>>7 We couldn't celebrate your birthday the last time we met, so today I'm cooking/fixing you a dinner/lunch. 外食だとso today I'm treating you to a dinner/lunch.
There are numerous other locations for this store, I've shopped at a different one several times. This is my first time here at this location.
>>7 I'm gonna treat you today, since we couldn't celebrate your birthday when we met the other day.
This restaurant is one of several franchises in many places. I've had dinner several times at other franchises. But this is the first time to come here.
>>7 @先日あなたと会った時にあなたのお誕生日を祝えなかったので、今日はごはんをごちそうします。 The other day I saw you,but I failed to celebrate your birthday.So let me treat you to dinner. Aこのお店は色々な場所に店舗を持っていて、私は違う店舗に何度か行ったことが あります。ここの店舗は初めてきました。 This restaurant chain has related restaurants in many different locations. I've been to another restaurant(other restaurants)with the same name several times. I came to this restaurant for the first time.
In my opinion, electronic books will become popular with Japanese people. Of course ordinary books will not completely disappear. However,electronic books have more merits then ordinary one. that is light and can install many books. It mean that people can enjoy reading smoothly and everywhere. Therefore many people will have electronic books in near future.
In my opinion, electronic books will become popular with Japanese people. Of course ordinary books will not completely disappear. However,electronic books have more merits then ordinary one. that is light and can install many books. It mean that people can enjoy reading smoothly and everywhere. Therefore many people will have electronic books in near future.
続き。 For example, the amount of information. Instead of having millions of paper books, you simply can install it onto a small device e.g. iPad - which is handy, light and convenient.
>>19 will be popular でいい。 ordinary books→printed books then→than then ordinary one.はなくてもいい。 入れたいのなら、ones The reading device is light and you can install many books in it. It means people can comfortably enjoy reading at anywhere.
>>30 ・あなたの子供がウンコをして流さないので流すようにおねがいします I'm afraid your son/daughter forget to flush(don't flush )the toilet after having stools.I'd like to ask you to tell him /her to flush after using.
・トイレの水がずっと流れっぱなしのようなのですが、水道代は大丈夫ですか? I'm afraid the water in the toilet keeps running,and I'm worried water charge will cost you a lot.you might want to do something to stop it. トイレの水のタンクが空になってることが増えたのですがどうしたらいいですか? And the toilet tank becomes empty very often,so what should I do?
>>32 訂正 I'm afraid your son/daughter forgets to flush(doesn't flush )the toilet after having stools.I'd like to ask you to tell him /her to flush after using. ちなみに「あなたに〜してほしい」はI'd like to ask you to が無難です。I'd like you to はどちらかと言えば、命令口調になるので、下手に出たお願いのときは避けた方が良さそう。 I want you to(あんた、〜やりなさいよ!、ねえ、〜やってくれなかったらやだよう〜!) は論外です。
>>31 ユールムストはスウェーデンでクリスマスに飲まれるソフトドリンクです。 Julmust(must) is a soft drink that is mainly consumed in Sweden around Christmas. 味はビールと似ていますが、ビールより甘く発酵させてないのでアルコール分は含まれていません。 It tastes like beer,but is much sweeter.And, since it is not fermented, it contains no alcohol. Many people drink it as a non-alcoholic alternative to beer.
>>44 今のチケットの状況は、差出人に戻ってしまっているということ。 I've heard that they've returned the ticket(s)to the sender. (2月)21日の試合に間に合うように○○ホテルまでチケットを再送をお願いしたい I 'd like to ask you to deliver again the ticket(s)to ○○hotel by February 21.And the match is scheduled on the 21st.
彼女はAに悪意を抱き、自身のtwitterでAに対しての悪口を書いていた。She bore malice against A and was slandering A on her Twitter website. そして現在もtwitterを非公開にしてAの悪口を書いている。 She has locked her Twitter website (now you need to enter your username and password to access her Twitter account),and is still casting a slur on A's good name. 彼女は批判に対して反省する事は無かった。 It is not exaggerated to say she never felt remorse for what she had done to A.
