Don't expect a "Thank You" card for these gifts in China.
Clocks, handkerchiefs, straw sandals and flowers are all associated with death and funerals in China. Deemed inappropriate and morbid, you’ll risk damaging the relationship if you present these gifts—for any occasion—to someone in China.
In France, drivers are legally required to carry a portable Breathalyzer in their vehicle. If you’re caught without this gadget in your car, you’ll be expected to cough up 11 Euros tout suite. Tourists behind the wheel, this law applies to you too.
The Atlantic The Commerce Department released its annual report to Congress last month that tracked how much fish was harvested in U.S. waters, exported, imported, and consumed by Americans. What shocked most reporters was that 91 percent of the seafood we eat is imported. But they missed the real story: Americans don't eat fish. The overall numbers were small. We consumed a paltry 15 pounds of seafood per person in 2011, compared to 195 pounds of eggs, pork, beef, and chicken -- according to various government sources.
>>20 One way to give people a better choice of fish that is both local and sustainable is to challenge chefs to look for more of it. Chefs have buying power -- and the power to influence all consumers. More than two-thirds of all seafood consumed in the U.S. today is eaten in restaurants. As a result, chefs have a special power of being "choice editors" to promote new flavors.
>>26 My mental buffer overflows when I use two languages in the same time. So I prefer using an English-English dictionary better than using an English-Japanese dictionary.
‘Can’ and ‘possible’ are, accordingly, like ‘cannot’ and ‘impossible’ in having a field-invariant force and field-dependent standards. This result can be generalised: all the canons for the criticism and assessment of arguments, I conclude, are in practice field-dependent, while all our terms of assessment are field-invariant in their force. We can ask, ‘How strong a case can be made out?’―whether for expecting Budge Patty to be a member of the U.S. Davis Cup team, or for accepting Sir Kenneth Clark’s reassessment of Piero della Francesca, or for adopting Fr¨ohlich’s theory of super-conductivity―and the question we ask will be how strong each case is when tested against its own appropriate standard.
I feel so engulfed in rupture trying to get hard on your poor shriveled dick by firstly so tenderly caressing then stroking back and forward. You cant resist really, your darling shriveled dick finally succumbs to being fluffed up! There you are, my dear.
I then such preciously have it in the mouth redolent of citrus.... Sweetie, no please not that haste and rough. Be gentle. Well, I leave the rest of it to your frenzied imagination.....
NYP ヤンキースの黒田の記事 The Post has learned, the Yankees are willing to offer Kuroda just a one-year contract at present. Two other teams that seemingly would be attractive to Kuroda, the Dodgers and Angels, probably would be willing to offer at least a two-year pact to the righty. Japan also is a legitimate consideration for Kuroda right now. But if he decides he wants to pitch in the States further, then he might be attracted to a one-year contract so that he does not grow ineffective during the life of the deal and return to Japan unable to pitch at a high level. 黒田のまだ余力があるうちに日本でプレーしたい気持ちがヤンキースの 1年提示を後押ししてる。
>>84 The Yankees do not want to go more than one year with Kuroda for two reasons: 1) They remain determined to get under the $189 million luxury tax threshold in 2014 and are hesitant to add dollars beyond 2013. 2) They are comfortable giving older players one year contracts so that if they falter they are not committed beyond just that season.
>>90 Kuroda has told friends his first preference is to pitch in Southern California, where his two daughters are attending elementary school. 小学生のお嬢さん二人のいるSCに戻りたいらしい
>>96 I bet he wants to win the World Series before he come back to Japan, so to keep on playing on the Yankees is the best choice. NY post is something like gossip paper so you can't trust its articles.
>>99 I don't think so. He was sitting on the fence, unsure of whether he should come back to Japan or not last year. The reason he decided to continue to play in MLB and join the Yankees was that Yankees is a special team and gives him a chance to win the World Series. To play again for the Dodgers would give him no motivation. He wants to be remembered by New Yorkers that he contributed to win the championship. That's the one and only motivation for him to continue to play as a major leaguer. He may want to spend more time with his family in LA but I don't think that's his priority.
>>101 He wants to be remembered by New Yorkers that he contributed to win the championship. →He wants to be remembered by New Yorkers as a baseball player who cotributed to win the championship.
Ramana Maharshi maintained that the purest form of his teachings was the powerful silence which radiated from his presence and quieted the minds of those attuned to it.
>>137 His writings express his view that meditation and the inward quest are not exclusively for monks and hermits, but will also support those living normal, active lives.
誰にとっても身近な話題が100話。すんなり理解できる。 Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways To Keep The Little Things From Taking Over Your Life [Kindle Edition]
I’ve been reading many attempts to explain what happened; while there’s a lot of interesting stuff about everything from regulation to firm size to export mix, I really don’t see anything that feels like a slam dunk.
