷んでしまうことは決してない。
And one can always come back. 人は、いつでも戻って来られる。
If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return.” 見つけたものが、星の爆発のような、ほんの一瞬の光だったら、 戻ってくるときには何も見出すことはなかろう。
because weather patterns begin over there, and come west, and because the air mass is so big and so arid, forecasters are hoping this so-called saharan air layer will buy us some time.
>>195 >> this so-called saharan air layer will buy us some time.
この buy については、英辞郎の buy についての解説にこのように書いてある。
[引用はじめ] 6. (人)のために(時間を)稼ぐ[持たせる・ひねり出す]◆応急処置、時間稼ぎなどで ・That should buy us a few minutes. : これで2、3分は持つはずだ。 ・I'll buy you as much time as possible. : あなたのために、できる限り時間を稼いでみます。 [引用おわり]
だから、原文は、「いわゆる Sarahan air layer のおかげで、いくらか時間が稼げるだろう」 とか「いくらか時間の余裕ができるだろう」とでも訳せばいいと思う。
The study of economics does not seem to require any specialized gifts of an unusually high order. Is it not . . . a very easy subject compared with the higher branches of philosophy or pure science? An easy subject, at which very few excel! The paradox finds its explanation, perhaps, in that the master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts. He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher?in some degree. He must understand symbols and speak in words. He must contemplate the particular in terms of the general, and touch abstract and concrete in the same flight of thought. He must study the present in the light of the past for the purposes of the future. No part of man’s nature or his institutions must lie entirely outside his regard.
>>192 >>201 "fall in place" というイディオムがちゃんとあるってことを知らなかった。辞書にはないと 思い込んでて、辞書を引かずに想像で訳してしまってた。幸いにして、今回の僕の想像は 当たってたんだけど。
fall in(to) place to fit together; to become organized; to make sense. [例文] After we heard the whole story, things began to fall in place. When you get older, the different parts of your life begin to fall into place. http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/fall+in+place
>>202 さらに "fall in place"(または fall into place)の意味を辞書で調べてみた。 ちゃんと辞書を引かなかった自分の愚かしさが悲しい。というよりも、こんなに簡単な単語を 使ったやさしそうなイディオムをいまだに知らなかった自分の愚かしさが悲しい。 ネイティブなら、おそらく5歳の子供でも知ってて、毎日のように使ってるだろうに。
fall into place 正しい(本来の)場所に収まる (事実・話・事柄が)辻褄が合う。 よく理解される
[例文] My new job is going extremely well. Everything is falling into place. 新しい仕事はたいへん順調に進んでいる。すべてがうまくいっている。
1) When things fall into place, they happen in a satisfactory way, without problems [例文] If you plan the project well, then everything should fall into place.
この表現もイディオムなんだろうけど、あちこちの辞書にはまだ出ていないみたいだ。 "Oxford English Dictionary" にも載っていない。おそらく、比較的最近になってから 使われ出したんだろうと思う。でも、ネット上を見ると、大いに使われている。 "come to reality" もいちいち辞書を引いてるわけがない。そんなもの、三つの単語の意味を 考えれば、馬鹿でも意味がわかる。そんなことを言う奴こそ、イカメシ野郎といふものなり。 以下、ネットから拾った "come to reality" およびそれに似た表現を使った例を 列挙していく。
(1) Dreams come to reality. (2) Visualize what you want and it will come to reality. (3) How to make dreams come to reality with others. (4) Do dreams come to reality? (5) Dreams may come to reality. (6) Have you ever experienced dreams that come to reality? (7) Artist's Visual Diary: Dream big and see it come to reality! 続く
続き (8) When you think of something and keep on rehearsing, it sooner or later will come to reality. (9) Making your dream job come to reality (10) Make dreams come to reality. (11) Turning dreams into reality (12) Pray for your dreams to come to reality (13) Come To Reality (歌の題名) (14) Our dream has come to reality. (15) I want to make my dreams come to reality. (16) You know that feeling you get when you look at a picture of a beautiful place; that blissful feeling you have when you realize you want to be there? What happens after that? You come to reality. You know you can't be there, it's way too much for your purse to handle, or it takes too much off your scheduled office time. What crap!
記事のタイトル Obama Administration Overturns Ban on Apple Products
その冒頭 The Obama administration has vetoed a federal commission's ban that would have forced Apple to stop selling some iPhones and iPads in the United States next week, a rare intervention by the White Housee and a victory for Apple in its heated patent war with Samsung Electronics.