ですから彼女に気をつけて欲しいです(彼女のことはあまり信用しない方がいい)。 So you must not trust her.
>>60 i don't want to be thought as a gay guy. i don't want to be thought as a homosexual. i don't want to be thought as a queen. i don't want to be thought as a flamer.
>>34 On the amount of carbon emission for GDP, it turned out that Japan, which doesn't introduce any environmental tax, has more effective reduction than German with carbon tax. Less amounts of the emission for GDP amounts to more effective economic activities for the amounts. That's why Japan is relatively energy-efficient country on the whole.
>>72 Are you saying that you have pseudo‐phimosis? True phimosis can be a risk factor for urinary retention and carcinoma of the penis,so you had better be operated on for it. Now go to the hospital ,and have your penis treated by excellent doctors.
>>73 訂正 Are you saying that you have pseudo‐phimosis? True phimosis can be a risk factor for urinary retention and carcinoma of the penis,so if you have true phimosis,you had better be operated on for it. Now go to the hospital ,and have your penis treated by excellent doctors.
>>74 >you had better be operated on for it. 変 >Now go to the hospital ,and have your penis treated by excellent doctors. go to A hospital and have your ... 変なところは you better get it looked at. you better have it operated on. じゃね?
>>75 アドバイスサンクスです。 ただ、「operate on 患者 for 病気」なので 「〜の手術を受ける」はbe operated on for〜 で通じると思います。 have it operated onだと、itが患者にならないといけなくなるので、少し無理があるかなと思い使いませんでした。
go to the hospitalはマジに俺の勘違いです。ネイティブの友人にいつも冠詞の使い方指摘されます。 悪ふざけで下ネタ書いたのにご指摘ありがとうございます。
「私は医学部です」という表現は相手に何を伝えたいのかということを加味して I'm a medical student.なのかI'm in medical school.なのか はたまたI go to medical school.なのか数ある候補の中でよりぴったりのものを選ぶ。 >>53も間違いじゃないが日本語とは厳密には違うから より意図を汲み取った表現を提示したまでだ。
>medical school に通ってる人 = medical student でいいじゃない。 これが何でも=でつないで書き直させる学校英語の弊害か?
ちなみに>>71はI'm in "a" medical school.としたが 前後の文脈が不明ではあるが表現だけを見ればaは付けない方がいいと思う。 (確かにググればそっちのほうがヒットするだろうが) aを付ければ、aのニュアンスが加味される。とある、どこぞの医学部に所属しているというニュアンスが若干ではあるが加味される。 日本語の「私は医学部です」には、話し手が受け手に対してどこ大学の医学部であるか含みを持たせるような 印象を与える表現にはなってないわけだから、無冠詞で機能を示す形で提示したほうがいいと思う。
ex) You should go to hospital. (通院、入院する)/ You should go to a hospital.(病院に行く) 病院にいかなくちゃね、ではどこの病院に行くのかということが焦点が包含されるが 入院しなくちゃね、それ自体には包含されない。副次的な問題になる。するかしないか行為が問題になってるからだ。
>>76 ただbe operatedとのcollocationがどうだろうね。be operatedが手術を受けることを示しているのなら それは能動的な表現ではないからhad betterするものかは微妙。 You'd better have an operation for it.とかか。 先生にやってもらう感がでるのはhave getなど使役動詞を使ったときだろう。
go under the knifeみたいな面白い表現もあるから冷やかしならそういうのの方がいいかもね。
>>91 So far, I was trying to study at night. But I watched TV or got tired and slept down, so I often couldn't study. What I am doing lately is early to bed at 10 pm and early to ride at 4 am. After all, I feel this way is better to me. But then I sleep more except during exam period.