小中学生の常識語でなければ、 SATテスト用のBarron's Pocket Guide to Vocabularyにも(もちろんBasic Word Listにも) The Wizard of Oz Vocabulary Builder、The Pinocchio Intermediate Vocabulary Builder にも載っていない単語なので、教養語か重要性の低い語。
>>234 The most striking thing about Italy is a remarkably dismal productivity performance since the mid to late 1990s. Here’s a comparison of Italian with French productivity, as measured by output per worker, from the Total Economy Database: その文章の前に、イタリアの生産高が1990年代中後期以降は惨憺たるありさまであることを労働者1人当りの生産高を使いフランスと比較している記述がある。
>Test your vocab 2012年05月25日 15500 2012年11月29日 13500
7月4日までPass単1級、パス単1級、パス単準1級、BWLの約3/4、 The Pinocchio Intermediate Vocabulary Builderの単語を P-Study Systemと手製の単語リスト(Excel)でぐるぐる回していましたが (英検1級の語彙問題で最後にやった公式サイト上の過去問は1問のみ間違い)、 事情があって以後今日まで単語集も英語もやらず、読書のみ10月中旬から再開です。 単語はやらないと忘れてしまいます。 The Pinocchio Intermediate Vocabulary Builder(英検準1級から1級レベル) The Wizard of Oz Vocabulary Builder(英検1級レベルよりも難しい単語が多い) は物語形式でSATテスト用の語彙を効率的に身につける本です。 Kindle版は安いですが、おそらく語彙の説明部分はなく、物語本文のみ。
Be carefull of a develpomentally disabled man called"Yojiseiheki" , who always diturbs this thread. He reads English books in Japanese translation, then pretends to be able to read originals and posts irresponsible remarks. When someone posts English sentences, he always disturbs this thread due to his inferiority compelex about his lack of ability to read English texts. He is an elementary school drop out with mental retardation. All posts about books for children in this thread were written by him. He has a lolita complex and looks ghastly.
>>411 すご〜ぉい 22,500もすごいけど、Word Power Made Easy- > Word Smartの2つやったってのがすごい どっちも字が小さすぎて、チカチカしてきてギブした 特にWPMEは200pでダウン なんか、それまでの法則をまとめたくなってくるんだわ 一覧にまとめないと先に進みたくない・・・みたいな これが始まると進まないw
>>420 Fight Club amazon.comのThe most helpful favorable reviewから
Reading the book and watching the movie are two different experiences. Yes, there are similarities, and there are differences. The only thing is that unlike "The Fan," the differences in the novel "Fight Club" really work and doesn't take away anything from anyone who was a fan of the film. It still stays true to the idea and story. Chances are you will enjoy the differences. That alone gives you a reason for reading, since you know it's going to be a different ride. この人は映画のThe fanは良かったが小説は期待はずれの経験があり、Fight Culbの小説を読むまで2年くらい間があったという。小説は映画と違ったよさがあるという。
>>424 One of my friends had read the book and told me on many occasions, "You've got to read the book." I told him that I've already seen the movie, and again, he says to me, "You've got to read the book. It's great, and it's actually different than the movie in a lot of parts." こんな友達いるかな?ステマじゃないの?
Be carefull of a develpomentally disabled man called"Yojiseiheki" , who always diturbs this thread. He reads English books in Japanese translation, then pretends to be able to read originals and posts irresponsible remarks. When someone posts English sentences, he always disturbs this thread due to his inferiority compelex about his lack of ability to read English texts. He is an elementary school drop out with mental retardation. All posts about books for children in this thread were written by him. He is a pedophile and looks ghastly.
USATODAYから 6:17PM EST December 4. 2012 - Although drug offenders represent the single-largest category of prisoners in the burgeoning federal prison system, thousands wait months to begin drug education or rehabilitation because of staff shortages and limited resources, according to federal investigators. More than 51,000 inmates were on waiting lists in 2011 — some up to three months — for basic drug-education programs, far more than the 31,803 who were enrolled, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. 麻薬常習の受刑者が人手と予算の不足でリハビリ教育を受けるのを待たされているという。 ちょっと日本じゃ記事にならないね。それだけアメリカじゃこの手の犯罪者が多いわけだ。
>>461 Tyler gets me a job as a waiter, after that Tyler's pushing a gun in my mouth and saying, the first step to eternal life is you have to die. For a long time though, Tyler and I were best friends. People are always asking, did I know about Tyler Durden. The barrel of the gun pressed against the back of my throat, Tyler says, "We really won't die." With my tongue I can feel the silencer holes we drilled into the barrel of the gun. Most of the noise a gunshot makes is expanding gases, and there's the tiny sonic boom a bullet makes because it travels so fast. To make a silencer, you just drill holes in the barrel of the gun, a lot of holes. This lets the gas escape and slows the bullet to below the speed of sound. You drill the holes wrong and the gun will blow off your hand.