ここで、後半の "a rare intervention 〜" と "a victory for 〜" とが、 その前の文章に付け加えられた同格になってるんだけど、このような同格の使い方は、 英文を読んでいるときには気づくけど、いざ、これに似た日本語文があってそれを 英訳するときには、なかなか思いつかなかった。こういう英文がすいすいと書けるように なりたいもんだ。
The United States International Trade Commission in June ordered a ban of older-model Apple products that worked with AT&T's network, including the iPhone 4 and 3GS, after determining that Apple had violated a patent that Samsung owned related to transmission of data over cellular networks The administration had until Monday to weigh in.
What I've done is take this debate that scholars are immersed in and simply made it accessible to a nonscholarly audience. It's something I wish more scholars would do, in various fields.
I didn't know that those brand-name highlight cost six grand a year to maintain or that others in the know could identify the colorists after a quick grance at the finished product.
犯人:though at the risk of sounding impolite, your thing sucks. 探偵がその言葉に対して特に返さないで、どんなことをしてでも引きずり出してやるみたいなことを言った後に 犯人:no, no, no.... not you, too.です 会話がかみ合ってないから、この犯人の独り言みたいな感じでno, no, noなのかなーっと・・・。 でもその後に犯人がここで私達は多くの共通を持つだろうと考えた、二人の仮面の男!の言葉につながるので、お前もかっていうのもしっくりかなと。
>>222 端折ってしまってすみません。 探偵:now then, this can end one of two ways for you. either you give up and we walk out of here together. I drag you out by whatever those tail flaps are you're wearing. です。
>>239 まとめると、 (1) 犯人:Though at the risk of sounding impolite, your thing sucks.
(2) 探偵:Now then, this can end one of two ways for you, either you give up and (and ではなく、正しくは or) we walk out of here together. I drag you out by whatever those tail flaps are (that) you're wearing.
(1) 犯人:Though at the risk of sounding impolite, your thing sucks.
(2) 探偵:Now then, this can end one of two ways for you, EITHER you give up and we walk out of here together. (AND) I drag you out by whatever those tail flaps are (that) you're wearing.
(3) 犯人:No, no, no.... not you, too.
コメント: (2) の全体には either がついている。つまり、犯人が行くべき道には二つあるんだけど、 そのうちの一つが either のあとに3行ほどにわたって書かれている。
このあと (3) で、犯人が、「いや、(その一つ目の道では)探偵であるあんたが俺と 運命を共にすることになるけど、それは俺だけで十分だ。あんたは俺の巻き添えを食う必要は ねえ、っていう意味で "No, not you, too!" と言っている。
“If a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth ― beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals ― would you concede them the rights over you that you assume over other animals?” George Bernard Shaw お願いします。
I am out of work, but I am reluctant to work hard. Hence I have no choice but to evade working hard. For the life of me, I am in a state of melancholy. I am almost the defeated remnant.
Also, by popular demand, a bit of context for those debt numbers Hubbard throws around, such as who was president when, and what public office one of the contributors was holding at various times:
和訳お願いします。 Thank you for posting, people need to understand the lies and half truth the nuclear industry uses to make money off it's victims. I suppose it is too scary for the population and people would be up in arms for the truth.
*rrrp* Hey,I'd Love t'join that team of yours an'keep th'super-bitches off your back. but I could never be a good girl. *hic* Know why? Can't be a goody-goody hroine 'cause I don't have a nice, big rack! *urrp* A good girl's gotta have a good set, right? you're just grenade-fishin' for complimentsh, y'insecure li'l hussy.
Over time, infomation about the body and how to heal it grew from watching what happend to soliders injured in battle. The discovery of such infomation led to advances in anesthesia,surgery and pharmacology and helped more patients stay alive.
Wake me up before I change again. Remind me the story that I won't get insane. Tell me why it's always the same. Explain me the reason why I'm so much in pain.
>>348 Wake me up before I change again. Rimini me of the story do that I won't go insane. Tell me why it always is the same. Explain to me the reason why I'm in so much in pain.