>>95 photos i dont want anyone to see と photos i dont want to be seen を元の主述関係に直して文として成り立つかどうかを見ればいいと思います。 まず最初の文。Photosを目的語の位置に戻します。 i dont want anyone to see photosとなり、文として成り立つので、最初の表現はOK。
次に photos i dont want to be seen ですが、おそらくWantの後にPhotosが入ってたという想定でしょうから、 i dont want photos to be seen となり文としては成り立ちますが、「〜に…してほしい」という意味のwant〜to…の〜には基本、人しか入りませんので、文法として誤りとなります。
>>89 gayは通常は集合名詞なんだけど、ややブロークンな英語なら加算でも使える。 he is gay と he is a gay は両方正しいのだが、後者には侮蔑的な感情が含まれていると感じられるから使うなと、 アメリカ人の友人が言ってた。 前者は、単なる事実、だけど、 後者は、いかにもゲイなゲイ、とか、とんでもなくゲイっぽい奴みたいな意味だと。
とおりがかりですが) Can't you pick them?の意味は、「あなたはそれを掴めないんですか?エエッ?」だよ…。 「お箸で掴めませんよね」は、Can't you ではなくて、 (If you cut...pieces,) (then...) you can't pick them by the chopsticks, right?
Can you pick them? つまめるかつまめないか、どっちだ? Can't you pick them? つまめねーのか?つまめるだろが You can pick them, can't you? つまめるよな、な? You can't pick them, can you? つまめねーよな、な?
194のようなのの両側が違いがなくても、この質問の文の訳にはとちらも 適さない…もしどうしても疑問文で聞きたいなら。 (If the vegitables are cut into pieces, do you think it would be picked up by the chopsticks? とか...would you think you can pick them up..? could it be picked up by chopsticks? だな
196 は If vegitables are..pieces,)can it be picked up by the chopsticks? でもよいけど …もとの質問の文が否定のニュアンスが強いところを汲むとすると don't you think it can't be picked up by the chopsticks..?とつけるほうが 良いかもじゃん ただ会話だとこれでは長すぎるから191か192の言い方がふつう
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>>224 I like watching movies, but I didn't go see a movie this year. I'm sorry I missed the movie that looks interesting. Did you go see any movies lately?
>>242 ここ2、3日バタバタしてたけど、やっと落ち着いたよ the last few days were a little hectic, but finally things have settled down. ... finally it's manageable. ... it's all under control now. ... finally htings are back to norm.
>>247 things have settled down. ありがとうございまちゅ。^^ やっぱりこういうケースでsettle downって言いますよね。 これって人を主語にすることも出来ますか? i m really busy now. but i think i ll settle down in a few days. みたいな感じで。
>>250 Then could you please book the ticket for arriving in Japan on 20th and returning on 25th? Also, I am waiting for the estimates of the costs and the schedule. Thank you for your patience.
>>228 Though there was a significant delay, I finally shipped the items I promised. You can expect its arrival in the weekend. Would you send A? In addition, I also want B. Do you have them in stock?
>>227 Thank you so much for sharing this happy day of our new start in life. It is my great pleasure to have you all hare for my giving a birth of my baby. I shall never forget this magnificent day. Thank you, thank you so much.
>>279 ダブルネガティブで本人が自分の考えが正しいと主張する疑問文で押し通すならあれでいいんじゃないと思うね。 でも個人的には↓ I'd love for us to live together, but my livelihood is here in Japan, I can't just leave.
XX is very rare and expensive. Originally, it isn't in circulation in markets. As far as I know, the number of its owners who I know is only two or three. But, as far as OO is concerned, I have its small amount.
>>293 I sent the promised thing and it's late. It'll arrive you this weekend. You send A to me. If possible, you send B either. Do you have any stockings?
>>220 Listen! Now, the official survey of youtube is up!
I want you everybody to answer it agressively, and tell them your complaints about what are the bad things going on there now, and the worst thing that is going to happen on the First of April.
You look childish at some moments. I like it very much. I got fat during winter vacation, but I got thin because I caught a cold. It hit me very much, but I am now happy with my body weight balance. I am thinking of when you come to me again.