>>481 Most of the noise a gunshot makes is expanding gases, and there's the tiny sonic boom a bullet makes because it travels so fast. To make a silencer, you just drill holes in the barrel of the gun, a lot of holes. This lets the gas escape and slows the bullet to below the speed of sound. 銃声は気体の膨張と弾丸の衝撃音によるから銃身に穴を開けて気体を逃がし弾丸を音速以下にすればいいわけだ。
アメリカ人のインテリの女性が映画とかで言いそうな、少々回りくどく下品ぶった脅し文句。 ダビンチコードで有名になったダン ブラウンのデセプション ポイントより。突撃取材してきた記者に対して "I have no intention of abandoning my job to work for Senator Sexton, and if you print anything to the contrary, you'll need a shoehorn to get that recorder out of your ass."
>>520 I have no intention of abandoning my job to work for Senator Sexton, and if you print anything to the contrary, you'll need a shoehorn to get that recorder out of your ass.
NYP Ichiro close to re-signing with Yankees for two years between $12, 13 million by GEORGE A. KING III
The Yankees and Ichiro Suzuki are finalizing a two-year deal for between $12 and $13 million that will keep the veteran right-fielder in pinstripes as he chases 3,000 hits. According to a person with knowledge of the situation, the sides discussed one-year contract, but Ichiro's camp referenced Boston giving Jonny Gomes a two-year deal for $10 million. Since Ichiro is a better all-around player than the defensively challenged Gomes, it was a sound argument.
>>562 Also, it didn't hurt Ichiro that the Phillies, and another team, had offered two years. Since the Phillies' offer was for $14 million, Ichiro is taking less money to stay a Yankee. ジャイアンツは口だけだな。情報ないし。フィリーズは本気だったみたいだな。
1.0 out of 5 stars Rapid Reading? More like Skimming. SAVE your money!, August 12, 2012 By jarber - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?) This review is from: Breakthrough Rapid Reading (Paperback) speeding reading faster will not make you a better reader. It's a waste of time. Be careful and read the other reviews and be aware of those 5 star ratings that don't have a name. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews
NYP The Yankees and Ichiro Suzuki finalized a $13 million, two-year contract Wednesday that keeps the 10-time All-Star in the Bronx.
The 39-year-old, who will make $6.5 million in each of the next two seasons, was obtained in a trade with Seattle on July 23, revived his career and quickly became a fan favorite.
NYP Former Yankee Hideki Matsui announced his retirement on Thursday at a press conference in midtown hotel, ending a career in which he starred on two continents. The Japanese slugger, 38, came to the Yankees to much fanfare and spent seven seasons in Pinstripes. He capped his final season in the Bronx by being named World Series MVP in 2009 when he hit .615 with three homers and eight RBI. Matsui, nicknamed 'Godzilla' in Japan, finished his career with stints with the Angels, A's and Rays. He hit .282 with 175 homers.
The New York Times Derek Jeter was not as shy. “I’ve had a lot of teammates over the years with the Yankees, but I will always consider Hideki one of my favorites,” Jeter said in a statement. “Despite being shadowed by a large group of reporters, having the pressures of performing for his fans both in New York and Japan and becoming acclimated to the bright lights of New York City, he always remained focused and committed to his job and to those of us he shared the clubhouse with.” 控え目で実直、松井はこれにつきるな
Les Misérables (English language) [Kindle Edition] Victor Hugo 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (242 customer reviews) Print List Price: $9.95 Kindle Price: $0.00
USATODAY The doctors say they are treating her with blood thinners to help dissolve the clot. They expect her to be released from the hospital after doctors determine the appropriate dose, according to a statement.Clinton "is making excellent progress and we are confident she will make a full recovery," the doctors said in the statement. "She is in good spirits, engaging with her doctors, her family, and her staff. "Clinton developed the concussion earlier this month after a fall, which occurred when she became faint from dehydration brought about by a stomach bug. 今アメリカはクリントンの脳血栓の話題で持ちきりだ。原因が空腹による脱水によるものだという。 どんだけ飯抜いたのかね?脳血栓を溶かす薬が blood thinnersというのはいかにもと言う感じ。
Something, such as a germ (colloquially a bug), that causes intestinal distress (particularly vomiting). Sometimes incorrectly used to refer to food poisoning.