>>351 >>>348 >Wake me up before I change again. >Rimini me of the story do that I won't go insane. >Tell me why it always is the same. >Explain to me the reason why I'm in so much in pain. > >歌詞は文法なんてどうでもいいはずだけど 変換ミスremind me of ... so that
>>353 The importance of teacher quality as a specific school environmental influence on reading achievement is unknown. 読書の実績に対して学校環境が及ぼす具体的な影響としての教師の質の重要性は、知られていない。
The magnitude of genetic variance --- 主語 associated with twins’ oral reading fluency --- 主語を後ろから修飾 increased --- 動詞 as the quality of their teacher increased. --- (***) が高まるにつれて
So sad that my friend is moving back to UK. 俺の友達がさ、イギリスに戻っちゃうんだって。がっかり。 ========== いや、この英語のくだけた調子を見事に反映したこなれた日本語が紡ぎだせる能力は、 見事だぜ。この人なら、プロの翻訳家として飯が食えないはずがない。もしプロの翻訳家 じゃなかったら、本物の作家だな。もしまだそこまでのレベルに達してなかったとしても、 5年以内に必ずプロの翻訳家になってしまうタイプの人だ。
>>359 That's more like it. そう言った方が実情に近い。 All I could think about was dying… もう、死ぬこと以外に考えられないよ. . .。 What makes you think we have any to spare? うちに少しでも余裕があるだなんて、なんで思ったの?
Since when does someone who can't even feed herself have the right to talk that way?! It could be this early? Burning in hell would be too good for her! She's got so much time on her hands. お願いします
accountable subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable. capable of being explained; explicable; explainable.
>>403 すみませんが、「省略としての使い方が多い」なんてどこに書いてありますか? 英語での ellipsis は、たまたま「省略」と訳されるから間違ってしまいますが、 これはこの記号の呼び名であって、実はいろんな使い方がなされていて、日本語に おけるそれよりもはるかに豊かなようだということが wikipedia に書いてありませんか? 最初の方だけ読んでもそれがわかります。
An ellipsis may also imply an unstated alternative indicated by context. For example, when Count Dracula says "I never drink . . . wine"; the implication is that he does drink something else. In reported speech, the ellipsis is sometimes used to represent an intentional silence, perhaps indicating irritation, dismay, shock or disgust.[citation needed] In poetry, this is used to highlight sarcasm or make the reader think about the last points in the poem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipsis
e-bayで違う商品が来た。 正しいのを送ってもらいたいんだけど、セラーが何言ってるのかわからない。 お願いします。 I want to make sure it gets to you so I need to know if you have an account there for the International shipping and what its going to cost? I will pay you for it but need to know this information so there isn't some thing that can go wrong again.
経緯としては送り返そうとしたら配送料が3万近くて高いことを伝えた。 この前の文が以下。 Anyway it will cost too much to ship it back. Maybe you have a friend that would like a nice 間違ってきた物? Anyway I want to ship your 落札品 to you so should I ship it to the airport in Kentucky?
>>411 間違い品を送り返す事になってるの? 送り返す送料を先方が払うから知らせろ と言ってるみたいだけど 良くわからない。 an account there for the International shipping 国際発送の口座。 what its going to cost? いくら何円、何ドルかかるか? so there isn't some thing that can go wrong again. そうすればさらなる間違いが無くなる。
>>419 an account there for the International shipping 国際便を安い料金で送れる運送業者の口座、契約。 だと思うよ。 最初言った返送料金が高いからもっと安い料金の業者がないか と聞いてる。 間違い品は無料にするから引き取ってくれ とは書いてこないの?
Places only seen by one's will want to be . Lost consumes masses of a dying breed . Hammered through life a nail to seal this demise . This light will show forever and a day .
参考 Half a dozen times since we met, I WOULD HAVE SWORN I COULD HAVE made an advance and been well received―but Letitia was Tanaan, and committed, and I was too old for romantic fantasy.
My stomach couldn't handle any more food, even though I WOULD HAVE SWORN I COULD HAVE eaten a whole cow, I was so hungry when I started. I looked up at Mum in surprise. 'I can't eat any more.' 'Go slowly,' Mum urged, 'your stomach has ...