>>314 The dividends for that corporation was two and a half times more than the previous. That corporation increased its dividends by two and a half times over the previous.
-17℃!? The temperature here is about 5 to -10℃. Compared to the temperature there, it's rather warmer here. I'm sorry that I complainingly said "It's cold! It's cold!".
こんなのでどうでしょうか? 「私の住んでいるところ」はこちら/hereで充分だと思います。 最後はふざけた感じではありませんが、 よければ、You can laugh at me. (わたしのこと笑っていいよ)とでもつけてはどうでしょう?
>>315 When at first you'll enjoy playing with someone who does't know how to go in new map, don't you think? I already know that to some extent. If you don't care about it, I'll join in.
>>320 -17℃!? Compared to where you're at, it's quite balmy around here at 5℃ to -10℃ at worst. I shouldn't have complained how cold it was, sorry. 寒い寒いと言ってたのが何時何処での事か明確ではないので、 伝えたいニュアンスが訳されてるか自信ありません。
>>333 I was so exhausted that I slept in a bathtub. I was almost catching a cold again.
I had injection training today. I tried it with models for traning, but it was difficult to me. I couldn't do well. If I inject someone now, he will die, I think so. But I hear some schools let students inject themselves each other for training.
I couldn't understand what you said in English, but I realized you had deep feeling for the picture. Did you make this animation movie? We are impressed with the works and this diary. I can't understand your diary enough, however the work convey something to me.
>>337 >>338はちょいと言葉足らずなので補足。 I understand your English just about 50% because of my poor English ability, but I understand you have strong feelings for the picture. Did you create this mation picture by yourself? It really touches me with this diary. I can't understand your diary fully, but I can tell you're emotionally attached to your work.
●●クラスの卒業生の追いコンを行います. We will give a farewell party for graduates of ●●. 以下の日程の中から,都合の良い(もしくは悪い)日程を知りたいです. Let me know when you are available (or unavailable) in the following dates. ▲日までに返信をください. Please send me a reply by ▲th. できるだけ多くのメンバーが参加出来る日にちに決定したいと思います. I would like to decide the day when the members can take part in as many members as possible.
>>343 ●●クラスの卒業生の追いコンを行います. We will host/have a farewell party for ●●. 以下の日程の中から,都合の良い(もしくは悪い)日程を知りたいです. Let me know when you are available (or unavailable) on the following dates. ▲日までに返信をください. To be counted in, please send me a reply by ▲th. できるだけ多くのメンバーが参加出来る日にちに決定したいと思います. We will choose the date when the most of you can join.
>>349 I've been very busy since February, and will be busy till spring vacation. I feel down when I think about all I'll have to do, so I try to take it one day at a time. I'll work hard taking a break.
You definitely look like somebody I know, but I can't remember who he is. I feel I won't remeber it for good.
●●s are quite rare items and really expensive. As far as I know,they are hardly sold on the open market and there are only a few people who own the items. And as for ○○,I own a few items.
●●の文字は気持ち悪いです。 ゴキブリを連想させるからです。 The signs of ●● seem gross and disgusting to me.They just look like cockroaches. I 'd like to ask you to refrain from using them.
日本が東日本地震の募金を捕鯨に使用したというのは誤解です。 You are saying that our country spent the funds raised for the victims of last year's Tohoku earthquake and tsunami,but you are misunderstanding. 波の大きな被害を受けた石巻市は捕鯨の拠点です。Ishinomaki city,severely damaged by the great tsunami wave, is one of the bases for whaling,here in Japan. 復興のために調査捕鯨事業に大金を計上したのは事実です。 しかしそれは日本国民の税金を投入しており、募金は一切使われていません。 I admit that a considerable amount of money was appropriated for the scientific whaling activities in order to help rebuild the city, but the government spent taxes collected from the Japanese nationals on the scientific whaling. The funds for victims have never been appropriated for the activities.