先ほどはEncyclopedia Brownを教えていただいてありがとうございました。 他のスレでも教えていただき、簡単な英語で買かれた本は次のものが面白いようです。 Magic Tree House Encyclopedia Brown Judy Moody The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
TIME This isn’t the first time Clinton has suffered a blood clot. In 1998, midway through her husband’s second term as president, Clinton was in New York fundraising for the midterm elections when a swollen right foot led her doctor to diagnose a clot in her knee requiring immediate treatment. Clinton had planned to step down as secretary of state at the beginning of President Barack Obama’s second term. Whether she will return to work before she resigns remained a question.Democrats are privately if not publicly speculating: How might her illness affect a decision about running for president in 2016? クリントンの血栓は夫の二期目にも右ひざで出来たことがあるという。 2016年の大統領への立候補を民主党員が公でないにしても個人的にああだこうだ 考えてるとのこと。 政治家と病気の関係はどこの国でも同じく微妙な問題だ。
The wall street journal Congress broke a rancorous stalemate Tuesday to pass legislation designed to avert the so-called fiscal cliff. But the compromise bill, which blocked most impending tax increases and postponed spending cuts largely by raising taxes on upper-income Americans, left a host of issues unresolved and guaranteed continued budget clashes between the parties. Both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives approved a bipartisan deal to block most impending tax increases and postpone spending cuts. The bill represented the largest tax increase in the past two decades and was passed over opposition from conservative Republicans in the House who objected to the fact that it contained no long-term spending cuts of any significance. 財政の崖は高額所得者への増税により財源捻出し、回避 共和党の腰砕け惨敗だな
構文というか単語でひっかかる Dan brownのAngels and Demons読んだけど1ページに3〜4個とか知らん単語が出てきて涙目に Stieg LarssonのDragon Tattooシリーズもたまに数ページごとに単語で引っかかる(それ以前に地名・人名が読めないが・・・) 児童書だとスラスラ読めるのが良い まあ言いたいことはわかるけど
>>682 1) It's not a real replacement for the paper. I miss the letters to the editor, the editorial cartoons, the comics pages, the crossword puzzle et al, and even the box scores so I can check on the hapless Cincinnati Reds. 2) While I'm generally delighted not to have any advertising, I do miss the classified ads. Also, sometimes, I do look at the ads if a sale is on. 3) No Sunday inserts, including coupons! 4) No pictures whatsoever. Sure, pictures are high-bandwidth, but they are an important part of how we communicate information. 5) Price. The paper is more expensive than a home delivery but is missing all the features I list above.... まずreviewsを読もう。
Washington Post難しいよ A working group led by Vice President Biden is seriously considering measures backed by key law enforcement leaders that would require universal background checks for firearm buyers, track the movement and sale of weapons through a national database, strengthen mental health checks, and stiffen penalties for carrying guns near schools or giving them to minors, the sources said.
However, too much of the author's political views were put into the book. If I wanted someone's political views forced on me, I would watch Fox News, CNN or MSNBC. Unfortunately, the author lived up to the reputation of a stereotypical leftist professor. I would only recommend buying this book if you are willing to overlook the liberal bias.
The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can DoTo Get More of Itのことな
CHAPTER I. 1. The Master said, 'Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? 2. 'Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?' 3. 'Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?'
CHAP. II. 1. The philosopher Yu said, 'They are few who, being filial and fraternal, are fond of offending against their superiors. There have been none, who, not liking to offend against their superiors, have been fond of stirring up confusion. 2. 'The superior man bends his attention to what is radical.
【第一章】 【一節】子曰、 學而時習之、不亦說乎。【二節】有朋自遠方來、不亦樂 乎。【三節】人不知而不慍、不亦君子乎。 CHAPTER I. 1. The Master said, 'Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application? 2. 'Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?' 3. 'Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him?'
>23 KDP authors sold over 250,000 copies of their books in 2012, and over 500 KDP Select books have reached the top 100 Kindle best seller lists around the world.
この記事の o fuel the sale of e-books, Amazon has sold lots of digital readers and tablets, but has is its custom released no hard numbers other than repeating that at year-end, Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire, Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle held the top four spots on the Amazon worldwide best seller charts since launch. の部分の but has is its custom ~ あたりがよくわかりません。 文法的にどうなっているのでしょうか?
To fuel the sale of e-books, Amazon has sold lots of digital readers and tablets, but has is its custom released no hard numbers other than repeating that at year-end, Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire, Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle held the top four spots on the Amazon worldwide best seller charts since launch.
To do A, Amazon has done B, but, as its custom (アマゾンの慣習として), (Amazon) has released no hard number other than repeating D.
問題の部分はそう考えると but (The sale digital readers amazon ) has is its custom released 等のように アマゾンが売ったという前の事実を hasを代名詞化してキーワードとして 引用したと考えれば自然だろ。 もちろん文法書になんてのってないよそんなこと。
A Chinese navy frigate has locked its weapon-targeting radar on a Japanese ship, Tokyo says, amid mounting tensions over a territorial row.
“The reward is for the capture and conviction of Dorner,” Beck said. “It was amazingly easy to put the money together.” ベック(署長)「報酬はドーナーの捕獲および確実な情報に対して支払われる。報奨金を集めるのは驚くほど簡単だった」(意訳