日本語→英語スレで、ハロウィンのディナーの食材を買いに行く担当の友達。に送る 「私はSafewayのコールスローにブラックペッパーをかけて食べるのが好きです」 の英訳をお願いしたら、 I like to eat the coleslaw of Safeway with black pepper topping. と、お答えいただきそのままそうしんすると、 How about oko と返事が来ました。
We have a corporate account with UPS but our workshop have confirme Therefore we are looking to arrange your shipment by Ceva. I will be in touch when I have all of the details. 翻訳サイトでもあまり、理解できません。翻訳お願いいたします。
We have a corporate account with UPS but our workshop have confirmed that they do not use UPS to export crocodile to Japan, they use Ceva. Therefore we are looking to arrange your shipment by Ceva. I will be in touch when I have all of the details. 翻訳お願いいたします
店のポスターの下絵が出来たのでチェックしてほしいと送ってきた画像を見ると 「ハンバアガア」「ビイル」と書かれていたので「ハンバーガー」「ビール」と 訂正するべきと送ると、 ”That's same thing I guess ・・・. I remembered what I did Japanese letter I made a mistake when it made poster it should be soon tou fu than tofu that's why it came like that” と送り返してきました。 和訳お願いします。
They were trying to balance what they thought were alarmist portrays of Chernobyl from nuclear movement and some of the more lurid popular media coverage.
The overarching problem for the man at the center of the budget fight, say allies and opponents, is that he and his leadership team have no real idea how to resolve the fiscal showdown. They are only trying to survive another day, Republican strategists say, hoping to maintain unity as long as possible so that when the Republican position collapses, they can capitulate on two issues at once ・ financing the government and raising the debt ceiling ・ and head off any internal party backlash.
The overarching problem for the man at the center of the budget fight, say allies and opponents, is that he and his leadership team have no real idea how to resolve the fiscal showdown. They are only trying to survive another day, Republican strategists say, hoping to maintain unity as long as possible so that when the Republican position collapses, they can capitulate on two issues at once ー financing the government and raising the debt ceiling ー and head off any internal party backlash.
The overarching problem for the man at the center of the budget fight, say allies and opponents, is that he and his leadership team have no real idea how to resolve the fiscal showdown. They are only trying to survive another day, Republican strategists say, hoping to maintain unity as long as possible so that when the Republican position collapses, they can capitulate on two issues at once ー financing the government and raising the debt ceiling ー and head off any internal party backlash.
The overarching problem for the man at the center of the budget fight, say allies and opponents, is that he and his leadership team have no real idea how to resolve the fiscal showdown. They are only trying to survive another day, Republican strategists say, hoping to maintain unity as long as possible so that when the Republican position collapses, they can capitulate on two issues at once ー financing the government and raising the debt ceiling ー and head off any internal party backlash.
The overarching problem for the man at the center of the budget fight, say allies and opponents, is that he and his leadership team have no real idea how to resolve the fiscal showdown. They are only trying to survive another day, Republican strategists say, hoping to maintain unity as long as possible so that when the Republican position collapses, they can capitulate on two issues at once ー financing the government and raising the debt ceiling ー and head off any internal party backlash.
The overarching problem for the man at the center of the budget fight, say allies and opponents, is that he and his leadership team have no real idea how to resolve the fiscal showdown. They are only trying to survive another day, Republican strategists say, hoping to maintain unity as long as possible so that when the Republican position collapses, they can capitulate on two issues at once ー financing the government and raising the debt ceiling ー and head off any internal party backlash.
The overarching problem for the man at the center of the budget fight, say allies and opponents, is that he and his leadership team have no real idea how to resolve the fiscal showdown. They are only trying to survive another day, Republican strategists say, hoping to maintain unity as long as possible so that when the Republican position collapses, they can capitulate on two issues at once ー financing the government and raising the debt ceiling ー and head off any internal party backlash.
ここだけ抽出、改変されてもわからん。ググったら原文はこんなだった Some might argue that the BBC and New Scientist were trying to balance what they thought were alarmist portrayals of Fukushima from the antinuclear movement and some of the more lurid popular media coverage.
"It is dreadful," wrote one, "to contemplate being killed on the field of battle without a kind hand to hide one's remains from the eye of the world or the gnawing of animals or buzzards."
Obama on Trans-Pacific trade talks: `I should have been there ... www.mcclatchydc.com/.../is-trans-pacific-trade-pact-in...
2 日前 - President Barack Obama said today that his absence at trade talks in Bali won't have lasting damage but represented a lost opportunity in his bid to wrap up the proposed Trans-Pacific Partner ship. "I should have been there," ...
You recently purchased the goggles from me. I shipped a lot of eyeglasses the same day and I am wondering if you by chance got a pair of goggles in a tin case in the box besides your purchase. I'm trying to track down a lost sale shipped the same day. Thank you for your time,
ebayの出品者から、取引終了後、しばらくして届いたメールです。 出品の宣伝だと思うのですが、
2行目 "I shipped a lot of eyeglasses the same day and "と 3行目 "shipped the same day"
The US congress failed to find a compromise on a bill to fund government operations. The unprecedented shutdown ---the first in 17years ---could put more than 800,000 federal workers on unpaid leave.