>>361 訂正 日本が東日本地震の募金を捕鯨に使用したというのは誤解です。 You are saying that our country spent on whaling the funds raised for the victims of last year's Tohoku earthquake and tsunami,but you are misunderstanding.
復興のために調査捕鯨事業に大金を計上したのは事実です。 しかしそれは日本国民の税金を投入しており、募金は一切使われていません。 I admit that a considerable amount of money was appropriated for the scientific whaling activities in order to help rebuild the city, but it was taxes( collected from the Japanese nationals)that the government spent on scientific whaling activities. The funds raised for victims have never been appropriated for the activities.
1.ギリシャの問題は『アリとキリギリス』のキリギリスのようです。 Greece suffering debt crisis is similar to the grasshopper in"The Ant and The Grasshopper",one of Aesop's Fables. この童話とそれとの大きく違う点は、働いたアリが全く報われていないと言うことです The story is used to teach the virtues of hard work and saving, and the perils of improvidence,but actually,in this country,even though they work hard like The Ant,their efforts don't pay off. 他のヨーロッパの人はギリシャをどう思っているのでしょう? What do they think of Greece's debt crisis in other European countries?
2.擬人化は日本のオタク的文化です。 Japan has a typical OTAKU culture of anthropomorphizing inanimate objects by drawing eyes and mouths on them.(And otaku means geek or nerd.) 日本の一部の絵を描く事が好きな人達は pixivなどのイラストサイト上で、何でも擬人化したしたがります Some Japanese nerds who are really interested in drawing pictures love to personify anything flexibly on pixiv(a Japanese online community for artists) and other illustration sites. 国や戦闘機、パソコン、お菓子、動物、ポケモン、それらが描き手によって 美少女や美少年にされます Countries,fighter aircrafts,PCs,confections,animals, POKEMON characters,etc. Illustrators can turn even these things into pretty girls or handsome boys.
>>365 3.私のプラウザは◇◇です。これを使い始めてから、私のパソコンは 100歳の年寄りのように動作が鈍くなりました My (internet) browser is (IE7). Since I begun using (this), my PC has slowed down like molasses in January.
>>376 そちらの内情がわからないので、言葉の選択に迷う日本語です。 遠慮も、なにに対して遠慮しているのか、状況次第で選ぶ言葉が変わる。 遠慮するなという言葉には Feel free, Don't hesitate, Don't be shy 他にもいろいろな言い回しがある。 つきあっている、という言葉も、付き合いの程度によって選択は変わってくる。 We are lovers. We are very close friends. とりあえず、無難に訳すと、
Why are you so reserved? You are my steady girlfriend.
>>376 When what it speaks about frankly by an intimate relation is desired,for example, you can say in this way as one of the methods of existing in large numbers.
"Why do you take always so careful contact to me? Although we're maintaining the relation as a sweetheart now, why myGF why?"
>>381 A romantic relationship does not necessarily mean restraining each other. 一般論 Our (dating/romantic) relationship does not mean holding you in leash. 特定の相手への個人的発言 I don't want to say "Do this" and "Don't do that" too much to you. I don't want to enslave you.
i think i ve learnd a phrase like "i cant be sure" from you before. thanks a lot. i will take these words as follows this time. "my girlfriend" and "sweetheart relations" i think they are easy to use for japanese.
you know, your english is very good , but your japanese is .... when we japanese speak in english, that might sound like the same way. haha^^ that s funny.^^ i need to practice more.
>>409 1 市内を移動するなら小回りがきくので、車より原付の方が便利だ。 You might want to ride a motorcycle(especially,50cc or smaller displacement) when you need to go somewhere in the city. With easy mobility and good fuel economy,motorcycles are more convenient than cars. 車の間や脇をすり抜けることができるので、渋滞の影響を受けにくい。 And you can avoid being involved in traffic congestion by dodging between cars.