米議会は、政府業務遂行のために資金を供給する法案について、妥協点 を見つけられなかった。前例のない政府機関の閉鎖──この17年間で初めて──のせいで、 無給休暇を取ることになる連邦政府職員は80万人を超えるかもしれない。 ------------------- もっと洗練された訳はあるだろう。省略されている部分は特にない。 the first in 17years はすぐ手前のThe unprecedented shutdownに補足を 加えるような形になってる。
What if I said there is a way to write Android apps that target Android 1.5 (Cupcake) through 2.2 (Froyo) and beyond with a single codebase and no reflection at all?
大事なのは I am curious as to what your rate would be 私はあなたのrate(料金ランク)が如何ほどか、いくらになるか興味があります。 写真資料、ビデオ資料を作って貰うための 又はモデルになって貰うための 料金を聞いてる。 だと思うけど もしかして>>579さんが聞きたいのは to photograph a model posing solo and doing a 10 minute companion video. なの?
"Some of the particles cluster into aggregates, clods or crumbs, the size and distribution of which determines the soil structure."
よろしくお願いします。意訳よりなるべく直訳で、できましたら、文法的な説明もお願いします。 冒頭のSome of the particles cluster into aggregatesはどこがSとVでしょうか? weblioでも cluster into または into aggregates という例文がありませんでしたので、お手上げでした。
"Some of the particles cluster into aggregates, clods or crumbs, the size and distribution of which=particles determines the soil structure." 細かい粒々のうちには段々大きなかたまりを作ることが有り その細かい粒々の大きさ、量の多さが土の構造を決める。
With its clipped snippets of airwave chatter (the BBC's Jonathan Ross makes a cameo), warped VHS hum, and retro-luminosity that nods to a time when synthesizers connoted un-jaded wonder and revelation, Reflektor(作品名) is designed to be an homage to the many ways music is transmitted, discovered, and incorporated into people's lives.
>>625 U kay を UK と書いたものについてですけど、Urban Dictionary では "you know" という 意味で使うこともあると書いています。ただし、あなたの知りたい U kay とは違ったものかもしれません。
15. uk short for "you know" similar to ik(i know) guy1: remember that skank at the store last week? uk the one i mean guy2: ...like it was yesterday. XP
The Jonas Brothers are popular, but recently One Direction is much more popular. I haven't heard news about the Jonas Brothers recently, but I just did an online search of then and read that it is possible they are splitting up. They will not be a group/band anymore.
これは、間違った英語です。正しくは、次の通り。 I can't be satisfied except with you. (君と一緒じゃなきゃ、満足できないんだ)
"can't be satisfied except" という連語なら、検索すればたくさん例文が見つかります。 これに with を加えて、"can't be satisfied except with" という連語にすると、 検索頻度数はさらに減りますが、それなりによく使われているらしい連語であることがわかります。 ご自分で検索してみてください。これに似た例文として、次のようなものも見つかりました。(続く)
>>640 の続き (1) I shouted and cried all over the night... and after a long try he apologized and said that it was a fault, and that he can't be satisfied except with me. (2) I can't be satisfied, except with junk food, and I constantly struggle between staying in bed to rest and getting out of my apartment for fresh air ... (3) Synthetic drugs alter the mind immediately, and leave the user with a craving that can't be satisfied - except with more drugs, she said. (4) You may have found that there is an inner craving that can't be satisfied – except with God's word.
Sets secs as the number of seconds that a flow set up by the controller will remain in the switch’s flow table without any matching packets being seen. If permanent is specified, which is not recommended, flows will never expire. The default is 60 seconds.
Sets secs as the number of seconds that a flow set up by the controller will remain in the switch’s flow table without any matching packets being seen. If permanent is specified, which is not recommended, flows will never expire. The default is 60 seconds.
When you do a "dpctl dump-flows" you can see an "idle_timeout" option for each entry, which defaults to 60s. This means that the flow will expire after 60secs if there is no incoming traffic. Run again respecting this limit, or install a flow-entry with longer timeout.
前半のWhen I'm writing something to u I was hornyについても、 I'm writing something"と" I was horny"など時制に整合性がない。相当教育程度の 低い人という感じ。ネットの出会いは嘘でも何でもあり。 間違ってもエッチな写真とか動画を送る/skypeで生配信する、などしないほうがいいでしょう。 そういった動画はいっぱい出回っていてお世話になってます。
たぶんこれは、次のように言いたいのでしょう。 It really is so nice of you. (そんなふうに(添削)してくれて、本当に親切だね。)
>>651 When I'm writing something to u I was horny and sure I'm not focus on my spell word I write ok
こっちの方は、たぶん次のように言いたいのでしょう。 When I was writing to you, I was horny and, sure, I was not focused on my word spelling, that is, whether I was writing correctly. (僕が君にメールを書いてた時、やりたくてたまらなかったから、 確かに、単語の綴り、つまり正しく書いてたかどうかには神経を集中させてなかったよ。)
>>677 And I don't care what you think of me because you really don't appreciate how I feel toward you. だから僕は、君にどう思われてるかなんて気にしてないんだ。 だって君は、僕の君に対する気持ちなんてどうでもいいと思ってるんだから。
>>682 "how I feel about you" 僕自身も feel about が自然だろうと思ってた。でも、"how I feel TOWARD you" っていう例もたくさん見つかる。toward よりも about の方がここでは自然だと、 あなたは言いたいのかな?じゃあ、toward にした例がたくさん見つかるってことを どう説明するのかな?その辺に僕は自信が持てなかったので、原文が toward であったものを about には変えなかった。
>>686 I'm NOT a native speaker, so I obviously can't possibly afford FEEL anything. Feeling it in English composition is possible only in native speakers or quite advanced English learners who are almost at the level of native speakers. If you think that, as a native speaker, it is more natural to say "feel about" in this case, why don't you say so? Stop giving me riddles, please.
When a player buys ingredients and leaves both rows ofingredients next to one set of coins empty, then the end of the game is triggered. When this happens, all players, including the one who triggered the end of the game, need to carry out exactly 1 final action.
we will wok youというボードゲームの説明書に書かれている、 ゲームの終了条件についてなのですが、厳密な条件が読み取れませんでした。 最初の文の、食材がどのくらい無くなったら終了なのか、詳細なニュアンスがよくわかりません。
When a player buys ingredients プレイヤーが食材を買ったとき leaves both rows of ingredients next to one set of coins empty, then the end of the game is triggered. 一つのコインセットに隣接する食材の列が空になった時、 ゲーム終了の引き金になる。 そのとき終了させたplayerを含めて最後の一回のプレーする必要があります。 最後のプレーで勝敗決まるのかな。
>>690 >>691 なるほど、コインの隣の2列が全部なくなった時が終了トリガーになるんですね。 「leaves both rows ofingredients next to one set of coins empty」の区切りがわからずに、なんじゃこりゃ〜となってました。 助かりました!ありがとうございます!
>>686 So you didn't have any grounds for your argument, after all, did you? Next time you feel like giving any advice to anyone, at least have the courtesy to tell them on what grounds you base yourself when giving it.
I admire Leon's unerring eye for important questions and am grateful to him for having embroiled the council, and me,in far-reaching bioethical inquiries the likes of which few govermental bodies undertake.
>>704 ここの go は、go bad の意味 住宅地域の環境が悪くなっていく状況を示している あーあ、このneighborhoodもダメになっちゃってるな、みたいな
>It means something has just occured which will lower property values or >damage the quality of life, like having a strip club open in a residential area.
>Its a real estate term. >It usually means poverty, noise pollution and crime has taken over the neighborhood. >The neighborhood is becoming ghetto.
there goes ―― used to express the destruction or failure of something: there goes my career There goes my film career right out the window. Well I suppose there goes my dreams of becoming a tech geek at a big company. People then were looking at the derelict site and saying ‘Well, there goes our future.’ And he says that I'm an alcoholic womaniser who would do anything for money - there goes my reputation. Because if everything that you have is invested in just one stock and something happens to that one stock, there goes your money. Damn, there goes my place in the company netball team. If we produce hydrogen from natural gas, there goes our energy independence. If there's one miss, then there goes the gold medal. ‘I said to myself ‘I've hit the ball right in the creek and there goes the championship’.’ There goes my plans for dinner and a movie. (Oxford Dictionaries Pro より)
>>706 そうか?5は良いと思うけどね。 5) When an “Indian”, as Christopher Columbus called the natives of the lands he “discovered”, saw Columbus walk ashore, he remarked to his Native American friends, “Well, there goes the neighborhood.