2日本では野球が人気があるので、毎年選手名鑑が数社から発売されて、 本屋に山積みになって売り出されている場合もある。 In Japan,baseball is so popular that the guides to all baseball players are published by several publishing houses and are sold(sometimes piled high) in bookstores every year. 選手名鑑とは、各選手の写真を掲載して、プロフィールや特徴も掲載している本です。 These guidebooks deal with players'profiles ,their photos or their personalities,etc.
>>421 競馬の予想をしている時は楽しいものだ。 しかし実際に的中させるのは難しい。まして、3頭の馬を1着から3着まで着順通り当てるならなおさらだ。 Horse racing is really exciting. It's a lot of fun to predict which horses will finish first or second, but actually it's very hard to hit the mark,and much harder to predict which horses will finish first, second, and third in exact order. (the outcome is affected by a number of factors including the health and fitness of the horse and jockey, the weather, and type and distance of track.) 100通りの馬券を買うならともかく、「買い目を絞って少ない点数で買わないといくらお金があっても足りないし」。 I wish I could buy betting tickets in 100 ways,but I don't have sufficient money . So I collect much information about the horses'performance at previous races and choose a horse that can be in the front few runners.
もちろん It's like we are in India.のようにlikeのあとを節(=文)にすれば問題ないのは分かるけど likeのあとに前置詞句(前置詞+名詞)がくるのはどうかという質問です。
さらにこういう現象をより一般的にとらえる文法的説明はありますか? He is taller than before.が本当はHe is taller than he was (tall) before.で than以下の語が省略された(そしてtallみたいな比較対象語は絶対省略しなければならない強制省略)、みたいな。
お〜その歌を気に入ってくれて嬉しいよ。私も大好きなグループです。 I'm really happy to hear that you like the song,too.That is one of my favorite pop groups. 日本の音楽界では今アイドルが流行っています。 In Japanese music industry these days,"idols"(handsome boy singers or cute girl singers appearing on TV,in their teens or early 20s) are very popular among Japanese people. (日本や韓国の若い女の子のグループ) Especially J-POP girl singers'groups and K-POP counterparts(South-Korean girls)attract many Japanese males . CDが売れない中、売れているのは彼女たちのCDだけと言っていいくらい。 While many Japanese artists'CD don't sell well(whether or not the singers are popular),young female idols'CD sell very well,sometimes sell out(though piled high in CD stores). This is not exaggerated. 歌の技術というよりも、マーケティング力が優れています。 But actually their skills as singers didn't always boost their CD sales,and these skyrocketing CD sales can be attributed to music companies' excellent marketing strategies. (Marketing strategy speaks louder than any other factors in Japanese showbiz world.) 可愛いし嫌いではないのですが、本格的なバンドが日の目を見られないのは少し悲しいです。 They are very cute and pretty. I like them. But it seems a little sad that talented pop bands don't make it as major singers behind idols'popularity.
>>478 I'm not gay, I just filled in what the kid was wanting to say but couldn't. Takes one to know one? Well let's just say, I'm mature enough to be not homophobic.
>>479 In this area, the most predominant religion is Roman Catholic. Most of the students in this school are bisexual. In this school, most of the teachers are from Canada, eh.
>>491 yeah. in that case we could say "the most religion is ..." when i searched similar prases on the internet, i found "which country are the most tourists from?".
it was "tourists". not "tourist". what are the differences?
could you please tell me how come they sometimes use the plural form for it.
>>502 I placed an order for 3cell battery a few days ago(先日、a while ago:先ほど) I'm sorry,but I've decided to use another battery which is my PC's spare accessory. Is it still possible to cancel my order? (あるいはWould it be possible to cancel my order? )
>>506 In this company, it's difficult to leave work on time, even if you finish your job completely. so everyone pretend to work hard at fake jobs, and they work overtime.
our date plan today will depend on what you ......
ビジネス英語(固い英語)で良ければ、次のように言います。Our today's date ideas change(vary)depending on what … changeはすっかり全面的に変える時に、 varyは次第に段階的に変えて行くときに使います。 「〜によって」はdepending on で表してます。
>>541 Japan could be hit by a tsunami at any time. However, since such massive tsunamis are generated only once in a thousand years, we should not worry too much about the security of nuclear plants against them.