現在では地域の治安を悪くするとして、有色人種に対して言われる "There goes the neighborhood." コロンブスの時代設定をして有色人種に白人のコロンブスのことを指して "Well, there goes the neighborhood." と言わせたのね。 Well の意味が良くわかった。 コロンブスが来て現地は悪くなったって事か。
>>731 "a wash" は、確かに「洗剤液」という意味にもなるけど、単なる「洗濯」という意味にもなるよね。
wash 1 [usually in singular] an act of washing something or an instance of being washed: 例文: her hair needs a wash (Oxford Dictionaries Pro より)
だから、 "a hot wash" = an operation of washing with hot water という意味だと思う。第一、原文では You'd be better off soaking that jumper in cold water than putting it in a hot wash. というふうになってて、 (1) soaking in cold water (2) a hot wash この二つが対比されてる。(1) には洗剤のことを言っていないのに、(2) だけで洗剤のこと を言うのは、おかしいと思う。それなら、(2) の wash は単なる「洗濯」と解釈した方が いいと思う。
then how much anthropomorphized furries do you like? My preference is a one with animal head (but speakable) and human body frame (although of course with tail).
Anyway, I'm waiting for your reply tomorrow together with tonight's your yiffy night :D Wolves prpr~
>>796 ●の後ろにカンマを入れればGoogle翻訳でも結構まともな訳になった Can you tell me what do you know about ●, or where I could find some information about them? ↓ あなたは●について何を知っていますか、またはどこがそれらについていくつかの情報を見つけることができる教えてもらえますか?
実際には Can you tell me [ (what 〜) or (when 〜)] ? で、 「●についてどんなことを知っているか、あるいはどこで情報を得られるか」を教えてもらえませんか?
She asked him why did he not write out his thoughts. (James Joyce, "Dubliners")
もちろん上記の文には、"Why don't you write out your thoughts?" という ものが入り込んでいて、学校で僕らはこのような場合は why he did not write. . . . と書くように教えられてるけど、実際には上記のような why did he not. . . を 間接話法の中に埋め込んである例もたくさんあるというわけ。
There was no relation−Ship between the baseline BDI scores and the three month BDI scores with baseline BDI scores explainlng Only O.3% of the variance in the three month BDI scores compared with 17% of the variance that was explained by the intervention.
There was no relationship between the baseline BDI scores and the three month BDI scores with baseline BDI scores explaining only 0.3% of the variance in the three month BDI scores compared with 17% of the variance that was explained by the intervention.
(1) There was no relationship between the baseline BDI scores and the three month BDI scores. 基準 BDI 値と3か月 BDI 値とのあいだには、関係はなかった。
(2) Baseline BDI scores explain only 0.3% of the variance in the three month BDI scores. 基準 BDI 値は、3か月 BDI 値のばらつきのうちほんの 0.3% にしか対応していない。
(3) And these three month BDI scores compare with 17% of the variance that was explained by the intervention. そしてこれらの3か月 BDI 値は、(政府の)介入の結果として生じたばらつきのうちの 17% に匹敵する。
There was no relationship between the baseline BDI scores and the three month BDI scores with baseline BDI scores explaining only 0.3% of the variance in the three month BDI scores compared with 17% of the variance that was explained by the intervention.
We're going to show a little bit of it right now of his family narrated by his son, Dante, who had this dramatic afro. デブラシオ市長の宣伝広告について話してるんですけど、 right nowの後ろのof his familyってどこにかかってるんですかね 原文:http://www.nhk.or.jp/worldwave/abc/popup/abc131107.html
This engineer dutifully took notes on plant layout,the number of production stages,the rate at which the live was running,and the number of employees.
He recorded all this despite the fact that he had no manufacturing responsibility in his own company, and that the alliance did not encompass joint manufacturing.
Could you please accept the briefs? we will send you the bliefs again and you can only send us 10000yen again. it means the orange bliefs is only 10000yen. is it ok?
He illustrated his theory by explaining that each person who used the commons would bring a cow there to eat grass that grew on that shared resource. Soon, each person using the commons would bring more and more cattle to eat the free grass. This behavior would continue even though each individual understood that, as a group, everyone would lose if too many cattle used the pasture and ate up the grass so completely that it could not grow back.
I always enjoy the creator's videos, but I always feel sad after I watched them (Betrayed, Heart broken, Hopeless and Endless Love lol) Somehow I feel the same way with your works. Maybe it just my personal thoughts, you may check it out with your free time.
Your leisurely walk to the train station might be an even greater amusement trap, what with glowing billboards that recognize your face, news feeds that beam on giant screens above head, and smart gadgets that inform you when they detect the latest deals from shops and restaurant nearby.
The direction comes as top department stores Takashimaya and Daimaru became the latest Japanese firms to admit they had been selling food with labels falsely claiming high-quality or expensive ingredients.
冒頭の "The direction comes as 〜" の部分の解釈に悩んでおります それと、3行目の labels falsely claiming 〜 の部分ですが、 labels と falsely の間の that が省略されていると考えて良いのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします!
i am forcing my mind to think happiness even so id like to cry i smile. and not cauae i have to , no cause i want to. cause i have been given a god given gift that is called life and i want to honor what has been given to me. and that by all means i have to be happy greatful and gave to be smiling at all times. cause that what god would want for me and for everyone out there.
翻訳お願いします I have not been told of any price increases before the middle of next year. Of course this is only what I have heard and not official information.
There are many ways the game could go on after the end of ビデオゲームの作品名, but here's what I'd like to see: 男A waits until 女 is fully healed,but eventually they part ways. 女 tries, in her own way, to deal with losing 男B while 男A slips back a little into being the guy he used to be: getting laid, killing demons, not giving a shit.
TIMEの The Key To Learning: Knowing How Learning Works Kids need to about the skills of learning in order to use them By Annie Murphy Paul @anniemurphypaulOct. 08, 2013
Thomas and Hiro are having their first meeting to align their understanding of what Hiro is expected to acompulish on his overseas assignment. よろしくお願いします。
Walking through the mall holiday shopping and it seems like I'm the only guy not wearing saggy skinny jeans,a beard and a funny hat. (休日の買い物でモールを歩いている俺は、下がったスキニージーンズに、ひげと変な帽子を被ったりしないただの男のように見えるんだ。)
Dictionary.com(アプリ)より、 4. full of meaning; highly significant: a pregnant utterance. 5. of great importance or potential; momentous: a pregnant moment in the history of the world.
>>952 すみません。ある人(女性から男性)へのコメントなのでこれで全体なんです。 足すとすれば(you know)が前にありました。 なのでyou know you know the names of girls, do you pull girls by saying 'Ive seen a lot of girls but you're the finest I've seen' girlsをbirdsに例えてるとするとこうなって 沢山の女の子の名前を知ってるでしょうけど ’沢山の女の子を見てきたけど君が一番だよ’ と言うことによって女の子を引き付けるの? それとも二行目のdo you というのはyou do の強調で 〜と言うことによって女の子を引き付けられるのよ と言っているのでしょうか? 本当に難しいです。
Hardly any two words in a language have precisely the same meaning and usage; and we can seldom put a word in place of the one which a great writer has used without making a change for the worse. お願いします
I don't know if John Lennon struck his son. I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Do Japanese parents never hit their kids?
When I was in elementary school I did very well, when I was in middle school I did very poorly (bad). The first half of my first year in high school, I was still a bad student, but then I realized that if I wanted to go to a university, I needed to change. So, the second half of my first year in high school, I started to do well in school and I got perfect grades. Then my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year in high school, I did very well. So, when I was little I did very well, but in middle school and the beginning of high school, I did very bad, but then at the end I started to do very well again. Why do you ask?
>>991 >I don't know if John Lennon struck his son. ジョン・レノンが息子を殴っていたかは知らない。 >I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Do Japanese parents never hit their kids? 別に殴っていたとしても驚かない。日本人の親は子供を殴らないのか? >When I was in elementary school I did very well, when I was in middle school I did very poorly (bad). 私は小学校の頃はとてもよくできたが、中学校ではひどかった(悪かった)。 >The first half of my first year in high school, I was still a bad student, but then I realized that if I wanted to go to a university, I needed to change. 高校一年目の前半はまだダメな生徒だったけど、大学に行きたかったら変わらなくちゃいけないと気付いた。
>So, the second half of my first year in high school, I started to do well in school and I got perfect grades. Then my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year in high school, I did very well. だから高校一年目の後半は頑張って成績を完璧にした。そしたら二年目、三年目、四年目はとてもよくできた。 >So, when I was little I did very well, but in middle school and the beginning of high school, I did very bad, but then at the end I started to do very well again. Why do you ask? まとめるとちっちゃい頃はよくできてたけど、中学校と高校の始めはできが悪かった、だけど最後はまたよくできてた。なぜそんなことを聞きたかったの?