>>541 In Japan there's always a possibility that tsunami could happen. But a monster tsunami like this time could happn only once in 1000 years. So we don't have to worry about nuclear plants too much.
Which country is the most popular destination for Japanese tourists? 一番人気の行き先と一つに絞ればsingularだろ 人気一と二番の行き先二国ならtwo most popular destinationsとpluralだろ Which countries are the two most popular destinations for..... Which two countries are most popular with......
>>577に補足 which country is the most obnoxious tourist from? which country are the most obnoxious tourists from? 両方文法上正しい A1. That guy there, the bold queer looking one, I think he is from Japan. A2. Chinese tourists are by far the most obnoxious type.
the most beautiful moman in the world is my girlfriend. woman単数だよね the most animal in the world is sheep. animal単数だよね the most tourists to visit japan are from china. なんでtouristsは複数になってるの?
どういうときにthe mostの後を複数にするの? "the most 形容詞"の後じゃないよ、"the most"の後ね。
最も美しい女でも絵でも景色でも単数だろ!! the most animal in the world is sheep 練習乙 日本語でおk 言いたい事がうまく伝わってこない英文だw 最も=単数 多数な=複数 複数でもsheepな動物選ぶな、アホ mostをどう使ってるかだろ ただし、上でも書いてあるけど最もでも複数はあり
>>602 Jigokudani onsen is sightseeing spot of Nagano prefecture that is popular for a foreign tourist. You can watch a monkey taking the hot spring here.
>>602 It's Jigokudani yaenkoen in Nagano prefecture, a popular spot among visitors from foreign countries. You can watch the famous Snow Monkeys there.
>>629 I have really come to like you. Now is half-done if I meet as it is I think that relations continue all the time. I don't like it,I will not meet you until I become able to watch you as just a friend.
>>629 I almost love you, but I'm afraid even if we keep our relationship, we will not be able to marry. I just want to get out of this vague relationship with you. so good bye for now until the time we will be just good friends.
>>658 女心理解してないね んな回りくどい言い方してないでよ、ストレートに I'm considering moving closer to you, or even us living together. One roof, one bed, one love. Let's get together and be alright~
>>658 See, just think about yourself, your health. I think it's good for you to live in rural area, because its air is fresh. We might as well not live in urban city.
>>698 I'm afraid I can't attend the graduation ceremony because something urgent will happen. So would you please make arrangement(for what?) by the time/day.
>>719 1. I am very busy recently. I even don't have much time to sleep. 2. It really hurts, but I think, if I make it through this hardship, I will become stronger. 3. There are good guys as well as bad guys. Or, they have quite a personality.
>>721 むずかしかった。微妙。 The reason why I think Waka is so wonderful is because it can tell subtle transitions of poets' emotions through all sorts of subjects used as metaphors. It is like an expression of heart and soul in palpable way.
It's sad to hear you saying that, as your username is ****...
Sorry if I offended your feeling. But I am not a perv who love women's foot. Your vids are so great. It's very very sad that there are no future uploads.
This is the best French restaurant, ever, in Niigata. Decoratd with special effects at night, it will make you feel totally freaked out, which, of course, is most recommendable for ceremonial days.
When I look back this year, what I think of first is the days I spent in the track and field club. Doing practice after school, and attending my first training camp during last summer vacation, those were my great memories. The training camp was held in ***, and we practiced running up for 2 days.
At that time, I had a very hard time due to the terrible summer hot weather and the lack of my stamina. But after I got through the hard practice with other members cheering each other, I got a stronger friendship with them, and more than anything, I felt a big achievement. There is supposed to be another traing camp during coming spring vaction. So I'm looking forward to how I can run there.
>>834 Would you tell me which item this tracking number is for? A or B? I asked you to send them to different addresses. Did you happen to send them to the same address?